ALL-CONFERENCE PLENARY 500 mtcc 105/106 2:10 pm – 3:30 pm Community building, Urban planning Jennifer Keesmaat Chief Planner, Renowned Urbanist, City of Jennifer Keesmaat is committed to creating places where people flourish. Having poured her coherent, comprehensive, and collaborative approach into cities throughout North America – and doing the same in her role as the Chief Planner for the City of Toronto – Jennifer speaks with passion on her belief that now is the time to engage in city building and take ownership of our shared future. Over the past decade Jennifer has worked in municipalities across Canada – including , Halifax, , Peterborough, London, Winnipeg, Regina, , and – on the development of site plans, urban design guidelines, official plan reviews, corridor studies, culture plans, secondary plans, and university campus master plans. Her planning practice is characterized by an emphasis on collaboration across sectors, and broad engagement with municipal staff, councils, developers, business leaders, NGOs, and resident associations. Jennifer Keesmaat is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario and has a Master in Environmental Studies from . She is a Registered Professional Planner and is qualified to provide expert testimony at the Ontario Municipal Board related to planning and urban design matters. Her innovative work has been repeatedly recognized by The Ontario Library the professional associations including the Canadian Institute of Planners, Association Board of OPPI, the Design Exchange, and + EDRA. Directors established the Award for Intellectual Freedom in 1997 to recognize @jen_keesmaat the courage shown by individuals and organizations INTRODUCTION OF THE 2013/2014 OLA BOARD OF DIRECTORS in defending the rights of library patrons to full access AWARD PRESENTATION to information. In 2000, the OLA’s Les Fowlie Intellectual Freedom Award: Award was renamed the Les Progressive Librarian’s Guild – Greater Toronto Area Fowlie Intellectual Freedom Award in 2000 in memory of the former Chief Librarian of Toronto Public Library whose efforts on behalf of intellectual freedom in Canada are legendary.