s. Netmen' nis Tourney Court Rules On Rights Trials, Rust Students Arrive On Campus co and Mrs. Billie Jean Kiac (Sot PIctwe ... '111 .) tafll Dab 'WIdch are aftend .". Long Beach, Calif., defea1e4 Clarifies Confession Decision 'I'hilty·four Rut CoDep Ito­ • b:al boIIbtore 011 a _ pr

DON"I" LiT rr ~&T )t)lJ, Sill. I'f'& ' PA~ OF 'n4E AMEItICAN I'JA'TU1rE 'TO ·RESIST .ALmiORITY OCCA610NAI.I..Y

A W,

••V\cId MIlICI '~----~~~~~-~-~----~~'~~- -- -J .

~------~------~-.-~-.~------TNI DAILY IGWAN I... CIty, Ia.,-~ .... ft, ~... I pUblicity $800 Million Government Records Civil, Rights Determined Japanese Cycle Isservlceo • Soviet- Made Public By Bill Hopes Stand Stops Here On Long J WASHINGTON (1\ -",. House bl'lJleh .I~. bUt DOt 1D ..1e With Celler ., IIL IZAaI"TH ICHNIIDU .... \.be bea way to let to 'iberalism g.ve final concressional a,ppI'Ov.l and local governments or to ColI- .... Wrthr tile CCIUIItry'. people. their Wheat Deal Monday to landmark freedom-of· creA, wblcb eoaductI ·much of WASHINGTON III _ PrIllkMat ith 'Ia puIda III Juuap and 1Dgs, IIId bow ways of Ute MOSCOW (1\ _ The SOviet Un. Information leilslation malting it ita buIinfJsf in 1eCNC)'. JoIma·. bopeI ,... ,.waa eo. 71 t-. of deter1niuIJoD. a"ape- (fIf'. with the lone and ~ I 1011 baa made hlItory's largest easler for Americam to enmIne AMONG nf! .... ill whk:h I1'tII to PIlI aa opea-Mud"llaw IIae IltUdent blqc:.lad IDto Iowa "r would prefer to walk." Pollen's Saturday editoNJ wheat purclwel from Canada. the reecriJ of the Federal Gov. offidal s«recy .-ouId be IIrIpped relit aImoIt entlrt!)' • tile ~ City Frida,. AId. •• bat, c:yclintl 11 more I feel th e publicity luti Indicating that efforts to improve ernment. aw., .re oarnes aDd IIIarteI of eel IboUIden III Rap. EnwIIIIIl Althou&b be IIIIIIentaoda and tical." Nazis is a dis5ervlc! Sovlet auicultLlre are expected A UDanimoUS 307.(1 vote sent to federal empl~. the detaIIa .. Ctll.... 71 (I).N. YJ. apeaIta little Ea&1lab. Aldra Mid- The IIbn youth. wboN to be unsuccessful. Preftldetlt JohnAon the measurea mllllona 01 dollan of IIOII~ .u daaIrmu el 1M Judiciary II'iU •• la, bIpII • tnu..tJ. .,.,..,. t.nJy equeiI the The purclwe of 9 mllllon long ~bJ.llbing a baale polley that federal contracts ad the detalla CammIttee wIIIda taUI uP the Delltal journey May 11 from .... of his bicycle aDd 1Ml'. tona of wbeat and flour _ about records ot federal e.zecuUve of important recuJ.aIory IlCtIoIIa bill ~ CeDIr 11 bambanI- rr....a.co. EuctlJ .. moatb eled acroa California, I3Ii million bUlbel. over the next 8eencies shall be .vailable to th ran~ ~ the Federal Trill. eel daily • ,...... frurn later be wu JtarIdia& .., aD Iowa Utah, W)'OIJlinI. 3 )'ean at a cost of $800 million pUblic unless specific reasona Cornnu.woo to the Board of EnJI.. HouM --. 1.0 cInp the coo- Cit)' ItreIt llyin(, "ExC'llll IDa, Iowa. Be uaua1Iy av~ was announced here Monday. It extst for melDtalnlng secrecy. DeerI for Rivei'll and Harbon. trovenial ptQpOaal lAID tile ad- p1eue. but WbtrIlIlJarMtioul 70 milN per day. and his means the SOviet Union wiD be Sponson predicted that the Baalcal1y. the bill repIaeee tilt 1IWIIatratJoG'1 dril riIbU bill. B0UIII1 " mil.... w" UO mil .. In ODe cia importing wheat annuall)l for at President would .lgn the mea. vague Ianauq. lJI uilliDa lOW· 11M ,....., .... hili Nertb- ",. puaerb7 be querleJ wal .eroaa Utah', aaJt Oata. least 7 yean. sure. despite efforts of lOme fed· enunent inlortnatloD IltatIUI wiiIa eraen wbo haft ~ Glber Anthony co.ntillO, proIeaor 01 0.., wWmM ....Olt ~ 1'" the Soviet Union eral .gencies to block it. The specific grounds UDder wbleb ill· civil ripta IMUIIWI bill wbO ~. who totDed h1I lIom4 From Iowa City be wiD c:ycJ exported wheat. But beginning law would take effect In one year. formation can be wltbbeld. ADd _ut detperateb' Ia II tledJoo at fI.11 81'OW1l 1St into .n "lnLer- 1.0 WuhiJlatoo. D.C., tbeD boa with I dlllstroUI crop failure that and would .pply to III execuUve it permll1 peraODI deIIled lDfot- yur to .vold • Voll they feel uU-I bauIa" by 1av\Uai tile I bUI to viall New Yori, and Bot year, it has becom.e depende~t mation to aeelc federal court ac- will hlllt thMn Dv matter whleb yolllh fot dIIIIIIt and • 1II0t', 1l1li. aDd rttUnl 10 the we« eoa upon Western CountrIes - especl' C /0 H Uon to fore. It. dlIdoeure. way they edt It. .... tIT W'1 f1l Canada. ally Canada - for lOme of the yc, sts u rt Thl HOUM actepted the bill »t CtUar willa I at ...... '"- uUd about hie Imp bread that II the maio item in the paned Od. 11. 18M. by the s.. r.: be calli -:7U1Did. :'::::Ut;a1 '!'be )mior c:IvU IIIIiae«IAI 1i0Dl of the Uniled Slat.. 10 rer diets of Russians. Some wheat .te .,., ....~. 1 ...- "'''''-'I BOlli UDi· ." .. _...... _ L_ .._- came from the United States in I A °d t . ..ott.benaen - baa "owed 10 ..- Ov'" ~ ...... v ...... lAtIwa lAYS ... Il4S ....-.: 19&1 when the Soviel Union 1m. n CCI en S THE LIGISLATION ia tbe flabt .. to the (rim CIeaIllI" to ftnI1y beIID p~ bIa trip flY helmed by the Imm nslty 0 ,I. ... - .._ . ..._ ..., __...... three yean aco. He pored .... tlte!:OUlllry. rod f th POrted .bout 37 mUllon bushel, p uct 0 more an. decade I &eep UIC - 011 l.~ ...... ;n .. u · _~, ...... _... ". The COIL oC the U.S. wheaL de: 0 W k dlellort by R p. John E. )lOll. (I). nalioe iD houainJ ill t.ba bill. ::r~ i·t;°~- w.... "I feel III width In my body," livered at SOviet pOrts was '78.5 n ee en Call1.l. and others 10 overhaul ~h1ch alao dNIa with Jucy 1IIIoK- HI {.... ~ •• _ ...." .. v -'~.:... .. beHe~~ lI'va ... _.1 Impr million. InlOrmalion pollcl of the 6ecll· uOll. ~bOol ~n .ad ....,...... un. nou...... 'I. "" _ Wheat purchases have cut sov· Two molorc)'t'I(' accident. over live branch. prollclioo of NelJ'Qft r\ab!.l. , bullneasrn.n, bed I aptclal bib by the order-liMP .nd cltanlln erely Into lhe scarce SOvlel sup. lhe weekend sent rid rl to unl. ' The Je ialaUon .pproved MOil' Becauae 1M ltouae 11 IICllDa bullt for him. .. AmartcAII t.oWGa IJId by th ply of gold .nd foreign currency. verslty Hospital . d.y WaJ .ponsored In lbe Sella.. I11'II. ill decIa&oa 11 trudal linee Lalit month. MldorlUwl Ir· ,ort.britht l'IWIIIer of Amerlc.n• . It hal .fOrCed the curtailment of David Sloutler. 711 4th Ave. by Sen. Edward V. Loa.. (I)- if I.bt optD-bOWIiJaI ~ II rived in San "rnelac:o with ~ Atttt diDtler •• warm bath and tome Importl. of ":IUCb-deslred Pl. . Coralvllle. was admitted and Mo.), whoa predlClIIOr, the laC- blocked tbert Iht Seug, poll. ftv ...... bicycle. • ~IIIJ ba" • Diabt·. rttt .t tbe home of (orellD industnlll eqwpm nt. later relea~ fot Injurle he reo n. Thomu C. Henn.lllp. 10- UOn beCOmeIlarpl), Kademlc. three chana.. of clotbiJlf. • OoetanUno. M.tciorlUwa lot 011 hi • THE ~ EW purchase will c~n· celved In ~ motorcycle accident ~10 I. bat'ktd imlJar l.. illaUOII III his .. yean of Conue.. _ IChool uDlform. a .pare tire. • blc7clt earlY turday mominl, lmue thIS ~urden on the Sovu:~l Saturday mornin- In the 19»1. mo. or Illy Houaa member _ w.Ler UDtI!eD. • IIId • lICIt .... with • friendly .... y.nar., .. trade posllaons. probably ham· .. · CtUe II beee ill 1 ed III book cont.alll1o. 1DI0rmaUoa about ..... pering the carrying oUl of SIlme Early Sunday. John E. Howell. This J.~gl I Uon. M J told the .. _rtt ••u It .~o1...... I~!t AlURA MIDOIlIKAWA. I Itvdent fnIm TIkye·. H.... Ulll..... the places be would be riJIItJn •• bNded aut. trade agreements with oth r 21. 1124 N. Dodge Ct. wal injured I House. will not only corrtc:t lJI· • ...... au l ...... -- 1IIty, arrtlle4 In I.w. CItY I'rld'y and left s.tvr4ay 1'Mtft.",. H. "U",,",rtIf'" ---- COUDtrlM 81 he rode hi motorcycle north !!. ':Id hi, Opt'll. ~v~me~ -il:i. a:~ al:' t~lr:h(;~ andtore aaln~o thlet.'~haIlen e and reall), 'alrl~ good, are probably nol 10 In tbe plrklng lot of P.rlUawn Conllress to lie to Jt that the .bl), depend OIl how far be jJ inI llatemcnt .bou~ not lISin as here to escape It, yet wlIl macnl.Ueent that • bumper har· Apartmenll. The parked clr WI. al nel .. or .ove~,ment conform wUlln. to to ll'I llltina loop-bole, evld nee c:opiea 01 over '.000 ~oc. h cycled tbrou h Japan. He al· Elpty 0' th ll-ao. r-old ImpensBltlng Intellectual chaJ. YIlt WI be expecte1d. re&l.tertd to Duan. W. McCOmb, 10 thl. Ict!alaUon . into the propoMd law. He bat umenta removed from the Con- Councl"1 To Read wa)'. round Ibeller. h uid. and COfpml 0 pi aded to be allowcd • ConMunptlon s In~reaslng AI. IoWa Olty. Indlc.ted be would accept In l18ctlcUl Democrat', Omte re- manll ed I batb every 1I1Itbt. 10 balp tIalah tht job, and lh('y l both because of the riS101 PDIP· The l.ft lid. of • C!lr belOIlJJnc Workshop H.re exemption for oae-{amijy or two- qulred "certaio C1arUicallon ," Zon"1 9 Rul"ng ...... YOUeOOth rl"epoW~.I~a' ...... ple Ite ltayInJ. TIl otbn returned ulation ud because the Sov et to Marjorie K. WJ1dman "I, famIl rental bocIaIDI IMII. tllat n I .... •..... '''-- SundI1 to their camPt It Poplar people Ire being prornl8ed better Cllnton, wa. d.m.eed by i car Studying Cltle., m. ~t be ell ulh • In hls orlgln.l latem nt h wer r.lh.r cool to him In Wy· BILIff. Mo. : Pwti('fl, fD.; and HYing. whIcb Includes better pullin, Inlo an adjoining ,t.1I yo. lIid the blpartlun mmitl e f It . I omlll,. David Platb. II McCoolr, Neb. ~ diet•. Wheat flour has been al· In the west parking lot .t Un I· C • t· "'.al " the l1ltate' wllb th copiea of the docum nt. w re )\ pr ntallves 01 th Mulea· prof r o( lOCioloi}' .nd anthro- r----iiiiiiiiii--;;;;;;;;;;;;t r-old man most unobtaln.ble In store! here versily Hospital. ommunlca Ion open·houalng lawl exempt the "lUlnclenlly aU,m.Uze'1l Drew, chairm.n of the J?e. of Missour~: K.tDSaa City. will ~ntr" eamerl Clull Council. T d WEI WAIH IT -- - IIId the P'1rst PresbyterIan Church patttnellt of PhyalCll Education peak on CornmlllllCltJon ad WIth ftrk b, membera of 10 .V . • Ra 10 • St.reo ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l.:... ______-.,.-~ ~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ will ring from 11'45 a m to noon for Women at Wasbington Univer. Communications Systema." c1ubl afflliated with the c:ocmdI SALIS I - Thl bell In Old Capltol 'wIll al~ sity. St. Louis. will speak on Thurlday'l ,peaIterI wlll be beln, abown. EGtriII Judled u IOUDd then. and local Girl Scout "Phys.l.cal Education Around the Lee. W. ,COCbrlll, director of tbt ~n. • the top • per ceat of the SIIVICI troops will bave bell.ringing cere. World July 13. Audio-Visual Center and Donald .1ubltioD wI1I neel" hoDor monies at City Par\{ beadquar. Gerald Keby~n. associate pro- Lacock. ~anager of the ~.pbic lWatdI. wtmdDl alldel wW be 2IU N. Linn Ph. 321-7175 r ten tealOr of phYSical education for art. section. dilcllllinl 1o&er. IIbown at 3 p.lII. SuIIda1 In the . . . . men at the University of Wis· preting StltlItic:al InIormatioa JllInoIa Room eI the UIIlOll, where ~=:iii:~i:==.~ Other commUDl.ties taking part COOlin. will give lbe final lecture to YOLlr Public;" Canten D. LeIk· the Pt'Oll'lm will be open to the I lI'ew'soaDflr in the Classrooms in the oblervation are Ames, July 20 on the "SOCIology o! voId .Iowa City city manlier. JlUbHc. Wubilliton, Mount Vernon. Clar· Sport." "Use of Date ProcesslDa by the Th l1ftI 'Il Camer CI b IIICI and Tipton. Refreshment. will be served a City of Iowa City;' 'and Edward ..,..:. " ': ' Mr" ...:., :m TbI proerun Is lPOlllOred by all lecture.. " family p!1:IIic at P. Bassett, publlsber of 1'be Dal\J lie 1M IIIIt eIIlb .... • '.,.. Workshop for Class ~ the Ilona of the American Revoll!' Old Finkbine will close the sum· Iowan, "Techniques for Pnmdin. __ 8uDday from 2 pm" pm Music Teachers. Education WorbbeP. UoDj.'~:i~~~;i~fi=-~ meF'r ~'8 -:a_c;t1~vitl~e:-s_J-:u1~y~rr:'~p~:.lnIZorma::-:=ti~on=to:t-:b~' ~Mau~~)(:ied1;j· i·" IIIpreaidllDt tile UDiOD. or the ~ f1'OU1I. Memberl D6 k RELAX - REDUCE Perlment.l COJl'Ulllllllcatio.. Irum a number of c. mer. clube , dillated with the coundl an with epectId 1.0 attIDd. AdministraUon Hospital IDdadId \a tile IIdIIbWoII are UnioD. bUck ad wtdte J)rinta. color Institute for Exceptional , I 1ItfDtI. u Itereo aUdet. IIId -­ Stim~ru!" IbaD .. coIar alidea. Science. IDJtItute In Earth Science teachers). AERO RENTAL NDEA IJUlUtute for Hiilh , 8 810 MAIDEN LANE BE~BWo!!l~US Phone 338-9711 '.. '. . J07 IAn COUIOE SunT Iy Mort Walker IOWA CITY'S MOST HOME-LIKE FUNERAL HOME

2+ Hour Ambulance Service A WAVING ftLCOMI ...... YIeld I. """ by Mrs. Roger DerIIy If .... 0rteaM, ...... III'f'Ivw llama from • Hl-mlle trip clown the MI ....slppI Rille...... raft Rel8lluil HebIaet. YIeld w.. _ If 16 c:tech frern Hallin. Cel .... In Roonok• • V•• , who me. the cnll.. wNclllII4a4 Phone 337-3240 ManUy. -AP WI...,.... DAIIL IOWAN-I_a CIty, la.,.-TuM., JIIM '''', 4-THI Y It. ,'"

Casper's 69 Defeats Palmer ~:Ir:,~:~~: ~:::,s~~~::~~~::;;;an I P ...... ~~!!.~!~!~.,._ ... between Oscar Bonavena and George Chuvalo hit a low DOte MCIa- -.onal Open Playoff George Peeples will undergo min· BLOOMINGTON. Ind. (II - Iowa picked up five points in day when Bonavena, the Soutb American champion. wu refuIed In Nat or surgery today for removal of Iowa's star sprinter. Mike Mon· the cbampionships from Mon· permission to play a musical instrument In the Madiloa Square SAN a foot bone deviation. dane. hu been named to the dane's fourth place and Bill Bur· Garden ring. Bonavena's request to playa mandolin wbIle sInIInI FRANCISCO (II - Bill 25-foot putt on the 11th hole and Cbrillt of Latter·Day Sainll (Mor· P . ,NCAA All· America track team. nette's fifth place in tbe pole Cuper struck back with birdie a 35-foot putt on the 13th. mon) "has given me an inner eeples. who entered Children s Mondane 8 sopbomore from vault. Burnette pole vaulted 15'. the Argentine national anthem plus a lOng be recorded befo... leav· , putII of 25 and 35 feet for a four· Palmer's troubles mounted strength." Ho.spital Monday, Chicago. w'u named to tbe team UCLA won the team title, ing biB native country last month was turned down by Local 101 stroke victory Monday over Ar· when he took a double bogey H said 10 l f hi"'. SlId the Sunday, alier gaining a fourth· amassing 81 points. Brigham of the Mulidau' Union. Bonavena said he would not Iini unIeII nold Palmer In the 1B-hole play. seven on the 604-yard 16th hole e .. per,cen 0 8 ...... tion ill necessary place tie in the 44O-yard dash Young finished second with 33 accompanied by the mandolin. a Garden spokesman said. off for the 88th National Open while Casper, three-pulting. took 000 wmnmgs will go to the since the devi· the previous day in the National points. followed by San Jose ••• Golf Championship. six. church. ation may Collemate ChampI'onships here. State 32 Nebruka 30 and ... Wasb·in ....:n Sta.· 29" DIANA BOS, 17, NATIONAL ROLLER _L.-ting .... amPl·OIl. will Cuper fired a one-under.par 89 Casper won $25.000 plus a $1,500 wise Mondane was timed at 46.9 sec· 6"'...... ';0 over the 6.719-yard Olympic p~ayoff bonus. It was his second Buckeyes Take ble in the onds. The winnlng time was 46.3. Michigan StaU; fi;Ushed 17th compete in Washington. D.C. starting Friday for the World Roller course. VICtory In the Open. Palmer. He said the A week earlier he ran the 440 in with 13 points. Minnesota scored Skating Championship. Miss Boa. who lives with her grandparentl. Cuper, 34, climaxed his come- whose all·time money winnin~s B b II viation c a used 46.5, the best time ever recorded 2 points to round out the scor· Mr. and Mra. Elso Boa of George, won the national cbampiolllhip back by lacing an approach lIhot ~e near tbree-quarters of a mil· ase a Crown him some trou· in tbe event by an Iowa collegian. ing for Big 10 schools. at Houston. Tex .• in February. She will compete against 25 CIII!- , to within three feet of the pin lion dollars, won $12,500. plus ble dUring the testants. She has been akating for 12 yean and never bu Ud and then sinking the putt for a $1,500 for the playoff. OMAHA - Sleve Arlin. Ohio past season. AI ba C hell formal trelnlng. The competition involv" primarily fIture 1kItiDc. birdie on the final bole. in~:!Rth:~~g: i~tcc?~: State pitching stir. was Da.med P ~ ~ PI: Inex~ :E~:~~ a ma oae 0 apses MiBa Bos won a $500 wardrobe and $1.000 in cash In the lI8lioaal IT W~ A CASE of losing the in Mamaroneck. N.Y. Be weighed the outstanding player of the pec 0 e OSpl ee contest. lead. twIce . for Palmer. the 220 pounds at the time. College World Series here this or four days. then in a cast LOS ANGELES (II - Football day and was to have left Tues· • • • g~me s leadl,Dg all·time money Two years ago he went on an past weekend while his Buckeye for two to three weeks. Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant rest· day for to join a THI CLEVELAND INDIANS ANNOIJNCED algnlng four bonus ~~er"thHe . lost ~ s~venistro~e exotic dJet which Included bu(· 'teammates celebrated winning He said be still expects to reo ed in a hospital Monday after group of Birmingham business draft choices Monday and assigned them to Dubuque of the Clua A h ea d w~ finnml e 0 es 0 p ay n falo and bear meat, shrimp, avo· "he cbampI'onshIp t t th B lti Bull t be collapsed at the annual Pep· leaders at a news conference an· Midwest League. They were Ollie Coffey, catcher from Cleveland Sun ay s a round. cadoes and berries. He dropped". : por 0 e a more e s perdine College coaching clinic. nouncing architectural competi. East Tech High School; Bill Lyoch. left·hander who led Paul Blazer This enabled Casper to tie for to 165 pounds, altbough he now I Ohio State whipped Oklaboma training camp Sept. 1. Peeples The University of Alabama tion for a new clvic center in the title at 278 and force Palmer weights 180. 'State, B-2, Saturday night for was drafted by the National Bas· head coacb had just begun a Birmingbam. High School of Ashland, Ky., to the state cbampionship; Bill Kyle, a into his third Open playoff In "Is it real?" Casper asked af· otheir first NCAA baseball title. ketball Association team in the speech when he clutched his Bryant. bead football coach at leftbander from Beverly Hills. Calif., and Gerald Kremer. native of five years Palmer lost to Jack ter winning the playoff fourtb round. chest and cried out: "I don't Alabama for eigbt years. bu • Baltimore who was varsity shortstop at the University of Maryland. Nicklaus in• 1962 and finished "IT'S LIKE a dream."• he said. I Arlin. • who•. appeared in five, of know what it I'S - is there a lifetime coachm' g record of 160- • • • third behind Julius Boros and It's something I've been hoping O()hlo State s SIX games 10 the doctor in the house?" Then be 51-14. I WAIVERS HAVE EXPIRED ON Dick Stuart. the New York Jacky Cupit in 1963. and praying for for so long, It's 'NCAA finals, was named the out· LYLES SIGNS co 11 apse d . AT ALABAMA, Bryant·s squads Mets said Monday, and the veteran first baseman is now a free Monday, two·ahead after nine very, very rewarding,' 'slanding player after the tourney I BALTIMORE ~ - Signing of Bryant was taken to the col· have compiled a 69-12~ record. , boles. Palmer had four bogies Casper. who didn't get back twas completed. Lenny L~les . right ~al£back . in lege inlirmary. then to View Park Bryant has a reputation as a agent. The 33·year-old Stuart was placed on walvers Jut Wednes­ between the 11th and 17th holes. from a church meeting until the the Baltimore Colts defensIVe Community Hospital, college football rejuvenator and day to make room for Bob Friend. a rigbt·handed pitcher obtained CASPER CONTRIBUTI!D to early morning bours. said he felt I It ~a~ .the fourlh baseball secondary. for his ninth season At the hospital, the wife of the reportedly has turned down large from the New York Yankees. Stuart hit only .218 for the Metl. who Palmer's liide by ltnockJnf In a his work for the Church of Jesus ~hamplOnshlp by a Big 10 ~am in the National Football League 52-year-old coach said: offers to become a pro coach. acquired him from Philadelphia last winter. He reportedly algned ______iiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiii ____" 'ID the last seven years. Mione- wu announced Friday. "HE DOESN'T look like or Bryant. who has taken Ala· ji with the Mets for $47,500. 'Sota won the title in 1960 and talk like it is IOmething very bama to bowl games for seven '1964. while Michigan took the HOUSTON WINS FIGHT _ serious. They are giving him straight years, directed bla team Happy Washdays ... 'leam title in 1962, AUCKLAND, (11- glucose and oxygen and malting last year to a 9-H record. On I The Buckeyes were runners·up California's John Houston de· electrocardiograms. He t a I k I Jan. 1. the Tide defeated third· Pittsburgh Sluggers Can be yours whan you UN our coin operat.d Wasting. la year ago. losing the champion' cillively outpointed Tuna Scan· clearly. and his color ill good." ranked Nebraska 39-28 in the 'Sbip game to Arizona State. Ian of New Zealand in a middle- There was no Immediate diag· Orange Bowl. Top-ranked Michi· house Walhars and Dry.rs. A clean wash II yours .very I weight 12-round bout Monday nosis from the hospital. gan State and runner·up Arkan· .Ingla tlma. DOWLER SIGNS - night. Bryant came to California Sun. sas were defeated the same day. Top National League GREEN BAY, Wis. (1\ - Boyd and Alabama was named No.1 LAUNDROMAT Dowler, the big man with the W If in a post·bowl Associated Press NEW YORK (All - There's little ond to first place in the Ameri· sure hands. has signed for an· poll. doubt that Pittsburgh would like can League batting race despite omen's Go Meet to pirate Joe Morgan from Hous· a five·point drop to .335. He hid F P rlcl other season with the Green Bay • .... a ng Packers. it was announced Mon· r":~~"'.11 ton if the cost were only a few nine hits in 30 time. at bat Jut Bucs. week. day. Then, the Pirates would have Minnesota's Tony Olivs. the ~e~3~2~O~Ea~st~l~u~rli~ng~to~n~~~.~3~16~E~a~st~lI~oo~m~l~ngt~o~n~ Tbe veteran 6·foot·5 split end Set For Waterloo the National League'. five lead· pacesetter last week. alumped 24 has been the leading pass reo ing hitters instead of the top points to .318 and dropped Into ~ ceiver of the National Football WATERLOO ~ - All but one here in 1961 and 1963. and Judy three and a half. second place. He bad only seven League champion Packers in of the players wbo have won a Kimball of Sioux City. Amateur five of his seven seasons. I Morgan is tied for fifth place hits in 37 attempll. ANNOUNCING tournament on the Ladies Profes· entries include Jacque FladOOs with Pittsburgh's Roberto Cle- Russ Synder of Baltimore held sional Golf Association (LPGA) of Dubuque and Polly Gearhart ~~;t~olrEtt)(,. mente. the defending NL batting thJrd place with a .316 avera~e tour this year are entered in the of Des Moines. king. Each is batting .321. followed by AI Kaline of Detroit. ~ NEW SUMMER HOURS ninth annual $10.000 Waterloo Play starts Thursday with an .309. and rookie Rick Reichardt Women's Open here this week· 18·boles pro·amateur event over AMI RICAN LEAGUI AHEAD O~ them are Pirates. of California, .305. The figures end. the par 36-36-72 Sunnyside Coun· W L Pet. GB topped by Willie StargeJl. whose include Sunday's gamea. Baltimore ...... " 42 22 ,656 llth·lnni~g borne Sunday KALINI ZOOMED up from leV. 6 a.m. thru 1 a.m. The one exception Is ShIrley try Club course. The ladies will vCleveland .. . 37 22 ,627 2~ run en· Englehorn. who is out with an play 18 holes each day Friday Detroit .,," . "" 38 23 .623 2~ abled PIttsburgh to beat Atlanta enth place with a 14-point gain xCalJIornia ,."., 34 31 ,~23 8'h and move to within OIIe and a half as the result of 10 hits in 26 injury. The lield includes :r7 pro- through Sunday in the touroa· "'Minnesota .... 30 31 .429 10'h Monday thru Sat. .Qt ~ , fessionals and 11 amateurs. ment. xChlcago ...... 29 82 .475 1l~ game~ of league-leading San times at bat. New York . '. . . 26 83 .«1 lS'h FrancISCO. Hank Aaron of Atlanta contino Betsy. Rawls or Spartansburg, Wimbledon Meet xWublngton ". 27 38 ,41~ 1~'h S.C" WIll be back to defend the xKa.nsaa CIty .. ,. 25 87 ,403 18 Stsrgell's average is ,3211 . Then ues to lead the National League t~, (Closed Sunday) ~ug .9 Boaton . ". ".. 22 41 .309 191h come Matty Alou with .325 and in home 1'IIDI with 2S and runs title she won last year. ",·Lat. ,ame nol Included. Led By Emerson Manny Mota in third place with batted in, 59. He bad three home elREAJCllAST , Kathy Whitworth. LPGA lead· Mond,y', R.... ". ing money winner who won tbe Mlnneaota at CalHornla, N. .324. runs and six RBI last week. \ e LUNCH In WIMBLEDON. England (All - ChIcago at Kansaa City. N. AIOl1. In sixth place a week. ago, George Scott of BoItoa rushed! That ...~ .rfvIn. Milwaukee Jaycee Open last Roy Emberson, the tough and weekend with a tournament rec· Cleveland at Washington, N. gained three points in last week', up to tie Frank Robinson for the e DINNER 'romof,ou .....t wiry Australian sbooting for hIs Only ,arne. scheduled, ord of 273 for 72 boles, will be games by collecting nine hits AL home run lead. Scott walloped wateJd,., otat for third Wimbledon title In succes· Probabl' Pltch.r. trying to break: the jinx that has in 26 tries. Mota climbed two four homers and Rohinson three, So un18" you wlntto ba sion. led a procession of six other MInne80ta (perry 1·1) at CalHornla places on a one-point pickup, lifting their totals to 18. Broob Also Serving Your .., ..... ,,1 troubled her at Waterloo. seeds into the second round of (Lopez 3-8) N. on the receivingend of IIil accident,you'd 5-4) CIty FRANK ROB INSON of Baltl· Robinson. the other half of the Miss Whitworth has been run­ the men's singles Monday. Chicago (John at KanD. Favorite Beverage better watch out fIJI hill. nerup in the 54-holes tournament (Terry 1-4) N. more. the former National Lea· Orioles' one·two punch. la the DetroIt (McLain 10-3) at Wasbln,· 1\ here three times and finsbed It was a dull opening to the gue slugger. advanced from sec· runs hatted in leader with 59. 80th tournament, with no upsets. ton (Se,ul 3-i) N. "- third once. She has official win· Baltimore (Bunlc.r W and Bel' Watch out for the other l1Iyl Only one seed - fifth·ranked lain. 1·2) at New York (Stottlemyre 15 E. Washington nings of more lhan $13,000 tbiB M and Patenon 5-5) 2 twl·nl,ht. ... year. John Newcombe of Australla - MIftMII II _ n.. II ...,.... willi TIlt Cleveland (O'Dono,bue 5-2) at Ba.­ Ryun, Grelle Will Enter • Aero. from Schaeffer Hall" MAID-RITE Also entered are Mickey Wright, wu in trouble. Newcombe trailed ton (Sheldon ....) N. Ad.",I.I" c-oJt 11111h ..lItooIlo/ttr c:. ... the all·time women's money one set to two agalnat country· champion wbo captured the title man Ray RuffeIs. but finally won NATIONAL LIAGUI 6-11, 3-6. 4-6. H. H . W L Pet. GB Mile Event At AAU Meet San !"rlncl""o ,. 40 25 ,815 Tbe only seed who did not play Plllsburgh .,. " , 37 25 ,597 1'h was Tony Roche, the hard·hitting xI.os Angel.. .". 37 26 .587 2 NEW YORK (II - Jim Ryun, bettered four minutes tbis year. PhDadelphla ., .. ,. 35 30 .538 5 19-year-old freshman from Kan· Australian left·bander who came xHouaton ...... , 54 30 ,531 ~'h Ryun has the heat time. a 3:5.1.7 here after winning the Italian "St. Lou" ...... 31 31 .500 7'h su, and his 29-year-old arch·ri· clocking that wu only one-tenth Clnclnn.U , .. , " 29 34 .460 10 Jim Grelle of Oregon. will and French titles and wu rated xAtlanta .,...... 29 38 .433 12 val. of a second a\ower than Michel the most likely man to upset xNew York . .. 24 36 .400 lS'h concentrate on the mile only in Juy's world record. Grelle ••• Emerson. Chlca,o ...... 20 41 .328 18 the National Amateur Athletic wbo bas been under four minutes x·Late .ame not Included. Union (AAUl Outdoor Track and Both United States 1M!eds. sixth· MondaY" RlSult. 20 times. bu a best time of seeded Dennis Ralston and eighth· Ne" York at SI. Louls. N. Field Championship. meet di· 3:55.4. rector Ray Lumpp said Monday. Only $100 down - First seeded Clark Graebner - came Phlladelphla at AUante, N. Ryun is the defending champion payment due In 0ct0IIer. C.II us through without difficulty. Los An,elea at Houston, N. "It looks like New York final· in the He won it Jut year for det.lIl. Graebner. of Beachwood, Ohio. Only ,ames scheduled. ly will have its first outdoor sub· event. in 3:5U. setting aD Americu a surprise name In the rankings ,robabl. Pitch," four minute mile Sunday," said record. In beating Olympic VOLKSWAGEN and listed 13th in the United New York (Shaw 3-4) at st. Loul. Lumpp at a track luncheon. (SteUaJ'd 1-2) N. champion Peter Snell of New IOWA CITY INC. States, ran up against Martin San Franc!8co (Marlchal 12-1) at The AAU outdoor champion· Mulligan of Australia. a former Chicago (Hand. 5-4). ships will be beld Saturday and Zealand and Grelle at San Diego. Phone 337.2115 PhUadelphia (Jacklon 40$) at At­ Calif. EASt Highway , finalist. and tamed him easily lanta (Jay 6-2) N. Sunday at Downing Stadium 011 H, 6-4, 6-3. Plttsbur,h (Bla. 5-1) at Cincinnati Randalls Wand. New York has seen several (Fischer 2..() N. Los Angeles (Sulton 7-5) at Hou.. Lumpp said the field of 30 for sub·four minute miles indoors ton (Farrell 1-5) N. the mile includes eight who have but never outdoor•. MEN Ortiz Retains , ) CALL ME FOR Lightweight Title I Baseball Roundup

PITrSBURGH (II -Carlos Or· White Sox 3 A's 1 hits. now hu a 4-9 r~ord aDd t • - CONVENTIONAL CUTS Hz, cut over the right eye, saved ' has not won a game IlIIce May. - RAZOR HAIRCUTS his world ligbtweight title by KANSAS CITY III - Tommie 30. • ,HAIRSmING FOR MEN stopping Johnny Bizzarro in 2:29 Agee tripled across a run in the of the 12th round Monday night fifth inning. then doubled and 4, - HAIR COLORING at the Pittsburgb Civic Arena. scored In the elgbth u the Chi· Cards Mets 2 Ortiz. faced with the possible cago White Sox defeated Kansas ST. LOUIS I!'I - Ron Hunl's loss of the l35-pound crown, City 3-1 Monday night. error led to two unearned SL Louis runs in the first Inning 81 swarmed over the Erie.Pa" chal. Agee, who also singled In the the Cardinals stretched the1r LLOYD'S lenger in the 12th and dropped third inning. belted the triple In winning strealt to four by band­ LLOYD MURPHY ''HAIRSTYLIST TO MEN" him for the mandatory eight. the fifth after Ken Berry singled ing the New York Mets their count after pounding Bizzarro with one out and wu sacrifICed fourth .traight lOll 4-2 Mooday in the HOTEL JEFFERSON around the ring. to second. That gave the WhIte Soz a 2-0 night. DIAL 351.- When Bizzarro came up woh- lead but K"RO.. City cut It In The Cards' three-run first be­ ""~ bly and took two more punchea ' -- gan with Brock drawing • AppoIntmtnt Prtferred from Ortiz. Referee John Buct the bottom of the fifth wben Phil Lou You feel good about it walk. then ltealing aecond and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ McTiernan stopped the bont. It Roof homered..._--- . moving to third on Phil Gagli­ ~ went as a technical knockout. ano'. Infield hit. .wben YOD buy Savings Bonds There were boos from the small I Astros 4, Dodgers 2 Curt Flood'. slnfle lCOI'ed '11 ...... BCIDIk an a .- VIII! to .,...... NOW OPEN crowd. which bac! sensed an up- HOUSTON (II - Rusty Swaub Brock and when second bueman ...... fggndatjoo, for' JICM cbiId E« ...,tiiId).. set victory for the 2-1 underdog. doubled home the tle-breaklnt Hunt dropped the relay throw at , It ...... to reuoa.. E.., BoDd yw .., .... who was not even ranked in the run In the eighth InninI u the second hue. Flood was we. lightweight class. Houston AItros defeated the LoI Tim McCarver's aacrifIce Oy and ..,..m. riabt aloac with tile cbiId MIl -­ NOW ''He wu standing with bla Angeles Dodtm 4-2 Monday Mikt Sbaemon·. infield J1it ac­ ., pai\abIe f« future, ~ .... hands down," laid McTIernaD. nifbt IDd handed Don I>ryIdala counted for the unearned fUDI. PAYING Jmpartut Deeds Jib em "ioII. -'.. • • The GoldeA Cue "I h d to to" it" bla fifth .traight defeat...... 01. his OWIL a I I' • Staub's double followed a lead. BCIDIk DOt ooly IlCA !her ftIl hMI It .... All three official~ had ~ off single by Jim Wynn. who Senators 4, Indians 2 lot,dIe Camily'. future by iDsuriaI the fatu!e ollbe Family Billiard Center out front by a lllight margm. raced to II8CODd wben Willia Dav· WASIIINGTON III - Two .. 4.15\ .,...,. A bir job that doeID't come ..,. Referee McTiernan had It 81-49. Is fumbled hiI bit. staub lCOl'ed earned 1'IIDI ill the aecond inDiDI HB.D Buy Booda at JOUI' baDk or OIl die Pa,..oll s..­ Judge Ernie Sj$ 52-50 and 011 a linaIe by Cbuc:t HarrIIaD. and TW... camilli' bomI III REI TD ' lap PIaD wta.e you 1l'CIIt. .ADd .. if ,. doD' 16 Regulation Tables Judge Paddy Grimes SHI. Drywdale, who aI10wed ..... ~ • nm .... JOOd about it t-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tbe mth helped the WubiIICtaI IIII8IJY SeDaton to a 4-2 vietory CIVIl' tha l'4Iar VacIe Sam wilL • A pZ.aoe where your Wife or faoorile girl Cleveland IDdJaDS MoncIIy nigbt. \ PIOlV-&rvbtp BoDdI P-r 4.1S~t Laundry SenicI for the Busy Stutlent can enjoy a game or two with you.- The Senatora took the aerI-. ,.... __ E-.l II""'"" pu '_'" MINUTE Launel" ...... 4.15.,...... ,.. .. -' ..,.E"" three p!IIeI to 0lIl, and bGcked ..... Jell.. __ IN".. 1 ,... I'_.w ..... SERVICE Do-It-you..... price. tIIIlDdIaaa Into third place, tbraa ...... ,...... _...... pm. back of AmerlcaD LeaII»o --...... "-- 120 E. Burlington 90 If request8d l3-lb. AN::'L:~ INdiDI BaltImore, JUST WEST OF THE HAWKEYE STATE lANK Pete RIchert, who WOIl IdI Buy U.s. Savings Bonds eItbth pme, gave up • run In Gas Light Entrance on East Sida of lull dIng the second 011 a walk to RockJ fte ...... E' nrt ...... lflii' ...... 110: ...... 11 II .. Cd •• ,..... Colavito. Fred Whitfield', double, -.... JI'" 1f1'8 ..... ~ D ....__ .. ,... A4.. ,,,,,,, 00IIt0eIl. WEE WASH"IT - OPEN SIVEN DAYS A WIIK - IIId a sacrtflee Oy by Max Alvis. Ph. 351·9641 226 S. Clinton St. Colavito bit hiI "ventb homer 1!:::======:!1 ~_,, ______,,'III tht "v.th imIlJI&. •• .•, I Phases Set 18 Drawings By Ar' Student For School On Display At Art. Building The [OWl Cit, ScbooI Baud de­ A abowiIlI 01 1. draW'fD&.a by "My lira are probably the cided iD a II*ial IDMd.nI w.. WUliam Eo Robblna. G. Iowa City. most peJ'lIOD8ble aspect of an of ­ day morniD& to build tIM new fa bejq cIiIpII:red t.brGu&b July my won:. including my p!l!r,tin£5. e:atai.de hlP IChooI In lwo 2 In the Art Bui1dina me:ua.nine. becaUJe they are more apont.ane- phua rather thaa ODe U "11 Robbina, who received bfa B.A. 001." Robbins explained. - ori&inally planned. al !be State Colle,. of Iowa to "I t.hin.t my drawings are very .. Bidl for Pu. I II lite project 1M3. fa the drawinJ lllill.lnl to buman. Each drawing. or any will be open at a p.rn. IHI July JMePb It. Patrick. Art IDarut'" work of art. should have an In· 14. Bleil for I'twe D wi1I be let tor. He hopei to receiYe e " .F.A. dI¥idual character of Ita 0 '0." ""h~ the board fee" It bu lunda degr. In February. 1167. THE ARTIST, who has had lUI extmaIv. worki.ng background skating champion, will Ifafl.able. Theae extra fwldI PaintinJ Is Robbins' maJOr could come fNm printe tDdow­ area. Ooe 01 bfa palntlncl. "Yel­ from aportawnter to lounrl.ry for the World Roller mentl, or IUIOtIIer boIId iIIIIe lllter low Sloe!dnll with P'lIh." recent· worker. cIaimJ an Interut in pe0- witb ber grandpal'elltl, lhII yur. IJ received 811 ~ble meft· ple and their acl.iona. national cbamplOlllhlp Uon Ia the Joalya Art MIIMIIJ'It He aa.i.d. " I can·t Me any e Pbue I will Includo the buIc IS the In drawing or painting if I don't compete against 25 con· atructure u originally pWmed BIIIIJI1a.I iD Omaha. He GIlly uUat fnm Iowa to ~ve have something to IIY." and never hII bid rninUi nine featurea that ...... R' aD ~bll meotJon In tbfa Robbina planJ to teach art It prirnarl~y f11\l1'8 1UtiDJ. cluded to k.eep the tlllal c:GIt with· + allow. H, contributed the painting the UDiveraily level and "paint !be amOUllI of the curreIlt in ealb In the IIIIUon.I. In bond .. Il1o ArtI iD the Embaaalee Pro­ and draw II much U po ble:' Issue now lutboriMcl ...am. "blch dlsplay pamtllll' The nine Itema were omitted onnul. ED slgniq four bonUi rrom PIIue J when the bid.I [or DRAWING IS Robbins' minor. RESIDENT MANAGER ' Dubuque of tbe CIaII A !be overall project totalled more Bfa tralliliIl In drawiU hal been than $500.000 more tho Is av.n· for catcher ~ C1eveLlnd larpIy at the Unlveralt,. "Thls I. .ble. wbo led Paul Bluer my fIrIl OM-DWI Ihow to draw· NEWEST and LARGEST 111&." RobbInI aaid. Cba:mpilonahip; Bill Kyle, a Ph... of the project wID in· I; dude tben Itenu omitted In Ph... ,~ f.];;:~~;'::;~_ The drawiJlp which are 01\ APARTMENT COMPLEX Gerald Kremer, nativi 01 r. TheIr cOlt will be approJdmlt.. dlaptay1lOW havl beea done with ~ University of Maryland. Iy $W.OOO. 'Tbelse whkb were ill In tbe Iut two month •. In • DEAN OF ACADEMIC AH.I,. Phlll, HulIN", .Iv..... Icomlng acIdre .. hi stvdent. from Rutt the orll!inal plan. and !lOW III IOWA cm College of Holly Spring •• MI .... Sundey mernin, at the Union. TIM Ifudetlt ...... for the tum- Phase II are a muaic suite•• cor· 160,000 Sign Up mer lor special rom"cllal cI ...... ,.rt of the Ru.l, Iowa. LeMeYIM for I ....ncllng l_atleMl rldor north of the CYnmuium. a - QUAUPlCAnONS Horizons (RILEEH ) progr.m. -PIlote Ity Ken K.,....rt meuanine. a locker on waiven last Wednea­ ro.n com· WILLIAM I. ltoaiINS, 0, .... CHy, ...... AttrllCtfve MarriN Woman plex. reviRd locker don". re­ For Draft Test bt-hand.el'ry Ordtr Cu#f"",ud PIping Hat EGGLESTONE OIL four minutes this year. , I I passenger planes. The trlnsler .. lit Ave. Ie.. \02 IlodI N.nII .. a-r'. T_rW 119 W. IUIlUNGTON IOWA CITY the beat time. a 3:58.7 WSUI WIS part of the mutual derense W88 only one-teDtb program between the two natiOfll. slower than Michel TUIIDAY. JUN. 11. 1m AM • record. Grelle. '. 1:00 Momll\lt Pro,ram under four minute. N.ws (7:15) ' :30 The Book. h.U bas a best time 01 ';&$ N.,.. 10:00 Mullc 11:18 Colendar of Event. the defending champion "M 11:00 Rbythm IIAmblu I He won it last year 12:30 No,.. setting an AmerlCID 12:45 New. B.ck,round 1:00 Murfe ---.OOMS fOil lINT APAiTMINT POI UNT ..., WANTID INSTlUCTIONS In beating Olympic 2:00 An Interview With U Thl nt Peter Snell of New .bout problem. taclng ·s·lng Rates COOL 1l001I8 for _. - on. CORONKT AND W.IC8TSIDL Lldu." &Tml&NT - M... da , • •111 . or p.m. PlUVAft SWOOUNG I....,n•• Ellh~ and Grelle at San Diego. the VN Advert. .~OCIdlU_d . 011 stnet parkin,. studio, 1 ...d J bec1room Ilnl~ . TbundA1 fIall ..,. DeIlY.rlD, 10ft ~ ... flO. Srn~h'onJze . Wlmmln, Doo .. Open 1:15 p.m . • Mat. 15c; Eve. $1 .• ; Kiddie. 3Sc 2:30 N.w. .1. S. Chu""" St.", Tt'N Ju... .nd "pl. 1.. _ ....,... or ...... , \aftb. 1'Il_ A808MI. M ..au.~ . Alan JUtW N'I~1I6. .:n 2:16 Mualc m~ .. 25 4:30 Te. TIme n .... D.y, ...... 1Jc. W.... ROO.S roR ' .... du.1e stll!leota - several 5:00 Flv. O'eloelt Refort Six Day...... 191: a W.... eookl '" p rlYile.... S ...... r ••te • . !looM.Aft ...... led - JT8dUAte TYPING saVICI ' :00 Evenln, Concer Sl.ck'. G.. l~hl Vlll.... 422 B.own .tur~~ftfernd, lemale. '\lID' MO&U HOMU indoor. Ten Day ...... Dc I Went St . f.l7RC ...,r. enJlinp. 1-25 DoG .. 8:00 "A Bl'OIId Loot It Education" ~:OO TrIo OM Mentfo . .- • Went THRE1: IINOLl: ~ for oummer APARnmNT bI udwale 1o. b.b, Open IllS WINDSOR DUKE 10K». ...ten- ' :45 NUl" " SPON Fln.1 MInI_M II W...... Ion. ..n. Call 13'7·7.. 1-21 alliin,. 422 Bro...... :n ..... 2 bec1room. Snarate d.ln1nl I , 1:15 ,.111 . 10:00 SIGN 0" rOOllL ~lacl. AnUable ~u .... U1· TUIIDAY. JUN. 11. 1'" CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS UN. APPROVSD bOIl..... wllb AVAILABLI NOW - N .... 1 bed­ tiv.vi!'t29 fl .7 on Ih. IIstenln. dl.1 tlIChe... 8wamer and ran. m · "- apt. ~..... _. refrtI· '071. 6-111 Lalt Tim" Todayl M07:ART - Plano Concerto No. 27 Ono In""..... MentII $1.S5· 66$2. •• • .. tor and drape. lutnllbad. 1'.... 01'1' rAST. aecurale. .Jec:tric ~ 11M 10d1 RICHARDSON. I or • bed· In B·FlaI Kalor, X. 511S 'Ive .....rtIIIIo a MIIIItI f ..... rol OIIU.I - ~ .moe, ••. Ie... . . 110 ;:~aUt. S"nlnI' tan .....I"Ik», 1OIn0l' uran ~ ~ A105OJ1. .21 USZT - Sonala in B lUnar for m-MC'7. ..27 I3f.4alt or . '.7 ... 'l'ua pe,..... _uterlP.. tIMau "THE CRANIS Alt. PLYING­ Plano 'Sa CHlCICASHA IItdO 2 bedroom. Ten IRMttIen, I MenIIt '1 .• • lOOK JH UCBAHGllIer ... on. 422 rtIRMSBED APT...... OV" :0. - ~bIC_1011 WlAt ....U "-. earpeHnI. beeUant \'\U'. 3SUI35. HQUIET FLOWS THE DON" AnU.1oIa ~.... " ..1'. ,~ 1'Il.0ne ..fen ...nln.. .nd w.. lt · . . • R.... for lad! CehInwt IIIdt B~ ..21 I-U I • IIHGLa ROO .... AJ. doallin for AVAD.ABLa JULy 1. Wut aide one ond&. ..it _mer. Male.. Call "'1. 70C belll'OO1ll .partment. un/ufJllebed TYPING IUVla - n.... book WIth relr\ferato•• ran,.. ee,.pet, air- repor\e, etc. .,...~ . '·lAB 3 Days - STARTS WEDNESDAYI- 3 Days Phone 337-4191 DOUBLI ROOK for "nt for Ian. 221 _dltloner ,UO month. hI-3MJ .lIer IIILLY IaNLn _ rna. .~ Y IOWAN wtI .. N. u...... 1 . 1.a • . "22 mll.. 1If-417.. 7___ THI DAIL ... J IINGLa ~ el.oo double. lor Jl'URNI8HED, 2 ..-. '"'th. ....u. JDIlY NYAU. _ a.ctrIe JIO iT's ... iT's iRWiN sJtAw ••• Jt's IN lItE r.NCk STylE r ••'I .... I. fw .".. .. a..... _ ...... CoII ....1. 1-3 abl. 110 .... CI_ In. No peta...... tniu and ....o .....hIaf ... fIN AMrtI..... Ani. PIIUT LAJlGII. CL&AN ...... l'OOIIl.I WIth ler feculty or ,raduate stllde",!; 1_ - '.1AR ~ eooat..... Off _t pII~. for 111·1154 .ItO' S p.m. ..- DAY of puWIc...... 'lllJeLcnduate ItUdenu. ,..,2)4 or A'M'RACTIVJ: apartment.. d_ In :=~ =-Vl~port.. ~-=-= In"",*, .acIIltte MIll III .. - 3INT7.. "%1 ...... bly pTke4 _I.... ' ·14 1 , . - '.Ak -r LARGE PL&ABANT I'0OIII. " ..... Call Onu. TO IIRAJUt I.,.. ~nt ___ proeMlng ~,.... . 1·11 .nllable DOW.... 1101 alter 5:. ~~ ...... peI'I ~: C--_...... - _-A ...... D~~ n..~ ._-a...." R.. , .... .U _ ...... - r.a...... ~td·~i;·..,;;;.-;ru. 'Ia.. IIALI: GIlAJ)UA'n! atudenl to Iba... lBK a..acTIUC ~wrttInC, all RANKlE AVALON ltv MIll ...... ~ I>OI"CII loHbIl Inta tree top. and 4 room apartment. J bJoa. Ina tbIok of tJpInt. 1J2'7. '·17 "-ntlful $ .... ICltItIMll. Con aeeom· Z ..t H.lI. S_r ."011 onb'. GAC'I'IIIC J:IIte - '1'11-. '­ ANNml FUNICllLO .odale ane or _raJ _n. Also Muot be _t and ..~bl •. -- __ ate. ~ lOCCanll ..... In """. __ All "_nabl. "'7051. UOI. &-21 Ylce...... L ' ·1' ..21 NICK TWO bec1room fIlrnllbed apart- roR IBM TYPINO u.t loob IDe wrnnN: J b1oa. of aJDJ'UI. LInen. _nl. 5t2 Ith St., apt. 13. SSl·I444 prlaUn, all ~....- m"'''I. '·22 ~ DIal m~ . ... or ~. fa TYPING _ n-a. aMrt papen. ele. FIREBALL CHD..D CAll&. r • ...,.4, yard, ...... !! SJNOLD dOllbies. 1Otdlen-IIvtn, NEW LOVKLY 1In/lirabtted 2 bed- Pb_ m·7111. f.I pool. -...... 13I-7IM. .u ..- i. all... with othor ,lrI.. room apt.&. Welt .aM. ,I•• nd ..u.y V BUIlNS' Typlq __ BABY S/TTZR - Sladlum I>U'II own JS7·ftM. 1-22 tID. Dial ...nIt . ... ,..ph..":5i NowY PubJJe:·... lowl tr.nsportatlon. _ t.bIl4. Jilt_I TWO OR TRJIa: PrlI. clean. lur· rutlNIllHED _~ lcor aanted Slala DIal 1If·.... 1-11 AUTOS CYCLlS FOil SALE 500 .fter' p...... nllMA ~; tft.cboin. PI. UI _-=e. 11 • . Dial JR.n11 U Y" , INFANT CAM ... Ia , '/T. !.-ad Bowwr. m",u.. ... •... nlDl.. ' ·22 WHO DOH m ---;....------openin,.. nuIiIDe .'1111. ' ·1 PLt1!iB _ UuIurnlIbeIl 2 ~ VW ... SVN·ROOf' ..,dan. RebuUl apt. It.... and ,.tr\prator fUr- '''Iine. clean. 331-2875. 6-21 .WAI. WINRll RELIABLE women or -.hoot ."AIII·' AU.,.. lin ICTIISI 2nd Feature ,Irt. to b.by 011 IIIJI bomtiIIhe. mom· ______APPROVED lOOMS _ nlallecl. 11441 per month..... 1Iy ca ... ILSCftIC .....va repIIIr - If FOR SALE: I ...... )[1 - Omega peted .nd alr-<:ondlUonecl. No u11der· hOlU "ref'. Barber lIIop. Dlotorqcle. Almost ne •• 600 1n,1. Coralville 0. b.ve own 11'... . .n1e-.. toce ,rMllIte mol ••. COU S3'1.7t418 or 331- ..nRC DIu... O... ne. In .1111)' • ...nll to Jell. portatlon. 338-4171. ... lIEN. APPIlOVED llou..... wlth .,... 140n Apia. MIAR IIID1& NOJUIAN ~ .. Iwllla. Call J38.02$L IT • LEIUE CIIII tlldton. '-.-..r. 1If.aeu, ..:n ====~~-..,---,--:;=-~L:' , M--~' • ___• LOST WORLD 1 BEDROO•• ~nt. CI_ bI 111 ...... ftft. -- - 11M VOLKSWAGEN Hdan Ve." NICK ROOD _ S_r and faU. parldn,. m"'f1J. ' ·11 ...... De_ I.e-. 7·1 Ibarp. tuII1 eqlllppecL 33I-gU7 SPOITING GOODS N... __.n. "'2111. 1·7 FUaNlSRED $ r_ apt. CI_ '!!.. DIAPSlIKN& R&NTAL ...... b7 alter. p.. 8-21 OF SINBAD '" 1If.MtI...... Hew P..- Laun4r7. 11' S. Du· Ita CJmVJIOLIT ImpaJe.hard top. CANODI ON or...... Kolltor APPROVED ....1Ie ___ - IOtdlen ..... "'- mat. 7·1AR ... IIr-<:onditlonecl. power sport mocle1. Sbarpl others. cto..,. SUNDAY MIDNIGHT s....raI prtYllel" . for _r. M.n. JS7. IllONlNGS - Student bon UICI ""II. lteetiq. powe, brake, new Urel, Also new fiber.1MI and Grwnman SIOS. ... m •••,...... _____ "·11 new ... _ llras. Good condition. alulllinUlll. See u • • COtal..... e. Carl· HOMlPOlaNT HOUSE ON THE son. 1124 Albia Boad, Ott...... LARGI NJCJ: __ for I. A"&,,,,~ SAW _ USE doalola load waaIIe~ leaYlnf V.s.A•• lIat ..,IL tI4e5. J3I. Phone ~17. ..12 .. Da ..nport .... DIal . rol RENT - Dupin at W.tt with eat,.. .-II <:fel. at ,.....,.. S'7G2 enninll. I-U HAUNTED HILL 1·1' Bnnel!, low_ - one J ~ crat L8an4emte. Int WUlIuM. 1155 PLYMOUTH - ,100. CoU 331- wtth '"'th, one , beMoom WIth bath. 1·IIAR _ . 1-. at.mlll VJncent PrIce WANTID C_pl.tely .....adeled . Anllable IllONlNGII - PIece 01' .... Is· Ike HONDA - J yn. 011. 11:15 MISC. rot SALE ...... Coni.. or IIIrl8. Call m ...1 pertellftd.. m-lJlO. '·1 Phone ,,"IP. 7.2 NOW PLAYING GlRL TO IIIIAJlB ..... ~"""ned lBONlNGS - PIece .... II)' "ou •. )I.f· 1155 PLY.OUTH - $10(1. COU ~ .partmenl WIth two -... for RARI ONE-wheel tnIIe~ .;;{0I.,. IUSINESS OPPOITUNmD .renee II needed. DIal m·~ ' ·1 _. 6-28 lu",,,,e •• 33l-14li altar .,... "21 lido teDt platfo..... 110. ." ROOIlJlAft - Llhral _ JT8dll. GDllY KlDDIIS PACKS - N... In· PART 1'IJU _ 1lapb11Uc.tM sak • MONEY LOANID IGNITION • Ie to ...... J-IIII. npeDllve "odel, fl. ..· J:DjOJ n· promotion of lI'.dlUonai _n', CARBURETORS SHANE Leave -... IoU eeU.... and oalinl. WIth bab, 011 ...... Th1I .,,111 blterest DI.n ,.bo OI_H*, C...... GuM. 101U bad. A1-A41 after 5. 106A.R bu bad .. eJtperlenc:e. Excellent OINIRATORS STARTIRS and ROOKIlAn:& to abare 4 .- IDOIII· m.,. T.".., II. I, W8t" ern apartment two bloa. froID MAYTAO ~ ...ntlona1 ..allier WIth _. opportunIty. Write Dept. S. Str...... Mlle.... LUll... , MuIIc.! InatrumwIh I"". I c.mpus. m ·"'1 5 p.lD. to • no.. tula .... GeOIII OODcIItion. sw- 1511 N. H1'h SI .• ColumbUs. OhIO, WHO'S BEEN SLEEPING ~i 1174, ..,, ; awL ..2 HOCK...,. lOAN PYRAMID SERVICES ~O~NB=-O"'R=-=TW=O::-...- al:-.-&t..,.II-de:--n~-cf,..:o.=. WIES'l'DIGBOUSJI: air .....dltlo .... , 21WlESLSY oo.op Ka~~IUb . Sup- IN MY BED clOH and de.... , roolD apartment. .adem .nd leble. and ~tt" all ... .on. ...t. .. 1- II. DWJI7-4111 621 S. DuIIuque OIaI 337·5723 ISl·1171 . :... 1...... WI la .-u.a •• m .... ., ... C8II _11ft. .... I._~------_ 1 ______.. .: , " ... '-THI DAILY IOWAN-I_. CIty, Ia-TwL, ..... II, ,." Position Of Latin Medicare To Strain Nurse Supply I Hitchcock r-Fc Newspapers r In College Study Partly cl EDITOR" NOTE - Melly BUT, UNLIKE the big teaching on the status of medicare prepar- To Lecture .arm throo o er ....It ... hospitals. the maller hospitals ations agreed that there was • To Improvel T Id By Spea Ie th,...,....,...... Iored sho­ tI-.. "..tIct • per... of In. won't be training new people. significant shortage of health storms Ilk New students express • sur· c,..."" cempetltlon for nur- They'll have to raid the bigger personnel - and that the medi- In Dubuque teday and prise that Latin is being taught ... - .lrncIy .vet1Iurclened hospitals for their personnel. care program would have an inI- st ... 10"1 Prof Says' at the University. that anyone - .. t.k. c.n of the extra At a recent meeting. Boone pact in those areas where short· I Hi9hl Ioda Today's daily newspaper will • could major in it and that it nwcI. of the medlc.re pro- Powell of DaUas. president of ages already exist. Orville Hitchcock, associate would ful{ill the University's ....m. The h"o.lng third of the AmeT.ic.an College ~f Hospi- The answers to such shortages, I probably continue to do much bet· dean of the Graduating 'College Eltabllahed ter in providing soiid news than langauge requirement. feur ~rtlc'" twll. of the pro- tal Ad~lnlstrat~rs , said there the report said, requires long- and professor of public addrea 'lb~ is wbat Galen O. Rowe. ,r.m. !mpect on nur.... already IS. a serIOus shortage of term solutions. But gradually we have a right to expect it to, in the Department of Speecb IDd Leslie G. Moeller, director of the '. assistant professor of classics, Iy JOHN BARBOUR 2O,~ regls~red nurses - and legislation and federal money is School of Journalism, said Mon- told a group or teacbers at the AP $clone. Writer medlca~. will make that shor- encouraging an increase in nurse Dramatic Art, wUl be one 01 four day. . lns?tu~e for Teacbers of Latin American nursel _ already tage critical. training facilities. guest lecturers at the Univer· Moeller spoke at the ninth an- ' which IS me~ting Monday thr~ugh I badly outnumbered hy their du- AT THE LOS ANGELES County Tbe nurse supply will increase sity of Dubuque's second lllJluaJ nual Workshop on the Newspaper I Wednesday 10 the Union Inchana ties and their patients _ baveD't General Hospital - part of the by 1 per cent in 1966 - as grad- Conference 01 Communicatloas in the Classrooms, sponsored by Room. seen anything yet. Wait until county hospital system that car- uates reflect the increased nurse for the Business and ProfeuiollJl the College of Education, the . Rowe, wbo spoke on "Under· medicare takes effect July 1 and ries much of California's medi· training enroUment {rom 50,000 Man . American Newspaper Publishers ' · graduate Latin .t tbe Univer- elderly patients begin competing cal load - the assistant admin- to 54,000. Association and the National I sity," outlined the Latin pro- fully for medical services. istrator, John O'Conner, said There are another 60,000 per· Tbe conference will be held in Council for Social Studies. gram at the Univeralty. 'lb t t be th al county hospitals now provide an sons a year in training for sub· August in two identical sessio1u, Many of loday's newspaper a seems 0 e prevent average of three hours of nur- Aug. 16 and Aug. 23. n consists of two beginning feeling of U.S. hospital admini· sing care per patient per day. professional bealth occupations. readers, Moeller said, are higbly Empbasis will be on worbbop interested in entertainment and in areas, the first. meeting the four strators preparing for the im- The standard. he said, sbould be semester requirement for a B.A. pact of medicare. four or five hours. sessions in public .peaking. news that is striking rather than I.C. Radio Club meaningful organization of COD­ significant. This is a major prob­ degree and the second for stu- A NATIONWIDE survey hy The "With funds available from the tent, critical evaluation, plaUorm dents in those fields that bave • ftftAA18' ted Press showed that Jem in improving newspapers, he ~ government," he said, "we can only a two-semester requirement. many of the better·stafled bos· increase the nursing staff whic!J Plans Field Day Skills, interviewing, conference said. and basic communication skill •. CITING THE relatively low Both have plans for students who pitals are worried about the drain is now extremely low among The Iowa City Amateur Radio level of reader interest in public bave bad no previous Latin ex- of nurses and technicians to general hospitals." Club will have a Field Day Sat­ Maximum enrollment is 35 for affairs, Moeller said, "American perience or those with two years smaller hospital& as the medicare Dr. Tenero D. Caruso, a Los urday, but not the usual care­ each session. Conference director society will probably continue to or more of high scbool Latin. patient load spreads. Angeles surgeon, put it this way: free connotations. is Richard A. Robinson, luistanl be oriented more toward pleasure Although lulfilling the language Peter Geilich, assistant ad- "I've heard I've read and Field Day is an annual exercise professor or speech, drIrnI and requirement is necessary for ministrator oI Parkland Hospital I've learned 'and I've looked. forensics at the University Of and( seIC-enjoyment than toward LARRY SCHNEIDER, G, P ....n., C.llf., vlow. picture. of conducted simultaneously by ham a ,goal of service to others." graduation, Rowe said be hOped in DaUas, Tex., said be expected Right at the present time in Los radio operators in the United Dubuque. problems of greater media Elko Sommer, loft, .nd Cordul. Tr.ntow, two actre.lO. from tho tbis was not the only function of that the main impact or medi· Angele there are large bospitals States and Canada in order to Other guest lectures will be W. C;klnrlpetiti!lD for audience time, 'naw Germ.ny.' Tho ,Idure•• ,.. part of • Union photography the Classics Department. He care would be increased com- that have wards that are closed gain experience in emergency Charles Redding, professor of need to find a way to increase .xhibltlon .ntltled 'Germ.ny, • No. G...... lon.' would like to lee· more students petition for trained people with because of the inability to get communications operations. speech and director of the com· audience interest in significant ------major in eltber Latin or Greek smaller bospital& in rural areas. adequate, competent nut s ing The exercise consists of setting munications and research center news and problems of constantly l or the Classics, wbich is the com- The smaller bospitall!, be said, help. up radio communications without at Purdue University; Clyde Yar. rising costs will lace daily news· I bined studv of both. will have to come up to higher "1 KNOW OF three hospitals the use of regular commercial brough, professor of lpeecq at paper executives in the next 10 or Atypical Student Faces Rowe, a graduate of Vanderbilt standards to quaJiIy for the medi- whose census of occupied beds power, so that should natural Dubuque Theological Seminary; hos- 20 years, Moeller said. University, Nashville, TeD D., care program - and those is down not be(,:ause beds aren't disaster disrupt normal communi­ and Michael Greenspon, auistant Moeller predicted tha.t despite S d P bl formerly taught at the University pitala will bave to hire qualified available. but because there isn't cations, the hams would be able prolessor of speech and English these problems, the daily news. , Average tu ent ro ems of Southern California in Los An- registered nurses .nd techni· capable help available. to service the community until and director of forensics at the paper of tomorrow would be more " geles. clans. A report to President Johnson commercial power was rest()l'ed. University of Dubuque. informative than those of today. By DIANE ~YPES Iwas. the biggest problem In re- Newspapers will probably de- St.ff Writer tUl:lIlng"t0 school, Mrs. Adamson velop there coverage of sucb Education is a problem : tor tbe I saId, Inlerl.erence from past fields as health. science, educa- parent, who bas to find the mon- learned e~perJe-"ce. You learn so tion, religion and business, paying ey to finance their children's ~any thmgs In the course of special attention to those phases years in college; for the local, life that yo.u have to unlear.n be· that will relate ratber directly to state, and federal governments, fo~e ne.w ~d~as .. can be viewed the everyday life of the average whicb sbare tbe burden of provid- With obJectiVity. reader, he said. ing facilities for an increasing Questioned as to what she PRESENT TRENDS In making number of college bound students; thought about the empbasis put news more understandable and and for the stUdent, who is trying on grades and the grade point fair will continue, be predicted. to attain something that is now so average (GPA), Mrs. Adamson Moeller emphasized tbat par- liberally called "e(lucatlon." said, "Ideally, grades as we have cnt~ co~d do a p-eat deal to. help Sharing the problems of the now shouldn't ~, ~ut. realistically thel~ ch ldre~ budd. an ear.iy !Oter' typical stUdent is an "atypical" It has to be hke It IS. We see.m est ID pu?hc affairs. :r'hIS mte~- student. Mrs. Juanite Adamson, t~ ~e people who need the dis­ cst, he said, can.be remforced m 44 of 1810 Kirkwood Ave. Iowa clpline that grades ,?ffer to en­ OWES ITS POPULARITY WITH t~e sch~ I , especl~lly th~ou~h the City. Mrs. Adamson was a'sopbo- courage us to study. diSCUSSion of public affairs m the more at the Uni- MRS. ADAMSON, after gradu- classroom. . versity last se- ating from high school in Wheel· STUDENTS TO ITS CORDIAL, COMFORTABLE The enterlamment content of mesler. Attend. lng, West Virginia, attended ElU. the n~wspaper, Moeller suggest- ing classes at ot Business College there lor a ed, WIU probably n?t be greatly the University year. changed In the commg years be- also is one of Asked '1 h th ht U ATMOSPHERE, AND ITS DELICIOUS FOOD. I cause of high audience interest, I s e oug co e.ge already present in tbis field Mrs. Ad~on s had changed, Mrs. Adamson saId, I I . f 0 u r children, '" th1nk that the returning Gl's Mrs . Kat h y brought a new seriousness to the Scbaaf, A2, 613 universities, and that the student Railroad Union 7th Ave., Iowa today is no longer "Joe College" City. who leaves home to spend a few Will Talk Over Mrs. A dam- ADAMSON gay years at school. Most of son's other children are Mrs. Joy these kids are pretty scared about Merger At Meet Baker, 24, of Norman, Oklahoma, what the future holds for them." CEDAR RAPIDS t.fI - Merger a high school teacher, Mrs. Mrs. Adamson also a grand· with two other unions is certain Brooke Schweers, 22, of San An­ The Food' Is Good AND mother of a two year old boy, to he discussed during the quad­ tonio, , an executive secre· plans to teacb on the elementary rennial convention of the Order tary. and • son Jamie, 10, who is school level upon graduation. of Rallway Conductors and Brake­ at home. men - but nobody is saying when THE "VOICE of experience" or with what result. about life as a college student IBM Fellowship "We'iJ talk about It," President comes from what is usually George H. Harris confirmed Mon­ thougbt of as the average student. The Service ·Is Fast day when asked about reports of the young adult. It isn't often Given To Student merger with the Brotherhood of the ~periences of older students From S,'oux C,'ty Locomotive Firemen and Engine· are alred, who at the age of 30 r men as well as with tbe Switch­ or beyond are also working on I OUR SPECIALTY I, ' men's Union of North America. undergraduate degrees. Gary c. Fethke, G, Sioux City, • STEAKS - • PIZZA "Railroads are all merging," Mrs. Adamson said that the /. has been awarded an $1800 fei­ said Harris. "The railroad labor older stUdent faced much the Jowship (or the 1966-67 academic JOE'S JUMBO organizations will have to defend same problems of the younger year from International Business • I' themselves. If there is some way stUdent but with the added re- I Machines Inc • FRIED CHICKEN in which it would be possible to sponslbility of families, agded fi- ,. • HAMBURGERS maintain craft lines, we'd lalk nancial worries, plus an unusual ,The award, which also covers about it." social adjustment. tuition and fees, is given annually Another union official said, Mrs. A dam son, remarking to a student in his last year of "The vole could come nex! week. • CHOPS And this convention is always about the social adjustment, said graduate work who ls using a ·SEA Cull of surprises." that sbe felt there sbould be some computer as a tool for his disser­ type of social liCe for the older The conductors and brakemen student on campus. tation. Fethke was nominated by have some 20,000 members and "Because of tbe time that the Department of Economics FOODS lorm tbe second oldest of the • SPAGHETTI railroad brotberhoods. Combina­ scbool demands, you lose contact and selected by a Graduate Col· tion with the other two unions with your friends on the "out- lege committee over several other would e8tabUtb • group of about side," who are not in step with candidates. 125,000 - tbe second largest in your schedule. It would be nice Fethke received his bachelor's FOR AN EARLY OR LATE DATE OR STUDY BREAK tbe industry. to have a group organized on • Leverett Edwards, chairman campus thai shared some of the degree at Iowa and has worked of the NationaJ Mediation 'Board same experiences," Mrs. Adam· at the Bureau of Business and is scheduled to address the 100 lIOn said. Economic Researcb as a gradu· convention delegates Tuesday. ASKED WHAT SHE thought ate student. OUR KITCHEN IS OPE~ AN~ SERVING 18 DAYS LEFT FROM 7:00 A.M. 10 12:30 A.M. Yes--- You have · only 18 days Watch All Sports Events left to order your 1966 UNIVERSITY Is EDITION. Send it ' to your parents IN COLOR I • and friends anywhere in the world. At Joe's Place IClrcu~;~ ---- ONLY 1M Dally Iowan 201 Communication, Conte, 1Iowa City, Iowa 52240 YOU'LL ENJOY YOURSELF AT Ho,.', my orclor(,) for tho 1966 University IEdition. PI_ man to: I INamo 'Mailed Anywhere IAcid, ... It covert COlt ., ...por, handling and poIla,.. I Ic~ a~s;~o~ ..~~ .. ~.. ~~~;~:~~ ~:~: ......