Austral J Vet Sci 52, 63-65 (2020)


First report of molecular detection of Carnivore bocaparvovirus 1 (former CnMV: Canine Minute ) in Chilean domestic dogs

G González-Heina*, B Huaracána, I Aguirreb

ABSTRACT. Carnivore bocaparvovirus 1 (CnMV) infects dogs worldwide and can be responsible for different clinical signs in neonates and bitches during gestation. There is a limited number of CnMV sequences available in the NCBI database, so far. The present preliminary study aimed to obtain evidence of CnMV infection status among domestic dogs in Chile and evaluate the genetic relatedness of the sequences obtained with any type of bocaparvovirus already reported. Two partial nucleotide sequences of the VP2 coding gene were obtained from forty blood samples and compared with 23 available sequences of Carnivore bocaparvovirus from 1 to 6. Chilean sequences grouped within Carnivore bocaparvovirus 1 group, being sequence 5434 (Accession number, MH544475) more similar to the Japanese strain HM-6 and sequence 5423 (Accession number, MH544476) to the Chinese strain SH1. Key words: Bocaparvovirus, canine parvovirus type 1, minute virus of canines, , canine.

INTRODUCTION sub-clinically (Kapoor et al 2012, Bodewes et al 2014, Choi et al 2015). The clinical outcome caused by CnMV Carnivore bocaparvovirus 1 (formerly canine minute is most commonly seen in animals between the ages of 1 virus (CnMV); minute virus of canines (MVC), and also to 5 weeks (Harrison et al 1992, Carmichael et al 1994, known as canine parvovirus type 1) is a viral species be- Järplid et al 1996). Serological evidence indicates that longing to Bocaparvovirus genus, within the CnMV infection is widespread in the dog population, with sub-family and family Parvoviridae family (Adams et al a 5 to 70% seroprevalence worldwide (Carmichael et al 2014). Currently, this genus includes 21 species. The vast 1994, Mochisuki et al 2002). majority of these were identified using molecular Although there is information about the presence discovery approaches, and they have to be isolated yet of CnMV in canines from several countries of different (ICTV). CnMV is genetically related to Bocaparvovirus continents including North America, Europe, and Asia, of ungulates and primates, in addition to 5 more species its presence in our country has not been registered. The that infect carnivores (Carnivore bocaparvovirus 2 to 6) present study aimed to obtain evidence of the CnMV and is genetically distinguishable from other genera within infection status among domestic dogs in Chile1. the Parvovirinae sub-family that infect canines such as Protoparvovirus (Formerly Parvovirus genus) (ICTV)1. MATERIAL AND METHODS The genome of CnMV consists of single-stranded (ss) DNA, 5,097 to 5,390 bp in length (Ohshima et al 2004, Forty blood samples from diseased patients were re- Shan et al 2010, Schwarts et al 2014) encoding three capsid ferred to the Bioingentech Laboratory between November proteins, VP1, VP2, and VP3 (Schwarts et al 2012). All 2017 and June 2018 for molecular detection of Carnivore parvoviruses encode a nonstructural protein NS1 that is protoparvovirus 1(also known as Canine parvovirus type essential for viral DNA replication (Li et al 1990) and 2). The samples were analysed through conventional PCR packaging of viral DNA into the capsid (Cotmore and using two commercial kits with in-house primers developed Tattersall 2005). Sequencing of both NS1 and VP2 genes by Bioingentech for Canine Parvovirus type 2 and also for has been used for phylogenetic analyses and epidemiolog- Canine minute virus. The PCR protocols amplified partial ical investigations in CnMV (Guo et al 2016). sequences of 435 bp for Carnivore protoparvovirus 1 and Infection with CnMV has been associated with enteric 286 bp of the gene coding for VP2 of CnMV. The PCR and respiratory symptoms in neonates, reproductive failures conditions consisted of initial denaturation for 3 min at 94 with embryonic or fetal death after early transplacental ºC, followed by 30 amplifications cycles of denaturation infection and with late abortion, but most infections occur for 30 s at 95 ºC, primer annealing at 56 ºC for 30 s, and extension at 72 ºC for 30s. The final extension step was performed for 5 min at 72ºC. After amplification, 5 µL of each reaction mixture was subjected to electrophoresis Received: 12.08.2020. Accepted: 13.03.2020. aBioingentech, Concepción-Santiago, Chile. bLaboratorio de Biotecnología y Patología Acuática, Departamento 1 ICTV. The online 10th report of the International Committee on Tax- de Patología Animal, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad onomy of Viruses. Genus: Bocaparvovirus. Austral de Chile. ictv-reports/ictv_online_report/ssdna-viruses/w/parvoviridae/1041/ *Corresponding author: G González- Hein; [email protected] genus-bocaparvovirus , accessed 24 february 2020.

63 GONZÁLEZ- HEIN ET AL in 1% agarose gel, and the amplified gene products were Clustal Omega program (Larkin et al 2007). Subsequently, visualized under UV light after GelRed™staining. the evolutionary history was inferred with the Maximum The PCR products that amplified CnMV from 2 samples Likelihood method and Jukes-Cantor model (Jukes and were purified using the Kit Wizard® SV gel and PCR clean- Cantor 1969), and the test of phylogeny was the bootstrap up system (Promega). Finally, the purified PCR products method with 500 replications. The analysis involved 26 were sequenced to verify that the bands corresponded to nucleotide sequences and a total of 260 positions in the the correct genes. Sequencing was performed on an ABI final dataset. The evolutionary studies were conducted in PRISM® 3130 Applied Biosystems instrument at the MEGA7 (Kumar et al 2006). Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Once obtained, the two sequences were submitted to GenBank (strain RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5423: accession number, MH544476 and 5434: accession number, MH544475) and were further evaluated by mul- From 40 blood samples analysed, there were 3 samples tiple pairwise comparisons with another 23 international positive to CnMV (7.5%), 72.5% (29/40) to Carnivore sequences of Carnivore bocaparvovirus species from 1 protoparvovirus 1 and 7.5% (3/40) presented coinfection to 6 that are reported infecting carnivores (canine, feline, with both viruses. The samples positive to CnMV were mink) and the species type of the genus Bocaparvovirus obtained from puppies between two and three months (Ungulate bocaparvovirus 1) available in GenBank using the of age, and only two samples were sent for sequencing.

KP281720 14Q216(KR) JQ692591 HK831F(CN) KT192702 HRB-C7(CN) KP281719 14Q209(KR) KT192699 MDJ-21(CN) KT192703 HRB-F3(CN) Carnivore bocaparvovirus 2 KP281718 14D193(KR) 98 KT192700 MDJ-26(CN) KT192701 DQ-beta8(CN) 79 KP281717 14D142(JP) JQ692589 HK882F(HK) JN648103 Con-161(US) KU950356 MiBoV1(CN) Carnivore bocaparvovirus 3 93 KF792837 POR1(PT) Carnivore bocaparvovirus 4 91 KM017744 FBD1(US) Carnivore bocaparvovirus 5 JQ692585 HK797F(HK) Carnivore bocaparvovirus 6 MH540355 CDK27/2016(CN) MH544476 5423(CL) 96 FJ899734 SH1(CN) MH544475 5434(CL) AB518882 08-017(JP) Carnivore bocaparvovirus 1 NC 004442 GA3(US) AB518884 97-114(JP) AB079379 12D(JP) AB079376 HM-6(JP) DQ335247 BPV-1(US) Ungulate bocaparvovirus 1


Figure 1. Phylogenetic analysis based on the nucleotide sequence of partial VP2 gene of Carnivore bocaparvovirus1. Phylogenetic tree constructed using the Maximum Likelihood method and Jukes Cantor model method with 500 bootstrap replicates. Only bootstrap values >70% are displayed over the tree branches. GenBank accession numbers, strain names, and countries of isolation are shown. Black rhombus indicate Chilean sequences obtained in this study. There was a total of 260 positions in the final dataset. Location codes: Japan (JP), Chile (CL), United States (US), China (CN), Hong Kong (HK), Portugal (PT), Korea (KR). Bovine parvovirus 1 (BPV, Bocaparvovirus).


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