1. CONSTITUTION Meeting constituted by the Interim Moderator, Rev Gray Fletcher, with a reading from Luke Chapter 14 and a prayer.

2. APOLOGIES Apologies received from Jean Cranston, Edith Moseley, Janis Herriot, Marie Owens, Margot Young, Connell Cranston, John Curror, George Fairweather, Fraser Neilson.

3. SEDERUNT Rev. Gray Fletcher, Rev Jack Drummond, 21 elders and 2 other Trustees.

4. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA The agenda was confirmed as previously circulated.

5. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 5.1 Minutes of meetings held on 8th June, 19th June and 4th September The draft minute of the June meetings were circulated prior to the meeting. Acceptance of the minute of 8th June as a true record was proposed by Roy Allan and seconded by Gordon Robertson. Acceptance of the minute of the 19th June as a true record was proposed by Steven Owens and seconded by Kay Bolton. The minute of the meeting on the 4th September was read to the meeting by the SessionClerk. Acceptance of the minute of the 4th September as a true record was proposed by Gordon Robertson and seconded by Scott Russell. The Minutes were signed by Interim Moderator and Session Clerk at the conclusion of the meeting.

6. CORRESPONDENCE AND INTIMATIONS 6.1 Locum Minister 6.1.1 Sam Esler and George Fraser Rev Jack Drummond advised those present that Sam Esler was far from well and had very recently moved to the Darnley Care Home where his wife, Grace, was also being looked after. On a more positive note he was pleased to inform elders that George Fraser was back home and coping well. 6.2 Session Clerk 6.2.1 Letter from Presbytery Clerk Norman Bolton read to the meeting a letter and an extract minute which he had received from the Presbytery Clerk at the end of June. The Session Clerk was instructed to engross the Extract Minute in the minutes of the first Kirk Session meeting. The Extract Minute was as follows:

AT the 21st June 2016 the Presbytery of Glasgow met and was constituted.

Inter Alia: STRATEGIC PLANNING and Stamperland Following congregational votes of 210 for and 5 against at Netherlee and 112 for and 9 against at Stamperland, Presbytery is asked to approve the Basis of Deferred Linkage for the congregations of Netherlee and Stamperland (as presented at item 46 of Strategic Planning report, May Presbytery 2016). Presbytery is asked to note that the PPTG concurred with the Basis of Deferred Linkage on 16th June 2016.

Presbytery received the Report and approved the recommendation.

Extracted by me this 22nd day of June 2016.

Signed William C. Hewitt

Very Rev William C. Hewitt Clerk of Presbytery

6.2.2 Letter from East Foodbank Norman Bolton read some excerpts from a letter from Ag Law, a member of the Foodbank Management Team. In the letter Mrs Law expressed thanks to the 20 churches throughout who have donated food on a regular basis. Of the 64 tonnes of food distributed by the Foodbank in the past three years, 20 tonnes was donated by churches. A total of 8,200 people had been fed; of this number there had been 1256 single people, 848 couples, 770 small families and 593 large families. The Foodbank asked that their thanks be conveyed to the congregations. Thanks had been conveyed to the congregation during Sunday morning intimations and it was agreed that a copy of the letter should be printed in an edition of Focus. 6.2.3 Resignation of Presbytery Elder The Session Clerk said that he had received correspondence from David McKee, Presbytery Elder. In his e-mail David had said since his wife, Lynsey, unexpectedly had to take on the leadership role of the Rainbows on a Tuesday evening this fact and family commitments would make it difficult for him to attend Presbytery on a regular basis. As a consequence, he wished to relinquish the post. The Session Clerk asked for a volunteer to take on the role of Presbytery Elder. There were approximately nine meetings of Presbytery each year. Meetings were held at Sherbrook St Gilbert’s Church. Gray Fletcher stressed that it was important that the church had someone who could attend and speak at a Presbytery meeting should a matter of importance directly affecting the church be tabled at Presbytery. Norman Bolton asked all elders to consider whether they could take on the role. Presbytery had to be informed of the name of the church’s Presbytery Elder by Friday afternoon. It would be good if someone present at the meeting would feel able to take on the role and advise him of this by mid-day Friday.

7 SAFETY AND SECURITY 7.1 PVG 7.1.1 PVG Co-ordinator The Session Clerk reminded the meeting that there had been a hiccup regarding Margot Young being registered by the Church of as our PVG co-ordinator. He said that he currently had a newly- completed form ready to send to . Kay Bolton said that Margot had phoned her that afternoon to say that the Church of Scotland in Edinburgh were in the process of sending her further forms. It was hoped that Margot would soon be formally registered or recognised as the PVG co-ordinator. 7.1.1 Safeguarding Training Courses The Session Clerk advised that Presbytery were running a series Safeguarding Training Courses for Co-ordinators, Volunteers and Elders. Elders were being specifically encouraged to attend a training course. Ideally, all elders should attend a course. Norman Bolton said that it could be ten years or more since most elders had attended any form of safeguarding training and all should consider whether they could attend. An elders course was being held locally on 15th September 2016 at South Church from 7.00pm – 8.30pm. There would be another course specifically for elders on 17th January 2017 at Springburn Church. Courses for Volunteers (which elders could attend) were held at least once per month. Some questions were asked regarding disclosure checks and training. Gray Fletcher confirmed that elders and volunteers should attend Church of Scotland PVG training and not rely on training provided for other duties. The Session Clerk undertook to confirm requirements for disclosure checks. 7.2 Health and Safety Jane Curror advised that she was not aware of any issues. One small pane of glass in the large hall was broken but was not believed to constitute an immediate risk. 7.2.2 Fire Extinguishers Following the annual inspection of fire extinguishers reported in the minute of the June meeting, two new replacement extinguishers had been purchased and installed. 7.3 Food Hygiene No issues.

8. REPORT FROM KIRK SESSION COMMITTEES 8.1 Resources 8.1.1 Property Roy Allan reported that an e-mail had been received from CARTA in Edinburgh in relation to the lighting in the sanctuary. After years of unsuccessfully attempting to establish appropriate contact Norman Bolton had received a response to the effect that if the now obsolete, 8-foot long, fluorescent tubes were replaced by 8-foot long LED tubes, CARTA would not require to be involved. Roy was not certain that straightforward replacement was possible. He undertook to discuss the matter with Alan Henderson and report back. 8.1.2 Finance General Kay Bolton reported that despite the rather low and patchy attendance at morning worship over the summer months, offerings were approximately £1,000 ahead of budget. The Retiring Offering from the September Communion was £162 and a cheque for this amount had been sent to Robin House. Expenditure The main expenditure had been the purchase and installation of the digital organ. As the organ was “not brand new” no VAT had been payable on the instrument. The total cost was £13,000. The Buildings and Contents insurance had been amended to include the new organ. With Alan Henderson having moved house the postman could no longer deliver the church mail to Alan. A new post-box had been purchased at a cost of £35 and fitted adjacent to the main hall entrance. Closure of the Netherlee Branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland Kay advised the meeting that all banking was now being carried out at the Giffnock Branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland. The duty team were now taking the night safe wallet to the RBS branch at Giffnock and she urged team leaders to bring the night safe key back to the church immediately after depositing the wallet. She expressed thanks to Raymond Russell for collecting the night safe wallets from Giffnock. Auditor Kay reported that she had approached the person suggested by Fraser Neilson who he believed might have been willing to act as Auditor. Unfortunately that person had said he couldn’t act as Auditor. She said finding an Auditor was important; if we couldn’t find a volunteer we would be forced to pay for a professional company to undertake the audit. Kay said that she would ask Netherlee Church whether they had a member of their congregation who might be willing to audit our church accounts. 8.2 Strategy and Engagement 8.2.1 Fund Raising Steven Owens reported that Fraser Mackintosh had joined the Fund Raising Committee. The committee would meet soon. 8.2.2 Stewardship In response to a question from Steven Owens, David McKee indicated that he had relinquished the post of Stewardship Co-ordinator. 8.3. Mission Nancy Fisher said that neither the Parish & Beyond Committee nor the Pastoral Care Committee had met over the summer but meetings were being planned. Evelyn Graham and Jan Barr were attending a meeting of the Peace and Justice Committee the following day. Nancy said that there had been an increase in the number of people asking for transport to attend hospital and that there was a need for more volunteer drivers. Potential volunteers should speak to Bill Paterson. There was also a need for more volunteer drivers on a Sunday morning. Potential drivers should speak to Grace Scott. Bereavement cards were being posted as required and the Baptismal records are up-to-date. Slow progress was being made regarding the Lunch Club. No further progress could be made until a dishwasher was installed in the kitchen. It was reported that Alan Henderson was dealing with tradesmen to establish exactly what had to be done to install a suitable dishwasher in the church kitchen. Roy Allan agreed to give the matter priority attention. 8.4 Nurture 8.4.1 Worship Margo Neilson said that the worship committee were arranging meeting dates. She also asked for additional volunteers to join the committee. Harvest Thanksgiving service was scheduled for Sunday, 2nd October. Parades of Uniformed organizations would take place on 2nd October and 13th November. 8.4.2 Education Margo reported that the Education Committee had not met but would do so soon. Youth organizations were back and up-and-running. All uniformed organisations had been informed of the parade dates – 2nd October and 13th November. Stepping Stones leaders met on 29th August to plan the session ahead. The first topic would be learning about Our Church / Our Community. Stepping Stones are hoping to arrange dates when the children can help at the church front door – welcoming worshippers, handing out hymn books, assisting with the uplifting of the offering, etc.. Leaders of Stepping Stones are aware of reducing numbers; a leaflet had been produced which will be distributed through the uniformed organisations and, depending on the reaction, may also be distributed via the primary school.

9. REPORT FROM PRESBYTERY ELDER Bill Paterson reported a number of changes. 9.1 Change of Address Mr and Mrs A Thomson from 2 Stamperland Drive to 22 Windlaw Road, Carmunnock 9.2 Deaths Mrs Sheila Cassells 44 Randolph Drive Mrs Edna Campbell 27 Nethervale Avenue Mrs Maureen Lawrie 125 Stamperland Gardens Mrs Cathy Allan 185 The Oval Mrs Cassells, Mrs Campbell and Mrs Lawrie had been members; Mrs Allan was an Adherent.

10 UPDATE ON VACANCY 10.1 Summary Gray Fletcher reminded those present of items which had been discussed at or actioned subsequent to the meetings in June. Copies of the attested Communion Roll had been sent to Presbytery. A copy signed by the Presbytery Clerk had been returned and was with the Roll Keeper. The Roll should be updated every six months so that all eligible to vote are on the Roll. 10.2 Meetings to consider Church’s practice in relation to human sexuality Gray Fletcher reminded elders that there is a need to hold Kirk Session meetings to decide whether Stamperland Church and Netherlee Church are willing to depart from the traditional position of the church in relation to ministers in a Civil Partnership or Same-Sex marriage. Following consultation with the Vacancy Procedures Committee, meetings of each of Netherlee and Stamperland Kirk Session had been scheduled for Monday, 19th September and Tuesday, 27th September. Because of building works at Netherlee Church, members of Netherlee Kirk Session would meet in the sanctuary at Stamperland. If, at their meetings on 19th September, both Kirk Sessions decide “not to depart”, there would be no requirement for the second meeting. If there is a requirement for a second meeting, the vote of the first meeting is regarded as “indicative” and the vote of the second meeting is regarded as “declarative”. If the declarative vote of the two Kirk Sessions is for a different outcome, then the decision “not to depart” becomes the default position. The two Kirk Sessions would meet separately. Voting would be carried out by secret ballot, supervised by the Vacancy Procedures Committee. Steven Owens requested to see a copy of the regulations. Gray Fletcher undertook to send a copy of the Vacancy Procedures to Steven. 10.3 Nomination Committee Gray Fletcher advised that the likely date for the election of members to the Nomination Committee was Sunday, 23rd October. Elders were encouraged to give names of members they believed would be suitable representatives of the congregation to the Session Clerk who should then speak to the potential members and outline the task involved. During discussions Scott Russell asked whether some children could be involved in the selection of the new minister. He said that it is now established practice in primary schools that some school pupils sit in during the interview process for head teachers. Gray Fletcher indicated that under church law at a Stated Annual Meeting a member could not be nominated and elected to the Congregational Board if they were not present at the meeting. However, if the member had submitted their apology for non-attendance, they could be elected to the Board. He believed that a similar arrangement would apply to the election of members of the Nomination Committee and undertook to check that this would be the case. 10.4 Draft Parish Profile The Session Clerk that he and John Montgomery, Session Clerk at Netherlee, had produced a first draft of the Parish Profile. It was the responsibility of the 13 members of the Nomination Committee to produce the final document which would be submitted to the Kirk Session of both Stamperland and Netherlee churches for their approval before it was formally published. Elders could access a copy of the document via the church web site or take away a paper copy at the conclusion of the meeting. Comments and suggestions for improvement of the document would be welcome.

11 CLARKSTON YOUR TOWN COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT The Session Clerk said that he had been approached by a representative of East Renfrewshire Council to publicise a consultation exercise in which the Council were seeking the views of residents as to how the Council might “improve” Clarkston and make the “town centre better”. The official indicated the council was keen to hear the opinions of individuals, groups and organizations including local churches. Norman Bolton gave a PowerPoint presentation highlighting that people were attracted to Clarkston by good transport links and by the excellent education offered by the local schools. It was unlikely that many if, indeed, any people were attracted to Clarkston by the fact there were ten churches in the immediate locality. Perhaps, rather than emphasizing “church”, the local churches emphasized what happened in their buildings - interesting talks, lectures, debates, music, choirs, drama, a place to meet people, activities for young people, teenagers, older people, groups with particular needs – as well as “Sunday worship” there could be an increased interaction. Elders then split into groups to discuss their response to the challenge raised by the Council. Comments made by the groups included the following:

Compared to Giffnock the place is a dump. Car parking is difficult even a nightmare. Roads are in poor repair. Pushing wheelchairs around the Clarkston area is difficult The “roundabout” at Clarkston Toll is not a “roundabout”; there are numerous near-misses caused by the fact that traffic “on the roundabout” does not have right of way over traffic travelling west down Busby Road. Merging lanes, parked cars and bus stops in the immediate vicinity of Clarkston Toll contribute to traffic chaos. The number of Charity Shops is seen as excessive. It is realised that they are used by many local residents as places to donate and by many others as a destination for good-value purchases. There is a superabundance of Estate Agents. There is a lack of variety of small (specialist) retailers. The public toilets at Clarkston Toll are closed. Facilities at Overlee Park could be significantly improved. On-road parking near Overlee Park should be restricted. Railings should be erected to stop children running out of the park gates straight on to the road. New transport links are required between Clarkston Toll and the new Health Centre near Williamwood Railway Station. The Council should consider using church premises as locations for meetings of various groups, e.g. parent and toddler, pre-school nursery provision, etc. The Council should consider advertising local events and highlighting organisations which meet in Clarkston. The Council should consider financially supporting organisations which meet in Clarkston and are specifically targeted at attracting people from the local area.

12 DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS The dates of the next meetings were confirmed as Monday, 19th September Tuesday, 27th September Wednesday, 26th October Monday, 5th December

13 CLOSURE All present stood to say “the Grace”.

……...... Session Clerk

...... Moderator