1-33 Location, Boundaries, Area and Population History of District As An
1-33 1 Loca tion, bounda ries , ar ea and pop ulat io n Locati on and boundari es- l Area-l, Popul ation -2 Hi story of district as an ad minis tra tiv e un it Ad min istra tive hist or y of Rewari Sub -Divi sions, ta bs ils and thanas Topogr aphy Nat ural drai nage Mamm als-I7 , Bird s-17 ,Re pti le s-20,- Fi sh-20 Rain fall-20, Temperature -2I, Humi dit y-2 2,C1oudin ess -22, Specia l Weather Ph en ome na-22 34 -55 The Anc ie nt period 34 The Medi eval period 38 The Mod ern period 45 Area and population Language Religious life Hindus-61, Jains-63, Muslims- 64, Christians-64, Sikbs-64 Superstitions Fairs and Festivals Social groups-67, Joint Family sysr em- 70, Marriage cu stom s-71 , Divorce-74 Vill ages -76, Dwellings, furniture and decorations-76, Dress and ornaments-78, Food-78, Folk culture-79, Folk songs-79, Folk dances-8! Rural rebabilit ation-83, Urban rehabilitation-83, Urban loans-84, House building advanc e-84, Socio -- economic trends 84 87-127 Introd uction 87 Land utilization 87 Irrigation 89 Irrig ation facilitie s-90 Rainfall-90, Can als-90, Wells and Tub ewell s-91 , Tanks and bunds-93, F1o -d embankments and marginal bunds-94, Mas ani Barrage-94, Hamidpur bund-94 Set up of Agriculture Department-94, Soils-95, Crops-96 , Cropping pattern. ,-99. Rotation of crops-·IOO, Fodder crops-l 00, Dry farming-IOO Regional Research Station, Bawal 102 Krishi Gyan Kendra, Narnaul 103 Horticullure-I05, Vagetables-l05, Agricultural implements- 106, Manures and chemical fertiliz ers-I09 Livest9ck popul3 .tion-115.
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