A Table of Contents


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Minorities in Contact in and Identity III The Abbaye du Saint Esprit the Medieval Mediterranean Carolingian Approaches Spiritual Instruction for Laywomen, Clara Almagro Vidal, Jessica Tearney-Pearce, Rutger Kramer, Helmut Reimitz, Graeme Ward (eds) 1250 -1500 Luke Yarbrough (eds) Janice Pinder In this volume, the diversity of Carolingian historio- What is a minority? How did members of minori- graphical material is brought to light using a broad Study and edition of a key text of French vernacular ty groups in the medieval Mediterranean world variety of methodological approaches and di�ferent theology that had a signifi cant impact in English interact with contemporaries belonging to other modes of interpretation. translation. groups? In what ways did those contacts a�fect their social positions and identities? The essays This volume explores the extent to which the reinsti- The Abbaye du Saint Esprit was a successful work of ver- collected in this volume approach these questions tution of the Empire in Western Europe brought about nacular spiritual advice for women, surviving in six- from a variety of angles, examining polemic, social new ways of reconciling the multitude of post-Ro- teen and a widely copied Middle English norms, economic exchange, linguistic transforma- man identities with the way the past was shaped in translation. Unlike many other didactic religious texts, tions, and power dynamics. historiographical narratives. From universal it o�fers few prescriptions for behaviour; rather, it in- to local chronicles, and from narratives that support Table of Contents structs the reader to build a convent of virtues in her Carolingian rule to histories with a more local focus, conscience and uses the allegorical structure of the the centralization of power and authority in the course Foreword building and its inhabitants to arrange brief teachings Introduction — CLARA ALMAGRO VIDAL, JESSICA of the eighth and ninth centuries forced those who on prayer and virtuous practice. Between its genesis TEARNEY-PEARCE, AND LUKE YARBROUGH / Minorities engaged with their own past and that of their com- in the last quarter of the thirteenth century to its fi nal in Contact or Processes of Categorization — ANNLIESE munity to acknowledge the new situation, and situate development towards the end of the fi �teenth, it was NEF / Women at the Crossroads of Muslim/non-Muslim themselves in it. The contributions in this volume each reworked several times for new audiences of women Encounters: Conversion and Intermarriage in the Classical depart from a single source, event, or community, and both lay and cloistered, bourgeois and aristocratic. Islamic Period — URIEL SIMONSOHN / Conversion relate their fi ndings to the broader issue of whether and Religious Polemic between Jews and Christians The examination of these successive adaptations of- the rise of the multi-ethnic Carolingian court allowed in Egypt from the Fatimid through the Mamluk peri- fers insights into the growth of lay religious culture, ods — ALEXANDRA CUFFEL / Jewish-Christian theo- for more inclusive narratives to be created, or if their the participation of women in new religious move- logical polemic as re�lected in Judaeo-Arabic Biblical self-proclaimed place at the centre of the Frankish ments, and the use and transformation of twel�th and Interpretations — ZVI STAMPFER / Polemics between world actually created a context in which local commu- early thirteenth-century monastic formation litera- religious minorities: the Christian critique of Judaism un- nities were given new tools to assert themselves. ture for new audiences. der Islam (7th-10th c.) — BARBARA ROGGEMA / and Levantine Christian Minorities a�ter the Fourth Lateran Table of Contents Council — JAN VANDEBURIE / Lamenting Jerusalem: The This book also o�fers, for the fi rst time, editions of Papacy, the Kings’ Crusade, and the Armenian Kingdom of Histories of Carolingian Historiography: An Introduction — all the French versions of the Abbaye and a modern Cilicia — TAMAR M. BOYADJIAN / ‘And the Lord will raise HELMUT REIMITZ English translation of the earliest version. a great emir in a land’: Muslim Political Power Viewed by Carolingian Uses of History Coptic-Arabic Authors: A Case in the Arabic ‘Apocalypse of Table of Contents: From the Order of the Franks to the World of : the Pseudo Athanasius II’ — JUAN PEDRO MONFERRER SALA Vita Adalhardi and the Epitaphium Arsenii Compared — MAYKE / Keeping their Place: The Prohibition on Non-Muslim DE JONG / Remembering the Ostrogoths in the Carolingian Scribes in Ahkām ahl al-dhimma — ANTONIA BOSANQUET Empire — MATTHIAS M. TISCHLER / A Carolingian Epitome / A Christian O�fi cial in the Mamluk State Speaks: Ibn al- of Orosius from Tours: Leiden VLQ 20 — ROSAMOND Suqā‘ī on Minorities and Power — LUKE YARBROUGH / MCKITTERICK & ROBERT EVANS / Approaches to History: Jews in Government Functions in al-Andalus during the Walahfrid’s Parallel Universe — RICHARD CORRADINI Taifa Period: The Case of the Banu Nagrila of Granada — ALEJANDRO GARCIA SANJUAN / More than Meets the Eye: Carolingian Histories Readings of Economic Interaction between a Muslim, a Jew Enhancing Bede: The Chronicon Universale to 741 — SÖREN and a Christian in Castile — CLARA ALMAGRO VIDAL / A KASCHKE / A Crowning Achievement: Carolingian Imperial Reassessment of Frankish Settlement Patterns in the Identity in the Chronicon Moissiacense — RUTGER KRAMER / Kingdom of Jerusalem: 493-583/1099-1187 — BOGDAN C. Much Ado about Vienne? A Localizing Universal Chronicon SMARANDACHE / Does Cohabitation produce Convivencia? — SUKANYA RAISHARMA / The Sense of an Ending in the Relationships between Jews and Muslims in Castilian Histories of Frechulf of Lisieux — GRAEME WARD Christian Towns — ANA ECHEVARRIA / Muslims and Jews Uses of Carolingian History in Medieval Portugal: Interaction and Negotiation (14th–15th Historiography of Disillusion: Erchempert and the History centuries) — MARIA FILOMENA LOPES DE BARROS / of Ninth-Century — WALTER POHL / ‘A Man Conclusion — JOHN TOLAN of Notable Good Looks Disfi gured by a Cruel Wound’: The Index Forest Misadventure of Charles the Young of Aquitaine (864) in History and Legend — ERIC GOLDBERG Index approx. 400 p., 1 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 100 ISBN 978-2-503-58793-6 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58794-3 approx. 400 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 100 approx. 225 p., 1 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 75 Series: Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, vol. 33 ISBN 978-2-503-58655-7 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58656-4 ISBN 978-2-503-58681-6 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58682-3 IN PREPARATION Series: Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, vol. 29 Series: Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, vol. 21 IN PREPARATION IN PREPARATION


Un commandeur ordinaire ? Picts and Britons in the Early Bishops’ Identities, Careers, and Bérenger Monge et le gouvernement des Medieval Irish Church Networks in Medieval Europe hospitaliers provençaux au XIIIe siècle Travels West Over the Sarah Thomas (ed.) Damien Carraz Storm-Swelled Sea Bishops were powerful individuals who had consider- Oisín Plumb La trajectoire d’un commandeur de l’Hôpital inscrit able spiritual, economic, and political power. They were not just religious leaders; they were important men dans les réseaux de pouvoir, les cadres institution- A study of the lives and legacy of Picts and Britons e who served kings and lords as advisers and even dip- nels et les pratiques sociales de la Provence du XIII in the Irish Church, looking at their impact on siècle. lomats. They also controlled large territories and had early medieval Irish society and how this impact signifi cant incomes and people at their command. The came to be perceived in later centuries. Bérenger Monge fut commandeur des maisons de nature of the international Church also meant that they travelled and had connections well beyond their home l’Hôpital d’Aix et de Manosque pendant toute la se- Between the fi �th and ninth centuries AD, the conde moitié du XIIIe siècle. Chef respecté de ces countries, were players on an increasingly international peoples of Britain, Ireland, and their surrounding stage, and were key conduits for the transfer of ideas. deux importantes communautés régulières élargies islands were constantly interacting — sharing cul- à la familia, seigneur de l’une des principales villes de This volume explores how senior clerics attained their tures and ideas that shaped and reshaped their bishoprics through their familial, social, and education- Haute-Provence, maître d’ouvrage de deux construc- communities and the way they lived. The in�luence tions majeures, lieutenant du prieur de Saint-Gilles, al networks, their career paths, relationships with secu- of religious fi gures from Ireland on the develop- lar lords, and the papacy. It brings together research on ce dignitaire bénéfi cia d’un rayonnement dont té- ment of the Church in Britain was profound, and moigne le corpus documentaire rassemblé autour bishops in central, southern, and northern Europe, by the fame of monasteries such as Iona, which they early career and established scholars. de sa personne. Exceptionnel par sa personnalité established, remains to this day. Yet with the excep- comme par sa longévité, ce commandeur n’en fut-il tion of St Patrick, far less attention has been paid to Table of Contents pas moins ordinaire dans sa fonction statutaire ? Se the role of the Britons and Picts who travelled west pose, en e�fet, la question de la représentativité, non into Ireland, despite their equally signifi cant im- List of Illustrations seulement de cet acteur principal mais encore de pact. This book aims to redress the balance by o�fer- Acknowledgements toute une galerie de personnages et de statuts aux- ing a detailed exploration of the evidence for British Introduction – SARAH E. THOMAS quels celui-ci s’est trouvé lié : prieurs de Saint-Gilles, and Pictish men and women in the early medieval Part I. Cohorts of Bishops Understanding the Appeal of the Courtier Bishop in Thirteenth- bayles de Manosque, experts en droit et en écritures, Irish Church, and asking what we can piece togeth- entourages princiers… De fait, loin de s’enfermer dans Century England — KATHERINE HARVEY / Bishops, Kings, and er of their lives from the o�ten fragmentary sources. Grievances in Medieval Portugal (1268–1289) — HERMÍNIA un récit de vie linéaire, l’approche par le singulier est It also considers the ways in which writers of later VASCONCELOS VILAR / Bishops, Nepotism and Social Mobility susceptible de dévoiler des techniques de gouver- ages viewed these migrants, and examines how the in Central and Northern Italy in the Fourteenth Century — nement, des confi gurations sociales, des stratégies shaping of the ‘migration narrative’ throughout the STEFANO G. MAGNI / The Bishops of Meaux, 1197–1510: From de carrière ou encore des a�fi nités personnelles ou centuries had a major e�fect on the way that the Chapter’s Men to King’s Men — CHRISTINE BARRALIS spirituelles. En défi nitive, la mise en intrigue autour earliest centuries of the church came to be viewed Part II. Episcopal Networks Premeditation and Determination on the Way to the Polish de Bérenger Monge et des di�férents cercles de son in later years in both Scotland and Ireland. In doing entourage – du lignage à l’institution en passant par Episcopacy in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries — so, this volume o�fers important new insights into JACEK MACIEJEWSKI / Bishop, Chapter and Social Networks les autorités politiques du temps – o�fre un éclairage our understanding of the relationships between in Castile: The Cathedral Chapter at Sigüenza (Fourteenth – inédit sur « une vie de commanderie », c’est-à-dire la Britain and Ireland in this period. Fi�teenth Centuries) — AÍDA PORTILLA GONZÁLEZ / cellule de base d’un ordre militaire envisagée comme The Nidaros Church and the Insular Parts of its Province: une institution totale. L’échelle de la vie humaine per- Table of Contents Metropolitan Authority and Relations with Their Su�fragans — met fi nalement d’articuler le cycle intermédiaire de la STEINAR IMSEN génération à des temporalités propres aux di�férentes Chapter 1: Introduction to Migration Part III. Individual Bishops mémoires sociales – dont la mémoire des ap- Chapter 2: Introduction to the Sources The Scolari Family at the Head of the Bishopric of Volterra (1261– 1269) — JACOPO PAGANELLI / Pedro Pérez de Monroy (1310– préhendées dans leur dimension processuelle. Chapter 3: The Early Church Chapter 4: Uinniau 1324): A New Bishop for a New Era in Salamanca — FERNANDO Chapter 5: Seven Brothers GUTIÉRREZ BAÑOS / Power, Culture, and Ecclesiastical Reform Table of Contents: Chapter 6: The Dynamics of Migration in Late Medieval Castile: The Bishop of Burgos, Luis de Acuña Chapter 7: The Development of the Migration Narrative (1456–1495) — SUSANA GUIJARRO Chapter 8: Conclusion Part IV. Bishops and the Papacy Bibliography Episcopal Appointments in Northern Italy during the Papacy Appendix I: Monenna and Ninian of John XXII — FABRIZIO PAGNONI / Episcopal Appointments Appendix II: Midlands locations suggested for the seven and Careers of the Archbishops of Split (1294–1426) — MIŠO brothers based on the poem PETROVIÆ / Between Uppsala and Rome: Swedish Bishops’ Contacts with the Papal Curia in the Late Middle Ages — KIRSI SALONEN 204 p., 5 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 55 528 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 85 ISBN 978-2-503-58347-1 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58348-8 approx. 320 p., 6 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 85 ISBN 978-2-503-58978-7 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58979-4 Series: The North Atlantic World, vol. 2 ISBN 978-2-503-57910-8 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-57911-5 Série: Ecclesia militans, vol. 8 AVAILABLE Series: Medieval Church Studies, vol. 44 EN PRÉPARATION IN PREPARATION


Epirus Revisited. New Perceptions of Games and Visual Culture in the Alexander of Aphrodisias in the its History and Material Culture Middle Ages and the Renaissance Middle Ages and the Renaissance From the Thematic Session “Epirus Vanina Kopp, Elizabeth Lapina (eds) Pietro B Rossi, Matteo Di Giovanni, Revisited” of the 23rd International Andrea Aldo Robiglio (eds) During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, games Congress of , Belgrade, were not an idle pastime, but were in fact important The greatest ancient interpreter of Aristotle, 22-27 August 2016 tools for exploring, transmitting, enhancing, subvert- Alexander of Aphrodisias (�l. 200 AD) exerted Christos Stavrakos (ed.) ing, and challenging social practices and their rules. a profound and enduring in�luence upon phi- Their study, through both visual and material sources, losophy that extended from Boethius until the The opening of the borders of Albania in the 1990s o�fers a unique insight into medieval and early mod- modern era. Alexander’s interpretations laid the stimulated an increased interest in its cultural heri- ern gaming culture, shedding light not only on why, foundation for multiple philosophical views which tage and led to extensive research, as well as archae- where, when, with whom and in what conditions and were promoted as quintessentially Aristotelian by ological investigations. These, however, have mainly circumstances people played games, but also on the both Islamic and Latin thinkers throughout the concentrated within Albania’s present-day borders variety of interpretations that they had of games and Middle Ages. In the Renaissance, the University and have lacked broader contextualization. Very re- play. Representations of games, and of artefacts asso- of Padua, a leading center of philosophical educa- cent excavations in Greece, which resulted from the ciated with games, also o�ten served to communicate tion and thought, established a scholarly tradition construction of the new Ionia Odos highway, have, complex ideas on topics that ranged from war to love, named “Alexandrinism” a�ter him. however brought to light unexpected and interesting and from politics to theology. This volume o�fers a material that changes our image of the monumental particular focus onto the type of games that required Paolo Accattino (1950-2015), a distinguished topography and the settlements in Epirus. New stud- little or no physical exertion and that, consequently, all scholar of Alexander, made many noteworthy ad- ies concerning Epirus and its broader connections people could enjoy, regardless of age, gender, status, vancements to the fi eld. With the aim of honoring during the early and later Ottoman periods provide a occupation, or religion. The representations and arte- Accattino’s memory, lifelong colleagues and asso- broader impression of the region and its relationships facts discussed here by contributors, who come from ciates discuss his contributions. The volume pres- with the large economic centres of the West, as well varied disciplines including history, literary studies, art ents new understandings concerning the recep- as with the spiritual-religious and political centres of history, and archaeology, cover a wide geographical and tion of Alexander, o�fers new lines of inquiry, and the Balkans. chronological range, from to Scandinavia to the opens potential avenues of research regarding his Ottoman Turkey and from the early medieval period to medieval and Renaissance a�terlife. Table of Contents the seventeenth century and beyond. Table of Contents Brendan Osswald, The State of Epirus as Political Laboratory Table of Contents Christos Stavrakos, The Albanian Family of Spata in Late Byzantine Lucio Bertelli, Paolo Accattino lettore della Politica di Aristotele and Post-Byzantine Epirus: The Epigraphic Evidence List of Illustrations Pierluigi Donini, Paolo Accattino interprete del De intellectu di Alessandro di Afrodisia Katerina Chamilaki, The Excavation of a Late Antique Building Introduction — VANINA KOPP AND ELIZABETH LAPINA / Complex, at Drymos, Aetoloakarnania Rhetoric and Reality in the Visual Culture of Medieval Amos Bertolacci, “The Excellent among the Earlier Scholars”: Celtic Board Games: Literary and Archaeological Evidence Alexander of Aphrodisias in Avicenna’s Metaphysics Ioannis Chouliaras, Excavation of an Early Byzantine Basilica in Combined — KATHERINE FORSYTH AND MARK A. HALL / Matteo Di Giovanni, New Wine in Old Vessels: Alexander of Drymos of Vonitsa (Akarnania). Halls “A” and “D” ‘Turne Over the Leef’: Games and Interpretation on Aphrodisias as a Source for Averroes’ Metaphysics Björn Forsén and Brikena Shkodra-Rrugia, The Early Christian Misericords — PAUL HARDWICK / Gambling Miners — Joël Biard, L’alexandrisme comme rationalité philosophique Landscape of Dyrrachium: The First Miles along the Via Egnatia LENA ASRIH AND JENNIFER GARNER / Chess and Cultural Amos Corbini, “Alexander of Aphrodisias” in the Medieval Galina Fingarova, The Church of Saint Mary in Apollonia: An Crossings in Boccaccio — AKASH KUMAR / Visualizing Chess Latin Tradition of the Posterior Analytics: Some Remarks and Love in Les Eschéz d’Amours — DANIEL E. O’SULLIVAN / Expression of Byzantine Imperial Claims Elisa Rubino, Alberto il Grande e il commento ai Meteorologica Game as a Sign of Social Status: Backgammon in the Ottoman di Alessandro di Afrodisia Lorenzo Riccardi, Incomplete and Partly Lost: On the Mosaic and Literature and Visual Culture — TÜLÜN DEĞIRMENCI / Chess Sculptural Decoration of the Paregoretissa Church in Arta of the Gnostics: The Sufi Version of Snakes and Ladders in Luigi Silvano, (Pseudo-)Alexander of Aphrodisias between the Katerina Kontopanagou, The Christian Monuments of Epirus in Turkey and India — İRVIN CEMIL SCHICK / Playthings: Ivory Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Notes on the A�terlife of the the 17th and 18th c.: Creating the Artistic, Social and Economic Profi le on Ivory — ELINA GERTSMAN / The Playing Eye: On the Medical Puzzles and Physical Problems Barbara Bartocci, Topics and Syllogistic: Agostino Nifo Efstratia Sygkellou, A Tour Around the Abrakian Gulf Through the Transfer of Game-related Knowledge through Miniatures in Reading Alexander of Aphrodisias Eyes of the European Travellers (17th - 19th Centutry) Alfonso X’s Book of Games (1283/84) — MICHAEL A. CONRAD Children’s Toys in Italy, 1350–1550 — ANNEMARIEKE Pietro Daniel Omodeo, Presence/Absence of Alexander of Demetrios Georgakopoulos, The Despots of Ioannina and WILLEMSEN / The Printed Book and the Visual Culture of Aphrodisias in Renaissance Cosmo-Psychology Albanians According to the Author of the Chronicle of Ioannina Chess in the Late Middle Ages: William Caxton’s 1483 Edition Francesca Iurlaro, Hugo Grotius’ Translation of Alexander of (1367-1399) of The Game and Playe of Chess — LOUISE FANG / Gra�fi ti as Aphrodisias’ De fato in His Philosophorum sententiae de Gaming: Vikings at Play in the Orkney Islands — JULIE MELL / Fato (1648) Scratching the Surface: Gra�fi ti Games in the — WALTER CRIST

approx. 230 p., 3 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 75 246 p., 94 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 65 approx. 300 p., 75 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 85 ISBN 978-2-503-58827-8 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58828-5 ISBN 978-2-503-59261-9 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-59262-6 ISBN 978-2-503-58872-8 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58873-5 Series: Studia Artistarum, vol. 45 Series: Byzantioς. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, vol. 16 Series: Studies in the History of Daily Life (800-1600), vol. 8 IN PREPARATION AVAILABLE IN PREPARATION


Mentale Sätze und das Problem La Formule au Moyen Âge III Les chartes constitutionnelles semantischer Antinomien: Formulas in Medieval Culture III des villes d’Allemagne du Sud Die Insolubilia von Pierre d’Ailly Olivier Simonin, Caroline De Barrau (éd.) (XIVe-XVe siècle) Historische Studie und textkritische Dominique Adrian Étude interdisciplinaire sur le concept de formule Edition au Moyen Âge Une pensée politique en action: les villes d’Empire à Markus Erne (ed.) la fi n du Moyen Âge et la representation populaire Les modes de pensée et de représentation mé- Peter of Ailly’s Insolubilia, written around 1372, were diévaux sont profondément marqués par l’usage Les sociétés des villes d’Allemagne du Sud n’ont pas highly in�luential in their time... de reprises et de régularités attendus et recon- peur de l’innovation à la fi n du Moyen Âge : sur un siècle naissables, qui sont sources de tensions produc- (fi n XIIIe-fi n XIVe siècle), beaucoup d’entre elles créent Pierre d’Aillys Insolubilia, verfasst um 1372 an der tives entre expression individuelle et normes des régimes politiques intégrant des groupes sociaux Universität von Paris, sind ein wichtiges Zeugnis in collectives, changement et continuité, création et jusqu’alors exclus de toute participation, sur un principe der Geschichte der Logik und Philosophie des späten convention. De façon très générale, toute formule commun décliné en fonction des situations locales : Mittelalters. Sie erfreuten sich bereits eine Generation se caractérise par un fi gement ou une régularité le conseil urbain est désormais constitué presque par- nach ihrer Entstehung aufgrund ihres klaren Stils gro- plus ou moins marquée laissant la place, en creux, tout de délégations de corps de métier (Zün�te).Les cita- ßer Beliebtheit bei zeitgenössischen Autoren und à l’innovation. La défi nition de la formule se dé- dins ne se contentent pas de cette première innovation. stießen noch über das 15. Jahrhundert hinaus auf re- cline di�féremment en fonction de la discipline Dans beaucoup de cas, ils procèdent avec grand soin à ges Interesse. Ihr Thema – semantische Antinomien considérée, et cet ouvrage propose une ré�lexion la mise par écrit de ces dispositions : ce sont ces chartes wie die berühmte Antinomie des Lügners – wurde interdisciplinaire sur ses di�férentes acceptions et constitutionnelles qui sont au centre de ce livre. Le pas- seit dem späten 12. Jahrhundert für mehr als drei sur les recoupements que l’on peut observer entre sage à l’écrit n’est jamais une évidence ; les di�fi cultés Jahrhunderte an den Artes-Fakultäten kontrovers elles. En outre, un échange entre plusieurs inter- rencontrées par leurs auteurs témoignent de l’impor- diskutiert, eine reich überlieferte Insolubilia-Literatur venants, poursuivant une discussion sous forme tance de cette mise par écrit pour les sociétés qui l’ont entstand. Indem Antinomien wie der „Lügner“ mit de table ronde à l’occasion du colloque interna- produite. Qui sont leurs auteurs, comment ont-ils tra- dem aristotelischen Gesetz vom ausgeschlossenen tional organisé à Perpignan en 2014, vient clore le vaillé ? Eux qui n’étaient sans doute pas en contact avec Widerspruch in Kon�likt stehen, fordern sie die tra- volume et propose un premier aperçu synthétique la théorie savante de leur temps n’ont pas laissé de texte ditionelle Logik in einem ihrer wichtigsten Prinzipien de l’emploi de la notion pour les di�férentes dis- théorique pour éclairer leur démarche, mais ces chartes heraus. Die sophismatische Disputation solcher Non- ciplines concernées : codicologie, diplomatique, permettent de dégager les grandes lignes de leur pen- Standard-Materialien führte so zur Analyse der funda- épigraphie, histoire, histoire de l’art, littérature, sée politique. mentalen Begri�fe des Satzes, der Wahrheit und der linguistique, musicologie. Le soin pris à décrire le nouveau dispositif institutionnel Bedeutung. Abhandlungen wie die Insolubilia Pierre le montre : il ne s’agit pas seulement d’un acte adminis- d’Aillys geben damit einen Einblick in die zur Zeit des Ce travail sera prolongé par de futures publica- tratif, mais d’un véritable programme politique et so- Autors vertretenen Positionen zum Verhältnis von tions dans la même collection, dans l’espoir que cial. Ces chartes sont le produit de périodes de troubles, Sprache, Denken und Wirklichkeit. Die vorliegende l’e�fort de clarifi cation voulu permettra à d’autres avec ou plus souvent sans violence, pour mettre fi n Edition ist die erste moderne, textkritische Edition der d’explorer encore plus avant la notion de formule à l’exclusivité politique des élites traditionnelles, en Insolubilia und basiert auf Grundlage aller Zeugen des et de continuer à attester de sa fécondité pour les assurant un équilibre politique de long terme. Pour Textes. Sie bietet dem heutigen Leser erstmals einen études médiévales. éviter à la fois le retour à un pouvoir oligarchique et la zuverlässigen und authentischen Text des Traktats. déstabilisation par les masses populaires, ils ont des Olivier Simonin est maître de conférences en lin- choix à e�fectuer. Qui désigne les représentants des guistique anglaise à l’Université de Perpignan – Via métiers ? Quel poids ont les di�férents métiers ? Quel Domitia. Ses recherches portent notamment sur la dia- poids politique les élites traditionnelles conservent- chronie, ainsi que le roman de chevalerie anonyme Sir elles ? Les promesses démocratiques annoncées ont- Gawain and the Green Knight. elles été tenues ? Il y a bien des manières pour les élites Caroline de Barrau, Maître de conférences en histoire de contourner les garanties d’ouverture o�fertes par les de l’art et archéologie du Moyen-Âge à l’Université de chartes, mais les métiers, fortunés ou non, se montrent Perpignan - Via Domitia, elle s’intéresse plus particuliè- attachés au système et au texte des chartes qui leur rement à la production architecturale et sculptée de la donnaient une dignité nouvelle. Cet apprentissage de période gothique. la démocratie, pour imparfait qu’il soit, témoigne de la créativité intellectuelle des bourgeois de ces villes. Table des matières : Table des matières:

approx. 451 p., 23 b/w ills, 13 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 95 approx. 281 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 85 ISBN 978-2-503-58919-0 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58920-6 206 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 65 ISBN 978-2-503-58933-6 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58940-4 Série: Atelier de recherche sur les textes médiévaux, vol. 28 ISBN 978-2-503-58938-1 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58939-8 Series: Studia Artistarum, vol. 46 EN PRÉPARATION Série: Atelier de recherche sur les textes médiévaux, vol. 29 IN PREPARATION EN PRÉPARATION


Old Norse Myths as Political Margins, Monsters, Deviants Corps hybrides aux frontières Ideologies Alterities in Old Norse Literature de l’humain au Moyen Âge Critical Studies in the Appropriation and Culture Actes du colloque international de of Medieval Narratives Rebecca Merkelbach, Gwendolyne Knight (eds) Louvain-la-Neuve (19-20 avril 2018) Nicolas Meylan, Lukas Rösli (eds) Antonella Sciancalepore (éd.) This book explores issues of identity, genre, charac- The mythology of the Norse world has long been ter and text and the interplay between them, chal- À l’époque médiévale, la littérature, l’art et la science a source of fascination, from the fi rst written texts lenging long-held perceptions about the lack of am- enjambaient la distance qui sépare l’humain et le of thirteenth-century Iceland up to the modern biguity in Old Norse literature and culture. non-humain au moyen d’une pléthore d’hybrides, period. Most studies, however, have focused on the dont l’identité était marquée par l’ambivalence. Les content of the narratives themselves, rather than Medieval Icelandic literature has o�ten been reduced monstres anthropomorphes hérités de l’Antiquité the broader political contexts in which these myths to the supposedly realist Íslendingasögur and their ou du folklore, les peuples exotiques censés avoir have been explored. This volume o�fers a timely main protagonists at the expense of other genres des traits animaux ou végétaux, les animaux ou les corrective to this broader trend by o�fering one and characters. Indeed, such a focus obscures and plantes portant des ressemblances inquiétantes avec of the fi rst in-depth examinations of the political erases the importance of those beings and narratives les hommes, les fi gures aux corps mixtes qui occu- uses of Norse mythology within specifi c historical that move on the margins of mainstream culture — paient les marges des manuscrits : autant de créations contexts. Tracing the changing interests and usages whether socially, ethnically, ontologically, or textual- qui dessinaient une constellation de possibilités dans of Norse myths from the medieval period, via the ly. This volume aims to o�fer a new perspective on a un continuum des êtres. nineteenth century and the importance of ancient variety of theoretical and comparative approaches to Ce volume rassemble les huit contributions de spé- Norse beliefs to both the Romantic and völkisch explore depictions of alterity, monstrosity, and de- cialistes de littérature et d’histoire de l’art au sujet de movements, up to the co-option of mythology and viation. Engaging with the interplay of genre, char- l’hybridation entre homme et animal dans la culture symbolism by political groups across the twentieth acter, text, and culture, and exploring questions of médiévale, ainsi que la transcription de la table ronde and early twenty-fi rst centuries, the gath- behavioural, socio-cultural, and textual alterity, these conclusive du colloque de Louvain-la-Neuve. ered here o�fer new and critical insights into the contributions examine subjects ranging from the changing nature of historiography and the political study of fragmented and ‘Othered’ saga narratives, to Table des matières agendas that Old Norse myths are made to serve, attitudes towards foreign people and lands, and alteri- as well as shedding new light on the way in which ties in mythological and legendary texts. Together the Antonella SCIANCALEPORE, Introduction / Christine FERLAMPIN-ACHER, Malegrape dans Artus de Bretagne (texte ‘myths’ are conceptualized. papers e�fectively challenge long-held perceptions about the lack of ambiguity in medieval Icelandic lit- et images) : hybridité et ambiguïté textuelle, entre e�fet de mode, e�fet de sens et goût personnel / András BORGÓ, Table of Contents erature, and o�fer a far more nuanced understanding Hybrid Bodies in Hebrew Manuscript Illuminations / Miranda of the importance of the ‘Other’ in that society. GRIFFIN, Mélusine and Margaret: Hybrids and Monstrous Introduction — NICOLAS MEYLAN and LUKAS RÖSLI Maternity / Jessy SIMONINI, Cors, bras et chiere aveit semblant / Æsirism: The Impossibility of Ideological Neutrality Table of Contents as noz : images du sagittaire dans le Roman de Troie de Benoît in Snorra Edda — RICHARD COLE / ‘Reconciling’ de Sainte-Maure / Antonella SCIANCALEPORE, Chevaliers- Ancient Paganism and Modern Protestantism: On the List of Illustrations poisson et enfants-arbalète dans le roman du XIVe siècle : Scholarly Reception of Old Norse Mythology in the Introduction: Old Norse Alterities in Contemporary recherches sur les hybridations humain-technologiques / German Romantic Period — MARGOT DAMIENS / Context — REBECCA MERKELBACH AND GWENDOLYNE Jacqueline LECLERCQ-MARX, Une frontière très mouvante. Desirable Plainness? Friedrich von der Leyen’s Writings KNIGHT / Categorizing the Werewolf; or, the Peopleness of L’humanisation du monstre hybride dans le haut Moyen Âge on Education and Mythology between Johann Gottfried Shapeshi�ters — GWENDOLYNE KNIGHT / Taming the Wolf: et le Moyen Âge central. Le texte et l’image / Grégory CLESSE Herder and Nationalist Ideology — LEA BAUMGARTEN Reading Bisclaret in Light of Old Norse Kennings — MINJIE SU et Florence NINITTE, Semblables aux fi ls d’Adam : les êtres / Otto Hö�ler’s Männerbünde and Völkisch Ideology — Between Myths and Legends: The Guises of Goðmundr of entre humanité et animalité, de la cosmographie à l’écriture COURTNEY MARIE BURELL / Archaeology and Textuality Glæsisvellir — TOM GRANT AND JONATHAN Y. H. HUI / scientifi que et encyclopédique de langue arabe / Clémence in the Study of Pre-Christian Scandinavian Religion ‘The coarsest and worst of the Íslendinga Sagas’: Approaching GAUCHE, Identité aux frontières de l’humain : monstres et — MARGARET CLUNIES ROSS / The Revival of Archaic the Alterity of the ‘Post-Classical’ Sagas of Icelanders — hybrides sur les sceaux de Flandre des XIIIe et XIVe siècles / Traditions in Modern Times: Völkisch Imaginations in the REBECCA MERKELBACH / Considering Otherness on the Cristina NOACCO et al., Table ronde / Index des auteurs, des Context of European Nordicism — HORST JUNGINGER / Page: How Do Lacunae A�fect the Way We Interact with Saga oeuvres anonymes et des personnages historiques / Index des Feminist Vikings, Ecological Gods and National Warriors; Narrative? — JOANNE SHORTT BUTLER / Surface, Rupture manuscrits The Reception of Old Norse Religion and Culture in and Contextualities: Con�licting Voices of the Iberian ‘Other/s’ Sweden — FREDRIK GREGORIUS / Barbaric Lands of the in Old Norse Literature — RODERICK W. MCDONALD / North in a Massively Multi-Player Role-Playing Game — Otherness Along the Austrvegr: Cultural Interaction Between LAURENT DI FILIPPO / Reception of the Past, Projection of the Rus’ and the Turkic Nomads of the Steppe — CSETE the Present: Creating Viking Masculinities — BARBORA KATONA / The Man Who Seemed Like a Troll: Racism in DAVIDEK / ‘Re-Wild Yourself’: Old Norse Myth and Radical Old Norse Literature — ARNGRÍMUR VÍDALÍN / A�terword: White Nationalist Groups in Trump’s America — VERENA Otherness, Monstrosity and Deviation: The Perpetual Making HÖFIG / The State of Vinland — MERRILL KAPLAN of Identities — ÁRMANN JAKOBSSON

260 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 75 197 p., 21 b/w ills, 35 col. ills, 160 x 240 mm, ISBN 978-2-503-58821-6 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58822-3 248 p., 11 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 75 Institut d’Etudes médiévales (UCL), 2020, € 35 Series: Acta Scandinavica, vol. 9 ISBN 978-2-503-58586-4 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58587-1 ISBN 978-2-39037-002-4 (PB) AVAILABLE Series: The North Atlantic World, vol. 3 Série: Textes, Etudes, Congrès, vol. 31 AVAILABLE DISPONIBLE


Publications du Centre Européen Marie de Bourgogne / Beyond the Sermo modernus d’Etudes Bourguignonnes 60 (2020) Mary of Burgundy Sermon Form in Early Rencontres de Prague (19-22 septembre Reign, ‘Persona’, and Legacy of Fi�teenth-Century England 2019). « Contestations, subversions et a Late Medieval Duchess / Siegfried Wenzel altérités aux XIVe-XVIe siècles » Figure, Principat et Postérité d’une In England, as well as on the continent, the early fi f- Table des matières Duchesse Tardo-Médiévale teenth century saw a slackening of rigorous academic Michael Depreter, Jonathan Dumont, work in theology and at the same time a stronger in- Statuts du Centre européen d’Études bourguignonnes (XIVe- Elizabeth L’Estrange, Samuel Mareel (éd.) terest in biblical and devotional approaches and prac- XVIe s.) - Liste des membres au 1er juillet 2020 - Allocution inau- tices. This book addresses the question of whether, gurale, par S.A.S. le Duc d’Arenberg - Rapport d’activités pour Marie, duchesse de Bourgogne (1477-1482) occupe and if so in what way, such a change may also have oc- 2018-2019, par Alain Marchandisse une place essentielle entre Moyen Âge et pre- curred in preaching by investigating the form in which mière Modernité dans l’histoire des Anciens Pays- Valérie Toureille et Élodie Lecuppre-Desjardin, Servir ou trahir. sermons were constructed, to determine whether a La réaction des grands féodaux face aux innovations étatiques, au Bas et de l’Europe. Constituant la transition entre new development or innovation replaced the scho- temps de la Praguerie / Adrien Carbonnet, La subversion à l’origine la dynastie des Valois-Bourgogne et celle des lastic sermon, or sermo modernus, in use from the lat- de la révolte. Louis XI face aux soulèvements urbains (1461-1483) / Habsbourg, s’établissant alors durablement aux er thirteenth century on. The volume concludes with Alexandre Goderniaux, Contester l’autorité royale ou appeler au frontières de , son principat reste pourtant editions of sermons drawn from major works created régicide ? L’argumentation du discours contre Henri III dans les libelles peu étudié à ce jour. Visant à comprendre cette in England between the fi nal years of the fourteenth de la Ligue parisienne (janvier-août 1589) / Vsevolod Io�fe, In loco transition et ses ressorts, tant à l’époque que dans and the middle of the fi �teenth century. sacro manus violentas injecit. Les violations de l’espace sacré dans le le temps long, ainsi qu’à établir un bilan et à lancer quartier universitaire à Paris aux XIVe-XVe siècles / Andrew Murray, Rebellion, Dialogue and the Use of the “Common Good” in Philip de nouvelles pistes de recherche, cet ouvrage réu- the Bold’s Ordinances / Jean-Marie Cauchies, Hérésies et « fonde- nit plusieurs des meilleurs spécialistes actuels au- ments de l’État ». Rigueur et répression par la loi dans les Pays-Bas tour de trois questions essentielles. En un premier aux XVIe-XVIIe siècles / Julien Lagalice, Contre l’hosneur du duc. temps est abordée la légitimité contestée de ce Subversions, o�fenses et rébellion dans le comté de Bourgogne (XIVe- pouvoir féminin sous di�férents angles : le droit, la XVe siècles) / Rudi Beaulant, Contester l’autorité urbaine et princière littérature, l’art, le spectacle (public), etc. Ensuite à Dijon à la fi n du Moyen Âge / Pierre Brugnon, Grand dangier et sont mis en lumière les outils gouvernementaux peril de legier en pourroit survenir. Contestation politique et alté- rité des identités nobiliaires en Savoie à la fi n du Moyen Âge / Vaclav mis en œuvre par ce pouvoir, de même que les Drska, La hayne et inimité que les Franchois, noz ennemis, ont hommes – peu de femmes, étonnamment – qui a nous… Les derniers ducs de Bourgogne, des princes d’Empire sur le les animèrent. Enfi n, les contributeurs s’inter- chemin de la souveraineté ? / Jean-Marie Yante, Grèves, séditions rogent sur la manière dont ce pouvoir et ce princi- urbaines et déviances prolétariennes : des failles du système corporatif pat furent (re)lus et représentés aux époques ulté- ? Le cas des Pays-Bas (XIIIe-XVe siècles) / Hanno Wijsman, Détecter rieures en fonction d’agendas politiques évolutifs, les oppositions politiques dans les bibliothèques. Contenu et style des du long règne de Maximilien de Habsbourg à la manuscrits / Jaroslav Svátek, Jean de Wavrin, Jean de Stavelot et d’autres « Bourguignons » à la deuxième croisade contre l’hérésie des Belgique contemporaine. « Praguois » en 1421 / Martin Nejedlý, La révolution hussite comme subversion et altérité sous la plume de quelques auteurs bourguignons Jonathan Dumont est docteur en histoire, art et ar- / Bertrand Schnerb, Jean Susque, un écuyer du royaume de Bohême chéologie de l’Université de Liège. Elizabeth L’Estrange à la cour de Bourgogne / † Alexandra Velissariou, Les surprises du est spécialiste de manuscrits du moyen âge tardif et voyage. Images insolites de l’Autre dans le récit de pèlerinage bourgui- actuellement Lecturer en Histoire de l’Art à l’Université gnon / Christiane Raynaud, Contestations et discipline de chevalerie de Birmingham. Samuel Mareel est conservateur du / Audrey Pennel, L’image du candaulisme et sa relecture morale à la fi n du Moyen Âge : les manuscrits du Des cas des nobles hommes Musée Hof van Busleyden à Malines et professeur et femmes de Laurent de Premierfait / Autres communications invité au département de Littérature de l’Université de présentées aux Rencontres de Prague Gand. Michael Depreter est docteur en histoire, art et archéologie de l’Université de Bruxelles.

Table des matières:

xxii + 287 p., 150 x 230 mm, 2020, € 71 ISBN 978-2-8399-3040-6 (PB) approx. 350 p., 124 x 228 mm, Pontifi cal Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Journal: Publications du Centre Européen d’Etudes Bourguignonnes, 2020, approx. € 90 vol. 60 ISBN 978-0-88844-222-2 (HB) DISPONIBLE approx. 300 p., 61 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 79 ISBN 978-2-503-58808-7 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58809-4 Series: Studies and Texts, vol. 222 Print & Online Subscriptions: Série: Burgundica, vol. 31 IN PREPARATION contact [email protected] EN PRÉPARATION (MARS 2021) North American customers are advised to order Online content available on through University of Toronto Press


Famagusta Les monastères grecs sous Du Champ de Mars mérovingien Vol. II: History and Society domination latine (XIIIe-XVIe siècles) au Champ de Mai carolingien Gilles Grivaud, Angel Nicolaou-Konnari, Comme un loup poursuivant un mouton Éclairages sur un objet fugace et Christopher Schabel (eds) Ludivine Voisin une réforme de Pépin, dit « le Bref » This is the second of two volumes on the history and Alain J. Stoclet An overview of Greek Monasticism under Latin rule archaeology of the port city of Famagusta in Cyprus in Greece and Cyprus from the beginning of the island’s Frankish rule in 1192 Un regard au plus près des textes sur les assem- to the Ottoman conquest in 1571. The fi rst volume, enti- blées annuelles des Francs, entre Mérovingiens Le sac de Constantinople, en 1204, a convaincu des tled Art and Architecture and edited by Annemarie Weyl et Carolingiens historiens que le monachisme grec ne peut survivre Carr, was published in this series in 2014. The volume dans un environnement dominé par l’élément latin, à provides a comprehensive survey of the four-century Qu’est-ce que le « Champ de Mars » qui fait de Constantinople et ailleurs. L’extension chronologique history of Famagusta under Frankish, Genoese, and brèves apparitions dans les sources sous les pre- et géographique de la domination latine au Moyen Venetian rule down to the Ottoman siege and con- miers Carolingiens et auquel, nous dit-on, Pépin « Âge permet de s’interroger sur la validité du modèle quest, supplemented by an account of the image of the le Bref » aurait substitué un « Champ de Mai » tout constantinopolitain dans les autres pays gréco-la- medieval and Renaissance city in retrospect. Based on aussi énigmatique ? Quel rapport entre ce Champ tins et de poser la question du maintien de l’identité original research and o�ten using unpublished sources, de Mars et celui qui fut l’un des centres névral- monastique grecque après 1204. L’intégration d’une fourteen acknowledged specialists study Famagusta’s giques de la Rome républicaine ? Telles sont les multitude de fondations dans une analyse compa- political, social, economic, and ecclesiastical history questions qui inspirent le présent ouvrage. Il n’y rative à grande échelle temporelle et géographique from a multi- and interdisciplinary approach that in- répond pas tant « de front » — les données exploi- met en évidence des évolutions et des stratégies com- volves aspects such as institutional continuities and tables, rares, éparses et fragmentaires n’y su�fi sent munes. Alors que le monachisme grec d’Italie du Sud discontinuities, military and space organisation, reli- pas — que par petites touches, en apportant des décline aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles et que les monastères gious and cultural exchanges, gender roles, and the éclairages nouveaux ou renouvelés sur un certain de Constantinople ne se relèvent pas, le mouvement city’s image in travelogues’, writers’ and artists’ works. nombre de points choisis : l’historiographie du monastique renaît partout ailleurs et de manière Such an approach allows a better understanding of sujet, qui révèle, entre autres aspects inattendus, continue. L’identité institutionnelle des fondations the evolution of the ethnically and religiously diverse la vitalité et la permanence extraordinaires de monastiques est aussi maintenue après 1204. Une Famagustian society from a rich commercial centre un- formules d’une très haute antiquité, relayées et évolution est toutefois notable : comme en Occident, der the Lusignans to an enclave under the Genoese and amplifi ées par l’érudition du Grand Siècle ; l’explo- les pouvoirs religieux et civils tentent de réduire les a military outpost under the Venetians. ration des six ou sept cents ans séparant l’original pouvoirs des laïcs sur les établissements monas- romain de l’avatar alto-médiéval, qui livre la trace Table of Contents tiques. Le projet pontifi cal de constitution d’une Église ténue de continuités d’un ordre di�férent, liées, libre se manifeste aussi par la volonté de faire des notamment, aux cérémonies d’investiture des Preface / Gilles Grivaud, Introduction clercs des individus libérés des obligations féodales, princes de ce monde ; puis, au cœur de l’ouvrage, Part I. Frankish Famagusta 1191-1373/4 ce qui pose problème pour les Grecs, majoritairement Peter W. Edbury, Famagusta and the Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus, l’examen des témoins textuels de la tradition 1192-1374 / Jean Richard, Famagouste dans les institutions du dépendants. Finalement, la tradition monastique est franque (diplômes mérovingiens, chronique de royaume de Chypre et la question du bailliage royal / David Jacoby, respectée : aucune restriction de statut n’empêche Nibelung, annales dérivées de celles, perdues, de The Economy of Frankish Famagusta, 1191-1373 l’entrée en religion des Grecs. La correspondance pon- Murbach, vignettes sur les derniers Mérovingiens Part II. Genoese Famagusta 1373/74-1464 tifi cale démontre que le monachisme grec fait partie apparentées à celle d’Éginhard, célèbre entre Catherine Otten-Froux, Famagouste sous la domination génoise de l’Église universelle, sans modifi er son identité. La toutes) ; enfi n, la dimension calendaire de la ré- (1374-1464) / Laura Balletto, Économie et commerce à Chypre pen- vitalité, notamment économique, et l’identité du mo- forme pippinienne, son rapport supposé à l’af- dant la période génoise / Svetlana Bliznyuk, Famagusta on Guard nachisme grec ne sont pas altérées par la présence Part III. Frankish and Genoese Famagusta fi rmation ou à la di�fusion de créneaux religieux Michel Balard, Syrian Christian Communities in Medieval latine. exclusifs (Quatre-Temps, Carême). L’enquête Famagusta / Alexander Beihammer, La population de Famagouste dont on pose ici quelques jalons prend donc en (XIIIe-XVe siècle) / Chris Schabel, The Ecclesiastical History of quelque sorte le contrepied des mégalographies Lusignan and Genoese Famagusta des Lumières, si déterminantes en dépit de leurs Part IV. Venetian Famagusta 1474-1571 défauts évidents — l’histoire n’était guère, alors, Gilles Grivaud, Martiale et marcienne, Famagouste entre 1474-1571 qu’une science auxiliaire au service de la philoso- Part V. Medieval and Renaissance Famagusta Panos Leventis, Fragmentation and Unity / Angel Nicolaou- phie politique. Konnari, Women in Medieval Famagusta Part VI. Medieval and Renaissance Famagusta in Retrospect Table des matières: Lucie Bonato, Famagouste dans la littérature des voyageurs français / Rita Severis, Famagusta : With Pencils, Brush, and Palette / Maps and Illustrations - List of Abbreviations – Bibliography - Index / List of Contributors approx. 450 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 85 approx. 850 p., 115 b/w ills, 155 x 240 mm, 2020, approx. € 110 approx. 480 p., 1 col. ill., 155 x 240 mm, 2020, approx. € 90 ISBN 978-2-503-58693-9 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58694-6 ISBN 978-2-503-59041-7 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-59042-4 ISBN 978-2-503-59131-5 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-59132-2 Série: Haut Moyen Âge, vol. 41 Series: Mediterranean Nexus 1100-1700, vol. 8 Série: Mediterranean Nexus 1100-1700, vol. 9 EN PRÉPARATION IN PREPARATION EN PRÉPARATION (FÉVRIER 2021)


Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts France et Angleterre : Jewish Book – Christian Book of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle manuscrits médiévaux Hebrew Manuscripts in Transition in British Libraries entre 700 et 1200 between Jews and Christians in Volume III: Aberdeen – York Charlotte Denoël & Francesco Siri (éds) the Context of German Humanism Pamela Robinson Ilona Steimann Grâce à un mécénat exceptionnel de la Fondation A contribution to Aristotelian scholarship enriching Polonsky, la Bibliothèque nationale de France et la Jewish Book – Christian Book: Hebrew Manuscripts in an understanding of medieval thought and learn- ont noué un partenariat inédit dans le Transition between Jews and Christians in the Context ing, this is the third volume in a series of catalogues domaine des manuscrits médiévaux autour d’un pro- of German Humanism is intended as a contribution to describing manuscripts in British libraries with Latin gramme intitulé « France-Angleterre 700-1200 : ma- the history of the production, circulation, and recep- commentaries and annotations demonstrating the nuscrits médiévaux de la BnF et de la British Library ». tion of Hebrew materials outside of a Jewish context. medieval reader’s engagement with Aristotle’s text. Il inclut 800 manuscrits, conservés pour moitié à la BnF pour moitié à la British Library, qui ont été sé- An intriguing development in the late fi �teenth and This is the third and fi nal volume describing manu- lectionnés en fonction de leur importance pour l’his- early sixteenth-century Christian Hebraism is how scripts and fragments in British libraries containing toire des relations franco-anglaises au Moyen Âge, and why Christian scholars came to produce their own commentaries and glosses on the Latin Aristotle. It ainsi que pour leur intérêt artistique, historique ou Hebrew books. Jewish Book – Christian Book: Hebrew e e covers institutional libraries from Aberdeen to York, littéraire. Produits entre le VIII et la fi n du XII siècle, Manuscripts in Transition between Jews and Christians in including cathedral libraries, and lists 193 main items ces manuscrits couvrent des domaines très variés re- the Context of German Humanism o�fers a novel exam- (including fragments dismembered from several présentatifs de la production intellectuelle du haut ination of this phenomenon in light of nearly unknown books), dating from the twel�th century until c.1500. Moyen Âge et de l’époque romane. Hebrew manuscripts produced by German Hebraists While many of these manuscripts have come to Britain in that period. Anticipating Hebraist printed editions, from elsewhere in Europe and were only acquired À l’occasion du lancement o�fi ciel des deux sites web the Hebraist manuscript copies of Jewish texts repre- post-1500, they represent teaching and learning not réalisés dans le cadre du programme, la bibliothèque sent one of the earliest attempts of Christians to in- only in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge but numérique « Gallica marque blanche » et un site web dependently form a stock of Jewish literature, which also in continental universities. A majority of them à visée pédagogique, un colloque international or- would meet their scholarly needs and interests, and are now held in the British Library, London, and many ganisé par la BnF s’est tenu les 21-23 novembre 2018. embody a unique encounter of Jewish and Christian have not been fully described before. The volume also Rassemblant di�férentes contributions consacrées views of the Hebrew text and book. How Hebraist includes addenda from Oxford and Cambridge, and aux manuscrits du corpus Polonsky et réparties en copyists coped with the inherent “Jewishness” of the four indexes are provided to facilitate searching the trois thématiques – histoire de l’art, acteurs et histoire Hebrew texts and in what ways they transformed and main text. des textes –, ces actes jettent un regard renouvelé sur adapted them both textually and materially to serve les échanges culturels entre France et Angleterre au Christian audience are among the key questions dis- Pamela Robinson is Reader Emerita in and Moyen Âge. cussed in this study. Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of English Studies, Table des matières: University of London. She is the compiler of Catalogues of Ilona Steimann (PhD 2015, The Hebrew University Dated and Datable Manuscripts in both Cambridge and of Jerusalem) is a research associate in the Cluster of London Libraries, and has published on codicology and later Excellence “Understanding Written Artefacts” at the medieval manuscripts produced in England. Hamburg University.

327 p., 1 col. ill., 152 x 229 mm, 2020, € 115 ISBN: 978-2-503-57339-7 (HB) 448 p., 10 b/w + 101 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, € 90 263 p., 28 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, € 80 Series: Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on ISBN 978-2-503-58772-1 (PB) ISBN 978-2-503-59074-5 (PB) Aristotle in British Libraries, vol. 3 Série: Bibliologia, vol. 57 Series: Bibliologia, vol. 58 AVAILABLE DISPONIBLE AVAILABLE


The Anglo-Norman Bible’s The French Works of Marcel Proust Book of Joshua Jofroi de Waterford Cahier 7 de la Bibliothèque Brent A. Pitts A Critical Edition nationale de France Critical edition with commentary of the Anglo- Keith Busby Julie André, Emanuele Arioli & Matthieu Vernet (éds) Norman Bible’s Book of Joshua. First modern edition of three Hiberno-French texts. Rédigé en grande partie en 1909 en parallèle avec le The Anglo-Norman Bible’s Joshua includes tales of Cahier 6, le Cahier 7 fait partie du projet précoce d’un spies, giants, the prostitute Rahab, the punishment of At the beginning of the fourteenth century, Jofroi, « Contre Sainte-Beuve » à la fois narratif et critique. Achan, oracles, and Joshua’s brilliant military victories. a brother of the Dominican house of St Saviour’s in Joshua stops the sun. The fi rst half of the book relates Waterford, Ireland, translated into French and adapt- Rédigé en grande partie en 1909 en parallèle avec le Joshua’s stunning conquests in Canaan. The second ed from the Latin three texts: the De excidio Troiae of Cahier 6, le Cahier 7 fait partie du projet précoce d’un half, the apportionment of the land among the tribes, the so-called ‘Dares Phrygius’, the Breviarium historiae « Contre Sainte-Beuve » à la fois narratif et critique. detailed geographical surveys of territorial boundar- romanae of Eutropius, and the Pseudo-Aristotelian On y trouve ainsi, outre des descriptions de l’église de ies, and the death of Joshua. Secretum secretorum. While the fi rst two, La gerre de Troi Combray et de l’abbaye de Guermantes, les premières Skilful, well-paced story telling is a feature of the and Le regne des Romains are generally close transla- rédactions d’épisodes qui deviendront centraux ANB’s Joshua. To the accounts of Rahab and Achan tions, Le secré de secrés is much modifi ed by omissions dans À la recherche du temps perdu – présentation du we may add the chronicle of Joshua’s successful, and interpolations of exempla and scientifi c materi- « petit noyau des Verdurin », rencontre du héros et crushing campaign in the wake of the destruction of al. In his enterprise, Jofroi was aided and abetted by de Guercy (le futur Charlus), soirée chez la princesse Makkedah. In rapid succession, and in an annalistic his scribe, the Walloon merchant and custos, Servais de Guermantes, tirade sur la « race maudite » – mais style involving staccato repetition of key phrases, the Copale. This book is the fi rst critical edition of Jofroi’s aussi une conversation entre le héros et sa mère sur narrator relates the destruction of Libnah, Lachish, œuvre. The texts are accompanied by a general intro- Guermantes, puis sur « Sainte-Beuve et Baudelaire ». Eglon, Hebron, and Debir. duction, individual introductions to each of the three texts, extensive notes, a substantial glossary, and an Brent A. Pitts is professor of French at Meredith College, index of proper names. Jofroi and Servais collaborat- Raleigh, North Carolina. ed in Waterford, not Paris, as has long been assumed, and these texts are therefore witness to the impor- tance of French as a literary language in southeastern Ireland.

Keith Busby is Douglas Kelly Professor of Medieval French, Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America.

2 vols, approx. 460 p., 140 b/w ills, 225 x 295 mm, 2020, approx. € 250 approx. 210 p., 1 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 75 494 p., 3 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 90 ISBN: 978-2-503-57564-3 (HB) ISBN: 978-2-503-59133-9 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59134-6 ISBN 978-2-503-58294-8 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58295-5 Série: Marcel Proust. Cahiers 1 à 75 de la Bibliothèque nationale Series: Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge, vol. 26 Series: Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge, vol. 25 de France, vol. 7 IN PREPARATION AVAILABLE EN PRÉPARATION (FÉVRIER 2021)


Transferts culturels La Bouquechardière La Bouquechardière franco-italiens au Moyen Âge de Jean de Courcy de Jean de Courcy Trasferimenti culturali T. 4, La diaspora européenne des Troyens. T. 5. De l’Assyrie à la Perse. Édition critique et commentaire du Livre III Édition critique et commentaire italo francesi du livre IV Claudio Galderisi (éd.) Sandrine Hériché Pradeau (éd.) Sarah Michels (éd.) La Società italiana di Filologia romanza, la Société de lan- Jean de Courcy, seigneur de Bourg-Achard en Au début du XVe siècle, « le chevalier normant » gues et littératures médiévales d’oc et d’oïl et la Société de Normandie, écrit à partir de 1416 la Bouquechardière, Jean de Courcy écrit une longue compilation d’his- Linguistique romane ont décidé d’organiser conjointe- une histoire de l’Antiquité moralisée en six livres, où toire ancienne moralisée qui porte le nom de la ment un colloque consacré au thème des « transferts sont privilégiés la Grèce et les territoires européens Bouquechardière, du nom de son fi ef, Bourg-Achard. culturels franco-italiens au Moyen Âge ». Le thème et asiatiques qui lui sont liés. Après avoir consacré Son quatrième livre est consacré aux Assyriens et des transferts culturels, choisi par les trois sociétés, est le premier livre au récit des origines de la Grèce et le à leur devenir : on y voit l’Assyrie originelle de la apparu comme le meilleur moyen d’étudier ce qui à deuxième livre à la guerre de Troie, l’écrivain s’attache Haute Mésopotamie se disputer l’hégémonie avec la la fois rapproche et sépare ces deux espaces centraux dans ce troisième livre à raconter la geste d’Enée Babylonie, la Médie et la Perse, quatre belliqueuses de la Romania. et des survivants troyens qui essaiment partout en puissances idolâtres contre lesquelles les Hébreux Le colloque a permis de contribuer au renouvellement Europe et y fondent de nombreuses cités, dont Venise, tentent de résister. des études comparatistes dans le domaine des lettres Rome, Paris, Londres. Dans chaque chapitre, le récit Cette édition critique se fonde sur un examen de tous médiévales, favorisant une meilleure communica- historique, qui s’achève au moment de la fondation les manuscrits connus. tion entre les spécialistes de la civilisation littéraire de l’Angleterre, est prolongé par une glose à valeur du Moyen Âge. La structuration des trois journées édifi ante selon le modèle de l’écriture homilétique. Sarah Baudelle-Michels est maître de conférences en en cinq séances principales et deux tables rondes a Cette édition critique se fonde sur un examen de tous langue et littérature médiévales. également permis de ré�léchir à ce sujet selon cinq les manuscrits connus (31). approches complémentaires qui entendent tenir compte de l’ensemble des mouvements qui mettent en relation et en tension les lettres gallo-romanes et le volgare tout au long du Moyen Âge vernaculaire.

Table des matières :

approx. 320 p., 10 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 70 approx. 330 p., 1 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 120 approx. 372 p., 1 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 110 ISBN: 978-2-503-58771-4 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59328-9 ISBN: 978-2-503-58624-3 (HB) ISBN: 978-2-503-58625-0 (HB) Série: Bibliothèque de Transmédie, vol. 8 Série: Recherches sur les Réceptions de l’Antiquité, vol. 1.4 Série: Recherches sur les Réceptions de l’Antiquité, vol. 1.5 EN PRÉPARATION EN PRÉPARATION EN PRÉPARATION


Between the Text and the Page Les lettres romanes 74 1-2 (2020) Acquisition through Translation Studies on the Transmission of Medieval Le polémiste au miroir de la polémique Towards a Defi nition of Ideas in Honour of Frank T. Coulson Renaissance Translation Harald Anderson & David T. Gura (eds) Table des matières Alessandra Petrina & Federica Masiero (eds)

This volume pays homage to manuscripts and early L. Saintes, Le polémiste au miroir de la polémique : mot The emergence of standard modern languages in printed books as material witnesses in the Middle d’introduction early modern Europa entailed a competition with the Ages. The essays discuss broad questions relating to F. Ninitte, Les métamorphoses du « je » de la polémique dominant Latin culture, which remained the preva- the partisan interpretation of texts, but they also il- islamochrétienne : le cas des réutilisations de l’Apologie lent medium for the language of science, philosophy, lustrate how small details of format, script, and dec- d’al-Kindī de Bagdad au duché de Bourgogne (IXe-XVe siècles) theology and until at least the eighteenth oration uncover the text, its context, and its reception. P. Debailly, Lyrisme et auctorialité dans la grande satire century. In this process, translation played a very spe- Some articles explore scientifi c methods, examining cial role: in a number of signifi cant instances we can whether social network analysis can o�fer an advance poétique e identify in the undertaking of a specifi c translation a over traditional methods of establishing textual P. Aron, La satire en vers au XIX siècle policy of acquisition of classical – and by defi nition au- connections and using statistics to understand the L. Saintes, Parole pamphlétaire, parole plébéienne. Les cas de thoritative – texts that contributed to the building of transmission of ancillary materials. Others present Paul-Louis Courier et de Claude Tillier an intellectual library for the emerging nation. At the critical editions and contextualize lost genres, provid- C. Passard, Façon d’être pamphlétaire à la fi n du XIXe siècle same time, the transmission of ideas and texts across ing a fi rst edition of an unedited summary of Ovid’s en France : le cas Édouard Drumont Europe constructed a diasporic and transnational cul- Metamorphoses steeped in the Boccaccian genealog- ture: the emerging vernacular cultures acquired not D. Vrydaghs, Le polémiste et l’esthète : fi gurations de la ical tradition, exploring mock funeral eulogies for an- only the classical Latin models, incorporating them polémique dans Lisbonne, dernière marge d’Antoine imals, and discussing the variety of texts that pay wit- in their own intellectual libraries, but turned their at- Volodine ness to Ovid’s penetration into vernacular literature. A tention also to contemporary, or near-contemporary, closing brace of essays catalogue collections and re- M. Thiry, L’insoutenable posture de Paul Nougé vernacular texts, conferring on them, through the �lect on changing trends in the study of manuscripts. act of translation, the status of classics. Through the Varia examination of case studies, that take into account Table of Contents: D. Mite Colceriu, Le Christ romantique chez Chateaubriand. both literary and scientifi c texts, this volume o�fers an Comparaison avec Schleiermacher et Hölderlin overview of how early modern Europe developed its vernacular national literatures, following the model J.-F. Domenget, Montherlant et ses personnages. Sur les suggested in the late Middle Ages, through a process lettres de Claude-Maurice Robert à Jeanne Sandelion of acquisition and translation.

Les Livres Alessandra Petrina is Professor of English Literature at the Diana Mite Colceriu et Daniela Mariucuta, Une University of Padua. Federica Masiero graduated from the archéologie des émotions. De saint Augustin à William University of Padua in 1997. She now has a national abili- James (Jean-Claude Polet) tazione as Associate Professor. Andrea Vannicelli, Il tramonto dei Lumi. Storia della letteratura francese da Chateaubriand a Houellebecq Table of Contents: (Jean-Claude Polet).

vi + 369 p., 150 x 230 mm, Pontifi cal Institute of Mediaeval Studies, vi + 193 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 46 2020, approx. € 95 ISBN: 978-2-503-58738-7 (PB) ISBN: 978-0-88844-833-0 (HB) Journal: Les lettres romanes, vol. 74 1-2 DISPONIBLE Series: Papers in Mediaeval Studies, vol. 33 approx. 300 p., 4 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 75 AVAILABLE Print & Online Subscriptions: ISBN: 978-2-503-58954-1 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58955-8 North American customers are advised to order contact [email protected] Series: The Medieval Translator, vol. 18 through University of Toronto Press Online content available on IN PREPARATION


Inequality and the City in Reading the Natural World in the Beasts, Humans, and Transhumans in the Low Countries (1200-2020) Middle Ages and the Renaissance the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Eugene Clay (ed.) Bruno Blondé, Sam Geens, Hilde Greefs, Perceptions of the Environment Wouter Ryckbosch, Tim Soens, Peter Stabel (eds) and Ecology From shape-shi�ting Merlin to the homunculi of Thomas Willard (ed.) Table of Contents Paracelsus, the nine fascinating essays of this collec- tion explore the contested boundaries between hu- Introduction From the late 600s to the early 1600s, medieval and man and non-human animals, between the body and 1. The Low Countries’ Paradox: Historical Perspectives on early modern people engaged with nature in ways the spirit, and between the demonic and the divine. Inequality and the City that shaped their sense of place, religion, literature, I. The Urbanisation of Inequality art, and more. Contributors to this volume draw from From shape-shi�ting Merlin to the homunculi of 2. Get Rich and Try Dyeing. Cloth Production and Social recent trends in ecological thinking to reassess their Paracelsus, the nine fascinating essays of this collection Inequality in Town and Countryside (Sixteenth Century) / chosen topics. 3. Did Urban Manure Nourish the Country? Social explore the contested boundaries between human and non-human animals, between the body and the spir- Consequences of Fertiliser Improvement in Eighteenth- Table of Contents Century Flemish Farming / 4. Cities in Motion. Mobility, it, and between the demonic and the divine. Drawing Migration Selectivity and Demographic Change in Abbreviations on recent work in animal studies, posthumanism, and Belgian Cities, 1846-1910 / 5. Organising the Work-Home Introduction: Reading the Book of Nature — THOMAS transhumanism, these innovative articles show how Split by the Urban-Rural link. Transport Networks, WILLARD, University of Arizona contemporary debates about the nature and future Mobility and Urbanisation in Early Twentieth-Century of humanity have deep roots in the myths, litera- / 6. The City and the Parking Lot: Movement and Part I: Perspectives Standstill on the 21st-century Urban Labour Market Reading Early Medieval Landscape and Environment: ture, philosophy, and art of the Middle Ages and the Materially Engaged Approaches to Documentary Sources — Renaissance. The authors of these essays demonstrate II. Politics of Inequality MICHAEL BINTLEY, Birkbeck College, University of London / Rivers 7. The Impact of Urban Elites’ Political Participation how classical stories of monsters and metamorphoses as Critical Boundaries in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival o�fered philosophers, artists, and poets a rich source on Economic Policy in the Low Countries 1100-1600 / and Titurel: Ecocritical Perspectives in Medieval German 8. Si grant inégalité? Town, Countryside and Taxation Literature — ALBRECHT CLASSEN, University of Arizona for re�lection on marriage, resurrection, and the pas- in Flanders, c. 1350 – c. 1500 / 9. The Rise of the Fiscal sions of love. The ambiguous and shi�ting distinctions Part II: The Medieval World State? Urban Finances, Politics and Social Inequality in between human, animal, demon, and angel have long Sixteenth-century ’s-Hertogenbosch / 10. An Experiment Feathers and Figuration: Ravens in Old English Literature —TODD PRESTON, Lycoming College / Nature as Worshiper: been contentious. Beasts can elevate humanity: for of Social Equality? The Case of the Calvinist Republic in Renaissance courtiers, horsemanship defi ned nobility. (1577-1585) / 11. Law Courts and Social Inequality Reading “The Song of the Three Children” in Daniel and Azarias in the Cities of the Eighteenth-Century Low Countries — EMMA KNOWLES, University of Sydney / The Exemplary But animals are also associated with the demonic, and Environment of Bartholomeus Anglicus — MICHAEL W. medieval illuminators portrayed Satan with bestial fea- III. Shocks, Crises and Inequality TWOMEY, Ithaca College / Field Notes on the Inferno: Snakes tures. Divided into three sections that examine meta- 12. The Great Destruction of People and Wealth. The (and Cords) — LORI J. ULTSCH, Hofstra University / Corruption morphoses, human-animal relations, and the demonic Impact of the Ghent Revolt on Wealth Inequality and Redemption: An Ecotheological Reading of Ála Flekks saga in the Last Quarter of the Fourteenth Century / —TIFFANY NICOLE WHITE, University of California at Berkeley / and monstrous, this volume raises intriguing questions 13. Levelling Through Space? The Redistributive Capacity Visualizing the Medieval Park: Real Spaces and Imagined about the ways humans have understood their kinship of Demographic Decline in Antwerp’s Darkest Hour Places in Le livre de chasse — REBEKAH L. PRATT-STURGES, with animals, nature, and the supernatural. (1584-1586) / 14. Real Property, Speculation and Housing Northern Arizona University Inequality. Bruges, 1550-1670 Table of Contents Part III: The Early Modern World Introduction — J. EUGENE CLAY IV. Cultural and Consumer Dynamics of Inequality Nature as Book and Stage in Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo’s Part I Metamorphoses 15. Cra�t Guilds as Vectors of Middle-Class Values / Chronicles of Nicaragua — SARAH H. BECKJORD, Boston Animal/Merlin/Demon — ROBERT S. STURGES / Metamor- 16. In Haste for Better Taste? The Social E�fects of Changing College / Saul and Paul in the Wilderness: Two Religious phosis and Metempsychosis in Thomas Bradwardine’s De Dining Cultures in Fi�teenth- and Sixteenth–century Landscapes of Pieter Bruegel the Elder — CATHERINE causa Dei — EDIT ANNA LUKACS / The Birds of Love: Doves, Bruges / 17. Comforts of Di�ference. Social Inequality and SCHULTZ MCFARLAND, Independent Scholar / “I on my horse, Pigeons and Owls in Nicolas Brizard’s Metamorphoses Amoris the Material Culture of Energy in Eighteenth-Century and love on me”: Contextualizing the Equestrian Metaphors of (1556) — JOHN NASSICHUK Ghent / 18. Violent classes? Interpersonal Violence and Philip Sidney’s Astrophil and Stella — JENNIFER BESS, Goucher Part II Beasts and Humans Social Inequality in Mechelen, 1350-1700 / 19. The New College / Shakespeare’s Savage Trees — GRACE TIFFANY, Beastly Boars and Human Hunters in MS Bodley 764 — Police as Agents of Class Control? Urban Policing and its Western Michigan University / How to do Things with Birds: The SUSAN ANDERSON / Horsemanship and Libros de Jineta in Socio-Geographical Focus in Nineteenth-Century Antwerp Radical Politics of Nature’s Speech Acts in Macbeth — SETH Habsburg Spain — KATHRYN RENTON V. Methodological, Theoretical and Contemporary SWANNER, Northwestern University / Notes on Contributors Part III Beyond Humanity: Demons and Monsters Perspectives “If You Go Down to the Woods Today”: William Rufus and 20. How was City Life? Moving beyond GDP and Real the Noonday Demon — DAVID SCOTT-MACNAB / Behold Income to Measure Pre-modern Welfare and Inequality thy Beast of Hoof and Horn: Representations of the Devil Levels / 21. Diachrony, Synchrony and Modernity. How to in Illuminations of the Temptation of Christ, 1150–1400 — Contribute to the Debate on Economic Inequality from AMANDA E. DOWNEY / A Monstrous Marriage: Grotesque an Historical Perspective? / 22. Di�ferent systems and Ornament in Late Renaissance ‘Cassoni’ — RACHEL L. inequalities? Comparing education in the Low Countries CHANTOS / The Monsters of Paracelsus — THOMAS WILLARD Notes on Contributors 409 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2020, € 99 ISBN 978-2-503-58868-1 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58869-8 xxi + 232 p., 7 b/w ills, 9 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 75 xxiv + 168 p., 3 b/w ills, 4 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 70 Series: Studies in European Urban History (1100-1800), vol. 50 ISBN 978-2-503-59044-8 (HB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59045-5 ISBN 978-2-503-59063-9 (HB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59064-6 AVAILABLE Series: Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, vol. 46 Series: Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, vol. 45 AVAILABLE AVAILABLE


Poco a poco Donne interpreti della Bibbia Mary of Hungary, Renaissance L’apport de l’édition italienne nell’Italia della prima età moderna Patron and Collector dans la culture francophone Comunità ermeneutiche e riscritture Gender, Art and Culture Actes du LXe Colloque international Erminia Ardissino Noelia Garcia Pérez (ed.) d’études humanistes (CESR, 27-30 juin 2017) Opere di donne basate sulla Bibbia nell’Italia dal Beyond forming one of the most important art Quattrocento al Seicento collections of the European Renaissance and Chiara Lastraioli, Massimo Scandola (éd.) playing a prominent role in the patronage of the La Bibbia è stato il libro più familiare per le donne artists she received under her protection, Mary of Études sur in�luence de la culture imprimée nella prima età moderna e proprio in ambito religioso Hungary used art to construct an image of herself italienne de la Renaissance dans l’espace le donne italiane hanno maggiormente fatto sentire that undeniably contributed to the consolidation francophone la loro voce. Tuttavia non solo le testimonianze sono and dissemination of both her political legitima- scarse, ma anche gli studi hanno trascurato questo cy and that of her dynasty among the courts of La notion d’italianisme est, depuis plus d’un siècle, interessantissimo campo. Il volume studia come le Europe. une étiquette prête à l’emploi sous laquelle la critique donne italiane hanno preso parte al vivissimo dibat- a voulu rassembler les phénomènes les plus divers, re- tito rinascimentale sull’interpretazione e la divulga- Table of Contents levant aussi bien des arts que des lettres, des modèles zione delle Sacre Scritture, da cui hanno attinto per politiques et des pratiques sociales, ou encore des sa- sviluppare originali interventi. Sulla base delle riscrit- Introduction voirs philosophiques, scientifi ques et techniques. Ce ture bibliche che ci hanno lasciato, sono individuabili Noelia García Pérez volume porte un regard di�férent sur cette question, vere e proprie comunità ermeneutiche femminili. PART I: Mary of Hungary in context car il a comme point de départ l’étude de l’in�luence de Venezia, Firenze, il Centro Italia sono le coordinate Challenging Images: Charles V’s relationship with art, artists la culture imprimée en langue italienne dans les aires geografi che dei circoli ‘virtuali’ individuati. A Firenze and festivities. francophones à la Renaissance, mais aussi la persis- Mía Rodríguez Salgado le scrittrici che lavorano con e sulla Bibbia prediligono tance de cette culture tout au long de l’Ancien Régime il rapporto con la comunità politica, suggerendo mo- Like Aunt like Niece? Assessing the value of Margaret of dans les grandes collections publiques et privées. Austria’s collection for Mary of Hungary delli comportamentali che possono istruire le donne Fruit des recherches conjointes des chercheurs parti- Dagmar Eichberger per il loro inserimento nella società civile. A Venezia Alessandro Nogarola’s Rediscovered Vita of Mary of Hungary, cipants, parfois de façon continue, parfois épisodique- le donne usavano la Bibbia come strumento di difesa Regent of the ment, au projet de recherche ANR-13-BSH3-0010-01 della dignità femminile e della parità dei sessi, fon- Annemarie Jordan Gschwend L’édition italienne dans l’espace francophone à la première dando sull’episodio edenico coraggiose letture che PART II: Mary of Hungary and the arts modernité (EDITEF), ce volume ouvre des nouvelles mostrano l’avvio della cosiddetta querelle des femmes. Mary of Hungary, patron and collector, from political to perspectives méthodologiques et scientifi ques sur Nell’Italia centrale invece l’interesse femminile si : the state of the question des aspects méconnus de l’appropriation de la culture Noelia García Pérez focalizza su una dimensione più devozionale e spiri- italienne dans le monde francophone, tout en suivant tuale, sul problema della salvezza per il benefi cio di Titian, Mary of Hungary, and Venus and Psyche la parabole de la di�fusion des textes dès leur impres- Miguel Falomir Faus Cristo e sulla versifi cazione e commento dei Salmi. sion jusqu’à leur conservation, en passant par leur «A woman who is so much like a man»: Mary of Hungary, Con questo studio si intende portare in giusta luce il Female Rulership, and Portraits by the Leoni commercialisation, traduction et appropriation dans contributo delle donne italiane al dibattito culturale e Kelley Helmtutler Di Dio les contextes sociaux les plus variés. religioso nell’età delle Riforme, mostrare la modernità A New Perspective on Mary of Hungary’s Labours of Hercules e vivacità delle loro posizioni oltre che recuperarne il Tapestries Chiara Lastraioli est professeur des universités au sein du (Patrimonio Nacional, series 23) valore letterario e intellettuale, infi ne si vuole sottoli- Centre d’études supérieures de la Renaissance (CESR) et du neare come la libertà interpretativa del testo sacro sia Anne Sophie Laruelle département d’Italien de l’Université de Tours. Massimo Female readings and dynastic bibliophilia on Mary of servita come elemento promotore di emancipazione Scandola est docteur de recherche en histoire de la docu- Hungary e partecipazione. José Luis Gonzalo Sánchez-Molero mentation de l’Université de Sienne (2012) et chargé d’en- Mary of Hungary, Patron of Music seignement d’études italiennes à l’Université de Tours. Table of Contents: Camilla Cavicchi Bibliography - Index Table des matières:

232 p., 18 b/w ills, 32 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2020, € 55 ISBN 978-2-503-58948-0 (PB) 386 p., 34 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, €50 383 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 60 Series: Études Renaissantes, vol. 31 ISBN 978-2-503-59028-8 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-59029-5 ISBN 978-2-503-59103-2 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-59104-9 AVAILABLE Série: Études Renaissantes, vol. 32 Series: Études Renaissantes, vol. 33 DISPONIBLE IN PREPARATION


Médecins des textes, Charles V, Prince Philip, Des migrants invisibles ? médecins des âmes and the Politics of Succession Les Français dans les espaces frontaliers Adrien Turnèbe et Guillaume Morel, Imperial Festivities in Mons and des Pays-Bas habsbourgeois, XVIe-XVIIe Les préfaces de deux imprimeurs érudits Hainault, 1549 siècle (Artois, Hainaut, Flandre wallonne) Marie Barral - Baron, Judit Kecskeméti †, Margaret McGowan, Margaret Shewring (eds) Marie Kervyn Alexandre Vanautgaerden For the fi rst time, through a range of interdisci- A study dedicated to a better understanding of so- Edition des préfaces des deux imprimeurs érudits plinary studies, the magnifi cent festivals created cial and political borderlife in the Southern Low Adrien Turnèbe (1512-1565) et Guillaume Morel to honour Prince Philip of Spain as he journeyed Countries, through the migratory question. (1505-1564). across Europe to receive his sovereignty of the Low Countries are brought to life. The splendour Cette étude consacrée aux migrants invisibles o�fre Médecins des textes, médecins des âmes, tel pourrait être of entries in the cities of Northern Italy (such as une histoire sociale du politique, en mêlant les di- le credo d’Adrien Turnèbe (1512-1565) et Guillaume Genoa and Milan) was challenged by the civic al- mensions anthropologique, juridique et économique. Morel, deux imprimeurs érudits qui ont consacré legories of triumph displayed throughout the Low Elle contemple des étrangers peu ou pas visibles, les « leur vie à soigner, suturer, réparer les textes du passé Countries in Ghent, Antwerp, and Amsterdam. Français », issus d’une communauté qui n’existe pas en pour les transmettre aux hommes de leur génération substance. Tout comme les personnes et les groupes et des siècles à venir. Associés dès 1551, Turnèbe et Table of Contents avec lesquels ils interagissent, ces migrants sont des Morel agissent tous deux sur leur temps grâce à leurs Acknowledgements, List of Illustrations, acteurs plus ou moins ordinaires, a�fi chant surtout les presses, désirant annihiler la violence par la force de Editors and Contributors capacités à agir et à parler à l’époque moderne. Et s’il leurs manuscrits. En proposant l’édition de l’ensemble Introduction y a une infi nité de manières d’être considérés comme de leurs préfaces, cet ouvrage éclaire d’une lumière Imperial Festivities in Mons and Hainault, 1549: Festivités « étrangers », ces migrants ne sont pas systématique- nouvelle la complexion de ces savants qui défendent impériales dans le Hainaut, 1549 ment tenus pour tels dans des provinces de frontière Margaret M. McGowan and Margaret Shewring une certaine idée de l’homme, de l’amitié, de la paix Part I: Setting the Scene séparant (ou unissant) les Pays-Bas habsbourgeois en un siècle d’a�frontements. 1. Prince Philip’s Itinerary across Europe, 1548–1550: An et le royaume de France. Dès lors, quels sont les mé- Overview – Margaret M. McGowan / 2. 1549: A Year of canismes de défi nition des individus dans un espace Agrégée d’histoire, docteur en histoire moderne de l’Uni- Grace for Emperor Charles V and His Subjects in the Low frontalier original relevant de l’empire mondial et versité Paris Sorbonne, Marie Barral-Baron est maître de Countries – Hugo Soly / 3. The Transformation of Philip, composite des Habsbourg, à la croisée des tensions conférences à l’Université de Franche-Comté. Spécialiste Prince of Spain, into the Lord of the Low Countries – M. J. confessionnelles et internationales des XVIe et XVIIe d’Érasme et de l’humanisme évangélique, ses recherches Rodríguez-Salgado / 4. The Entourage of Prince Philip in siècles ? À travers cette question, cet ouvrage souligne Connection with the Felicissimo Viaje: The Beginning of portent notamment sur l’histoire des idées de la première Burgundian Etiquette at the Spanish Court? – Félix Labrador l’importance de décloisonner des e moitié du XVI siècle. Docteur en philologie classique de Arroyo and José Eloy Hortal Muñoz nationales et de renouveler la méthodologie entre l’Université de Budapest et en grec post-classique de l’Uni- Part II: Entries histoire locale et histoire globale, pour une meilleure versité Paris-Sorbonne. Judit Kecskemeti a été ingénieur 5. Concordiam principum: The Triumphal Entry of Prince compréhension des sociétés anciennes. au CNRS et à l’IRHT. Elle a publié de nombreux ouvrages Philip into Milan (1548) – Francesca Bortoletti / 6. Prince sur les imprimeurs humanistes du XVIe siècle. Alexandre Philip’s Entry into Ghent, 1549: History, Language, Marie Kervyn est docteure en histoire de l’Université Libre Vanautgaerden de l’Académie royale de Belgique est doc- Architecture – Yves Pauwels / 7. The Importance of Being de Bruxelles (2016) et enseigne à l’Université du Costa Rica. Present: The Performances of Prince Philip in Binche and teur en histoire et histoire de l’art et auteur de nombreux Antwerp – Stijn Bussels Ses recherches portent essentiellement sur les espaces fron- ouvrages sur Erasme, l’humanisme et l’histoire du livre. Part III: Décor taliers des Pays-Bas espagnols et, de manière générale, sur la 8. The Enchantment of Woven Surfaces: The Seven Deadly culture politique des Habsbourg. Table des matières Sins Tapestries and Habsburg Propaganda in Binche, 1549 Jessie Park / 9. Garden of Cast Flowers: The ‘Enchanted Salon’ Table des matières: Alexandre Vanautgaerden, Préface and the Making of Sculptures for Festivals – Lisa Wiersma Marie Barral-Baron, Deux imprimeurs humanistes au miroir Part IV: Entertainments de leurs préfaces 10. The Tournament at Binche – Sydney Anglo / 11. Theatre of Étude introductive War: Armoured Combat at the Festivals of Binche – Tobias Préfaces de Guillaume Morel Capwell / 12. Masquerades at Binche: A New or Traditional Préfaces d’Adrien Turnèbe Spectacle? – Margaret M. McGowan Bibliographie - Index Epilogue: Munich 1568 Fashioning Identities in Habsburg-ruled Lands: The 1568 Wedding of Wilhelm V, Duke of Bavaria, and Renée, Duchess of Lorraine – R. L. M. Morris Appendix Prince Philip’s Journey Across Europe, 1548–1550: A Timetable of Dates and Places / Index

approx. 400 p., 36 b/w ills, 36 col. ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2020, € 100 approx. xvi + 544 p., 150 x 250 mm, 2020, approx. € 80 ISBN 978-2-503-58615-1 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58616-8 232 p., 3 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 61 ISBN 978-2-503-59291-6 (PB) Series: European Festival Studies: 1450-1700 ISBN 978-2-503-56932-1 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-56936-9 Série: Nugæ, vol. 20 IN PREPARATION (FEBRUARY 2021) Série: Habsburg Worlds, vol. 3 EN PRÉPARATION DISPONIBLE


International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance (IBHR)

Memories in Multi-Ethnic Societies Historiography and the Shaping A Multidisciplinary Bibliography Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Societies in of Regional Identity in Europe of the Renaissance and Europe from c. 1000 to the Present, I Regions in Clio’s Looking Glass the Early Modern Period (1500-1700) Przemyslaw Wiszewski (ed.) Dick E. H. de Boer, Luis Adao da Fonseca (eds) Subject Areas Explores the cohesive function of memory, tradi- The authors of this volume look at individual European tions, and identity politics of multi-ethnic societies regions from di�ferent points of view, using historiog- The bibliography focuses on European history in early Europe. raphy as a lens. They analyse the ways in which history and culture and encompasses a broad spectrum as a construct has played a role in establishing region- of subjects, such as: Literature, Art History, Social The three-volume project Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic al identity, providing examples of the ways in which & Economic History, Religion and Sciences. Societies in Europe from c. 1000 to the Present explores recording, interpreting, and recounting the history and seeks to fi nd solutions to a crucial problem fac- of regions through the ages has been instrumental The IBHR is part of the cluster Brepolis Medieval ing contemporary Europe: in what circumstances can in shaping these regions. The fi rst section of the vol- and Early Modern Bibliographies, and shares the di�ferent ethnic groups co-operate for the common ume explores regional identity in medieval and early same interface as the International Medieval good? They apparently did so in the past, combining modern historiography; the second shows how, in the Bibliography (IMB) and the Bibliographie de to form political societies, medieval and early modern age of the invention and triumph of the European na- civilisation médiévale (BCM), enabling simulta- duchies, kingdoms, and empires. But did they main- tion-state (the long nineteenth century), historiogra- neous cross-data base searching of more than tain their ethnic traditions in this process? Did they phy of a new kind was applied for a deliberate creation 1,000,000 bibliographic records. Together, they pass on elements of their cultural memory when they of regional identity, or at least re�lected the need for a cover 14 centuries of European history from 300 were not in a dominant position in a given polity? historical confi rmation of identities. to 1700. This fi rst volume of the project focuses on the cohesive function of memory, tradition, and identity politics in Table of Contents multi-ethnic societies. Featuring chapters written by Key Features authors from Southern, Central, and Eastern Europe, Acknowledgements it presents sixteen case studies of the co-habitation Regions in Clio’s Looking Glass: Introduction — DICK DE BOER • 417,500 entries searchable or co-operation of di�ferent ethnic groups from the AND LUIS ADÃO DA FONSECA / Regions and Historiography: Re�lections on the Ways in which Di�ferent Types of • 20,000 references added annually so-called ‘peripheries’ of medieval and early modern Historiography Shaped and Changed Regional Identities — • 900 journals regularly checked Europe that resulted in peaceful acculturation or the DICK DE BOER AND LUIS ADÃO DA FONSECA birth of a new identity on the basis of multi-ethnic • A comprehensive cataloguing Part I. Regional identity in Medieval and Early Modern and indexing system political society. The volume suggests that ethnic Historiography identities were consciously accepted as one among Boemi and the Others: Shaping the Regional Identity of • 120,000 index terms various forms of identity that were possessed by social Medieval Bohemia (Twel�th–Fourteenth Centuries) — JANA • Numerous search fi elds: author, groups: they were rarely absolutized, and members of FANTYSOVÁ-MATĚJKOVÁ / From the Duchy of Few to the title, year of publication, subject, etc. these groups preferred pragmatic approaches in their Homeland of Many: Regional Identity in Silesian Medieval • Multilingual content (English, French, Spanish, relations with other ethnicities. and Early Modern Historiography (c. 1200 - c. 1525) — PRZEMYSŁAW WISZEWSK / Chronicles of the Towns of German, Italian, ...) Upper Lusatia as a Mirror of the Political and Cultural Identity • International coverage: Przemysław Wiszewski is a Professor of Medieval and of the Region — LENKA BOBKOVÁ, PETR HRACHOVEC, Early Modern History at the Institute of History, University AND JAN ZDICHYNEC / From Principality into Province: The - France: 18% of Wrocław, with a special interest in medieval and early Historiography of the Guelders-Lower Rhine Region, from the - Iberia: 17% modern history of social relations and values structures Fi�teenth to the Seventeenth Centuries — JOB WESTSTRATE within medieval societies and regional history. Transylvania in the Historical Writing of Nicolaus Olahus - Italy: 17% (Sixteenth Century) — CORNELIA POPA-GORJANU - British Isles: 12% Table of Contents: Part II. The Creation of Regional Identity in Nineteenth - : 8% Century Historiography Regional Saints and Saints’ Regions: Post-Medieval - Other: 27% Appropriation of Sainthood — NILS HOLGER PETERSEN / Conceptions of History and Imagined Regions in the Baltic Provinces in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries More information & detailed lea�lets are — LINDA KALJUNDI AND AIVAR PÕLDVEE / National available on Regionalisms before Political Ideologies: Schleswig- Holstein in 1848 — MICHAEL BREGNSBO / Constructing and Deconstructing the Medieval Origin of — FLOCEL SABATÉ / Inventing Limburg (the Netherlands): Territory, History, Identity — AD KNOTTER

approx. 475 p., 16 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 115 approx. 300 p., 39 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 85 Brepols Online Databases ISBN 978-2-503-58890-2 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58891-9 ISBN 978-2-503-59071-4 (HB) / eISBN 978-2-503-59073-8 Series: Early European Research, vol. 15 Series: Early European Research, vol. 16 [email protected] – IN PREPARATION IN PREPARATION


Ikon 13/2020 Radiography and Painting New Horizons in Trecento A�terlife of Antiquity Elisabeth Ravaud, Marie Lionnet – de Loitière, Astrid Roche Italian Art Bryan Keene, Karl Whittington (eds) Claudia Cieri Via Aby Warburg and the A�terlife of Radiography is a technique which has been employed Antiquity. Morphology and History / Han Lamers A�terlife in the study of paintings for more than a century. The The fourteenth century in Italy, the age of Giotto, of Antiquity: Historical Meanderings / Katia Mazzucco history of this method of analysis indicates that its Dante, and Boccaccio, widely known as the tre- Nachlebende, Nachleben. Vehicles of A�terlife in (Some) development has been modest since the 1960s, as Images and Words of the Warburg Library / Rebeka cento, was a pivotal moment in art history and in its use has been limited to reductive approaches that European culture. The studies in this volume pres- Vidrih Triple Martyrdom at Notre Dame de Mouzon / take into account no more than the immediately intel- Doron Bauer Reused Roman Sarcophagi and the Emergence ent new approaches to art in this important but of- of Romanesque Sculpture in Northern Spain / Romana ligible signs. By systematically considering the physi- ten neglected period of the late Middle Ages and Rupiewicz The Motion of Celestial Bodies in Medieval cal mechanisms involved in the creation of an image, early Renaissance. Iconography. Christian Assimilation of Ancient Cosmology this volume seeks to demonstrate that we can access / Fabio Tononi Andrea Mantegna and the Iconography of new fi elds of radiological analysis by identifying two Table of Contents Mourners. Aby Warburgs Notion of Pathosformeln and the categories of ‘signs’: those that may be obvious, but Theory of Aesthetic Response / Barbara Baert A�terlife Studies whose meaning is misleading, and those which are Some Re�lections — Judith Steinho�f and the Occasio Grisaille in Mantua (School of Mantegna, 1495- not immediately comprehensible. Introduction — Karl Whittington and Bryan C. Keene 1510) / Mauro Salis When did Amphitrite Cross the Tyrrhenian This study has been primarily based on a thorough I: Matter and Material Sea? Some Re�lections on the Appearance of Grisaille, Myth Fictive porphyry exteriors in a group of multipart panel paint- and the Classical Renaissance Style in the Periphery of and essential reviewing of current literature concern- ings from Angevin Naples — Sarah Kozlowski / The Altar the Crown of Aragon / Stephanie Heremans Fritz Saxl as ing the materials and processes used for the produc- as Stage: Visual and Material Conditions of the Dramatized Reader of Aby Warburgs Sassetti Essay / Simona Drăgan tion of paintings. The semiological analysis is based Nativity — Patricia Simons / Jacopo, Niccolò, and Paintings in Ancient Survivals, Ingenious Meanings. Iconographic on the understanding of the physical phenomena oc- Books for Santa Maria degli Angeli — George Bent Echoes and Symbols of Dantes Iphigenia in the Sienese Art curring in the formation of the image, and on correla- II: Narrative and Response of the Early Renaissance / Thodoris Koutsogiannis Ancient tions between the radiographic images of a painting Painted Wood Caskets for Saints in Trecento Venice — Ana Greek Figures in Renaissance Germany via Italy. Cyriacus of and the information stemming from its observation, Munk / The Reliquary of the Column of the Flagellation: A Anconas Drawings and Their Distorted Perception / Giacomo Case for Narrative Reliquaries — Claire Jensen / The Problem Montanari Da Ciriaco a Sandro. Modelli culturali e fi gura- other scientifi c results and the restoration reports. of Narrative at the Chapter House of San Francesco in Pistoia tivi dellAntica Grecia dai viaggi del Pizzecolli ai dipinti di Furthermore, a number of experiments were con- — Laura Leeker / Seeing and Sensing Compassion: Giotto’s Botticelli / Alessandra Galizzi Kroegel From War Hero to ducted in order to consolidate certain assumptions Naturalism in the Arena Chapel and Pietro d’Abano’s Theory of Slave to Love. On the Reception of Achilles on Scyros in the regarding image-formation mechanisms. Ultimately, Sympathetic Response — Theresa Flanigan Renaissance Giuseppe Capriotti - Francesca Casamassima this book hopes to show how data resulting from ra- III: Prototypes: Local and Global Hermaphroditus and Iphis. Texts and Images from two diographic analysis can be seen and set in a broader Locating the Duomo of Milan in the European Trecento — Erik Ovidian Myths to Visualize Sexual Ambiguity in the Early context of information on a specifi c work, or a group Gustafson / The Ilkhanid-Italian Relationship during the Modern Age / Lasse Hodne The A�terlife of Greece. Warburgs Trecento: Medieval Persian Prototypes for Brunelleschi’s Dome Nietzschean Critique of Winckelmann / Laura Stagno Roman of works, in order to enrich our knowledge of art his- in Florence — Lorenzo Vigotti History Themes for Andrea Dorias Palazzo del Principe / tory, history of technology, and conservation as well as IV: Art and Identity Filipa Araújo Love is a fi re that burns unseen. The Reception restoration. A tribute to Dante: the Giottesque portrait in the Palazzo del of Greek Erotic Representations in Alciatos Emblemata and Podestà in Florence — Sonia Chiodo / Visual Representation Camoes / Jasenka Gudelj Resemiotization of Eastern Adriatic De formation médicale et spécialisée en radiologie, Elisabeth of Women’s Legal Duties in Medieval Siena — Elena Brizio Antiquities. Uses and Abuses of the Ancient Past / Antun Ravaud travaille au Laboratoire du Centre de recherche et V: Time and Knowledge Baće – Maja Zeman Ancient Water-God in the Residences de restauration des musées de France (C2RMF) depuis plus Towards a New Reading of the Fi�teenth-Century Astrological of Early Modern Dubrovnik / Agnieszka Skrodzka Antique Cycle at the Palazzo della Ragione in Padua — Anna Majeski / Inspirations in the Ideological Programmes of Artworks de vingt ans, où elle est actuellement responsable du groupe The New Time of the 1310s — Luca Palozzi / Diagramming of King Stanisaw Augusts Patronage (1764-1795 / Ylva peinture de chevalet. Elle travaille plus particulièrement à Triumph in Trecento Painting: Augustine and Thomas from Haidenthaller Adapting Antiquity. References to Classical l’apport de l’imagerie scientifi que dans la connaissance et Page to Wall — Karl Whittington Literature on Early Modern Swedish Medals / ... la conservation des peintures du XIIIe au XIXe siècle. Par ail- VI: Local Sanctities leurs, Elisabeth Ravaud coordonne aussi le groupe peinture Art of an Emblematic King: Robert I of Naples as King of Continue this table of contents on de l’ICOM-CC. Jerusalem in the Fourteenth Century — Cathleen Fleck / The Lignum Crucis and the Veneration of the Cross in the Contado of Siena: Unmasking Some Neglected Images of the Cathedral of Massa Marittima — Sandra Cardarelli / The Bodies and Blood of Christ and the Virgin at Santa Maria Novella, Florence — Amber McAlister VII: The Trecento in the Present Rising from the Rubble of World War Two: The High Altarpiece of Impruneta — Cathleen Hoeniger / Engaging with the Trecento — Caroline Campbell / A�terword — William 240 x 310 mm, 2020, € 58 Underwood Eiland ISBN 978-2-503-58731-8 (PB) Series: IKON, vol. 13 approx. 400 p., 200 b/w ills, 200 col. ills, 240 x 340 mm, 2020, AVAILABLE approx. 320 p., 200 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, approx. € 115 approx. € 150 ISBN 978-2-503-58618-2 (HB) Print & Online Subscriptions: ISBN 978-2-503-55454-9 (HB) Series: Trecento Forum, vol. 2 contact [email protected] Published outside a Series IN PREPARATION (MARCH 2021) Online content available on IN PREPARATION (FEBRUARY 2021)


Harvey Miller Publishers

Treasure, Memory, Nature Meltdown! In the House of the Muses Church Objects in the Middle Ages Picturing the World’s First Collection, Display and Performance in Philippe Cordez Bubble Economy the Veronese Palace of Mario Bevilacqua Madeleine Viljoen, Meredith Martin, Nina Dubin (1536-93) This book traces the origins, economic develop- Laura Moretti ment, and later history of church treasures, and This book focuses on the depiction of the fi rst inter- explores the forms and function of these objects of national fi nancial crisis following the 1720 collapse This book reconstructs a cross-section of the activ- memory and wonder. of stock market bubbles in England, France and the ities that took place in the rooms of the Veronese Netherlands. palace of Mario Bevilacqua, with the aim of shed- Precious metalwork, relics, chess pieces, ostrich ding light on the life, relationships and aspirations eggs, unicorn horns, and bones of giants were This book tells two parallel stories: one of the spectacu- of a preeminent fi gure in the world of collecting and among the treasury objects accumulated in church- lar rise and fall of the world’s fi rst bubble economy, and Italian artistic patronage in the fi nal quarter of the es during the Middle Ages. The material manifesta- another of the enterprising art industry that chronicled sixteenth century. tions of a Christian worldview, they would only later its collapse. The Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles, become naturalia and objets d’art, from the sixteenth spawning the invention of French banknotes as well as Mario Bevilacqua was one of the greatest collectors of and the nineteenth century onwards, respectively. joint-stock companies built on fantasies of New World the second half of the sixteenth century in the territo- Philippe Cordez traces the rhetorical origination, trade, imposed on everyday Europeans a crash course in ries of the . He was a true lover of economic development, and later history of church new fi nancial products. In turn, a bubbling print market literature and the arts, expressing a deep appreciation treasures, and explores the forms and functions of relentlessly caricatured the meltdown of 1720, o�fering for music and an instinctive attraction to antiquities. the memorial objects that constituted them. Such viewers an entertaining primer on the otherwise bewil- In the family palace on today’s Corso Cavour in Verona objects were a source of wonder for their contempo- dering realities of modern economic life. Such satirical renovated in the mid-sixteenth century by the archi- raries and remain so today, albeit for quite di�ferent works — most notably a Dutch compendium titled The tect Michele Sanmicheli, Bevilacqua set up what early reasons. Indeed, our fascination relates primarily to Great Mirror of Folly (Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid ) sources describe as a “museum” open to the public. their epistemic and aesthetic qualities. Dealing also — helped to demystify the disaster by deploying fa- Here it was possible to admire paintings, sculptures, with these paradigm shi�ts, this study opens up new miliar theatrical characters and tragic-comic motifs. drawings and prints, coins and medals, manuscripts, paths toward an archeology of current scholarly and Likening the speculative mania to an infectious disease, printed books and musical instruments – all objects museum practices. and spoofi ng the “herd behavior” of a money-crazed collected over the course of approximately twenty-fi ve public, its prints portrayed malevolent traders, hood- years, to which Mario dedicated much of his time and Philippe Cordez is Deputy Director of the German Center winked investors, and a chorus of heroes and villains resources. The library, also referred to as “studio”, was for Art History in Paris. both real and legendary, from the rakish fi nancier John considered one of the richest in the city, while the Law to the foolish Harlequin to the goddess Fortuna. “galleria” contained masterpieces such as Tintoretto’s Three hundred years later, our current moment o�fers a Paradise now at the Louvre, as well as antique statues uniquely fi tting vantage point from which to reconsider and busts of Roman emperors. The famous “ridotto”, the signifi cance of the bubbles and of the artworks that in which salaried musicians and singers performed channeled the fears and desires they unleashed. regularly, was frequented by citizens and foreigners and enjoyed international renown. Nina L. Dubin is an associate professor of Art History at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Meredith Martin is an as- sociate professor of Art History at New York University and the Institute of Fine Arts. Madeleine C. Viljoen is Curator of Prints and the Spencer Collection at The New York Public Library.

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284 p., 75 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2020, € 90 approx. 250 p., 120 col. ills, 300 x 240 mm, 2020, € 50 appox. 320 p., 138 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2020, approx. € 150 ISBN 978-1-912554-61-4 (HB) ISBN 978-1-912554-51-5 (HB) ISBN 978-1-912554-44-7 (HB) Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History Published outside a Series Series: In the Shadow of the Lion of St. Mark, vol. 3 AVAILABLE IN PREPARATION IN PREPARATION


Harvey Miller Publishers

Tributes to Richard K. Emmerson The Rome of Paul III (1534-1549) Author Profi le Crossing Medieval Disciplines Art, Ritual and Urban Renewal Guido Rebecchini The Courtauld Institute of Art Elina Gertsman, Karlyn Gri�fi th, Deirdre Carter (eds) Guido Rebecchini

Honoring the scholarship of Richard K. Emmerson, This book sheds new light on a key stage in the de- The subject of this book began this collection interrogates the concept of interdis- velopment of the tightly knit urban fabric of ear- to materialize as soon as I ciplinarity through a set of essays that traverse the ly-modern Rome, adopting an innovative, multi-dis- moved away from the streets traditional boundaries of various fi elds in medieval ciplinary approach. and squares of Rome where I studies. had grown up, fi rst to Florence, During his reign (1534-1549), Pope Paul III transformed then Los Angeles, Mantua Rome from a derelict town to a dignifi ed and even tri- Table of Contents and, fi nally, to London. Each umphal city. This richly illustrated book uses mainly of these cities, large and small, unpublished documentation to investigate a range of Elina Gertsman and Deirdre Carter — Introduction: A Laudarium underscored the exceptional complexity of the historical Publications by Richard K. Emmerson multi-media urban, architectural and artistic projects layering of Rome. As a result of my exposure to these promoted by Paul III. It adopts a multi-disciplinary Part I: Sites of Reception very di�ferent kinds of places, what had been until then Lawrence Nees — Antique and Faux-Antique in Carolingian approach to deepen our knowledge of Rome’s visual the ordinary suddenly became exceptional and unique. I Manuscripts / Paula Gerson — Early Painted Faade Sculpture: culture a�ter the Sack of 1527, providing a nuanced began to re-consider the spaces of my schooldays, at the Research and Observations on Perception and Cognition / Jack and fresh understanding of the social, economic time traversed almost unthinkingly whether on foot, by Freiberg — The Imago Pietatis in Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, and political conditions underpinning the creation Pope Gregory the Great, and Spain bike or on a Vespa, as meaningful spaces which reveal of celebrated masterpieces, like Michelangelo’s Last long-lost historical con�licts and ambitions, hopes and Part II: Imaging and Imagining the Text Judgement or his design of the Campidoglio. This study Lucy Freeman Sandler — Visions of the Beginning and horrors. It was as if, by the very act of leaving Rome, my - the fi rst entirely dedicated to Rome during the pon- the End: The Hours of the Angels Added to the Psalter of role had switched from that of an actor, immersed in the tifi cate of Paul III - re-conceptualizes the periodization Yolande of Soissons / Penn R. Szittya — Gods Palimpsest: The ever-changing and chaotic plot of the city, to that of a of Rome’s early-modern history, which is traditional- Encyclopedia Omne bonum as Sacred Book / Nigel J. Morgan spectator with a much more comprehensive view of the ly polarized between the High Renaissance and the — Word and Image in the Anglo-Norman Prose Apocalypse narrative unfolding on the urban stage. Fragment London, British Library, MS Add. 38842 Baroque, and establishes Paul III’s reign as the hinge And so the square that had once been a social or between these two, seemingly disconnected, periods. Part III: Envisioning the Apocalypse romantic space (sometimes even a football pitch), the Jennifer M. Feltman — Tradition and Innovation in the In addressing these topics, artworks and urban spac- Piazza Farnese, now appeared as the embodiment of the Sculptural Cycle of the Life of John at es are analyzed as a means to engage with themes enormous dynastic ambitions of Paul III and his family; Karlyn Gri�fi th — The Spectacle of Violence and Romance in intensely discussed in recent scholarship, such as the what had been a rather unappealing and crowded Three English Metrical Apocalypses / David Bevington — The creation of space, the inhabited urban environment Tegernsee Play of Antichrist shopping street, Via del Corso, revealed itself to be an and the intersection of art, politics and propaganda. Part IV: Locating Identity ancient ceremonial route, restored to its former glory David N. Klausner — Performance Indicators in Two Early Table of Contents by the Farnese pope as an opportunity to expand the Welsh Plays / Robert W. Hanning — Rituals of Identity, city and its prestige, and to honour himself with lavish Strategies of Desire: How a Servant Becomes King for a Night Introduction / Chapter 1. The A�termath of the Sack: The processions. Looking back at the origins of this book, it in Decameron 3.2 / Elaine Treharne — The Endurance of the Papacy of Paul III / Part 1. The Sacred City: St Peter’s, Castel Sant’Angelo and the Borgo / Chapter 2. The Papal Coronation is evident that gaining this physical distance enabled in Name, 700–1500 / Thomas A. Goodmann — Everywhere & turn a critical detachment from the spaces that were Nowhere: Finding the Friars and the Ritual Uses of the Square in front of St Peter’s / Chapter 3. The Construction of Papal Authority: St Peter’s and the most familiar to me, and which had now been re-cast as Part V: Spirituality and the Moral Argument Vatican Palace / Chapter 4. Points of View: Castel Sant’Angelo, new, exciting fi elds of historical and intellectual inquiry. Beatrice Kitzinger — The Good, the Bad, and the Ivory: On the Canale di Ponte and Sixteenth-Century Panopticism / Part Moral Distinction in Carolingian Crucifi xions 2. The Piazza, the Palace, and the Promotion of the Farnese Bernard McGinn — The Ordering of Love in the Twel�th Dynasty / Chapter 5. The Shaping of the Piazza and the Century / Ronald B. Herzman — Francis, Dante, Iacopone / Construction of a Farnese Neighborhood / Chapter 6. Creating Sarah Andyshak and Karlyn Gri�fi th — In Place of an Epilogue: a Dynastic House: The Palazzo Farnese / Chapter 7. The Discover more special contributions and articles What Else Do We See? / Elina Gertsman — A�terword: This Is Cancelleria and the Visual Celebration of the Papal Deeds / Part about Harvey Miller publications on the End 3. The Papal Appropriation of Civic Ideologies: The Via del Corso and the Campidoglio / Chapter 8. Rome as Stage: A Triumphal Entry and the Rhetoric of Peace / Chapter 9. The Renewal of the via Lata and its Surroundings / Chapter 10. The Refashioning of the Campidoglio approx. 320 p., 91 b/w ills, 60 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2020, approx. € 150 approx. 320 p., 30 b/w ills, 120 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2020, € 100 ISBN 978-1-909400-99-3 (HB) ISBN 978-1-912554-43-0 (HB) Series: Tributes, vol. 11 Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History IN PREPARATION (FEBRUARY 2021) IN PREPARATION


Emerging Naturalism Contexts and Narratives in European Mapping New Territories in Art and Architecture and Visual Culture Sculpture 1140-1220 Architectural Histories in the Late Antique and Medieval Gerardo Boto Varela, Marta Serrano Coll, John McNeill Essays in Honour of Roger Stalley Mediterranean This book o�fers a panoramic analysis of the ar- Danielle O’Donovan, Niamh NicGhabhann (eds) Studies in Honor of Robert G. Ousterhout tistic landscape of European sculpture during the Vasileios Marinis, Amy Papalexandrou, Jordan Pickett (eds) second half of the 12th century and concentrates Re�lecting the major developments in the scholar- on the innovations and solutions adopted in the ship of medieval art and architecture in the past for- This book comprises sixteen essays addressing issues great church workshops of western Europe. ty years and using the island of Ireland as a central of art and architecture together with archaeology axis, this volume brings together new perspectives Table of Contents within the context of sacred space, broadly defi ned. on medieval art and architecture from established It encompasses a wide range of territories, method- Emerging Naturalism and a New Medieval Morphology — and emerging scholars. Herbert L. Kessler ologies, perspectives, and scholarly concerns. The I. Shaping Late Romanesque Sculpture. Balance and scholars involved in this project fi nd fresh approach- Perspective This edited collection of essays marks and traces new es and uncover new meanings and interpretations in The Requirement for Physical Presence: The Attainment departures in the study of medieval art and archi- the material examined within this volume, includ- of a Compelling Naturalism in Sculpture c. 1200 — tecture from the 1970s to the present day. Bringing ing buildings and objects from Europe to Asia, and Gerardo Boto Varela / What is So-Called Late Romanesque together many of the scholars who have shaped the Sculpture? — Xavier Barral i Altet spanning from Late Antiquity through the end of the fi eld of enquiry since the advent of the methodolog- Middle Ages. II. Late Romanesque / Early Gothic Sculpture in ical or linguistic turn in humanities scholarship from European Cathedrals (1140–1220) The Role of Burgundy in the Development of the the 1970s onwards, together with emerging scholars Table of Contents First Column-Statues — Marcello Angheben / Late who are defi ning new methods and approaches to Romanesque Sculpture and the Cathedrals of South- their subject in recent years, this volume represents Preface - List of Abbreviations - Publications of Robert G. Ousterhout Western France (ESTE) — Quitterie Cazes / An Enigma Put the contemporary condition of medieval scholarship. LATE ANTIQUE MANIFESTATIONS Aside. The Origin and Interpretation of a Decontextualized In taking Ireland as a central axis, this volume also 1. Benjamin Anderson, The Forum of Theodosius: Labor and the Capital from Saint Trophime at Arles — Juan Antonio re�lects and responds to the redefi nition of ideas of Gods / 2. Anna Sitz, Architectures of Surveillance: Houses and Olañeta / Around and A�ter 1200. Old and New Concepts in�luence, of cultural centre and periphery, focusing Stylites in the Northern Syrian ‘Dead Villages’ of Monumental Sculpture in the German Territories of the CONSTRUCTING SANCTITY Holy Roman Empire — Claudia Rückert / Sculpture and on concepts of transfer, movement and the dynamism 3. Amy Papalexandrou, Sacred Sound and the Re�lective Cornice Liturgy: Monuments and Art Histories of Southern Italy of medieval forms and ideas. Further to this, the vol- / 4. Michalis Kappas, Building an Orthodox Monastery in the (c. 1150–1250 and Beyond) — Elisabetta Scirocco / Old ume investigates the dynamism of medieval schol- Frankish Morea: Andromonastiro at Messenia / 5. Vasileios Testament Sacrifi ce and Thirteenth-Century Tithe: Cain arship from the 1970s to the present day, re�lecting Marinis, What Makes a Church Sacred? Symeon of Thessalonike’s and Abel in the Architectural Sculpture of the Holy Roman the career span of Professor Roger Stalley, whose own Commentary on the Rite of Consecration / 6. Warren T. Woodfi n, Empire — Stephanie Luther / Late Romanesque Sculpture path-breaking work continually crossed disciplinary Furnishing the Celestial Sanctuary: Painted Architectural Settings in England. How Far Can the Evidence Take Us? — John boundaries, and in doing so, shaped and reshaped the for the Communion of the Apostles / 7. Eunice Dauterman McNeill / The Gothic Last Judgment Portal c. 1210. Visual Maguire & Henry Maguire, ‘The Forgotten Symbols of God’: Strategies and Communicative Function — Bruno Boerner understand of medieval Ireland, and in turn, its rela- Screening Patterns from the Early Christian and Byzantine Worlds / Aesthetics and the Imitation of Antiquity in Early Gothic tionships with the wider world. 8. Roland Betancourt, Extended in the Imagination: The Sculpture — Laurence Terrier Aliferis Representation of Architectural Space in Byzantium III. Sculptural Programmes in the Cathedrals of the Table of Contents: Iberian Kingdoms (1160–1220) THE LEVANT The Reception of Burgundian Models in the Second Half 9. Rory O’Neill, Structural Innovation and Tradition in the Medieval of the Twel�th Century and the Naturalist Redefi nition of Levant / 10. Megan Boomer, ‘Architecture as Reliquary’: Latin Romanesque Sculpture in Castile — Marta Poza Yagüe / Reconstruction and Rhetoric at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre Master Mateo and the Cathedral of Santiago at the End / 11. Charles A. Stewart, Hallowed Halls: Earliest Domed-Hall of the Twel�th Century — Ramón Yzquierdo Peiró / Late Churches in Cyprus / 12. Jordan Pickett, Con�lict Architecture: Romanesque Sculpture in the Kingdoms of Leon and Castile: Making History at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron Continuity or Change? — José Luis Hernando Garrido & ANATOLIA AND ARMENIA Antonio Ledesma / Romanesque Sculpture in Portuguese 13. Suna Çağaptay, Into the Sacred Space: Facing Ayasoluk and Cathedrals: Models, Continuity and Adaptation — Carla Its Gate of Persecutions / 14. Tolga Uyar, Carving, Painting and Varela Fernandes & Paulo Almeida Fernandes / The Meaning Inscribing Sacred Space in Late Byzantium: Bezirana Kilisesi of the Romanesque Sculpture in the Cámara Santa at the Rediscovered (Peristrema-Cappadocia) / 15. Fatma Gül Öztürk Cathedral of Oviedo — César García de Castro Valdés / Büke, Questioning Boundaries in Byzantine Cappadocia: Secular Images and Stories: The Transformation of Space in the Spaces, Sacred Spaces, and Interfaces In-between / 16. Armen Cathedrals of the Ebro Valley — Esther Lozano López / The Kazaryan, City of Ani. Constructing a Medieval Capital in the Vault Corbels in the Cloister of Cathedral: Shaping Christian Orient a New Pictorial Corporeality that Goes Beyond the Late List of Contributors Romanesque — Gerardo Boto Varela & Marta Serrano Coll

approx. 420 p., 156 b/w ills, 18 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2020, approx. € 100 approx. 580 p., 160 b/w ills, 50 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-2-503-57448-6 (PB) approx. € 125 approx. 250 p., 90 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2021, approx. € 80 Published outside a Series ISBN 978-2-503-56462-3 (PB) ISBN 978-2-503-58396-9 (PB) IN PREPARATION Series: Studies in Gothic Art, vol. 3 Series: Architectura Medii Aevi, vol. 14 IN PREPARATION (MARCH 2021) IN PREPARATION (JANUARY 2021)


Nouveaux regards sur les saisies Flesh, Gold and Wood. Aspice Hunc Opus Mirum patrimoniales en Europe à l’épo- The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège Festschri�t on the Occasion of Nikola que de la Révolution française and the question of partial paint Jaksić’s 70th Birthday Pierre-Yves Kairis (éd.) practices in the 16th Century Miljenko Jurković, Ivan Josipović (eds)

Il n’est pas rare que soient aujourd’hui remises en Proceedings of the Conference Held at This book consists of more than 40 contributions question les notions de sécularisation et de dé- the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage dealing with problems in disciplines of history, ar- contextualisation des œuvres d’art qui ont prési- in , 22-24 October 2015. Scientia thistory and archaeology of mostly Late Antique and dé à la création, dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe Artis 18. Brussels: Royal Institute for Medieval periods, all of them intended as a memen- siècle, des musées modernes. D’où le risque de Cultural Heritage to for professor emeritus Nikola Jakšić in honour of th vouloir réécrire notre passé en reconsidérant les Emmanuelle Mercier, Ria De Boodt, Pierre-Yves Kairis (eds) his 70 birthday. transferts patrimoniaux qui ont, de tous temps, jalonné l’histoire. Le cas sans doute le plus révé- The impressive altarpiece in the church of Saint-Denis All of the contributions in this book are original scien- lateur est celui des saisies révolutionnaires fran- in Liège is one of the most prestigious but also one of tifi c papers and all of them are dealing with problems çaises, à une époque cruciale pour l’éveil de la the most enigmatic witnesses to the rich Brabantine not yet resolved in disciplines of history, arthistory conscience patrimoniale. Aujourd’hui encore, les altarpiece production at the end of the Middle Ages. and archaeology of mostly Late Antique and Medieval passions restent vives en certaines contrées jadis The interdisciplinary study carried out during its res- periods, but later ones as well. All of the papers also dépouillées de nombreux chefs-d’œuvre. Poser toration at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage deal with problematics that are connected to the ter- la question de ces transferts de patrimoine à la (KIK-IRPA) in Brussels between 2012 and 2014 allowed ritory of today’s Croatia or its neighbouring regions in e fi n du XVIII siècle sous le seul angle des spolia- to resolve some of the questions involved and to pro- European context, which is why they are especially rel- tions apparaîtrait toutefois réducteur, car ce se- pose new refreshing hypotheses. The attribution to evant for the Croatian national scientifi c community rait oublier combien l’appropriation des œuvres the Borman, the most prestigious Brussels sculptor and its development. Therefore, the scientifi c impact culturelles par la nation française procédait alors family, was refi ned, as was its dating in the early 1530s, of this book will be huge bearing in mind that all the d’une ambition universelle de libération et de pro- when the vocabulary of Italian Renaissance began to authors did it for celebrating professor Jakšić’s charac- motion de l’art aux fi ns d’éducation de tous les ci- invade the art of the Meuse banks simultaneously ter and deeds. toyens. Issues d’un colloque organisé par l’Institut with the still well-anchored Gothic style. Table of Contents: royal du Patrimoine artistique (IRPA) de Bruxelles This volume provides a broad platform for the ex- dans la foulée de son inventaire scientifi que des ceptional character of the partial polychromy of the peintures et des sculptures saisies par les révolu- altarpiece, highlighted by the investigation conduct- tionnaires français dans les Pays-Bas autrichiens ed at the KIK-IRPA. This research was nourished by et la principauté épiscopale de Liège, les contri- many comparative re�lections. The abundant and butions proposées réévaluent à leur manière les varied studies presented here, mainly originate from circonstances historiques, politiques et culturelles an international conference held in October 2015. In des prélèvements d’œuvres d’art, d’archives et de addition, the restoration at KIK-IRPA, between 2016 bibliothèques dans divers pays d’Europe, ainsi que and 2019, of some of the painted panels that initially leurs répercussions. adorned the shutters of the altarpiece, also allowed a benefi cial reconsideration of the participation of the Pierre-Yves Kairis, docteur en histoire de l’art de l’ULg, great Liège painter Lambert Lombard and some local chef de travaux principal et chef de la cellule Recherches workshop. Starting from an amazing work, they repre- en histoire de l’art et inventaire à l’Institut royal du sent an important part of the artistic activity in Liège Patrimoine artistique à Bruxelles revived by Prince-Bishop Érard de La Marck.

approx. 362 p., 100 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, approx. € 80 ISBN 978-2-503-58810-0 (PB) approx. 480 p., 230 x 290 mm, 2020, € 56.61 approx. 800 p., 435 col. ills, 200 x 280 mm, 2020, approx. € 95 Publié hors série ISBN 978-2-930054-40-7 (HB) ISBN 978-953-8250-10-1 (PB) EN PRÉPARATION (FÉVRIER 2021) Series: Scientia Artis, vol. 18 Series: Dissertationes et Monographiae, vol. 15 IN PREPARATION EN PRÉPARATION


Être historien de l’architecture dans Convivium 7.1 (2020) Sculpting Abroad e e la France des XX et XXI siècles A Hub of Art. In, Out, and Around Venice, Nationality and Mobility of Sculptors Des Ego-histoires et des Vies 1177-1499 in the Nineteenth Century Arnaud Timbert (éd.) Marjan Sterckx, Tom Verscha�fel (eds) Convivium VII/1 (2020) focuses on Venice as extraor- Cet ouvrage rassemble 24 ego-histoires d’historiens dinary commercial and artistic clearinghouse during An edited volume reflecting upon the transnational français de l’architecture antique, médiévale, mo- its rise and triumph as a cultural hub. Too o�ten, the mobility of sculptors and its implications for the derne et contemporaine. artistic development of Venice is seen as dependent artists and their art during the long nineteenth exclusively on Constantinople and the Byzantine century. Pourquoi écrire l’histoire de l’architecture et pourquoi tradition. By emphasizing the role of Venice as a cul- choisir l’architecture antique, médiévale, moderne ou tural hub, we would like to shi�t the focus onto the Sculpting Abroad analyses and re�lects upon the inter- contemporaine ? Quels sont les conditionnements processes, opportunities and contexts that produced national mobility of sculptors and their work in the sociaux et culturels qui orientent ces choix ? En quoi monuments and works of art, which reveal the intense nineteenth century. The creation of nation-states then l’éducation et l’instruction in�léchissent-elles le par- cultural exchange fostered in the city by commerce coincided with an increasing international focus by cours d’un individu et son cheminement vers l’archi- and trade. The horizons of the artistic ambitions of artists, their commissioners, sellers, buyers and crit- tecture ? Plus globalement, dans les enquêtes comme Venice, a city at the center of a vast web, were wide: ics. Sculptors were encouraged to study abroad, and dans la carrière du chercheur, quelle est la part des from Byzantium and the larger Mediterranean world recognized for their experience and success abroad. rencontres, des lectures et des émotions ? En quoi la to Northern Europe, Hungary, Austria, France, all the As they were very much dependent on commissions, chance et son antonymie, les contextes politiques, way to Spain and Portugal. they had to travel to provide for their revenues. At économiques et technologiques inclinent-ils les posi- the same time they were expected to represent the Table of Contents tions idéologiques comme les interrogations métho- nation, and showcase their ‘national school’ with its dologiques et épistémologiques ? Xenia Muratova – unvergesslich. Obituary by Peter Cornelius specifi c characteristics. This volume re�lects upon the Ce volume, en rassemblant les Ego-histoires et les Vies Claussen theoretical and practical implications of the many as- d’historiens français de l’architecture occidentale ap- pects of transnationality, travel and (cultural) mobility partenant à des générations, des formations et des Introduction on nineteenth-century sculptors, their work and their institutions diverses cherche à répondre à ces ques- Herbert L. Kessler & Serena Romano — A Hub of Art. In, Out, careers, by addressing the role of, among others, edu- and Around Venice, 1177–1499 tions. cation, execution, commissions, exhibitions, art criti- Cette introspection au cœur de la discipline enrichie Articles cism and the art market. The main focus is on French, ainsi son histoire sociale autant qu’elle témoigne Simone Piazza — Mosaici d’oro nelle chiese di Venezia (IX– Belgian, Italian, British and American sculptors and d’une réalité scientifi que contrastée. XIV secolo). Luci sull’ingente patrimonio perduto their works, and well-known as well as lesser known Ludovico V. Geymonat & Lorenzo Lazzarini — A Nativity Cycle sculptors, throughout general articles as well as spe- Table des matières: for the Choir Screen of San Marco, Venice cifi c case studies. Anne Dunlop — Mongol Eurasia in the trecento Veneto Andrea Missagia — Orefi cerie veneziane a smalto traslucido Tom Verscha�fel is professor in cultural history at KU (secoli XIV–XV). Immissioni, importazioni e produzioni locali, novità, continuità e abbandoni . His research concerns the intellectual and cultural Michele Bacci — Greek Madonnas and Venetian Fashion history of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and more specifi cally the history of historical writing, the popular representation of history and cultural nationalism, the history of cultural infrastructure and of cultural transfers. Art historian Marjan Sterckx is associate professor in Art History at Ghent University, where she recently launched the research group ThIS: The Inside Story: Art, Interior design & architecture 1750-1950. Her research concerns the intersections between sculpture, gender, photography and the interior.

180 p., 160 x 240 mm, 2020, € 46 ISBN 978-2-503-58724-0 (PB) Journal: Convivium, vol. 7.1 AVAILABLE approx. 800 p., 20 b/w ills, 200 x 280 mm, 2020, approx. € 90 160 p., 28 b/w ills, 39 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, € 95 ISBN 978-953-8250-11-8 (PB) Print & Online Subscriptions: ISBN 978-2-503-58027-2 (HB) Série: Dissertationes et Monographiae, vol. 16 contact [email protected] Series: XIX: Studies in 19th-Century Art and Visual Culture, vol. 3 EN PRÉPARATION Online content available on AVAILABLE



La sonata veneziana (1615-1655) Josquin Le Métier du maître de musique Aurelio Bianco, Massimo Di Sandro David Fallows d’Église (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles)

Il volume si propone di ripercorrere lo sviluppo del- Now reprinted in Paperback Activités, sociologie, carrières la sonata nel contesto musicale veneziano di primo Bernard Dompnier, Jean Duron (éd.) Seicento. Con un profi lo agile ma allo stesso tempo A great deal of research over the past forty years has Divers regards sur les charges, les obligations de il più esauriente possibile, vengono presi in esame i had an impact Josquin’s music: most of his works are service, les œuvres du maître de musique d’église massimi rappresentanti della �loridissima tradizio- now available in high-quality recordings that make en France à l’époque moderne. ne strumentale veneziana intesa qui nella sua ac- them easily familiar to any researcher, and the main cezione più larga. L’indagine viene infatti compiuta sources have been far more thoroughly explored. Loin d’un désert musical, la France de l’époque mo- non solo sugli autori strettamente attivi in Laguna Furthermore, new biographical fi ndings, particularly derne est riche de musique dans ses villes grandes (Biagio Marini, Dario Castello, Giovanni Rovetta, within the last ten years, have shown that much of et moyennes. Les institutions ecclésiastiques, cathé- Massimiliano Neri, Francesco Cavalli) ma anche what was written about Josquin’s life was based on drales, collégiales voire petites églises, la Chapelle su quelli operanti in altri centri della Serenissima documents that concerned other people entirely. For royale aussi, fi nancent chanteurs et instrumentistes, (Giovanni Battista Fontana, Francesco Turini, example, Josquin’s birthdate has been advanced by mais aussi une maîtrise, école destinée à former de Gaspare Filippi) o inseriti nel venezianissimo milieu more than ten years, with major consequences for our futurs artistes musiciens sous la direction d’un maître musicale viennese del tempo (Giovanni Valentini, view not only of his music and its chronology, but also de musique. C’est à ce personnage, à ses di�férentes Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni, Antonio Bertali). Una of most other music of the time. fonctions, qu’est dédié ce livre. À la fois pédagogue, particolare attenzione è accordata ai sopracitati This book assembles and assesses the newly available compositeur, chanteur et/ou instrumentiste, théo- Fontana, Marini e Castello. La loro produzione sona- material. It builds the main works into the narrative of ricien, il est chargé de tout ce qui concerne la bonne tistica incarna infatti in maniera esemplare non solo Josquin’s life. Appendices include a critical listing of the exécution de la musique durant les o�fi ces, condui- l’eredità lasciata da Giovanni Gabrieli ma anche un documents about Josquin, a summary of later literary sant le chœur d’enfants, les chantres du bas chœur, les nuovo modo di intendere lo strumentista-compo- references to him, summaries of the relevant informa- instrumentistes (ceux de l’église, de la ville ou ceux de sitore. Il libro è arricchito da un’antologia ragionata tion about the main fi gures mentioned in the book, a passage). Il participe à la rédaction des livres de plain dei brani trattati nel saggio nonché da un’ampia e list of other musicians at the time named ‘Josquin’ or chant, compose, copie messes et motets polypho- aggiornata bibliografi a. something similar (35 of them!), and much more. niques, rend des comptes au chapitre dont il dépend. Certains maîtres sont sollicités hors l‘institution pour Aurelio Bianco insegna Storia della musica barocca David Fallows taught at the University of Manchester des concerts de musique sacrée ou profane, parfois presso il dipartimento di musicologia dell’Università for 35 years and was President of the International même au théâtre, plus souvent dans les établisse- di Strasburgo di cui è direttore dal 2014. Massimo Di Musicological Society. ments religieux d’alentour. La diversité des carrières Sandro è dottore di ricerca in Storia e analisi delle culture étonne, certains maîtres demeurant leur vie durant musicali (Roma, Università «La Sapienza»). Reviews dans une même institution comme Poitevin, d’autres “Everybody who is interested in Josquin and the music of the optant comme Gantez pour de véritables périples, Table of Contents: fi �teenth and sixteenth centuries needs to read this book. rarement au-delà des frontières toutefois ; d’autres, It is jam packed with perceptive discussions of some of the comme Campra, préfèrent au lutrin les lumières de greatest music ever written. It is fun to read. It is stimulat- la scène de l’opéra ; quelques-uns enfi n cherchent à ing. It presents a coherent and cogent picture.” laisser une trace de leur œuvre en publiant messes Richard Sherr in Music and Letters et motets. Toutefois, la spécifi cité française d’un tel métier ne se comprend que par comparaison avec les “The book is a major achievement, and stands as the most réalités des pays voisins, tels l’Italie ou les Pays-Bas authoritative account in any language of Josquin’s life and espagnols. works.” Patrick Macey in Renaissance Quarterly Bernard Dompnier, professeur émérite à l’Université “Fallows’s vast knowledge of this context has been accumu- Clermont Auvergne (CHEC), spécialiste de l’histoire du lated over a lifetime, and is frankly unparalleled. In Josquin catholicisme à l’époque moderne. Jean Duron, fondateur his application of it simply brims with wisdom and under- et directeur (1989-2007) de l’Atelier d’études sur la mu- e e standing. No one else alive could have achieved what he sique française des XVII & XVIII siècles du CMBV, spécia- does here, or done it so well.” liste de la musique à l’époque de Louis XIV. John Milsom in Journal of the American Musicological Society Table des matières:

approx. 296 p., 8 col. ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2020, approx. € 80 xviii + 529 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2020, € 50 approx. 424 p., 33 b/w ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2020, approx. € 75 ISBN 978-2-503-59033-2 (PB) ISBN 978-2-503-56674-0 (PB) ISBN 978-2-503-58962-6 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58963-3 Series: Epitome musical Series: Epitome musical Série: Epitome musical IN PREPARATION AVAILABLE EN PRÉPARATION


The O�fi ce of the Holy Trinity at Der Traktat des Akakios Sur le culte divin et la musique Saint Martial de Limoges during Chalkeopulos zum Byzantinischen Écrits rassemblés (Jean-Yves Hameline) the Eleventh Century Kirchengesang Cécile Davy-Rigaux (éd.) James Grier Chalkeopulos Cet ouvrage rassemble les nombreux écrits de Jean- Christian Troelsgard, Gerda Wolfram (eds) A critical edition of the Aquitanian O�fi ce of the Holy Yves Hameline (1931-2013) relatifs au culte chrétien Trinity with detailed commentary. abordé dans ses dimensions cérémonielles et accor- For the fi rst time, a critical edition of Akakios dant une large place à sa dimension sonore, et plus Chalkeopoulos’ unique treatise on Byzantine The Holy Trinity forms a cornerstone of Christian be- spécifi quement musicale. chant performance is here presented to the public. lief, and references to it abound in the liturgy. Every Dernier recueil des écrits de l’auteur à paraître après Psalm ends with the invocation of the Father, the plusieurs autres, sa caractéristique la plus remar- Die musiktheoretische Schrift des Akakios Son and the Holy Ghost in the Doxology supplied as quable réside sans doute dans sa capacité à explorer Chalkeopulos stellt ein von allen bis jetzt im the fi nal verse. But around the turn of the tenth cen- toutes les dimensions de la pratique cultuelle chré- Rahmen des Corpus Scriptorum de Re Musica edier- tury, clerics decided to devote the fi rst Sunday a�ter tienne telle qu’elle s’est manifestée tout au long de ten Theorien unabhängiges Werk dar. Es ent- Pentecost to the veneration of the Trinity. They cre- son histoire à travers une approche fondamentale- stand Anfang des 16. Jahrhunderts in Kreta, ated a new liturgy for the day, and evidence suggests ment pluridisciplinaire. im venezianischen Ein�lussbereich. In dem that Stephen, Bishop of Liège († 920) revised an ear- Les textes rassemblés, volontairement hétérogènes Autographon, Athen, Hs. EBE 917, versuchte lier form of the O�fi ce into the version that saw wide par leur date de publication et leur typologie, sont Akakios den Sonnen- und Mondzyklus mit der dissemination in the Latin West from the end of the le re�let de l’engagement de leur auteur à l’occasion Berechnung des Paschalion aufzuzeigen, und tenth century. The abbey of Saint Martial in Limoges de ses diverses fonctions ou collaborations au sein eine Verbindung zur Kirchenmusik herzustellen. exhibited considerable enthusiasm for the feast and d’institutions et de cercles très divers. Leur diversité Neben diesen theoretischen Berechnungen its O�fi ce beginning in the early eleventh century. Its s’explique aussi par la variété des publics que ce prêtre weist eine große Zahl von Musikbeispielen darauf scriptorium prepared no fewer than fi ve copies of the professeur de l’Institut supérieur de Liturgie de l’Insti- hin, dass für Akakios die Unterweisung der Sänger O�fi ce, including four fully neumed versions between tut Catholique de Paris côtoya durant sa carrière, des in der musikalischen Praxis Kretas ein großes ca. 1010 and 1050, including the earliest extant tran- fi dèles ‘ordinaires’ aux chercheurs académiques, mu- Anliegen war. Besonders die Au�führungspraxis scribable copy with music in the hand of Adémar de sicologues, historiens, littéraires, liturgistes ou théo- hatte die Aufmerksamkeit des Akakios auf sich Chabannes, musician, scribe, homilist and historian. logiens, en passant par les communautés religieuses, gezogen, und seine Abhandlung ist das frühes- This edition presents a critical text of the O�fi ce as it les musiciens ou les mélomanes. te Dokument, in dem der Begri�f „Exegese“ im was practised at Saint Martial during the fi rst half of De par ces liens variés et ce parcours institutionnel Kontext des byzantinischen Gesangs verwendet the eleventh century, beginning with Adémar’s ver- et intellectuel unique, qui croise la recherche docu- wird. Da sowohl die Musiktheorie als auch das an- sion, but also considering the other witnesses from mentaire, la théologie historique, la ré�lexion sur la geschlossene Anastasimatarion, das Hymnar des the abbey. It includes full critical and explanatory pratique, en intégrant des outils issus des approches Akakios, ein Unikat darstellen, ist zu vermuten, commentary with an Introduction that discusses nouvelles développées en anthropologie dans les dass mit den aufgezeichneten Melodien eine ora- the role of Stephen of Liège in the authorship of the années 1960-1980, l’ouvrage prend à la fois valeur de le kretische Tradition zum Ausdruck kommt, die O�fi ce, the witnesses from Saint Martial and their rela- témoignage sur les évolutions récentes de l’Église et von Akakios weiterentwickelt wurde. tionship to other early witnesses of the O�fi ce, and its participe et participe de celles de la recherche partout musical and literary style. où où musique et liturgie se touchent et se rejoignent, s’imposant comme une somme d’une remarquable James Grier is Professor of Music History at the University of érudition à valeur de modèle épistémologique. Western Ontario and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. De par ces liens variés et ce parcours institutionnel et intellectuel unique, qui croise la recherche docu- mentaire, la théologie historique, la ré�lexion sur la pratique, en intégrant des outils issus des approches nouvelles développées en anthropologie dans les années 1960-1980, l’ouvrage prend à la fois valeur de témoignage sur les évolutions récentes de l’Église, et participe de celles de la recherche partout où musique et liturgie se touchent et se rejoignent, s’imposant comme une somme d’une remarquable érudition à valeur de modèle épistémologique.

Table des matières:

approx. 120 p., 40 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 65 ISBN 978-2-503-58970-1 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58971-8 lxxiv + 131 p., 210 x 297 mm, 2020, € 60 Series: Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae - approx. 802 p., 216 x 280 mm, 2020, approx. € 110 ISBN 978-2-503-57456-1 (PB) Corpus Scriptorum de Re Musica, vol. 6 ISBN 978-2-503-58342-6 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58343-3 Series: De musicae cultu, vol. 2 IN PREPARATION Série: Église, liturgie et société dans l’Europe moderne, vol. 04 AVAILABLE EN PRÉPARATION


SPECULUM MUSICAE Published by the Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini BOOK SERIES BOOK

La maturation artistique de Music and the Figurative Arts Ars Antiqua, Music and Culture Debussy dans son contexte in the Nineteenth Century in Europe c. 1150-1330 historique (1884-1902) Roberto Illiano (ed.) Gregorio Bevilacqua, Thomas Payne (eds) François de Médicis This book explores the relationship between music This volume presents new contributions that ad- e This work focused on Claude Debussy in the years and the fi gurative arts in the XIX century. dress the principal polyphonic genres of the time between 1884 and 1902 (organum, motet, conductus) as well as vernacu- In 1795 Friedrich Schiller wrote: «Die bildende Kunst lar and monophonic songs, issues of musical and This work is centered on the fi gure of Claude Debussy in ihrer höchsten Vollendung muss Musik werden poetic aesthetics, manuscript tradition and pro- in the years between 1884 and 1902 — from the mo- und uns durch unmittelbare sinnliche Gegenwart duction, authorship, liturgical practices, the con- ment he captured the Prix de Rome to the premiere rühren» (Schiller, Über die ästhetische Erziehung des tinuance of «ars antiqua» ideas well into the four- of Pelléas et Mélisande, the work that marked his Menschen, Letter XXII, 1795). This sentence under- teenth-century era of the «ars nova», and the role coming of age as a professional musician and con- lines the fundamental aesthetic change that coincid- that information technologies may play in future fi rmed his personal style. This period bore witness ed at the onset of the nineteenth century. According «ars antiqua» scholarship. to one of the most profound transformations of the to «ut musica pictura», music becomes the model for composer’s musical style and the ascent of his ca- an art able to express and communicate feelings. Even The long thirteenth-century saw the emergence reer to dizzying heights. Debussy’s creative achieve- as music no longer necessarily has to embody order, and proliferation of a diverse and unprecedented ments are placed in the context of his professional so does painting move away from pure imitation to outpouring of musical activity known as the «ars development as well as his interactions with various encompass emotional a�fect. Music and painting antiqua». Polyphonic, monophonic, liturgical, paral- musical institutions such as the Conservatoire, the thus converge in embodying a sensual conception of iturgical, secular, Latin, and vernacular genres were Institut des Beaux-Arts (during the Prix de Rome), the arts: music is capable of expressing emotions and cultivated and disseminated throughout Europe on the Société Nationale de Musique, and the Opéra- arousing them in the audience; painting can do the a scale not seen since the imposition of the liturgical Comique. Detailed and cursory analyses of a wide same through visual perception. The present volume, plainchant repertory centuries earlier. This volume range of works, both canonical and little-known, which brings together 21 essays, focuses on encoun- presents eleven new contributions that address provide a window on how Debussy’s style was posi- ters between composers and painters, but also on the principal polyphonic genres of the time (orga- tioned with respect to other composers of his time the relationship between music, literature and the num, motet, conductus) as well as vernacular and who hailed from both the establishment and the fi gurative arts, as well as on the concurrence of mu- monophonic songs, issues of musical and poetic avant-garde (Thomas, Massenet, Chabrier, Franck, sical and artistic aesthetics. Sections of the book are aesthetics, manuscript tradition and production, D’Indy, Grieg, Wagner). This study allows for a more devoted to iconography, to the relationship with the authorship, liturgical practices, the continuance of nuanced understanding of our received knowledge theatrical arts (in particular the scenic aspect) and in «ars antiqua» ideas well into the fourteenth-century and a refreshed historical perspective that begs us to one instance, to Franz Liszt. era of the «ars nova», and the role that information reconsider various aspects of the artist’s life. These technologies may play in future «ars antiqua» schol- include the cliché that Debussy was widely mis- Roberto Illiano is General Secretary of the Centro Studi arship. With its examination of musical and cul- understood in his youth, and a common failure to Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini (Lucca) and President of tural contributions from all across Europe through acknowledge the in�luence of Mussorgsky’s fellow the Italian National Edition of Muzio Clementi’s Complete a wide variety of di�ferent perspectives by a range Russians, like Balakirev and Rimsky-Korsakov. Works of scholars from all over the globe, this book both contributes to and substantiates the healthy state François de Médicis is Professor of Music at the of inquiry into one of the most signifi cant artistic Université de Montréal. achievements of pre-modern Europe.


approx. 836 p., 210 x 270 mm, 2020, € 150 528 p., 20 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2020, € 115 approx. 400 p., 210 x 270 mm, 2020, approx. € 115 ISBN 978-2-503-58950-3 (HB) ISBN 978-2-503-58951-0 (HB) ISBN 978-2-503-59099-8 (HB) Série: Speculum musicae, vol. 38 Series: Speculum musicae, vol. 39 Series: Speculum musicae, vol. 40 AVAILABLE AVAILABLE IN PREPARATION


Luigi Cherubini The Theatres of Sylvano Bussotti Journal of the Alamire Foundation A Multifaceted Composer at Daniela Tortora (ed.) Medieval & Early Modern Music the Turn of the 19th Century from the Low Countries This work encompass all the theatrical activity of Massimiliano Sala (ed.) Sylvano Bussotti The Journal of the Alamire Foundation provides a critical This volume investigates the various faces of Luigi The première of Sylvano Bussotti’s «La Passion sel- forum for the most recent and outstanding research Cherubini. on Sade» occurred fi �ty years ago in Palermo during on music in or related to the Low Countries up to the end of the Ancien Régime. the fi �th edition of “Settimane Internazionali This volume investigates Luigi Cherubini with the Nuova Musica” (5 September 1965). «La Passion aim of providing a picture of the various faces that a selon Sade» was the fi rst theatrical work of Sylvano From now on, all articles (new, backlist and ) composer and his output could present to European Bussotti, the fi rst of a long and very impressive list society at the turn of the nineteenth century; a society are available online in open access. of operas. The theatrical bent of the Florentine Visit and discover one in which the composer, no longer tied to a patron or composer proceeded uninterrupted since then, a court, tried to integrate himself as a participant in of the leading journals in its fi eld, with a unique developing through many phases (among them, profi le, and with specifi c emphasis on reseach of the labor market by fi nding new, coexisting forms of the well-known Bussottioperaballet) and it has the highest quality. subsistence, thereby becoming a pre-eminent fi gure included a multitude of arts, texts, languages, in the industrial and commercial world of the time. artists, musicians, performers, choreographers, Additionally, the volume aims to deepen understand- dancers, mimes, actors, producers and theatres: ing of the composer’s output in light of the political all of which constitute a large heritage from which Selected top articles: and social upheavals that took place during his long it is possible to draw both from an historical and life, from the French Revolution to the threshold of the operational point of view. This fi rst monograph The Grotesque Initials in the Alamire Choirbooks Springtime of the People. about «The Theatres of Sylvano Bussotti» will Anne Margreet W. As-Vijvers encompass all the theatrical activity of Sylvano Massimiliano Sala is Vice President of the Centro Studi Bussotti from «La Passion selon Sade» through How Many Paths Must a Choirbook Tread Before it Reaches Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini (Lucca) and Secretary today, including cinema, theatre and the artistic Treasurer of the Italian National Edition of Pietro Antonio the Pope? management of lyric theatres. Klaas van der Heide Locatelli’s Complete Works. Daniela Tortora lives in Roma and teaches History and Aesthetics of Music at the Conservatory S. Pietro Early Parody Masses, Their Composers, and the French Connection in Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, a Majella of Napoli. Her main works are studies and Musica Ms. F researches in the fi elds of the musical dramaturgy of Trudie G. Ranson th th 19 - and 20 -century Italian Opera.

The Sacred and the Secular in Post-Tridentine Church Music: De Rore, Lasso, and the Magnifi cat Da le belle contrade David Crook

Range, Repertoire, and Recipient in the Alamire Manuscripts Honey Meconi

This journal is available in OPEN ACCESS on BrepolsOnline

approx. 600 p., 113 b/w ills, 27 col. ills, 210 x 270 mm, 2020, approx. € 140 approx. 300 p., 210 x 270 mm, 2020, approx. € 110 ISBN 978-2-503-58952-7 (HB) Print & Online Subscriptions: ISBN 978-2-503-59100-1 (HB) Series: Contemporary Composers, vol. 3 Series: Studies on Italian Music History, vol. 14 IN PREPARATION (FÉVRIER 2021) contact [email protected] IN PREPARATION (FEBRUARY 2021) Online content available on


GIORNALE ITALIANO DI FILOLOGIA - BIBLIOTHECA Conceived as a supplement series to the renowned Giornale Italiano di Filologia, the GIF Bibliotheca accommodates monographic and miscellaneous studies on ancient literature and its contexts, sources, exegesis and textual criticism. As such, it is one of Brepols’ main showcases for studies in classical philology, broadly defi ned.

Grumentum La uirtus, la fi des et la pietas dans Acta Martyrum Scillitanorum The Epigraphical Landscape of les Punica de Silius Italicus A Literary Commentary a Roman Town in Christophe Burgeon Vincent Hunink Christian Laes & Alfredo Buonopane Au cours de la guerre d’Hannibal, Rome connut The fi rst full commentary in English on the fi rst About 130 Latin inscriptions shine a fascinating light d’abord de multiples revers jusqu’à se retrouver au Christian martyr text in Latin on the medium-sized Roman town of Grumentum bord de l’e�fondrement. Elle parvint ensuite à se re- in ancient Lucania. Most of these stones have hardly dresser, puis fi nit par écraser ses ennemis barbares. The Acta Martyrum Scillitanorum is the fi rst martyr been studied since the end of the 19th century. They Pour Silius, il existe indubitablement un lien entre text in Latin, and one of the earliest documents in now for the fi rst time appear in a scholarly edition les revers subis par les Sagontins, Regulus, Solimus, Christian Latin. This short text presents a group of with revised Latin text, illustration, apparatus criti- Varron et les autres protagonistes peu ou prou ver- young Christians facing trial in Carthage before a cus, translation and extensive commentary. Both the tueux et leur mauvaise application ou leur incapaci- Roman judge on July 17th, 180 A.D. This is the fi rst introduction and the edition illustrate the richness of té à lier la fi des à la pietas. De même, les victoires de full commentary on this important text in English. It the material: archaeology, politics, institutions, the Scipion en Hispanie puis en Afrique découlent-elles studies the fi ery altercation between the defendants Roman army, economy, religion, family and life course, d’une meilleure compréhension de ces valeurs. Par and the Roman proconsul, highlighting the rhetorical and Christianity are dealt with. The use learned schol- la manière dont il construit les épisodes centraux des and narrative aspects of the original Latin (and the ars made of the inscriptions opens a window to Italian Punica, le poète �lavien oblige en outre à s’interroger Greek translation from late antiquity). Throughout intellectual history from the Renaissance on. Written sur le type de vertu a�fi ché par les acteurs histori- the book, much attention is paid to the communica- and presented in an accessible way, this volume co-épiques et à envisager di�férentes manières d’in- tion, or miscommunication, between antagonists. For avoids the pitfalls of highly technical epigraphical edi- terpréter les événements en fonction de leur conduite this dramatic and narrative approach to the text, the tions, and opens the fi eld to archaeologists, (ancient) morale. Si le lecteur doit se poser diverses questions Acta Martyrum Scillitanorum may be taken as it is: a co- historians and a more general audience with an inter- liées à la vertu et à la morale, et évaluer les indices herent body of text, describing an altercation that ei- est for Roman sites in general, and this hidden gem in fournis par Silius pour fi nalement comprendre toute ther took place exactly like that, or was deemed by the in particular. l’importance d’un comportement moral et vertueux, author to be probable and natural, that is, a plausible il lui faut en outre se rendre compte que le schéma and convincing dialogue between contrasting charac- Christian Laes is Professor of Ancient History at the vertueux proposé par le poète est loin d’être binaire ; ters in a Roman judicial context. University of Manchester. Alfredo Buonopane is Professor la vision de l’étranger des Romains dans les Punica ne of Ancient History at the University of Verona. l’est d’ailleurs pas non plus. Silius insiste sur la nécessi- Vincent Hunink is associate professor of early Christian té de parvenir à un équilibre entre la uirtus, la fi des et la Greek and Latin at Radboud University Nijmegen. His pietas sans jamais exclure aucune de ces trois valeurs publications in English include commentaries on Lucan, du mos maiorum pour devenir un exemplum moral. Apuleius, and Tertullian. He is widely known as a transla- tor of Latin texts, mostly in Dutch, but also in English and Christophe Burgeon est docteur et agrégé en histoire, German ( titulaire d’un DEA en relations internationales et auteur de nombreux ouvrages et articles scientifi ques relatifs aux guerres puniques et à Silius Italicus.

approx. 250 p., 135 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 90 approx. 550 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 95 approx. 140 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 55 ISBN: 978-2-503-58999-2 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59000-4 ISBN: 978-2-503-59030-1 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59031-8 ISBN: 978-2-503-59095-0 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59096-7 Series: Giornale Italiano di Filologia – Bibliotheca, vol. 22 Série: Giornale Italiano di Filologia - Bibliotheca, vol. 23 Series: Giornale Italiano di Filologia - Bibliotheca, vol. 24 IN PREPARATION EN PRÉPARATION (FÉVRIER 2021) IN PREPARATION


Passeurs de culture L’historiographie romaine Authority Revisited: Towards Études sur la transmission de la culture Morphologie, thématiques et Thomas More and Erasmus in 1516 grecque dans le monde romain postérité d’un genre littéraire Wim François, Violet Soen, Anthony Dupont & er e Andrea Aldo Robiglio (eds) des I -IV siècles après J.-C. Hommages à Martine Chassignet Anne-Marie Favreau-Linder, Sophie Lalanne & Yves Lehmann, Mouna Essaidi & Alban Baudou (éd.) Profound essays on Desiderius Erasmus’s Novum Jean-Luc Vix (éd.) Instrumentum and Thomas More’s Utopia, which Explicitation du concept d’historiographie dans la were both published for the fi rst time in 1516 in Basel Ce volume propose une série de contributions sur Rome antique comme art de décrypter par l’écriture and Leuven respectively, and which have contri- les fi gures d’enseignants, leur statut social et leurs littéraire les messages humains a�férents au passé buted dramatically to the rise of (early) modern méthodes d’enseignement, tout en interrogeant les national. Western thought and thoroughly in�luenced sub- modalités de circulation de la culture grecque dans sequent generations in their literary, philosophical le monde romain des Ier-IVe s. ap. J.-C. Ce volume pluridisciplinaire propose une étude ci- and theological works blée des principales questions a�férentes à l’histo- Ce livre s’intéresse aux passeurs de culture, en premier riographie romaine. Il envisage successivement la In the year 1516, two crucial texts for the cultural his- lieu aux professeurs qui inculquent les connaissances morphologie, les thématiques et la postérité d’un tory of the West saw the light: Desiderius Erasmus’s et qui font ici l’objet d’une attention particulière, aus- genre littéraire majeur. Tant il est vrai que, étymologi- Novum Instrumentum and Thomas More’s Utopia. si bien au regard de leur statut social et culturel que quement, l’historiographie se présente moins comme Both works dealt freely with authoritative sources des conditions pratiques dans lesquelles ils exercent une science que comme un art visant à exprimer par of Western civilization and opened new pathways of ou des représentations ambivalentes dont ils sont l’écriture la signifi cation des messages humains que thought on the eve of far-reaching religious and po- l’objet. La transmission des savoirs échappe toutefois contient le passé. À cet égard, on ne perdra jamais litical changes. au cadre purement scolaire ; elle s’e�fectue également de vue que les connaissances historiques chez les This book volume deals with aspects of the content, par l’intermédiaire d’œuvres littéraires ou intellec- Romains s’avèrent indispensables aussi bien à la for- reception and in�luence of Novum Instrumentum and tuelles, notamment dans le cas de disciplines spécia- mation des citoyens qu’à celle des hauts dirigeants, Utopia in the (Early) Modern Era, while also focusing lisées ou lorsqu’un auteur, romain, se fait l’interprète dont il s’agit de mettre en perspective les actions au upon the sources they used and critically adopted. d’un savoir grec pour construire et proposer sa propre service de l’Etat. The overall approach is that both texts have contribut- vision du monde. ed dramatically to the rise of (early) modern Western Les contributions rassemblées dans cet ouvrage ex- Table des matières: thought and have in�luenced the next generations in plorent un espace géographique et chronologique qui their literary, philosophical, and theological works. s’étend de l’Italie à l’Orient romain et du Ier au IVe siècle This volume, multidisciplinary in scope, brings to- après J.-C. Elles s’e�forcent de mettre au jour la circu- gether contributions from the fi elds of bible exegesis, lation d’une culture entre la Grèce et Rome en passant theology, philosophy, philology and history. par l’Égypte, l’Asie Mineure et le Pont-Euxin, et dont la The editors of this volume, professors at the University paideia est l’épicentre. of Leuven, collected these essays in the wake of the important anniversary 1516-2016 and as a tribute to Table des matières: the university town’s particular place in the publica- tion history of the books under discussion. Erasmus did an important share of his Bible-hermeneutical work in Leuven, where he also supervised the printing process of the editio princeps of Utopia.

Table of Contents:

approx. 420 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 85 vi + 394 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 80 approx. 610 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 120 ISBN: 978-2-503-59015-8 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59016-5 ISBN: 978-2-503-59054-7 (HB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59055-4 ISBN: 978-2-503-59061-5 (HB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59062-2 Série: Recherches sur les Rhétoriques Religieuses, vol. 32 Série: Recherches sur les Rhétoriques Religieuses, vol. 33 Series: Lectio, vol. 10 EN PRÉPARATION DISPONIBLE IN PREPARATION


JERASH PAPERS This series provides a specialized forum through which the extraordinary site of Jerash can be presented to a wider audience, and its importance traced through historical and archaeological material from prehistoric up to modern times.

Hellenistic and Roman Gerasa Environmental Studies, Metal Finds and Coins The Archaeology and History Remote Sensing, and Modelling Final Publications from the of a Decapolis City Final Publications from Danish-German Jerash Achim Lichtenberger & Rubina Raja (eds) the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project, II Northwest Quarter Project, I Achim Lichtenberger & Rubina Raja (eds) This volume examines local and imported ceramic Achim Lichtenberger & Rubina Raja (eds) wares from Gerasa, exploring this material in a broa- The Decapolis city of Jerash has long attracted atten- der cultural and historical context in order to im- The Decapolis city of Jerash has long attracted at- tion from both travellers and scholars, due both to the prove our understanding of consumption, trading, tention from travellers and scholars, due both to the longevity of the site, and the remarkable fi nds uncov- and networks in the wider Decapolis area. longevity of the site and the remarkable fi nds uncov- ered during successive phases of excavation that have ered during successive phases of excavation that have taken place from 1902 onwards. Between 2011 and The Graeco-Roman Decapolis city of Gerasa was taken place from 1902 onwards. Between 2011 and 2016, a Danish-German team, led by the universities a �lourishing centre of population from the Late 2016, a Danish-German team, led by the universities of Aarhus and Münster, focused their attention on Hellenistic up to the Early Islamic period. It was of Aarhus and Münster, focused their attention on the Northwest Quarter of Jerash — the highest point also home to a vibrant ceramics industry. Kilns the Northwest Quarter of Jerash — the highest point within the walled city — and this volume is the second found throughout the city, with a concentration in within the walled city — and this volume is the fi rst in a series of books presenting the team’s fi nal results. the Hippodrome, suggest that Gerasa was in fact a in a series of books presenting the team’s fi nal results. This volume o�fers an in-depth analysis of the coins mass-production centre in the Decapolis region over Covering di�ferent themes and categories of fi nds, this and metal remains found in Jerash during the excava- a number of centuries, manufacturing a vast array of volume focuses on the geophysical survey and other tions. The contributions gathered here cover the small material to suit the changing needs of daily life. remote-sensing work undertaken in and around the metal fi nds from the Northwest Quarter, as well as ex- Drawing on fi nds yielded during excavations by the Northwest Quarter, and also presents an in-depth amining Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic coins. Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project and discussion of the environmental studies performed at other archaeological projects, as well as the research Table of Contents the site. This includes the geoscientifi c analysis carried undertaken within the Ceramics in Context project, out in various contexts, as well as radiocarbon dating, this volume evaluates the pottery from Gerasa pro- List of Illustrations – List of Abbreviations studies of both human and animal bones, and conclu- duced in the Late Hellenistic and Roman periods. A. Lichtenberger & R. Raja, Preface and Introduction sions drawn from the archaeobotanical research. Typology, development over time, and variations in the Gerasene pottery are explored, and rare examples Table of Contents: Metal Finds of imported material are analysed in order to shed C. Eger, Die Metallkleinfunde aus dem Nordwestquartier light both on the inner workings of the city, and on the von Gerasa/Jerash networks that extended beyond Gerasa’s walls. Coins Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Raja are professors of A. Lichtenberger & R. Raja, Greek and Roman Coins classical archaeology and directors of the Danish-German from the Jerash Northwest Quarter Excavations Jerash Northwest Quarter Project. They are the founders of I. Schulze & W. Schulze, The Coins of the Jerash Jerash Papers. Northwest Quarter Project and the Umayyad Money Circulation in Jund al-Urdunn Table of Contents:

xviii + 390 p., 196 b/w + 21 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, € 110 xiv + 247 p., 80 b/w + 4 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 65 xx + 444 p., 150 b/w + 50 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 75 ISBN: 978-2-503-58504-8 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59019-6 ISBN: 978-2-503-58886-5 (HB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58980-0 ISBN: 978-2-503-58887-2 (HB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58981-7 Series: Jerash Papers, vol. 5 Series: Jerash Papers, vol. 6 Series: Jerash Papers, vol. 7 AVAILABLE IN PREPARATION AVAILABLE


Flesh and Bones Late Antique Metalware Die Basileia von Alexandria The Individual and His Body in The Production of Copper Topographisch-urbanistische the Ancient Mediterranean Basin Alloy Vessels in the Fourth Untersuchungen zum ptolemäischen Alice Mouton (ed.) to Eighth Centuries Königsviertel The Benaki Museum Collection Stefan Riedel A volume gathering ground-breaking studies on the anthropology of the body in the Ancient and Related Material Die Basileia von Alexandria in Ägypten waren eine Mediterranean Basin Anastasia Drandaki der bedeutendsten Herrscherresidenzen der hel- lenistischen Zeit. Sie erstreckten sich über einen This volume gathers the papers presented during The book examines the fourth- to eighth-century cop- beträchtlichen Teil der antiken Stadt und dienten an interdisciplinary research seminar entitled per alloy wares in the Benaki Museum, using them den Ptolemäern während der nahezu 300 jährigen “The individual and his body in the Ancient as the basis on which a wider debate about the pro- Existenz ihrer Dynastie als Wohn- und Regierungssitz. Mediterranean Basin.” This seminar was at the duction, circulation and use of copper vessels in Late Die Untersuchung versammelt erstmals alle archäo- crossroads of history of religions and social an- Antiquity can be built. It is an attempt at a holistic logischen und literarischen Quellen zum ptolemäi- thropology, creating a dialogue between philol- approach to this rich but as yet little studied materi- schen Königsviertel und wertet diese detailliert aus. ogists, archaeologists, historians of religions and al. Apart from the necessary typology and dating, the Neben Aspekten der Lokalisierung, des Aussehens anthropologists. Its main aim consisted in study- study also includes a systematic discussion of ques- und der Funktion der Einzelelemente der alexan- ing self-perceptions of the body in the Ancient tions regarding the alloys used in the manufacture drinischen Basileia werden übergeordnete Fragen Near East, with incursions in other parts of the of the copperwares and the techniques employed in adressiert, die eine kulturhistorische Einordnung der Mediterranean Basin in a comparatist perspec- their production and decoration. The study of primary Herrscherresidenz ermöglichen. Diese beinhalten tive. In this volume, various themes are examined, sources provided evidence about the late Roman and neben der komparatistischen Betrachtung hellenis- such as: the relationship between the body and Medieval Greek terminology associated with each tischer Palastanlagen auch Verknüpfungen mit ideo- language; the body, perceptions and society, in- group of objects, as well as interesting information logischen und architektonischen Vorläufern unter der cluding a study of the senses as they are described about the distribution of various types of vessels, the Prämisse, dass sich Aspekte der Herrscha�tsideologie in the texts; the body as a symbol of social be- context in which they were used and the value their in der Anlage königlicher Bauten und Bauensembles longing; and the body as a medium for religious owners placed on them, while also containing useful widerspiegeln. experience. references to the coppersmiths themselves. Der vorliegende Band bietet eine umfassende topo- graphisch-urbanistische Rekonstruktion der Basileia Alice Mouton is a CNRS scholar (Directeur de Recherche) Anastasia Drandaki is the Curator of the Byzantine von Alexandria und veranschaulicht, wie sich diese in in Paris (UMR 8167 “Orient & Méditerranée”). Collection at the Benaki Museum, Athens der Entwicklung hellenistischer Residenzen verorten Table of Contents: lässt. Durch die Einbettung in einen breiteren kultur- historischen Kontext lassen sich zudem Traditionen und Innovationen des ptolemäischen Königsviertels aufzeigen und evaluieren.

Stefan Riedel is post-doctoral researcher in the VICI-project Innovating Objects. The Impact of Global Connections and the Formation of the Roman Empire (ca. 200 –30 BC) at Leiden University.

. 240 p., 14 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, € 65 ISBN: 978-2-503-59038-7 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59039-4 approx. 350 p., 250 b/w ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, approx. € 85 approx. 422 p., 156 b/w + 1 col. ills, 216 x 280 mm, 2020, € 130 Series: Semitica et Classica: Supplementa, vol. 2 ISBN: 978-2-503-56941-3 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-56943-7 ISBN 978-2-503-58742-4 (PB) AVAILABLE Series: Bibliothèque de l’Antiquité Tardive, vol. 37 Series: Studies in Classical Archaeology, vol. 9 IN PREPARATION IN PREPARATION


Anonymus Heiricus Autissiodorensis Radulfus Ardens Passionarium Hispanicum Commentarii in prophetas minores e Speculum universale, Libri VII-X Saeculum X & Saeculum XI schola Autissiodorensi, pars altera Claudia Heimann & Stephan Ernst (eds), adiuuantibus Tobias Janotta & Anette Lö��ler Valeriano Yarza Urquiola (ed.) Commentarii in Ionam, Micheam, Naum, Abacuc, Sophoniam, Aggeum, Das Speculum universale des Radulfus Ardens († El Passionarium Hispanicum es una colección de rela- Zachariam, Malachiam auctore Heirico um 1200) ist die umfangreichste systematische tos hagiográfi cos de mártires cristianos de diferentes Gesamtdarstellung der theologischen Ethik im 12. países, localizados, básicamente, en época de las per- Autissiodorensi Jahrhundert. Während in den frühscholastischen secuciones del Imperio Romano. Los relatos tenían Roger Gryson (ed.) Sentenzensummen die Tugenden vor allem als función litúrgica, es decir, su lectura en maitines, ofi - Édition des commentaires de Heiric d’Auxerre sur Resultat der Gnade Gottes verstanden werden, thema- cio nocturno o misa. La lectura se hacía siguiendo el les huit derniers prophètes tisiert sie Radulfus Ardens – auf der Linie der Schüler orden cronológico de la festividad de cada mártir de des Gilbert von Poitiers – ausführlich auch von der la colección a lo largo del año. Las narraciones, esto es, Après avoir édité les commentaires d’Haymon d’Aux- Seite des Menschen und seiner Eigenwirklichkeit her. las Pasiones de los mártires incluidas en la colección, erre sur Isaïe (CCCM 135C) et sur Ézéchiel (CCCM 135E), In den Büchern 1-5, die eine allgemeine Tugendlehre fueron escritas, casi siempre por autores anónimos, il était naturel pour Monseigneur Roger Gryson de s’in- beinhalten, stellt Radulfus Ardens zunächst den desde el s. IV al XI, siendo recogidas y agrupadas en téresser aux commentaires sur les Douze prophètes Prozess dar, in dem sich die Tugenden und Laster aus- España en códices de los siglos X y XI y en algunos del attribués au même auteur. On constate tout de suite gehend von den Gedanken und ersten Regungen der s. XIII. En los manuscritos hispanos del s. X se recogen que la série imprimée dans l’édition princeps de 1529, Seelenvermögen entwickeln. Dabei werden auch die 63 Pasiones de mártires. En la de los siglos XI-XIII, reproduite par Migne, ne se trouve dans aucun des äußeren, naturalen oder sozialen Bedingungen und 65. En los relatos se contraponen la ética cristiana, manuscrits conservés ; aucun d’eux ne contient d’ail- Ein�lüsse zur Sprache gebracht, die diese Entwicklung representada por los mártires, víctimas sometidas leurs une série complète. En plus, la tradition des qua- fördern oder hemmen. In den Büchern 7-14 – im Sinne a horribles tormentos solamente por su condición tre premiers commentaires est chaotique : il semble einer speziellen Tugendlehre – auf der Basis der ver- de cristianos, y la pagana, personifi cada en el poder qu’à l’origine, ces commentaires ont circulé indépen- schiedenen Seelenvermögen eine höchst di�feren- político, esto es, emperadores, gobernadores, etc. Los damment les uns des autres. Ce dossier complexe sera zierte und originelle Untergliederung der Tugenden, protagonistas de los relatos, los mártires, son de toda édité séparément dans un volume futur (CCCM 135F). in der er alle damals wesentlichen Themen der konk- edad y condición, varones y mujeres, adultos y niños, En revanche, les commentaires sur les huit derniers reten Ethik eingehend behandelt. Der nun vorliegen- pudientes y humildes, y pertenecen, como hemos prophètes, de Jonas à Malachie (CCCM 135G), forment de zweite Band der Edition hat die Bücher 7-10 mit dicho, a diversos países, poniéndose de manifi esto la un ensemble cohérent et solidaire, dont les pièces se den diskretiven Tugenden zum Inhalt. universalidad de la Iglesia católica. succèdent toujours dans le même ordre et dépendent d’un seul et même archétype. Cependant, un examen Der jetzt vorliegende kritische Text der Bücher 7-10 des Valeriano Yarza Urquiola es autor de varios artículos de approfondi a convaincu l’éditeur que ces commen- Speculum uniuersale, der bislang nur in Handschri�ten temática diversa y de libros sobre la literatura latina de taires ne pouvaient décidément pas être l’oeuvre zugänglich war, wurde am Lehrstuhl für Theologische época patrística y medieval (ss. IV-XVI). d’Haymon. Il na pas fallu chercher loin pour en décou- Ethik – Moraltheologie der Universität Würzburg von vrir le véritable auteur, puisqu’il s’agit de Heiric, élève Prof. Dr. Stephan Ernst und Dr. Claudia Heimann ediert. et plus tard successeur d’Haymon à l’école d’Auxerre. Heiric, moine profès de Saint-Germain d’Auxerre (841 - ca 875), y fut l’élève de Haymon avant de lui succéder à la direction de l’école abbatiale.

Monseigneur Roger Gryson, professeur émérite à l’Univer- sité catholique de Louvain, est connu notamment par ses travaux sur l’histoire des institutions ecclésiastiques dans l’antiquité, l’arianisme latin et la critique textuelle de la Bible latine.

1005 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2020, approx. € 495 ISBN: 978-2-503-58876-6 (HB) Series: Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina, vol. 171 IN PREPARATION

545 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2020, approx. € 340 419 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2020, € 250 lxxxvi + 800 p., 8 b/w ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2020, € 495 ISBN: 978-2-503-59108-7 (HB) ISBN: 978-2-503-59116-2 (HB) ISBN: 978-2-503-58672-4 (HB) Series: Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina, vol. 171A Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 135G Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 241A IN PREPARATION DISPONIBLE IN PREPARATION


Petrus Cantor Hugo Eterianus Rupertus Tuitiensis Distinctiones Abel I De sancto et immortali Deo, Anulus seu dialogus & Compendiosa Expositio, de sacramentis fi dei Distinctiones Abel II Fragmenta Graeca Alessio Magoga (ed.) Stephen A. Barney (ed.) Pietro Podolak & Anna Zago (eds) L’Anulus seu dialogus Christiani et Iudaei de sacramentis Peter the Chanter’s Distinctiones Abel, now edited for An Italian theologian in 12th century Byzantium and fi dei è una delle opere meno voluminose del monaco the fi rst time from the manuscripts, is an in�luen- its theological disputes against the Greek church. benedettino Ruperto di Deutz, scrittore particolar- tial and innovative work of twel�th-century biblical mente prolifi co, nato verso il 1075 nei dintorni di Liegi scholarship. Despite his importance both as a historical fi gure in e morto nel 1129, abate del monastero di Sant’Eriberto twel�th-century Constantinople and as a theologian, di Deutz, vicino Colonia. Il titolo dell’opera fa rife- Peter the Chanter’s Distinctiones Abel displays the Hugh Eterianus and his output have remained almost rimento all’anello che il padre misericordioso della multiple senses of some eleven hundred biblical unknown and his works never properly edited. In the parabola lucana (cfr Luc. 15, 11-32) dona al fi glio prodi- terms and arranges the terms in alphabetical or- wake of Antoine Dondaine’s seminal contributions, go, una volta ritornato alla casa paterna. Per Ruperto, der. Preserved in nearly ninety manuscript copies, Pietro Podolak and Anna Zago have now produced a che accoglie una tradizione risalente per lo meno ad it stands at the head of a series of similar aids for new critical edition of Hugh’s main treatise, De sancto Ambrogio e ad Agostino, l’anello della parabola è il preachers and students of the Bible. Its immediate et immortali Deo, based on a complete and systematic simbolo della “vera fede”, donata da Dio ai pagani che context is the practice of “distinguishing” the senses of analysis of the manuscript tradition. The edition also si convertono al cristianesimo. Costituito di soli tre li- terms in a biblical text as the backbone of a sermon, includes four epistles transmitted with the treatise, bri e composto nel 1126, vale a dire nella fase più ma- a novel practice employed by several masters of the and the editio princeps of the so-called Compendiosa tura della produzione rupertiana, l’Anulus è un’opera late twel�th century, notably by Peter’s colleague in expositio, an anonymous commentary on Hugh’s work di carattere apologetico e va collocata nel contesto del Paris, Peter Comestor. The Distinctiones Abel was com- written by a contemporary. In an appendix, readers dibattito sulla “vera fede” tra cristiani ed ebrei del XII piled in an age of organization and may be compared will also fi nd the collection of the few extant frag- secolo. Tale dibattito nella regione ove visse l’abate with such searchable reference works as Gratian’s ments of the Greek version of the main treatise. di Deutz conobbe un importante sviluppo, anche in Decretum, the Glosa Ordinaria, the new Latin dictio- forza della presenza di comunità ebraiche particolar- naries, and Peter Lombard’s Sentences. It is among Pietro Podolak, Ph.D. (2006), is currently invited professor mente vitali dal punto di vista economico e culturale. the fi rst scholarly works to use the alphabet as a tech- at the Istituto Patristico “Augustinianum”, Rome. Anna Zago, Strutturato a modo di “dialogo” tra un cristiano ed un nique of information retrieval. Only selections of the Ph.D. (2015) is a junior lecturer at the University of Pisa. ebreo, l’Anulus vede confrontarsi apertamente, quasi work have been printed before; this editio princeps come in un “duello”, i due interlocutori al fi ne di dimo- will be of interest to intellectual historians and those strare la verità della propria fede. Pur conservando i ti- interested in medieval biblical studies, homiletics, pici loci communes della polemica, l’Anulus si distingue popular imagery, and allegory. da altre opere apologetiche cristiane del tempo in cui The Introduction itself is a major work of scholarship Ruperto visse per una maggiore pacatezza nei toni e in a new fi eld. It includes a brief account of Peter the per il vibrante anelito alla salvezza di tutti: sia dei cri- Chanter’s life and work, a survey of the genre ‘distinc- stiani sia degli ebrei. tiones,’ an extensive description of the manuscripts, many of them treated in print for the fi rst time, along Presbitero della diocesi di Vittorio Veneto, Alessio Magoga with a thorough exposition of the sophisticated meth- insegna teologia presso lo Studio Teologico Interdiocesano odology of textual criticism employed. di Treviso-Vittorio Veneto ed è direttore del settimanale L’Azione. Stephen A. Barney has been Associate Professor of English at Yale University, and is Emeritus Professor of English at the University of California, Irvine.

550 p., 4 col. ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2020, € 310 ISBN: 978-2-503-57805-7 (HB) Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 288 AVAILABLE

704 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2020, € 385 cii + 393 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2020, € 295 304 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2020, € 190 ISBN: 978-2-503-59040-0 (HB) ISBN: 978-2-503-58641-0 (HB) ISBN: 978-2-503-58934-3 (HB) Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 288A Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 298 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 299 AVAILABLE IN PREPARATION AVAILABLE


Anonymus Alcuinus Petrus de Pulka, Bartholomeus de Ebraco, Iacobus de Clavaro Tractatus contra Graecos Excerptiones super Priscianum Andrea Riedl (ed.) Louis Holtz & Anne Grondeux (eds) Tractatus contra articulos Hussitarum Christina Traxler (ed.) Das 13. Jahrhundert stellt eine zentrale Epoche für die Extraits de la grammaire de Priscien sélectionnés Geschichte der Beziehungen Ost- und Westkirche dar. Der um 1424 im Umfeld der Universität Wien ver- par Alcuin Die Eroberung Konstantinopels durch die Kreuzfahrer fasste Tractatus contra articulos Hussitarum, der hier im Jahr 1204 und die daran anschließende Etablierung erstmals im Druck erscheint, stellt nicht nur eine Conservées dans quatre manuscrits, dont un palimp- eines sogenannten Lateinischen Kaiserreichs (1204- der wichtigsten und am weitesten verbreiteten seste, du IXe siècle, les Excerptiones super Priscianum 1261) gilt heute sowohl in der Forschungslandscha�t, Stellungnahmen gegen das hussitische Programm d’Alcuin constituent un témoin exceptionnel de la als auch in den Erinnerungskulturen der Kirchen als si- der Vier Prager Artikel, sondern auch das um- lecture de Priscien par le « maître des maîtres ». Cette gnifi kantes Ereignis auf der Bruchlinie zwischen dem fangreichste literarische Produkt des anti-hussiti- mosaïque d’extraits nous montre comment Alcuin lateinischen Westen und dem griechischen Osten. schen Engagements der Wiener Universität dar. réordonne la lecture de Priscien dans la perspective Den gerade erst neu gegründeten Mendikantenorden In der Masse der anti-hussitischen Literatur des résolument innovante de la syntaxe, rompant avec les kam vor dem Hintergrund ihres missionarischen Spätmittelalters fi el dieser Schri�t eine exemplari- utilisations ponctuelles qui pouvaient être auparavant Ordensau�trags und wesentlich unterstützt durch sche Funktion und Vorreiterrolle zu. Die 56 heute faites de l’Ars Prisciani, par exemple pour commenter ihre �lächendeckenden Ordensstrukturen eine ge- bekannten Abschri�ten des Traktats zeugen von der Donat ou éclairer tel point technique. Le caractère ma- wichtige Rolle innerhalb der literarisch-theolo- sehr breiten Streuung und Rezeption dieser Schri�t, gistral de cette œuvre tient au fait qu’Alcuin se révèle gischen Kontroverse mit den Byzantinern zu. Als die im Au�trag des Kardinals Branda di Castiglioni, le seul à avoir saisi que les seize premiers livres consti- Meilenstein dieser Kontroverse präsentiert die vorlie- päpstlicher Legat für Hussitenangelegenheiten, von tuaient une propédeutique aux deux derniers et à la gende kritische Edition das Dossier eines anonymen, dessen Sekretär Jakob von Clavaro sowie den Wiener maîtrise qui lui permet de relier constamment les fi ls in Konstantinopel tätigen Dominikaners unter dem Theologen Peter von Pulkau und Bartholomäus von invisibles qui unissent les deux parties de l’ouvrage. Titel Tractatus contra Graecos (1252). Dieses Werk, das Ebrach zusammengestellt wurde. Die Autoren ver- L’édition critique est précédée d’une introduction et weite Verbreitung vor allem im Umkreis der (Unions-) fassten eigene Stellungnahmen und gri�fen darüber complétée par une série d’annexes centrées sur la Konzilien des 15. Jahrhunderts erfahren hat, stellt hinaus auf eine ältere, wohl zwischen 1414 und 1418 méthodologie d’Alcuin. auf lateinischer Seite die erste systematische und verfasste Abhandlung gegen den Laienkelch zurück. griechisch-patristisch untermauerte Behandlung Der so entstandene Text bildete nicht nur das ma- Spécialiste des manuscrits médiévaux, Louis Holtz a dirigé jener vier Kon�liktpunkte dar, die in dieser Form terialreichste Kompendium der anti-hussitischen l’Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes de 1985 à 1997. von nun an standardmäßig auf der Agenda der ost- Kontroverstheologie, das auch auf dem Basler Konzil Anne Grondeux est Directrice de Recherche au CNRS (HTL westlichen Debatten standen (Filioque, Azymen, intensiv gelesen wurde, sondern stellte zudem eine – UMR 7597). Purgatorium/Eschatologie und Primat Roms). Zudem prägnante Handreichung für den höheren Klerus dar, bietet der Traktat in Form eines Appendix einen rei- gegen den Hussitismus anzugehen. chen Schatz an klassischen und zeitgenössischen Quellen, die zum Teil singuläre Überlieferungszeugen Christina Traxler ist Universitätsassistentin am Institut sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist der Tractatus contra für Historische Theologie der Universität Wien. Graecos ein wertvolles Dokument nicht nur für die Beziehungsgeschichte zwischen östlich und westlich geprägter Theologie, sondern zudem ein Baustein zur Geschichte und Theologie des Dominikanerordens in der noch jungen Randprovinz „Graecia“.

Andrea Riedl ist seit 2020 Fachbereichsleitung Kirchen- geschichte am Institut für Katholische Theologie an der Technischen Universität Dresden/Deutschland.

xcv + 248 p., 2 col. ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2020, € 210 ci + 262 p., 5 col. ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2020, approx. € 180 cclxiv + 269 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2020, € 310 ISBN: 978-2-503-58874-2 (HB) ISBN: 978-2-503-58875-9 (HB) ISBN: 978-2-503-58922-0 (HB) Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 303 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 304 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 305 IN PREPARATION IN PREPARATION IN PREPARATION


Anonymus Saewulf, Giovanni di Würzburg, Teodorico The Cambridge Gloss Vita et miracula Rosae de Viterbio Tre pellegrinaggi in Terrasanta on the Apocalypse Attilio Bartoli Langeli, Eleonora Rava & Filippo Sedda (eds) Silverio Franzoni & Elisa Lonati (transl.) Cambridge University Library Dd.X.16 Le poche notizie che si hanno sulla vita e i miracoli La Terrasanta crociata nel resoconto di tre dei più C. McAllister (transl.) di Rosa da Viterbo, la fanciulla nata attorno al 1233 e interessanti pellegrini dell’epoca. morta nel 1251 o 1252, che diede testimonianze della The Glossa in Apocalypsin (Cambridge Gloss on the sua fede al tempo di Federico II, sono note da tempo. Le tre descrizioni della Terrasanta crociata riunite Apocalypse) is an anonymous Hiberno-Latin com- Tutti coloro che hanno scritto di Rosa da Viterbo han- in questo volume furono prodotte tra l’inizio del XII mentary on the Apocalypse of John recently discov- no attinto, direttamente o più spesso indirettamente, secolo – qualche anno dopo la presa europea della ered in a tenth-century manuscript at Cambridge dal verbale del processo di canonizzazione svoltosi Palestina – e il 1170 circa – poco prima della ricon- University Library. Its author proceeds verse by verse a Viterbo al tempo di papa Callisto III, a distanza di quista musulmana di Gerusalemme. La prima, quella through the entire Apocalypse, citing short phrases due secoli e poco più dalla morte della beata. Questa dell’inglese Saewulf, è un vero e proprio resoconto di or even single words of the biblical text, followed by fonte però non è conosciuta in maniera scientifi ca. pellegrinaggio dalla forte impronta personale, che brief explanations. The text has a marked dependence Gli atti del processo di canonizzazione del 1457 non con un linguaggio letterariamente spoglio ricorda le on the hermeneutical method of the fourth-century sono mai stati pubblicati. La Vita che vi è contenuta vicissitudini sperimentate dall’autore nel suo viaggio Donatist Tyconius as laid out in his Liber Regularum fu pubblicata (piuttosto malamente) per la prima per mare e per terra, dalla Puglia a Gerusalemme (Book of Rules), and applied in his Exposition on volta nel 1742 dal canonico viterbese Feliciano Bussi e fi n quasi a Constantinopoli. Quelle di Giovanni di the Apocalypse. The Cambridge Gloss promotes an nella sua Istoria della Città di Viterbo. Migliore, nat- Würzburg e di Teodorico sono invece due guide della ecclesiological and spiritual interpretation of the uralmente, ma perfettibile è l’edizione che della Vita città santa e di buona parte della Palestina, parzial- Apocalypse, muting speculation about an imminent e dei Miracula fecero nel 1868 i padri Bollandisti nei mente sovrapponibili in quanto in gran parte derivate endtime scenario. The gloss contains numerous ref- loro Acta Sanctorum. Nel 1952 pubblicò ottimamente dal celebre trattatello di topografi a sacra composto erences to heretics, emphasises the hierarchy and the la Vita Giuseppe Abate. Infi ne, la Vita e i Miracula di qualche decennio prima dal chierico nazareno Rorgo privileged role of teachers within the church, and like- Rosa hanno fatto oggetto del primo anno di attività Fretello. Entrambi gli autori, e soprattutto il più ra�fi - ly dates from the eighth century, the ‘Northumbrian (2016-2017) del Laboratorio di agiografi a (sottotitolo: nato Teodorico, si impegnano tuttavia in un processo Golden Age’, exemplifi ed by the works of Bede the Filologia, edizione, interpretazione delle fonti) aggre- di rielaborazione e amplifi cazione del loro modello, Venerable and Alcuin of York. This English transla- gato alla Scuola superiore di studi medievali e fran- che viene ad arricchirsi di informazioni originali accu- tion (accompanied by numerous notes) is intended to cescani della Pontifi cia Università Antonianum, ed mulate nel corso di una reale esperienza di pellegri- give readers an insight into understanding the view- è stato pubblicato un volume che riproduce il lavoro naggio, testimone dei rinnovati fasti architettonici e point that medieval exegetes held in explaining the seminariale. Della Vita e dei miracoli di Rosa si hanno, urbanistici del regno latino di Gerusalemme. Apocalypse of John. però, altri due altri testimoni, uno conservato a Parigi La versione latina originale dei testi qui tradotti è pub- The source text of this volume appeared in Corpus e uno a Parma, certamente legati al processo. Questa blicata nella collana Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Christianorum Series Latina as Glossa in Apocalypsin e edizione si basa per la prima volta sul trattamento Mediaeualis con il titolo Peregrinationes tres. Saewulf, codice Bibliothecae Vniuersitatis Cantabrigiensis Dd.X.16 contestuale di tutti i prodotti documentari e librari ad John of Würzburg, Theodericus (CC CM, 139), a cura di (CCSL 108G). References to the corresponding pages oggi connessi all’iniziativa del 1456-57. R.B.C. Huygens (1994). I rimandi alle pagine corris- of the Corpus Christianorum edition are provided in the pondenti dell’edizione sono forniti a margine di ques- margins of this translation. Attilio Bartoli Langeli (Roma 1944) è stato professore ta traduzione. ordinario di Paleografi a e Diplomatica presso le univer- Colin McAllister is an Assistant Professor in the Department sità di Perugia, Venezia, Padova, Pontifi cia Università Silverio Franzoni è stato allievo della Scuola Normale of Visual and Performing Arts at the University of Colorado, Antonianum. Eleonora Rava (Livorno 1964), è Honorary Superiore di Pisa (2011-2016) ed è attualmente dottorando Colorado Springs. Research Fellow presso l’ University of St Andrews e Fellow presso la stessa istituzione, in cotutela con l’École Pratique of the Royal Historical Society. Filippo Sedda (Oristano des Hautes Études (PSL) di Parigi. Elisa Lonati è stata allie- 1973) ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in storia della va della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (2011-2016) ed è Chiesa con una tesi sulla Veritatem sapientis (2006) e in attualmente dottoranda presso l’École Pratique des Hautes storia medievale con una tesi su La polemica anti-ebraica di Études (PSL) di Parigi, in cotutela con la Scuola Normale. Giovanni da Capestrano (2011).

approx. 230 p., 25 b/w ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2020, approx. € 135 306 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 50 167 p., 1 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 35 ISBN: 978-2-503-58998-5 (HB) ISBN: 978-2-503-58900-8 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58901-5 ISBN: 978-2-503-58240-5 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58241-2 Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 306 Series: Corpus Christianorum in Translation, vol. 35 Series: Corpus Christianorum in Translation, vol. 36 IN PREPARATION AVAILABLE AVAILABLE



The Making of Pulchritudo tam antiqua et tam nova Taizé, une parabole d’unité Christianities in History Studies in History of Christianity Histoire de la communauté A Processing Approach in Honour of Mathijs Lamberigts des origines au “concile de jeunes” Staf Hellemans & Gerard Rouwhorst (eds) Études d’histoire du christianisme Silvia Scatena en l’honneur de Mathijs Lamberigts Histoire de la communauté des origines au “concile There has been a major trend among social scientists Jean-Marie Auwers & Dries Vanysacker (eds) de jeunes” and historians to assume that the history of moderni- ty can be studied without taking into consideration This volume contains twenty-two articles that col- Chapitre important de l’histoire du XXe siècle religieux religion as an important factor. This is in contrast to leagues and friends of Mathijs Lamberigts, former européen, l’itinéraire de la communauté de Taizé a premodern societies in which religion would have Dean of the Faculty of Theology at KULeuven and croisé les di�férents événements qui ont marqué la played such a predominant and all-embracing role Director of the Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, o�fer him recherche de l’unité des chrétiens divisés et l’histoire that a total symbiosis between religion and society th for his 65 birthday. These articles cover all periods de nombreuses églises du continent entre la Seconde would have existed. Both of these views are chal- in the history of Christianity, from the apocrypha on Guerre mondiale et la chute du rideau de fer. Première lenged by the authors of this volume. They claim that Saint Matthew to contemporary Christianity, and fo- communauté cénobitique masculine née sur terrain neither of them does justice to the complexity of the cus on themes dear to the dedicatee (Pelagianism, réformé, vite devenue point de rencontre d’une sorte relationship between society and religion. They pro- Julian of Eclan, Christianity in Flanders, the Louvain’ d’église œcuménique en gestation, Taizé a interpellé pose a theoretical framework that fully addresses tradition, the Second Vatican Council). les chrétiens et les églises en des lieux et en des temps this complexity by focussing on the variegated active di�férents. Observatoire original des événements ways in which religious agents (groups and individ- Ce volume rassemble vingt-deux articles que des col- caractéristiques de la soif d’unité qui a fait irruption uals) process(ed) their societal and religious con- lègues et amis de Mathijs Lamberigts, qui fut doyen parmi les chrétiens au cœur du XXe siècle, Taizé at- texts in the modern era as well as in the premodern de la faculté de théologie de la KULeuven et directeur tendait encore un nécessaire e�fort d’historicisation. period. Viewed from this perspective, the history of de la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, lui o�frent pour ses Ce volume essaie de répondre à cette exigence grâce Christianity appears as the heterogeneous result of 65 ans. Ces articles couvrent toutes les périodes de à l’étude d’une très riche documentation inédite, an ongoing and unceasing selective processing by l’histoire du christianisme, depuis les apocryphes sur conservée à Taizé et en beaucoup d’autres archives all Christians – and non-Christians – of their envi- saint Matthieu jusqu’au christianisme contempo- européennes. Ce travail est le fruit d’une recherche de ronment. The application of this new theoretical and rain, et privilégient les thèmes chers au dédicataire nombreuses années, consacrée aux premières décen- methodological framework sheds light – o�ten in a (le pélagianisme, Julien d’Éclane, le christianisme en nies de l’histoire de la communauté fondée par Roger surprising and unexpected way – on various process- Flandre, la tradition louvaniste, le concile Vatican II). Schutz : depuis les premiers projets communautaires es in the history of Christianity: the con�lict-ridden partagés avec quelques amis au lendemain du déclen- parting of the ways between Jews and Christians; Jean-Marie Auwers (co-éditeur) est professeur à l’UC chement de la guerre, jusqu’à l’annonce, au printemps the emergence and development of early Christian Louvain. Dries Vanysacker (co-éditeur) est professeur à la de 1970, d’un « état conciliaire » tout à fait inédit pour rituals; the formation of a Cathar Counter- Church; KU Leuven. sortir de l’impasse où se trouvait l’œcuménisme après the emergence of new forms of Christianity in North les promesses du début des années 60. Les origines, America; the complicated and ambiguous evolution Table of Contents: l’évolution, l’accueil et les résistances rencontrées par of Roman Catholicism in modernity. cette création communautaire originale constituent donc l’objet de ce volume. Cette ouvrage entend donc Staf Hellemans is Emeritus Professor Sociology of Religion, suivre, reconstruire et documenter l’« itinérance » de School of Catholic Theology, Tilburg University. Gerard Taizé entre les di�férentes réalités ecclésiales ainsi que Rouwhorst is Emeritus Professor Liturgical Studies, School le dynamisme déployé par cette communauté au long of Catholic Theology, Tilburg University. des di�férentes lignes de fracture de l’histoire du XXe Table of Contents: siècle.

[trad. française de l’italien Storia della comunità dalle origini al concilio dei giovani]

Silvia Scatena est professeure d’histoire contemporaine à l’Université de Modène et Reggio Emilia.

248 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 65 approx. 360 p., 30 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 84 approx. 610 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 110 ISBN: 978-2-503-58781-3 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58783-7 ISBN: 978-2-503-58233-7 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58234-4 ISBN: 978-2-503-58536-9 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58537-6 Series: Bibliothèque de la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, vol. 106 Series: Bibliothèque de la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, vol. 107 Série: Bibliothèque de la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, vol. 108 IN PREPARATION IN PREPARATION EN PRÉPARATION


La Bible dans les catéchèses L’invention du protomartyr Étienne Encounters on the Holy Mountain des IVe-Ve siècles Sainteté, pouvoir et controverse dans Stories from Mount Athos er e Rémi Gounelle (éd.) l’Antiquité (I -VI s.) With a Collection of Special Photographs Damien Labadie Utilisation de la Bible dans les catéchèses and a Detailed Map des IVe-Ve siècles Étienne le premier martyr : naissance d’un saint dans Peter Howorth & Chris Thomas (eds) Foreword by HRH The Prince of Wales l’Antiquité chrétienne Les catéchèses et manuels de catéchèse des IVe-Ve Photographs by Roland Baetens siècles citent abondamment la Bible, pour illustrer Cette étude s’e�force de comprendre de quelles ma- leur propos, pour prouver certains points doctrinaux An a�fectionate testament to Mount Athos, the Holy nières la fi gure biblique d’Étienne (Actes 6-8) s’est ou moraux, mais aussi plus fondamentalement pour Mountain, a�ter 30 years of activity of the Friends of transmise et a été reçue dans le christianisme des six guider les fi dèles ou les catéchètes dans leur utili- Mount Athos premiers siècles de notre ère. Du texte des Actes des sation des textes bibliques. Malgré la richesse des apôtres à la translation de ses reliques à Rome en 589, données disponibles, la recherche ne s’est pourtant Mount Athos, the home of Orthodox spirituality and cette enquête tente de saisir les mécanismes condui- que peu intéressée à l’utilisation de la Bible dans monasticism, has been in existence for at least 1200 sant à la construction d’Étienne comme un saint dont ces textes. Le présent volume pallie ce manque en years. Home to over 2,000 monks, in twenty glorious le culte fut central dans l’histoire du christianisme. explorant les homélies catéchétiques de Cyrille de monasteries fi lled with treasures, the peninsula is un- Une attention particulière a été accordée à l’étude Jérusalem (Sébastien Grignon), d’Ambroise de Milan dergoing a transformation and renewal of faith. des diverses formes que son culte a revêtues après la (Aline Canellis) et de Jean Chrysostome (Guillaume In 1956 there was a proposal to build hotels on Mount découverte de ses reliques, en Palestine au Ve siècle, Bady), le Discours catéchétique de Grégoire de Athos. Today it hosts up to 1,000 pilgrims every day! et de sa rapide di�fusion en Méditerranée orientale et Nysse (Matthieu Cassin) et le De catechizandis rudibus Why? This book will help explain this extraordinary occidentale. À cette fi n, l’ensemble des pièces du dos- d’Augustin d’Hippone (Matthieu Pignot). place, the current resurgence, the growing population sier hagiographique d’Étienne ont été scrutées à la lu- of monks, the sense of purpose, the love and a�fection mière des recherches les plus récentes sur le culte des Rémi Gounelle est professeur d’histoire du christianisme that are so much part of the environment. saints, l’hagiographie et l’histoire de la Palestine dans antique à l’Université de Strasbourg. Il dirige le Centre This wonderful story, with a preface by HRH Prince l’Antiquité tardive. Au terme de cette étude, nous es- d’Analyse et de Documentation Patristiques. Charles, Prince of Wales, is told through the recollec- pérons surtout exposer les motivations idéologiques tions of the Friends of Mount Athos, an organisation de l’usage des reliques du saint dans un contexte où that has, for thirty years, provided support for the in- Table des matières s’entrecroisent controverses doctrinales, topographie stitutions, landscape and people. Here are the stories sacrée, antijudaïsme et construction de la mémoire of enchantment from over forty people of di�ferent R. Gounelle, Préface chrétienne. nationalities, customs and beliefs. S. Grignon, Les Catéchèses prébaptismales de Cyrille de Jérusalem, In addition to the text, there are a collection of special une rhétorique de l’Écriture ? Damien Labadie est orientaliste, philologue et spécialiste photographs and a map. A. Canellis, L’utilisation de la Bible dans la catéchèse pascale d’histoire des religions. Il enseigne l’éthiopien classique et d’Ambroise de Milan. De la simplicité pastorale à l’érudition travaille, comme post-doctorant, à l’Institut de recherches Table of Contents: et d’études sur les mondes arabes et musulmans (Aix-en- G. Bady, La Bible dans les Catéchèses de Jean Chrysostome Provence). M. Cassin, Pourquoi la Bible est-elle si peu présente dans le Discours catéchétique de Grégoire de Nysse ? M. Pignot, La Bible dans la première catéchèse aux nouveaux convertis : le cas du De catechizandis rudibus d’Augustin d’Hippone. Index scripturaire Index des textes anciens cités

approx. 200 p., 19 b/w ills, 148 x 210 mm, 2020, approx. € 40 approx. 600 p., 5 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 100 304 p., 25 b/w ills, 130 col. ills, 300 x 240 mm, 2020, € 85 ISBN: 978-2-503-58895-7 (PB) ISBN: 978-2-503-59012-7 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59013-4 ISBN: 978-2-503-58911-4 (HB) Série: Cahiers de Biblia Patristica, vol. 21 Série: Judaïsme ancien et origines du christianisme, vol. 21 Published outside a Series EN PRÉPARATION EN PRÉPARATION IN PREPARATION


Mäshafä Sawiros, Omelie IV-VIII The Anthropology of ‘Lest She Pollute the Sanctuary’ Tedros Abraha St Gregory Palamas The In�luence of the Protevangelium The Image of God, the Spiritual Senses, Iacobi on Women’s Status in Christianity Les trois premières homélies du Mäṣḥafä Sawiros and the Human Body Patricia M. Rumsey zä-Esmunayn, connu aussi comme K brä Haymanot, Alexandros Chouliaras La gloire de la religion (chrétienne), ont été publiées en No text in Christian history has had such a profound 2017 dans PO 247 (56.2). Ce fascicule o�fre l’édition in�luence on how Christians perceive women: this How are we to regard our body? As a prison, an enemy, et la traduction italienne des cinq homélies suivant- book explores the Protevangelium Jacobi, the most or, maybe, an ally? Is it something bad that needs to es, composées en arabe dans le même style pastoral in�luential Christian text that most Christians have e e be humiliated and extinguished, or should one see it et apologétique par Sévère d’Ašmūnayn (X -XI s.). never heard of! Comme la précédente, cette édition s’e�force de re- as a huge blessing, that deserves attention and care? Is the body an impediment to human experience of construire le texte g ’ z en le comparant aux témoins This work explores a second-century text, the God? Or, rather, does the body have a crucial role in arabes, à commencer par le plus ancien, Paris BN ara- Protevangelium Iacobi, and, by examining current e this very experience? Alexandros Chouliaras’ book The be 170 (XIII s.), qui sont abondamment cités dans les scholarship on the subject, assesses the way it has Anthropology of St Gregory Palamas: the Image of God, notes à la traduction, où l’on trouvera aussi les renvois in�luenced the Christian perception of women and aux sources bibliques, patristiques, voire coraniques the Spiritual Senses, and the Human Body argues that the ordering of their lives through the centuries utilisées par l’auteur. the fourteenth-century monk, theologian, and bish- down to the present day. It demonstrates how Mary, op Gregory Palamas has interesting and persuasive as she is presented in this text with extreme and un- answers to o�fer to all these questions, and that his real emphasis on her purity, has been held up as an anthropology has a great deal to o�fer to Christian life unattainable model for all Christian women and takes and theology today. as a case study, the lives of contemplative women in Amongst this book’s contributions are these: for the Roman and shows how the image Palamas, the human is superior to the angels concern- of Mary impossibly seclused in the temple has been ing the image of God for specifi c reasons, all linked to partly responsible for their enclosure. By exploring the his corporeality. Secondly, the spiritual senses refer way female biological processes have been allowed to not only to the soul, but also to the body. However, in intrude on the sacred, tracing this in�luence from the Paradise the body will be absorbed by the spirit, and Old Testament, through this text and its connection acquire a totally spiritual aspect. But this does not at with Mary to the present day, it argues that this has all entail a devaluing of the body. On the contrary, been a signifi cant factor in the denial of presbyteral St Gregory ascribes a high value to the human body. ordination to women in some Christian churches. Finally, central to Palamas’ theology is a strong em- One of the original features of this work is the tracing phasis on the human potentiality for union with God, of artwork depicting scenes from the text across the theosis: that is, the passage from image to likeness. And Christian world and thus demonstrating the breadth herein lies, perhaps, his most important gi�t to the an- of its in�luence, right down to New Age writings today. thropological concerns of our epoch. The abbess of a Poor Clare monastery with a PhD in litur- Alexandros Chouliaras is post-doctoral researcher at gical theology, Patricia Rumsey is an authority on the im- the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, plications of women’s religious life today. She is an honorary Department of Theology. associate professor at Nottingham University.

Table of Contents:

226 p., 180 x 265 mm, Institut Pontifi cal Oriental de Rome, 2020, € 99 approx. xvi + 240 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 70 approx. x + 250 p., 1 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 65 Paperback: ISBN 978-2-503-59292-3 ISBN: 978-2-503-58941-1 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58942-8 ISBN: 978-2-503-59036-3 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59037-0 Series: Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 250 (57.2) Series: Studia Traditionis Theologiae, vol. 38 Series: Studia Traditionis Theologiae, vol. 41 IN PREPARATION IN PREPARATION IN PREPARATION



The series publishes reference works and seminal studies on patristic and medieval authors and subjects. Founded by Dom Eligius Dekkers († 1998) as Instrumenta Patristica, its initial aim was to o�fer a series of tools for scholars of patristic studies, with an emphasis on manuscript catalogues and bibliographical directories of major authors such as Origen, Augustine, and Jerome. As Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, the series has widened its scope to include medieval Christianity. It now welcomes all studies that are instrumental to research on the inheritance of Christianity before 1500 AD.

The Manuscripts of Lire Grégoire de Nazianze au Xe siècle In Defence of Faith, Leo the Great’s Letters Études sur Basile le Minime et Against the Manichaeans The Transmission and Reception ses Commentaires aux Discours 4 et 5 Critical Edition and Historical, of Papal Documents in Late Antiquity Gaëlle Rioual Literary and Theological Study and the Middle Ages of the Treatise Aduersus Manichaeos, Études sur le contexte de production des Commentaires Matthew Hoskin de Basile le Minime et sur les procédés exégétiques à Attributed to Evodius of Uzalis l’œuvre dans les Commentaires aux Discours 4 et 5. Aäron Vanspauwen The enduring legacy of one of the greatest popes of Late Antiquity demonstrated through manuscripts Au Xe siècle, le prestige et la renommée de Grégoire This publication is the fi rst comprehensive study of of his letters de Nazianze, dit le Théologien, est à son zénith dans Evodius’ treatise Aduersus Manichaeos. It o�fers a new l’empire byzantin : Constantin vii Porphyrogénète critical edition of the treatise as well as a thorough This book explores the transmission of the letters of vient de déposer les reliques du saint homme à study of the treatise, its contents, and its historical Leo the Great (pope, 440-461). A�ter setting out the l’église des Saints-Apôtres, dans la capitale impé- context. contours of Leo’s papacy and the factors contributing riale, et ses textes sont désormais enseignés dans les to the sending and subsequent transmission of his écoles byzantines au côté d’auteurs comme Homère This publication o�fers a historical, literary, and theo- letters to posterity, it deals in detail with around sixty et Démosthène. C’est dans ce contexte que Basile le logical study of the treatise Aduersus Manichaeos, at- collections of Leo’s letters and over 300 manuscripts Minime, évêque de Césarée de Cappadoce et proche tributed to Evodius of Uzalis. Evodius was a friend and ranging in date from the sixth up to the sixteenth cen- de l’empereur, écrit ses Commentaires aux Discours de contemporary of Augustine of Hippo. His anti-Man- tury. Each period of the Middle Ages is introduced as Grégoire, dans le but de rendre ces œuvres accessibles ichaean treatise Aduersus Manichaeos constitutes an the context for collecting and copying the letters, and à un plus large public de lecteurs. important source on both the Christian church as well the relationships between the letter collections them- Après une mise au point sur la vie et l’œuvre de Basile as the Manichaean movement in the Latin world in selves are traced. The result is a survey of the impact of le Minime, ainsi qu’une discussion sur la postérité the fi �th century. Nevertheless, because the treatise Leo the Great upon Latin Christendom, an impact that de la fi gure de Grégoire le Théologien dans l’empire bears witness to the in�luence of the anti-Manichae- was felt in theology and canon law, especially from the byzantin, cet ouvrage s’intéresse en particulier à la an writings of Augustine of Hippo, it has not yet been age of the Emperor Justinian to the Council of Ferrara- démarche exégétique de Basile – ses objectifs, ses systematically studied on its own. As a result, much Florence, and moving through the major monasteries sources et son contenu – en prenant comme point de of its historical circumstances have been shrouded in of Europe from Corbie to Clairvaux. At every cultural départ ses Commentaires aux Discours 4 et 5, récemment mystery. Renaissance, Leo was a presence, being copied, rear- publiés dans le Corpus Christianorum. En lisant Basile This volume is the result of the doctoral research ranged, interpreted, and eventually printed. This book pour ce qu’il a à dire plutôt que pour ce qu’il nous of Aäron Vanspauwen (KU Leuven). The volume is a testament to the legacy of one of the mid-fi �th apprend sur le texte de Grégoire, les Commentaires reconstructs the circumstances in which Aduersus century’s most in�luential fi gures. se révèlent ainsi une source d’information appré- Manichaeos was written and studies the treatise in ciable sur la réception des Discours de Grégoire à son relation to its fi �th-century North African context. Matthew Hoskin has a Ph.D. in Classics and the History époque et sur la culture byzantine en général. Alliant This publication complements the study of Aduersus of Christianity, awarded by the University of Edinburgh in paraphrases explicatives, commentaires de texte et Manichaeos with a new critical edition of the original 2015. Since then, he has had the opportunity to study man- explications savantes, Basile propose en e�fet, sous la Latin text of the treatise, including a facing English uscripts through fellowships at Rome and Durham, as well forme de scholies, une « lecture expliquée » du texte translation. as to teach Latin and Roman History at Edinburgh and the de Grégoire comme pouvait le dispenser à ses élèves University of British Columbia. un grammairien de niveau secondaire. Aäron Vanspauwen is a postdoctoral researcher (FWO), active at the Research Unit of History of Church and Gaëlle Rioual travaille actuellement à l’édition de la pa- Theology, of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies raphrase des Actes de Thomas par Nicétas de Thessalonique, at KU Leuven. avec le professeur Paul-Hubert Poirier, ainsi qu’à une nou- velle édition et traduction du Tableau de Cébès.

approx. 385 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 90 approx. 420 p., 6 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 100 approx. 250 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 70 ISBN: 978-2-503-58966-4 (HB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58967-1 ISBN: 978-2-503-58972-5 (HB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58973-2 ISBN: 978-2-503-58995-4 (HB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58996-1 Series: Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 83 Série: Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 82 Series: Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 79 IN PREPARATION (JANUARY 2021) EN PRÉPARATION IN PREPARATION


Diocèse d’Évreux Diocèse de Clermont Les sphères, les astres Vincent Tabbagh Henri Hours et les théologiens

Les Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae présentent, pour chaque Les Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae présentent, pour chaque L’in�luence céleste entre science et foi diocèse de France entre 1200 et 1500 : diocèse de France entre 1200 et 1500 : dans les commentaires des Sentences • des notices biographiques des évêques, auxiliaires • des notices biographiques des évêques, auxiliaires (v. 1220-v. 1340) de l’évêque, dignitaires et chanoines prébendés du de l’évêque, dignitaires et chanoines prébendés du Maria Sorokina chapitre cathédral, chapitre cathédral, • des tables chronologiques pour les évêques, leurs • des tables chronologiques pour les évêques, leurs This book is the fi rst exhaustive study of one of the auxiliaires, les dignitaires et les chanoines du cha- auxiliaires, les dignitaires et les chanoines du cha- fundamental theory for medieval science: the theory pitre cathédral, pitre cathédral, of celestial in�luence. The analysis of the Sentences • une présentation des institutions diocésaines et des • une présentation des institutions diocésaines et des commentaries reveals di�ferent conceptions of ce- sources, avec une bibliographie, sources, avec une bibliographie, lestial causality and shows the interactions between • quelques notices faisant le point sur les aspects par- • quelques notices faisant le point sur les aspects par- secular and Christian cosmologies. ticuliers de chaque diocèse. ticuliers de chaque diocèse. Pour la totalité des savants médiévaux, les sphères et astres causent de multiples phénomènes terrestres, Les notices biographiques o�fertes par ce nouveau Conscient d’assurer dans la longue durée la per- des événements météorologiques jusqu’aux chan- volume concernent les trente-trois prélats élevés sur manence de l’ecclesia sedis Arvernae, le chapitre de gements dans le corps humain. Mais qu’en disent les le siège épiscopal d’Évreux, et près de 700 auxiliaires Clermont, où l’évêque avait place comme un simple théologiens ? Ce livre propose la première reconstitu- de l’évêque, dignitaires et chanoines identifi és pour chanoine, était le gardien des « règles et usages an- tion de la théorie de l’in�luence céleste à partir d’une la période considérée dans un chapitre relativement ciens » de cette Eglise. 673 notices, extraites de la base analyse exhaustive du corpus des commentaires des modeste. Le volume propose également des syn- des Fasti, sont consacrées aux évêques, à leurs col- Sentences (v. 1220-v. 1340). Non seulement ces auteurs thèses sur plusieurs thèmes en relation étroite avec le laborateurs immédiats - vicaires et o�fi ciaux - et aux adhèrent à la doctrine de la causalité céleste, mais clergé de l’Église d’Évreux : la cathédrale et son envi- chanoines de la cathédrale. Celle-ci est abordée ici aussi ils prônent une approche originale. D’une part, ronnement dans la cité, le quartier cathédral dans la comme l’église où ce chapitre assure la permanence ils traitent de l’in�luence « ordinaire », celle des corps ville médiévale, les représentations des évêques et de la prière du diocèse : sa liturgie est un modèle pour supérieurs connus des astronomes : son étendue, ses e des chanoines dans les verrières de cet édifi ce et enfi n les églises locales, et le chantier du XIII siècle en est mécanismes, ses limites. D’autre part, ils dépeignent ses stalles. l’expression, notamment à travers l’iconographie des une in�luence « hors normes », celle des sphères, des Les Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae, ce sont aussi des cher- vitraux narratifs des chapelles. planètes et des étoiles dont l’existence est postulée cheurs, débutants ou confi rmés, rassemblés dans une Les Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae, ce sont aussi des cher- par la foi chrétienne : le ciel empyrée, demeure des équipe qui se réunit une fois par an, ainsi qu’une base cheurs, débutants ou confi rmés, rassemblés dans bienheureux, ou les corps célestes métamorphosés de données réunissant désormais 21 000 enregistre- une équipe qui se réunit une fois par an ainsi qu’une par l’Apocalypse. Dotés, à première vue, de propriétés ments d’individus, enrichie chaque jour, qui doit être base de données réunissant actuellement plus de 19 contraires à l’ordre naturel, ces cieux sont néanmoins mise en ligne et di�fusée sur le site Brepolis de Brepols 200 ecclésiastiques, enrichie chaque jour, qui doit être décrits avec la philosophie naturelle aristotélicienne. Publishers. L’équipe dispose d’un site web o�frant de mise en ligne et di�fusée sur le site Brepolis de Brepols La théologie s’adapte donc à la science, mais en re- nombreuses informations sur ses activités : https:// Publishers. L’équipe dispose d’un site web o�frant de nouvelant cette dernière : en englobant le cas des nombreuses informations sur ses activités : https:// cieux « atypiques », la théorie de l’in�luence céleste en ressort profondément modifi ée. Il s’agit, peut-être, d’une clé pour comprendre l’innovation du savoir scientifi que médiéval et, peut-être, pour penser les évolutions scientifi ques ultérieures. Ce livre est la version retravaillée d’une thèse de doc- torat distinguée par deux prix : le prix Daniel et Michel Dezès (décerné par le Comité français des sciences historiques sous l’égide de la Fondation de France) et le prix de la Société française d’histoire des sciences et des techniques (SFHST). Maria Sorokina (docteur, Université Paris-Est, 2017 ; cher- cheuse postdoctorale, De Wulf-Mansion Centre, KU Leuven) est une historienne des sciences médiévales. Table des matières :

xii + 496 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 70 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 70 2 vols, approx. 1300 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 120 ISBN: 978-2-503-59136-0 (PB) ISBN: 978-2-503-59274-9 (PB) ISBN: 978-2-503-59086-8 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59087-5 Série: Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae, vol. 20 Série: Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae, vol. 21 Série: Studia Sententiarum, vol. 5 EN PRÉPARATION EN PRÉPARATION EN PRÉPARATION


QUAESTIO 19 (2019, publ.2020) Le grec et la philosophie Natura aut Voluntas Stars, Kingdoms, Beliefs, and Masses. dans la correspondance de Cicéron Recherches sur la pensée politique et Political Astrology in the Mediterranean Sophie Aubert-Baillot éthique hellénistique et romaine et son in�luence Area from Middle Ages to the Renaissance Située au carrefour de la linguistique, de la littéra- Phillip Mitsis ture antique, de la philosophie grecque et romaine ainsi que de l’histoire des idées à Rome à la fi n de la Table of Contents République, cette étude cherche à examiner comment Ce livre étudie l’origine des conceptions de la loi naturelle et du libre arbitre dans la philosophie hel- D. Gutas, Foreword / M. Benedetto, Introduzione / C. Burnett, le « code-switching » (ou basculement d’une langue à The Doctrine on Kings and Empires in Abu Ma‘shar’s Book on l’autre) révèle les origines, l’élaboration et l’évolution lénistique et romaine, et la manière dont elles ont Religions and Dynasties and its Application in the Medieval de la pensée philosophique de Cicéron dans un genre contribué à forger la pensée éthique et politique West / C. Ba�fi oni, L’astrologia politica islamica: il caso degli marginal, semi-privé et informel – la correspondance moderne. Ikhwa-n al-S. afa-’ / S. Sela, World Astrology in Abraham Ibn – qui entretiens d’étroites a�fi nités tant avec le bilin- Ezra’s Work / M. Benedetto, An Ideology for Dependence? The guisme qu’avec avec la philosophie. Après une défi - La formule cicéronienne natura aut voluntas associe tout Public Dimension of Astrology in the Jewish Middle Ages / P. Arfé, en les opposant deux des contributions les plus origi- Attorno all’edizione dell’Ars geomantiae. Le fonti esplicite e impli- nition puis une triple analyse, formelle, culturelle et nales de la philosophie hellénistique et romaine à la cite / S. Rapisarda, A Contribution to a Corpus of Anglo-Norman prosopographique, du corpus retenu, ce livre s’attache Chiromancies / N. Weill-Parot, Pouvoir de la magie astrale et ordre aux sources philosophiques du grec fi gurant dans les pensée éthique et politique occidentale. Ce livre, qui politique chez Guillaume d’Auvergne / A. Palazzo, Astrology and lettres cicéroniennes en quatre étapes successives, analyse di�férents aspects signifi catifs de cet apport, Politics: The Theory of Great Conjunctions in Albert the Great / incarnées respectivement par Platon, les Socratiques s’achève en évoquant la manière surprenante dont A. Beccarisi, The Geomantic Technique and its Applications / (Xénophon et Antisthène) et les Académiciens elles ont été réunies dans la théorie éthique et politique C. Steel, Henry Bate’s Translation of Ibn Ezra’s treatise The (Arcésilas, Carnéade, Philon), par Aristote et les in�luente de John Locke. Les six premiers chapitres Book of the World. A Critical Edition / A. Fidora, Ramon Llull’s examinent di�férents éléments fondamentaux de la Critique of Political Astrology / P. Ponzio, Tra rivelazioni e stra- Péripatéticiens (Théophraste et Dicéarque), par théorie stoïcienne de la natura et de la loi naturelle, en tagemmi: politica e teologia profetica in Tommaso Campanella / Épicure et les Épicuriens (Philodème de Gadara) et J.-P. Boudet, Conclusion par les Stoïciens. Elle révèle la récurrence, la précision, montrant que les Stoïciens ont inauguré une nouvelle la subtilité des emprunts de Cicéron à la philosophie conception de l’éthique dans l’Antiquité gréco-romaine Varia classique et hellénistique, mais aussi la variété de – une idée qui était appelée à culminer, en dernier V. M. Giouli, Relativity of Freedom in Plato’s Republic / leurs emplois et de leurs fonctions. La correspondance ressort, avec la théorie de Kant. À la di�férence des phi- M. E. Malgieri, L’essere e la volonta creatrice. La quarta proposi- constitue souvent un laboratoire de la pensée où la losophes grecs antérieurs, qui s’étaient concentrés sur zione del De causis nel commento dello Pseudo-Adamo di Bocfeld / une conception de l’intérêt personnel en relation avec M. Panarelli, Plants Changing Species. The Latin Debate on the genèse de celle-ci est plus perceptible que dans les la polis, les Stoïciens ont formulé pour la première fois transmutatio plantarum / G. Mori, Contingency, Possibility, and dialogues ou les traités et une analyse systématique Verisimilitude in Lorenzo Valla: Dialectics and Philology / T. Sgarro, du bilinguisme qui s’y manifeste constitue un angle une théorie éthique et politique fondée sur des prin- La religione della mente in Tommaso Campanella / E. Mazzarella, d’approche inédit et fécond pour approfondir notre cipes moraux universels reposant sur des lois divines Colpa e tempo. Una glossa heideggeriana / C. Di Martino, connaissance de la philosophie cicéronienne et hel- universelles. Les chapitres portant sur les Épicuriens Heidegger e la concezione destinale della tecnica / G. Formica, On lénistique. discutent ensuite la manière dont leur conception du the Procedural Character of Hilbert’s Axiomatic Method plaisir et de la mort a forgé une notion de voluntas fon- dée sur le choix rationnel entre di�férentes possibilités Note – Cronache – Recensioni Sophie Aubert-Baillot est maître de confé rences HDR en alternatives, qui est aux origines de la notion moderne F. Fiorentino, Liberta e determinismo. Ri�lessioni medievali / langue et litté rature latines à l’Université Grenoble Alpes. M. Mantovani, A priori Proofs of God’s Existence in 17th de libre arbitre la plus répandue de nos jours. Les dé- century Scholastics veloppements des deux derniers chapitres du livre entendent montrer de quelle manière ces conceptions originales de la natura et de la voluntas, issues de deux écoles antagonistes de la philosophie antique, sont de- venues des piliers fondamentaux de la pensée éthique et politique des débuts de l’époque moderne. Ces ra- cines stoïciennes et épicuriennes ne sont donc pas seu- lement signifi catives en elles-mêmes : l’écho qu’elle ont suscité a profondément in�luencé les développements ultérieurs de la pensée éthique et politique.

Phillip Mitsis est Alexander S. Onassis Professor of Hellenic Culture and Civilization à la New York University, et Academic Director de l’American Institute for Verdi Studies. vii + 514 p., 170 x 240 mm, 2020, € 90 ISBN 978-2-503-58752-3 (PB) Journal: Quaestio, vol. 19 approx. 700 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 100 approx. 400 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 100 AVAILABLE ISBN: 978-2-503-59155-1 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59156-8 ISBN: 978-2-503-58945-9 (PB) Print & Online Subscriptions: Série: Philosophie hellénistique et romaine / Hellenistic and Roman Série: Philosophie hellénistique et romaine / Hellenistic and Roman contact [email protected] Philosophy, vol. 12 Philosophy, vol. 11 Online content available on EN PRÉPARATION (FÉVRIER 2021) EN PRÉPARATION


Cover image not yet available

La statut de la perception sensible Reason and Revelation Homo, Natura, Mundus: dans les Questions à Thalassios in the Middle Ages Human Beings and de Maxime le Confesseur Revised edition, with a new preface Their Relationships Claire Cachia by William J. Courtenay Proceedings of the XIV International Etienne Gilson La doctrine anthropologique qui se dégage dans les Congress of the Société Internationale Questions à Thalassios de Maxime le Confesseur donne pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, “In three short chapters, and with a few brief strokes, July 24-28, 2017, Porto Alegre, Brazil une place de choix à la perception sensible, qui est Professor Gilson has succeeded in outlining three considérée comme la première étape indispensable dominant threads in the problem of the relations Roberto Hofmeister Pich, Alfredo Storck & Alfredo Culleton (eds) à toute connaissance humaine. Le juste exercice de la between reason and revelation in the Middle Ages. sensation est un des enjeux fondamentaux de la vie Those who have read the James Lectures on the Unity The 65 essays contemplate current research ques- pratique, c’est-à-dire de la morale, puisque le dévelop- of Philosophical Experience will fi nd in the Richards tions in Latin, Jewish, and Arabic Philosophy, and pement des passions mauvaises dans la vie humaine Lectures ... a welcome complement to Gilson’s dis- Early Modern Scholasticism, leading the general découle d’une ignorance et d’une erreur de jugement, cussion of the role and the fate of rational specu- theme of “Homo – Natura – Mundus: Human Beings précisément en ce qui concerne l’appréhension du lation within the unity of Christian thought during and their Relationships” in new directions. monde sensible. Le juste exercice de la sensation est the Middle Ages. ... At the present moment when so aussi la condition de possibilité de la contemplation much is written on medieval thought, and when the The present volumes contain a number of studies fi rst naturelle, car il permet à l’homme de voir à travers historical landscape is so mobile, it is extremely useful presented at the XIV International Congress of the les fi gures du monde visible l’intention et le plan du to follow a master guide in a simple but sure presen- Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Créateur. C’est grâce à cette contemplation du créé tation of the most important problem confronting Médiévale, July 24-28, 2017, Porto Alegre, Brazil – que l’être humain accomplit sa mission d’unifi cation medieval thinkers.” — Anton Pegis du monde sensible et du monde intelligible, et accède which happened to be the fi rst SIEPM Congress à la connaissance de Dieu et à l’union avec Dieu en vue in Latin America and the fi rst in the Southern de laquelle il a été créé. Hemisphere. In 65 essays on current research ques- tions in Latin, Jewish, and Arabic Philosophy, and Early Soeur Claire Cachia a poursuivi des études de théologie, à la Modern Scholasticism, the contributors explore the faculté jésuite de Paris et à la faculté de théologie de l’uni- general theme of “Homo – Natura – Mundus: Human versité catholique d’Angers, où elle a soutenu sa thèse en Beings and their Relationships,” and lead us to new 2019. Elle y est maintenant enseignante. perspectives. These essays relate to the following ar- eas of interest: the human being’s self-understanding as a rational creature in multiple relationships (with God, the other, the community, the fellow and the di�ferent); the human being’s place in the natural world and the possibility of relating to nature through knowledge; medieval philosophical traditions and the challenges introduced by the “discovery” of the “New World” (dominium, war, hierarchies, and new areas of concern with respect to justice, the human good, and the law). Thus, these volumes o�fer a unique sample of scholarly studies that work with the idea of “rela- tionships” in two distinct, but not opposing, direc- tions. Firstly, they explore the ways in which human beings, according to the reach of their soul’s powers, construct their self-understanding and existence in relation to God, themselves, others and the natural world. Secondly, they explore the ways in which the philosophical bases for the understanding of these relationships were challenged by the transportation of medieval ideas to the “New World” and by the re- ception of these ideas in early modern times.

Table of Contents:

xx + 95 p., 140 x 210 mm, 2020, approx. € 20 ISBN 978-0-88844-428-8 (PB) approx. 360 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 90 Série: PIMS Single Titles in Medieval Studies approx. 1020 p., 1 b/w + 1 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 100 AVAILABLE ISBN: 978-2-503-59101-8 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59102-5 ISBN: 978-2-503-59263-3 (HB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59264-0 Série: Monothéismes et Philosophie, vol. 31 North American customers are advised to order Series: Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, vol. 22 EN PRÉPARATION (FÉVRIER 2021) through University of Toronto Press IN PREPARATION


Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques Online (DPhA)

A comprehensive reference work on the lives and works of ancient Greek and Roman philosophers Flores philosophorum et poetarum: tras la huella del Speculum doctrinale de Vicente de Beauvais The Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques is devoted to philosophers and important witnesses of the Irene Villarroel Fernández Greek and Roman philosophical tradition, from the Presocratics to the late Neoplatonists of the sixth century. The articles, prepared by French and foreign scholars, make use not only of literary sources, Estudio y edición de los Flores philosophorum et poeta- but also of inscriptions and papyri. In total, 236 editors from 20 di�ferent countries have contributed rum, �lorilegio elaborado a partir de los libros V y VI to this unique and large-scale enterprise, which started its fi rst volume in 1989 and consists of seven del Speculum doctrinale de Vicente de Beauvais. volumes – including a fi �th volume in two parts – and a supplement.

La transmisión manuscrita de una obra depara, en ocasiones, sorpresas y sucesos inesperados. Este es el caso de los libros V y VI del Speculum doctrinale de Key Features Vicente de Beauvais, dedicados a la ethica monastica, que muy pronto se independizaron de la obra com- pleta, creando una tradición propia, de la que incluso • Online version of the Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques surgió, tras diversas transformaciones, una obra nue- (including the annexes and updates), published between va, los Flores philosophorum et poetarum. 1989 and 2018 under the direction of Richard Goulet En el presente volumen, se aborda, en primer lugar, el estudio de los libros V y VI del Speculum doctrinale, sus • About 2,970 articles on ancient philosophers características y su transmisión manuscrita, y, poste- • Available on BREPOLiS as a riormente, las modifi caciones sufridas por estos dos one-time purchase libros, tanto en su estructura como en su contenido, Brepols Online Databases que dan origen a los Flores philosophorum et poetarum y que implican una nueva fase en su transmisión con una evolución de enciclopedia a �lorilegio. Finalmente se presentan los testimonios manuscritos del �lorile- gio y su fi liación con la obra enciclopédica de Vicente de Beauvais. La edición crítica de los Flores philosophorum et poeta- rum, que ocupa la segunda parte del libro, tiene en cuenta la doble condición de esta obra, original y a la vez subordinada a los libros V y VI del Speculum doctri- nale de Vicente de Beauvais, por lo que se presenta con tres aparatos (de fuentes, crítico e intertextual), con la intención de re�lejar su transición entre la enciclope- dia y el �lorilegio.

Irene Villarroel Fernández es doctora en Filología Latina por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Actualmente es investigadora postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva - Incorporación en la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).

xi + 754 p., 2 b/w ills, 165 x 240 mm, FIDEM, 2020, € 69 ISBN: 978-2-503-59067-7 (PB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-59068-4 Series: Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, vol. 95 AVAILABLE


The Mustang Archives The Buddhāvataṃsaka Minora fragmenta Analysis of Handwritten Documents Literature in Old Uyghur veterorum vigurorum via the Study of Papermaking Abdurishid Yakup (ed.) Peter Zieme (ed.) Traditions in Nepal This volume presents an edition of the Buddhā- This volume contains a collection of 54 mostly small- Agnieszka Helman-Wazny & Charles Ramble vataṃsaka literature in Old Uyghur mainly focusing er contributions written since 2015 not printed so far. on the fragments of the Buddhāvataṃsaka sūtra in Based on already published texts and editions or on The book explores locally-produced documents from eighty volumes and the Buddhāvataṃsaka sūtra in newly found materials they concern various aspects Mustang, Nepal, mostly dated to the year within the fourty volumes kept in the Berlin Turfan collection of the culture of the Uyghurs in the medieval period last two centuries. The archives are from fi ve com- in close consultation of the fragments of both texts extending from the 10th up to the 14th centuries. The munities: Tshognam, Geling, Lubrak, and Jharkot. kept in Dunhuang, Kyoto, St. Petersburg and Taibei. papers are arranged into four groups: I. Christiana, The documents were preserved in wooden or metal It also includes an edition of other Old Uyghur texts, II. Manichaica, III. Buddhica, IV. Varia. Although the boxes, baskets or bags as a loose assemblage of fold- e.g. verse composition and verse translation of the articles treat marginal problems they hopefully con- ed sheets of . Some of the collections are from last chapter of the Buddhāvataṃsaka sūtra in fourty tribute to the uncovering of the once �lourishing and private households, whereas others are the commu- volumes by the famous Old Uyghur translator and impressive culture of the ancient Uyghurs in Central nal property of villages, in which case they could be poet Anzang, fragments of a commentary to the Asia whose texts show us a world-historical model of opened and photographed only in the presence of Buddhāvataṃsaka sūtra and other texts which can be acculturation. community representatives. The documents are of classifi ed to the Buddhāvataṃsaka literature. In the fi eld of Buddhism, the fragments discussed here several di�ferent kinds, including contracts, petitions, are on the one hand additions to already well known edicts, letters, dispute resolutions, tax records and Abdurishid Yakup is head of Turfan Research Group at the works such as the Daśakarmapathāvadānamālā or community regulations. Besides being an import- Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa commentary, but on the oth- ant source of information for the reconstruction of Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor and dean of er hand also numerous fragments of original Uyghur Mustang’s , are an extremely valuable the School of Minority Languages and Literatures of Minzu texts written for di�ferent purposes and on di�ferent source of knowledge about local paper- and book-pro- University of China, Beijing. occasions. duction. It is not only their content but their material Several contributions dealing with words and mat- that provides information essential to tracing the ters discuss the results of recent editions of ancient past, clarifying, among other things, the economic Uyghur materials. Old Uyghur texts are written in a factors that shaped their production. “dead” language, but with the constantly growing corpus its importance for all facets of the medieval Dr. Agnieszka Helman-Ważny: Centre for the Study of culture of Central Asia is increasing. The texts convey Manuscript Cultures, University of Hamburg, Germany a vivid picture of a reality which however remains im- and the Department of Books and Media History, Faculty perfect for us despite the e�forts in various and mani- of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, University of fold directions. Warsaw, Poland. Prof. Charles Ramble is directeur d’études in the History and Philology Section of the École Pratique Peter Zieme is senior researcher of the project Turfanfoschung des Hautes Études, PSL University, Paris, and director of the at the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Tibetan Studies research team of the Centre for Research on Humanities. He works on Old Uyghur texts and published East Asian Civilisations (CRCAO). several of them in the series “Berliner Turfantexte”.

approx. 360 p., 200 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2020, approx. € 120 approx. 350 p., 30 b/w ills, 45 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2020, approx. € 90 approx. 392 p., 17 b/w ills, 155 col. ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2020, approx. € 75 ISBN: 978-2-503-58534-5 (PB) ISBN: 978-2-503-58418-8 (PB) ISBN: 978-2-503-59304-3 (PB) Series: Silk Road Studies, vol. 20 Series: Berliner Turfantexte, vol. 44 Series: Berliner Turfantexte, vol. 47 IN PREPARATION (FEBRUARY 2021) IN PREPARATION IN PREPARATION


Johann Schreck Terrentius, Ptolemy’s Science of ALMAGEST, International Journal for SJ and the Origins of the Stars in the Middle Ages the History of Scientifi c Ideas, 2020/1 the Jesuit Library in Peking David Juste, Benno van Dalen, Dag Nikolaus Hasse Thematic issue: La nature dans & Charles Burnett (eds) Noël Golvers les commentaires chrétiens sur la Genèse (hexaéméra) The scholarly network and background of a Jesuit Available in OPEN ACCESS on BrepolsOnline polymath, Johann Terrentius (1576-1630), in Europe Nature in the Chistian (1600-1618) and his work as a China missionary This volume o�fers 15 contributions dedicated to Commentaries on Genesis (1619-1630), in alchemy, medicine, mathematics, the transmission and in�luence of Ptolemy’s as- botany, etc.; founder of Jesuit libraries in China and tronomy and astrology in the Islamic world and Jesuit scholarship, aiming at the transmission of in Christian Europe from the Middle Ages to the Table of Contents knowledge to China. seventeenth century. E. Delli & E. Nicolaïdis, Introduction A thorough analysis of the sinuous ‘peregrinatio ac- Claudius Ptolemy (c. 100-170 AD) is one of the most ademica’ of Johann Terrentius Schreck (1576-1630) in�luential scholars of all time. While he is also the F. Meunier, De Platon et Philon d’Alexandrie à Basile between 1600-1618 through (South-, Central- and author of treatises on geography, optics and har- de Césarée et Georges Pisides : les métamorphoses du NW-) European universities, academies and courts (at monics, his fame primarily stems from two works Démiurge devenues outil de perfectionnement chrétien Freiburg /Br.; Paris; Rome; Basel; Padua; Strasbourg, on the science of the stars, dealing with mathemat- E. Nicolaïdis, Platon et Hipparque ont lu la Biblese : Prague, Kassel, etc.) and his rich correspondence dis- ical astronomy (the Almagest) and astrology (the l’Hexaéméron de Jean Philopon plays a widespread network of contacts, covering a Tetrabiblos). The Almagest and the Tetrabiblos E. Delli, Survie et transformations des problématiques broad range of domains, from medicine to alchemy, remained the fundamental texts on the science issues des Hexaéméra. Entre la Bible et le Timée. Le cas de pharmacy, botany, and through engineering to (pure of the stars for some 1500 years. Both were trans- Georges de Pisidie and applied) mathematics, and calendar making. In lated several times into Arabic and Latin and were A. Lamy, La matière de la création dans quatre commen- all these domains of the contemporary ‘Republic of heavily commented upon, glossed, discussed, and taires carolingiens sur la Genèse (I, 1-14) : une origine du Letters’, this former student of François Viète (Paris), also criticised and improved upon, in the Islamic monde entre forme et ténèbres Galileo (Padua) and ex-Lincean, adept of Copernicus world and in Christian Europe. Yet, the reception and Paracelsus showed himself to be a passionate of Ptolemy in medieval cultures is still to a large C. Brouwer, Robert Grosseteste : la lumière et les fonde- scholar with multi-faceted and versatile talents. A�ter extent a terra incognita of the history of science. ments du monde 1611, with this very rich experience he entered the The Arabic and Latin versions of the Almagest and A. Delhove, De ce qui fut créé le sixième jour... Discours Society of Jesus, and shortly a�terward he was appoint- the Tetrabiblos are for the most part unavailable sur l’homme dans le Candélabre des Sanctuaires de Bar ed as companion of Nicolas Trigault, who was touring in modern editions, their manuscripts remain Hebræus (II, 3, 6) largely unexplored and, generally speaking, their through Europe (1615-1618) as procurator on behalf of E. Delli, Secondary Selective Bibliography on Hexaemerons history has never been systematically investigated. the �ledgling Jesuit Mission in China, seeking funds, and Related Subjects men, books and scientifi c instruments. This second This volume gathers fi �teen contributions dealing phase of intensive travelling through European cen- with various aspects of the reception of Ptolemy’s ters of scholarship, patronage, and printing (including astronomy and astrology in the Islamic world and Rome; Venice; Basel; Frankfurt; Cologne, Antwerp, in Christian Europe up to the seventeenth centu- etc.) resulted in an enormous collection of books and ry. Contributions are by José Bellver, Jean-Patrice instruments, which were dispatched to Lisbon from Boudet, Josep Casulleras, Bojidar Dimitrov, Dirk various points in 1617/1618. Shipped to China, these Grupe, Paul Hullmeine, Alexander Jones, Richard materials arrived in Macau in 1619, and in Peking in L. Kremer, Y. Tzvi Langermann, H. Darrel Rutkin, 1625, becoming the core of the Jesuit libraries, mainly Michael H. Shank, Nathan Sidoli, Carlos Steel, in Peking, and the basis for the scholarly activities of Johannes Thomann and Henry Zepeda. the Jesuits over the following decades in the domains of mathematics, calendar making, medicine, etc. David Juste and Benno van Dalen are the research leaders of Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus at the Noël Golvers, Classicist, studies European sources on Bayerische Akademie der Wissenscha�ten, Munich. the Jesuit mission in China, especially in the last de- Dag Nikolaus Hasse is Professor of Philosophy at the cades of the 17th century. University of Würzburg. Charles Burnett is Professor of the History of Islamic In�luences in Europe at the Warburg Institute, London.

Table of Contents: 167 p., 160 x 240 mm, 2020, € 36.50 ISBN: 978-2-503-58710-3 (PB) Journal: Almagest, vol. 11/1 x + 463 p., 11 b/w ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2020, € 95 AVAILABLE approx. 500 p., 2 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, approx. € 95 ISBN: 978-2-503-58639-7 (HB) / eISBN: 978-2-503-58947-3 ISBN 978-2-503-58143-9 (HB) Series: Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus, vol. 1 Print & Online Subscriptions: Series: De Diversis Artibus, vol. 107 (N.S. 70) AVAILABLE contact [email protected] IN PREPARATION Online content available on


Femmes, vulgarisation et pratique Archives Internationales d’Histoire The Visualization of des sciences au siècle des Lumières des Sciences 69/182-183, 2019 Knowledge in Medieval Les Dialogues sur l’astronomie et la Lettre Thematic issue: Philippe de La Hire and Early Modern Europe sur la fi gure de la Terre de César-François (1640-1718), astronome et physicien Marcia Kupfer, Adam S. Cohen, J.H. Chajes (eds) Cassini de Thury à l’Observatoire de Paris David Aubin This collection of essays by leading scholars re�lects new interest in how graphic devices contributed to the Une femme dans un observatoire au siècle des Table des matières production of knowledge during a formative period Lumières of European history. The linked essays anthologized C. Schmit, Introduction / V. Stoll, Aleth Tisseau des here consider the generative power of schemata, Vers 1740, c’est la guerre à l’Académie royale des Escotais, L’histoire des sciences à la bibliothèque de l’Ob- cartographic representation, and even the layout of sciences. Le con�lit s’est cristallisé autour de la fi gure servatoire : le cas de La Hire / G. Picolet, L’Observatoire text: more than merely compiling information, visual de la Terre. Attaqués par les partisans de la physique royal, cadre de vie et de travail de Philippe de La Hire de arrangements formalize abstract concepts, provide de Newton, qui pensait que la Terre devait être apla- 1682 à 1718 / S. Débarbat, Picard, La Hire et le Royaume grids through which to process data, set in motion tie aux pôles, les Cassini de l’Observatoire de Paris de Louis XIV / J. Souchay, La Hire at the Paris Observatory: analytic operations that give rise to new ideas, and après avoir d’abord confi rmé par leurs mesures de A Contribution to Modern Astronomy / D. Savoie, Philippe create interpretive frameworks for understanding the terrain leur ancienne opinion d’une Terre oblongue de La Hire : un astronome novateur dans la gnomonique world. doivent admettre leur défaite. Les manuscrits inédits et les astrolabes / M. Husson, Tables, Observations and que nous publions aujourd’hui leur redonnent voix. Hypotheses in La Hire’s Astronomical Practices: A Focus Pièce manquante dans l’histoire de ces vifs débats, ce on the Moon / C. Montelle, Philippe de La Hire in India. Table of Contents livre dévoile un visage inattendu de l’astronomie du Comparing True Solar Longitude Computations in Latin 18e siècle : on y découvre un personnage de femme and Sanskrit / Liang Li, Astronomical Tables and Practices Marcia Kupfer, Introduction of Philippe de La Hire in Early Modern China / M. Morfouli, I. Visualization between Mind and Hand étonnamment moderne, qui nous aidera à appréhen- Mary Carruthers, Geometries for Thinking Creatively / Lina der les pratiques d’observation et les techniques de Philippe de La Hire et les horloges à pendule / C. Schmit, Bolzoni, Visualization of a Universal Knowledge: Images and calcul qui fondent la précision astronomique de cette Philippe de La Hire, physicien : philosophie mécanique, Rhetorical Machines in Giulio Camillo’s Theatre of Memory / Je�frey époque. C’est aussi l’occasion d’une profonde ré�lexion mécanique rationnelle, mécanique appliquée / C. Schmit, F. Hamburger, Mindmapping: The Diagram Paradigm in Medieval sur les di�férentes façons dont on peut vulgariser les Edition critique commentée de manuscrits inédits de Art – and Beyond Philippe de La Hire : « Défense du système de m. Descartes II. The Iconicity of Text sciences. Beatrice Kitzinger, Framing the Gospels, c. 1000: Iconicity, sur le �lux et le re�lux de la mer » Textuality, and Knowledge / Lesley Smith, Biblical Gloss and David Aubin est professeur d’histoire des sciences à la facul- Commentary: the Sca�folding of Scripture / David Stern, The té des sciences de Sorbonne Université et membre de l’insti- Varia Topography of the Talmudic Page / Ayelet Even-Ezra, Seeing the tut de mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris rive gauche. M. Pretalli, Hannibal versus Phormio : Theory and Practice Forest beyond the Trees: A Preliminary Overview of a Scholastic Habit in Italian Military Literature at the End of the Renaissance of Visualization / Yuval Harari, Functional Paratexts and the Transmission of Knowledge in Medieval and Early Modern Jewish Manuscripts of Magic / A. Mark Smith, More than Meets the Eye: Vie de l’Académie What Made the Printing Revolution Revolutionary E. Nicolaïdis, The First Conference of the International III. Graphic Vehicles of Scientia Academy of the History of Science, the Ceremony for the Barbara Obrist, The Idea of a Spherical Universe and its Visualization Alexandre Koyré Medal and the Prize for Young Historians / in the Earlier Middle Ages (Seventh–Twel�th Centuries) / Marcia Kupfer, The Rhetoric of World Maps in Late Antiquity and the C. Jami, A Life for the History of Science: Address on the Middle Ages / Faith Wallis, Visualizing Knowledge in Medieval Occasion of the Presentation of the Koyré Medal to Professor Calendar Science: a Twel�th-Century Family of ‘Graphic Glosses’ on Liu Dun / Liu Dun, Acceptance Address Bede’s De temporum ratione / John Haines, The Visualization of Music in the Middle Ages: Three Case Studies / Peter Murray Jones, Comptes rendus Visualization in Medicine between Script and Print, c. 1375–1550 / IV. Diagrammatic Traditions Linda Safran, A Prolegomenon to Byzantine Diagrams / Adam S. Cohen, Diagramming the Diagrammatic: Twel�th-Century Europe / Madeline H. Caviness, Templates for Knowledge: Geometric Ordering of the Built Environment, Monumental Decoration, Illuminated Page / Lucy Freeman Sandler, Religious Instruction and Devotional Study: The Pictorial and the Textual in Gothic Diagrams / J. H. Chajes, The Kabbalistic Tree

approx. 482 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 73 ISBN: 978-2-503-58253-5 (PB) Journal: Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, vol. 2019 520 p., 258 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, 2020, EN PRÉPARATION vi + 310 p., 58 col. ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 65 ISBN 978-2-503-58303-7 ISBN: 978-2-503-58603-8 (HB) Print & Online Subscriptions: Hardback: € 200 Série: Techne, vol. 4 contact [email protected] Series: Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages, vol. 16 DISPONIBLE Online content available on AVAILABLE


Alternative Agriculture in Europe Journal for the History of Inequality in Rural Europe (Sixteenth-Twentieth Centuries) Environment and Society (Late Middle Ages-18th Century) Gérard Béaur (ed.) Vol. 5 – 2020 Guido Alfani, Erik Thoen (eds) COVID-19 and The issue of long-term agricultural transformations This book deals with a variety of topics about inequal- remains a hot topic in historiography. The texts of Will be available in OPEN ACCESS ity in the long run covering eight di�ferent countries this book intend to take this debate seriously into in Europe and dealing with rural inequality before the on BrepolsOnline account by putting several models of alternative end of the 18th century. crops to facts. Table of Contents Table of Contents The treatment of long-term agricultural transforma- Soens, De Bont & De Keyzer. At the edge of resilience: tion remains a lively topic for historians. Much debate Making sense of COVID-19 from the perspective of List of contributors - List of fi gures - List of tables arose when agricultural development patterns were Environmental History 1. Economic inequality in rural Europe: an introduction discovered that did without a dominant, produc- Guido ALFANI and Erik THOEN Section 1: COVID-19: a crisis for our time 2. Inequality in Spain during the Early Modern Period, 1500– tion-oriented cereal crop, even when it was accompa- Rohland. COVID-19, Climate, and White Supremacy - 1800. Notes and results nied by livestock farming. Joan Thirsk hoped to con- Multiple Crises or One? / Power, Peša & Honda. Undoing Esteban NICOLINI and Fernando RAMOS-PALENCIA clude this debate by putting forward the hypothesis the Discipline: History in the Time of Climate Crisis and 3. Land ownership and social inequality: the Algarve exam- that such “alternative agriculture” was the farmers’ COVID-19 ple in the 60s and 70s of the eighteenth century way of responding to the di�fi culties caused by peri- Section 2: Defi ning Pandemics Andreia FIDALGO ods of low agricultural prices. This theory stirred up Vandendriessche. Cholera, Corona and Trust in Numbers / 4. Inequality, growth and taxation in the countryside of the controversy and arguments both for and against. Bauch. “Just the Flu” in 1323?: The Case study of a Highly Republic of Venice, c. 1450-1750 Contagious Epidemic with Low Mortality and Its Possible Matteo DI TULLIO and Guido ALFANI The contributions to this volume take this hypothesis Origins in Late Medieval Europe 5. Socio-economic inequalities in fi �teenth-century Tuscany: seriously and attempt to assess its validity. Examining the role of the mezzadria system a large number of “alternative agricultures” over the Section 3: Pathogens on the Move Plishka. Malignant Microbes: Using Environmental Davide CRISTOFERI long term, from the fi �teenth to the twentieth centu- History to Connect the Fields of Plant and Human 6. Property rights and rural inequality in the sixteenth-centu- ry, they discuss the issues encountered in tracing the Epidemiology / Coomans & Weeda. Politics of Movement: ry ottoman empire links between the spread of alternative crops, such as Exploring Passage Points in Responses to COVID-19 Pinar CEYLAN fruits and vegetables, �lowers, and industrial crops, and the Plague in the Fi�teenth-Century Netherlands / 7. ‘All equal in the presence of death?’ Epidemics and redistri- Hünniger. The “normative forces” of di�ference – Ecology, bution in the pre-industrial period and the general economic environment, across a vast Daniel CURTIS swathe of territory stretching from Flanders to Spain Economy and Society during Cattle Plagues in the eigh- teenth century 8. A regional comparison of social inequality & economic de- and from France, through Italy and Switzerland, as far velopment in 16th century Flanders as Russia. Section 4: Biopolitics and the (im)possibilities of control Wouter RYCKBOSCH Uekötter. It’s the Entanglements, Stupid / De Munck. The 9. Economic Inequality in Late Medieval and Early Modern human body must be defended. A Foucauldian and Gérard Béaur is Directeur de Recherches « émérite » at the Rural Hainaut (c. 1450-c.1540) Latourian take on COVID-19 / Mauelshagen. Leviathan in Thijs LAMBRECHT French CNRS and Directeur d’études at the École des hautes Crisis / Acker. What could carbofascism look like? A histor- études en sciences sociales. He is currently president of the ical perspective on reactionary politics in the COVID-19 European Rural History Organisation (EURHO). pandemic Section 5: Material Entanglements Table of Contents: Haumann. Viruses, Practices and Perception / Murphy Schlichting & Kiechle. Invisible Inequalities: Persistent Health Threats in the Urban Built Environment / Thelle & Bille. Urban Porosity and material contamination. From cholera to COVID-19 in Copenhagen / Wille. Keep focus- ing on the air: COVID-19 and the historical value of an atmospheric sensibility Section 6: the Virus as Catalyst of Change Alfani. Pandemics and asymmetric shocks: evidence from the history of plague in Europe and the Mediterranean / Hilkens, van Besouw & Curtis. A Modern Rendition of a Pre-modern Scenario: Imperfect Institutions and Obscured Vulnerabilities / Honeybun-Arnolda & O’Riordan. Environ - mentalism a�ter the pandemic

156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 41 349 p., 57 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 80 ISBN 978-2-503-58735-6 (PB) approx. 190 p., 22 b/w ills, 156 x 234 mm, 2020, € 69 ISBN 978-2-503-58674-8 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-58675-5 Journal: Journal for the History of Environment and Society, vol. 5 ISBN 978-2-503-59052-3 (PB) / eISBN 978-2-503-59053-0 Series: Rural History in Europe, vol. 16 IN PREPARATION (JANUARY 2021) Series: Comparative Rural History Network- Publications, vol. 18 AVAILABLE IN PREPARATION


FOOD & HISTORY Published by the European Institute for the History and Cultures of Food JOURNAL

Food & History - 17:1 (2019) Food & History - 17:2 (2019) Food & History - 18:1 (2020) Food and Weather Studies Consuming Authenticities / Food and Drink in Communist Europe Consommer l’authentique

Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Karin Becker & Rengenier C. Rittersma, Food and Weather Food and Drink in Communist Europe Studies: un champ de recherche en voie de constitution Consuming Authenticities: Time, Place and the Past in the Edited by / Textes réunis par Albena Shkodrova, Yves Segers, Construction of “Authentic” Foods and Drinks – Deborah Peter Scholliers TONER / “Good People Make Good Cider”: Cra�ting Culinary (Re)Digesting Communism I Extreme weather e�fects on farming and production / Heritage in Wales and the Welsh Marches – Emma-Jayne Albena Shkodrova Une production agro-alimentaire soumise aux aléas ABBOTS / Tradition, Authenticity and Expertise in and through météorologiques Part I - Communist Industrial and Social Modernization Cypriot Easter Flaounes – Anna CHARALAMBIDOU / Mexico’s Physicians, Technologists, Economists and Politicians: Nutritional Alexis Metzger, Emmanuelle Athimon, Laurent Litzenburger, National Drinks: Pulque, Tequila and the Temporalities Policy and Con�licts in Czech Lands in 1948–70 – Martin FRANC Florie Giacona & Jérémy Desarthe, Societies Facing Hydrological of Authenticity – Deborah TONER / Seasoning, Time and / Public Catering in Communist Bulgaria: 1950s–1980s - Stefan Extremes: The Case of Urban Supplies in France (Middle Ages to Late Authenticity in Manuel Querino’s A Arte Culinária na Bahia – DETCHEV Eighteenth Century) Ana Margarida Dias MARTINS Part II - Managing the Palates and the Guts of the Communist Chantal Camenisch, “We did not eat bread for two or three Varia Citizen months.” Subsistence Crises in the City and Republic of Bern, Recipe for Compromise? The Negotiation of East German Foodways 1315–1715 Les banquets des collèges romains en Occident sous le prin- cipat – Christophe HUGONIOT / The Impact of Christianization – Nancy NILGEN / Digestive Anxieties: Russian Projects of Bio- Gaston René Demarée, La maladie des pommes de terre en 1845 on Identity-Marking Foods in the Medieval North: Between National Citizenship – Melissa L. CALDWELL vue par la Société médico-chirurgicale de Bruges : météorologie vs Pagan Survivals, New Dietary Restrictions, and Magic Practice Part III – Looking Back: Memories of Communist Food mycologie – Andrea MARASCHI / Packaging Inner Peace: A Sociohistorical Remembering Soviet Food Culture: Experiences of a Memory Exploration of Nerve Food in Great Britain – Lauren O’HAGAN Community in Estonia – Ester BARDONE, Anu KANNIKE / The II Weather-related food preparation and consumption / / What did Sephardic Jews Eat? Myth, Memory, and Reality – Transition from Mămăligă to Bread in the Romanian Countryside Une préparation et une consommation réglées par le Aviva BEN-UR and Jessica HAMMERMAN under Socialism – Mircea-Lucian SCROB / Changing Narratives temps qu’il fait through Communist Food Brands. Three Romanian Case Studies: Books reviews / Comptes rendus Rom Chocolate, Gostat Meat Products, and Polar Ice Cream – Esther Katz, Chicken Strogano�f in the Amazon: Is Food Always George Alexandru CONDRACHE Matched to the Weather? A Comparison between Temperate and Tropical Countries INTERNATIONAL FOOD HISTORY RESEARCH (2017-2020) Corresponding Member Reports. Food Historiography: Periods, Sylvie Guichard-Anguis, Le chocolat et le temps qu’il fait. Places and Themes – Allen GRIECO and Peter SCHOLLIERS / e L’introduction et l’adaptation d’un produit au Japon du XIX siècle Food History Research in Ibero-America: 2016-2019 – Wanessa à nos jours ASFORA NADLER, Gregorio SALDARRIAGA / Recent Trends Henry Notaker, Weather as a Concern in Recipes and Cookbooks in Food History Research on India: 2013-2019 – Anil PARALKAR / An Overview of African Food Historiography, 2013 to Present – Maureen DURU / Histoire de l’alimentation et de la cuisine en Book Reviews / Comptes rendus Afrique subsaharienne (de l’époque précoloniale à 2000) – Adolin Paul EGNANKOU / Recent Trends in Food History Research in the United States: 2017–2020 – Sarah PETERS KERNAN / Spreading Out: A Review of Food History/Studies in Australia and New Zealand, 2017-2019 – Cecilia LEONG-SALOBIR / Recent Trends in Food History in East and Southeast Europe: 2016-2019 – Maja GODINA GOLIJA / Recent Trends in Food History in Turkey: 2017- 2018 – Özge SAMANCI / Recent Trends in Food History in Ancient Near-Eastern Studies – Lucia MORI / Tendances récentes dans l’his- toire de l’alimentation du monde arabe. Contributions à l’historio- graphie médiévale – Marianne BRISVILLE Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

173 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2020, € 77 approx. 282 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2020, € 77 178 x 254 mm, 2020, € 79.50 ISBN 978-2-503-58263-4 (PB) ISBN 978-2-503-58264-1 (PB) ISBN 978-2-503-58728-8 (PB) Journal: Food & History, vol. 17.1 Journal: Food & History, vol. 17.2 Journal: Food & History, vol. 18.1-2 AVAILABLE IN PREPARATION IN PREPARATION Print & Online Subscriptions: Print & Online Subscriptions: Print & Online Subscriptions: contact [email protected] contact [email protected] contact [email protected] Online content available on Online content available on Online content available on


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