No. 1991 December 14, 2006

The EU Constitution: Will Europe Force a Way Forward? Sally McNamara

The recent demise of the anti-American Schroeder– Chirac partnership has allowed for renewed optimism in Washington about relations between the United Talking Points States and the (EU). However, the re- • The draft EU constitution challenges Amer- 1 emergence of the draft EU constitution represents a ica’s strategic, diplomatic, judicial, and mili- fundamental threat to American interests far more tary interests. profound than the hostility of any one European • Much of the draft EU constitution has been leader. This draft constitution challenges U.S. strate- or is being implemented in spite of its rejec- gic, diplomatic, judicial, and military interests. It en- tion in two national referenda. shrines modish and ephemeral values as supreme law • The draft EU constitution would have signif- for 25 separate nation-states with the intention of icant foreign policy implications for Amer- fully globalizing its lofty and elite-driven policies. ica, superseding traditional tools of foreign The United States needs to recognize the threat posed policy-making such as alliance-building. It by Brussels’ drive to centralize huge swathes of public would create a system in which America policy as having significant negative implications would be forced to negotiate with a single for America and respond to that threat by applying European power instead of forming ad hoc coalitions with sovereign nation-states and appropriate diplomatic pressure to ensure that U.S. traditional allies. interests are upheld within the transatlantic alliance. • The potential for wrongful interpretation of Rejection and Reflection— the U.S. Constitution on the basis of foreign Forcing a Way Forward law would increase with the introduction of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, which is The Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe more plausibly a charter for permanently will codify the supreme legal basis of the EU’s 25 expanding government than a means of member states, marking a monumental departure from protecting the individual from state power. the traditional, incremental treaty-based approach to European integration. Perhaps because of its magni- tude (or more likely in a fit of frequently imagined “European solidarity”), the constitution’s drafting Pre- This paper, in its entirety, can be found at: sidium declared that unanimous agreement from all member states would be required for it to progress and Produced by The Center for Freedom Published by The Heritage Foundation that a rejection by one would mean a rejection by all. 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002–4999 (202) 546-4400 • Nothing written here is to be construed as necessarily reflect- ing the views of The Heritage Foundation or as an attempt to aid or hinder the passage of any bill before Congress. No. 1991 December 14, 2006

Ratification would proceed immediately by either Member States: parliamentary process or national referendum.1 Will They Find a Way Forward? Its categorical rejection in two democratic ref- Europe’s powerful Franco–German axis has erenda in 2005 should therefore have ended this taken on the mantle of resuscitating the constitu- “grandiose project.”2 At a moment when the una- tion. As German Chancellor Angela Merkel took nimity of all 25 EU member states was an agreed office in November 2005, she stated that the votes prerequisite for the constitution to go ahead, two in France and Holland should “by no means lead to of the six founding members—France and Holland— the idea of the constitution being given up.”7 Her rejected it by large margins.3 Whether these results Foreign Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, simi- came in spite of or because of strong political and larly declared that “There is absolutely no reason to moral pressure from above is unimportant. The give up on the constitution,” although he also sug- bottom line remains that the EU constitution was gested that the name itself could be changed to rejected in two freely and fairly conducted allay voters’ fears.8 national referenda. Leading French presidential candidate Nicolas Outside of Europe, the EU constitution is widely Sarkozy has proposed a “mini-treaty” encompass- assumed to be dead, but the dominant reaction ing the most unpalatable provisions of the constitu- within Europe since 2005 has been to force a way tion, including a foreign minister, the abolition of forward, regardless of the outcomes of the two ref- several national vetoes, and tax-raising powers for erenda. In fact, just hours after France’s “Non,” Brussels. In an impressive display of political unity Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of Luxem- ahead of the 2007 presidential election, Sarkozy is bourg and arch integrationist, declared: “The Euro- joined by his closest rival, Socialist candidate pean process does not come to an end today.”4 Ségolène Royale, who wants “a great European President of the European Commission José Man- project that affects people’s daily lives.”9 uel Barroso stated: “What is important is to recom- 5 Other major European leaders are also keen to mit ourselves to this vision of Europe.” Vice- move forward. Italian Prime Minister and former President Margot Wallström went even further, European Commission President Romano Prodi arguing for augmenting the constitution to include has called for a simplified version of the constitu- environmental commitments inspired by the Kyoto 10 6 tion to be introduced forthwith. Greek Prime Protocol. For Europe’s elites, the constitution is Minister Kostas Karamanlis has warned against anything but dead. “inertia” about the future of the constitution during

1. For the text of the draft EU constitution, see European Union, “A Constitution for Europe,” at en/allinone_en.htm (December 8, 2006). 2. Nicholas Watt, “EU Constitution a Grandiose Project That Failed, Says Beckett,” The Guardian, October 18, 2006, at,,329603460-107988,00.html (December 7, 2006). 3. Rejection was carried by 55 percent in France and by 61.5 percent in the Netherlands. 4. Katrin Bennhold and Graham Bowley, “Charter ‘Not Dead,’ EU Insists,” International Herald Tribune, May 31, 2005, at (December 7, 2006). 5. George Parker, “Would a Constitution by Another Name Smell Sweeter?” The , May 29, 2006. 6. Mark Beunderman, “Brussels to Defend ‘Core’ of EU Constitution in Treaty Talks,” EUobserver, October 19, 2006, at (December 7, 2006). 7. Mark Beunderman, “Merkel Says Germany ‘Will Not Solve’ EU Constitution Limbo,” EUobserver, October 30, 2006, at (December 7, 2006). 8. Agence France-Presse, “EU Seeks More Time to Resurrect Constitution,” May 28, 2006. 9. Beunderman, “Brussels to Defend ‘Core’ of EU Constitution in Treaty Talks.” 10. Agence France-Presse, “Italy’s New Leader Sees Simplified EU Constitution,” May 29, 2006.

page 2 No. 1991 December 14, 2006 this official period of reflection.11 In fact, the gov- the EU constitution. Countless EU agencies and leg- ernments of Denmark, Finland, and Luxembourg islative initiatives—substantially contrary to Ameri- have all come out in vocal support of reviving the can interests—have been established since June draft constitution.12 2005, as if the constitution were already in force. The British public, however, are unlikely to sup- Common Asylum Policy. Article III-257 of the port this constitution, or indeed any constitution draft constitution proposes “a common policy on emanating from Brussels. Neither Prime Minister asylum, immigration and external border control.” Tony Blair nor his likely successor Gordon Brown Article III-266 states: “The Union shall develop a has the appetite for the tremendous political dog- common policy on asylum.” Regardless of the consti- fight that would be necessary to foist this on the tution’s rejection, the European Commission issued a British people. British Foreign Secretary and Blair Returns Directive on September 1, 2005, establishing loyalist struck a note of finality a common asylum policy14 in which the European when she commented that the constitution was “a Convention on Human Rights would henceforth grandiose project but it didn’t come off.”13 The trump national legislation in determining treatment of British are joined by the Dutch, who are inclined to deportees—adding yet another complication to respect the wishes of their people, and the Poles, already controversial extradition procedures.15 who want to reopen the Pandora’s box of members’ European Space Program. Article III-254 tasks voting rights. An elite-driven attempt to push on the EU with formulating “a European space policy” with the constitution in its current form will meet to ensure that “all European space activities will be significant resistance. launched from a single coherent platform.”16 On The Backdoor Constitution December 28, 2005, seven months after the French and Dutch referenda, the GIOVE-A satellite was While Europe’s capitals engage in heated debate launched in anticipation of the joint EU–Chinese about the future of a formal document, the reality Galileo satellite system, representing a serious stra- must not be ignored that much of the document has tegic threat to future American military interests.17 been or is being implemented in spite of the 2005 rejections; the EU intends to press on regardless. In European Defense Agency. Article I-41 declares: fact, the European Union habitually introduces leg- “An agency in the field of defense capabilities de- islation in the absence of any real legal basis, with velopment, research, acquisition and armaments treaties and protocols merely confirming a pre- (European Defense Agency) shall be established.” existing reality thereafter. Any judicial review In fact, the European Defense Agency opened its will be conducted by the European Court of Justice, Brussels headquarters in 2004. The EDA continues which has “ever closer union” as its primary man- to describe its purpose and role in the exact words date. This is how Europe has approached much of of the rejected constitution: “defense capabilities

11. Agence France-Presse, “EU Seeks More Time to Resurrect Constitution.” 12. Agence France-Presse, “Denmark Would Put EU Constitution to Referendum: Foreign Minister,” May 29, 2006; Parker, “Would a Constitution by Another Name Smell Sweeter?”; and William J. Kole, “EU Envoys in No Rush to Revive the Continent’s Troubled Constitution,” Associated Press Worldstream, May 28, 2006. 13. Watt, “EU Constitution a Grandiose Project That Failed.” 14. Commission of the European Communities, “Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Common Standards and Procedures in the Member States for Returning Illegally Staying Third-Country Nationals,” September 1, 2005, at (December 7, 2006). 15. David Rennie and Philip Johnston, “EU to Set Down New Rules for Expelling Extremists,” , August 31, 2005. 16. European Commission, “First ‘Space Council’ Sets Sights on European Space Programme,” November 29, 2004, at (December 7, 2006). 17. “A System to Make Jove Proud: Satellite-Navigation Systems,” The Economist Global Agenda, December 29, 2005.

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development; armaments co-operation; the Euro- At the heart of the document is the concept of a for- pean defense, technological and industrial base and mal “legal personality” for the European Union, defense equipment market; research and technol- allowing it to “speak with one voice” on the inter- ogy.”18 This will greatly exacerbate the anti-Ameri- national stage in place of individual member states.23 can inclinations of current EU procurement policy. The constitution would create a powerful Euro- Harmonization of Policing Methods. Article III- pean Foreign Minister and create a system in which 275 sets out extensive policies for “police coopera- America would be forced to negotiate with a single tion.” Just months after the supposed death of the European power instead of forming ad hoc coali- constitution, the European Police College opened tions with sovereign nation-states and traditional in Bramshill, United Kingdom,19 together with allies. In a European Union where hostility to Amer- radical restructuring of Britain’s police force in line ican power and interests predominates, this repre- with European regional constituencies. This was in sents a clear and present danger for American spite of warnings from Britain’s own Intelligence alliance-building in Europe. and Security Committee that this move could During her 2005 trip to Europe, U.S. Secretary threaten the local knowledge important to counter- of State Condoleezza Rice made robust statements terrorism,20 potentially undermining transnational in support of further European integration.24 What cooperation with one of America’s strongest allies the Administration needs to realize is that the in the war on terrorism. European constitution, with its advanced Common Agency for Fundamental Rights. One of the Foreign and Security Policy, goes far beyond constitution’s most controversial proposals is the creating a modest or inconsequential European Charter of Fundamental Rights, a charter so all- identity; it supersedes traditional tools of foreign encompassing that it “covers everything from the policy-making, such as alliance-building. right to equal pay for men and women to the right Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the per- to access health care and medical treatment.”21 ceived need for another power to “counterbalance” Once again in disregard of the constitution’s rejec- the United States has motivated European integra- tion, the EU is continuing with plans to establish an tionists. This thinking was displayed by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights in Vienna in 2007 most nakedly during the buildup to Operation “to ensure that the values enshrined in the Charter Iraqi Freedom, in which powerful nations not just of Fundamental Rights are respected.”22 critiqued, but also obstructed American foreign policy. EU accession countries were even threat- A Rival, Not a Partner ened with delays to their accession for supporting The resurrection of the EU constitution poses a the war.25 Underlying this diplomatic crisis was the grave threat to American security interests in Europe.

18. European Defence Agency, “Background,” updated November 6, 2006, at (December 7, 2006). 19. CEPOL, “Vacancies,” at (December 7, 2006). 20. Intelligence and Security Committee, “Report into the Terrorist Attacks on 7 July 2005,” p. 38, at www. (December 7, 2006). 21. European Parliament, “MEPs Back EU Agency for Fundamental Rights for 2007,” September 15, 2006, at www.europarl. (December 7, 2006). 22. Social Rights Bulgaria, “European Commission to Establish an Agency for Fundamental Rights,” August 17, 2005, at (December 7, 2006), and European Parliament, “MEPs Back EU Agency for Fundamental Rights for 2007.” 23. Nicolas Sarkozy, “EU Reform: What We Need to Do,” Europe’s World, Autumn 2006, at Id=2ada8047-7362-4d8e-85d1-62ad90b88da5 (December 7, 2006). 24. Philip Stephens and Daniel Dombey, “Rice Pledges Washington Support for a Common European Foreign Policy,” Financial Times, February 11, 2005.

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message that the time had come for Europe to diplomats…have over time come to share the reflex directly challenge a sovereign foreign policy deci- of a European response to foreign policy issues and sion of the United States in an attempt to contain dilemmas,”31 foreign policy remains—in large part— American power. the preserve of European nation-states. The Euro- This argument has been driven home by EU pean constitution would reverse that completely. elites for some time now. Articles I-40 and I-41 set out the EU Common • Former French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin’s Foreign and Security Policy, demanding the attack on America’s status as an “unchecked “achievement of an ever-increasing degree of con- hyper-power”26 supplemented former President vergence of Member States’ actions.” A single Euro- Francois Mitterand’s assertion that “we are at pean foreign policy would require “a common war with America.… [T]hey are voracious, they approach” with consultation before “undertaking want undivided power over the world.”27 any action on the international scene or any com- mitment which could affect the Union’s interests.” • German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder argued Article III-294 prohibits dissent from the consen- for further European integration on the grounds sus: “Member States shall support the common for- that “whining about U.S. dominance does not 28 eign and security policy actively and unreservedly help, we have to act.” in a spirit of loyalty and mutual solidarity.” The EU’s • Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt de- single foreign policy would then “be put into effect scribes the direction of the EU in terms of a Euro- by the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs and by pean “emancipation” from the United States.29 the Member States, using national and Union • Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero openly talks resources.” Put into force, this would make current about deconstructing American global influ- High Representative Javier Solana a full foreign ence within two decades.30 minister with a mandate to dictate foreign policy through his very own European diplomatic corps. Any future EU foreign policy will undoubtedly revolve around this anti-American world vision in The constitution’s defenders argue that member which Europe is a counterweight to the United states would enjoy a national veto in foreign affairs States—a rival, not a partner. under the “common approach” requirements of the constitution. However, a Europe unable to reach Foreign Policy Implications agreement would have to come to a majority consen- Although this virulent anti-Americanism prevails sus or national vetoes would deprive EU member within many European governments, it is insuffi- states of any active foreign policy, either as a bloc or cient to prevent the United States from dealing with as individual states. The capacity of the United States individual allies to build ad hoc coalitions. In spite to build coalitions and alliances through bilateral of boasts by the European Commission that “EU discussion and diplomacy with individual nation- . 25. Adam Daniel Rotfeld, “Primum Non Nocere,” interview of Witold Zygulski, April 4, 2003, at (December 7, 2006). 26. Lionel Jospin, quoted in Bill Cash, “European Integration and Government: Dangers for the United States,” European Foun- dation Working Paper 2, October 2000, p. 3, at for%20the%20United%20States.pdf (December 7, 2006). 27. Ibid. 28. Associated Press, “Schröder to Europe: Unite vs. US,” December 28, 1999. 29. John Vinocur, “Criticism of U.S. Obscures Growing Disunity on Continent; What Does Europe Want?” International Herald Tribune, January 20, 2004. 30. Irwin M. Stelzer, “An Alliance of Two,” The Weekly Standard, November 22, 2004. 31. European Commission, External Relations, “Taking Europe to the World: 50 Years of the European Commission’s External Service,” 2004, p. 57, at (December 7, 2006).

page 5 No. 1991 December 14, 2006 states would all but cease. Either way, it is a lose-lose Replacing individual European allies with a sin- situation for constructive foreign relations. gle EU foreign minister in any context or institution The United Nations Security Council, where is a bad idea. Inevitably, even if unintentionally, Britain and France enjoy separate permanent seats, American interests will lose in the discussions that would present a strange beast under a united Euro- matter most. As Henry Kissinger has said: pean foreign policy. The drafting Presidium consid- When the United States deals with the na- ered unifying the seats into a single EU seat but tions of Europe individually, it has the possi- dropped the recommendation after strong political bility of consulting at many levels and to backlash. However, the language of “unity,” “coher- have its view heard well before a decision is ence,” “consultation,” and “unification” allows for taken. In dealing with the European Union, the dominance of a powerful EU foreign minister to by contrast, the United States is excluded permeate U.N. alliance-building and potentially from the decision-making process and inter- undermine the close voting relationship that the acts only after the event, with spokesmen for U.S. and U.K. currently enjoy. decisions taken by ministers at meetings in Independent military procurement would also which the United States has not participated undoubtedly be a casualty of a united European at any level.… Growing estrangement be- tween America and Europe is thus being foreign policy, with the European Defense Agency 34 and the European Space Program dominating the institutionally fostered. procurement agenda. The decision to spend £1.4 Legal Implications billion on the European Meteor air-to-air missile rather than buy an existing product from the Another insidious long-term threat to American United States at a fraction of the cost evidences values is posed by Part II of the draft European con- the extent of anti-Americanism in the current stitution, the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The European Union.32 At the heart of the European EU has proposed a Fundamental Rights Agency to Space Program is the Galileo project—the costly ensure that this part of the treaty will come into and unnecessary pursuit of a European global force as quickly as possible. The charter’s 51 clauses positioning system independent of the United are more plausibly a charter for permanently expanding government than a means of protecting States. China has bought itself the same privileges 35 through a 20 percent stake in Galileo, creating the the individual from state power, and America will possibility—greatly damaging even as a possibil- not be immune from this greatly expanding scope ity—that European systems could be used to of state power. guide Chinese missiles to American targets in any The creeping application of phony customary future conflicts.33 international law, no matter how erroneous, into

32. Bill Cash, “United States Policy on European Integration: An Understandable But Strategic Error Since 1990,” European Foundation, The European Journal, Vol. 13, No. 3 (March/April 2006), p. 14, at 20April%202006.pdf (December 7, 2006). For a full analysis of how British procurement is being directed in favor of the EU and in opposition to the United States, see Richard D. North, “The Wrong Side of the Hill: The ‘Secret’ Realignment of UK Defence Policy,”, August 2005, at the_hill_def_4.pdf (December 7, 2006). 33. “A System to Make Jove Proud,” The Economist Global Agenda, and Christopher Booker, “Space Race: Europe’s Satellite Sys- tem Is Wobbling Perilously off Course,” The Sunday Telegraph, October 30, 2005, at xml=/news/2005/10/30/nbook30.xml (December 7, 2006). 34. Henry Kissinger, Does America Need a Foreign Policy? (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001), p. 57. 35. For a full analysis of the potential long-term implications of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, see Allister Heath, “A Critique of the Charter of Fundamental Rights,” European Foundation Working Paper 8, July 3, 2001, at docs/Working%20Paper%208%20-%20A%20critique%20of%20the%20Charter%20of%20Fundamental%20Rights.pdf (December 7, 2006).

page 6 No. 1991 December 14, 2006 the American judicial system has given much hope expropriation of EU law.41 The European Court of to Brussels that its core values and principles can Human Rights has been responsible for some truly and will be universalized. On significant public egregious rulings in recent years.42 With a Charter policy questions—from juvenile death penalty of Fundamental Rights, the European Court of Jus- cases36 to environmental regulatory protocols37— tice and European Court of Human Rights would activist American judges have taken a degree of together preside over the final destruction of com- moral and legal comfort in citing foreign law in mon law tradition and promote judicial activism their decisions. As Jeremy Rabkin stated, “the both within and outside of the EU. Supreme Court has recently invoked foreign legal decisions as a guide to interpreting the U.S. Consti- How U.S. Policy Toward tution—on the apparent assumption that our own Europe Should Be Changed constitution ought to be consistent with what the The Administration should: Court has called the opinions of ‘the world commu- • Recognize the threat posed to U.S. strategic, nity.’”38 Increasingly, foreign law is being used as a 39 diplomatic, judicial, and military interests by “rhetorical weapon” against the United States. the draft EU constitution. The Administration During the confirmation hearings of Supreme needs to send a powerful message that it will Court nominees John Roberts and Samuel Alito, ensure that its interests are upheld within the Members of Congress specifically referred to the transatlantic alliance and that it will use the full troubling trend of American courts citing foreign range of U.S. economic, political and diplomatic law in interpreting the Constitution as something tools to defend U.S. interests against public policy that must be resisted. The wrongful interpretation that runs contrary to those interests. It should of the American Constitution on the basis of for- encourage the expansion and global focus of eign law would only increase with an EU constitu- NATO and oppose the militarization of the Eu- tion that encompasses such a vastly prescriptive ropean Union, which will duplicate and under- legal enterprise. As Homeland Security Secretary mine NATO structures. The Administration Michael Chertoff said recently, “what we see here is should send a consistent message that the EU a vision of international law that if taken aggres- constitution threatens American values and in- sively would literally strike at the heart of some of terests and should resist offering any support our basic fundamental principles.”40 for this document. Justice Antonin Scalia notes that the Framers of • Support U.S. allies who actively pursue the the U.S. Constitution were absolutely clear that the conservative vision of a European Union of U.S. has a different moral and legal framework from self-determining, sovereign nation-states. Con- Europe, one that is jeopardized by the aggressive servative Party leader has re-

36. Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551 (2005). 37. Lawrence A. Kogan, “Precautionary Preference: How Europe Employs Disguised Regulatory Protectionism to Weaken Amer- ican Free Enterprise,” International Journal of Economic Development, Vol. 7, Nos. 2–3 (2005). 38. Ying Ma, “A Defense of Sovereignty: Jeremy Rabkin on Some Pressing Questions,” National Review, March 10, 2005, at (December 7, 2006). 39. Reuters, “Chertoff Says U.S. Threatened by International Law,” November 17, 2006. 40. Ibid. 41. Antonin Scalia, speaking at the “Constitutional Relevance of Foreign Court Decisions” forum, American University, Washington College of Law, Washington, D.C., January 13, 2005. 42. In 2001, the families of eight terrorists shot during an attack on a police station were each awarded £10,000 in compensa- tion for their loss after the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the terrorists’ human rights had been violated. BBC News, “UK Condemned over IRA Deaths,” May 4, 2001, at (December 7, 2006).

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cently committed the British Conservative Party the question of China. It should use the full to leaving the highly federalist European Parlia- range of U.S. foreign policy tools to support mentary grouping of the EPP-ED in 2009 and is opposition to Brussels’ attempts to lift the EU likely to form a new pan-European group of arms embargo on China. The Administration genuinely reform-minded center-right parties, should make clear that U.S. policy remains such as the Czech Civic Democratic Party and firmly opposed to lifting the embargo and that, Polish Law and Justice Party. The Administra- if necessary, the U.S. will economically punish tion should signal its willingness to work companies and countries that endanger U.S. closely with new groups in Europe on issues in interests and stability in the Taiwan Strait. which constructive engagement is beneficial to • Support congressional and judicial opposi- American interests. tion to the use of foreign law in interpreting • End support for a unified European foreign U.S. law. The Administration and Congress policy. Friendly relations with individual EU should support measures seeking to limit the member states must be the highest priority for scope of foreign law being used to interpret the America’s vast diplomatic service and remain the American Constitution. American states should primary focus for future European visits by the not seek to circumvent presidential authority Administration. The Administration should ex- on legislative measures such as the Kyoto Pro- tend serious diplomatic credibility to allies that tocol, which the EU pushes on a state and it would hope to rally for future initiatives and regional level, having failed at the federal level. should continue to work closely with individ- ual foreign ministers in institutions such as the Conclusion United Nations and NATO. The Administra- In her famous 1988 Bruges Speech,43 Margaret tion should work with new and old allies at the Thatcher laid out a vision for the future of Europe, national level to approach common challenges. a powerful alternative to relentless integration and • Establish ad hoc coalition-building as an further centralization. Her internationalist, decen- essential tool of U.S. foreign policy-making. tralized vision for Europe leaves power vested in Although traditional alliance-making has been sovereign national parliaments and contrasts complicated since the end of the Cold War, sharply with the EU constitution’s federalist vision Britain will remain America’s strongest Euro- of a European superstate. pean ally for some time, supplemented by a America needs to recognize that this is where its vast array of strategically important countries in values and interests are best served. Lady Thatcher Central and Eastern Europe. The Administra- presided over a period of exceptionally successful tion needs to signal its willingness to work with transatlantic relations and left a legacy that should multiple partners on a variety of stages and be preserved. She put forward an intellectually pow- resist the “speak with one voice” approach. The erful model of intergovernmentalism for Europe in Administration should leverage its economic her Bruges Speech—one that the draft EU constitu- and diplomatic might to continue constructive tion would relegate to history. dialogue with those at the heart of power rather —Sally McNamara is Senior Policy Analyst in than with those who merely wish to be. European Affairs in the Margaret Thatcher Center for • Use diplomatic and economic tools to sup- Freedom, a division of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom port its allies’ opposition to an EU détente Davis Institute for International Studies, at The Heritage with China. The Administration needs to work Foundation. The author is grateful to Peter Cuthbertson, closely with its plentiful allies in Europe with Research Intern in the Margaret Thatcher Center, for which it shares common strategic interests on his assistance in preparing this paper.

43. Margaret Thatcher, “Speech to the College of Europe (“The Bruges Speech”),” Bruges Belfrey, Bruges, Belgium, September 20, 1988, at (December 8, 2006).

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