~:Stl)Jdent WE're BETTER Urday, October271988 20P Cartoons SAS Accommodation • May Be Fire Risk
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BROWN STATIONERS ~:STl)jdeNt WE'RE BETTER urday, October271988 20p Cartoons SAS Accommodation • May Be Fire Risk District Collncil requested a li st or' , householders would withdraw ,--------------,-----, by Clain: Bennett all accommodation on the SAS and Cathy Milton their properties from the SAS's OOO ks. books should an inspection and The council feel there is a need fire certification become ncccs- THE SAS may be providing_..,. ~o incr:!5e its involvement in the sary. students with accommoda- ,nspecti~n .3nd conirol 0 ! Slan- Mr Stewart, di rector of the tion that does no t meet cur- ~;~~~d;~~~m accommodation let SAS, confirmed that a decline in rent fire safety standards, it The SAS.have refused to supply the number of rooms available as was revealed last week. the list 10 the council on the a result of council ac1ion is·orcon- The disclosure was made fol- grounds that this would breach ~pec~~~a~!:sa~~~~fhh : u:f:~fle~ · ing the Fire Authority's pro- the assurance of confidentiality it 1 ition or a room for use as has made to householders regis· :if~;~:~:. ~~;il~nonymous accommodation and has sparked tered with the University. offarowbelweentheSASand lhe The Department of Environ- He Stated tha't the SAS had District Council. mental Health is currently inves· never supplied accommodation to • An anxious parent complained ligating the legal position of the students on the understanding about a room in the Portobelto SAS and may take action through that the properties were fire safe , area to which her son had been the courts if it is available and if no but that as a result of the current referred by the SAS after he failed · agreement can be reached. furore the SAS would be carrying to get a place in Pollock Halls. The SAS have said that should out its own inspections or acoom- The council immediately they be legally required to hand modation that could be fire risks advised the -GAS that the room is over the list they will do so. through the University's Fire not suitable accommodation. The Mr G. Hunter, of the Depart- Officer. Department of Environmental ment or Enviommental Health, He felt that the whole issue had. Health is quoted as saying that said that he felt that the safety of been blown out of proportion and "such action by the Fire Authority students is more important than implied that the original com isonlytaken in the most serious of the duty of confidentiality that the plaint against the Portobcllo lodg- situations". SAS feel obliged to maintain. ings was motivated by chagrin al In an attempt to prevent further He suggested that the service ·s · the student's fai lure to get a place breach~ of fire regulations the main concern was a fear ~hat in Pollock Halls. Medical Aid for Palestine As well as their forceful of the ~alestinian'.s plight. by Alleen McColgan descriptions of conditions in Wighton told Student after Israel, a film was shown detailing wards that the Medical Aid for IN AN a ttempt to heighten Israeli army· brutality towards the awareness of the plight of Palestinia'.nssuchisinjurieswhich ::~~;/;:e~rf!~~~ont~:d o~:~ Photo: Hugh Phmty Palestinians in Israel EUSA !~~ ~~n t>!~a;::/ro ~~~a;; ~:C~t~~i:ask;;~:~:~~en:em~:i is 1 Pictured above Steven Hunter, a second year hosted a presentation by the blazing ty'res. or corpses from the s1<eets as student of Arabic at EU who is taking a year out Susan Wighton Appeal in The speakers went on 10 make political, and there fore outside to do a sponsored cycle ride from Edinburgh to .Teviot Row last Wednesday. the point that European failure to The event , which was raising 'prevent the holocaust had created ~~:},rJ;:f~sg~:;J~~~~~1~~!~~ West Africa in aid ofOxfam. money for the Scottish Medical guilt which made them ignore the the occupied territories who faced · Iie expects to arrive in Africa by December '88 ·Aid for Palestine, heard speeches • Israe li G~yernment's harsh treat from Susan Wightman and Benja- ment o f ~~lestinian~. In particular :;;!~sio;e~;m ::w~;::, and will then make his way eastward across th 0 cf~:~~~: min Zephaniah who have both they spolfo bitterly of the con 'increasing army brutality. continent. had first hand experiences of con- tinued failur~ of the British Gov ditions in the most heavily emment to rerognise the PLO, The event rnised £600 r;om Sponsorship forms are available from Cham affected areas such as the Gaza and the BBC's intransigent ~~i;~~af;~:!~ns for Medical rs Street ~ nion. .._._~ . .• ·' S~rjp and t~ West Ban~: . !ef~l to allow any .r~al coverage 2 Thursday, October 27, 19'88 News EUSA fasting Sauna for Kampuchea for KB by Kalka KrosnaP sauna was al most £12,CXXl (£13,500 including tax), which by Mandy Goddard covered the conversion of show STUDENTS AT King's ers and changing rooms. The cost Oxfam's annual sponsored fasl Buildings now have the use of was met by the Union's reserve has once again got EUSA's fu ll a sauna in addition to existing fund. backing. .facilities. The sauna can be booked one week in advance, through the ste The fasl, which takes place over The sauna, situated within the Union, was opened during the ward's office. at a cost of £1 per lhe Wttkend of the 4th, 5th and 6th session , which lasts one hour. It is November, is aiming to raise first week of term and was instal led following response to a ques open from 9 am to 9 pm, Monday £500,000 for Oxfam efforts in to Saturday. and from 2pm until9 Kampuchea . tionnaire circulated among stu dents and staff. The questionnaire pm on Sundays. Male sessions are At a prfss conferentt on Mon was designed to find another use on Mondays, Wednesdays and day to lauoch the evenl, EUSA for a room which , until last Fridays while female sessions take President Malcolm MacLeod autumn, had been a Union shop. place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and emphasised his hope thal support The survey found that a sauna was Saturdays. Sundays are mixed. within the University would be the facility most requested by This week sees the la unch or a large, as it was students and the members or the King's Buildings publicity campaign promoting the educated in Kampuchea who Union. new facility to all stude nts and would suffer most if the Khmer The total insta ll ation cost orthe staff within the University. Rouge retumed to power. His Sffltiments "'·ere supported by Iain Gray, an Oxfam organiser, who said that the campaign would South African put pressure on the British Gov ernment to end their boycott of aid to Kampuchea, and to wholehear tedly support aoy moves towards a political settlement which would Campaign oullaw the Khmer Rou~. · Anyone who wishes to join the sentences for planting a bomb in a fast can gt-1 sponsor forms from by Amanda Davidson. and Lorraine Daters beach-bar in Durham which killed any Oxfam shop, the EUSA omces three white women. orfromRoom515in Granlffouse' Poltock. ' A NUMBER orspeakers were It is claimed that his conression was extracted under torture dur Photo: Lucy Hooker invited by Edinburgh Stu• ing his six months detention, but ~----- - - -------- -------------~-!dents Against Apartheid to more generally even large sections talk about Robert McBride, of the white community are said to an ANC member on Death be outraged by the severity or the Row, in the Chaplaincy sentence. At present the campaign Centre last Thursday. for his reprieve Is waiting for Pres H had been originally hoped ident P. W. Botha's reply to a pet that his mother, Doris McBride, ition they organised, and cft would address the meeting but she sequently are trying to get forel" had to attend another meeting in pressure exerted on the South London. John Gordon, a friend of African government. McBride, took her place and gave The other African speaker at the GM Motions event was Caesorina Kana Mak some insight into the man who is now the objed or an international nore, who talked about her experi campaign to halt his execution. ences in a South African jail where McBride was convicted and sen she spent six years for recruiting ON THURSDAY the 3rd of Kirsty Reid and seconded by Rich women who were recently tenced to 80 years and three death ANC members. November the first General Ford. arrested al an anti-interment Meeting of term will take march. · The third motion concerns the· This motion is proposed by place. Oxfam Fast fo r Kampuchea that Marfydd Williams and seconded For those new to the University by Andy Gray. the General Meeting is the sup ~ 1~;~~:~~-n1:~,:1~~ ;~~ ~~ The final moti0n has been put Pints and Punters reme policy-making body of the to recognise and support the Flist. Students' Association. It is This motion is proposed by forward by the Women's Commit- everyonc·s chance to speak and tee and concerns the establish- 1---------- Martijn Quinn and seconded by Eric Miller and Gerry Corish, on any issue and to sci EUSA ·s Mark Wheatley. ment of a Women's Officer within by Lindsay J\fcClintock policy. theEUSAstructure.ltcallson(I) l--"----'----- seemed at sea as well , swimming in Six motions will be put to the The Animal Rights Campaig the SRC 10 discuss the constitu- THE LUNCHTIME debat the excess of lager perhaps? forthcoming GM , ne rs will propose a motion that tional amendments necessary to ing crew began_ first "Most (students) would rather highl ights the plight of battery theil" drink a pint of Ben Johnson's .