
SYNOPSIS OF DEBATES (Proceedings other than Questions & Answers) ______

Thursday, December 21, 2017 / Agrahayana 30, 1939 (Saka) ______


HON'BLE SPEAKER: Hon'ble Members, I have to inform the House about the sad demise of three of our former Members, Shri Mahendra Singh, Shri

Purushottam Kaushik and Shri S.S. Kothari.

Shri Mahendra Singh was a member of the 8th Lok Sabha representing the

Guna Parliamentary Constituency of Madhya Pradesh. Shri Singh was a member of the Joint Committee on Office of Profit. Shri Singh was a sitting member of the

Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly and Cabinet Minister in the Government of

Madhya Pradesh. He also served as member of the Madhya Pradesh Legislative

Assembly for five terms.

Shri Mahendra Singh passed away on 11 September, 2017 in Gurugram,

Haryana at the age of 72.

Shri Purushottam Kaushik was a member of the 6th and 9th Lok Sabhas representing the Raipur and Durg Parliamentary Constituencies, respectively of

Madhya Pradesh, now in Chhattisgarh. Shri Kaushik was Union Minister for

Tourism and Civil Aviation from 1977 to 1979 and Minister for Information and

Broadcasting from 1979 to 1980. Shri Kaushik was also a Chairman, Railway Convention Committee and a member of the General Purposes Committee.

Earlier, Shri Kaushik was a member of the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly from 1972 to 1977.

Shri Purushottam Kaushik passed away on 5 October, 2017 in Mahasamund,

Chhattisgarh at the age of 87.

Shri S.S. Kothari was a member of the 4th Lok Sabha representing the

Mandsaur Parliamentary Constituency of Madhya Pradesh. He was a member of the Committee on Absence of Members from the Sittings of the House. A

Chartered Accountant by profession, Shri Kothari has to his credit a number of articles on taxation, economics and financial subjects.

Shri S.S. Kothari passed away on 7 November, 2017 in Indore, Madhya

Pradesh at the age of 87.

We deeply mourn the loss of our former colleagues and I am sure the House would join me in conveying our condolences to the bereaved families.

The Members then stood in silence for a short while.



(1) DR. KIRIT SOMAIYA laid a statement regarding alleged

irregularities committed by a private company.

* Laid on the Table as directed by the Chair. (2) SHRI NARANBHAI KACHHADIA laid a statement regarding need

to exempt employees of Gujarat Safai Karamchari Vikas Nigam from

Income Tax Act.

(3) SHRI laid a statement regarding need

to establish Institute of Automotive Research Association of in

Adityapur in Jamshedpur Parliamentary Constituency, .

(4) SHRI NISHIKANT DUBEY laid a statement regarding need to set

up a Divisional office of Life Insurance Corporation at Deoghar in


(5) SHRI BHAIRON PRASAD MISHRA laid a statement regarding

need to provide adequate power supply for irrigation to farmers in

Chitrakoot and Banda districts of Uttar Pradesh.

(6) SHRI RATTAN LAL KATARIA laid a statement regarding need to

include religious places associated with Guru Gobind Singh in

Ambala Parliamentary Constituency, Haryana in Tourism Corridor.

(7) SHRI RAMDAS C. TADAS laid a statement regarding need to take

necessary remedial measures to control Cotton Pink Ball Worm

affecting the cotton farm in Vidarbha Parliamentary Constituency,


(8) SHRI RAM TAHAL CHAUDHARY laid a statement regarding

need to ensure compliance of orders of Government of India by JSSC

and JPSC regarding requirement of Caste certificate for the purpose of

recruitment in Jharkhand. (9) SHRI S.P. MUDDAHANUME GOWDA laid a statement regarding need

to implement the recommendations of Kamlesh Chandra Committee report

on rural postal employees.

(10) DR. SHASHI THAROOR laid a statement regarding need to provide

adequate compensation to victims of cyclone 'Ockhi'.

(11) SHRIMATI MAUSAM NOOR laid a statement regarding need for a CBI

inquiry into the death of migrant labourer from West Bengal in Rajasthan.

(12) SHRI R. P. MARUTHARAJAA laid a statement regarding need to

provide a medical aid coach in every express trains.

(13) SHRI NAGENDRA KUMAR PRADHAN laid a statement regarding

need to provide remunerative price of paddy to farmers in Odisha.

(14) SHRI RAHUL SHEWALE laid a statement regarding need to uproot

Tuberculosis from the country.


statement regarding need to set up a Central University in Rayalseema

region and a Tribal University at Vizianagaram in Andhra Pradesh.

(16) SHRI DHARAM VIRA GANDHI laid a statement regarding need to

probe the issue of grabbing of public and private land by religious sects in


(17) SHRI RAJU SHETTY laid a statement regarding need to take measures

for welfare of farmers in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra.







(SHRI RAJEN GOHAIN) moved the Resolution "that this House approves the recommendations contained in Paras 9, 10 (to the extent that reimbursement of losses on operation of 'strategic lines' is made by General Revenues to Ministry of

Railways), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 (the rate of interest will be paid on the basis of average cost of borrowing) of the Sixth Report of Railway Convention

Committee (2014) which was presented in Lok Sabha and laid in the Rajya Sabha on 2nd December, 2016."

SHRI M. VEERAPPA MOILY initiating said: Before I get into the core of the subject I would like to make a general observation. When we are reviewing the

DISHA programme we find that the money is not being released by the

Government of India timely. Another point is about the big programme, that is,

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY). In all these three and a half years, there is no money. In Karnataka, it has not come. I do not know whether it has come in rest of the States. As regards the state of our economy as on today, the

Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister has conceded that various reasons have contributed to the slowdown of growth rate to 5.7 per cent GDP growth in the first quarter. Both the decisions happened in quick succession - first demonetization and then the GST. So, I would like to know whether you have made any evaluation of the impact of GST on inflation. What is the impact of impact of demonetization on employment both in the organized sector and in the unorganised sector? I would also like to ask the Government that how can it ensure fiscal regulation? Even the IMF forecast has reduced 2017 growth forecast to 6.7 per cent. The RBI has also reduced the growth forecast by an identical margin. Similarly, when the question of VAT came, there again it was scrutinised.

This Government want everything in a hurry. Everybody suggested not to implement GST from 1st of July. It is alright the Government has done it. But, what is the effect of it? Has any impact study on GST been done? You could have waited for six months more to implement it. Provisions of a Bill is not properly deliberated and discussed on the floor of the House. In the last three and half years this Government has referred only two Bills to the Standing Committee on

Finance. Committee system should not be politicised. The Government should not try to interfere with the Committee system. That is my appeal through this forum. Already our domestic saving rate is coming down very sharply. It was 37 to 38 per cent. Now without this Bill, it has come down to less than 30 per cent.

The soundness of the economy of any country depends upon its domestic savings.

With this Bill, again more panic will be created and as a result depositors may start withdrawing and there may a run on the banks. I am not going to question the methodology as regards GDP because you have chosen to change the methodology after 2015. But that 5.7 per cent according to the methodology adopted after 2015 is equivalent to 3.7 per cent of the earlier methodology as regards GDP. This is what you need to address sometimes. The Government had not implemented the expenditure reforms. None of the three Reports given by Shri Parthasarathy

Shome has seen the light of the day. As far as infrastructural projects are concerned, they remained muted in the first quarter of 2017-18. In fact, if there is no realisation about the deficiencies, then you will never benefit. Ultimately, it would harm the country also. There is a shortage in tax revenue, both direct and indirect. How is the Government going to mobilise additional funds. According to the latest World Inequality Report, India's top one per cent earners received 22 per cent of the national income in 2014. So, the inequality has increased. There is a conflict between the Government and the RBI. Similarly, a handful of people pay the bulk of our tax. The number of crorepatis has grown sharply. That has increased by 22 per cent by 2015-16. This is the inequality status. All States barring Delhi reported revenue losses in October on account of Goods and Services

Tax. The GST Council has slashed rates on 215 items. Then, there is a report saying that there is a low factory growth due to GST. The Government has set a fiscal deficit target of 3.2 per cent of GDP for 2017-18. Mere talking about target is not going to help you? There should be honesty in presenting the facts before this House and I find it lacking here. Then, there is the fear of bank failure.

Government has not solved the problem of NPAs. The C&AG Report on Direct

Taxes has raised troubling questions. According to the Report, there have been persistent and pervasive irregularities in respect of corporate tax and income tax assessment cases over the years. Our investment profile projection to the outside world has been severely damaged because of such irresponsible reports given by the then C&AG. As far as direct taxes is concerned, its share in tax revenue has reduced very badly. I want to know how much black money, which was stashed outside, has been brought back? The economy is in a very bad shape. There is no attempt or effort to save it. There is a total scarcity in the management of finance.

DR. RAMESH POKHRIYAL NISHANK: I rise to support the

Supplementary Demands for Grants. Welfare of farmers is the top most priority of the Government. This Government is the Government of the farmers. The farmers will be extended assistance at all levels. Roads are the arteries of any country and they make great contribution in its development and prosperity. A provision of

Rs.15,908 crore for the National Highways has been made in the Supplementary

Demands for Grants. National Highways and railways can be called the spine of the entire nation. Our Government has provided additional budget for both these sectors. Our Government had provided Rs.48,000 crore under MNREGA. Today, this money is being credited directly to the workers' account and they are getting employment. Our Government is working strongly in the direction of providing work to the poor and every hand. Even after 70 years of Independence, 18000 villages were without electricity. Electrification of these 18000 villages was targeted under the Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana for which an additional amount of Rs.1,033.8 crore has been provided. GST Council has been made very powerful. It is such a revolutionary step which catapults India to the top of financial management in the entire world. Such a significant decision taken by the

Government cannot be implemented suddenly. Patience is needed for this. A provision of Rs.960 crore has been made to remove the obstacles being faced in the implementation of GST and thus ensure a uniform tax system all over the country. Government employees have also been taken care of and an amount of Rs.5905 crore has been provided for implementing the recommendations of the 7th Pay

Commission. An amount of Rs.5198 crore has been provided under the Pradhan

Mantri Jan Aushadhi Yojana which will secure the health and future of our children and country. This year is definitely a historic year in terms of financial management. Even amidst global recession and irregular monsoon our growth rate has maintained at 6.3 per cent which is the highest in the world. Foreign exchange reserves of 400 billion dollars is the highest ever in the history. The entire world has lauded demonetization and GST. Inflation is completely under control and fiscal deficit has been reduced. People all over the country have approved this economy. Though, the decision of demonetization was a hard one, still the entire country, despite all the problems, was behind the Government. We have reached number one spot leaving behind even the US in the FDI sector. We have also achieved the first rank globally in the field of credibility. We are also leading the world in terms of growth rate. I believe that these are revolutionary reforms. More than 2 lakh crore rupees have been provided to set the NPA accounts of the PSU banks in order. We are number one in the world in respect of foreign exchange.

Moody's reports and data cannot be ignored. It has not only reduced price rise but has also lead to a sharp decline in the fiscal deficit. India is now ranked 100 from

182 in the World Bank's 'Ease of Doing Business Index'. India is the first country in the world to take such quantum jump in its ranking in such a short time. We have been successful in remaining the best performing economy among the BRICS countries. Like GDP, the actual growth rate of GVA which was 5.6 per cent in the first quarter has increased up to 6.1 per cent in the second quarter. This is historic jump. Our economic policy is robust. Our Government has also taken some revolutionary measures to bring back the black money. The number of tax payers has also registered an increase of 26.6 per cent. Our Government has also taken stringent action against the fake companies and as a result thereof 2.24 lakh fake companies have been shutdown. I come from the Himalayan region. I would surely want that special attention should be paid to our region. A special package should be given for the horticulture, forestry and medicinal herbs found in abundance in this area.


PROF. SAUGATA ROY: I rise to speak on the Supplementary Demands for Grants. It is part of the constitutional duty of the Government to pass any excess expenditure. The actual outgo under this head is Rs.33000 crore which includes expenditure towards roads and highways, urea freight subsidy,

MGNREGA and 7th Pay Commission. There are only two problems about these grants. One is that the Government has fixed the deficit at 3.2 per cent but with this expenditure, 96 per cent of the deficit is already met. So, the Government will not be able to maintain the deficit within 3.2 per cent. The other criticism about this grant is that the revenue expenditure, largely of the routine nature like interest payment, pensions and upkeep of assets, is rising faster as a result of which, the economy is not improving to the extent possible. The crisis in the MSME sector should not be brushed under the carpet. Inflation is also rising again due to the

* Please see Supplement inflationary impact of the GST. This is a Supplementary Grant and the

Government has already cut expenditure drastically under several social sector schemes including ICDA, SSA, MNREGA etc. and this will impact the poor people. IMF also says that the economy needs to be looked into and that is not doing well. There is total crisis in the agrarian field. The Government is enacting one law after another but the NPAs are not coming down. The investment sentiment is also not favourable. The Government must rise and fulfill its responsibility, withdraw the linkage to the Aadhar and the Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance Bill and ask pardon from the people of this country for tremendous suffering caused to them due to demonetization. Demonetization and hurried implementation of GST has also dented the country's economy.

SHRI VINAYAK BHAURAO RAUT: The hon. Prime Minister has expressed his solemn desire to double the income of farmers by the year 2022.

Fortunately, some very good schemes have been announced for the agriculture sector. The production in northen & western Maharashtra and Vidharba region has already doubled and at places it has even tripled owing to good irrigation facilities and cooperation from the Government. But, the farmers are not able to find market facilities and fair price for their bumper production. The farmers should be imparted the necessary training also. The Government should implement some selected recommendations of the Swaminathan Committee Report and ensure that the farmers get remunerative price for their produce.

Anandwadi Fishing Harbour be set up at the Deogarh tehsil of the

Sindhudurg district in Konkan. This demand is being made for the last several years by the fishermen of Ratnagiri-Sindhudurg and Raigarh. Food Processing

Cluster may be started by the government at Ratnagiri-Sindhudurg. It is my request that the Government may, at the earliest, set up skill development centers at Ratnagiri-Sindhudurg to properly implement the skill development education system and to provide better facility to the people to give them relief.

SHRI M. MURLI MOHAN: The Polavaram Project is a multi-purpose irrigation project which has been accorded National Project Status by the Central

Government. The revised estimate of the project is Rs.58,319.06 crore. I urge upon the Union Government to approve the revised estimates and release all pending dues for this project. The estimated cost of building/developing the capital is close to Rs.43,000 crore over the next five years to construct essential infrastructure of the Amaravati City, the new capital city For Andhra Pradesh. A total amount of Rs.2050 crore has been released so for by the Centre. I urge upon the Government to release at least Rs.20,000 crore in this Supplementary Budget.

I urge upon the Government to release funds to the tune of Rs.200 crores to each of the seven districts of Rayalasema and north coastal region for annual development of Andhra Pradesh. I would request the Central Government to fulfill all the promises contained in the APR Act. It is high time to establish a new Railway

Zone at Visakhapatnam. Railway Wagon Workshop at Visakhapatnam, Railway

University, Coach Refurbishment Unit at Kurnool should also be set up. There is a need to allocate adequate funds and expedite the process for the Pithapuram-

Kakinada railway Line, Srikalahasthi-Nadikudi railway line, Kotipalli-Narsapuram railway line, Kovvuru-Badrachalam railway line. I would request the Government kindly to sanction one more AIIMS like institute along with National Cancer

Research Institute at Rajahmundry. I support the second Supplementary Demands for Grants for 2017-18.

SHRI A.P. JITHENDER REDDY: There are no specific provisions in the

Supplementary Demands for Grants towards assistance for the State of Telengana.

Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project be allocated funds under the Accelerated

Irrigation Benefit Programme Scheme and it should be given the national project status. GST rates for the textile sector should be started. We request the Centre to release funds under NREGA at the earliest possible. Central allocation may be increased to set up a Tribal University. At least Rs.1,000 crore should be given for the establishment of AIIMS in Telangana. We request that additional funds be given to the State of Telangana so that further projects can be taken up.

SHRI MOHAMMAD SALIM: The Supplementary Demand for Grants raises a question mark on the budgeting process of the Government. Out of

Rs.33000 crore, Rs.32000 crore are internal savings or meant to be transferred from one account to another. Funds have been allocated for high level research in the field of agriculture. The farmers committing suicide today will not get any benefit from it. Maximum corruption has occurred in the name of demonetization.

The Government should inform as to which shell companies are being inquired into. When the economy is growing, everything is all right, why the revenue receipt is declining forcing the Government to reduce the expenditure. Whatever the Government may think, the people of the country are in difficulty. SHRI BHARTRUHARI MAHTAB: I stand here to deliberate on the

Second Supplementary Demands for Grants. The Government has sought nod of the House for gross additional spending of Rs. 66,113 crore in 2017-18. The question is whether this additional spending would put pressure on Government finances. The Government has budgeted a fiscal deficit of 3.2 per cent of GDP for

Financial Year 18. My second question is whether fiscal consolidation will continue? When there is uncertainty regarding revenue collections after GST being implemented from 1st July, is the Government going to revisit the FRBM

Act? We have been told that fiscal deficit at the end of October hit 96.1 per cent of the Budget Estimate for 2017-18 mainly due to lower realisation and rise in expenditure. Growth in the country slowed to a three year low of 5.7 per cent in the quarter that ended in June. The revenue deficit is 124.7 per cent of the budgeted amount. The Government must either curb its expenditure or miss its fiscal deficit target. We are in the third quarter of our financial year but we are only discussing about the past two quarters and the bulk of the money that will be coming to the exchequer will be in the last quarter of the financial year. Is the

Government going to adopt a new Debt and Fiscal Responsibility Act for a new roadmap for fiscal indicators? It is essential that the Government needs to put in place an appropriate mechanism to avoid instances of inconsistencies in estimation and correct reporting of component of expenditure having a bearing on deficit indicators. When global trade is recovering it is worrying that the growth is slower and exports are weak. Job creation is still to pick up, the latest inflation data is a cause of concern. The Government has difficult choices to make like slashing fuel taxes and lowering the interest rates by the RBI. Very recently, a letter from the

Ministry of Finance has been sent to respective State Governments that monthly release of tax devolution to States will be made on 15th of every month from

September, 2017 onwards, instead of the first working day of every month. This decision is actually adversely affecting the finance of the States. Bunching of release will create serious liquidity constraints in all the States. Therefore, my request to the hon. Finance Minister is that he should review this decision for better fiscal management of the State. My second point is relating to the coal royalty.

Royalty of coal was due for revision in April 2015. Instead of revising royalty, the

Union Government has raised the Clean Environment Cess on coal from Rs. 200 to

Rs. 400 per ton and nothing is passed on to the States to that effect. Thirdly, in order to help the farming community suffering from the crop loss, the Government of Odisha has already initiated pro-active measures to provide relief to the affected farmers. So the Government should give benefit of reduced interest rate to the farmers in case of conversion of crop loan into medium term loan. There is another issue. A decision has been taken by the Ministry of Rural Development and a letter has been sent to respective States that all disbursement relating to

National Social Assessment Programme (NSAP) will be disbursed through bank accounts. As there are many States where the Gram Panchayats do not have bank institutions. So, I request the hon. Finance Minister to look into this. In a recent C

& AG report, it is stated that the Income Tax Department had raised exaggerated demands of certain corporate assessees to achieve its revenue collection target by resorting to methods that were irregular and unwarranted. In February, 2004, the then Government had announced a new liberalized remittances scheme for Indian residents in the direction of full rupee convertibility. Under this scheme, the outward remittances by resident Indians by RBI totalled to USD 11.02 billion in

2016-17. It is a figure that is rising. In 2004-05, it was only USD 9.6 million.

This could prove to be a problem.

SHRI VARAPRASAD RAO VELAGAPALLI: We appreciate these additional Demands for Grants. I have to mention a small issue with regard to the implementation of the NREGA. Firstly, the funds are not released on time and secondly, we wage component principle is not being followed. So, we request the

Government of India to insist for it. I would suggest here that perhaps take it out of the purview of the State Government and implement it through the District

Administration. The Government has promised as much as 3.5 crore houses but there is not reasonable development of construction of houses in my Constituency in the last three and half years. Local MPs should be involved in sanctioning the houses by the Government of India. The recent survey says that there is a boost in the GDP from 7.2 per cent of 7.7 per cent, but that is not because of any private investment. It is mostly because of the investment by the Government. The funds may be increased for MGNREGA and effective implementation is also very much required. We are yet to see a tangible improvement as far as the doubling of farm income is concerned. We also request the Government to withdraw the Financial

Regulation and Deposit Insurance Bill. It is going to affect the small savers. The most important thing is the NPA. It is reaching an alarming figure of Rs. 16 lakh crore whereas the total credit of the farming sector is only Rs. 4 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh crore. The Central Government may impress upon the State Government of

Andhra Pradesh to give its consent to Dugarajapatnam Port which was promised to complete by 2018. There is a need to accord Special Status to Andhra Pradesh.

The Polavaram Project should also be completed soon. A Steel Plant is supposed to come up at Kadapa. Similar is the case with the Railway Zone and

Petrochemical Complex at Vizag. Dredging Corporation of India in Vizag is likely to be privatised. The Government should consider cancelling the idea of privatization of the Dredging Corporation of India, Vizag.







DR. K. GOPAL: The Tamil Nadu Government has declared all 32 districts as drought-affected and has urged the Centre to sanction Rs. 39,565 crore to provide relief to the farmers for the damage caused due to the drought situation. I would urge the Union Government to release the special package of funds to address the plight of farmers in Tamil Nadu at the earliest. River Cauvery is the lifeline of Tamil Nadu. With the notification of the final order of the Cauvery

Water Disputes Tribunal, the scheme of modernization of the canal system in the

Cauvery Basin at a cost of Rs. 11,421 crore may be accorded approval. I urge

* Please see Supplement. upon the Government to consider the proposal for the extension, renovation and modernization of the Grand Anicut Canal in Thanjavur and Pudukkotai districts and allocate the requested funds. The proposal to divert the flood waters of

Cauvery to drought-prone areas by linking the Rivers Cauvery-Vaigai-Gundar at a cost of Rs. 5,166 crore may be sanctioned. Likewise, the Athikadavu-Avinashi

Flood Canal Scheme at an estimated cost of Rs. 1,862 crore may also be sanctioned on a priority basis. In my constituency, some of the projects are going on very slowly due to lack of funds. Please sanction the funds for the following projects - Karaikudi broad gauge line diversion and Thiruthuraipoondi, Agasthiyan

Palli, Nagapattinam, Peralam and Karaikal Project. The Union Government is yet to release Rs.17,000 crore to Tamil Nadu as part of its share for centrally sponsored schemes towards reimbursing the money spent by the Government of

Tamil Nadu. These schemes include post/pre-matric scholarship funds for SC/ST students, funds for school education department, building the infrastructure for judiciary, under the Swatchh Bharat Mission (Gramin) and the Revised

Technology Upgradation Funds Scheme. A special package should be given to drought-affected farmers and cyclone-ravaged fishermen in Tamil Nadu. I also urge upon the Government to support the proposed Phase-II of the Metro Rail

Project of Chennai.

DR. KIRIT SOMAIYA: The Members of the Opposition have been painting a grim picture of the economy but the common people of the country do not share their pessimism. Recently, a major newspaper conducted an opinion poll in the country. As per the newspaper, 79 per cent of people said that they will vote for Modi in 2019. The global CEO of General Electric as well as the columnist of

'The Economist' agree on the point that India's economy is doing pretty well. The

US has admitted that India is a leading global power. The World Bank has released the Ease of Doing Business Report - 2018 and India is ranked 100 among

190 countries. Moody's has improved India's credit ratings. I, therefore, feel proud of my Prime Minister. I will give you the growth figures. India received

$ 366 billion as FDI in 2017 as compared to $36 billion in 2013-2014. The market capitalization of Mumbai Stock Exchange has doubled in the last three years. This

Government signed an agreement with Saudi Arabia due to which the extra premium was waived off. We also signed an agreement with Bhutan and set up four major hydraulic power stations there. The Government of India got a contract to build a hydropower dam in Nepal. In the same way, the construction of rural roads and the national highways has received a major fillip. During UPA regime the growth rate was 4.5 per cent and are going to achieve 8 per cent in 2018. Our

Government had contained the fiscal deficit and the foreign exchange reserve has touched $402 billion. We have decided to provide free power to every household by 2019. When our Government came to power there were around 16.5 crore LPG connections in the country but when the Modi Government linked these connections with the Aadhaar, around 3.5 crore gas connections turned out to be bogus. In the same way, when we came to the power there were around 11.5 crore ration card holders but when these ration cards were linked with Aadhaar 1.6 crore ration cards were turned out to be bogus. During UPA regime, an LED bulb cost around 400-500 rupees. Today, it is available in the retail market for Rs.50. By the year 2019, we will made available 19 crore more LED bulbs. It will save Rs.

40 thousand crore in the power bill. Our Prime Minister is concerned about the poor and these Supplementary Demands for Grants have been brought in keeping the interest of the poor in mind. You are requested to cooperate with the

Government in this nobel endeavour.









DR. SHASHI THAROOR: We are concerned about the fiscal deficit. The

Government has said that they would hold it to 3.2 per cent of GDP but we know, by October already they have spent 96.1 per cent of the full year target. I think the

Finance Minister would like to honestly come level with us as to what exactly our new revised fiscal deficit target ought to be. The Comptroller and Auditor General has highlighted several flaws in the Union Government's accounting procedures.

In the financial year 2015-16, they have talked about an understatement of both the fiscal deficit and the revenue deficit in that year. It would be enlightening if the hon. Finance Minister would clarify the exact position on that. In my own

* Please see Supplement. Constituency, we have seen the horrors of cyclone Ockhi. So far the Kerala

Government has made a request for Rs.7340 crore. Tamil Nadu Government has also submitted a request for Rs.9000 crore. I would request the hon. Finance

Minister to move an amendment to his Supplementary Demands for Grants granting an additional financial package for the victims of cyclone Ockhi. We are still unable to prevent our people from losing their lives by going to sea on the eve of a cyclone. Hence, the Government should participate in international system known as the Joint Typhoon Warning System. Moreover, people from the fishing community should be imparted training so that they may be available to go out at a moment's notice when their fellow fishermen are lost at sea. The funds earmarked for MNREGA in the Supplementary Demands for Grants need to be increased substantially so that pending wages may be paid to MNREGA workers. Besides, the funds required for improving the air quality of Delhi have been completely neglected in the Supplementary Demands for Grants. The Ministry of Women and

Child Development and the Ministry of External Affairs have also been allocated meagre funds. The case of the Reserve Bank of India pensioners need to be addressed properly. I would also like to request the hon. Finance Minister to put a

Supplementary Demands for Grants for the Pradhan Mantri's Adarsh Gram Yojna.

Thus his Government and its Budget are really name changing and they are not game changing. They are not changing the game for our people at all.


* Please see Supplement. SHRI NITYANAND RAI: Today, the people of this country have got such a Prime Minister who has emerged as angel and massiha for them. The data quoted by the Opposition is four years old. But the way the people has given mandate to this Government shows that this country is on the growth trajectory. The welfare schemes of the country are evident that the country is marching towards development. But these people who had given the slogan for the poverty alleviation have meted out ill-treatment to the poor. The leaders from Congress have made the condition of this country pitiable. This Supplementary Demands for

Grants intends to provide funds for irrigation, for providing electricity to each and every household and to supplement the Ujjwala scheme and MUDRA bank.

SHRI BHAGWANT MANN: The farming sector of Punjab has been reeling under crises for several years. Hence, a bailout package should be provided to Punjab to come out the crises. A national level policy should also be framed to handle the issue of stubble burning. At the same time, the funds meant for pre- matric scholarship and post-matric scholarship should be released. A factory of diesel engine is being closed down in Patiala and from today thermal power plant situated at Bhantinda will be closed. Moreover, two units of Ropar Thermal Power

Plant will also be closed. Hence keeping the industrial crisis of Punjab in view, such steps should not be taken. The funds being given under Pradhan Mantri Awas

Yojana should reach the needy person. I would like to say that if food processing industry is set up in Punjab, it is bound to succeed in a big way as we have very fertile land in Punjab which will produce hugely whatever seeds are sowed. Two international airports at Amritsar and Chandigarh are required to be developed as international airports in true sense.


SHRI SURESH C. ANGADI: The whole world is focusing on the Indian economy. Under the Ease of Doing Business, the regulatory environment has an important impact on the business development. Low regulatory burden means, the entrepreneurs can devote their time and produce more. The World Bank has released 'Ease of Doing Business' ranking list in 2018, where India has been ranked at 100th position among 190 economies. I would like to congratulate our hon.

Prime Minister and our hon. Finance Minister for achieving the goal of providing better economy to the country. I would like to request hon. Finance Minister and hon. Prime Minister to give special grants for all the irrigation projects of



SHRI SIRAJUDDIN AJMAL: Our first demand is funds for rehabilitation of flood and erosion victims of Assam. We demand at least Rs.1000 crore for this purpose. Another demand is funds for mitigation of flood and protection to river bank erosion of Brahmaputra and its tributaries. At least Rs.20,000 crore should be given for this purpose. Another demand is funds for road and railway connectivity in Barpeta, Bongaigaon, Dhubri and Goalpara. Another demand is opening of Ashok Paper Mills at Jogighopa in Assam. Another demand is funds for revival of all sick industrial units of Assam, and funds for providing clean

* Please see Supplement. drinking water to the people of arsenic and fluoride affected areas of Assam.

Another demand is fund for establishment of medical colleges, engineering college, agriculture college and fishery college in the districts of Dhubri, Barpeta,

Bongaigaon, Goalpara and Karimganj. Another demand is funds for construction of Dhubri-Phulbari bridge over river Brahmaputra. Another demand is reopening of Rupshi Airport. Besides, I demand for reopening of International River Port of




SHRI JAI PRAKASH NARAYAN YADAV: The Government of Bhartiya

Janta Party is about to complete its 4th year in governance. Hence, the House and the country want to know the extent to which the country has scaled the height of development. The economy of the country is in shambles and there are atmosphere of disappointment and despair everywhere. The price rise continues to grow up and the farmers are still committing suicide.

** ** ** ** SNEHLATA SHRIVASTAVA Secretary General

**Supplement covering rest of the proceedings is being issued separately. © 2017 BY LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NOTE: It is the verbatim Debates of the Lok Sabha and not the Synopsis that should be considered authoritative.

English and Hindi versions of Synopsis of Debates are also available at http://loksabha.nic.in.

* Please see Supplement.