Environmental Values

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Clive L. Spash, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia MANAGING EDITOR: Isis Brook, University of Central Lancashire ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Emily Brady, University of Edinburgh; John OʼNeill, Manchester University; Jouni Paavola, University of Leeds CONSULTING EDITOR: Alan Holland, Lancaster University REVIEWS EDITORS: Jeremy Roxbee-Cox, Lancaster University; Bernd Siebenhüner, Oldenburg University EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: David Littlewood, University of Central Lancashire EDITORIAL BOARD: Neil Adger University of East Anglia Environmental Bina Agarwal University of Delhi Development Economics/Feminism Frank Biermann VU University, Amsterdam Political Science Jacquie Burgess University of East Anglia Geography J. Baird Callicott University of North Texas Mick Common University of Strathclyde John Dryzek Australian National University Political Science Robyn Eckersley University of Melbourne Politics Warwick Fox University of Central Lancashire Philosophy Robin Gregory University of Victoria Decision Sciences/Policy Analysis Tim Hayward University of Edinburgh Politics Richard Howarth Dartmouth College Environmental/Ecological Economics Dale Jamieson New York University Philosophy Sheila Jasanoff Harvard University Science and Technology Studies Andrew Light University of Washington Seattle Manfred Max-Neef Universidad Austral de Chile Ecological Economics Timothy OʼRiordan University of East Anglia Environmental Sciences Clare Palmer Washington University in St Louis Philosophy Ronan Palmer The Environment Agency Economics Mark Sagoff University of Maryland Philosophy/Public Affairs Mick Smith Queenʼs University, Ontario Philosophy/Social Theory Arild Vatn Agricultural University of Norway Economics Hub Zwart Radboud University, Nijmegen Philosophy

Environmental Values is indexed or abstracted in: Current Contents, Economic Literature Index, Environment Abstracts, Environmental Policy Abstracts, Geo Abstracts, GEOBASE, ICEL Refer- ences, Land, Life and Leisure, The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, The Philoso- pherʼs Index, Referativnyi Zhurnal, RePEc, Social Science Citation Index (ISI), Social Sciences in Forestry, Sociological Abstracts. On-line articles are available at http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/whp/ev Environmental Values is published quarterly. ISSN: 0963-2719. Annual subscription rates (2008) are £150 ($295 US) for institutions, or £54 ($100 US) for individuals at their private address. Orders should be sent to Turpin Distribution Ltd., Stratton Business Park, Pegasus Drive, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire SQ18 8QB, UK http://www.turpin-distribution.com. Abstracts of past issues and instructions for authors are on our website, http://www.erica.demon.co.uk © 2008 The White Horse Press, 1 Strond, Isle of Harris, HS5 3UD, UK Printed in England by The Good News Press Ltd.

? = username $REMOTE_ASSR = IP address Sat, 25 Sep 2021 01:28:41 = Date & Time Instructions for Authors Environmental Values brings together contributions from philosophy, economics, politics, , geography, anthropology, ecology and other disciplines, which relate to the present and future environment of human beings and other species. In doing so we aim to clarify the relationship between practical policy issues and more fundamental underlying principles or assumptions. The journal provides a forum for original academic papers that are accessible to people from other disciplines, and also those who operate outside the academic community. To this end, contributors should avoid needless technicality. They should also bear in mind the requirements of an international readership when making reference to localised places or events. Manuscripts should show engagement with on-going intellectual debates, and awareness of the current literature. Authors should especially make sure they are cognisant of papers published in recent issues of Environmental Values that are relevant to their topic. Submissions must be original and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. We aim to reach a decision on publication within three months of receipt of the submission. Specific Guidance Word Limit. Unless otherwise agreed, manuscripts should be a maximum of 7,000 words in length or 28 pages (formatted as specified below). Manuscripts of excessive length will not be considered. Format. Borders of 2.5cm/1inch all round. Font Times Roman 12pt. Double spaced. Avoid excessive use of subheadings and text formatting for emphasis (underlining, bold, italics). English. Manuscripts should be in English and be of an acceptable standard in that regard (if in doubt please have a native speaker read your manuscript prior to submission). Anonymous Manuscript. To allow blind refereeing, please ensure that your manuscript is anonymous by including your name, contact details and self-identifying references separately from the manuscript. An email and full postal address for editorial correspondence should also be given separately. Abstract. A summary of around 100 words, and a list of four or five ʻkey wordsʼ should be provided. Footnotes, if any, will be printed at the end of the article. These should be numbered consecutively through the text, and presented on a separate sheet of paper, typed with double spacing. Bibliographic citations can appear in text or notes. These should include the authorʼs last name and the title or year of publication, and may include a page reference: (Aldred, 2006: 142). A separate list of references should be provided, in alphabetical order. Please do not abbreviate journal titles. The following style should be employed: Aldred, J. 2006. ʻIncommensurability and monetary valuationʼ. Land Economics 82(2): 141–161. Martinez-Alier, J., G. Munda and J. OʼNeill. 1998. ʻWeak comparability of values as a foundation for ecological economicsʼ. Ecological Economics 26(3): 277–286. Rolston III, H. 1989. Philosophy Gone Wild. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books. Holland, A. 1997. ʻSubstitutability: Why strong sustainability is weak and absurdly strong sustain- ability is not absurdʼ, in J. Foster (ed.), Valuing Nature? Economics, Ethics and Environment. (London: Routledge), pp.119–134. Copyright and Future Use. The editors reserve the right to make alterations which do not involve any change of meaning. Contributors are expected to assign copyright to the publisher, though they remain free to use material in subsequent publications written or edited by themselves provided Environmental Values is acknowledged as the original place of publication. Twenty free offprints of published articles will be supplied, and authors will be supplied on request with a pdf file from which they are free to print as many further copies of the article as they require. Submission. Contributors should submit papers by email, as Microsoft Word documents or in rich text format, not in pdf or other formats unless specifically agreed. If email is not possible, please send one hard copy of the paper and other materials, along with a disk. Contributions should be sent to: The Editorial Assistant, Environmental Values, Centre for Professional Ethics, University of Central Lancashire, Preston PR1 3TN, UK. Email: [email protected] .

? = username $REMOTE_ASSR = IP address Sat, 25 Sep 2021 01:28:41 = Date & Time Environmental Values Volume 17 2008 Number 3

EDITORIAL Without Finality JOHN OʼNEILL 313

OBITUARY Vale Val: In Memory of Val Plumwood FREYA MATHEWS 317

FEATURES Tasteless: Towards a Food-Based Approach to Death VAL PLUMWOOD 323 Listening to the Birds: A Pragmatic Proposal for Forestry NICOLE KLENK 331 Native Species, Human Communities and Cultural Relationships PAUL KNIGHTS 353 Intrinsic Value and the Genetic Engineering of Animals R.B.M. DE VRIES 375 Counting Species: Biopower and the Global Biodiversity Census R. YOUATT 393

BOOK REVIEWS Ronald Sandler, Character and Environment: A Virtue-Oriented Approach to (MICHAEL ALLEN FOX) 419 Bill McKibben, Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future (BRENDAN FISHER) 422 Chukwumerije Okereke, Global Justice and Neoliberal Environmental Governance: Ethics, Sustainable Development and International Co-operation (RAFAEL ZIEGLER) 425 C.A. Cranston and Robert Zeller (eds.), The Littoral Zone: Australian Contexts and their Writers (STUART COOKE) 427


? = username $REMOTE_ASSR = IP address Sat, 25 Sep 2021 01:28:41 = Date & Time Forthcoming Articles

The following papers have been accepted for publication and will appear in future issues of Environmental Values:

ERIK ANSINK To value functions or services? An analysis of ecosystem valuation approaches

FRANCISCO BENZONI The moral worth of creatures: Neo-classical metaphysics and the value theories of Rolston and Callicott

MARC DAVIDSON Climate damage as wrongful harm to future generations

DAN GREENWOOD Non-market coordination: Towards an ecological response to Austrian economics

SIMON P. JAMES Phenomenology and the problem of animal minds

PAUL KEELING Does the idea of wilderness need a defence?

ANNE INGEBORG MYHR The precautionary approach to GMOs and its relation to science

JULIA K. TANNER The argument from marginal cases and the slippery slope objection

RICHARD S.J. TOL Why worry about climate change? A research agenda

? = username $REMOTE_ASSR = IP address Sat, 25 Sep 2021 01:28:41 = Date & Time