City of Stoke-On-Trent Local Development Framework
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CITY OF STOKE-ON-TRENT LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Statement of Community Invo vement (SOT/LDD/2) Pre-Submission Consultation Statement (Regulation 28 Statement) September 2006 Contents SECTION Page 1. Intro.uction 1 2. Issues Paper Consu tation (Regu ation 20) 1 1. Pre-submission Consu tation (Regu ation 26) 2 2. Pre-submission Representations Receive. 1 (Regu ation 23) 0. 4ow these representations have been 2 a..resse. an. ta7en into account (Regu ation 28) APPENDICES A. Issues Paper (March 2005) 101 9. Issues Paper Comments Receive 101 C. Notice of Pre-Submission Participation (Statement 108 of Proposal Document) (Regulation 26) D. A vertisement (Regulation 26) 109 E. Pre-Submission Consultation Letter ' Statutory 110 Consultees F. Stoke-on-Trent City Council LDF List of Consultees 112 (Regulation 25) G. Pre-Submission Consultation Letter ' Non- 121 Statutory Consultees 4. ,uestionnaire (Regulation 26) 120 I. List of -roups.Organisations 0ho Commente 129 J. A itional groups an .or organisations i entifie for 111 inclusion on the consultee atabase Section 1 Intro.uction 1.1 This statement sets out etails of all of the participation e3ercises the City Council has un ertaken for preparation of the Submission Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). 1.2 The statement inclu es a summary of representations receive or 4uestionnaires complete 5 a list of the groups an in ivi uals who respon e as well as those a itional groups suggeste for inclusion on the Stoke-on-Trent Local Development Framework (LDF) consultee atabase. 1.3 The purpose of this statement is to clearly set out how the SCI has met an e3cee e the minimum consultation re4uirements for government regulations. Section 2 Issues Paper Consu tation (Regu ation 25) 2.1 Preparation of the Sto)e-on-Trent Draft Statement of Community Involvement commence in March 2005 through the pro uction of an Issues Paper. In accor ance with Regulation 25 of The Town an Country Planning (Local Development) (Englan ) Regulations 2004 copies of the Issues Paper were sent to each of the consultees i entifie on the Stoke-on-Trent Local Development Framework atabase. This list of consultees inclu e specific an general consultation bo ies as well as in ivi uals an interest groups i entifie from previous consultation e3ercises. Over 630 letters an leaflets were initially sent to groups an in ivi uals. 2.2 The Issues Paper (copy shown at Appen.ix A) was also publicise on the City Councils’ e icate LDF website ' f, an was available at the City Council offices at the Civic Centre an copies were available at all libraries an local centres. 2.3 The suggeste vision of the Draft Statement of Community Involvement was: ‘To make sure that everyone who wishes to become involved in the planning process has adequate opportunity to do so’ 2.4 Key issues an 4uestions aske within the Issues Paper inclu e : • whether this was the right starting point for the vision5 • whether the state consultation metho s were consi ere effective5 • whether they consi ere other consultation metho s woul be more effective5 an • whether there were any particular groups of people who may fin it har to make their views known. Sto)e-on-Trent City Council (SOT.LDD2) 1 Pre-submission Consultation Statement 2.5 As well as wi ely istributing the Issues Paper a series of workshops were hel on 5th, 6th an 8th April 2005. These were hel for various consultee groups ' Councillors, Community an Voluntary -roups an Businesses .Developers . Lan owners. 2.6 All of the participation e3ercises carrie out as part of Local Development Framework preparation are in general conformity with the Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Department of Regeneration an Heritage Communication Strategy an Action Plan. This communication strategy provi es a framework for communication for the epartment. It links irectly to the City Council:s corporate strategy covering both internal an e3ternal communication an is base on Alistening to an talking with: all our stakehol ers. The strategy sets out who we communicate with5 how we communicate an how to ensure an evelop stan ar s for each of the communication metho s. The strategy will be reviewe an evaluate annually. 2.7 A summary of the comments receive at this early Issues stage is provi e at Appen.ix 9. The )ey issues raise through the consultation were taken into consi eration in the preparation of the Draft Statement of Community Involvement in Autumn 2005. Section 1 Pre-submission Consu tation (Regu ation 26) 3.1 The City Council carrie out public participation on the Draft Statement of Community Involvement from Fri ay 28 April 2006 to Fri ay C June 2006. To comply with the minimum consultation arrangements as set out in Regulation 26 an to e3cee them where possible, the council un ertook the following consultation metho s: a) The Draft Statement of Community Involvement ocument plus a copy of the Notice of Pre-Submission Participation (Statement of Proposals Matters) Appen.ix C was available at the council:s main offices (Civic Centre, Floor 3 Reception, -lebe Street, Sto)e-on-Trent) as well as at all public libraries an local centres: Libraries: Loca Centres: • Bentilee Library • Abbey Hulton Local Centre • Burslem Library • Bentilee Local Centre • City Central Library, • Blurton Local Centre Hanley • Burslem Local Centre • Fenton Library • Chell Heath Local Centre • Haywoo Library • Fenton an Sto)e Local • Longton Library Centre • Meir Library • Hanley Local Centre • Mobile Libraries • Longton Local Centre • Sto)e Library • Meir Local Centre • Trentham Library • Norton Local Centre • Tunstall Library • Tunstall Local Centre Sto)e-on-Trent City Council (SOT.LDD2) 2 Pre-submission Consultation Statement b) The Draft Statement of Community Involvement an a copy of the Notice of Pre- Submission Participation (Statement of Proposals Matters) was available on the City Council:s e icate Local Development Framework website ' f. The notice inclu e an e3planation of where an when paper copies of the ocument were available for inspection. c) A vertisements were place in AThe Sentinel: newspaper on Thursday 20th April 2006 an Thursday 27th April 2006, this incorporate a summary of what the Statement of Community Involvement is all about an where an when electronic . paper copies of the ocument were available for inspection. (Appen.ix D) ) Copies of the Draft Statement of Community Involvement an accompanying letter Appen.ix E, were sent to the specific, general an Aother: consultation bo ies an government epartments. The letter incorporate a summary of what the Statement of Community Involvement is all about an how they coul get involve in the participation process. Appen.ix F sets out all the consultees on the Local Development Framework atabase at that time. All the non-statutory consultees, the evelopers/agents, were sent a letter inclu ing a summary of what the Statement of Community Involvement is all about an where an when electronic . paper copies of the ocument were available for inspection Appen.ix G. e) All consultation copies of the raft SCI were accompanie by a representation form Appen.ix 4. This was evise in the form of a 4uestionnaire, asking respon ents a series of etaile 4uestions on the content of the Draft Statement of Community Involvement an giving an opportunity to comment on how it coul be improve an whether they consi ere there were any other groups or organisations who shoul be involve . f) The council un ertook an e-mail shot to inform all consultees who ha recor e their e-mail a ress as a contact metho . This e-mail shot supplemente the letter an notice of pre-submission consultation. It is anticipate that if this metho of consultation becomes more popular this coul become one of the primary metho s of consultation. g) Officers from the Development Plan Team also un erta)e regular presentation meetings with the local Chamber of Commerce an In ustry an are committe to un ertaking one-to-one meetings with appropriate organisations in connection with the Local Development Framework, subEect to resource constraints. Section 2 Pre-submission Representations Received (Regu ation 27) 4.1 During the consultation perio the City Council receive 120 representations either through 4uestionnaire responses or in ivi ual letters/e-mails. A list of the in ivi uals, groups an organisations who commente is i entifie at Appen.ix I. 4.2 Copies of all the comments receive are available for inspection at the Civic Offices. Section 5 of this statement sets out a summary of the responses Sto)e-on-Trent City Council (SOT.LDD2) 3 Pre-submission Consultation Statement receive an how these representations have been taken into account. Appen.ix J specifically i entifies a list of a itional groups an .or organisations i entifie through the participation process for inclusion on the consultee atabase. Section 0 4ow these representations have been ad.ressed an. taken into account (Regu ation 28) 0.1 Genera Ana ysis of Responses to Questionnaires The stan ar 4uestionnaire accompanying the Draft Statement of Community Involvement aske the following 4uestions: Table 1 ,uestion 1 Is the Draft Statement of Community Involvement easy to rea an un erstan F ,uestion 2 Is it clear from the ocument who will be consulte in the preparation of the Local Development Framewor)F ,uestion 3 Is it clear from the Draft Statement of Community Involvement who will be consulte on planning applications? ,uestion 4 Are the metho s of consultation an community involvement suitable an appropriateF ,uestion 5 Is it clear from the Draft Statement of Community Involvement how the results of community involvement will shape the Local Development Framewor)F ,uestion 6 Is it clear from the ocument how comments receive on planning applications will be taken into accountF Forty-two 4uestionnaires were returne allowing a total of 252 yes or no answers.