Gede Moenanto Soekawati [email protected] Kandidat Doktor Ilmu Komunikasi, Pasca Sarjana Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran

Artikel diterima: 3 Januari 2020 Artikel direvisi: 3 Februari 2020 Artikel disetujui: 5 Februari 2020


Peliputan media atas sejumlah kasus adalah implementasi agenda setting metode penyampaian informasi. Sejumlah informasi disampaikan berdasarkan fakta yang dikonstruksi sebagai realitas media. Di antaranya, kasus Tempo melawan Tomy Winata, keterlibatan wartawan Metro TV Hilman Mattauch terhadap kasus korupsi e-KTP oleh Setya Novanto, dan upaya yang dilakukan media sebagai watchdog dalam kasus Lutfi Alfiandi. Penelitian meneliti artefak digital dan tercetak, observasi, dan wawancara. Sejumlah pertanyaan penelitian adalah: 1. Bagaimana konstruksi media sebagai watchdog dalam kasus hukum antara Tomy Winata versus Tempo? 2. Bagaimana penerapan watchdog media dalam kasus penegakan hukum e-KTP? 3. Bagaimana penerapan watchdog media dalam kasus penangkapan dan penyiksaan yang dialami pelajar STM bernama Lutfi Alfiandi? Hasil penelitian terhadap artefak digital dan media cetak, wawancara, dan observasi adalah: 1. Implementasi pers sebagai pengawas kasus Tomy Winata di Tanah Abang dilakukan oleh Tempo, meski hasilnya Tempo mendapat konsekuensi kekalahan di meja hijau atas gugatan Tomy Winata. 2. Pelaksanaan watchdog dalam upaya penegakan hukum oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dilakukan terhadap kuasa media yang melibatkan Hilman Mattauch dari Metro TV dan diungkap oleh media. 3. Peristiwa kasus polisi menangkap dan menyiksa Lutfi Alfiandi mendapatkan pelaksanaan agenda setting oleh media dalam peran watchdog sehingga korban yang semula dituntut hukuman tujuh tahun penjara dapat simpati publik mendorong majelis hakim memvonis bebas.

Kata kunci: Pengawas Pers, Penegakan Hukum, Liputan Media


Several events received media coverage with an agenda-setting process which became a method of conveying information. Some information is conveyed based on facts constructed as media reality. Among them are the construction of media reality carried out in the Tempo case against Tomy Winata, the involvement of Metro TV journalist Hilman Mattauch in the e-KTP corruption case involving Setya Novanto, and the efforts made by the media as a watchdog in the Lutfi Alfiandi case. The research was conducted by examining digital and printed artifacts, observations, and interviews. Some research questions are 1. How is the construction of the media as a watchdog in the legal case between Tomy Winata and Tempo? 2. How is the application of watchdog media in the case of e-KTP law enforcement? 3. How is the application of the media watchdog in the case of arrest and torture experienced by STM student named Lutfi Alfiandi? The results of research on digital artifacts and print media, interviews, and observations are 1. Implementation of the watchdog press to reveal Tomy Winata in Tanah Abang was carried out by Tempo, although the result was that Tempo suffered the consequences of being defeated at the court table by the lawsuit filed by Tomy Winata. 2. The implementation of watchdog in law enforcement efforts by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was carried out against the power of the media which involved Hilman Mattauch from Metro TV and was exposed by the media. 3. The police's arrest and torture of Lutfi Alfiandi resulted in the implementation of agenda-setting by the media in the role of a watchdog which succeeded in making the

98 Jurnal Budaya Etnika, Vol. 4 No. 2 Desember 2020 victim who was sentenced to seven years in prison get public sympathy and was released when the verdict was handed down by the panel of judges.

Keywords: Watchdog Press, Law Enforcement, Media Coverage

INTRODUCTION PT Tempo Intimedia Tbk, Fikri Jufri, The construction of media reality in the Bambang Harymurti and several journalists amount of news is indeed very convincing who contributed to the writing, Is there because it has the power to make constructions Tommy in Tenabang? Which was published in of reality. Although the media do not always the March 3, 2003 edition of Tempo Magazine. carry out activities based on the public interest, Another piece of news that became the basis there are other interests, so that when they for the lawsuit at the Central District were sued in court, the media lost to the Court was the one published on on plaintiff and carried out some consequences March 12, 2003, entitled "Violence Against because of the defeat (Cohen, 1963). Artefacts Tempo According to 's are traces or artefacts not only objects of Testimony". knowledge, but they are also involved in For the second time, the court won cognition itself. Nobody argues that humans Tomy Winata's lawsuit against Tempo. use artefacts in their cognitive practice where Tempo's attorneys assessed that the panel of we count them on paper or with electronic judges had a low appreciation for the press. devices and memory aids from individual Interestingly, the chairman of the panel of shopping lists to monuments that perpetuate judges, in this case, was the judge who cultural memories are ubiquitous. In recent acquitted David A Miauw. The panel of judges years, a collection of loosely linked at the Central Jakarta District Court, consisting approaches has characterized artefacts that are of Sunaryo, Panusunan Harahap and Ridwan much more closely involved in this process Mansyur, granted businessman Tomy Winata's than the mundane complex use of embodied, lawsuit against the company and Tempo active, located, distributed, and extended people. In the words readout, the panel of approaches to cognition might suggest. judges obliged Tempo to pay compensation of (Wilson, 2009) Rp. 500 million (Tempo, 2004). In addition, Media is a tool for communicating the defendants were required to pay forced through mass media, online media and social money of Rp. 300,000 per day if they failed to media, leaving traces or artefacts. In the end, implement the verdict. Defendants were also media traces can become artefacts for required to state apologies in three conducting research related to history, culture, newspapers, namely Media , Koran social, politics, law, anthropology, sociology, Tempo and Warta Kota. The same request and especially communication through text, must be published in Tempo magazine for half photos, videos and some other media (Adorno, a page for three consecutive days. 1976). The lawsuit incident at the South Andreas Harsono stated that he had an Jakarta District Court referred to the coverage interesting story about the Tempo versus Tomy of the Southeast Sulawesi Governor Ali Mazi's Winata dispute. Two days after the Tempo denial of Tommy Winata's involvement in office was demonstrated by Tomy's opening a gambling business there. Another supporters, I sat at the table with one of the news that was questioned was the news Tempo editors. We compare what we hear entitled "From EdyTansil to Zarima", which about the incident. It's sad. Bambang was published on the February 6, 2003 edition. Harymurti, Chief Editor of Tempo, was Januardi said that the news was considered to insulted by the demonstrators. The head was have defamed his client. The Koran Tempo punched, the stomach was punched. The report is considered to have drawn the wrong demonstrators were angry with intimidation. conclusion and identified Tommy Winata with The editor of Tempo said that the beatings of the gambling business. The lawsuit at the Bambang and other Tempo journalists had to Central Jakarta District Court was addressed to be countered with political movements. Not by

99 Gede Moenanto – Implementation of the Agenda..... force. Not even with diplomacy (Harsono, XIII, , South Jakarta, he 2003). suddenly disappeared. It is not known where This phenomenon explains the Novanto is. However, the next day, last relations between the press and the public and Thursday night (17/11/2017), he reportedly the judicial authority. Tomy Winata is cate- had an accident when he was leaving for the gorized as a public, which has a profession as Metro TV Studio in Kedoya, West Jakarta. an entrepreneur. In the research conducted, it The car he was riding in, the Toyota Fortuner will be seen in relation to the public agenda, B 1732 ZLO, hit a power pole in Permata the policy agenda (judiciary), and how the Hijau, South Jakarta. The driver, based on the media agenda makes efforts to capture reality police statement, Hilman Mattauch, which in accordance with the agenda designed by the Metro TV has confirmed as his contributor. media (McCombs & Shaw, 1972). His name immediately came into the spotlight Meanwhile, efforts to control power for driving the wretched Fortuner. Moreover, by the media were carried out by Najwa shortly before the accident, Hilman had just Shihab by conducting exclusive interviews had a direct teleconference with the Speaker of which were later broadcast on YouTube. The the DPR on Prime Time Metro TV (, setting agenda carried out was an effort to 2017). prevent a suspect STM student demonstration, The implementation of the agenda Lutfi Alfiandi, from the actions he experienced setting is commonly done by the media in in detention by unscrupulous officers (Shihab, carrying out their supervisory or watchdog 2020). Lutfi Alfiandi, the bearer of the red- function. Agenda setting theory and second- and-white flag during the level agenda setting theory, framing, are both #ReformasiDikorupsi action was forced to relevant and similar in showing how society is admit to throwing stones while undergoing influenced by the media, but they represent questioning. Insisting not to do this, Lutfi was different processes of influence. Someone tells beaten and electrocuted by the authorities. us what information to process and another Finally, Lutfi Alfiandi stated that he admitted tells us how to process that information. that he was under duress, under pressure Framing theory, an extension of agenda (Najwa, 2020). setting, explains how the "attitude" a media The artefact of the media setting article can take can influence viewers' agenda in the next supervisory function is the perceptions. McCombs et al (1997) show that legal process of the e-KTP case which, among agenda-setting research at the second level is others, involved several names including the associated with salient 'attribute' effects, Chairman of the DPR, Setya Novanto, at that whereas first-level agenda setting illustrates time, the agenda carried out by the media was salient 'problem' effects (Balmas M., 2010). to reveal the parties involved in the corruption The implementation of watchdog by case. Several media are active in reporting on the media has been identified in cases of land the corruption case involving some officials eviction in Temon Village and Glagah Village, and popular names who are widely known to which are in Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta, the public. In a news series entitled Hilman Indonesia in a research conducted by Gede Paper, some media revealed how journalists Moenanto Soekowati (Soekowati, 2019). In and media were involved in the case of law this connection, the study carried out is a enforcement on the electronic KTP or referred qualitative study concerning which the press is to as the e-KTP. expected to function as oversight and control Before the Setya Novanto accident, of power. Qualitative research is carried out by Hilman was stopped by Metro TV on June 16, observing, interviewing, and studying 2016. However, he was re-assigned as of documents. 1. How is the existence of November 7, 2016. The disappearance of journalism supervision in the practice of SetyaNovanto yesterday became a public journalism in land evictions for NYIA airport? concern. Wednesday night (16/112017), when 2. Why do residents of Temon Village and Corruption Eradication Commission inves- Glagah Village reject the eviction of land for tigators came to his residence at Jalan Wijaya NYIA airport? 3. How is the government's

100 Jurnal Budaya Etnika, Vol. 4 No. 2 Desember 2020 policy in evicting land for the construction of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). the NYIA Airport? The results of the research Related to this, there is also authority beyond carried out are. 1. Events reported the media the three pillars of power to create a confirms the role of supervision journalism in democratic state as manifested in Indonesia so mentoring very large community. 2. People do far. The existence of the press or mass media not feel they have defended by the media in as the fourth pillar in a democratic country is Yogyakarta, but the news is massive carried urgently needed (Kohut, 2001). Although, out by national media published in Jakarta. 3. there are some people who add the fifth estate Government assessing the construction of the which consists of social media, for the time NYIA Airport must be carried out by stating being, the fourth power, namely the mass provide appropriate compensation to the media is considered more dominant because it people of Temon Village. (Soekowati, 2019) plays a role in confirming information as truth that is categorized and believed by society as a guideline for truth is the press or mass media LITERATURE REVIEW as the fourth power. In fact, there are also The hierarchy of influence of media businesses or entrepreneurs that generally content that occurs is the influence internally intersect with law enforcement, licensing, and and externally. There are 5 levels of influence the business world that pursues the maximum that influence media content including media profit or profit. routines, individuals, financiers, ideology, and The business world is divided into external influences. The influence of various forms, including press companies or individual media workers (individual level), mass media in which the press is one of the the influence of media routines (media pillars for realizing a clean and authoritative routines level), the influence of media government with the main priority of realizing organizations (organizational level), the social justice for all Indonesian people. influence of ideology (ideology level), and Therefore, as the pillars of a democratic state, influence from outside the media or outside the four pillars of power should be able to the media level (Reese, 1996). The openness work together to create a democratic state in of information and democracy in Indonesia the real sense where the forms of power should that has occurred since 1998 has become a be able to control each other so that there is no moment of information disclosure and press abuse of power or abuse of power. freedom so that the public should fully benefit Control over those who have the from this. Meanwhile, the legislative body authority to exercise control needs to be consists of representatives of the people or realized, among others, by means of members of the People's Representative regulations and regulations that support the Council (DPR). In the DPR there are implementation of mass media as the fourth commissions, among which are the liaison power. The role of entrepreneurs and the with law enforcement agencies (judiciary) and business world in the abuse of power may a number of ministries in the ranks of occur because the business world is close to government. In addition, the DPR also liaised the center of power so that in order to launch with commissions such as the Corruption its business world, there is often an affair Eradication Commission (KPK), the Judicial between the legislative, executive, judicial, Commission (KY), and the Indonesian and business powers. As Lord Acton said: Broadcasting Commission (KPI). Because of "Power tends to be corrupt, absolute power, the strength of the seats of power in the corrupts absolutely". Therefore, every form of legislative and executive branches, there are abuse of power must be prevented, among also judiciary or authority institutions related others, by realizing the functions of power in to law enforcement. the four pillars of democracy (Peter V.A., The authority for law enforcement is 2014). Watchdog journalism plays a role in attached to the prosecutor and the police who informing the public about events in are members of the prosecutor's office and the institutions and society, especially in situations police. To complement it there is also the where a large part of society would demand a

101 Gede Moenanto – Implementation of the Agenda..... change in response. These activities may The topic arrangement for watchdog involve Public official fact-checking reports. journalism is broad and includes "personal Interview community leaders and challenge scandals, financial misconduct, political them with problems or concerns. Overrides corruption, enrichment in public office, and reporting to gather information from meetings other types of wrongdoing." To expose that the general public may not attend, and to mistakes, monitors aim to "find hidden observe it on the ground within the wider evidence". The aspects mentioned above are community. necessary for the role of the watchdog Agenda setting is a step taken, journalist to help maintain order and prevent especially by the media in carrying out the chaos. news. With the agenda-setting, the media can Released to be a watchdog, journalism, carry out the stages to carry out the agenda dedicated to objectivity, neutrality, fairness, that has been announced, so that they can and impartiality, is one of the four cultures of achieve the goals expected by media journalism identified in a study conducted by institutions. By compiling the media agenda, it communications researchers Thomas is hoped that it will be in line with the policy Hanitzschand others, between 2007 and 2011. agenda and the public agenda so that the The study compares 2,100 active journalists construction of reality by the media is worldwide. This is next to the idea of a expected to be in line with the public interest. journalist as a populist disseminator, critical The journalistic investigation, which change agent, or opportunist facilitator. involves gathering information in one story The purpose of this research is to over a long period. Like a literal guard dog create a better understanding of journalistic that barks at the sight of an intruder, the role of and journalistic culture. The study detected watchdog engages the other person whenever a four global professional millennials of problem is detected. Common subjects are journalists: populist knowledge spreaders, government decision-making processes, illegal separate monitors, critical change agents, and activities, immorality, consumer protection opportunist facilitators. Separate supervisors issues, and environmental degradation. are separate observers. Apart from the Watchdog journalism can be found in various supervisory functions described earlier, news media such as radio, television, internet, separate supervisors are not interventionist but and print media which can be seen as the are not involved. To achieve that status he unique strengths of newspapers and new media must be objective, neutral, and impartial. with concepts such as for weblogs and citizen However, because of his supervisory journalism. Supervising journalists are also function, he articulated his skeptical and called custodians, social control agents, or critical attitude towards government and moral guards. business elites. The separate surveillance The role of a supervisory journalist can environment was accredited as a prototype for be either a protector or a guardian. The role of western journalism. The countries in which the watchdog journalists as guardians is to inform environment was dominated at the time of this citizens about the information they must have study were Germany, Austria, United States, to prevent abuse of power and to warn citizens Switzerland, and Australia. In practice, about the people who commit such acts watchdog journalism can lead to successful (Kosicki, 1993). To perform their role as resignations of power holders. Notable watchdogs, journalists must distance examples include Bob Woodward and Carl themselves from the forces and challenge Bernstein's reporting of the Watergate scandal them, as opposed to propagandist journalists, to and the resignation of who are loyal to the ruling elite and the ruling US President Richard Nixon in 1974. Another elite. Because of the distance of powers and more recent example occurred in the the supervisory function, surveillance Philippines, where President Joseph Estrada journalism is often formalized as a fourth was arrested and resigned in 2001. The daily pillar or is used in the context of the term newspaper, the Pinoy Times, covered the (Bartels, 1996). Estrada case and the overthrow of Estrada. In

102 Jurnal Budaya Etnika, Vol. 4 No. 2 Desember 2020 countries that guarantee press freedom, setting being a social science theory, it also watchdog journalism can be a very effective tries to make predictions. This means that if external control mechanism against corruption. the news item is closed frequently and stands However, watchdog journalism out, the audience will consider this issue more mechanisms could also work in countries that important. Agenda setting theory was formally deprive press freedom. A journalist in an developed by Max McCombs and Donald authoritarian context may not be able to cover Shaw in a study of the 1968 American all topics, but can still find important presidential election. In the 1968 Chapel Hill journalistic niches. For example, in China study, McCombs and Shaw showed a strong where a free press is still not established or correlation coefficient between 100 Chapel guaranteed the idea of the press as a watchdog Hill residents, according to North Carolina, of power is embedded in the journalist's self- which was an election issue. the most definition.This makes a difference to whom important and what the local and national criticism is directed. Journalists can criticize media news reports are the most important the abuse of power by individuals even when issues (McCombs M. , 1993). criticism points to major state policies that are By comparing the importance of issues disliked and discouraged by established in news content with people's perceptions of journalists. In a free society, the idea of the the most important election issues, McCombs media as the eyes and ears of society is widely and Shaw can determine the extent to which accepted. the media determine public opinion. Since the The concept of watchdog journalism 1968 study, published in the 1972 edition of cannot be separated from criticism. The entire the Public Opinion Quarterly, more than 400 field of watchdog journalism has declined over studies have been published on the agenda- time and the journalism section has and in setting function of the mass media and the 2005 observers asserted that the current period theory remains relevant. Agenda-setting theory is "not the reporting time of rich watchdogs in can be traced to the first chapter of Walter any media". It comes with a framework and Lippmann's 1922 book, Public Opinion. In that issues many journalists are interested in chapter, The World Outside And The Pictures reflecting on the status quo, rather than In Our Heads, Lippmann argues that the mass radically challenging it. This decline, however, media is the main link between events in the cannot lead to the presumption that there are world and the images in the minds of people. not enough important topics to write about or Without using the term agenda-setting, Walter report on (Lang, 1981). In fact, the opposite is Lippmann wrote of what we now call agenda- the case, and there's quite a bit of material to setting. Following Lippmann, in 1963, Bernard work with. While watchdog journalism in the Cohen observed that the press "may not be US helped force Nixon out of office in 1974, successful all the time in telling people what to the situation presented itself in 2003. During think, but it is riveting in telling its readers the Iraq war, some of the media that were what to think (Cohen, 1963). founded turned out to take a more pro-war The world will look different with stance without adequately fulfilling their different people. Cohen continued, depending function of critical watchdog. Many on the maps drawn by the writers, editors, and professionals in the media do not appear to be publishers of the papers they read. By the early in their role to challenge the government. 1960s, Cohen had articulated ideas that led to Critics blame sections of the public in general, McCombs and Shaw's formalization of however, because their interest in watchdog agenda-setting theory. Rogers and Dearing in journalism is impermanent and fleeting. They Agenda Setting Research, Where has Been, also see the role of watchdog journalism as Where is it Going, explain, even though being driven by its own interests and not by Maxwell McComb already has an interest in the desire to protect the public interest. the field, he was exposed to Cohen's work, The agenda-setting theory describes the while serving as a faculty member at UCLA, ability of the media to influence the interests and it is Cohen's work that greatly influenced placed on public agenda topics. With agenda- him. and then, Donald Shaw. The agenda-

103 Gede Moenanto – Implementation of the Agenda..... setting concept was launched by McCombs coverage. One of the most important aspects of and Shaw during the 1968 presidential election the concept of the role of the agenda in mass in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. They examined communication is the time frame for this Lippmann's idea of the construction of images phenomenon. Also, different media have in our heads by comparing issues of the media different potential for agenda-setting. From an agenda with key issues of undetermined voter agenda-setting perspective, the analysis of the agendas. They found evidence of agenda- relationship between traditional media and setting by identifying the importance of the new cyberspace has seen increasing news agenda highly correlated with the agenda momentum. of voters. McCombs and Shaw were the first Three types of agenda-setting: to provide the field of communication with Research on the effect of agenda-setting empirical evidence showing the power of the compares the importance of issues in news mass media and their influence on the public content with public perceptions of the most agenda. The empirical evidence also gives this important issues, and then analyzes the extent theory its credibility among other social of this influence by media coaching. There are scientific theories (McCombs & Shaw, 1972). three models assumed by Max McCombs: the A relatively unknown scholar named consciousness model, the priority model, and G. Ray Funkhouser conducted a study very the salience model. Most of the investigations similar to McCombs and Shaw around the have focused on these three models. same time the authors were formulating his In this study, the dependent variable is theory. The three scientists - McCombs, Shaw, the media agenda, public agenda, and policy and Funkhouser - even presented their findings agenda as listed in the following section. at the same academic conference. Rogers and Dearing identified three Funkhouser's articles were published later than types of agenda-setting: Public agenda setting, McCombs and Shaw's, and Funkhouser did not in which the public agenda is the dependent receive as much praise as McCombs and Shaw variable (traditional hypothesis); media agenda for finding an agenda-setting. According to setting, where the media agenda is treated as a Everett Rogers, there are two main reasons for dependent variable (agenda building); policy this. agenda setting, where the agenda of elite First, Funkhouser didn't officially give policymakers is treated as the dependent the theory a name. Second, Funkhouser didn't variable (political agenda-setting). pursue his research far past the original article. Mass communication research, Rogers Rogers also points out that Funkhouser was and Dearing, argues, has focused on setting geographically isolated at Stanford, cut off public agendas, for example, McCombs and from interested researchers, while McCombs Shaw, 1972, and setting media agendas, but and Shaw got others interested in agenda- has largely ignored policy agenda setting, setting research. Agenda setting, as stated by which political scientists study primarily. Rogers and Dearing, is the creation of public Thus, the authors suggest that mass awareness and attention to important issues by communication experts pay more attention to the news media. Besides, agenda-setting how the agenda of the media and the public describes how the media tries to influence can influence the agendas of elite policy viewers and establishes hierarchies of news makers; for example, scientists should ask prevalence. Two basic assumptions underlie where the president or members of the US most research on agenda-setting: the press and Congress get their news and how this affects media do not reflect reality; they filter and their policies (McCombs & Shaw, 1972). shape it; Theconcentration of the media on Writing in 2006, Walgrave and Van several issues and subjects leads the public to Aelst took Rogers and Dearing's suggestion, consider these issues more important than creating a preliminary theory of political other issues. agenda-setting, which examines the factors This core statement is made by that might influence the agendas of elite measuring the change in significance through policymakers. Agenda setting occurs through a the use of surveys with more frequent news cognitive process known as "accessibility".

104 Jurnal Budaya Etnika, Vol. 4 No. 2 Desember 2020 Accessibility implies that the more frequently builds media event schedules. Many sources and frequently the news media covers an issue, can participate in this agenda-setting process the more examples of that issue the audience's in a variety of ways, but researchers have been memories can access. most interested in the effectiveness of When respondents are asked what is information aids such as media kits and press the most important problem facing the releases in news media agendas, and this is a country, they respond with the most accessible measure of the success of organizational news publication on memory, which is usually public relations efforts. the issue most focused on the news media. The Berkowitz in Kennamer's book, Who agenda-setting effect is not the result of Sets the Media Agenda, has applied a more receiving one or more messages but is due to nuanced analysis of agenda-setting and the overall impact of a large number of agenda-building theory by introducing the messages, each of which has different content requirements for setting policy agendas and but all dealing with the same general issue. setting policy agendas. He argues that while The coverage of the mass media in general and scientists only investigate the linkages agenda-setting in particular also have a strong between media and policymakers, it is still impact on what people think that other people appropriate to use the idea of setting the policy think and hence they tend to attach more agenda. However, when the focus is placed not importance to long-standing issues. Covered only on the personal agenda of the by the mass media. This is also called the policymaker but also on important salient schemata theory. In psychology and cognitive issues where the media represent only one science, schemas (schemas or plural schemas) indicator of public sentiment, Berkowitz describe patterns of thought or behavior that suggests talking about the policy agenda. organize categories of information and the Some groups have easier access than others relationships between them. and are therefore more likely to have their As more and more scientists published demands placed on the agenda than others. For articles on agenda-setting theory, it became example, policymakers are more influential clear that the process involved not only the than an entire group of news sources because active role of media organizations but also they better understand journalists' need for public participation and policymakers. Rogers reliable and predictable information and their and Dearing illustrate the difference between definition of new stories (David H. W., 2017). agenda-setting and agenda setting based on the Cobb are seen to have made decision- dominant role of the media or the public. So makers even more important, claiming that in "setting" an agenda refers to the effect of the order to be in trouble for achieving agenda media agenda on society, shifting the media status, it must be supported by at least some of agenda to the public agenda, while "building" the top decision-makers because they act as an agenda includes "some degree of guardians of the formal agenda. They also reciprocity" between the mass media and emphasized that certain figures in the media society in which the media and public agendas can act as opinion leaders and bring media influence public policy. coverage to certain issues. Government- According to Sun Young Lee and affiliated news sources have a higher success Daniel Riffe, agenda formation theory rate on the media agenda and have been found speculates that the media do not operate in a by a number of scientists to be the most vacuum. The media agenda is the result of the frequent sources at the local, state, and influence that certain powerful groups have as national levels (Cobb, 1971). a subtle form of social control. Journalists Meanwhile, Hilgarten and Bosk, in the have limited time and limited resources that Journals of Politics, explained that news can contribute to external sources involved in sources can also provide problem definitions, the regulatory modeling process of the news thereby determining the requirements for media, and some scientists have tried to reveal future discussions and framing problems in a the relationship between information sources certain way. What interpretations of "reality" and the news media agenda, investigating who will dominate public discourse have

105 Gede Moenanto – Implementation of the Agenda..... implications for future social problems, for the saying, according to various witnesses, that he interest groups and policymakers involved, believed the United States military had pointed and for the policy itself. For example, Gusfield their muzzles at journalists in Iraq and killed argues that road fatalities related to alcohol 12 in between. consumption can be interpreted as the problem Likewise, in 2002, Trent Lott had to of irresponsible drunk drivers, insufficient car step down as majority leader of the Senate accidents rarity, overly dependent car because of his inappropriate racist comments transportation systems, poor road design, that were widely discussed in the blogosphere. excessive emphasis on drinking. in social A number of bloggers are attracting attention adults. life. Different ways of framing not only to expel journalists and politicians. situations can compete for acceptance as An online investigation into a technical authoritative versions of reality, consequently problem with an electronic voting machine spurring competition between information started by activist Bev Harris in 2003 has sources for the definition of an issue. A very finally forced traditional media to tackle the powerful source of information can even problem of electronic performance malfor- influence whether an issue gets any media mations. This in turn led Diebold, the attention. company that manufactured this machine, to Berkowitz explains, media relations find out what was wrong and take action to and policymakers are symbiotic and controlled correct it. In an attempt to overcome the by a shared culture of unofficial ground rules mirror-reflective effect of agenda-setting because journalists need access to official implying the direct influence of media agendas information and policymakers need media on audiences, some scientists have suggested coverage; However, the needs of journalists that agenda-setting models should include and policymakers are often inappropriate individual/collective audience characteristics because of their different orientations at the or real-world conditions that are likely to time because the most powerful sources are in influence the importance of the problem. They the best situation and react more slowly when find that specific individual and group a crisis or disaster occurs. Consequently, characteristics tends to act as a contingent policymakers who understand the rules of this condition of media impact and proposes an culture are best able to set their agenda and audience effect model. issue definition. On the other hand, the media According to the audience effects also influence policymakers when government model, media coverage interacts with pre- officials and politicians pay attention to the existing sensitivities to produce a change in media attention given to an issue as an indirect problems. Thus, media effects depend on the expression of the public interest in this issue specific characteristics of the audience issue. (Berkowitz, 1992). For example, for high-sensitivity audiences Several studies provide evidence that who are most affected by a particular problem the internet community, particularly bloggers, or problem, the significance of the issue can push their own agenda onto the public increases substantially with news exposure, agenda, then the media agenda, and finally the while the same exposure has little effect on the policy agenda. In the most comprehensive other groups. Erbring, Goldenberg, and Miller study to date, Wallsten tracked mainstream have also shown that people who don't talk media coverage and blog discussion on 35 about political issues are more subject to issues during the 2004 presidential campaign. agenda setting because they rely more heavily Using time-series analysis, Wallsten found on media content than on those who receive evidence that journalists discuss issues that information from other sources, including their bloggers blog about. There is also some colleagues and friends. anecdotal evidence to suggest that bloggers Another factor that causes variations in exert influence on political agendas. For the correlation between the media and the example, in 2005, Eason Jordan, CNN's chief public agenda is whether an issue stands out or news executive, abruptly resigned after being not; that is, whether it has a high or low besieged by the online community after problem threshold. The standout or problems

106 Jurnal Budaya Etnika, Vol. 4 No. 2 Desember 2020 with low thresholds are generally problems perspective) are emphasized more in that affect almost everyone and with which we qualitative research. The theoretical basis is can have some kind of personal experience (eg used as a guide so that the focus of the citywide crime or rising gasoline prices). Due research is to follow the facts in the field. to their relationship to personal matters, these Also, the theoretical basis is useful for issues have almost attracted the attention of providing an overview of the research the political elite as well as the news media. background and as material for discussion of Moreover, with this type of problem, the research results. In qualitative research, the problem will become a general problem even researcher departs from the data, makes use of without the attention of the news media (Lang, the existing theory as material to explain, and 1981). ends with the theory (Soekowati, 2019). The agenda-setting theory in this study METHODOLOGY explains the role of the public in the agenda- Qualitative research methods have data making process. The agenda-setting pers- collection techniques, namely interviews, pective is considered important not only for observation, and documentation. The research the mass media and policymakers but also for carried out on the Tempo and Tomy Winata social processes, the interdependent relation- cases used several pieces of literature related ship between concerns that arise in the social to these cases. Research on demonstrations of environment, and the vitality of the gover- STM students and students to reject the nance process. So according to Cobb and revision of the KPK Law was carried out using Elder, an agenda-setting framework makes interviews, observation, and documentation allowances for continued mass engagement techniques. Meanwhile, research on law and extends the reach of recognized influence enforcement in e-KTP corruption cases was on the public policy-making process. Although carried out using interviews and the public has a place on the list that may documentation techniques. influence the media agenda, they do not think Data collection techniques in they are strongly shaping the media agenda. It qualitative research include the identity and seems more correct to raise the possibility that role of informants and the information when journalists see their importance for story conveyed is valuable, so researchers must have ideas, they are trying to predict the needs of the responsibility to treat self-identity and their audience. information conveyed by informants. Attempts This idea of mass involvement became to provide understanding are made with care increasingly prominent with the advent of the and caution. Meanwhile, the identity and internet and its potential to turn everyone into information of the informants are carried out pamphlets. The agenda-setting by the public as the media coverage technique is open or influences the policy agenda and the media closed to the public, depending on the agenda. The increased role of citizens in agreement between the researcher and the agenda setting highlights new directions in informant written in the agreement form traditional agenda-making research. This between the researcher and the informant. condition occurs because the general public Researchers may reveal their identities as long can now make their media. Social media has as the informants agree and researchers must changed the way people see and feel things in also respect the decision if the informants want today's world. Mass involvement in social their identity to be protected. In collecting media allows the general public's voice to be qualitative research data, the researcher should heard. Comments and replies provide the get permission either in writing or orally so potential for people to respond to your that the research does not violate the norms thoughts or open new doors for conversation. that the informant or the research object may Kim and Lee note that agenda-setting adhere to (Denzin, 2009). research on the Internet differs from traditional Qualitative research stated by Steven J agenda-setting research in the respect that the Taylor, 1998, is a descriptive study and tends Internet competes with traditional media and to use analysis. Process and meaning (subject has a large capacity for content and user

107 Gede Moenanto – Implementation of the Agenda..... interactivity. Lee, Lancendorfer, and Lee argue concluded as a social fact. The intensity with that opinions on public issues are posted on the object of study is needed to understand the Internet bulletin boards or Usenet newsgroups motive, purpose, or meaning behind an by Netizens, and their opinions then form an individual's action and thoughts. The mind and agenda where other Netizens can sense the mind of the object of study are the focus of salient issues. Scholars also state that the attention that every qualitative researcher must Internet plays a role in shaping the opinion of dissect. Denzin and Lincoln stated that Internet users and public spaces. Kim and Lee qualitative researchers use measuring tools, studied internet-mediated agenda-setting methods, and statistical documents in their patterns by conducting a case study of 10 cases research, but only to help better understand the that had a strong ripple effect in Korea for phenomenon under study, not to read over 5 years (from 2000 to 2005). Scientists phenomena from complex statistical methods found that a person's opinion can be such as paths, regression, and linear analysis disseminated through various online channels (Denzin, 2009). and can synthesize public opinion that Situations or social realities are free to influences news coverage. Their study talk about themselves and the task of the demonstrates a 'reverse agenda effect', researcher is enough to listen and describe meaning that a public agenda can set a media what happened. Ethnomethodology tries to agenda. avoid attempts to construct a reality that is Maxwell McCombs also cites reverse legitimized by the scientific method. Attempts agenda setting in his latest textbooks as to arbitrarily use the scientific method are situations where public attention sets the attempted to be countered so that others can media agenda (McCombs M. , 1993). have a say for themselves and not just resign According to Kim and Lee, agenda building themselves to foreign classifications. As a via the Internet takes the following three steps: necessity, ethnomethodological research 1) A ripple-brokered Internet agenda: requires a long time and sufficient energy to be anonymous netizen opinion spreads to able to be absorbed into the daily life of the important agendas on the Internet through object of study. The data obtained were not major online rippling channels such as blogs. , only formal, but researchers were able to personal homepages, and Internet bulletin capture nuances, context, and non-verbal boards. 2) Dissemination of the agenda on the findings. Internet: online news or websites report Interviews are used as a way of important agendas on the Internet which in obtaining data in qualitative studies. Inter- turn leads to the dissemination of the agenda to views are considered capable of extracting a more online public. 3) Internet-mediated information and opinions that can be used as reverse agenda-setting: traditional media assumptions of the truth of reality. Opinion report online agendas to the public so that they from the source is believed to be an honest spread to the offline and online public. acknowledgment of the mind which is used as However, scientists conclude that the Internet- the motive for individual social actions. mediated process of agenda-setting or agenda- However, interviewing in ethnomethodology building does not always occur in sequence. is understood in a somewhat different sense. For example, agendas by traditional media Formal interviews are important as a means of could come to the fore again through online obtaining data but cannot be used as a source. discussion or all three steps could occur Data is not only the result of the interviewee's simultaneously in a short period. (Kim, 2002) answers to the questions posed by the In conducting qualitative research it is interviewer, but the interview process itself is believed that social phenomena cannot be data that must be analyzed as well. measured by quantification. Many social Efforts to research by observation are phenomena are shrouded in hidden meanings, carried out by observing the phenomenon of implied or latent meanings, connotations, and journalists in carrying out journalistic duties to inaudible sounds. Reality like this cannot be carry out their function as a watchdog towards explained by numbers and then it can be the public, power, and the media. Some

108 Jurnal Budaya Etnika, Vol. 4 No. 2 Desember 2020 government activities, public activities, and an accident when he was leaving for the Metro the media in carrying out the functions of the TV Studio in Kedoya, West Jakarta. press also do not escape the scrutiny of the The car he was boarding was the media. Besides, research carried out using Toyota Fortuner B 1732 ZLO, which hit a documentation in the form of artifacts that are power pole in Permata Hijau, South Jakarta. stored digitally and in print is carried out to be The car driver is Hilman Mattauch, who is part of the analysis and to reveal findings known to be a journalist for Metro TV, but related to the role of the media in carrying out with his close relationship with the Speaker of the watchdog function. Triangulation through the DPR, it is known that he eventually the observation stage of journalistic activities became Chairman of the DPR's Press Room. and the birth of journalistic works by the The overlap between the journalist profession media, interviews with many sources such as and his closeness to Setya Novanto has journalists or journalistic practitioners, and resulted in him being very deeply involved. documentation in the form of digital and Even based on digital artifacts and print media, printed artifacts are the main part of the it is known that in the end Hilman Mattauch research carried out. was involved too far in trying to hide Setya Novanto, who is known as a slick politician. RESULTS AND FINDING Although in the end it was discovered that The research was carried out on events Hilman Mattauch, based on the research he involving the media such as Tomy Winata's conducted, was a figure who was not caught lawsuit against Tempo, the activities of up in the law even though it was known that journalists who were involved in trying to his involvement in the Setya Novanto case was escape Setya Novanto when he was being too far away. hunted down by the Corruption Eradication His name immediately came into the Commission, and the media agenda for efforts spotlight for driving the wretched Fortuner. to help Lutfi Alfiandi did not become victims Moreover, a few moments before the accident of violence. findings obtained through Hilman Mattauch argued that he had just had a triangulation of digital and printed artifacts, direct telecon with the Speaker of the House of observations, and interviews. Representatives on Prime Time Metro TV, but Attempts to show the abuse of power it is known that Hilman Mattauch and Setya by the press, among others, was carried out by Novanto were trying to escape the attack by by telling a story about a grim story many Corruption Eradication Commission about the independence of the press and officers. Meanwhile, Metro TV tried to explain journalists in front of practical politics and the problems that occurred. Don Bosco politicians, which involved a media person Salamun, Chief Editor of Metro TV, clarified named Hilman Mattauch. Hilman was also the existence of Hilman and Novanto. He revealed to be an important figure in the case admitted that he only found out about Hilman of Setya Novanto's disappearance when he and Novanto after the accident at Permata was being hunted down by the Corruption Hijau was widely reported. He gave a short Eradication Commission. It was revealed that answer that his party only found out later and before the Setya Novanto accident, Hilman stated that Metro TV did not tolerate and was stopped by Metro TV on 16 June 2016, he would take firm action if a violation of the was re-assigned as of 7 November 2016. Setya journalistic code of ethics and internal Novanto, who disappeared from the regulations of Metro TV was found. monitoring of the Corruption Eradication Based on the incident involving Commission, has become a public concern. journalists and these powers, it can be seen Wednesday night (16/11/2017), when the that the media is too deeply involved with the Corruption Eradication Commission sources who cannot carry out their functions investigators came to his residence at Jalan properly. As a journalist, the journalist who is Wijaya XIII, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, known to have the assignment area of Metro Setya Novanto suddenly disappeared. The next TV in West Jakarta with the status of a day, Thursday (17/11/2017), he reportedly had contributor has been part of the abuse of media

109 Gede Moenanto – Implementation of the Agenda..... authority by being involved in efforts to hide Based on a number of artefacts from fugitives from the Corruption Eradication digital media and print media, it can be seen Commission. The proximity of journalists and that in the end Tempo lost in court even sources who are too far away has resulted in though he had the power of the media to shape journalists not carrying out their function as public opinion through the media setting journalists, but becoming the collaborators of agenda, but Tempo was defeated in the court the sources and it is known that these sources process by having to pay a fine and Ahmad are involved in legal cases of corruption in e- Taufik was imprisoned. Andreas Harsono KTP activities that harm the state. stated, was it true that Tomy Winata three Meanwhile, for digital artifacts, months before the fire submitted a proposal to Andreas Harsono stated that he had an renovate the Tanah Abang Market worth Rp interesting story about the Tempo versus Tomy 53 billion, as written by Tempo? Is this the Winata dispute. Two days after the Tempo most important information in Tempo's report office was demonstrated by Tomy's entitled, There is Tomy in Tenabang. This supporters, I sat at the table with one of the information seems to indicate that the fire Tempo editors. We compare what we hear could have been started by Tomy's group. In about the incident. It's sad. Bambang this reporting, which is also an element of Harymurti, Chief Editor of Tempo, was burdens for Tempo, Tempo persisted in not insulted by the demonstrators. The head was revealing the source of the news in the punched, the stomach was punched. The incident. In this incident, it was explained that demonstrators were angry with intimidation. the power of the media through the news to The editor of Tempo said that the beatings of carry out the watchdog function was not Bambang and other Tempo journalists had to exercised in accordance with the press be countered with political movements. Not by activities that should have been carried out by force. Not even with diplomacy. the media. According to him, journalists should Meanwhile, the media setting agenda not believe in violence. Journalists should also in carrying out the role of watchdog was also not trust people who offer violence. Regarding carried out in the case of Lutfi Alfiandi, an his latest statement, there was a community STM student who was detained for carrying group that offered assistance to Tempo out a demonstration with STM students. As journalists if they needed security. According revealed in the narrative, which was presented to him, this offer is included in the category of by Mata Najwa (Shihab, 2020) it is known that violence assistance. Then, why not diplomacy? the role of the media, including a number of Don't many Indonesian media settle their other media, has also followed the case of disputes with diplomacy? The answer is that rejection of the revision of the KPK Law. this thuggery endangers not only press Among other things, the agenda was related to freedom but also the democratization process. the arrest of Lutfi Alfiandi, which was finally Diplomacy allows thuggery to come back. revealed by the media. There is an agenda for According to Ahmad Taufik's media settings in an effort to reject the revision testimony, a Tempo journalist who was at the of the KPK Law and the case of Lutfi police station with Bambang, David Tjioe also Alfiandi's arrest. lectured Bambang that as the commander, he The articles accused of Lutfi Alfiandi must be responsible for Tempo's news. Tjioe have the potential to put Lutfi in jail for 7 even threatened Bambang, he would shoot years. For Andi Oku, an advocate from LBH Bambang Harimurti dead. Meanwhile, in his Kobar who is Lutfi's legal advisor, saying that confession, David Tjioe denied this version of was unfair. Andi Oku stated that in the trial the allegations. He told Andreas Harsono that there were no facts that corroborate Lutfi to he did not beat Bambang and did not issue the throw the throws. Meanwhile, Lutfi's sentence. He said, how could he beat anyone biological mother stated that she really missed in front of the police? According to him, her child and said softly that she only wanted Bambang and Taufik were only pushed, not Lutfi to be free. Lutfi Alfiandi, the bearer of beaten. the red-and-white flag during the

110 Jurnal Budaya Etnika, Vol. 4 No. 2 Desember 2020 demonstration stated that he was forced to 2. The implementation of watchdog in law admit that he threw stones during an enforcement efforts by the Corruption examination. The victim stated that he did not Eradication Commission (KPK) was do that. Lutfi Alfiandi was then beaten and carried out against the power of the media electrocuted by the officers conducting the which involved Hilman Mattauch from investigation. So, said Lutfi Alfiandi, he Metro TV and was exposed by the media. finally admitted that he was under duress, 3. The police's arrest and torture of Lutfi under pressure in the form of beatings and Alfiandi led to the implementation of electric shocks he had experienced. Regarding agenda-setting by the media in the role of a Lutfi Alfiandi's confession, the media also watchdog which succeeded in making the conveyed a police statement. Police Chief victim who was sentenced to seven years Commissioner Yusri Yunus, Head of Public in prison get public sympathy and was Relations at Polda Metro Jaya, explained that released when the verdict was handed when the incident occurred, the police carried down by the panel of judges. out activities professionally and in accordance with the SOP or code of conduct in the police BIBLIOGRAPHY department. Adorno, T. (1976). Culture Industry According to media artifacts, the Reconsidered (Résumé über interviews conducted, complemented by Kulturindustrie). New German observations in the event the media watchdog Critique, No. 6 (Autumn, 1975), pp. function of the Lutfi Alfiandi case were not 12-19. completely successful, but they did not Balmas M., S. T. (2010). Candidate image in completely fail because even though they were election campaigns: attribute agenda charged with a sentence of seven years, in the setting, affective priming, and voting last trial, Lutfi Alfiandi, whose confession was intentions . International Journal of about torture. and the shock that he Public Opinion Research, Vol. 22 No. experienced during the police investigation 2. was eventually released from the sentence with Bartels, L. M. (1996). Politicians and the a sentence of four months in prison. Thus, Press: Who Leads, Who Follows? Lutfi Alfiandi, who sat as the defendant, was Paper presented at the APSA. San released at the last trial. However, the media Francisco: APSA. monitoring function to reject the revision of Berkowitz, D. (1992). Who Sets the Media the KPK Law was unsuccessful due to the fact Agenda? The Ability of Policymakers that the revision of the KPK Law by cutting a to Determine News Decisions. In D. number of KPK powers and the establishment Kennamer (Ed.), Public, Opinion, the of the Corruption Eradication Commission Press and Public Policy. Westport: Supervisory Board has resulted in the KPK Westport, CT: Praeger. being paralyzed and unable to carry out its Cobb, R. E. (1971). The politics of agenda- functions as previously implemented by the building: An alternative perspective for press. modern democratic theory. The Journal of Politics, 33: 892–915. CONCLUSION Cohen, B. (1963). The Press and Foreign The results of the research conducted found Policy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton some findings: University Press. 1. The implementation of the watchdog press David H. W., J. C. (2017). The Media Agenda: to reveal Tomy Winata in Tanah Abang Who (or What) Sets It? The Oxford was carried out by Tempo, although the Handbook of Political Communication. result was that Tempo suffered the Oxford: Oxford University. consequences of being defeated at the Denzin, N. L. (2009). Handbook of Qualitative court table by the lawsuit filed by Tomy Research. California: Thousand Oaks, Winata. CA: Sage Publications.

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