Int. J. Agric. Nat. Resour. 47(3):235-248. 2020 environmental and ecology

DOI 10.7764/ijanr.v47i3.2299 review Advancing food sovereignty through farmer-driven digital agroecology

Hannah Wittman, Dana James, and Zia Mehrabi University of British Columbia, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability. 2357 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


H. Wittman, D. James, and Z. Mehrabi. 2020. Advancing food sovereignty through farmer- driven digital agroecology. Int. J. Agric. Nat. Resour. 235-248. Agroecology, as a science, practice, and social movement, has been posed as a potential pathway to revitalize global food systems through a shift towards social and ecological justice. Complex and diversified agroecological systems vary widely globally and have been poorly characterized by traditional agronomic assessments that often focus narrowly on income and yield over other socioecological dimensions such as farmer and worker well-being, dietary diversity, environmental impacts and biodiversity conservation. In response, we propose an approach to the digital monitoring and assessment of agroecological practices that acknowledges and respects diverse contexts and improves power dynamics by centering the agency and biocultural knowledge of diverse farmers and communities. We describe a community-university partnership designed to develop a farmer-driven, open-access, and open-source digital tool for agroecological monitoring and certification. The farmer-scientist team aims to chart a course for researchers to investigate how trade-offs among productive, sociocultural, economic, and/or environmental indicators might be minimized to enhance overall system sustainability across diverse contexts globally while also providing tools of use to agroecological farmers and their organizations, who can then autonomously capture (some of) the benefits of the digital agricultural revolution without ceding data sovereignty.

Keywords: Agroecological transition, , data science, digitalization, participatory action research, sustainable food systems.

Introduction ditional farming communities are threatened by the encroachment of large-scale, input-intensive Decades after the Green Revolution, almost agriculture, and young people are increasingly two billion people worldwide are malnourished, leaving the sector due to the challenges of provid- and agriculture is one of the greatest drivers of ing economically viable and ecologically healthy anthropogenic and biodiversity livelihoods for their families. The concentration loss (Foley et al., 2012; EAT-Lancet, 2019). Tra- and of the global agricultural input industry and markets, along with deregulation associated with agricultural trade agreements, Received Oct 27, 2020. Accepted Dec 02, 2020. Corresponding author: [email protected] have constrained farmer decision-making, creating 236 International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources

“new ethical challenges” for farmers responsible in scope, either focusing on a narrow geographic for stewarding the globe’s agricultural landscapes region or on a small number of variables associated (Hendrickson & James, 2005). with a particular agricultural production process (Duru, Therond & Fares, 2015; Sampson, 2018). In response, farmers, agricultural social move- Research on the performance of farm-level interven- ments, consumers, researchers, and policymak- tions also tends to privilege yield and production ers are seeking agroecological alternatives metrics over other socioecological dimensions, that can improve sociocultural, economic, and such as farmer livelihoods or well-being (cf. environmental outcomes by reducing the use of Ricciardi et al., 2020). There is therefore a need synthetic inputs, rebuilding local food systems to systematically assess synergies and trade-offs based on socially mediated markets, and working across the multiple services and outcomes pro- with nature instead of attempting to overcome it vided by agricultural landscapes (c.f. D’Annolfo (Perfecto & Vandermeer, 2010). Agroecology is et al., 2017; Wittman et al., 2017; Ramankutty et defined as the application of ecological principles al., 2019). Beyond food production, these include to the design of agricultural systems in a way social, cultural, and other ecosystem services that acknowledges and respects diverse contexts that affect sustainability, well-being, and food and addresses power dynamics by centering the sovereignty (Ruiz-Almeida & Rivera-Ferre, 2019). agency and biocultural knowledge of farmers and communities. As a science, practice, and social Current platforms for assessing agricultural movement, agroecology has been put forth as performance at the global scale, such as the FAO a promising pathway for transitioning to more World Program for the Census of Agriculture, are sustainable, resilient, and just agri-food systems based on data collected sporadically over long (Altieri, 1995; Kremen et al., 2012; FAO, 2018a, time frames (e.g., once every decade) and often 2018b; HLPE, 2019). do not meaningfully involve farmers or keepers in the process (Pretty, 2018). However, several challenges persist in scaling Census survey rosters associated with the World out agroecology, not least of which is the diffi- Census of Agriculture, for example, do not include culty in documenting, evaluating, and supporting questions that could more accurately identify the the diverse range of practices that characterize diverse array of context-specific management agroecological systems. This essay explores the practices present across global agroecological potential of and challenges related to the digitali- systems (cf. FAO, 2015). In recognition of this zation of agroecological systems and provides an gap, the FAO has developed new recommendations example of a farmer-scientist partnership based for country-led agricultural and rural statistics on the principles of food sovereignty to develop development, including piloting new survey an open-access digital tool for participatory questionnaires in Africa and the Asia-Pacific agroecological certification. regions that address aspects of the Goals as well as additional questions appropriate to more diverse production systems Challenges in making agroecological (AGRIS, n.d.). The FAO has also led the develop- practices “legible” in agricultural assessment ment of a new survey tool for the assessment of frameworks agroecological performance (TAPE) in response to growing political interest in agroecology in Assessing agroecological systems at large scales relation to the SDGs (FAO, 2019). Other global is challenging. To date, most efforts to operation- platforms, such as GEOGLAM, involve a more ally monitor and evaluate the multidimensional frequent collection of remote sensing-derived data outcomes of agricultural systems have been limited on agricultural systems but are limited in system VOLUME 47 Nº3 SEPTEMBER – DECEMBER 2020 237

coverage (major crops) and often lack data on Digital agroecology: a way to bridge the data context-specific social, political, and ecological gap? processes associated with observable outcomes. Digital agriculture, a core feature of the “Fourth On the other side of the methodological spectrum, Industrial Revolution” or of Agriculture 4.0, ethnographies and case studies adopting methods involves a suite of new that are ex- from the social sciences have often been used pected to transform agriculture over the coming to study agroecology and to account for context decades, including those that create and use big specificity at the community and regional levels data; employ machine learning, deep learning, (Pimbert, 2018). Although generalized knowl- remote sensing, robotics and autonomous systems; edge claims can be made from case studies of build on expanded access to mobile devices and agroecological systems (c.f. Magliocca et al., social media; and integrate bundled services for 2018), most case studies are not designed for farmers (Trendov et al., 2019; Rotz et al., 2019). comparison or monitoring over time. To this end, One rapidly growing area of digital agriculture is researchers have developed several sophisticated the idea of “smart farms,” which seek to reduce and interdisciplinary agricultural sustainability labor constraints and make farming operations assessment tools that can be used in multiple more predictable, streamlined, safe and profit- contexts, such as the process-driven MESMIS able by collecting and analyzing large quantities Indicator-based Sustainability Assessment Frame- of data. These data can be derived from yield work (Astier et al., 2012) (which formed the basis monitors and sensors connected to seeding, fertil- of the FAO’s TAPE tool discussed above) and the izing, irrigation, harvesting equipment, milking “Response-Inducing Sustainability Evaluation” stations, livestock housing, and storage units. (RISE) framework (which is based on a standard Smart farms also access advanced weather and set of indicators) (Grenz et al., 2016). However, market information systems, which can be used the application of these frameworks can also be alongside robotics for high levels of automation time consuming and costly for both researchers in certain farm management operations. By 2025, and farmers – particularly for farmer networks farms in industrialized countries using smart farm or communities who find themselves frequently technologies are expected to produce millions of fielding research requests. Lastly, while case data points each day (Howard, 2019). studies and the indicator-based approaches de- scribed above have gleaned important insights While many digital agriculture technologies for researchers and include various degrees of have primarily been marketed to large-scale farmer participation, the final results are often and industrial farms, others have been designed not returned to farmers at all or are of limited for use by small-scale farmers (e.g., Srinivasan, direct use to farmers. 1999; Shibusawa, 2001; Van Loon et al., 2018). For example, social enterprises, such as Preci- In summary, very few of the tools described sion Agriculture for Development (PAD), have above are accessible to farmers themselves to use emerged and primarily targeted smallholders in autonomously in the documentation and assess- Africa and Asia (e.g., Mitchell, 2018). Despite ment of their own management practices. The the massive existing global “” in “digitalization” of agriculture and the approach access to digital infrastructure, a broad range of human-centered design provide a potential of community-, -, and NGO-driven pathway through which to ensure that farm-level initiatives have emerged to utilize new digital data and assessments are co-created with farmers technologies to design and deliver data-driven and that the results both originate and stay in the farming advisory services (such as digital exten- hands of the farmers themselves. sion, climate services, market information, and 238 International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources

access to finance) to small-scale farmers (Trendov void left by the gutting of public extension and et al., 2019; Mehrabi et al., 2020). agronomic advisory services across the globe. Following a global trend of the consolidation of Food sovereignty and peasant farm networks have resources and power within the global food sys- also discussed the potential benefits of engagement tem, power relations associated with the digital with digital tools in the food system: agriculture revolution have propelled further digital, economic, and agronomic divides within Proponents of digitalization emphasize the and between agri-food supply chains. supposed benefits for marginalized people and small-scale food producers: digitalized As a result, the digital, material, and political land administration will increase tenure exclusion of smallholder farmers has served to security; satellite-supported allocation of obscure the creative contributions of the globally fishing rights will ensure transparency and diverse food sovereignty movement – some 200 security for small-scale fishers; blockchains million peasant, Indigenous, and fisher families will link producers to consumers directly, – to food systems. At the same time, we know eliminating exploitation by intermediaries; that smallholders (<2 ha) produce 30–34% of the digital agriculture will reduce input costs global food supply in 24% of the gross agricultural and increase the efficiency of irrigation and area, and these farming systems demonstrate more production. E-commerce is widely touted as crop diversity and lower rates of postharvest loss the gateway for creating new markets and (Ricciardi et al., 2018). There is global consen- ways of marketing agricultural products sus, as affirmed by the UN Committee on World (Nyéléni Forum for Food Sovereignty, 2019). Food Security’s High-Level Panel of Experts, on the need for transdisciplinary collaborations These same food sovereignty advocates express to “develop practical, scientifically grounded concerns, however, that “the and and comprehensive performance metrics and infrastructure for this rosy scenario will come indicators of agriculture and food systems as a from corporations, who are in it for profits, not basis for assessment, policy implementation, and public benefit” (NFFS, 2019). Even proponents of investment decisions” (HLPE, 2019). These must the technology have pointed out the possibility of be co-created and co-designed with, for, and by “data rich, information poor” (DRIP) conundrums: farmers and land stewards.

Forthcoming protocols and algorithms will Pat Mooney, an active proponent of “wide-tech” help farmers distill big data into actionable within the food sovereignty movement, notes that events. But the technology’s current report- farmers are constantly exchanging production and ing (without agronomic interpretation) isn’t research information and using digital technology, meaningful to most growers. Data analysis combined with their own practical experience, isn’t something most have the time or train- to engage in their own forms of research and ing to navigate. An interpreter is needed to knowledge exchange. He suggests that: translate the rendered data into confident action (Howard, 2019). If lab-based scientists and field-based farmers can combine high tech with wide tech, small- These concerns are valid. Agribusiness giants holder producers may be able to take on some of have developed proprietary software capable of the new technologies with confidence, and could interpreting farm data and providing data-driven adapt some of the latest information technolo- management analytics and solutions for farmers gies to assess and access new that using their hardware and software, filling the will ensure there is good food, fairly produced, VOLUME 47 Nº3 SEPTEMBER – DECEMBER 2020 239

on the table in 2050. The real challenge will be farmer-generated data in agricultural citizen sci- to establish a respectful relationship in which ence and suggested that while the reliability of scientists do not see farmers as either cheap farmers’ experimental observations has generally labor or experimental subjects, but as the been low, aggregate validity has been achieved best judges of their own needs – and the best with higher numbers of observers through what the placed to determine their own opportunities authors deem the “Wisdom of Crowds” principle (Mooney, 2018). in agricultural research.

On the other end of the spectrum, farmer-led Citizen science: data-driven agroecology and participatory approaches to the cocreation of from the ground up research place farmers at the forefront, from the establishment of research questions to every aspect As food sovereignty scholars, we are called to of research design, data collection, analysis, and codesign, practice, and disseminate a wide range of application. For example, Bezner Kerr et al. (2019) research methods to make diverse, equitable, and describe a participatory research project applied sustainable agroecological landscapes more legible in Malawi through which 425 farm households (i.e., more easily understood across disciplinary, carried out agroecological experiments of their community, and policy spaces). One way forward own choosing over a four-year period. The project involves taking seriously the idea of citizen science resulted in significant increases in intercrop- based on the premise of epistemological pluralism: ping and legume diversification; the addition of that is, science conducted in the public interest, compost, manure and crop residue amendments; using a wide range of positionalities, approaches, and improvements in food security and dietary and methods, in collaboration with grassroots diversity, health, and well-being. social actors, and with the intention to influence policy towards supporting more sustainable food Mendez et al. (2017) synthesize several factors system processes and outcomes. Citizen science that reflect effective participatory action research is increasingly recognized as a tool capable of (PAR), or “science for the people,” related to addressing many “grand challenges” facing food agroecological processes: systems and as a potentially transformative means to reconnect farming communities with exten- (1) farmer/stakeholder participation in set- sion and outreach programs (Ryan et al., 2018). ting the research agenda from the outset, resulting in higher engagement and enhanced Citizen science can take more extractive or outcomes; emancipatory forms (Kimura & Kinchy, 2019). Both forms of research can benefit farmers, and (2) employment of the right partners for the on-farm research trials with varying degrees desired outcomes; of farmer participation in research design and implementation have been utilized by agronomic (3) intentional and explicit reflection; and and ecological researchers for decades. On one end of the spectrum, farmers and other citizen (4) cross-generational collaborations crucial volunteers are involved in the “crowdsourcing” to long-term benefits of data with focuses as diverse as bird counts, climate change impacts, crop variety performance, Pretty et al. (2020) documented the establishment crop functional traits, and pest outbreaks (cf. van of over eight million new social networks, farmer Etten et al., 2019; Isaac & Martin, 2019). Steinke, federations, and rural cooperatives focused on support- van Etten & Zelan (2017) tested the accuracy of ing transitions to equity and sustainability, covering 240 International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources

170–255 million group members working over 300 1. Who are the actors developing digital million hectares of land, 98% of which is located technologies and for what purposes? in developing countries. These food and farming systems represent extensive diversity in landscape 2. Who has access to and control over digital management, biodiversity conservation, market technologies and for what purposes? structures, and the use of agroecological practices. In addition to their role in identifying research and 3. Who owns the huge amount of data that knowledge pathways, decentralized agroecological is created everyday by all of us, and who transition networks involved in participatory action has the right to use and draw economic research are providing a way forward in connecting benefit from it? the need for better decision-making support at the local level to global conversations on evidence- 4. How should the applications and impacts based policy change towards the development of of digital technologies be monitored and sustainable food systems. assessed? How should these technologies be governed and regulated for the public good? Integrating the diverse knowledge and perspectives present in the global context is crucial to the field of 5. How should the risks deriving from agroecology, which aims to combine scientific and digital technologies be assessed, and their citizen knowledge and values in mutually beneficial application be monitored? exchanges based on reciprocity (Brem-Wilson, 2015; Mendez et al., 2015; Gliessman, 2016). Citizen 6. How can we challenge the dominant science approaches to documenting and assessing narrative that equates with agroecological transitions have been proposed as technology, to underline and promote peas- a pathway that is inclusive of digital agriculture ant and indigenous innovations, practices while recognizing the importance of farmer-driven and knowledge? participatory action research and the cocreation of knowledge that respects data sovereignty. This idea, 7. What are the relationships between peas- alongside Indigenous frameworks for data Owner- ant and indigenous innovations, practices ship, Control, Access and Possession (OCAPTM, and knowledge, and digital technologies? FNIGC 2014), can form the basis of an equitable data governance framework under which farmers 8. How can we use digital technologies to and Indigenous peoples have control over data advance food sovereignty and agroecology? , storage, ownership, and access and over With what kinds of technologies, under decision-making processes influenced by these data what conditions and how should they be (see Kukutai & Taylor, 2016). governed?(Nyéléni Forum for Food Sov- ereignty, 2019). The global food sovereignty movement has also emphasized the need to better understand the In a reflection focused on the digitalization of potential implications of digital technologies for agriculture for IAASTD+10, Hilbeck and Tiselli food security, ecological sustainability, equity, (2020) suggest that digitalization can be “compat- and governance in food systems. The Nyéléni ible with and support agroecological farming” Forum on Food Sovereignty, for example, has but only when using an “entirely different ap- posed the following questions for both social proach from the one currently applied by actors movements and researchers interested in projects in conventional agriculture.” The authors suggest related to digital agroecology, asking participants that digital agroecology must not be a one-size- to consider: fits-all tool but rather enable the integration of VOLUME 47 Nº3 SEPTEMBER – DECEMBER 2020 241

diversity and context sensitivity, adaptability, sectors (Seufert, Ramankutty & Mayerhofer, 2017). and interoperability. Instead of using As organic food production has expanded and entered global trade networks, the model increasingly relies algorithms [to] mine and process large on third-party certification. The transaction costs and quantities of data related to and extracted detailed record keeping associated with third-party from farming operations, to finally deliver certification have highlighted the inaccessibility of statistical indicators which may or may third-party certification to many global small-scale not agree with a farmer’s knowledge or farmers (Nelson et al., 2009). There has also been experience and offer single (input) recipe critique of organic agriculture as having devolved solutions… [digital agroecological tools into an input-substitution model of agriculture must] harmonize bottom-up (farmers to removed from its roots. experts), top-down (experts to farmers) and horizontal (peer to peer) modes of commu- In response, participatory and farmer-to-farmer nication, co-production, and dissemination certification systems have reemerged as a movement of knowledge… [where] farmers are fully “beyond organic” that attends more closely to the recognized as originators and co-creators root values of agroecology. Participatory guarantee of knowledge (Hilbeck and Tiselli, 2020). systems (PGSs), as codified by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements As such, digitalization must respect the social and (IFOAM) in 2008, are “locally focused quality cultural processes associated with agriculture rather assurance systems. They certify producers based than assuming that all farm work is characterized on active participation of stakeholders and are by “drudgery and hardship.” Digitalization must built on a foundation of trust, social networks and also acknowledge and appreciate all dimensions knowledge exchange.” PGSs can be recognized by and outcomes, including the delights, well-being but require local food consumers and and power that working in food systems can growers to agree on the “conditions of their local provide to participants. This entails ensuring that food systems and the ways these are verified… farmers are at the forefront of designing digital including the choice and definition of the standards, tools that work for them and that respect local the development and implementation of verification cultural contexts and conditions. In the following procedures, and the review and decision process sections, we discuss one such experiment. to recognize farmers as organic” (IFOAM, 2018).

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the PGS move- Digital Agroecological Certification: a ment began to gain global recognition, particularly pathway to scaling agroecology? in Latin America, with the first international workshop on PGSs organized in Brazil by the Beginning in the 1970s, the certification of International Federation of Organic Agriculture “sustainable” agricultural practices – variously Movements (IFOAM) and Latin American and known as “natural,” “organic,” “,” etc. Caribbean Agroecological Movement. In 2019, – emerged from local and grassroots networks, the IFOAM estimated that there are now more with standards developed and monitored by farm- than 220 PGS initiatives in 76 countries, involving ers themselves through grounded forms of peer 567,142 farmers (IFOAM, 2019). These initiatives review combined with education and extension apply a number of core principles that align with work related to sustainable agriculture. food sovereignty and agroecology movements: trust, transparency, participation, and learning. Globally, organic certification has risen exponentially, Participatory guarantee systems also often involve comprising one of the world’s fastest-growing food food consumers both in the certification process 242 International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources

and in building market networks in urban centers, participants in several workshops commented helping to bridge the rural-urban divide and en- that the agroecological certification process did gage urban citizens more effectively in the food not fully monitor the wide range of values that sovereignty movement (Bowness & Wittman, were important to the organizations involved, 2020). Finally, as the IFOAM itself points out, including gender equity and the preservation of unlike global third-party organic certification, biocultural heritage. which seeks to uphold a limited set of globally applicable standards, a PGS is not a “one-size- Our research team was subsequently invited fits all” approach to agriculture. Instead, a PGS to meet with a mutual support network of PGS is inclusive of diverse processes and indicators organizations working across several regions in that are appropriate based on the sociocultural, Latin America. These included, in addition to economic, and ecological context (IFOAM, 2019). CEPAGRO and Centro Vianei, Tijtoca Nemiliztli (Mexico), the Movement for Social and Solidarity Economy (Ecuador), the Association for Organic Supporting agroecological transitions Producers (Paraguay), the Centre for Alternative through participatory action research and Popular Technologies (Brazil), the Foundation for Socioeconomic Development and Environmental Beginning in 2015, researchers from the Uni- Restoration (El Salvador), and Mecenas de Vida versity of British Columbia and the University (Brazil). An issue raised repeatedly by members of Michigan were invited to work with Brazilian of the PGS network (and by organic farmers) is the nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) Centro considerable variation found across certification de Estudos e Promoção da Agricultura de Grupo frameworks and the difficulties that both farmers (CEPAGRO) and Centro Vianei, community orga- and their organizations have faced in developing nizations working in southern Brazil to advance processes for storing and analyzing production the movement and practice of agroecology. The and sales records. organizations sought support for the development of a socioecological evaluation framework to as- In building on prior results from our case studies sess the efficacy of food system interventions that and on qualitative fieldwork with these farming they were implementing at the time – including organizations, from 2018–2020, we codefined participatory agroecological certification and a shared research challenge: the need for new, farm-to-institution public procurement programs accessible, cost-effective and farmer-driven – in enabling progress towards food sovereignty methodologies that can effectively measure the (Guerra et al., 2017; Wittman & Blesh, 2017). multidimensional outcomes of agroecological management across a range of farm sizes and A key finding of this project was that knowl- production systems. edge mobilized through farmer-to-farmer peer networking was instrumental in shifting pro- The PGS network discussed whether LiteFarm, duction models towards agroecology and that a platform developed by Dr. Zia Mehrabi while agroecological certification provided both an working at the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems opportunity and mechanism for farmers to assess (CSFS) at the University of British Columbia (UBC) their economic and agroecological performance Farm from 2017–2019, through a farmer-centered each year. However, working primarily with pen participatory design process with Canadian organic and paper forms, the farmers found the process and diversified farmers, researchers and technology of certification cumbersome and labor intensive, experts, could be used to help address the chal- not only for farm households but also for their lenges faced by the PGS network – specifically, network coordinators. Data analysis lagged, and to facilitate farmer-centered and easily accessible VOLUME 47 Nº3 SEPTEMBER – DECEMBER 2020 243

methods for agroecological certification and com- that agroecological farmers and their organiza- munication. Briefly, LiteFarm is a community-led, tions want to use to manage their operations. By not-for-profit, digital platform joining farmers and building software focused on and adaptable to scientists together for the participatory assessment different organizational needs, we intend to help of social, environmental and economic outputs of these agroecological farmers capture (some of) farming systems ( the benefits of the digital agricultural revolution The platform interfaces with land stewards through – without ceding data sovereignty. a web application that allows for the consistent documentation of farming metrics, including man- In 2020, our team began the process of widely agement practices; inputs such as seeds, fertilizer, testing LiteFarm in half a dozen countries across and water; field activities; harvests and yields; and North and South America. By supporting farm- financial information such as expenses and sales. ers in using the application in different locales, The app currently generates insights, in real time, we aim to answer calls for digital agricultural for farmers based on the collected data, including solutions to assist underserved farmers with their data on worker satisfaction and labor quality, profits own day-day documentation and data-driven and costs of production, the number of people fed farming challenges while assessing sustainability (across nutritional dimensions), fertilizer and water outcomes associated with regional variations use efficiency, soil health, market prices (relative to in particular management practices, providing other local farmers in the network), and biodiversity an innovative methodological mechanism for conservation ( tracking agroecological management outcomes across political, social, and ecological gradients. As part of the process of co-development with the At the same time, the project supports farmer and PGS networks, we hosted several workshops and practitioner decision-making at the farm and or- visited farms in the network to demonstrate, train, ganizational scales. Collectively, we aim to create pilot, gather feedback, and refine the application software that is of direct use to farmers, provide with the ultimate goal of helping farmers within evidence of the value of agroecology, and support our partner organizations make more informed the development of better policies to address the decisions about farm management while also many challenges facing our global food system. developing broader-scale evidence on the perfor- mance of agroecological production systems. By integrating the wide range of social and ecological Ethical dimensions and data sovereignty variables involved in agroecological management and grounding both research design and analysis in In contrast to traditional (and often extractive) the experiences of farmers from multiple countries social science and agronomic survey work that across Latin America while improving capacity requires lengthy and costly periods of field data and digital literacy across demographic dimensions collection and analysis and through which data and for underserved populations, we hope to be are not always effectively returned to their own- better positioned to assess the potential contribu- ers (e.g., the farmers themselves), our project tions of agroecology to global food security and (through the LiteFarm platform) enables data agricultural sustainability and to identify barriers to and multiple insights to be made immediately and pathways for transition. Our transdisciplinary and freely available to farmers. The project also research team aims to chart a course for researchers provides the data in suitably anonymized form to investigate how trade-offs among productive, with farmers’ explicit consent (which can be sociocultural, economic, and/or environmental withdrawn electronically at any time) to their indicators might be minimized to enhance overall participatory certification network coordinators, system sustainability while also providing tools who can then develop their own regionally specific 244 International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources

analyses. In addition, because the platform stores agroecology can significantly shift power dynamics data entered over time, data collection for agro- within the food system. However, we suggest that ecological monitoring will be ongoing via farmer this project, which may be the world’s first "grand training and peer-to-peer support from the PGS experiment" in digital agroecology across a broad network, enabling community building for scaling range of geographies, will provide early insights out agroecological transitions supported through into whether and to what extent an open-source shared data analysis and the exchange of best and open-access model for digital agroecology practices for social and ecological sustainability. can create new pathways through which farmer organizations can design and adapt locally rel- Farmers within the PGS network – and among evant solutions to challenges facing their own grassroots food sovereignty movements more food systems while building on culturally specific broadly – have expressed concern over their data indicators and certification frameworks. The col- sovereignty, particularly around the capture of laboration outlined here provides an opportunity their data by external organizations (including to follow these questions while adapting digital multinational agribusiness enterprises) to be used technology in real time to encompass and respect for commercial purposes. As the project proceeds, the core elements and praxis of agroecology: equity we are developing new protocols to ensure data and justice, transparency, participation, and the sovereignty (i.e., farmer ownership, access, and co-construction of knowledge. control) and security in addition to those already in place. We are also continuing to work within a user- center design framework that builds on experiential Acknowledgement and biocultural knowledge rather than replacing it. This manuscript summarizes the authors’ intended Consistent with LiteFarm’s privacy and confiden- contribution at the Workshop on Challenges for tiality policy (UBC Behavioral Ethics Review Agroecology Development for the Building of Board Certificate # H17-03121), the project partners Sustainable Agri-Food Systems (CRP), which was have also agreed to make anonymized data from due to take place at the Faculty of Agricultural Sci- LiteFarm available for noncommercial academic ences, University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, on research on sustainable food systems (farmers 11-13 November 2019, and which was sponsored must opt in and can opt out at any time). Copies by the OECD Co-operative Research Programme: of nonpublic releases of anonymized data can be Biological Resource Management for Sustainable shared with academic researchers for noncom- Agricultural Systems. Although due to the circum- mercial research purposes under time-limited stances the workshop did not take place as a physical and confidential single-use licenses. The team meeting, contributions intended to be supported by will rigorously evaluate every project proposal the OECD CRP are published in this Thematic Issue. prepared to ensure that data are used effectively to advance knowledge on sustainable food systems, support farmers in making sustainable manage- Disclaimer ment decisions, impact public policy to benefit farmers and workers, and advance agroecology. The opinions expressed and arguments employed in this manuscript are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Conclusion OECD or of the governments of its Member countries.

In conclusion, it remains to be seen whether a bottom-up digital agriculture solution for scaling VOLUME 47 Nº3 SEPTEMBER – DECEMBER 2020 245


H. Wittman, D. James, y Z. Mehrabi. 2020. Fomento de la soberanía alimentaria a través de la agroecología digital. J. Agric. Nat. Resour. 235-248. La agroecología, como ciencia, práctica y movimiento social, se ha planteado como una vía para revitalizar los sistemas alimentarios mundiales a través de una transición hacia la justicia social y ecológica. Los sistemas agroecológicos y diversificados varían ampliamente a nivel mundial, el cual dificulta su caracterización a través de evaluaciones agronómicas tradicionales que se enfocan en los ingresos y el rendimiento, invisibilizando otras dimensiones socioecológicas, como el bienestar de los agricultores y trabajadores, la diversidad alimentaria, los impactos ambientales y la conservación de la biodiversidad. En respuesta, proponemos un camino para el monitoreo y evaluación digital de prácticas agroecológicas que visibiliza y respeta contextos diversos y mejora las dinámicas de poder al centrarse en la agencia y el conocimiento biocultural de diversos agricultores y comunidades. Describimos una colaboración entre la universidad y un red de agroecológica en Latino América trabajando con sistemas participativas de garantía, con el objetivo de desarrollar una herramienta digital de código abierto, de acceso abierto y definido por agricultores para el monitoreo y la certificación agroecológica. El equipo de investigación, compuesto de agricultores y científicos, tiene como objetivo trazar un curso para que los investigadores investiguen cómo se pueden minimizar las compensaciones entre los indicadores productivos, socioculturales, económicos y/o ambientales para mejorar la sostenibilidad general del sistema en diversos contextos a nivel mundial y, al mismo tiempo, proporcionar herramientas de uso para agricultores agroecológicos y sus organizaciones, que luego pueden capturar de manera autónoma (algunos de) los beneficios de la revolución agrícola digital sin ceder la soberanía.

Palabras clave: Ciencia ciudadana, ciencia de datos, digitalización, investigación acción participativa, sistemas alimentarios sostenibles, transición agroecológica.

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