THE NEW AUSTRALIAN BOOKPLATE SOCIETY collectors, bibliophiles, artists and others dedicated to promoting bookplates Newsletter No. 51, December 2018 Editor/President The 37th FISAE Congress in Prague, 2018 Dr Mark Ferson 4 Sofala Ave By Andrew Peake, Adelaide Riverview NSW 2066 0401 141 890 The International Ex Libris Congress was held A very full social program had also been
[email protected] in Prague, Czech Republic, between 28 August organised: a tram tour of the city, a tour of the Secretary and 1 September, at the Pyramida Hotel, Prague Castle and Strahov Monastery, smaller Bronwyn Vost walking distance from the Prague Castle. By tours to parts of Prague, a trip to Karlstein
[email protected] the end of April there were 215 registrants, Castle and a post-congress tour to Marienbad. Designer but the final number grew to 544 participants, In addition to the tourist-type opportunities, Mary Keep one of the largest congresses ever. However, there were a number of exhibitions organised
[email protected] my wife and I were the only participants from off-site, the main one being the exhibition Australia, and there was one attendee from of competition entries for which a book was New Zealand and two from Argentina for the published. The others were a retrospective of the southern hemisphere. As to be expected, the ex libris of Vladimir Schanek (1951-2018) at bulk of the participants were from Europe, Marienbad, and the ‘History of Czech ex libris although a significant number came from until 1945’ at the National Memorial, where China, Hong Kong and Turkey.