April 2021, Volume 9, Issue 2, Number 22

Narrative Review: The Ophthalmological Manifestations of Various Inborn Errors of Metabolism: A Narrative Review

Abdolreza Medghalchi1 , Afagh Hassanzadeh Rad2 , Setila Dalili2*

1. Eye Research Center, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran. 2. Pediatric Diseases Research Center, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran.

Use your device to scan and read the article online Citation Medghalchi A, Hassanzadeh Rad A, Dalili S. The Ophthalmological Manifestations of Various Inborn Errors of Me- tabolism: A Narrative Review. Journal of Pediatrics Review. 2021; 9(2):137-144. http://dx.doi.org/10.32598/jpr.9.2.584.1

: http://dx.doi.org/10.32598/jpr.9.2.584.1


Context: Inborn errors of metabolism or Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD) are a class of Article info: genetic disorders that occur because of single-gene defects. Received: 17 July 2020 Evidence Acquisition: In this narrative review article, the authors searched Institute for Scientific First Revision: 25 July 2020 Information (ISI), Web of Science, PubMed, and Google Scholar for the relevant evidence. Accepted: 22 October 2020 Results: The ocular manifestations of IMDs can be distinguished in different diseases such as Published: 01 April 2021 Albinism, , , and Sulfite oxidize deficiency, Mannosidosis, Fucosidosis, Sialidosis, etc. Keywords: Conclusions: Due to the direct toxic mechanisms of abnormal metabolites on eyes and Inherited regarding the effect of eye monitoring on the follow-up, management, and treatment, a (IMD), Ophthalmology, Eye detailed ophthalmological assessment is essential.

1. Context These changes help the physician to recognize and treat patients earlier. There exist various recognized IMDs; nborn errors of metabolism or Inherited a number of them are reported in Iran as biotinidase Metabolic Disorders (IMD) are a class of deficiency, , and non-ketotic genetic disorders that occur because of hyperglycinemia (4-7). Early diagnosis, thorough labora- single-gene defects (1). It can be distin- tory assessments, and reference to tertiary care centers guished not only in neonates and infants if needed are essential for these patients. I but also in adults (2, 3). The diagnosis of IMD is challenging for physicians. Signifi- IMDs may induce small molecule diseases by affecting cant changes in the diagnosis, classification, and treat- protein, carbohydrate, lipid, and nucleic acid. It can also ment of IMDs were improved by medical technologies be an organelle disease and impact lysosomes, mito- and higher knowledge regarding the human genome. chondria, peroxisomes, and cytoplasm. Besides, IMDs

* Corresponding Author: Setila Dalili, PhD. Address: Pediatric Diseases Research Center, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran. Tel: +98 (911) 1411463 E-mail: [email protected]

137 April 2021, Volume 9, Issue 2, Number 22

present diverse complications on the eyes, including IMDs of amino acids, carbohydrate, lipid, glycoprotein, the ocular abnormalities of conjunctiva, cornea, lens, lysosomes, lipoprotein and lipid, and miscellaneous dis- retina, optic nerve, ocular motility or symmetrical bilat- eases, such as Wilson and Menkes diseases on eyes. A eral involvement, as well as severe visual acuity in ap- previous study reported a detailed article consisting of proximately 2-meter counting finger. the pathophysiology and physiology of the disease and their influence on the eyes (8). Despite extensive knowledge about the metabolic, biochemical, and molecular features of various IMDs, 2. Results their exact pathogenesis requires further evaluation. Furthermore, assessing the effects of mechanisms con- Table 1 presents the classification of metabolic diseas- tributing to systemic metabolic diseases to ocular de- es affecting the eyes; the ocular manifestations of IMDs fects needs to be clarified. can be distinguished in different diseases.

In this narrative review article, the authors searched Albinism: It is an inherited disorder of syn- Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), Web of Science, thesis. It has two types; the first type simultaneously PubMed, and Google Scholar for the relevant evidence. affects the skin and eye (oculocutaneouso), and the sec- We found several recent articles related to the effects of ond type only involves the eye (ocular). The ophthalmic IMDs on the eyes. Authors collected and reported the manifestations of both types of albinism are refractive overall ophthalmological problems consequent to the errors, reduced visual acuity, Iris transillumination de- endocrinologists’ needs regarding this issue in confer- fects due to decreased iris pigmentation, foveal hypo- ences. Besides, this article summarized the effects of

Table 1. Classification of metabolic diseases affecting eyes

Conditions Diseases

Albinism Cystinosis Homocystinuria The conditions of amino acid metabolism Sulfite oxidize deficiency Hyperornithinemia (Gyrate atrophy) type II Hyperlysinemia

The conditions of carbohydrate metabolism Galactosemia

Niemann-pick disease Fabry’s disease The conditions of lipid metabolism Gaucher disease Metachromatic leukodystrophy Gangliosidosis

Mannosidosis The conditions of glycoprotein degradation Fucosidosis Sialidosis

Lysosomal storage disease MPS

Familial Hypercholesterolemia Lipoprotein and lipid disorders Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis

Wilson’s disease Miscellaneous Menkes disease

138 Medghalchi A, et al. Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Eyes. J Pediatr Rev. 2021; 9(2):137-144. April 2021, Volume 9, Issue 2, Number 22

Figure 1. The conditions induced by amino acid metabolism on eyes plasia, nystagmus, strabismus, albino fundus, and ab- pia, increased intra ocular pressure, retinal detachment, normal nerve fiber crossing (9). and optic atrophy (11).

Cystinosis: It is a metabolic disease that causes the Hyperornithinemia (Gyrate Atrophy): It is autosomal accumulation of cystine in the cells. Its pathognomonic recessive dystrophy due to the deficiency of the activity ophthalmic finding is the deposition of iridescent crys- of the mitochondrial matrix enzyme, ornithine amino- tal in the peripheral cornea. The other ocular manifes- transferase, and the elevation of ornithine in plasma. tations of cystinosis are the accumulation of crystals in The main ocular finding is hyperpigmented fundi that the uvea, iris, ciliary body, and pigmentary retinopathy separates with the islands of loss of retinal pigment epi- in the eye (10). thelium and chorioretinal atrophy. The other eye feath- ers are myopia, night blindness, and cataract (12). Homocystinuria: It occurs in the absence of cystathio- nine b-synthetase (the enzyme that converts homocys- Figure 1 shows the conditions concerning amino acid teine to cystathionine). The main ocular manifestation metabolism in eyes. of homocystinuria is . Lens subluxation is usually inferiorly; however, the luxation varies. The Classic Galactosemia: It is the deficit in the activity of other ophthalmic manifestations are progressive myo- galactose-l-phosphate uridyl transferase. A cataract may

Figure 2. The condition induced by carbohydrate metabolism on eyes

Medghalchi A, et al. Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Eyes. J Pediatr Rev. 2021; 9(2):137-144. 139 April 2021, Volume 9, Issue 2, Number 22

Figure 3. The disorders of lipid metabolism on eyes

occur as a result of the accumulation of galactitol, i.e. Niemann-Pick Disease Type B: It is the mildest form of the end metabolite of galactose in the nucleus and deep the disease. It causes a cherry-red spot in the macula, cortex of the lens. It induces an oil drop appearance on i.e. diagnostic. retroillumination (13). Figure 2 shows the disorder in- duced by carbohydrate metabolism on the eyes. Niemann-Pick Disease Type C: It has a vertical oph- thalmoplegia and optic atrophy. There is no cherry-red Niemann-Pick: It is a rare genetic disease generated spot present in this type (15). due to sphingomyelinase isoenzymes that affect the body’s ability to metabolize cellular cholesterol and lip- Fabry disease: It is a rare inherited disease that pre- ids. There are 3 types of Niemann-Pick disease, includ- vents the body from making alpha-galactosidase A. The ing A, B, and C (14). There exist various eye involvement accumulation of ceramide triheoside was conducted on in Niemann-Pick disease. various tissues, such as blood vessels in the kidney, skin, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, heart, Niemann-pick disease types A: It causes a cherry-red and eye. The relevant ophthalmic manifestations in- spot in the macula in 50% of infants. A brownish discol- clude increased vessel tortuosity and aneurysms in the oration of the anterior lens capsule is another manifes- conjunctiva, verticillata in the cornea, increased tortu- tation of type A.

Figure 4. The disorders of glycoprotein degradation on eyes

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Figure 5. The effect of lysosomal storage disease on eyes osity of vessels in the retina, and faint spoke-like lines Gangliosidosis: It is caused by the accumulation of opacity at the posterior lens capsule in the lens (16). gangliosides and contains different types of lipid storage disorders. The cherry-red spot is the eye manifestation Gaucher disease: It is the result of a buildup of cer- of it (19). Figure 3 shows the disorders induced by lipid tain fatty substances in specific organs, particularly the metabolism on the eyes. spleen and liver. It has 3 types; the ocular feature of Gau- cher disease type 1 includes brownish pinguecula-like Ophthalmologic manifestations of type I (infantile) masses, containing Gaucher cells. In the retina, Gaucher mannosidosis is lens opacity in the posterior cortex. cells can be observed as well. Gaucher disease, type 2 is Type II (juvenile) mannosidosis induces Punctate opac- the acute neuropathic infantile form that causes persis- ity throughout the lens. The strabismus, pallor, and blur- tent retroflection of the head and signs of pseudobulbar ring of the optic disc and retinal degeneration are other palsy. The classic Gaucher triad consists of Trismus, Stra- manifestations of mannosidosis (20). bismus, and Opisthotonus. Gaucher disease, type 3 has manifests features, such as ocular apraxia and corneal Fucosidosis is a lysosomal storage disease caused by opacification (17). defective alpha-L-fucosidase with the accumulation of fucose in the tissues. Its ocular features include vascu- Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD): Multiple Sul- lar tortuosities, tortuous conjunctival vessels with mi- fatase Deficiency (MSD) is a rare form of late-infantile croaneurysms, and dilated and tortuous retinal veins MLD. Its ophthalmologic features consist of skew devia- (21). Figure 4 shows the disorders of glycoprotein tion, optic atrophy, retinal degeneration, and cherry-red degradation. spot (18).

Figure 6. The effects of miscellaneous disorders on eyes

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Lysosomal storage disease: Mucopolysaccharidosis Ethical Considerations (MPS) is a group of inherited lysosomal storage disor- ders. Their ocular manifestations are progressive corneal Compliance with ethical guidelines clouding, retinal pigmentary degeneration, diminished or extinguished electroretinogram, optic nerve head swell- There were no ethical considerations to be considered ing, optic atrophy, and glaucoma (22). Figure 5 shows in this research. the effect of lysosomal storage disease on the eyes. Funding Wilson’s disease: It is an inherited disorder in which ex- cess copper builds up in the liver, kidney, and basal gan- This research did not receive any grant from funding glia of the brain. It induces the Kayser-Fleischer ring in agencies in the public, commercial, or non-profit sectors. the cornea and sunflower cataract. Kayser-Fleischer ring Authors' contributions is determined by the band of golden to greenish-yellow, bronze, or brownish hue in the Descemet membrane All authors equally contributed to preparing this article. of the peripheral of the cornea. Sunflower cataract oc- curs in only 15% to 20% of the affected individuals; it is Conflicts of interest determined by fine deposits beneath the anterior and posterior lens capsule, forming a disc-like opacity axially. The authors declared no conflict of interest. The opacities do not interfere with vision (23).

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