Statement of votes 10/23/06 9:33 AM Page 2

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report

902-424-8584 1-800-565-1504 Toll-free January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 902-424-7475 TTY for the hearing impaired

Published June 2010 by the designated person (Chief Electoral Officer) pursuant to the Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report

January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

Published June 2010 by the designated person (Chief Electoral Officer) pursuant to the Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report

January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

This report is prepared pursuant to the Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act, S.N.S. 1991, c.4 as amended and the Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations made pursuant to that Act. This report is also available on the Elections website or by contacting Elections Nova Scotia.

Elections Nova Scotia 7037 Mumford Road, Suite 6 PO Box 2246 Halifax, NS B3J 3C8 Phone: 902.424.8584 TTY: 902.424.7475 Toll Free: 1.800.565.1504 Fax: 902.424.6622 Email: [email protected]

Refer to the Office of the Legislative Counsel website at for electronic versions of the Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act and amendments to that Act which are contained in S.N.S. 2006,c.34; 2007,c.1; 2007,c.9 and 2009, c.19.

Refer to the Registry of Regulations on the Department of Justice website at for an electronic version of the Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations, N.S. Reg. 369/2008.

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009



1. Message from the Designated Person ...... 1

2. Elections Nova Scotia Review Process...... 3

3. Recognized Parties ...... 7

Recognized Party Disclosure Statements:

3.1 Green Party of Nova Scotia ...... 9

3.2 Nova Scotia Liberal Party ...... 13

3.3 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party...... 31

3.4 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia ...... 85

4. Recognized Parties Statement for Which Official Tax Receipts Issued ...... 127

5. Electoral District Associations ...... 137

Electoral District Association Disclosure Statements:

5.1 Green Party of Nova Scotia ...... 139

5.2 Nova Scotia Liberal Party ...... 143

5.3 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party...... 159

5.4 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia ...... 173

6. Candidates...... 189

Candidate Disclosure Statements:

6.1 June 9, 2009 Provincial General Election ...... 191

6.2 October 20, 2009 Antigonish By-election...... 445

6.3 October 20, 2009 Inverness By-election ...... 455

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009


Table 6-1: Candidate Loans, June 9, 2009 Provincial General Election...... 463

Table 6-2: Candidate Loans, October 20, 2009 Antigonish and Inverness By-elections ..... 467


Appendix A: Legislative References

Appendix B: Annual Reporting Requirements and Filing Dates of Recognized Parties

Appendix C: Electoral District Association Report Filing Dates

Appendix D: Candidate Disclosure Statement Filing Dates Table D-1: Candidate Disclosure Statement Filing Dates, June 9, 2009 Provincial General Election Table D-2: Candidate Disclosure Statement Filing Dates, October 20, 2009 Antigonish By-election Table D-3: Candidate Disclosure Statement Filing Dates, October 20, 2009 Inverness By-election

Appendix E: Elections Nova Scotia Circular 09-01, Candidate Loans

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

1. Message from the Designated Person

June 30, 2010

Section 20A of the Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act (MPEDA) requires publication of annual disclosure statements of political contributions filed with the designated person under Part II of MPEDA. This third year of reporting under Nova Scotia’s new political contributions regime enacted in 2007 addresses reported political contributions to recognized parties, electoral district associations and candidates made during the 2009 calendar year. This is also the first time that a general election (June 9, 2009) as well as two by-elections (October 20, 2009) have occurred during a reporting year giving rise to the requirement that candidates in those elections report political contributions and candidate campaign loans during the elections. These factors add a level of complexity to the management, disclosure, review and reporting under the political contributions regime.

This annual report also reflects the level of compliance (timeliness of filings and quality of reports filed) with MPEDA and its regulations by recognized parties, electoral district associations and candidates for the reporting year. Complete and timely disclosure and reporting as prescribed by MPEDA and the Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations are intended to provide transparency respecting the financial activities of recognized parties, electoral district associations and candidates. Timeliness of filing in a number of cases continues to be problematic; quality of reports filed is improving but considerable interaction between those reporting and Elections Nova Scotia is required to address quality issues in the reports. Elections Nova Scotia does not have the comprehensive mandate or the resources to undertake a detailed review of all the reports required to be filed.

This annual report highlights the support provided by Elections Nova Scotia to official agents of candidates and recognized parties and the financial support available to electoral district associations to assist them in record keeping and in meeting their reporting obligations. The report reproduces the disclosure statements as originally filed (or as originally filed and subsequently amended) by the official agents of recognized parties, electoral district associations and candidates and identifies areas where the regime continues to present significant challenges.

There are no prescribed standards for the quality of the information disclosed and, aside from the deregistration process applicable to recognized parties and electoral district associations under the Elections Act, there are no direct consequences under MPEDA for failure to fully comply within the time limits prescribed for filing reports. The fragmentation and gaps in the electoral finance legislation are a matter of consideration in the legislative review currently being conducted by Elections Nova Scotia as mandated by Resolution No. 645, passed by the House of Assembly in the fall of 2009.

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

Amendments to MPEDA (S.N.S. 2009, c.19) prohibiting political contributions except by individuals resident in Nova Scotia (which received Royal Assent on November 5, 2009) do not come into effect until January 1, 2010 and thus had no impact on reporting for the 2009 calendar year.

Christine McCulloch, Q.C. Chief Electoral Officer and Designated Person under the Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

2. Elections Nova Scotia Review Process

2.1 Political Contributions Rules

The Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act (MPEDA), the Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations, the Elections Act and the Income Tax Act and the Deduction Regulations made under the Income Tax Act establish the rules under which a recognized party, electoral district association and a candidate can accept political contributions, make or give loans and issue tax receipts. The legislation also mandates reporting forms (Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations) or provides the Chief Electoral Officer with the authority to prescribe forms (Elections Act). The legislation also establishes reporting deadlines for filing reports.

The March 2, 2007 amendments to MPEDA established contribution limits for the first time in Nova Scotia. An eligible contributor may contribute a maximum of $5,000 in each calendar year to each recognized party including affiliated electoral district associations and candidates. Since contributions are cumulative (all contributions from a single contributor must be added together) it is imperative that an official agent record the names and addresses of a contributor even if the contribution is under the $50 disclosure threshold. Only by recording all contributions and adding the contributions together can an official agent ensure compliance with the $50 disclosure threshold.

The March 2, 2007 amendments to MPEDA also placed restrictions on contributor eligibility for the first time in Nova Scotia. Only individuals ordinarily resident in Nova Scotia are eligible to contribute. A corporation may contribute provided the corporation is incorporated by or pursuant to an act of the Legislature or a corporation registered under the Corporations Registration Act or a corporation doing business in the Province and exempt from registration. A partnership registered under the Partnerships and Business Names Registration Act or a partnership doing business in the Province and exempt from registration may also contribute. A certified bargaining agent or a labour organization representing workers in the Province may also make political contributions. A public body within the meaning of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or a government business enterprise or governmental unit within the meaning of Part IX of the Provincial Finance Act is prohibited from making a political contribution1.

2.2 Contribution Limit Review

Under subsection 14B(2) of MPEDA the contribution limit of $5,000 applies to all contributions made to a recognized party, its electoral district associations and its candidates in a calendar year. Compliance with the contribution limit can be problematic for a recognized party, electoral district association or candidate endorsed by that party since each associated entity can accept contributions independently and none appear to track contributions cumulatively in real time. Elections Nova Scotia conducted a review of the contribution limit.

1 As of January 1, 2010 only individuals resident in Nova Scotia may make political contributions (S.N.S., 2009, C. 19)

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

The review consolidated all political contributions disclosure statements for each recognized party, its electoral district associations and its candidates in the June 9, 2009 Provincial General Election and the October 20, 2009 Antigonish and Inverness By-elections on a contributor basis. There were no instances identified where a contributor exceeded their $5,000 contribution limit.

2.2 Contributor Eligibility Review

2.2.1 Recognized Parties

Elections Nova Scotia reviewed contributor eligibility respecting political contributions disclosure statements filed by each recognized party. Eligible contributors during the 2009 reporting year were individuals resident in Nova Scotia and organizations (corporations, partnerships and trade unions). All corporate contributors were verified against the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies database. The review also included reference to other legislation affecting eligibility of certain entities to make political contributions such as cooperatives and government agencies. Where a contributor could not be verified or the eligibility to make a contribution was not clear, the official agent of the recognized party was asked to confirm the contributor’s status and/or eligibility to make a political contribution under MPEDA. The official agents of recognized parties addressed all queries made by Elections Nova Scotia and filed amended disclosure statements where appropriate. The review did not result in the return of any political contributions. There were however contributions received in 2009 and returned in 2010 prior to the filing of disclosure statements.

2.2.2 Electoral District Associations

Elections Nova Scotia reviewed contributor eligibility respecting political contributions disclosure statements filed by each electoral district association. All corporate contributors were verified against the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies database. The review also included reference to other legislation affecting eligibility of certain entities to make political contributions such as cooperatives and government agencies. Where a contributor could not be verified or the eligibility to make a contribution was not clear the official agent of the electoral district association or the official agent of the recognized party that endorsed the electoral district association was asked to confirm the contributor’s eligibility to make a political contribution under MPEDA. Either the official agent of the electoral district association or the official agent of the recognized party that endorsed the electoral district association addressed all queries made by Elections Nova Scotia. Amended disclosure statements were filed where appropriate. In three cases the official agent returned the contribution to the contributor. The published disclosure statement filed by the official agent has been footnoted with the action taken by the official agent.

2.2.3 Candidates

Elections Nova Scotia reviewed contributor eligibility respecting political contributions disclosure statements filed by the official agent of each candidate for the June 9, 2009

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

Provincial General Election and the October 20, 2009 Antigonish and Inverness By-elections. A total of 212 candidates ran in the June 9, 2009 Provincial General Election and 211 of those candidates filed political contributions disclosure statements. In the Antigonish By- election a total of four candidates ran, all of whom filed a disclosure statement. In the

Inverness By-election a total of four candidates ran, all of whom filed a disclosure statement.

Elections Nova Scotia reviewed the names of corporate contributors provided in candidate disclosure statements. In a number of cases those names did not match the legal name of the corporate entity contained in the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies database. The most common error identified in the disclosure of corporate contributors was the absence of the word “Limited” or “Incorporated”. Due to the number of official agents, the volume of corporate contributors, the technical nature of the errors and resource limitations, Elections Nova Scotia did not undertake the task of contacting official agents and requesting that they file amended disclosure statements. All disclosure statements published are “as filed” by the official agent.

However, in the course of the review Elections Nova Scotia did identify 12 instances of contributions that appeared to have been accepted by the official agent in contravention of the contribution eligibility criteria under MPEDA. These included contributions from individuals with out-of-province addresses, contributions from co-operatives that are prohibited from making political contributions under the Co-operative Associations Act, and other contributors, typically unincorporated groups of people, who did not appear eligible to contribute under Section 8 of MPEDA. Elections Nova Scotia contacted ten official agents all of whom addressed the queries made by Elections Nova Scotia by filing amended disclosure statements where appropriate or indicating they had or were in the process of returning contributions from individuals or entities who are prohibited from making political contributions. In the case of returned contributions the published disclosure statement filed by the official agent has been footnoted with the action taken by the official agent.

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

3. Recognized Parties

Annually, by April 30th, the official agent of a recognized party is required to file a disclosure statement detailing political contributions received by the official agent during the previous calendar year. This statement discloses the name and full residential or business address of each contributor whose contributions received by the official agent during the calendar year exceeded $50 and the total amount of contributions by that contributor. Filing is with the designated person (Chief Electoral Officer) under Section 14 of the Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act (MPEDA) and in accordance with the Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations made under MPEDA.

For the 2009 reporting period, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009, there were four recognized parties in Nova Scotia1, namely, the Green Party of Nova Scotia (GPNS), the Nova Scotia Liberal Party (NSLP), the Nova Scotia New Democratic Party (NDP) and The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia (PC). All four recognized parties filed their statutory reports, however all reports were not filed on or before the prescribed deadline. The legislative references that establish each filing requirement are set out in Appendix A. The specific filing responsibilities of recognized parties and the date on which each report was filed are set out in Appendix B.

Recognized parties are also required to file a summary of tax receipts, Form 605, Recognized Party’s Annual Statement of Contributions for Which Official Tax Receipts Issued. It is worthy of note that the total amount for which tax receipts are issued does not correspond exactly with the total disclosed contributions reflected in this publication. This is for three reasons. Firstly, only certain contributions qualify the contributor for a tax receipt. Secondly, a tax receipt may or may not be issued for a qualifying contribution. Lastly, disclosure is only required if the contributions by any single contributor exceed $50 in a calendar year.

1 The Atlantica Party Association of Nova Scotia was registered on March 8, 2010. Its first reporting year respecting political contributions is 2010

3.1 Green Party of Nova Scotia Disclosure Statement

January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Green Party of Nova Scotia

Official Agent: Robert Pierce, 206-5885 Cunard St., Halifax, NS B3K 1E6 Auditor: Richard R. Stevens, 75 King St., Dartmouth, NS B2Y 2R7 Date Filed: June 7, 2010 Contributions: $3,790.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Alders Chris 2383 English Mtn. Rd. Coldbrook NS B4R 1B4 140.00 Apostle Richard 2567 MacDonald St. Halifax NS B3L 3G3 100.00 Blackburn English Law (Enfield) Limited 287 Hwy # 2 Enfield NS B2T 1C9 100.00 Dumaresq Sandra PO Box 577 Chester NS B0J 1J0 200.00 Emera Energy Incorportated PO Box 910 Halifax NS B3J 2W5 1,500.00 Lugar Donna 27 Perth St. Bedford NS B4A 2H1 100.00 Maden Gwen 2504 Windsor St. Halifax NS B3K 5CL 100.00 Martin Ralph 11-22A Duke St. Truro NS B2N 2A1 300.00 McFadden Michael 218 Donesal Dr. Dartmouth NS B2V 1P3 200.00 Mills Ronald 3875 Black Rock Rd. Waterville NS B0P 1V0 500.00 O'Regan's Motors Limited 60 Baker Dr., Unit A Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 Woodman Faye 2567 MacDonald St. Halifax NS B3L 3G3 100.00 Young Ed 196 Waterville Rd. Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Young Nancy 196 Waterville Rd. Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Total $3,790.00

3.2 Nova Scotia Liberal Party Disclosure Statement

January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Official Agent: Edgar (Ted) L. Sceles, 75 Eaglewood Dr., Bedford, NS B4A 3B3 Auditor: Stephen V. Shupe, 14 Trider Court, Dartmouth, NS B3B 1R6 Date Filed: May 4, 2010 Contributions: $299,422.05 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 2200922 Nova Scotia Limited 6151 Lady Hammond Rd. Halifax NS B3K 2R9 1,000.00 3005770 Nova Scotia Limited 456 Charlotte St. Sydney NS B1P 1E4 100.00 3008384 Nova Scotia Limited 1290 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1E2 100.00 3063050 Nova Scotia Limited 224 Dorchester St. Sydney NS B1P 5Z6 500.00 3067756 Nova Scotia Limited Box 7 Sydney NS B1P 6G9 500.00 3092344 Nova Scotia Ltd. 159 Whitney Ave Sydney NS B1P 5A1 100.00 3130431 Nova Scotia Limited 1095 Upper Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 5P5 150.00 3229341 Nova Scotia Limited 800 Grand Lake Road Sydney NS B1P 6S9 200.00 A.C.L. Construction Limited 21 Frazee Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1Z4 1,000.00 A.F. Theriault & Son Limited PO Box 10 Metegan River NS B0W 2L0 1,000.00 A-1 Tires Limited 567 Willow St. Truro NS B2N 6T3 100.00 Abbass Jay PO Box 2542 STN M Halifax NS B3J 3N5 500.00 Abbass Studios (1985) Limited 170 Townsend Street Sydney NS B1P 5E2 100.00 Abbott Laboratories, Limited 33 Ravenrock Lane Halifax NS B3M 2Z9 380.50 Aberdeen Paving Limited 798 Hammond Plains Rd. Bedford NS B4B 1B1 200.00 Acadian Seaplants Limited 30 Brown Ave. Dartmouth NS B3B 1X8 4,000.00 Ace Towing Limited P.O. Box 8658, Station A Halifax NS B3K 5M3 500.00 Ackland Claude 10254 Ward Rd., RR#6 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 ADI (Nova Scotia) Limited 7071 Bayers Road, Suite 252 Halifax NS B3L 2C2 190.25 Agbeti Michael 28 Stone Gate Drive Halifax NS B3N 3J2 70.00 Alfred J. Bell & Grant Limited 6380 Lady Hammond Road Halifax NS B3J 2L4 350.00 Al-Hamwi Linda PO Box 2319 NS B4P 2N5 180.00 Alumitech Distribution Centre Limited 170 Bluewater Road Bedford NS B4B 1G9 1,000.00 Andrecyk Stephen 1044 Main Street NS B1A 4Z7 65.00 Annapolis Group Inc. 165 Hammonds Plains Rd. Bedford NS B4A 4C7 550.00 Arab Leona 20 Look Off Lane Halifax NS B3M 4R4 200.00 Arborculture, Incorporated 1 Gold Street Wawa ON P0S 1K0 2,486.66 Archibald Marilyn P.O. Box 223 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Argent Fisheries (2007) Limited PO Box 222 Glace Bay NS B1A 5V2 2,000.00 Armco Capital Inc. 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 1,000.00 Armitage Bradley 24-35 Harlington Cres. Halifax NS B3M 3M9 370.00 Atlantic Tractors & Equipment Ltd. 175 Akerley Blvd. Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Z6 2,000.00 ATN Consulting Inc. 3455 Prospect Rd. Halifax NS B3T 1Z3 200.00 Avon Valley Greenhouses Limited 285 Town Road Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 550.00 Avonton Enterprises Inc. 846 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 2E4 1,000.00 Awad Michelle 974 McLean St Halifax NS B3H 2V1 600.00 B & T Battery and Auto Parts Limited 331 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1J7 100.00 Dental Clinic Limited PO Box 189 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 79.72 Balcom Carmen PO Box 786 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 200.00 Balcom Olga P.O. Box 1466 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Banks Reta 550 Windsor St. Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Banks Vern 52 Union St. Bedford NS B4A 2B5 100.00 Barkhouse James P. O. Box 680 Chester NS B0J 1J0 170.00 Barrett James 244 Howe Ave. Fall River NS B2T 1H7 300.00 Barrett Keith 421 Shore Dr. Bedford NS B4A 2C7 250.00 Barton Tom 35 Crichton Park Rd. Dartmouth NS B3a 2N9 80.00 Basin Contracting Limited PO Box 10 Enfield NS B2T 1C6 300.00 Basin Stationery & Office Supplies Ltd. 3667 Strawberry Hill St. Halifax NS B3K 5A8 200.00 Bate Michael 313 Aikens Ave. Halifax NS B3L 3Y5 190.25 Bay Ferries Management Limited 500-5657 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3J 3R4 1,000.00 Bayard-LaMontagne Curtis 11 Cedar Dr., RR 1 Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 190.25 Bayers Lake Pizza Company Inc. 115 Chain Lake Drive, Unite 41 Halifax NS B3S 1B3 100.00 Beacon Securities Limited 1669 Granville St. Halifax NS B3J 1X2 1,000.00 Beeler Gary 11 Sue Ann Ave Mount Uniacke NS B0N 1Z0 100.00 Bell Gregory 204-96 Regency Park Drive Halifax NS B3S 1S5 250.00 Bell Helen 38 Hazelhurst St. Dartmouth NS B2Y 3N2 1,000.00 Bell Laurie 39 Somerset St., PO Box 485 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Y8 250.00 Bell Robert 38 Hazelhurst St. Dartmouth NS B2Y 3N2 1,000.00 Bell Aliant Regional Communications, LP PO Box 1430 Saint John NB E2L 4K2 3,902.50 Bell Enterprises Limited P.O. Box 158 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Y3 500.00 Bennett Paul 1005 Beaufort Ave. Halifax NS B3H 3Y1 207.25 Bent Charles PO Box 58 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Bentley Marney 6697 Highway 14 Nine Mile River NS B2S 2V7 700.00 Berube Charlie 77 LaPierre Cres. Dartmouth NS B2W 5C7 202.69 Best Mabel PO Box 94 Ingonish NS B0C 1K0 79.72 Bezanson Paul 9 Balcome Drive Halifax NS B3N 1H9 570.75 Billard Jack Wayne 12142 Kempt Head Rd. Boularderie East NS B1X 1J8 79.72 Bishop Pamela 1389 Highway201 NS B0S 1A0 200.00 Bishop Pat RR#3 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Black E. Neil 46 Tulip St. Dartmouth NS B3A 2S7 504.00 Black & McDonald Limited 10 Payzant Ave. Dartmouth NS B3B 1Z6 380.50 Blakely Tom 203-116 Larry Uteck Blvd Halifax NS B3M 4Y1 100.00 BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. 5151 George Street, 10th Floor Halifax NS B3J 1M5 190.25 Bobyk Valerie 204-2393 Robie St. Halifax NS B3K 6S2 447.25 Boland Daniel 11 Brackley Pl. Halifax NS B3M 4H2 272.69 Bouchard Dean 11 Bethany Way Halifax NS B3S 1H3 447.69 Boudreau Bernie 74 Braemount Dr. Halifax NS B3M 3P3 166.69 Boudreau John Boudreau Denture Clinic NS B9A 3A4 100.00 Boudrot Jason P.O. Box 422 West Arichat NS B0E 1A0 380.50 Boudrot Rodgers Law Inc. 301 Pitt Street, Unit 1 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2T6 80.00 Boyle Malcolm 1566 Oxford Street Halifax NS B3H 3Z2 1,000.00 Boyles Alex 94 Grand River Rd Lower Lardoise NS B0E 1W0 70.00 Boyne Clarke PO Box 876 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Z5 1,902.50 Bragg Allan 5873 Gainsborough Place Halifax NS B3K 5R6 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bragg John PO Box 220 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 1,500.00 Brennan Linda 45 Landcaster Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 4X7 72.00 Brennick Anne 24 Church Road Little Bras d'Or NS B1Y 2Y2 79.72 Bricron Investments Limited P.O. Box 398 Amherst NS B4H 3Z5 1,000.00 Brison Scott 59 Leander Macumber Road Cheverie NS B0N 1G0 84.00 Brown Guy P O Box 1049 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Browning Geraldine 8358, Hwy. 221 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 180.00 Bruce Chevrolet Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd P.O. Box 970 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 320.00 Buchanan Merrill PO Box 598 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 379.44 Buffett Jacob 1317 Georges River Road Georges River NS B1Y 3J7 79.72 Buildrite Centres Inc. P.O. Box 816 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Z3 1,000.00 Burchell MacDougall 710 Prince Street Truro NS B2N 5H1 500.00 Burke Pat 1006 Cloverleaf Drive NS B4N 4N9 240.00 Butland Anna 505 - 85 Spinnaker Drive Halifax NS B3N 3E3 501.00 Butler Nigel 6 Rhodas Lane Elmsdale NS B2S 1K5 100.00 C.B. Business College Limited Box 33 Whitney Pier NS B1N 3B6 100.00 C.J.B. Farms Limited Box 220, 4881 Main Street Oxford NS B0M 1P0 1,000.00 Cabrita Judith 105 Conrad Rd Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1S1 200.00 Cameron David 15 St. Margaret's Bay Rd. Halifax NS B3N 1J2 965.00 Campbell Kelvin PO Box 8838, Station A Halifax NS B3K 5M5 1,000.00 Campbell Lloyd 6 Linden Avenue Bridgewater NS B4V 1J6 190.25 Campbell Comeau Engineering Limited B230 - 5855 Spring Garden Rd. Halifax NS B3H 4S2 630.50 Campbell-Taylor Anne P.O. Box 213, 25 St. James St. Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 100.00 Cape Breton Beverages Limited 65 Harbour Drive Point Edward NS B1R 2E5 500.00 Cape Breton Trailer Sales Limited PO Box 1686 Bras d'Or NS B1Y 3Y6 79.72 Carey Garfield 490 Esplanade Sydney NS B1P 1B1 100.00 Cartmill Claire 6634 South St. Halifax NS B3H 1V2 150.00 Case Moka Michelle 10 Mill Road Forks, RR #2 Mount Uniacke NS B0N 1Z0 240.00 Casey Joe 536 Granville Road Victoria Beach NS B0S 1K0 300.00 Casey Karen 46 Second Court Truro NS B2N 5B1 100.00 Casey Margaret 6070 Inglis Street Halifax NS B3H 1L3 100.00 Cassa Business Equipment 1987 Limited P O Box 314 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B3 100.00 CBCL Limited PO Box 606 Halifax NS B3J 2R7 1,000.00 Chairs Limited 10 Ilsley Ave., Unit 7 Dartmouth NS B3B 1L3 200.00 Chapman Bros. Construction Ltd. PO Box 85 Souris PE C0A 2B0 500.00 Chappell Bill 24 Skylark Street Halifax NS B3M 2P4 100.00 Chestnut Joan 33 Cavendish Rd. Halifax NS B3P 2J6 96.00 Chiasson Daniel MacRae Home Hardware North Sydney NS B2A 2Y3 79.72 Chiasson Edgar P.O. Box 546 Margaree Forks NS B0E 2A0 72.00 Chiasson Brothers Ltd. Box 398 Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 100.00 Chisholm Donna P.O. Box 1333 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 120.00 CKF Incorporated PO Box 419 NS B0P 1P0 550.00 Clancy Mary 709 - 5959 Spring Garden Rd. Halifax NS B3H 1Y5 1,305.25 Clarke Vernon 7 Digby Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 2G1 200.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Cleanearth Technologies Inc. 203 Aerotech Drive Enfield NS B2T 1K3 250.00 Clearwater Fine Foods Incorporated 757 Bedford Hwy. Bedford NS B4A 3Z7 4,986.66 Clow Shelley 437-1477 Lower Water St Halifax NS B3J 3Z4 250.00 Colour Creative Persuasion Inc. 7051 Bayers Road, Suite 400 Halifax NS B3L 4V2 500.00 Colwell Keith 781 West Porters Lake Road Porters Lake NS B3E 1K6 190.25 Comeau Kevin 154 Millrun Cr. Bedford NS B4A 3B7 120.00 Compass Commercial Realty Limited 100-3700 Kempt Rd. Halifax NS B3K 4X8 250.00 Composites Atlantic Limited PO Box 1150 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 500.00 Connell Sandra PO Box 421 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 150.00 Connell Steven Steven Connell's Trucking New Waterford NS B1H 2Z6 1,000.00 Connor's Office Products Limited PO Box 443 Sydney NS B1P 6H2 1,000.00 Conohan Christopher 213 St. Peter's Rd. Sydney NS B1P 4P9 79.72 Conrad Brothers Limited P.O. Box 2129, East Dartmouth NS B2W 3Y2 380.50 Corbett Ernest RR#1 Paradise NS B0S 1R0 100.00 Cordon Maxine #303-1041 Wellington St Halifax NS B3H 4P5 117.00 Cosman Francene 323 Moirs Mill Rd. Bedford NS B4A 3Y3 120.00 Cotter Margie 80 Tompkinsville Reserve Mines NS B1E 1K7 79.72 Cottreau Robert Box 456, 107 Prince Wm. St. Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Covert Peter 5 Lakshore Dr. Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1S6 1,000.00 Covert W. Michael 306-1550 Bedford Hwy. Bedford NS B4A 1E6 800.00 Cowan James 1958 Parkwood Terr. Halifax NS B3H 4G3 534.00 Cox Marie 308A - 5524 Heatherwood Crt. Halifax NS B3K 5N7 526.69 Cox Phyllis 308A - 5524 Heatherwood Crt. Halifax NS B3K 5N7 100.00 Cranton Sharon Box 1102, RR1 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 100.00 Creighton Brian 21 Marshview Dr. Amherst NS B4H 4B3 500.00 Cresco Developments Limited PO Box 48089 Bedford NS B4A 3Z2 2,000.00 Crocker Elizabeth 1041 Wellington St., Unit 102 Halifax NS B3H 4P5 100.00 Crowell Chris 6296 Lawrence Street Halifax NS B3L 1J9 207.25 Crowley Paul 7095 Abbott Dr. Halifax NS B3L 2L5 180.00 Crown Fibre Tube Incorporated PO Box 10 NS B4N 3V9 550.00 Curtis Jennifer 46 Crescent Drive Truro NS B2N 1N6 100.00 Curtis-David Holding Company Limited 76 Woodill St. Sydney NS B1P 4N9 250.00 Cuzner Rodger 14 Copley St. Glace Bay NS B1A 2W4 89.72 D & L Engineering Sales Limited PO Box 2004, Station M Halifax NS B3J 2Z1 100.00 D.A. Neily Electric Limited P.O.Box 671 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 200.00 D.M. Wells Law Inc. PO Box 504 Chester NS B0J 1J0 1,000.00 D.W. Matheson & Sons Contracting Limited RR #1 Little Narrows NS B0E 1T0 600.00 Dalhousie University 6299 South Street Halifax NS B3H 4H6 190.25 Dares Gertrude 90 Burnyeat Street Truro NS B2N 4R1 70.00 Dauphinee Ron 17 Saratoga Drive Dartmouth NS B2X 3P3 275.00 Davis Jim 116 Queen St. Bridgewater NS B4V 1P4 60.00 Deacon & Company Management Services Inc 5555 Atlantic St. Halifax NS B3H 1G6 380.50 Demchuk Gregory 32 Falcon Crest Court Middle Sackville NS B4E 3K5 200.00 Dennis Graham 2717 Joseph Howe Drive Halifax NS B3J 2T2 300.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Devereaux Tracey 30 Oakwood Court Dartmouth NS B2W 5P9 247.69 Dillon Consulting Limited 137 Chain Lake Dr., Ste. 100 Halifax NS B3S 1B3 1,000.00 Dingwall David 33 Birchdale Drive Sydney NS B1S 1L4 750.00 Disco Tire Limited 95 Disco St. Sydney NS B1P 5V7 500.00 Doane H.Larry 13 McNab Dr. Halifax NS B3P 2P3 500.00 Dodds Stanley 415 Shaw Rd, RR 2 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 300.00 Donald Robert MacLellan Enterprises Ltd. RR 1 Dingwall NS B0C 1G0 200.00 Donovan Doran 5782 Harbourview Dr Halifax NS B3H 1E4 240.00 DORA Construction Limited 61 Raddall Avenue, Suite JK Dartmouth NS B3B 1T4 1,000.00 Dorey E. Layton 8 Birchview Drive Halifax NS B3P 2N1 367.00 Doucet George 2532 Sherwood St. Halifax NS B3L 3G8 137.00 Doucette Paul 246 Nottingham St Bedford NS B4A 4G6 890.25 Douglas Stephen 11 Warbler Court Truro NS B2N 5B1 200.00 Downe Donald 3025 Highway 325, RR 5 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W4 584.00 Dowthwaite Eleanor 34 Celtic Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3G6 100.00 Dr. Alison A. Kelland Physician Inc. PO Box 504 Chester NS B0J 1J0 1,000.00 Dr. E.P. MacEachern Dentistry Inc. 18 Maple Avenue Amherst NS B4H 3G1 1,000.00 Dudka Marilyn 23 LaPierre Cres. Dartmouth NS B2W 5C6 100.00 Dunn Stella 1106 Maple Ave., RR#1 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Dwyer Allan 413 - 79 Bedros Lane Halifax NS B3M 4X5 100.00 Dykeview Farms Limited 1225 Middle Dyke Road, RR#2 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 400.00 East Port Properties Limited 25N-130 Eileen Stubbs Ave. Dartmouth NS B3B 2C4 2,000.00 Eastabrook Guy 15 Cove Lane Dartmouth NS B3B 1M9 100.00 Edwards Richard 6315 Willow St. Halifax NS B3L 1P1 154.00 Eghan Felicia 77 Tangmere Cres. Halifax NS B3M 1K1 113.45 EnCana Corporation 1701 Hollis Street, 7th Floor Halifax NS B3J 3M8 1,190.25 Envirosystems Incorporated 11 Brown Ave. Dartmouth NS B3B 1Z7 550.00 Erjavec Luc 6682 Second Street Halifax NS B3L 1G3 340.25 Evans Lee 61 Cassandra Dr. Dartmouth NS B2W 6H4 1,000.00 Eyking John 43 Mill Pond Rd. Millville NS B1Y 2G4 119.58 Eyking Mark 210 Millville Hwy. Millville NS B1Y 2C9 79.72 F.C. O'Neill, Scriven & Associates Ltd. 5450 Cornwallis St., 2nd Floor Halifax NS B3K 1A9 500.00 Fairway Insurance Services Incorporated PO Box 520 Digby NS B0V 1A0 1,000.00 Fairwyn Developments Limited PO Box 2557 Halifax NS B3J 3N5 300.00 Fares Wadih 18 Broadholme Lane Halifax NS B3M 3B7 190.25 Fillmore Byron 10 Blossom Court Dartmouth NS B2V 2S7 1,000.00 Fiske John 3141 Ashburn Ave. Halifax NS B3L 4B8 1,000.00 Fiske John 7062 Royal Pine Ave. Halifax NS B3L 2G1 5,000.00 Fitzgerald Owen 368 Cottage Road Sydney NS B1P 2G4 500.00 FitzRandolph Bliss 144 Sand Lake Rd Paradise NS B0S 1R0 100.00 Foley Peggy RR#1 Bridgetwon NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Forster Jennifer 21 Glenbourne Ct. Halifax NS B3S 1E2 182.69 Fowler Bauld & Mitchell Ltd. PO Box 514 Halifax NS B3J 2R7 250.00 Franey Mariana 3381 Highway 221, RR 2 Berwick NS B0N 1E0 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Fraser Joan 6387 Seaforth St. Halifax NS B3L 1R2 313.69 French Fred Box 44237 Bedford NS B4A 3Z8 80.00 Frison Marg 69 Esplanade Sydney NS B1P 1A3 100.00 Frosst Helen Marie 9722 Kempt Head Road Ross Ferry NS B1X 1N8 79.72 Fundy Grinding & Machining Limited 9 Farnham Road Bible Hill NS B2N 2X6 400.00 Gasparetto Danilo 268 Granite Cove Rd. Halifax NS B3Z 4N8 490.25 Gasparetto Renato 268 Granite Cove Dr. Halifax NS B3Z 4N8 190.25 Gaudet Wayne Box 106 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 212.94 Gault Tara 4-1351 Barrington St. Halifax NS B3J 1Y9 100.00 General Electric Company 2300 Meadowvale Blvd. Mississauga ON L5N 5P9 1,000.00 Giffin Patrick Box 159, 437 Riveridge Ave. Kington NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Giles Gavin 17 Glen Eagle Way Halifax NS B3N 3H9 500.00 Gillis Jennifer 2025 North Park St. Halifax NS B3K 4B2 1,000.00 Gillis Joan 7 Sunset Terrace Antigonish NS B2G 1K2 100.00 Gillis John 2025 North Park Street Halifax NS B3K 4B2 2,119.63 Gillis William 7 Sunset Terrace Antigonish NS B2G 1K2 100.00 Gillis Truckways Incorporated PO Box 98 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 79.72 Glavine Leo 2303 Bishop Mt. Rd. Kingston NS B0P 1R0 907.19 Goddard James 108 Thistle St. Dartmouth NS B3A 2V9 425.00 Godreau Barbara 82 Adelaide Ave. Halifax NS B3N 2N8 150.00 Godreau Robert 82 Adelaide Ave. Halifax NS B3N 2N8 150.00 Godsoe Dale 1041 Wellington St., 5th Floor Halifax NS B3H 4P5 1,207.25 Gold Point Enterprises Limited 41 Schaller Drive Sydney NS B1L 1A1 79.72 Gorrill Arlene 100 Snowy Owl Drive Bedford NS B4A 3L4 100.00 Graham B. Alasdair 34 Robert Scott Dr. Lantz NS B0N 1R0 72.00 Graham David 1021 Belmont on the Arm Halifax NS B3H 1J2 761.00 Graham Jack 33 Bridgeview Dr. Halifax NS B3P 1E7 538.00 Grant Marie 54 Bayview Rd. Halifax NS B3M 1N9 300.00 Grant Vance RR#3 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 150.00 Graybar Canada Limited PO Box 9078, Station A Halifax NS B3K 5M7 500.00 Green Peter 3841 Mont Blanc Terr. Halifax NS B3K 6R3 190.25 Greenwood Lane Incorporated 1496 Lower Water St. Halifax NS B3J 1R9 300.00 H.H.M. Enterprises Limited 20 Oakfield Drive Marion Bridge NS B1K 3N7 100.00 Hachey Mike 1684 Barrington St., 3rd Floor Halifax NS B3J 2A2 200.00 Haley Maudie Box 2395, 4104, Hwy. #1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 240.25 Haley Roy 4104 Highway 1, PO Box 2395 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 190.25 Hall Donald 165 Cottage St. Berwick NS B0P 1E0 400.00 Harris David 6069 Oakland Road Halifax NS B3H 1N9 134.00 Harris and Roome Limited 3 Glen Eagle Way Halifax NS B3N 3H9 1,000.00 Harrison Norman 783 MacDonald Rd., RR 6 Amherst NS B4H 3Y4 240.00 Hattie Cecil 267 Hattie Road, RR 1 Aspen NS B0H 1E0 100.00 Hayes Kempton 9 Homecrest Terr. Halifax NS B3N 1Y3 100.00 Hayes Susan 3181 Hemlock St. Halifax NS B3L 4B5 721.00 Hayes Thomas 302-6095 Coburg Rd. Halifax NS B3H 4K1 284.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Hayes Developments Ltd. 302 - 6095 Coburg Rd. Halifax NS B4H 4K1 1,670.75 Hayward C. William 414 - 11 Springvale Ave. Halifax NS B3N 2A3 715.00 Hebb Heidi 1003-5264 Morris Street Halifax NS B3J 1B6 1,000.00 Hebb Marilyn 15401 Highway 3 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W3 1,500.00 Hebert L. Paul 15 Stillwater Lane Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1H6 258.32 Hector Building Supplies Limited PO Box 959 NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Hemming H. Robert 52 Briarwood Crescent Halifax NS B3M 1P4 280.00 Hendriksen Anthony 43 Factory Rd. Big Bras d'Or NS B2Z 1A7 79.72 Hennigar David 51 Forest Lane Bedford NS B4A 1H8 500.00 Heritage Gas Limited 88 Alderney Drive, 3rd Floor Dartmouth NS B2Y 4S8 1,000.00 Hickman Joseph PO Box 185 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 120.00 High Liner Foods Incorporated PO Box 910 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,000.00 Hillier Calvin 43038 Cabot Trail, RR#1 Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 200.00 Hillman's Transfer Ltd. PO Box 398 Sydney NS B1P 6H2 400.00 Hines William P.O. Box 1041 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 135.00 Holland Daniel 2677 Gladstone St., Suite 1005 Halifax NS B3K 0A5 500.00 Holland Lonsdale 1470 Summer St., Apt. 1605 Halifax NS B3H 3A3 1,880.50 Hornstein Helen 301-1074 Wellington St. Halifax NS B3H 2Z8 100.00 Howard E. Little Excavating Limited 323 Cambridge Mtn Road Cambridge Station NS B0P 1G0 300.00 Howkin Holdings Limited 210-70 Exhibition St. Kentville NS B4N 4K9 1,000.00 Hughes Barbara 3 Glen Eagle Way Halifax NS B3N 3H9 1,000.00 Hughes Frank 3 Glen Eagle Way Halifax NS B3N 3H9 1,000.00 Hughscot Investments Limited 3 Glen Eagle Way Halifax NS B3N 3H9 1,000.00 Hum R. Bernard P.O. Box 8661 A Halifax NS B3K 5M4 500.00 I.H. Mathers & Son Limited 1525 Birmingham St. Halifax NS B3J 2J6 500.00 Imperial Oil Limited 237 Fourth Avenue S.W. Calgary AB T2P 0H6 951.25 Inland Technologies Holdings Inc. PO Box 253 Truro NS B2N 5C1 1,000.00 Insurance Bureau of Canada #1706-1969 Upper Water St. Halifax NS B3J 3R7 1,902.50 Integrity Printing Incorporated 10A Queen St., PO Box 3 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Island Sheet Metal & Roofing Ltd. 890 Victoria Road Sydney NS B1W 1K2 200.00 J.D. Irving, Limited 300 Union Street Saint John NB E2E 4M3 3,000.00 Jaeger Leslie 2 Saraguay Place Halifax NS B3P 2N9 100.00 Jamaels Towing Service Limited 69 Woodill Street Sydney NS B1P 4P1 500.00 James N. Horwich Incorporated 16 Horizon Rd. Bedford NS B4A 3N1 380.50 Jamieson Darlene 702-1550 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 4A2 200.00 Jardine Doreen 25 Loch Bhreagh Dr. Boularderie East NS B1X 1J7 79.72 Jardine Ken 1 Douglas Street Sydney NS B1P 1V2 79.72 Jerry R. Redmond Incorporated 197 Charlotte Place Sydney NS B1P 1C4 200.00 Johnston Darrell 506 Kearney Lake Road Bedford NS B4B 1H7 500.00 Joseph Rizzetto Barrister&Solicitor Inc 206-275 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1C6 100.00 Kelly Jeffrey 1297 Belmont Rd., RR#2 Newport NS B0N 2A0 131.00 Kelly's Trucking Limited RR 1 St. Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Kennedy Helen RR#1, P.O. Box 1012 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 100.00 Kennedy Jerry Box 5602 NS B1C 2L8 1,000.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Kennedy Josephine Box 5602 Louisburg NS B1C 2L8 1,000.00 Kennedy Kara 61 Cassandra Dr. Dartmouth NS B2W 6H4 1,000.00 Kennedy Ronald 281 Grant St., Apt. 17 New Glasgow NS B2H 3Y6 500.00 Ketene Vahdetten 1025 Belmont on the Arm Halifax NS B3H 1J2 200.00 Khattar and Khattar 378 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1C6 250.00 King Graeme 208 Marsters Ave. Berwick NS B0P 1E0 240.00 King of Cars Auto Sales Limited 259 Townsend Street Sdyney NS B1P 5E7 100.00 Kingfield Enterprises Inc. 158 Ridgevale Dr. Bedford NS B4A 3S7 500.00 Kinley Shona 1752 Dunvegan Dr Halifax NS B3H 4G1 190.25 Kirkpatrick L. F. 501-1470 Summer St. Halifax NS B3H 3A3 120.00 Kutcher Daniel 2028 Maynard St. Halifax NS B3K 3T2 51.00 Kutcher Stan 11 Glencairn Ln. Herrinig Cove NS B3V 1G5 190.25 Labatt Brewing Company Limited 1496 Lower Water Street Halifax NS B3J 1R9 4,902.50 Langille George 2091 Highway 276, RR 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 500.00 Langille Glennie 1078 Three Brooks Road Pictou NS B0K 1H0 526.25 Langille Lynn 2091 Highway 376, RR 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 500.00 Langley Nancy PO Box 432 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 139.86 Larsen Milton 19 Juniper Place Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1C6 120.00 Laurence Doris Box 296 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Laurence Hugh Box 296 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 220.00 Leathers Burton PO Box 351 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 200.00 Leblanc Gail 754 Millville Hwy. Millville NS B1Y 2J9 79.72 LeDuc Arthur 66 Adam Dr. Wilmot NS B0P 1W0 100.00 Lees John 5-310 Dalcrombie Drive New Glasgow NS B2H 1S4 100.00 LeRue Anna 2700 Oxford St. Halifax NS B3L 2V1 161.00 Lewis Steve PO Box 131 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 150.00 Livingstone Douglas 16 Foxgrove Lane Dartmouth NS B2Y 4N8 100.00 Lord Carol 109 Victoria Rd. Bridgewater NS B4V 2W5 570.75 Lowe George 33 Ritcey Ct. Bridgewater NS B4V 3V1 590.25 Lowe Linda 33 Ritcey Ct. Bridgewater NS B4V 3V1 100.00 Lunn Paula PO Box 638, 73 Gerrish St. Windsor NS B0N 2T0 190.25 Lycett Sharon P.O. Box 98 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Lydon Lynch Architects Limited 1672 Barrington St. Halifax NS B3J 2A2 380.50 M.V. Osprey Limited PO Box 188 North Sydney NS B2A 3M3 500.00 MacDonald Ann 511-429 Parkland Dr. Halifax NS B3S 1L3 207.25 MacDonald Catherine 5522 Stoneham Ct. Halifax NS B3K 4A5 150.00 MacDonald Clara 4501 Washabuck Rd. Lower Washabuck NS B2C 1N2 319.72 MacDonald Darren 96 Starboard Dr Halifax NS B3M 4T5 312.94 MacDonald Francis 48 Canary Cres. Halifax NS B3M 1R1 687.15 MacDonald Gordon Box 74, RR#3 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 79.72 MacDonald John RR# 3, Box 54 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 79.72 MacDonald John 72 Leonard St Sydney NS B1S 2T5 200.00 MacDonald Kenzie 1181 Dalhousie St. Halifax NS B3H 3W5 600.00 MacDonald Madonna 2085 Bauer St. Halifax NS B3K 3W4 257.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacDonald Manning 253 Newlands Ave. Sydney NS B1S 1Y7 543.86 MacDonald Robert 5665 Cabot Street Halifax NS B3K 2J9 120.00 MacDonald Shirley 290 Mitchell Ave. Dominion NS B1G 1N7 100.00 MacDonald Chisholm Incorporated PO Box 880 Kentville NS B4N 4H8 200.00 MacDonnell Ralston 1173 South Park Street Halifax NS B3H 2W9 500.00 MacDougall Sonny 3 MacAdam St Glace Bay NS B1A 2Y9 200.00 MacEachern Diane 47809 Cabot Trail, RR 4 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 79.72 MacEachern Todd 6266 Chebucto Road Halifax NS B3L 1K9 300.00 MacInnes Chris 803-1343 Hollis St. Halifax NS B3J 1T8 524.25 MacInnes Joan 2424 Highway 312 Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 144.00 MacIntosh Patricia 409-5959 Spring Garden Rd. Halifax NS B3H 1Y5 225.00 MacIntyre Martin 85 Pleasant Pt. Rd. Northside East Bay NS B1J 1G3 180.00 MacIntyre Ronald RR#3 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 79.72 MacIsaac John 232 Deepdale Rd., RR#1 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 100.00 MacIsaac Neil 5-35 Pleasant Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3P3 317.00 MacKeigan David 379 Reserve St. Glace Bay NS B1A 4X1 179.72 MacKenzie Mike 64 Heathside Crescent Halifax NS B3S 1G3 250.00 MacKenzie Atlantic Tool & Die/Machining 6 Rowlings Dr., Unit 3 Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 500.00 MacKinnon Kenzie 2710 Gottingen Street Halifax NS B3K 3C7 372.69 MacKinnon Martin 6278 Yukon St. Halifax NS B3L 1G1 197.00 MacKinnon Robert PO Box 354 Sydney NS B1P 6H2 100.00 MacLean Natalie P.O. Box 402 East Bay NS B1J 2E2 740.25 MacLean Vince 5150 Washabuck Rd. Washabuck NS B2C 1N6 259.86 MacLean Vincent P.O. Box 402 East Bay NS B1J 2E2 690.25 MacLellan Brian P.O. Box 1054 Halifax NS B3J 2X6 207.25 MacLeod David 162 Oakfield Drive Marion Bridge NS B1K 3N7 100.00 MacLeod Georgina 1223 Estmere Highway 223 Little Narrows NS B0E 1T0 279.86 MacLeod M. Earl 68 Lexington Ave Dartmouth NS B2X 3T5 100.00 MacLeod Mary 100 Drumdonald Rd. Halifax NS B3P 2L3 240.00 MacNeil Elaine 45 Lynne Drive Sydney NS B1P 2Z7 100.00 MacNeil John 45 Lynne Dr. Sydney NS B1P 2Z7 100.00 MacNeil Paul 171 Mic Mac Dr. Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1M7 600.00 MacNeil Wanda Bras d'Or Restaurant Ltd. Bras d'Or NS B1Y 1W3 79.72 MacPherson John 6167 Charles Street Halifax NS B3K 1L5 1,000.00 MacQuarrie J.Thomas P.O. Box 997 Halifax NS B3J 2X2 500.00 MacRury Donna 1802 - 500 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1B2 100.00 Mahoney Susan RR#2 Caledonia NS B0T 1B0 100.00 Major Brothers Limited 1657 Barrington St., Suite 200 Halifax NS B3J 2V2 200.00 Mann Richard 60 Bellbrook Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 6S2 380.50 Maritime Office Equipment Leasing Ltd. P.O. Box 31038 Halifax NS B3K 5T9 790.25 Maritime Paper Products Limited PO Box 668 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Y9 550.00 Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Mgmt Ltd 1801 Hollis St., Suite 1600 Halifax NS B3J 3N4 380.50 Maroun Michael 59 Tometary Dr. Howie Center NS B1L 1G3 100.00 Martin Anthony 230 Daisywood Dr. Hammonds Plains NS B4B 0E1 415.25 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Martin Kenneth 12 Maple St., RR #1 Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 100.00 Martin M. Rachel 1127 Dalhousie St. Halifax NS B3H 3W5 197.00 Martin Mary 1939 Cow Bay Rd Cow Bay NS B3G 1K6 500.00 Matheson Gordon P.O. Box 4 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 75.00 Matheson J. Ralph 117 Flamingo Dr. Halifax NS B3M 1T5 68.07 MattBragg Farms Limited Box 220, 4881 Main Street Oxford NS B0M 1P0 1,000.00 Matthews Gail 37 Westridge Drive Halifax NS B3M 1K6 247.38 Mattinson Rhetta 110 Sackville Cross Road Lr. Sackville NS B4C 2M4 96.00 MBS Realty Limited PO Box 400 Halifax NS B3J 2R2 500.00 McCarron Amelia 21 Brady Drive Groves Point NS B1Y 2W5 79.72 McCormick Melanie 85 King Street NS B1V 1L9 79.72 McCready Donna 3-16 Celtic Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 3G6 72.69 McDonald Leslie 33 Gateway Rd. Halifax NS B3M 1M6 70.00 McDonald Robert 27 Warwick Lane Halifax NS B3M 4J3 122.69 McGuire James PO Box 447 Sydney NS B1P 6H2 200.00 McInnes Cooper PO Box 730 Halifax NS B3J 2V1 3,592.75 McKeen Dolores 12 Berkshire Close Halifax NS B3S 1H4 100.00 McKenna Jean 27 Christopher Lane Porter's Lake NS B3K 1E2 72.00 McKenzie Bruce Box 418 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 McNamara Robert 268 Fox Hill Ave. Kentville NS B4N 5A6 584.00 McNeil Stephen 7333 Highway 1, RR3 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 1,067.19 McPhee Lawrence 13 Berncray Ave Dartmouth NS B2X 2X6 100.00 Meade Catherine 507-5839 Cunard St. Halifax NS B3K 0B9 627.25 Medavie Inc. 230 Brownlow Avenue Dartmouth NS B3J 3C6 1,380.50 Medjuck Ralph 5956 Emscote Drive Halifax NS B3H 1B3 100.00 Melford International Terminal Inc. 805 - 1809 Barrington St. Halifax NS B3J 3K8 500.00 Mercer Terry 57 Cockscomb Lake Road Mount Uniacke NS B0N 1Z0 450.00 Merck Frosst Canada Ltd. 6341 Trannscanadienne Pointe-Claire - Dorval NS H9R 5A5 880.50 Metlej Anthony 6957 Armview Ave. Halifax NS B3H 2M5 68.00 Miles Dwight 331 Terrace Street Sydney NS B1P 2M8 100.00 Millennium Contracting Services Limited 411 Johnson Rd. Georges River NS B1Y 3B3 79.72 Miller Pamela 21 Nightingale Drive Halifax NS B3M 1V2 100.00 Miller Rentals Limited 800 Grand Lake Road Sydney NS B1P 6S9 200.00 Minas Basin Pulp and Power Company Ltd. PO Box 401 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 550.00 Mingo Edith 5860 Chain Rock Dr. Halifax NS B3H 1A1 5,000.00 Mitchell Donald 1127 Dalhousie St. Halifax NS B3H 3W5 100.00 Molson Canada Company 33 Carlingview Dr. Toronto ON M9W 5E4 380.50 Mombourquette Sally Ann 19 Mombourquette Rd., RR 1 Lower L'Ardoise NS B0E 1W0 200.00 Montgomerie John PO Box 433 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Montgomery Lawrence 5136 Highway 201, RR#4 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Moore Wilfred P.O. Box 500 Chester NS B0J 1J0 880.50 Moosehead Breweries Ltd. PO Box 3100 Saint John NB E2M 3H2 500.00 Morrison Donald 48840 Cabot Trail North River Bridge NS B0E 1B0 60.00 Morrison Dorothy 1057 Marlborough Ave. Halifax NS B3H 3H2 85.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Morrison Pamela 48840 Cabot Trail North River Bridge NS B0E 1B0 79.72 Mosher Barry 9 Boulderwood Rd Halifax NS B3P 2J3 100.00 Motion Graphics Limited 21 Raddall Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1L4 1,000.00 MT&L Public Relations Limited 1701 Hollis St., Suite L101 Halifax NS B3J 3M8 500.00 Mug & Anchor Pub Limited PO Box 350 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 442.48 Municipal Enterprises Limited P.O. Box 48100 Bedford NS B4A 3Z2 380.50 Munro James 77 Millstone Court Lucasville NS B4B 1X7 100.00 Murphy Sailing Tours Limited PO Box 2378 Halifax NS B3J 3E4 200.00 Murray Ian 37 Forest Rd. Dartmouth NS B3A 2M4 120.00 National Work Clothing Limited PO Box 125 North Sydney NS B2A 3M1 79.72 Naylor Meredith 6288 North St. Halifax NS B3L 1P5 247.00 Naylor Robert Faulkland St. Pictou NS B0K 1H0 240.00 Neily Peter 15 Flicker Pl, RR2 Truro NS B2N 5B1 180.00 Newcombe John 1824 Highway 359N Centerville NS B0P 1J0 180.00 Newman Elizabeth 94 Chappell St. Dartmouth NS B3A 3P8 190.25 Newman Gary 94 Chappell St. Dartmouth NS B3A 3P8 190.25 NewPage Port Hawkesbury Corp. PO Box 9500 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 1A1 1,500.00 Nicholson John 2 Lawnsdale Dr. Dartmouth NS B3A 2N2 240.00 Nickerson Robie 4678, Hwy. #8, RR#1 Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 100.00 Njeim Albert 39 Cranberry Cres. Dartmouth NS B2W 4Z8 180.00 Northend Sign Studio Incorporated 22 North Charlotte St. Sydney NS B1P 6J1 1,000.00 Northern Contracting Limited 1 Fraser Ave., Suite 6 Sydney Mines NS B1V 2B8 500.00 Norton Scott 20 Quinn Ct. Bedford NS B4A 4B3 500.00 Nova Agri Inc. 1225 Middle Dyke Rd., R#2 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 400.00 Nova Construction Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 1328 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 2,000.00 Nova Learning Incorporated PO Box 2557 Halifax NS B3J 3N5 1,000.00 Nova Scotia Power Incorporated P.O. Box 910 Halifax NS B3J 2W5 3,902.50 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. 1752 Dunvegan Dr. Halifax NS B3H 4G1 1,500.00 Ocean Contractors Limited P.O. Box 604 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Y9 400.00 O'Connor John 335 Waverley Road Dartmouth NS B2X 2E5 414.50 O'Halloran Campbell Consultants Limited 7071 Bayers Road, Suite 252 Halifax NS B3L 2C2 200.00 O'Handley James 3347 Grand Narrows Highway Boisdale NS B1Y 3R6 79.72 O'Hara Claude P.O. Box 1041 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 190.25 O'Hara Cyril RR#1, 80 MacInnis Rd. Middleton NS B0S 1P0 60.00 O'Hara Muriel RR#1, 80 MacInnis Rd. Middleton NS B0S 1P0 60.00 Oland Jamie 2339 Armcrescent West Halifax NS B3L 3E4 380.50 O'Leary Steven 36 Turner St. Glace Bay NS B1A 5W4 100.00 O'Neill Barbara 6197 East Bay Hwy St Andrews Channel NS B1J 1R2 1,000.00 O'Neill Ian 6197 East Bay Highway St. Andrew's Channel NS B1J 1R2 750.00 O'Neill Shaun 6197 East Bay Highway St. Andrew's Channel NS B1J 1R2 1,039.86 O'Regan James 1935 Cambridge St. Halifax NS B3H 4B1 234.00 Owen C. Gordon 10 Kings Court Bedford NS B4A 3K6 72.00 Owen G. Michael 11 Graham Street Dartmouth NS B3A 3H8 190.25 Paquette Wendy 601-5234 Morris Street Halifax NS B3J 1B4 1,500.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Parkdale Developments Limited 1917 Bay Road Timberlea NS B3T 1B8 2,000.00 Patterson John 1116 Highway 1, RR 1 Mount Uniacke NS B0N 1Z0 200.00 Paul McDonald Trucking & Backhoe Limited 1120 Brich Grove Rd. Birch Grove NS B1B 1J7 1,000.00 Payne Alton 508 - 94 Bedros Lane Halifax NS B3M 4X3 1,000.00 Peach LeRoy 2597 Morien Highway NS B1B 1C3 240.00 Peltekian Kevork 6684 First Street Halifax NS B3L 1E4 250.00 Petit de Grat Packers Limited PO Box 39 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 260.00 Petley-Jones Richard 7873 Highway 1, RR 3 Upper Granville NS B0S 1K0 150.00 Pharmasave Drugs (Atlantic) Limited 100-239 Brownlow Ave. Dartmouth NS B3B 2B2 1,261.00 Pierce John PO Box 672 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Piercey Colin 2121 Blink Bonnie Terrace Halifax NS B3L 3E8 1,902.50 Pike Douglas 15 Tamarack Drive Valley NS B6L 2W1 150.00 Portland Cement Association 216-30 Damascus Rd. Bedford NS B3A 0C1 250.00 Power John 78 Nightingale Dr. Halifax NS B3M 1V6 322.69 Precious David 6163 Cedar Halifax NS B3H 2J8 500.00 Preeper Tracey 160 Avenue du Portage Dartmouth NS B2X 3S8 190.25 Premiere Executive Suites/Halifax Ltd. 190 - 1479 Lower Water St. Halifax NS B3J 3Z3 392.00 Premium Seafoods Limited 449 Lower St., PO Box 39 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 260.00 Pringle Chris 1052 Bland St. Halifax NS B3H 2S8 380.50 Progressive Health Systems Limited 2025 North Park Street Halifax NS B3K 4B2 1,000.00 Purdy Robert 24 Warwick Lane Halifax NS B3M 4J3 100.00 R.D. Gillis Building Supplies Limited Box 848 Sydney NS B1P 6J1 300.00 Rajora Om 48 Woodward Crescent Halifax NS B3M 1J7 100.00 Ramsey Harold 224 Tomertary Drive Howie Center NS B1L 1G4 1,000.00 Rangaswamy P. 21 John Crose Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 1X1 100.00 Rankin John (Jackie) 797 Mabou Harbour Road Mabou NS B0E 1X0 60.00 Rayfuse Magdalena (Babe) RR #3 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 300.00 Reardon P. Michael 561 Young Ave. Halifax NS B3H 2N6 300.00 Regan Geoff 158 Ridgevale Dr. Bedford NS B4A 3S7 624.00 Regan Kelly 158 Ridgevale Dr. Bedford NS B4A 3S7 289.38 Reid William 403-40 Regency Park Dr Halifax NS B3S 1L4 75.00 RHT Enterprises Limited 15 Kimberley Dr. Truro NS B2N 2Y8 300.00 Riteman Philip 6 Eagle Place Bedford NS B4A 2J4 100.00 RKO Steel Limited PO Box 8595, Station A Halifax NS B3K 5M3 1,000.00 Robertson Dale 22 Julies Walk Halifax NS B3M 2Z7 200.00 Robertson Kenneth 18 Flagstone Dr. Dartmouth NS B2V 1Z8 100.00 Rock-On Masonry Limited PO Box 7046 Brad d'Or NS B1Y 3Y6 79.72 Rose Ian PO Box 494 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 80.00 Roughneen Clare 1505 Barrington Street Halifax NS B3J 2W3 300.00 Roy Deborah 1414 Mount Denson Rd,, Hwy 1 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 1,000.00 Roy John 1414 Mount Denson Rd., Hwy 1 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 1,000.00 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company 50 Garland Ave. Dartmouth NS B3B 0A3 500.00 Royal Bank of Canada P.O. Box 1147 Halifax NS B3J 2Y1 951.25 Royer Thompson Management Consulting Ltd 1000-5991 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3H 1Y6 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Rugenbrau Holdings Inc. PO Box 220, 4881 Main Street Oxford NS B0M 1P0 1,000.00 Ryan Gina PO Box 96, Station A Sydney NS B1P 6G9 79.72 Salsbury John PO Box 33122 Halifax NS B3L 4T6 100.00 Salsman Dean 1470 Summer St., #403 Halifax NS B3H 3A3 680.00 Salsman Investments Limited 1065 Barrington St. Halifax NS B3H 2P8 1,000.00 Sampson Gerald 1764 Old Route 5 Big Bras d'Or NS B1X 1A6 299.72 Sampson Gordon 3 Beech St. North Sydney NS B2A 1H2 79.72 Sampson Mary 1764 Old Route 5 Big Bras d'Or NS B1X 1A6 79.72 Sampson Murray 166 Brook St. North Sydney NS B2A 2K6 79.72 Sampson Robert 101 Whitney Avenue Sydney NS B1P 4Z8 79.72 Sampson McDougall 66 Wentworth St., 3rd Floor Sydney NS B9P 6T4 1,200.00 Samson Michel 469 Lower Rd., P.O. Box 4500 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 655.50 Samson Pauline 3387 Hwy 320 D'Escousse NS B0E 1K0 200.00 Samson Yvon C.P. 214 Petit-de-Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc. 2150 St. Elzear Blvd. West Laval QC H7L 4A8 1,080.50 Savage Michael 10 Walnut Hall Dartmouth NS B2X 3S6 780.00 Sceles Ted 75 Eaglewood Dr. Bedford NS B4A 3B3 949.94 Sciocchetti Exie 15 Holland Ave. Bedford NS B4A 1L7 110.00 Sciocchetti Robert 15 Holland Ave. Bedford NS B4A 1L7 480.00 Scotia Investments Limited 3 Bedford Hills Road Bedford NS B4A 1J5 550.00 Scotia Recycling Limited P.O. Box 401 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 550.00 Scott Carolyn 1248 Cow Bay Rd. Halifax Co. NS B3G 1L4 414.00 Scott Joe 1248 Cow Bay Rd. Eastern Passage NS B0J 1L0 120.00 Sehl Max PO Box 514 North Sydney NS B2A 3M5 79.72 Selig Stanley 11 Fenerty Rd. Halifax NS B3N 1T7 110.00 Shaffner Douglas P.O. Box 414 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 200.00 Shannex Incorporated 156 Parkland Drive Halifax NS B3S 1N9 1,000.00 Shaw Robert 401 - 1540 Summer St. Halifax NS B3H 4R9 250.00 Sheaves Suzanne 1475 Lower Water St., Ste. 453 Halifax NS B3J 3Z2 190.25 Sheehy Ruth 210 - 168 Green Village Lane Dartmouth NS B2Y 0A2 250.00 Sheehy William 210 - 168 Green Village Lane Dartmouth NS B2Y 0A2 250.00 Sheppard Caresse 20 School Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1H6 120.00 Sheppard David 1964 Lingan Rd. River Ryan NS B1H5H3 300.00 Sheppard Lorraine 1964 Lingan Rd. River Ryan NS B1H 5H3 240.00 Shoppers Drug Mart Inc. 243 Consumers Road Toronto ON M2J 4W8 1,000.00 Sievers Hans PO Box 132 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 79.72 Sievers Helen PO Box 132 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 79.72 Simpson Greg 1500-1959 Upper Water St. Halifax NS B3J 3N2 2,000.00 Sinclair Don 1256 Edward St. Halifax NS B3H 3H4 600.00 Smith Barbara 1102-1470 Summer St. Halifax NS B3H 3A3 500.00 Smith John 1916-1333 South Park St. Halifax NS B3J 2K9 100.00 Smith Margaret 219-5885 Spring Garden Rd. Halifax NS B3H 1Y3 300.00 Somerville Jeff 2-6415 Pepperell St. Halifax NS B3H 2P5 200.00 Sonco Group Inc. 410 - 1718 Argyle St. Halifax NS B3J 3N6 150.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Spar Marine Limited 48 Fielding Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1E4 2,000.00 Spatz Jim 100-1475 Lower Water St. Halifax NS B3J 3Z2 700.00 Spence Gary 106-114 Regency Park Drive Halifax NS B3S 1R9 200.00 Sproule Donald 1747 Round Hill Road Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 768.25 Spurr Jane 6287 Seaforth St. Halifax NS B3L 1R1 84.00 St. Joseph's Credit Union Box 159 Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Stacey Leo 632 West Main St Kentville NS B4N 1L7 180.00 Stavert Gary 47 Sycamore Lane Lower Sackville NS B4C 1E8 250.00 Steele Mary P.O. Box 586 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Stegen Ronald 108 Crichton Ave. Dartmouth NS B3A 3R5 252.00 Steylen Betty 50 Joseph Zatzman Dr. Dartmouth NS B3B 1N8 190.25 Sullivan Allan 164 James St. Timberlea NS B3T 1P1 674.94 Surette Allister RR #1, Site 5, Box 6 Glenwood NS B0W 1W0 192.00 Sutherland Ann 802-24 Dundas St. Dartmouth NS B2Y 4L2 110.00 Sutton Catherine 149 Rendell Drive LIttle Bras d'Or NS B1Y 2Y7 100.00 Swenson Kathie 1107 - 5881 Spring Garden Rd. Halifax NS B3H 4S3 462.94 Sydco Fuels Limited P.O.Box 1057 Sydney NS B1S 1T2 200.00 Tamlyn Gerald 729 Greenwood Rd., RR 5 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Taylor Wade Box 175 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 80.00 Taylor William 4254 East Bay Hwy. East Bay NS B1J 1M8 500.00 Tedford Dave Box 1131 Sydney NS B1P 2C2 100.00 Ternan Mary-Evelyn 342 Bedford Hwy. Halifax NS B3M 2K9 300.00 The Armour Group Limited PO Box 665 Halifax NS B3J 2T3 1,000.00 The Bank of Nova Scotia Atlantic Regional Office Halifax NS B3J 3B7 3,761.00 The Shaw Group Limited PO Box 2130 Lantz NS B0N 1R0 1,500.00 The Toronto-Dominion Bank 66 Wellington Street West Toronto ON M5K 1A2 1,902.50 Theriault Harold (Junior) 9461 Highway 217, RR#4 Digby NS B0V 1A0 880.50 Thibeau Anthony PO Box 252 Petit De Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Todd Margaret 4080 Highway 6, RR 1 NS B0K 1V0 165.00 Tomar Mukhtyar 110 Dorothea Dr. Dartmouth NS B2W 4B6 200.00 Tomkins M.G. PO Box 759 Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Townsend Patricia 211 - 294 Radcliffe Dr. Halifax NS B3S 1E8 147.69 Trans-Atlantic Preforms Limited 66 Wentworth Street Sydney NS B1P 6T4 500.00 Trimper Wendell P.O. Box 51 Clementsport NS B0S 1E0 380.50 Triram Developments Limited 7071 Bayers Road, Suite 4007 Halifax NS B3L 2C2 1,000.00 Tucker J. Floyd P.O. Box 172 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 360.00 Tweedie Linda 78 Black Rock Light Rd. Black Rock NS B1X 1C5 79.72 Unsworth George 73 Causeway Drive Sydney NS B1L 1C5 300.00 V.J. Rice Concrete Limited P.O. Box 399 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 200.00 Valentine Elizabeth 79 Sterling Rd., PO Box 93 Newport NS B0N 2A0 120.00 van Dyk Case RR #1 Caledonia NS B0T 1B0 100.00 Van Dyk Henrica RR #1 Caledonia NS B0T 1B0 200.00 VanZoost Jan 22 Alden Hubley Drive, RR1 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 1,000.00 Vaughan Philip 1645 Vernon Street Halifax NS B3H 3M9 214.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Veinot Vernon RR#1 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Verran James 120 Jeffrey St Bridgetown NS B0S 1L0 100.00 Vickers Joan 303 Millville Highway Millville NS B1Y 2E1 79.72 Vickers Joan 331 Millville Highway Millville NS B1Y 2E1 79.72 Vincent A. Gillis Inc. 321 Townsend St. Sydney NS B1P 6J1 200.00 Vyge-Fraser Michele 42 Wedgewood Avenue Halifax NS B3T 1E7 250.00 W.N. Horner & Associates Limited 89 Queen Street Truro NS B2N 2B2 100.00 Wagner Raymond P.O. Box 192 CRPO Halifax NS B3J 2M4 700.00 Wambolt Robert P.O. Box 226 St. Peter's NS B0E 3B0 240.00 Webster Theresa 1366 Bishop Ave. Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Weeks Thomas 301-1350 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 100.00 Welland & Associates Limited PO Box 504 Chester NS B0J 1J0 200.00 Welsford F. Colleen PO Box 1123 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Whalen Diana 42 Turnmill Dr. Halifax NS B3M 4H6 1,330.13 White Burgess Langille Inman 26 Union Street, 2nd Floor Bedford NS B4A 2B5 250.00 William Thomas 18 Wilton Cres. Dartmouth NS B2Y 2S9 120.00 William Alexander & Associates Ltd. 5171 George St., Ste. 300 Halifax NS B3J 1M6 300.00 William Nycum & Associates Limited 5555 Young St. Halifax NS B3K 1Z7 500.00 Wilson Blaisee 114 Matthew Drive Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1T8 1,000.00 Wilson Dave 202-633 Main Street Glace Bay NS B1A 6J3 79.72 Wilson David 193 McIntyre Lane Glace Bay NS B1A 4S1 504.00 Wilson Leslie 295 Poplar Dr. Dartmouth NS B2W 4K6 192.00 Wilson Rod 1052 Bland St. Halifax NS B3H 2S8 380.50 Wilson Fuel Co. Limited P.O. Box 744 Truro NS B2N 5G1 2,902.50 Wood Francis 290 Willett St., Apt. 411 Halifax NS B3M 3R7 250.00 Wright Blair RR 2 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 160.00 Wright Hugh 6230 Oakland Road Halifax NS B3H 1P2 227.00 Yee Gin Hing 205-1 Richmond St. Dartmouth NS B3A 4R1 300.00 Yeo Troy 3045 Robie St Halifax NS B3K 4P6 190.25 Yorke Charles 2120 Hillside Boularderie Rd. Boularderie NS B1Y 2T4 79.72 Young Carol 206-5431 Doyle St. Halifax NS B3J 1H9 538.00 Zafiris Theresa 31 Castlepark Grove Halifax NS B3M 4X8 100.00 Zitner David 1702 - 1550 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 4A2 500.00 Zive S. Paul PO Box 36010 Halifax NS B3J 3S9 250.00 Total $299,422.05

3.3 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Political Contributions January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Auditor: Rector Colavecchia Roche, 99 Portland St , Dartmouth, NS, B2Y1H5 Date Filed: April 30, 2010 Contributions: $629,279.34 (net of contributions returned) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 1780776 NS Limited dba 'Woodmaster Tools of Canada 1176 Black Rock Rd Clifton NS B6L 1C1 373.48 A. F. Theriault & Son Limited 9027 Hwy 1 PO Box 10 Meteghan River NS B0W 2L0 500.00 Abbott Deborah 5875A Kane St Halifax NS B3K 2B6 200.00 Abraham Isaac 6 Candlewood Lane Lower Sackville NS B4C 1A5 144.00 Abriel Cherie 26 Deerview Cres Truro NS B0W 2Y0 60.00 Acadian Seaplants Limited 30 Brown Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1X8 5,000.00 Ackermann Daphne 298 River Head Rd RR 1 Port Mouton NS B0T 1T0 150.00 Ackles Karen 1-278 Beech St New Glasgow NS B2H 1A1 210.00 Adams Daryl 16 Ashcroft Ave Halifax NS B3V 1A5 120.00 Adams Kenneth 1635 Cambridge St Halifax NS B3H 4A5 300.00 Adl Sina 310-960 Barrington St Halifax NS B3H 2P7 786.74 Aikman Scott 1869 Melanson Rd Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 180.00 Alexander Arthur 6134 Pictou Landing Rd Site 5 Box 2 RR 2 Trenton NS B0K 1X0 51.00 Alford Martin 2752 Swaine St Halifax NS B3L 3R5 104.00 Allen Julianna 6 Laura Crt Fall River NS B2T 1H7 60.00 Allen Ruth 1595 Vernon St Halifax NS B3H 3M8 120.00 Allen Cate 2559 Oxford St Halifax NS B3L 2T5 120.00 Allen Cecil 111-62 Willow St Truro NS B2N 4Z6 200.00 Allen Gwen 13 Flying Cloud Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4T9 380.00 Almon Marc 2939 Doug Smith Dr Halifax NS B3L 3T8 134.00 Aloni Philon 58 New Harbour Rd RR 1 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 270.00 Al-Shanti Ibrahim 359 Sheppards Run Beechville NS B3T 2G7 110.00 Altheim Brian 1-5668 Woodill St Halifax NS B3K 1G9 120.00 Alton Natural Gas Storage Inc. 89 Main St W - 2nd fl PO Box 70 Stewiake NS B0N 2J0 373.48 Alward David 2460 Armcrescent East Dr Halifax NS B3L 3C7 120.00 Amherst Insurance Agencies Limited 55 Victoria St PO Box 9 Amherst NS B4H 3Y6 150.00 Anderson Torleif 182 Hwy 3 RR 1 Simms Settlement NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Anderson Kathryn 199 Loop of Hwy 6 RR 3 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Anderson Jane 78 Village Cres Bedford NS B4A 1J2 186.74 Anderson Bonnie 3127 Needham St Halifax NS B3K 3P1 230.00 Andrew Gail 5358 Lochaber Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2M1 125.00 Andrews Bronwyn 20 Kingston Cres Dartmouth NS B3A 2M1 50.00 Annand Wendy 94 Moyle Mader Rd PO Box 45 Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 120.00 Annapolis Group Inc. 165 Hammonds Plains Rd Bedford NS B4A 4C7 550.00 Anthony Tony 129A Adelaide Ave Halifax NS B3N 2P1 60.00 Anthony Kathryn 2431 Davison St Halifax NS B3K 4K9 100.00 Anthony Robert 17 Guysborough Ave Dartmouth NS B2W 1S4 120.00 Arenburg Kevin 835 Hwy 215 RR 3 Newport NS B0N 2A0 65.00 Armco Capital Inc. 6017 Quinpool Rd Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Armour Nan 1984 Prince Arthur St Halifax NS B3J 2K6 320.37 Armstrong Isaac 72 Bromley Ave Moncton NB E1C 5T9 100.00 Armstrong Donald 168 Main St PO Box 57 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 50.00 Armstrong Lesley-Ann 25 Tall Trees Crt Mineville NS B2Z 1K2 50.00 Arnott Marie 21 Vincents Way Antigonish NS B2G 2X3 100.00 Arsenault Simon 10177 Cabot Trail Hwy RR 1 Margaree Harbour NS B0E 2B0 120.00 Arsenault Dennis 202-716 Sackville Rd Lower Sackville NS B4C 2K3 135.00 Artur Yann 87 Green Meadows Dr Howie Centre NS B1L 1C7 55.00 Asbell-Clarke Jodi 6208 Regina Terr Halifax NS B3H 1N5 300.00 Ashfield Dale 130 Montague Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 3P3 100.00 Ashton John 1938 East River Rd RR 1 Eureka NS B0K 1B0 50.00 Ashworth Colleen 112-95 Chipstone Close Halifax NS B3M 4J8 50.00 Asp Elissa 3184 Union St Halifax NS B3K 5H1 60.00 Atkinson Clara 336 Abbotts Harbour Rd PO Box 75 Middle West Pubnico NS B0W 2M0 100.00 Atkinson Jean 35 Barbara Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 3N7 220.00 Atlantic School of Theology Faculty Association 660 Francklyn St Halifax NS B3J 1V7 100.00 Atwell Yvonne 401 Upper Partridge River Rd East Preston NS B2Z 1H4 240.00 Atwood George 608 Old Sackville Rd Lower Sackville NS B4C 2K3 120.00 Aucoin John 15-430 Mahon St New Waterford NS B1H 3J2 247.00 Austen Marion 1551 Walnut St Halifax NS B3H 3S1 100.00 Austen Ian 2208 Sherbrooke Rd RR 5 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C8 447.48 Austin Edna 2241 Hwy 252 RR 2 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 225.00 Avon Valley Greenhouses Limited 285 Town Rd Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 550.00 Awalt Ingrid 17 Walnut Hall Dartmouth NS B2X 3S6 220.00 Bacich Donald 79 Lynch Dr Sydney NS B1S1V3 150.00 Bacon Margaret 20 North St Bedford NS B4A 2N2 394.00 Bail Florian 11883 Peggy's Cove Rd PO Box 3016 Tantallon NS B3Z 4G9 300.00 Baillie Wayne 1188 Hwy 376 RR 2 Durham Pictou Co NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Bajunaid Muhammed 102 Cutter Dr Halifax NS B3M 4W5 80.00 Baker Michelle 537 Tower Rd Halifax NS B3H 2X4 210.00 Baker Everett 194 Cornwall Rd Cornwall PE C0A 1H0 388.00 Bakers, Confectionery and Tobacco Workers Union Local 446 201-14 McQuade Lake Cres Halifax NS B3S 1B6 300.00 Balch Doris 6317 Allan St Halifax NS B3L 1G8 240.00 Baldwin Jeannie 126 Annie Armstrong Diversion RR 2 Box 6 SChester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Ball Geoffrey 214-223 Windmill Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 4M6 247.00 Bankier Jennifer 95 Bayview Dr Hacketts Cove NS B3Z 3J8 360.00 Banks Stan 1196 Owen Rd Kentville NS B4N 2W9 142.00 Banks Donnie 55 Wireless Station Rd Box 248 Barrington Passage NS B0W 1G0 50.00 Bannister Jill 37 Micmac Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1M3 100.00 Banting Debra 6175 Lawrence St Halifax NS B3L 1J7 102.00 Barber Alfred 304-25 Dartmouth Rd Bedford NS B4A 2L3 75.00 Barbour Stephen 6274 London St Halifax NS B3L 1X1 120.00 Barker Roberta 6341 Vienna St Halifax NS B3L 1S5 50.00 Barkhouse Jacqueline 15 Cannon Cres Eastern Passage NS B3G 1E9 60.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Barkhouse Steven 15 Cannon Cres Eastern Passage NS B3G 1E9 110.00 Barkley Jacqueline 2650 Fuller Terr Halifax NS B3K 3V7 174.00 Barr Jennifer 31 Litchfield Cres Halifax NS B3P 2N4 100.00 Barrett Vivian 231 Candy Mountain Rd Mineville NS B2Z 1K5 60.00 Barrett Doreen 26 Zinck Ave Lower Sackville NS B4C 1V7 96.00 Barrett Kevin 57 Surrey Way Dartmouth NS B2W 6R7 300.00 Barrett Kieth 421 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2C7 50.00 Barron George 6709 Sissiboo Rd Bear River NS B0S 1B0 115.00 Barthomeuf Jacques 49 Wedgewood Ave Halifax NS B3M 2B4 520.00 Bartlett Lemont 185 Flying Cloud Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4T4 60.00 Bartlett I. Ross 3565 Novalea Dr Halifax NS B3K 3E9 60.00 Bartonova Anna 40 Cavendish Rd Halifax NS B3P 2J7 52.00 Basin Stationery & Office Supplies Limited 130-3667 Strawberry Hill Rd Halifax NS B3K 5A8 200.00 Bates Stephen 4215 Hwy 2 Wellington NS B2T 1A3 120.00 Bates David 4867 Hwy 1 RR 2 Three Mile Plains NS B0N 2T0 120.00 Bates Anna 158 Hallmark Ave Lower Sackville NS B4C 3R5 180.00 Bauman Grace 33A Argyle St Glace Bay NS B1A 3Z6 100.00 Bauman Betty 33A Argyle St Glace Bay NS B1A 3Z6 100.00 Baxter Larry 3544 Acadia St Halifax NS B3K 3P2 200.00 Bay Ferries Management Limited 500-5657 Spring Garden Rd Park Lane Box 2Halifax NS B3J 3R4 1,000.00 Bays Robert 111 Lake Mulgrave Rd PO Box 201 Bear River NS B0S 1B0 165.00 Beale Fay 126 Peggy's Point Rd Peggys Cove NS B3Z 3S2 240.00 Beale John 126 Peggy's Point Rd Peggys Cove NS B3Z 3S2 240.00 Beaman George 79 Chalamont Dr Hammonds Plains NS B3Z 1H8 100.00 Bean Wilfred 199 Loop of Hwy 6 RR 3 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 200.00 Beaton Brian 380 Blackstone Rd Mabou NS B0E 1X0 77.00 Beaton Donald 210 Mansfield St Glace Bay NS B1A 3N8 84.00 Beaton Martin 8 Davis Dr PO Box 6916 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2W2 120.00 Bebb Trevor 49 Brighton Rd Box 18 NS B0T 1L0 100.00 Begg Robert 49 Village Cres Bedford NS B4A 1J3 100.00 Bell Bill 22 Viewville St Antigonish NS B2G 1E2 65.00 Bell Marlene 50 Ellerslie Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 4P3 100.00 Bell Meredith 2380 Cornwall Rd RR 3 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 600.00 Bell Marilynne 5572 Falkland St Halifax NS B3K 1A5 710.00 Bell & Grant Insurance 6380 Lady Hammond Rd PO Box 8 Halifax NS B3K 2S3 100.00 Bell Aliant Regional Communications Holdings Inc. 1505 Barrington St 7 South Maritime Centre Halifax NS B3J 2W3 4,746.96 Belliveau Sterling 6838 Hwy 3 PO Box 32 Lower Woods Harbour NS B0W 2E0 111.11 Belliveau Bonnie 96 Alice St Truro NS B2N 2M7 200.00 Belliveau Andy 96 Alice St Truro NS B2N 2M7 459.00 Belzer Kathryn 12943 Hwy 224 RR 2 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 120.00 Benham Betty Lou 704 West Sable Rd RR 1 Sable River NS B0T 1V0 120.00 Benjamin Obee 64 Helene Ave Dartmouth NS B2X 1G4 800.00 Bennett Susan 503-1343 Hollis St Halifax NS B3J 1T8 100.00 Bennett Charlene 12 Condon Ave Kentville NS B4N 2S3 105.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bennett Sean 435 Gabriel Rd RR 2 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 120.00 Bennett Margaret-Anne 1313 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 2J9 392.74 Benneworth Advanced Systems Incorporated 401-1741 Brunswick St Box 8718 Stn A Halifax NS B3K 5M4 500.00 Beresford Patricia 6301 Coburg Rd Halifax NS B3H 2A3 310.00 Berfalo Herman 1377 Riverside Rd RR 2 NS B0N 2J0 200.00 Berfalo Johanna 1377 Riverside Rd RR 2 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 200.00 Berger Anthony 3 Prince St Wolfville NS B4P 1P7 180.00 Best Kelly 92 Hampton Green Cole Harbour NS B2V 1M1 300.54 Betts Donald 23 Deepwood Cres Halifax NS B3M 2Y5 180.00 Betts Anne 244 Charles Rd PO Box 45 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 240.00 Bezanson Stephen 3750 Black Rock Rd RR 3 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 150.00 Bhandari Judy 14 Carleton St Dartmouth NS B2W 1E7 220.00 Billingsley Lydia 514-5221 Cornwallis St Halifax NS B3K 0B6 60.00 Binkley Marian 1571 Larch St Halifax NS B3H 3W9 480.00 Birdsall Pamela 590 Main St PO Box 73 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 540.78 Bishop Barbara 10488 Hwy 1 Box 43 Paradise NS B0S 1R0 150.37 Bishop Anne 1177 Hwy 1 RR 1 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 500.00 Bisson Daphne 75 Connaught Ave Glace Bay NS B1A 5S3 144.00 Black Emily 22 Elmwood Dr Elmsdale NS B2S 1B2 200.37 Black Paul 16 Murray Hill Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A7 537.00 Blades Kent 1262 Centreville/South Side Rd RR 1 Lower Clark's Harbour NS B0W 1P0 100.00 Blaikie June 3356 Agricola St Halifax NS B3K 4H9 317.00 Blair Nancy 44 Tulip St Dartmouth NS B3A 2S7 120.00 Blair-Cutler Marianne 2 Cavalier Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 3K3 100.00 Blake Elsie 417-82 Parkland Dr Halifax NS B3S 1S3 180.00 Blakely Donald 28 Booth St Dartmouth NS B2X 1N9 165.00 Blakely Tom 87 Summit Ridge PO Box 556 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 300.00 Blanchard Greg 411-449 Portland Hills Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 6R9 50.00 Bland Fred 234 Willow St RR 1 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 60.00 Blenkhorn Allan 1129 Aalders Ave New Minas NS B4N 3H4 50.00 Blois Frederick 1159 Black Rock Rd Clifton NS B6L 1C1 515.00 Blum Ilya 3081 Lloyd Fox Ave Halifax NS B3L 3V8 52.00 Blundon Ronald 2029 Hwy 327 Dutch Brook NS B1L 1E9 300.00 Bolivar Jane 6378 Cork St Halifax NS B3L 1Z2 55.00 Bona Suzanne 405-1326 Lower Water St Halifax NS B3J 3R3 250.00 Bond Elsie 3891 Hwy 14 Upper Rawdon NS B0N 2N0 100.00 Boone Dayle 42 Centre Ave Donkin NS B1A 6M3 72.00 Botma Peter 2064 Beech St Halifax NS B3L 2X8 208.00 Boudreau Kenneth 5D-1521 LeMarchant St Halifax NS B3H 2R3 100.00 Boudreau Jim 62 Williams Point Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 600.78 Bourgeois Jack 1268 Main St 1268 Hwy 242 River Hebert NS B0L 1G0 120.00 Bourque Donald 8 Patterson St Dartmouth NS B2W 2W1 120.00 Boutilier Dolores 36 Paddy's Head Rd Indian Harbour NS B3Z 3N8 52.00 Boutilier Roy 530 Alder Point Rd Alder Point NS B1Y 1A3 65.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Boutilier Joan 1 Lynwood Dr Wolfville NS B4P 1B1 200.00 Boutin Sharon 15 White Dove Crt Halifax NS B3N 3G5 60.00 Bowdridge Elizabeth 305-4 Ramsgate Lane Halifax NS B3P 2R8 120.00 Bowes Nancy 6287 Duncan St Halifax NS B3L 1K4 230.00 Bowles Gerald 1187 Brule Shore Rd RR 1 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 180.00 Boyd Carl 2831 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Timberlea NS B3T 1H4 170.00 Brackley Darren 6 Milverton Rd Dartmouth NS B2Y 3T4 100.00 Bradet Mario 3125 Agricola St Halifax NS B3K 4G4 120.00 Bradfield Suellen 6324 Cornwall St Halifax NS B3H 2J1 300.00 Bradfield Michael 6324 Cornwall St Halifax NS B3H 2J1 600.00 Bradley Carol 121 Dill Rd Ext RR 1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 255.37 Braedley Robert 69 Shannon Dr Truro NS B2N 3V7 66.00 Brassett Ronald 3445 Joseph Howe Dr Halifax NS B3L 4H6 60.00 Braybrooke Alice 1607-6369 Coburg Rd Halifax NS B3H 4J7 50.00 Brazeau Mick 1421 Bains Rd RR 5 Canning NS B0P 1H0 355.00 Breau Gerald 74 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Halifax NS B3N 1K2 300.00 Brennan-Alpert Patricia 5393 Duffus St Halifax NS B3K 2L9 300.00 Brett Nathan 483 Purcells Cove Rd Halifax NS B3P 2P1 300.00 Brett Jeff 38 Brook St Bridgewater NS B4V 3B2 550.00 Brewer Allison 2325 Princess Pl Halifax NS B3K 4K5 240.00 Brian Mercedes 5 Toye Lane Wolfville NS B4P 2C9 58.00 Britten Daniel 10 Tantling Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 4Z6 120.00 Brock Wilma 65 Nova Terr Dartmouth NS B2V 1B1 50.00 Brodie Paul 316 Kennedys Rd Boutiliers Point NS B3Z 1V7 600.00 Brodie Judy 316 Kennedys Rd Boutiliers Point NS B3Z 1V7 975.74 Brosky Gerald 1572 Vernon St Halifax NS B3H 3M7 576.00 Brown Grace 2043 Irwin Lake Rd Williams Country Homes Truro NS B0N 1C0 60.00 Brown Leonie 411-50 Shoreham Lane Halifax NS B3P 2R3 84.00 Brown Mary Ann 23 Taranaki Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4X3 100.00 Brown Maynard 23 Taranaki Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4X3 120.00 Brown Douglas 2 South Point Rd Portuguese Cove NS B3V 1K3 125.00 Brown Geoffrey 15 Hillsburn Crt Dartmouth NS B2W 4M8 180.00 Brown Madonna 2791 Caribou Rd RR 2 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 200.00 Brown Margaret 6357 Young St Halifax NS B3L 2A2 300.00 Brown Blair 36 Ainsley Crt River Ryan NS B1H 5S8 470.00 Brown Katherine R 5 Whimsical Lake Cres Halifax NS B3P 2P9 620.00 Brown Morris 3411 Indian Rd Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 710.00 Brown Pamela 14 Lacey Rd Milford NS B0N 1Y0 50.00 Brunt Stephen 5 Deepwood Landng Gaetz Brook NS B0J 1N0 1,000.74 Brush Janet 317-2080 Quingate Pl Halifax NS B3L 4R9 120.00 Buchanan June 10920 Rte 224 E RR 4 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 100.00 Buck John 284 Pelham St PO Box 1353 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 175.00 Buckler Helen 91 Chestnut Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1V9 104.00 Bull Michelle 128 Foster St PO Box 177 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 225.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bundy-Jewers Glenda 1369 South Shore Rd Moser River NS B0J 2K0 80.00 Bungay William 350 Welsford St Box 594 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 120.00 Buott Kyle 2099B Oxford St Halifax NS B3L 2T3 60.00 Burbine Harriett 6 Davidson St Amherst NS B4H 3H2 115.00 Burbridge Louise 8 Fifth St Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1R1 60.00 Burchell MacDougall 710 Prince St PO Box 1128 Truro NS B2N 5H1 500.00 Burgar Rod 1047 Marlborough Ave Halifax NS B3H 3H2 100.00 Burgess Anne 3483 Upper Branch Rd Upper Branch NS B4V 4X7 240.00 Burke Stephen 133 Ritson Ave Cambridge Stn NS B0P 1G0 160.00 Burns Emma 5669 Merkel St Halifax NS B3K 2J4 100.00 Burns Steven 1535 Lilac St Halifax NS B3H 3W4 600.00 Burrell Penni 30 Henry St Kentville NS B4N 2L4 240.00 Burrill Gary 8715 Hwy 224 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 525.00 Burrows Susan 108 Poplar St Glace Bay NS B1A 4M2 884.00 Burton Peter 6170 Murray Pl Halifax NS B3H 1S1 100.00 Burwash-Brennan Marilee 22 Herring Cove Rd Halifax NS B3W 1P3 50.00 Busby Cathy 2323 Princes Pl Halifax NS B3K 4K5 350.00 Buscher Lois 14 Carriage Way Terr Lower Sackville NS B4E 2H1 50.00 Bush Jennifer 1071 Ridge Rd RR 1 Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 250.00 Butler Anna Marie 804-1540 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 100.00 Butler Frances 1 Monteray Dr PO Box 1373 Stn A Sydney NS B1P 6K3 120.00 Butt Glenda 2542 Philip St Halifax NS B3L 3H2 588.00 Butts Susan 5 Tupper Crt Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2A5 100.00 Byron Reginald 2 Castleton Cres Dartmouth NS B2X 3M2 150.37 C.L. Stonehouse Enterprises Limited 4881 Main St PO Box 60 Collingwood NS B0M 1E0 1,000.00 Cahill Barry 802 McLean St PO Box 2673 Stn M Halifax NS B3J 3P7 50.00 Cairns Martin 675 1/2 Herring Cove Rd Halifax NS B3R 1Y2 395.00 Cajee Ismail 67 Ridgepark Lane Halifax NS B3N 3J2 260.00 Calder Ron 6611 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Head Of St. Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 1Y1 120.00 Calhoun Don 63 Pleasant St Bridgewater NS B4V 1M9 380.00 Cameron David 180 Ovens Rd PO Box 38 Riverport NS B0J 2W0 60.00 Cameron John 2051 MacDonald St Halifax NS B3L 3G1 100.00 Cameron Ken 3585 Hwy 3 PO Box 63 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 360.00 Cameron Silver Donald 24 Armshore Dr Halifax NS B3N 1M5 500.00 Campbell Glenda 59 Andover St Dartmouth NS B2X 2M1 84.00 Campbell Elaine 60 Lone Pine Dr Onslow Mountain NS B6L 6L1 100.00 Campbell George 52 Waterview Dr Sydney NS B1P 1S8 120.00 Campbell Ian 78 Mount Batton Dr New Glasgow NS B2H 5T3 120.00 Campbell Carol 23 Lewis Dr Dominion NS B1G 1K5 125.00 Campbell Colin 204-2 Lake Dr Bedford NS B4A 4H7 144.00 Campbell Sue 2343 Maynard St Halifax NS B3K 3T8 180.00 Campbell Joan 209-115 Ochterloney St Dartmouth NS B2Y 4W8 240.00 Campbell Richmond 299 Five Island Rd Hubley NS B3Z 1B5 740.00 Campbell Myrtle 1354 Main St Glace Bay NS B1A 5A7 1,061.19 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Campbell Comeau Engineering Limited B230-5855 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 4S2 250.00 Canadian Auto Workers Union Canada 63 Otter Lake Crt Halifax NS B3S 1M1 5,000.00 Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association 201-5121 Sackville St Halifax NS B3J 1K1 186.74 Canadian Union of Public Employees 308-7071 Bayers Rd Halifax NS B3L 2C2 5,000.00 Cann Steve 6411 Oak St Halifax NS B3I 1H2 200.00 Building & Construction Trades Council 238 Vulcan Ave Sydney NS B1P 5X2 3,000.00 Card James 3110 Hwy 215 RR 1 Newport NS B0N 2A0 115.00 Carey Frank 315-30 Wickwire Ave Wolfville NS B4P 0A9 115.00 Carmichael Frank 29 Dustan St Dartmouth NS B2Y 3T7 70.00 Carmichael David 14 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Halifax NS B3N 1J3 72.00 Carmody Catherine 5797 Charles St Halifax NS B3K 1K7 120.00 Carnell John Paul 15 Laurentide Dr Halifax NS B3M 2M9 100.00 Carr Bernard 2 Canary Cres Halifax NS B3M 1R1 120.00 Carrier Jennifer 96 Lockview Dr Fall River NS B2T 1J1 100.00 Carrier Daniel 96 Lockview Dr Fall River NS B2T 1J1 204.00 Carroll Joan 210 Churchill Downs Cir Lower Sackville NS B4E 2J7 55.00 Carroll Lorraine 130 Rosedale Ave Halifax NS B3N 2J8 110.00 Carter Susan 9 P. Thomas Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 6A1 290.37 Cartmill Charles 6634 South St Halifax NS B3H 1V2 1,000.00 Casey Brian 2367 Hunter St Halifax NS B3K 4V7 70.00 Casey James 127 Old Trunk 14 Centre Rawdon NS B0N 2N0 50.00 Casey Ashley 6006 Peasbrook, Hwy 16 Guysborough Co NS B0H 1N0 50.00 Cashin Douglas John 203-93 Kearney Lake Rd Halifax NS B3M 4E7 60.00 Cashin Harriet 3453 Baker St New Waterford NS B1H 1X6 200.00 Cashin John 3453 Baker St New Waterford NS B1H 1X6 240.00 Castilho Edson 5538 Kane Pl Halifax NS B3K 2B3 120.00 Castle Judy 3162 Hwy 19 PO Box 6964 Stn Main Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2W2 191.00 Castlebury Nancy 677 Pembroke Rd RR 3 Box 3140 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A7 200.00 Catano Victor 6246 Shirley St Halifax NS B3H 2N6 200.00 Cater Donald 2-538 Herring Cove Rd Halifax NS B3R 1X4 55.00 Cave Donald 123 Zinck Ave Lower Sackville NS B4C 1W1 199.00 Cayford Jane 131 King St RR 3 Wolfville NS B4P 2R3 300.00 CBCL Limited 1489 Hollis St PO Box 606 Halifax NS B3J 2R7 1,000.00 Cervin Cathy 1570 Vernon St Halifax NS B3H 3M7 451.00 Chafe Jack 81 Colby Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 2V1 160.00 Challis James 139 Cavalier Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 3L1 120.00 Challis Marilyn 139 Cavalier Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 3L1 170.00 Chandler Robert 12 Tremont St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1X2 52.00 Chandler Joan 3 Braeside Crt Dartmouth NS B2X 3M9 100.00 Chandler Wallace 80 Sandy Cove Loop RR 1 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 115.00 Chandler Carol 224 Kingsburg Rd RR 1 Site 1A Box 2 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 400.00 Chant James 1-3658 Percy St Halifax NS B3N 2R6 52.00 Chapdelaine Peter 135 Kenwood Dr Sydney NS B1S 1T8 120.00 Chapman Katherine 306-108 Ochterloney St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1C7 50.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Chard Donald 85 Newcastle St Dartmouth NS B2Y 3M8 60.00 Charlebois Carol 3354 Albert St Halifax NS B3K 3N2 228.00 Charles Anthony 1618 Preston St Halifax NS B3H 3V1 780.00 Chartrand Dennis 8-10 Mitchell St Dartmouth NS B3A 3C9 60.00 Chaytor Kaireen 7149 Morningside Dr Halifax NS B3L 2E5 350.00 Chestnut Harold 33 Cavendish Rd Halifax NS B3P 2J6 175.00 Chestnut Joan 33 Cavendish Rd Halifax NS B3P 2J6 180.00 Cheticamp Boatbuilders Limited 80 Hache Rd PO Box 39 Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 500.00 Chiasson Ephraim 13028 Cabot Trail Hwy PO Box 29 Grand Etang NS B0E 1L0 100.00 Chiasson Maurice 2753 Connolly St Halifax NS B3L 3M8 400.00 Chisholm Gregory PO Box 429 NS B0K 1S0 80.00 Chisholm Colin 19 Murphy Rd RR 2 Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 120.00 Chisholm Robert 130 Cove Rd Porters Lake NS B3E 1J5 906.74 Chisholm John c/o Nova Construction Co Ltd 3098 Post Rd, Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 2,000.00 Chisholm Sharon 42 MacKay Hill Lane RR 1 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 50.00 Chown Joyce 35 Penhorn Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 3K4 152.00 Christiansen-Ruffman Linda 202 Fergusons Cove Rd Ferguson's Cove NS B3V 1L7 105.00 Christianson John 15 Coburg Cres Truro NS B2N 7J5 180.74 Christie Susan 294 Gatacre St Sydney NS B1N 1Z5 60.00 Christie Marion 45 George St Lower Sackville NS B4C 2M7 1,100.08 Church Shirley 444 Wiley Ave PO Box 56 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Churchill Edwin 53 Hines Rd PO Box 248 Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M5 120.00 Cipolla Phyllis 16 Teviot Pl Valley NS B6L 2W4 340.00 CKF Incorporated 48 Prince St PO Box 419 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 550.00 Claman Peter 1201-1465 Brenton St Halifax NS B3J 3T3 52.00 Clare Ben 5536 Sebastian Pl Halifax NS B3K 2K6 100.00 Clare Mary E 8 Stevens Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 1P5 50.00 Clark James 58 Blue Heron Dr RR 3 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 240.00 Clark Peter Department of Sociology & SA 6135 UniversitHalifax NS B3H 4P9 240.00 Clarke Catherine 6877 Bayers Rd Halifax NS B3L 2B6 96.00 Clarke D. Barry 21 Hillwood Cres Halifax NS B3T 1H4 200.00 Clarke R Stewart 54 Lisa Ann Dr Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1E4 200.00 Clarke R Allyn 5719 Southwood Dr Halifax NS B3H 1E6 200.00 Clarke Rick 131 Poplar Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 2K7 400.00 Clarke David 6208 Regina Terr Halifax NS B3H 1N5 800.00 Clayton James 141 Hannebury Dr Cole Harbour NS B2V 1P7 60.00 CleanEarth Technologies Inc. 203 Aerotech Dr Enfield NS B2T 1K3 250.00 Clement Pierre 14 Wheatstone Hts Dartmouth NS B2Y 4C6 360.00 Cline John 1183 Hwy 358 PO Box 444 Port Williams NS BOP 1T0 100.00 Clinton James 20 Clinton Rd RR 3 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 84.00 Coates Evelyn 13-103 Pleasant St E Amherst NS B4H 1N4 854.00 Cogswell Philip 778 Brickyard Rd Albert Bridge NS B1K 2S9 420.00 Coholan Mary E 46 1/2 Frederick Ave Halifax NS B3N 2K6 100.00 Cohoon Timothy 106 Bowling Green Cres Dartmouth NS B2V 1J8 388.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Cole Lesley 435-1477 Lower Water St Halifax NS B3J 3Z4 582.00 Coles David 700-33 Alderney Dr PO Box 876 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Z5 1,000.00 Colestone Inc. 900-1959 Upper Water St PO Box 997 Halifax NS B3J 2X2 1,000.00 Collicut Roger 126 Annie Armstrong Diversion RR 2 Box 6 SChester NS B0J 1J0 144.00 Collicutt Bob 1076B Sackville Dr Lower Sackville NS B4E 1S4 310.00 Collins Gary 134 Slayter Rd PO Box 2244 Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 52.00 Collins John E 200 New Russel Rd RR 2 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 100.00 Collins Elizabeth 8 Florence St Lower Sackville NS B4C 1J6 220.00 Colour Creative Persuasion Inc. 400-7051 Bayers Rd Halifax NS B3L 4V2 1,810.22 Colpitts Bill 1006-1470 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 3A3 350.00 Colpitts Ronald 444 Ramshead River Rd GD Diligent River NS B0M 1H0 50.00 Combes Jeannette 618 Herring Cove Rd Halifax NS B3R 1X6 50.00 Comeau Paul 2655 Hwy 1 RR 1 Box 61 Churchpoint NS B0W 1M0 155.74 Communications Energy & Paperworkers Union of Canada 101-238 Brownlow Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1Y2 5,000.00 Composites Atlantic 71 Hall St PO Box 1150 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,000.00 Condie David 5110 Hwy 1 RR 1 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 55.00 Conlin Dan 6310 Duncan St Halifax NS B3L 1K3 152.00 Connolly Stirling 312 Hwy 103 RR 1 Queens NS B0J 1V0 60.00 Conrad Joyce 3218 Beresford Rd Halifax NS B3L 3R8 180.00 Conrad Adrian 109 Brooklyn Shore Rd Box 68 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 237.00 Conrad Vicki 339 East Rd PO Box 2 Mill Village NS B0J 2H0 666.74 Conrod Wilma 1872 Whiteside Rd RR 1 Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 355.00 Conrod Ken 2 Lexington Ave Dartmouth NS B2X 3L8 460.00 Conter Howard 5994 Campbell Dr Halifax NS B3H 1E3 500.00 Conway Edmund 180 Chandler Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 1Y2 96.00 Cook Ines 24 Whynot Rd PO Box 163 Port Medway NS B0J 2T0 55.00 Cook Beverly 759 Conquerall Mills Rd Conquerall Mills NS B4V 6A1 60.00 Cook Doris 32 Zwicker Lane RR 3 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 125.00 Cook Joanne 6171 Duncan St Halifax NS B3L 1K1 150.00 Cook Christopher 299 Main St PO Box 305 Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 245.00 Cooke Jean 2516 Macdonald St Halifax NS B3L 3G5 120.00 Coolen Lesta 1275 Hwy 329 RR 1 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 60.00 Coolen William 1656 Prospect Bay Rd Prospect NS B3T 2B3 102.00 Coolen William 103 Cabot Cres Lower Sackville NS B4C 2L3 50.00 Coolen Ron 6450 Liverpool St Halifax NS B3L 1Y4 50.00 Cooper Glenn 17 Prince St Box 1840 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 110.00 Cooper Robert 68 Langevin Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 1P6 135.00 Cooper Brenda 103 Hwy 19 Port Hastings NS B9A 1J9 2,005.00 Coote Robert 309 Main St PO Box 75 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 240.00 Copeland Alan P 347 Windemere Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 52.00 Corbett Jane 3531 Lynch St Halifax NS B3K 3K7 60.00 Corbett Gloria 809 Rte 203 RR 1 Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 100.00 Corbett Frank 2351 Lingan Rd Lingan NS B1H 5H5 1,000.08 Corbett Michelle 2703 Fuller Terr Halifax NS B3K 3V9 50.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Corbin Anne 6314 Allan St Halifax NS B3L 1G9 120.00 Corbin Barbara 6316 Allan St Halifax NS B3L 1G9 292.00 Cormier Mary 18 Napean St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2E3 100.00 Cormier Michael 193 Jackladder Dr Lower Sackville NS B4E 0A5 100.00 Cormier Bruce B-25 Armada Dr Halifax NS B3M 1R9 120.00 Cormier Jennifer 31 Ingram Dr Fall River NS B2T 1E7 1,000.00 Corney Carol 22 Kent Dr PO Box 624 Amherst NS B4H 4B8 164.37 Cornwall Wendy 479 Purcells Cove Rd Halifax NS B3P 2P1 100.00 Cottrell Barbara 6216 Seaforth St Halifax NS B3L 1P9 165.00 Country Barter Rentals 1105 Foxbrook Rd RR 1 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Courtney Mary Lou 506-5561 Heatherwood Crt Halifax NS B3K 5N7 660.00 Covert Tim 27 Grindstone Dr Halifax NS B3R 0A5 115.00 Covert Harry 590 Main St PO Box 73 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 390.00 Covington Nancy 5 Stonehaven Rd Halifax NS B3N 1G2 150.00 Cox John 45 Albro Lake Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 3Y2 60.00 Cox Iretia 8 Mountain View Dr Lake Echo NS B3E 1B5 100.00 Cox Frederick 2859 Connaught Ave Halifax NS B3L 3A2 50.00 Coyle Mike 1401 Pereau Rd RR 1 Canning NS B0P 1H0 615.74 Crace John 2069 Elm St Halifax NS B3L 2Y2 160.00 Craft Joel 1922 Sackville Dr Middle Sackville NS B4E 3B1 180.00 Craig Marion 39 Redden Ave Kentville NS B4N 1A3 120.00 Craig Garry 2565 Beech St Halifax NS B3L 2X9 300.00 Crane Jamie 209 Upper Leitches Creek Rd Upper Leitches Creek NS B2A 4B2 340.74 Crawford Bruce 208-347 Portland Hills Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 0A7 444.00 Crawford Brian 15A Franklyn St Dartmouth NS B2W 1B6 545.00 Crawley Albert 73 Ferris St Sydney NS B1N 2H1 850.00 Crawley Terry 35 Pledge Dr RR 2 Albert Bridge NS B1K 3J6 1,050.00 Creamer Heather 5371 Hwy 358 RR 3 Scott's Bay NS B0P 1H0 75.00 Creelman Joanne 9 Forrest Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 2M4 92.00 Creery Raymond 1036 Oakland Rd RR 2 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 50.00 Creighton Thomas 2623 Fuller Terr Halifax NS B3K 3V8 660.00 Cromwell Gayle 11A Owen Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 3M1 180.00 Cron Marie 5 Milton Dr Halifax NS B3P 1A1 60.00 Crook James 2 Wallace St Dartmouth NS B3A 3G6 120.00 Crook Marilyn 1-4910 Tannery Rd PO Box 1641 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 355.00 Cross Michael 18 Redwood Ave Halifax NS B3P 1Y4 100.00 Crossley Sandra 64 Kendall Lane Box 116 Currys Corner NS B0N 1H0 60.00 Crossman Patricia 1038 Scott Dr Kentville NS B4N 2W3 100.00 Crossman Doug 3 Bay St Wolfville NS B4P 1L7 204.00 Crouse Cathy 1435 Hwy 329 RR 1 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 200.00 Crouse Carl 514 Port Lorne Rd RR 1 Paradise NS B0S 1R0 300.00 Crowell Barry 3068 Hwy 3 PO Box 48 Crowell NS B0W 1S0 1,004.00 Crowley Mary 38 Bridgeview Dr Halifax NS B3P 2M4 120.00 Crowley John 1571 Larch St Halifax NS B3H 3W9 200.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Crown Fibre Tube Incorporated 705 Park St PO Box 10 Kentville NS B4N 3V9 550.00 Crozsman Randy 1025 Birch St New Minas NS B4N 4J3 115.00 Cude Wilfred 5771 West Bay Hwy RR 2 West Bay NS B0E 3K0 170.00 Cullen Barb 79 Ramey Rd RR 2 Barss Corner NS B0R 1A0 371.11 Cumberland Forwarding Limited 1536 Wyvern Rd PO Box 60 Collingwood NS B0M 1E0 1,000.00 Cummings Joan 710-5959 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 1Y4 180.00 Cunningham Bruce 32b Wedgewood Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1J3 300.00 Curran Raymond 121-59 Baker Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 0A6 350.00 Curran-Reese Janet 920 Maple St Waterville NS B0P 1V0 96.00 Currie Chris 348 Main St Box 151 Milton NS B0T 1P0 60.00 Currie Anne 174 Riverside Dr Sydney NS B1P 3G7 120.00 Cuthbert Margaret 5-167 Hillcrest St New Glasgow NS B2H 3T7 400.00 Cutler Ron 2 Cavalier Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 3K3 125.00 Cyr Doug 1706 Victoria Rd RR 2 Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Czapalay Joan 3-11 Balcome Dr Halifax NS B3N 1H9 60.00 D & L Engineering Sales Limited 1057 Barrington St PO Box 2004 Halifax NS B3J 2Z1 100.00 Dacey Joan 52 Coles Rd Lower Sackville NS B4C 1V1 1,000.00 Dahn Margery 76 Bulmer Rd RR 2 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 110.00 Daigle Richard 305-1119 Tower Rd Halifax NS B3H 4H5 352.00 Dale Lauren 2658 Dublin St Halifax NS B3L 3J7 50.00 Dalziel John 6 Empress Crt Dartmouth NS B3A 4P4 86.00 Dares Stanley 640 Myra Rd Porters Lake NS B3E 1G4 125.00 Dauphinee-Dodd Lynn 36 Seaking Dr Dartmouth NS B3A 4Y5 120.00 Dauphney Kathy 4862 Hwy 105 Box 366 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 240.00 Davidson Bruce 324 Purcell's Cove Rd Halifax NS B3P 1C7 200.00 Davidson Glenn 96 Regent St PO Box 238 Chester NS B0J 1J0 580.00 Davis Bernard 5526 Falkland St Halifax NS B3K 1A3 125.00 Davis Sheila 6176 Pepperell St Halifax NS B3H 2N9 144.00 Davis Philip 505 Francklyn St Halifax NS B3H 3B2 180.00 Davis Marie 1008-5770 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 4J8 50.00 Dawe Mark 1121 Hwy 2 Lantz NS B2S 1M9 100.00 Dawson Robert 2074 Elm St Halifax NS B3L 2Y3 115.00 Dawson Joan 941 Greenwood Ave Halifax NS B3H 3L1 400.00 Day Vincent 70 Colonel St Bras D'or NS B1Y 2L3 60.00 Day Edward 216 Alderpoint Rd Bras D'or NS B1Y 2K7 180.00 Day Leslie 60 Colonel Dr Bras D'or NS B1Y 2L3 517.11 Daye Gilbert 2731 Fuller Terr Halifax NS B3K 3V9 240.00 de Mestral Jacqueline 3485 St. Andrews Ave Halifax NS B3L 3Y3 285.00 Deagle Kerry 14 Grandview Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 1X5 100.00 Deakin Thomas 391 Portland St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1L1 150.00 Decker Marcheta RR 2 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 50.00 DeCoste Clarence 266 King St PO Box 2574 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 180.00 Del Barba Albino 3513 Josephine St New Waterford NS B1H 2B5 144.00 Delaney Janice 87 Crichton Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 3R4 180.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Delefes Peter 68 Masons Point Rd Head Of St. Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 2A8 600.00 Delong Keith 50 Landrace Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 2P9 280.00 DeLong Jodi 4775 Hwy 358 Canning NS B0P 1H0 50.00 DeMings Janice 2013 Maynard St Halifax NS B3K 3T1 172.00 den Heyer Isabel 2733 Ohio East Rd RR 1 Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 120.00 Dennis Graham c/o Mary Lou Croft PO Box 2375 Halifax NS B3J 3E4 300.00 D'Entremont Anna 44 Pleasant Ave PO Box 1062 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 D'Entremont Robert Louis 2-156 Mowatt St PO Box 69 Barrington Passage NS B0W 1G0 360.00 D'Entremont Blaine 203-271 Prince Albert Rd Dartmouth NS B2Y 1M9 395.00 D'Entremont Anaclet 44 Pleasant Ave PO Box 1062 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 670.00 D'eon Ingrid 522 Brunswick St Yarmouth NS B5A 4M7 80.37 D'Eon Michelle 102 Minique's Hill Rd PO Box 14 Middle West Pubnico NS B0W 2M0 50.00 Deppe Horst 10 Stonewall Rd Herring Cove NS B3V1H1 50.00 Derkson Wade 212-1350 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 550.00 Deroche John 3 Boulderwood Dr Sydney NS B1S 1W3 620.00 Desroches Kevin 5 Erskine St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1P4 120.00 Desveaux Heather 599 Belmont Rd RR 2 Avondale NS B0N 2A0 50.00 Detheridge George 35 Detheridge Dr Sydney NS B1L 1B8 100.00 Devanney Burris 70 Flamingo Dr Halifax NS B3M 1T1 240.00 Devanney Louanne 70 Flamingo Dr Halifax NS B3M 1T1 250.00 Deveau Alma 2-2759 Windsor St Halifax NS B3K 5E3 100.00 Deveau Richard 2605 Hwy 1 RR 1 Box 3 Site 2 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 112.00 Deveau John 247 North Ohio Rd Yarmouth NS B0W 3E0 120.00 Dewar Kenneth 2583 Joseph St Halifax NS B3L 3H3 200.00 Dexter Darrell 43 Stuart Harris Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 3Z4 1,200.00 Dibble Carol 408 Middlesex Rd RR 1 Bear River NS B0S 1B0 120.00 Dickie Lloyd 7 Lakewood Crt Dartmouth NS B2X 2R6 300.00 Dickinson Bruce 227 Forest Dr RR 4 New Germany NS B0R 1E0 120.00 Dickson Donna 115 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C6 250.00 Dickson Jean 58 Elm St PO Box 915 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 50.00 Dilcher Karl 6264 Yukon St Halifax NS B3L 1G1 120.00 Dill Mary 109-61 Porter Cres Bridgewater NS B4V 3N8 130.00 Dimick Jon 65 Pleasant St PO Box 279 Chester NS B0J 1J0 500.00 Dingwall Stephen 5 Canary Cres Halifax NS B3M 1R2 172.00 Diquinzio Eva 82-B Thornhill Dr Halifax NS B3R 2B4 120.00 Dirani Sue 6848 Flynn St Halifax NS B3L 1J1 102.00 Dixon Doreen 91 Hermans Island Rd RR 3 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 200.00 Dixon Pamela 1756 Cambridge St Halifax NS B3H 4A9 390.00 Dobbelsteyn Dave Halifax Optometry Clinic Inc 1591 Brunswick Halifax NS B3J 2G1 200.00 Dodd Susan 3591 Claremont St Halifax NS B3L 3L9 366.74 Dodd T Edward 172 Main St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 550.00 Dodge Donald 11 Medford St Dartmouth NS B2Y 3C2 120.00 Doerr Paul 15 Iona Rd Wolfville NS B4P 2H2 415.00 Doman Beverley 84 Briarlynn Cres Dartmouth NS B2V 1K6 205.74 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Doman Terry 84 Briarlynn Cres Dartmouth NS B2V 1K6 305.00 Donati Lorraine 2306 Sandy Point Rd PO Box 217 Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 300.00 Donovan Ellen T 19A Elizabeth St Glace Bay NS B1A 1A1 67.00 Donovan Maura 41 Tulip St Dartmouth NS B3A 2S8 384.00 Doran Terence 58 Trailwood Pl Halifax NS B3M 3Y1 300.00 Dorey Gordon 12615 Hwy 1 Box 1085 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 85.00 Dorey Darrell 2616 Cornwall Rd RR 3 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 50.00 Dorey E. Layton 8 Birchview Dr Halifax NS B3P 2N1 50.00 Doucet Alfred 281 Douglas Cres Halifax NS B3M 3B6 120.00 Doucet Daniel 1-37 Esplanade St Sydney NS B1P 1A2 202.00 Doucette Ray 15 Polara Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 2B7 60.00 Doucette David 50 High St Dartmouth NS B2W 1C7 120.00 Doucette Leonard 92 Jovite Rd RR 1 Box 54C Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 120.00 Douma Corrie 22 Lorne Ave Dartmouth NS B2Y 3E5 615.00 Doutin-Goodhew Anne 16 Margate Dr Halifax NS B3P 1N6 120.00 Doyle Patrick 176 Greenwood Ave Timberlea NS B3T 1H9 286.00 Doyle Leo 44 Queen St North Sydney NS B2A 1A1 892.74 Dr. D.I. Alexander Incorporated 1796 Summer St Room 4863 Halifax NS B3H 3A7 100.00 Drisdelle John 15 Johnson Ave Timberlea NS B3T 1E3 250.00 Druhan Kevin 824 Herring Cove Rd Halifax NS B3R 1Z3 200.00 D'Sylva Andrea 6424 Vienna St Halifax NS B3L 1S8 50.00 Dubois Dorothy 31 Glenn Ave Dartmouth NS B2W 2Y3 100.00 Duckworth Muriel 219-2 Convoy Run Bedford NS B4A 4J2 96.00 Dudar Judith 2057 Parker St Halifax NS B3K 4T6 105.00 Dunbar Charles 20 Richards Dr Dartmouth NS B3A 2P2 65.00 Dunsworth John 185 Southwest Cove Rd RR 1 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 180.00 Durling Craig 201 Beech Tree Run Beechville NS B3T 2G1 215.00 Dutton Lucia 201-35 Evans Ave Halifax NS B3M 1C3 900.00 Dwyn Gwenyth 990 Alders Rd Box 2349 Wolfville NS B4P 2N5 400.00 Dykeview Farms Limited 1225 Middle Dyke Rd Centreville NS B0P 1J0 450.00 Eagan Patrick J 16 Morris Lake Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 2V8 585.00 Earle Corinne 187A Mount Edward Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 3L3 260.00 Earle Gordon 18 Stillwater Lane Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1H6 640.74 East Port Properties Ltd. 25N-130 Eileen Stubbs Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 2C4 1,000.00 Eaton R. Michael 828 Bissett Rd Cole Harbour NS B2V 2T8 350.00 Eaton Susan 61 Brookland St Antigonish NS B2G 1V8 380.74 Eaton Eileen 8041 Hwy 2 RR 1 Great Village NS B0M 1L0 50.00 Edmonds Heather 3804 Lawrencetown Rd Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1P9 180.00 Edwards Alison 5-6770 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2H8 100.00 Edwards James 7 Faulkner Dr Eastern Passage NS B3G 1C2 175.00 Edwards John Hugh 31 Lupin Lane Ross Ferry NS B1X 1N5 180.00 Edwards Richard 191 Albro Lake Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 3Z5 200.00 Edwards Elizabeth 1044 Bland St Halifax NS B3H 2S8 220.00 Edwards Beverley 31 Lupin Lane Ross Ferry NS B1X 1N5 240.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Eisan Victor 6 Claymore Ave Halifax NS B3R 1K8 1,000.00 Elliott C. Russell 1-4 Westwood Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1X9 150.00 Ellis Dale 5 Rockwood Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 2X9 200.00 Ellis Virginia 41 Shepherd Rd Halifax NS B3P 2K6 575.00 Ellsworth Elizabeth 55 1/2 Glenwood Ave Dartmouth NS B2Y 3G8 100.00 Emmett Ann Maria 5419 Vestry St Halifax NS B3K 2P4 50.00 Encana Corporation 700-1701 Hollis St Founders Square Halifax NS B3J 3M8 1,373.48 Enfield Hardware Limited 264 Hwy 2 Enfield NS B2T 1C9 250.00 English Leona 92 Arbor Dr Antigonish NS B2G 2P4 100.00 Envirosystems Incorporated 11 Brown Ave Burnside Industrial Park Dartmouth NS B3B 1Z7 550.00 Epstein Howard 2396 Clifton St Halifax NS B3K 4V1 546.74 Ervin David 196 Union St Sydney NS B1P 4Y1 120.00 Estabrooks Bill 4909 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1C9 426.74 Etter Alison 1115-2060 Quingate Pl Halifax NS B3L 4P7 60.00 Ettinger Victor 8533 Hwy 354 RR 2 Kennetcook NS B0N 1P0 50.00 Evans Katherine 9 Crescent Ave Halifax NS B3N 1T4 52.00 Evans Richard 54 Parkhill Rd Halifax NS B3P 1R5 100.00 Evans John 1918 Hwy 28 South Bar NS B1N 3H5 520.74 Everts-Lind Richard 5722 Hwy 332 Middle LaHave NS B4V 2Y5 250.00 Everts-Lind M Anne 5722 Hwy 332 Middle LaHave NS B4V 2Y5 650.00 Ezekiel Carol 3530 Robie St Halifax NS B3K 4S5 60.00 Fagan Mary 218-82 Baker Dr Parkland at the Lakes Dartmouth NS B2W 0C8 50.00 Fairway Insurance Services Incorporated 104 Montague Row PO Box 520 Digby NS B0V 1A0 1,000.00 Falconer Alan 14 Maple St Sydney NS B1P 6V8 50.00 Falk Michael 1591 Conrose Ave Halifax NS B3H 4C4 75.00 Fares Francis 124 Alderney Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 0B4 520.00 Farmer Mary 410-36 Southgate Dr Bedford NS B4A 4M4 52.00 Farquharson Jane 3 Bay St Wolfville NS B4P 1L7 156.00 Farwell Cheryl 78 Adelaide Ave Halifax NS B3N 2N8 120.00 Fawcett Kelly 5817 Gainsborough Pl Halifax NS B3K 5S1 60.00 Fawcett John 64 Elgin St Halifax NS B3R 2C3 180.00 Fay Jeanne 234 Martin's Point Rd RR 2 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 120.00 Fay Don 6137 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2E8 630.00 Fearon John Michael 652 George St PO Box 700 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 100.00 Fearon Kathryn 652 George St PO Box 700 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 150.00 Ferguson Diane 1759 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Z8 100.00 Ferguson David 1069 Conquerall Mills Rd PO Box 191 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W8 144.00 Ferguson Marjorie 2256 Harvard St Halifax NS B3L 2S7 235.00 Ferguson James 1759 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Z8 400.00 Ferns David 775 Hwy 10 Cookville NS B4V 7P9 600.00 Ferns Chris 2327 Princess Pl Halifax NS B3K 4K5 1,420.00 Ferris - Korn Dawn 34 Stirling Dr Cole Harbour NS B2W 0E4 777.00 Fiander Paul 2965 Parkdale Ave Halifax NS B3L 3Z2 240.00 Fiander Kate 1606 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Z4 500.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Fiander-Owens Carol 5 Grace Ave Ketch Harbour NS B3V 1K5 50.00 Fields Angus 195 Lawrence St PO Box 1273 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 200.00 Fillmore Irene 308-5959 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 1Y5 225.00 Fillmore Peter 2-827 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V8 530.00 Finbow Robert 23 Fenwood Rd Halifax NS B3N 1G9 530.00 Finck Donna 811 Barrs Corner Rd Box 24 Barrs Corner NS B0R 1A0 300.00 Fingard Judith 6061 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2E3 240.00 Fiske Ralph 110-5881 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 4S3 400.00 Fitzgerald Lynn 6051 Shirley St Halifax NS B3H 2M9 60.00 Fitzgerald Michael 153 Edward Dr Enfield NS B2T 1H8 300.00 Fitzgerald Dwayne 87 Cole Dr Cole Harbour NS B2W 6K5 315.00 Fitzgerald Anna 153 Edward Dr Enfield NS B2T 1H8 324.00 Fitzgerald Basil 3 Henry St Truro NS B2N 4V5 50.00 Fleet Helen 717-1 Alderney Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 4A7 120.00 Fleming Janet 1652 Henry St Halifax NS B3H 3K3 52.00 Flint Marion 210-2313 Gottingen St Halifax NS B3K 3B8 55.00 Flora Judy 6136 Willow St Halifax NS B3K 1M2 120.00 Flynn Bernard 6 Belmont Ave Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1G2 100.00 Fooladi Iraj 6 Banbury Close Halifax NS B3M 3R3 440.00 Foote Anne Marie 106 Rosewood Lane Eastern Passage NS B3G 1B2 60.00 Footenotes Music Incorporated 64 Botany Lane Conquerall Mills NS B4V 6B2 100.00 Forbes Don 37 Pleasant St Dartmouth NS B2Y 3P3 82.00 Foreman Sean 6329 Duncan St Halifax NS B3L 1K4 200.00 Forrest Irene 241 Upper Debert River Rd RR 2 Debert NS B0M 1G0 120.00 Forsyth Gordon 6288 Willow St Halifax NS B3L 1N9 180.00 Foster Margaret 5883 Inglis St Halifax NS B3H 1K7 100.00 Fowler Bauld & Mitchell Ltd 102-1660 Hollis St PO Box 514 Halifax NS B3J 2R7 250.00 Fox Richard 23 Morse Rd Loop Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 96.00 Fralic-Brown Janice 30 Drumdonald Rd Halifax NS B3P 2K9 246.00 Francis Ferne 33 Wagner Dr Lower Sackville NS B4E 2Z2 50.00 Franks Maria 20 Tiger Maple Dr Timberlea NS B3T 1G7 315.00 Fraser Dave 9702 Grenville St St. Peters NS B0E 3B0 90.00 Fraser Albert 41 Fairview St Sydney NS B1P 1R1 100.00 Fraser Danielle 71 Lemarchant Dr New Minas NS B4N 4K1 100.00 Fraser Marie 74 Circassion Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4N4 100.00 Fraser Laura 207-435 Portland Hills Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 0A8 120.00 Fraser Janet 6084 Inglis St Halifax NS B3H 1L5 120.00 Fraser Margaret 1938 Cow Bay Rd Dartmouth NS B3G 1K6 152.00 Fraser Mary 508-26 Brookdale Cres Dartmouth NS B3A 2R5 180.00 Fraser Ronald 3595 Sunnybrae Eden Rd RR 5 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C8 200.00 Fraser Hope 49 Chestnut Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1V7 212.00 Fraser Rhonda 682 West Main St Kentville NS B4N 1L7 280.00 Fraser Lloyd 2775 Ralph Devlin Dr Halifax NS B3L 3T2 320.00 Fricker Aubrey 1678 Robie St Halifax NS B3H 3E7 180.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Froese Sharon 4-90 Whitney Ave Sydney NS B1P 4Z9 120.00 Fryday James 16 Fryday Rd RR 2 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 120.00 Fulcher Rex 16 Dewhurst Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 2H6 100.00 Fuller Thomas 1248 Hwy 203 RR 1 Carleton NS B0W 1L0 55.00 Fuller Shawn 36 Beckfoot Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 4C8 180.00 Fultz James 3294 Agricola St Halifax NS B3K 4H5 52.00 Fundy Grinding & Machining Limited 9 Farnham Rd Bible Hill NS B2N 2X6 400.00 Gallagher Carolyn 10-B Towerview Dr Halifax NS B3P 1E9 100.00 Gallagher Barbara 5740 Hwy 215 RR 1 Newport NS B0N 2A0 140.37 Gallagher George 16956 Hwy 103 Hebb's Cross NS B4V 0Z3 220.00 Gallant Jeff 10 Willowdale Terr Halifax NS B3P 1S2 144.00 Gallant Linda 38 Amelia St Sydney NS B1P 6C2 240.00 Gammon Brothers Limited 22536 Main St PO Box 185 Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 100.00 Ganong Sharon 5 Barry Cres Halifax NS B3R 2L8 1,486.74 Garant Rick 109 Cranley Rd Hammonds Plains NS B4B 0C8 884.00 Gardiner Josee 419-556 Bedford Hwy Halifax NS B3M 4X7 500.00 Gardner Archie 38 Sea King Dr Dartmouth NS B3A 4Y5 90.00 Gardner Michael 1186 Rockcliffe St Halifax NS B3H 3Y6 100.00 Gardner Phil 15 Phoebey Lane RR 2 Truro NS B2N 5B1 300.00 Garland Gordon 1185 Beaverbank Rd Lower Sackville NS B4G 1C2 144.00 Gaskell Thomas 59 Rendell Dr Little Bras D'or NS B1Y 2Y7 100.00 Gaskin Allan 1763 East Petpeswick Rd RR 2 Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 240.00 Gaspar Frederic 74 Chappell St Dartmouth NS B3A 3P8 125.00 Gates Bruce 192B Herring Cove Rd Halifax NS B3P 1K7 1,000.00 Gaudet Frank 1949 George St Sydney NS B1P 1P5 120.00 Gavras Slone Lenehan 300-1649 Barrington St Halifax NS B3J 1Z9 100.00 Gay Jeremy 54 Cedar Cres Dartmouth NS B2V 1Y6 120.00 Gee Derek 249 Exhibition St Kentville NS B4N 1C6 65.00 Geertjes-Ross Geertine 840 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V7 100.00 Gentile Kathleen 218 Albro Lake Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 3Z2 120.00 George Lynn 14 Tyler Ave Onslow Mountain NS B6L 6W4 100.00 George Roy 209-1350 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 100.00 Geraghty Tara 2409-5599 Fenwick St Halifax NS B3L 3G4 60.00 Gerrior Holly 4249 Sonora Rd PO Box 290 Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 60.00 Getson Sharon 46 Beach Rd RR 2 Mill Village NS B0J 2H0 60.00 Gibb Barry 47 Sand Beach Rd PO Box 732 Western Head NS B0T 1K0 50.00 Gibbons Marjorie 36 Hazelhurst St Dartmouth NS B2Y 3N2 200.00 Gibson Roy 14 Carnation Cres Halifax NS B3R 2E9 52.00 Gibson Alan 94 Rosedale Ave Halifax NS B2N 2J5 120.00 Giffin Michael 40 Park St Kentville NS B4N 1M1 100.00 Giles F. R. 15 University Ave PO Box 207 Acadia U Wolfville NS B4P 2R6 120.00 Gillard Walter 4391 Hwy 7 Porters Lake NS B3E 1E7 60.00 Gillard Scott 111-6277 Young St Halifax NS B3L 1Z9 286.00 Gillespie Cornelius 1571 Edward St Halifax NS B3H 3H8 300.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Gillespie Rose 1571 Edward St Halifax NS B3H 3H8 300.00 Gillis Roderick 120 Pitt St Florence NS B1Y 1N7 180.00 Gillis Sarah 38 Peace Crt Halifax NS B3N 3K3 184.00 Gillis Mary 294 Ling St New Waterford NS B1H 2W4 240.00 Gillis Danny 47 Whidden St Antigonish NS B2G 2V7 50.00 Gilroy Joan 5538 Cabot Pl Halifax NS B3K 2J7 750.00 Ginther Glen 2408 Harvard St Halifax NS B3L 2T1 520.00 Girard Philip 36 Bridgeview Dr Halifax NS B3P 2M4 755.00 Glamorgan Spencer Imports 150 Prince St PO Box 155 Chester NS B0J 1J0 1,000.00 Glenister Peter 47 Melwood Ave Halifax NS B3N 1E4 480.00 Gniewek Anne 32 Castle Hill Dr Halifax NS B3M 3A3 100.00 Goddard David 27 Sycamore Lane Lower Sackville NS B4C 1E8 100.00 Godfrey Allan 3200 Ralston Ave Halifax NS B3L 4A6 700.00 Godsoe Gloria 28 Lapierre Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 5E2 460.00 Godwin Patrick 1763 North River Rd RR 1 Box 182 Scotch Village NS B0N 2G0 120.00 Godwin Chris 2150 Harvard St Halifax NS B3L 2S7 120.00 Goggin Colleen 207 Crichton Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 3R8 50.00 Goldberg Jon Michael 57-1551 South Park St Halifax NS B3J 4B4 100.00 Goldberg Victor 6174 Oakland Rd Halifax NS B3H 1P2 500.00 Goldberg Thompson 400-1559 Brunswick St Halifax NS B3J 2G1 500.00 Goldie Don 208-3807 Mont Blanc Terr Halifax NS B3K 6R9 100.00 Golding Gail 2817 Robert Murphy Dr Halifax NS B3L 3T3 50.00 Gonnella-Welch Elvira 1 Blue Heron Lane Tantallon NS B3Z 2K5 240.00 Goodyer Al 25 Osborne Dr Eastern Passage NS B3G 1H2 320.37 Goodz Danny 294 Portland St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1K4 100.00 Gore George 76 Stevens Rd PO Box 278 Chester NS B0J 1J0 371.00 Goss Donald 1-2769 Windsor St Halifax NS B3K 5E3 120.00 Gosse Enid 210-491 Cottage Rd Sydney NS B1P 6R4 60.00 Gosse Gordie 186 Maloney St Sydney NS B1N 2C6 786.74 Gough Douglas 3185 Mayfield Ave Halifax NS B3L 4B4 100.00 Goulet Claude 3 Pine St Dartmouth NS B2Y 2W4 144.00 Goulet Jacques 42 Parkhill Rd Halifax NS B3P 1R3 400.00 Grace Pamela 5 Cedarwood Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 5B3 100.00 Grady Sharon 120 Arklow Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4E4 240.00 Grafton - Connor Property Incorporated 300-1471 Grafton St PO Box 877, Stn M Halifax NS B3J 2W1 100.00 Graham Carolyn 53 Joffre St Dartmouth NS B2Y 3C7 50.00 Grant Sheila 25 Greenwold Ave Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 180.00 Grant Jill 33 Beech St Dartmouth NS B3A 1Y6 220.00 Grant Carolyn 177 Hawthorne St Antigonish NS B2G 1B3 252.00 Grantham Carol 6313 Yukon St Halifax NS B3L 1E9 52.00 Grantmyre Jane 6525 Waegwoltic Ave Halifax NS B3H 2B5 250.00 Grantmyre Dorothy 2003-5770 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 4J8 1,000.00 Gray Aerial Scott 60 Birchwood Dr Williamswood NS B3V 1E4 100.00 Green Roselle 406-6369 Coburg Rd Halifax NS B3H 4J7 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Green Walter 49A Parkhill Rd Halifax NS B3P 1R4 100.00 Greenberg Sandy 2898 Doug Smith Dr Halifax NS B3L 3T7 216.00 Greenfield Bruce 1539 Lemarchant St Halifax NS B3H 3R2 100.00 Greenough Larry 2569 Hwy 210 Chelsea NS B4V 7M1 120.00 Greenwood Judith 5307 South St Halifax NS B3J 1A5 120.00 Greer Peter 2054 Creighton St Halifax NS B3K 3R2 100.00 Greer Agnes 91 Hebridean Dr Herring Cove NS B3V 1H3 100.00 Gregory Peggy 420 Main St PO Box 1181 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Grimmer Harley 223 Parklea Dr Head Of St. Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 2G6 115.00 Grundy Kevin 25 Elizabeth Crt Whites Lake NS B3T 1Z2 520.00 Guild Lindy 217 Main St Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 120.00 Guildford Janet 3691 Acadia St Halifax NS B3K 3P8 180.00 Gunnery Sylvia 5255 Hwy 331 RR 1 La Have NS B0R 1C0 50.00 Ha Peter 327 Windmill Rd PO Box 3306 Dartmouth NS B2W 5G3 500.00 Haase Martin 2812 Hwy 3 PO Box 281 Chester NS B0J 1J0 1,100.00 Haase Florence 2812 Hwy 3 PO Box 281 Chester NS B0J 1J0 1,186.74 Hale Ken 24 Laurentide Dr Halifax NS B3M 2N1 160.00 Hale Michael 10 Nordic Cres Lower Sackville NS B4C 3C9 240.00 Haley Brendan 2-2157 Connaught Ave Halifax NS B3L 2Z2 130.00 Haliburton Tom 91 Bluff Rd Avonport NS B0P 1B0 175.00 Hall Jim 1619 Chestnut St Halifax NS B3H 3T3 60.00 Hall Paulette 50 Smokey Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 3B6 120.00 Hall Cyndi 172 Donaldson Ave Halifax NS B3M 3M5 235.00 Hallowell Gerald 229 Cumberland St PO Box 938 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 177.00 Hambrick Shirley Ann 303-126 Farnham Gate Rd Halifax NS B3M 3Z9 200.00 Hambrick Donald 303-126 Farnham Gate Rd Halifax NS B3M 3Z9 700.00 Hamm Sandra 295 East Petpeswick Rd Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 100.00 Hammer Robert 94 Bellevista Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 2X7 95.00 Hammond Gordon 33 Beach Rd Clam Harbour NS B0J 1Y0 150.00 Hancock June 21 Wildwood Blvd Dartmouth NS B2W 2L7 102.00 Handyside Alex 113 Capri Dr West Porters Lake NS B3E 1L6 50.00 Hanley W Eric 1559 Lemarchant St Halifax NS B3H 3R2 100.00 Harbison Joan 2110 Bauer St Halifax NS B3K 3W3 100.00 Hardiman Patricia 112 Eisner St Timberlea NS B3T 1E5 120.00 Harding Stephen 1776 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Timberlea NS B3T 1B8 60.00 Harding Anthony 86 Sherwood Dr Wolfville NS B4P 2K6 125.00 Harding Gareth 2019 Bauer St Halifax NS B3K 3W2 150.00 Harding Maria 1393 Sandy Point Rd PO Box 1200 Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 202.00 Hardy James 2698 Swaine St Halifax NS B3L 3R5 60.00 Hargreaves Anne 88 Lakeview Haven Dr Hebbville NS B4V 7A9 100.00 Harkin Bosco 121 Nictaux Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 2C6 100.00 Harmer Jacqueline 1657 Walnut St Halifax NS B3H 3S3 240.00 Harmon Roger 9 Parker Place Cres Enfield NS B2T 1C8 60.00 Harpell Aaron 2-2789 Windsor St Halifax NS B3K 5E3 110.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Harrietha Barry 101 Dempster Cres Mineville NS B2Z 1J7 180.00 Harris Sharon 41 Prince St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2C6 100.00 Harris Everett 41 Prince St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2C6 100.00 Harris Joseph 13 Brenton St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1W2 120.00 Harris Ian 5 Chestnut Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1V7 200.00 Harris Carol 3 Prince St Wolfville NS B4P 1P7 560.00 Harrison Pamela 5463B Glebe St Halifax NS B3K 2R2 320.00 Harsanyi Barbara 101-41 Chelton Woods Lane Halifax NS B3M 3Z8 325.00 Hart Corbin 950 Mines Rd RR 1 South Brookfield NS B0T 1X0 100.00 Hart Maura 3792 Novalea Dr Halifax NS B3K 3G5 120.00 Hart Jane 2709 Fuller Terr Halifax NS B3K 3V9 240.00 Hartery Shirley 92 Prince St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2C7 1,940.00 Hartt Elizabeth 142 East Berlin Rd RR 1 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 52.00 Hartt Chris 82 Shore Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 1A4 100.00 Harvey Andrew 19 Balcome Dr Halifax NS B3N 1H9 480.00 Hatchette Wilma 35 Birchwood Terr Dartmouth NS B3A 3W4 600.00 Hatfield Ken 54 Lockhart Ave Truro NS B2N 5P7 120.00 Hatt Alan 6231 Hwy 3 RR 3 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 100.00 Hauck Leslie 1626 West Jeddore Rd Head Of Jeddore NS B0J 1P0 120.00 Havey Doreen 702-1540 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 520.00 Hawes Patricia 91 Wickwire Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1W3 120.00 Hawes Trucking & Excavating Limited 19041 Hwy 7 RR 1 Tangier NS B0J 3H0 1,000.00 Hawkey Kirstie 58 Manor Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 2P1 120.00 Hawkins-Clarke David 305-22 Harbourside Dr Wolfville NS B4P 2C1 324.00 Hawley Robert A 359 Point Aconi Rd Mill Creek NS B1Y 1Y3 60.00 Hayashi Judith 1133 Dalhousie St Halifax NS B3H 3W5 52.00 Hayes Eric 836 Lahave St PO Box 114 Stn Main Bridgewater NS B4V 2V3 60.00 Hayman Berkeley 4 Cedarwood Ave RR 6 Antigonish NS B2G 0B4 100.00 Hazen Mark 2 Brightwood Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 2X2 100.00 Head Edwin 30 Frances St Dartmouth NS B3A 3H3 120.00 Heath Derek 305-621 Portland Hills Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 6N4 300.00 Hebb Matt 5321 Kaye St Halifax NS B3K 1Y4 920.74 Hebert David 18 Townshend Ave Amherst NS B4H 2K2 720.37 Hefler Forest Products Limited 230 Lucasville Rd Lower Sackville NS B4B 1S1 200.00 Hellou Jocelyne 1 McNab Rd Halifax NS B3P 2P3 300.00 Henderson Bruce 23 Candlewood Lane Lower Sackville NS B4C 1A6 330.00 Henrikson Victor 1 Becks Way Dartmouth NS B2V 2C3 195.00 Henry Daniel 3359 Macleod Ave New Waterford NS B1H 1K2 120.00 Henry Deanna 89 Old Riverside Rd PO Box 287 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 50.00 Heritage Gas Limited 88 Alderney Dr, 3rd Fl PO Box 1020 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4W3 2,000.00 Herman Elsie 11-11 Atlantic St Bridgewater NS B4V 3B4 96.00 Herman Tom 40 Elm Ave Kentville NS B4N 1Y9 180.00 Hewett Christine 89 Andrews Head Rd RR 1 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 460.00 High Liner Foods Incorporated 100 Battery Point PO Box 910 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,000.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Hilchie Joanna 131 Montague Mines Rd Montague Gold Mines NS B2R 1V5 70.37 Hill Leroy 10220 Peggy's Cove Rd Glen Margaret NS B3Z 3J1 100.00 Hill Arthur 8775 Hwy 7 RR 1 Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 140.37 Hill Clyde 6438 Liverpool St Halifax NS B3L 1Y4 144.00 Hillier Ida 33 Caledonia Rd Dartmouth NS B2X 1K7 96.00 Hillier Joel 81 Hamilton Dr Sackville NS B4E 3A9 100.00 Hillier Danielle 81 Hamilton Dr Sackville NS B4E 3A9 100.00 Hippern Edith 88 Arklow Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4E4 500.00 Hirtle Robert 154 Frederick Ave Halifax NS B3N 2L3 65.00 Hodkin Barbara 14 Vanessa Dr Dartmouth NS B3A 3J2 100.00 Hodson Sandra 11 Collier Rd W RR 1 Ellershouse NS B0N 1L0 135.00 Hogan Stephen 9 Rosewood Ave Glace Bay NS B1A 2Y2 100.00 Hogan Theresa 44 Waterford Lake Rd New Victoria NS B1H 5E4 120.00 Hogan Murphy Ginger 123 South St Glace Bay NS B1A 1V5 120.00 Hogg Andrew 192 Hwy 331 Box 7 Mill Village NS B0J 2H0 60.00 Holloway Leslie 39 Blue Heron Dr RR 1 Site 9 Box 15 Trenton NS B0K 1X0 1,084.00 Holm Heather 140 Crandall Rd RR 2 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 104.00 Holm Carl 1686 Robie St Halifax NS B3H 3E7 152.00 Holm Flemming 140 Crandall Rd RR 2 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 310.00 Holm John 11 Murray Hill Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A6 838.00 Hood Gary 28 Bromley Ave Sydney NS B1L 1B4 120.00 Hooper Donald 1158 Waterloo St Halifax NS B3H 3L4 290.00 Hope-Simpson Margaret 27 Lawnwood Dr Truro NS B2N 1R7 100.00 Hope-Simpson Peggy 9 Sunset Terr Wolfville NS B4P 1S5 300.00 Horne John Arthur 855 Clifton Ave PO Box 2619 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 120.00 Horne Margaret 855 Clifton Ave PO Box 2619 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 120.00 Horne Gabrielle 224 Spinnaker Dr Halifax NS B3N 3C6 200.00 Horrocks Norman 2 Casavechia Crt Dartmouth NS B2X 3G6 50.00 Horwitz Larry 9749 Peggy's Cove Rd Hacketts Lake NS B3Z 3L5 50.00 Hosford Tim 34 Batten Cres Lower Sackville NS B4E 3G2 120.00 Houston Jim 6175 Cedar St Halifax NS B3H 2J8 186.74 Houston Anne 2692 Gladstone St Halifax NS B3K 4W4 300.00 Hovland Norman 512-558 Glen Allan Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 0B6 165.00 Howell Jack 162 Rocky Lake Dr Bedford NS B4A 2T6 1,373.48 Howells Kenneth 27 John Cross Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 1X1 100.00 Hubbard James 98 Flamingo Dr Halifax NS B3M 1T3 250.00 Hubbert Greg 121 Foster St PO Box 654 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 300.00 Huber Paul 18 Armshore Dr Halifax NS B3N 1M5 1,000.00 Hubley Kathleen 310 - 2 Keating Rd Halifax NS B3N 1L3 150.00 Hudson Harold 19 Fredericks Lane Eastern Passage NS B3G 1S7 78.00 Hudson Bert 206A Main Ave Halifax NS B3M 1B5 120.00 Huelin David 4-235 Brunswick St PO Box 424 Truro NS B2N 5C5 200.37 Hughes Tim 161 Main St Kentville NS B4N 1J6 67.00 Humbke Jay 61 Central Ave Halifax NS B3N 2H5 168.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Humphreys Carolyn 28 Lanigan Crt Halifax NS B3N 3B1 300.00 Humphreys Jean 16 Westbrook Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 1R4 465.00 Hunt Alan 3017 Ostrea Lake Rd Musquodoboit Hbr NS B0J 2L0 100.00 Hunt Sheilagh 6252 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2G5 50.00 Hunter Stephanie 3685 Acadia St Halifax NS B3K 3P8 100.00 Hunter Pamela 12 Middle St Dartmouth NS B3A 4B6 120.00 Huntington Viola 1 Tobermory Rd Dartmouth NS B2X 1Z4 240.00 Hupman Stephen 19 White Point 2 Rd RR 1 Hunts Point NS B0T 1G0 100.00 Hurst Andrew 1802 Kidston Ave PO Box 496 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 550.00 Hustvedt Eric 18 The Lane RR 2 Mill Village NS B0J 2H0 240.00 Hutton J.D. 2097 Oxford St Halifax NS B3L 2T3 180.00 IBEW Local 625 Electrical Workers Training Society 1 58 McQuade Lake Cres Halifax NS B3S 1G8 5,000.00 IBEW Local 625 General Fund 1 58 McQuade Lake Cres Halifax NS B3S 1G8 5,000.00 Imocainen Senf 3 Spencer Ave Halifax NS B3R 1S7 100.00 Inglis Robert 48 Brennan Lane Ketch Harbour NS B0J 1X0 120.00 Ingram Alastair 9 Longburn Dr Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1N4 100.00 Inkpen Clara 31 Dingle Rd Halifax NS B3P 1B1 100.00 Innes Marion 502-5516 Kaye St Halifax NS B3K 1Y5 50.00 Insurance Brokers Association of Nova Scotia 380 Bedford Hwy Halifax NS B3M 2L4 186.74 Insurance Bureau of Canada 1706-1969 Upper Water St Halifax NS B3J 3R7 2,246.96 International Association of Fire Fighters Local 268 PO Box 2330 Dartmouth NS B2W 3Y4 5,000.00 International Association of Heat and Frost 1 2D-106 Chain Lake Dr Halifax NS B3S 1A8 5,000.00 International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers 11 Thornhill Dr Dartmouth NS B3B 1R9 5,000.00 International Brotherhood of Boilermakers - Local 73 1 124 Parkway Dr Truro Heights NS B6L 1N8 5,000.00 International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers 1 203 - 14 McQuade Cres Halifax NS B3S 1B6 5,000.00 International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 125 1 102-14 McQuade Cres Halifax NS B3S 1B6 5,000.00 International Union of Operating Engineers Local 721 1 251 Brownlow Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 2A9 5,000.00 Isnor Owen 568 Kinsac Rd Lower Sackville NS B4G 1C8 120.00 Issenman Betty 1306-1545 South Park St Halifax NS B3J 4B3 100.00 Issenman Arnold 1306-1545 South Park St Halifax NS B3J 4B3 200.00 Issenman Margaret 1956 Preston St Halifax NS B3H 3V9 500.00 J. Willy Krauch & Sons Limited 900-1959 Upper Water St Halifax NS B3J 2X2 100.00 Jack Barbara 315 Southbrook Rd RR 1 Southampton NS B0M 1W0 240.00 Jackson Howie 1057 Union St Canso NS B0H 1H0 100.00 Jackson Dorothy 12 Mcmanus Rd Halifax NS B3P 1P9 420.37 Jackson Anthony 601-6095 Coburg Rd Halifax NS B3H 4K1 500.00 Jain Nirmal 6692 Hwy 1 Coldbrook NS B4R 1B7 240.00 James Ken 47 Evelynwood Pl Dartmouth NS B2V 2A6 60.00 James Margaret 1872 Garden St Halifax NS B3H 3R6 100.00 James Kenneth 6 Lavinia St Kentville NS B4N 1V7 100.00 Jamieson Susan 672 Golden Forest Rd North Kemptville NS B0W 1Y0 180.00 Jamieson Muriel 604-1074 Wellington St Halifax NS B3H 2Z8 300.00 Jamieson Rebecca 5670 Fenwick St Halifax NS B3H 1R3 420.00 Jamieson W David 604-1074 Wellington St Halifax NS B3H 2Z8 1,050.74

1 Contributions returned in 2010 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Jamison Nancy 3243 Agricola St Halifax NS B3K 4H2 $144.00 Jannasch Rupert 5184 Hwy 215 RR 1 Newport NS B0N 2A0 $100.00 Jannasch Barbara 64 Redmonds Rd Seabright NS B3Z 3C2 $175.00 Janowitz Frank 212 Rankin Ave Lower Sackville NS B4C 3B3 $250.00 Jardine Janet 118 Skyridge Ave Lower Sackville NS B4C 1R4 $120.00 Jarvis Ernest 87 Boyd Ave Enfield NS B2T 1L3 $125.00 Jeans Robert 3033 Oxford St Halifax NS B3L 2W6 $300.00 Jeffers Glenna 6308 Yale St Halifax NS B3L 1E1 $174.00 Jenkins Leslie 3600 Claremont St Halifax NS B3L 3M1 $60.00 Jennex Ramona 2687 Poplar Dr Coldbrook NS B4R 1A9 $692.07 Jennings Christopher 62 Highrigger Cres Sackville NS B4E 2Z7 $100.00 Jensen Jan 5787 Southwood Dr Halifax NS B3H 1E6 $100.00 Jensen Sophie 7054 Brooklyn St PO Box 110 Coldbrook NS B4R 1B6 $110.00 Jensen M Joan 7054 Brooklyn St PO Box 110 Coldbrook NS B4R 1B6 $590.00 Jensson Victoria 1668 Whiteside Dr Whiteside NS B0E 1J0 $400.00 Jessome Andrew 35 Main St Bras D'or NS B1Y 2M2 $240.00 Jessome Joan 60 Piggot Ave Fall River NS B2T 1S6 $1,200.00 Jewell Jean 345 Applecrest Dr Kentville NS B4N 2Z5 $600.00 Jim Sampson Motors (1997) Limited 132 Townsend St Sydney NS B1P 5E2 $50.00 Jimenes Roberts Maria 40 Allée des Brises du Fleuze apt 207 Verdun QC H4G 3M9 $355.00 John Ross and Sons Limited 171 Chain Lake Dr Halifax NS B3S 1B3 $500.00 Johnson Kaye 125 Meadow Lane RR 2 Kentville NS B4N 3V8 $100.00 Johnson Edward 93 Arnold Dr Fall River NS B2T 1E5 $192.00 Johnson Ian 3231 Connaught St Halifax NS B3L 3A9 $986.74 Johnston Corinne 2694 Hwy 348 Site 8 Box 8 RR 2 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C5 $100.00 Johnston A. Scott 2694 Hwy 348 Site 8 Box 8 RR 2 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C5 $120.00 Jones Edward 3 Lakeside Terr Dartmouth NS B3A 2R1 $100.00 Jones Alexander 111 Nictaux Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 2C6 $120.00 Jones Karen 50 Sophia Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 6C9 $245.00 Jones Sandra 11 Crossroads Crt Lower Sackville NS B4E 2R7 $300.00 Joost Ime 9254 Hwy 3 RR 1 Mader's Cove NS B0J 2E0 $120.00 Joostema Nel 216 Lake Killarney Rd Amherst NS B4H 3Y2 $100.00 Joseph Brian 550 Seaview Dr North Sydney NS B2A 3N8 $100.00 Joudrey Catherine 3-3111 Stanford St Halifax NS B3L 4C9 $300.00 Just Jane's Inc. 2394 Robie St Halifax NS B3K 4M7 $100.00 Kaizer Jean 397 Kearney Lake Rd Bedford NS B4B 1H6 $60.00 Kampe Cornelius 3 Riga Dr Wolfville NS B4P 1R6 $135.00 Katadotis Peter 606-1470 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 3A3 $615.00 Kaups Paul 6223 North St Halifax NS B3L 1P4 $320.00 Kawaja Darryl 24 Philpott St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2G9 $600.00 Kaye-Holm Diane 11 Murray Hill Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A6 $429.00 Keats - Logan Margaret 20 Ainslie Cres Eastern Passage NS B3G 1G6 $275.00 Keaveney Peter 26 Deerview Cres Truro NS B2N 6P6 $60.00 Keddy Faye 8 Fredericks Lane Eastern Passage NS B3G 1A7 $60.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Keddy Marilyn 368 Southside Rd RR 1 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 120.00 Keefe Michael 13 Sedgemoor Crt Dartmouth NS B2V 1R4 60.00 Keen Wendy 5677 Columbus St Halifax NS B3K 2G9 325.37 Keeping Moira 632 Main St PO Box 175 Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 84.00 Kehoe Melissa 401-36 Veronica Dr Halifax NS B3N 3A3 90.00 Keith J.J 235 Commercial St PO Box 33 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Kellerman Hazel 9 Weyburn Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 1R4 60.00 Kelly Shannon 104-40 Chelton Woods Lane Halifax NS B3M 3V2 70.00 Kelly Rick 61 Nightingale Dr Halifax NS B3M 1V5 100.00 Kelly Debbie 38 Everette St Dartmouth NS B2W 1G7 120.00 Kelly William 66 Madison Dr Bedford NS B4A 1S9 120.00 Kelly Barbara 6175 Cedar St Halifax NS B3H 2J8 420.00 Kemp Norman 10 Danny Dr Beaver Bank NS B4G 1B2 240.00 Kendall Barry 1886 Seldon St Halifax NS B3H 3X4 220.00 Kennedy Alex 460 Gardiner Rd New Waterford NS B1H 5L8 95.00 Kennedy Chad 150 Wilson Lake Rd Middle Sackville NS B4E 3G3 100.00 Kennedy Sadie 460 Gardiner Rd New Waterford NS B1H 5L8 100.00 Kennedy Judy 5319 Granville Rd Box 3-6 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 100.00 Kennedy Ronald 17-281 Grant St New Glasgow NS B2H 3Y6 200.00 Kennedy Shawn 315 Bellbrook Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 0G2 550.00 Kent Rebecca 50 Wentworth Cir Eastern Passage NS B3G 1G1 736.74 Kern Dorothy 40 Stuart Harris Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 3Z5 50.00 Keshen Richard 48 Rosemount Dr Sydney NS B1S 1W5 200.00 Kettle Marie 482 Island View Dr Boutiliers Pt NS B3Z 1R2 120.00 Kettleson Winifred 580 Young St Truro NS B2N 3Y6 220.00 Khan Muhammad 20 French Masts Lane Bedford NS B4A 3W6 200.00 Kidd Patricia 39 Convoy Ave Halifax NS B3N 2P5 320.00 Kidd Michael 131 Purcell's Cove Rd Halifax NS B3P 1B3 50.00 Kiefl Peter 191 Le Marchant Dr RR 3 New Minas NS B4N 4K1 210.00 Kierans Kevin 1-158 Brookland Rd Sydney NS B1P 5B6 144.00 Kiley Gordon 206 Cottage Rd Sydney NS B1P 2E8 156.00 Killam Properties Inc. 100-3700 Kempt Rd Halifax NS B3K 4X8 450.00 Kimber Stephen 2542 Elm St Halifax NS B3L 2Y4 400.00 King Meleta PO Box 7011 Bras d'or NS B1Y 3Y6 100.00 King Henry 7151 Hwy 14 Elmsdale NS B2S 2V5 115.00 King Todd 1678 Cow Bay Rd Cow Bay NS B3G 1L1 200.00 Kingston D. Garth 19 Eaton Ave Dartmouth NS B2Y 4S6 100.00 Kinnie Janis 6257 Duncan St Halifax NS B3L 1K4 100.00 Kipping Pat 207-5570 Heatherwood Crt Halifax NS B3K 5N7 300.00 Kirby Mary 407-3805 Montblanc Terr Halifax NS B3K 6S3 120.00 Kitchen Dorothy 2815 Connaught Ave Halifax NS B3L 2Z9 50.00 Klapstein Ray 31 Long Lake Dr Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1K6 240.00 Knott Lloyd 106 Schoolhouse Rd PO Box 121 La Have NS B0R 1C0 174.00 Koehler Marie 87 1/2 Fairbanks St Dartmouth NS B3A 1C5 180.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Koeppl Fred 10287 Hwy 224 RR 4 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 120.00 Konczacki Janina 27 Briarwood Cr Halifax NS B3M 1P2 50.00 Korber Anne 65 Harris Rd RR 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Kostman Ethel 1140 Rockcliffe St Halifax NS B3H 3Y6 52.00 KPMG LLP 1500-1959 Upper Water St Purdys Wharf TowHalifax NS B3J 3N2 2,000.00 Krasemann Christopher 8 Harvey St Dartmouth NS B2Y 3S7 235.00 Kulczycki Jan 10 Aldergrove Dr Halifax NS B3R 1M5 360.00 Kustudic Michaele 6-21 King St Wolfville NS B4P 1K4 217.00 Kustudich Dan 1145 Milne Ave New Minas NS B4N 4M7 540.00 Kutschera Hans PO Box 428 Annapolis NS B0S 1A0 200.00 Kuusisto Nils 6316 Lawrence St Halifax NS B3L 1J9 280.00 Labatt Brewing Company Limited 1496 Lower Water St Halifax NS B3J 1R9 3,810.22 Labourer's International Union of North America Local 615 2 101-14 McQuade Lake Cres Halifax NS B3S 1B6 5,000.00 Lachowiez Diane 841 Mineville Rd Mineville NS B2Z 1K2 100.00 Lackie William 3107 Hilford St Halifax NS B3K 4L6 80.00 Laffin Verna 2531 Hwy 215 RR 1 Box 285 Walton NS B0N 2R0 52.00 Laforge Marie-Paule 17 Bald Eagle Pl Halifax NS B3N 3H5 120.00 Lahaye Yvonne 36 Brecken Ridge Lane Lakeview NS B4C 4G9 120.00 Lahaye Lawrence 8 Stephen Cross Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 1Y9 200.00 Laidlaw Toni 1559 Lemarchant St Halifax NS B3H 3R2 1,360.00 Lambert Catherine 3598 Albert St Halifax NS B3K 3N6 120.00 Lamey Kathrine 5-64 Lakefront Rd Dartmouth NS B2Y 3C6 120.00 Lamey Joanne 35 Birchwood Terr Dartmouth NS B3A 3W4 1,210.37 Landon Laura 10 Franklin Lane Fall River NS B2T 1G5 691.55 Landry Barbara 11 Fairway Dr RR 3 New Glasgow NS B2H 0A5 240.00 Landry Paul 34 Townshend Ave Amherst NS B4H 2K2 240.00 Langille Sally 2722 Hwy 329 RR 1 Hubbards NS B0J 1TO 60.00 Langille Joyce 207-5157 Morris St Halifax NS B3J 3P2 100.00 Langille Ken 31 Carleton St Yarmouth NS B5A 2C5 120.00 Langille Marilyn 25 Skeena St Dartmouth NS B2W 1P7 180.00 Langille Alex 40 Langdon Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 5C3 180.00 Langille John 98 West Jeddore Rd Head Jeddore NS B0J 1P0 240.00 Langille Jason 3605 Black Rock Rd RR 3 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 50.00 Langille Rita 50 Masons Point Rd Head Of St. Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 2A8 50.00 Langley Graham 59 Oceanview Rd RR 4, River John Toney River NS B0K 1N0 50.00 Langmaid Patricia 2016 Bauer St Halifax NS B3K 3W3 100.00 Langstroth William 190 Elderberry Dr Malagash NS B0K 1Y0 200.00 Lantz Melanie 7 Simcoe Pl Halifax NS B3M 1H2 50.00 Laphen Nancy 27 Guildwood Cres Halifax NS B3R 2G6 204.00 Larder Bea 4529 Hwy 12 RR 2 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 392.00 Larivee Carol 110 Birchill Dr Eastern Passage NS B3G 1C7 400.00 Larkin Stephen 12A Harmes Dr Eastern Passage NS B3G 1J7 200.00 Larkin Raymond 6640 South St Halifax NS B3H 1V2 720.00 LaRusic Bernie 21 Grandview St Sydney NS B1P 3N4 225.00

2 Contribution returned in 2010 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Laver Carole 31 Echo Crt Lake Echo NS B3E 1A1 50.00 Laverie James 5256 Hwy 340 RR 1 Carleton NS B0W 1L0 120.00 Lavoie Giselle 184 MacRae Ave Sydney NS B1S 1M2 100.00 Lavoie M Laurent 184 MacRae Ave Sydney NS B1S 1M2 150.00 Lawrence J. Roche, Incorporated 206-99 Portland St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1H5 100.00 Lazier John 5735 Inglis St Halifax NS B3H 1K5 100.00 Le Bel Pierre 284 Spinnaker Dr PO Box 1 Cornwallis NS B0S 1H0 200.00 Leblanc Leonard 362 Welsford St PO Box 1232 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 60.00 LeBlanc Anne 6410 Chebucto Rd Halifax NS B3L 1L2 95.00 LeBlanc Mary 66 King St Box 192 Canso NS B0H 1H0 100.00 Leblanc Darryl 20 Slayter St Dartmouth NS B3A 1Z9 120.00 Leblanc Dawn 61 Purcells Cove Rd Halifax NS B3P 1B3 120.00 Lee Fred 6715 Peter Lowe Ave Halifax NS B3L 1Y7 150.00 Lee Tim 6895 Churchill Dr Halifax NS B3L 1E8 300.00 Lee Nanci 5516 Fakland St Halifax NS B3K 1A3 400.00 Legere Yvonne 2157 North St PO Box 158 Westville NS B0K 2A0 60.00 Leighton Thomas 40 Easy St Nine Mile River NS B2S 2W4 52.00 Leighton Vivian 40 Easy St Nine Mile River NS B2S 2W4 100.00 Leighton Randall 648 Renfrew Rd Nine Mile River NS B2S 2W5 240.00 Leitch David 29 Winter St Halifax NS B3N 2B4 100.00 Leppard William 125 Union St Box 999 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Leroux Randy 45 Beaufort Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 5V5 120.00 LeRoy Mary Lou 101 Cutter Dr Halifax NS B3M 4W6 500.00 Leslie Megan 2658 Belle Aire Terr Halifax NS B3K 3W8 1,113.48 Lever Wilfred 333 Waverley Rd Dartmouth NS B2X 2E5 300.00 Levy Dianne 71 Beaver Bank Cross Rd Lower Sackville NS B4E 1K7 100.00 Levy Patricia 1884 Sunken Lake Rd RR 2 Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 167.00 Lewis Gay 129 Hills Rd Albert Bridge NS B1K 3E2 60.00 Lewis Sheila 1741 Northwest Rd RR 1 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 60.00 Lewis Howard 69 Orchard Dr Middle Sackville NS B4E 3B3 60.00 Lewis Courtney 10 Highland Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 2L3 120.00 Lewis S. M. 4940 Granville Rd PO Box 131 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 150.00 Lewis Peter 11162 Rte 6 RR 3 Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 175.00 Lewis David 1106-2677 Gladstone St Halifax NS B3K 0A3 200.00 Lewis Shirlean 702-1119 Tower Rd Halifax NS B3H 4H5 200.00 Lill Wendy 20 Summit St Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A2 1,320.00 Lindsay Julie 3812 Novalea Dr Halifax NS B3K 5K5 120.00 Linley Bill 16 Deepwood Cres Halifax NS B3M 2Y6 300.00 Livingston Sheila 2103 West Ship Harbour Rd Lake Charlotte NS B0J 1Y0 200.00 Livingston Jim 2103 West Ship Harbour Rd Lake Charlotte NS B0J 1Y0 200.00 Llewellyn Donald 315 Applecrest Dr Kentville NS B4N 2Z5 240.00 Lloyd Mary 621 Trenton Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 2M2 52.00 Lofgren Helen 47 Albion Rd Halifax NS B3P 1P8 255.00 Logan Lorne 113 Coronation Ave Halifax NS B3N 2M9 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Logan Elizabeth 608-5266 Green St Halifax NS B3H 4N2 250.00 Long Janis 25 Elizabeth Crt Whites Lake NS B3T 1Z2 335.00 Looker Dianne 2248 White Rock Rd RR 1 Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 365.00 Loomis Joan 22 Strath Lane Dartmouth NS B2X 1Z1 180.00 Lopes Blair 50 Hutt Rd Owls Head Harbour Lake Charlotte NS B0J 1Y0 167.00 Loppie Robert 39 Gurholt Dr Dartmouth NS B3B 1J8 250.00 Lord Stella 26 Whimsical Lake Cres Halifax NS B3P 2R2 210.37 Lorefice Louise 69 MacLellan St Antigonish NS B2G 2P3 60.00 Lounder Barbara 21 1/2 Summit St Dartmouth NS B2Y 2Z9 100.00 Lowe Gordon 250 Cornwall Rd RR 3 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 55.00 Lowe Ann 67 Pleasant St Wolfville NS B4P 1M9 180.00 Lowe Robin 6 Sunnyhill Dr PO Box 3740 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 50.00 Lucas John 135 Macdonald Cres Sydney NS B1N 2A1 60.00 Luck Neven 874 Naugler Rd RR 1 Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 90.00 Luckman Ron 156 Foster St Box 748 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Luffman Earl 59 Gates Rd Hackett's Cove NS B3Z 3K1 100.00 Lumsden Emily 1916 Union St PO Box 212 Canso NS B0H 1H0 100.00 Lumsden-Graham Sheila 14 Allen Dr Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 1G6 100.00 Lutley Fred 35 Rose St Dartmouth NS B3A 2T7 220.00 Lutz Aubrey 107-240 Portland St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1J7 99.00 Lynch Brian 24 Highland Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1N8 70.00 Lynk Andrew 1482 George St Sydney NS B1P 1P3 200.00 Lynk Mary 632 King St PO Box 148 Stn Main New Waterford NS B1H 4K4 50.00 Lynn Andrea 74 Sherwood Dr Wolfville NS B4P 2K6 220.00 Lyons Gayle 21 Amber Dr GD Sambro NS B3V 1M7 55.00 Lyons Robert 235 Louise St PO Box 779 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 405.00 M5 Marketing Communications Inc. 19-45 Alderney Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 2N6 810.22 Maass Regine 53 Albion Rd Halifax NS B3P 1P8 200.00 Mabe Maurianne 2575 Old Sambro Rd Williamswood NS B3V 1E1 120.00 Mabey Thomas 640 Francklyn St Halifax NS B3H 3B5 360.00 MacAlpine-Gillis Susan 93 Delta Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 1S3 280.00 MacAskill Malcolm 4-55 Minto St Glace Bay NS B1A 6E4 120.00 MacAulay Peter 5452 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 2J1 95.74 MacAuley-Williams Danielle 229 Rockland Rd RR 1 Sable River NS B0T 1V0 60.00 MacCormack Ann 509-85 Spinnaker Dr Halifax NS B3N 3E3 75.00 MacCormack Margaret 5265 Young St Halifax NS B3K 1Z2 175.00 MacCullough Allan 73 Russell St Dartmouth NS B3A 3N2 60.00 MacCurdy Dorothy 102 Gloria Ave Lower Sackville NS B4E 1W9 240.00 Macdonald J Rod 5-430 Abercrombie Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 1L4 55.00 MacDonald Alexander 118 Applecross Dr Sydney NS B1R 2B3 60.00 MacDonald Kevin 46 Quarry Rd Glace Bay NS B1A 1G1 60.00 MacDonald Charles 59 Valleyfield Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 1N8 60.00 Macdonald Joe 1305 Hwy 359 RR 1 Kentville NS B4N 3V7 100.00 MacDonald Michael 167 Centreville St PO Box 167 Reserve Mines NS B1E 1A6 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacDonald Ronald 46 Concord St Glace Bay NS B1A 3A8 100.00 Macdonald Marjorie 659 George St PO Box 144 Sydney NS B1P 6G9 100.00 MacDonald Karin 74 Prince St PO Box 1272 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 MacDonald Marion 54A Archie St PO Box 1751 Antigonish NS B2G 1L9 110.00 MacDonald Colleen 2036 Bauer St Halifax NS B3K 3W3 115.00 MacDonald Tom 29 Bark St PO Box 923 Pictou NS B0H 1H0 120.00 MacDonald Neil 4778 Hwy 331 RR 1 La Have NS B0R 1C0 120.00 MacDonald Peter 5015 Hwy 245 RR 3 PO Box 10 Doctors Brook NS B2G 2L1 120.00 MacDonald Cecil 93 Fraser Ave Sydney NS B1V 2C6 120.00 MacDonald Heather 660 Avonport Rd RR 1 Avonport NS B0P 1B0 125.37 MacDonald Russell 680 Hillside Boularderie Rd Groves Point NS B1Y 2V8 140.37 MacDonald John 179 Rendell Dr Little Bras D'or NS B1Y 2Y7 180.00 MacDonald J. Gregory 47 Riverside St PO Box 697 New Glasgow NS B2H 5G2 200.00 Macdonald Margie 6150 Cedar St Halifax NS B3H 2J5 200.37 MacDonald Steve 3572 Hwy 2 Lake Fletcher NS B2T 1H7 240.00 MacDonald Norma 59 Valleyfield Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 1N8 244.74 MacDonald Linda 2915 Somerset Ave Halifax NS B3L 3Z4 265.00 MacDonald Helen 179 Rendell Dr Little Bras D'or NS B1Y 2Y7 280.00 Macdonald Iain 30 Cora Lane Lake Fletcher NS B2T 1A1 300.00 Macdonald Peter 8 Cheltonham Crt Dartmouth NS B2Y 4V2 340.00 MacDonald Martha 1728 Garden St Halifax NS B3H 3R4 350.00 MacDonald Maureen 5525 Cabot Pl Halifax NS B3K 2J6 973.48 MacDonald Brad 244 Munroe Ave Ext RR 3 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C6 50.00 MacDonald Andrea 2658 Belle Aire Terr Halifax NS B3K 3W8 50.00 MacDonald Chisholm Trask Insurance 6 Masters Ave PO Box 880 Kentville NS B4N 4H8 200.00 MacDonald Slipp Gwendolyn 51 Lindsay Lane PO Box 401 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 135.00 MacDonald-Sawlor Danielle 168 Rockcliff Cres Sydney NS B1P 4A3 50.00 MacDonell John 729 Renfrew Rd Enfield NS B2T 1H9 1,573.48 MacDougall Sheila A. RR 3 Springfield NS B0R 1H0 100.00 MacEachern Maureen 6 Canterbury Pl Dartmouth NS B2Y 4J5 60.00 MacEwan Paul 1049 Victoria Rd Sydney NS B1N 1K9 100.00 Macgillivray Don 7271 Rte 4 Big Pond NS B1V 1X2 100.00 MacGillivray Jamie 292 South Foord St PO Box 753 New Glasgow NS B2H 5G2 1,000.00 MacGillivray Lisa 292 South Foord St PO Box 753 New Glasgow NS B2H 5G2 1,000.00 MacInnes Daniel 137 MacKen Rd Antigonish Landing NS B2G 2L2 120.00 MacInnes David 2028 Grand Pre Rd PO Box 29 Grand Pre NS B0P 1M0 180.00 MacInnis Malcolm 46-82 St Ninian St Antigonish NS B2G 1Y8 100.00 MacInnis Glenn 129 Rosedale Ave Halifax NS B3N 2J9 192.00 MacInnis Wayne 5447 Hwy 19 Judique NS B0E 1P0 150.00 MacIntosh James 33 Greening Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1R1 100.00 MacIntosh Sue 22 Quarry Lane RR 1 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C4 150.00 MacIntosh Joan 80 Windmill Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 1C7 368.00 MacIntyre Lorne 28 Fairview St Sydney NS B1P 1P9 120.00 MacIntyre Linda Lou 476 Bentick St Sydney NS B1S 2Y7 120.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacIntyre Kathy 625 Kings Rd Sydney NS B1S 1B8 180.00 MacIsaac Mike 21 Bantry Lane Antigonish NS B2G 2Z8 55.00 MacIsaac John David 18 Hillcrest St Antigonish NS B2G 1Z3 60.00 MacIsaac Ronnie 27A Kilkenny Lake Rd Victoria Mines NS B1N 3J3 100.00 MacIsaac Alex 3403 Hwy 28 Victoria Mines NS B1N 3J7 180.00 MacIsaac Gerry 402-11 Amin St Bedford NS B4A 4E3 50.00 MacKay Ernie 214 Sheppards Run Beechville NS B3T 2G2 180.00 MacKay Ethel 3623 Leaman St Halifax NS B3K 3Z8 235.00 MacKay Phyllis 74 Second St Lakeview NS B4C 4C9 240.00 MacKay Philip 8 Celtic Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 3G6 600.00 MacKay Carol 193 Mount Edward Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 3L3 50.00 MacKeigan Nancy 671 Big Farm Rd 12D RR 3 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 180.00 MacKenzie Janet 254 Victoria St E Amherst NS B4H 1Y9 100.00 MacKenzie Margaret 400-5475 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3J 3T2 100.00 MacKenzie Penny 225-25 Leaman Dr Dartmouth NS B3A 2K7 240.00 MacKenzie Joseph 229 Kaye St Lower Sackville NS B4C 1N3 396.60 MacKenzie David 60 Theakston Ave Halifax NS B3P 2S8 791.74 MacKenzie Kenna 33 Mill Run Kentville NS B4N 5G4 873.48 MacKenzie Lloyd 254 Victoria St E Amherst NS B4H 1Y9 920.74 MacKenzie Atlantic Tool & Die/Machining Ltd. 3-6 Rowlings Dr PO Box 121 Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 500.00 Mackie William 2111 Crowell Rd East Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1P1 1,000.00 MacKinlay Douglas 7 Minto St PO Box 225 Glace Bay NS B1A 5V2 120.00 Mackinnon Michael 105-173 George St Sydney NS B1P 1J1 52.00 Mackinnon Walter 176 Columbia St Sydney NS B1P 4J1 100.00 Mackinnon Steve 6224 Lawrence St Halifax NS B3L 1J9 120.00 MacKinnon Sharon 6272 Liverpool St Halifax NS B3L 1X8 234.00 MacKinnon Murdock 57 Blockade Cir Eastern Passage NS B3G 1E6 240.00 MacKinnon Ferg 188 Ashby Rd Sydney NS B1P 2S6 500.00 MacKinnon Clarrie 2326 Cowan St Westville NS B0K 2A0 836.74 Mackinnon Alan 51 Bayview Dr PO Box 181 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 1,000.00 MacKinnon Russell 7 Forward Ave Halifax NS B3P 1S3 1,000.00 MacKinnon Gary 176 Columbia St Sydney NS B1P 4J1 50.00 MacKinnon Mary K 2326 Cowan St Westville NS B0K 2A0 50.00 MacLaren Anne 928 Argus Dr PO Box 1324 Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 300.00 MacLean Marie 281 Pepperbush Crt Middle Sackville NS B4E 3K7 70.00 MacLean Peter 5 Grant's Court Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2K4 100.00 MacLean John A 48 Park St Sydney NS B1P 4W4 120.00 MacLean Robin 2518 Connaught Ave Halifax NS B3L 2Z4 175.00 MacLean George 107 Mount Pleasant Rd RR 1 Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 200.00 Maclean James K 46 Gillcourt PO Box 905 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 250.00 MacLean Terence 75 Conrad Branch RR 2 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 488.00 MacLean Ian 20 Mount Pleasant Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 3T4 580.00 MacLellan Lynda 910 Cloverville RR 1 Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 100.00 MacLellan Charlene 339 Longspell Rd Kingsport NS B0P 1H0 284.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacLellan Mary 391 Phalen Rd Glace Bay NS B1A 3B6 50.00 MacLennan George 2525 Phillip St Halifax NS B3L 3H1 240.00 MacLeod Verna 1629B Edward St Halifax NS B3H 4H9 52.00 MacLeod Joan 4 Wallace St Dartmouth NS B3A 3G8 60.00 MacLeod Joan 65 Candlewood Lane Lower Sackville NS B4C 1A6 60.00 MacLeod Juliette 37 Devonport Ave Fall River NS B2T 1A4 77.00 MacLeod Jessie 118 Water St PO Box 653 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 200.00 MacLeod Gregory 2-37 Esplanade St Sydney NS B1P 1A2 200.00 MacLeod Linda 2554 Sherwood St Halifax NS B3L 3G8 200.00 MacLeod Lorna 44 Hallmark Cres Dartmouth NS B2V 1Z9 330.00 MacLeod Greg 97 Mclean St Truro NS B2N 4W4 400.00 MacLeod Stephanie 132 Fairmont St PO Box 344 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 500.00 MacLeod Kathy 1680 Hillside Boularderie Rd Southside Boularderie NS B1Y 2T8 680.00 MacLeod Allister 37 Devonport Ave Fall River NS B2T 1A4 50.00 MacMillan Leanne 3843 Robie St Halifax NS B3K 4T3 360.00 MacMillan C. Byron 40 West Lake Ave Site 13 RR 2 Mount Uniacke NS B0N 1Z0 400.00 MacMillan Michael 71 Ingram Dr Fall River NS B2T 1A4 810.00 MacMillan Geralyn 1519 Ashlee Dr Coldbrook NS B4R 1A1 50.00 MacNeil Ronald 22 Fairbanks St Dartmouth NS B3A 1C1 72.00 MacNeil Gerald 149 Lorne St Sydney NS B1P 4H5 100.00 MacNeil D. Roy 23 Park Rd Florence NS B1Y 1N1 100.00 MacNeil Gerard 33 Highview St Port Hastings NS B9A 1M2 100.00 MacNeil Ralph 1044 Wallace Rd New Victoria NS B1H 5E2 120.00 MacNeil Conrad 1-12 Earnscliffe Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1X3 180.00 MacNeil Theresa 9 Nickerson Crt Antigonish NS B2G 2V5 240.00 MacNeil Linda 7030 East Bay Hwy Big Pond NS B1J 1T1 884.00 MacNeill Dorothy 49 Crowell Dr Truro NS B2N 3N1 200.00 MacNeill Kenley 49 Crowell Dr Truro NS B2N 3N1 500.00 MacNutt Jessie 3 Eastmoor Dr Truro NS B2N 2X2 52.00 MacPherson Ron 15 Donview Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4C7 100.00 MacPherson Kevin 306-80 Spinnaker Dr Halifax NS B3N 3B5 240.00 MacQuarrie Susan 46 Highland Dr Truro NS B2N 1B9 250.00 MacRae Donnie 49 Floral Heights Sydney NS B1L 1G9 100.00 MacRae Peter 28 John St Box 856 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 120.00 MacRae-Wilson Judd 5440 Young St Halifax NS B3K 1Z4 77.00 MacSween Heather 179 Upper Leitches Creek Rd Sydney NS B2A 4A9 200.00 MacVicar Gilford 457 Phalen Rd Glace Bay NS B1A 3B6 232.00 Maessen Sheila 11340 Peggy's Cove Rd Seabright NS B3Z 3A7 52.00 Maginley Charles D 67 Longhill Rd PO Box 328 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 52.00 Mahon Peggy 2208 Sherbrooke Rd RR 5 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C8 1,956.00 Main Ruth 1-242 Windmill Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 1G3 100.00 Maindiratta Gopal 342 Smith St New Waterford NS B1H 3R1 50.00 Mainland Nova Scotia Building & Construction Trades Council 205-14 McQuade Lake Cres Halifax NS B3S 1B6 5,000.00 Majka Christopher 6252 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2G5 77.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Malick Anne 5 Regency Point Dr Bible Hill NS B6L 4B5 180.00 Malloy Edmund 870 East Side Harbour Rd Guysborough NS B0H 1G0 102.00 Malouf Agnes 12-16 Esdaile Ave Dartmouth NS B2Y 3N4 100.00 Malton Anne 5589 Hwy 221 RR 2 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 170.00 Manchester Judy 2384 Hwy 246 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 75.00 Mancini Peter 11 Colburn Walk Dartmouth NS B2Y 4G2 533.37 Mancini Marian 11 Colburn Walk Dartmouth NS B2Y 4G2 900.37 Mandy Dorothy A 8 Third St Dartmouth NS B2X 1X1 52.00 Mangalam Sylvia 1388 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1E2 240.00 Mangle David 11 Iona Rd Wolfville NS B4P 2H2 120.00 Manicom Ann 3312 Malagash Rd RR 1 Malagash NS B0K 1E0 240.00 Manning Andy 17 Masons Point Rd Head Of St. Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 1Y9 120.00 Manos Sarah 6078 Cherry St Halifax NS B3H 2K3 70.00 Manos Jim 1171A Tower Rd Halifax NS B3H 2Y7 200.00 Mansfield Lloyd 55 Spikenard St Dartmouth NS B2W 3B4 60.00 Mansfield Kevin 1032 Old Westfield Rd Box 121 Caledonia NS B0T 1B0 295.00 Manuge Robert 1515 Lake Annis Rd Yarmouth NS B0W 3E0 200.00 Manzer Marilyn 53 Pleasant St Wolfville NS B4P 1M9 65.00 Manzer Yvonne 5553 Black St Halifax NS B3K 1P8 180.00 Maritime Paper Products Limited 25 Borden Ave PO Box 668 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Y9 550.00 Maritime Pride Eggs Inc. 50 Tantamar Cres Amherst NS B4H 0A1 150.00 Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Management Ltd. 1600-1801 Hollis St Halifax NS B3J 3N4 81.48 Marks Heather 215 Rudolph Dr PO Box 781 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 180.00 Marryatt Daniel 5320 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 2J1 72.00 Marsh Margaret 416 Waverley Rd Dartmouth NS B2X 2G1 200.00 Marshall Rowland 6063 Hwy 207 Box 73, Seaforth Head Of Chezzetcook NS B0J 1N0 250.00 Marshall Margo 6063 Hwy 207 Box 73, Seaforth Head Of Chezzetcook NS B0J 1N0 300.00 Martell Henry 7 Clearview St Halifax NS B3R 1N7 170.00 Martell Anne 77 Ferngrove Lane Box 3013 Tantallon NS B3Z 4G9 50.00 Martin David 310 Highbury School Rd New Minas NS B4N 4K1 60.00 Martin Glenda 310 Highbury School Rd New Minas NS B4N 4K1 60.00 Martin Martha 2687 Dublin St Halifax NS B3L 3K1 175.00 Martin Shauna 212-1350 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 550.00 Martin Regina 56 Hanover Crt Halifax NS B3M 3K6 50.00 Marvin Paul 5793 Sarah St Halifax NS B3K 1H4 120.00 Mason Murray 47 Partridge Nest Dr Mineville NS B2Z 1K2 55.00 Mason Linda 52 Drumdonald Rd Halifax NS B3P 2K9 60.00 Mason Lynn 1578 Vernon St Halifax NS B3H 3M7 100.00 Massey Ed 19 Dorothea Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 5X2 186.74 Massey Joan 19 Dorothea Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 5X2 1,393.30 Matheson Yvonne 41 Villa Nova Rd Dominion NS B1G 1W8 60.00 Matheson Jane 6745 Prospect Rd West Dover NS B3Z 3T1 60.00 Matheson Bill 6745 Prospect Rd West Dover NS B3Z 3T1 65.74 Matheson J. Richard 45 Hilltop Dr Port Hastings NS B9A 1P2 130.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Matheson Robert 985 E Matheson Rd RR 1 Hopewell NS B0K 1C0 210.00 Matheson Brian 31 Lylewood Dr Middle Sackville NS B4E 3B1 520.00 Matheson Jean 4743 Hwy 6 RR 4 River John NS B0K 1N0 50.00 Matthews Margaret 5526 Falkland St Halifax NS B3K 1A3 100.00 Matthews Jim 419 Poplar Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4L2 120.00 Matthews Doug 1728 Garden St Halifax NS B3H 3R4 180.00 Matthews James 770 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V7 1,100.00 Mattinson Sylvia 5557 Stoneham Crt Halifax NS B3K 4A7 240.00 Mattson Steve 615 Main St Wolfville NS B4P 1G1 480.00 Mauger Dale E 1163 Main St Glace Bay NS B1A 5A1 60.00 Maxwell Chris 317-2070 Quingate Pl Halifax NS B3L 4S1 100.00 Maxwell Paul 30 Myers Lane PO Box 649 Stn Main Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M9 120.00 Maycock Gillian 20 Grimes Ave Dartmouth NS B2W 3L7 200.00 McCabe Virginia 23 Saunders Rd RR 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 McCann Stewart 18 Keefe Ave Sydney NS B1R 2C7 152.00 McCarthy Robert 77 King St PO Box 58 Grand Pre NS B0P 1M0 180.00 McCarthy Catherine 16 Major St Dartmouth NS B2X 1A4 50.00 McCleave Heather 5345 Young St Halifax NS B3K 1Z3 180.00 McClelland David 6685 Little River Rd PO Box 235 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 100.00 McClure Don 149 Lochmoor Lane Dartmouth NS B2W 6C8 350.00 McConnell Joan 89 Hall St PO Box 492 Lockport NS B0T 1L0 240.00 McCormick Paul 14A Springvale Ave Halifax NS B3N 2A2 96.00 McCracken John 252 Viewmount Dr Head of St. Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 2G2 180.00 McCrossin Scott 2058 Kline St Halifax NS B3L 2X3 500.00 McDade William 100 Polara Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 2B9 200.00 McDonald Debbie 1615 Frankie Dr Lower Sackville NS B4E 2M6 60.00 McDonald Heather 90 Fieldwood Cir Dartmouth NS B2W 4S5 150.00 McDonald Karen 5 Arthur St Dartmouth NS B2Y 2L5 180.00 McDonald Elsie 51 South St Glace Bay NS B1A 1T7 200.00 McDonald Jim 1781 Chestnut St Halifax NS B3H 3T7 240.00 McDonald Michael 21 Belmont Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 4E6 500.00 McDonald Delton 24 Beechwood Cres PO Box 795, Stn A Sydney NS B1P 6J1 665.74 McDonough Justin 1581 Conrose Ave Halifax NS B3H 4C4 370.00 McDonough Alexa 402V-1544 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4S1 2,386.74 McGee Harold 40 Owl's Head Rd PO Box 160 Hunts Point NS B0T 1G0 152.00 McGillivray Neil 46 Prestwick Close Halifax NS B3S 1M4 250.00 McHugh Margaret 31 Lyla Dr Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1L4 120.00 McIllwraith Mary 220 Spruce Cres RR 1 Carleton Place ON K7C 3P1 100.00 McInnes Cooper 1300-1969 Upper Water St Purdys Wharf TowHalifax NS B3J 2V1 1,500.00 McInnis Donna 2050 Connaught Ave Halifax NS B3L 2Z1 400.00 McInnis Joan 1241 Hwy 329 RR 1 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 50.00 McKay Janet 3283 West River East Side Rd RR 3 Saltsprings NS B0K 1P0 514.37 McKay Leo 20 Foster Ave PO Box 608 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 50.00 McKee Eric 107-36 Southgate Dr Bedford NS B4A 4M4 200.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount McKenna Earl 71 Maple Blvd Truro NS B2N 4N4 225.00 McKenna Sandy 27 Boling Green Cr Dartmouth NS B2V 1J9 50.00 McKenzie Christine 345 Arklow Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4S1 60.00 McKeough Daniel 230 Musgrave Lane North Sydney NS B2A 2B7 115.00 McKillop David 87 Queen St Truro NS B2N 2B2 100.00 McKinnon John 32 Balsam Cir Lower Sackville NS B4C 1A9 60.00 Mclachlan Shalon 1722 Walnut St Halifax NS B3H 3S5 100.00 McLachlan-Sanger Mary 10769 Hwy 215 RR 4 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 100.00 McLaren Bernice 1755 Cambridge St Halifax NS B3H 4A8 60.00 McLaren Ian 1755 Cambridge St Halifax NS B3H 4A8 50.00 McLaughlin Deborah 1208 Cogmagun Rd RR 1 Centre Burlington NS B0N 1E0 100.00 Mclay Karin 1749 Preston St Halifax NS B3H 3V5 170.00 McLean Judith 5017 Hwy 1 RR 1 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 60.00 McLean James 22 MacQuarrie Dr Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2K8 100.00 McLellan Scott 19 Yeadon Dr Sackville NS B4E 2Z4 52.00 McLeod Merle 108-26 Brookdale Cres Dartmouth NS B3A 2R5 332.00 McMullen Isabelle 668 Hillside Rd Albert Bridge NS B1K 3H8 100.00 McMullen Monica 277 Neville St Dominion NS B1G 1P9 420.00 McMullin JD St FX University PO Box 500 Antigonish NS B2G 2W5 180.00 McNairn Muriel 1304-1470 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 3A3 152.00 McNamara Kevin 426 Whitney Ave Sydney NS B1P 5A7 100.00 McNamara Tom 843 Lower River Rd Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 100.00 McNamara Shawn 192 St Andrews St PO Box 1563 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 105.00 McNamara Shirley 18 Grant Rd PO Box 13 Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 120.00 McNeil Neil 240 Cornwallis St Kentville NS B4N 2E8 60.00 McNeil Linda 363 York St Glace Bay NS B1A 2M9 75.00 McNeil Robert 1 Monteray Dr PO Box 1373 Stn A Sydney NS B1P 6K3 120.00 McNeil David 6373 Berlin St Halifax NS B3L 1T4 120.00 McNeil Sheldon 2 Munroe St Ext Reserve Mines NS B1E 1G3 180.00 McNeil Gail 2531 Poplar St Halifax NS B3L 2Y9 320.00 McNeill Donald 178 Hwy 2 Enfield NS B2T 1C8 100.00 McPhail Keith 1760 Vernon St Halifax NS B3H 3N2 52.00 McPherson Judith 16 Mermaid Close RR 3 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 127.00 Mcrae Natalie 16 Second St Lakeside NS B3T 1B1 120.00 McVeigh Ann 10 McVeigh Crt Lower Sackville NS B4C 3Y6 180.00 Meade-Corkum Carol 19 Lantana Terr Dartmouth NS B2X 3L2 120.00 Meagher Gary 19 Wallace St Box 285 Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 150.00 Meagher William 29 Covington Way Halifax NS B3M 3H1 200.00 Medavie Inc. 230 Brownlow Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 0G5 1,000.00 Meehan Cheri 18 Garden Court Terr Dartmouth NS B3A 3S6 330.00 Meehan June 127 Pleasant Dr Gaetz Brook NS B0J 1N0 100.00 Mega Vision Management Ltd. 610 Victoria Rd Sydney NS B1N 1H7 50.00 Megann James 222 Canterbury Lane Fall River NS B2T 1T3 250.00 Melanson Don 341 Second Division Rd Box 299 Meteghan NS B0W 2J0 125.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Melanson Andrew 10 Allison Ave Amherst NS B4H 3V4 270.00 Melford International Terminal Incorporated 1201-1809 Barrington St Halifax NS B3J 3K8 500.00 Melmock Amy 1088 East Side Harbour Rd PO Box 37 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 175.00 Mendel Margherita 310-3807 Mont Blanc Terr Halifax NS B3K 6R9 200.00 Mennier Brett 2723 Fern Lane Halifax NS B3K 4L3 105.00 Mentis-Smith Denise 37 Parkmount Close Halifax NS B3S 1L7 100.00 Menzies Janet 517 - 45 Vimy Ave Halifax NS B3M 4C5 100.00 Mercer Wayne 178 Donegal Dr Cole Harbour NS B2V 2N2 270.00 Merrill Rick 1-1017 Clover Leaf Dr New Minas NS B4N 5K6 60.00 Merson Robert 51 Meadowlands Park Dr Lower Sackville NS B4E 2J8 156.00 Miah Ronald 6 Lynn Rd Halifax NS B3N 1S4 120.00 Michaud Yvette 956 Brussels St Halifax NS B3H 2T1 50.00 Migas Anna 6248 Willow St Halifax NS B3L1N9 120.00 Miller Craig 36 Fairview Dr Truro NS B2N 1S3 100.00 Miller Beverly 6182 South St Halifax NS B3H 1T5 100.00 Miller Walter 9 Maple Lane Eastern Passage NS B3G 1A8 120.00 Miller Lois 30 Cora Lane Lake Fletcher NS B2T 1A1 140.37 Miller Mary Lorraine 10 Paul David Crt Dartmouth NS B2X 2Y8 200.00 Miller Robert 10 Paul David Crt Dartmouth NS B2X 2Y8 200.00 Miller Russell 227 Forest Dr RR 4 New Germany NS B0R 1E0 520.00 Miller Hugh 8 Prince Albert St PO Box 835 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 740.00 Mills Helga 2101-1470 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 3A3 150.00 Mills Kathy 295 Portland St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1K3 150.00 Mills William 43 Briarlynn Cres Dartmouth NS B2V 1K5 240.00 Milne Frank 1005-6095 Coburg Rd Halifax NS B3H 4K1 100.00 Milne Judi 41 Hillside Dr Conquerall Bank NS B4V 0H1 830.37 Minas Basin Pulp and Power Company Limited 53 Prince St PO Box 401 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 550.00 Misener Mary 19 Hogan Rd Upper Vaughan NS B0N 2T0 120.00 Mitchelmore Maisie 9 Rowan Ave New Glasgow NS B2H 0A3 125.00 Mitchelmore Ivan 9 Rowan Ave New Glasgow NS B2H 0A3 50.00 Mockford Lorraine 1912 Greenwood Rd RR 1 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 340.00 Moeller Jamie 38 Antigonish Landing Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 70.00 Moen Arlo 301-1881 Brunswick St Halifax NS B3J 3L8 100.00 Moggridge Kathy 6316 Lawrence St Halifax NS B3L 1J9 144.00 Molloy Don 309-91 Baker Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 0H2 100.00 Molloy Muriel 309-91 Baker Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 0H2 100.00 Monaghan David 1634 Camperdown Rd RR 1 Italy Cross NS B4V 6S5 540.00 Montrose Virginia 410-60 Primrose St Dartmouth NS B3A 4C8 52.00 Mooney Janet 27 Cooperage Lane Box 439 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 240.00 Moore Jeff 11865 Hwy 1 RR 3 Wolfville NS B4P 2R3 120.00 Moore Marion 6560 Hwy 332 Upper La Have NS B4V 7B4 180.00 Moore Joan 7 Tidal Lane Box 73 Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 200.00 Moore Dorothy 11 McManus Rd Halifax NS B3P 1R1 240.00 Moore Gerard 62 Highland St Glace Bay NS B1A 2T8 250.08 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Moore Brian 47 Dan MacKay Rd RR 5 PO Box 231 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 50.00 Moores Dana 10 Squires Lane Eastern Passage NS B3G 1N2 75.00 Moors Alan 3640 Percy St Halifax NS B3N 2R6 360.00 Moosehead Breweries Limited 656 Windmill Rd Dartmouth NS B3B 1B8 500.00 Morash David 4949 Hwy 357 RR 1 Elderbank NS B0N 1KO 370.00 Morash William 6299 Payzant St Halifax NS B3H 2B2 400.00 More Marilyn 202-162 Ochterloney St Dartmouth NS B2Y 4X3 956.74 Morgan Rhiannon 125 Ross St Halifax NS B3M 2A7 52.00 Morgan Sylvia 452 Bedford Hwy Halifax NS B3M 2L5 100.00 Morgan Marilyn 409-115 Ochterloney St Dartmouth NS B2Y 4W8 180.00 Morgan Graham 409-115 Ochterloney St Dartmouth NS B2Y 4W8 340.00 Morgan Hubert 452 Bedford Hwy Halifax NS B3M 2L5 350.00 Morgenstern John 204-75 Collins Grove Dartmouth NS B2W 6B3 120.00 Morrigan Jane 1370 Scotsburn Rd RR 1 Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 120.00 Morris Lorraine 26 Crestview Dr Halifax NS B3P 1G2 100.00 Morris Steven 40 Birchview Dr Halifax NS B3P 1G4 100.00 Morris Ruth 501-6095 Coburg Rd Halifax NS B3H 4K1 100.00 Morris John 2001 Raynardton Rd Box 56 RR 1 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 120.00 Morris Anna 50 Meadowlark Cres Halifax NS B3M 1R5 200.00 Morris James 71 Granite Cove Rd Hubley NS B3Z 1A1 240.00 Morrisey Daniel 2 Dogwood St Dartmouth NS B2W 2S2 120.00 Morrison Dorothy 392 Hudson St New Waterford NS B1H 3P6 300.00 Morrison Kathryn 9 Shepherd Rd Halifax NS B3P 2K6 436.00 Morrison Donald 1895 Morrison Rd Sydney NS B1M 1A8 50.00 Morrison Roger 678 Grand Lake Rd Sydney NS B1P 5T6 50.00 Morse Kathryn 82 Hazelholme Dr Halifax NS B3M 1N5 990.37 Morton Margaret 43 Sherwood Dr Wolfville NS B4P 2K5 100.00 Morton James 5 Alicia Blvd Kentville NS B4N 4Y7 340.00 Mosey David 177 York St PO Box 1819 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 180.00 Mosher Glen 128 Lancaster Dr Herring Cove NS B3V 1J1 120.00 Mosley Ronald 678 Hwy 331 Conquerall Bank NS B4V 0H6 105.00 Mossman George 1400 Grimm Rd Middle La Have NS B4V 3L6 408.00 Mountain Investments Limited 4881 Main St PO Box 220 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 1,000.00 Mowat Claire RR 1 River Bourgeois NS B0E 2X0 350.00 Mowat Gordon 33 Mill Run Kentville NS B4N 5G4 500.00 Mowbray-Williams Alison 165 Arthur St Truro NS B2N 1Y3 120.00 Moynagh Maureen 1616 Hwy 337 Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 55.00 Moynihan Anne 7038 Pearson Dr Halifax NS B3L 2K8 180.00 MSR Management Inc. 6 Chessvale Close Halifax NS B3M 4C7 200.00 MT&L Public Relations Limited L101-1701 Hollis St Halifax NS B3J 3M8 500.00 Mueller Kerstin 263 Old Maryvale Rd RR 3 Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 170.37 Muggah Henry 102 Water St Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 500.00 Muir David 2 Oakdale Crt Dartmouth NS B3A 4R3 61.00 Muise Hector 12 Russell Lake Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 6E7 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Muise Paula 2599 Hwy 28 South Bar NS B1N 3J2 120.00 Muise Thomas 3080 Dublin St Halifax NS B3L 3L3 120.00 Muise Eileen 3523 Ross Ave New Waterford NS B1H 1M9 400.00 Mukhopadhyay Arun 1147 Belmont on the Arm Halifax NS B3H 1J2 100.00 Mullally Peter 3201 Connolly St Halifax NS B3L 3P4 96.00 Mullins Todd 8274 Hwy 311 RR 5 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 120.00 Mumford Eva 166 Victoria St Box 112 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 120.00 Munro Wendy 224 Riverview Dr Sydney NS B1S 3R7 50.00 Munroe Morris 482 Kinsac Rd Kinsac NS B4G 1C7 469.73 Murphy John Arther 97 Mill Rd RR 1 Antigonish NS B2G 2L8 90.00 Murphy Patrick 118 Maple Ave Wolfville NS B4P 2L9 168.00 Murphy Ed 123 South St Glace Bay NS B1A 1V5 360.00 Murphy Cathy 48 Saskatoon Dr Halifax NS B3M 3H7 560.00 Murray Lewis 23 Tower Rd Box 334 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 200.00 Murray Margaret 6964 Vaughan Ave Halifax NS B3L 2M1 200.00 Murray John 3 Deal Lane Seabright NS B3Z 4C7 204.00 Murray Donald 6287 Duncan St Halifax NS B3L 1K4 300.00 Murray Garry 130 Raven Rd Truro NS B6L 2P7 430.00 Murray Donald 102-277 Pleasant St Dartmouth NS B2Y 4B7 725.00 Nabeel Nivin 409-53 Bedros Lane Halifax NS B3M 4X4 125.00 Nabil Ramia 4007-7071 Bayers Rd Halifax NS B3L 2C2 1,000 Narang Mamohar 85 Lexington Ave Dartmouth NS B2X 3T5 100.00 Nathanson Alan 99 Liscomb Point Dr South Bar NS B1N 0A2 50.00 Naugler Janus 1204 Camperdown Rd Camperdown NS B4V 6S4 60.00 Nauss Lorna 7129 Hwy 329 RR 1 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 72.00 Nehiley Barbara 2572 Brunswick St Halifax NS B3K 2Z6 115.00 Neiley Alice 1461 Bridge St RR 5 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 120.00 Neish Dorothy 431-24 Ramsgate Lane Halifax NS B3P 2R6 100.00 Nettleton Martha 2873 Hwy 206 PO Box 18 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 50.00 Newcombe Eileen 7 Elizabeth St Dartmouth NS B2W 2T4 105.00 Newcombe Cheryl 38 Community Centre Lane Windsor Junction NS B2T 1W6 300.00 Newcombe Peggy 732 West Porters Lake Rd Porters Lake NS B3E 1K6 350.00 Newcombe William 732 West Porters Lake Rd Porters Lake NS B3E 1K6 370.00 Newell Herbert 8910 Hwy 331 RR 2 Mill Village NS B0J 2H0 100.00 Newman William 3621 St Pauls St Halifax NS B3K 3R1 152.00 NewPage Port Hawkesbury Corp. 120 Pulp Mill Rd PO Box 9500 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 1A1 1,500.00 Newton Jane 201-5251 South St Halifax NS B3J 4B2 175.00 Nicholl Linda 2650 Connolly St Halifax NS B3L 3M5 50.00 Nichols Gail 42 Sparks Rd Cherry Brook NS B2Z 1A5 60.00 Nichols Nan 40 Old Ferry Rd Dartmouth NS B2Y 2E5 75.00 Nichols Carolee 24 Harbour Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 3N9 100.00 Nichols Gordon 412 Hwy 217 RR 1 Freeport NS B0V 1B0 180.00 Nicholson Jean 3475 Pellatt Ave New Waterford NS B1H 1S7 360.00 Nicholson Rose 1 Mason Ave PO Box 2048 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 50.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Nickerson Mil 676 Mood Rd Box 10080 RR 4 Stn Main Yarmouth NS B5A 4A8 120.00 Nickerson Wayne 120 Alder Cres Lower Sackville NS B4C 1A3 200.00 Nickerson Marshall 59 Ancona Pl Dartmouth NS B2X 3K7 244.00 Nielsen Alfred 345 Applecrest Dr Kentville NS B4N 2Z5 120.00 Nimmo Sandra 1368 Rte 530 Grande-Digue NB E4R 5L5 240.00 Niven David 140 Windsor St Sydney NS B1S 3C5 200.00 Noble Scott 1878 Hwy 205 RR 2 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 120.00 Noble Brian 1294 Greenville Rd PO Box 43 Hebron NS B0W 1X0 488.00 Noddin Bruce 40 Sunnybrae Ave Halifax NS B3N 2G4 120.00 Northman Greg 5663 Livingstone St Halifax NS B3K 2C2 150.00 Norton James PO Box 131 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Noseworthy Margaret 1983 Hwy 2 RR 1 Economy NS BON 1J0 100.00 Noseworthy Vicki 217 Stokil Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 3C2 175.00 Nova Agri Inc. 1225 Middle Dyke Rd RR 2 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 550.00 Nova Scotia Federation of Labour 225-3700 Kempt Rd Halifax NS B3K 4X8 5,000.00 Nova Scotia Teachers Union 3106 Joseph Howe Dr Halifax NS B3L 4L7 61.11 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc 1752 Dunvegan Dr Halifax NS B3H 4G1 540.74 Nowakowski Richard 105 Williams Lake Rd Halifax NS B3P 1T5 120.00 NS & PEI Regional Council of Carpenters 1000 Sackville Dr PO Box 10 Lower Sackville NS B4C 2S8 2,000.00 Nutt Michael 1507 Forest Hill RR 1 Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 420.00 N-Viro Systems Canada LP PO Box 997 Halifax NS B3J 2X2 500.00 Nyajeka Shingai 59 Rockingstone Rd Halifax NS B3R 2E1 125.00 Oakley Neil 273 Herring Cove Rd Halifax NS B3P 1M2 200.00 O'Brien Heather 6034 Cherry St Halifax NS B3H 2K3 204.00 O'Brien Nancy 306-1540 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 500.00 O'Brien Dan 193 Shaw Island Rd Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 520.00 O'Connell Margaret 1-231 Hawthorne St Antigonish NS B2G 1B6 240.00 O'Connor David 3 Mountain Ash Crt Dartmouth NS B2Y 4N3 195.00 O'Connor Dan 6298 Duncan St Halifax NS B3L 1K3 1,251.74 O'Driscoll Terrence 206-26 Brookdale Cres Dartmouth NS B3A 2R5 260.00 Officia Edward 1008-5572 North Ridge Rd Halifax NS B3K 5K2 150.00 O'Halloran Mary Jane 6250 Oakland Rd Halifax NS B3H 1P2 120.00 O'Halloran Campbell Consultants Limited 252-7071 Bayers Rd Halifax NS B3J 2C2 500.00 O'Hearn Timothy 520-52 Parkland Dr Halifax NS B3S 1S9 204.00 O'Keefe Mary 76 Green Acres Dr Sydney NS B1S 1K6 200.00 O'Liari Joan 27 MacDonald St Box 592 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 240.00 Olie David 2-87 Brunswick St Yarmouth NS B5A 2G3 605.37 Oliver Robert 7 Mackenzie St New Waterford NS B1H 2T4 60.00 Olliver Stephen 102 Dufferin St PO Box 1167 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Olsen Christopher 40 Alline St Wolfville NS B4P 1J4 695.00 Olson Jan 2044 Kline St Halifax NS B3L 2X3 120.00 Olsson Karen 386 Truro Rd North River NS B6L 6V9 240.00 O'Meara John Patrick 181 Harriett St PO Box 99 Shelburne NS B0P 1W0 720.00 O'Neil Mary 64 Champlain Ave Sydney NS B1P 2A9 292.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount O'Neil Carol 104 Little Pond Lane Lawrencetown NS B2Z 0A3 300.00 O'Neill Brian 482 Island View Dr Boutiliers Point NS B3Z 1R2 180.00 Opseth Philip 254 Southampton Dr Cole Harbour NS B2V 2V9 60.00 Oram Jane 43 Old Ferry Rd Dartmouth NS B2Y 2E8 295.00 O'Regans Toyota Dartmouth A-60 Baker Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 O'Reilly Pamela 32 Valleyfield Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 1N5 60.00 O'Reilly John 3B-9 Bruce St Dartmouth NS B2W 1L3 50.00 Organ James PO Box 74 Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 300.00 Osberg Lars 6271 Summit St Halifax NS B3L 1R6 300.00 Osborne Gail 5 Athorpe Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 3A4 120.00 Osborne John 5 Blink Bonnie Terr Dartmouth NS B2Y 2C9 300.00 O'Shea Patrick 31 Cameron Rd West Bay NS B0E 3K0 120.00 Osmond-Williams Carole 3181 Micmac St Halifax NS B3L 3W3 100.00 O'Toole Terrence 1614 Hwy 245 RR 3 North Grant NS B2G 2L1 120.00 Ouellette Margeret 740 Lower Rd PO Box 302 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Pace David 5 Crestview Dr Halifax NS B3P 1G1 100.00 Page Sheldon 562 Three Fathom Harbour Rd Three Fathom Harbour NS B0J 1N0 120.00 Palmer Catherine 124A Dorothea Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 2E8 240.00 Panagopoulos Wendy 164 Main St PO Box 258 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 355.00 Parago Leo 25 Topshee Dr Sydney NS B1S 2L1 180.00 Paris Percy 100 Charleswood Dr Windsor Junction NS B2T 1G3 661.11 Parker Donald 561 Hwy 376 RR 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 60.00 Parker Jeanine 6097 Little Harbour Rd PO Box 1412 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 65.74 Parker Keith 19-25 Vimy Ave Halifax NS B3M 1G5 100.00 Parker Grace 447 Hwy 376 RR 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 120.00 Parker Colleen 501 Hwy 376 RR 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 300.00 Parker David 3894 White Hill Rd RR 2 Hopewell NS B0K 1C0 515.37 Parker Marilyn 1360 Lochbroom Rd RR 3 Westville NS B0K 2A0 1,000.00 Parker Charlie 1360 Lochbroom Rd RR 3 Westville NS B0K 2A0 1,136.74 Parker Frank 420 Pleasant Valley Rd RR 1 Westville NS B0K 2A0 50.00 Parker Pauline 51 Centenniel Dr Canso NS B0H 1H0 50.00 Parris Sylvia 3215 Albert St Halifax NS B3K 3N1 120.00 Parris Joseph 115 Lingan Rd Sydney NS B1N 1T9 50.00 Parsons Diane 48 Castle Dr Sydney NS B1S 2A2 240.00 Pasley Chris 29 Caldwell Rd Dartmouth NS B2V 1A3 144.00 Pass C. Ernest 205 Herring Cove Rd PO Box 20142 Halifax NS B3P 1L1 931.74 Passmore Donald 190 Lighthouse Rd Digby NS B0V 1A0 50.00 Pate David 6175 Charles St Halifax NS B3K 1L5 100.00 Patin Equipment Limited 85 Macdonald Ave Dartmouth NS B3K 5M2 500.00 Patterson Cheryl 23 Maple Dr Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1R1 120.00 Patterson Fraser 70 Lupin Lane PO Box 1645 Bras D'or NS B1Y 3Y6 120.00 Patterson Ron 24 Allison Ave Amherst NS B4H 3V4 200.00 Patterson Tom 62 Lyngby Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 4P6 200.00 Patterson Heather 161 Park St Sydney NS B1P 4W7 355.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Pattison Jolene 2469 Davison St Halifax NS B3K 4K9 100.00 Payne-MacKinnon John 1120-1030 South Park St Halifax NS B3H 2W3 140.00 Payzant Joan M 15 Connor St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1V7 340.00 Peacock Jan 2364 Moran St Halifax NS B3K 4K2 216.00 Peer Dorothy 55 Maryfield Lane PO Box 142 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Peers Marilyn 114 Stoneybrook Crt Halifax NS B3M 3J7 215.00 Pennycook Glenn 5 Bridget Ave Halifax NS B3R 1H8 55.00 Pepper Norma 90 Phoenix Cres Lower Sackville NS B4C 2B4 170.00 Perry George D 2110 Bauer St Halifax NS B3K 3W3 52.00 Perry Anne 2357 Maynard St Halifax NS B3K 3T8 200.00 Perry Lake Developments Inc. 31 Sterns Crt Dartmouth NS B3B 1W7 1,000.00 Peters Robert 325 Coady Rd RR 1 South West Margaree NS B0E 3H0 280.00 Peters Roberts 6199 Pepperell St Halifax NS B3H 2P1 500.00 Petersen Mary Lou 103 Forestside Cres Halifax NS B3M 1M5 150.00 Petersen Drake 33-1448 Brenton St Halifax NS B3J 2K7 200.00 Peterson Michael Leroy 1-6391 Liverpool St Halifax NS B3L 1Y1 60.00 Peterson Betty 416-6969 Bayers Rd Halifax NS B3L 4P3 145.00 Peterson Sarah 53 Westridge Dr Halifax NS B3M 3K3 216.00 Peterson - Rafuse Denise 186 King St PO Box 657 Chester NS B0J 1J0 145.37 Petrie Walter 3522 Spruce Ave New Waterford NS B1H 2C5 120.00 Petrie Marie 4111 New Waterford Hwy New Victoria NS B1H 5T4 216.00 Petrie Gerry 612-81 Solutions Dr Halifax NS B3S 1R7 360.00 Pettipas Erin 11 Hampshire Way Cole Harbour NS B2V 2A3 120.00 Pettipas Paul 607-53 Bedros Lane Halifax NS B3M 4X4 250.00 Pharmasave Drugs (Atlantic) Limited 100-239 Brownlow Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 2B2 1,310.22 Phillips Sandra 159 George Weatherby Rd RR 1 Debert NS B0M 1G0 115.00 Pickering Murray 445 Peck Meadow Rd RR 1 Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 60.00 Pierce Wayne 80 Tower Rd RR 2 Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 100.00 Pierce Stella 929 Brussels St Halifax NS B3H 2S9 150.00 Pierce Marilyn 840 Herring Cove Rd Halifax NS B3R 1Z4 200.00 Pierce Debora 1271 Wright Ave Halifax NS B3J 1C6 240.00 Pigot Mary 34 Schooner Cove Rd Head of St. Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 2B4 120.00 Pineau Emile 123 Halfway Lake Dr PO Box 9106 Stn A Halifax NS B3K 5M7 1,180.00 Pineo Pauline 13 Lynett Rd Halifax NS B3R 1H3 360.00 Pink Michael 5961 Campbell Dr Halifax NS B3H 1E2 300.00 Piper David 756 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V7 100.00 Pitchuck Ann 27A Davenport Rd Sydney NS B1P 2R2 60.00 Pitkanen Donald 104-37 Larry Uteck Blvd Halifax NS B3M 4Y8 195.00 Pitts Richard 12 Sirius Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 4L5 60.00 Platt Debi 37 Mountain Maple Dr Timberlea NS B3T 1G8 300.00 Point Virginia 1231 Deep Hollow Rd Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 330.00 Poirier Mark 890 Marlborough Wood Halifax NS B3H 1H9 270.00 Poirier Gilles 51 Serenade Lane East Chezzetcook NS B0J 1N0 50.00 Poole Gordon 11-2 Munroe Crt Truro NS B2N 6P4 232.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Pooley Ben 2599 Hwy 3 RR 1 Lockeport NS B0T 1L0 96.00 Porelle Denise 6256 Duncan St Halifax NS B3L 1K3 280.00 Porter-Steele Nancy 706-6095 Coburg Rd Halifax NS B3H 4K1 270.00 Pothier Phil 59 Doull Ave Halifax NS B3N 1Y8 200.00 Pothier Dianne 1-6065 Coburg Rd Halifax NS B3H 1Z1 240.00 Potter L. Ross 19 Gaspereau Ave Wolfville NS B4P 2C3 150.00 Potter Blanche 2623 Fuller Terr Halifax NS B3K 3V8 480.00 Power Nicole 608-5800 South St Halifax NS B3H 0A7 75.00 Power Hilda 6281 Willow St Halifax NS B3L 1P1 200.00 Power Linda 14 Aster Crt Halifax NS B3S 1G5 1,220.37 Power Larry 248 Aulenback Point Rd Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 50.00 Powley Jennifer 110-1041 Wellington St Halifax NS B3H 4P5 120.00 Pratt Martha 3-5562 Morris St Halifax NS B3J 1C2 168.00 Precision Atlantic Media Group Limited 3770 Kempt Rd Halifax NS B3K 4X8 500.00 Prentiss Jon 32 Tangmere Cres Halifax NS B3M 1K1 120.00 Prentiss Dave 59 Newcastle St Dartmouth NS B2Y 3M6 500.00 Prest Ola 4006 Mooseland Rd PO Box 21 Mooseland NS B0J 2J0 100.00 Prest Sterling 3886 Mooseland Rd PO Box 12 Mooseland NS B0J 2J0 300.00 Prest Sidney 4005 Mooseland Rd GD Mooseland NS B0J 2J0 667.44 Preyra Leonard 1651 Walnut St Halifax NS B3H 3S3 236.74 Price Phyllis 18 The Lane RR 2 Mill Village NS B0J 2H0 160.00 Price-Weiland Carolyn 48 Sherwood Dr Wolfville NS B4P 2K4 100.00 Proctor Hilda 4555 Hwy 105 RR 2 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 360.00 Prowse Peggy 129 Melrose Ave Halifax NS B3N 2E6 100.00 Public Service Alliance of Canada - Atlantic 301-287 Lacewood Dr Halifax NS B3M 3Y7 5,000.00 Publicover Gregory 26 Polara Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 2B6 104.00 Pulsifer Wanda 3 Rhodes Ave Amherst NS B4H 2J3 300.00 Purchase Albert 515-6967 Bayers Rd Halifax NS B3L 4P2 168.00 Pye Jerry 113-105 Baker Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 0E7 240.00 Quenelle Louis 2118 Lower Branch Rd Branch Lahave NS B4V 4J7 240.00 Quigley Murray 416-81 Primrose St Dartmouth NS B3A 4E2 240.00 Rachals Richard 116 Rye Hill Rd RR 1 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 300.00 Raftus Rose 13 Fairbanks St Dartmouth NS B3A 1B8 180.00 Rafuse Lana 37 Simcoe Pl Halifax NS B3M 1H2 170.37 Ramey Gary 67 Catidian Pl Hebbville NS B4V 7A7 65.74 Ramsland Kristin 106 Bowling Green Cres Dartmouth NS B2V 1J8 540.00 Rankin Eileen 3211 Robie St Halifax NS B3K 4R3 110.00 Rankin Clair 9735 Grenville St PO Box 38 St Peters NS B0E 3B0 120.00 Rankin Carol 309-5530 Artillery Pl Halifax NS B3J 1J3 120.37 Rankin Chris 5 Retreat Ave Halifax NS B3N 1Y1 240.00 Rankin Steve 309-5530 Artillery Pl Halifax NS B3J 1J3 300.00 Rankin Richard 12 Wamphray Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 4Y6 414.00 Ransom David 178 Greenwood Ave Timberlea NS B3T 1H9 120.00 Rasmussen David 132 Money Point Rd RR 1 Dingwall NS B0C 1G0 200.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Ratchford James 3401 Ellsworth Ave New Waterford NS B1H 2E6 288.00 Ratchford Cheryl 2-2157 Connaught Ave Halifax NS B3L 2Z2 50.00 Raven Pauline 1494 Pereau Rd RR 1 Canning NS B0P 1H0 200.00 Raymond Michele 7 Forward Ave Halifax NS B3P 1S3 1,361.74 Rea Heather 1971 Rosebank Ave Halifax NS B3H 4C6 192.00 Read Caroline 3 Edgehill Rd Halifax NS B3N 1G4 380.37 Reardon Mary 5522 Hennessey Pl Halifax NS B3K 2A8 120.00 Redden Bill 23 Sherwood Dr Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 1G9 240.00 Redden Arthur 3 Parker Place Cres Enfield NS B2T 1C8 50.00 Reed Katherine 318 Fishermans Harbour Rd RR 2 Sherbrooke NS BOJ 3C0 95.00 Reed Christine 21 Cherry Lane Wolfville NS B4P 1T9 200.00 Regan Donald 124 West Black Rock Rd RR 3 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 100.00 Reich Victoria 25 West Cottage St PO Box 1431 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Reid Lynette 24 Littles Rd Terence Bay NS B3T 1Y7 100.00 Reid Frank 1923 West Side Baddeck Rd RR 1 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 192.00 Reid Philip 6333 Berlin St Halifax NS B3L 1T4 240.00 Reilly Dennis 117 Drumdonald Rd Halifax NS B3P 2L2 60.00 Rennick Kathy 14 Cameron St Dartmouth NS B2Y 2G6 250.00 Resky Sharon 33 Brentwood Ave Timberlea NS B3T 1E6 120.00 Reynolds Maureen 36 Inverness Ave Halifax NS B3P 1X7 300.00 Reynolds Elinor 6285 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2G6 50.00 Richard Donelda 415-3700 John Parr Dr Halifax NS B3K 5V4 360.00 Richardson Sherry 201 Masons Point Rd Head Of St. Margarets Bay NS B3Z 1Y9 200.00 Ridgeway Leanne 7-5244 South St Halifax NS B3J 1A4 104.00 Rigby Mary 25 Graham St Dartmouth NS B3A 3H9 200.00 Riggs Evelyn 3321 Prescott St Halifax NS B3K 4Y2 180.00 Robaczewski Anna 6229 Regina Terr Halifax NS B3H 1N4 240.00 Robb Michael 6040 South St Halifax NS B3H 1S7 100.00 Robb Paula 124 Circassion Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4N6 115.00 Roberts Bruce 29 Orcadian Crt Dartmouth NS B2W 4X6 100.00 Roberts Patricia 1557 East Petpeswick Rd Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 120.00 Robertson Jim 11 Robertson Lane PO Box 753 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 70.00 Robinson Janet 185 Champlain Ave Sydney NS B1P 2B8 240.00 Robinson Leslie 24 Marsha Ave Yarmouth NS B5A 4M6 400.00 Roblee Elta 409 Main St Box 206 Milton NS B0T 1P0 600.00 Roche Lawrence 5 Veterans Ave Dartmouth NS B2W 3E2 300.00 Rochman Meredyth 2653 Dublin St Halifax NS B3L 3J8 120.00 Rodgers Grace 80 Jackson Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 4A7 240.00 Rodinos Nicholas 1204-7 Horizon Crt Dartmouth NS B3A 4R2 75.00 Roe Hardy L 3 Edward Laurie Dr Halifax NS B3M 2C4 52.00 Rogers Wendy 2155 Lower Prospect Rd Lower Prospect NS B3T 1Y8 120.00 Rogers Mark 2756 Mountain View Coldbrook NS B4R 1B4 240.00 Romeo Lorna 29 Vickers Lane Sydney Mines NS B1V 2V1 50.00 Romkey Audrey 1742 Waverley Rd Waverley NS B2R 1Y3 52.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Rosinski Otto 1950 Abercrombie Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 5C6 595.00 Ross Roger 811 West Sable Rd RR 1 Sable River NS B0T 1V0 100.00 Ross Ted 2429 Connaught Ave Halifax NS B3L 2Z5 120.00 Ross Douglas 66 Millennium Dr PO Box 1057 Chester NS B0J 1J0 120.00 Ross Marion 24 Bonnie Brae Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 1E4 200.00 Ross Glynis 116 Stoneybrook Crt Halifax NS B3M 3J7 250.00 Rowlands Aaron 2099B Oxford St Halifax NS B3L 2T3 80.37 Rowlands Peter 51 Gabriel Rd PO Box 53 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 50.00 Royer Mildred 127 Rosedale Ave Halifax NS B3N 2J9 100.00 Royer Thompson Management Consulting Limited 1000-5991 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 1Y6 100.00 Ruddick Barry 132 Sunset Dr Glen Haven NS B3Z 2T4 96.00 Rundle William 2131 South Main St Westville NS B0K 2A0 50.00 Russell Kevin 31 Lyla Dr Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1L4 120.00 Russell Ken 33 Fiddlers Green Dartmouth NS B2V 1Y9 516.00 Russell Marguerite 5891 Hwy 215 RR 1 Newport NS B0N 2A0 1,000.00 Ryan Frank 32 Wildwood Blvd Dartmouth NS B2W 2L8 100.00 Ryan Winnie 5 Ryan St Scotchtown NS B1H 3M2 100.00 Ryan Muriel 502-2000 Barrington St Halifax NS B3J 3K1 100.00 Ryan Deborah 2 Lexington Ave Dartmouth NS B2X 3L8 380.37 Sacouman Linda 2700 Greenfield Rd RR 1 Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 340.00 Sagar Margaret 1877 Lower Prospect Rd Terence Bay NS B3T 1Y6 200.00 Salar Consulting Limited 25 Quinn Crt Bedford NS B4A 4B3 200.00 Salmon Angela 21-6168 Willow St Halifax NS B3K 1M3 279.00 Salmons Rose 16 Brookside Rd Truro NS B2N 2Y1 412.00 Sampson Joan 108 Ranni Cr Sydney NS B1S 3E2 100.00 Sampson Rosemary 6229 Lawrence St Halifax NS B3L 1J8 192.00 Sampson McDougall 200-66 Wentworth St Sydney NS B1P 6T4 1,000.00 Samuels-Stewart Viki 221 Victoria Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 1W5 50.00 Sanford Marie 6286 Hwy 221 RR 2 Lakeville NS B0P 1G0 450.00 Sanger Peter 10769 Hwy 215 RR 4 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 50.00 Sangster Donald 11 Malik Crt Lower Sackville NS B4C 3V8 120.00 Saulnier Christine 3162 Vincent St Halifax NS B3K 3M9 120.00 Saunders Judi 477 Townsend St Sydney NS B1P 5G5 192.00 Savege A C Bryan 2-209 Water St PO Box 1158 Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 600.00 Scammell Ibel 18 Tor St Truro NS B2N 2M3 96.00 Scammell David 200 Old Courthouse Branch Box 451 Truro NS B2N 6C7 250.00 Scammell Valerie 8682 Hwy 2 GD Great Village NS B0M 1L0 500.00 Scanlan Marie 10-23 Birch St Bedford NS B4A 2W7 328.00 Schnare Cheryl 5869 Hwy 329 RR 1 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 144.00 Schneider Ruth 329 West Trabot Rd RR 4 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 52.00 Schotch Brigitte 167 Davis Dr Beaver Bank NS B4G 1E2 420.00 Schultz Mary 3067 Sackville Dr Upper Sackville NS B4E 3C9 60.00 Schwartz Elizabeth 370 Hwy 224 RR 3 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 80.00 Sci-Com Ltd 4881 Main St PO Box 220 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 1,000.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Scothorn Jean 8832 Hwy 14 RR 1 Milford Station NS B0N 1Y0 200.00 Scotia Apiaries Limited 4881 Main St PO Box 60 Collingwood NS B0M 1E0 1,000.00 Scotia Investments Limited 3 Bedford Hills Rd Bedford NS B4A 1J5 550.00 Scotia Recycling Limited 5 Brown Ave Burnside Industrial Park Dartmouth NS B3B 1Z7 550.00 Scott Wendy 1707 Pryor St Halifax NS B3H 4G7 380.00 Scrimger Judith 993 Woodville Rd RR 3 Newport NS B0N 2A0 100.00 Seaboyer Shawn 3769 Rte 331 PO Box 39 La Have NS B0R 1C0 100.00 Seaman Irene 202-16 Jamieson St Dartmouth NS B3A 3B7 120.00 Seaman Andy 5982 Campbell Dr Halifax NS B3H 1E3 444.00 Segulin Tim 78 Regal Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 4H6 205.00 Sehatzadeh Adrienne 202-28 Greenpark Close Halifax NS B3S 0A1 120.00 Seltzer Susan 44 Maders Cove Rd Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Senn Roma 1106-2717 Gladstone St Halifax NS B3K OA4 65.00 Service Employees International Union 235-3700 Kempt Rd Halifax NS B3K 4X8 5,000.00 Severinus Anton 33 Scotch Pine Terr Halifax NS B3S 1E2 72.00 Sewell Rhonda 1220 Upper Church St Kentville NS B4N 3V7 100.00 Seymour Nelina 7 Dalhousie Dr Sydney NS B1P 3Y1 300.00 Shah Devendra 47 Alderney Dr Enfield NS B2T 1J8 60.00 Shaikh Ashraf 51 Portland Estates Blvd Dartmouth NS B2W 6E5 100.00 Shannex Incorporated 156 Parkland Dr Halifax NS B3S 1N9 1,000.00 Sharp Donald 1426 Marshall Rd RR 2 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 52.00 Sharp Glyn 44 Duffy Dr McGraths Cove NS B3Z 4B9 85.00 Sharpe Jim 6231 Watt St Halifax NS B3H 2B9 300.00 Sharratt Geoffrey 4 Bayview Rd Halifax NS B3M 3N9 100.00 Shaw James 33 Terrance Heights New Glasgow NS B2H 5V3 250.00 Shaw Olive 6315 Duncan St Halifax NS B3L 1K4 252.00 Shaw Ivy 242 Windsor Dr Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 1H1 565.00 Shaw Robert 401-1540 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 836.74 Shaw Joseph 10 Oakwood Lane RR 1 Chester NS B0J 1J0 50.00 Shears Marcella 103-138 Old Sambro Rd Halifax NS B3R 1R3 110.00 Sheehan Doug 270 Flying Cloud Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4S9 240.00 Sheehan-Ward Frances 20 Oceanglen Lane RR 1 Braeshore NS B0K 1H0 150.74 Sheet Metal Workers Intl' Assn. Local 409 3 105-14 McQuade Lake Cres Halifax NS B3S 1B6 5,000.00 Sherin Andrew 9 Rose St Dartmouth NS B3A 2T4 324.00 Sherrard Ron 189 Chrichton Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 3R7 950.74 Sherwin Susan 299 Five Island Rd Hubley NS B3Z 1B5 100.00 Sherwood Elizabeth 5 Kensington Crt Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 1P5 350.00 Shookner Malcolm 2650 Connolly St Halifax NS B3L 3M5 125.00 Shoppers Drug Mart Inc. 1300-1969 Upper Water St Purdy's Wharf TowHalifax NS B3J 3R7 1,500.00 Silvert Donna 5366 Roome St Halifax NS B3K 2L4 60.00 Simmons Marney 302 Middle St PO Box 348 Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 50.00 Simms Mary 6132 Shirley St Halifax NS B3H 2N2 52.00 Simon Paula 130 Cove Rd Porter's Lake NS B3E 1J5 100.00 Simpkin Laurie 32 Devon Cres Halifax NS B3R 2G3 440.00

3 Contribution returned in 2010 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Simpson Andrea 1326 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 2J8 52.00 Sinclair Carol 6422 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2H1 240.00 Sinclair Alasdair 6422 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2H1 630.00 Sinnott Sharon 41 Apollo Crt Halifax NS B3M 1G9 192.00 Siteman Sarah 529 Harbour View Cres PO Box 84 Cornwallis NS B0S 1H0 200.00 Skabar Brian 8 Regent St Amherst NS B4H 1P9 476.02 Skerritt Marina 46 Swanton Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 2C5 52.00 Skinner Tom 1760 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Timberlea NS B3T 1K9 56.00 Skinner Robert C 104-91 Baker Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 0H2 100.00 Skinner Linda 1760 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Timberlea NS B3T 1K9 564.37 Slade Laurie 158 Amaranth Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 4H9 110.00 Slaney Brian 55 Parkwood Dr Sydney NS B1S 1H6 120.00 Slye Elizabeth 11 Oathill Cres Dartmouth NS B2Y 4C3 340.00 Smillie Carol 209-5959 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 1Y5 100.00 Smith Chris 45 Old Rock Rd RR 2 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 52.00 Smith Michelle 2375 Hwy 252 RR 2 Whycocomagh NS B0E 1H0 60.00 Smith Jennifer 5797 May St Halifax NS B3K 1R7 65.00 Smith Barbara 2-28 Woodland Dr Wolfville NS B4P 1J2 80.00 Smith Deborah 21A Lahey Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 3Z8 90.00 Smith Clinton 229 Salmon River Dr Westphal NS B2Z 1M6 100.00 Smith M Anne 302-1314 Martello St Halifax NS B3H 4S7 100.00 Smith Eugene 59 Ancona Pl Dartmouth NS B2X 3K7 120.00 Smith Stephen 6113 Willow St Halifax NS B3K 1M1 120.00 Smith Tasha 160.00 Smith Judy E 54 Sophia Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 6C9 180.00 Smith J.A. Kathleen 2431 Davison St Halifax NS B3K 4K9 300.00 Smith Brian 48 Ridgestone Crt Halifax NS B3N 3H8 340.00 Smith Heather 10608 Hwy 215 RR 4 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 385.00 Smith James 2024 Elm St Halifax NS B3L 2Y3 400.00 Smith William 1832 Granville Rd Port Wade RR 2 Granville Ferry NS B0S1K0 500.00 Smith Everett 302-1314 Martello St Halifax NS B3H 4S7 600.00 Smith Linda 2024 Elm St Halifax NS B3L 2Y3 640.74 Smith Maurice 10 Tigo Pk Antigonish NS B2G 1M9 1,034.37 Smyth Donna 7113 Hwy 1 RR 1 Ellershouse NS B0N 1L0 300.00 Snair Patti 6232A Cedar St Halifax NS B3H 2J9 220.00 Snook Allan 20 Warwick Lane Halifax NS B3M 4J3 200.00 Snyder Linda 2550 Dublin St Halifax NS B3L 3J5 96.00 Snyder John 9 Lupin Lane Ketch Harbour NS B3V 1K6 100.00 Snyder Mary 9 Lupin Lane Ketch Harbour NS B3V 1K6 375.00 Sodhi Sid 22 Woodbank Terr Halifax NS B3M 3K4 120.00 Sokol Stephen 21 Acadia St Sydney NS B1P 3X8 192.00 Somerville Alex 15 Guildwood Dr Fall River NS B2T 1J6 460.00 Sound Forestry Limited 124 Gray Rd PO Box 615 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 75.00 South Shore District Labour Council Box 96 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W8 60.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Sparks Douglas 68 Mineville Rd Lake Echo NS B3E 1N3 475.00 Spatz Jim 100-1475 Lower Water St Halifax NS B3J 3Z2 3,540.00 Spence Howard 73 Junction Rd PO Box 943 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Spinney L Wayne 585 Hwy 360 RR 5, Box M1C8 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 125.00 Spracklin Donna 116 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C7 115.00 Spurway Amy 2769 William Hunt Ave Halifax NS B3L 3T9 100.00 Squires Kevin 24 Phoenix Cres Lower Sackville NS B4C 2B4 275.00 Ssebazza Herman 13 Simcoe Pl Halifax NS B3M 1H2 120.00 St Amour Laurie 57 Eden Row RR 2 Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 210.00 Stack Garry 81 Victoria St Amherst NS B4H 1X7 100.00 Stalley Midge RR 3 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 240.00 Stanley Bruce 1427 Greenhill Rd RR 1 Westville NS B0K 2A0 340.00 Stargratt William 56 Osprey Crt RR 2 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 52.00 Starr Richard 20 Summit St Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A2 940.74 Steele Curtis 706-6095 Coburg Rd Halifax NS B3H 4K1 100.00 Steele Graham 16 Kelvin Grove Halifax NS B3M 3Y9 2,800.00 Steele Leighton 2352 Maynard St Halifax NS B3K 3T9 50.00 Stevens Keith 1733 Preston St Halifax NS B3H 3V5 60.00 Stevens Emery 129 Tremont St PO Box 580 Chester NS B0J 1J0 102.00 Stevens Anthony 127 Regal Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 4H7 105.00 Stevens Donald 1418 Edward St Halifax NS B3H 3H6 120.00 Stevens Catherine 24 Springvale Ave Halifax NS B3N 2A4 144.00 Stevenson David 2384 Hwy 246 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 75.00 Stevenson Lynn 702-5515 Victoria Rd Halifax NS B3H 3J9 240.00 Stewart Angus 16 Shalimar Cres Cole Harbour NS B2W 4L7 100.00 Stewart Lillian 30 St James St PO Box 338 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 115.00 Stewart Jennifer 26 Pioneer Ave Halifax NS B3M 1W8 150.00 Stewart William 5522 Hennessey Pl Halifax NS B3K 2A8 180.00 Stewart Ethel 220 Donegal Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 1P3 192.00 Stewart Pamela 7552 Hwy 1 RR 1 Ellerhouse NS B0N 1L0 50.00 Stiegman Emero 706-1540 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 555.00 Stiegman Joan 706-1540 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 651.00 Stiles Deborah 33 Lornevale Rd Great Village NS B0M 1L0 100.00 Stillwell Gloria 146 Frederick Ave Halifax NS B3N 2L3 240.00 Stockdale Lawrence 7012 Hwy 340 Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 200.00 Stockdale Elsie L 7012 Rte 340 Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 200.00 Stockdale Anne 8 Croft Ave RR 1 La Have NS B0R 1C0 240.00 Stoddard Robert 4111 Hwy 3 Barrington Passage NS B0W 1G0 100.00 Stoddard Kendall 134 Port LaTour Rd PO Box 46 Port Clyde NS B0W 2S0 175.00 Stoddard Marlene 6819 Hwy 207 West Chezzecook NS B0J 1N0 240.00 Stoffer Elaine 70 Village Lane RR 7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 110.00 Stoffer Peter 31 Newport Dr Windsor Junction NS B2T 1A4 650.00 Stokoe Rodney 327 Sunset Dr St.Thomas ON N5R 3C6 480.00 Stone Reynold 8130 Main St PO Box 115 Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 77.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Stone John 56 Kelly Rd Hatchet Lake NS B3T 1T6 205.00 Stone Marjorie 30 Bridgeview Dr Halifax NS B3P 2M4 360.00 Stone Catherine 102-7 Jamieson St Dartmouth NS B3A 4L2 50.00 Storm Alex 7523 Main St Louisburg NS B1C 1J3 100.00 Strachan William 17 Rosewood Ave Timberlea NS B3T 1C6 150.00 Stroink Gerhard 6246 Cedar St Halifax NS B3H 2K2 320.00 Stronach Bob 1836 Hammonds Plains Rd Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1P4 100.00 Suissa Lynda 726 Maplewood Lane Halifax NS B3H 4K3 500.00 Suissa Menachem 726 Maplewood Lane Halifax NS B3H 4K3 500.00 Sullivan Donald 159 Hebridean Dr Herring Cove NS B3V 1H4 120.00 Sutcliffe Janet 30 Tall Trees Crt Mineville NS B2Z 1K2 680.00 Sutherland Allan 2573 Beaverbank Rd Beaver Bank NS B4G 1E6 100.00 Sutherland Elizabeth 2049 Irving St Box 555 Westville NS B0K 2A0 244.00 Sutherland David 6370 Berlin St Halifax NS B3L 1T5 250.00 Sutherland J Elizabeth 6370 Berlin St Halifax NS B3L 1T5 250.00 Sutton Austin 66 Viggo Holm Rd Site 4 Comp 3 RR 3 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C6 240.00 Sutton Marsha 66 Viggo Holm Rd Site 4 Comp 3 RR 3 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C6 250.00 Swim Daniel 1765 West Sable Rd Box 73 Lockeport NS B0T 1L0 60.00 Syme Paul 37 Rand St PO Box 497 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 60.00 Szegedi Katalin 85 Forestside Cres Halifax NS B3M 1M5 50.00 T.A. Orthodontics Limited 46 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C1 250.00 Tabor George 15 Chapel St PO Box 878 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 225.00 Tabor Donald 18 McDougal St PO Box 572 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 315.74 Talbot Raymond 22 Charlottetown Way Dartmouth NS B2W 3B4 257.00 Talbot Catriona 74 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Halifax NS B3N 1K2 300.00 Tanner Janet 8-46 Lakefront Rd Dartmouth NS B2Y 3C6 60.00 Tanner Clarence 209-61 Porter Cres Bridgewater NS B4V 3N8 50.00 Tasker Rex 1134 Ostrea Lake Box 247 Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 162.00 Taylor Mark 6334 Almon St Halifax NS B3L 1V5 85.00 Taylor Lisa 181 Cavalier Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 3L1 120.00 Taylor Anna 195 Harris Oickle Rd PO Box 129 Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 144.00 Taylor Sharon 106-26 Brookdale Cres Dartmouth NS B3A 2R5 175.00 Taylor Hilda 6334 Almon St Halifax NS B3L 1V5 515.00 Taylor Kenneth 12 Chater Dr East Preston NS B2Z 1J3 884.00 Taylor Iain 5830 Chain Rock Dr Halifax NS B3H 1A1 50.00 Taylor-Noble Elizabeth 1294 Greenville Rd PO Box 43 Hebron NS B0W 1X0 360.00 Teed Donald 311-356 Young St Truro NS B2N 3Y6 500.00 Tennessen Tarjei 26 Fundy Dr Truro NS B2N 5Z3 330.00 Terris Andrew 11-1881 Brunswick St Halifax NS B3J 3L8 145.37 Terry Mary-Isabel 99 Prince St Bridgewater NS B4V 1C9 420.74 The Lounge and Beverage Association of Nova Scotia 113 York St New Glasgow NS B2H 5L2 1,000.00 The Shaw Group Limited 1101 Hwy 2 PO Box 2130 Lantz NS B2S 3G4 1,500.00 Thibeau Geraldine 7 Commodore Rd Lewis Lake NS B3Z 1E1 120.00 Thomas Gillian 7113 Hwy 1 RR 1 Ellershouse NS B0N 1L0 144.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Thomas Barry 120 Jennings Settlement Rd PO Box 41 Tangier NS B0J 3H0 200.00 Thomas Patty 1770 Hwy 376 RR 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Thomas Theresa 33 Dingle Rd Halifax NS B3P 1B1 215.00 Thomas Clinton 230 Lower Partridge River Rd East Preston NS B2Z 1G8 450.00 Thompson Colin 11 Jubilee Ave PO Box 1707 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 60.00 Thompson Deborah 6614 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2H4 72.00 Thompson Valerie 6126 South St Halifax NS B3H 1T3 100.00 Thompson Judith 3689 Hwy 357 Meaghers Grant NS B0N 1V0 120.00 Thompson Bonnie 45879 Cabot Trail RR 1 Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 127.00 Thompson Ilse 211-1041 Wellington St Halifax NS B3H 4P5 200.00 Thompson F P 5 Roy St Halifax NS B3R 1H7 200.00 Thompson Patrick 308-79 Radcliffe Dr Halifax NS B3M 4P1 315.00 Thompson Rollie 2326 Clifton St Halifax NS B3K 1V1 320.37 Thompson Anthony 504-2324 West 1st Ave Vancouver BC V6K 1G3 1,220.00 Thompson Chai Chu 6 Marine Dr Halifax NS B3P 1A3 50.00 Thompson Fisheries Limited 1639 Avondale Rd Merigomish NS B0K 1G0 100.00 Tighe Pauline 136 Daley Rd New Victoria NS B1H 4Z8 120.00 Tighe Thomas 136 Daley Rd New Victoria NS B1H 4Z8 120.00 Tillard Ian 1588 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Z4 350.00 Tillett Anna 2460 Havard St Halifax NS B3L 7T1 175.00 Tillotson Shirley 201-202 Walter Havill Dr Halifax NS B3M 3M4 168.00 Tillotson Doreen 4 Westwood Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1X9 348.00 Tingley Diane 3850 Rockhead Crt Halifax NS B3K 6B5 300.00 Tobin Cecil 67 Butts St Sydney Mines NS B1V 1N3 150.00 Tomlinson Martin 1026 West Pennant Rd West Pennant NS B3V 1M5 220.00 Tooton Carol 305-10 Horizon Cres Dartmouth NS B3A 0A4 125.00 Topping Norah 6278 Allan St Halifax NS B3L 1G9 636.00 Towle Edward 200 Camelot Dr Seabright NS B3Z 2Z8 767.37 Trask Deborah 38 Eldridge Rd PO Box 176 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 280.00 Tremills Barbara 7 Green Lane Bedford NS B4A 1W3 112.00 Trenbirth June 3800 High St Halifax NS B3K 4Y9 122.00 Trider Donna 281 Redden Rd RR 1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 120.00 Tudor Rebecca 1001 Little Harbour Rd RR 1 Sable River NS B0T 1V0 120.00 Turner David 56 Shalimar Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 4L8 250.00 Turner Kimberley 71 Granite Cove Rd Hubley NS B3Z 1A1 934.00 Tutty Kenneth 20 Hanlage Rd Glace Bay NS B1A 3R4 360.00 Tutty Victoria 20 Hanlage Rd Glace Bay NS B1A 3R4 360.00 Tyner Clifford 23 Wildwood Blvd Dartmouth NS B2W 2L7 520.00 UA Local 56 Political Fund 30 Neptune Cres Dartmouth NS B2Y 4R8 5,000.00 UFCW Canada Atlantic Office 300-1550 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1E6 5,000.00 Uhlman Kevin 8178 Hwy 8 GD Box 911 South Brookfield NS B0T 1X0 180.00 Underwood Jane 509-3003 Olivet St Halifax NS B3L 4A1 360.00 United Steelworkers 234 Eglinton Ave East, Ste 800 Toronto ON M4P 1K7 2,500.00 United Steelworkers District 6 300-200 Ronson Dr Etobicoke ON M9W 5Z9 2,500.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Uren Alan 502-5839 Cunard St Halifax NS B3K 0B9 200.00 van Dyk Henrica 68 Devonshire Rd RR 1 Caledonia Queens Co NS B0T 1B0 100.00 Van Gurp Margaret 6277 Yukon St Halifax NS B3L 1E9 100.00 Van Milligen Tom 2438 Lapland Rd PO Box 22015 Bridgewater NS B4V 3W6 130.00 Van Niewenhuizen Marinus 106 Charles St Timberlea NS B3T 1J6 360.00 Van Vonderen Maria 1776 Summerside Rd RR 1 Antigonish NS B0H 1A0 55.00 van Vulpen Linda 6450 Liverpool St Halifax NS B3L 1Y4 100.00 van Vulpen Rita 191 Le Marchant Dr RR 3 New Minas NS B4N 4K1 205.00 Vance Jim PO Box 37 Hopewell NS B0K 1C0 180.00 Vaughan Rodney 101-41 Chelton Woods Lane Halifax NS B3M 3Z8 120.00 Vaughan Alan 61 Renfrew St Dartmouth NS B2Y 2M4 120.00 Veinot Merle 4318 Cornwall Rd RR 2 Barss Corners NS B0R 1A0 120.00 Veling Tony 3561 Landsdown Rd RR 2 Westville NS B0K 2A0 57.00 Verrier Phillipa 1-1991 Prince Arthur St Halifax NS B3H 4H2 50.00 Verstraete Beert 260 Milne Ave New Minas NS B4N 4C8 216.00 Viau Lillian 5 Mourning Dove Lane Head Of St. Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 1Z6 120.00 Vickery Margaret 802-5770 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 4J8 240.00 Vigneault Margie 5476 Clyde St Halifax NS B3J 1E1 400.00 Vine Maureen 11 Garnett St Dartmouth NS B2W 2N9 254.00 Vining Leo 6121 Regina Terr Halifax NS B3H 1N4 150.00 vom Hagen Ulrich 12 Jamieson St Dartmouth NS B3A 3B7 530.00 vom Scheidt Kristel 303-3805 Mont Blanc Terr Halifax NS B3K 6S3 60.00 Von Maltzahn Anne 15 Wenlock Grove Halifax NS B3P 1P6 100.00 Vulcan Properties Limited 325 Vulcan Ave Sydney NS B1P 5X1 600.00 Wadden Gordon 384 Heelan St New Waterford NS B1H 3C5 120.00 Wagener Jean 36 Mount Pleasant Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 3T4 100.00 Wagner Bronwyn 4-11 Balcome's Dr Halifax NS B3N 1H9 120.00 Wagner Ray 1770 Bloomingdale Terr Halifax NS B3H 4E5 500.00 Wagner & Associates 1869 Upper Water St Halifax NS B3J 1S9 500.00 Wagstaff Elizabeth 307-277 Rutledge St Bedford NS B4A 4M2 200.00 Wainwright Isabel 6570 Waegwoltic Ave Halifax NS B3H 2B4 200.00 Wainwright Andrew 30 Bridgeview Dr Halifax NS B3P 2M4 240.00 Wakely Sarah 6290 Cork St Halifax NS B3L 1Y9 120.00 Walker Robert 1734 Medway River Rd Mill Village NS B0J 2H0 172.00 Walker Vic 901-2030 Gottingen St Halifax NS B3K 3A9 210.00 Wall Leo 360 Phalen Rd Glace Bay NS B1A 3B4 264.00 Wallace Carmichael 1820 Vernon St Halifax NS B3H 3N4 400.00 Wallbridge David 2460 Harvard St Halifax NS B3L 2T1 535.74 Walsh Wendy 547 Main St Florence NS B1Y 1S4 120.00 Walsh Grace 259 Durrells Island Rd RR 1 Canso NS B0H 1H0 200.00 Walsh Gary 24 Meadow Rd RR 4 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 300.00 Wanzell Grant 6158 Lawrence St Halifax NS B3L 1J6 120.00 Wanzell Lorna 6158 Lawrence St Halifax NS B3L 1J6 50.00 Ward Robert 190 Caldwell Rd Dartmouth NS B2V 1V3 50.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Ward MacDonald Mary Beth 46 Quarry Rd Glace Bay NS B1A 1G1 180.00 Ware Beverly 18 Ellen Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 2J8 52.00 Waring Jennifer 19 Lyla Dr Upper Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1L4 120.00 Wark David 10 Franklin Lane Fall River NS B2T 1G5 100.00 Wark Ed 78 Village Cres Bedford NS B4A 1J2 1,000.08 Warkentin Jacqueline 39 Inverness Ave Halifax NS B3P 1X6 100.00 Warman Philip 268 Boutiliers Point Rd Boutiliers Pt. NS B3Z 1V1 152.00 Warne Randi 5 Canary Cres Halifax NS B3M 1R2 288.00 Warnell Robert 37 Gander Ave Westphal NS B2W 3W5 625.00 Warnell Margaret 37 Gander Ave Westphal NS B2W 3W5 1,000.00 Waters Stanton 275 Parklane Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 2X2 60.00 Waters Gertrude 1948 Prospect Rd Hatchet Lake NS B3T 1R9 130.00 Waterson Karolyn 2831 St. Margarets Bay Rd Timberlea NS B3T 1H4 100.00 Watts Derek 88 Wickwire Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1W2 300.00 Watts Elizabeth 510-2633 Gladstone St Halifax NS B3K 4W3 384.00 Watts Trudy 16 Osprey Lane RR 3 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 50.00 Waye Donald 8 Wyndcrest Dr Dartmouth NS B2X 1C6 120.00 Weatherbee Marguerite 55 Cottage St North Sydney NS B2A 2Z3 50.00 Weatherhead Doreen 403-2 Colby Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 1X6 50.00 Webb Gerald 17318 Hwy 7 Tangier NS B0J 3H0 100.00 Webb Marion 103 Broad St PO Box 491 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 275.00 Webber Tina 212 Poplar Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4K5 700.00 Webster Charles 20 Harbourview Dr Box 327 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B3 780.37 Weil Stella 2 Burns Dr Halifax NS B3P 1V5 135.00 Weiland Fritz 48 Sherwood Dr Wolfville NS B4P 2K4 144.00 Weinberg Merlinda 5-5459 Victoria Rd Halifax NS B3H 1M4 100.00 Welch J Philip 1 Blue Heron Lane Tantallon NS B3Z 2K5 271.00 Wells Robert 6410 Hwy 366 RR 1 Northport NS B0L 1E0 100.00 Wells Susan 23 Sea King Dr PO Box 21024 Dartmouth NS B3A 4X6 120.00 Welsh Marianne 5 Oakwood Ave Dartmouth NS B2W 3C8 280.00 Wentzell Jane 4906 Hwy 3 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 55.00 Wentzell Brian 202-96 Regency Park Dr Halifax NS B3S 1S5 172.00 Wexler Martin 5 Letson Crt Halifax NS B3P 2P4 192.00 Weymouth Carlotta 4 Tantling Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 4Z6 80.00 Whelan Pamela 2047 Oxford St Halifax NS B3L 2T3 940.37 Whidden Helen 7 Fowler St Wolfville NS B4P 1M5 100.00 White Douglas 319 McAulay Rd RR 4 River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 White Roland 1718 Hammonds Plains Rd Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1P5 200.00 White James 4675 Hwy 331 La Have NS B0R 1C0 340.00 White Maureen 5321 Russell St Halifax NS B3K 1W8 400.00 White Don 255 Main St PO Box 2441 Dartmouth NS B2W 4A5 600.00 White Wesley 4 Towerview Dr Halifax NS B3P 1E9 795.00 White Linda 1718 Hammonds Plains Rd Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1P5 50.00 White Burgess Langille Inman Incorporated 26 Union St Governors Pl Bedford NS B4A 2B5 250.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Whitehead Sandra 330 Whitehead Rd Harrietsfield NS B3V 1B5 1,158.74 Whitehouse Ian 159 Dempster Cres Mineville NS B2Z 1J7 460.00 Whitley Raymond 1746 Vernon St Halifax NS B3H 3N2 520.00 Whitmore Ann 17 Vancouver St Yarmouth NS B5A 2P1 50.00 Whynot Roy 2744 Hwy 3 Box 452 Chester NS B0J 1J0 120.00 Whynott Mathew 6 Tenth St Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1R6 860.41 Whynot Wendell 4896 White Point Rd Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 50.00 Wiegers Sherri 303-35 Legacy Crt Lower Sackville NS B4C 0A5 120.00 Wile Alvah 111 Falmouth Back Rd PO Box 171 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 500.00 Wiles Stephanie 420 Main St PO Box 571 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 120.00 Willcott Brian 94 Pleasant St Dartmouth NS B2Y 3P5 120.00 William Alexander & Associates Limited 300-5171 George St Halifax NS B3J 1M6 300.00 William Nycum and Associates Limited 5555 Young St Halifax NS B3K 1Z7 500.00 Williams Marilyn 94 Main St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Williams Doreen 1403-1 Oak St Dartmouth NS B3A 1Y7 120.00 Williams Deborah 21 Huntingdon Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 1V9 120.00 Williams Mike 24 Murray Hill Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A8 120.00 Williams Dolly 1935 Hwy 7 East Preston NS B2Z 1E9 160.00 Williams Wilbert 21 Huntingdon Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 1V9 200.00 Williams Donald 6354 South St Halifax NS B3H 1T9 200.00 Williams Rick 6429 Norwood St Halifax NS B3H 2L4 895.00 Williamson Shelley 329 Poplar Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4K8 60.00 Wilson Howard 109 Chance Harbour Rd Site 1 Box 10 RR 1 Trenton NS B0K 1X0 100.00 Wilson John 180 Mahon St New Waterford NS B1H 3H1 120.00 Wilson Raymond 3515 Mary St New Waterford NS B1H 2A5 120.00 Wilson Budge 37 South West Cove Rd RR 1 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 144.00 Wilson Darlene 16 Spruce Dr Cow Bay NS B3G 1K1 180.00 Wilson Harry 8089 Hwy 201 RR 3 Site 8 Comp 2 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 215.00 Wilson Gary 1056 Lucknow St Halifax NS B3H 2T5 240.00 Wilson Kelly 43 Stuart Harris Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 3Z4 300.00 Wilson David 174 Millwood Dr Lower Sackville NS B4E 2X8 786.74 Wilson Dale 64 Astour Dr PO Box 648 Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M9 50.00 Wilson Investments Limited 197 Charlotte St Sydney NS B1P 1C4 300.00 Wissent Jan 204-61 Lansdowne Dr Halifax NS B3M 2Z5 180.00 Wolfe Margaret 10178 Hwy 201 RR 1 Wilmot NS B0P 1W0 200.00 Wolford Jim 91 Wickwire Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1W3 280.00 Wolstenholme Sue 219 Avon St RR 1 Hantsport NS B0P 1B0 660.00 Wong Oscar 63 Durham Lane Glen Margaret NS B3Z 1X2 50.00 Wongus Jack 1804 Hwy 7 East Preston NS B2Z 1E9 180.00 Wood William 41 Walden Pl Bedford NS B4A 1H5 200.00 Wood Scott 232 Mosher Island Rd Glen Margaret NS B3Z 3H5 300.00 Woodall Mona 70 Redoubt Way Eastern Passage NS B3G 1E7 60.00 Woodfine Bernie 36 Cook St Sydney Mines NS B1V 2R4 120.00 Woodhall Carole 6041 Charles St Upper Halifax NS B3K 1K9 120.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Woodley James 1859 Shore Rd Eastern Passage NS B3G 1G5 120.00 Woodman Faye 2567 Macdonald St Halifax NS B3L 3G3 400.00 Woods Jeffrey 3321 Prescott St Halifax NS B3K 4Y2 360.00 Woodworth Sharon 51 Center St Truro NS B2N 2K1 105.00 Woolway Susan 57 Slayter St Dartmouth NS B3A 2A4 100.00 Worth Gary 231 Candy Mountain Rd Mineville NS B2Z 1K5 120.00 Worthen Karen 207 Lower Rd RR 2 Trenton NS B0K 1X0 120.00 Wright Eric 49 Kaakwogook Way PO Box 42 Lake Charlotte NS B0J 1Y0 100.00 Wright Margaret 49 Kaakwogook Way PO Box 42 Lake Charlotte NS B0J 1Y0 125.00 Wright Donald 16 Ellen Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 2J8 240.00 Wright Edward 70 Village Lane RR 7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 240.00 Wright Jane 2428 Robie St Halifax NS B3K 4M7 435.00 Wright David 510-53 Bedros Lane Halifax NS B3M 4X4 1,200.00 Writer Desmond 5910 Gainsborough Pl Halifax NS B3K 6B4 200.00 Wyand Thomas 6180 Murray Pl Halifax NS B3H 1S1 50.00 Wyse Sue 106-40 Regency Park Dr Halifax NS B3S 1L4 360.00 Yachnin Thomas 5856A West St Halifax NS B3K 1J3 120.00 Yaffa Mohamed 69 Keyworth Lane Halifax NS B3P 2T6 60.00 Yakimchuk Clotilda 80 Ferris St Sydney NS B1N 2N2 100.00 Yarr Alan 1744 Cambridge St Halifax NS B3H 4A9 264.00 Yeadon Gregg 46 Oak Hill Rd Dartmouth NS B2Y 4H2 100.00 Yeadon Todd 2365 Maynard St Halifax NS B3K 3T8 120.00 Yeske Frances 401 Hicks Rd PO Box 2039 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 70.00 Yetman Bette 3149 Aikens Ave Halifax NS B3L 3Y5 600.00 Yipp Jon 2-15 Park St PO Box 768 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 240.00 York Patrick 23 Beaver Cres Dartmouth NS B2V 1C8 120.00 Young Owen 1231 East Chezzetcook Rd East Chezzetcook NS B0J 1N0 60.00 Young John 5740 Atlantic St Halifax NS B3H 1G9 100.00 Young Gordon 448 Patterson St PO Box 1090 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Young Louise 724 Brookside Rd Hatchet Lake NS B3T 1T8 240.00 Young Donna 212 Green St PO Box 97 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 300.00 Young Dolores 11 Hill St Glace Bay NS B1A 5K9 600.00 Young Hubert 710-1326 Lower Water St Halifax NS B3J 3R3 916.00 Young Robert 212 Green St PO Box 97 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,139.73 Young David 1-74 York St Box 1799 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,220.00 Zachernuk Philip 3240 Union St Halifax NS B3K 5H1 100.00 Zann Paul 111 Willow St Truro NS B2N 4Z8 720.00 Zann-Roland Tamara 21 Hampstead Crt Truro NS B2N 3E5 150.00 Zareski Denise 63 Brookside Lane Box 191 RR 1 East Chezzetcook NS B0J 1N0 225.37 Zehr Lona 19 Parry Crt Fall River NS B2T 1A4 120.00 Zelenietz Marty 33 Beech St Dartmouth NS B3A 1Y6 210.00 Zentilli Marcos 517 Purcells Cove Rd Halifax NS B3P 2G2 240.37 Zentilli Armgard 517 Purcells Cove Rd Halifax NS B3P 2G2 340.37 Ziemer Brenda 58 Conquerall Rd Hebb's Cross NS B4V 0Z7 372.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Ziemer Wolfgang 58 Conquerall Rd Hebb's Cross NS B4V 0Z7 597.48 Zilbert Katherine 6020 Inglis St Halifax NS B3H 1L1 200.00 Zinck Trevor 3-102 Albro Lake Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 3Y6 266.68 Zuk Rhoda 2327 Princess Pl Halifax NS B3K 4K5 550.00 Zukauskas Walter 130 Silver Birch Dr Hubley NS B3Z 1A8 360.00 Zurbrigg Sheila 36 Bridgeview Dr Halifax NS B3P 2M4 100.00 Zwicker Betty 103B-16 Anchor Dr Halifax NS B3N 3G1 65.00 Subtotal$ 674,279.34 Less: contributions returned in 2010 (45,000.00) Total$ 629,279.34

3.4 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Political Contributions January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Official Agent: Barbara Walker, TH1-1350 Oxford Street, Halifax, NS B3H 3Y8 Auditor: Collins Barrow Chartered Accountants, 24-260 Brownlow Avenue, Dartmouth, NS B3B 1V1 Date Filed: April 28, 2010 Contributions: $394,246.42 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 2445552 Nova Scotia Ltd 7071 Bayers Road, Suite 4007 Halifax NS B3L 2C2 1,000.00 3097724 Nova Scotia Limited 2714 Robie St Halifax NS B3K 4P2 2,000.00 3230231 Nova Scotia Ltd 4 Forest Glen Crt Amherst NS B4H 4T5 500.00 A-1 Tires Ltd. 567 Willow St Truro NS B2N 6T3 100.00 Abbott Laboratories Ltd. 33 Ravenrock Lane Halifax NS B3M 2Z9 500.00 Aberdeen Paving Limited 798 Hammonds Plains Road Bedford NS B4B 1B1 250.00 ABF Connelly Orthopaedics Inc 70 Exhibition St Kentville NS B4N 4K9 100.00 Abram John 64 Cambey Avenue, PO Box 753 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 200.00 Acadian Seaplants Ltd. 30 Brown Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1X8 2,000.00 Adlington Raymond G. 26 McCarthy Street Dartmouth NS B2X 2Y4 23.08 Ahle Corrine 13 Park Street Florence NS B0C 1J0 100.00 Aikens Warren 11 Aikens Lane, RR 1 Trenton NS B0K 1X0 100.00 Aker Cyril 2 Charlotte St. Sydney Mines NS B1V 2G6 330.00 Akin John A. 27 Mountain View St Kentville NS B4N 1A7 100.00 Alexander Jeff 47 Yerevan Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 4A8 100.00 Alexander Jessica 47 Yerevan Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 4A8 100.00 Allen Cecil 111-62 Willow St Truro NS B2N 4Z6 300.00 Allen Dennis 1394 Georges River Rd Georges River NS B1Y 3K1 100.00 Allen Emerson 195 Musgrave Lane, PO Box 44 North Sydney NS B2A 3M1 450.00 Allen Winston PO Box 288 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 100.00 Almon Denis A. 4 Thompson Ave North Sydney NS B2A 1X8 600.00 AMEC Earth and Environmental Limited 301-32 Troop Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1Z1 1,000.00 Amero George P. 189 Highbury School Rd Kentville NS B4N 4K1 250.00 Amirault Victor J. Box 2745, RR 2 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A6 100.00 Andrews Elizabeth 202 Birch Grove Rd Port Morien NS B1B 1H2 100.00 Andrews Harriet 312 Seaview Drive North Sydney NS B2A 3P1 800.00 Andrews Kenneth 202 Birch Grove Rd. Port Morien NS B1B 1H2 100.00 Annapolis Group Inc. PO Box 393 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 450.00 Anthony Joan M. 8-411 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 2C7 60.00 Apple Courier Ltd 1 Starr Lane Dartmouth NS B2Y 4V7 104.58 Appleby Donald E. 104- 10 Regency Park Drive Halifax NS B3S 1P2 200.00 Archibald George 63 Wyndrock Drive Halifax NS B3P 2N7 514.58 Archibald Marion 63 Wyndrock Drive Halifax NS B3P 2N7 350.00 Armco Capital Inc. 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 104.58 Armstrong David 121 Smith Avenue Truro NS B2N 1C6 100.00 Armstrong Gary B.M. 15 Botany Terrace Halifax NS B3N 2Z6 100.00 Armstrong Scott 50 Whitman Court Truro NS B2N 3G3 958.58 Armstrong Tillie H. 121 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C6 100.00 Arno G. Hawboldt (1979) Ltd. 69 Cedar Street Windsor NS B0N 2T0 71.06 Arnoldi Nancy A. 4-2018 Bauer St Halifax NS B3K 3W3 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Atkins Genesta H. RR 2 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 125.00 Atkinson Vaughn PO Box 2014 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 50.00 Atlantic Tractors & Equipment Limited 175 Akerley Blvd Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Z6 2,000.00 ATN Consulting Inc. 3455 Prospect Rd Halifax NS B3T 1Z3 200.00 Atwater Jerry H. Box 149, 979 Centennial Road Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Atwood Gillian 104 Almont Avenue New Glasgow NS B2H 3G6 600.00 Aucoin Loretta 155 Greenhead Rd Lakeside NS B3T 1B1 100.00 Avery Daniel J. 10 Greenwich Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 2L9 666.58 Avery Gail M. 10 Greenwich Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 2L9 300.00 Avon Valley Greenhouses Ltd. PO Box 393 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 450.00 Awad Michelle C. 974 McLean Street Halifax NS B3H 2V1 23.08 B2C Communications Inc. 60 Thronhill Drive, Unit 10 Dartmouth NS B3B 1S1 500.00 Babylon Homes Limited PO Box 48089 Bedford NS B4A 3Z2 300.00 Bacon Farms Ltd. RR 6 Amherst NS B4H 3Y4 100.00 Baillie Arlene 229 Holingsworth Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3V2 100.00 Baillie James G. 8395 Highway 311 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Baillie Muriel U. 2601 River John Station Road, PO Box 98 River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 Bain Keith L. 1551 Old Route 5 Big Bras d'Or NS B1X 1B5 1,020.00 Baker George C. 54 Elm Avenue Kentville NS B4N 1Z1 300.00 Baker William 767 Greenville Rd RR 2 Wentworth NS B0M 1Z0 100.00 Baker Michael 1 Medway St. PO Box 907 Lunenburg NS B0J 1C0 42.00 Balsor Rick 1273 Victoria Rd, PO Box 267 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 1,000.00 Bancroft Valerie 44 Walton Drive Halifax NS B3N 1X7 100.00 Bannerman David PO Box 124 Newport NS B0N 2A0 125.00 Barker Kenneth RR 1 Stn Main New Glasgow NS B2H 5C4 100.00 Barnes Insurance Agency 81 Victoria Street Amherst NS B4H 1X7 100.00 Barnet Barry E. 57 Westwind Ridge Middle Sackville NS B4E 3B4 700.00 Barnet Edna 57 Westwind Ridge Middle Sackville NS B4E 3B4 100.00 Barrett David F. 2 Maplewood Court, Rivendale Lower Sackville NS B4G 1B6 200.00 Barrett Hugh 164 MacDonald Point Road Seabright NS B3Z 2Y4 200.00 Barrett Keith 421 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 2C7 100.00 Barrett Mary 2 Maplewood Court Lower Sackville NS B4G 1B6 200.00 Barrett Wilfred A PO Box 79, 44 Shore Rd L'Ardoise NS B0E 1S0 100.00 Barrett Enterprises Ltd. 2 Maplewood Court, Rivendale Lower Sackville NS B4G 1B6 250.00 Barrett Lumber Company Ltd. 224 Beaver Bank Rd Lower Sackville NS B4E 1J7 50.00 Bartlett Jodi 42 Pinnacle Court Fall River NS B2T 1V2 52.29 Basin Stationery & Office Ltd. 3667 Strawberry Hill Street Halifax NS B3K 5A8 200.00 Bassan Daniela 1348 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 1T9 52.29 Bastow Tracy 97 Freshwater Trail Halifax NS B2W 0A4 23.08 Batherson Robert K. 3188 Mayfield Ave Halifax NS B3L 4V2 904.58 Battcock Albertine V. 616-1326 Lower Water Street Halifax NS B3J 3R3 462.00 Baxter R. Darren 306 Sandy Run Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1X9 23.08 Baxter Robert 48 Tamarack Dr Truro NS B2N 5B1 100.00 Bay Ferries Ltd PO Box 634 Charlottetown PE C1A 7L3 1,000.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Beaton John A. 47 Flying Cloud Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 4T1 500.00 Beaton Kinnon RR 1, 3601 Long Point Judique NS B0E 1P0 300.00 Beck Esther RR#2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 25.00 Beck J. Murray Box 563, 129 Lincoln Street Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Bedell Sean P. 10135 Hwy 7 Head of Jeddore NS B0J 1P0 100.00 Bedford George PO Box 312, West-River Rd Pictou NS B0K 1H0 50.00 Belitsky Philip 5881 Chain Rock Drive Halifax NS B3H 1A3 104.58 Bell & Grant Insurance PO Box 8, 6380 Lady Hammond Road Halifax NS B3J 2L4 200.00 Bell Aliant Regional Communications, LP PO Box 1430 Saint John NB E2L 4K2 5,000.00 Belland Rosalind 483 Salmon River Rd Valley NS B6L 4E7 25.00 Belliveau Robert G. 955 Winwick Avenue Halifax NS B3H 4L5 23.08 Benedict Bradley 161 Hallmark Ave Lower Sackville NS B4C 3R5 25.00 Benedict Gerald 4018 Garlands Crossing, RR 2 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 300.00 Bennett Bonnie 3909 Highway 209, Box 78 Advocate Harbour NS B0M 1A0 100.00 Bentick Investments Ltd. PO Box 1508, 500 George Street Sydney NS B1P 6R7 500.00 Bentley Allan C. 62 MacDonald Street Truro NS B2N 1T3 100.00 Bentley Avard 12 Valley Rd, PO Box 11 Westchester Station NS B0M 2A0 100.00 Berriman Pearl E. 116 Larry Uteck Blvd. Suite 413 Halifax NS B3M 4Y1 100.00 Berry Derrick 1795 White Hills Run Hammonds Plains NS B4B 2A8 100.00 Berthier Lisa M. PO Box 177 Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Best Marjorie J. RR 2, 3363 Prospect Rd Cambridge Station NS B0P 1G0 100.00 Bethune David 310 - 174 Rutledge St. Bedford NS B4A 1X6 100.00 Bethune Douglas A. 1785 East Chezzetcook Rd Head Chezzetcook NS B0J 1N0 100.00 Beveridge Alexander S. 49 Indian Point Road Glan Haven NS B3Z 2S1 23.08 Bezanson Gerald 119 Union Street, PO Box 118 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 BG Johnson Legal Services Inc. 1958 Upper Water Street Halifax NS B3J 2X2 52.29 Bidart Maurice 40 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1B6 50.00 Bilcon of Nova Scotia, Corporation PO Box 2113 Digby NS B0V 1A0 500.00 Black Andrew 2391 MacDonald St Halifax NS B3L 3G3 200.00 Black Andrew 2391 MacDonald St Halifax NS B3L 3G3 235.00 Black Lillian F. 701-5530 Artillery Place Halifax NS B3J 1J3 250.00 Black Thomas PO Box 108, 174 Crescent Ave Oxford NS B0M 1P0 100.00 Black William 1705-1550 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 4A2 1,009.16 Blaikie Gary A. 129 King St Truro NS B2N 3L3 460.00 Blair Cecil L. 1112 Pictou Rd East Mountain NS B6L 2N5 25.00 Blair William 3 Paint Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J4 260.00 Blakely Tom 203-116 Larry Uteck Blvd Halifax NS B3M 4Y1 100.00 Blakeney Ralph A. 501-24 Dundas Street (incorrect?) Dartmouth NS B2Y 4L2 180.00 Bland Henry J. 109 Lincoln Cross Halifax NS B3S 3S8 150.00 Bleakley Anne 73 Gravenstein Drive Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Blenkhorn Ruth PO Box 46, 1042 High Street Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Blucher Jeffrey R. 6120 Charles Street Halifax NS B3K 1L3 23.08 Blue Mountain Farms Limited PO Box 220 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 1,000.00 Bolivar Reta RR 5 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W4 200.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bolivar-Getson Carolyn RR 5 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W4 1,400.00 Bond David RR1 91 Fleet Rd Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 325.00 Bosveld Hendrik 183 Lamont Rd, RR 1 Kentville NS B4N 3V7 75.00 Boudreau Arthur P. PO Box 859 Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 50.00 Boudreau Doreen 474 Black River Road Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 25.00 Bourque Louis Albert 20 Chestnut St Yarmouth NS B5A 2N4 100.00 Bowie Brenda Box 80 Monastery NS B0H 1W0 100.00 Bowie Chad A. 6193 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2E9 120.00 Bowlby David RR#3, Aylesford Kings County NS B0PlC0 100.00 Boyce H. Douglas 287 College Road Bible Hill NS B2N 2P6 35.00 Boyd Daniel PO Box 541 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 151.00 Boyd James J. RR #3, St. Andrews Antigonish NS B0H 1X0 110.00 Boyle Malcolm 1566 Oxford Street Halifax NS B3H 3Z2 23.08 Boyle Wayne 882 Marlborough Ave Halifax NS B3H 3G6 600.00 Bradshaw George A. 3 Willow St Amherst NS B4H 3V7 25.00 Bradshaw Helen Bell 3 Willow Street Amherst NS B4H 3V7 25.00 Bradshaw Keith PO Box 525, Stn Main Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Y8 100.00 Brady Tom B. 91 Sierra Drive New Glasgow NS B2H 6A3 1,100.00 Bragg Ray GD Georges River NS B1Y 3E2 110.00 Bray Andrew J. 600 Chapel Rd., RR #2 Goshen NS B0H 1M0 100.00 Brennan Nita PO Box 583, 22 MacDougal St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Brenton John 66 Maranatha Drive Fall River NS B2T 1E5 100.00 Bristol Group Inc. 800-2000 Barrington St Halifax NS B3J 3K1 104.58 Brobeck Chris 301 Portland Street Apt B Dartmouth NS B2Y 1K3 250.00 Brookhouse Wendy 313-3045 Robie Street Halifax NS B3K 4P6 52.29 Brooks William 290 Viewmount Drive Head of St. Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 2G2 200.00 Broome George H. 1136 New Russell Rd RR 2 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 100.00 Broughm Patricia A. 14 Ridgecrest Drive Bridgewater NS B4V 3V8 400.00 Brown Alex 113 York Street New Glasgow NS B2H 5L2 100.00 Brown Charles R. 57 Crossin Street, PO Box 203 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Brown James G. RR # 1 Noel NS B0N 2C0 100.00 Brown Mildred 378 Young St (Parkland Estates) Truro NS B2N 7H2 100.00 Brown N. Leslie 13 Regent St Bridgewater NS B4V 1K7 100.00 Brown Rupert 371 Miller Road, RR#3 Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 50.00 Brownlow Daniel 2 Ryland Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 2G5 400.00 Bryson Peter M. 1385 LeMarchant Street Halifax NS B3H 3P8 23.08 Buckler David E. 240 Truro Heights Road, RR# 1 Truro NS B2N 5A9 20.00 Buckrell George 302-1544 Summer Street Halifax NS B3H 4S1 104.58 Buist Ernest A. 311-65 Churchill Dr Sydney NS B1S 3N6 100.00 Burchell MacDougall PO Box 1128, 710 Prince Street Truro NS B2N 5H1 500.00 Burden Helen PO Box 640 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 300.00 Burgess Priscilla 117 Marriotts Cove Road Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 100.00 Burke David 47 Cromarty Street Sydney NS B1P 4V9 100.00 Bushell Martin 59 Brenda Drive Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1K1 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Butler Peter M. 1974 Parkwood Terrace Halifax NS B3H 4G3 52.29 Bylund Kenneth 1022 Old Farm Lane New Minas NS B4N 4K8 100.00 Byrne Georgina Ann 138 Haliburton Cres Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 1P4 1,000.00 Byrne PJ 138 Halliburton Cr Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 1P4 1,030.00 C. Stewart's Muffler Center Limited 261 Pictou Rd Truro NS B2N 2S7 200.00 Cabinet Works Limited 75 Akerley Blvd Dartmouth NS B3B 1R7 500.00 Cahoon Ron 4367 Highway 289 Upper Stewiacke NS B0N 2P0 104.58 Caines, Q.C. George 5995 Bilton Lane Halifax NS B3H 4M3 52.29 Caldwell Earl 2772 Bishopville Road Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 543.03 Caldwell G.Walter 401 Dunbar Ave New Glasgow NS B2H 1W2 150.00 Caldwell-Roach Agencies Ltd. 643 Prince St, PO Box 543 Truro NS B2N 5C7 250.00 Cameron Alan 6854 Flinn Street Halifax NS B3L 1J1 50.00 Cameron Clifford RR 5 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Cameron David 15 St. Margaret's Bay Road Halifax NS B3N 1J2 52.29 Cameron Donald Dunbar PO Box 257, 13 Kensington Ave Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 25.00 Cameron Donald M. RR #1, 6026 Riverton Road Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Cameron Edwin A. RR 5 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Cameron Jean 16 Kensington Ave, PO Box 832 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 200.00 Cameron Kathleen M. 6854 Flinn St Halifax NS B3L 1J1 160.00 Cameron Kevin 2130 Newton Ave Halifax NS B3C 3B9 850.00 Cameron Marie 2439 West Mabou Rd Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 40.00 Cameron Martin A. PO Box 553 Margaree Forks NS B0E 2A0 25.00 Cameron R.B. 249-1096 Queen St Halifax NS B3H 2R9 104.58 Cameron Raymond 34 Sinclair Court Valley NS B6L 2T7 100.00 Cameron Shirley RR 5, Hwy 311 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Cameron William A. RR 5, Hwy 311 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Camm Holdings Ltd. 325 Main Street, PO Box 562 Kentville NS B4N 3X7 43.03 Campbell Colin J. 647 Willow St. New Waterford NS B1H 3W3 300.00 Campbell Daniel E. 15049 Highway 4, St. Peter's NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Campbell Drew 1010-5959 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3H 1Y7 1,100.00 Campbell John R. 104 Appian Way Dartmouth NS B2X 3H4 300.00 Campbell Laura RR#2 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 50.00 Campbell Louise A. 15049 Highway 4, RR 1 St. Peter's NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Campbell Sarah PO Box 556 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 10.00 Campbell Shannon 647 Willow Street New Waterford NS B1H 3W3 300.00 Campbell Comeau Engineering B230-5855 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3H 4S2 375.00 Candy Robert 34 Hanover Court Halifax NS B3M 3K6 200.00 Capstick Stella P.O. Box 28 Dingwall NS B0C 1G0 20.00 Card Laurie RR # 1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 125.00 Caribou Holdings Company Ltd. PO Box 306, 411 Purves Street North Sydney NS B2A 3M4 100.00 Carmichael Gordon W. 92 Queen Street North Sydney NS B2A 1A6 150.00 Carmichael Ken 81 Sherwood Drive Sydney River NS B1S 1J9 20.00 Carmichael Murdena RR#4 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 110.00 Carter Florence RR # 2, 211 Bog Road Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Carter John B. 30 Glen Eagle Way Halifax NS B3N 3J1 100.00 Cartmill Charles A. 6634 South Street Halifax NS B3H 1V2 552.29 Cartmill Claire H. 6634 South St Halifax NS B3H 1V2 500.00 Carton Thomas K. RR#1 Riverport NS B0J 2W0 100.00 Casey Glenn 46 Second Court, RR2 Truro NS B2N 5B1 100.00 Casey Karen 46 Second Crt, RR2 Truro NS B2N 5B1 1,204.58 Cavicchi Gerald C. PO Box 43 Mid-Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 20.00 CBCL Limited 1489 Hollis St, PO Box 606 Halifax NS B3J 2R7 1,209.16 Cement Association of Canada 216-30 Damascus Road Bedford NS B4A 0C1 250.00 Centennial Hotels Ltd. PO Box 1074, 1601 Lower Water Street Halifax NS B3J 2X1 418.32 Certified Sales and Marketing Ltd PO Box 429 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 300.00 Chairs Limited 10 Ilsley Ave, Unit 7 Dartmouth NS B3B 1L3 500.00 Chapman Bros. Construction Ltd. PO Box 85 Souris PE C0A 2B0 800.00 Chase Edward B. PO Box 71 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Chenhall Frederick W. 72 Milverton Rd Dartmouth NS B2Y 0A9 200.00 Chernin Martin I. 16 Whitney Ave Sydney NS B1P 4Z7 252.29 Chesal Ellen 1 Arnold Dr Fall River NS B2T 1E5 50.00 Cheticamp Boatbuilders Ltd. PO Box 39, 80 Hache Road Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 1,000.00 Chetwynd Emily 1117 Baccaro Road Baccaro NS B0W 1C0 100.00 Chetwynd Steven W. 1117 Baccaro Road Baccaro NS B0W 1C0 200.00 Chipman Carol 1 Andrew Cobb Crt Bedford NS B4A 4J9 100.00 Chipman Carolyn 1540 Summer St Suite 1004 Halifax NS B3H 4R9 250.00 Chipman David R. 1540 Summer St Suite 1004 Halifax NS B3H 4R9 450.00 Chipman James L. 1 Andrew Cobb Court Bedford NS B4A 4J9 652.29 Chipman Jean E. 23 Rockaway Lane, PO Box 386 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 20.00 Chisholm Almon 611 Granville St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2N1 100.00 Chisholm Fred 264 Rockaway Place, Box 20 Site 2 RR 3 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 1,000.00 Chisholm Liz 33 Xavier Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1G8 280.00 Chisholm Mae-Ken 131 Fatima Dr Sydney NS B1S 1L9 20.00 Chisholm Robert J. 47 Victoria Street Antigonish NS B2G 1X2 1,400.00 Chisholm Ronald M. PO Box 69 Goshen NS B0H 1M0 550.00 Chisholm Wendy M. 804 Addington Forks, RR 1 Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 300.00 Christie Donna M. 671 Basinview Drive Bedford NS B4A 3E8 100.00 Christie Peter G. 109 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 2E9 100.00 Christie Ross 102-1091 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B4A 1B7 300.00 Church Adam 1647 Highway 14, RR 3 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 340.00 Church Carol PO Box 33 Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 25.00 Churchill Eric R. 37 Oak Dr Yarmouth NS B5A 2R5 100.00 Churchill John 133 Ilsley Ave. Dartmouth NS B3B 1T1 156.87 Churco Enterprises Ltd. 3966 Gabarus Highway Marion Bridge NS B1K 1A7 50.00 CIBC Wood Gundy Securities Inc 502-5657 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3J 3R4 52.29 City Trading Corporation Ltd. 3081 Robie St. Halifax NS B3K 4P7 300.00 CKF Inc. 48 Prince Street PO Box 419 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 450.00 Clark Alexander M. PO Box 44 Pubnico NS B0W 2W0 300.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Clarke Cecil P. PO Box 84 North Sydney NS B2A 3M1 882.29 Clarke E. Brent 81 Brickyard Road Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 80.00 Clarke Elsie 5341 Hwy. 236 Upper Kennetcook NS B0N 2L0 200.00 Clarke Lorne O. 4-1350 Oxford Street Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 454.58 Clarke Ronald 37 Highland Drive Georges River NS B1Y 3G3 100.00 Clarke-Murray Catherine 254 Almont Ave New Glasgow NS B2H 3G9 50.00 CleanEarth Technologies Inc PO Box 306 Halifax NS B3J 2G1 250.00 Clearwater Seafoods Limited Partnership 757 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B4A 3Z7 418.32 Cleather Edward G. 24 Oak Hill Lane, RR 1 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 1,277.29 Cobequid Mtn. Blueberries Ltd. 1260 Wyvern Rd Collingwood NS B0M 1E0 100.00 Cochrane Gerald 35 Dill Street, RR 1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 300.00 Cochrane John P. 40 George St Kentville NS B4N 1N8 200.00 Cogan James 18 Blowers St North Sydney NS B2A 3M1 100.00 Colborne Elnora R.M. 668 Wyvern Road Collingwood NS B0M 1E0 25.00 Colburn Margaret 34 Pine Street Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Coleman P. Grahame 1572 Larch St Halifax NS B3H 3W8 152.29 Coles E. Joyce 596 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V5 50.00 Coles Keith R. 596 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V5 600.00 Coll Charles Box 10, Site 11, RR 1 Trenton NS B0K 1X0 125.00 Coll K. Heather Box 10 Site 11 RR 1 Trenton NS B0K 1X0 334.16 Collingwood Investments Incorporated PO Box 220 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 1,000.00 Collins Howard 170 Brook St Exten North Sydney NS B2A 2K6 25.00 Colour Creative Persuasion Inc 400-7051 Bayers Road Halifax NS B3L 2C1 500.00 Colwell Garnet JH 313-5 Ramsgate Lane Halifax NS B3P 2S6 200.00 Comeau Louis R. 205-1540 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 300.00 Composites Atlantic Ltd. 71 Hall St Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 500.00 Comstock Melanie S. 2441 Connaught Avenue, PO Box 730 Halifax NS B3L 2Z5 23.08 Condon Garry W. 32 Fielding Ave Kentville NS B4N 2T6 100.00 Connell Gus 38 Troy Hill Drive Troy NS B9A 1G9 100.00 Connolly Andrew PO Box 575 Windsor NS B0N 2A0 325.00 Conquerall Investments Ltd. RR # 1 Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Conrad Carol A. 36 Bel Ayr Ave Dartmouth NS B2W 2E1 100.00 Conrad Brothers Limited 2 Cono Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 3Y2 500.00 Cooke Betty Site 7, Box 1, RR#1 Trenton NS B0K 1X0 100.00 Coolen Edward A. 104-1074 Wellington St Halifax NS B3H 2Z8 500.00 Cooper Cynthia H. 202-1540 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 500.00 Cooper George T.H. 202-1540 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 523.08 Cooper Ron 44 Dalkeith Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4E8 100.00 Cooper Mont Nadine 52 Parkland Ave Dartmouth NS B2V 1M8 200.00 Corbett D. Keith 378 Young St, Apt 29 Truro NS B2H 7H2 100.00 Corbett Irene 10 Porter Street Yarmouth NS B5A 2Y6 110.00 Corkum Helen RR 1 Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Corkum Peter B. 5774 Ogilvie Street Halifax NS B3H 1C2 104.58 Cormier Delina 23 Veinette Rd, PO Box 374 Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 20.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Cormier Jim L. 143 Ave du Portage Dartmouth NS B2X 3S8 100.00 Cornish Rene Box 174 Trenton NS B0K 1X0 100.00 Cornish Vernon D. 47 Catidian Place Bridgewater NS B4V 2W3 100.00 Cornwallis Chevrolet Ltd 9184 Commercial Street, PO Box 40 Kentville NS B4N 3V9 100.00 Costello Frederick 704- 7 Parker St Dartmouth NS B2Y 4A5 500.00 Cotton Richard L. PO Box 623 Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 100.00 Cousins Anita 302-1074 Wellington St Halifax NS B3H 2Z8 100.00 Coveyduc Clifford 116-31 Russell Lake Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 6J3 10.00 Coveyduck Clay 202-5431 Doyle St Halifax NS B3J 1H9 104.58 Cowan Robert S. 2031 Quinn Street Halifax NS B3L 3E5 23.08 Cox Leo J. RR 2 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 50.00 Cox William J. PO Box 694, 16 Reilly Street Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 100.00 Crawford Jeannine PO Box 10 Grand Etang NS B0E 1L0 100.00 Credit Union Atlantic Ltd. PO Box 1105 Halifax NS B3J 2X1 418.32 Creelman Calder 70 Smith Avenue Truro NS B2N 1C4 100.00 Creelman Donna 70 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C4 100.00 Creelman Doug 24 Wilson Drive Fall River NS B2T 1V8 600.00 Creelman Karen 24 Wilson Drive Fall River NS B2T 1V8 100.00 Creelman MacArthur 581 Wilson Street Windsor NS B0N 2T0 43.03 Creelman Mark 1994 Highway 2 Economy NS B0M 1J0 100.00 Creemer George L. RR#1, 568 Victoria Rd Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 25.00 Cresco Construction Limited 7 Peruz Crt, PO Box 48089 RPO Bedford NS B4A 3Z2 2,600.00 Croft William PO Box 81 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 50.00 Crosby Harold E. 1002-6095 Coburg Road Halifax NS B3H 4K1 200.00 Crossman Mark R. 19 Nottingham Lane Fall River NS B2T 1A4 100.00 Crouse Enos RR # 2, 548 MacKay Siding Rd Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 25.00 Crown Fibre Tube Inc. PO Box 393, 50 Main Street Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 450.00 Cullen Doris R. 251 Washington St New Glasgow NS B2H 3L9 20.00 Cunningham Mary 268 Beech St Apt 19 New Glasgow NS B2H 1A1 20.00 Cunningham Rupert E. 2304 Main St. Clark's Harbour NS B0W 1P0 100.00 Cunningham Trevor A. PO Box 2776, RR 5 Dayton Yarmouth NS B5A 4A9 200.00 Currie Eira 29 Longleah Crt Amherst NS B4H 4V7 200.00 Currie Mary Ellen 6800 Seaside Dr Dominion NS B1G 1V3 25.00 Cuthbertson Brian 6464 Waegwoltic Ave Halifax NS B3H 2B4 302.29 Cutten Barton J. 140 Old Rd #3 Lower Truro NS B6L 1N7 100.00 Cyr Donald A. PO Box 904 Kentville NS B4N 4H8 100.00 Cyr Ralph V. RR#1 Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 D & L Engineering Sales Ltd. PO Box 2004, 1057 Barrington Street Halifax NS B3J 2Z1 100.00 D.W. Matheson & Sons Contract Limited 183 Little Narrows Victoria County NS B0E 1T0 600.00 Dacey Jim 52 Coles Rd Lower Sackville NS B4Z 1V1 1,000.00 Daidone Fran 41 Cowiehill Rd Halifax NS B3P 2N7 80.00 Daniel Joseph D. 40 Haystead Ridge Bedford NS B4A 0B6 110.00 Danny Carey's Insurance Agency 128 North St Bridgewater NS B4V 2V6 250.00 David James 224 Crichton Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 3S1 1,000.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount David Janice 224 Crichton Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3S1 202.29 Davidson Don 403 - 356 Young Street Truro NS B2N 3Y6 200.00 Davies Lynda 33 Anderson Blvd Kentville NS B4N 5H2 100.00 Davies Enterprises Ltd. 114 Chain Lake Drive Halifax NS B3S 1B1 100.00 Davis Ardythe R. PO Box 121 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 25.00 Davis Donald 56 Canaan Ave Kentville NS B4N 2A6 20.00 Davis Kathryn M. 5 Belmont Drive Bridgewater NS B4V 4E6 300.00 Day Myrtle C. 124 Melrose Ave Halifax NS B3N 2E4 50.00 Day Reo M. 124 Melrose Avenue Halifax NS B3N 2J8 50.00 Decker Cecil E. 103 Doull Avenue Halifax NS B3N 1Z1 100.00 DeCoff Charles B. 13 Doyle Ct Bedford NS B4A 2Y7 500.00 Decoff Neil 451 North Riverside Road, RR 2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 662.00 Decoste Donna 38 Troy Hill Drive Troy NS B9A 1G9 100.00 Delano Thalia E. 277 Dauphinee Rd RR 2 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Deloitte & Touche Inc. 1500-1969 Upper Water Street Halifax NS B3J 3R7 500.00 DeLong Richard 39 Terradore Lane Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1S7 100.00 Delorey Herbert J. 9215 Tracadie Road, RR 1 Afton Station NS B0H 1A0 440.00 DeMont Jonathan PO Box 3366 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Dennis Graham W. PO Box 2375 Halifax NS B3J 3E4 300.00 Dennis Terri M. 70 Forrest St Sydney Mines NS B1V 2B3 100.00 d'Entremont Aline PO Box 132, RR 1 Ste. Anne du Ruisseau NS B0W 2X0 70.00 d'Entremont Chris Box 92, RR 3 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 800.00 D'Entremont M. Dolores PO Box 114 Lower West Pubnico NS B0W 2C0 100.00 Detheridge George 35 Detheridge Dr Sydney NS B1L 1B8 200.00 Detheridge Marjorie 35 Detheridge Dr Sydney NS B1L 1B8 100.00 Deveaux Alfred PO Box 99 Grand Etang NS B0E 1L0 60.00 Dewar Marion 2124 Cross Roads, RR#1 Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 20.00 Dewolfe David R. 1-313 Windmill Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 1H3 200.00 Dewtie John Francis RR#1 Thorburn NS B0K 1W0 200.00 Dexter Jean 7082 Royal Pine Ave Halifax NS B3L 2G1 50.00 Dickie Sheldon P. PO Box 576 Trenton NS B0K 1X0 100.00 Dickson Fred J. PO Box 730 Halifax NS B3J 2V1 500.00 Dickson Kay 131 Smith Avenue Truro NS B2N 1C6 100.00 Dignan Scott 6446 Seaforth St Halifax NS B3L 1R5 250.00 Dill Allen 43 Wolsley St, PO Box 121 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Dillon Consulting Ltd. 100-137 Chain Lake Drive Halifax NS B3S 1B3 1,000.00 Dobson Carol 47-5222 Green St. Halifax NS B3H 1N7 202.29 Dobson Douglas 66 MacFarlane St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 50.00 Dobson William 3 Limardo Dr Dartmouth NS B3A 3X2 100.00 Dobson Jr Robert Borden RR#1 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 20.00 Dodds Carol 870 Young Avenue Halifax NS B3H 2V7 180.00 Dodds Colin 870 Young Avenue Halifax NS B3H 2V7 140.00 Dodds Elizabeth 870 Young Avenue Halifax NS B3H 2V7 100.00 Dog Land Limited 85 MacDonald Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1T8 1,000.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Doig Clara 4 Townsview Court Amherst NS B3H 4M2 25.00 Don Fisher Construction Ltd. 25 Russell Cross Road Hilden NS B0N 1C0 100.00 Donahoe Arthur R. 13-6770 Jubilee Rd. Halifax NS B3H 2H8 904.58 Donahoe Lynne M. 456 Francklyn Street Halifax NS B3H 1A9 225.00 Donahoe Sheila 456 Francklyn Street Halifax NS B3H 1A9 352.29 Doncaster Ivan 4485 East Bay Hwy RR 1 East Bay NS B1J 1N4 100.00 Donnelly Patricia 5820 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3H 1X8 52.29 DORA Construction Limited 61 Raddall Avenue, Suite JK Dartmouth NS B3B 1T4 1,000.00 Doucet Gerald 11 Springvale Ave Halifax NS, B3H 0A3 104.58 Doucette Lorna Ann 79 Glenmore Road Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 25.00 Doug Bragg Enterprises Ltd Po Box 39 Collingwood NS B0M 1E0 100.00 Douglas Elva I. RR#3 River John NS B0K 1N0 40.00 Douthwright Sharon 148 Main Street Springhill NS B0M 1X0 40.00 Doyle Austin 3457 Clarke Ave New Waterford NS B1H 2P8 30.00 Doyle Corenne H. 1167 Salmon River Rd Truro NS B2N 5B2 25.00 Doyle Douglas 14-4 Westwood Blvd, Box 130 Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1H3 100.00 Doyle Mildred 32 Avon St Truro NS B2N 4E9 20.00 Dr. John Hyndman Medical Inc 5850/5980 University Ave Halifax NS B3K 6R8 104.58 Drisdelle John 15 Johnson Ave Timberlea NS B3T 1E3 250.00 Dueck Hugh T. RR#4 Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 25.00 Dulong John Gary RR#1 Lower East Pubnico NS B0W 2A0 100.00 Dumaresq David D. 125 Danny Dr Beaver Bank NS B4G 1B3 100.00 Dumaresq J. Philip 1009-5959 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 1Y5 202.29 Dunbar John 37 Elmwood Drive Antigonish NS B2G 0B4 240.00 Duncan Hilda I. 162 Shore Club Rd Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 240.00 Dunn Patricia 428 MacLean Street New Glasgow NS B2H 4N7 100.00 Dunn Patrick 428 MacLean Street New Glasgow NS B2H 4N7 950.00 Dunn Thelma 2225 Cowan Street, Unit 1 RR 1 Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Durnford Benjamin R. 56 Eagleview Terrace Hatchet Lake NS B3T 2E3 23.08 Dwight JW Rudderham Law Office 275-500 George Place Sydney NS B1P 1K6 100.00 Dykeview Farms Ltd. 1225 Middle Dyke Road, RR 1 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 400.00 E. Jabalee Investment Limited PO Box 837 Sydney NS B1P 6J1 25.00 East Port Properties Limited Suite 25 N, 130 Eileen Stubbs Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 2C4 500.00 Eastern Tire Service Limited 550 Westville Rd. New Glasgow NS B2H 5C6 250.00 Edgecombe John A. 1080 Ridgewood Dr Halifax NS B3H 3Y4 500.00 Edgecombe Marilyn M. 1080 Ridgewood Drive Halifax NS B3H 3Y4 100.00 Edmunds Calvin 117 Millville Highway Millville NS B1Y 2C4 100.00 Edwards Jean 902 Shore Road Sydney Mines NS B1V 1B3 175.00 Edwards Denture Clinic Ltd. 209 High Street Ltd. Bridgewater NS B4V 1W2 100.00 Eisner Kenneth 252 Lexington Drive, PO Box 1401 Truro NS B2N 5V2 200.00 El-Jakl George PO Box 89 Wood's Harbour NS B0W 2E0 100.00 Elliott Gene F. 132 Sand Lake Rd, RR#1 Paradise NS B0S 1R0 100.00 Elliott Richard 18 Drummond Road Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Ellis Alan 29 Skeena St Dartmouth NS B2W 1P7 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Ellison Frances 158 Maloney Street Sydney NS B1N 2C8 40.00 Ells Terry RR#5, 78 Rabbit Sq Rd Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Ellsmere Donald W.E. 112 Pondicherry Crescent Dartmouth NS B2W 5C5 100.00 Ellsworth Sarah 117 Willow Avenue New Glasgow NS B2H 1Z6 350.00 Elms Verna 359 Vale Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 4W9 10.00 Embree Douglas C. 59/61 Herrett Road, PO Box 252 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 188.00 Embree Margaret H. 301-1091 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B4A 1B7 100.00 Emera Inc. 1800-1894 Barrington Street Halifax NS B3J 2A8 418.32 Emslie Dorothy M. 152 Howe Ave Fall River NS B2T 1H7 70.00 EnCana Corporation 1800, 855-2nd Street SW Calgary AB T2P 2S5 1,500.00 Enligna Canada Inc. 9156 Highway 224 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 1,000.00 Enman Deborah 186 Rankin Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 3B3 100.00 Enserink Jack G. 9 Hale Road Cambridge Station NS B0P 1G0 100.00 EnviroSystems Inc. PO Box 393, 50 Main Street Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 450.00 Ernie's Septic Service Ltd RR#2 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Ernst Max 7 Dawn Drive Dartmouth NS B3B 1H8 25.00 Ernst & Young, LLP 1301-1959 Upper Water St Halifax NS B3J 3N2 418.32 Erskine Tara 6496 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2H4 23.08 Ettinger Clyde O. 4089 Highway 236, RR 1 Kennetcook NS B0N 1P0 110.00 Evans Berkley 9-80 Regent St North Sydney NS B2A 2G2 100.00 Evans Mildred 9-80 Regent St North Sydney NS B2A 2G2 100.00 Eyking John 43 Mill Pond Rd Millville NS B1Y 2G4 100.00 F.C. O'Neill Scriven & Assoc. Limited 5450 Cornwallis Street Halifax NS B3K 1A9 250.00 F.S. Industries Ltd. PO Box 220, 4881 Main Street Oxford NS B0M 1P0 1,000.00 Fahey Allan W. PO Box 256, 8 Pine Street Tatamogouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Falconer Alex RR#3 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 50.00 Fancey Dan 2844 236 Hwy Old Barns NS B6L 1K3 110.00 Farquhar Karen 1966 Parkwood Terrace Halifax NS B3H 4G3 104.58 Fash Jean 28 Fielding Ave. Kentville NS B4N 2T5 100.00 Fedorchuk Mary 41 Foxpoint Lane Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1S3 100.00 Feindel David R. c370 Crow's Nest Drive Halifax NS B3H 3X5 23.08 Fenwick Lorraine 20 Fielding Ave Kentville NS B4N 2T5 100.00 Ferguson Elizabeth 58 Avondale Rd RR 2 Newport NS B0N 2A0 100.00 Ferguson Paul PO Box 2227 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 190.00 Feron A.Peter 1059 Beaufort Ave Halifax NS B3H 3Y2 52.29 Fiander Brad 90 North Green Rd Lakeside NS B3T 2L8 100.00 Fiander Wayne 408 Garden Rd Belnan NS B2S 2P5 652.29 Field Noreen 1845 English Mountain Rd, RR 1 Cambridge Station NS B0P 1G0 150.00 Fisher Allison 598 Highway 360 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Fisher Jim W. 424 Granville Rd Victoria Beach NS B0S 1K0 100.00 Fisher Russell E. PO Box 579 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Fleming Linda PO Box 355 Westville NS B0K 2A0 20.00 Fletcher Natalie L. 25 Castleton Cres Dartmouth NS B2X 3N9 400.00 Flinn Robert PO Box 545 Chester NS B0J 1J0 156.87 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Flynn Michelle 45 Coldbrook Dr Sydney NS B1L 1G8 350.00 Folk Adam 5 Broadholme Lane Halifax NS B3M 3B8 250.00 Folker Wayne Box 106 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 125.00 Forbes Eldon 519 Milbrook Rd RR 2 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Forbes Glenn F. 3148 Hwy 326 Denmark NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Forbes Grant 374 Meadowlark Drive New Glasgow NS B2H 1S1 25.00 Forbes Krista 6241 Charles St Halifax NS B3L 1N6 200.00 Forbes Reg RR 5 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Forbes Winnifred 519 Millbrook RD RR2 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Ford Charles J. 12 Bedford Street Bedford NS B4A 1W4 23.08 Ford Eileen M. 619 Tyndol Rd, RR#2 Amherst NS B4H 3X9 100.00 Ford Thomas Robert PO Box 3428 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 125.00 Ford William T. 619 Tyndol Rd, RR#2 Amherst NS B4H 3X9 100.00 Foster Zena M. PO Box 1, 1873 Western Avenue Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 100.00 Fowler Bauld & Mitchell Ltd. Box 514, 102-1660 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 2R7 250.00 Francis Ray 12 Anderson Blvd. Kentville NS B4N 5G9 100.00 Francis William 11 Horizon Court, Suite 113 Dartmouth NS B3A 4X5 200.00 Fraser A. Barrett 2655 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Timberlea NS B3T 1H2 100.00 Fraser Carmon R. PO Box 362 Stn Main Bridgewater NS B4V 2W9 100.00 Fraser Charles PO Box 882 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Fraser Claire PO Box 121 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 20.00 Fraser Glenys B. 23 Herrington Ave Yarmouth NS B5A 4N5 100.00 Fraser J. Andrew 6054 Shirley Street Halifax NS B3H 2M8 252.29 Fraser John A. 119 Cedar St New Glasgow NS B2H 1A7 100.00 Fraser Joseph R. PO Box 53 Trenton NS B0K 1X0 20.00 Fraser Renee C. 2655 St. Margarets Bay Rd Timberlea NS B3T 1H2 100.00 Frazer D. Suzan 2345 Roosevelt Drive Halifax NS B3L 3H8 23.08 Freda Janet PO Box 575, 239 King Street Chester NS B0J 1J0 45.00 Freeman Lawrence A. 1074 Wellington Street Halifax NS B3J 1Z2 23.08 Frenette Mary 1154 King Street Windsor NS B0N 2T0 10.00 Frizzle Donald RR 1 Great Village NS B0M 1L0 100.00 Fryday-Dorey Janet RR # 2, 260 Conrads Rd Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 220.00 Fuller Brian PO Box 2764, 3 Horton Ave Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Fuller John W. 717 North Bedford Rd RR 2 Canning NS B0P 1H0 500.00 Fulmore Burchell 3259 Highway 2 Economy NS B0M 1J0 100.00 Fulmore Doreen 95 Poplar, PO Box 3181 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 25.00 Fulton Gerald RR # 2 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Fundy Grinding & Machining Ltd PO Box 1290 (9 Farnham Road) Truro NS B2N 5N2 400.00 Furlotte Marc 1801-1969 Upper Water Street Halifax NS B3J 3R7 104.58 Furneaux Alma 25 Stayner Dr Waverley NS B2R 1C3 180.00 G&C Hughes Enterprises Ltd. 136 New Russell Rd, RR#2 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 100.00 Gabbani Farida 50 Charles St. Truro NS B2N 1X4 100.00 Gables Home Contracting Ltd 49 Oceanview Drive Bedford NS B4A 4C4 700.00 Galbraith Grant 10 Shamrock Dr Dartmouth NS B3A 2Y7 104.58 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Gallant Joseph 214 Scotts Point Rd. East Dover S B3Z 3W3 100.00 Gallant Rene PO Box 910 Halifax NS B3J 2W5 104.58 Gammon Brothers Ltd. PO Box 185, 22536 Main Street Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 200.00 Garber Elmer RR 3 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W2 100.00 Garden View Restaurant Limited 174 Main Street Dartmouth NS B2X 1S2 50.00 Gardiner John E. 88 Brooklyn Ave Sydney Mines NS B1V 2W2 25.00 Gardiner Karen M. 610 Tower Road Halifax NS B3H 2X7 23.08 Gardiner William J. 10 Marconi St North Sydney NS B2A 3G1 50.00 Gardner Thomas 23 Queen St. Sydney Mines NS B1V 1K9 100.00 Garland Stephanie PO Box 162 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Garry Pye Holdings Inc. 468 Prince St, PO Box 1530 Truro NS B2N 5V2 350.00 Garson Craig 785 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V8 52.29 Gaston Chagnon Property Ltd. 1165 Tower Road Halifax NS B3H 2Y7 500.00 Gates Clara RR 1 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Gay William F. 339 Arklow Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4S1 60.00 Geddes Elroy 17 Phoebe Lane Valley NS B6L 2M8 100.00 General Electric Canada Inc. 2300 Meadowvale Blvd. Mississauga ON L5N 5P9 1,000.00 Gerhardt Graham E. 2472 Highway 332, RR 1 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 100.00 Gerhardt William 2472 Highway 332, RR 1 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 100.00 Gibson Kevin 27 First Avenue Bedford NS B4A 1Z7 23.08 Giffin Oscar M. PO Box 85 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 200.00 Gilchrist Bruce 52 Robinson Drive Fall River NS B2T 1E7 100.00 Giles Gavin 17 Glen Eagle Way Halifax NS B3N 3H9 23.08 Gillam Garry 36 Harris Ave Truro NS B2N 3N2 35.00 Gilliatt-Butler Shirley 43 Beach Hill Rd., RR 2 Kentville NS B4N 3V8 375.00 Gillingham Donald 294 MacKay Road Newport NS B0N 2A0 275.00 Gillis Allison PO Box 301 Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 100.00 Gillis Charlene PO Box 32, 11319 Rt 19 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 Gillis Frank 111 South Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1V2 100.00 Gillis Helen A. 310-2717 Gladstone St Halifax NS B3K 0A4 500.00 Gillis Irene PO Box 187 Glace Bay NS B1A 5V2 100.00 Gillis Marilyn 22 Buchanan Street, PO Box 98 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 25.00 Gillis Mary 5961 Grand Mira North Rd Grand Mira North NS B1K 1P1 150.00 Global Geoenergy Research Ltd. 1657 Barrington Street Halifax NS B2J 2A1 100.00 Godley Margaret L. 20 Raymoor Dr Dartmouth NS B2X 1G7 180.00 Godreau Barbara 82 Adelaide Ave Halifax NS B3N 2N8 150.00 Godreau Robert 82 Adelaide Ave Halifax NS B3N 2N8 150.00 Gollan Royston PO Box 924 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 125.00 Goodman Paul G. 940 Robie Street Halifax NS B3H 3C4 104.58 Gordon Munro Trucking Limited PO Box 238, 233 Highway 252 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 200.00 Gordon Stirrett & Associates Incorporated 1540-1801 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 3N4 418.32 Gordon Dara L. 1358 Davidson Street Halifax NS B4P 2R1 23.08 Goucher Len 77 Mill Run Crescent Bedford NS B4A 3H9 600.00 Goudey John F. 12 Elm Street Yarmouth NS B5A 2P7 500.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Gough Arien 54 Bruce Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 3T7 300.00 Goulden Paul 42 Bigelow Street Unit 201 Wolfville NS B4P 0A4 25.00 Goyetche Robert Roy PO Box 751, 17 Bennie's Lane Ext. Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 100.00 Grace Tina 3522 Hwy 325 Newcombville NS B4V 7V5 100.00 Graham Frederick C. 22 Herrington Ave Yarmouth NS B5A 4N4 100.00 Graham Glenn E. 99 Sunnybrae Ave Halifax NS B3N 2G8 1,000.00 Graham John H. 33 Bridgeview Drive Halifax NS B3P 1E7 23.08 Graham Joy 8705 Highway 2 Great Village NS B0M 1L0 100.00 Graham Percy 8705 Highway 2 Great Village NS B0M 1L0 100.00 Graham Vincent PO Box 200, RR 1 Judique NS B0E 1P0 100.00 Grandy Eleanor R. 36 Kindling Cres. Lower Sackville NS B4E 2T9 25.00 Grant Adam R. 1-1051 Tower Road Halifax NS B3H 2Y6 100.00 Grant Cecilia 8 Pine St Antigonish NS B2G 1E5 95.00 Grant Gary 7 Rising Sun Trail Hammonds Plains NS B3Z 1J7 100.00 Grant J. Robert 511 Cameron Ave. New Glasgow NS B2H 5R8 80.00 Grant Judith A. 5914 Chain Rock Dr Halifax NS B3H 1A1 552.29 Grant Richard 156 Purcellls Cove Rd Halifax NS B3P 1B6 392.29 Grant Robert 6446 Coburg Road Halifax NS B3H 2A7 150.00 Graves David A. 1105 Belmont on the Arm Halifax NS B3H 1J2 23.08 Graves Philip RR # 1 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 200.00 Green David S. 79 Conrad Road Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1S1 150.00 Green Roselle 406 - 6369 Coburg Road Halifax NS B3H 4J7 50.00 Greene Richard C. 9383 Maders Cove, RR 1 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 300.00 Greene Stephen G. 803 - 1074 Wellington Street Halifax NS B3H 2Z8 702.29 Greer Garth W. 30 Arren Dr Sydney NS B1M 1A8 25.00 Greer Robert 48595 Cabot Trail, RR 4 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 700.00 Greg Burke Electric Ltd 71 Thomas St Enfield NS B2T 1T7 500.00 Gregory Auld Inc. 1452 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 3T5 125.00 Guinan Christopher 18 Tulip Place Truro NS B2N 5Y6 500.00 Guitton Maurice M. 242 Dufferin St, PO Box 627 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 75.00 Hales Sid M. 1172 Waverley Rd. Waverley NS B2R 1W4 100.00 Haley Fred 19 Prince's Walk Halifax NS B3M 2N3 100.00 Hall Howard PO Box 55 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Hall Mary P. 36 Brown Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 1G3 400.00 Hamm Genesta Byers PO Box 2260, 112 High Street Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 152.29 Hamshaw Marlene L. 189 Kearney Lake Rd Halifax NS B3M 2T2 100.00 Hancock Robie 1171 White Rock Rd, RR#2 Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 50.00 Hand Robert F. 206-1470 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 3A3 240.00 Hanham Victor 7441 Main St Louisbourg NS B1C 1G9 100.00 Hannam Darrell E. 14 Plaifa Dr Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 230.00 Hansen Jack C. 53 Hansens Lane Waverley NS B2R 1J7 600.00 Harding James O. 100 Hubley Mill Lake Road Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1E8 72.00 Harding Tim Box 2, RR#1 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Hardman Group Limited 1226 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 1T6 52.29 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Harlow Daniel L. Box 111, 188 Grandville Street Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 120.00 Harlow Lynne I. 76 Hillside Drive Conquerall Bank NS B4V 0G9 100.00 Harmes Harry 10 Glenlee Drive Kentville NS B4N 4Y5 100.00 Harnish Kimberly Box 173 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 350.00 Harnish Rhys Hubbards Food Service Ltd., PO Box 173 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 350.00 Harnish William PO Box 159 St. Peter's NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Harrington Guy 58 Raymond Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 1H2 100.00 Harrington Jean 504 - 5561 Heatherwood Court Halifax NS B3K 5N7 852.29 Harrington Sarah 58 Raymond Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 1H2 100.00 Harris J. Robert 36 Pinecrest Drive New Minas NS B4N 5L1 100.00 Harris Matthew PO Box 2007, Station CRO Halifax NS B3J 2Z1 100.00 Harris Raymond 50 Main St Bible Hill NS B2N 4G6 25.00 Harrison Catherine 55 Elwin Crescent Dartmouth NS B2W 3J9 100.00 Harrison Peter 35 Oscar Chase Drive, PO Box 517 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Harrison Rod Halfway River Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 100.00 Harrop Greta 24 Harmony Rd Truro NS B2N 4X8 100.00 Hart Thomas E. 1942 Bloomingdale Terrace Halifax NS B3H 4E5 23.08 Haslett Norman 2676 Hwy 332 RR 1 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 250.00 Hatherly Bertram E. PO Box 72 River Hebert NS B0L 1G0 550.00 Haugg Morris J. PO Box 279 Amherst NS B4H 3Z2 280.00 Haugg Susan C. PO Box 279 Stn Main Amherst NS B4H 3Z2 100.00 Haverstock Dennis 17 Pitt St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2T2 250.00 Hawkes Paul D. 3243 Hwy 6 Amherst NS B4H 3Y2 100.00 Hayes Kevin 1529 Meghan Drive Coldbrook NS B4R 1A1 100.00 Hayes Lawrence J. 967 Beaufort Avenue Halifax NS B3H 3X9 23.08 Hayes Susan 1529 Meghan Drive Coldbrook NS B4R 1A1 100.00 Hayman Alan G. 6307 Oakland Road Halifax NS B3H 1P4 104.58 Hayman Diane R. PO Box 853, 1900 Drummond Road Westville NS B0K 2A0 180.00 Haynes Kathryn 159 Capri Drive West Porters Lake NS B3E 1L6 1,008.00 Haynes Ross H. 159 Capri Dr West Porters Lake NS B3E 1L6 1,112.58 Hazel Frank 12 Stirling Ave. Wolfville NS B4P 2S1 100.00 Hazel Holdings Ltd. Site 10, Box 2, 136 Long Cove Rd Martins River NS B0J 2E0 43.03 Hemphill Audrey RR#1 Trenton NS B0K 1X0 25.00 Henderson David L. 510-2677 Gladstone Street Halifax NS B3K 0A3 804.00 Henderson Erland E. 287 Linden Avenue New Glasgow NS B2H 2A6 100.00 Henderson Harry 20 Crestdale Dr Sydney Forks NS B1L 1A1 50.00 Henderson J. Hope 404 Robie Street Truro NS B2N 1L8 25.00 Henderson John B. 3 Black St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Henderson Muriel 20 Crestdale Dr Sydney Forks NS B1L 1A1 50.00 Henderson Paul Donald 133 Red Fern Terrace Halifax NS B3S 1L7 100.00 Henderson Paula C. 4367 Highway 289 Upper Stewiacke NS B0N 2P0 704.00 Henderson Sharon PO Box 987 Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 100.00 Hendsbee David A. 1 Chamberlain Drive Dartmouth NS B2Z 1B1 756.29 Hennigar Laurie D. 1770 Middle Dyke Rd RR 2 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Henwood Robert PO Box 1087 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Heritage Gas Ltd. 88 Alderney Drive - 3rd Floor Dartmouth NS B2Y 4W3 1,000.00 Heron George 1006 Highway 376, RR 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Heron Loreta J. 1006 Highway 376, RR # 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Hersey C. Andrew 1305-1470 Summer Street Halifax NS B3H 3A3 200.00 Heyge Elva M. PO Box 71 Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Hickey Charles Claude PO Box 127 Sydney Mines NS B1V 2G6 500.00 Hickey Igol 2090 Kolbec Rd, PO Box 250 Oxford NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Hickey John 105 Rose St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3C5 50.00 Hickey Marjorie 6025 Belmont Road Halifax NS B3H 1N3 23.08 Hicks Graeme 5335 Young St Halifax NS B3K 1Z3 200.00 Higgins David 59 Dorset Dr Bible Hill NS B6L 3H9 100.00 Higgins Phillip M. 374 Truro Heights Rd Truro Heights NS B6L 1X6 200.00 High Liner Foods Inc. PO Box 910, 100 Battery Point Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,000.00 Hilchie George W. PO Box 249 Chester NS B0J 1J0 50.00 Hill Fred PO Box 1856 Stn A Sydney NS B1P 6W4 100.00 Hill Pamela J. 9 Hillsburn Crt Dartmouth NS B2W 4M8 100.00 Himsl Mary 5575 Stoneham Court Halifax NS B3K 4A7 1,000.00 Hindley Marjorie K. 1 Fall Street Bridgewater NS B4V 4B1 150.00 Hines Charles General Delivery Cheverie NS B0N 1G0 200.00 Hines Clara 5240 Shore Rd East Noel NS B0N 1J0 100.00 Hines Gary B. 895 High Rd Fall River NS B2T 1E8 20.00 Hingley Janet 127 Pineview Cres New Glasgow NS B2H 5T7 50.00 Hirtle Brian RR 5 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Hodder Cheryl 3858 Rockhead Court Halifax NS B3K 6B5 23.08 Hodgson Marjorie A. 602-2717 Gladstone St. Halifax NS B3K 0A4 708.58 Hodson Michael 3205 Mayfield Street Halifax NS B3L 4B4 100.00 Hodson Paula 3205 Mayfield Ave Halifax NS B3L 4B4 600.00 Hoegg Betty 3-308 S Foord Street, PO Box 214 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 774.58 Holland Lonnie 1605-1470 Summer Street Halifax NS B3H 3A3 52.29 Hollett Henry 24 Peppett St North Sydney NS B2A 2M9 20.00 Holmes A. Mary 315-24 Ramsgate Lane Halifax NS B3P 2R6 300.00 Holstein Haven Farms Limited 59 Beecham Rd, RR#4 Amherst NS B4H 3Y2 25.00 Holt Helen 13-80 Regent St North Sydney NS B2A 2G2 25.00 Holt Richard PO Box 114 Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Hood Ruth M. 80 Cliff St Yarmouth NS B5A 3J6 200.00 Hood S. Clifford PO Box 670, 7 Aberdeen Street Yarmouth NS B5A 4B6 110.00 Hood Law Inc. 8 Brown Street Yarmouth NS B5A 3K2 52.29 Horne Barry D. 1622 Preston Street Halifax NS B3H 3V1 23.08 Horton Jack H. PO Box 32, STn. Main Bridgewater NS B4V 2W6 100.00 Howard Little Excavating Ltd. PO Box 87, 323 Cambridge Mountain Road Cambridge Station NS B0P 1G0 200.00 Hoyt Jeffrey A. 103 Pleasant Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3P7 23.08 Hoytink William 168 Highway 302 Southampton NS B0M 1W0 100.00 Hubley Muriel E. 70 Empire St Bridgewater NS B4V 2L6 650.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Hughes Barbara D. PO Box 10 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Hulshof Klaaske (karen) RR#3, Harris Rd Pictou NS B0K 1H0 25.00 Hum Debbie 21 Meadowlark Crescent Halifax NS B3M 1R6 100.00 Humphrey Olive C. 8 Victoria Hill Dr Sydney NS B1R 1P1 300.00 Hunt Jeffrey 31 Edgehill Dr Truro NS B2N 7A5 94.29 Hunt Joanna G. RR#2 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 25.00 Hunter Mike 6811 Highway 1 Ellerhouse NS B0N 2A0 43.03 Huntington Lester E.M. 4763 Main St, PO Box 134 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 100.00 Hurlburt Richard M. PO Box 233, 242 Water Street Yarmouth NS B5A 4B2 700.00 Hurley Daniel Box 12 Oxford, RR#2 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 25.00 Hushard Ernie R. 71 Deepwood Dr Hammonds Plains NS B3Z 1J5 100.00 Hussain Syed M. 1046 Barrington Street, 3rd Floor Halifax NS B3H 2R1 1,000.00 Hutchison Linda 196 Park St Kentville NS B4N 1M6 100.00 Hutton Sharon RR2-335 Brookside Drive Kingston NS B0P 1R0 50.00 Hynes Raymond A. 5 Kent Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1V2 100.00 I.T.S. Construction Incorporated 25A Sawlers Road Waverley NS B2R 1G7 500.00 Ignacio Eugene 750 Main St, Po Box 208 Sydney Mines NS B1V 2Y5 2,100.00 IMP Group International Inc 400-2651 Jospeh Howe Drive Halifax NS B3L 2T1 209.16 Imperial Oil Limited 237 4th Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 3M9 2,000.00 Ineson Peter G. 77 Rufus Ave Halifax NS B3N 2L8 416.00 Inglis Melanie PO Box 2151 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Inland Technologies Holdings Inc 9 Commercial Street, PO Box 253 Truro NS B2N 5C1 1,000.00 Innes Jack PO Box 730 Halifax NS B3J 2V1 23.08 Innovative Siding Cleaners PO Box 41061 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4P7 50.00 Insurance Bureau of Canada 1706-1969 Upper Water Street Halifax NS B3J 3R7 1,409.16 Integrity Homes 2000 Inc. PO Box 48089 Bedford NS B4A 3Z2 700.00 Iona Resources Limited 1 Canal Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2W1 418.32 Irving Sasha 801-1540 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 100.00 Isles Kenneth RR 2, 246 Rockwell Dr Mount Uniacke NS B0N 1Z0 200.00 J Ray McDermott Canada Ltd. 1 Canal Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2W1 836.64 J.D. Irving Limited PO Box 5777, 300 Union St Saint John NB E2L 4M3 3,000.00 J.E. Melvin Inc. 58 Bedford Highway Halifax NS B3M 2J2 375.00 Jack John A. RR#1, 1765 Sonora Rd Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 210.00 Jackson Ronald J. 11 Cameron St Dartmouth NS B2Y 2G7 172.29 Jamieson Charles B. 5 Highland St Glace Bay NS B1A 2T2 100.00 Jay Robert E. 128 Oakmount Drive Bedford NS B4A 2W2 100.00 Jeans A. Everett 260 Linden Avenue New Glasgow NS B2H 2A7 100.00 Jeffery Peter 9 Arrowhead Lane Enfield NS B2T 1G9 100.00 Jeffery Rob 2 McNab Drive Halifax NS B3P 2T1 152.29 Jenkins Donna R. RR#1 Londonderry NS B0M 1M0 100.00 Jenkins Douglas 1064 Sesame Street Kentville NS B4N 3Y4 100.00 Jenkins Lloyd PO Box 566, 44 Powell St Oxford NS B0M 1P0 100.00 Jenkins Paul M. 21 Beacon St North Sydney NS B2A 1R1 180.00 Jennings Dorothy 171 Lakeview Rd Lakeview NS B4C 4C7 5.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Jennings Laurie 90 Hillcrest Rd. Debert NS B0M 1G0 310.00 Jodrey Wilfred PO Box 957 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 225.00 Johnston Wendy J. 5910 Inglewood Drive Halifax NS B3H 1B1 23.08 Jollymore W. Dale 124 Peninsula Point Road, RR 1 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Jones Arnold 22 Division St Bedford NS B4A 1Z1 100.00 Jones Jeff 2450 Quinn St Apt #2 Halifax NS B3L 3E7 320.00 Jones Wesley B. 489 Terrace Street New Glasgow NS B2H 5J6 200.00 Jordan George W. 25 Summit Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2Z9 600.00 Joseph Daniel 40 Haystead Ridge Bedford NS B4A 0B6 200.00 Josey Mike 62 Woodbury Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 2S9 462.00 Joudrey Bruce 34 Fox Ridge Tantallon NS B3Z 1E6 100.00 Joudrey Shirley M. 97 Spikenard St Dartmouth NS B2W 3C6 50.00 Kata Renas Ladies Clothing & Accessories Limited PO Box 845 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Keddy Gerald PO Box 154 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 100.00 Keefe Kevin 545 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2Y4 200.00 Keith R. Coles Associates Ltd. 900-2000 Barrington Street Halifax NS B3J 3K1 104.58 Keizer Sammy 8609 Highway 7 Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 200.00 Keizer Warren PO Box 175 River Philip NS B0M 1V0 100.00 Kellegrew John E. RR 3 Amherst NS B4H 3Y1 100.00 Keller Wade 10 Cathy Court Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1L1 575.00 Keltic Petrochemicals Inc. 603-5151 George St. Halifax NS B3J 1M5 500.00 Kendziora Catherine 409-25 Dartmouth Rd Bedford NS B4A 2L3 100.00 Kendziora J. Guy 235 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 4B3 200.00 Kennedy Bernice 54 Bastable St Donkin NS B1A 6M8 100.00 Kennedy Hugh 54 Bastable St Donkin NS B1A 6M8 100.00 Kennedy Velma 25 Campbell Rd., R.R.1 Clark's Harbour NS B0M 1G0 200.00 Kenneth Lutz Excavating Ltd. PO Box 112 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Kent Carl 10 Wayne St Kentville NS B4N 1T5 200.00 Kerr Greg J. RR 1 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 100.00 Keyes Colleen P. 89 Roxbury Crescent Halifax NS B3M 4S9 23.08 Khattar John G. 80 Whitney Ave Sydney NS B1P 4Z9 100.00 Khor Chu-Ying 191 Victoria St East Amherst NS B4H 1Y7 100.00 Kids R Kids DayCare Inc 276 Langbrae Drive Halifax NS B3S 1K4 100.00 Kidston Paul 1984 Connaught Ave Suite 100 Halifax NS B3H 4E1 420.00 Kilkare Transport Ltd. 8 Highway 223 Little Narrows NS B0E 1T0 50.00 Kimball Justin G. 1026 Bland Street Halifax NS B3H 2S8 23.08 King David B. 208-1535 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 3T1 104.58 King Harriet I. 11 Keefe Rd Halifax NS B3P 2J1 100.00 Kingston Stephen J. 1552 Robie Street Halifax NS B3H 3E6 23.08 Kinley MacKeen Shona 1752 Dunvegan Drive Halifax NS B3H 4G1 52.29 Kinney Faye 711 Arbuckle Rd, RR#1 Merigomish NS B0K 1G0 100.00 Kinsman Paul E. PO Box 2364, 1154 Ridge Road Wolfville NS B4P 2N5 100.00 Kitchen Nancy 5928 Emscote Drive Halifax NS B3H 1B3 152.29 Kitz John 470 Franklyn Street Halifax NS B3H 1A9 104.58 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Kloss Alfie 50 Hillside Ave Kentville NS B4N 1X8 20.00 Knight Joyce 251 Willow St, Apt A Truro NS B2N 5A3 200.00 Knight Rudy 3433 Dutch Village Road Halifax NS B3N 2S7 52.29 Knightsbridge Human Capital Management Inc. 5475 Spring Garden Rd, 6th Floor Halifax NS B3J 3T2 250.00 Kontak Michael A. 6146 Pepperell Street Halifax NS B3H 2N9 1,350.00 Koppernaes Johan D. 229 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 2E7 100.00 Koszegi Imre (Jim) 875 Beach Hill Rd, RR 1 Hunts Point NS B0T 1G0 50.00 KPMG 1959 Upper Water St, Suite 1500 Halifax NS B3J 3N2 2,250.00 Kulik John 5263 Russell Street Halifax NS B3K 1W7 23.08 Kydd Michael 31 Oakmount Drive Bedford NS B4A 2W1 60.00 L.E. Veinotte & Sons Ltd. 2232 Hwy 10 West Northfield NS B4V 5C5 100.00 Labatt Brewing Company Limited 1469 Lower Water Street Halifax NS B3J 1R9 3,250.00 Lacey Kevin W. 2615 Fuller Terrace Halifax NS B3K 3V8 520.00 Laffin George 20 Spring St New Glasgow NS B2H 5P2 25.00 Laffin Mike 3430 Duggan Avenue New Waterford NS B1H 1P5 100.00 LaFlamme Jean 28 Diana Grace Avenue Dartmouth NS B2W 6A2 1,250.00 Lager Brian 7 Canterbury Ln Fall River NS B2T 1A4 220.00 Lagundzija Benedikt RR 1 Larry's River NS B0H 1T0 300.00 Laird George RR#1 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Lamey Christina 40A Keating Court Antigonish NS B2G 0A3 400.00 Landry Douglas T. 8582 West Bay Highway, RR 2 St. Peter's NS B0E 3B0 200.00 Landry Eva 8582 St. Peter's Westbay Highway, RR 2 St. Peter's NS B0E 3B0 300.00 Landry George J. 8571 Highway 4, PO Box 9 River Bourgeois NS B0E 2X0 100.00 Lane Elsie 325 Main Street, Apt 303, Cornwallis Inn Kentville NS B4N 1K5 100.00 Langille H. William Box 1 Unit 2 RR 5 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Langille Richard RR#2 River John NS B0K 1N0 50.00 Langille Roland PO Box 182 River John NS B0K 1N0 25.00 Langley Nicholas 1475 Ketch Harbour Rd Sambro Head NS B3V 1L3 100.00 Larade Michael J. 469 Ketch Harbour Rd Bear Cove NS B3V 1J8 20.00 Larade Thomas PO Box 221 Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 200.00 Larsen Edward PO Box 2285, 1632 Oxford Street Halifax NS B3J 3C8 195.29 Larsen Kristofer E. 407-55 Meadowlark Cres Halifax NS B3M 3R2 300.00 Layton Diane 21 Brown St Sydney Mines NS B1V 1E9 105.00 Layton J. Wilbert 165 Chester Ave Kentville NS B4N 2J7 850.00 Layton Meredith 8681 Highway 2, PO Box 118 Great Village NS B0M 1L0 100.00 Leahey Dennice PO Box 125, 41 Sunrise Ridge Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 500.00 Leahey Stephen G. 41 Sunrise Ridge, PO Box 125 Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 604.58 LeBlanc Arnold 832 Highway 1, RR 1 Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 100.00 LeBlanc Corinne 313 - 168 Green Village Lane Dartmouth NS B2Y 4V4 100.00 LeBlanc Evelyn Box 60 Meteghan NS B0W 2J0 15.00 LeBlanc Gabriel 20 Rocky Bay Road, RR 1 D'Escousse NS B0E 1K0 100.00 LeBlanc Levi 15418 Cabot Trail, Apt 6, PO Box 401 Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 40.00 Leck Elizabeth 35 Wellington Crt Truro NS B2N 6M9 100.00 Leefe John G. PO Box 126 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 125.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Leetik Service Centre Limited RR#1 River John NS B0K 1N0 200.00 Legere Leroy Mod 2, Site 24, 2 Comp. 1, RR 1 Arcadia NS B0W 1B0 100.00 Leggett Trish 1400 Highway 14 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 33.03 Legrow Arnold 168 Black River Road Springhill NS B0M 1X0 50.00 Leopolds Contracting 1106 Backroad, RR#2 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 25.00 Lepper Donald 914 Pictou Rd., RR 2 Truro NS B2N 5B1 20.00 Lepper Doris A. 75 North Street Moncton NB E1C 5X8 50.00 Lerikos George 241 Post Road Antigonish NS B2G 2K6 200.00 Leverman Alison L.. 31 Oceanview Dr Halifax NS B3P 2H4 100.00 Levy Doris Box 1 Comp 5 Little Tancook NS B0J 2B0 100.00 Levy Ronald 387 Meadowlark Drive New Glasgow NS B2HlS2 100.00 Lewis Daniel 15 High St North Sydney NS B2A 2A5 20.00 Lewis Robert RR 2, 187 Upper Lakeville Rd Jeddore Oyster Ponds NS B0J 1W0 100.00 Lewis William 4-965 McLean Street Halifax NS B3H 2V2 52.29 Lexus Homes Limited 604 Bedford Hwy., Suite 207 Halifax NS B3M 2L8 500.00 Line 4 Communications Inc. 404-647 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B3M 0A5 418.32 Ling Elmer PO Box 602, 472 Main St Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 500.00 Lingley Nancy 1288 - 24 Topsail Blvd. Dartmouth NS B2W 2G7 100.00 Lisas Web R.R. 2 Kennetcook NS B0N 1P0 631.67 Livingstone Dorothy G. B104 Mariner 16 Anchor Drive Halifax NS B3N 3G1 25.00 Livingstone Jessie 25 Collier Avenue Sydney NS B1R 2H5 100.00 Lockhart Roxanne PO Box 158, 106 Herrett Rd Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Lockhart Scott H. PO Box 158, 106 Herrett Rd Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Loeffler Elizabeth RR#1 Economy NS B0M 1J0 100.00 Logan Ethel 128 Central Avenue Halifax NS B3N 2H9 150.00 Long Clarence Thomas RR#1 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 25.00 Long Flora C. RR 2 Goshen NS B0H 1M0 100.00 Long Herman G. RR 2 Goshen NS B0H 1M0 100.00 Long James M. 3894 South River Lake Rd Salmon River Lake NS B0H 1N0 50.00 Loring Douglas H. 10 North Fork Rd Oakfield NS B2T 1A9 100.00 Lorway Charles R. 118 Kings Rd Sydney NS B1S 1A1 250.08 Lowe Owen D. RR#1 Scotch Village NS B0N 2G0 100.00 Lugar Joan F. 403 Shore Drive Unit 3 Bedford NS B4A 2C7 10.00 Lutz Otis W. RR#2 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 50.00 Lydon Chris P. 18 Outrigger Cr Halifax NS B3M 4V8 662.00 Lynch Andy c/o 1672 Barrington St Halifax NS B3J 2A2 209.16 Lynds James 246 Eighth St., PO Box 307 Stn Main New Glasgow NS B2H 5E3 240.00 Lynds Phillip 913 Lake Rd, RR 2 Wentworth NS B0M 1Z0 100.00 Lynds W. Eric 24 Wilecrest Drive, RR 6 Truro NS B2N 5B4 100.00 Barr Brothers Fur Farm Limited RR#2 Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 50.00 M.V. Osprey Limited PO Box 188 North Sydney NS B2A 3M3 250.00 Mabley John 60 Arlington Ave Halifax NS B3N 2A1 52.29 Macalik Miroslav 508-5524 Heatherwood Crt Halifax NS B3K 5N7 250.00 MacAlpine Walter L. 404 Fort Point Rd, RR 3 Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacArthur Creelman 581 Wilson St, PO Box 3552 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 150.00 MacAskill Barbara 548 #360 Highway, RR#5 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 MacAskill Corinna 8 Moulton Ave. North Sydney NS B2A 1Z1 400.00 MacAskill Terry 8 Moulton Ave. North Sydney NS B2A 1Z1 500.00 MacAulay Douglas PO Box 474 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 200.00 MacAulay Scott P.O. Box 190 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 200.00 MacBurnie Aubrey Economy NS B0M 1J0100.00 MacCallum Mary 219 Meeting House Rd Upper Onslow NS B6L 5J2 25.00 MacCallum W. Brant 32 Robertson St New Glasgow NS B2H 3X7 25.00 MacCurdy Dorothy 102 Gloria Ave Lower Sackville NS B4E 1W9 100.00 MacCuspic Graham 509 Smiths Rd Grand River NS B0E 1M0 200.00 MacDiarmid's Funeral Home Ltd. 5075 Main Street, PO Box 98 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 100.00 MacDonald Aaron W. PO Box 233 Mabou NS B0E 1X1 100.00 MacDonald Alex RR 1, 9492 Dungarry Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 100.00 MacDonald Alex A. PO Box 32, 11319 Rte 19 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 MacDonald Angus 2227 Loch Lomond Road Enon NS B1J 1X8 25.00 MacDonald Bernard RR#1,Merigomish, Box 80 Lismore NS B0K 1G0 100.00 MacDonald Carolyn F. 16 Glenn Dr Halifax NS B3M 2B9 200.00 MacDonald Clement B. RR#5, 772 Lochaber Hwy #7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 40.00 MacDonald Daniel 650 Brickyard Road Albert Bridge NS B1K 2S9 50.00 MacDonald Daniel F. 795 Shore Road Sydney Mines NS B1V 1A7 100.00 MacDonald Earle C. PO Box 4 Thorburn NS B0K 1W0 50.00 MacDonald Effie 33 Charlotte St. Sydney Mines NS B1V 2G8 100.00 MacDonald Elizabeth A. PO Box 32 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 MacDonald Elsie RR #5, Stn Main New Glasgow NS B2H 5C8 150.00 MacDonald Francis R.R. # 1 D'Escousse NS B0E 1K0 20.00 MacDonald Francis 630 Hunters Rd, RR#1 Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 30.00 MacDonald Gavin 1100-1959 Upper Water St Halifax NS B3J 3N2 52.29 MacDonald Gavin 15 Brook Street Bedford NS B4A 2H4 294.00 MacDonald George 5431 Doyle Street, Suite 204 Halifax NS B3J 1H9 23.08 MacDonald George F. RR 5 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C8 100.00 MacDonald Gordon E. PO Box 790 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 MacDonald Helen A. RR 1, Comp 5 Site 6, 12391 Highway 4 St. Peters NS B0E 3B0 125.00 MacDonald Hugh 16 Glenn Drive Halifax NS B3M 2M9 200.00 MacDonald Hugh L. 314-91 Nelson's Landing Blvd Bedford NS B4A 3X4 200.00 MacDonald Ian 18 Oxford Ave Sydney Mines NS B1V 2H9 117.00 MacDonald Isabel RR#2 Box 26 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 60.00 MacDonald J. Ed PO Box 292 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E3 320.00 MacDonald Jacqueline PO Box 612 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 MacDonald Jennifer 18 Oxford Ave. Sydney Mines NS B1V 2H9 100.00 MacDonald John Albert 45 Highland Dr, PO Box 468 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 200.00 MacDonald John F. 42 Normandy Ave Truro NS B2N 3J7 100.00 MacDonald John W. 624 Beechmont Rd Beechmont NS B2A 4K4 240.00 Macdonald Joseph A. F. 2915 Somerset Ave Halifax NS B3L 3Z4 23.08 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacDonald Judy 20 Quinary Lane Upper Stewiacke NS B0N 2P0 25.00 MacDonald Marguerite 8571 Highway 4, River Bourgeois NS B0E 2X0 100.00 MacDonald Marilyn 3 Wedgewood Crt Dartmouth NS B2W 6B4 100.00 MacDonald Marjorie Box 84 Stn Main Sydney Mines NS B1V 2Y4 100.00 MacDonald Mary C. 18 Admiralty Ct Sydney NS B1P 7G6 100.00 MacDonald Melanie M. PO Box 233 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 MacDonald Melvin H. RR 5 Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 100.00 MacDonald Michael L. 3 Wedgewood Court Dartmouth NS B2W 6B4 666.58 MacDonald Norma 6-27 Arbor Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1S5 50.00 MacDonald Robert E. Box 184, RR 2 6913 Route 19 Judique NS B0E 1P0 400.00 MacDonald Rodney J. PO Box 1 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 1,252.29 MacDonald Ronald A. 2-162 Queen Street North Sydney NS B2A 1B3 200.00 MacDonald Sandra J. PO Box 289 Ingonish NS B0C 1K0 40.00 MacDonald Sharon PO Box 292 Stn Main New Glasgow NS B2H 5E3 100.00 MacDonald Chisholm Trask Insurance 6 Masters Avenue, PO Box 880 Kentville NS B4N 4H8 200.00 MacDonnell Antonia M. 221 Cloverville Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2M7 35.00 MacDougall David S. 1595 Edward Street Halifax NS B3H 3H9 23.08 MacDougall Michael RR#4, Lakevale Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 50.00 MacDougall Mike Box 122 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 MacDougall Ralph Lorne 128 Brunswick Street Truro NS B2N 2H4 200.00 MacEachern J. Mabel 58 MacBelger Crescent Boularderie East NS B1X 1J3 100.00 MacGillivary Audrey PO Box 1556 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 50.00 MacGregor Andrew R. 179 Coalburn Road, RR 4 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C7 100.00 MacGregor D.A. RR#4 Stn Main New Glasgow NS B2H 5C7 100.00 MacGregor John 1402-5770 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 4J8 50.00 Machum Grant 6033 Belmont Road Halifax NS B3H 1N3 52.29 Machum, Q.C. D. Geoffrey Purdy's Wharf Tower 1 Suite 900 1959 Upper Water St Halifax NS B3J 2X2 1,204.58 MacInnis Alex H. RR#1 West Bay NS B0E 3L0 25.00 MacInnis Evelyn PO Box 92 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 100.00 MacInnis Margaret 29 Eskaoni Rd Northside East Bay NS B1J 1L2 20.00 MacInnis Mary (Kaye) C. 3464 Spruce Ave New Waterford NS B1H 2C2 100.00 MacIntosh Carmelita 1 Tom Kenn Drive Glace Bay NS B1A 6H1 20.00 MacIntyre Shirley 49 Sunrise Circle East, RR 1 Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 50.00 MacIsaac Angus 71 Old South River Road Antigonish NS B2G 2H3 100.00 MacIsaac Joseph M. 73 Grand Mira South Rd Marion Bridge NS B1K 1E8 25.00 MacKay Alica L. PO Box 125 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 25.00 MacKay Amy 44 Forest Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 2M5 100.00 MacKay David 565 Stellarton Road New Glasgow NS B2H 1M7 200.00 MacKay Emily PO Box 176 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 20.00 MacKay Jane 44 Forest Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 2M5 100.00 MacKeen Cameron 1752 Dunvegan Dr Halifax NS B3H 4G1 600.00 MacKeigan Ian R. PO Box 190, 31 MacLeod Ave. Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 200.00 MacKeigan Peter 9 Mineville River Lane Mineville NS B2Z 1K6 52.29 MacKenzie Catherine 40 Riverview Dr Sydney NS B1S 1N5 25.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacKenzie Christy M. 60 East Side Grand River NS B0E 1M0 100.00 MacKenzie David W. RR#1 Little Narrows NS B0E 1T0 500.00 MacKenzie Sandy 4 Tupper Cres, PO Box 437 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2A6 100.00 MacKenzie Vida RR#3 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 20.00 MacKenzie MacKay Marjorie PO Box 34, 9204 Pepperell St St. Peter's NS B0E 3B0 200.00 MacKinnon Marion C. PO Box 856 Stn A Sydney NS B1P 6J1 100.00 MacKinnon Maxine 150 Rosedale Ave Halifax NS B3N 2J8 25.00 MacKinnon Nancy 558 George Street New Waterford NS B1H 4E3 20.00 MacKinnon W. Blair 26 Lorne Ave Dartmouth NS B2Y 3E7 220.00 MacLachlan Florence 441 Pictou Road Truro NS B2N 2T6 100.00 MacLanders Mabel RR 1 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 250.00 MacLean A. Carol 7143 Murdock Ave Halifax NS B3L 2G9 150.00 MacLean D. Fraser 5175 Little Harbour Rd., RR 1 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C4 600.00 MacLean Donald 3- 6770 Jubilee Rd, Halifax NS B3H 2H8 552.29 MacLean Karen PO Box 132 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 MacLean Robert 242 Woodlawn Sydney NS B1S 1H9 200.00 MacLean Robert F. 1488 Kings Rd. Sydney NS B1S 1E5 504.00 MacLellan Alexander RR#3 St.Andrews NS B0H 1X0 110.00 MacLellan Angus A. 14 Windmere Crt Truro NS B2N 5X7 100.00 MacLellan Corinne 474 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2C6 110.00 MacLellan D. Lorne 4 Charlotte St Sydney Mines NS B1V 2G6 100.00 MacLellan Ian 6028 Inglis Street Halifax NS B3H 1L1 104.58 MacLellan Jack 404-69 Kings Rd Sydney NS B1S 3X4 50.00 MacLennan Dorothy L. 97B Queen St Apt 26 Truro NS B2N 2B2 10.00 MacLeod Alexanderina F.Z. RR # 2, 297 MacLeod Rd Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 100.00 MacLeod Alfie 780 Fourchu Rd Gabarus Lake NS B1K 2C6 1,135.00 MacLeod David M. 66 Eastside Rd Grand River NS B0E 1M0 500.00 MacLeod Donald 4-40 Cameron Estate Mira Road NS B1P 6Y4 35.00 MacLeod Frances J. 11 Milford Rd Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 200.00 MacLeod Gordon J. 77 Meech Av North Sydney NS B2A 1R9 100.00 MacLeod Jennifer 11 Nottingham Street Bedford NS B4A 3A8 204.58 MacLeod John W. (Bill) 41 Foxpoint Lane Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1S3 100.00 MacLeod Karen 32 Nightingale Drive Halifax NS B3M 1V4 100.00 MacLeod Marilyn G. PO Box 314, 11 Milford Rd Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 300.00 MacLeod Nonie 66 Loch Bhreagh Ln Northside East Bay NS B1J 1E5 1,000.00 MacLeod Robert 79 Joffre Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3C7 104.58 MacLeod Shirley A. 780 Fourchu Rd Gabarus Lake NS B1K 2C6 540.00 MacLeod Stuart R. 66 Loch Breagh Ln Northside East Bay NS B1J 1E5 750.00 MacLeod William 365 Grand Mira South Rd Juniper Mountain NS B1K 1G3 25.00 MacLeod Group Inc. 305-219 Main St Antigonish NS B2G 2C1 1,000.00 MacLeod-Lorway Financial Group Ltd. 215 Charlotte St, PO Box 1354 Sydney NS B1P 6K3 1,000.00 MacMaster Allan Box 100, RR#2 Judique NS B0E 1P0 152.29 MacMaster Archie J. 19 Maple Street Inverness NS B0E 1N0 100.00 MacMaster Hugh A. Box 100, RR 2 Judique NS B0E 1P0 200.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacMaster Marie J. RR 2, PO Box 100, 5549 Highway 19 Judique NS B0E 1P0 200.00 MacMillan Eric 77 Granville Drive, RR 5 Truro NS B2N 5B3 100.00 MacMillan Gregory RR#1 Big Pond NS B0A 1H0 50.00 MacMillan Kenneth PO Box 28139 RPO Tacoma Dartmouth NS B2W 6E2 100.00 MacMillan Neil D. 499 Martin Ave New Glasgow NS B2H 1R8 100.00 MacMillan's Boarding Kennel 1476 Morrison Rd Sydney NS B1M 1B6 100.00 MacNeil Blaise 3086 Highway 19 Craigmore NS B9A 1A5 200.00 MacNeil Hamilton G. 991 Main Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 2M7 100.00 MacNeil John 1 Burchell Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 2V9 100.00 MacNeil Marguerite #A411-16 Anchor Dr Halifax NS B3N 3G1 100.00 MacNeil Michael J. 129 Cornwallis Street Sydney NS B1P 2X5 100.00 MacNeil Sadie Arline 32 Park St Dominion NS B1G 1R8 25.00 MacNeil Shirley A. 4236 East Bay Hwy East Bay NS B1J 1M8 50.00 MacNeil William A. 169 High St New Glasgow NS B2H 2X1 100.00 MacPhail Enterprises Limited PO Box 520 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 MacPhee Brian D. 2504 Hwy 2, RR#3 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 100.00 MacPhee Eleanor RR#3, Box 5 Mabou, Inv. Co. NS B0E 1X0 100.00 MacPhee Malcolm PO Box 585, 52 Hilltop Drive Margaree Forks NS B0E 2A0 200.00 MacPhee Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd. 636 Portland Street Dartmouth NS B2W 2M3 418.32 MacPherson D. Jerome PO Box 1804, 11 Arbor Drive Antigonish NS B2G 2M5 100.00 MacPherson Janet Box 1804 Antigonish NS B2S 2M5 100.00 Macpherson Jean E. 1079 Bellevue Avenue Halifax NS B3H 3M2 100.00 MacPherson John C. 6059 Williams St Halifax NS B3K 1G1 23.08 MacQuarrie Angus PO Box 131 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 100.00 MacQuarrie J.T. PO Box 997 Halifax NS B3J 2X2 104.58 MacQueen Malcolm & Elizabeth 10 Union St Dominion NS B1G 1W7 100.00 MacRitchie Evelyn C. PO Box 62 Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 200.00 MacRitchie Patricia PO Box 1 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 100.00 MacVicar Charlotte 397 Upper Rd Londonderry NS B0M 1M0 100.00 MacVicar Don 5880 Chain Rock Drive Halifax NS B3H 1A1 125.00 MacVicar W. Reid 397 Upper Rd Londonderry NS B0M 1M0 100.00 Mader Gloria 1874 Seldon St Halifax NS B3H 3X4 1,000.00 Mader John P. 1401 Barss Corner Rd RR 1 Barss Corners NS B0R 1A0 100.00 Mader Kenneth 1874 Seldon Street Halifax NS B3H 3X4 1,000.00 Mahoney Michael PO Box 16 River Denys NS B0E 2Y0 100.00 Maillet Camille RR#1 Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 50.00 Manninger Lisa M. 119 Capri Dr West Porter's Lake NS B3E 1L6 190.00 Mansfield James R. PO Box 106 Milton NS B0T 1P0 100.00 Manuel Robert C. 154 Larder Lake Dr RR 2 Chester NS B0J 1J0 504.00 Maple Leaf Foods Inc. 30 St. Clair Avenue Toronto ON M4V 3A2 3,000.00 Marchand Bruce A. 129 Lake Shore Drive Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1X1 23.08 Margolian Tim 5971 Campbell Drive Halifax NS B3H 2X1 52.29 Maritime Paper Products Ltd. PO Box 393 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 450.00 Marks Joyce 16 Inverness Avenue Halifax NS B3P 1X5 25.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Marks Llewllyn Greer 49 Mt. Pleasant Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 3T3 100.00 Marryatt Wayne R. 2500 Armcrest West Halifax NS B3L 3E3 23.08 Marsh Mary 249 Point Aconi Rd. Mill Creek NS B1Y 1W9 100.00 Marsh Mary 249 Point Aconi Rd. Mill Creek NS B1Y 1W9 100.00 Marshall Douglas W. PO Box 694, 125 Main St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 200.00 Marshall John PO Box 189 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Marshall Robert L. PO Box 802, 21 Grange St Pictou NS B0K 1H0 25.00 Marshall Sharon PO Box 111 Digby NS B0V 1A0 50.00 Mason Calvin RR 1 Merigomish NS B0K 1G0 1,000.00 Mason Gary 14 Apple St Dartmouth NS B2W 4W2 35.00 Mason James 345 Lockview Rd Fall River NS B2T 1J1 200.00 Mason Margaret 6 Codroy Ave Dartmouth NS B2W 3R2 100.00 Matheson Anna M. PO Box 26, 10570 Cabot Trail Margaree Harbour NS B0E 2B0 180.00 Matheson Colin K. PO Box 641 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Matheson Joel 406-2 Lake Dr Bedford NS B4A 4H7 378.00 Matheson Neil Baillie RR#2 West River Station NS B0K 1Z0 25.00 Mattatall Malcolm 567 Sand Point Road Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Matthews John 4 Rupert St Amherst NS B4H 3R3 200.00 Matthews Timothy C. PO Box 60026, 5991 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3H 4R7 350.00 Mattson Marvel PO Box 603, 10 Witmer Drive Chester NS B0J 1J0 50.00 Maynard Charles 2687 St Margaret's Bay Rd Timberlea NS B3T 1H2 120.00 McCarron Alice 308 - 5230 Tobin Street Halifax NS B2H 1S2 604.00 McCarron Florence M. RR 3, Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 25.00 McCarron Mary T. 4475 Highway 316, RR 7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 1,200.00 McConnell Ann PO Box 151 Clementsport NS B0S 1E0 100.00 McConnell Brian E. PO Box 1239 Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 McCormick Garry G 842 Rodney Road Springhill NS B0M 1X0 50.00 McCormick Irvin 820 Rodney Rd RR 1 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 McCormick Lucie 262 Circle Dr Lake Echo NS B3E 1C2 25.00 McCrea Scott PO Box 665 Halifax NS B3J 2T3 104.58 McCully Carrie 8519 Highway 2, RR 1 Great Village NS B0M 1L0 100.00 McDade Eudora E 21 Tidal Bore Rd Central Onslow NS B6L 5M3 100.00 McDermaid Ian C 5742 Harbourview Dr Halifax NS B3H 1E4 250.00 McDermaid Judy 5724 Harbourview Dr. Halifax NS B3H 1E4 100.00 McDermaid Peter A. 203-85 Spinnaker Dr Halifax NS B3N 3E3 200.00 McDonald John 77 Rochdale Place Bedford NS B4A 0A7 100.00 McDonough Peter J.E. 972 Lindola Place Halifax NS B3H 4M1 23.08 McDow Bruce 38 Chateau Lane, Chateau Village RR#3 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 McFadgen Byron 23 Avalon Crescent Glace Bay NS B1A 1X5 50.00 McFarlane Carolyn D. 32 Birchview Drive Halifax NS B3P 1G4 52.29 McGrath Donald 26 Coastal Ln Sambro NS B3V 1L4 800.00 McGrath Mary Ann 24 Hamshaw Dr Halifax NS B3M 2H1 360.00 McInnes Beverley Box 311, 14 Simons Point Rd. Chester NS B0J 1J0 52.29 McInnes Donald P. 437 Scotch Hill Rd RR 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 404.58 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount McInnes Marie A. 12-6770 Jubilee Road Halifax NS B3H 2H8 52.29 McInnes Stewart 490 Francklyn Street Halifax NS B3H 1A9 500.00 McInnes Cooper Inc 1300-1969 Upper Water Street, PO Box 730 Halifax NS B3J 2V1 836.64 McInnis Brenda 454 East River Rd East Ship Harbour NS B0J 3B0 100.00 McInnis James E. 649 Meiklefield Road, RR 5 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C8 120.00 McInnis Thomas 454 East River Road East Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 104.58 McIver James A. 2243 New Gairlock RR#2 Westville NS B0K 2A0 20.00 McKenna Patricia 113 Church St Antigonish NS B2G 2E2 100.00 McKeough Daniel T. 230 Musgrave Lane North Sydney NS B2A 2B7 300.00 McKeough Michel F. 50 Shore Road, Box 190 Sydney Mines NS B1V 2Y5 100.00 McLellan Joseph H. 315 Pleasant Street Yarmouth NS B5A 2K7 200.00 McLellan Ralph RR3 Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 100.00 McLeod Alexander Carl 105 Shepherd Rd Halifax NS B3P 2K6 35.00 McMillan Dan PO Box 542, 14 Chapel St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 McNamara George E. RR#1 River Bourgeois NS B0E 2X0 100.00 McNeil Duggar 5476 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3J 1G3 52.29 McRae Connie 4191-4194 Hwy 311 Nuttby NS B6L 6J2 70.00 Meade Aidan J. 55 Three Brooks Drive Hubley NS B3Z 1A4 23.08 Meadows Christopher PO Box 1443, 25 Pineview Cres Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 50.00 Medavie Inc 230 Brownlow Avenue Dartmouth NS 1,000.00 Meech Janet 102 Willow Street Truro NS B2N 4Z6 427.17 Meisner Charles Arnold PO Box 125 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Meisner Eric K 4728 Brooklyn Street Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Mejzner Tadeusz A. 5862 Gorsebrook Ave Halifax NS B3H 1G2 117.00 Melanson Edward RR#1 Barton NS B0W 1H0 100.00 Melford International Terminal 1201-1809 Barrington Street Halifax NS B3J 3K8 552.29 Meloney Bruce 84 Queen Street North Sydney NS B2A 1A5 100.00 Meloni Rodolfo 309-3805 Mont Blanc Terr Halifax NS B3K 6S3 52.29 Mel's Auto & Window Glass Replacement 413 Keltic Drive Sydney NS B1L 1B8 200.00 Melvin Kathy RR 2, 126 Upper Brookfield Road Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 50.00 Melvin Roy Weston RR#2, 126 Upper Brookfield Branch Rd Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 50.00 Merchant Robert R.P. 110-1350 Oxford Street Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 1,475.00 Merck Frosst Canada Ltd. 2 Guy Street Dartmouth NS B3A 2P3 104.58 Merks Poultry Farms Limited PO Box 500 Avonport NS B0P 1B0 250.00 Millen Curtis 80 Little Dyke Rd, RR#1 Great Village NS B0M 1L0 200.00 Miller Carl K. 24 Fielding Ave Kentville NS B4N 2T5 200.00 Miller Jean F. 15A Conley Road, RR 3 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 100.00 Miller Robert 12-281 Grant St New Glasgow NS B2H 3Y6 200.00 Millington Helen 20 Meadowview Dr Bedford NS B4A 2C2 150.00 Milne Stanley 1031 Highbury Road New Minas NS B4N 3P6 50.00 Milner Leslie PO Box 33 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Minas Basin Pulp & Power Ltd. PO Box 401, 53 Prince Street Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 579.09 Mings Restaurant (2001) Limited PO Box 218, 211 Provost Street New Glasgow NS B2H 2R2 200.00 Mitchell Arnold 154 Herrett Rd, PO Box 2146 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 200.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Mitchell John A. 21 Cameron Estates Sydney NS B1P 6Y9 120.00 Mitchell Ralph PO Box 388, 136 Herrett Rd Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Mitchell James 114 Fairfax Dr, Box 422 Halifax NS B3S 1J5 100.00 MOE Equipment Limited 85 MacDonald Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1T8 1,000.00 Moir John G. Box 762 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 90.00 Moir Peter 22 Marilyn Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3X9 20.00 Mombourquette Alex A. 1608 Corbett's Cove Road, RR 1 St. Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Mombourquette Alice C. PO Box 25 L'Ardoise NS B0E 1S0 340.00 Mombourquette Debbie A. Site5A Comp 6, RR#3 St.Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Mombourquette Mark 39 Pottie Road, RR 3 Liverpool NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Money Mart Canada Inc. 800-1959 Upper Water Street Halifax NS B3J 3N2 52.29 Monroe George A. 2401 Armcrest East Halifax NS B3L 3E1 23.08 Moody George 5145 Hwy 1 RR 1 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 304.58 Moody J. Harley PO Box 100 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 250.00 Moosehead Breweries Ltd PO Box 3100 - Station B Saint John NB E2M 3H2 500.00 Morash Kerry G. 761 Brooklyn Shore Road, RR 1 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 578.00 Morash Patricia RR 1 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 150.00 Morgan Jordi 22 Kingston Crescent Dartmouth NS B3A 2M1 604.00 Morley Neil J. 68 Covington Way Halifax NS B3M 3K2 100.00 Morris Bill 70 Flagstone Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 1Z8 125.00 Morris Hal M. 1188 West Advocate, RR3 Parrsboro Advocate NS B0M 1S0 100.00 Morrison Alex A. PO Box 10, 9812 Grenville St St. Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Morrison Annie 6431 Hornes Rd Albert Bridge NS B1K 2Y9 10.00 Morrison Harvey L. 31 Crestwood Place Dartmouth NS B2V 2P5 23.08 Morrison Margaret 812 Upper Prince St Sydney NS B1P 5N7 50.00 Morrison Murdock R. 275 Summer Field Way Dartmouth NS B2W 6M8 180.00 Morse David 115 Evergreen Avnue New Minas NS B4N 4L1 650.00 Morse Gertrude Marie PO Box 90 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 100.00 Morsh Florence M. PO Box 172 Arcadia NS B0W 1B0 80.00 Morton Barbara A. 16 Vimy Rd Truro NS B2N 4J4 25.00 Mosher Arthur 115 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2E9 150.00 Mossman Donna 30 Chelsea Lane Halifax NS B3M 1K9 50.00 Moukdad Haidar A. 1333 South Park St, Unit 1914 Halifax NS B3J 2K9 200.00 Mounce Kenneth 98 Avalanche Rd Newport, Hants Co., NS B0N 2A0 153.03 MT&L Public Relations Ltd. L101-1701 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 3M8 500.00 Muir Jamie 65 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C5 952.29 Muir Mary Jean 65 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C5 1,000.00 Muir Meghan 65 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C5 100.00 Muir Robert 29 Keefe Ave Coxheath NS B1R 2C9 100.00 Mulhall William F. PO Box 217 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 625.00 Mullan Jim 196 Park St Kentville NS B4N 1M6 100.00 Mullan Kate 196 Park St Kentville NS B4N 1M6 100.00 Mullan Robert 196 Park St Kentville NS B4N 1M6 640.00 Mullen Maynard 4555 Havelock Rte. 340, RR 2 Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 200.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Mundle Ian PO Box 375 Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 50.00 Municipal Contracting Limited P.O. Box 48100 Bedford NS B4A 3Z2 418.32 Munro Albert 2199 Greenwood Street, PO Box 817 Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Munro Gordon Stewart Box 15 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 50.00 Munroe Tori Box 1454 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 25.00 Munroe Trevor 21 Harbourview Drive Portugeuse Cove NS B3V 1J8 100.00 Murphy Elinor 11 Kissock Crt Bedford NS B4A 3X9 100.00 Murphy Lemuel 11 Kissock Crt Bedford NS B4A 3X9 100.00 Murphy Paul M. 983 Ivanhoe Street Halifax NS B3H 2X2 273.08 Murray Allan PO Box 293, 32 Belmont Ave Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Murray Carol A. Suite 13, 5 Roseway St E1 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4L9 200.00 Murray David M. 29 Swan Crescent Halifax NS B3M 1T7 50.00 Murray Nancy PO Box 448 Chester NS B0J 1J0 500.00 Mury Joseph A. PO Box 402 West Arichat NS B0E 3J0 200.00 Myette Elaine 2177 Summerside Rd RR 1 Afton NS B0H 1A0 100.00 Nalepa David J. 60 Paddy's Lane Catalone NS B1C 1V4 50.00 Naqvi Mahmood 137 St. Peters Road Sydney NS B1P 4P7 200.00 Neal Olga 319-24 Ramsgate Lane Halifax NS B3P 2R6 120.00 Nelson Brenton E. 13414 Hwy 2 Onslow NS B6L 5E1 100.00 Newbury George H. 743 Hwy 3, Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 200.00 Newell Jean Marie PO Box 51 Barrington Passage NS B0W 1G0 100.00 Newlands David RR#5 460 Archibald Brook Road Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 50.00 Newmac MFG Inc. Debert Air Industrial Pk, Box 9 Debert NS B0M 1G0 60.00 Newman Lloyd M. 5881 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3H 4S3 104.58 Newman Russell 74 Campbell St. North Sydney NS B2A 2C7 100.00 Newpage Port Hawkesbury Corporation PO Box 9500 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 1A1 1,500.00 Nichol Karen Lorraine 153 Harold St Sydney NS B1P 3M3 25.00 Nichols Frank W. 146 Fox Hill Ave Kentville NS B4N 5B3 100.00 Nichols Kathleen M. 146 Fox Hill Avenue Kentville NS B4N 5B3 100.00 Nicholson Douglas 188 Milsom St Halifax NS B3N 3M1 100.00 Nickerson Stephanie A. 1247 Wright Avenue Halifax NS B3J 1C6 52.29 Nicoll Murray 1 Scarlet Rd Halifax NS B3M 1K7 40.00 Nielsen Alf 11 Anderson St Dartmouth NS B2W 2T6 180.00 Nightingale Frank A. 102 Craigview Dr Glen Haven NS B3Z 2S6 200.00 North Helen 9-108 Commercial Street Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Northside Auto Salvage Ltd. Box 424 North Sydney NS B2A 3M4 210.00 Noseworthy Kent 303 Torrington Drive Halifax NS B3M 2V4 100.00 Nova Agri Inc. RR 2, 1225 Middle Dyke Rd Centreville NS B0P 1J0 400.00 Nova Construction Company Ltd. PO Box 1328, 3098 Post Road Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 2,500.00 Nova International Ltd. RR #2 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 500.00 Nova Learning Inc. PO Box 2557 Halifax NS B3J 3N4 1,000.00 Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island Regional Council of Carpenters 1000 Sackville Drive, PO Box 10 Lower Sackville NS B4C 2S8 2,000.00 Nova Scotia Power Inc. PO Box 910, 1800-1894 Barrington Street Halifax NS B3J 2W5 4,430.00 Nova Tile & Marble Limited 92 Thornhill Drive Dartmouth NS B3B 1S3 25.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Novartis Pharmaceutical Canada Inc 1752 Dunvegan Drive Halifax NS B3H 4G1 500.00 Nu-Air Ventilation Systems Inc PO Box 2758, 16 Nelson Street Windsor NS B0N 2T0 2,000.00 Oakes Bruce 49 Pine Street Bridgewater NS B4V 1X4 100.00 O'Brien Brenda 53 Wolsley Street Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 O'Donnell Cecil E. PO Box 127 Clyde River NS B0W 1R0 220.00 Ogden Florence L. 12 Fairfield Street Wolfville NS B4P 1L9 50.00 Ogilvie Joan M. 103 Russell St Dartmouth NS B3A 3N4 100.00 Ogilvie Kelvin K. 685 Bigelow Cove Road Canning NS B0P 1H0 250.00 O'Hagan James R. 325 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 2G1 160.00 O'Halloran Campbell Consultant 252-7071 Bayers Road Halifax NS B3L 2C2 200.00 Oickle Lucille M. PO Box 976 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 50.00 Oland Bruce S. PO Box 2066, 1475 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 2Z1 100.00 Olie Bruce 2251 Langille Dr Coldbrook NS B4R 1C3 100.00 Olie Douglas W. Site 8B 179 Cove Road Walton NS B0N 2R0 50.00 Olive Tim 34 Old Ferry Rd Dartmouth NS B2Y 2E5 100.00 Oliver M. Linda PO Box 2010 Halifax NS B3J 2Z1 250.00 Oliver Sharon C. PO Box 474, 21 Minas View Dr Wolfville NS B4P 2H6 100.00 Oliver, Q.C. Donald H. PO Box 2010 Halifax NS B3J 2Z1 250.00 Olson M. Yvonne 4 Kitchin Road, PO Box 353 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 300.00 O'Neil Kevin 349 Murray St, Box 368 Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 50.00 O'Neil Roger A306-16 Anchor Drive Halifax NS B3N 3G1 100.00 O'Neill Jane 5852 West Street Halifax NS B3K 1J3 23.08 Orchard Crest Farm Limited 22 Kimbrough Crt. Wolfville NS B4P 0A7 100.00 O'Regan's 60 Baker Dr, Unit A Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 O'Rourke Bernard 3641 Hwy 2 Lake Fletcher NS B2T 1H7 562.00 O'Rourke Janet 3641 Hwy 2 Fletchers Lake NS B2T 1H7 100.00 Orser Peter 6993 Churchill Drive Halifax NS B3L 3H6 100.00 OSP Restaurant Group Inc 255 Foord Street, PO Box 862 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 50.00 P McGuire's Transfer & Storage Limited PO Box 447, 1164 Upper Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 6H2 1,000.00 Page Realty Management 7071 Bayers Road, Suite 4007 Halifax NS B3L 2C2 1,000.00 Palmer Heather A. 2710 Highway 1 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Palmer Paul C. 112 Mountainview Dr Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Palmeter Diane E. 6980 Armview Avenue Halifax NS B3H 2M4 252.29 Parent Mark A. RR 1 Canning NS B0P 1H0 952.29 Parker Dwight D. 119 Prince Albert Road Dartmouth NS B2Y 1M4 100.00 Parker Peter RR 2 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 Parr-Johnston Elizabeth PO Box 219 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 110.00 Pastor Olive RR #1 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 30.00 Patrick Michael Brian 29 Tidewater Lane Head of St. Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 2G7 50.00 Patriquin Wesley C. PO Box 218 Debert NS B0M 1G0 100.00 Patterson Deborah L. 2138 Brunswick Street Halifax NS B3K 2Y8 23.08 Pearen Roy 13-108 Westgrove Place Halifax NS B3M 3L7 100.00 Peking Restaurant 355 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1E1 500.00 Pelley Walter 4 Park Street North Sydney NS B2A 1G1 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Penick F.V.W. 1474 Carlton Street Halifax NS B3H 3B7 23.08 Penney Mildred 543 Centreville Southside Rd, RR#1 Clarks Harbour NS B0W 1P0 20.00 Pertus Wayne 179 Coxheath Road Sydney NS B1R 1R7 100.00 Peters Sharon RR 1, 19508 Spry Bay Tangier NS B0J 3H0 300.00 Peterson Lloyd 100 Smith Road Bedford NS B4B 1B6 20.00 Pfinder Donald S. 21 Beaumont Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 1V5 120.00 Pharmasave Drugs (Atlantic) Limited 100-239 Brownlow Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 2B2 500.00 Phillips Sandra M. 6136 Duncan St Halifax NS B3L 1K2 100.00 Phillips Vincent J. PO Box 241 Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M5 100.00 Philpott John 11 Rhodas Lane Elmsdale NS B2S 1K5 100.00 Pickard Ian C. 15 Woodbank Terrace Halifax NS B3M 3K4 23.08 Pickett Patrick 795 Waverley Road Dartmouth NS B2X 2G6 50.00 Pickings Mary 24 Pickings Lane Upper LaHave NS B4V 7E1 100.00 Pickings Milne 24 Pickings Lane Upper LaHave NS B4V 7E1 100.00 Pickings-Anthony Carol A. 118 Lakeview Haven Dr Hebbville NS B4V 7A9 100.00 Pickrem Donald 63 Lane Ave Truro NS B2N 2N2 75.00 Pino John 43 Amberwood Crescent Sydney NS B1R 2L1 1,000.00 Pirnie Geoffrey 183 High St New Glasgow NS B2H 2X1 70.00 Planetta Peter D. 2-5639 Morris St Halifax NS B3J 1C4 100.00 Pole Star Transport Inc. 689 Edinburgh Drive Moncton NB E1E 2L4 500.00 Poole Douglas 56 Campbell St North Sydney NS B2A 2C7 100.00 Porteous Rick PO Box 323 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 100.00 Porter Garnet (Chuck) PO Box 3064 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 675.00 Porter Henry A. 204-5938 Quinpool Rd Halifax NS B3K 0B9 50.00 Porter Kenneth M. RR 3 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Porter Lynn PO Box 1 Lower East Pubnico NS B0W 2A0 60.00 Porter Sherri 14-6770 Jubilee Road Halifax NS B3H 2H8 250.00 Porter Stanley V. 892 Abercrombie Rd, #3, RR#2 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C6 25.00 Postill David 162 Cresthaven Dr Halifax NS B3M 4P9 600.00 Pothier Motors Ltd 18 Falmouth Back Rd Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 500.00 Potter Helen RR#1 Clementsvale NS B0S 1G0 20.00 Power J. Kevin 213-1044 Tower Rd Halifax NS B3H 2Y5 175.00 Power Mary Lou 581 N Medford Road, RR 2 Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Power Michael K. 9 Olympiad Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 3S5 809.16 Power Robert J. 866 High Road Fall River NS B2T 1E8 50.00 Prall John 248 Main St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 250.00 Precious David 6163 Cedar Street Halifax NS B3H 2J8 125.00 Price Norma K. 940 Marlborough Avenue Halifax NS B3H 3G8 25.00 Proctor Bradley D.J. 18 Forest Hills Drive Halifax NS B3M 1X4 23.08 Proctor (Sr.) Walter 11 Hillside Drive Antigonish NS B2G 1H5 25.00 Provo Dwayne 42 Benjamin Blvd Lake Echo NS B3E 1P1 100.00 Publicover Roy 284 Glenwood Drive Truro NS B2W 1R2 110.00 Pugsley Arthur 50 Little York Road Five Islands NS B0M 1K0 100.00 Pugsley Donald C. 870 Robie Street Halifax NS B3H 3C1 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Pullen H.F.H. 6262 Oakland Road Halifax NS B3H 1P2 250.00 Purves James K. 1303-1470 Summer St. Halifax NS B3H 3A3 100.00 QSC Restaurants Inc. 6638 South Street Halifax NS B3H 1B3 104.58 Quality Inn Mic Mac Hotel 313 Prince Albert Road Dartmouth NS B2Y 1N3 100.00 Queen Square Development Ltd. 607-1888 Brunswick St Halifax NS B3J 3J8 1,000.00 Quigley John 1079 Belmont on the Arm Halifax NS B3H 1J2 752.29 R & C Mink Ranch Limited 408 Harrington Rd, Box 113 Mayflower NS B0W 2Y0 50.00 R. A. Murray International Ltd 1358 Queen St. Halifax NS B3J 2H5 104.58 R.E. Harvey Inc. PO Box 250 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 28.03 Raddall II Thomas H. PO Box 158 Hunts Point NS B0T 1G0 200.00 Rae George PO Box 1574 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 40.00 Rafuse Harold A. RR 1, 5247 Hwy 1 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 100.00 Rafuse Richard N. 5910 Inglewood Dr Halifax NS B3H 1B1 23.08 Rangaswamy P. 21 John Cross Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 1X1 100.00 Rangaswamy S 21 John Cross Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 1X1 200.00 Rankin Clare PO Box 43 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 50.00 Rankin Lynnette 797 Mabou Harbour Road Mabou NS B0E 1X0 80.00 Rankin Sherri 4190 Route 252 RR 2 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 Rankin Financial Planning Ltd. 69 Huckleberry Lane Truro NS B2N 6K2 52.29 Rath Stuart PO Box 1456 Truro NS B2N 5V2 100.00 Raymond Douglas B. PO Box 69 Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Raymond Gerald C. PO Box 995 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 125.00 Raymond Jean C. PO Box 787 Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Raymond Melissa 1638 Walnut Street Halifax NS B3H 3S4 10.00 RBC DS Financial Services Inc. 5161 George Street, 13th Floor Halifax NS B3J 1M7 3,000.00 Read Gail RR#2 Nappan NS B0L 1C0 25.00 Read Management Limited PO Box 937 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Z6 104.58 Reardon David H. 701-1465 Brenton Street Halifax NS B3J 3T3 23.08 Reddy James P. 28 White St Dartmouth NS B2X 2P5 100.00 Redmond Robert Darrell PO Box 316 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 100.00 Regan Dan 47 Country Lake Drive Lake Echo NS B3E 1E4 250.00 Regan Parker N. PO Box 2441 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Reid Arlene 171 Lockview Rd. Fall River NS B2T 1J1 100.00 Retail Gasoline Dealers Assoc. PO Box 171, 20 Orion Court Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Y3 100.00 Reynolds Gordon F. 243 Hills Road Albert Bridge NS B1K 3E4 300.00 Reynolds James 126 North Street, PO Box 227 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 20.00 Rhindress Paul M. 136 Preakness Cres Fall River NS B2T 1X1 100.00 Rhindress Sabrina 136 Preakness Crescent Fall River NS B2T 1X1 100.00 Rhyno Timothy 20 Granties Lane Scotsville NS B0E 2E0 100.00 Richard Shane 75 Hidden Valley Dr Truro NS B2N 7A5 100.00 Richard Sherri 184 Lower Harmony Road, RR 3 Truro NS B2N 5B2 350.00 Richards Judith 12 Kelvin Crt Truro NS B2G 3G6 10.00 Richardson Merritt 1956 Highway 28 South Bar NS B1N 3H5 60.00 Richardson, CD Sherry 201 Mason's Pt Rd Head St. Margarets Bay NS B3Z 1Y9 200.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Ridge Hiltz Development Program Services Limited PO Box 833 Yarmouth NS B5A 4K4 50.00 Rissesco Tom 47 Windflower Avenue Halifax NS B2W 2Z8 100.00 Ritcey David M. 42 Coburg Cres Truro NS B2N 7J6 100.00 Ritcey Patricia RR 2 Cambridge Station NS B0P 1G0 100.00 Ritcey Paul D. RR 2 Cambridge Station NS B0P 1G0 100.00 Ritcey Susan E. 1925 Bloomingdale Terrace Halifax NS B3H 4E7 100.00 Riteman Philip 6 Eagle Place Bedford NS B4A 2J4 100.00 RKO Steel Limited 85 MacDonald Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1T8 104.58 Robert K. Buzzell Limited 21 Driscoll Crescent Moncton NB E1E 4C8 100.00 Roberts C. Burton RR #1 Great Village NS B0M 1L0 50.00 Roberts John C. 5840 MacLeod Drive Halifax NS B3H 1C7 23.08 Roberts Linda RR#1 Great Village NS B0M 1L0 50.00 Roberts M. Doreen 208-325 Main St Kentville NS B4N 1K5 100.00 Robichaud Benoit J. 10 Highland Avenue Yarmouth NS B5A 4B2 100.00 Robinson Christopher C. 933 Bellevue Avenue Halifax NS B3H 3L8 23.08 Robinson Duncan D. R. Box 280, 374 Main Street Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Robinson Glenn PO Box 574 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 153.03 Robinson Katherine PO Box 64 Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 100.00 Robinson Kent PO Box 3, Comp 7 Wilmont NS B0P 1W0 100.00 Robinson Ray 10 Deer Run Glen Haven NS B3Z 2S5 100.00 Robinson Ritchie 24-80 Regent St North Sydney NS B2A 2G2 100.00 Rockingham Hardware Limited 192 Bedford Highway Halifax NS B3M 2K1 100.00 Roddis Hugh A. 64 Dyke View Lane, RR 2 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 100.00 Rodger Una Marie 405-2 Colby Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 1X6 100.00 Rogers Eugene PO Box 265 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 150.00 Rogers Frank 51 Chestnut St. Yarmouth NS B5A 2N7 80.00 Rogers Peters M. 104-512 Parkland Drive Halifax NS B3S 1N1 23.08 Rogers Communications Inc. 905-6080 Young Street Halifax NS B3K 5L2 209.16 Roscoe Construction Ltd. PO Box 40 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 200.00 Ross Edwin RR #1 River Denys NS B0E 2Y0 100.00 Ross F. Mary 1343 North Side River Denys, RR 1 River Denys NS B0E 2Y0 50.00 Ross Norma Lorraine RR#1 South Side NS B0W 3G0 25.00 Ross Walter D. RR#2 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 50.00 Royal & SunAlliance Insurance 50 Garland Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 0A3 500.00 Royal Bank of Canada 200 Bay Street, PO Box 1 Toronto ON M5J 2J5 418.32 Royer Thompson Management Consulting Limited 5991 Spring Garden Road Suite 1000 Halifax NS B3H 1Y6 100.00 Rudderham Dwight J. W. 45 Park St Sydney NS B1P 4W3 500.00 Rudderham Michael 42 Lorway Ave Sydney NS B1P 4Z2 504.00 Rumley Vernon PO Box 1163 Westville NS B0K 2A0 40.00 Rushton Brian RR#1 Great Village NS B0M 1L0 20.00 Rushton Myles L. PO Box 1744, RPO Prince Truro NS B2N 5Z5 100.00 Rushton Wendell A. 19 Downsview Drive, RR#1 Lower Truro NS B2N 5A9 100.00 Russell Fred P. 200 Cartier St Sydney NS B1P 4A8 100.00 Russell Ronald S. PO Box 2169 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Russell Bruce 180 Cresthaven Drive Halifax NS B3M 4B9 23.08 Ryan Randy PO Box 2399, 85 Church St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Ryder Pat 45 John Savage Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 2C9 25.00 S & M Trucking Limited 49 Harbour Drive Edwardsville NS B2A 4T7 1,000.00 S.W. Smith & Son Ltd. 403 Main Street, PO Box 245 Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 100.00 Saindon Andre 1011 Meaghers Grant Road Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 15.00 Salterio Michael 201-5516 Kaye Street Halifax NS B3K 1Y5 100.00 Sampson McDougall 200-66 Wentworth Street Sydney NS B1P 6T4 1,000.00 Samson Blair Leo PO Box 261 Petit De Grat NS B0E 2L0 120.00 Samson Elaine Claire RR#1 Box 255 Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 100.00 Samson Elizabeth 28 Stan Francisco Lane, Box 127 Little Anse NS B0E 3C0 100.00 Samson Stephen M. 8716 West Bay Hwy RR#2 St.Peters NS B0E 3B0 20.00 Sandeson Ruth I. 20 SOley Brook Loop Lower Truro NS B6L 1T8 100.00 Sanofi-aventis Canada Inc. 20 Warwick Lane Halifax NS B3M 4J3 200.00 Sapp George A. 303-5880 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3H 1Y1 104.58 Sarty Melba P. 172 North Street Bridgewater NS B4V 2V6 200.00 Saunders Shaun PO Box 114 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 300.00 Sauveur Arthur RR 1 River Phillip NS B0M 1V0 100.00 Savoie Joseph U. RR#1 Merigomish NS B0K 1G0 20.00 Schiefer Service Station PO Box 2009, 15565 Junction Road Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Schofield Clint E. 12 Ernest Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 2H4 100.00 Scotia Garden Seafood Inc. PO Box 868 Yarmouth NS B5A 4K5 500.00 Scotia Investments Limited PO Box 393 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 450.00 Scotia Recycling Ltd. 50 Main St, PO Box 142 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 450.00 Scotiabank PO Box 2146 Halifax NS B3J 3B7 5,000.00 Scott Fred W. RR#1 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Scott Jan PO Box 883, 62 Pleasant St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Scott Jeremy D. 62 Pleasant St, PO Box 883 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Scott Jeremy D. 108 Sheppards Run Beechville NS B3T 2E8 475.00 Scott Kevin 380 Meadow Lark Drive New Glasgow NS B2H 1S1 180.00 Scott Linda PO Box 883, 62 Pleasant St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 200.00 Scott Murray Box 883, 62 Pleasant St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 900.00 Seely Dave PO Box 1091 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 28.03 Selig Robert C. 44 Clairmount Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 4C8 200.00 Selig St. Clair 44 Clairmount Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 4C8 200.00 Selkirk Bruce M. Kolbec Rd, RR 1 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 100.00 Sellers John PO Box 25, RR 5 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Sentner Paul C. 1042 Monte Vista Rd Enfield NS B2T 1H9 210.00 Sequeira Leslie 1015 Old Farm Ln New Minas NS B4N 4M5 50.00 Shannex Inc 156 Parkland Dr Halifax NS B3S 1N9 1,000.00 Shaw Fae J. 811 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 2E3 23.08 Shaw Rose 246 Eighth St., PO Box 307 Stn Main New Glasgow NS B2H 5E3 240.00 Shaw Group Ltd.; The PO Box 2130, 1101 Highway 2 Lantz NS B2S 3G4 1,500.00 Shea James D. 310 - 271 Prince Albert Rd Dartmouth NS B2Y 1M9 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Sheehy; Estate of Gerald E. PO Box 787 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 200.00 Shepperd Tom 5463 Highway 1 St. Croix NS B0N 2E0 28.03 Shoppers Drug Mart Inc. 501 - 644 Main Street Moncton NB E1C 1E2 1,104.58 Simons John (Jack) PO Box 822 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Simons Justin PO Box 499 1026 Valley Rd Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Sisnett John PO Box 601 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 50.00 Sives Irene 12 Birchdale Drive Sydney NS B1S 1L5 100.00 Skinner Edward 5731 Victoria Road Halifax NS B3H 1N1 52.29 Slauenwhite Patricia M. 275 Seasons Drive Bridgewater NS B4V 3W1 400.00 Sleigh Laraine 40 Simcoe Place Halifax NS B3M 1H3 104.58 Sleigh Michael W. 40 Simcoe Place Halifax NS B3M 1H3 100.00 Slemp James Gordon RR 3 Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 100.00 Smith Benjamin PO Box 758 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Smith Bonnie PO Box 3291 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 125.00 Smith Bruce 6 Main Street, PO Box 1 Orangedale NS B0E 2K0 400.00 Smith Eric 2-48 Lockhart Drive New Minas NS B4H 3H7 100.00 Smith Ernie F. RR#2 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Smith Marlene A. PO Box 266 Clark's Harbour NS B0W 1P0 375.00 Smith Peter R. PO Box 114 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 600.00 Smith Ralph 3871 Novalea Dr Halifax NS B3K 3G4 100.00 Smith Rob 2282 Waverley Road Waverley NS B2R 1Z1 684.00 Smith Stefan Box 427 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Smith-McCrossin Elizabeth A. 31 Ducking Dell RR#4 Amherst NS B4H 3Y2 100.00 Snarby Barbara L. Box 1000 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 250.00 Snarby Kristopher PO Box 879 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Snarby Ulf Box 1000 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 350.00 Snider Carol K. 8-6770 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2H8 104.58 Snow George A. PO Box 598 Port Maitland NS B0W 2V0 200.00 Snow Judith 409-40 Regency Park Drive Halifax NS B3S 1L4 104.58 Sobey Donald R. 115 King Street Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 104.58 Sobey John RR 5 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C8 100.00 Sobey Lesley Anne 553 Terrace St New Glasgow NS B2H 5J6 100.00 Soley Nettie A. RR#1 Economy NS B0M 1J0 25.00 Sollows George 505-5561 Heatherwood Court Halifax NS B3K 5N7 50.00 Sonco Group Inc. 410-1718 Argyle Street Halifax NS B3J 3N6 500.00 Spatz Jim 100-1475 Lower Water St Halifax NS B3J 3Z2 1,552.29 Spaulding George 73 Albion ST New Glasgow NS B2H 1N4 25.00 Speck Adrienne A. Box 928 RR 5 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A9 100.00 Spicer Lloyd 2-845 College Road Truro NS B2N 5Y9 50.00 Spicer W. Wylie 5292 South Street Halifax NS B3J 1A4 23.08 Squires James 20 Lakeview Drive Big Bras d'Or NS B1X 1Z1 200.00 St. Andrews Village Estates Limited 700 - 1601 Lower Water St., PO Box 1074 Halifax NS B3J 2X1 500.00 Stanfield Gordon S. 17 John Cross Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 1X1 302.29 Stanfield Miriam 35 Birchview Dr Halifax NS B3P 1G5 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Stanish William 311-5595 Fenwick Street Halifax NS B3H 4M2 52.29 Starr's Point Poultry Inc. PO Box 178 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Steadman Lucille A. 3554 Hwy 325 Newcombville NS B4V 7V5 200.00 Steele Elizabeth 6193 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2E9 25.00 Steeves Robert 154 Craigview Drive Glenhaven NS B3Z 2S6 100.00 Stentaford W. Hunter 3 Woodbank Terr Halifax NS B3M 3K4 500.00 Stephen S Healy Financial Services Limited 23 Cornwallis St., PO Box 846 Kentville NS B4N 4H8 100.00 Stephenson Robert 23 Herrington Ave. Yarmouth NS B5A 4N5 100.00 Stericycle Inc. 45 Wright Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1G9 52.29 Sterling George A. 1346 Valley Rd, RR#1 River Philip NS B0M 1V0 100.00 Sterns W. Stewart PO Box 484, 69 Catherine St Glace Bay NS B1A 6E8 250.00 Stevens A.W. (Sandy) 25 Elgin Lane Bedford NS B4A 2K2 100.00 Stevens Harold PO Box 549 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 50.00 Stevens Hilda 210-647 Bedford Highway Halifax NS B3M 0A5 100.00 Stevens Rita 25 Elgin Lane Bedford NS B4A 2K2 100.00 Stewart Bruce RR 1 Collingwood NS B0M 1E0 100.00 Stewart Corrie 20 Meadowbook Drive Sydney Mines NS B1V 3E7 200.00 Stewart James 1905 Main St New Glasgow NS B2H 5E5 100.00 Stewart Robert 45 Guy St Sydney Mines NS B1V 2N8 280.00 Stewart Walter 530 Main St Sydney Mines NS B1V 2K6 100.00 Stirling Laird 96 Chappell St Dartmouth NS B3A 3P8 100.00 Stirrett Gordon 1540-1801 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 3N4 1,000.00 Stoddard Tim 11 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C2 60.00 Streatch Judy L. PO Box 154 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 300.00 Streatch Kenneth 7408 Highway 357 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 52.29 Stringer John 36 Golf Links Road Bedford NS B4A 2J2 23.08 Stylette Construction Limited 35 Kingsbury Way Bedford NS B4A 4M5 500.00 Superior Contracting Ltd. P.O. Box 128 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 250.00 Surette Kevin R. Box 5 Site 10 RR 2 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 320.00 Surette Lenora A. Box 8 Site 24 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 100.00 Surette Patsy Box 91, RR#3 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 100.00 Surette Paulette R. PO Box 165 West Pubnico NS B0W 3S0 20.00 Surette Scott Box 8, Site 24, 576 Abrams Road Tusket NS B0W 3M0 100.00 Surrette Niska T. PO Box 1203, 7 Ivy St. Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 100.00 Sutherland Blaine RR#1 Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 60.00 Sutherland Bobby 872 Basinview Drive Bedford NS B4A 4K9 418.32 Sutherland Dolena PO Box 347 St. Peter's NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Sutherland Douglas 5347 Hwy 311 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Sutherland Frank PO Box 347, Lynch's River St. Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Sutherland Hedley 82 Wolsley St, PO Box 114 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Sutherland John PO Box 8385 Stn. A Halifax NS B3K 5M1 104.58 Sutherland Michael D. 87 Old 4 Highway, RR 1, Soldiers Cove St. Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Sutherland Vivian PO Box 471 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E5 25.00 Sutherland Wilbert RR 5 Tatmagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Swain L.C. Ruth 82 Baker Drive, Apt 324, Harris Hall Dartmouth NS B2W 0C8 20.00 Swan Dave G.S. PO Box 35, 188 James St Oxford NS B0M 1P0 100.00 Swan Paul A. RR 1 Folly Lake NS B0M 1M0 250.00 Swetnam Mary Jane R.R. # 2 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 100.00 Symes Fred 431 Mountain Lee Road Upper Brookside NS B6L 6M6 100.00 Tait Garth 10 Deer Run Glen Haven NS B3Z 2S4 100.00 Tam Anthony M. 5738 Ogilvie Street Halifax NS B3H 1C2 23.08 Taplin Herb 49 Archibald St Truro NS B2N 4R5 100.00 Tate Dominic Box 80 Monastery NS B0H 1W0 100.00 Taylor Brooke D. RR 5 Rte 224 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 100.00 Taylor Earl 16 Bonnie Brae St, PO Box 269 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 100.00 Taylor Linda RR#2, 13249 Hwy 224 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 110.00 Taylor Rachael J. 23 Weyburn Road Dartmouth NS B2W 1R4 100.00 Taylor Roderick 24 Asquith Ave PO Box 391 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 50.00 Taylor Sheryl 56 Denneb Crescent Lr Sackville NS B4E 1T9 100.00 Taylor Stephen D. 56 Denneb Cres Lower Sackville NS B4E 1T9 564.58 TB Farms Limited PO Box 220 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 1,000.00 TC Moore Developments Limited 190-1479 Lower Water Street Halifax NS B3J 3Z3 104.58 TD Securities Inc. 66 Wellington Street West, 10th Floor Toronto ON M5K 1A2 1,000.00 Teed Harold 246 Poplar Street Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Telfer Betty PO Box 61 River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 Telfer David PO Box 61 River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 The Armour Group Limited 1400-1701 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 2T3 3,000.00 The Conservative Women's Caucus of Nova Scotia 189 Kearney Lake Road Halifax NS B3M 2T2 860.00 The Hardman Group Limited 1226 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 1T6 250.00 The Toronto Dominion Bank 66 Wellington St West, 10th Floor Toronto ON M5K 1A2 4,418.32 Thompson Bertram 48 Skeena St Dartmouth NS B2W 4H9 313.38 Thompson Joanne PO Box 307 Halifax NS B3J 2N7 552.29 Thompson Ken G. 7 Roosevelt Avenue Truro NS B2N 1B7 200.00 Thompson Lawrence A. RR #1 Eureka NS B0K 1B0 250.00 Thompson Margaret L. RR 3, 1825 Campbell's Road Westville NS B0K 2A0 200.00 Thompson Pauline 48 Skeena St Dartmouth NS B2W 4H9 100.00 Thompson Stephen E. A. 20 Sunnydale Drive Glen Haven NS B3Z 2T8 300.00 Thompson Tim 18 MacIntosh Ave Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3K5 100.00 Thomson Eric 6725 Peter Lowe Ave Halifax NS B3L 1Y7 250.00 Thurber Darrell 54 Sinclair St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1S2 100.00 Tideview Enterprises Ltd. PO Box 821 Truro NS B2N 5G6 100.00 Timmons David PO Box 536 Margaree Forks NS B0E 2A0 25.00 Tobin Joseph 134 William St Sydney Mines NS B1V 3A2 100.00 Toole E. Lorraine PO Box 45, 5562 Highway 1 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 100.00 Totten Janet 59B Queen St, Apt 1 Truro NS B2N 2B2 20.00 Townsend Catherine 40 Theresa Crt Lake Echo NS B3E 1B1 46.69 Tramble Neil 4 Portland Estates Blvd Dartmouth NS B2W 6A1 100.00 Trans-World Distributing Ltd. 9 Waddell Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1K4 250.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Traves Peter J. 171 Castle Frederick Road Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 125.00 Tregunno Paul 5761 Ogilvie Street Halifax NS B3H 1C3 220.00 Trider Ina J. 304-28 Brookdale Cres Dartmouth NS B3A 2R5 99.60 Trim-Line Of Nova Scotia Motion Graphics Limited 21 Raddall Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1L4 1,000.00 Trowsdale Ronald T. 149 Lyman St. Truro NS B2N 4S3 200.00 Tufts Keith 1672 Barrington Street Halifax NS B3J 2A2 500.00 Tupper A. Douglas 1655 Cambridge Street Halifax NS B3H 4A5 23.08 Turbitt Ellen RR#4 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 50.00 Turner Julia A. 154 Champlain Dr, PO Box 5 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 25.00 Turner Stephen PO Box 12 Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 200.00 Tynes Vanessa L. 405 Preakness Crescent Fall River NS B2T 1W8 100.00 Tzeferakos Andreas 6198 Allan St Halifax NS B3L 1G6 150.00 Urquhart Wilbert Grand Anse Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 100.00 Van Nostrand Steven PO Box 1387 Sydney NS B1P 5S6 100.00 Van Oirschot Builders Inc. RR#5, Ashdale Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 300.00 Van Zoost Tim 2710 Highway 1, PO Box 68 Aylesford N.S. B0P 1C0 50.00 Van Zutphen John A. PO Box 130 Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 1,000.00 Vandenberg Tom M. PO Box 25201 Halifax NS B3M 4H4 100.00 Vaughan Shirley J. 2769 Robert Murphy Drive Halifax NS B3L 3T3 200.00 Vaughne Assurance Ltd. 379 Main Street Yarmouth NS B5A 1G1 350.00 Veinotte Ivan PO Box 117 New Germany NS B0R 1E0 100.00 Verhagen Marinus RR 1 New Glasgow NS B2H 5G4 100.00 Verrier Philippa 1-1991 Prince Arthur Street Halifax NS B3H 4H2 52.29 Vickers Stanley 56 Vickers Lane Sydney Mines NS B1V 2V3 50.00 Visser Henry A. 28 Lowe Court Bedford NS B4A 3S6 23.08 W. M. Fares & Associates Ltd. 480 Parkland Dr, Suite 205 Halifax NS B3S 1P9 418.32 Wadden Jean 531 Main-a-Dieu Road Catalone NS B1C 1T7 100.00 Wadden Jennifer 267 Brother Street New Glasgow NS B2H 4V7 235.00 Walker Edith Jean 59 Baker Drive Unit 414 Dartmouth NS B2W 0A6 20.00 Walker Florence T. PO Box 416, Central Ave Inverness NS B0E 1N0 25.00 Walker Joan K. 1350 Oxford Street, TH #1 Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 100.00 Walker M. Barbara 1350 Oxford Street, TH #1 Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 152.29 Walker Madeline RR#1 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 25.00 Walsh Chesly 144 Georgina Drive Debert NS B0K 1G0 100.00 Walsh James 24 Cornwall St North Sydney NS B2A 1Y3 100.00 Ward Gary 3 Keating Rd Halifax NS B3N 1N4 50.00 Ward Gloria E. 53 Hansens Lane Waverley NS B2R 1J7 100.00 Waterworks Construction Ltd. 11 Poseidon Court Dartmouth NS B2Y 4T9 100.00 Watts Sally RR 1 Pot Hood NS B0E 2W0 100.00 Waye George F. 6449 Coburg Rd Halifax NS B3H 2A6 52.29 Weatherston Robert Unit K-121 Ilsley Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1S4 125.00 Welch Howard 5382 Highway 2, RR 1 Bass River NS B0M 1B0 100.00 Wells Bryon 587 Windsor Back Road, RR #1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 500.00 Wells F. Hume 401-6095 Coburg Rd Halifax NS B3H 4K1 52.29 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Wells Stephen 630 Windsro Street Windsor NS B0N 2T0 43.03 Welton Kenneth 396 West North River Rd, RR 6 North River NS B6L 6X5 100.00 Welton Ralph G. RR#3, 13153 Route 6 Wallace NS B0K 1Y0 100.00 Wentzell Gerald 980 Hwy 341 RR 2 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 100.00 West Kim S. 1701 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 3M8 52.29 Westropp Charles A. 6336 London St Halifax NS B3L 1X3 100.00 Westropp Jane 6336 London St Halifax NS B3L 1X3 100.00 Whalen Fred 4231 Brooklyn St, RR 2 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Whebby Jack 268 Waverley Rd Dartmouth NS B2X 2C6 150.00 Whidden John PO Box 1744, 11 Hawthorne St. Antigonish NS B2G 2M5 100.00 White Elizabeth 18 Flicker Pl Valley NS B6L 2G8 100.00 White George L. 72 Mount Pleasant Blvd Truro NS B2N 2N7 52.29 White Jim PO Box 2111 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 28.03 White Burgess Langille Inman 26 Union Street, 2nd Floor Bedford NS B4A 2B5 354.58 Whytewood Cheryl PO Box 1153 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 25.00 Wicks Barbara 12 - 36 Maple Street Bridgewater NS B4V 2E4 200.00 Wile Patricia L. 1222 New Ross Rd RR 3 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 125.00 William Alexander & Associates 300-5171 George Street Halifax NS B3J 1M6 524.41 Williams Delbert RR#3 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 25.00 Williams Gayle PO Box 285 STn Main Yarmouth NS B5A 4B2 50.00 Williams Glenn R. 14 Eagle Lane Bedford NS B4A 2J5 200.00 Williams Leland PO Box 213 Guysborough Co. N.S. B0H 1N0 35.00 Wilmot Loring 2156 Kolbec Rd, Box 584 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 100.00 Wilmshurst David 27 Christopher Lane Porters Lake NS B3E 1K2 100.00 Wilsack Joe Site 50, Box 1, RR#1 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C4 100.00 Wilson David P.O. Box 744, RPO Prince Truro NS B2N 5G1 250.00 Wilson David K. PO Box 744 RPO Prince Truro NS B2N 5G1 450.00 Wilson Eric RR #3 Springfield NS B0R 1H0 200.00 Wilson Fuel Company Limited Box 744, 97 Pleasant St Truro NS B2N 5G1 1,000.00 Winchcombe Elaine 1744 Hwy 236 Clarksville NS B0N 2G0 50.00 Windsor Chiropractic Health Centre Incorporated 117 Wentworth Road Windsor NS B0N 2T0 86.06 Wong Oscar 63 Durham Lane Glen Margaret NS B3Z 1X2 100.00 Wood Gillian 228-6299 South Street Halifax NS B3H 4H6 104.58 Wood John James RR#5 Stn Main New Glasgow NS B2H 5C8 20.00 Wood Mildred 320-31 Russell Lake Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 6J3 250.00 Wood William RR#1 Belmont NS B0M 1C0 50.00 Wright Beulah RR#1 River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 Wright Hugh 6270 Lawrence Street, PO Box 730 Halifax NS B3L 1J9 23.08 Yarmouth Insurance Services Limited 81 Victoria Street Amherst NS B4H 1X7 100.00 Yonke Chris 20 Barrens Street Bedford NS B4A 1Y7 300.00 Young Arthur W. 777 West Petpeswick RR 2 Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 25.00 Young Eudora RR 1 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Young John A. 700-33 Alderney Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 2N4 261.45 Younker J. Robert 19 Herbert Dr Halifax NS B3N 3C7 50.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Zinck Justin 5651 Ogilvie Street Apt 308 Halifax NS B3H 1B9 120.00 Zwicker Barbara PO Box 940 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 250.00 Zwicker Lorne RR 5 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W4 100.00 Total$ 394,246.42

4. Recognized Parties Statement for Which Official Tax Receipts Issued

January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Recognized Party’s Statement of Contributions for Which Official Receipts Issued

Name of Party: Green Party of Nova Scotia

Reporting Period: January 1st - December 31st, 2009

Number of Receipts Issued for Contributions:

Total Total Amount Number

$50 or less 4 $140.00

Over $50 but not exceeding $250 7 1,140.00

Over $250 but not exceeding $1,000 2 800.00

Over $1,000 0 0.00

Total of Contributions Received for Which Official Receipts Were $2,080.00 Issued

Recognized Party’s Statement of Contributions for Which Official Receipts Issued

Name of Party: Nova Scotia Liberal Party

Reporting Period: January 1st - December 31st, 2009

Number of Receipts Issued for Contributions:

Total Total Amount Number

$50 or less 439 $11,691.96

Over $50 but not exceeding $250 464 66,266.13

Over $250 but not exceeding $1,000 268 162,778.30

Over $1,000 26 59,622.50

Total of Contributions Received for Which Official Receipts Were $300,358.89 Issued

Recognized Party’s Statement of Contributions for Which Official Receipts Issued

Name of Party: Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

Reporting Period: January 1st - December 31st, 2009

Number of Receipts Issued for Contributions:

Total Total Amount Number

$50 or less 1,104 $23,049.00

Over $50 but not exceeding $250 1,430 192,683.00

Over $250 but not exceeding $1,000 557 277,309.00

Over $1,000 69 152,438.00

Total of Contributions Received for Which Official Receipts Were $645,479.00 Issued Recognized Party’s Statement of Contributions for Which Official Receipts Issued

Name of Party: Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia

Reporting Period: January 1st - December 31st, 2009

Number of Receipts Issued for Contributions:

Total Total Amount Number

$50 or less 497 $16,589.37

Over $50 but not exceeding $250 1,565 185,998.92

Over $250 but not exceeding $1,000 280 159,245.32

Over $1,000 29 62,766.00

Total of Contributions Received for Which Official Receipts Were $424,599.6* Issued * Includes $30,253.19 of tax receipts issued on behalf of electoral districts association Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

5. Electoral District Associations

There are 52 electoral districts in Nova Scotia. In 2009 the Nova Scotia Liberal Party, the Nova Scotia New Democratic Party and The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia each had 52 electoral district associations. The Green Party of Nova Scotia did not have any electoral district associations registered in 2009. The legislative references that establish each filing requirement are set out in Appendix A.

An electoral district association, with the endorsement of the leader of the recognized party, must register in the prescribed form with the Chief Electoral Officer. The information contained in this registration must be confirmed annually under Section 177C of the Elections Act. Of the 156 registered electoral district associations, 156 confirmed their registrations with the Chief Electoral Officer by filing the prescribed form, Form 612, Annual Report of Electoral District Association. Of the 156 electoral district associations, 118 (76%) filed Form 612 on or before the March 31, 2010 reporting deadline while 38 filed after the deadline. Appendix C shows the dates on which the official agent of an electoral district association filed Form 612.

All of the 156 registered electoral district associations filed Form 4, Electoral District Association’s Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules (which includes political contributions disclosure statement) for the 2009 reporting year. Of the 156 registered electoral district associations that filed Form 4, 118 (76%) filed on or before the March 31, 2010 reporting deadline while 38 filed after the deadline. Appendix C shows the dates on which the official agent of an electoral district association filed Form 4.

Elections Nova Scotia reviewed all disclosure statements filed by official agents of electoral district associations and identified three instances of contributions that appeared to be accepted by the official agent in contravention of the contribution eligibility criteria under MPEDA. As a result its review Elections Nova Scotia contacted two official agents. Both official agents indicated the contributions were returned to the contributor and indicated that a cancelled cheque would be forwarded to Elections Nova Scotia once available. Actions taken by official agents have been footnoted in the disclosure statements.

During the course of the review of electoral district association disclosure statements Elections Nova Scotia identified several issues of concern. There were instances where an electoral district association had contributions in excess of $5,000 yet did not file an audit report triggered by subsection 25(3) of the Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations when total contributions in a calendar year exceed $5,000. Another problem was identified in several electoral district disclosure statements where an electoral district association sought and received approval to have their endorsing recognized party issue tax receipts on their behalf for contributions derived through fundraising events, yet did not include those contributions as part of their annual disclosure. Identification of these reporting deficiencies combined with the lack of timeliness of report filing indicates that the contributions regime continues to present significant problems for some electoral district associations. It is worthy of note that when the full resources of Elections Nova Scotia are brought to bear on issues

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

uncovered in its review official agents of electoral district associations are generally very cooperative in addressing problems and appreciative of guidance provided.

The Tariff of Fees and Expenses under the Elections Act provides an annual allowance up to $350 toward the cost of bookkeeping services incurred by an electoral district association. Of the 156 electoral district associations registered in 2009, only 30 (19%) have presented claims to date for services rendered in 2009. All electoral district associations would benefit from this financial support, particularly those who are challenged by the reporting requirements or failed to file their reports on a timely basis.

5.1 Green Party of Nova Scotia Electoral District Associations

Political Contributions January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Green Party of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

The Green Party of Nova Scotia was registered by the Chief Electoral Officer as a recognized party pursuant to Section 177A of the Elections Act on April 4, 2006. During the period of April 4, 2006 to December 31, 2009 the Green Party of Nova Scotia did not have any Electoral District Associations under Section 177C of the Elections Act .

5.2 Nova Scotia Liberal Party Electoral District Associations

Political Contributions January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party - Electoral District Associations

01 Annapolis

Official Agent: Burton Leathers, 5522 Highway 1, Granville Centre, NS B0S 1K0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

02 Antigonish

Official Agent: Jo-Ann MacDonald, 649 St. Joseph's Road, , NS B2G 2K8 Date Filed: May 17, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

03 Argyle

Official Agent: Louis A. d'Entremont, 1064 Argyle Sound Road, PO Box 216 West Pubnico, NS B0W 3S0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

04 Bedford-Birch Cove

Official Agent: Darren MacDonald, 96 Starboard Drive, Halifax, NS B3M 4T5 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $5,745.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3087316 NS Ltd. Box 22162 Bayers Rd. Halifax NS B3L 4T7 130.00 Aerobics First Ltd. 6166 Quinpool Rd. Halifax NS B3L 1A3 150.00 Aplayday Inc. PO Box 730 Halifax NS B3J 2V1 60.00 Atlantic Ambassadors Ltd. 2631 King Str. Halifax NS B3K 4T7 139.00 Conrad Tony 30 Damasus Rd. Unit #108 Bedford NS B4A 0C1 160.00 D.P.S. Holdings Inc. 51 Starboard Dr. Halifax NS B3M 4T2 120.00 Daniel Daniel Dentistry Inc. Suite B, 210 Spring Garden Rd. Halifax NS B3H 4S2 300.00 DHX Media Ltd. 1478 Queen Str. Halifax NS B3J 2H7 100.00 Faulkner Joan 173 Cresthaven Dr. Halifax NS B3M 4S4 200.00 Gillis Mary 506-89 Waterfront Dr. Bedford NS B4A 4K4 100.00 Glenora Distillers (1994) Ltd. Box 22162 Bayers Rd. Bedford NS B4A 1E6 80.00 Graham David 1021 Belmont On The Arm Halifax NS B3H 1J2 250.00 Green Arbor Landscape Ltd. 970 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1B2 75.00 Hotel Nova Scotian Ltd. PO Box 730 Halifax NS B3J 2V1 60.00 Hustins Norma 768 Shore Dr. Bedford NS B4A 2E4 187.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party - Electoral District Associations

04 Bedford-Birch Cove (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Kingsfield Enterprises Ltd. 158 Ridgevale Dr. Bedford NS B4A 3S7 500.00 MacCulloch Bruce Unit #2, 351 Shore Dr. Bedford NS B4A 2C7 100.00 MacDonald Darren 96 Starboard Dr. Halifax NS B3M 4T5 150.00 McNeil Stephen PO Box 1420, 142 Commercial Str. Middleton NS B0S 1P0 160.00 Miller Rob 85 Anchor Dr. Halifax NS B3N 3B9 700.00 Nubody's Fitness Ctr. Ltd. 160 Wright Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1R6 150.00 O'Neill Darlene 215 Sky Cres. Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1W8 57.00 O'Rourke Bernard 2651 Joseph Howe Dr. Halifax NS B3l 4T1 175.00 Regan Kelly 158 Ridgevale Dr. Bedford NS B4A 3S7 157.00 Rodgers Beverley 1094 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1B7 600.00 Sceles Ted 75 Eaglewood Dr. Bedford NS B4A 3B3 130.00 Sciochetti Exie 15 Holland Str. Bedford NS B4A 1L7 60.00 Vantage Point Business Ctr. Ltd. 301-1668 Barrington Str. Halifax NS B3H 2P8 500.00 Wheelock Andrew 60 Trider Crest Dartmouth NS B3B 1R6 75.00 Zurawski Richard 16 Edward Laurie Dr. Halifax NS B3M 2C7 120.00 5,745.00

05 Cape Breton Centre

Official Agent: Jody Sutherland, PO Box 23, New Waterford, NS B1H 4K4 Date Filed: April 28, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

06 Cape Breton North

Official Agent: Hector Dipersio, 137 William Street, Sydney Mines, NS B1V 2J3 Date Filed: April 23, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

07 Cape Breton Nova

Official Agent: Alexander J. Calder, 16 Sutherland Street, Sydney, NS B1P 2X2 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $750.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Collins Allan 86 Bristol Ave Sydney NS B1P 6P3 100.00 Dairy Queen 430 Grand Lake Rd. Sydney NS B1P 5S8 200.00 Offshore Technologies Services Ltd. 1 Inglis Str. Sydney NS B1P 6J7 250.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party - Electoral District Associations

07 Cape Breton Nova (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Plaza Ford Sales Ltd. 33 Terminac Rd. Sydney NS B1P 7B3 200.00 750.00 08 Cape Breton South

Official Agent: Gerald J. MacKenzie, PO Box 1176, Sydney, NS B1P 6J9 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

09 Cape Breton West

Official Agent: Allan Farrell, 2095 Grand Mira South Rd., Grand Mira South, NS B1K 1J5 Date Filed: April 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

10 Chester-St. Margaret's

Official Agent: David Robertson, 358 Mason's Point Road, Head of St. Margarets, NS B3Z 1Z4 Date Filed: May 20, 2010 Contributions: $100.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Moore Wilfred 69 Nauss Point Rd Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 100.00

11 Clare

Official Agent: Gerald Theriault, RR # 1, Box 227-A, Church Point, NS B0W 1M0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

12 Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley

Official Agent: Greg Murray, P.O. Box 471, Stewiacke, NS B0N 2J0 Date Filed: April 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party - Electoral District Associations

13 Colchester North

Official Agent: Doug Pike, 15 Tamarack Drive, Valley, NS B6L 2W1 Dated filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

14 Cole Harbour

Official Agent: Albert Njeim, 39 Cranberry Cres., Dartmouth, NS B2W 4Z8 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $435.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3098924 Nova Scotia Limited 89 Ponderosa Drive Lake Echo NS B3E 1C9 110.00 Conrad Bros. Ltd PO Box 2129 Dartmouth NS B2W 3Y2 150.00 Sand Trap Amusements Limited 613 Main Str. Dartmouth NS B2W 3T6 60.00 Swanky's Dining Room & Lodge Limited 900 Cole Harbour Rd. Dartmouth NS B2V 1E6 50.00 Trail Blazer Products Limited 43 Feilding Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1E3 65.00 435.00 15 Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage

Official Agent: Brian Churchill, 105 Greenwich Dr., Dartmouth, NS B2V 2N5 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

16 Cumberland North

Official Agent: David McNairn, 15 Princess Street, Amherst, NS B4H 3Z2 Date Filed: April 16, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

17 Cumberland South

Official Agent: Ardath Rae, 8 Grey Street, PO Box 84, Springhill, NS B0M 1X0 Date Filed: April 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party - Electoral District Associations

18 Dartmouth East

Official Agent: A.R. Ted Fraser, 6 Dover Court, Dartmouth, NS B2W 4G7 Date Filed: April 23, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

19 Dartmouth North

Official Agent: Thomas Barton, 35 Crichton Park Road, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2N9 Date Filed: April 28, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

20 Dartmouth South-Portland Valley

Official Agent: Eleanor Dowthwaite, 34 Celtic Dr., Dartmouth, NS B2Y 3B6 Date Filed: April 16, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

21 Digby-Annapolis

Official Agent: Robert (Bob) Handspiker, 31 West Street, P.O. Box 121, Digby, NS B0V 1A0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $200.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Morgan Betty Hales House Apt 5 6041 Hwy #1 Cambridge SKings Co NS B0P 1G0 200.00 200.00

22 Eastern Shore

Official Agent: Mabel Stevens, 54 Park Rd., Musquodoboit, NS B0J 2L0 Date Filed: June 9, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party - Electoral District Associations

23 Glace Bay

Official Agent: David MacKeigan, 52 Lower McLean Street, Glace Bay, NS B1A 2K7 Date Filed: May 26, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

24 Guysborough-Sheet Harbour

Official Agent: Joseph Hanifen, RR#1, Guysborough, NS B0H 1N0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

25 Halifax Atlantic

Official Agent: Jim Hoskins, 32 Honeydale Cres., Halifax, NS B3R 2G9 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

26 Halifax Chebucto

Official Agent: Anna LeRue, 2700 Oxford Street, Halifax, NS B3L 2V1 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $1,275.00 (net of contribution returned) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3222182 Nova Scotia Ltd. (Subaru of Halifax) 3343 Kempt Rd. Halifax NS B3K 4X5 100.00 Archibald Maryann 3670 St. Paul's Str. Halifax NS B3K 3P9 125.00 Fraser Joan 6389 Senforth Str. Halifax NS B3L 1R2 95.00 Hilton Canada Co 200 Pratt Whitney Dr. Enfield NS B2T 0H4 125.00 Hotel Nova Scotian Ltd. 1181 Hollis Str. Halifax NS B3H 2P6 200.00 McInnes Cooper 1300-1969 Upper Water Str. Halifax NS B3J 3R6 200.00 O'Regan Jim 1935 Cambridge Str. Halifax NS B3H 4B1 80.00 Trade Center Ltd 1 1800 Argyle Str. Halifax NS B3J 3N8 125.00 Vickers Dentistry Inc. 201-5209 Halifax NS B3Z 1E3 350.00 Subtotal 1,400.00 1 Official agent has confirmed return of contribution and indicated cancelled cheque will be forwarded to Elections Nova Scotia Less: contribution returned in 2010 (125.00) Total 1,275.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party - Electoral District Associations

27 Halifax Citadel-Sable Island

Official Agent: Anne Neil, 1550 Dresdon Row Unit 1012, Halifax, NS B3J 4A2 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

28 Halifax Clayton Park

Official Agent: Michael R. Hawkes, 8 Turnmill Drive, Halifax, NS B3M 4H2 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $3,205.44 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Andrews Steve & Dorothy 24 Stone Gate Dr. Halifax NS B3N 2J3 145.00 Berube Melissa 77 Lapierre Cres. Dartmouth NS B2W 5C7 100.00 Boland Dan 11 Brackley Place Halifax NS B3M 4H2 185.00 Eghan Felicia 82 Tangmere Cres Halifax NS B3M 1K1 114.95 EmOcean Spa Inc 296 Lincoln Str. Lunenburg NS B2J 2C0 62.15 Goodlife Fitness Centres Inc. 51 Raddall Ave Unit 1 Dartmouth NS B3B 1T6 150.00 Guaranty Real Estate Inc. 233 Bedford Highway Halifax NS B3M 2J9 145.00 Harrington Ross 287 Lacewood Drive Suite 111 Halifax NS B3M 3Y7 60.00 Irwin Fran 429 Parkland Dr. Halifax NS B3S1L3 70.00 Janet McKeough 233 Bedford Highway Halifax NS B3M 2J9 98.50 Kamach Holdings Limited 9461 Hwy 217, RR#4 Digby NS B0V 1A0 98.00 Lido Investments Limited 19 Alma Cres Halifax NS B3N 2C4 75.00 MacDonald Ann 429 Parkland Dr. Halifax NS B3S 1L3 89.00 MacDonald Francis 48 Canary Cres. Halifax NS B3M 1R1 229.91 Marco DiQuinzio 233 Bedford Highway Halifax NS B3M 2J9 170.00 Matheson Ralph 117 Flamingo Dr Halifax NS B3M 1T5 68.97 Matthews Gail 37 Westridge Dr. Halifax NS B3M 1K6 150.00 McKelvey Stewart 1959 Upper Water Str. Halifax NS B3J 3N2 90.00 Mernigas Debbie 278 Lacewood Dr. Halifax NS B3M 3N8 100.00 Michael Melenchuk 313 Prince Albert Rd Dartmouth NS B2Y 1N3 80.00 Noseworthy DiConstanzo Diab Barristers Chebucto Rd. Halifax NS B3L 1L4 91.96 Putnam David 287 Lacewood Dr. Halifax NS B3M 3Y7 130.00 Salon Di Quinzio 362 Lacewood Dr. Halifax NS B3W 5G4 103.00 Stephen Zatzman 8Sandhurst Close Halifax NS B3M 3R1 149.00 Sydax Developments Limited 300 Prince Albert Rd Suite 203 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4J2 90.00 Whalen Betty 7136 Morningside Dr. Halifax NS B3L 2E6 150.00 Whalen Diana 278 Lacewood Dr. Suite 303 Halifax NS B3M 3N8 210.00 3,205.44 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party - Electoral District Associations

29 Halifax Fairview

Official Agent: Paul Crawley, 7095 Abbott Dr., Halifax, NS B3L 2L5 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

30 Halifax Needham

Official Agent: Mike Benteau, 200-5687 West Street, Halifax, NS B3K 1H6 Date Filed: May 20, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

31 Hammonds Plains-Upper Sackville

Official Agent: Anthony Martin, 230 Daisywood Drive, Hammonds Plains, NS B4B 0E1 Date Filed: April 16, 2010 Contributions: $ 0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

32 Hants East

Official Agent: John W. Patterson, 1116 Hwy. 1, RR # 1, Mount Uniacke, NS B0N 1Z0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

33 Hants West

Official Agent: Moira Ducharme, 4042 Hwy #14, RR # 3, Windsor Forks, NS B0N 2T0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $100.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacLean Gary 600 Hwy #236, R.R.#2 Newport N.S. B0N 2A0 100.00 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party - Electoral District Associations

34 Inverness

Official Agent: Arthur Hall, 10 Riverview Lane, Margaree, NS B0E 1Y0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

35 Kings North

Official Agent: Leo Stacey, 632 West Main Street, Kentville, NS B4N 1L7 Date Filed: April 23, 2010 Contributions: $ 0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

36 Kings South

Official Agent: John G. Mroz, 1009 Woodvale Place, New Minas, NS B4N 4K2 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

37 Kings West

Official Agent: Donald E. Clarke, 10 Horsburgh Drive, Berwick, NS B0P 1E0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

38 Lunenburg

Official Agent: John D. Robart, P.O. Box 263, Bridgewater, NS B4V 2W9 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party - Electoral District Associations

39 Lunenburg West

Official Agent: Jim Davis, 116 Queen Street, Bridgewater, NS B4V 1P4 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

40 Pictou Centre

Official Agent: Kenneth F. Logan, PO Box 722, Trenton, NS B0K 1X0 Date Filed: May 27, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

41 Pictou East

Official Agent: Barbara King, 717 Shore Road, Egerton, NS B0K 1G0 Date Filed: April 28, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

42 Pictou West

Official Agent: W.A. (Sandy) Stewart, 4744 Scotsburn Road, Pictou, NS B0K 1R0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

43 Preston

Official Agent: Kerry O'Hearn, 15 Robina Dr., Lake Echo, NS B3E 1A7 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party - Electoral District Associations

44 Queens

Official Agent: Craig Condon, 116 Church Street, Liverpool, NS B0T 1K0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

45 Richmond

Official Agent: Joel Bowen, 105 Lochside Road, Arichat, NS B0E 1A0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $4,626.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3057821 Nova Scotia Ltd. 2375 High Rd. Arichat NS B0E 1A0 75.00 Aliant Inc 5 MacSween Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2H5 75.00 Austin Shauna 6 Nicole Crt. Dartmouth NS B2Y 4P3 100.00 Blanchard David 709 Veteran's Memorial Dr. Arichat NS B0E 1A0 125.00 Boudreau Donna 71 Penny Lane Little Anse NS B0E 3C0 150.00 Boudreau Terrence 31 Harbourview Cres. Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 125.00 Boudrot Rodgers Inc 301 Pitt Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2T6 500.00 Bras D'Or Lakes Inn Ltd. PO Box 9 St. Peter's NS B0E 3B0 150.00 Breton Petroleum Ltd. 28 Paint Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J9 100.00 Canadian Pioneer Estates Ltd. 1175 Lower River Inhavitahts Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 130.00 East Coast Credit Union Ltd. 340 Main Str. Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 80.00 Joe Pops General Store Ltd. 9982 Grenville Str. St. Peter's NS B0E 3B0 150.00 Laidback We "R" Incorporated 151 Lochside Rd. Arichat NS B0E 1A0 140.00 Land and Sea Instrumentation Ltd. 2835 Highway 247 Lower L'Ardoise NS B0E 1W0 300.00 Leonard Martell Enterprises Ltd. 5 Martell Rd. L'Ardoise NS B0E 1S0 200.00 Marchand Perry 162 Duncan Rd. Louisdale NS B0E 1V1 330.00 Nova Scotia Power Incorporated PO Box 910 Halifax NS B3J 2W5 140.00 Polegato Geno 854 Hwy 206 Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 330.00 Premium Seafoods Ltd. 449 Veteran's Memorial Dr. Arichat NS B0E 1A0 70.00 Sampson Steve 403 Shore Rd Lower L'Ardoise NS B0E 1W0 390.00 Samson Jackie 3435 Highway 206 Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 70.00 Scotia Sheet Metal Inc. 45B Raddall Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1L4 300.00 Tapper James Highland Str. Arichat NS B0E 1A0 80.00 Wal-Mart Canada Corp 47 Paint Str. Unit17 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J9 160.00 Wambolt Robert 10089 Grenville Str. St. Peter's NS B0E 3B0 296.00 Wilson Fuel Co Ltd. 1665 Hwy 206 West Arachat NS B0E 3J0 60.00 4,626.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party - Electoral District Associations

46 Sackville-Cobequid

Official Agent: Ronald H. King, 199 Kaye St., Lower Sackville, NS B4C 1N3 Date Filed: April 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

47 Shelburne

Official Agent: George Rennehan, 15 Fire Hall Road, RR # 3, Shelburne, NS B0T 1W0 Date Filed: April 28, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

48 Timberlea-Prospect

Official Agent: Robert Burchell, 6 Fox Ridgem Upper Tantallon, NS B3Z 1E6 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

49 Truro-Bible Hill

Official Agent: Freda Hatfield, 269 Loon Lane, Box 230, Brookfield, NS B0N 1C0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

50 Victoria-The Lakes

Official Agent: Clara A. MacDonald, 4501 Washabuck Road, Washabuck, NS B2C 1N2 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia Liberal Party - Electoral District Associations

51 Waverly-Fall River-Beaver Bank

Official Agent: Kenzie MacDonald, 6037 Fraser Street, Halifax, NS B3H 1R7 Date Filed: April 28, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

52 Yarmouth

Official Agent: Colin Fraser, 28 Highway 1 Yarmouth, NS B5A 4H9 Date Filed: May 20, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

5.3 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party Electoral District Associations

Political Contributions January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party - Electoral District Associations

01 Annapolis

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

02 Antigonish

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 22, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

03 Argyle

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: April 7, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

04 Bedford-Birch Cove

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: February 22, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

05 Cape Breton Centre

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 17, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party - Electoral District Associations

06 Cape Breton North

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

07 Cape Breton Nova

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 30, 2010 Contributions: $195.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Griffiths Allan 22 Rhodena Dr. Victoria Mines NS B1N 3J4 195.00 195.00

08 Cape Breton South

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: February 22, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

09 Cape Breton West

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: May 27, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

10 Chester-St. Margaret's

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: February 22, 2010 Contributions: $100.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Clarke David 6208 Regina Terrace Halifax NS B3H 1N5 100.00 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party - Electoral District Associations

11 Clare

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: April 7, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

12 Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 17, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

13 Colchester North

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 17, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Cavanagh Danny 696 Onslow Rd. Onslow NS B2N 5B3 200.00 200.00

14 Cole Harbour

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 17, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

15 Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 22, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party - Electoral District Associations

16 Cumberland North

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

17 Cumberland South

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: April 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

18 Dartmouth East

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

19 Dartmouth North

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: Macrh 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

20 Dartmouth South-Portland Valley

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party - Electoral District Associations

21 Digby-Annapolis

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

22 Eastern Shore

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: February 25, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

23 Glace Bay

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: April 30, 2010 Contributions: $100.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Ryan Mike 45 Weatherbee Street Sydney NS 100.00 100.00

24 Guysborough-Sheet Harbour

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 17, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

25 Halifax Atlantic

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 17, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party - Electoral District Associations

26 Halifax Chebucto

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 17, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

27 Halifax Citadel-Sable Island

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 17, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

28 Halifax Clayton Park

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: April 7, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

29 Halifax Fairview

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 17, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

30 Halifax Needham

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: January 28, 2010 Contributions: $100.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacLewan Paul 1049 Victoria Rd Sydney NS B1N1K9 100.00 100.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party - Electoral District Associations

31 Hammonds Plains-Upper Sackville

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

32 Hants East

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

33 Hants West

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: February 22, 2010 Contributions: $365.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Gallagher Barbara 5740 Rt 215 Kempt Shore NS B0N 2A0 140.00 Gallagher Arnold 5740 Rt 215 Kempt Shore NS B0N 2A0 140.00 McLaughlin Deborah 1208 Cogmagun Rd Centre Burlington NS B0N 1E0 85.00 365.00

34 Inverness

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: April 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

35 Kings North

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: February 25, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party - Electoral District Associations

36 Kings South

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: February 22, 2010 Contributions: $84.18 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Mattson Steve 615 Main Str. Wolfville NS B4P 1G1 20.48 Harris Carol 3 Prince Str. Wolfville NS B4P 1P7 33.70 Mangle David 11 Iona Rd. Wolfville NS B4P 2H2 30.00 84.18

37 Kings West

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: February 22, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

38 Lunenburg

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 22, 2010 Contributions: $2,795.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Ali Sammy 2064 North West Rd. Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 27.00 Amos Pewterers Limited 589 Main Str. Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 65.00 Annand Wendy 94 Moyle Mader Rd. Maitland NS B0J 1E0 100.00 Bald Andy Highway 332 Rose Bay NS B4V 2W2 40.00 Birdsall Worthington Pottery Ltd. 590 Main Str. Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 130.00 Bookchin Sue 16 Kinburn Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 10.00 Burgess Susan Highway 332 Middle LaHave NS B4V 2W2 60.00 Carthew Ruari 120 Beach Hill Rd. RR #1 Rose Bay Kingsburg NS B0J 2X0 50.00 Charman John 450 LaHave Str. Unit 7, Suite 115 Bridgewater NS B4V 4A3 20.00 Cocks Kate 242 Lincoln Str Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 30.00 Crickmer Robin 201 York Str. Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 50.00 Culleu Barbara 79 Ramey Dr. Barss Corner NS B0R 1A0 20.00 Darville Alden 16 Orchard Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 22.00 Elderfit Martha Saunders PO Box 166 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 33.00 Fancy David 29 North Str. Bridgewater NS B4V 2V7 50.00 Findlay Mimi Box 369 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 150.00 For The Birds Nature Shop Ltd. 647 Main Str. Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 40.00 Greer Anne 4675 Hwy 331 West Dublin NS B0R 1C0 45.00 Grey Barry c/o Waldorf School Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 10.00 Guppy's Place Family Restaurant Ltd. Carl Hall 72 Hwy 208 New Germany NS B0R 1E0 140.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party - Electoral District Associations

38 Lunenburg (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Heuback Al 579 Blue Rocks Rd. Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 47.00 Himmelman Don 1283 Woodstock Rd Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 45.00 Hobson Ted Mader's Cove Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 45.00 Hyashi Erin 5139 Highway 10 New Germany NS B0B 1E0 20.00 Intelligent Choice Computers ( 2009) Ltd 673 King Str. Unit 2 Floor 1 Bridgewater NS B4V 1B5 40.00 Kelley Sara 492 Main Str. Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 22.00 Kellog Paul 2416 Hwy 332 First South NS B0J 2C0 199.00 Knight Grace RR #3 Mahone Bay Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 40.00 Flowers Denise 4 Dufferin Str. PO Box 11 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 30.00 Ko Raymond 434 King Str. Bridgewater NS B4B 1B4 40.00 Leslie Megan 2207 Gottingen Str. Suite 1 Halifax NS B3K 3B5 35.00 Lunenburg Frenchy's 35 Falkland Str. Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 10.00 MacDonald Katherine 2961 Edgewater Street Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 30.00 MacDonald Linda HeckMan's Island Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 30.00 MacPherson Lillian 1707 Grafton Str. Halifax NS B3J 2B5 85.00 McGill Patricia Hinchinbrook Farm 652 Hwy 325 Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 45.00 Moodey Jane Chester NS B0J 1T0 50.00 Moore Mariou 6560 Hwy 332 Upper LaHave NS B4V 7V4 80.00 Nova Scotia Building Supplies (1982 Limited) 459 Hwy 325 PO Box 90 Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 40.00 Peterson-Rafuse Denise 213-9977 St. Margaret's Bay Rd. Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 11.00 Pross Paul Indian Path Rd. Indian Path NS B0J 2C0 55.00 Puxley David 55 Keddy Bridge Rd. Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 45.00 R. & C. Sagors' Bookstore Ltd. 686 King Str. Bridgewater NS B4B 1B4 17.00 Scott Debbie 3017 Hwy 332 Bayport NS B0J 2X0 198.00 Seaside Animal Hospital Ltd. 17315 Hwy 103 Italy Cross NS B0J 1V0 25.00 Smith Bruce 525 Main Str. Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 25.00 Taylor Anna Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 67.00 The Black Duck Co-operative Ltd. B0x 1454, 8 Pelham Str. Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 30.00 Trattoria Della Nonna Inc. 9 King Str. Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 90.00 Tschodin Heidy & Freddy South Cove Rd. Feltsin South NS Unknown 5.00 Walmark David & Mary Hirtles Beach Rd. Kingsburg NS B0J 2X0 22.00 Watson Gael RR # 1 LaHave NS B0R 1C0 30.00 Wentzell Derek 522 South Main Str. PO Box 80 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 10.00 Wiseman Phyllis 389 Main Str. Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 50.00 Wright Jane 2394 Robie Str. Halifax NS B3K 4M7 50.00 Wurtz Richard 195 Harris Oickle Rd. Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 15.00 Young Donna 212 Green Str. Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 25.00 2,795.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party - Electoral District Associations

39 Lunenburg West

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: Fenruary 22, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

40 Pictou Centre

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 22, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

41 Pictou East

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 17, 2010 Contributions: $975.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Sutherland Elizabeth PO Box 555 Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Ashton John 1938 East River Rd. Bridgeville NS B0K 1B0 50.00 Wilson Howard Site 1 Box 10 RR #1 Trenton Trenton NS B0K 1X0 100.00 Fraser Ronald RR #5 New Glasgow New Glasgow NS B2H 5C8 200.00 Cyr Doug 1706 Victoria St. Westville NS B0K 2A0 75.00 Thompson Fisheries Ltd. 1639 Avondale Rd. Merigonish NS B0K 1G0 100.00 Tillard Anthony 1588 Oxford St. Halifax NS B3H 3Z4 350.00 975.00

42 Pictou West

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party - Electoral District Associations

43 Preston

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: February 22, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

44 Queens

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 22, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

45 Richmond

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: May 27, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

46 Sackville-Cobequid

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 17, 2010 Contributions: $ 0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

47 Shelburne

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 22, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party - Electoral District Associations

48 Timberlea-Prospect

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: February 25, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

49 Truro-Bible Hill

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

50 Victoria-The Lakes

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 30, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

51 Waverly-Fall River-Beaver Bank

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 17, 2010 Contributions: $117.14 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Somerville Alex 15 Gulldwood Dr Fall River NS B2T 1J6 117.14 117.14

52 Yarmouth

Official Agent: Joanne Lamey, 1006-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: May 10, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

5.4 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia Electoral District Associations

Political Contributions January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

01 Annapolis

Official Agent: Darrell Hannam, 14 Plaifa Dr., Bridgetown, NS B0S 1C0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $500.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bilcon of Nova Scotia, Corporation Digby Hwy 303 Digby NS 500.00 500.00

02 Antigonish

Official Agent: Janet MacPherson, 11 Arbor Dr. Box 1804, Antigonish, NS B2G 2M5 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

03 Argyle

Official Agent: William S. Crowell, RR1, Box 217, Kemptville, NS B0W 1Y0 Date Filed: March 26, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

04 Bedford-Birch Cove

Official Agent: Margaret H. Embree, 301-1091 Bedford Hwy., Bedford, NS B4A 1B7 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

05 Cape Breton Centre

Official Agent: Barbara Anderson, 40 Duggan St., Dominion, NS B1G 1C8 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

06 Cape Breton North

Official Agent: James Poole, 69 Campbell Street, North Sydney, NS B2A 2C8 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $200.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Iganacio Dr. B.S. 837 Shore Dr. Sydney Mines NS B1V 1A7 100.00 Meloney Bruce 4 View Str North Sydney NS B2A 1E8 100.00 200.00

07 Cape Breton Nova

Official Agent: Jim David, 801-1660 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

08 Cape Breton South

Official Agent: Blaise J. Abbass, 623 Cottage Road, Sydney, NS B1P 6T6 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

09 Cape Breton West

Official Agent: Ivan Doncaster, 4485 East Bay Hwy., East Bay NS B1J 1N4 Date Filed: March 6, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

10 Chester-St. Margaret's

Official Agent: Gerry Giffin, 52 King St., Chester, NS B0J 1J0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

11 Clare

Official Agent: Ian K. Comeau, P.O. Box 154, Meteghan, NS B0W 2S0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

12 Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley

Official Agent: Victor G. Farnell, #1036 Highway 336, H.R.M. Upper Musquodoboit, NS B0N 2M0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

13 Colchester North

Official Agent: Elaine Orr, 167 Teviot Place, Valley NS B6L 4L1 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

14 Cole Harbour

Official Agent: Janet McCarthy, 439 Poplar Dr., Dartmouth NS B2W 4L2 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

15 Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage

Official Agent: Dan Avery, 10 Greenwich Dr., Dartmouth, NS B2V 2L9 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

16 Cumberland North

Official Agent: Frank Elliott, 121 Church St., Amherst NS B4H 3B7 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

17 Cumberland South

Official Agent: Thomas Black, 174 Crescent Ave., Oxford, NS B0M 1P0 Date Filed: March 22, 2010 Contributions: $2,989.00 (net of contributions returned) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Anne Murray Centre 36 Main Str. Springhill NS B0M 1X0 120.00 Bentley's Blueberries Limited 12 Valley Rd. Westchester NS B0M 2A0 130.00 Collins Al Hwy 209 Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 350.00 Collins George RR #3 South Hampton NS B0M 1W0 1,200.00 Crossroads Coop 2 228 Main Str. Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 100.00 Davison Charles 2648 Newvillerd Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 50.00 Dickinson David E. 7799 Hwy 2 South Hampton NS B0M 1W0 60.00 Ells Brian 70 Ells Lane Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 400.00 Fundy Geological Museum 2 162 Two Island Rd. Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 98.00 Harrison Jennifer 104 Lakeview Dr. Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 180.00 Larson Clem 61 Larson Lane Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 80.00 Lees Emma RR #1 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Levy Ron 370 Willow Str. Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 98.00 MacKay Dave 4487 Hwy 2 Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 40.00 MacKenzie Tony 138 Main Str Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 20.00 Rosebuds and Petals Flower Shop 396 Main Str. Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 26.00 The Ships Company Theatre Society 18 Lower Main Str. Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 55.00 Willigar Wanda 194 King Str. Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 80.00 2 Official agent confirmed return of contributions and indicated cancelled cheque will be forwarded to Subtotal 3,187.00 Elections Nova Scotia Less: contributions returned in 2010 (198.00) Total 2,989.00

18 Dartmouth East

Official Agent: Alan Ellis, 29 Skeena St., Dartmouth, NS B2W 1P7 Date Filed: March 31,2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

19 Dartmouth North

Official Agent: Jane MacKay, 44 Forest Road, Dartmouth NS B3A 2M5 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

20 Dartmouth South-Portland Valley

Official Agent: Lionel F. Conrad, 17 Benview Dr., Dartmouth, NS B2Y 1W6 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $1,000.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Geometrix Geodetic and Hydrographic Research Incorporated 130 Lakeshore Park Terr. Dartmouth NS B3A 4Z4 1,000.00 1,000.00

21 Digby-Annapolis

Official Agent: James Wheelhouse, 132 Lighthouse Rd., Digby, NS B0V 1A0 Date Filed: March 3, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

22 Eastern Shore

Official Agent: Stephen Richardson, PO Box 212, Musquodoboit Harbour, NS B0J 2L0 Date Filed: March 12, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

23 Glace Bay

Official Agent: Darren McFadgen, 5 Grant St., Glace Bay, NS B1A 1C5 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

24 Guysborough-Sheet Harbour

Official Agent: Colin B. Coady, 9825 Hwy. # 7, Stillwater, NS B0H 1E0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $275.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Atkins Genesta Guysborough NS 50.00 Con & Con Construction Company Limited Guysborough NS 200.00 Manuel Robert Guysborough NS 25.00 275.00

25 Halifax Atlantic

Official Agent: Eric Caines, 13 Grover Dr., Williamswood, NS B3V 1C8 Date Filed: March 11, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

26 Halifax Chebucto

Official Agent: Peter Orser, 6993 Churchill Drive, Halifax, NS B3L 3H6 Date Filed: February 2, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

27 Halifax Citadel-Sable Island

Official Agent: Walter Thompson, PO Box 307, Stn Central, Halifax, NS, B3J 2N7 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

28 Halifax Clayton Park

Official Agent: Sangeeta Raj, 204-47 Chadwick Place, Halifax, NS B3M 3N7 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

29 Halifax Fairview

Official Agent: Patrick Milner, 9A Arlington Avenue, Halifax, NS B3N 1Z7 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

30 Halifax Needham

Official Agent: Michael Salterio, 5516 Kaye Street #201, Halifax, NS B3K 1Y5 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

31 Hammonds Plains-Upper Sackville

Official Agent: Richard K. DeLong, 39 Terradore Lane, Hammonds Plains, NS B4B 1S7 Date Filed: March 25, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

32 Hants East

Official Agent: John A. MacDonald, 82 Poplar Dr., Lantz, NS B2S 1X3 Date Filed: April 6, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

33 Hants West

Official Agent: Bonnie Smith, PO Box 3291, Windsor, NS B0N 2T0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

34 Inverness

Official Agent: Sherri Rankin, 4190 Route 252, RR # 2, Mabou, NS B0E 1X0 Date Filed: March 6, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

35 Kings North

Official Agent: Joan Tracey, 95 Exhibition St., Kentville, NS B4N 1C3 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

36 Kings South

Official Agent: Wyatt J. Forrest, 1457 Bluff Rd., Hantsport, NS B0P 1P0 Date Filed: April 12, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

37 Kings West

Official Agent: Cheryl Fancey, 249 Main St., Berwick, NS B0P 1E0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

38 Lunenburg

Official Agent: Audrey Vogel, 290 Caribou Lake Road, Upper Cornwall, NS B0J 2E0 Date Filed: April 6, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

39 Lunenburg West

Official Agent: Robert C. Selig, 44 Clairmont Ave., Bridgewater, NS B4V 4C8 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $175.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Edwards Doreen 37 Sherbrooke Srt Bridgewater NS B4V 4E8 75.00 Boliver-Getson Carolyn 5105 Hwy #325 Baker Settlement NS B4V 7E8 100.00 175.00

40 Pictou Centre

Official Agent: Darrell Rushton, 119 Poplar Street PO Box 750, Stellarton, NS B0K 1S0 Date Filed: April 12, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

41 Pictou East

Official Agent: James McInnis, 649 Meiklefield Road, New Glasgow NS B2H 5C8 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

42 Pictou West

Official Agent: Karla MacFarlane, 13 Water Street, Pictou, NS B0K 1H0 Date Filed: April 6, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

43 Preston

Official Agent: Gladys Downey, 911 North Preston Road, North Preston, NS B2Z 1A1 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $5,763.81 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount A. Currie Consulting Services 69 Beech Hill Dr. Lake Echo NS B3E 1A6 94.71 Ash Paul 91 Maderia Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 6G8 107.35 Baillie Jamie 152 Brook Str. Halifax NS B3N 3B1 107.35 Bannerman Mark 49 Rockcliffe Cres. Hammonds Plains NS B3Z 1J8 107.35 Batherson Bob 3188 Mayfield Ave Halifax NS B3L 4B2 107.35 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

43 Preston (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bishop Ben 14 Hibernia Dartmouth NS B2W 4Z1 89.71 Centenial Hotels Ltd. PO Box 1074 Halifax NS B3J 2X1 644.12 Chisholm Robert 1270 Hollis Str. Apt 506 Halifax NS B3J 2S4 214.71 Clarke Cecil NS 57.35 CNE Leasing PO Box 38010 Dartmouth NS B3B 1X2 107.35 Cormier Jim 143 Ave du Portage Dartmouth NS B2X 3S8 107.35 Cromwell Cameron PO Box 83 Liverpoole NS B0T 1K0 107.35 Cunningham Trevor PO Box 2776 RR #5 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A9 107.35 Decoff Neil RR #2 Boylston Boylston NS B0H 1G0 107.35 Dodds Colin 870 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V7 50.00 Fraser Hugh 6070 Jubilee Rd. Halifax NS B3H 2S5 107.35 Gereige Bosch 2675 #7 Hwy East Preston NS B2Z 1G7 100.00 Goodyear Susan 1 Champerlain Dr. Westphal NS B2Z 1B1 214.71 Gough Adrien 54 Bruce Dr. Lower Sackville NS B4C 3T7 64.71 Gugas Betty 761 Patrice Rd. Pointe de L'Eglise NS B0W 1M0 107.35 Halifax Shipyard Ltd. PO Box 9110, 3099 Barrington Str. Halifax NS B3K 5M7 214.71 Heritage Gas Ltd. PO Box 1020 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4W3 214.71 Holmes Brian 124 Crane Hill Rd. Westphal NS B2Z 1J5 100.00 Hurlburt Richard 3805 Mont Blanc Trc. Apt 313 Halifax NS B3K 6S3 107.35 Jordan George 25 Summit Str. Dartmouth NS B2Y 2Z9 107.35 King Don 20 Kingsway Lake Echo NS B3E 1N1 107.35 Larsen Ted PO Box 2285 Stn M Halifax NS B3J 3C8 107.35 LED Roadway Lighting Limited 35 Ash Lake Ct. Bayer's Lake Halifax NS B0T 1K0 107.35 Lowther Don 28 Loon Terr. Bedford NS B4A 3X9 107.35 Machum Geoff 1959 Upper Water Str. Suite 900 Halifax NS B3J 2X2 107.35 Macintyre Keith 6 Holly Lane Dartmouth NS B2X 3S1 257.35 MacPherson Daryl 226 Hirandale Cres Dartmouth NS B2W 6H3 150.00 Maple LNG Ltd. 1801 Hollis Str. Halifax NS B3J 3N4 214.71 McInnes Stuart 490 Franklyn Str. Halifax NS B3J 1N9 107.35 Moors Kenneth 7 Scarlet Rd. Halifax NS B3M 1K7 107.35 Muir Jamie 30A Esplarde Truro NS B2N 2K5 107.35 Oppedisano Claude 2077 Waverley Rd. Halifax NS B2R 1Y8 107.35 Preston Enhancement Awareness Childrens Establishment Society 80 Brian Str. East Preston NS B2Z 1H3 54.42 Porter Janet 7 Nicole Ct Dartmouth NS B2Y 4P4 64.71 Reinhardt Frank RR #3 Windsor Windsor NS B0N 2T0 64.71 Taylor Steven 56 Denneb Cres. Sackville NS B4E 1T9 107.35 Thompson Bertram 48 Skeena Str. Dartmouth NS B2W 4H9 214.71 Ultra Electronice Maritime Systems Inc 40 Atlantic Str. Dartmouth NS B2Y 4N2 214.71 5,763.81 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

44 Queens

Official Agent: Cheryl Beaton 27 Shore Road, PO Box 7, Brooklyn, NS B0J 1H0 Date Filed: April 1, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

45 Richmond

Official Agent: Robert Goyetche, 17 Bennie's Lane Ext., Louisdale, NS B0E 1V0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $1,008.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Burns Vision Centre Incorporated 714 Reeves Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2S1 178.00 Cotton Billy St. Peters NS B0E 3B4 20.00 Cotton Richie & Edna 417 Hwy 320 Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 79.00 Glad Tidings Christmas Shoppe 9711 Granville St. St. Peters NS B0E 3B0 60.00 Home Hardware 9976 Granville St. Box 100 St. Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 MacKenzie Christy 60 East Side Grand River NS B0E 1M0 149.00 MacKenzie/MacKay Majorie 9204 Pepperell St. St. Peters NS B0E 3B0 97.00 MacLeod Trucking Ltd. 66 East Side Grand River NS B0E 1M0 200.00 O'Brien Danielle 415 Hwy 302, Box 602 Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 60.00 Shaw Barbara 315 Columbia St. Sydney NS B1P 4K1 65.00 1,008.00

46 Sackville-Cobequid

Official Agent: Guy Harrington, 58 Raymond Dr., Lower. Sackville, NS B4C 1H2 Date Filed: March 11, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

47 Shelburne

Official Agent: Angus Etheren Goreham, PO Box 122, Woods Harbour, Shelburne Co., NS B0W 2E0 Date Filed: March 23, 2010 Contributions: $790.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Goreham Angus 6617 Hwy #3 Woods Harbour NS B0W 2E0 5.00 Goreham Helen 6617 Hwy #3 Woods Harbour NS B0W 2E0 5.00 High Seas Boat Builders Ltd. 1 Marine Cove Pleasant Shores NS B2W 1Z1 280.00 LeBlanc Larry 66 Waterview Drive Beautiful Bay NS B2W 1X8 500.00 790.00 Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

48 Timberlea-Prospect

Official Agent: Carmen Williams, 810-6969 Bayers Rd., Halifax, NS B3L 4P3 Date Filed: June 14, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

49 Truro-Bible Hill

Official Agent: Beth Stanfield, 40 Pattillo Ave., Truro, NS B2N 1K6 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

50 Victoria-The Lakes

Official Agent: John MacKillop, 9 Tir-Nan-Og, Hwy. 205, Baddeck Bay, NS B0E 1B0 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $1,517.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Baddeck Building Supplies Company Limited 22 Twining St. Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 57.00 Barra Construction Limited 285 Old Margaree Rd. Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 180.00 Bell Bay Course Developments Incorporated 761 Hwy 205 Baddeck Bay NS B0E 1B0 235.00 Ed Rendall Farms 1028 Hillside Boularderie Rd. Groves Point NS B1Y 2V6 102.00 Garland Viola 248 Old Margaree Rd. Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 143.00 Glenora Inn & Distillery 13727 Rt. #19 Glenville NS B0E 1X0 272.00 Hazeldale Milling & Trucking Limited 1053 Little Narrows Rd. Little Narrows NS B0E 1T0 170.00 MacPhee Charles 1257 Old Margaree Rd. Big Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 110.00 The Lingan Country Club 1225 Grand Lake Rd. Lingan NS B1M 1A2 70.00 Timmins Brian 1603 Old Route 5 Bras D'Or NS B1X 1B5 98.00 Vickers Tom 57 Hollywood Ddr. Georges River NS B1Y 3H7 80.00 1,517.00

51 Waverly-Fall River-Beaver Bank

Official Agent: Gerald R. Swiggum, 4353 Hwy # 2, Wellington, NS B2T 1J4 Date Filed: March 31, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia - Electoral District Associations

52 Yarmouth

Official Agent: Kevin d'Entremont, 9341 Highway # 3, Pleasant Lake, NS B5A 4A8 Date Filed: April 13, 2010 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

6. Candidates

The official agent of a candidate is required to file a statement of political contributions disclosing the name and residential or business address of each contributor whose contributions received by such official agent during the calendar year exceeded $50 in total. Filing is with the “designated person” (Chief Electoral Officer) pursuant to Section 14 of the Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act (MPEDA) and is due at the same time the official agent files their reports of election expenses and tax receipts. The legislative references that establish the filing requirements of candidates respecting disclosure statements, tax receipts and audit requirements are set out in Appendix A. Leading up to and during the June 9, 2009 Provincial General Election 14 Official Agent Workshops were conducted by Elections Nova Scotia throughout the province. The workshops were designed to provide the official agents of candidates with the information and tools to put into operation the legislative requirements. During the October 20, 2009 Antigonish and Inverness by- elections an Official Agent Workshop was conducted in Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia. In addition to the workshops Elections Nova Scotia provided advisory telephone support to official agents during the general election and the by-elections.

The June 9, 2009 Provincial General Election was the first general election held under the Province’s political contributions regime which came into effect March 2, 2007. The deadline for filing Form 2, Candidate’s Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules (which includes their annual statement of political contributions) was August 18, 2009. There were 212 officially nominated candidates in the general election. Official agents representing 211 candidates filed disclosure statements with the Chief Electoral Officer. Of the 211 official agents who filed Form 2, 158 filed on or before the August 18, 2009 reporting deadline, while 53 filed after the deadline. Regardless of when an election occurs, candidate disclosure statements must be filed by the official agent with their report of election expenses (within 60 days of return of the writ) but are not published until all disclosure statements are published in June of the following year. The date on which the disclosure statement was filed by the official agent is shown in Appendix D.

On October 20, 2009 a by-election was held in the electoral district of Antigonish. There were four officially nominated candidates in the by-election. Official agents representing the four candidates filed disclosure statements with the Chief Electoral Officer. Of the four official agents who filed Form 2, one filed on or before the December 29, 2009 reporting deadline, while three filed after the deadline. The dates on which the disclosure statements were filed by the official agents in is shown in Appendix D.

On October 20, 2009 a by-election was held in the electoral district of Inverness. There were four officially nominated candidates in the by-election. Official agents representing the four

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

candidates filed disclosure statements with the Chief Electoral Officer. Of the four official agents who filed Form 2, three filed on or before the January 8, 20101 reporting deadline, while one filed after the deadline. The dates on which the disclosure statements were filed by the official agents is shown in Appendix D.

Elections Nova Scotia reviewed all candidate disclosure statements and identified 12 instances of contributions that appeared to be accepted by the official agent in contravention of the contribution eligibility criteria under MPEDA. As a result its review Elections Nova Scotia contacted ten official agents. Four official agents responded to Elections Nova Scotia by filing amended disclosure statements correcting the names of the contributors. Six official agents indicated they have or were in the process of returning the contributors and provided either proof of return or indicated that a cancelled cheque would be forwarded to Elections Nova Scotia once available. Actions taken by official agents are footnoted in the published disclosure statements.

Subsection 14F(1) of MPEDA requires the official agent of a candidate to provide a written loan agreement respecting all loans for their candidates campaign. The loan agreement must be filed at the same time as the official agent files their disclosure statement of political contributions. Subsection 14F(2) of MPEDA requires the official agent to report the outstanding balance of a loan and any changes to the loan agreement in subsequent years. The Chief Electoral Officer published Elections Nova Scotia Circular #09-01, Candidate Loans, to assist official agents in meeting their loan reporting requirements under MPEDA. The circular is included as Appendix E. Where an official agent reported a loan using the prescribed form (Form 2, Schedule E) they were provided with a copy of the circular.

Of the 211 official agents who filed Form 2 following the general election, 44 reported loans taken out during that election. Of the 44, twenty-three official agents subsequently reported to Elections Nova Scotia that their loans had been repaid in full. Table 6-1 provides a listing of all loans taken out during the general election. Of the eight official agents in the Antigonish and Inverness By-elections only one reported a loan which is reflected in Table 6-2.

1 The filing deadline for candidates disclosure statements in the Inverness by-election was different from the Antigonish by- election as a result of the judicial recount in the electoral district of Inverness

6.1 June 9, 2009 Provincial General Election Candidate Disclosure Statements

January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 01 Annapolis

Candidate: Stephen McNeil Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Craig O'Donnell, 25 Taylor Dr., Middleton, NS B0S 1P0 Contributions: $16,432.22 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bailey Linda Rose RR #1 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 100.00 Barteaux Lucy RR #3 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 500.00 Bay Ferries Management Ltd. 500-5657 Spring Garden Road, Box 247 Halifax NS B3J 3R4 200.00 Bent Doris M. P.O. Box 16 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 500.00 Bruce Chevrolet Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd. P.O. Box 970 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 1,000.00 Chaddock Mary Lee RR #2 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 100.00 Cleveland Carm P.O. Box 100 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 250.00 Cohoon Neil P.O. Box 113 Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 1,100.00 Coldwell Gregory P.O. Box 152 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 75.00 Cole Sawler Law Office Inc. P.O. Box 400 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 50.00 Compass Commercial Realty Ltd. 3700 Kempt Road, Suite 100 Halifax NS B3K 4X8 500.00 Cottenden David G. P.O. Box 449 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 150.00 Cox M.R. Marie 5524 Heatherwood Court, Unit 308 Halifax NS B3K 5N7 100.00 Crowell Bryson P.O. Box 906 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Crowell K.L. P.O. Box 1059 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Denhaan Darlene RR #3 Lawrencetown NS B0S 1M0 500.00 Down To Earth Art Gallery Inc. 240 Main Street Antigonish NS B2G 2C2 100.00 Dr. Paul McGuire Incorporated P.O. Box 207 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 500.00 Elliott Donna RR #1 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Epstein Matthew 13781 Highway #1 Wilmot NS B0S 1W0 100.00 Errington Vera P.O. Box 1523 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Everett & Smith Ltd. P.O. Box 278 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 500.00 Freeman Murray G. RR #1 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 50.00 Fry Edward P.O. Box 345 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Hines William P.O. Box 1041 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 200.00 Hope Mary Margaret 2569 Joseph Street Halifax NS B3L 3H3 500.00 Johnson Stanley P.O. Box 1026 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Jost Harry V. P.O. Box 308 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 200.00 Kerr Andrew 8200 Shore Road West Hampton NS B0S 1L0 100.00 Killam Properties 3700 Kempt Road, Suite 100 Halifax NS B3K 4X8 150.00 Legard Derek RR #3 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Loris Connell Motors Ltd. P.O. Box 908 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 250.00 Lourie Frances P.O. Box 1482 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Lutley Gerald P. P.O. Box 121 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 300.00 MacDonald Elaine RR #3 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 300.00 MacPherson Gordon Site 11, Comp 6, RR #3 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 200.00 McCormond Gary P.O. Box 208 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 250.00 McNeil Maryanne P.O. Box 297 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 McNeil P.J. Burt RR #1 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 557.22 McNeil Paul P.O. Box 661 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 750.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 01 Annapolis

Stephen McNeil (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Montgomery Lawrence RR #4 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Moody Sharon P.O. Box 35 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 100.00 Mrs Nicholson Inc. P.O. Box 997 Halifax NS B3J 2X2 1,000.00 Nova Construction Co. Ltd. Box 1328 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 1,000.00 O'Donnell Craig P.O. Box 986 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 O'Regan Motors Ltd. 60 Baker Drive, Unit A Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 Parker Chris P.O. Box 705 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Parsons Investments Ltd. P.O. Box 24 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 300.00 Phinney Carl RR #1 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 100.00 Prout Bruce P.O. Box 175 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Prout Sherri P.O. Box 175 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Rafuse Bronson RR #2 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 50.00 Rayfuse Magdalena 9675 Highway 10 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 50.00 Rice Corey RR #4 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 200.00 Rose Carl 435 Main Street Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Rose Ian P.O. Box 494 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Rowlings John RR #3 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Sanford Betty Ann P.O. Box 484 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 100.00 Sciocchetti Robert 15 Holland Avenue Bedford NS B4A 1L7 100.00 Shaw Hugh P.O. Box 422 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 200.00 Stillwell Gerry Box 841 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Thibault Robert G. P.O. Box 133 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 100.00 Tumilty Robert A. P.O. Box 472 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 200.00 Van Roestel Pamela P.O. Box 1420 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Veinot Karen RR #2 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 200.00 Warren Robyn RR #1 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 200.00 Wilkins Marilyn 14854 Highway #1 Wilmot NS B0P 1W0 150.00 Wolfe Florence L. RR #2 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 100.00 16,432.22

Candidate: Kent Robinson Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Darrell Hannam, 14 Plaifa Drive, Box 697, Bridgetown, NS B0S 1C0 Contributions: $9,000.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Anthony Hulbert Box 1083 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 200.00 Anthony Joyce Box 1083 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 200.00 Arendz Ann 3 Pine Cr. Dr. Box 381 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Bay Ferries Ltd. 500-5657 Spring Garden Rd, Box 247 Halifax NS B3J 3R4 200.00 Bent Stephen 642 Gates Mtn Road Middleton NS B0S 1P0 300.00 Bruce GMC Ltd Box 8970 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 250.00 Clements Frances Box 325 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Colyer Henry RR #3 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 01 Annapolis

Kent Robinson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Connel Chrysler Dodge Limited Box 908 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 200.00 Cox Clarence Box 556 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Daniels Marion Box 66 Lawrencetown NS B0S 1M0 100.00 Den Haan Darlene RR #3 Lawrencetown NS B0S 1M0 200.00 Durland Calre Box 125 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 50.00 Eisner Donna Box 1060 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 75.00 Elliott Eugene 132 Sand Lake Road, RR#1 Paradise NS B0S 1R0 300.00 Elliott Harold RR #1 Margaretsville NS B0S 1N0 300.00 Fairn George Box 727 Middleton NS BOS 1P0 100.00 Fairn Lynda Box 727 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Gates Petroleum Company Limited RR #2 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 200.00 Gillis Bruce 74 Commercial Street Box 700 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Goucher Gerald RR#2, 335 Brookside Drive Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Hankinson Abbie 632 Delusion Road RR #2 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Hankinson Edson 632 Delusion Road RR #2 Middleton NS BOS 1P0 100.00 Hankinson Karen 632 Delusion Road RR #2 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Hannam Connie Box 697, 14 Plaifa Drive Bridgetown NS BOS 1C0 300.00 Hannam Darrell Box 697, 14 Plaifa Drive Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 200.00 Harlow Nathlie 9 Plaifa Dr, Box 111 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 50.00 Hirtle William Box 403 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Hutton Sharon RR#2, 335 Brookside Drive Kingston NS B0P 1R0 300.00 Integrity Printing Inc Box 3, 10 Queen Street Bridgetown NS BOS 1C0 100.00 Kerr Gregory 78 Kerr Lane RR #2 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 200.00 Kerr Marcia 78 Kerr Lane RR #2 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 100.00 Kingston Family Dentistry Inc Box 479 Kingston NS B0S 1R0 50.00 MacFarlane Sara 5 Falcon Run Bedford NS B4A 2Y8 200.00 Mack David Box 185 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Mullin Angela 1517 Hwy 201, RR#1 Round Hill NS BOS 1A0 50.00 Mullin Edward 1517 Hwy 201, RR#1 Round Hill NS BOS 1A0 50.00 Ogden-Christie Margaret Box 417 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Parson's Inv Ltd. Box 24 Kingston NS B0S 1R0 200.00 Patterson-Durland Blance Box 125 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 50.00 Perry Robert 6 Plaifa Dr, Box 592 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Rawding Murray Box 1 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Ray Mary Box 873 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 75.00 Rice Jaffrey RR #3 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Rice Thomas 66 South St Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Rice Timothy RR #3 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Ritchie Reginald RR #2 Annapolis NS B0S 1A0 100.00 Robinson Duncan Box 280, 374 Main Street Middleton NS B0S 1P0 1,000.00 Robinson Peter Box 597 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Saunders Frances Box 114 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Saunders Shawn Box 114 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 01 Annapolis

Kent Robinson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Sheehy Gerry, Dr. Box 787 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 500.00 Spicer Paul RR #4 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 100.00 Spinney Stephen Gen Delivery Paradise NS B0S 1R0 350.00 Stewart Alice Box 7, Site 4, RR #1 Middleton NS BOS 1P0 100.00 Trimper Ivan 12 Trimper Lane Torbrook NS B0P 1N0 150.00 9,000.00

Candidate: Jamie Spinney Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $ 0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Henry Spurr Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Elizabeth J. Spurr, 2582 Perotte Rd., RR #1, Annapolis Royal, NS B0S 1A0 Contributions: $2,450.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Barron Geroge & Pam 6709 Sissiboo Road Bear Road NS B0S 1B0 200.00 Bay Ferries Management P.O. Box 634 Charlottetown PEI C1A 7I3 200.00 Clahine Tom 1117 Bridge St, Melvin Sq Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Kennedy Judy P.O. Box 36, 5319 Granville Granville Ferry NS B0S 1A0 100.00 Kinsella John P.O. Box 338, 30 James Street Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A5 100.00 Kytschera Hans P.O. Box 428 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 200.00 Lee John 435 Leonard Road, RR#1 Paradise NS B0S 1R0 100.00 MacKenzie Malcolm 255 North Commercial Street Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Neish Donald P.O. Box 87, 5276 Granville Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 100.00 O'Grady Sally P.O. Box 512, 50 Drury Lane Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 200.00 Ritchie Lee 7366 Hwy #1 Granville Ferry NS BOS 1A0 200.00 Smith William 1832 Graville Road Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 250.00 Spurr Henry 2582 Perrote Road Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 400.00 Warren Robyn 6883 Hwy #1 Granville Ferry NS BOS 1K0 200.00 2,450.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Candidate: Angus (Tando) MacIsaac Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: David Austen, 3 Trotters Lane, Antigonish, NS B2G 1G1 Contributions: $32,520.46 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Antigonish Family Dentistry Inc 133 Church St Antigonish NS B2G 2E3 100.00 Arbuckle Clarence 10745 Malignant Cort Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 Archiball James Architechts Ltd Antigonish Landing Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 500.00 Austin David 3 Trotters Lane Antigonish NS B2G 1S1 100.00 Austin Milford 39 Ponderosa Dr Antigonish NS B2G 2A4 100.00 Beaton Fred 103 Hawthorne St Antigonish NS B2G 1A8 100.00 Belland Raymond 115 College Street Antigonish NS B2G 1X9 50.00 Borrie Danny 7304 Heatherton RR #1 Antigonish NS B0H 1R0 50.00 Bowie Angus 7304 Heatherton RR #1 Antigonish NS B0H 1R0 100.00 Boyd Blaise 302 Cribbons Point Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 200.00 Boyd Donny C. 3125 Morristown Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 150.00 Boyle Francis 7 Scarboro Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 100.00 Cameron Anne Haley 45 Gravel Pit Rd RR #1 James River NS B2G 2K8 50.00 Cameron Betty 5067 RR #5 Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 200.00 Cameron Clarence 5 Wedgewood Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1S1 250.00 Chisholm Aughn 804 Addington Forks Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 100.00 Chisholm Carl 8 Chisholm St. Antigonish NS B2G 2R6 100.00 Chisholm Joan 74 Maclellan Farm Rd Heatherton NS B0H 1R0 50.00 Chisholm Kathleen 152 College St Antigonish NS B2G 1Y2 25.00 Chisholm Robert 1270 Hollis St Apt 506 Halifax NS B3J 3S4 500.00 Chisholm Wendy 4611 West Side South River Rd Antigonish NS B0H 1X0 250.00 Covanough Rita 2676 Maryvale Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 Curry Charles 145 Old South River Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2H2 100.00 Delorey Herbert 9215 Afton Antigonish NS B2G 1A0 100.00 Deveau Remi 233 Chemin Du Lac Pomquet NS B2G 2L4 100.00 DeYoung Joseph 649 Talons Rd Pomquest NS B2G 2L4 250.00 Draper William 15 Morimer Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1Z5 100.00 Eastern GMC 63 Beech Hill Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2C1 1,000.00 Feltmate Marie 4105 Hwy 316 St. Andrews NS B2G 2L4 50.00 Fiddlers Green GC Ltd 750 Williams Point Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 75.00 Gallant Leo 84 Arbor Dr East Antigonish NS B2G 2P4 1,000.00 Garrie Bill 54582 West River Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 250.00 Gillis D. Hugh 11 Park Lane Antigonish NS B2G 1N5 100.00 Gorman John 702 East Tracadie Rd Antigonish NS B0H 1W0 100.00 Grant Anne Haley 6 MacLellan St Antigonish NS B2G 1V4 50.00 Grant James 39 The Heights Antigonish NS B2G 1K4 200.00 High-Crest Enterprizes 250 Main Street Antigonish NS B2G 2C2 750.00 Kell Robert 5068 Hwy 337 Cape George NS B2G 2L2 200.00 Key Bernice 3 Landsdown Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1T6 50.00 Linidos Jim 3154 Morristown Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Angus (Tando) MacIsaac (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Long Herman 1105 Smith River Lake Road Antigonish NS B0H 1M0 250.00 MacDonald Denise 7 Bontry Lane Antigonish NS B2G 2L8 100.00 MacDonald Duncan A. 37 Garrie Rd Antigonish NS B2G 3A3 100.00 MacDonald Ron 96 Pleasant Street Antigonish NS B2G 1W9 75.00 MacDonald Chrysler Ltd 219 Post Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2K6 1,000.00 MacDougall Beaton 1964 South Lake Road Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 50.00 MacDougall Danny 1904 North Grant Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 MacDougall David 1549 Addington Forks Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 200.00 MacDougall Joseph 3587 Maryvale Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 MacDougall Mary 1428 Addington Forks Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 50.00 MacDougall Michael 2060 South Lakeside Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 50.00 MacDougall Wayne 1486 Addington Fork Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 150.00 MacEachern Gerald 6129 Hwy 337 Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 MacEachern Lillian 6179 Ballentynes Cove Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 MacEachern Broadcasting 609 Church St, Suite 201 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2X4 265.46 MacGillivrary Fuels Ltd 33 Adam St Antigonish NS B2G 2G1 200.00 Machern John V. 5678 Cape George Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 MacIsaac Angus 71 Old South River Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2H3 1,000.00 MacIsaac Levchie 58 Victoria Street Antigonish NS B2G 1X3 50.00 MacKay Peter 229 Fraser St New Glasgow NS B2H 4V4 225.00 MacKenzie Archie Morristown Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 MacKenzie John 2587 Hwy 337 Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Maclellan Marie 1-B Doloosa Ave Antigonish NS B2G 1T2 50.00 MacLellon Mary 4430 Maligorant Cove Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 MacNeil Elizabeth 11 Scarbors Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1T4 50.00 MacPherson Andrew 1 Margoree St Antigonish NS B2G 1K1 150.00 MacPherson Cherylanne 11 Arbor Dr Antigonish NS B2G 2M3 30.00 MacPherson Jerome 11 Arbor Dr Antigonish NS B2G 2M3 1,000.00 McCarron Gertie 4504 Rte 316 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 50.00 McCarron Owen 4506 Lower South River Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 100.00 McHattie Allen 935 Copper Lake Rd Goshen NS B0H 1M0 500.00 McKenna P.J., Dr. 45 Chruch St Antigonish NS B2G 2C8 1,000.00 Mclarron Mary 4611 South River Rd Antigonish NS B0H 1X0 500.00 Micro Mochimming Ltd 11276 Linwood Antigonish NS B0H 1P0 500.00 Moc Lion Forrestry Ltd 14 Silver Birch Dr Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 5,000.00 Mochattie Russell 935 Copper Lake Rd Goshen NS B0H 1M0 250.00 Modden Robert Sr. Malignant Corrie Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 500.00 Murphy Alexander 7 Arbor Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1S4 50.00 Nova Construction 3098 Post Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 1,000.00 Porter Caleb 278 Territory Dr Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Porter Roger, Dr. 46 Territory Dr Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 200.00 Proctor John U 36 Xavier Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1H1 100.00 Proctor Walter Sr. 11 Hillside Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1H5 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Angus (Tando) MacIsaac (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Purall Bernadine 2 Landsdown Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1T7 50.00 Purcell Ed 10 Cunningham St Antigonish NS B2G 1C8 100.00 Purl Brook Enterprise Inc 2771 Ohio East Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 100.00 Ron MacGillivrary Chev 75 St. Andrews St Antigonish NS B2G 2S3 250.00 Ross Screenprint Ltd 4053 South River Rd Antigonish NS B2G 3B4 1,000.00 Rovers Arnold Box 39 Heatherton Antigonish NS B0H 1R0 50.00 Sampson Mary 4808 Hwy 316 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 50.00 Seaboard Tire Service 23 Paint St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J7 500.00 Sears John T. 94 Arbor Dr East Antigonish NS B2G 2P4 500.00 Silver Michaud 7 Harbourview Court Antigonish NS B2G 0A7 1,000.00 Smith Donny C. 898 Cloverville Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 500.00 Smith Kathy 18 Nicholson Cour Antigonish NS B2G 2V4 500.00 Smith Robert 2282 Waverly Rd. Waverly NS B2R 1Z1 250.00 Smith Steve 18 Nicholson Cour Antigonish NS B2G 2V4 1,000.00 Smith Stillman 41 Fairview St Antigonish NS B2G 1R4 25.00 Spencer Rita 61 Archie Street Antigonish NS B2G 1M1 100.00 Steel Mac 85 Angus Mequarrie Dr Antigonish NS B2G 2L8 500.00 Steves Brian, Dr. 26 Market St Sante A Antigonish NS B2G 3B4 250.00 Strait Engineering Ltd 298 Rescues St Unit 9 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2B4 200.00 Tobin Ethel 9 Northview Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1H6 50.00 Turner John 105 Hawethorne St Antigonish NS B2G 1A8 500.00 U.P.C. Local 244 Plumbers P.W. 393 Dogger Woods Rd Antigonish NS B0H 1X0 500.00 VanBerkel Henry 2897 Ashdale Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 100.00 Waslh Barry 158 Cloverville Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2M8 100.00 Wilks Robert 9707 Monastery Antigonish NS B0H 1W0 100.00 William Alexander & Associates 5171 George St Halifax NS B3J 1M6 250.00 Windden John 11 Hawthorne St Antigonish NS B2G 2M5 250.00 32,520.46

Candidate: Maurice (Moe) Smith Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Betsy MacIntyre, 1042 Springfield Road, St. Andrews, NS B0H 1X0 Contributions: $14,938.35 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount AuCoin Cheryl 84 Grandview Street Sydney NS B1P 3N6 100.00 Bigelow Ann 1827 Ohio West Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 50.00 Boyd Anne C Cribbons Points Road Cribbons Point NS B2G 2L2 50.00 Briand Karen Anne 20 Hawthorne Street Antigonish NS B2G 1A3 100.00 Briand Katherine 16 Ponderosa Drive Antigonish NS B2G 2R5 300.00 Brown Kingsley 1807 South Side Harbour South Side Harbour NS B2G 2L7 200.00 Burrill Roger A 6147 Linden Street Halifax NS B3H 2K7 100.00 Cameron Colleen 61 Brookland Street Antigonish NS B2G 1V8 550.00 Chisholm Colin B 19 Murphy Road Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Maurice (Moe) Smith (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Chisholm John W 2028 Highway 337 Harbour Centre NS B2G 2L2 500.00 Comeau Jonathan W D 5 Cooks Road Yarmouth NS B5A 1N6 200.00 Cummings R Donald 29 St Mary's Street Antigonish NS B2G 2A6 50.00 Cusack Elizabeth 205 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 6H4 150.00 Davenport Donald 22 Macken Road Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 200.00 Davenport Katrina 22 Macken Road Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 200.00 deMarsh Barbara 94 Mill Road Beaver Meadow NS B2G 2K8 50.00 DenHeyer Isabel 2733 East Ohio Road St Josephs NS B2G 2K8 400.00 DenHeyer Ken 2733 East Ohio Road St Josephs NS B2G 2K8 400.00 Dockwrey Ardath Point Edward Sydney NS B1P 6C9 50.00 Eaton Susan 61 Brookland Street Antigonish NS B2G 1V8 500.00 Emery Anne 5339 Russell Street Halifax NS B3K 1W8 100.00 Falconer Clarence 5 Wosley Street Springhill NS B0M 1X0 50.00 Fiaz Muhammed 102 Church Street Antigonish NS B2G 2E4 100.00 Gladikikh Olga 80 Marl Road Lanark NS B2G 2L2 200.00 Gottschall Ken 897 Highway 337 Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Gough Patrick 1530 West Side South River Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 10.00 Gregan Robert 37 Duckling Dell Amherst NS B2H 3Y2 100.00 Gunnery Sylvia Catherine Crescent Beach LeHave NS B0R 1C0 50.00 Hanlon Christine 5 Bantry Lane Antigonish NS B2G 2Z8 200.00 High-Crest Enterprises 250 Main Street Antigonish NS B2G 2C2 500.00 Inglis Heather 1281 Highway #7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 100.00 Knox Mark T 1795 Pryor Street Halifax NS B3H 4G7 400.00 Kohout M L (Mack) 229 Old Beaver Road James River NS B2G 2KB 500.00 Lancaster Lai Am 2227 West SideSouth River St Andrews NS B0H 1X0 25.00 Lancaster Richard 31 Charlos Cove Loop Larry's River NS B0H 1T0 200.00 Landry James Hugh Taylor's Road RR#7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 250.00 Liengme Pauline 913 Highway 337 Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Lloy Doug 25 Birch Hill Drive Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 200.00 Long William 11 Court Street Antigonish NS B2G 1Z7 75.00 Lorefice Paul 69 MacLellan Street Antigonish NS B2G 2P3 200.00 Lovett Jim 12 Xavier Drive Antigonish NS B2G 1G6 100.00 MacDonald G Douglas 534 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1E7 100.00 MacDonald Gerald A 103 Arisaig Point Road Arisaig NS B2G 2L1 100.00 MacDonald Hugh 3102 Maryvale Road Maryvale NS B2G 2L1 50.00 MacDonald Marion 54 Archie Street Antigonish NS B2G 2M5 100.00 MacDonald Maureen 5525 Cabot Place Halifax NS B3K 2J6 100.00 MacDonald Peter M 5015 Highway 245 Doctor's Brook NS B2G 2L1 100.00 MacDowell Kenzie 711 Bernard Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2V8 250.00 MacEachern Iain 1626 Glen Road Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 20.00 MacEachern Broadcasting 609 Church Street, Suite 201 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2X4 87.36 MacInnes Ann Marie 14 Oxford Street Sydney NS B1P 4C5 100.00 MacInnes Judith Macken Road Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Maurice (Moe) Smith (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacIntosh James 33 Greening Drive Antigonish NS B2G 1R1 200.00 MacIntyre Betsy 1042 Springfield Road St Andrews NS B0H 1X0 200.00 MacIsaac John David 18 Hillcrest Street Antigonish NS B2G 1Z3 100.00 MacLean VL 3933 Highway #7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 20.00 MacPherson Deborah 125 Main Street Antigonish NS B2G 2B6 50.00 Malick Anne 5 Regency Point Drive Bible Hill NS B6L 4B5 200.00 Mason Leonard Highway 316 Goshen NS B0H 1M0 50.00 McDonough Alexa 1544 Summer Street Halifax NS B3H 4S1 80.00 Merrimen Jennifer 12 Suffolk Close Halifax NS B3S 1H5 200.00 Miller David 34 South Street Chester NS B0J 1J0 500.00 Milner Philip 58 Cunningham Road Antigonish NS B2G 0A1 400.00 Mitchell Lee Wayne 3732 Robie Street Halifax NS B3K 4T2 75.00 Moreau Sam 5 Sylvan Valley Road Antigonish NS B2G 1C3 100.00 Morrow Coline 73 Court Street Antigonish NS B2G 1Z9 40.00 Mueller Kerstin 263 Old Maryvale Road Maryvale NS B2G 2L1 100.00 Murphy-Bilek Linda Seabright Road Antigonish NS B2G 2W5 100.00 Murray Brian 11 Dolorose Avenue Antigonish NS B2G 1T2 100.00 Myer Doug 384 Old Maryvale Road Maryvale NS B2G 2L1 100.00 O'Connell Margaret J 1 - 213 Hawthorne Street Antigonish NS B2G 1B6 100.00 O'Toole Terry 1614 Highway 245 North Grant NS B2G 2L4 100.00 Patriquin Kevin J 21 MacQuarrie Drive Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2K9 100.00 Pencer Edward L 1041 Highway 337 RR#4 Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 1,000.00 Porter Ina Terra Tory Drive Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 200.00 Sears Sheila 14 Brierly Way Antigonish NS B2G 2WG 200.00 Shebib Maureen 5458 Lochaber Street Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 25.00 Smith Daniel Cloverville Road Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 100.00 Smith Frank 8 Medford Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3C1 150.00 Smith Margaret E 56 Keating Court Antigonish NS B2G 0A3 200.00 Smith Maurice 10 Tigo park Antigonish NS B2G 1M9 780.99 Smith Ray 31 Castle Drive Sydney NS B2G 2A3 100.00 Stoffer Elaine 70 Village Lane RR #7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 100.00 Tompkins Joanne 30 Crockett Court Antigonish NS B2G 2Y4 150.00 Wright Edward L 70 Village Lane RR #7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 100.00 14,938.35

Candidate: Rebecca Steeves Mosher Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $ 0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Candidate: Miles Tompkins Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Adrian Cameron, 4095 Malignant Cove, Antigonish, NS Contributions: $21,145.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Adams Allan RR #4 Cape George Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Adams Brenton RR #4 Cape George Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 50.00 Adams Ted RR #4 Cape George Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 50.00 Alex Peter 596 Cloverville Road Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 100.00 Anderson Elliot 71 Fatima Street Antigonish NS B2G 1L5 100.00 Archibald & Jones Architects Ltd PO Box 1358 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 500.00 Armsworthy Emily 91 Church Street Antigonish NS B2G 2C9 50.00 Booth Nancy 19 Mount Cameron Drive Antigonish NS B2G 2V3 200.00 Boudreau James RR #1 Monastry Antigonish NS B0H 1W0 100.00 Bowles Ambrose 122 Springfield Road Springfield NS B0H 1X0 100.00 Boyd Colin 116 Colin Boyd Lane Cloverville Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 500.00 Boyd Margaret 116 Colin Boyd Lane Cloverville Antigonish NS B2G 1L8 100.00 Bradshaw Michael 27 Hillcrest Street Antigonish NS B2G 1Z2 100.00 Brendan's Fairway Ltd 201 Hawthorne St Antigonish NS B2G 1B6 200.00 Brophy Maria 280 Church Street Ext. Antigonish NS B2G 2E6 250.00 Brown Michael 25 The Heights Antigonish NS B2G 1K4 100.00 Cameron Harriet 1979 Hwy 7, Lochaber RR #5 Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 20.00 Cameron Nettie 8 Whidden Street Antigonish NS B2G 2T2 25.00 Cameron Owen 53 MacKinnon Street Antigonish NS B2G 1M3 100.00 Chisholm Ben Box 40, St Andrews Antigonish NS B0H 1X0 200.00 Chisholm Carl PO Box 1133 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2R6 100.00 Chisholm Diane PO Box 16, St Andrews Antigonish NS B0H 1X0 100.00 Chisholm Duncan 91 Pleasant Street Antigonish NS B2G 1W6 100.00 Chisholm John H 32 Elm Street Antigonish NS B2G 2B1 1,017.00 Chisholm Keith Box 16, St Andrews Antigonish NS B0H 1X0 100.00 Chisholm Shane Box 7, St Andrews Antigonish NS B0H 1X0 100.00 Coline Morrow Barrister & Solicitor 73 Court St Antigonish NS B2G 1Z9 100.00 Connely Charles 1 Devonshire Dr. Timberlea NS B3T 1C4 100.00 Connely Daniel 1 Devonshire Dr. Timberlea NS B3T 1C4 100.00 Connely John & Donna 1 Devonshire Dr. Timberlea NS B3T 1C4 200.00 Custom Woodworking Ltd 33 Grant Road, RR #1 Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 200.00 Dadeau Doug & Lorraine 83 Church Street Antigonish NS B2G 2C9 200.00 DJMI Legal Services PO Box 1478 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 500.00 Dobin Jerry 171 Bailey Road Heatherton NS B0H 1R0 100.00 Dr M N Amit Medicine Inc 25 Bay St Antigonish NS B2G 2G5 250.00 Dr Mary Gorman Inc 220 Main St. Antigonish NS B2G 2C2 100.00 Dunphy Robert RR#2 Brierly Brook Rd, Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 250.00 Eastern Sanitation Ltd 17 Adams Street Antigonish NS B2G 2G1 200.00 England Margaret & Sherman 17 Vincent's Way Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Farrell Finlay 12 Orchard Terrace Antigonish NS B2G 1W3 75.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Miles Tompkins (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Farrell's Ultramar 308 Main St Antigonish NS B2G 2C4 100.00 Fiddlers Green Golf Course 750 Williams Point Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 50.00 Foley Ronald 37 East Main Street Antigonish NS B2G 2B3 50.00 Fraser Ronald 46 MacLellan Street Antigonish NS B2G 1V5 50.00 Fraser & Hoyt Insurance 91 Archimedes St PO Box 489 New Glasgow NS B2H 5ES 200.00 Gillies Carol 22 Hillcrest St Antigonish NS B2G 1Z3 200.00 Gillis Angela 176 Church St. Ext Antigonish NS B2G 2E6 100.00 Gillis John & Joan 7 Sunset Terrace Antigonish NS B2G 1K2 100.00 Gorman Louise 50 Hillcrest Street Antigonish NS B2G 1Z3 25.00 Graham's Moving & Hauling 593 Pleasant Valley Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 500.00 Grant Jerome & Janice RR#1 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 250.00 Green Susan 215 Mitchell Street New Glasgow NS B2H 1H7 50.00 Hamilton John 2902 Brown Mountain Road Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 750.00 Hanifen Joseph RR#1 Guysborough Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 High Crest Enterprises 250 Main St Antigonish NS B2G 2C2 500.00 Hinchey Mike 5 Sunrise Crescent Antigonish NS B2G 2R7 200.00 Howard Shelagh 129 Hawthorne Street Antigonish NS B2G 1A8 100.00 Inglis Robert 1281 Hwy 7 RR#5 Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 100.00 J Armsworthy Excavating Ltd PO Box 1683 Antigonish NS B2G 2M5 100.00 Kadray Omar 27 Caroline Court Halifax NS B3S 1N4 200.00 Kell Carol 5068 Hwy 337 Cape George Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 200.00 Kell's Enterprises Ltd PO Box 1282 Antigonish NS B2G 2L6 200.00 Linden Anna-Marie 24n Shamrock Acres Antigonish NS B2G 1C9 50.00 MacAdam Janice & Carroll RR #3 Malignant Cove Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 MacDonald Allie 14 Chestnut St Antigonish NS B2G 1N4 225.00 MacDonald Blair 324 Mill Rd` Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 75.00 MacDonald Jo-Ann 649 St Joseph's Rd, Beaver Meadow Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 50.00 MacDonald John David 50 Thompson St Antigonish NS B2G 1E4 250.00 MacDonald Patrick 146 Seabright Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 MacDonald Patsy 1 Ross St Antigonish NS B2G 1C5 100.00 MacDonald Paul 11 Sheiling Court Antigonish NS B2G 2B9 100.00 MacDonald Ray John C 5994 Hwy 245 Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 40.00 MacDonald Ronald 5 Northview Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1H6 100.00 MacDonald Wilfred & Myrtle RR#1 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 198.00 MacDougall Hugh RR #5 Antigonish Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 100.00 MacDougall Shirley 55 Brookland St Antigonish NS B2G 1V8 100.00 MacEachern Donald PO Box 1713 Antigonish NS B2G 2M5 100.00 MacEachern Hugh RR #3 North Grant Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 50.00 MacEachern Myra PO Box 1713 Antigonish NS B2G 2M5 100.00 MacEachern Tom 620 Pleasant Valley Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 50.00 MacFarlane Ellen 5 Ross St. Antigonish NS B2G 1C5 100.00 MacGillivray Fuels Ltd 33 Adam St Antigonish NS B2G 2G1 200.00 MacGillvray James PO Box 986 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2S3 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Miles Tompkins (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacGillvray John A RR #4 Morristown Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 MacInnis Steve 5797 Hwy 245 Arisaig NS B2G 2L1 100.00 MacIssac Wilifred & Deborah 13 MacInnis Way RR #5 Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 500.00 MacKenzie Anne-Marie 3275 Hwy 337 Morristown Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 150.00 MacKenzie Charles RR#4 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 MacKinnon Barb 72 Sam's Hill Jimtown NS B2G 2L2 250.00 MacLellan Jim 2435 Connors Mountain Rd Pleasant Valley NS B2G 2K9 20.00 MacLeod Harlan PO Box 1362 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 100.00 MacNeil Allan 3196 Hwy 7 Ashdale Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 100.00 MacNeil Bryden 1154 Cloverville Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 100.00 MacNeil Ian 2975 Hwy 7 Ashdale Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 100.00 MacNeil Lorraine 3196 Hwy 7 Ashdale Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 100.00 MacPherson Allan & Hughena 1 Margaree Dr Antigonish NS B2G 1K1 200.00 MacPherson Greg RR #4 Lakevale Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Mason Raymond West River Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 100.00 McKenna Daniel 200 Addington Forks Rd RR #3 Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 100.00 McKenna Daniel 36 Hillcrest St Antigonish NS B2G 1Z3 500.00 McKenna Kenneth RR#2 Antigonish Co Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 200.00 Micro Machining Ltd RR #2 Linwood Antigonish NS B0H 1P0 200.00 Mike Hassin's Enterprises Ltd PO Box 1171 Antigonish NS B2G 2L6 200.00 Neary Joseph RR#2 Cloverville Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 100.00 Nova Contact Lens 66 Church St Antigonish NS B2G 2C1 100.00 Pettipas Market 13176 Trans Canada Highway Aulds Cove NS B0H 1P0 100.00 Ron MacGillivray Chevrolet 75 St Andrews St Antigonish NS B2G 2S3 250.00 Sinclair George 453 Beech Hill Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 250.00 Skye Food Services Ltd 37 James St Antigonish NS B2G 1R6 200.00 Smith Greg Po Box 78 Heatherton Antigonish NS B0H 1R0 100.00 Smith Lorraine 898 Cloverville Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 100.00 Smith Steve 18 Nicholson Court Antigonish NS B2G 2V4 500.00 Stewart Dr John B PO Box 42 Heatherton Antigonish NS B0H 1R0 500.00 Stewart Nancy 40 Ponderosa Dr Antigonish NS B2G 2R5 200.00 Stirling Glen 14 Whidden St Antigonish NS B2G 2T2 100.00 Sullivan Hugh 54 Thompson St Antigonish NS B2G 1E4 200.00 Sullmat Construction 65 Fatima St Antigonish NS B2G 1L5 200.00 Taylor Effie English Dept. PO Box 5000 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2W5 100.00 Taylor James English Dept. PO Box 5000 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2W5 100.00 UA Local 244 Plumbers, Pipefitters & Welders PO Box 40, St Andrews Antigonish NS B0H 1X0 500.00 Vinten Shirley 91 Church Street Antigonish NS B2G 2C9 125.00 Wagg Raymond 106 Temperance St New Glasgow NS B2H 3A7 200.00 Wayne Chisholm Forrestry Ltd RR #1 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 100.00 White Kevin PO Box 1444 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 100.00 William Draper Management Ltd 218 Main St Antigonish NS B2G 2B9 100.00 Woolaver DL PO Box 1808 Antigonish NS B2G 2M5 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Miles Tompkins (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Zinck Donald 183 Church St Ext Antigonish NS B2G 2E5 200.00 21,145.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 03 Argyle

Candidate: Chris d'Entremont Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Del Boudreau, 201 Gavel Rd., PO Box 9, Tusket, NS B0W 3M0 Contributions: $12,500.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Aberdeen Paving Limited 798 Hammonds Plains Road Bedford NS B4B 1B1 300.00 Acadian Fish Processors Limited PO Box 207 Lower West Pubnico NS B0W 2C0 1,000.00 Acadian Seaplants Limited 30 Brown Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1X8 1,000.00 Boucher Therese Box 610, RR1 Ste Anne du Ruisseau NS B0W 2X0 100.00 Bourque Delbert Box 90, RR3 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 100.00 Carl's Store Ltd PO Box 128 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 200.00 Charlesville Fisheries Limited General Delivery Lower West Pubnico NS B0W 2A0 500.00 Chebogue Fisheries Limited PO Box 326 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B3 200.00 Cottreau Martin PO Box 212 Wedgeport NS B0W 3P0 100.00 d'Entremont Floyd PO Box 76 Lower West Pubnico NS B0W 2C0 100.00 d'Entremont M Delores PO Box 114 Lower West Pubnico NS B0W 2C0 100.00 d'Entremont Pauline PO Box 70 West Pubnico NS B0W 3S0 100.00 d'Eon's Boat Building Limited Box 99 Middle West Pubnico NS B0W 2M0 500.00 Garian Construction Limited PO Box 166 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 500.00 Gaston Chagnon Property Limited 1165 Tower Road Halifax NS B3H 4Y7 350.00 Hood Cliff 7 Aberdeen Street Yarmouth NS B5A 2B1 100.00 Horrocks Ron Site 1, Box 4, RR1 Glenwood Central Argyle NS B0W 1W0 100.00 Howard and Diane Fisheries Limited Box 240C, RR1 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 300.00 Inshore Fisheries Limited PO Box 118 Middle West Pubnico NS B0W 2M0 1,000.00 LeBlanc Brian Box 88 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 250.00 Louisbourg Seafoods Limited 3 Commercial Street, Box 5609 Louisbourg NS B1C 1B5 500.00 Madden Eddie PO Box 159 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 500.00 Muise Rose Ella Box 4, Site 1 Ste Anne du Ruisseau NS B0W 2X0 250.00 Ocean Leader Fisheries Limited PO Box 402 Lower Wedgeport NS B0W 2B0 500.00 Paul d'Entremont Marine Ltd Box 190 West Pubnico NS B0W 3S0 1,000.00 Paul's Water Service Limited General Delivery Lower West Pubnico NS B0W 2C0 100.00 Pothier James PO Box 6 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 200.00 Robichaud Benoit PO Box 159 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B2 250.00 Rogers Furniture Co Limited 558 Main Street, PO Box 309 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B3 100.00 Silver Roe Seafoods Limited Box 1, Site 8 Lower East Pubnico NS B0W 2A0 100.00 Sonco Group Inc 410-1718 Argyle Street Halifax NS B3J 3N6 100.00 Surette Kevin Box 5, Site 10, RR2 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 1,000.00 Surette Stan PO Box 45 West Pubnico NS B0W 3S0 200.00 Tidal Organics Limited PO Box 868 Yarmouth NS B5A 4K5 500.00 Trask Matthew 1 Millstone Terrace Yarmouth NS B5A 1N2 200.00 Tusket Ultra Mart Limited PO Box 156 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 100.00 12,500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 03 Argyle

Candidate: Melvin Huskins Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Laurie M. Donaldson, 67 Camp Cove Rd, RR #1, Glenwood, NS B0W 1W0 Contributions: $1,629.59 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Acadian Fish Processors Limited Dennis's Point Road Lower West Pubnico NS B0W 2C0 500.00 Atkinson Clara Middle West Pubnico NS B0W 2M0 100.00 Barron George 6709 Sissiboo Road Bear River NS B0S 1B0 100.00 d'Eon Michelle PO Box 14 Middle West Pubnico NS B0W 2M0 100.00 Donaldson Yolande RR #1 Glenwood NS B0W 1W0 200.00 Lobster Bay Holdings Limited Box 45 Lower East Pubnico NS B0W 2A0 329.59 Triple "M" Seafoods Limited PO Box 99 Arcadia NS B0W 1B0 300.00 1,629.59

Candidate: Barb Lake Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $ 0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Lionel LeBlanc Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Sandra d'Entremont, 32 Old Abbott's Harbour Rd., West Pubnico, NS Contributions: $9,262.39 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Acadian Fish Processors Ltd PO box 209 Lower West Pubnico NS B0W 2C0 500.00 Acadian Plumbing & Heating PO Box 156 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 250.00 Alexter Fish Ltd. Lower West Pubnico Yarmouth County NS B0W 2C0 200.00 D'Entremenont & Boudreau PO box 118 Pubnico NS B0W 2W0 200.00 D'Entremont Aldric RR1 Site 5 Biox 6 Middle West Pubnico NS B0W 1W0 100.00 D'Entremont Sandra 32 Old Abbot's Har Rd West Pubnico NS B0W 3S0 462.39 Landry Timothy 48 Marshland Amiraolt's Hill NS 5,000.00 LeBlanc Edward PO Box 39 PO Box 48 Ste Anne Du Ruisseau NS B0W 2X0 100.00 Madden E.J. 79 Gavel Road Tusket NS B0W 2M0 500.00 R& N Fabrication Ltd. Hwy 335 Middle West Pubnico NS B0W 2M0 400.00 Robichaud Wayne 119 Lake Vaughn Road Tusket NS B0W 3M0 100.00 Surette Allister PO Box 159 Glenwood NS B0W 3M0 200.00 Thibaolt Robert PO box 133 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 100.00 Tusket Sales & Services Ltd PO Box 70 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 750.00 Tusket Toyota Ltd. PO Box 40 Yarmouth NS B5H 4B1 50.00 Tusket Ultra Mart Ltd. PO Box 228 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 100.00 Vernon D'Eon Lobster Plugs Ltd Hwy 335 West Pubnico NS B0W 2M0 250.00 9,262.39 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 04 Bedford-Birch Cove

Candidate: Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: James Harlow, 42 Thorndale Terrace, Bedford, NS B4A 0B7 Contributions: $29,044.97 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount All About Eye Care Optimetrists 961 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1A9 49.99 Banc Properties Ltd 30 Damasucs Rd, Ste 215 Bedford NS B4A 0CA 5,000.00 Barrett Keith 421 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2C7 100.00 Betts Nicholas Lakeshire Cres Dartmouth NS B2V 2N7 100.00 Bhalla Surinder 15 Chessvale Close Halifax NS B3M 4C6 1,000.00 Burnell Brian 208, 79 Beros Lane Halifax NS B3M 4X5 100.00 Cameron Property Service 1658 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 3X9 500.00 Christie Bonna 671 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 3E8 100.00 Christie Peter 109 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 2E9 200.00 Curren Reginald 34 Kearney Lake Rd Halifax NS B3M 3S4 100.00 Embree Margaret 21 Meadow Brook Dr, Apt 205 Bedford NS B4A 1P7 100.00 Fares Wadih 18 Broad Home Lane Halifax NS B3M 3S7 500.00 Geovex Investments Ltd 6017 Quinpool Rd Halifax NS B3K 5J6 1,000.00 GP Isenor Co Ltd. 89 Peregrine Cres Bedford NS B4A 3B9 300.00 Granville Dental Centre 1083 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1B7 1,000.00 Guam Errol 1083 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1B7 1,000.00 Hattie Archie 222 Montague Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 3P5 100.00 Havill John 401, 40 Water Front Dr Bedford NS B4A 4S1 100.00 Henderson Philip G 8 Grosvenor Rd Halifax NS B3M 2E2 75.00 Hennigar David 51 Forest Lane Bedford NS B4A 1H8 200.00 Kempster Frank 4 Pine St Bedford NS B4A 2A9 250.00 Kendziora Grace 235 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 4B3 100.00 Khokhar Kamar 14 Stockleigh Place Halifax NS B3M 4K4 100.00 Kuniski Len 415, 116 Larry Uteck Blvd Halifax NS B3M 4Y1 50.00 Lai Frederick 18 Meadow Brook Dr, Suite 3 Bedford NS B4A 1P6 49.99 Lai Elizabeth 18 Meadow Brook Dr, Suite 3 Bedford NS B4A 1P6 49.99 Laycock Michael 484 Bell Fontaine Rd West Chezzetcook NS B0J 1N0 100.00 Lowe Chris 11 Hefler St Bedford NS B4A 4B9 100.00 Lowther Donald 28 Loon Terrace Bedford NS B4A 3X9 250.00 Lugar Brian 27 Perth St Bedford NS B4A 2H1 100.00 MacDonald Colin 1414 Thornvale Ave Halifax NS B3H 4C2 1,000.00 MacDonald Gavin 15 Brook St Bedford NS B4A 2H4 100.00 MacPherson Hugh 31 Cunningham Drive Bedford NS B4A 2B4 100.00 Mandleman Toby 236 - 1595 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 3Y4 250.00 Mason Barry 1254 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1C6 500.00 Matheson Joel 2 Lake Dr Unit 406 Bedford NS B4A 4H7 100.00 McDonald John 77 Rochdale Pl Bedford NS B4A 0A7 250.00 Melvin James 28 Ravine Park Cres Halifax NS B3M 4N1 200.00 Micco Companies ( Mickey MacDonald) 741 Bedford Hwy Halifax NS B3M 2M1 1,000.00 Miller Richard 1 Chessvale Close Halifax NS B3M 4C6 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 04 Bedford-Birch Cove

Len Goucher (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Moulton Janet 8 Wison Blvd Halifax NS B3M 3E4 100.00 Presse Mason Law Office 1254 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 3Z5 500.00 Ray F. Fredericks Insurance Ltd 1356 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B4A 1E2 100.00 Roberts Keith 4 George St Bedford NS B4A 2N8 50.00 Russell Frances 10 Little Fox Lane Halifax NS B3M 3J1 20.00 Say It With Stiches Inc 1105 Bedford Bedford NS B4A 1B7 100.00 Scotia Learning Centres Inc 6017 Quinpool Rd Halifax NS B3K 5J6 1,000.00 Scott Robert 1 Ellis Court Dartmouth NS BX2 2T4 100.00 Spatz Jim 100-1475 Lr Water Street Halifax NS B3J 3Z2 200.00 Stevens Alexander 25 Elgin Lane Bedford NS B4A 2K2 300.00 Stevens Hilda 2 Samuel Terr Halifax NS B3N 3A2 200.00 Steves Hall of Independent Living 2 Samuel Terrace St, Sutie 300 Bedford NS B2N 3A2 200.00 Streatch Ken 7408 Hwy 357 RR#5 Mid Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 150.00 Swamy Narayana 3 Binnacle Crt Bedford NS B4A 4A3 50.00 Tannous George 2 Kelvin Grove Halifax NS B3M 3Y9 500.00 The Golden Pita Bakery Limited 1350 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B4A 1E1 250.00 Tucker Elizabeth 6 Arthur Lismer St Bedford NS B4A 4B4 250.00 Waterfront South Bedford Inc Suite 200, 200 Water Front Drive Bedford NS B4A 4J4 1,000.00 West Bedford Holdings Ltd 255 Lacewood Dr Halifax NS B3M 4G2 2,000.00 William Alexander & Associates Ltd 5171 George St Halifax NS B3J 1M6 300.00 Whiterock Inc 655 Bay St Toronto ON M5G 2K4 5,000.00 Yonke Chris 20 Barrens Street Bedford NS B4A 0B7 200.00 29,044.97

Candidate: Brian Mosher Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: David Wright, 510-53 Bedros Lane, Halifax, NS B3M 4X4 Contributions: $6,280.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Barrington Charles 36 Doyle Street Bedford NS B4A 1K5 100.00 Bird Jean 2 Fort Sackville Road Bedford NS B4A 2G4 400.00 Buchanan Carol 194 Cresthaven Drive Halifax NS B3M 4B4 1,000.00 Cresco Developments Ltd PO Box 48089 Bedford NS B4A 3Z2 250.00 Doucet Alfred 281 Douglas Crescent Halifax NS B3M 3B6 100.00 Hennigar David 51 Forest Lane Bedford NS B4A 1H8 200.00 Hennigar Jan 1 Birch Street Bedford NS B4A 2W7 200.00 Howell Jack 162 Rocky Lake Drive Bedford NS B4A 2T6 500.00 Kadray Issam 27 Carlina Court Halifax NS B3M 1N4 500.00 Kephart George 30 First Avenue Bedford NS B4A 1Z9 100.00 Langdon Alexandra PO Box 2056 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Leroy Marg 101 Cutter Drive Halifax NS B3M 4W6 200.00 Mangalam Sylvia 1388 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B4A 1E2 100.00 Mosher Dawn 50 Royal Masts Way Bedford NS B3A 4B1 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 04 Bedford-Birch Cove

Brian Mosher (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Murphy Cathy 48 Saskatoon Drive Halifax NS B3M 3H7 100.00 Murphy Peter 194 Cresthaven Drive Halifax NS B3M 4B4 1,000.00 Pike Lorne 13 Royal Masts Way Bedford NS B4A 4B1 100.00 Pirie Edward 14 Julies Walk Halifax NS B3M 2Z7 100.00 Ray F Fredericks Insurance Ltd 1356 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B4A 1E2 100.00 Robbins Lloyd 5 Rockhaven Drive Halifax NS B3M 1Z8 100.00 Ross Holly 11 Pulp Mill Road Point Tupper NS B9A 1L6 100.00 Rubinger Catherine 49 Wedgewood Avenue Halifax NS B3M 2B4 100.00 Rumscheidt Martin 87 Kearney Lake Road - Apt 208 Halifax NS B3M 4H1 50.00 Savard David 29 Windrock Drive Bedford NS B4A 3E5 100.00 Tremills Barbara 7 Green Lane Bedford NS B4A 1W3 100.00 Watson Robert 126 Millrun Crescent Bedford NS B4A 1H7 200.00 Wissent Janet 230-204 Ross Street Halifax NS B3M 3Z5 80.00 Wright David 510-53 Bedros Lane Halifax NS B5M 4X4 200.00 6,280.00

Candidate: Neil Green Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Bryan Duffy, 15 Kirkwood Court, Bedford, NS B4A 0A9 Contributions: $40,660.45 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 99179 Canada Inc 122 Main St Dartmouth NS B2X 1R9 500.00 ABM Systems Limited 98 Williams Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 0A1 500.00 Aiken Edward 9 Kings Ct Bedford NS B4A 3W9 100.00 Arab Youssef 20 Millview Ave Bedford NS B4A 1G7 100.00 Archibald Thomas 163 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 3S7 100.00 Atlantic Shark Association 40 Lenny's Lane Sambro NS B3V 1L5 200.00 Awad Michelle 33 Bridgeview Dr Halifax NS B3P 1E7 250.00 B & G Innkeepers Limited 6151 Lady Hammond Rd Halifax NS B3K 2R9 500.00 Barkhouse Alan 1791 Rosebank Ave Halifax NS B3H 4C5 100.00 Barnes Judy 14 Royal Mast Way Bedford NS B4A 4R1 90.00 Barrett Keith H W 421 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2C7 50.00 Benjamin Wyman 23 Saratoga Dr Dartmouth NS B2X 3P3 50.00 Bhatia I N Apt 100, 61 Nelson's Landing Bedford NS B4A 3X3 200.00 Boswell Edith 163 High St Bedford NS B4A 1M4 100.00 Boudreau Alan 1240 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1C6 400.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 04 Bedford-Birch Cove

Kelly Regan (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Boyce's Law Office 187 Lockview Road Fall River NS B2T 1J1 100.00 Boyne Clarke PO Box 876, 33 Alderney Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Z5 200.00 Brennan Thomas 2371 Armcrest East Halifax NS B3L 3E1 100.00 Broomhead Alan 12 Bowsprit Close Bedford NS B4A 4A3 100.00 Brown David 145 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 3S5 100.00 Brown Geraldine 75 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 3M4 100.00 Brownstone Robert 735 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2E2 200.00 Butland Anna 85 Spinnaker Dr, Suite 505 Halifax NS B3N 3E3 40.23 Cantwell & Company Ltd Po Box 31006, 5845 Point Pleasant Dr Halifax NS B3H 1B7 200.00 Carney Janet 84 Forestside Cres Halifax NS B3M 1M4 100.00 Cartmill Claire 6634 South St Halifax NS B3H 1V2 250.00 Chapman Beverly 3 Lady Slipper Dr Halifax NS B3M 3R5 100.00 Chaudhary Bakhtawer 19 Gateway Rd Halifax NS B3M 1M6 50.00 Chisholm Corina 23 Blanchard Cres Bedford NS B4A 4C6 50.00 Chopra Roshan 2 Lanshaw Close Halifax NS B3S 1E7 100.00 Clancy Mary 709-5959 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 1Y5 100.00 Close George 45 Brentwood Dr Bedford NS B4A 3S2 100.00 Coffin Anne Murtagh 27 Fleming Dr Halifax NS B3P 1A8 150.00 Cogan Connie 235 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 4B3 75.00 Collins David 5 Robert Allen Dr Halifax NS B3M 3G9 500.00 Collins J Corrigan 276 Southgate Dr Bedford NS B4A 4L8 130.47 Corbyn Betty 11 Clipper Court Bedford NS B4A 4A6 100.00 Cordy Jane 52 Diana Grace Ave Dartmouth NS B2W 6A2 200.00 Cormier Michael 52 Kingsbury Way Bedford NS B4A 4M5 250.00 Cosman Francine 323 Moirs Mill Road Bedford NS B4A 3Y3 100.00 Covert W Michael Suite 306, 1550 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1E6 1,906.66 Craig Eva 28 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 3L7 100.00 Crowe Dillon Robinson Suite 2000, 7075 Bayers Road Halifax NS B3L 2C1 200.00 Cruickshank John F 89 Waterfront Dr Unit 803 Bedford NS B4A 4K4 150.00 Cruickshank Lori 127 Peregrine Cres Bedford NS B4A 3E2 100.00 Das Biman 10 Redbank Road Bedford NS B4A 2V2 100.00 David L Etter & Associates Inc 117 Brentwood Dr Bedford NS B4A 3S3 200.00 Davis James 116 Queen St Bridgewater NS B4V 1P4 100.00 Day Graham 18 Avon Street, PO Box 422 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 500.00 Diab Maroun 20 Houda Crt Halifax NS B3M 4S3 100.00 Dicostanzo John 2 Wendover Close Halifax NS B3M 4E8 100.00 Duffy Bryan 15 Kirkwood Ct Bedford NS B4A 0A9 250.00 Elsworth Consulting Services Limited 228 Empire St Bridgewater NS B4V 2M5 50.00 Emond Daniel 21 Adlington Crt Bedford NS B4A 3Z1 130.47 Fairwyn Developments Limited PO Box 2557, Station Central Halifax NS B3J 3N5 100.00 Fares Francis 465 Kearney Lake Rd Bedford NS B4B 1H7 500.00 Fares Wadih 18 Broadholme Lane Halifax NS B3M 3B7 500.00 Faulkner Joan 173 Cresthaven Dr Halifax NS B3M 4S4 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 04 Bedford-Birch Cove

Kelly Regan (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Fennell Robert 15 Walden Place Bedford NS B4A 1H5 100.00 Fenton William 80 Waterfront Dr #403 Bedford NS B4A 4E4 100.00 Fisherman's Market International Inc 607 Bedford Hwy Halifax NS B3M 2L6 230.47 Five Fisherman Ltd PO Box 877, Stn M, Argyle St Halifax NS B3J 2W1 100.00 Fraser Joan 6389 Seaforth St Halifax NS B3L 1R2 65.23 French Frederick PO Box 44237 Bedford NS B4A 3X5 100.00 Gallagher Joseph 10 Lincoln Dr Bedford NS B4A 1S7 100.00 Gallant Christopher 158 Eaglewood Dr Bedford NS B4A 3B2 130.47 Gallivan Daniel 6196 Oakland Rd Halifax NS B3H 1P2 100.00 Gamble Tammy 15 St Margaret's Bay Rd Halifax NS B3N 1J2 403.72 Gammon Lake Resources (NS) Inc Cambridge 2, Suite 306, 202 Browlow Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1T5 5,000.00 Gem Health Care Group Limited 1046 Barrington St Halifax NS B3H 2P8 1,000.00 Gillis Mary 89 Waterfront Dr, Unit 506 Bedford NS B4A 4K4 100.00 Haddad Abriza 23 Barkton Lane Halifax NS B3M 4K5 100.00 Haddad Hind 26 Addington Crt Bedford NS B4A 3Z1 280.47 Hayes Kempton 9 Homecrest Terrace Halifax NS B3N 1Y3 100.00 Hayes Lawrence PO Box 1561 Stn Central, 967 Beaufort Ave Halifax NS B3J 2Y3 100.00 Hayes Robert 913 Brussels St Halifax NS B3H 2S9 50.00 Hayes-Walsh Wendy 12 Perth St Bedford NS B4A 2G9 100.00 Hemming Robert Suite 1306, 2000 Barrington St Halifax NS B3J 3K1 130.47 Hennifgar David 51 Forest Lane Bedford NS B4A 1H8 200.00 Hill Tim 255 Lacewood Dr, Suite 108 Halifax NS B3M 4G2 100.00 Holmes Maritime 1345 Hollis St Halifax NS B3J 1T8 200.00 Hustins Harvey 768 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2E4 100.00 Iona Resources Holdings Inc 1 Canal Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2W1 500.00 Irving David 1234 Church St Halifax NS B3J 2E8 500.00 Irwin Francis 111-429 Parkland Dr Halifax NS B3S 1L3 100.00 J & M Murphy Limited 3514 Joseph Howe Dr Halifax NS B3L 34H7 200.00 Jessy's Pizza 30 Farnham Gate Rd Halifax NS B3M 3W8 25.98 Keith John 9 St Laurent Pl Halifax NS B3M 4B6 500.00 Kelley Robert 5561 Heatherwood Crt, Apt 102 Halifax NS B3K 5N7 50.00 Kevin Ronald 79 Bedross Lane, Unit 406 Halifax NS B3M 4X5 200.00 Killam Properties Inc 3700 Kempt Road Halifax NS B3K 4X8 150.00 Kopperness Johan 1433 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2E7 200.00 Lethbridge Helen 76 Crichton Ave, Condo 2 Dartmouth NS B3A 3R4 50.00 Linvan Inc PO Box 25201, 350 Southgate Dr Halifax NS B3M 4H4 100.00 Logan Gary 106-106 Greenpark Close Halifax NS B3S 0A4 50.00 Lugar Brian 27 Perth St Bedford NS B4A 2H1 100.00 MacDonald Ann 511-429 Parkland Dr Halifax NS B3S 1L3 100.00 MacDonald Darren 96 Starboard Dr Halifax NS B3M 4T5 250.00 MacDonald Francis 48 Canary Cres Halifax NS B3M 1R1 100.00 MacDonald Ian 1678 Preston St Halifax NS B3H 3Y3 230.47 Machum Kimberley 885 Marlborough Woods Rd Halifax NS B3H 1H9 300.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 04 Bedford-Birch Cove

Kelly Regan (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacIntosh Bruce 22 Quarry Lane, RR #1 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C4 200.00 MacIntyre Reginald 556 Bedford Hwy Apt 415 Halifax NS B3M 4X7 100.00 MacKenzie Shelley 49a Parkhill Rd Halifax NS B3P 1R4 50.00 MacKinnon Loretta 401-295 Lacewood Dr Halifax NS B3M 4L3 50.00 MacKinnon Peggy 28 Glenn Halifax NS B3M 2B9 100.00 MacLellan Brian 5670 Atlantic St, PO Box 1054, Stn, Central Halifax NS B3J 2X6 150.00 MacLellan Russell PO Box 261, 37085 Cabot Trail Ingonish Beach NS B0C 1L0 100.00 Majalahti Joan 149 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 3S7 50.00 Martha's Pizza Mill Cove Plaza Bedford NS 41.80 McNeil R Leonard 37 Mary Fenton Court Bedford NS B4A 4G7 500.00 Medjuck Ralph 5956 Emscote Dr Halifax NS B3H 1B3 100.00 Metlej Anthony 6957 Armview Ave Halifax NS B3H 2M5 100.00 Milliken Heather 21 Peregrine Cres Bedford NS B4A 3B9 250.00 Mishra Harsh 8 Canterbury Close Halifax NS B3M 3T2 200.00 Morgan Gerald S 10 Parkvale Cres Bedford NS B4A 3M3 100.00 Morrison Wayne 4 Adlington Court Bedford NS B4A 3Z1 100.00 Newcap Inc 745 Windmill Road Dartmouth NS B3B 1C2 1,000.00 Norton Scott 20 Quinn Crt Bedford NS B4A 4B3 500.00 O'Brien Ruby 2 Lake Drive, Unit 211 Bedford NS B4A 4H7 100.00 Olding Marilyn Apt 403, 295 Lacewood Dr Halifax NS B3M 4L3 50.00 O'Regans Limited 60 Baker Dr, Unit A Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 Outhit-Smith Sarah 24 Remington Court Halifax NS B3M 3Y6 200.00 Page Realty Management 7071 Bayers Road, Suite 4007 Halifax NS B3L 2C2 250.00 Patin Equipment Limited 85 MacDonald Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1T8 500.00 Perkins Kevin 7-22 Meadowbrook Dr Bedford NS B4A 1P6 100.00 Petropolis Chris 162 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 3S7 130.47 Prall Craig 130 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 3S5 130.47 Rae Andrew 56 Paper Mill Lane Bedford NS B4A 3W5 100.00 Rafuse Richard 5910 Inglewood Dr Halifax NS B3H 1B1 250.00 Rai Yashwant 6 Reed Crt Halifax NS B3M 3L2 100.00 Ramier Wayne 168 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 3S7 100.00 Ray F Fredericks Insurance Ltd 1356 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B4A 1E2 100.00 Redden Brothers Development Limited PO Box 44088, 1658 Bedford Hwy. Bedford NS B4A 3X5 200.00 Regan Caitlin 5 Winter St Wolfville NS B4P 1K5 50.00 Regan Geoffrey 158 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 3S7 500.00 Regan Kelly 158 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 3S7 250.00 Regan Nicole 158 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 3S7 50.00 Richarson William PO Box 44083, 99 Nottinham Street Bedford NS B4A 3X5 300.00 Riley John 71 Flamingo Dr Halifax NS B3M 1T2 100.00 Russell Mary 180 Cresthaven Dr Halifax NS B3M 4B9 200.00 Ryan Mary Alice 34 French Masts Lane Bedford NS B4A 3W7 130.47 S Blom Signs Unit 1A, 2 Lakeside Park Dr Halifax NS B3T 1L7 396.19 Saleh Terry 162 Granville Rd Bedford NS B4A 3V8 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 04 Bedford-Birch Cove

Kelly Regan (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Salsman Dean W 1470 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 3A3 100.00 Sampson Rosemarie 513-36 Southgate Dr Bedford NS B4A 4M4 100.00 Sanibel Estates Inc 811 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2E3 100.00 Sauriol Peter 17 Kennedy Court Bedford NS B4A 3K5 100.00 Sciocchetti Robert 15 Holland Ave Bedford NS B4A 1L7 100.00 Secunda Marine 1 Canal Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2W1 1,000.00 Sharief Ahmed 14 Parker Court Bedford NS B4A 3Z4 250.00 Sharief Hanaa 14 Parker Court Bedford NS B4A 3Z4 200.00 Sinclair Michael PO Box 231, Station Central, 16 White Glove Halifax NS B3J 2M4 100.00 Smith Burney 1658 Bedford Hwy, PO Box 44018 RPO BedfBedford NS B3A 3X5 100.00 Smith Margaret 603-89 Waterfront Dr Bedford NS B4A 4K4 100.00 Smith Ian 20 Adlington Crt Bedford NS B4A 3Z1 130.47 Sobey David F 115 King St Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 500.00 Spatz Jim 100-1475 Lower Water St Halifax NS B3J 3Z2 500.00 Star Sport Nova Scotia 50 Sunrise Hill Bedford NS B4A 1V1 100.00 Surette David 44 Adlington Crt Bedford NS B4A 3Z1 130.47 Tannous George 2 Kelvin Grove Halifax NS B3M 3Y9 500.00 Tate Elizabeth 725 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2E2 200.00 Todd Don Apt 410, 120 Southgate Dr Bedford NS B4A 4K8 100.00 Tomar Mukhytyar 115 Dorthea Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4B6 100.00 Uthe Patricia 32 Simcoe Place Halifax NS B3M 1H3 100.00 Vaughan J Philip 1645 Vermon St Halifax NS B3H 3M9 200.00 Wagner Raymond PO Box 192 CRPO, 1869 Upper Water St Halifax NS B3J 2M4 100.00 Wentworth Strategic Services Limited 846 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2E4 1,000.00 White Burgess Langille Inman 26 Union St, 2nd Floor Bedford NS B4A 2B5 250.00 Williams Charles 295 Lacewood Drive Halifax NS B3M 4L3 50.00 Williams Todd 295 Lacewood Drive Halifax NS B3M 4L3 50.00 Wilson Robert 49 Heathside Cres Halifax NS B3S 1G3 50.00 Winters J Robert PO Box 100, RPO Prince, 147 Queen Street Truro NS B2N 5B6 200.00 Wright Elizabeth 735 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2E2 200.00 Youle David 17 Beechwood Terrace Halifax NS B3M 2C3 100.00 Zatzman Steven 8 Sandhurst Close Halifax NS B3M 3R1 200.00 Zinck John 1490 Rocky Lake Road Bedford NS B4A 2S8 50.00 Zive S Paul PO Box 36010, 5657 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3J 3S9 150.00 Zurawski Richard 16 Edward Laurie Dr Halifax NS B3M 2C7 300.00 40,660.45 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 05 Cape Breton Centre

Candidate: Chris Alders Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Jennifer Blanchard, 3077 Harbourview Avenue, New Waterford, NS B1H 0A1 Contributions: $7,895.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Aucoin John 430 Mahon Street New Waterford NS B1H 3J2 20.00 Blanchard Dupe Jennifer & Rodney 3077 Harbourview Avenue New Waterford NS B1H 0A1 100.00 Boone Brian & Anne Marie 34 Ryans Ridge Court Lower Sackville NS B4C 3Y3 75.00 Brown Blair & Gerardette 36 Ainsley Crt River Ryan NS B1H 5S8 200.00 Campbell Donald & Carole 23 Lewis Drive Dominion NS B1G 1K5 200.00 Campbell Myrtle 1354 Main Street Glace Bay NS B1A 5A7 100.00 CB Coal Energy Ltd Steve Rankin 309-5530 Artillery Place Halifax NS B3J 1J3 500.00 Clarke Ricky & Judy 131 Poplar Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2K7 50.00 Cole Bill 17-430 Mahon Street New Waterford NS B1H 3J2 100.00 Corbett Beth & Barry 178 Mackessey Drive New Waterford NS B1N 3J8 100.00 Corbett Frank 3397 Plummer Avenue New Waterford NS B1H 1Z1 1,000.00 Dobbin Barney 1333 Birmingham Street Halifax NS B3J 2J3 1,000.00 Dornig Cliff & Linda 3464 Pellet Avenue New Waterford NS B1H 1S8 100.00 Gillis Mary & Margaret 294 Ling Street New Waterford NS B1H 2W4 200.00 Hines Tom 3463 Pellett Avenue New Waterford NS B1H 1S7 50.00 JCL Investments Jim Burke 339 Welton Street Sydney NS B1P 5S6 150.00 Kennedy Roseanne & Michael 230 Grace Street New Waterford NS B1H 4P6 200.00 Kryspan Construct Company 2345 Lingan Road New Waterford NS B1H 5H5 200.00 Leadbeater Trevor 443 St Anne Street New Waterford NS B1H 3L9 50.00 MacNeil Shirley 264 Neville Street Dominion NS B1G 1P8 100.00 MacPherson Todd 838 Main Street Glace Bay NS B1A 4Z4 100.00 Maindiratta Gopal 342 Smith Street New Waterford NS B1H 3R1 50.00 Mason John & Marjorie 3242 Mt Carmel Avenue New Waterford NS B1H 1T7 50.00 Matheson Joseph & Mary 17 Rosewood Avenue Glace Bay NS B1A 2Y4 50.00 McIntyre William & Deborah 33 Gordon Avenue Sydney NS B1M 1A6 100.00 McMullen Elizabeth 277 Neville Street Dominion NS B1G 1P9 100.00 Muise Eileen & Greg 3523 Ross Avenue New Waterford NS B1H 1M9 200.00 Municipal Ready Mix PO Box 237 Sydney NS B1P 6H1 500.00 Murphy Mary May & Clifford 659 Upper Prince Street New Waterford NS B1P 5M9 250.00 Pharmasave 3435 Plummer Avenue New Waterford NS B1H 1Z4 200.00 Power Patricia 208 Waterview Street New Waterford NS B1H 3G4 100.00 Protocase Inc 870 Kings Road Sydney NS B1P 6R7 200.00 Ryan Jerry 5354 Union Highway River Ryan NS B1H 1B2 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 05 Cape Breton Centre

Frank Corbett (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Sampson MacDougall 66 Wentworth Place Sydney NS B1P 6T4 300.00 Seaside Communications 1318 Grand Lake Road Reserve Mines NS B1E 1L2 300.00 Shaw Ivy 242 Windsor Drive Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 1H1 100.00 UMWA Dist 2, Sub Dist 26 PO Box 129 Glace Bay NS B1A 5V2 200.00 Vaninetti Joe & Corinne 2140 Lingan Road River Ryan NS B1H 5J6 100.00 Wilson John O 180 Mahon Street New Waterford NS B1H 3H1 100.00 Woodland Patricia 378 Mahon Street New Waterford NS B1H 3H9 100.00 Young Les 170 Braemar Drive Sydney NS B1R 1V9 100.00 Yurczyszyn Michael & Maryena 619 King Street New Waterford NS B1H 3Z2 100.00 7,895.00

Candidate: Joe MacPherson Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Sheldon Syms, 81 Birch Street, Dominion, NS B1G 1A3 Contributions: $500.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Wilton David 1510 Grand Lake Rd Sydney NS B1M 1A1 500.00 500.00

Candidate: Chris Ryan Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: John Nash, 282 George Street, Sydney, NS B1P 1J6 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 06 Cape Breton North

Candidate: Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: James Poole, 69 Campbell Street, North Sydney, NS B2A 2C8 Contributions: $37,570.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount AG Research Inc 225 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 6J7 500.00 Almon Dennis 4 Thompson Ave North Sydney NS B2A 1X8 300.00 Andrews Harriet 312 Seaview Drive North Sydney NS B2A 3P1 200.00 Bentick Investments Limited 500 George Place Sydney NS B1P 1K6 2,000.00 Boyd Norma 86 Crestdale Drive, RR1 Sydney Forks NS B1L 1A1 200.00 Bragg Noella 31 Quilty Drive North Sydney NS B2A 3P9 25.00 Campbell View Enterprises Limited 106 King Street North Sydney NS B2A 3S5 400.00 Cape Breton Beverages Limited 65 Harbour Drive Edwardsville NS B2A 4T7 1,000.00 Cape Breton Explorations 11 Eleventh Street Glace Bay NS B1A 4M3 2,000.00 Chiasson Daniel 137 Twining Street, PO Box 567 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 200.00 Christie Donna 671 Basinview Drive Bedford NS B4A 3E8 100.00 Coastal Construction & Excavating Limited 26 Seaview Drive North Sydney NS B2A 3M9 1,000.00 Cogan James PO Box 82 North Sydney NS B2A 3M1 200.00 Curtis-David Holdings Co Ltd 76 Woodill Street Sydney NS B1P 4NG 75.00 Donovan Patrick 32 Rigby Road Sydney NS B1P 4T3 500.00 Dwight JW Rudderham Law Office Inc. 500 George Place Sydney NS B1P 1K6 1,000.00 Eastcoast Rope Limited 42 Memorial Drive North Sydney NS B2A 3M3 500.00 Evans Berkley 80 Regent Street, Apt 9 North Sydney NS B2A 2G2 200.00 First Communication Contractors Limited 180 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1C5 250.00 Francis James 30 Fraser Ave Sydney Mines NS B1V 2B7 300.00 Garson Craig 785 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V8 500.00 Grant Jean 3 Davis Street North Sydney NS B2A 1S2 200.00 Hall Mary Patricia 36 Brown Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 1G1 200.00 Harbour Royal Development Limited 500 George Place Sydney NS B1P 1K6 1,500.00 Humphrey Olive 8 Victoria Hill Sydney NS B1R 1P1 100.00 Ignacio Dr B S 837 Shore Road Sydney Mines NS B1V 1A7 500.00 Island Distributors Limited 135 Johnstone Street Sydney NS B1P 6H4 120.00 JM Anderson Limited 17 Queen Street North Sydney NS B2A 1A2 150.00 Joneljim Concrete Construction 1994 Limited Riverview Drive Sydney NS B1P 6G9 4,000.00 Khattar John 80 Whitney Ave Sydney NS B1P 4Z9 100.00 Lahey Patrick 6180 Louisbourg Highway Catalone NS B1C 1S1 500.00 Layton Diane 21 Brown Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 1E9 200.00 Layton's Lumber Ltd 174 Atlantic Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 1Y6 500.00 MacDonald Daniel 20 Shore Road Sydney Mines NS B1V 1A7 200.00 MacDonald Ronald A 162 Queen Street North Sydney NS B2A 1B3 200.00 MacDonald S Douglas 107a William Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 2J3 100.00 MacIntosh Wayne 14 Admiralty Crt Sydney NS B1P 7G6 500.00 MacLellan Dr D Lorne 4 Charlotte Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 2G6 200.00 MacLeod Florence 1427 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1E4 100.00 MacLeod Shirley Donelda 100 Spurce Haven Drive, Apt 7 Sydney NS B1S 2L8 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 06 Cape Breton North

Cecil Clarke (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacLeod Gordon J 77 Meech Ave North Sydney NS B2A 1R9 200.00 MacLeod LaFosse Barristers 50 Dorchester Street, PO Box 297 Sydney NS B1P 6H1 500.00 MacNeil Hamilton 991 Main Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 2M7 1,000.00 MacNeil John 1 Burchell Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 2P9 300.00 MGW Barristers & Solicitors Inc 130 Charlotte Street, PO Box 1477 Sydney NS B1P 6J7 500.00 Muir Robert 29 Keefe Ave Sydney NS B1R 2C9 200.00 Municipal Ready Mix Ltd 19 Macrae Ave Sydney NS B1S 1M1 1,000.00 Munroe Robert 111 Calderwood Drive Sydney NS B1S 3G2 150.00 Newman Russell 74 Campbell Street North Sydney NS B2A 2C7 100.00 Parsons Investments Ltd 15096 Highway 1 Kingstone NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Pearl Reality Company Limited 500 George Place Sydney NS B1P 1K6 1,500.00 Pelly Theresa 4 Park Street North Sydney NS B2A 1G1 1,000.00 Pollett's Drug Store 203 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 6R8 300.00 Polysteel Atlantic Limited 468 Portsway Ave Edwardsville NS B2A 4T8 500.00 Preferred Office Environments 444 Gateway Ave, Suite A Edwardsville NS B2A 4V1 250.00 Read David 6039 Fernwood Lane Halifax NS B3H 0A5 1,000.00 RKM Investments Limited #3 326-328 Commercial Street North Sydney NS B2A 1C2 500.00 Roach Perry Anderson 63 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1B8 150.00 S & M Trucking Limited 49 Harbour Drive Edwardsville NS B2A 4T7 2,000.00 Sampson McDougall Barristers 66 Wentworth Street Sydney NS B1P 6T4 400.00 Schofield Denise 5683 Fenwick Street Halifax NS B3H 1R1 400.00 Seaboard Tire Service 23 Paint Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J7 500.00 Serroul Gregory 42 Summer St North Sydney NS B2A 1J1 200.00 Shebib Monica 19 Queen Street North Sydney NS B2A 1A2 500.00 Stewart Betty 45 Guy Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 2N8 100.00 Stewart Corrie 20 Meadowbrook Drive Sydney Mines NS B1V 3E7 500.00 The Clansman Motel Ltd 9 Baird Street North Sydney NS B2A 3M3 200.00 Tobin Joseph 134 William Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 3A2 100.00 Trans-Atlantic Performs Limited 478 Gulf Crescent Sydney NS B1P 6T7 1,000.00 Trifos Design Consultants 7 Cromarty Street Sydney NS B1P 4V9 250.00 Virtual Media Productions Limited PO Box 1293 Sydney NS B1P 6K3 300.00 W A Latimer General Contracting Limited 339 Murphy Road Sydney NS B1R 1W9 500.00 Weldon MacDonald Trucking Ltd 16 Union Street, PO Box 453 North Sydney NS B2A 3M5 500.00 37,570.00

Candidate: Ken Jardine Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Robert Jardine, 86 Regent Street, North Sydney, NS B2A 2G2 Contributions: $8,330.75 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Anderson Eleanor 114 St. Peters Rd. Sydney NS B1P 4P4 100.00 Baxendale Daryl 245 New Dominion Rd Dalem Lake NS B0Y 2Y1 100.00 Billard Jerry 516 Villa Drive Bras D'or NS B1Y 2Z5 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 06 Cape Breton North

Ken Jardine (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bjornson Diane 9368 Kempt Head Rd Ross Ferry NS B1X 1N8 180.75 Bluenose Insurance 676 George St Sydney NS B1P 1K9 1,000.00 Bradley's Entertainment 127 King St North Sydney NS B2A 3S1 100.00 Cape Breton Security Serv 16 Crystal Dr. Florence NS B1Y 3Y7 50.00 Capstick Transport Inc P.O. Box 1606 Bras D'or NS B1Y 3Y6 50.00 Clearview Vinyl Products 588 Main St. Glace Bay NS B1A 4X8 100.00 Coakley Builders Ltd P.O Box 607 Florence NS B1Y 3Y7 100.00 Doherty Regina 235 Charlotte St Sydney NS B1P 1B4 100.00 Donovan Pat 32 Rigby Rd Sydney NS B1P 4T3 100.00 Eyking Mark 210 Millville Hwgh Millville NS B1Y 2C9 100.00 Frosst E. Jr. 9722 Kempt Head Rd Ross Ferry NS B1X 1N8 100.00 Greg and Steve's Auto Rep 117 King Street North Sydney NS B2A 3S1 100.00 Jardine Ken 318 Church Rd Little Bras D'or NS B1Y 3A1 500.00 Jason's Hair Esthetics 276 Commercial St. North Sydney NS B2A 1B7 100.00 Jessome Glenn 9 Minto St. North Sydney NS B2A 2R5 50.00 M.V. Osprey Ltd P.O. Box 188 North Sydney NS B2A 3M3 200.00 MacNeil Melodie 455 Phalen Rd Glace Bay NS B1A 3B6 100.00 Millcreek Kitchens 47 Convent St. North Sydney NS B2A 3A3 100.00 Millennium Contracting 411 Johnson Rd Georges River NS B1Y 3B3 600.00 Network Insurance 676 George St Sydney NS B1P 1K9 750.00 Nicholson Ray 181 Brook St. Ext North Sydney NS B2A 2G2 100.00 Partners Construction P.O. Box 354 North Sydney NS B2A 3M4 100.00 Pollett's Drug Stores 203 Charlotte St Sydney NS B1P 6R8 50.00 Ryan Gina P.O. Box 96, Stn A Sydney NS B1P 6G9 50.00 Sampson Mary 1764 Old Route S Big Bras D'or NS B1X 1A6 50.00 Sampson Valerie 235 Charlotte St Sydney NS B1P 1C4 200.00 Sampson-MacDougall 66 Wentworth St Sydney NS B1P 6T4 200.00 Schwartz Diane 30 Kingswood Ave Sydney NS B1S 1V6 1,000.00 Schwartz Irving 325 Vulcan Ave Sydney NS B1P 5X1 100.00 Scuba Tech Ltd. 1 Douglas St Sydney NS B1P 1V2 1,200.00 Trifos Design Cons PO Box 1073 Sydney NS B1P 6J7 100.00 Trifos Design Ltd P.O. Box 1073 Sydney NS B1P 6J7 100.00 Unsworth Kachafanas 103 Byng Ave Sydney NS B1P 5C1 300.00 8,330.75

Candidate: Russell MacDonald Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Richard Carroll, 51 Park Road, Florence, NS B1Y 1N1 Contributions: $8,225.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bailey's Signs 89 King Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 1L9 100.00 Baker Diane 10667 Kempt Head Rd Boularderie Cnt NS B1X 1L9 400.00 Blufarb Fred 215 Comme3rcial St North Sydney NS B2A 1B5 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 06 Cape Breton North

Russell MacDonald (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Boutilier Roy 530 Alder Point Road Alder Point NS B1Y 1A3 50.00 Brunton Ronald 1663 White Roack Rd Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 75.00 Bunbury Dan 98 Queen Street North Sydney NS B2A 1A6 100.00 Burton Daryl 75 Pond Road Sydney Mines NS B1V 2X1 100.00 Burton John 72 Fraser Avenue Sydney Mines NS B1V 2C3 100.00 Campbell Myrtle 1354 Main Street Glace Bay NS B1N 5A7 50.00 Cantwell Earl 1373 105 Highway Bras D'or NS B1Y 2N5 50.00 Carroll Richard 51 Park Road Florence NS B1Y 1N1 400.00 Day Reggie 39 Main Street Bras D'or NS B1Y 2M2 100.00 Doyle Leo 44 Queen Street North Sydney NS B2A 1A1 300.00 Dr. Andrew Waher Medical Inc 5th Floor, Northisde General North Sydney NS B2A 3M4 200.00 First Choice Carpets 110 Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 5K1 100.00 Gear Glen 27 Queen Street Florence NS B1Y 1P1 100.00 Gillis Roddie 120 Pitt Street Florence NS B1Y 1N7 50.00 Jane's Restaurant & Pizzeria 472 Alder Point Road Alder Point NS B1Y 1A3 1,000.00 Jessome Sharon 566 Point Aconi Rd Mill Creek NS B1Y 1Z3 100.00 K.G. Miller Builders 69 Howatson Blvd Georges River NS B1Y 3C6 100.00 Les Day Insurance Agency 15 Alder Point Rd Bras D'or NS B1Y 2K2 200.00 MacDonald Jude 34 Second Avenue Florence NS B1Y 1P9 100.00 MacDonald Rosella 800 Shore Road Sydney Mines NS B1V 1A5 100.00 MacDonald Russell 680 Hillside Boularverde Groves Point NS B14 2V8 1,000.00 MacDougall George 6 Harbourview Dr Sydney Mines NS B1V 3A1 100.00 MacIntyre Donald 14 Medina Ct Halifax NS B3N 3G4 200.00 MacMillan Diane 464 Seaview Drive North Sydney NS B2A 3N6 50.00 Mahoney Elizabeth Apt 1005, 500 Kings Rd Sydney NS B1S 1B2 200.00 Maxwell Larry 9 Beech Street Sydney Mines NS B1V 1H2 100.00 McInnis Diana 64 Shore Road Sydney Mines NS B1V 1A1 50.00 Millennium Contracting Serv 411 Johnson Road Georges River NS B1Y 3B3 500.00 Nicholson Allan 366 Black Rock Rd Black Rock NS B1X 1E7 200.00 Parson's Investments P.O. Box 24 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 50.00 Pye Ken 9 Amber Drive Sydney Mines NS B1V 1C6 100.00 Redden William 23 Sherwood Drive Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 1G9 100.00 Rendell Edward 1028 Hillside Boularderie Groves Point NS B1Y 2V6 300.00 Romeo Lorna 29 Vickers Lane Sydney Mines NS B1V 2V1 500.00 Ryan Wayne 57 King Street North Sydney NS B2A 2T2 500.00 Simm Rick 56 Fifth Avenue Forence NS B1Y 1G7 100.00 Snow Cecil 339 Main Street Florence NS B1Y 1K6 100.00 Weatherbee Marguerite 55 Cottage St North Sydney NS B2A 2Z3 50.00 Yakimchuk Clotilda 80 Ferris Street Sydney NS B1N 2N2 100.00 8,225.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 06 Cape Breton North

Candidate: Chris Milburn Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 07 Cape Breton Nova

Candidate: Gordie Gosse Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Harold MacDonald, 5790 Hornes Rd., Mira Gut, NS B1K 2Y4 Contributions: $11,815.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Aucoin Judy 760 Mountain Rd Sydney NS B1C 1B1 50.00 Boston Pizza Sydney PO Box 507 Station A Sydney NS B1P 6H4 100.00 Burke's Recellular 337 Welton St Sydney NS B1P 5S6 100.00 Cape Breton Beverages PO Box 1536 Sydney NS B1P 6R7 500.00 Clarke Rick 131 Poplar Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 2K7 50.00 Coadic Elmer 3 Carlton Dr Sydney NS B1P 3Z6 50.00 Colbourne's Awards & Embroidery 290 Gray St Sydney NS B1P 4L5 50.00 Connors Jim Sr PO Box 443 Sydney NS B1P 6H2 1,000.00 Conway Disposal Ltd PO Box 1281 Sydney NS B1P 6J9 200.00 Delorenzo Rose 40 Butler St Sydney NS B1N 2N5 100.00 Direct Tire Ltd 1161 Grand Lake Rd Sydney NS B1M 1A2 250.00 Evans John 1918 New Waterford Hwy South Bar NS B1N 3H5 100.00 Fa Hong 462 Prince St Sydney NS B1P 5L5 200.00 First Strike Security 2145 Kings Rd Sydney NS B1L 1C2 1,000.00 Fraser Dan 1327 Lingan Rd Sydney NS B1N 3K8 50.00 Galbraith Wayne 101 Rockdale Ave Sydney NS B1P 1Z3 100.00 Gallaway Bernie 209 Lisgard St Sydney NS B1P 2Y7 200.00 Gallaway Thomas 414 Cabot St Sydney NS B1P 4G5 50.00 Gauthier Donald 18 Henry St Sydney NS B1N 2G8 160.00 Gillis Simon 42 Wesley St Sydney NS B1N 2M6 30.00 Hurlington Doug PO Box 621 Sydney NS B1P 6H7 85.00 Joneljim Concrete 90 Riverview Dr Sydney NS 300.00 Keating Charles 74 Payne St Sydney NS B1N 2V5 50.00 Kennedy Sandra 219 Borden St Sydney NS B1N 1GB 50.00 Lahey Patrick 6180 Louisbourg Hwy Catalone NS B1C 1S1 250.00 LeBlanc George 1703 Victoria Rd Sydney NS B1N 1N4 100.00 MacDonald Harold 5790 Homes Rd Mira Gut NS B1K 2Y4 100.00 MacDougall Sampson 66 Wentworth Place Sydney NS B1P 6T4 300.00 MacEachern Duncan 117 Charlotte St Sydney NS B1P 1B1 500.00 MacInnis Deryl 14 Oxford St Sydney NS B1P 4C5 150.00 MacIntyre Fred 1343 Grand Lake Rd Sydney NS B1M 1A1 100.00 MacLeod Allan 98 Leeside Dr Coxheath NS B1R 1S6 85.00 MacNeil John Harvey 549 Upper Leitches Creek Rd North Sydney NS B2A 4B4 50.00 MacQueen Philip 674 Grand Lake Rd Sydney NS B1P 5T6 50.00 Maroun Dr Albert PO Box 1463, Stn A Sydney NS B1P 6R7 300.00 Maroun Michael 59 Tometary Dr Howie Centre NS B1K 1G3 50.00 McKinlay Cathy 5790 Homes Rd Mira Gut NS B1K 2Y4 600.00 McLaughlin David 3110 Lynwood Ave New Waterford NS B1N 4V7 50.00 Mermers Printing 200 Charlote St Sydney NS B1P 1C5 150.00 Mr Tire Ltd 265 Prince St Sydney NS B1P 5K6 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 07 Cape Breton Nova

Gordie Gosse (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Municipal Ready-Mix PO Box 237 Sydney NS B1P 6H1 500.00 Murphy Cliff 659 Upper Prince St Sydney NS B1P 5M9 250.00 Neville Chris 56 James St Sydney NS B1N 2S2 300.00 Neville William 56 James St Sydney NS B1N 2S2 50.00 Niven Beverly 324 Columbia St Sydney NS B1P 4S9 100.00 O'Neill Francis 195 Lisgard St Sydney NS B1P 2Y5 100.00 Orange Julius 3072624 NS Ltd 800 Grand Lake Rd Sydney NS B1P 6SG 150.00 Patterson Heather 161 Park St Sydney NS B1P 4W7 75.00 Penny's Cleaners Ltd 635 Upper Prince St Sydney NS B1P 5M7 50.00 Pertus Steve 25 Mahars Crescent Sydney NS 80.00 Petrie Arlene 137 Broadway St Sydney NS B1N 2Y7 50.00 Pharmasave 814 Victoria Rd Sydney NS B1N 1S7 200.00 Power Gordon 1 West St Sydney NS B1N 1R6 100.00 Protocase Inc 870 Kings Rd, PO Box 81 Sydney NS 100.00 Ron May Pontiac 303 Welton St Sydney NS B1P 6J7 200.00 S & M Trucking 49 Harbour Dr Edwardville NS B1P 6H1 200.00 Seymour Nelina 7 Dalhousie Dr Sydney NS B1P 3Y1 200.00 Snow Crystal 294 Henry St Sydney NS B1N 2H9 150.00 Swan John 278 Cartier St Sydney NS B1P 4B4 100.00 The River Food Service 1070 Kings Rd Sydney NS B1S 1C7 250.00 Thomas Glynis 2068 Hwy 28 South Bar NS B1N 3H6 100.00 Trans-Atlantic Performs Ltd PO Box 1660 Sydney NS B1P 6T2 500.00 Wilson's Home Hardware 467 Prince St Sydney NS B1P 5L6 50.00 Yukimchuk Clotilda 80 Ferris St Sydney NS B1N 2N2 100.00 Yurckyszyn Mike 619 King St New Waterford NS B1H 3Z2 100.00 11,815.00

Candidate: Cory Hann Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Catherine Grace, 349 Rotary Drive, Sydney, NS B1P 4S6 Contributions: $3,075.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount AB Mechanicla Ltd PO Box 1326 Sydney NS B1P 6K3 250.00 Iller Door Systems PO Box 1381 Truro NS B2N 5N4 750.00 LTS Transportation Inc. PO Box 38010 Dartmouth NS B3B 1X2 750.00 O'Toole Colleen 647-212 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B3M 0B2 100.00 O'Toole Ernie 647-212 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B3M 0B5 250.00 O'Toole James R 1167 Hwy 327 Prime Brook NS B1L 1E5 275.00 O'Toole Terrence 647-212 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B3M 0B5 500.00 S&M Trucking Ltd 49 Harbour Dr Edwardsville NS B2A 4T7 200.00 3,075.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 07 Cape Breton Nova

Candidate: Donnie Morrison Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Amos Donovan, 40 Ranna Drive, Sydney, NS B1P 3Y7 Contributions: $14,870.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 20/20 Electric 182 Vulcan Avenue Sydney NS B1P 6T7 100.00 3035236 Nova Scotia Ltd. 225 Welton Street Sydney NS B1P 5R9 100.00 Abbass Melvin 149 Brookland Street Sydney NS B1P 5B5 100.00 ABM Systems Ltd. 98 Williams Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 0A1 500.00 Andrea Lori 73 Old Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 2B6 75.00 Barrington J.J. 137 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A3 100.00 Bentick Investment Ltd. 500 Bentick Street Sydney NS B1P 6R7 200.00 Best G. Whitfield 131 Weidner Drive Sydney NS B1S 1V4 50.00 Black Security Ltd. 1132 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1N2 100.00 Boudreau Joseph 130 Green Acres Drive Sydney NS B1S 1K6 250.00 Breton Sport 14 Maple Street Sydney NS B1P 6V8 50.00 Bryden Lowell G 7 Beechwood Crescent Sydney NS B1S 1V9 50.00 Calder Alex 16 Sutherland Street Sydney NS B1P 2X2 200.00 Cape Breton Auto Radiator Ltd. 518 Grand Lake Road Sydney NS B1P 5T4 50.00 Cape Breton Glass 19 Mitchell Avenue Sydney NS B1P 1T8 100.00 City Printers 180 Townsend Street Sydney NS B1P 6J7 200.00 Compu-Clone Computer Solutions Ltd. 235 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1J5 300.00 Crowe Charles 93 Bristal Drive Sydney NS B1P 6R3 50.00 Crowe Melvin 42 Loyola Crescent Sydney NS B1P 3Y4 200.00 Direct Tire 1161 Grand Lake Road Sydney NS B1M 1A2 100.00 Dominic Goduto Law Office Inc. 161 Townsend Street Sydney NS B1P 5E3 100.00 Donovan Catherine 19 Dalhousie Drive Sydney NS B1P 3Y1 50.00 Donovan Jessie 20 Tillock Drive Sydney NS B1P 6R7 10.00 Donovan Maureen 40 Ranna Drive Sydney NS B1P 3Y7 200.00 E. Jabalee Investment Ltd. 105 Bentick Street Sydney NS B1P 6J1 100.00 Eyking Mark 210 Millville Highway Millville NS B1Y 2C9 100.00 First Choice Carpet 110 Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 5K1 100.00 Fitzgerald Mike 1798 Terrace Street Sydney NS B1P 2L9 200.00 Furlotte P. Scott 3884 Memorial Drive Halifax NS B3K 6R6 50.00 Gillis Joseph 62 Acadia Drive Sydney NS B1P 3X7 200.00 Henry Street Pub 722 Victoria Road Sydney NS B1N 1J2 100.00 Island Well Drillers 38 Industrial Drive Sydney NS B1P 6H4 200.00 Jamael Harold 67 Grove Street Sydney NS B1P 3M7 50.00 Jamael Kay 32 Rosewood Drive Sydney NS B1P 3A6 100.00 JCL Investments 339 Welton Street Sydney NS B1P 5S6 500.00 Jimmy Dan Holdings 240 Cottage Road Sydney NS B1P 2E9 100.00 Jonel Jim Concrete Construction 90 Riverview Drive Sydney NS B1S 1N5 300.00 JT's Pub & Steakroom 3424 Plummer Avenue New Waterford NS B1H 1Z3 50.00 Karaphillis George 843 Eskasoni Road Northside East Bay NS B1J 1C2 150.00 Kenny Pizza & Pie Factory 870 Victoria Road Sydney NS B1N 1K2 150.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 07 Cape Breton Nova

Donnie Morrison (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Keough Danny 680 Upper Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 5N1 40.00 KLM Holdings Ltd. 86 Reeves Street Sydney NS B1P 3L5 200.00 Laguna Pools, 3211712 Nova Scotia Ltd. 472 Keltic Drive Sydney NS B1L 1B8 100.00 Lahey Patrick 6180 Louisbourg Highway Catelone NS B1E 1S1 250.00 Libbus Doug 469 Atlantic Street Sydney NS B1P 3S1 100.00 Libbus Isaac 9 Oland Avenue Sydney NS B1R 2H8 50.00 Lynch Roberta 65 Trinity Avenue Sydney NS B1P 4Z4 150.00 MacArthur James 47 Ranna Drive Sydney NS B1P 3Y5 100.00 MacArthur James 91 Lorne Street Sydney NS B1P 4H1 100.00 MacKinnon Lorne 56 MacGuire Drive Sydney NS B1P 3E3 25.00 MacLean George 32 Rosewood Drive Sydney NS B1P 3A6 50.00 MacLean Redmond 29 Kane Street Sydney NS B1P 2Z4 20.00 MacLeod Stuart 86 Loch Bhreagh Lane Northside East Bay NS B1J 1E5 200.00 MacNeil Gerald 147 Lorne Street Sydney NS B1P 4H5 100.00 MacQueen Philip 674 Grand Lake Road Sydney NS B1P 5T6 100.00 MacRury Donna 500 King Street Sydney NS B1S 1B2 100.00 Malcolm S. MacDonald Co. Ltd. 1672 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1E9 250.00 Marro Investments 192 Fatima Drive Sydney NS B1S 1L8 75.00 Martin Lorne 52 Harold Street Sydney NS B1P 3L9 200.00 Mercer Fuels Ltd. 64 Brookland Street Sydney NS B1P 6H7 500.00 Merit Muffler Ltd. 56 Beech Street Sydney NS B1P 6H2 200.00 Metro Sanitation Ltd. 320 Fredrick Street Sydney NS B1P 6J7 100.00 Morrison Harry 51 Ranna Drive Sydney NS B1P 3Y5 300.00 Morrison Patricia 673 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1L2 500.00 Morrison Sandra 94 Center Street Sydney NS B1P 2H2 25.00 Mr. Paint Limited 367 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1K2 100.00 Napoli Pizzeria Ltd. 465 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1E5 100.00 Northern Contracting Ltd. 1 Fraser Avenue Sydney NS B1V 2B8 250.00 Olympic Shoe Repair 272B Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 5K6 100.00 Penny's Cleaners 635 Upper Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 5M7 100.00 Peters Construction 1710 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1P4 200.00 Prudential Marquis Realty 235 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1C4 200.00 Quality Cameras & Computers Ltd. 245 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1J5 50.00 Ramsay's Auto Sales 229 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A5 50.00 Riley Elaine 104 Howe Street Sydney NS B1P 4V2 100.00 Riley Todd 104 Howe Street Sydney NS B1P 4V2 100.00 RKM Investments 403 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1E3 200.00 Robby's Tractor-Trailer Services 37 Walters Lane Sydney NS B1P 3E7 100.00 Roger Burns Real Estate 240 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A6 500.00 Ron May Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd. 303 Welton Street Sydney NS B1P 6J7 200.00 Rudderham Source for Sports 59 Keltic Drive Sydney NS B1S 1P4 100.00 S&M Trucking Ltd. 49 Harbour Drive Edwardsville NS B2A 4T7 200.00 Sampson McDougal 66 Wentworth Street Sydney NS B1P 6T4 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 07 Cape Breton Nova

Donnie Morrison (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Scotia Chrysler 325 Welton Street Sydney NS B1P 6K3 100.00 Seaview Communications 1318 Grand Lake Road Sydney NS B1M 1A1 100.00 Sheldon Hanna Mechanical 70 Mount Florence Street Sydney NS B1R 1T8 300.00 Sherwood Park Catering 500 Terrace Street Sydney NS B1P 6N1 50.00 Stan Dicks Contracting Ltd. 1221 Upper Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 5P8 500.00 Steel City Sports Bar 252 Townsend Street Sydney NS B1P 6T7 100.00 Stott Aluminum 137 Pitt Street Sydney NS B1P 6J9 250.00 Sydney Memorial Chapel 49 Welton Street Sydney NS B1P 5R3 250.00 Tom MacDonald Trucking Ltd. 527 Keltic Drive Sydney NS B1L 1B6 100.00 Trifos Design Consultants 7 Cromarty Street Sydney NS B1P 6J7 250.00 Udle David J. 6061 East Bay Highway Ben Eoin NS B1J 1P8 100.00 Wilson Investments 197 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1C4 400.00 14,870.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 08 Cape Breton South

Candidate: Manning MacDonald Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Gerry MacKenzie, 15 Dorchester Street, Sydney, NS B1P 5Y9 Contributions: $22,845.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Abbass Melvin 149 Brookland Street Sydney NS B1P 5B1 100.00 Bacich Donald 79 Lynch Drive Sydney NS B1S 1V3 250.00 Barron John 66 Common Street Sydney NS B1P 6M5 100.00 Best J Whitfield 131 Weidner Drive Sydney NS B1S 1V4 50.00 Brann Glen H 9 Howe Court Sydney NS B1P 0B2 200.00 Bryden Allan 64 Brookland Street Sydney NS B1P 5B2 100.00 Burke's Cellular 337 Welton Street Sydney NS B1P 5S6 100.00 Burke's Countrywide Furniture 339 Welton Street Sydney NS B1P 5S6 100.00 Butterworth Roberta 395 Bentinck Street Sydney NS B1S 2Y5 100.00 Cape Breton Airport Sales PO Box 4563 Reserve Mines NS B1E 1L2 100.00 Cape Breton Beverages Limited PO Box 1536 Sydney NS B1P 6R7 500.00 Cape Breton Glass Ltd 19 Mitchell Place Sydney NS B1P 1T8 100.00 Cape Breton Periodontal Services Ltd 48 Weatherbee Road, Suite 410 Sydney NS B1M 0A1 500.00 City Printers Limited 180 Townsend Street Sydney NS B1P 6J7 500.00 Cohen Robert, Dr. 2337 Eskasoni Road Northside East Bay NS B1J 1H9 100.00 Connors Office Products Ltd 350 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 6H2 250.00 Dingwall David 33 Birchdale Drive Sydney NS B1S 1L4 250.00 Disco Tire Limited 95 Disco Street Sydney NS B1P 5V7 100.00 Dominic Goduto Law Office Inc 161 Townsend Street Sydney NS B1P 5E3 100.00 Don Cherry's Sports Grill (Sydney) 1290 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1E2 100.00 Donovan Patrick 32 Rigby Road Sydney NS B1P 4T3 500.00 Emerald Wood Investments 3615 Emerald Street New Waterfront NS B1H 1J3 300.00 Farmer Rick 248 Newlands Avenue Sydney NS B1S 1Y6 400.00 Farmer Gloria 248 Newlands Avenue Sydney NS B1S 1Y6 100.00 Fitzgerald Mike 1798 Terrace Street Sydney NS B1P 2L9 300.00 Frisson Marg 69 Esplanade Sydney NS B1P 1A3 100.00 Gillis Renovations PO Box 848 Sydney NS B1P 6J2 75.00 Huntington Doug 4114 Gabarus Highway Marion Bridge NS B1K 1A9 83.33 Infinitee Wellness Inc 45 Weatherbee Drive, Apt 208 Sydney NS B1A 0M1 1,000.00 Iron May Pontiac Buick GMC Limited 303 Welton Street, PO Box 1144 Sydney NS B1P 6J7 200.00 Island Distributors Limited PO Box 517, Stn A Sydney NS B1P 6H4 120.00 Jabalee Elias PO Box 837 Sydney NS B1P 6J1 100.00 Jim Sampson Motors (1997) Limited 132 Townsend Street Sydney NS B1P 5E2 50.00 Karrel Curdis 76 Woodil Street Sydney NS B1P 4N9 75.00 Kenny's Pizza & Pie Factory Inc 870 Victoria Road Sydney NS B1N 1K2 150.00 KMI Transport Ltd 22 Cape Court Sydney NS B1P 6Z6 500.00 Lorway Charles R 118 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A1 25.00 Louisbourg Seafood Ltd 3 Commercial St, PO Box 5609 Louisbourg NS B1C 1B5 250.00 MacCoy Insurance Brokers Ltd PO Box 1505 Sydney NS B1P 6R7 200.00 MacDonald Gordon 19 Carleah Drive Sydney NS B1P 7G7 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 08 Cape Breton South

Manning MacDonald (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacDonald Brian 25 Richmond Street Sydney NS B1P 2V1 100.00 MacDougall Donald 13 Esplanade Sydney NS B1P 1A2 150.00 MacIntyre Ian 28 MacDougall Hts Sydney NS B1S 3A7 100.00 MacKenzie W F, Dr Box 192 Sydney NS B1P 6H1 1,000.00 MacKillop James Harold MD 45 Weatherbee Drive, Suite 208 Sydney NS B1M 0A1 500.00 MacKillop's Flowers Ltd 1030 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1C6 100.00 MacLean Redmond 29 Kane Street Sydney NS B1M 1A7 50.00 MacLellan Jack Unit 404, 69 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 3X4 100.00 MacLeod Alan 98 Leeside Drive Coxheath NS B1R 1S6 83.33 MacNeill AN Sandy, CA 4536 East Bay Hay Ben Eoin NS B1J 1N5 200.00 MacRury Donna E 1802-500 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1B2 100.00 Marco Hearing Health Centre 80 Crescent Street Sydney NS B1S 2Z7 200.00 Marro Investments 192 Fatima Drive Sydney NS B1S 1L8 100.00 McNabb Peter A 59 Harold Street Sydney NS B1P 3L8 200.00 Medjuck Ralph M 5956 Emscote Drive Halifax NS B3H 1B3 200.00 Mercer Falls Limited 64 Brookland Street, Box 742 Sydney NS B1P 6H7 500.00 Moosehead Breweries Limited PO Box 3100 Saint John NB E2M 3H2 500.00 Mr Tire Ltd 265 Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 5K6 200.00 Municipal Ready Mix Limited PO Box 237 Sydney NS B1P 6H1 500.00 Paramount Pharmasave 351 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1E1 200.00 Parsons David 240 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A6 50.00 Peking Restaurant 355 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1E1 500.00 Pembroke Properties Ltd PO Box 28 Glace Bay NS B1A 5V1 200.00 Penny's Cleaners Ltd 635 Upper Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 5M7 75.00 Pertus Steve 25 Mahars Court Sydney NS B1S 2B7 83.34 Pollett's Drug Stores Ltd 203 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 6R8 200.00 Protocase Inc 870 Kings Road, PO Box 81 Sydney NS B1P 6R7 200.00 Prudential Marquis Realty 235 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1C4 300.00 Ramsay's Auto Sales Ltd 229 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A5 100.00 RD Gillis Building Supplies Ltd PO Box 848 Sydney NS B1P 6J2 50.00 Regional Chiropractic Ltd 1488 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1P2 1,500.00 Rideout Carl 53 Kytes Hill Drive Sydney NS B1M 1A7 300.00 Robert J Ojolick & Associates Ltd PO Box 1958, Stn A Sydney NS B1P 6J7 250.00 Robertson Dwight 78 MacKillop Avenue Sydney NS B1L 1E1 200.00 Roger Burns Real Estate Ltd PO Box 802 Sydney NS B1S 1A6 200.00 Rudderham's Source for Sports 59 Keltic Drive Sydney NS B1S 1P4 100.00 Ryan Michael 45 Weatherbee Drive, Apt 208 Sydney NS B1A 0M1 1,000.00 Ryan Wellness Inc 45 Weatherbee Drive, Apt 208 Sydney NS B1A 0M1 500.00 S & M Trucking Limited 49 Harbour Drive Edwardsville NS B2A 4T7 500.00 Sampson Robert 66 Wentworth Street Sydney NS B1P 6t4 200.00 Sterrett Reg 1881 Hay Cove Road Loch Lomond NS B2E 1A5 200.00 Stott Aluminium Corporation Ltd PO Box 1205 Sydney NS B1P 6J9 200.00 Superior Truss Limited PO Box 848 Sydney NS B1P 6J2 75.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 08 Cape Breton South

Manning MacDonald (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Sydco Fuels Limited PO Box 1057, 452 George Street Sydney NS B1P 6J7 150.00 Sydney Memorial Chapel Limited 49 Welton Street Sydney NS B1P 5R3 250.00 Terramac Contracting Ltd PO Box 16 Sydney NS B1P 6G9 1,000.00 Tom MacDonald Trucking Ltd 527 Keltic Drive Sydney River NS B1L 1B6 100.00 Trifos Design Consultants PO Box 1073 Sydney NS B1P 6J1 250.00 Unsworth George 73 Causeway Drive Sydney NS B1L 1C5 300.00 Vic Aucoin Electric Ltd PO Box 1296 Sydney NS B1P 5Z5 200.00 Wilson's Home Hardware 487 Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 5L6 100.00 Ziggy's Pub & Grill 1167 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 3B3 100.00 22,845.00

Candidate: Wayne McKay Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Heather Patterson, 161 Park Street, Sydney, NS B1P 4W7 Contributions: $3,035.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Aucoin Cheryl 84 Grandview St Sydney NS B1P 3N6 50.00 Campbell George 52 Waterview Dr Sydney NS B1R 1S8 100.00 Cusack Elizabeth PO Box 595 Stn A Sydney NS B1P 6H4 150.00 Doucet Daniel 37 Esplanade Sydney NS B1P 1A2 100.00 Ervin Dave 196 Union St Sydney NS B1P AY1 100.00 Gallant Linda 38 Amelia St Sydney NS B1P 6C2 250.00 Googoo Lavina 148 Membertou St Sydney NS B1S 2N4 100.00 Grant Douglass 20 Hemlock St Sydney NS B1S 1S4 100.00 Keshen Richard 48 Rose Mount Dr Sydney NS B1S 1W5 50.00 Kirby Nina 143 Shandwick St Sydney NS B1P 4V7 50.00 La Rusic Bernie 21 Grandview St Sydney NS B1P 3N4 50.00 MacIntyre Lorne 28 Fairview St Sydney NS 50.00 MacLean John 48 Park St Sydney NS B1P 4W4 100.00 MacLennan Don 205 Charlotte St Sydney NS B1P 6J7 100.00 MacLeod Greg 37 Esplanade Sydney NS B1P 1A2 100.00 MacNeil Kevin 64 Kenwood Drive Sydney NS B1S 1T6 200.00 Mckay Marcy 142 Cabot St Sydney NS B1P 4E1 60.00 Nichols Rod 326 Cabot St Sydney NS B1P 4G1 50.00 O'neil Mary 64 Champlain Ave Sydney NS B1P 2A9 150.00 Patterson Heather 161 Park St Sydney NS B1P 4W7 125.00 Robinson Janet 185 Champlain Ave Sydney NS B1P 2B8 150.00 Sampson Dougall 66 Wentworth St Sydney NS B1P 6J4 200.00 Seymour Nelina 7 Dalhousie Dr Sydney NS B1P 3Y1 50.00 Swan John 278 Cartier St Sydney NS B1P 4B4 100.00 Tanner Christiane 649 Westmount Rd Sydney NS B1R 1B3 100.00 Turnbull Campbell Myrtle 1354 Main St Glace Bay NS B1A 5A7 100.00 White Con 2126 Kings Rd Sydney NS B1L 1C1 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 08 Cape Breton South

Wayne McKay (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount White Fred 575 Gillis Lake Road North Side East Bay NS B1J 1L6 100.00 Yakimchuk Dan 80 Ferris St Sydney NS B1N 2N4 100.00 3,035.00

Candidate: Cathy Theriault Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Stephen Tobin Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Patrick Murray, 130 Charlotte Street, Sydney, NS B1P 6R7 Contributions: $16,757.50 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount AG Research Inc PO Box 1162 Sydney NS B1P 6J7 350.00 Banfield Wayne 5 First Street Howie Centre NS B1L 1C9 500.00 Bentick Investement Limited PO Box 1508 Sydney NS B1P 6R7 500.00 Boyd Norma 85 Crestdale Drive, RR #1 Sydney Forks NS B1L 1A1 200.00 Buist Ernest A 65 Churchill Drive, Apt 311 Sydney NS B1S 3N6 50.00 Cape Breton Explorations Ltd 11 Eleventh Street Glace Bay NS B1A 4M3 500.00 Carol Rizzetto Realty 275 Charlotte Street, Suite 206 Sydney NS B1P 1C6 200.00 City Printers Limited PO Box 1021 Sydney NS B1P 6J7 250.00 Curtis-David Holding Co. Ltd 76 Woodill Street Sydney NS B1P 4N9 120.00 Donovan Patrick 32 Rigby Road Sydney NS B1P 4T3 500.00 Druker Avvie 275 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A7 200.00 Dwight J W Rudderham Law Office Inc 500 George Place Sydney NS B1P 1K6 500.00 Farmer David 20 Causeway Drive Sydney NS B1L 1C5 50.00 First Communication Contractors Ltd PO Box 255 Sydney NS B1P 6H1 250.00 Fraser Latham Beth 653 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1C1 100.00 Gillis Renovations PO Box 848 Sydney NS B1P 6J2 125.00 Joneljim Concrete Construction 1994 Limited PO Box 26, Station A Sydney NS B1P 6G9 250.00 Joneljim Investment Limited PO Box 26, Station A Sydney NS B1P 6G9 250.00 Khattar, QC John 80 Whitney Avenue Sydney NS B1P 4Z9 100.00 Lorway QC Charles R 118 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A1 25.00 MacDonald Erin M 212 Riverview Drive Sydney NS B1S 3L5 1,000.00 MacKeigan Gail A 20 Causeway Drive Sydney NS B1L 1C5 500.00 MacKeigan Shawna 20 Causeway Drive Sydney NS B1L 1C5 100.00 MacLeod Gregory 37 Esplanade Sydney NS B1P 1A2 100.00 MacLeod Lorway Insurance 215 Charlotte Street, PO Box 1354 Sydney NS B1P 6K3 500.00 MacNeil John L 93 Rigby Road Sydney NS B1P 4T5 500.00 Menchefski Joseph 28 Churchill Drive Sydney NS B1S 2B1 150.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 08 Cape Breton South

Stephen Tobin (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MGW Barristers & Solicitors Inc PO Box 1477 Sydney NS B1P 6R7 500.00 Mitchell John 21 Cameron Estates Sydney NS B1P 6Y9 100.00 Mr Tire Ltd 265 Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 5K6 300.00 Munroe Robert C 111 Calderwood Drive Sydney NS B1S 3G2 250.00 Murray Bernadette 63 Mackillop Avenue Sydney NS B1L 1E1 200.00 Nash John 282 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1J6 400.00 Niven Beverley 324 Columbia Street Sydney NS B1P 4J9 25.00 Parsons & MacKenzie 240 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A6 25.00 Polysteel Atlantic Ltd 468 Portsway Avenue Edwardsville NS B2A 4T8 100.00 Preferred Office Environments Inc 444 Gateway Avenue, Suite A Edwardsville NS B2A 4V1 100.00 Protocase Inc 870 Kings Road, PO Box 81 Sydney NS B1P 6R7 200.00 Quality Cameras & Computers Ltd 245 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1J5 100.00 Ratchford Photographic Studio 208 Rear Commercial Street North Sydney NS B2A 1B7 849.50 RKM Investments 403 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1E3 500.00 Robertson Dwight 78 MacKillop Avenye Sydney NS B1L 1E1 200.00 Ron May Pontiac Burke GMC Limited 303 Welton Street, PO Box 1144 Sydney NS B1P 6J7 100.00 Ross Rudderham Projects Limited 443 Coxheath Road Sydney NS B1R 1S1 200.00 Rudderham Michael 4 - 109 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1C1 400.00 Rudderham Chernin Law Office Inc 500 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1K6 250.00 S & M Trucking 49 Harbour Drive Edwardsville NS B2A 4T7 200.00 Sampson Valarie 235 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1C4 250.00 Sampson McDougall 66 Wentworth Street Sydney NS B1P 6T4 200.00 Shot on Site Media 386 Charlotte Street Sydney NS B1P 1E2 1,113.00 Stott Aluminium PO Box 1205 Sydney NS B1P 6J9 250.00 Superior Truss Limited PO Box 848 Sydney NS B1P 6J2 125.00 Techlink Entertainment 480 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A8 500.00 Trans-Atlantic Preforms Limited PO Box 1660 Sydney NS B1P 6T7 500.00 Trifos Design Consultants 17 Cromarty Street Sydney NS B1P 4V9 250.00 Virtual Media Productions Ltd PO Box 1293 Sydney NS B1P 6K3 200.00 W A Latimer General Contracting Ltd 339 Murphy Road Sydney NS B1R 1W9 500.00 16,757.50 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 09 Cape Breton West

Candidate: Josephine Kennedy Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Allan Farrell, 2095 Grand Mira South RD, Grand Mira, NS B1K 1J5 Contributions: $11,299.72 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Belmac Henderson Supply Limited PO Box 1387 Sydney NS B1P 6K3 500.00 Burke Natasha 14 Oceanside Crescent Little Lorraine NS B1C 1Z9 200.00 City Printers Limited 180 Townsend Street Sydney NS B1P 6J7 200.00 Farrell Allan J 2095 Grand Mira South Road Grand Mira South NS B1K 1J5 1,000.00 Ferguson Eileen 38 Sterling Road Glace Bay NS B1A 3X6 250.00 James Price Enterprises Limited 19 Milton Street Louisbourg NS B1C 1K8 200.00 Karaphillis George 843 Eskasonia Road Northside East Bay NS B1J 1C2 100.00 Kennedy Josephine 1251 Main-A-Dieu Road Bateston NS B1O 1C7 49.72 Lahey Rosie 70 Verrier Crescent Louisbourg NS B1C 2K4 100.00 LeBlanc Russell 170 Oakfield Drive Marion Bridge NS B1K 3N7 1,000.00 MacKeigan Alex 111 Havenside Road Louisbourg NS B1C 1P1 200.00 Milley Judi 240 Riverview Drive Sydney River NS B1S 3R7 200.00 Murry Brian 180 Marbern Street Sydney River NS B1L 1H1 500.00 Perry Gary 6385 Louisbourg Hwy Catalone NS B1C 1R9 100.00 Peters Construction Limited 1710 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1P4 200.00 R & L Trucking Limited 831 Upper Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 5N8 200.00 Regional Chiropractic Limited 1489 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1P2 1,000.00 Steven Connell's Trucking 362 Ripley Street New Waterford NS B1H 2Z6 2,000.00 Sutherland Bret G 2409 Hillside Road NS B1K 1C5 1,000.00 Sutherland Florene 2409 Hillside Road Marion Bridge NS B1K 1C5 1,000.00 Thomas Florene 2095 Grand Mira South Road Grand Mira South NS B1K 1J5 1,000.00 Trifos Design Consultants Architecture & Interiors PO Box 1073 Sydney NS B1P 6J7 100.00 Weldon MacDonald Backhoeing Paving Contractors Limited 16 Union Street, PO Box 453 North Sydney NS B2A 3M5 200.00 11,299.72

Candidate:Alfie MacLeod Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Stephen Nicholson, 79 Front Lake Road, Dutchbrook, NS B1M 1B2 Contributions: $30,345.85 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3023086 Nova Scotia Limited 11 - Eleventh Street Glace Bay NS B1A 4M3 300.00 3073737 Nova Scotia Limited - S MacIntyre 5 Calder Court Sydney NS B1S 3R1 1,000.00 A & L Seafoods Ltd 20 Minto Street Sydney NS B1C 1L1 500.00 Andrews Kenneth 202 Birch Grove Road Port Morien NS B1B 1H2 100.00 B Curry & Sons Construction Limited 2281 Kings Road Sydney NS B1L 1C2 400.00 Bacich Donald 79 Lynch Drive Sydney NS B1S 1V3 150.00 Battiste Jaime 33 Apamuckawti Street Eskasoni NS 800.00 Bentick Investment Limited PO Box 1508 Sydney NS B1P 6R7 500.00 Boyd George 86 Cresdale Drive, RR #1 Sydney NS B1L 1A1 250.00 Boyd Norma 86 Cresdale Drive, RR #1 Sydney NS B1L 1A1 250.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 09 Cape Breton West

Alfie MacLeod (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Burke's Countrywide Furniture 339 Welton Street Sydney NS B1P 5S6 200.00 Cameron Margie 35 Lorway Street Louisbourg NS B1C 2J9 50.00 Campbell Angus 25 Eskasoni Road East Bay NS B1J 1L2 100.00 Campbell Darren 47 Central Street Sydney NS B1P 2A7 100.00 Cape Breton Beverages Limited PO Box 1536 Sydney NS B1P 6R7 500.00 Carmichael Merrill 261 Braemar Drive Sydney NS B1R 1W1 50.00 CBI Developments Inc - Louisbourg Resort PO Box 5610 Louisbourg NS B1C 2L8 200.00 Chiasson Daniel PO Box 567, 137 Twining Street Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 200.00 Coastal Construction & Excavating Ltd PO Box 326 North Sydney NS B2A 3M4 500.00 Cohen Dr Robert 2337 Eskasoni Road Northside East Bay NS B1J 1H9 100.00 Colbourne's Sports, Trophies & Embroidery 290 Gray Street Sydney NS B1P 4L5 100.00 Connors Lisa 84 Edgewood Drive Sydney NS B1P 2C3 1,000.00 Crowell Cameron PO Box 83 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Curtis-David Holding Co. Ltd. 76 Woodil Street Sydney NS B1P 4N9 75.00 Detheridge George 35 Detheridge Drive Sydney NS B1L 1B8 100.00 Donovan Patrick 32 Rigby Road Sydney NS B1P 4T3 500.00 Druker Avvie 275 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A7 200.00 Dutch Brook Guest Home - Philip Woodill 2400 Highway 327 Dutch Brook NS B1L 1G1 200.00 Dwight J W Rudderham Law Office Inc 500 George Place Sydney NS B1P 1K6 300.00 Conservative Women's Caucus of Nova Scotia 6136 Duncan Street Halifax NS B3L 1K2 200.00 Ferguson Michael 175 Fatima Drive Sydney NS B1S 1L9 100.00 Ferguson Robert 795 Brickyard Road Albert Bridge NS B1K 3R8 500.00 Fraser Dan 1237 Lingan Road Sydney NS B1N 3K8 50.00 Gillis Renovations PO Box 848 Sydney NS B1P 6J2 250.00 Glasgow Dr. Daniel 70 Glenn Avenue Sydney NS B1S 3B2 1,000.00 Graham James 55 Hillside Avenue Glace Bay NS B1A 4B7 1,000.00 Hanham Victor J 7441 Main Street Louisbourg NS B1C 1G9 100.00 Hill Fred PO Box 1856, Stn. A Sydney NS B1P 6W4 100.00 Humphrey Olive 8 Victoria Hill Sydney NS B1R 1P2 100.00 Huntington David S. 20 Oakfield Drive Sydney NS B1K 3N7 100.00 Huntington Scott 41 Briar Hill Crescent Sydney NS B1L 0A5 1,000.00 Island Distributors Limited PO Box 517, Stn A Sydney NS B1P 6H4 120.00 Jackson Dr. Peter 1726 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1E9 500.00 Jim Sampson Motors Limited 1321 Townsend Street Sydney NS B1P 5E2 50.00 Joneljim Concrete Construction 1994 Limited PO Box 26, Stn. A Sydney NS B1P 6G9 500.00 Karaphillis George 843 Eskasoni Road Northside East Bay NS B1J 1C2 150.00 Kazmel Anna Lee 41 Turner Street Glace Bay NS B1A 5W5 250.00 Kennedy Bernice 54 Bastable Street Louisbourg NS B1A 6M8 250.00 Kennedy Hugh 54 Bastable Street Louisbourg NS B1A 6M8 250.00 Khattar John 80 Whitney Avenue Sydney NS B1P 4Z9 100.00 LeClerc Pamela 36 Bardmoor Crescent Sydney NS B1S 3J6 100.00 Lorne Aucoin Renovations Ltd PO Box 10 Sydney NS B1P 6G9 100.00 Lorway Charles R 118 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A1 75.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 09 Cape Breton West

Alfie MacLeod (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Louisbourg Seafood Ltd 3 Commercial Street, PO Box 5609 Louisbourg NS B1C 1B5 1,000.00 MacAulay Floyd 2088 Kings Road Sydney NS B1L 1C4 500.00 MacDonald John D 3698 East Bay Hwy East Bay NS B1J 1L9 100.00 MacDonald John P 72 Leonard Street Sydney NS B1S 2T5 125.00 Machara Lawncare Inc 7574 Main Street Louisbourg NS B1C 1K1 50.00 MacInnes Anne Marie 14 Oxford Street Sydney NS B1P 4C5 100.00 MacInnis Marg 29 Eskasoni Road Sydney NS B1J 1L2 1,000.00 MacKillops Flowers Ltd 1030 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1C7 100.00 MacLeod Florence 1427 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1E4 150.00 MacMillan Irene 571 Kings Road New Waterford NS B1H 3Y8 50.00 MacMillan's Boarding Kennel - Barb MacMillan 1476 Morrison Road Sydney NS B1M 1B6 200.00 MacNeil A N Sandy 4536 East Bay Hwy Ben Eoin NS B1J 1N5 200.00 MacPherson D Earl 4034 Gabarus Hwy Marion Bridge NS B1K 1A9 100.00 MacPherson John W 326 Grand Mira South Road Juniper Moutain NS B1K 1G2 100.00 Mader William 1696 George Street Sydney NS B1P 1P4 200.00 Maroun Michael 59 Tometary Drive Sydney NS B1L 1G3 50.00 Marsh Joseph E 11 Erinmore Drive Sydney NS B1M 1A7 100.00 Muir Senator Robert 29 Keefe Avenue Sydney NS B1R 2C9 100.00 Municipal Ready Mix Limited PO Box 237 Sydney NS B1P 6H1 1,000.00 Murray Gouthro Wall Barristers & Solicitors 130 Charlotte Street, PO Box 1477 Sydney NS B1P 6R7 500.00 Nathason Alan 99 Liscumb Pt Drive South Bar NS 50.00 Offshore Technical Services PO Box 1794 Sydney NS B1P 6W4 1,725.85 Panasonic Investments Limited PO Box 24 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 50.00 Parsons Joey 281 Dominion Street Glace Bay NS B1A 3N5 1,000.00 Parsons & MacKenzie 240 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A6 25.00 Peach Leroy 2597 Morien Highway Port Morien NS B1B 1C3 100.00 Plumridge Thomas 42 Bardmoor Crescent Sydney NS B1S 3J6 200.00 Polysteel Atlantic Limited 468 Portsway Avenue Edwardsville NS B2A 4T8 250.00 Protocase Inc 870 Kings Road, PO Box 81 Sydney NS B1P 6R7 200.00 PW Gillis Transfer Limited Box 848 Sydney NS B1P 6J2 150.00 RDL Leasing Limited 3 Roselle Street Sydney NS B1S 1H1 500.00 Read Malcolm 79 Pleaseant Point Road Northside East Bay NS B1J 1G3 100.00 RKM Investments Limited 1102 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1C7 500.00 Roclan Industries Limited - C Bartlett PO Box 1905 Sydney NS B1P 6W4 500.00 S & M Trucking Limited - Bucky Sives 12 Birchdale Drive Sydney NS B1S 1L5 500.00 Sampson McDougall Barristers & Solicitors 66 Wentworth Street Sydney NS B1P 6T4 300.00 Scott Robert 123 Royal Avenue Sydney NS B1P 4M4 500.00 Seaboard Tire Service 23 Paint Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3j7 300.00 Superior Truss Limited PO Box 848 Sydney NS B1P 6J2 200.00 Sydney Memorial Chapel Limited 49 Welton Street Sydney NS B1P 5R3 250.00 Trifos Design Consultants PO Box 1073 Sydney NS B1P 6J7 250.00 Vulcan Properties Limited PO Box 1298 Sydney NS B1P 6K3 300.00 Yazer Realty 918 Caribou Marsh Road Sydney NS B1M 1B4 500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 09 Cape Breton West

Alfie MacLeod (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Ziggy's Pub (HHM Enterprises Ltd) 1167 Kings Road Sydney River NS B1S 3B3 100.00 Zisserson Warren 336 Kings Road Sydney NS B1S 1A9 300.00 30,345.85

Candidate: Delton McDonald Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Paul Dockrill, 661 Cottage Road, Sydney, NS B1P 6W6 Contributions: $5,155.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3072624 NS Ltd 800 Grand Lake Rd Sydney NS B1P 6S9 150.00 3073737 NS Ltd 5 Caldee St Sydney NS B1S 3R1 1,000.00 Dockrill Paul 661 Cottage Rd Sydney NS B1P 6W6 100.00 First Stake Security Ltd 2145 Kings Road Sydney NS B1L 1C2 100.00 Forbes Rhonda 24 Rear Big Pond Road Big Pond NS B1J 2E1 20.00 Grant Albert 76 Schallee Drive Sydney NS B1P 6G9 50.00 Hussey Eoin 619 Lisa Drive Albert Bridge NS B1K 3U2 1,000.00 Joneljim Investments Ltd Box 26, Riverview Dr Sydney NS B1P 6G9 250.00 Lynk CF Construction 80 Doncaster St Sydney NS B1L 1ES 200.00 Maroun Albert Box 1463, Station A Sydney NS B1P 6R7 200.00 Maroun Dr Albert Box 1463, Station A Sydney NS B1P 6R7 100.00 McInnis Ann Marie 14 Oxford St Sydney NS B1P 4C5 100.00 McIntyre Charles 9864 East Bay Highway Irish Vale NS B1J 2BS 200.00 McKinley Law Office Box 225 Glace Bay NS B1A 5V2 200.00 McMullen Isabel 648 Hillside Road Sydney NS B1K 3H6 50.00 McNeil Neil 240 Corwallis St Sydney NS B4N 2E8 50.00 McNeil Robert 1892 Kings Road Sydney NS B1L 1C6 10.00 McPhee Harvey 9 Wyndale Cres Sydney NS B15 3L4 100.00 McRae Donald 49 Floral Heights Sydney NS B1L 169 100.00 Mozuik Irene 47 Wyndale Cres Sydney NS B15 3L4 100.00 Power Linda 14 Aster Court Halifax NS B3G 1G5 100.00 Ramsays Auto Sales Ltd 229 Kings Road Sydney NS B15 1A5 100.00 Ramsays Cycle & Sport 616 Keltic Drive Sydney NS B1L 1B6 75.00 Sampson Charles 42 Hayden Road Sydney Falls NS B1L 1A2 100.00 Sampson McDougall 66 Wentworth St Syney NS B1P 6T4 500.00 Scotia Chrysler Ltd 325 Welton St Sydney NS B1P 6K3 100.00 Walsh Richard 65 Bardmore Cr Sydney NS B1L 1A1 100.00 5,155.00

Candidate: Mike Parsons Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 10 Chester-St. Margaret's

Candidate: Ryan Cameron Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Jo-Ann Grant Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Phillip Ellwood, 104 Victoria St., Chester, NS B0J 1J0 Contributions: $6,280.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 2323870 Nova Scotia Limited 9 Church St Peggy's Cove NS B3Z 3R7 200.00 Armstrong Blair 116 Central St Chester NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Barkhouse James PO Box 680 Chester NS B3Z 1H6 200.00 Beachcomber Enterprises 4841 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1C9 200.00 Bryson George Union Street Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 BW Armstrong Insurance 3838 North Street Chester NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Calkin Joy PO Box 267, 215 Victoria Street Chester NS B0J 1J0 680.00 Celia MacDonald Fund 116 Queen Street Bridgewater NS B4V 1P4 150.00 Chandler John Box 511 Chester NS B0J 1J0 250.00 Chandler and Davis 3 Tremont St Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Chester Pharmacy PO Box 200 Chester NS B0J 1J0 500.00 Clearwater Fine Foods 757 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B4A 3Z7 500.00 Connolly Judy 102 Regent St Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Connolly Dennis 102 Regent St Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 D.M. Wells Law Pleasant Street Chester NS B0J 1T0 200.00 Dagley Randall PO Box 20 Site 8 Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Duerden Karen 6 Cove Crescent Head of St. Margaret's NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Ellwood Arlene 204 Victoria St. Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Flinn Jill PO Box 320 Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Fraser J. Gregor PO Box 120 Chester NS B0J 1J0 300.00 Hagen Eric Box 191 Chester NS B0J 2M0 50.00 Hebert L. Paul 15 Stillwater Lane Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 2B5 200.00 Heollingshead Patricia 21 Swallow Lane Tantallon NS B3Z 26X 100.00 Jand T Developments PO Box 59 0Hubbards NS B0J 1J0 200.00 Kelland Alison PO Box 504 Chester NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Lamson Cynthia PO Box 680 Chester NS B0J 1J0 50.00 Mercer Terry (Senator, North End HaRm 371 East Block Ottawa ON K1A 0A4 50.00 Moore Wilfred PO Box 500 Chester NS B0J 1J0 200.00 Nauss William 7129 Hwy 329 East River NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Oland Bruce PO Box 2066 Stn Central Halifax NS B3J 2Z1 100.00 Publicover Phyllis 213 New Harbour Rd Blandford NS B0J 1T0 50.00 Rice Calvin PO Box 165 Chester Basin NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Seffern Donald 3016 Hwy 12 RR #2 New Ross NS BOJ 1J0 30.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 10 Chester-St. Margaret's

Jo-Ann Grant (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Smith Bill 2579 Wentzell Lake New Germany NS B0R 1E0 100.00 South Shore Sand & Gravel PO Box 247 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W9 500.00 Tompkins M.C. PO Box 759 Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Under Foot Floormat Co 216 Central St Chester NS B0J 1J0 20.00 Webber Walter Box 91 Chester NS B0J 1T0 50.00 6,280.00

Candidate: Denise Peterson-Rafuse Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Judith Brodie, 316 Kennedy's Road, Boutilers Point, NS B3Z 1V7 Contributions: $12,545.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bail Florian PO Box 3016 Tantallon NS B3Z 4G9 200.00 Baldwin Jeannie RR 2, Box 6, Site 3 Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Bankier Jennifer 95 Bayview Drive Hacketts Cove NS B3Z 3J8 150.00 Barnaby Michael 6034 Fernwood Lane Halifax NS B3H 0A5 300.00 Beale Tobias 9957 Peggys Cove Road Hacketts Cove NS B3Z 3J4 800.00 Bishop Eric 131 East Drive Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 100.00 Chandler Wallace 80 Sandy Cove Loop, RR1 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 200.00 Chester Pharmacy Limited PO Box 200 Chester NS B0J 1J0 500.00 Clute Catherine 143 Pince Street, PO Box 262 Chester NS B0J 1J0 50.00 Cobbold Peter E 2699 Northwest Cove, RR #1 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Coolen Salem Junior 260 Boutiliers Point Road Boutiliers Point NS B3Z 1V1 50.00 Crouse Catherine Jane 16 Bremner Drive Hacketts Cove NS B3Z 3L3 200.00 Dagley Randall S 129 Termont Street Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Delefes Peter 68 Masons Point Road Head of St Margarets Bay NS B3Z 2A8 100.00 Duchene Donald 100 Chester Common Road Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Dunsworth Anne 7112 St Margarets Bay Road Boutiliers Point NS B3Z 1W1 100.00 Earle Jane 18 Stillwater Lane Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1H6 100.00 Fay Jeanne 234 Martins Point Road Mahone Bay NS 50.00 Feldbauer Erich 7 Westwind Drive Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Fryday James G 10 Fryday Road, RR2 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Gillis Sara 38 Peace Court Halifax NS B3N 3K4 100.00 Grantmyre Dorothy 5770 Spring Garden Road, Apt 2003 Halifax NS B3H 4J8 40.00 Haase Florence 2812 Hwy #3, PO Box 281 Chester NS B0J 1J0 200.00 Haase Martin R 2812 Hwy #3, PO Box 281 Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Haley Mae 5938 Hwy #3 Gold River NS B0J 1K0 20.00 Hill Leroy 10220 Peggys Cove Road Glen Margaret NS B3Z 3J1 100.00 Holm Flemming 140 Crandall Road, Martins Point Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Kettle Marie 482 Island View Drive Boutiliers Point NS B3Z 1R2 25.00 Larder Bea 4529 Hwy 12, RR2 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 50.00 LeBoutillier Geoffrey 680 Indian Point Road Glen Haven NS B3Z 2T7 500.00 Leigh Joyce 8108 St Margaret's Bay Road Ingramport NS B3Z 3Z7 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 10 Chester-St. Margaret's

Denise Peterson-Rafuse (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Luffman Sylvia 59 Gates Road Hacketts Cove NS B3Z 3K1 100.00 MacAulay Nancy 5452 St Margarets Bay Road Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 2J1 600.00 MacAulay Peter 5452 St Margarets Bay Road Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 2J1 800.00 MacDonald Maureen 5525 Cabot Place Halifax NS B3K 2J6 100.00 MacDonald Waldo H 60 Chandler Road, PO Box 358 Chester NS B0J 1J0 50.00 MacDonald Slipp Gwendolyn 51 Lindsay Lane, Box 401 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 MacGillivary Paul 249 Middle River Road, RR1 Chester NS B0J 1K0 100.00 MacLean Daniel 136 Mayfair Drive Bridgewater NS B4V 8W3 500.00 Maessen Sheila 11340 Peggy's Cove Road Seabright NS B3Z 3A7 40.00 Major David P 65 Wakeup Hill Road, RR1 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 75.00 Martin Cynthia J 10 Meisners Point Road Ingramport NS B3Z 1W1 100.00 Matheson William 6745 Prospect Road West Dover NS B3Z 3T1 100.00 McCracken John 252 Viewmount Head of St Margarets Bay NS B3Z 2G2 300.00 McRae Lloyd 194 Pauls Point Road Hacketts Cove NS B3Z 3K7 100.00 Miller Jan 680 Indian Point Road Glen Haven NS B3Z 2T7 500.00 Moore Christopher 30 King Street Chester NS B0J 1J0 250.00 Moore Tim 22 Freda's Point Drive Chester NS B0J 1J0 250.00 Mustain Jean 52 Indian River Road Head of St Margarets Bay NS B3Z 2C9 100.00 Nauss Lorna 7129 Hwy 329, Boulder Bay RR1 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 O'Neill Brian 482 Island View Drive Boutiliers Point NS B3Z 1R2 50.00 Peterson Derek 19 Marina Drive, Marriots Cove Chester Basin NS B0J 1JK0 100.00 Peterson-Rafuse Denise 186 King Street, PO Box 657 Chester NS B0J 1J0 500.00 Rafuse Wayne 186 King Street, PO Box 657 Chester NS B0J 1J0 1,000.00 Rafuse Equipment & Supply Co Limited 150 Logan Road Bridgewater NS B4V 3J8 100.00 Rowan-Legg Judith 102 Millennium Drive, PO Box 655 Chester NS B0J 1J0 250.00 Seibert Gerald 26 Meisners Point Road Ingramport NS B3Z 3Z5 50.00 Shaw Ivy 242 Windsor Drive Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 1H1 100.00 Shaw Roderick 177 Masons Point Road Head of St Margarets Bay NS B3Z 1Y9 100.00 Stevens Emery 129 Tremont Street Chester NS B0J 1J0 50.00 Stevens Leonard RR1, 125 Lower Grant Road Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 100.00 Tams Miriam 191 Southwest Cove Road, RR1 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 50.00 Towle Edward R 200 Camelot Drive Seabright NS B3Z 2P8 500.00 Trask Deborah 38 Eldridge Road Chester Basin NS B0K 1K0 200.00 Underfoot Floormat Co Limited 216 Central Street Chester NS B0J 1J0 20.00 Viau Lillian 5 Mourning Dove Lane Head of St Margarets Bay NS B3Z 1Z6 100.00 Wiper Beb 176 Middle River Road Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 150.00 Zeimer Wolfgang 58 Conquerall Road Hebbs Cross NS B4V 0Z7 25.00 12,545.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 10 Chester-St. Margaret's

Candidate: Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Sandra Richards, 198 North Street, Bridgewater, NS B4V 2V6 Contributions: $12,255.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Aberdeen Paving Limited 798 Hammonds Plains Road Bedford NS B4B 1B1 200.00 APL Properties 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J7 500.00 Armci Capital Ltd. 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J7 500.00 Bond David 91 Fleet Road Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Broome George 1136 Windsor Road New Russell NS B0J 2M0 100.00 Chipman David 1004-1540 Summer Street Halifax NS B3H 4R9 50.00 Clark Geoff 133 Irwin Hubley Road NS B3Z 2Z6 200.00 Clark Scott 32 Roupen Court Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1L2 300.00 Cleather Edward RR #1 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 250.00 Crowell Michael 82 Parklea Drive Head of St. Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 2G5 125.00 Dickson Kay 131 Smith Avenue Truro NS B2N 1C6 300.00 Conservative Women's Caucus of Nova Scotia 6136 Duncan Street Halifax NS B3L 1K2 480.00 Fryday-Dorey Janet RR #2 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 1,000.00 Gates Merlin 1159 Forties Road, RR #1 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 100.00 Giffin Gerry Box 617 Chester NS B0J 1J0 200.00 Halifax Optometry Clinic - Dr. Gray 1591 Brunswick Street Halifax NS B3J 2G1 200.00 Haughn Daniel RR #1 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 300.00 Heisler Aileen Box 101 Chester NS BOJ 1J0 50.00 Hennigar Wells Lamey & Baker Box 310 Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Hiltz Joyce 139 Marriott's Cove Road Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 100.00 Keddy Gerald 287 Lake Ramsey Road New Ross NS B0J 2M0 500.00 Keddy Larry 117 Gelngarry Road, RR #2 New Ross NS 200.00 Manuel Robert 154 Larder Lake Road Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Mark Winfield Inc. 215 Dominion Street, Suite 202 Bridgewater NS B4V 2K7 200.00 McCreath Peter 149 Shore Club Road Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Motivation Investments 1967 West Lahave, RR #1 Pleasantville NS BOR 1G0 150.00 Nightingale Frank 102 Craigview Drive Glen Haven NS B3Z 2S6 500.00 Norcan Holdings Box 421 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Old Wharf Chester Limited Box 518 Chester NS B0J 1J0 300.00 Oliver QC Sen. Donald Box 2010, Stn. M Halifax NS B3J 2Z1 100.00 Parr-Johnston Dr. Elizabeth 217 Borgels Drive Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 500.00 Read Management Limited Box 937 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Z6 1,000.00 Richards Robert 198 North Street Bridgewater NS B4V 2V6 100.00 Richards Sandra 198 North Street Bridgewater NS B4V 2V6 1,100.00 Richardson Sherry 201 Masons Point Road Head of St. Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 1Y9 100.00 South Shore Sand & Gravel Box 247 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W9 500.00 Spatz Jim 100-1475 Lower Water Street Halifax NS B3J 3Z2 200.00 Steeves Robert 154 Craigview Drive Glen Haven NS B3Z 2S6 100.00 Streatch Kenneth 7408 Hwy 357, RR #5 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 500.00 Streatch Communications Inc. Middle Musquodoboit NS 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 10 Chester-St. Margaret's

Judy Streatch (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Webb Shelly Box 3021 Tantallon NS B3Z 4G9 100.00 Weldon Joan 25 Raymoor Drive Dartmouth NS B2X 1G6 100.00 Whynot Sylvia 258 Belcher Street, Suite 30 Kentville NS B4N 1E4 200.00 Wilkins Bradley Box 593 Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Wong Dr. Oscar 63 Durham Lane Glen Margaret NS B3Z 1X2 50.00 Workman Stephen 643 Lake Ramsay Road, RR #1 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 100.00 12,255.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 11 Clare

Candidate: Jimmy (à Bernie) Doucet Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Ian Comeau, 195 Bonnie Road, Meteghan, NS B0W 2J0 Contributions: $2,235.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount AF Theriault & Sons Ltd 9027 Hwy 1 Meteghan River NS B0W 2J0 500.00 Belliveau Jean Louis Box 87 Belliveau Cove NS B0W 1J0 35.00 Belliveau Motors Limited PO Box 190 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 200.00 Comeau Delphis PO Box 181 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 100.00 Comeau Gerald 9311 Hwy 1 Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 200.00 Comeau Louis 1540 Rue Sammer Halifax NS B3H 4R9 100.00 Comeau's Bottle Exchange Box 112 Meteghan Centre NS B0W 2K0 100.00 Doucet James Box 19 Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 100.00 Doucet Rose Marie 8611 Hwy 1 Meteghan Centre NS B0W 2K0 100.00 Le Blanc Guy CP 36 Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 100.00 Le Blanc Hubert PO Box 368 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B3 100.00 Meteghan Home Furnishings Ltd RR #1 Meteghan NS B0W 2J0 200.00 Morse Barry PO Box 96 Auburn NS B0P 1A0 50.00 Muise Mark Box 3430 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A5 100.00 Saulnierville Pharmacy Limited PO Box 25 Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 250.00 2,235.00

Candidate: Paul Comeau Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Don Melanson, 341 Second Division Road, Meteghan, NS Contributions: $3,280.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount A.F. Theriault & Sons Ltd. 9027 Highway 1 Meteghan River NS B0W 2L0 500.00 Barron George 6709 Sissiboo Rd Bear River NS B0S 1B0 100.00 Belliveau Meters Ltd. PO Box 190 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 200.00 Bowers Debra 65 Taramaki Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 4X3 100.00 Comeau's Bottle Exchange PO Box 112 Meteghan Centre NS B0W 2K0 100.00 Comeau's Bottle Exchange Eddie J PO Box 112 Meteghan NS B0W 2J0 50.00 Doucet Jean 3191 Second Division Rd Conseasive NS B0W 1M0 500.00 G.C.P.L. 1165 Tower Rd Halifax NS B3A 2Y7 300.00 Guard N Pothier Barrister & Solicitor PO Box 57 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 500.00 LeBlanc Guy J. CP 36 Saulwiville NS B0W 2Z0 100.00 Restaurant Chez Christopher PO Box 61 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 400.00 Robichaud's Meet Market Ltd Wharf Rd. Meteghan NS B0W 2J0 100.00 Salunier Aldric 244 Charles Rd Church Point NS B0W 1M0 200.00 Spimay Lawrence W. RR 1 Box 107 Meteghan NS B0W 2J0 80.00 Stoffer Peter B 2900 Hwy Fall River NS B2T 1W4 50.00 3,280.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 11 Clare

Candidate: Diane Doucet-Bean Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate:Wayne Gaudet Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Claredon Robicheau, RR# 1, Box 175, Church Point, NS B0W 1M0 Contributions: $15,838.14 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Aberdeen Paving Ltd 798 Hammonds Plains Rd Bedford NS B4B 1B1 250.00 AF Theriault & Son Ltd 9027 Highway 1 Meteghan River NS B0W 2L0 500.00 Belliveau Alain 1349 Highway 1, Church Point Church Point NS B0W 1M0 550.00 Belliveau Coral 959 Patrice Road Church Point NS B0W 1M0 100.00 Belliveau Nadine 82 Point Road Belliveau Cove Church Point NS B0W 1M0 100.00 Belliveau Motors Ltd 1484 Highway 1 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 200.00 Binn Reginald 720 Highway 1, Comeauville Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 500.00 Blue Bay Construction Limited 2283 Highway 1, Grosse Coque Church Point NS B0W 1M0 100.00 Clare Dodge Chrysler Ltd 3640 Highway 1, St Bernard Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 250.00 Clare Pharmacy Ltd 8693 Highway 1 Meteghan Centre NS B0W 2K0 200.00 Clayt's Offroad & Auto 999 Highway 1 Little Brook NS B0W 1Z0 250.00 Comeau Aldaige 648 John Thibodeau Road, St Martin Meteghan River NS B0W 2L0 100.00 Comeau Anita 24 Chemin SF, Comeau Little Brook Little Brook NS B0W 1Z0 100.00 Comeau Anne Marie 767 Highway 1, Comeauville Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 50.00 Comeau Antoinette 1246 Highway 1 Little Brook NS B0W 1Z0 100.00 Comeau Arcade 252 Patrice Road Church Point NS B0W 1M0 50.00 Comeau Cecil 14 Mardigras Road, St Alphonse Meteghan NS BOW 2J0 50.00 Comeau Hector 351 Peter Dugas Road Metaghan NS B0W 2J0 100.00 Comeau Irene 7758 Highway 1 Meteghan NS B0W 2Z0 100.00 Comeau Julien 1239 Highway 1, Little Brook Church Point NS B0W 1M0 100.00 Comeau Norbert 203 Patrice Road Church Point NS B0W 1M0 200.00 Comeau Rose-Anne 742 Highway 1, Comeauville Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 250.00 Comeau Russell 343 Peter Dugas Road Meteghan NS B0W 2J0 200.00 Comeau Russell 672 Highway 1, Comeauville Church Point NS B0W 1M0 200.00 Comeau Russell F 489 Seconde Division Road, St Martin Metaghan NS B0W 2J0 100.00 Comeau Bottle Exchange 8659 Highway 1 Meteghan Centre NS B0W 2K0 100.00 Cox Marie 5524 Heatherwood Centre Halifax NS B3K 5N7 100.00 D LeBlanc Electrical Ltd 1675 Patrice Road, Concession Church Point NS B0W 1M0 100.00 Deveau Alain R 8175 Highway 1 Metaghan NS B0W 2J0 100.00 Deveau Archie 86 Salmon River Road Salmon River NS B0W 2Y0 50.00 Deveau Carol Ann 8175 Highway 1 Metaghan NS B0W 2J0 100.00 Deveau Gilbert 5087 Highway 1, Salmon River Yarmouth NS B0W 2Y0 50.00 Deveau Paul 3986 Highway 1, Bever River Yarmouth NS B5A 4A5 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 11 Clare

Wayne Gaudet (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Deveau Gerard 5116 Highway 1, Salmon River Yarmouth NS B5A 4A5 100.00 Deveau Regina 5186 Highway 1, Salmon River Yarmouth NS B5A 4A5 100.00 DME Fisheries Ltee. 34 Robicheau Road Metaghan NS B0W 2J0 250.00 Doucet Joanne 25 Walker Connection Middle Sackville NS B4E 2N9 500.00 Doucet Nil 291 New Edinburgh Road, New Edinburgh Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 40.00 Doucet Octave 724 Riverside Road, New Edinburgh Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 30.00 Doucet Fisheries Ltd 32 Ocean Drive, Belliveau Cove Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 500.00 Doucette Mark 3257 Hectanooga Road, Hectanooga Salmon River NS B0W 2Y0 100.00 Downe Donald RR5 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W4 100.00 Dugas Emile 636 Little Brook Road, Little Brook Church Point NS B0W 1M0 40.00 Dugas Ralph 8678 Highway 1 Meteghan Centre NS B0W 2K0 40.00 Dunn Aaron 31 John Comeau Road, Lower Saulnierville Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 50.00 Edmond Thibodeau Logging 1810 Second Division Road, Metaghan StatioMetaghan NS B0W 2J0 50.00 Edmond Thibodeau Trucking 1810 Second Division Road, Metaghan StatioMetaghan NS B0W 2J0 100.00 Gaston Chagnon Property Ltd 1165 Tower Road Halifax NS B3H 2Y7 300.00 Gaudet Paul 2992 Second Division Road Concession Church Point NS B0W 1M0 160.00 Gaudet Paul 9684 Highway 1, Lower Saulnierville Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 200.00 Gaudet Wayne 99 Patrice Road Church Point NS B0W 1M0 1,058.14 Gaudet's Mini Excavator Ltd 3363 Second Divison Road Concession Church Point NS B0W 1M0 100.00 Gerard N Pothier General Accounting 1786 Highway 1 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 500.00 Hanna Dominique PO Box 1000 Digby NS B0V 1A0 200.00 Hanna Nehma 775 Pacide Comeau Road, Meteghan StationMeteghan River NS B0W 2L0 100.00 Hayes Jimmy 930 Saulnierville Road, Saulnierville Station Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 100.00 Heritage Fur Farms Ltd 9734 Highway 1 Saulnierville NS B0W 2J0 500.00 J H Deveau Insurance Ltd "General' 8175 Highway 1 Metaghan NS B0W 2J0 250.00 Jr Belliveau Garage & Excavator 399 Little Brooke Road Little Brook NS B0W 1Z0 100.00 LeBlanc Benoit 954 Highway 1 Little Brook NS B0W 1Z0 40.00 LeBlanc Jocelyne 138 Little Brook Road Little Brook NS B0W 1Z0 40.00 LeBlanc Louis 397 Thimot Road Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 100.00 LeBlanc Victor 45 Bellevue Street Belliveau Cove NS B0W 1J0 100.00 LeBlanc Yvonne 952 Highway 1, Little Brook NS B0W 1Z0 100.00 Lombard Denis 2865 340 Highway Corberrie Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 50.00 Lombard Paul 667 New Edinburgh Road, New Edinburgh Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 100.00 Melanson Chester 36 Isaac LeBlanc Road Church Point NS B0W 1M0 100.00 Melanson Jean 149 Salmon River Road Salmon River NS B0W 2Y0 100.00 Melanson Lloyd 271 Saulnierville Road Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 100.00 Parsons Investments Ltd 15096 Highway 1 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 50.00 Phillip LeBlanc Diesel Repairs Ltd 19 Comeauville Wharf Road, Comeauville Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 100.00 Robichaud Rick 201 Peter Dugas Road Metaghan NS B0W 2J0 100.00 Robicheau Cedric 46 Cornell Road, Meteghan Centre Meteghan NS B0W 2J0 500.00 Robicheau John 8240 Highway 1 Metaghan NS B0W 2J0 200.00 Saulnier Irene 161 Little Brook Road Little Brook NS B0W 1Z0 100.00 Saulnier Remi 1748 340 Highway Corberrie Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 250.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 11 Clare

Wayne Gaudet (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Saulnier Pharmacy Ltd 9999 Highway 1, Saulnierville Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 500.00 Saulnierville Kwik Way 703 Saulnierville Road, Saulnierville Staiton Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 100.00 Scotia Wipers Ltd 182 Maxwellton Road Metaghan Centre NS B0W 2K0 100.00 Sea Crest Fisheries Ltd 30 Comeauville Wharf Road, Comeauville Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 100.00 Sweeney Tina 3257 Hectanooga Road, Hectanooga Yarmouth NS B0W 2Y0 100.00 Theriault Gerard 1285 Highway 1, Little Brook Church Point NS B0W 1M0 500.00 Theriault Gert 1285 Highway 1, Little Brook Church Point NS B0W 1M0 500.00 Thibault Giselle 1810 Highway 1 Church Point Church Point NS B0W 1M0 40.00 Thibault Robert 2660 Second Division Road, Lr Concession Church Point NS B0W 1M0 100.00 Thibodeau Edmond 1810 Second Division Road, Metaghan StatioMetaghan NS B0W 2J0 100.00 Toffee Trawling Ltd 83 Mark Comeau Road, Comeauville Saulnierville NS B0W 2Z0 250.00 Weymouth Drug Store Ltd 4553 Main Street Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 400.00 15,838.14 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 12 Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley

Candidate: Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Barbara Bell, 138 Higginsville Road, PO Box 15, Middle Musquodoboit, NS B0N 1X0 Contributions: $17,425.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bell Barbara M 138 Higginsville Road, Box 16 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 950.00 Belzer Edwin G Jr 12943 Hwy 224, RR2 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 500.00 Belzer Kathryn 12943 Hwy 224, RR2 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 450.00 Berfelo Herman RR 2 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 100.00 Brown Madonna 2791 Caribou Road, RR 2 Upper Musquodoboit NS B02 2M0 1,000.00 Brown Michael 51 Old Trunk Road Elmsdale NS B2S 3G2 100.00 Burrill Clayton 2344 Hunter Street, Apt 305 Halifax NS B3K 4V6 100.00 Burrill Fred 116 Wood Street Truro NS B2N 4T5 200.00 Burrill Gary 8715 Hwy 224 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 800.00 Burrill Roger 6147 Linden Street Halifax NS B3H 2K7 200.00 Calderhead Vince 6348 Norwood Street Halifax NS B3H 2L1 200.00 Clare Kathy 5536 Sebastian Place Halifax NS B3K 2K6 1,000.00 Clare Ken 5536 Sebastian Place Halifax NS B3K 2K6 1,000.00 Clark Rick 131 Poplar Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2K7 50.00 Clayton Developments 255 Lacewood Suite 100C, Clayton Prof CentHalifax NS B3M 4G2 300.00 Costello Gloria 11 Maple Drive, PO Box 136 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 100.00 Creelman Darrell RR 1 Upper Stewiacke NS B0N 2P0 300.00 Crowe Gordon 50 Asquith Avenue, PO Box 248 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 100.00 Cruz Pascale PO Box 481 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 100.00 Dean Geneva 29 Brandt Lane, Apt 9 Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 50.00 Dickie Cheryl 493 Lays Lake Road, RR 1 Meaghers Grant NS B0N 1V0 160.00 Dickie Rod 493 Lays Lake Road, RR 1 Meaghers Grant NS B0N 1V0 500.00 Dillman Charles RR 1 Meaghers Grant NS B0N 1V0 40.00 Donald Dr Richard 6134 Duncan Street Halifax NS B3L 1K2 100.00 Earle Michael 2372 Agricola Street Halifax NS B3K 4B6 60.00 Enligna Canada Inc PO Box 103 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 500.00 Erskine Hugh 9889 Hwy 224, PO Box 26 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 1,000.00 Erskine Warren 2588 Caribou Road, RR 2 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 50.00 Fundy Compost Inc 1332 Pleasant Valley Rd Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 150.00 Gamberg Herb 1600 Cambridge Street Halifax NS B3H 4A6 20.00 Haiven Judith 5606 Morris Street Halifax NS B3J 1C2 200.00 Harnish Darrell 92 Pleasant Valley Rd, RR 2 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 200.00 Harnish Karen 92 Pleasant Valley Rd, RR 2 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 200.00 Hart Jane 2709 Fuller Terrace Halifax NS B3K 3V9 300.00 Higgins Freda 1109 Butler Road, RR2 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 360.00 Higgins Garnet 1109 Butler Road, RR2 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 560.00 Higgins Family Christmas Trees 10273 Hwy 224, RR 4 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 400.00 Hunter, Tom 3049332 Nova Scotia Ltd PO Box 91 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 300.00 Langley Graham RR 4 River John NS B0K 1N0 50.00 Lister Merle 6640 South Street Halifax NS B3H 1V2 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 12 Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley

Gary Burrill (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Lotz Jim 5680 Inglis Street Halifax NS B3H 1K3 100.00 MacGillivray Don 7271 Route 4, Big Pond Cape Breton NS B1J 1V2 100.00 MacLachlan Sandra 138 Higginsville Road, Box 16 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 700.00 Milson Scott 5880 Stairs Street, Apt 6 Halifax NS B3K 2E3 1,000.00 Morash David RR 1 Elderbank NS B0N 1K0 100.00 Murray Don 479 Cottage Lane, RR 2 Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 100.00 Murray Elizabeth 101 Queen Street Truro NS B2N 2B2 100.00 Murray Rev Lewis 23 Tower Road, PO Box 332 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 200.00 Newlands David 460 Archibald Brook Road Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 100.00 Olsson Karen 386 Truro Road North River NS B6L 6V9 50.00 Parker Jane 519 Hwy 336, RR1 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 100.00 Poole Jim 9011 Moose River Road, RR2 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 100.00 Redden Margaret 71 Dry Lake Rd, RR2 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 325.00 Riggs Evelyn 3321 Prescott Street Halifax NS B3K 4Y2 100.00 Sharpe James 6231 Watt Street Halifax NS B3H 2B9 100.00 Simmins Marjory 24 Armshore Drive Halifax NS B3N 1M5 100.00 Smith Jessie 5536 Sebastian Place Halifax NS B3K 2K6 100.00 Stewart John 10723 Hwy 224, RR 4 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 100.00 Stoffer Peter B 2900 Hwy Fall River NS B2T 1W4 100.00 Taylor Nancy 6147 Linden Street Halifax NS B3H 2K7 200.00 Weatherbee Fred 360 Truro Heights Rd Truro NS B2N 5A9 500.00 Williams Rick 6429 Norwood St Halifax NS B3H 2L4 200.00 17,425.00

Candidate: Steve Streatch Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Victor G. Farnell, 1036 - 336 Hwy., Upper Musquodoboit, NS B0N 2M0 Contributions: $23,845.40 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 2321496 NS Ltd PO Box 651 Truro NS B2N 1E5 200.00 Adams Stephen 62 Millrun Crescent Bedford NS B4A 1H7 100.00 APL Properties Ltd 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Archibald Matthew 8080 Hwy 224 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 250.00 Armco Capital Inc 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Armstrong Scott 187 Main Street Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Arnold Captain Samuel 115 Perry Grant Road Meaghers Grant NS B0N 1V0 1,000.00 Ballam Insurance Services Ltd 209 Cobequid Road, Unit 1 Lower Sackville NS B4C 3P3 250.00 Barrett Dave 2 Maplewood Court Lower Sackville NS B4G 1B6 100.00 Barrett Keith 421 Shore Road Bedford NS B4A 2C7 100.00 Barrett Mary 2 Maplewood Court Lower Sackville NS B4G 1B6 100.00 Barrett Lumber Company Limited 224 Beaver Bank Road Lower Sackville NS B4E 1J7 50.00 Basin Contracting Ltd PO Box 70 Enfield NS B2T 1C6 300.00 Bellefontaine Wanda 1039 Higginsville Road Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 12 Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley

Steve Streatch (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Benvie Farms RR #4 Middle Musquodoboit NS BON 1X0 100.00 Blaikie Keith PO Box 14 Upper Stewiacke NS B0N 2P0 250.00 Brown Kirby 2179 Caribou Road Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 250.00 Brown Madonna 2791 Caribou Road Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 200.00 Butler Robert RR #1 Milford Station NS B0N 1Y0 100.00 Carter Hugh 40 Carter Road Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 300.00 Carver Norman 7576 Hwy 357 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 50.00 Central Equipment PO Box 843 Truro NS B2N 5G6 500.00 Clarke Scott 32 Roupen Crt Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1L2 100.00 Clayton Development Ltd 255 Lacewood Drive, Suite 100c Halifax NS B2M 4G2 200.00 Dean Glenda 4048 Hwy 357 Meaghers Grant NS B0N 1V0 50.00 Dean Pam 43 Ridge Road Londonderry NS B0M 1M0 1,000.00 Don Fisher Construction Ltd PO Box 1142 Truro NS B2N 5H1 500.00 Doncaster Randy PO Box 31 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 100.00 Dwyer Peter 13 Shipyard Rd Bedford NS B4A 2G2 250.00 Embley Geoffrey 163 Lakeshore Park Terrace Dartmouth NS B3A 4Z4 1,000.00 Enligna PO Box 103 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 500.00 Erskine Hugh 9889 Hwy 224, PO Box 26 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 500.00 F Clark Fernerty Ins. PO Box 448 Lower Sackville NS B4C 3G4 500.00 Fares Wadih 18 Broadholme Lane Halifax NS B3M 3B7 250.00 Fewer Fabian 123 Sibley Road Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 250.00 Garry Pye Real Estate 468 Prince St, PO Box 1530 Truro NS B2N 5V2 250.00 Granview Landscape Group RR #1 Elderbank NS B0N 1K0 200.00 Guy Denmore Transport Inc PO Box 361 Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 1,000.00 Halifax C & D Recycling 16 Mills Drive Goodwood NS B3T 1P3 250.00 Hawkins Douglas 171 Lays Lake Road Meaghers Grant NS B0N 1V0 50.00 Hefler Forest Products Ltd 230 Lucasville Rd Lower Sackville NS B4B 1S1 200.00 Henderson Michael PO Box 195 Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 100.00 Henderson Terence RR #2 Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 75.00 Higgins Family Christmas Trees RR #4 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 200.00 Hunt Jeffrey 31 Edgehill Drive Truro NS B2N 7A5 150.00 Hupman Linda 45 Franklyn Dr Truro NS B6L 1G2 75.00 Iller Door Systems PO Box 1381 Truro NS B2N 5N2 750.00 Isenor Bertha 3 Hill Top Lane Dutch Settlement NS B2S 2K2 100.00 John Logan Enterprises Ltd RR #4 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 200.00 Laidlaw Glenn RR #1 Upper Stewiacke NS B0N 2P0 170.40 Laidlaw Margaret RR #1 Upper Stewiacke NS B0N 2P0 200.00 Ledwidge Lumber Company Ltd PO Box 39 Enfield NS B2T 1C6 100.00 Leedham Laurie 5858 Hwy 357 Elderbank NS B0N 1K0 100.00 Lewis Pauline 68 Tattingstone Court Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 4J4 500.00 Logan Drilling Ltd PO Box 188 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 500.00 MacDonald Daniel 361 Prince St. Truro NS B2N 1E4 500.00 MacDonald Ronald PO Box 113 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 300.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 12 Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley

Steve Streatch (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Martinique by the Sea Properties Ltd 2242 East Petpeswick Road Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 250.00 Matheson Hugh 290 Carter Road Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 200.00 McCurdy Patricia PO Box 74 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 50.00 McMullin Eva RR #1 Milford Station NS B0N 1Y0 50.00 Millbrook Band Council PO Box 634 Truro NS B2N 5E5 500.00 Miller Emily 22 Densmore Dr. Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 100.00 Miller Richard 1 Chessvale Close Halifax NS B3M 4C6 200.00 Moxom Curtis RR #2 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 250.00 Noonan Francis PO Box 75 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 50.00 O'Hagan James 325 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 2G1 250.00 O'Leary George 936 Cloverdale Road Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 50.00 Osborne Pamela 142 St Andrews Street Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 250.00 Park Place Centre Ltd PO Box 665, 1701 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 2T3 500.00 Parkers Service Station PO Box 98 Middle Musquodoboit NS BON 1X0 500.00 Pulsifer Associates Ltd 85 South Cove Road Shortt's Lake NS B0N 2J0 500.00 Purcell Donna PO Box 70 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 250.00 Reynolds Ramona 3 Hwy 336, PO Box 21 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 50.00 Rockingham Hardware Ltd 192 Bedford Hwy Halifax NS B3M 2K1 100.00 Rovers Leo RR #2 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 250.00 Scott Robert 1 Ellis Street Dartmouth NS B2X 2T4 100.00 Smith Andrew PO Box 124 Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 300.00 Stewart Seymour 9766 Hwy 224 Upper Musquodoboit NS BON 2M0 50.00 Streatch Alan RR #1 Elderbank NS B0N 1K0 100.00 Streatch James 6706 Old Guysborough Road Elderbank NS B0N 1K0 100.00 Streatch Judy PO Box 154 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 100.00 Streatch Kenneth 7408 Hwy 357 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 500.00 Streatch Steve 6756 Old Guysborough Road HRM NS B0N 1X0 500.00 Swinemer Ruth PO Box 1007 Lantz NS B2S 3G6 50.00 Telfer Dave PO Box 61 River John NS B0K 1N0 250.00 The Palliser Resort PO Box 821 Truro NS B2N 5G6 50.00 Vissers Holdings Ltd RR #2 Alton Road, 3003 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 75.00 Walker Judith 7423 Hwy 357 Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 50.00 Webb Gerald 17318 Hwy 7 Tangier NS B0J 3H0 100.00 White Burgess Langille Inman 26 Union Street Bedford NS B4C 3G4 250.00 Will-Kare Paving Contracting Ltd PO Box 651 Truro NS B2N 5E5 300.00 Winding River Farms Ltd RR #2 Alton Road, 2965 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 100.00 23,845.40 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 12 Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley

Candidate: Willy Versteeg Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Kelly Nauss, 26 Glen Haven Road, Camden, NS B6L 3L3 Contributions: $3,960.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount A Selway Construction Ltd 49 Shortts Lake Road Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 200.00 Antrim Farms Ltd 1029 Antrim Road Millford Station NS B0N 1Y0 100.00 Brown Martha 2179 Caribou Road Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 250.00 Cain Olga & Blair RR2 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2J0 60.00 Clayton Departments Ltd 255 Lacewood Drive, Suite 100C Halifax NS B3M 4G2 300.00 Crowe J Gordon 50 Asquith Ave Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 250.00 Elmsdale Service Centre Ltd 113 Elmsdale Road Elmsdale NS B2S 1K7 500.00 Hawes Connie 19060 Spry Harbour HRM NS B0J 3H0 100.00 McCurdy Sybil & William 126 Milltown Road Old Barns NS B6L 1M4 100.00 RHT Enterprises (Ralph Taylor) 15 Kimberley Drive Truro NS B2N 2Y8 250.00 Rovers Leo & Mary RR 2 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 500.00 Schenkels Francis 19476 Hwy 2, RR4 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 200.00 Stewart Sandy RR2 Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 25.00 Vermeuland Farms Ltd 257 Nelson Hill Road Millford Station NS B0N 1Y0 250.00 Versteeg Edward 89 Etter Road Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 200.00 Vissers John 2963 Alton Road Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 250.00 Vissers Holdings Ltd RR2 Alton Road 3003 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 75.00 Whidden Havey 1140 Riverside Road Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 250.00 Winding River Farms 2965 Alton Road Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 100.00 3,960.00

Candidate: Margaret Witney Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 13 Colchester North

Candidate: Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Myles Johnson, 14 Court Street, Truro, NS B2N 3H7 Contributions: $27,930.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 2321496 NS Ltd PO Box 651 Truro NS B2N 5E5 200.00 A-1 Tires Ltd 567 Willow Street Truro NS B2N 6T3 100.00 Armstrong David 121 Smith Avenue Truro NS B2N 1C6 150.00 Armstrong Matilda 121 Smith Avenue Truro NS B2N 1C6 150.00 Armstrong Scott 50 Whitman Court Truro NS B2N 3G3 500.00 Baillie Brenda 8395 Hwy 311 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 200.00 Bass River Holdings Ltd PO Box 48100 Bedford NS B4A 3Z2 1,000.00 Baxter Robert 48 Tamarack Drive Valley NS B6L 2V9 200.00 Beck Kenneth 8730 Hwy 311 Balfron NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Bennett Bernice 7208 Hwy 4 Lower Debert NS B0M 1G0 100.00 Caldwell-Roach Agencies Ltd 643 Prince Street Truro NS B2N 5C7 250.00 Cameron Edwin 7930 Hwy 311 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 2,500.00 Cameron Ray 34 Sinclair Court Valley NS B6L 2T7 150.00 Carter Hugh 40 Carter Road Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 300.00 Casey Chris 124 Coldstream Drive Truro NS B2N 5B2 1,000.00 Casey Glen 44 Second Court Valley NS B6L 2T5 1,000.00 Casey Karen 46 Second Court Valley NS B6L 2T5 1,000.00 Casey Kevin 3 - 5786 Tower Terrace Halifax NS B3H 1R5 1,000.00 Casey Melanie 30 Brite Avenue Truro NS B2N 5R9 1,000.00 Casey Shawn 30 Brite Avenue Truro NS B2N 5R9 1,000.00 CD Armstrong Insurance PO Box 695 Truro NS B2N 5E5 250.00 Conservative Women's Caucus of Nova Scotia 6136 Duncan Street Halifax NS B3L 1K2 480.00 Cook John 96 Dominion Street Truro NS B2N 3Y3 100.00 Cox Charles 49 Normandy Avenue Truro NS B2N 3J6 100.00 Creelman Donna 70 Smith Avenue Truro NS B2N 1C4 1,000.00 Davidson Donald 356 Young Street Truro NS B2N 3Y6 200.00 Dickson Orland 3 Flicker Place Valley NS B6L 2G9 300.00 Findlay Kevin 720 Middle Road Debert NS B0M 1G0 1,000.00 Foley Dave 127 Raven Road Valley NS B6L 2R1 100.00 Foley Elaine 127 Raven Road Valley NS B6L 2R1 100.00 Fulmore Burchell 3259 Hwy 2 Economy NS B0M 1J0 100.00 Fulton William 91 Lewis Lane Bass River NS B0M 1B0 100.00 Fundy Grinding & Machining Ltd 9 Farnham Road Truro NS B2N 2X6 400.00 Garry Pye Real Estate PO Box 1530 Truro NS B2N 5V2 250.00 Geddes Marjorie 17 Phoebe Lane Valley NS B6L 2M8 100.00 Graham Joy 8705 Hwy 2 Great Village NS B0M 1L0 200.00 Graham Ruth PO Box 137 Great Village NS B0M 1L0 100.00 Groves Donald 234 Onslow Road Upper Onslow NS B6L 5K9 100.00 Habib Wafa 275 Main Street Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 500.00 Hay Donald 5157 Morris Street Halifax NS B3J 3P2 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 13 Colchester North

Karen Casey (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Hay Hospitality Ltd 105 Walker Street Truro NS B2N 5G9 100.00 Hodge Mary 6851 Hwy 2 Bass River NS B0M 1B0 100.00 Hollis Ford Inc 266 Robie Street Truro NS B2N 1L1 800.00 Jennings Laurie 90 Hillcrest Road Debert NS B0M 1G0 200.00 Johnson Myles 137 Coldstream Drive Valley NS B6L 3G3 250.00 Jollymore W Dale 124 Peninsula Point Road Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Kelderman Dianne 10 Est Mount Court Truro NS B2N 5B1 250.00 Kennedy Erwin 25 Campbell Road Debert NS B0M 1G0 100.00 Kohltech International Ltd PO Box 131 Debert NS B0M 1G0 250.00 Langille Robert PO Box 131 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Langille William RR #5 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Larsen David 1379 Hwy 246 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Lynds Anna 24 Wilecrest Avenue Truro NS B6L 6Y4 100.00 MacDonald John K 810 Brule Point Road Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 MacDonald William 496 Main Street, Apt #3 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 MacDougall Lorne 128 Brunswick Street Truro NS B2N 2H4 100.00 MacKinnon Elmer 12562 Hwy 2 Lower Onslow NS B6L 5E6 100.00 MacLennan Roderick 62 Highland Drive Truro NS B2N 1B9 100.00 MacLeod's Farm Machinery Ltd 12412 Hwy 2 Lower Onslow NS B6L 5E3 200.00 MacMillan Eric 77 Granville Drive Lower Onslow NS B6L 5C3 500.00 MacVicar W Reid 397 Upper Road Londonderry NS B0M 1M0 100.00 Marwood Ltd PO Box 338 Ferdericton NB E3B 4Z9 250.00 McMaster Douglas 10764 Hwy 2 Debert NS B0M 1G0 100.00 Millen Curtis 80 Little Dyke Road Great Village NS B0M 1L0 250.00 Moffat Susan 116 Park Street Truro NS B2N 3J3 100.00 Moss Phillippa 66 Queen Street Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 500.00 Muir Jamie 65 Smith Avenue Truro NS B2N 1C5 100.00 Newmac Manufacturing Inc PO Box 9 Debert NS B0M 1G0 200.00 Ogden Lola 19 Winchester Place Truro NS B2N 7A9 100.00 O'Hearn John 911 Brule Shore Road Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 200.00 Orr Elaine 167 Teviot Place Truro NS B2N 6Y3 100.00 Rankin Glen 69 Huckleberry Lane Truro NS B2N 6K2 100.00 Rath Stuart PO Box 1456 Truro NS B2N 5V2 500.00 Remax Fairlane Realty 791 Prince Street Truro NS B2N 1G7 300.00 Richards Burton 27 Sunnybrook Drive Onslow Mountain NS B6L 6T7 100.00 Richards Tony 64 Tyler Avenue Truro NS B2N 5B4 100.00 Ross Raymond PO Box 162 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Seaboard Tire Service 23 Paint Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J7 500.00 Snook David PO Box 1380 Truro NS B2N 5N2 100.00 Spicer Vivian 2 -845 College Road Truro NS B2N 5Y9 100.00 Stewart Micah PO Box 416 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Taggart Thomas 138 Edgewood Road Bass River NS B0M 1B0 200.00 Thomas William 288 Upper River John Road Waugh's River NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 13 Colchester North

Karen Casey (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Tomm Heather PO Box 2421 Stony Plain AB T7Z 1X8 200.00 Tri-County Ford 339 Main Street Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 200.00 Vance Cecil PO Box 48100 Bedford NS B4A 3Z2 1,000.00 Wesley Judith 66 Teakwood Court Truro NS B2N 7C6 100.00 White George 72 Mount Pleasant Blvd. Truro NS B2N 3N7 100.00 Williamson Andrew RR #1 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Will-Kare Paving & Contracting Ltd PO Box 651 Truro NS B2N 5E5 300.00 Wilson David PO Box 744 Truro NS B2N 5G1 150.00 Zak David 1188 College Road Truro NS B2N 5B2 250.00 27,930.00

Candidate: Judy Davis Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Lorenda Ebbett Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Stephen Douglas, 11 Warbler Street, RR # 2, Truro, NS B6L 2Y3 Contributions: $6,820.12 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 2321496 NS Ltd PO Box 651 Truro NS B2N 1E5 200.00 Barnhill Stanley Site 1, Box 8 Belmont NS B0M 1C0 200.00 Belliveau L Michael 36 Riverside Dr Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 200.00 Bonnyman Angus RR #2 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 50.00 Bonnyman Ross RR #2 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Bonnyman Willis PO Box 205 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 50.00 Bonnyman & Byers Ltd PO Box 206 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 200.00 Brushett Dianne 38 Longworth Avenue Truro NS B2N 3E8 100.00 Cain Blair RR #2 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 50.00 Creighton Austin PO Box 8 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 200.00 Creighton J Ronald PO Box 2 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 200.00 Culgin Dorothy 757 Belmont Rd Belmont NS B0M 1C0 50.00 Culgin Construction Ltd General Delivery Belmont NS B0M 1C0 100.00 Curtis David PO Box 458, 640 Prince Street, Suite 202 Truro NS B2N 1G4 100.00 DA Allen Engineering 12 Tamarack Drive Truro NS B2N 5B1 100.00 Douglas Heather 11 Warbler Crt. Valley NS B6L 2Y3 200.00 Ebsary Marilyn 423 Main St Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 25.00 Glawson Doug 8 Christopher Lane, Apt 3 Bible Hill NS B2N 0C3 60.00 Hill C George 13397 2 Hwy Central Onslow NS B6L 5C9 500.00 Hines Thomas PO Box 411 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 13 Colchester North

Lorenda Ebbett (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount JGM Holdings Ltd PO Box 28 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 200.00 Lorraine Shirley 699 Upper Onslow Road Upper Onslow NS B6L 5L6 100.00 MacEachern David PO Box 156 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 150.00 MacKinnon John RR #1 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 50.00 MacLeods Farm Machinery Ltd RR #5 Truro NS B2N 5B3 200.00 Miller Wilfred 8343 Highway 2 Great Village NS B0M 1L0 50.00 Neily Peter 15 Ficker Place Truro NS B2N 5B1 100.00 Norrie Eleanor 36 Saxby Lane Brookside NS B6L 2Y3 500.00 Oickle Brian 1091 Kemptown Rd Truro NS B2N 5B1 100.00 Parsons Tracy 13 Riverside Ave Truro NS B2N 4G2 750.00 Piers Derek 669 Brule Shore Rd, RR #1 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 50.00 Pike Douglas 15 Tamarack Drive Valley NS B6L 2W1 100.00 Porter Donald RR #1 Belmont NS B0M 1C0 100.00 RHT Enterprises Ltd 15 Kimberley Drive Truro NS B2N 2Y8 250.00 Sampson Edward 572 The Loop Road, RR #4 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 200.00 Todd Margaret RR #1 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 300.00 Todd William RR #1 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 185.12 Tri County Ford 389 Main Street Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 200.00 Will-Kare Paving & Contracting Ltd PO Box 651 Truro NS B2N 1E5 300.00 Wilson Donald 10653 Hwy 2, RR #1 Debert NS B0M 1G0 150.00 6,820.12

Candidate: Arthur Hartlen Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: David Stevenson, 2384 Hwy. 246, Tatamagouche, NS B0K 1V0 Contributions: $2,200.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Freve Dorien RR #6, Chisholm Rd Truro NS B2N 5B4 50.00 Kennedy John 386 Truro Rd North River NS B6L 6V9 200.00 Langille Malcolm 2761 Hwy 311 Up North River NS B6L 6J8 100.00 MacEachern Brian 95 Terrabella Lane Vallley NS B6L 2W3 50.00 Manchester Judy 2384 Hwy 246 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 500.00 Marchbank Verna 29 Eleanor Dyment Pl Onslow Mtn NS B6L 6C8 100.00 McCallum Joanne 110 Terrabella Lane Vallley NS B6L 2W3 100.00 McKinnon Linda RR #2 Debert NS B0N 1G0 50.00 Murray Garry 130 Raven Rd Vallley NS B6L 2P7 100.00 Olsson Karen 386 Truro Rd North River NS B6L 6V9 150.00 Perry Elson Apt 4, 56 Brooklyn Dr Bible Hill NS B2N 7J2 100.00 Stevens James RR #2 Debert NS B0N 1G0 200.00 Stevenson David 2384 Hwy 246 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 500.00 2,200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 14 Cole Harbour

Candidate: Darrell E. Dexter Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: James Smith, 2024 Elm Street, Halifax, NS B3L 2Y3 Contributions: $18,390.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Betts Dale 24 Almora Court Dartmouth NS B2W 4R5 100.00 Blanchard Gregory A Apt. 411, 449 Portland Hills Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 5R9 100.00 Brown Maynard 23 Taranaki Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 4X3 100.00 Cadegan Mary 2500 Quinn Street Halifax NS B3L 3E7 100.00 Chisholm John PO Box 1328 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 1,000.00 Clarke Rick 131 Poplar Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2K7 100.00 Cornish Julia 32 First Avenue Bedford NS B4A 1Z9 100.00 Cromwell Gayle 11a Owen Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 3M1 200.00 Curran Raymond E Apt 449, 211 Portland Hills Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 6R9 100.00 Dastidar Kabita Ghose 126 Ellerslie Crescent Dartmouth NS B2W 4P3 100.00 Doman Beverly 84 Briarlynn Crescent Dartmouth NS B2V 1K6 100.00 Doman Terance 84 Briarlynn Crescent Dartmouth NS B2V 1K6 100.00 Doucet Rollie 908 Cole Harbour Road Dartmouth NS B2V 1E6 300.00 Fisher Brian 27 Murray Hill Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A9 200.00 Fraser Mary R Apt 508, 26 Brookdale Crescent Dartmouth NS B3A 2R5 100.00 Gerrard Janet RR 1 Tangier NS B0J 3H0 100.00 Godsoe Gloria 28 La Pierre Crescent Dartmouth NS B2W 5E2 200.00 Goldberg Judith 6174 Oakland Road Halifax NS B3H 1P2 350.00 Haigh Carol 14 Durham Way Dartmouth NS B2V 1X1 100.00 Heckman Jean 2 Forest Road Dartmouth NS B3A 2M3 100.00 Hickey Earle G 24 Frances Street Dartmouth NS B3A 3H1 750.00 International Union of Painters & Allied Trades District Council 39 95 Simmonds Drive Dartmouth NS B3B 1N7 5,000.00 Jackson Dorothy 12 McManus Road Halifax NS B3P 1P9 150.00 James Kendrick 47 Evelynwood Place Dartmouth NS B2V 2A6 80.00 Jones Glenn 262 Ritcey Crescent Cole Harbour NS B2W 6J9 500.00 MacDonald Elizabeth Ann Apt 214, 1 Prince Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 4L3 125.00 McDonough Alexa Apt 402, 1544 Summer Street Halifax NS B3H 4S1 100.00 McMeekin Denise 159 Atholea Drive Cole Harbour NS B2V 1C7 100.00 McQuaid Edward 64 Stewart Harris Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 3Z6 100.00 Medjuck Frank 1601 Lower Water Street, PO Box 1074, SumHalifax NS B3J 2X1 500.00 Munroe Brian 317 Millwood Drive Sackville NS B4E 2E8 100.00 Operating Engineers Investment Ltd 251 Brownlow Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 2A9 5,000.00 Parsons Investments Limited PO Box 24 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Pettipas Erin 11 Hampshire Way Dartmouth NS B2V 2A3 100.00 R Ritchie Wheeler Barrister & Solicitor 18 Carlson Court Dartmouth NS B2W 5X8 200.00 Rehberg Emilay 212 Colby Avenue Dartmouth NS B2V 1K3 60.00 Shaver Noreen 6 Charlois Court Dartmouth NS B2W 2R4 75.00 Smith Linda M 2024 Elm Street Halifax NS B3L 2Y3 200.00 Vine Maureen 11 Garnett Street Dartmouth NS B2W 2N9 150.00 Weldon McInnis 118 Ochterloney Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1C7 1,000.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 14 Cole Harbour

Darrell E. Dexter (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount West Willie 62 Madeira Crescent Dartmouth NS B2W 6G7 100.00 Wright Shirley H 16 Ellen Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2J8 150.00 Zambolin Linda 114 Regal Road Dartmouth NS B2W 4H8 100.00 18,390.00

Candidate: Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Albert Njeim, 39 Cranberry Crescent, Darmouth, NS B2W 4Z8 Contributions: $1,520.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Berube Charlie 77 La Pierre Crescent Dartmouth NS B2W 5C7 500.00 Bidgood Cheryl 22 Crestwood Place Dartmouth NS B2V 2P5 50.00 Clyke Marlen 2035 Creighton St Halifax NS B3K 3R3 30.00 DF Kyte Pharmacy 902 Cole Harbour Road Dartmouth NS B2V 2J5 100.00 Douglas Kenny 29 North Green Road Lakeside NS B3T 1A9 100.00 Fawson Margaret 331 Prospect Road Prospect Bay NS B3T 1Z7 50.00 Hodkin Barb 14 Vanessa Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 3J2 110.00 Jones David 397 Colby Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 2T6 200.00 Kochar Rakesh 61 Seroico Crescent Dartmouth NS B2W 6G5 20.00 Mitchell Alan 19 Roselyn Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2M2 150.00 Njeim Albert 39 Cranberry Crescent Dartmouth NS B2W 4Z8 60.00 Njeim Antoinette 39 Cranberry Crescent Dartmouth NS B2W 4Z8 50.00 Shediac Video & Grocery 1222 Cole Harbour Road Dartmouth NS B2V 1E9 100.00 1,520.00

Candidate: Mike Josey Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Donna Turner, 30 Lake Loon Cres., Dartmouth, NS B2W 3V5 Contributions: $9,500.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Banks Murray 58 Swanton Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2C5 100.00 Bennet Geoffrey 8 Cherry Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 2Z2 100.00 Boutilier Albertha 3663 Robie Street Halifax NS B3K 4S9 500.00 Boutilier Berthe 3663 Robie Street Halifax NS B3K 4S9 100.00 Boutilier Harold 3663 Robie Street Halifax NS B3K 4S9 500.00 Boyne Clark 44 Portland Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1H3 100.00 Cole Harbour Mechanical 29 Parkland Avenue Dartmouth NS B2V 1M7 300.00 DJ Avery Accounting Inc 201988 Cole Harbour Road Dartmouth NS B2V 1E7 100.00 Dugie Dolores 16 Caxton Close Halifax NS B3M 4C5 100.00 Glibbery Lois 2 Colby Drive, Apt 401 Dartmouth NS B2V 1X6 50.00 Hawes Constance RR #1 Tangier NS B0J 3H0 100.00 Hilchey Joan 68 Lakefront Road, Apt 9 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3C6 100.00 Hurshman Agnes 55 Hurshman Road Dutch Settlement NS B2S 2K7 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 14 Cole Harbour

Mike Josey (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Josey Hanson 54 Swanton Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2C5 1,000.00 Josey LL 2793 Agricola Halifax NS B3K 4E3 500.00 Josey Mary 54 Swanton Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2C5 1,000.00 Josey Trena 28 Cranston Avenue Dartmouth NS 200.00 Kennedy Darrell 19 Wilton Crescent Dartmouth NS B2V 2S9 25.00 La Flamme Jean 28 Diana Grace Avenue Dartmouth NS B2W 6A2 1,000.00 LeBlanc Corrine 168 Green Village Lane Dartmouth NS B2Y 4V4 50.00 Lipsett Barbara 2 Cross Road Dartmouth NS B2W 3G9 100.00 Lohnes Bruce 28 Farquharson Street Dartmouth NS B2W 1T3 50.00 Lohnes Ruth 28 Farquharson Street Dartmouth NS B2W 1T3 50.00 Longard Kristie RR #2 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 200.00 Majcher Isabel 18 Donview Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 4O8 100.00 McDonald Michael 3 Wedgewood Court Dartmouth NS B2W 6B4 75.00 Michael Josey 62 Woodbury Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 2S9 1,000.00 Mitchell Joan 25 Farquharson Street Dartmouth NS B2W 1T4 100.00 Morris William 70 Flagstone Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 1Z8 50.00 Regional Medical Products 47 Woodbury Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 2S9 50.00 Richardson Roy 10 Wildwood Blvd. Dartmouth NS B2W 2L8 100.00 Roger Una Marie 2 Colby Drive, Apt 405 Dartmouth NS B2V 1X6 100.00 Stanfield GS 17 John Cross Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 1X1 100.00 W Josie Cleaning Ent. 49 Laurentide Drive Halifax NS B3M 2M9 100.00 Walker Elizabeth 347 Portland Hills Dartmouth NS B2W 0A7 50.00 Walsh Glenda 29 Parkland Avenue Dartmouth NS B2V 1M7 250.00 Walsh Harry 29 Parkland Avenue Dartmouth NS B2V 1M7 1,000.00 9,500.00

Candidate: Dawna Toews Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 15 Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage

Candidate: Lloyd Jackson Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Dan Avery, 10 Greenwich Avenue, Dartmouth, NS B2V 2L9 Contributions: $10,600.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bailey Brian 800-46 Portland St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1H4 1,500.00 Baillie Jamie 152 Brook St Halifax NS B3N 2B1 200.00 Bradley Roberts & Assoc Inc. 3-1495 Glenwood Ave Waverley NS B2R 1M5 200.00 Cameron William JD 711-7 Brookdale Court Dartmouth NS B3A 4P7 200.00 Cherubini Metal Works Ltd. 50 Joseph Zatzman Dr Dartmouth NS B3B 1N8 500.00 Christie Ross W 671 Basinview Dr Bedford NS B4A 3E8 100.00 Cross Karen J 75 Flagstone Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 1Z7 100.00 Cross Ronald E 75 Flagstone Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 1Z7 100.00 DJ Avery Acct. Inc. 2-1088 Cole Hbr. Rd. Dartmouth NS B2V 1E7 200.00 Furlotte Marc 17 Falcon Pl Halifax NS B3M 3R4 200.00 Iona Resources Holdings Ltd. 1 Canal St Dartmouth NS B2Y 2W1 1,000.00 Leo J Beazle 1996 Lt. 124 Cow Bay Rd. Eastern Passage NS B3G 1C1 200.00 MacGregor David A 52B Blenwood Ave Dartmouth NS B2Y 3G7 100.00 MacLeod Doanld 34 French Masts Lane Bedford NS B4A 3W7 1,000.00 MacLeod John W Jr 69 Sinclair St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1R7 200.00 MacMaster Allan 102-2393 Robie Street Halifax NS B3K 6S2 100.00 MacPherson John W Jr 36 Government Wharf Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M5 100.00 R.K.M. Investments Ltd. 403 Charlotte St Sydney NS B1P 1E3 300.00 Secunda Marine Services 1 Canal St Dartmouth NS B2Y 2W1 3,000.00 TAR Investments Ltd. 30 Troop Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1Z1 250.00 Theriault M. Esther 105-16 Nelson's Land Bedford NS B4A 4H8 50.00 Tomes - Low Diane J. 205-110 Farmham Gate Halifax NS B3M 4A2 1,000.00 10,600.00

Candidate: Becky Kent Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Susan White, 100 Redoubt Way, Eastern Passage, NS B3G 1M8 Contributions: $10,526.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3232853 NS Ltd 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Adderley Paul 178 Southampton Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 2V9 100.00 Austin Richard 6 Astour Drive Eastern Passage NS B3G 1P9 50.00 Bell Tanya PO Box 258 Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M5 100.00 Belval Patrick 48 Ainslie Court Eastern Passage NS B3G 1G7 100.00 Boondocks 200 Government Wharf Road, PO Box 313 Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M7 100.00 Boyne Clarke PO Box 876 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Z5 200.00 Bushor Fred 1639 Caldwell Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1B1 50.00 Cassell Eileen 30 Oceanlea Drive Eastern Passage NS B3G 1E4 100.00 Clarke Rick 131 Poplar Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2K7 50.00 Coates Evelyn 13-103 Pleasant St E Amherst NS B4H 1N4 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 15 Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage

Becky Kent (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Contrasty Denise 1949 Shore Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1G8 20.00 Dartmouth Central Plumbing & Heating PO Box 332, Stn Main Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M6 300.00 Deveux Jeep PO Box Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M6 35.00 Deveux Kevin 15 Hornes Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1A6 500.00 Deveux Shirley 15 Hornes Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1A6 100.00 Doman Terry 84 Briarlyn Crescent Cole Harbour NS B2B 1N1 5.00 Eagan Patrick 16 Morris Lake Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 2V8 120.00 Eaton Michael 828 Bissett Road Eastern Passage NS B2V 2T8 100.00 Ebsary Maureen PO Box 436 Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M7 50.00 Edward Jimmy 7 Faulkner Drive Eastern Passage NS B3G 1C2 4.00 Evans Vince 37 Juniper Crescent Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M1 20.00 Findlay Charles 78 Redoubt Way Eastern Passage NS B3G 1E7 30.00 Foote Anne Marie 106 Rosewood Lane Eastern Passage NS B3G 1B2 50.00 Frank Homes Autobody Ltd 2011 Caldwell Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1H9 100.00 Fraser Margaret 1938 Cow Bay Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1K6 100.00 Gagnon Marc 51 Avondale Road Dartmouth NS B2V 1H3 5.00 Gay Jeremy 54 Cedar Court Eastern Passage NS B2V 1Y6 300.00 Gibson Bonnie 64 Birchill Drive Eastern Passage NS B3G 1C7 20.00 Goodyear Al 25 Osborne Drive Eastern Passage NS B3G 1H2 10.00 Harmes Thomas 779 Cow Bay Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1J8 100.00 Hennen Dr Brian 106 Maplewood Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 2R1 500.00 Hogan Jody 68 Autumn Drive Cow Bay NS B3G 1L5 15.00 Hourihan Marian 21 Francis Drive Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M7 50.00 Hussey Genevieve 184 Pinewood Crescent Dartmouth NS B2V 2P9 100.00 Johnston Elsie 33 Hornes Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1A5 25.00 Joyce Hazel 1395 Main Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M4 50.00 Kempton Philson 20 Violette Court Eastern Passage NS B3G 1K6 500.00 Kent Isaac 15385 Shore Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M5 500.00 Kwindt Elizabeth 1228 Cow Bay Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1L4 50.00 Langilles Boating Centre PO Box 190 Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M5 200.00 Larkin Stephen 12a Hames Drive Eastern Passage NS B3G 1J7 300.00 Larkin Steve 12 Harmes Drive Eastern Passage NS B3G 1J7 20.00 Lemire Heidi 15 Briarwood Drive Eastern Passage NS B3G 1C1 50.00 Leneghan Shaun 1598 Shore Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1G3 100.00 Leo J Beazley NS Ltd PO Box 279 Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M5 200.00 Linton Ernest 15 Citadel Court Eastern Passage NS B3G 1C5 100.00 Logan James 20 Ainslei Crescent Eastern Passage NS B3G 1G6 100.00 Logan Margaret 20 Ainslei Crescent Eastern Passage NS B3G 1C6 750.00 Lyall Nita 40 Juniper Crescent Eastern Passage NS B3G 1E1 120.00 MacDonald Brenda 525 Caldwell Road Dartmouth NS B2V 1A7 8.00 MacDonald Harold 4 Andrews Avenue Dartmouth NS B2V 2P8 20.00 Martineau Marilyn 19 Sidney Crescent Eastern Passage NS BG 1H8 20.00 Matsushita Janet 101 Lakeshire Crescent Dartmouth NS B2V 2N8 125.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 15 Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage

Becky Kent (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Matthews Jean PO Box 212 Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M5 25.00 McLeod Brock Wilma 65 Nova Terrace Dartmouth NS B2V 1B1 50.00 McMeekin Denise 159 Atholea Drive Cole Harbour NS B2V 1C7 200.00 Mitchell Donna 46 Astour Drive Eastern Passage NS B3G 1P9 80.00 Moores Brenda 10 Squires Lane Eastern Passage NS B3G 1N2 355.00 More Marilyn 103-162 Ochterloney St Dartmouth NS B2Y 4X3 25.00 Myers Michael 556 Cow Bay Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1J6 50.00 Naugle Robert 2 Cleary Drive Eastern Passage NS B3G 1J9 100.00 Naugle Stan 1A - 36 Squires Lane Eastern Passage NS B3G 1A1 40.00 Popke Lila PO Box 541 Stn Main Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M8 20.00 Rick De Young 3 Aubrey Street Eastern Passage NS B3G 1C6 20.00 Riggs Evelyn 3321 Prescott Street Halifax NS B3K 4Y2 100.00 Robitaille Daniel 9 Harmes Drive Eastern Passage NS B3G 1J7 50.00 Scotia Learning Centres 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Scott Cynthia 41 Alcorn Drive Oakfield NS B2T 1B2 100.00 Scott Frances RR #2 Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 50.00 Scott Frank RR #2, Sandy Point Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 140.00 Sheppard Wendy 27 Cherylann Dr Eastern Passage NS B3G 1S2 50.00 Shore Robert 1739 Caldwell Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1C6 20.00 Silco Contracting Ltd PO Box 13 Shearwater NS B0J 3A0 300.00 Stratten Bill 13 Aarklow Drive Cole Harbour NS B2W 4J1 5.00 Tamarack Communications Ltd 14 Green Bay Drive, RR #4 Cow Bay NS B3G 1L2 100.00 Thurston Michael 49 Blockade Circle Eastern Passage NS B3G 1E6 50.00 Tiley Michael PO Box 183 Shearwater NS B0J 3A0 60.00 Tim Hortons Bakeco Mgmt Inc 1102 Main Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1M6 100.00 Tuder Jim 467 Colby Drive Cole Harbour NS B2V 2K4 4.00 Walton Doug PO Box 233 Shearwater NS B0J 3A0 50.00 Whalen Alfred 121 Cow Bay Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1A3 50.00 White W Curtis 100 Redoubt Way Eastern Passage NS B3G 1E5 60.00 Williams Deborah 21 Huntington Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 1V9 200.00 Williams Wilbert 21 Huntington Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 1V9 200.00 Ziabek Henry 180 Astral Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 1B5 50.00 10,526.00

Candidate: Denise Ménard Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Jeremy Scott, 108 Sheppards Run, Beachville, NS B3T 2E8 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 15 Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage

Candidate: Orest Ulan Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Jason Stone, 1454 Dresden Row, Unit 703, Halifax, NS B3H 3T5 Contributions: $500.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Beazley Steven 124 Cow Bay Road Eastern Passage NS B3G 1N5 200.00 Churchill Brian 105 Greenwich Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 2N5 50.00 Kyte Den 920 Cole Harbour Rd Dartmouth NS B2V 2J5 100.00 Scott Carolyn 1248 Cow Bay Road Cow Bay NS B3G 1L4 50.00 Scott Joe 1248 Cow Bay Road Cow Bay NS B3G 1L4 100.00 500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 16 Cumberland North

Candidate: Ernest Fage Recognized Party: IND Official Agent: Jillian Ryan, 79 Bedros Lane, Unit 2H, Halifax, NS E3M 4X5 Contributions: $18,455.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Allen Michael & Wendy 69 South Albione St Amherst NS B4H 2W4 300.00 Amherest Developments PO Box 183 Amherst NS B4H 3Z2 250.00 Atlantic Combustion Tech 2 Tupper Blvd Amherst NS B4H 4J5 200.00 Barnes Insurance Aency 81 East Victoria St Amherst NS B4H 1X7 100.00 Baxter John & Kittee 331 East Victoria St Amherst NS B4H 3Y2 100.00 Bill Woo's Kitchen 26 Albion St Amherst NS B4H 2W3 50.00 Bragg John 4881 Main St Oxford NS B0M 1P0 300.00 Carter George RR 7 Amherst NS B4H 3Y5 100.00 Carter Marilyn RR 7 Amherst NS B4H 3Y5 100.00 Cartmill Claire & Charles 21 Tantramar Cres Amherst NS B4H 4S8 250.00 Chase Earl RR #1 Port Howe NS B0K 1K0 100.00 Clark Grant PO box 264 Amherst NS B4H 3Z2 100.00 Clarke Brenda PO Box 264 Amherst NS B4H 3Z2 100.00 Compositeis Atlantic Limited PO Box 1150 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 200.00 Costin William PO Box 609 Amherst NS B4H 4B8 100.00 Cumberland Realty 28 Church St Amherst NS B4H 3A7 500.00 Dow Greta PO Box 125 Pugwash NS B0K 1Y0 200.00 Dowe Bill RR 4 Amherst NS B4H 3Y2 100.00 Dr. E.P. MacEachern Dentistry 18 Maple Ave Amherst NS B4H 3G1 100.00 Ehinger Harold 3 Hebert St Amherst NS B4H 3L8 100.00 Embree Aaron RR 2 Amherst NS B4H 3X9 100.00 Embree Susan RR 2 Amherst NS B4H 3X9 1,000.00 Fage Doris 22 Gladstone Ave Amherst NS B4H 4C6 1,000.00 Fage Elaine RR 5 Amherst NS B4H 3Y3 1,000.00 Fage Ernest RR 5 Amherst NS B4H 3Y3 1,000.00 Fage Stan 1667 Preston St Halifax NS B3H 3V2 1,000.00 Flowers William 42 Croft St Amherst NS B4H 2Z4 100.00 Flynn Frances & Stanley RR 1 Wallace NS B0K 1Y0 200.00 Fort Equipment PO Box 421 Amherst NS B4H 3Z5 400.00 Gogan Rob 4 Gladstone Ave Amherst NS B4H 1L3 100.00 Gogm Donna 4 Gladstone AVe Amherst NS B4H 1L3 100.00 Goodwin Gordon 3 Summer St Amherst NS B4H 1N8 200.00 Gouchie Jeff PO Box 133 Amherst NS B4H 3Y6 500.00 Harrison Dana 404 MacDonald Rd Amherst NS B4H 3Y4 200.00 Hoeg Farms Limited RR 3, Fenwick Rd Amherst NS B4H 3Y1 1,000.00 Home Again Dry Clearners 133 South Albion St Amherst NS B4H 2X2 50.00 Jergemsen & Bickerston Inc PO Box 387 Amherst NS B4H 3S7 100.00 Jim Hatheway Ford Sales Ltd 76 Robert Angus Dr Amherst NS B4H 4R7 500.00 King Pim Bowling Ltd 5 Gerard Ave Amherst NS B4H 2S8 200.00 Le Furgey Joe 8 Abbey Rd Amherst NS B4H 4N5 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 16 Cumberland North

Ernest Fage (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Manly Douglas 117 W Victoria St Amherst NS B4H 1C7 5.00 Mansours Ltd 27 Church St Amherst NS B4H 3A7 50.00 Maritime Pride Eggs 50 Tantrgmar Cr Amherst NS B4H 0A1 150.00 Matheson Don RR 1 Amherst NS B4H 1K0 100.00 Mattison Mary RR 1 Port Howe NS B0K 1K0 100.00 Meltby Ventures Limited PO Box 183 Amherst NS B4H 3Z2 500.00 Miner Wallace & Lorraine RR 3 Amherst NS B4H 2Y1 200.00 Newcombe Walter RR 3 Amherst NS B4H 3Y1 100.00 Nora Construction Co. Ltd 3098 Pest Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 1,000.00 Rafter Dora 75 Havelock St Amherst NS B4H 3K5 100.00 Roger B McInnis Livestock RR 6 Upper Nappan NS B4H 3Y4 300.00 Siddall Jean RR 2 Amherst NS B4H 3X9 1,000.00 Simms Philip RR 5 Amherst NS B4H 3Y3 100.00 Taylor Boyd RR 3 Amherst NS B4H 3Y1 500.00 Trueman Eric & Marie RR 4 Amherst NS B4H 3Y2 100.00 Vanvulpem Mick RR 2 Amherst NS B0A 1C0 100.00 Vaughn N. Melanson Trucking RR 6 Amherst NS B4H 3Y4 250.00 Verstratem Pauline RR 2 Amherst NS B4H 3X9 500.00 White Deby 23 Regent St Amherst NS B4H 3S8 1,000.00 18,455.00

Candidate: Keith Hunter Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Morris J. Haugg, PO Box 279, Amherst, NS B4H 2Z7 Contributions: $11,388.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Armstrong Scott 187 Main Street Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 100.00 Bacon Farms Limited RR6 Amherst NS B4H 3Y4 250.00 Bacon Farms Limited Roger RR6 Stn Main Amherst NS B9H 3Y4 250.00 Barnes Insurance Agency 81 Victoria St Amherst NS B4H 1X7 200.00 Boyd S. Jack 4734 Hwy 302 Nappan NS B0L 1C0 100.00 Casey Realty Limited PO Box 190 Amherst NS B4H 3Z2 250.00 Casey Rosemary Rosemary RR#3 Stn Main Amherst NS B4H 3Y1 100.00 C. Ernest Harrison & Son 5918 Hwy 2 Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 400.00 Chapman Keith 13 Country Cove Lane Lorneviile NS B4H 3X9 100.00 Chase Donald 351 Tidnish Head Road Amherst NS B4H 3X9 100.00 Coleman David 25 Elmwood Drive Amherst NS B4H 2H2 50.00 Daley Allie 36 Regend St Amherst NS B4H 3Z9 1,000.00 Daley Blake 163 Victoria St E Amherst NS B4H 1Y4 1,000.00 Doig Clara 4 Townsview Crt Amherst NS B4H 4M1 50.00 Dowe Colleen 42 Ripley Rd Amherst NS B4H 3Y2 100.00 Duvar Jean 180 Victoria St. E Amherst NS B4H 1Y5 500.00 Eopen Solutions Inc RR #2 Amherst NS B4H 3X9 1,288.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 16 Cumberland North

Keith Hunter (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Feldershore Properties RR #4 Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 500.00 Fort Equiopment Ltd PO Box 421 Amherst NS B4H 3Z5 400.00 Hargreaves Brian PO Box 906 Amherst NS B4H 4E1 200.00 Hastey John 6 Rupert St Amherst NS B4H 3R3 100.00 Haugg Morris PO Box 279 Amherst NS B4H 3Z2 300.00 Haugg Susan 161 1/2 Victoria St E Amherst NS B4H 1Y4 100.00 Helm Barry 1683 Fort Lawrence Rd Amherst NS B4H 3Y5 500.00 Hurley Gardner RR #1 Maccan NS B0L 1B0 100.00 Jorgensen & Bickerton 31 Church St Amherst NS B4H 3Z5 100.00 Kellegrew Pauline RR#3 Stn Main Amherst NS B4H 3Y1 200.00 Leghey Stephen PO box 125 Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 250.00 Maltby Kathleen PO Box 183 Amherst NS B4H 3Z2 500.00 Maritime Pride Eggs Inc 50 Tontramar Cres Amherst NS B4H 0A1 500.00 Peck Edith 25 Boomer Loop Amherst NS B4H 3Y4 250.00 Pips J. Stuart PO Box 369 Stn Main Amherst NS B4H 3Z5 200.00 Ralph Neville 214 Victoria St. E Amherst NS B4H 1Y9 50.00 Rayworth Walter 73 Spring St Amherst NS B4H 1S6 200.00 Read Gerald 34 Nappan RR #6 Amherst NS B4H 3Y4 100.00 Roymae Homes Limited PO Box 321 Amherst NS B4H 3Z5 100.00 Smith Michael PO Box 456 Amherst NS B4H 4AZ 250.00 Stewart Vincent 11 Haliburton St Amherst NS B4H 2N6 100.00 Straitside Holsteins 747 Gulf Shore Rd Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 250.00 Travis Weldon 719 Hillcrest St Amherst NS B4H 3Y2 50.00 Vaughn A Melanson Trucking RR #6 Amherst NS B4H 2Y4 250.00 11,388.00

Candidate: Brent Noiles Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Marie MacDonald, 17 Mill St., Amherst, NS B4H 2P6 Contributions: $6,100.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Amherst Insurance Agencies 55 Victoria St Halifax NS B4H 3Y6 150.00 B Aillargeon Adrien P.O. Box 2255 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 50.00 Barnes Insurance Agency 81 Victoria St. Amherst NS B4H 1X7 100.00 Belliveau Peter 9 Havelock St. Amherst NS B4H 3J6 200.00 Bembridge Jeff 12 Prince Arthur St. Amherst NS B4H 1V4 50.00 Bragg John Collingwood NS B0M 1E0 200.00 Cameron Joan 13 Victoria Street East Amherst NS B44 1X7 1,000.00 Cameron Joan 93 Victoria St. Amherst NS B4H 1X7 100.00 Cartmill Claire 6634 South St Halifax NS B3H 1V2 200.00 Christle David R.R. #2 Amherst NS B4H 3X9 350.00 Creighton Brian 21 Marshview Dr. Amherst NS B4H 4B3 500.00 Drysdale Nancy P.O. Box 249 Wallace NS B0K 1Y0 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 16 Cumberland North

Brent Noiles (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Evans George 11 Fletcher Dr. Amherst NS B4H 4M3 100.00 Fort Equipment RR#6 Amherst NS B4H 3Y4 500.00 Harrisons Building Supplies Rod MacDonald Road Amherst NS B4H 3Y4 100.00 King Charles P.O. Box 203 Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 100.00 MacLeod John 38 Elmwood Dr. Amherst NS B4H 2H3 100.00 Maddison Dr. KM W. 18 Maple Ave Amherst NS B4H 3G1 250.00 Maltby Kathleen 281 Willow St. Amherst NS B4H 3Y3 500.00 McPherson Mary Dee P.O. Box 2255 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 50.00 Morash Kathleen P.O. Box 1137, Stn. Main Amherst NS B4H 4L2 100.00 Purdy Edith 212 Victoria St. E. Amherst NS B4H 1Y9 100.00 Purdy Jacqueline 15 Longleach Crt. # 3 Amherst NS B4H 4X7 100.00 Randall Gerald 211 Victoria St. E Amherst NS B4H 1Y8 100.00 Scott Russell 797 Green Rd. Amherst NS B4H 3X9 500.00 Taylor Ralph 15 Kimberley Dr. Truro NS B2N 2Y8 250.00 Terris Norma 7 Lamy St Amherst NS B3H 3T9 100.00 Thompson Ronal Blair Rd. Amherst NS B4H 3Y4 200.00 6,100.00

Candidate: Aviva Silburt Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Brian Skabar Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Tom Elliott, 6A Summit Ave, Amherst, NS B4H 2A4 Contributions: $3,885.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Adams Philip Box 62 Amherst NS B4H 3Y6 500.00 Allan-Black Vonnie 25 Brownell Ave Amherst NS B4H 1Z8 100.00 Black Stephen 25 Brownell Ave Amherst NS B4H 1Z8 100.00 Brown Aileen 31 Brookside Dr Amherst NS B4H 3Y2 200.00 Burbine Harriett 6 Davison St Amherst NS B4H 3H2 100.00 Burnside Madeline 7355 Highway 366 Northport NS B0L 1E0 100.00 Coates Evelyn 13-113 Pleasant St-E Amherst NS B4H 1N4 400.00 Conrad Graham, Dr. Box 373 Pugwash NS B0K 1L0 200.00 Davidson Melissa 4 Dale St Amherst NS B4H 2A3 15.00 Elliott Tom 6A Summit Ave Amherst NS B4H 2A4 100.00 Fawthrop Ron 9 Regent St Amherst NS B4H 3S6 250.00 Ferguson Helen 45 Hastings Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 2C7 300.00 Hebert David 18 Townshend Ave Amherst NS B4H 2K2 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 16 Cumberland North

Brian Skabar (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Jackson Bill 400 Spring St Amherst NS B4H 1R9 100.00 Leger Jack 3622 Hwy 302, RR#1 Maccan NS B0L 1B0 100.00 Melanson Janice 10 Allison Ave Amherst NS B4H 2V4 100.00 Melanson Andrew 10 Allison Ave Amherst NS B4H 3V4 100.00 Pulsifer Wanda 3 Rhodes Ave Amherst NS B4H 2J3 200.00 Rossong Samantha Athol Road Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Spicer Steve 53 Winston Ave Amherst NS B4H 1K4 100.00 Spicer Lula 25 Winston Ave Amherst NS B4H 1K4 20.00 Webster Allister, Dr. RR #4 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C7 500.00 3,885.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 17 Cumberland South

Candidate: Joey Archibald Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Ardath Rae, 8 Grey Street, Springhill, NS B0M 1X0 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Daniel Melvin Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Alan Boss, 1464 Wyndham Hill, Springhill, NS B0M 1X0 Contributions: $9,695.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Armstrong Scott 50 Whitman Court Truro NS B2N 3Z5 100.00 Babineau Herb 72 Chapel St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 480.00 Benjamin WR Products Ltd 166 Junction Rd Springhill NS B0M 1X0 750.00 Black Tom 174 Crescent Rd Oxford NS B0M 1P0 100.00 Black Tracy 1131 Cove Rd Oxford NS B0M 1P0 200.00 Bragg John PO Box 220 Oxford NS B0M 1P0 300.00 Burden Helen 35 McFarlane St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 100.00 Caffatos Pat 637 Wentworth Rd Collingwood NS B0M 1E0 90.00 CE Harrison's Ltd 5918 Highway #2 Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 400.00 Chishulm John PO Box 1328 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 1,000.00 Dowe Bill 42 Ripley Rd Amherst NS B4H 3X2 200.00 Filliter Bruce 44-46 Portland St Dartmouth NS B2Y 1H4 100.00 Harrison David 104 Lakeview Dr Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 200.00 High Crest Enterprizes 250 Main St Antigonish NS B2G 2C2 750.00 Ling Elmer 422 Main St Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 200.00 National Trailor Sales 3548 Wind Ham Hine Rd River Phillip NS B0M 1W0 200.00 Ovebaw's 60 Baker Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 624 250.00 Patriquin Wesley 817 Hunter Rd Wentworth NS B0M 1Z0 1,000.00 RA Huer & Son's Ltd 1227 RT 302 Southampton NS B0M 1W0 1,000.00 Robinson Shirley 1336 White Hall Road Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 100.00 Ross Anderson Pharmacy Ltd 74 Main St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 200.00 Scott David 12 Forest Glen Court Dr Amherst NS B48 4T5 500.00 Simpson Clara 73 Elm St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 200.00 Snowden Ken 272 Willow St Parrsboro NS B0M 1S0 75.00 Surrette Battery Com 1 Station Rd Springhill NS B0M 1X0 1,000.00 Wilson Fuel Co Ltd 97 Pleasant St Truro NS B2N 5S1 200.00 9,695.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 17 Cumberland South

Candidate: Don Tabor Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Ian Welch, 18 McDougal Street, Springhill, NS B0M 1X0 Contributions: $2,440.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Benjamin Heating Products PO Box 2079 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 200.00 Calder Dennis 19 Drummand Springhill NS B0M 1X0 50.00 Canning Claire PO Box 2066 Springhill NS B0M 1X0 40.00 Chisholm John PO Box 1328 Antigonish NS B2G 2K7 500.00 Clarke Rick 131 Poplar Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 2K7 300.00 Colpitts Mary 444 Ramshead River Diligerri River NS B0M 1H0 50.00 Dr Kim Maddison Inc 18 Maple Ave Amherst NS B4H 3G1 100.00 Highcrest Ent. 250 Main St Antigonish NS B2G 2C2 250.00 Hinners Richard 315 South Brook Rd South Hampton NS B0A 1W0 300.00 Jack Barbara 315 South Brook Rd South Hampton NS B0M 1W0 300.00 McKee Scott South Hampton NS B0M 1W0 80.00 Ross Anderson Pharmacy 74 Main St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 200.00 Tabor George 15 Chapel St Springhill NS B0M 1X0 70.00 2,440.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 18 Dartmouth East

Candidate: Joan Massey Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Ken Conrod, 2 Lexington Ave., Dartmouth, NS B2X 3L8 Contributions: $11,910.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Belanger Arthur 19 Nicole Court Dartmouth NS B2Y 4P3 500.00 Belanger Catherine 24 Beckfoot Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 4C8 100.00 Benjamin M Obee 64 Helene Avenue Dartmouth NS B2X 1G4 100.00 Blakely Donald 28 Booth Street Dartmouth NS B2X 1N9 100.00 Brown Geoffrey 15 Hillsburn Court Dartmouth NS B2W 4M8 100.00 Burnell Cyril 1638 Cole Harbour Road Cole Harbour NS B2Z 1C3 200.00 Burnell Ethelda 1638 Cole Harbour Road Cole Harbour NS B2Z 1C3 200.00 Byron Reginald 2 Castleton Crescent Dartmouth NS B2X 3M2 150.00 Clarke Evelyn 28 Collins Grove Dartmouth NS B2W 4E6 100.00 Clayton Developments Ltd 255 Lacewood Drive, Suite 100c Halifax NS B3M 4G2 300.00 Conrad Brothers PO Box 2129 Dartmouth NS B2W 3Y2 100.00 Conrod Ken 2 Lexington Avenue Dartmouth NS B2X 3L8 490.00 Crawford Bruce 208-347 Portland Hills Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 0A7 100.00 Dickie Lloyd 7 Lakewood Court Dartmouth NS B2X 2R6 100.00 Dorogi Joe 81 Mountain Avenue Dartmouth NS B2X 1E9 60.00 Florence Hasse PO Box 281 Chester NS B02 1J0 100.00 Garden View Restaurant 174 Main Street Dartmouth NS B2X 1S2 250.00 Grigg Rita 1 Alberta Street Dartmouth NS B2W 1V7 100.00 Hilchie Joanna 131 Montague Mines Road Montague Gold Mines NS B2R 1V5 100.00 Hintington Viola 1 Tobermory Road Dartmouth NS B2X 1Z4 200.00 Howells Kenneth 27 John Cross Road Dartmouth NS B2W 1X1 100.00 Hurst-Swift Brenda 54 Two Rivers Drive Mineville NS B2Z 1K3 1,000.00 King Gregory 49 Behrent Court Fletchers Lake NS B2T 1A5 100.00 Koch Allan 40 Woodlawn Road Dartmouth NS B2W 2R8 60.00 Lever Wilfred 333 Waverley Road Dartmouth NS B2X 2E5 100.00 Lill Wendy 20 Summitt Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A2 100.00 MacDonald Norma 59 Valleyfield Road Dartmouth NS B2W 1N8 200.00 Mancini Marian 11 Colburn Walk Dartmouth NS B2Y 4G2 100.00 Measure Mode Inc 19 Dorothea Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 5X2 1,000.00 Misener Carli 2 Graycourt Terrace Dartmouth NS B2W 5X2 1,000.00 Misener Cheryl 2 Graycourt Terrace Dartmouth NS B2W 5X2 600.00 Misener Sylvia 14 Swanton Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2C4 100.00 O'Regans Toyota 60 Baker Drive, Unit A Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 R Ritchie Wheeler Barrister & Solicitor 18 Carlson Avenue Dartmouth NS B2W 5X8 200.00 Roche Lawrence 5 Veterans Avenue Dartmouth NS B2W 3E2 100.00 Ryan Deborah 2 Lexington Avenue Dartmouth NS B2X 3L8 350.00 Segulin Tim 78 Regal Road Dartmouth NS B2W 4H7 100.00 Sharpe Eric 21 Skeena Street Dartmouth NS B2W 1P7 100.00 Shaver Noreen 9 Charlois Court Dartmouth NS B2W 2R4 75.00 Smith Eugene 59 Anconna Place Dartmouth NS B2X 3K7 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 18 Dartmouth East

Joan Massey (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Stevens Anthony 127 Regal Road Dartmouth NS B2W 4H7 75.00 Swift Barry 54 Two Rivers Drive Mineville NS B2Z 1K3 1,000.00 Towle Edward 200 Camelot Drive Seabright NS B3Z 2Z8 500.00 Vine Maureen 11 Garnett Street Dartmouth NS B2W 2N9 150.00 WC Lush Management Inc 65 La Pierre Crescent Dartmouth NS B2W 5C7 200.00 White Jeff 10 Skyvue Terrace Dartmouth NS B2W 3Z3 800.00 11,910.00

Candidate: Anna Mukpo Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Bert Thompson Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Alan Ellis, 29 Skeena Street, Dartmouth, NS B2W 1P7 Contributions: $7,707.25 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Boyne Clarke 33 Alderney Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Z5 100.00 Bragg Don 302-7 Vimy Avenue Halifax NS B3M 4PG 200.00 Carmichael Elgie 41 Virginia Avenue Dartmouth NS B2W 2Z7 100.00 Casey Rogers Chisholm Penny 175 Main Street Dartmouth NS B2X 1S1 200.00 Clayton Developments Ltd 255 Lacewood Drive, Suite 100c Halifax NS B3E 4G2 300.00 Conrad Brothers PO Box 2129, Stn East Dartmouth NS B2W 3Y2 300.00 Cormier Jim 143 Ave du Portage Dartmouth NS B2X 3S8 100.00 Gordon Basil 7 Horizon Court # 807 Dartmouth NS B3A 4R2 100.00 Gromick Elinor 23 Landrace Crescent Dartmouth NS B2W 2PB 150.00 Joudrey Shirley 97 Spikenard Street Dartmouth NS B2W 3C6 50.00 Kennedy Carl 138 Summerfield Way Dartmouth NS B2W 6M8 353.28 Kennedy Sandra 138 Summerfield Way Dartmouth NS B2W 6M8 100.00 Lipsett Leonard 2 Cross Road Dartmouth NS B2W 3G9 100.00 MacDonald Michael 3 Wedgewood Court Dartmouth NS B2W 6B4 75.00 Matheson Scott 58 Allison Avenue Dartmouth NS B2V 1P8 100.00 Moody James H 600 Windermere Road, PO Box 100 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Moore Rosemary 11 Casavechia Court Dartmouth NS B2W 3CG 100.00 Moore & Cormier Contracting Ltd PO Box 2523, Stn East Dartmouth NS B2W 4A5 200.00 Myra Calvin 6 Irvin Cross Place Dartmouth NS B2W 3Y9 100.00 O'Regan's Toyota Dartmouth 60 Baker Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 Park Place Centre Ltd 1701 Hollis Street, Suite 141 Halifax NS B3J 2T3 400.00 Paterson Wayne 97 Flagstone Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 1Z7 228.97 Peter David 1 Cross Road Dartmouth NS B2W 3G8 250.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 18 Dartmouth East

Bert Thompson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Rissesco Tom 14 Windflower Court Dartmouth NS B2W 2Z8 100.00 Schmid Michael 171 Braemar Drive Dartmouth NS B2X 2C2 500.00 Silver David PO Box 1088 Halifax NS B3J 2X1 100.00 Slaunwhite Richard 65 Woodlawn Road Dartmouth NS B2W 2S2 250.00 Stanfield Gordon 17 John Cross Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 1X1 500.00 Thompson Bert 48 Skeena Street Dartmouth NS B2W 4H9 1,000.00 Thompson Pauline 48 Skeena Street Dartmouth NS B2W 4H9 1,000.00 Weldon Joan 25 Raymor Drive Dartmouth NS B2X 1G6 100.00 Whiting Jack 37 Oakwood Avenue Dartmouth NS B2W 3C8 100.00 7,707.25

Candidate: Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Alexander (Ted) Fraser, 6 Dover Ct., Dartmouth, NS B2H 4G7 Contributions: $21,299.32 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3004102 NS Ltd 250 Wyse Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1N2 250.00 3048382 NS Ltd 95 Montebello Drive Dartmouth NS B2X 3J7 1,000.00 4338430 Canada Inc PO Box 3506, DEPS Dartmouth NS B2W 5G4 499.32 Acadian Seaplants Limited 30 Brown Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1X8 1,000.00 Adams Stephen 62 Millrun Crescent Bedford NS B4A 1H7 100.00 APC Coatings Limited 160 Joseph Zatzman Drive Dartmouth NS B3B 1P1 500.00 Armco Capital Inc 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Billard Allan 4 Rose Way, Unit 2 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4L9 100.00 Boutilier Melvin 34 Inverness Avenue Halifax NS B3P 1X7 200.00 Cartmill Curtis 6634 South Street Halifax NS B3H 1V2 100.00 Clarke Vernon Elroy 7 Digby Crescent Dartmouth NS B2W 2G1 100.00 Clayton Developments Limited 100c-255 Lacewood Drive Halifax NS B3J 1W1 300.00 Comeau Lucien 154 Ave du Portage Dartmouth NS B2X 3S8 500.00 Compass Commercial Realty 3700 Kempt Road, Suite 100 Halifax NS B3K 4X8 250.00 Conrad Brothers Ltd PO Box 2129 East Dartmouth NS B2W 3Y2 300.00 Crowther Peter Boyne Clark, PO Box 876 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Z5 200.00 Dauphinee Ronald 17 Saratoga Drive Dartmouth NS B2X 3P3 200.00 Diab Group Construction Ltd 7 Casavechia Court Dartmouth NS B2X 3G7 500.00 Down East Hospitality Incorp 335 Prince Albert Road Dartmouth NS B2Y 1N7 500.00 During Sarah 65 Valleyfield Road Dartmouth NS B2W 1N8 100.00 Erjavec Luc 6682 Second Street Dartmouth NS B3L 1G3 150.00 Fleet Percy J 15 Charlois Court Dartmouth NS B2W 2R3 100.00 Fraser Barbara 6 Dover Court Dartmouth NS B2W 4G7 500.00 Gordon Stirrett & Assoc Inc 1540-1801 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 3N4 3,000.00 Halifax C & D Recycling Ltd 16 Mills Drive Goodwood NS B3T 1P3 250.00 Harker Jim 5 Culrain Crescent Dartmouth NS B2X 2Z7 100.00 Hart Barbara 1 Prince Street, Unit 513 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4L3 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 18 Dartmouth East

Andrew Younger (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Irwin Gerry 21 Appian Way Dartmouth NS B2X 3G2 100.00 Karsten William 23 Carlson Court Dartmouth NS B2W 5X6 200.00 Killam Properties Inc 100-3700 Kempt Road Halifax NS B3K 4X8 150.00 L & M Enterprises Ltd 20 MacDonald Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1C5 250.00 Lawlor Coleen 46 Waterside Terrace Dartmouth NS B2W 6M1 500.00 Lawlor Cynthia 123 Lexington Avenue Dartmouth NS B2X 3T6 100.00 MacKay Ian D 10 Carlson Court Dartmouth NS B2W 5X7 250.00 Martell Rickey 3-169 Main Street Dartmouth NS B2X 1S1 500.00 McCluskey Gloria 215 Victoria Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1W5 100.00 McPhee Lawrence 13 Berncray Avenue Dartmouth NS B2X 2X6 100.00 Miller Richard 1 Chessvale Close Halifax NS B3M 4C6 200.00 Mitchell Alan 19 Roslyn Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2M2 200.00 Musgrave A James 6197 Shirley Street Halifax NS B3H 2N3 250.00 O'Connor John 335 Waverley Road Dartmouth NS B2X 2E5 400.00 O'Regans Toyota Dartmouth 60 Baker Drive, Unit A Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 Park Place Centre Limited 1400-1701 Hollis Street, PO Box 665 Halifax NS B3J 2T3 500.00 Perkons Carolyn 7 Tummell Drive Dartmouth NS B2X 2A7 100.00 Peter David 1 Cross Road Dartmouth NS B2W 3G8 500.00 Preeper David 55 Gourok Avenue Dartmouth NS B2X 2X5 100.00 Rainbow Drilling Service & Supplies Ltd 1 Cross Road Dartmouth NS B2W 3G8 1,000.00 Scotia Learning Centres Inc 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Smith Ian 51 Craigburn Drive Dartmouth NS B2X 3E6 100.00 Smith James 1153 Beaufort Avenue Halifax NS B3H 3Y3 200.00 Spatz Jim 100-1475 Lower Water Street Halifax NS B3J 3Z2 300.00 Taylor Clifford 7 Jaybe Drive Dartmouth NS B2X 2M4 100.00 Tomar Mukhtyar 110 Dorothea Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 4B6 100.00 Total Fall Protection Box 28074 Dartmouth NS B2W 6E2 150.00 Trebley Warehousing Limited 67 Wirght Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1H2 100.00 Ultimate Treats Inc 162 Main Street Dartmouth NS B2X 1S2 1,000.00 W Eric Whebby Limited Box 38175 Burnside RPO Dartmouth NS B3B 1X2 200.00 Younger Andrew 18 Pompano Court Dartmouth NS B2X 3T2 1,000.00 Younger Katia 18 Pompano Court Dartmouth NS B2X 3T2 400.00 21,299.32 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 19 Dartmouth North

Candidate: Alex Donaldson Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: David Losey Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Susan Russell, 26 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Dartmouth, NS B3A 3T4 Contributions: $1,776.17 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Clarke Joseph 72 Symonds Street Dartmouth NS B3A 3L9 100.00 David Janice 224 Crichton Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3S1 125.00 Dobson W 3 Limardo Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 3X2 100.00 Halifax Contract Interiors 1496 Lower Water Street Dartmouth NS B3J 1R9 801.17 MacKay Jane 44 Forest Road Dartmouth NS B3A 3N5 200.00 O'Regans 60 Baker Drive, Unit A Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 Schofield Clint 12 Ernest Street Dartmouth NS B3A 2H4 100.00 Sterling Laird 96 Chappell Street Dartmouth NS B3A 3F8 100.00 1,776.17

Candidate: Jim Smith Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Angela Ettinger, 5 Chinook Court, Dartmouth, NS B3A 4Y4 Contributions: $14,960.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Adams Stephen 62 Millrun Crescent Bedford NS B4A 1H7 100.00 Anderson Carl 25 Lawnsdale Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 2N1 100.00 APL Properties Limited 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Armco Capital Inc 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Beauchamp Day Leigh 46 Mount Pleasant Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3T4 20.00 Bedard Paul Apt 129, 11 Horison Court Dartmouth NS B3A 4X5 200.00 Beuree Grace 13 Overdale Lane Dartmouth NS B3A 3V2 100.00 Boyd Peter 41 Forest Road Dartmouth NS B3A 2M4 100.00 Brown Kenneth 30 Brookdale Crescent, Unit 104 Dartmouth NS B3A 4T7 50.00 Burbine Robert 53 Woodland Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3J9 50.00 Chater's Meat Market Ltd 250 Wyse Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1N2 250.00 Cherubini Metal Works Limited 50 Joseph Zatzman Drive Dartmouth NS B3B 1N8 500.00 Compass Commercial Realty 3700 Kempt Road, Suite 100 Halifax NS B3K 4X8 250.00 Connolly Patrick 504-10 Horizon Court Dartmouth NS B3A 0A4 100.00 Cunningham John PO Box 72 Lower East Pubnico NS B0W 2A0 100.00 Day Carl 48 Mount Pleasant Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3T4 50.00 Delong Alan 141 Albro Lake Road, Apt 203 Dartmouth NS B3A 3Y7 20.00 Don Valardo Enterprises Ltd 400 Windmill Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1J7 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 19 Dartmouth North

Jim Smith (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Ettinger Angela 5 Chinook Court Dartmouth NS B3A 4Y4 1,000.00 Foremost Flooring Limited 95 Akerley Blvd Unit D Dartmouth NS B3B 1R7 200.00 Fossil Power Systems Inc 10 Mosher Drive Dartmouth NS B3B 1N5 100.00 Geosam Investments Limited 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Giberson David 92 Mount Edward Road Dartmouth NS B2W 3K8 1,000.00 Giberson Peter 92 Mount Edward Road Dartmouth NS B2W 3K8 1,000.00 Gillis Bernard 1012-30 Brookdale Crescent Dartmouth NS B3A 4T7 100.00 Goddard James 108 Thistle Street Dartmouth NS B3A 2V9 500.00 Goddard Silvia 108 Thistle Street Dartmouth NS B3A 2V9 200.00 Godin Rosemary 206 Albro Lake Rd Dartmouth NS B3A 3Z2 30.00 Godsoe Dale (500) 1044 Wellington Street Halifax NS B3H 4P5 100.00 Golden Silk Screening Co Ltd 25 Dominion Crescent Lakeside NS B3T 1M3 100.00 Graham Alex 9 Lakeview Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3S8 50.00 Ingraham Stacey 18 Princess Margaret Blvd Dartmouth NS B3B 1A2 50.00 Jones Martin 8 Hillside Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 2P8 100.00 Karsten William 23 Carlson Court Dartmouth NS B2W 5X6 200.00 Kelly Mary 4 Cherry Street Dartmouth NS B3A 2Z2 100.00 Killam Properties Inc 3700 Kempt Road, Suite 100 Halifax NS B3K 4X8 150.00 King Marketing Ltd Cheapy Tire & Automotive Repair 302 Windmill Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1H1 250.00 Kris Matt Holdings Limited 400 Windmill Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1J7 100.00 Layden Sean 2 Louise Court Dartmouth NS B3A 4N6 100.00 MacKenzie Michael 6172 Duncan Street Halifax NS B3L 1K2 30.00 McCluskey Gloria 215 Victoria Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1W5 100.00 McKeen Cynthia 17 Louise Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3V8 100.00 McNeil Jason 80 Chappell Street Dartmouth NS B3A 3T8 250.00 McNeil Joanne 27 Mount Pleasant Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3T3 500.00 Miller Sheldon 66 Fury Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 4Y3 250.00 Murray Ian 37 Forest Road Dartmouth NS B3A 2M4 100.00 Newman Elizabeth 94 Chappell Street Dartmouth NS B3A 3P8 750.00 Newman Gary 94 Chappell Street Dartmouth NS B3A 3P8 250.00 Nicholson John 2 Lawnsdale Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 2N2 260.00 O'Regans Automotive Group 60 Baker Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 Park Place Centre Ltd PO Box 665, 1701 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 2T3 400.00 RCR Hospitality Group Ltd 5426 Portland Place Halifax NS B3K 1A1 500.00 Risk Jacob 1 Emmanuel Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 4M2 40.00 Rissesco Tim 109 Crichton Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3R6 600.00 Savage Michael 10 Walnut Hall Dartmouth NS B2X 3S6 150.00 Sinclair Roger 1210-99 Wyse Road Dartmouth NS B3A 4S5 100.00 Smith Jim 5 Chinook Court Dartmouth NS B3A 4Y4 1,000.00 Stacey Janet 82 Gaston Road Dartmouth NS B2Y 3W6 10.00 Stegen Dawn 108 Crichton Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3R5 50.00 Stegen Ronald 108 Crichton Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3R5 100.00 Wilcox Shelley 5 Bligh Street Dartmouth NS B3A 1K8 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 19 Dartmouth North

Jim Smith (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Yee Gin Hing 205-1 Richmond Street Dartmouth NS B3A 4R1 100.00 14,960.00

Candidate: Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Sean Tufford, 41 Woodland Drive, Dartmouth, NS B3A 3J6 Contributions: $8,948.10 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3127804 Nova Sotia Ltd 3 Ralston Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1H5 150.00 Anthony Sylvia 32 Bethel Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 4E5 104.74 Awad PJ 5 Springhill Road Dartmouth NS B3A 4H4 50.00 Ball Carole 214-223 Windmill Road Dartmouth NS B3A 4M6 100.00 Balsor Carla 14 Cannor Terrace Dartmouth NS B3A 0A1 400.00 Bancroft's Company Ltd 618 Windmill Road Dartmouth NS B3B 1B5 200.00 Blanchette Elizabeth 107 Lancaster Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 4X8 50.00 Boyd David 208-71 Primrose Street Dartmouth NS B3A 4C9 20.00 Brown Martha 102 Victoria Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1V3 75.00 Burns Louis 44 Jackson Road Dartmouth NS B3A 4A3 100.00 Chater's Meat Market 250 Wyse Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1N2 500.00 Clarke Rick 131 Poplar Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2K7 50.00 Cox Deborah 5539 Sentinel Square Halifax NS B3K 4A8 100.00 Crook James G S 2 Wallace Street Dartmouth NS B3A 3G6 50.00 Dalziel John W 6 Empress Court Dartmouth NS B3A 4P4 210.00 Davis Marlene 10 Forest Road Dartmouth NS B3A 2M3 25.00 Dean Alfred 102-15 Highfield Park Drie Dartmouth NS B3A 4T2 5.00 Don Vallardo Enterprises Ltd 400 Windmill Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1J7 100.00 Dowling Denture Clinic 268 Wyse Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1N3 250.00 Edwards Richard 191 Albro Lake Road Dartmouth NS B3A 3Z5 200.00 Ferguson David 5 Shamrock Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 2Y6 100.00 Ferguson Sheila 5 Shamrock Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 2Y6 100.00 Fischer Loretta 7-10 Crystal Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 4G5 108.51 Fleet Helen 1 Alderney Drive, Apt 1 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4A7 25.00 Fraser Philip 6457 Jubilee Road Halifax NS B3A 2H2 100.00 Giberson David 14 Dawn Drive Dartmouth NS B3B 1H9 1,000.00 Hatchette Wilma 35 Birchwood Terrace Dartmouth NS B3A 3W4 50.00 Head Edwin 30 Frances Street Dartmouth NS B3A 3H1 100.00 Hickey Earle G 24 Frances Street Dartmouth NS B3A 3H1 750.00 Humphries Jean 16 Westbrook Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 1R4 100.00 Kelly Kristie 41 Woodlawn Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3J6 40.00 Kelly Kristie 41 Woodlawn Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3J6 40.00 Kris Matt Holdings Ltd 400 Windmill Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1J7 100.00 Lamey Joanne 35 Birchwood Terrace Dartmouth NS B3A 3W4 50.00 Lil Wendy 20 Summit Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A2 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 19 Dartmouth North

Trevor Zinck (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacKaracher Doris 225-15 Leaman Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 2K6 114.85 MacKenzie Penny 225-25 Leaman Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 2K7 100.00 MacLean Ian 20 Mount Pleasant Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3T4 100.00 Moir Elizabeth 10 Seaking Drive Dartmouth NS B3R 3Z7 1,000.00 Moir Neil 1413b Hwy 3 Dayspring NS B4Y 5P5 100.00 Nott Brian 417-275 Windmill Road Dartmouth NS B3A 4N9 20.00 O'Regans/Toyota Dartmouth 60 Baker Drive, Unit A Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 P & D Trading Ltd 172 Wyse Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1M6 100.00 Peter Giberson c/o Dartmouth Metals 14 Dawn Drive Dartmouth NS B3B 1H9 1,000.00 Potter Creighton Blanche 2623 Fuller Terrace Halifax NS B3K 3V8 50.00 Progressive Cabinets and Millbrook Ltd 552 Windmill Road, Unit A Dartmouth NS B3B 1B3 250.00 Pye Marian 113-105 Baker's Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 0E7 50.00 Randall Frederick 112-21 Highfield Park Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 4S1 10.00 Rigby Mary 25 Graham Street Dartmouth NS B3A 3H9 200.00 Segulin Tim 78 Regal Road Dartmouth NS B2W 4H6 100.00 8,948.10 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 20 Dartmouth South-Portland Valley

Candidate: David Croft Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Colin Hebb Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Lorna Carroll, 8 Rodney Terrace, Dartmouth, NS B2Y 2H1 Contributions: $9,250.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Beeler Jean 39 Pine Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2W6 200.00 Celtic Corner 69 Alderney Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 2N7 400.00 Connors Catherine 4 Tremont Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1Z2 100.00 Connors Lauren 4 Tremont Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1X2 100.00 Cordy Robert 52 Diana Grace Avenue Dartmouth NS B2W 6A2 100.00 Dowthwaite Elenor 34 Celtic Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3G6 100.00 Goodard James 108 Thirstle Street Dartmouth NS B3A 2V9 50.00 Goodyer Audrey 1 Prince Street, # 904 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4L3 100.00 Harry Freeman & Son Limited PO Box 100 Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 500.00 Hebb Colin 1360 Lower Water Street, #108 Halifax NS B3J 3X2 1,500.00 Hebb Glen 15401 Highway 3 Hebbville NS B4V 6X7 2,000.00 Hebb Marilyn 15401 Highway 3 Hebbville NS B4V 6X7 1,000.00 Henderson Barbara 14- 1B Roseway Dartmouth NS B2Y 4L9 50.00 Indian Garden Holdings Ltd RR #4 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W3 1,000.00 James Donald 30 Freshwater Trail, #109 Dartmouth NS B2W 0X9 200.00 Jones David 117 Prince Albert Road Dartmouth NS B2Y 1M4 100.00 King Barbara 5 Josephine Court Dartmouth NS B2W 6A1 100.00 Lindsey Calvin 28 Peddars Way Dartmouth NS B2Y 4J4 50.00 Livingstone Douglas 16 Foxgrove Lane Dartmouth NS B2Y 4N8 300.00 MacIsaac Neil 6061 Pepperell Street Halifax NS B3H 2N8 200.00 Mann Bob 45 Woodhaven Close Dartmouth NS B2W 6P9 100.00 Niven Lucille 30 Dahlia Street Dartmouth NS B3A 2R9 100.00 O"Regans Toyota Dartmouth 60 Baker Drive, Unit A Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 Otto Alan 36 Hawthorne Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2Y6 100.00 Pellichero Denis 1 Colburn Walk Dartmouth NS B2Y 4G2 100.00 Smith David 5 Josephine Court Dartmouth NS B2W 6A1 100.00 Tomscha Francis W 1 Oak Street, Apt 407 Dartmouth NS B3A 1Y7 50.00 Wall Jerome 31 Russell Lake Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 3J6 50.00 Watchman Derek 77 Russell Lake Drive, Suite 109 Dartmouth NS B2W 6R8 50.00 Weedman Plantation Holdings Ltd 60 Trider Crescent Dartmouth NS B3B 1R6 200.00 9,250.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 20 Dartmouth South-Portland Valley

Candidate: George Jordan Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Brett Clements, 23 Summit St, Dartmouth, NS B2Y 2Z9 Contributions: $9,975.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3099512 Nova Scotia Limited 69 Alderney Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 2N7 200.00 Akerley Peter 52 South Ridge Circle Dartmouth NS B3A 4Z2 1,000.00 Baillie Jamie 152 Brook Street Halifax NS B3N 2B1 100.00 Brownlow Daniel 2 Ryland Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 2G5 300.00 Clements Brett 23 Summit Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2Z9 100.00 Conrad Brothers Ltd 2 Cono Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 3Y2 200.00 Dickey Herbert 271 Prince Albert Road, Suite 401 Dartmouth NS B2Y 1M9 100.00 Ferguson Norman 1 Prince Street, No 108 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4L3 100.00 Frame Robert 7 Newcastle Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3M4 100.00 Gilfoy Neville 17 Murray Hill Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A9 250.00 Grey Power Insurance Brokers Maritimes Inc 33 Ochterloney Street, Suite 140 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4P5 100.00 Hallett Louise 24 Lynn Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3V9 100.00 Irwin Gerry 21 Appian Way Dartmouth NS B2X 3G2 100.00 Jackson Ronald 11 Cameron Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2G7 250.00 Josey Betty 2 Scott Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3V1 150.00 King Hilda 20 Murray Hill Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A8 100.00 MacDonald Michael 3 Wedgewood Court Dartmouth NS B2W 6B4 100.00 MacKinnon Blair 26 Lorne Avenue Dartmouth NS B2Y 3E7 500.00 MacLeod John 69 Sinclair Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1R7 100.00 MacMillan-Dick Anne 7 Horizon Court, Suite 1207 Dartmouth NS B3A 4R2 100.00 McLaughlin Bruce 39 Termont Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1X1 200.00 Moir Clifford 410-65 Eisner Blvd Dartmouth NS B2W 6L6 100.00 O'Keefe Barry 55 Peddars Way Dartmouth NS B2Y 4E7 75.00 Olive Tim 34 Old Ferry Road Dartmouth NS B2Y 2E5 100.00 O'Regan Motors Limited 2477 Robie Street Halifax NS B3J 5M2 250.00 Park Place Centre Limited 1701 Hollis Street, Suite 1400 Halifax NS B3J 2T3 400.00 Piggot Stephen 25 Beckfoot Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 4H9 100.00 Ritchie Doug 24 Lynn Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3V9 100.00 Ritchie Hazel 24 Lynn Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3V9 100.00 Scott Carolyn 1248 Cow Bay Road Eastern NS B3G 1L4 200.00 Smiley Carol 5572 North Ridge Road, Apt 1208 Halifax NS B3K 5K2 200.00 Thornhill Roland 62 Jones Street Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Thurber Darrell 54 Sinclair Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1S2 100.00 Tierney Elizabeth 49 Lakeshore Park Terrace Dartmouth NS B3A 4Z4 300.00 Walker Elizabeth 347 Portland Hills Drive, Unit 104 Dartmouth NS B2W 0A7 3,500.00 Weldon Frances 271 Prince Albert Road, Suite 304 Dartmouth NS B2Y 1M9 100.00 9,975.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 20 Dartmouth South-Portland Valley

Candidate: Marilyn More Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Robert J. Rutherford, 30 Beckfoot Drive, Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4C8 Contributions: $16,850.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bain John 13 Franklin Street Dartmouth NS B2W 1B6 100.00 Bean Robert 21 1/2 S Summit Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2Z9 100.00 Bhandari Judy 14 Carleton Street Dartmouth NS B2W 1E7 100.00 Black Paul 1 Dunolly Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2Z6 100.00 Boyne Clarke PO Box 876 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Z5 200.00 Bradfield Suellen 6324 Cornwall Street Halifax NS B3H 1J1 100.00 Campbell Joan 115 Ochterloney Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 4W8 100.00 Canarose Co Ltd 57 Portland Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1H1 1,300.00 Celtic Corner 69 Alderney Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 2N7 200.00 Chard Jean 85 Newcastle Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3M8 100.00 Chin-yee Fiona 11 Tulip Street Dartmouth NS B3A 2S5 100.00 Clarke Jody 6 Dahlia Street Dartmouth NS B3A 2R7 100.00 Crawford Bruce 208-347 Portland Hills Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 0A7 150.00 Curran Raymond 449 Portland Hills Drive, Apt 211 Dartmouth NS B2W 6R9 200.00 Dartmouth Funeral Home 29 Queen Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1E9 200.00 Douma CJ 22 Lorne Avenue Dartmouth NS B2Y 3E5 150.00 Dr Kiran Pure & Asso Ltd 90 Portland Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1H6 1,000.00 Drolet-Smith Frances 235 Johnstone Avenue Dartmouth NS B2Y 2K8 75.00 Eagan Patrick 16 Morris Lake Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 2V8 100.00 Ellis Leonard 116 Pleasant Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3P8 100.00 Forbes Linda 37 Pleasant Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3P3 200.00 Gordon Donald 121 Crichton Avenue Dartmouth NS B3A 3R6 100.00 Grant Jill 23 Beech Street Dartmouth NS B3A 1Y6 150.00 Hartley Shirley 92 Prince Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2C7 100.00 Heath Derek 621 Portland Hills Drive #305 Dartmouth NS B2Y 6N4 200.00 Heustis Lorna 1 Dunolly Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2Z6 100.00 Heustis Martha 120 Thistle Street Dartmouth NS B3A 2V9 100.00 Janet's Flowers 69 Portland Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1H1 200.00 Krausher Brent 1 John Brenton Drive Dartmouth NS B2X 2Y2 300.00 LeBlanc Barbara PO Box 22 Margaree Harbour NS B0E 2B0 75.00 Lill Wendy 20 Summit Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A2 500.00 Lutley Frederick 35 Rose Street Dartmouth NS B3A 2T7 250.00 MacAlpine Donald 80 Diana Grace Avenue Dartmouth NS B2W 6A2 100.00 MacDonald Elizabeth Ann 1 Prince Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 4L3 100.00 MacDonald Margaret 6150 Cedar Street Halifax NS B3H 2J5 500.00 MacIntosh Joan 80 Windmill Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1C7 200.00 MacLean K 277 Portland Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1K2 200.00 MacLeod Kenneth Apt A, 34 Park Avenue Dartmouth NS B3L 2H8 100.00 Mancini Marian 12 Colburn Walk Dartmouth NS B2Y 4G2 200.00 Mancini Peter 11 Colburn Walk Dartmouth NS B2Y 4G2 150.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 20 Dartmouth South-Portland Valley

Marilyn More (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Mansell Cheryl 19 Esson Road Dartmouth NS B2Y 2H7 200.00 McNiven Jane 4 Marine Drive Halifax NS B3P 1A2 100.00 Mills Joe 295 Portland Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1K3 100.00 More Jack 2555 Highway 2 Waverley NS B2R 1T4 500.00 More Jeune 35 Eisner Blvd. Suite 118 Dartmouth NS B2W 6K2 100.00 More Judith 7 Horizon Court Dartmouth NS B3A 4R2 100.00 More Marilyn 103-162 Ochterloney Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 4X3 2,400.00 Nichols Nan 40 Old Ferry Road Dartmouth NS B2Y 2E6 150.00 O'Connor David 3 Mountain Ash Court Dartmouth NS B2Y 4N3 100.00 Oram Jane 43 Old Ferry Road Dartmouth NS B2Y 2E8 100.00 O'Regans Toyota 80 Baker Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 Osborne John 5 Blink Bonny Terr Dartmouth NS B2Y 2C9 100.00 Osborne Valerie 5 Blink Bonny Terr Dartmouth NS B2Y 2C9 400.00 Pallard Marc 19 Brock Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3S8 250.00 Payzant Joan 15 Connor Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1V7 100.00 Porter Rosemary 26 Tulip Street Dartmouth NS B3A 2S6 100.00 Prince Phyllis RR2 Mill Village NS B0J 2H0 150.00 Rankin Joan 286 Portland Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1K4 200.00 Rennick Kathryn 14 Cameron Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2G8 100.00 Roberts Angus 24 Summit Heights Road Dartmouth NS B2Y 3X6 100.00 Roberts Marian 24 Summit Heights Road Dartmouth NS B2Y 3X6 100.00 Roche Lawrence 6 Veterans Avenue Dartmouth NS B2W 3E2 100.00 Ross John 6 Lakeview Point Road Dartmouth NS B2Y 3H2 100.00 Rutherford Bob 30 Beckfoot Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 4C8 500.00 Sanderson Richard 23 Erskine Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1P6 100.00 Sherin AG 9 Rose Street Dartmouth NS B3A 2T4 100.00 Slye Elizabeth 11 Oathill Crescent Dartmouth NS B2Y 4C3 200.00 Sperry Partners 102 Portland Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1H8 100.00 Starr Richard 20 Summit Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A2 500.00 Vaughan Allan 61 Renfrew Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2M4 100.00 Wall Clevie 56 Lorne Avenue Dartmouth NS B2Y 3E7 200.00 Wenaus Shirley 4 Rose Way, #2 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4L9 100.00 Williams Mike 24 Murray Hill Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A8 100.00 Worth Gary 231 Candy Mountain Road Mineville NS B2Z 1K5 100.00 Worth Mary 3281 Agricola Street Halifax NS B3K 4H4 100.00 Yachtsmiths Intn Inc 2 Maitland Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3L7 100.00 Zebedee Helen 22 Clement Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2B9 100.00 Zelenietz Martin 23 Beech Street Dartmouth NS B3A 1Y6 150.00 16,850.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 21 Digby-Annapolis

Candidate: Namron Bean Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Cindy Nesbitt Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: James Wheelehouse, 132 Lighthouse Road, PO Box 1373, Digby, NS B0V 1A0 Contributions: $4,150.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Acadian Sea Plants 30 Brown Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1X0 500.00 Amirault Ventures 33 Greenwood Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 2L7 100.00 Bay Ferries Ltd. 500-5657 Spring Garden Raod Halifax NS B3J 3R4 200.00 Buxton Paul 110 Colonial Arms Dr Deep Brook NS B0S 1J0 500.00 Conrad Brothers Ltd. PO Box 2129 Dartmouth NS B2W 3Y2 500.00 Conservative Women's Caucus of Nova Scotia 6163 Duncan Street Halifax NS B3L 1K2 500.00 Ellis Kevin 410 Highway 303 Conway NS B0V 1A0 50.00 Fairway Insurance Services 104 Montague Row Digby NS B0V 1A0 1,000.00 Harmony Bed & Breakfast 111 Montague Row Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Harris Jeff L. RR 1 Clementsvale NS B0S 1G0 100.00 MacAlpine Jimmy PO Box 37 Port Maitland NS B0W 2V0 100.00 Marshal Jean 1361 River Raod Bear River NS B0S 1B0 100.00 Marshall Frank 1361 River Raod Bear River NS B0S 1B0 100.00 Wheelhouse James 132 Lighthouse Road Digby NS B0V 1A0 200.00 Wilson's Feuls PO Box 744 Truro NS B2N 5G1 100.00 4,150.00

Candidate: Sherri Oliver Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Darlene Savage, 1057 Ridge Road, Digby, NS B0W 1H0 Contributions: $1,400.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Baron Georges 6709 Sissiboo Rd Bear River NS B0S 1B0 400.00 Bay Ferries Ltd. 500-5657 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3J 3R4 200.00 Kelly Tony Little River Little River NS B0S 1A0 200.00 Paton Warren 68 Warwick St Digby NS B0V 1A0 500.00 Stockdale Elsie 7012 Rte 340 Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 100.00 1,400.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 21 Digby-Annapolis

Candidate: Harold (Jr) Theriault Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Robert Handspiker, 31 West St., PO Box 12, Digby, NS B0V 1A0 Contributions: $9,775.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount A&C Holdings 5127 Hwy 217 Little River NS B0V 1C0 500.00 Amero Melissa 4203 Hwy 1 Weybouth NS B0W 3T0 100.00 Andrews Aubrey 2316 Clementsvale Rd Bear River NS B0S 1A0 50.00 Annapolis Maintenance Service Cornwallis Pk PO box 260 Cornwallis NS B0S 1H0 500.00 Banks Laird 9 Parkview Rd, PO box 74 Smith's Cove NS B0S 1S0 200.00 Bay Ferries Management Ltd 500-5657 Spring Garden Raod Halifax NS B3J 3R4 200.00 Boardwalk Café & Suites 40 Water St Digby NS B0V 1A0 200.00 Brier Island Lodge PO Box 33 Westport NS B0V 1H0 100.00 Brown Doug 516 Hwy 1 Smith's Cove NS B0S 150 50.00 Casey Joe 536 Granville Rd Victoria Beach NS B0S 1K0 150.00 Coopers Custom Computers 88 Warwick St Digby NS B0V 1A0 50.00 Cottreau Robert 107 Prince William St Digby NS B0V 1A0 150.00 Dav-Jo Fisheries 5163 Hwy 217 Little River NS B0V 1C0 100.00 Dickinson John 18 Maiden Lane, PO Box 2383 Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Digby Audio World 130 Conway PO Box 1044 Digby NS B0V 1A0 200.00 Ellis Kevin 398 Hwy 303 Conway NS B0V 1A0 50.00 Franklin Audrey PO box 221 Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 100.00 Franklin Morton PO Box 221 Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 100.00 Fundy Restaurant 34 Water St Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Gidney Fisheries PO Box 545 Digby NS B0V 1A0 50.00 Gidney William 149 Hwy 101 RR#2 Marshalltown NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Gold Star Accounting RR #2 Caledonia NS BOT 1T0 25.00 Guy LeBlanc Enterprises Ltd 343 Hwy 303 Conway NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Haight Donald RR#1 Barton NS B0W 1H0 200.00 Halliday Brenda RR #4 Gullivers Cove NS B0V 1A0 50.00 Janson Oliver 5 Warwick St Digby NS BOV 1A0 200.00 Jeffrey Nola 132 King St Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Kamach Holdings RR #4 Waterford NS B0V 1A0 500.00 Larche Industrial Marine 18 Racquette Rd Digby NS B0V 1A0 200.00 Logan Mary RR #2 Caledonia NS B0T 1T0 25.00 Lombard David 4 Lombard Ln RR #4 Centreville NS B0V 1A0 50.00 Long Beach Farms Ltd RR #3 Digby NS B0V 1A0 1,000.00 MacLean Drew 58 Montague Ro, PO box 1322 Digby NS BOV 1A0 500.00 Mahtab Ashraf 270 Church Hill Sandy Cove NS B0V 1E0 50.00 Maitland Bridge Community Assoc RR #2 Annapolis Co. Caledonia NS B0T 1T0 50.00 Marshall's Gift Souviners Ram Computers 62 Water St Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Mills Daniel 9396 RR#4 Waterford NS B0V 1A0 250.00 Moore Enterprises Ltd 72 Moore Lane Deep Brook NS B0S 1J0 200.00 Morrison Alex PO box 158 Cornwallis NS B0S 1H0 75.00 O'Neil Fisheries Ltd 144 Water St Digby NS B0V 1A0 400.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 21 Digby-Annapolis

Harold (Jr) Theriault (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Oniel Vivian 26 Watr St Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Outhouse James L 75 Water St Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Pecks Auto Glass 163 Hwy 303 Conway NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Pier II Realty 121 First Ave Digby NS B0V 1A0 50.00 Robar Shirley 1224 Mary Jane Riley Rd Bear River NS B0S 1B0 200.00 Rossway Enterprises Ltd 8 Prince-William St Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Sabine Harold RR#4 Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 50.00 Scallop Shell 256 Hwy 303 Conway NS B0V 1A0 50.00 Sheal Water Seafoods Ltd 2371, Hwy 1 Upper Clements NS B0S 1A0 500.00 Sunset Beverage Room 411 Hwy 303 Digby NS B0V 1A0 200.00 Thibault Robert PO Box 133 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 100.00 Thorburne Jean D PO Box 41 Clementsport NS B0S 1E0 100.00 Tidd Dorothy 33 Shore Road Little River NS B0V 1C0 200.00 Tim Hortons 93 Warwick St Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Trimper Wendel PO Box 51 Clementsport NS B0S 1E0 200.00 W. Bolliver Service Ctr 7 Industrial Dr Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Walker Earl Allen 5261 Hwy 217 Little River NS B0V 1C0 100.00 Wong Ivan 60 St. Mary's St Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 Wong Lisa 60 St. Mary's St Digby NS B0V 1A0 100.00 9,775.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 22 Eastern Shore

Candidate: Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Nancy Lobban, 1841 Ostra Lake Road, Musquodoboit Harbour, NS B0J 2L0 Contributions: $5,075.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Aquaprime Mussel Ranch Ltd 14108 Highway 7 E Ship Harbour NS B0J 1Y0 100.00 Broomfield Micael 100 Ostreal Lake Raod Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 500.00 Campbell Tom 9637 Highway 7 Jeddore NS B0J 1P0 100.00 Dooks Colette 272 West Jeddore Rd Jeddore NS B0J 1P0 2,000.00 Friis John 195 Conrad Road Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1S1 250.00 Gilbert William 14571 Highway 7 Tangier NS B0J 3H0 25.00 Guildford Robert 29 Una Drive Jeddore NS B0J 1W0 150.00 Leet Sean 85 East Jeddore Raod Jeddore NS B0J 1W0 100.00 MacKenzie Atlantic Tool & Die Mach Ltd 6 Rowlings Drive Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 500.00 Newcombe Pearl 13080 Highway 7 Ship Harbour NS B0J 1Y0 150.00 O'Brien Brian 5945 Balmoral Rd Halifax NS B3H 1A5 250.00 Rowlings Danena 258 East Petpeswick Rd Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 100.00 Shears Valerie 4 Dolby Hill Raod Head of Jeddore NS B0J 1P0 100.00 STAT Manufacturing Ltd 318 Station Raod Porters Lake NS B3E 1J9 500.00 Tayol Lumber & Bldg Supplies Ltd 38 Rowlings Drive Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 150.00 Turner Austen 325 Porters Lk Stn Rd Porters Lake NS B3E 1J9 100.00 5,075.00

Candidate: Loretta Day Halleran Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: John Johnson, 8737 Hwy #7, Smith Settlement, NS Contributions: $1,180.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Blanchette Adrian 1302 East Petpeswick Musqudobit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 200.00 Britten Dorothy 27 Alvewa Dr Head of Jeddore NS B0J 1P0 100.00 Collins Phil 1489 East Petpeswick Musqudobit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 50.00 Johnson Karen 8737 Hwy #7 Musqudobit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 500.00 MacDonald Jessie 296 Ostrea Lake Rd Musqudobit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 50.00 Metro Community Living Support Services Ltd 170 Main Ave Halifax NS B3H 2A5 100.00 Owen Karl S. 19 East Petpeswick Musqudobit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 80.00 Young Cyril P 8328 Hwy #7 Musqudobit Harbour NS B0J 2G0 100.00 1,180.00

Candidate: Michael Marshall Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 22 Eastern Shore

Candidate: Sidney Prest Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Sandra Levy, 33 Phoenix Cres., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 2B3 Contributions: $6,875.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Allen Frances 415 Myers Point Road Head of Jeddore NS B0J 1P0 25.00 Allen Gail 429 Myers Point Head of Jeddore NS B0J 1P0 25.00 Aquaprime Mussel Ranch Ltd Ship Harbour NS B0J 1Y0 100.00 Augo Wheels in Motion Limited PO Box 172 Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 200.00 B & P Enterprises Ltd 16353 #7 Hwy, RR 2 Tangier NS B0J 3H0 200.00 Boyne Clarke - Barristers & Solicitors PO Box 876 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Z5 100.00 Brown Madonna Caribou Road, RR 2 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 800.00 Chassie Lee-Anne 33 Boutiliers Lane Dartmouth NS B2X 2H6 250.00 Curran Raymond 449-211 Portland Hills Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 6R9 150.00 Faught Emery 7 Greenvale Crescent Westphal NS B2Z 1H8 50.00 Forestex Limited PO Box 10 Mooseland NS B0J 2J0 200.00 Gaetz Beatrice Head Chezzetcook HRM NS B0J 1N0 100.00 Gerald Turner & Son Trucking Co Ltd Mosers River NS B0J 2K0 200.00 Gerrard Janet RR 1 Tangier NS B0J 3H0 100.00 Harris Robert 1104 West Jeddore Road West Jeddore NS B0J 1P0 200.00 Higgins Garnet 1109 Butler Road, RR 2 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 100.00 Hilchie Joanna 131 Montague Mines Road Montague Gold Mines NS B2R 1V5 50.00 J & M Murphy Limited 3514 Joseph Howe Drive Halifax NS B3L 4H7 100.00 Keizer Angus 6405 #207 Highway Grand Dessert NS B0J 1N0 15.00 Kidson Jim 29 Hardwood Hill Lane Lake Charlotte NS B0J 1Y0 50.00 Lambert Catherine 2160 East Petpeswick Road Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 100.00 Lamont Stewart PO Box 32 Tangier NS B0J 2L0 250.00 Langille John 98 West Jeddore Road Head of Jeddore NS B0J 1P0 200.00 Leeman Robert 6 Eagle Drive East Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1P1 150.00 Logan Murray RR 2 Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 50.00 Lopes Blair 50 Hutt Road, Owls Head Harbour Lake Charlotte NS B0J 1Y0 50.00 Matthews John 1896 Ostea Lake Road HRM NS B0J 2L0 75.00 Matthews John 1896 Ostea Lake Road HRM NS B0J 2L0 50.00 McRae Ellen 250 Bellefontaine Road Middle Porters Lake NS B3E 1K7 1,000.00 McRae Michael 250 Bellefontaine Road Porters Lake NS B3E 1K7 300.00 O'Neill Carol 104 Little Pond Lane Lawrencetown NS B2Z 0A3 75.00 Page Sheldon 562 Three Fathom Harbour Road Three Fathom Harbour NS B0J 1N0 100.00 Prest Donis 70 Gourok Avenue Dartmouth NS B2X 2W8 100.00 Prest Elizabeth PO Box 19 Mooseland NS B0J 2J0 400.00 Riggs Evelyn 3321 Prescott Street Halifax NS B3K 4Y2 100.00 Simon Paula 130 Cove Road Porters Lake NS B3E 1J5 500.00 Singh Martin 40 Cheema Lane Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 60.00 Smith Brian 18 Harbourview Drive, Box 160 Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 100.00 Stoffer Peter B-2900 Hwy Fall River NS B2T 1W4 100.00 Worth Gary 231 Candy Mountain Road Mineville NS B2Z 1K5 100.00 6,875.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 23 Glace Bay

Candidate: Myrtle Campbell Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Garry Smith, 7 Avalon Crescent, Glace Bay, NS B1A 1X5 Contributions: $11,950.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Beaton Donald 219 Mansfield Ave Glace Bay NS B1A 3Z6 10.00 Boozan Charlie 46 Sterling Road Glace Bay NS B1A 3X5 100.00 Boozan Christine 46 Sterling Road Glace Bay NS B1A 3X5 100.00 Butilier Edison 11 Anderson Lane Glace Bay NS B1A 2G2 100.00 Campbell Kim 470 Preakness Cres Fall River NS B6T 1X2 1,000.00 Campbell Kris 27 Union Street Dominion NS B1G 1W6 500.00 Campbell Mary 19 Main Street Reserve Mines NS B1E 1E6 600.00 Campbell William 17 MacDougall Street Glace Bay NS B1A 3E8 100.00 Cindy's Esthetics 250 Welton Street Sydney NS B1P 5S2 1,000.00 Clark Reginald 1-239 Main Street Glace Bay NS B1A 2M1 100.00 Coombes William 88 Poole Street Glace Bay NS B1A 6M1 50.00 Desaulriers Distributing 32 Henry Street Harbour Bouche NS B0H 1P0 200.00 Forsyth Gordon 1583 Hollis St Halifax NS B3J 2M4 100.00 Gay Ruth 8 Elizabeth Street Glace Bay NS B1A 6J9 1,000.00 Gilbert Francis 20 Woodward Street Glace Bay NS B1A 4R5 20.00 Goldman Ray 16 George Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1A9 25.00 Gosse James 82 Midgley Ave Sydney NS B1R 1Z8 100.00 Grant Al Box 82 Sydney NS B1P 6G9 50.00 Hattery Shirley 92 Prince St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2C7 100.00 Hinchey Pauline & Ricky 2214 Sydney Road Reserve Mines NS B1E 1K1 50.00 Hurley Wayne 25 Deanna Dr Glace Bay NS B1A 6Y1 200.00 Inch John 28 South Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1T6 25.00 Jones Jean 300 Reserve Street Glace Bay NS B1A 4W6 50.00 JW Currie Funeral Home 775 Main Street Glace Bay NS B1A 4Y7 500.00 Kosnick Alex 14 Tracey Street Glace Bay NS B1A 5N6 50.00 Leblanc Ernie 29 Bay Street Glace Bay NS B1A 3T8 100.00 MacDonald Alexander & Elsie 51 South Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1T1 25.00 MacDonald Dan 6595 Seaside Drive Gardiner Mines NS B1H 5N2 15.00 MacDonald Sheila Dominion PO Dominion NS B1G 1A0 50.00 MacKinley Doug Box 225 Glace Bay NS B1A 5V2 100.00 MacLean Allison Douglas Ave Glace Bay NS B1A 1B7 300.00 MacLean Frazer 24 North Street Donkin NS B1A 6R9 20.00 MacNeil Stephen 189 Esksoni Road Northside East Bay NS B1J 1K9 100.00 Matheson Joseph 17 Rosewood Ave Glace Bay NS B1A 2Y4 50.00 McDonough Alexa 1544 Summer St, 402 Halifax NS B3H 4S1 100.00 MJ MacNeil Plumbing 382 Reserve Street Glace Bay NS B1A 4X2 250.00 Morrison Hector 83 Sterling Road Glace Bay NS B1A 6B2 50.00 Murphey Edward 123 South Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1V5 100.00 Murphy Ginger Hogan 123 South Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1V5 100.00 Myatt Gregory 88 Park Street Sydney NS B1P 4W5 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 23 Glace Bay

Myrtle Campbell (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount O'Brien Cordell 234 Mitchel Ave Dominion NS B1G 1N4 50.00 Parsons Joe 115 Ocean Ave Glace Bay NS B1A 3V6 1,000.00 Robichaud Bob Elliot 470 Preakness Cres Fall River NS B2T 1X2 200.00 Robinson James 92 Simpsons Lane Glace Bay NS B1A 3R8 100.00 Rogers Dr John 17 Drew Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1A6 250.00 Saccary Cecil Box 323, Stn Main Glace Bay NS B1A 5V4 100.00 Shanahan Gerald 30 Deanna Drive Glace Bay NS B1A 6Y1 100.00 Shanahan Michelle 30 Deanna Drive Glace Bay NS B1A 6Y1 100.00 Shears Ann 10 Lois Place Sydney NS B1P 6M8 100.00 Singler Charles Ben 45 Kristin Crt Mira Road NS B1M 1C4 100.00 Smith Garry 7 Avalon Cres Glace Bay NS B1A 1X5 500.00 Smith Ruth 7 Avalon Cres Glace Bay NS B1A 1X5 500.00 Talbot Thelma 1350 Main Street Glace Bay NS B1A 5A7 210.00 Turnbull Bill 19 Bay Street Glace Bay NS B1A 3T8 50.00 Turnbull Cindy 11 May St Glace Bay NS B1A 3G6 100.00 White Abe 277 Reserve Street Glace Bay NS B1A 4W3 400.00 Wiseman Evelyn 47 Hillside Glace Bay NS B1A 4B7 200.00 YetMan Gerald 29 Vickers Lane Sydney Mines NS B1V 2V1 100.00 Yurczszyb Michael 619 King St New Waterford NS B1H 3Z2 100.00 11,950.00

Candidate: Tom MacPherson Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Richard Petrie, 9 Gilday Street, Glace Bay, NS B1A 1X9 Contributions: $15,225.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Baldwin & Francis Elect Ltd P.O. Box 967 Sydney NS B1P 6J4 300.00 Belmac Henyenson Ltd. P.O. Box 1387 Sydney NS B1P 6K3 500.00 Bentick Investments Ltd P.O. Box 1508 Sydney NS B1P 6R7 500.00 Bettens Mark 816 Main Street Glace Bay NS B1A 4Z1 200.00 Camerons Building Supplies 152 North Street Glace Bay NS B1A 3R9 200.00 Chisolm John P.O. Box 1328 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 1,000.00 Cosnick Pearl 10 Murphy Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1W9 100.00 Donaldson Edison 51 Hillside Ave Glace Bay NS B1A 4B7 100.00 Ferguson Duncan 151 MacLean Street Glace Bay NS B1A 2L4 50.00 Gillis Frank 111 South Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1V5 300.00 Gillis Irene 111 South Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1V5 400.00 Gillis Home Building Centtre 1076 Kings Road Sydney NS B1P 6S2 50.00 Gillis Renovations P.O. Box 848 Sydney NS B1P 6J2 50.00 J.M Curry Funeral Home Ltd 775 Main Street Glace Bay NS B1A 4Y7 400.00 Jack's Place Confectionery 151 Union Street Glace Bay NS B1A 2P7 300.00 Jamieson Charles 5 Highland Street Glace Bay NS B1A 2T2 200.00 Jonal Jim Construction P.O. Box 26, Stn A Sydney NS B1P 1L2 300.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 23 Glace Bay

Tom MacPherson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Kerr James 35 Catherine Street Glace Bay NS B1A 2J8 300.00 MacDonald Allister 4 MacInnis Lane Glace Bay NS B1A 5Z2 100.00 MacKeigan Calvin 73 R Brookside Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1K4 100.00 MacKenzie Donnie 19 Allen Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1X7 500.00 MacLeod Donald 5 George Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1B1 100.00 MacMillan Michael 29 1/2 Marcowl Street Glace Bay NS B1A 2P4 325.00 MacNeil Donald 2354 Sydney Road Reserve Mines NS B1E 1K5 500.00 Maritime Safety Equipment P.O. Box 65 Glace Bay NS B1A 5V1 250.00 McFadgen Darren 5 Grant Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1C5 1,000.00 Meco Construction 189 Union Street Glace Bay NS B1A 2R2 200.00 Mercer Fuels Limited 64 Brookland Street Sydney NS B1P 6H7 400.00 Miller Rentals Ltd P.O. Box 1420 Sydney NS B1P 6R7 300.00 Murphy J. Clifford 659 Upper Prince Street Sydney NS B1P 5M9 250.00 Polysteel Atlantic Ltd 488 Portaway Ave Edwardsville NS B2A 4T8 150.00 R.B.R Fisheries Ltd 21 Athlone Street Glace Bay NS B1A 1N2 500.00 Robertson Roderick 417 Brickyard Road Albert Bridge NS B1K 2R9 100.00 S&M Trucking Ltd 49 Harbour Drive Edwardsville NS B2A 4T7 500.00 Seaboard Industrial Supply 15 School Street Sydney NS B1S 3G1 300.00 Seaboard Tire Service 23 Paint Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3S7 500.00 Seaside Communications 1318 Grand Lake Road Reserve Mines NS B1E 1L2 200.00 Sterns William 69 Catherine Street Glace Bay NS B1A 2K1 200.00 Superior Truss Limited P.O. Box 848 Sydney NS B1P 6J2 50.00 Supreme Tank Incorporated P.O. 374 Sydney NS B1P 6H2 200.00 Tans-Atlantic Preforms Ltd. P.O. Box 1660 Sydney NS B1P 6T7 500.00 Turner Gerald 219 York Street Glace Bay NS B1A 2L9 50.00 U,.A. Local 682 Plumbers/Pipefitters P.O. Box 4508 Reserve Mines NS B1E 1K2 500.00 U.A. Can. Political Action Fund 225 Metcalfe St Ottawa ON K2P 1P9 2,000.00 Wilcox Anne 59 Currie Street Glace Bay NS B1A 5E7 200.00 15,225.00

Candidate: Todd Pettigrew Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Dave Wilson Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: James Hayes, 843 Main St., Glace Bay, NS B1A 4Z3 Contributions: $14,525.44 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount ABM Systems Ltd 23 Paint St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J7 300.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 23 Glace Bay

Dave Wilson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bacich Donald 79 Lynch Dr Sydney NS B1S 1V3 50.00 Bay Mobile Canteen Ltd 4 Bezanson St Glace Bay NS B1A 1S2 100.00 Boutillier Dr Carol 219 Commercial St Glace Bay NS B1A 3BP 100.00 Breskie Catherine 107 School St Glace Bay NS B1A 1J6 25.00 Breton N D Testing Inc. PO Box 214 Reserve Mines NS B0A 1V0 50.00 Budden Harrison 111 Maple Ave Glace Bay NS B1A 2H9 60.44 Burke Bill 1 Burke's Lane Glace Bay NS B1A 4A4 100.00 Caldwell John 2 George St Glace Bay NS B1A 1A9 100.00 Camerons Building Supply 11 North St, PO Box 58 Glace Bay NS B1A 3R9 500.00 Celtic Charters Ltd 9 Amelia St Glace Bay NS B1A 3E9 200.00 Chiasson Mary 10 Chapel Dr Glace Bay NS B1A 4C4 100.00 City Printers Ltd PO Box 1021 Sydney NS B1P 6J7 250.00 Collette's Family Restaurante Ltd 201 Brookside St Glace Bay NS B1A 1L7 25.00 Cuzner Kaye 232 South St Glace Bay NS B1A 1W5 100.00 Darryl Marshall Auto Service Centre 27 Resevoir Ave Glace Bay NS B1A 4M5 100.00 Dean Albert 242 Phalen Rd Glace Bay NS B1A 3B4 50.00 Deveaux Stephen 20 Deanna Dr Glace Bay NS B1A 6G9 100.00 Dingwall David 33 Birchdale Dr Sydney NS B1S 1L4 100.00 Dr. Gillis John 2025 North Park St Halifax NS B3K 4B2 250.00 Ellsworth Harvey 10 Argyle Glace Bay NS B1A 3Z5 100.00 Ferguson's Pharmacy Ltd 35 Sterling Rd Glace Bay NS B1A 3X6 250.00 First General Services (Cape Breton) Ltd 26 MacVicar St Glace Bay NS B1A 3K2 100.00 Fraser Glenn 226 Blackett St Glace Bay NS B1A 6B6 100.00 French Carmella 34 Melrose Place Glace Bay NS B1A 5G2 100.00 Gillard Steve 10 Coldwell St Glace Bay NS B1A 5H6 100.00 Gillis Francis 348 Reserve St Glace Bay NS B1A 4W6 100.00 Glace Bay Chiropractic Clinic Ltd 139 Commercial St Glace Bay NS B1A 3B9 100.00 Goldman Raymond PO Box 160, Stn Main Glace Bay NS B1A 5V2 100.00 Graham James A 55 Hillside Ave Glace Bay NS B1A 4B7 500.00 Hayes James 843 Main St Glace Bay NS B1A 4Z3 100.00 Hayes Kelly 843 Main St Glace Bay NS B1A 4Z3 100.00 JCL Investments Ltd 339 Welton St Sydney NS B1P 5S6 300.00 JM Curry Funeral Home Ltd 775 Main St Glace Bay NS B1A 4Y7 300.00 Joe Parsons Construction Ltd 281 Dominion St Glace Bay NS B1A 3N5 400.00 Kachafanas Dr. Vince 37 George St Glace Bay NS B1A 1B1 100.00 Kearney Heather 647 King St New Waterford NS B1H 3Z2 100.00 Kennedy Appraisals 48 O'Neils Lane Glace Bay NS B1A 4R8 200.00 Leblanc Dave 6 Edgewater Drive Sydney NS B1L 1C1 100.00 MacAskill Kenneth PO Box 40 Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 100.00 MacAulay Blanche 208 South St Glace Bay NS B1A 1W1 500.00 MacAulay Donald 20 Kent St Glace Bay NS B1A 1Z6 100.00 MacDonald Francis 48 Canary Cres Halifax NS B3M 1R1 100.00 MacFarlane Jean 59 Connaught Ave Glace Bay NS B1A 5S1 25.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 23 Glace Bay

Dave Wilson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacKay David 79 Currie St Glace Bay NS B1A 5E8 100.00 MacLean Vincent PO Box 402 East Bay NS B1J 2E2 250.00 MacLean Brown Isabel 177 Cottage St Glace Bay NS B1A 3T7 100.00 MacLellan James 11 Rosewood St Glace Bay NS B1A 2Y2 100.00 MacMullin Michael 29 1/2 Marconi St Glace Bay NS B1A 2P4 300.00 MacVicar Donald A 5880 Chainrock Dr Halifax NS B3H 1A1 250.00 MacVicar Doug 539 Atlantic St Glace Bay NS B1P 5S6 100.00 Marsh Mr & Mrs Coady 784 Main St Glace Bay NS B1A 4Y5 100.00 McDonald George 70 McLeod's Rd Glace Bay NS B1A 2Z2 100.00 McDougall Sampson 66 Wentworth St Sydney NS B1P 6T4 200.00 McDougall Sonny 3 McAdam St Glace Bay NS B1A 2Y6 200.00 McGillivray Basil 3332 Landry St New Waterford NS B1H 1L5 50.00 McGillivray Sandra J 282 King Edward St Glace Bay NS B1A 3W1 100.00 McIntyre Stewart 1078 Main St Glace Bay NS B1A 5V1 100.00 McKenzie Joyce 6 Crest St Glace Bay NS B1A 1H1 350.00 McNeil Clare 920 Main St Glace Bay NS B1A 3B4 50.00 McNeil Geri 260 Phalen Rd Glace Bay NS B1A 3B4 100.00 McNeill Bill 382 Reserve St Glace Bay NS B1A 4X2 200.00 McNeill Ed 248 Phalen Rd Glace Bay NS B1A 3B4 100.00 MECCO Construction Ltd 55 Catherine St Glace Bay NS B1A 2J8 200.00 Medical Hall 1978 Ltd PO Box 188 Glace Bay NS B1A 5V2 100.00 Michalos Michael G 1055 Lucknow St, Apt 304 Halifax NS B3H 2T3 100.00 Miles William 9 Lyndsay Dr Glace Bay NS B1A 6E2 100.00 Municipal Ready-Mix Ltd 19 MacRae Ave Sydney River NS B1S 1M1 500.00 Murrant Edward 26 McAulay Ave Glace Bay NS B1A 1C9 100.00 Myrman Realties Ltd 18 O'Neill's Lane Glace Bay NS B1A 4R8 40.00 Nannos Steve 27 Woodward St Glace Bay NS B1A 6J4 300.00 O'Leary Steve 36 Turner St Glace Bay NS B1A 5WA 250.00 Parsons Anthony 2231 Sydney Rd Reserve Mines NS B1E 1J9 100.00 Phalen Senator Gerald 3 Glenwood Ave Glace Bay NS B1A 4V4 300.00 RBR Fisheries 21 Athlone St Glace Bay NS B1A 1N2 500.00 Reid Mrs Charles 149 Blackett Glace Bay NS B1E 1E4 100.00 Rendan Fabricators Ltd 88 Simmonds Dr Dartmouth NS B3B 1P6 300.00 Scattolon Val 144 Mitchell Ave Dominion NS B1Q 1N2 100.00 Seaside Communication PO Box 4558 Reserve Mines NS B1E 1L2 100.00 Senators Corner Development Ltd 49 Welton St Glace Bay NS B1P 5R5 150.00 Seymour William 45 Tanya Dr Glace Bay NS B1A 5Z7 50.00 Shaw Sandra 74 Currie St Glace Bay NS B1A 5E4 50.00 Sheppard Caresse 49 Dragatis St Glace Bay NS B1A 2B4 100.00 Terramac Contracting Ltd PO Box 160, Stn Main Sydney NS B1P 6G9 500.00 Tomada Sara 34 Kay St Glace Bay NS B1A 1Z5 100.00 Trairc Design Consutlant Ltd PO Box 1073 Sydney NS B1L 6J7 250.00 Turner Carl 46 Chappel Dr Glace Bay NS B1A 4C4 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 23 Glace Bay

Dave Wilson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Unsworth George 73 Causeway Dr Sydney NS B1L 1C5 200.00 V J McGillivray Funeral Home Ltd 16 Reserve St Glace Bay NS B1A 4V8 50.00 Wilson Mora 58 Greenhill Dr Antigonish NS B2G 2V9 100.00 Woodman Harry 5 Glenwood Street Glace Bay NS B1A 4V4 100.00 14,525.44 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 24 Guysborough-Sheet Harbour

Candidate: Jim Boudreau Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Ken MacDonald, PO Box 317, Mulgrave, NS B0E 2G0 Contributions: $9,960.76 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Alexandra Gerald 28668 # 7 Highway, 19112 Hwy 7, Spry Moser River NS B0J 2K0 10.00 Armstrong Donald PO Box 57 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 50.00 Avery Mary 58 William Paul Lane Larry's River NS B0H 1T0 25.00 Bond Jean 27 Cook Street Canso NS B0H 1H0 120.00 Bond Julia PO Box 345 Canso NS B0H 1H0 20.00 Boudreau Carol 815 Dover Road Little Dover NS B0H 1V0 50.00 Boudreau Duffield 30 Harbourview Drive Little Dover NS B0H 1V0 50.00 Bushell Stephen PO Box 274 Canso NS B0H 1H0 50.00 Cohoon Gladys General Delivery Canso NS B0H 1H0 100.00 Cook Chris PO Box 305 Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 100.00 Cook Nancy RR #2 Guysborough NS B0H 1H0 40.00 Cooper Melvin RR #2, East Sheet Harbour Tangier NS B0J 3H0 30.00 Delorey Earl 1813 Highway 16 Fox Island NS B0H 1H0 40.00 Doucet Gerry 59 The Heights Antigonish NS B2G 1K4 150.00 Dugie John PO Box 124 Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 25.00 East Coast Hydraulics & Machinery Ltd PO Box 130 Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 1,000.00 Fraser Janice RR #7, Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 250.00 Gault Darlene PO Box 4 Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 50.00 Gerrard Barry RR #1 Tangier NS B0J 3H0 100.00 Gurney Donna 1183 Dover Road Little Dover NS B0H 1V0 40.00 Gurney Robin 1183 Dover Road Little Dover NS B0H 1V0 100.00 Hart Michelle 258 Sterling Strait, Box 502 Canso NS B0H 1H0 100.00 Hart Scott 3188 Antigonish-Guysborough Road Guysborough NS B0H 1G0 300.00 Hartery Shirley 92 Prince Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2C7 100.00 Hensdbee Zelda RR #2, 4295 Route 16 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 40.00 Horne Paul PO Box 332 Canso NS B0H 1H0 60.00 Horne Sharon PO Box 85 Canso NS B0H 1H0 20.00 Howe Eleanor RR 1 Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 25.00 Jamieson Sadie PO Box 71 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 25.00 Josey George Harbour RR #1 Tangier NS B0J 3H0 40.00 Joudrey Jessie 12 Garden View Drive Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 40.00 Joudrey Merle 12 Garden View Drive Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 40.00 Kaiser Ronnie 3819 Sonora Road, RR #1 Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 40.00 Kennedy Allan PO Box 125 Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 25.00 Kennedy John 39 Kennedy Lane Tangier NS B0J 3H0 50.00 LeBlanc Rene 116 Tickle Road Canso NS B0H 1H0 100.00 Levy Ross RR #1, 1673 New Chester Road Moser River NS B0J 2K0 40.00 Locatelli JC 28 Pioneer Avenue Dartmouth NS B3M 1W8 20.00 Logan Murray RR #2 Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 50.00 Lorefice Paul 69 MacLellan Street Antigonish NS B2G 2P3 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 24 Guysborough-Sheet Harbour

Jim Bodreau (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacDonald Merrill 26568 Hwy 7, RR #1 Port Dufferin NS B0J 2R0 30.00 MacEachern Broadcasting 609 Church Street, Suite 201 Port Hawkesbury NS B09 2X4 45.76 MacIsaac John 18 Hillcrest Street Antigonish NS B2G 1Z3 100.00 MacKenzie Priscella 929 Dover Road Little Dover NS B0H 1V0 200.00 MacKenzie Valerie 140 Durrell Island Canso NS B0H 1H0 200.00 Mahon Peggy 2208 Sherbrook Road New Glasgow NS B2H 5C8 100.00 Maybee Janet PO Box 133 Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 300.00 McKeough Kevin 2366 Three Mile Lake, Sub RR #1 Canso NS B0H 1H0 50.00 Melford International Terminal Inc 1809 Barrington Street, Suite 805 Halifax NS B3J 3K8 500.00 Miller Hugh PO Box 1752 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Morris Russell RR #1 Monastary NS BOH 1W0 100.00 Mullen Elizabeth RR #2 Moser River NS B0J 2K0 100.00 Nickerson Winfred RR #1 Canso NS B0H 1H0 50.00 O'Brien Devanne 28 Village Lane, RR #7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 100.00 Oliver Laura 464 Whitehead Road Whitehead NS B0H 1T0 50.00 Parker Margaret General Delivery Canso NS B0H 1H0 50.00 Parker Pauline 51 Centenniel Drive Canso NS B0H 1H0 50.00 Pellerin Basil General Delivery Larry's River NS B0H 1T0 100.00 Raoul Dianne Box 216 Canso NS B0H 1N0 50.00 Reed Katherine RR #2 Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 100.00 Rhynold Josephine PO Box 1448, Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 200.00 Rhynold Shawn 30 Co-op Road Little Dover NS B0H 1V0 300.00 Rhynold Trudi 11204 Riverside RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 100.00 Richard Elliot RR #2 Larry's River NS B0H 1T0 1,500.00 Sampson Jennifer 102 Hillside Drive Little Dover NS B0H 1V0 50.00 Sarson Darcy 15 Ross Street Antigonish NS B2G 1C5 200.00 Sorensen Ove 18924 Spry Harbour, RR #1 Tangier NS B0J 3H0 50.00 Stone Reynolds PO Box 115 Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 25.00 Thomas Anne 120 Jennings Settlement Road, Box 41 Tangier NS B0J 3H0 100.00 Tuuramo Suzanne PO Box 85 Canso NS B0H 1H0 20.00 Vance Jim PO Box 37 Hopewell NS B0K 1C0 100.00 Walsh Joseph RR #1 Canso NS B0H 1H0 500.00 West Christopher 164 Main Street, PO Box 258 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 800.00 Whynott Mathew 35 Legacy Court, Apt 316 Lower Sackville NS B4C 0A5 25.00 9,960.76

Candidate: Ronnie Chisholm Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Shirley Nixon, 62 Queen Street, Guysborough, NS B0H 1N0 Contributions: $12,575.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Anderson Robert S 1219 Union Street Canso NS B0H 1H0 200.00 Antigonish Rent-All Ltd 233 Old South River Road Antigonish NS B2G 2H6 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 24 Guysborough-Sheet Harbour

Ronnie Chisholm (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Atkins Genesta RR #2 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 50.00 Boudrot Rodgers Law Inc 310 Pitt Street, Unit 1 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2T6 300.00 Colp Janelle 181 Lower Water Street Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 Connolly Kenneth RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 100.00 Connolly Philip RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 200.00 Connolly Stephen RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 100.00 Cross Roads Electrical Limited RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 150.00 De Coff Maria RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 250.00 De Coff Neil RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 450.00 Dobson Barbara PO Box 61 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 200.00 Doyle Ronald 3558 South River Lake Road Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 50.00 East Coast Hydraulics & Machinery PO Box 130 Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 500.00 Farrell Brian PO Box 87 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 George F MacDonald & Sons Bulldozing & Trucking Ltd 1889 Sherbrooke Road, RR #5 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C8 500.00 Gosbee G Garfield 479 Main Street Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 Grady Floyd 1558 Hwy 344 Post Shoreham NS B0E 2G0 100.00 Halloran Raymond 211 Old Riverside Road Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 150.00 Harmer M Audrey PO Box 299 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 Hart Charles PO Box 2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 100.00 Kennedy Arnold 10 North Street Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 200.00 Kennedy Carl 21404 Hwy 316, RR # 2 Goshen NS B0H 1M0 100.00 Kennedy Joseph 50 Martin Drive Fall River NS 200.00 K & N Fisheries Limited PO Box 10 Larry's River NS B0H 1T0 300.00 Lagindzija Benedict Upper White Head Guysborough NS 100.00 Long Clarence Salmon River Lake, RR #1 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 50.00 Long Flora RR #2 Goshen NS B0H 1M0 250.00 Long Mary RR #1 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 50.00 Louisbourg Seafoods Limited 3 Commercial Street, PO Box 5609 Louisbourg NS B1C 1B5 1,000.00 Luddington Patricia RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 50.00 Luddington Lloyd RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 25.00 MacDonald Beryl RR #2 Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 100.00 MacDonald Brian RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 50.00 MacDonald Donna 53 Main Street Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 50.00 MacDonald Melvin Lochaber RR #5 Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 200.00 MacKay Peter 229 Fraser Street New Glasgow NS B2H 4J4 500.00 MacPherson Myles RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 250.00 Melford International Terminal Suite 523, 5151 George St Halifax NS B3J 1M5 500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 24 Guysborough-Sheet Harbour

Ronnie Chisholm (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Morrow Ann PO Box 27 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 100.00 Northern Fiber Termional Inc PO Box 159 Sheet Harbour NS B0J 380 800.00 Nova Construction Co Ltd PO Box 1328 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 1,000.00 O'Connor Josephine RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 100.00 O'Connor Kevin RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 50.00 O'Neill Kevin 349 Murray Street Mulgrave NS B0H 2G0 100.00 Rodgers Adam RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 200.00 Rodgers Daniel & Mary Theresa RR #2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 300.00 Scotia Girl Lobster Ltd 1253 Rte 224 Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 100.00 Seaboard Tire Services 23 Paint Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J7 500.00 Simms John L RR #1 Larry's River NS B0H 1T0 500.00 Strait Engineering Ltd 298 Reeves Street, Unit 9 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2B4 400.00 UA Local 244 Plumbers, Pipefitters & Welders PO Box 40, St Andrews Antigonish NS B0H 1X0 500.00 White George H RR #1, Cross Roads County Harbour NS B0H 1J0 50.00 12,575.00

Candidate: Amy Florian Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Daniel Gillis, 13 King Street, Guysborough, NS Contributions: $22,072.48 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Anderson Murray PO Box 51 Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 500.00 Armsworthy Allan C 91 Church Street Antigonish NS B2G 2C9 125.00 Avery Wayne 67 Hwy 316 Larry's River NS B0H 1T0 100.00 Cameron Shirley PO Box 122 Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 100.00 Cashin David 57 Allison Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 1P8 200.00 Chisholm Angus Box 16 St Andrews NS B0H 1X0 100.00 Chisholm Anthony 6784 South River Lake Road Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 Cleary Gary RR #1 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 100.00 Dort Karen 209 Main St. Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 East Coast Hydraulics & Machinery Ltd Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 500.00 Fisher Transport Limited Melford Station Shubenacadie NS B0H 2H0 500.00 Foley Dr Anita Main Street Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 150.00 George Blair O RR #2 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 200.00 Gillies Mary 292 Middle St. Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 200.00 Gillis Dan 13 King Street Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 600.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 24 Guysborough-Sheet Harbour

Lloyd Hines (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Grady David PO Box 31 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 Grady Greg RR #1 Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 500.00 Grant Robert G 6446 Coburg Road Halifax NS B3H 2A7 150.00 Guysco Consulting Services Limited PO Box 297 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 Hamilton JR 23 Bay Street Antigonish NS B2G 2G4 750.00 Hanifen Joseph A RR #1 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 500.00 Hattie Cecil RR # 1 Aspen NS B0H 1E0 100.00 Hines Patricia PO Box 280 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 400.00 HL MacDougall Computerized Acct'g Ser. Ltd RR #5 Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 100.00 Hochman Philip RR 1 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 Horton David 512 Parkland Drive, Unit 207 Halifax NS B3S 1N1 150.00 Innis William B PO Box 276 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 250.00 Innis William B PO Box 14 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 Jordan Milton 660 Little Liscomb Road Liscomb NS B0H 2A0 100.00 Keltic Motors Ltd 125 Main Street Antigonish NS B2G 2B6 2,010.16 Keltic Petrochemicals Inc. Suite 603, 5151 George Street Halifax NS B3J 1M5 500.00 Kennedy Monica 6784 South River Lake Road Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 Landry Paul 126 Old Riverside Road Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 Lewis David PO Box 155 Canso NS B0H 1H0 100.00 Lomas - Anderson Aleah PO Box 51 Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 500.00 Long Thomas RR #2 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 200.00 MacDonald A Stanley 64 Pleasant Street Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 MacDonald Gordon 159 Lower Water Street Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 400.00 MacEachern Broadcasting 609 Church Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2X4 112.32 MacKean R Bruce PO Box 306 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 500.00 MacKenzie Art 22525 Hwy 7 Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 100.00 Mahar Elanie RR #1 Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 100.00 McKenna Kenneth L RR #2 Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 100.00 Melford International Tennis Inc. 1809 Barrington Street, Suite 1201 Halifax NS B3J 3K8 500.00 Mulgrave Machine Works Limited 34 England Avenue Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 500.00 Nova Construction Co Ltd 3098 Post Road Antigonish NS B2G 2K3 1,000.00 O'Leary Terry 299 Ferguson's Cove Road Ferguson's Cove NS B3V 1L7 1,000.00 Pellerin Elliot J PO Box 1 Larry's River NS B0H 1T0 125.00 Pellerin Lloyd 209 Hwy 316 Larry's River NS B0H 1T0 100.00 Pellerin Sylvester 96 Pellerin Road Larry's River NS B0H 1T0 100.00 Pelly Sheila 111 Lincolnville Loop Monastery NS B0H 1W0 100.00 Reddick Alonzo 143 Lincolnville Loop Monastery NS B0H 1W0 100.00 Reid Robert S RR #2 Sherbrooke NS B0J 3C0 100.00 Reid Sean PO Box 392 Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 100.00 Richards Louise 22 Richards Lane, RR 1 Canso NS B0H 1H0 100.00 Robertson John PO Box 1333 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 200.00 Rutledge Donald 652 Hwy 224 Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0 100.00 Ryan Basil 73 Tower Road Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 24 Guysborough-Sheet Harbour

Lloyd Hines (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Schade J 15 Glenbourne Court Halifax NS BS3 1E2 100.00 Scott Marlene 78 Victoria Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1T8 200.00 Sheet Harbour Dental Centre PO Box 111 Sheet Harbour NS B3A 4K6 250.00 Sinclair Harold RR 2 Goshen NS B0H 1M0 100.00 SInclair J Edgar 1019 Hwy 276 Goshen NS B0H 1M0 200.00 Sinclair Marie J 1019 Hwy 276 Goshen NS B0H 1M0 200.00 Stewart John PO Box 41 Heatherton NS B0H 1R0 500.00 Strait Engineering Limited 298 Reeves Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2B4 100.00 Sullivan Alfred 39 Woodhaven Close Dartmouth NS B2W 6P9 100.00 Sullivan Cameron 20 Robin Road Valley NS B6L 2S3 300.00 Sullivan Gerald 22 Robin Road Valley NS B6L 2S3 100.00 Sullivan Gillis Roman Valey, RR #2 Heatherton NS B0H 1R0 1,000.00 Sullivan Hugh 54 Thompson Street Antigonish NS B2G 1E4 1,000.00 Sullivan Janet 199 Old Riverside Road Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 500.00 Sullivan John 65 Fatima Street Antigonish NS B2G 1L5 200.00 Torrey Elaine Highway 16 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 100.00 UA Local 244 Plumbers, Pipefitters & Welders 393 Dagger Woods St Heatherton NS B0H 1R0 500.00 Van Zutphen Construction Inc. J & T 10442 Hwy 19 Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 500.00 22,072.48 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 25 Halifax Atlantic

Candidate: Jim Hoskins Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Denise Hoskins, 32 Honeydale Crescent, Halifax, NS B3R 2G9 Contributions: $6,192.90 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Abraham - Pace Louise 12 Saraguay Place Halifax NS B3P 2N9 200.00 Bergin Dr Siobhan 6457 Jubilee Road Halifax NS B3H 2H2 250.00 Blom Alice 85 Spinnaker Dr, Apt 112 Halifax NS B3N 3E3 100.00 Blom Gerald 85 Spinnaker Dr, Apt 112 Halifax NS B3N 3E3 100.00 Blom Robert 872 Purcell's Cove Road Halifax NS B3V 1G3 50.00 Blom Signs Unit 1A, 2 Lakeside Park Dr Halifax NS B3T 1L7 250.00 Burkey Nelson 31 Honeydale Cr Halifax NS B3R 2G8 100.00 Butland Anna 85 Spinnaker Dr, Suite 205 Halifax NS B3N 3E3 50.00 Clancy Mary 709-5959 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3H 1Y5 100.00 Compass Commercial Realty 3700 Kempt Road, Suite 100 Halifax NS B3K 4X8 200.00 Doane H Lawrence 13 McNab Drive Halifax NS B3P 2P3 150.00 Fraser Hugh 3 Penny Avenue Halifax NS B3P 1P2 100.00 Gniewek Dominic 32 Castle Hill Dr Halifax NS B3M 3A3 100.00 Gomes Kelly 31 Honeydale Cr Halifax NS B3R 2G8 50.00 Graham John H 33 Bridgeview Drive Halifax NS B3P 1E7 300.00 Hoskins Denise 32 Honeydale Cr Halifax NS B3R 2G9 1,000.00 Hoskins Dulci 87 Hallmark Lower Sackville NS 20.00 Hoskins Jim 32 Honeydale Cr Halifax NS B3R 2G9 1,000.00 Jaeger Dr Leslie 2 Saraguay Place Halifax NS B3P 2N9 100.00 Jasbir Bajawa 9 McLennan Avenue Halifax NS B3P 2A5 100.00 Killam Properties Inc 3700 Kempt Road, Suite 100 Halifax NS B3K 4X8 150.00 King Neil 39 Ashcroft Avenue Harrietsfield NS B3V 1A5 200.00 MacKenzie Shelley 49 Parkhill Dr Halifax NS B3P 1R4 50.00 McKinnon Martin 6278 Yukon Street Halifax NS B3L 1G1 150.00 Meade Catherine 507-5839 Cunard Street Halifax NS B3K 0B9 100.00 Muise Ann-Marie 10 Elmdale Cr Halifax NS B3R 2G5 50.00 Pelley Fred 12 Sailboat Lane Halifax NS B3P 0B9 100.00 Presse Mason Law Office 1254 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B4A 1C6 500.00 Robertson Judith 36 Reserve Road Halifax NS B3P 2B3 75.00 S Blom Signs 2 Lakeside Park Dr, Unit 1A Halifax NS B3T 1L7 322.90 Tramble Joseph 826 Herring Cove Road Halifax NS B3R 1Z3 150.00 Young Lorraine 6 Nickerson Street East Pennant NS B3V 1L9 25.00 6,192.90 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 25 Halifax Atlantic

Candidate: Brian Phillips Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Eric Caines, 13 Grover Dr., Williamswood, NS B3V 1C8 Contributions: $1,500.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 32328543 NS Limited 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Griewek Dominic 32 Castle Hill Dr Halifax NS B3M 3A3 100.00 Grant Richard 156 Purcell's Cove Rd. Halifax NS B3P 1B6 100.00 Lungley Nicholoas 1475 Ketch Harbour Rd Sambro Head NS B3V 1L3 100.00 Mendleson Financial #R25 6960 Mumford Rd Halifax NS B3L 4P1 250.00 O'neil Roger M 16 Anchor Dr, #306 Halifax NS B3M 3G1 100.00 Polley Peter PO Box 31369 Gladstone Halifax NS B3K 5Z1 250.00 Travelrep Marketing Inc 230 Spinnakers Drive Halifax NS B3N 3C6 100.00 1,500.00

Candidate: Michele Raymond Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Wesley White, 4 Towerview Dr., Halifax, NS B3P 1E9 Contributions: $8,870.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Agritech Biofuels Inc. 102 - 1819 Granville Street Halifax NS B3J 3R1 250.00 Allard Neil 273 Herring Cove Road Halifax NS B3P 1M2 100.00 Alpha Chemicals Ltd PO Box 44063 Bedford NS B4A 3X5 200.00 Beattie Christina 26 Acorn Road Halifax NS B3P 1G8 75.00 Bedford Law Inc. Suite 100, 1496 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B4A 1E5 300.00 Bowen Katherine 26 Fleming Drive Halifax NS B3P 1A9 50.00 Boyle Michael 202 Spinnaker Drive Halifax NS B3N 3C6 250.00 Bruneau Carol 22 Redwood Avenue Halifax NS B3P 1YA 35.00 Cameron Silver Donald 24 Armshore Drive Halifax NS B3N 1M5 150.00 Cameron Stanley 43 Albion Road Halifax NS B3P 1P8 100.00 Carr Nancy Ann 275 Purcell's Road Halifax NS B3P 1C2 100.00 Chrisarah Excavating 90 Bellefontaine Road Middle Porters Lake NS B3A 1K7 500.00 Chute Janet 870 Marlborough Woods Halifax NS B3H 1H9 50.00 Civtech Engineering & Surveying Ltd PO Box 3237, D.E.P.S. Dartmouth NS B2W 5G2 150.00 Cobequid Children's Centre 103 Cobequid Road Lower Sackville NS B4C 2N1 250.00 Conrad David 90 Bellefontaine Road Middle Porters Lake NS B3E 1K7 125.00 Costain, Twin City Electric Darrell 89 Parkwood Drive Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1P2 125.00 Crosby Charles 74 Fieldstone Street Halifax NS B3R 2N6 100.00 Cross Michael 18 Redwood Avenue Halifax NS B3P 1Y4 100.00 Crowell's Pharmacy 349 Herring Cove Road Halifax NS B3R 1V9 100.00 Davidson, Q.C. Bruce E. 6156 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3L 1A3 200.00 Deppe Horst 10 Stonewall Road Herring Cove NS B3V 1H1 60.00 Evans Richard 54 Parkhill Road Halifax NS B3P 1R5 150.00 Faught Michael 35 Beaverbank Road Lower Sackville NS B4E 1G4 125.00 Foronda - Brennan Cherie 22a Towerview Drive Halifax NS B3P 1E9 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 25 Halifax Atlantic

Michele Raymond (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Garrison Douglas 18 South Point Road Portugese Cove NS B3V 1K3 100.00 GR Myra Land Surveying Ltd 11 Carman's Drive Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1C7 200.00 Guernsey Dr Judith Read 7 Forward Avenue Halifax NS B3P 1S3 100.00 Henneberry Brian 12 Astoor Drive Eastern Passage NS B3G 1P9 125.00 Imran Syed Ali 27 Parkhill Road Halifax NS B3P 1R2 100.00 Jack Russell Trucking & Excavating PO Box 489 Westville NS B0K 2A0 125.00 Leggiadro Cynthia 27 Ocean View Drive Halifax NS B3P 2H4 200.00 Longstaff Frank 22 Rosedale Drive Dartmouth NS B3A 1L8 100.00 Lord Stella 26 Whimsical Lake Road Halifax NS B3P 2R2 50.00 MacKinlay Jerry 1947 Old Sambro Road Williamswood NS B3V 1B9 100.00 Marentette Hilary 70 Devil's Hill Road Ferguson's Cove NS B3V 1S3 100.00 McCarthy's Roofing Ltd 850 Main Street Dartmouth NS B2W 3V1 1,000.00 McNamara Gail 273 Herring Cove Road Halifax NS B3P 1M2 100.00 Miller Margaret 200 Melrose Avenue Halifax NS B3N 2E7 100.00 Parker Garry 111 Tacoma Drive Dartmouth NS B3W 3E8 1,000.00 Parker Sean RR 3 Newport NS B0N 2A0 125.00 Raymond Jacques 64 Shore Road Halifax NS B3V 1G7 100.00 Read Dr Robert M 5991 Spring Garden Road, Suite 1020 Halifax NS B3H 1Y6 200.00 Reynolds Maureen 16 Inverness Avenue Halifax NS B3P 1X7 100.00 Sambro Fisheries Ltd 40 Lenny's Lane Sambro NS B3V 1L5 100.00 Sampson David 38 Sussex Drive Halifax NS B3R 1P2 100.00 Santilli Elena 288 Purcell's Cove Road Halifax NS B3P 1C1 100.00 Saoud Michel 179 Hebridean Drive Herring Cove NS B3V 1H4 200.00 Scotia Gold Resources 73 Fernhill Drive Truro NS B2N 6A2 100.00 Turnbull Bruce W 21 Shannon Drive Truro NS B2N 3V5 300.00 Vincent Margaret 17 Wenlock Grove Halifax NS B3P 1P6 100.00 Zinck Ron 11 Inverness Avenue Halifax NS B3P 1X4 50.00 Zwicker Betty Apartment B103, 16 Anchor Drive Halifax NS B3N 3G1 50.00 8,870.00

Candidate: Anthony Rosborough Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 26 Halifax Chebucto

Candidate: David Atchison Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Misty Walker, 6522 Chebucto Rd., Apt 2, Halifax, NS B3L 1L7 Contributions: $800.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Dignan Scott 6446 Seaforth St Halifax-Chebucto NS B3L 1R5 200.00 Kennedy Deborah F 1962 Connaught Ave Halifax-Chebucto NS B3H 4E1 250.00 Ritcey David 1925 Bloomingdale Terrace Halifax-Chebucto NS B3H 4E7 100.00 Thomson Eric 6725 Peter Lowe Ave Halifax-Chebucto NS B3L 1Y7 250.00 800.00

Candidate: Howard Epstein Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Janet Brush, Unit 317, 2080 Quingate Place, Halifax, NS B3L 4R9 Contributions: $20,710.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Argand Michael 2170 Armcrescent East Halifax NS B3L 3C7 100.00 Binkley Marian 1571 Larch Street Halifax NS B3H 3W9 500.00 Black David 6447 London Street Halifax NS B3L 1X5 100.00 Block Lois 1813 Armview Terrace Halifax NS B3H 4H3 75.00 Blouin Barbara 6940 Tupper Grove Halifax NS B3H 2M6 100.00 Blouin Denault 6940 Tupper Grove Halifax NS B3H 2M6 200.00 Blum Ilya 3081 Lloyd Fox Avenue Halifax NS B3L 3V8 120.00 Botma Peter 3064 Beech Street Halifax NS B3L 2X8 112.00 Boutilier Ross 1747 Preston Street Halifax NS B3H 3V5 200.00 Brauer Friedemann 6176 Pepperell Street Halifax NS B3H 2N9 100.00 Brown Margaret 6357 Young Street Halifax NS B3L 2A2 100.00 Brown Phil 11 Harvey Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 3S6 600.00 Butt Glenda 2542 Philip Street Halifax NS B3L 3H2 200.00 Cadegan Mary 2500 Quinn Street Halifax NS B3L 37 100.00 Cameron David 1926 Prince Arthur Street Halifax NS B3H 4G9 100.00 Campbell Judith 1746 Vernon Street Halifax NS B3H 3N2 200.00 Campbell Margaret 6435 Edinburgh Street Halifax NS B3L 1W6 100.00 Candow James 2578 Oxford Street Halifax NS B3L 2T4 100.00 Catano Victor 6246 Shirley Street Halifax NS B3H 2N6 100.00 Cobden Jane 6220 Cedar Street Halifax NS B3H 2J9 100.00 Cohen M Lee 6690 Second Street Halifax NS B3L 1G3 150.00 Colbourne Michael Box 29007 Halifax NS B3L 4T8 150.00 Comiter Alvin 1262 Queen Street Halifax NS B3J 2H4 100.00 Dawson Robert 2076 Elm Street Halifax NS B3L 2Y3 100.00 Dicher Karl 6264 Yukon Street Halifax NS B3L 1G1 100.00 East Port Properties Ltd 25N - 130 Eileen Stubbs Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 2C4 250.00 Epstein Howard 1850 Vernon Street Halifax NS B3H 3N7 1,000.00 Epstein Matthew Box 11, 13781 Hwy 1, Wilmot Middleton NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Fay Donald 6137 Jubilee Road Halifax NS B3H 2E8 150.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 26 Halifax Chebucto

Howard Epstein (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Fergeson Dianne 1759 Oxford Street Halifax NS B3H 3Z8 100.00 Ferguson James 1759 Oxford Street Halifax NS B3H 3Z8 400.00 Ferguson Marjorie 2256 Harvard Street Halifax NS B3L 2S7 100.00 Fierlbeck Katherine 6288 Willow Street Halifax NS B3L 1N9 1,000.00 Fingard Judith 6061 Jubilee Road Halifax NS B3H 2E3 100.00 Fraser Sharon 6298 Duncan Street Halifax NS B3L 1K3 100.00 Ginther Glen 2408 Harward Street Halifax NS B3L 2T1 100.00 Goldberg Victor 6174 Oakland Road Halifax NS B3H 1P2 118.00 Good Jacquelyn 6921 Tupper Grove Halifax NS B3H 2M7 100.00 Greenberg Sandra 2898 Doug Smith Drive Halifax NS B3L 3T7 75.00 Guild Jim 6679 Chebucto Road Halifax NS B3L 1M6 400.00 Haase Martin PO Box 281 Chester NS B0J 1L0 100.00 Haiven Larry 5606 Morris Street Halifax NS B3J 1C2 200.00 Haley Brendan 2658 Belle Aire Terrace Halifax NS B3K 3W8 100.00 Haley Dorothy 2460 Armcrescent East Halifax NS B3L 3C7 100.00 Hall June Denise Apt 15, 6770 Jubilee Road Halifax NS B3H 2H8 100.00 Hennen Brian 106 Maplewood Drive Halifax NS B2V 2R1 100.00 Hurd Molly 6271 Summit Street Halifax NS B3L 1R6 200.00 James Margaret 1872 Garden Street Halifax NS B3H 3R6 100.00 Johnson Ian 3231 Connaught Avenue Halifax NS B3L 3A9 100.00 Jones Edward 3 Lakeside Terrace Dartmouth NS B3A 2R1 100.00 Judah Joshuan Joseph 5840 Balmoral Drive Halifax NS B3H 1A4 400.00 Kane Douglas 5530 Artillery Place, Unit 407 Halifax NS B3J 1J3 500.00 Kenchington Trevor 8765 Highway RR #1 Musquodoboit Harbour NS B0J 2L0 200.00 KM Productions 7038 Pearson Drive Halifax NS B3L 2K8 150.00 L C Acupuncture & Natural Therapy Clinic 6066 Quinpoool Street Halifax NS B3L 1A1 100.00 Large Douglas 6928 Vaughan Street Halifax NS B3L 2L8 100.00 Lee Tim 6895 Churchill Drive Halifax NS B3L 1T4 500.00 Leja Ilga 6116 Charles Street Halifax NS B3K 1L3 1,000.00 Leslie Megan 2658 Belle Aire Terrace Halifax NS B3K 3W8 200.00 Lorimer James 46 Spares Court Halifax NS B3T 1S4 100.00 MacDonald Martha 1728 Garden Street Halifax NS B3H 3R4 100.00 MacKinnon Russell 85 Brosocobel Road Halifax NS B3P 2J2 100.00 MacLachlan Mary 1850 Vernon Street Halifax NS B3H 3N7 600.00 MacLean Robin 2518 Connaught Avenue Halifax NS B3L 2Z4 100.00 MacLennan Oriel 2525 Philip Street Halifax NS B3L 3H1 400.00 MacLeod Linda 2554 Sherwood Street Halifax NS B3L 3G8 100.00 MacMillan Jane 6679 Chebucto Road Halifax NS B3L 1M6 100.00 Maley Doris 6271 Almon Street Halifax NS B3L 1V1 100.00 Maxwell Chris 2070 Quingate Place, Unit 317 Halifax NS B3L 4S1 400.00 Milton William 6357 Berlin Street Halifax NS B3L 1T4 300.00 Mitchell Bakes 2226 Harvard Street Halifax NS B3L 2S7 100.00 Moynihan Anne 7038 Pearson Drive Halifax NS B3L 2K8 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 26 Halifax Chebucto

Howard Epstein (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Mullally Peter 3201 Connolly Street Halifax NS B3L 3P4 100.00 Murray M Margaret 6964 Vaughan Street Halifax NS B3L 2M1 100.00 Nestman Lawrence 2200 Armcrescent East Halifax NS B3L 3C7 60.00 O'Halloran Daniel 6250 Oakland Road NS B3H 1P2 100.00 Pacey Elizabeth 6269 Yukon Street Halifax NS B3L 1A4 500.00 Parish Alan 5885 Spring Garden Road, Apt 6 Halifax NS B3H 1Y3 100.00 Parker Rick 2770 Robert Murphy Drive Halifax NS B3L 3T4 200.00 Pink Larkin 1583 Hollis Street, PO Box 160 Halifax NS B3J 2M4 1,000.00 Porelle Denise 6256 Duncan Street Halifax NS B3L 1K3 100.00 Power Hilda 6281 Willow Street Halifax NS B3L 1P1 100.00 Reid Philip 633 Berlin Street Halifax NS B3L 1T4 100.00 Roback David 2620 Fuller Terrace Halifax NS B3K 3V7 200.00 Robertson Allan 507 Tower Road Halifax NS B3H 2X4 100.00 Robertson Dale 22 Julie's Walk Halifax NS B3M 2Z7 100.00 Ruffman Alan 202 Ferguson Cove Road Halifax NS B3V 1L7 125.00 Schroeder David 6335 London Street Halifax NS B3L 1X2 100.00 Stockton Ron 6309 Chebucto Road Halifax NS B3L 3V8 100.00 Stroink Maartje 6246 Cedar Street Halifax NS B3H 2K2 100.00 Susnick Donna PO Box 34 Annapolis Royal NS B0S 1A0 100.00 Taiani John 6266 Willow Street Halifax NS B3L 1N9 100.00 Taylor Hilda 6334 Almon Street Halifax NS B3L 1V5 200.00 Thompson D.A. 2326 Clifton Street Halifax NS B3K 4V1 200.00 Topping C Norah 6278 Allan Street Halifax NS B3L 1G9 300.00 Wagner Raymond PO Box 192 CRPO Halifax NS B3J 2M4 100.00 Wallbridge David 2460 Harvard Street Halifax NS B3L 2T1 100.00 Webber Phyllis 2535 Roosevelt Drive Halifax NS B3L 3H9 100.00 White Cliff 5563 Black Street Halifax NS B3K 1P8 75.00 Whitley Raymond 1746 Vernon Street Halifax NS B3H 3N2 200.00 Williams Rick 6429 Norwood Street Halifax NS B3H 2L4 100.00 Woodman F.L. 2567 MacDonald Street Halifax NS B3L 3G3 300.00 Wright Jane 2428 Robie Street Halifax NS B3K 4M7 100.00 Yaser Harold 1919 Bloomingdale Terrace Halifax NS B3H 4E7 500.00 20,710.00

Candidate: Chris Hanlon Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 26 Halifax Chebucto

Candidate: Jane Spurr Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Andrea Hilchio-Pye, 2631 Dublin Street, Halifax, NS B3I 3J6 Contributions: $15,850.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Abbass Jay PO Box 2542 Stn M Halifax NS B3J 3N5 250.00 Abraham-Pace Louise 12 Saraguay Place Halifax NS B3P 2N9 100.00 Avonton Enterprises Inc 846 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 2E4 200.00 Barkhouse Alan 1791 Rosebank Avenue Halifax NS B3H 4C5 100.00 Bobyk Valeria 204-2393 Robie Street Halifax NS B3L 1R2 100.00 Brown Terry 2750 George Dauphenie Halifax NS B3L 3S6 50.00 Cameron David 15 St. Margaret's Bay Rd. Halifax NS B3N 1J2 150.00 Carroll Julie Anne 371 Crows Nest Drive Halifax NS B3H 3X6 200.00 Clancy Mary 709-5959 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3H 1Y5 250.00 Connell Peter 6489 Jubilee Halifax NS B3H 3H5 250.00 Covert Susan 371 Crows Nest Drive Halifax NS B3H 3X6 500.00 Cowan Jim 1558 Parkwood Terrace Halifax NS BE4 4G3 100.00 Cowan Robert 2031 Quinn Halifax NS B3L 3E5 200.00 Cowan Shelagh 1558 Parkwood Terrace Halifax NS B3H 4G3 100.00 Cunningham Elizabeth 6224 North Street Halifax NS B3L 1P5 75.00 Davis Jim 116 Queen Street Bridgewater NS B4V 1T4 100.00 Diab Lena 20 Houda Court Halifax NS B3M 4S3 100.00 Dickey Eleanor Joyce Suite 202, 1350 Oxford Street Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 25.00 Doucet George 2532 Sherwood Street Halifax NS B3L 3G8 100.00 Dunphy Sheila 2256 Newton Avenue Halifax NS B3L 3C2 300.00 Eastport Properties 25N 130 Eileen Studies Dartmouth NS B3B 2C4 250.00 Edwards Carole 2151 Brunswick Street Halifax NS B3K 2Y4 100.00 Edwards Rick 6315 Willow Steet Halifax NS B3L 1P1 150.00 Fraser David 6389 Seaforth Halifax NS B3L 1R2 100.00 Fraser Joan 6389 Seaforth Halifax NS B3L 1R2 250.00 Fraser Sandy 2690 Oxford Halifax NS B3L 2V1 200.00 Fry Stephen 2057 Poplar Street Halifax NS B3L 2Y6 100.00 Godsoe Dale 506-1041 Wellington St Halifax NS 100.00 Graham Diann 80 Windmill Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1C7 150.00 Grette Lydon Rosalee 1123 Cartaret Street Halifax NS B3H 3P2 100.00 Hart Tom 1942 Bloomingdale Terrace Halifax NS B3H 4E5 250.00 Hayes Larry 1300-1969 Upper Water St Halifax NS B3J 3R7 100.00 Hayes Susan 3181 Hemlock Street Halifax NS 50.00 Hayes Tom 6095 Coburg Road, Unit 302 Halifax NS B3H 4K1 125.00 Hilchie-Pye Andrea 2631 Dublin Street Halifax NS B3L 3J6 100.00 Hum Bernie PO Box 8861 Stn A Halifax NS B3K 5M5 100.00 Ipe Chris 6269 Windcrest Terrace Halifax NS B3L 1T3 100.00 Jack & Co Ltd PO Box 367 Halifax NS B3J 2P8 100.00 Jamieson Darlene 702-1550 Dresdon Row Halifax NS 200.00 Lerue Anna 2700 Oxford Steet Halifax NS B3L 2V1 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 26 Halifax Chebucto

Jane Spurr (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Lydon Lynch Architects Ltd 1672 Barrington Street Halifax NS B3J 2A2 50.00 M & R Engineering 5531 Cornwallis Street Halifax NS B3K 1B3 75.00 MacDonald Eileen Eileen MacDonald in Trust, 1730 Pryor St Halifax NS B3H 2G8 100.00 MacDonald Madonna 2085 Bouer Street Halifax NS B3K 2W3 250.00 MacDonald William 23 Downs Avenue Halifax NS B3L 3G5 150.00 MacDonnell Grouup 1505 Barrington Street, Suite 1100 Halifax NS B3J 3K5 300.00 MacKenzie Shelley 49a Parkhill Halifax NS B3P 1R4 50.00 MacKinnon Martin 2878 Yukon Street Halifax NS B3L 1G1 150.00 MacLeod Susan 3237 Connaught Halifax NS B3L 3A9 250.00 Mago Ram 1780 Pryor Street Halifax NS B3H 4G8 100.00 Malloy Adrienne 3219 Ralston Halifax NS B3L 4A7 250.00 McGillivray Maurice PO Box 1200, Stn Main Dartmouth NS B3Y 4B8 100.00 McKinnon Kenzie 2710 Gottingen Street Halifax NS B3K 3C7 500.00 McLeod Helen 272D Waverley Road Dartmouth NS B2X 2C6 100.00 McNamara Colleen 75 Hardisty Court Dartmouth NS B2V 1K8 300.00 McPherson John 6167 Charles Street Halifax NS 1,000.00 Meade Catherine 507-5839 Cunard Street Halifax NS B3K 0B9 550.00 Metlej Anthony 6957 Armview Avenue Halifax NS B3H 2M5 75.00 Mitchell & Ferguson Law Inc PO Box 9134 Halifax NS B3K 5M7 200.00 Naylor Meredith PO Box 839 Pictou NS 50.00 Nolan Maureen 1335 Edinburgh Halifax NS B3L 1W3 200.00 O'Regan James 1935 Cambridge Halifax NS B3H 24B1 500.00 Paquette Wendy 601-5234 Morris Street Halifax NS 500.00 Peppermint Properties 6190 Jubilee Road Halifax NS B3H 2G1 500.00 Powroz Bill 5463 Kaye Street Halifax NS B3K 1Y4 50.00 Reynolds John 6285 Jubilee Road Halifax NS B3H 2G6 100.00 Robertson Judith 39 Reserve Road Halifax NS B3P 2B3 50.00 Rosalee Courage 1636 Highway 329, RR #1 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Salsbury John PO Box 33122 RPO Quinpool Centre Halifax NS B3L 4T6 100.00 Scott Carolyn 1248 Cow Bay Road Cow Bay NS 100.00 Shoveller Joan 707-5770 Spring Garden Halifax NS B3H 4J0 100.00 Smith Margaret Apt 219, 5885 Spring Garden Halifax NS B3H 1Y3 500.00 Spurr Jane 6287 Seaforth Halifax NS B3L 1R2 1,250.00 Sterns Scott 2490 MacDonald Halifax NS B3L 3G5 100.00 Trainor Margaret 5885 Cunnart St, Apt 1109 Halifax NS B3K 1E3 25.00 Vaughan Phil 1645 Vernon Street Halifax NS B3H 3M9 250.00 Waterhouse Linda 3232 Henish Avenue Halifax NS B3L 3Y6 100.00 Weeks Thomas 1350 Oxford, Apt 301 Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 100.00 Wood Jody 2701 Oxford Halifax NS B3L 2T9 50.00 Wright Hugh 6230 Oakland Road Halifax NS B3H 1P2 400.00 Wright Jane 2428 Robie Street Halifax NS B3K 4M7 100.00 Zambolin Linda 114 Regal Road Dartmouth NS B2W 4H8 100.00 15,850.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 27 Halifax Citadel-Sable Island

Candidate: Ted Larsen Recognized Party: PC Official agent: Rob Jeffery, 217-3700 John Parr Drive, Halifax, NS B3K 5L4 Contributions: $19,730.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Amoldi Nancy 2018 Bauer Street, Unit 4 Halifax NS B3K 3W3 50.00 Anwar of Canada Limited 290 Main Ave, #103 Halifax NS B3M 3V3 75.00 Archibald Anthony 34 Edward Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 4M1 50.00 Armco Capital Inc 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Armstrong Gary 15 Botany Terrace Halifax NS B3N 2Z6 100.00 Bethune Helen 208-1350 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 200.00 Black Andrew 2082 Brunswick Street Halifax NS B3K 2Y8 100.00 Black William 1705-1550 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 4A2 1,200.00 Bower Anthony 92 Bayview Road Halifax NS B3M 1N9 400.00 Bryson Peter 1385 Lemarchant Street Halifax NS B3H 3P8 500.00 Campbell Colin 1010-5959 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 1Y5 200.00 Clarke Lorne 4-1350 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 200.00 Clarke Paul 59 MacIntosh Rd Halifax NS B4E 3B3 250.00 Coleman Grahame 1572 Larch St Halifax NS B3H 3W8 250.00 Coles Joyce 596 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V5 250.00 Conrad John 881 Marlborough Wood Halifax NS B3H 1H9 500.00 Cooper Cynthia H 972 Lindola Place Halifax NS B3H 4M1 500.00 Cooper George 972 Lindola Place Halifax NS B3H 4M1 500.00 Coveyduck Clay 202-5432 Doyle St Halifax NS B3J 1H9 250.00 Cox William 817 Tower Road Halifax NS B3H 2Y1 200.00 Craig John 5885 Spring Garden Rd, P3 Halifax NS B3H 1Y3 200.00 Dennis Graham 1790 Bloomingdale Terr Halifax NS B3H 4E5 200.00 Dobson Carol 45-5222 Green Street Halifax NS B3K 1N7 50.00 Donahoe Art 13-6770 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2H8 500.00 Dumaresq J Philip 1009-5959 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 1Y5 50.00 Edgecombe John 1080 Ridgewood Drive Halifax NS B3H 3Y4 300.00 Eldorado Realty Ltd 937 Wimwick Road Halifax NS B3H 4L5 250.00 Ellis Doreen 1158 Dalhousie St Halifax NS B3H 3W6 50.00 Farquhar Karen 1966 Parkwood Terrace Halifax NS B3H 4G3 30.00 Fram Audrey 825 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V8 100.00 Fram Kennedy 825 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V8 100.00 Fraser Hugh 6070 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2E5 200.00 Gaston Chagnon Property Ltd 1185 Tower Rd Halifax NS B3H 2Y7 600.00 Geovex Investments Limited 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Giacomantonio Michael 1612 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Z4 200.00 Grant Judith 5914 Chain Rock Drive Halifax NS B3H 1A1 500.00 Grant Margaret 5831 Chain Rock Dr Halifax NS B3H 1A2 100.00 Greene Stephen 803-1074 Wellington St Halifax NS B3H 2Z8 150.00 Halifax Co. Condon Corp #44 290 Main Ave, #103 Halifax NS B3M 3V3 50.00 Halifax Optometry Clinic Inc 1591 Brunswick St Halifax NS B3J 2G1 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 27 Halifax Citadel-Sable Island

Ted Larsen (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Hayman Joanne 6307 Oakland Rd Halifax NS B3H 1P4 250.00 Hyndman JC 5431 Doyle Street, #205 Halifax NS B3J 1H9 250.00 Irving Sasha 309-1314 Tower Road Halifax NS B3H 4S7 100.00 Kitchen Nancy 5987 Emscote Dr Halifax NS B3H 1B3 250.00 Konlak Michael 6146 Pepperell Street Halifax NS B3H 2N9 250.00 Larsen Edward 1632 Oxford St Halifax NS B3J 3C8 1,100.00 Leighton Professional Corp Ltd 1485 Birchdale Ave Halifax NS B3H 4E4 500.00 Lund Michael 5668 Ogilvie St Halifax NS B3H 1C1 100.00 Lydon Chris 1123 Cartaret St Halifax NS B3H 3P2 200.00 MacDonald Joseph 2915 Somerset Ave Halifax NS B3L 3Z4 250.00 Machum D Geoffrey 885 Marlborough Wood Halifax NS B3H 1H9 300.00 MacLean Donald 3-6770 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2H8 200.00 MacPherson John 6059 William St Halifax NS B3K 1G1 100.00 McCrea Joanne 955 Bellevue Ave Halifax NS B3H 3L8 500.00 McCrea Kimberly 1039 Marlborough Wood Halifax NS B3H 3H2 100.00 Mendleson Financial Incorporated Suite R25, 6960 Mumford Rd Halifax NS B3L 4P1 100.00 Mitchell & Ferguson Law Inc PO Box 9134 Halifax NS B3K 5M7 200.00 Moreira A William 93 Bayview Road Halifax NS B3M 1N8 200.00 Moreira Judith 1074 Wellington St, Apt 704 Halifax NS B3H 2Z8 100.00 Nickerson Stephanie 1247 Wright Ave Halifax NS B3J 1C6 100.00 Norve Harald 1222 Robie St Halifax NS B3H 3C9 150.00 Palmeter Diane 5980 Armview Ave Halifax NS B3H 2M4 50.00 Patrick Michael Brian 29 Tidewater Lane Head of St Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 2G7 50.00 Pittson Paul 1597 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Z3 200.00 Puglsey Joan 1350 Oxford St, Apt 310 Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 100.00 Purves Jane 5529 Hennessey Pl Halifax NS B3K 2A7 250.00 Rafuse Richard 5910 Inglewood Dr Halifax NS B3H 1B1 300.00 Read Catherine 6039 Fernwood Lane Halifax NS B3H 0A5 1,000.00 Reardon David 8-6770 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2H8 200.00 Schram Wayne 1619 Cambridge St Halifax NS B3H 4A5 300.00 Schwenker Kevin 1355 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 2J9 100.00 Smith Rob 2282 Waverly Rd Halifax NS B3R 1Z1 150.00 Snider Carol 6770 Jubilee Rd, Suite 8 Halifax NS B3H 2H8 250.00 Spatz Jim 100-1475 Lower Water St Halifax NS B3J 3Z2 250.00 Stirling Laird 98 Chappell St Dartmouth NS B3A 3P8 50.00 Strum Ann 3-1350 Oxford Street Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 100.00 Templeton Place Limited 290 Main Ave, #103 Halifax NS B3M 3V3 75.00 Walker Barbara 31-1350 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 200.00 Waye George 6449 Coburg Road Halifax NS B3H 2A6 200.00 19,730.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 27 Halifax Citadel-Sable Island

Candidate: Leonard Preyra Recognized Party: NDP Official agent: Peter Glenister, 47 Melwood Avenue, Halifax, NS B3N 1E4 Contributions: $21,355.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Armour Van 6984 Prince Arthur St Halifax NS B3H 4H1 200.00 Asbell Clarke Jordis 6208 Regina Terr Halifax NS B3H 1N5 1,000.00 Baker Michelle 537 Tower Rd Halifax NS B3H 2X4 100.00 Barnard Margaret 6281 Payzant Ave Halifax NS B3H 2B2 60.00 Bennett Margaret 1313 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 2J9 120.00 Blum Ilya 3081 Lloyd Fox Ave Halifax NS B3L 3V8 120.00 Bowes Nancy 6287 Duncanc St Halifax NS B3L 1R4 75.00 Brodie Paul 316 Kennedy's Rd Boutilier's Point NS B3Z 1V7 100.00 Burns Steven 1535 Lilac St Halifax NS B3H 2W4 200.00 Catano Victor 6246 Shirley St Halifax NS B3H 2N6 100.00 Chew Milton 1648 Chestnut St. Halifax NS B3H 3T4 200.00 Colpitts Bill #1006, 1470 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 3A3 100.00 Comiter Alvin 1262 Queen St. Halifax NS B3J 2H4 100.00 Copnter Howard 5994 Campbell Dr. Halifax NS B3H 1E3 500.00 Couban Stephen 770 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V7 250.00 Couert Tim 27 Grindstone Dr. Halifax NS B3R 0A5 80.00 Crooks Shelagh 932 Marlborough Ave Halifax NS B3H 3G8 100.00 Cummings Joan #710, 5959 Spring Garden Rd. Halifax NS B3H 1Y5 100.00 Daigle Richard #103, 6190 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2G1 100.00 Davis Bernard 5526 Falkland St Halifax NS B3K 1A3 120.00 Dawson Joan 941 Greenwood Ave Halifax NS B3H 3L1 100.00 Delefes Peter 68 Mason's Point Rd. Head St. Margarets NS B32 2A8 100.00 Develin Richard 5859 Point Pleasant Dr Halifax NS B3H 1B7 100.00 Dobrowolsky Alexandra 5859 Point Pleasant Dr Halifax NS B3H 1B7 100.00 East Port Properties Ltd 25N, 130 Eileen Stubbs Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 2C4 250.00 Falk Michael 1591 Conrose Ave Halifax NS B3H 4C4 100.00 Foote David 106 Rosewood Lane Eastern Passage NS B3G 1B2 100.00 Friedrich Rainer 1590 Robie St Halifax NS B3H 3E6 300.00 Geertjes-Ross G.E. 840 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V7 500.00 Genest Myles 1585 Vernon St. Halifax NS B3H 3M8 120.00 Ghegin Roger 3181 Agricola St Halifax NS B3K 4G7 200.00 Ghose Tarunendu 444 Francklyn St Halifax NS B3H 1A9 120.00 Gillespie Cornelius 1571 Edward St Halifax NS B3H 3H8 200.00 Gillespie Rose 1571 Edward St Halifax NS B3H 3H8 200.00 Glenister Peter 47 Melwood Ave Halifax NS B3N 1E4 250.00 Goldberg Jon #57, 1551 South Park St Halifax NS B3H 4B4 100.00 Goldberg Victor 6174 Oakland Rd Halifax NS B3H 1P2 300.00 Grantmyre Dorothy #2003, 5770 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 4J8 100.00 Grantmyre Jane 6525 Waegwoltic Ave Halifax NS B3H 2B5 120.00 Grice Michael 1329 Brenton St Halifax NS B3J 2K5 120.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 27 Halifax Citadel-Sable Island

Leonard Preyra (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Haase Rudi P.O. Box 281 Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Haiven Judith 5606 Morris St Halifax NS B3J 1C2 200.00 Haley Hugh #406, 1326 Lower Water St Halifax NS B3J 3R3 200.00 Halifax Optometry Clinic Inc 1591 Brunswick St Halifax NS B3J 2G1 200.00 Hall June #15, 6770 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2H8 100.00 Hanely Eric 1559 Lemarchang St Halifax NS B3H 3R2 1,000.00 Harmer Jacqueline 1657 Walnut St. Halifax NS B3H 353 300.00 Houston James 6175 Cedar St Halifax NS B3H 2J8 200.00 Jackson Anthony #601, 6095 Coburg Rd Halifax NS B3H 4R1 100.00 Johnson Madeleine 6278 Oakland Rd Halifax NS B3H 1P2 150.00 Katadotis Peter #606, 1470 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 3A3 250.00 Keans Murray #112, 1550 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 4A2 250.00 Keeble Edna #708, 1343 Hollis St Halifax NS B3J 1T8 100.00 Langille Joyce #207, 5157 Morris St Halifax NS B3J 3P2 1,000.00 Larking Raymond 6640 South St Halifax NS B3H 1V2 1,000.00 Leblanc Rosanne 3181 Agricola St Halifax NS B3K 4G7 200.00 Lee Fay 6164 Regina Terr Halifax NS B3H 1N5 120.00 Lewis Shirlean #702, 119 tower Rd Halifax NS B3H 4H5 100.00 Lingras Pawan 47 Jon Jacques Court Bedford NS B4A 4H1 100.00 Liss Wendy 20 Summit St. Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A2 100.00 MacNeil Wallace #605, 990 McLean St Halifax NS B3H 2V1 100.00 Majka Chris 6252 Jubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2G5 60.00 Mason Waye 1580- Vernon St Halifax NS B3H 3M7 100.00 Matthews Jim 770 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V7 250.00 McDonough Alexandra #402, 1544 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4S1 200.00 McDonough Justin 1581 Conrose Ave Halifax NS B3H 4C4 250.00 McDougall Karen #204, 1650 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 250.00 McNairn Muriel #1304, 1470 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 3A3 60.00 Michaud Yvette 956 Brussels St Halifax NS B3H 2T1 300.00 Morash William 6299 Payzant Ave Halifax NS B3H 2B2 500.00 Murphy Terrance 3213 Mayfield Ave Halifax NS B3L 4B4 100.00 Nielsen Andrew #201, 5251 South St Halifax NS B3H 4B2 300.00 O'Brien Nancy #306, 1540 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 100.00 O'Halloran Mary 6250 Oakland Rd Halifax NS B3H 1P2 100.00 Pacey Elizabeth 6269 Yukon St Halifax NS B3L 1E9 300.00 Petersen Drake #33, 1448 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 2K7 200.00 Piorro Adam 2343 Clifton St Halifax NS B3K 4T9 100.00 Piper David 756 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V7 200.00 Poirier Mark 890 Marlborough Wood Halifax NS B3H 1H9 120.00 Porter Steele Nancy #706, 6095 Coburg Rd Halifax NS B3H 4K1 60.00 Rankin Carol #309, 5530 Artillery Place Halifax NS B3J 1J3 100.00 Reid John 961 Ivanhoe St Halifax NS B3H 2X2 120.00 Robaczewski Maria 879 Greenwood Ave Halifax NS B3H 3K7 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 27 Halifax Citadel-Sable Island

Leonard Preyra (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Robertson Allan 507 Tower Rd Halifax NS B3H 2X4 100.00 Scott Wendy #1, 1187 Queen St Halifax NS B3H 2S4 120.00 Sharpe James 6231 Watt St Halifax NS B3H 2B9 100.00 Shaw Olive 6315 Duncan St Halifax NS B3L 1K4 120.00 Shaw Robert #401, 1540 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 150.00 Sinclair Alasdair 6422 Ubilee Rd Halifax NS B3H 2H1 200.00 Sinha Dinesh 877 Tower Rd Halifax NS B3H 2Y1 100.00 Spatz Jim #100, 1475 Lower Water St Halifax NS B3J 3Z2 1,000.00 Stuttard Coin 1695 Edward St Halifax NS B3H 3J2 120.00 Taylor James 1657 Walnut St. Halifax NS B3H 3Z3 200.00 Thomas Geraldine 2685 Swaine St. Halifax NS B3L 3R6 60.00 Thompson Valerie 6126 South St Halifax NS B3H 1T3 100.00 Trecartin Ann 1039 Bland St Halifax NS B3H 2S7 120.00 Vaisey Douglas 1681 Fairfield Rd Halifax NS B3H 4E8 120.00 Vigneault Margie 5476 Clyde St Halifax NS B3J 1E2 100.00 Vining Leo 6121 Regina Terr Halifax NS B3H 1N4 200.00 Wallbridge David 2460 Harvard St Halifax NS B3L 2T1 400.00 Walter Susan 7 Piers Ave Halifax NS B3N 1Z2 100.00 Whitby Florence #303, 5885 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3H 1Y3 200.00 Williams Rick 6429 Norwood St Halifax NS B3H 2L4 200.00 Wilson Budge 37 Southwest Coue Rd Northwest Cove NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Young Hubert #710, 1326 Lower Water St Halifax NS B3J 3R3 300.00 Young Nicola 5740 Atlantic St Halifax NS B3H 1G9 200.00 21,355.00

Candidate: Gerry Walsh Recognized Party: NSLP Official agent: Jim Horwich, 362 Lacewood Drive, #205, Halifax, NS B3S 1M7 Contributions: $29,089.48 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount AB FAB Fine Foods Inc. 6084 Fraser Street Halifax NS B3H 1R6 184.54 Abraham Alan R 1586 Queen Street Halifax NS B3J 2J1 50.00 Avonton Enterprises Inc 140 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 2E4 250.00 Awad Michelle 33 Bridgeview Dr Halifax NS B3P 1E7 250.00 Bell & Grant Insurance Specialists 6380 Lady Hammond Rd, PO Box 8 Halifax NS B3J 2L4 100.00 Bennett Paul 1005 Beaufort Ave Halifax NS B3H 3Y1 500.00 Black Lorraine 1705-1550 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 4A2 250.00 Blandford Gary 32 Lakeview Dr, PO Box 3460 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 500.00 Blom Alice 85 Spinnaker Drive, Apt 112 Halifax NS B3N 3E3 100.00 Blom Gerald 85 Spinnaker Drive, Apt 112 Halifax NS B3N 3E3 100.00 Blom Robert 872 Purcell's Cove Road Halifax NS B3V 1G3 100.00 Boutilier Clarence 1969 Upper Water St, Suite 1500 Halifax NS B3J 5R7 100.00 Burke Joseph 1550 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 4A2 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 27 Halifax Citadel-Sable Island

Gerry Walsh (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Carrigan Owen 6112 Coburg Road Halifax NS B3H 1Z4 100.00 Chaisson Maurice 610 Tower Road Halifax NS B3H 2X7 184.54 Clow Shelley 1477 Lower Water St, Suite 457 Halifax NS B3J 3Z4 250.00 Comeau Michel 851 Tower Road Halifax NS B3H 2Y1 100.00 Compass Commercial Realty 3700 Kempt Rd, Suite 100 Halifax NS B3K 4X8 200.00 Conrod Peter 5926 Bilton Lane Halifax NS B3H 4M3 500.00 Cormier Michael 52 Kingsbury Way Bedford NS B4A 4M5 250.00 Covert Susan 371 Crows Nest Dr Halifax NS B3H 3Y6 500.00 Craig E Brenda 5959 Spring Garden Rd, Apt 903 Halifax NS B3H 1Y5 100.00 Dawe Wade 103 Shaughnessy Place Bedford NS B4A 0A1 1,000.00 Deacon Colin 5555 Atlantic Street Halifax NS B3H 1G6 200.00 Dorey Layton 8 Birchview Drive Halifax NS B3P 2N1 250.00 East Port Properties Limited 25N-130 Eileen Stubbs Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 2C4 250.00 Fairwyn Developments Limited PO Box 2557, Station Central Halifax NS B3J 3N5 200.00 Ferguson Allan 1160 Blemont on the Arm Halifax NS B3H 1J3 250.00 Flemming Brian 1470 Summer St, Apt 1406 Halifax NS B3H 3A3 100.00 Fraser & Hoyt 91 Archimedes St, PO Box 489 New Glasgow NS B3H 5E5 250.00 Gamble Wayne 1801 Hollis St, Suite 420 Halifax NS B3J 3N4 500.00 Gardiner Karen 610 Tower Road Halifax NS B3H 2X7 300.00 Geosam Investments Limited 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Geovex Investments Limited 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Godsoe Dale 1041 Wellington St, Apt 506 Halifax NS B3H 4P5 200.00 Goldbloom Ruth 1104-1550 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 4A2 100.00 Graham David 1021 Belmont on the Arm Halifax NS B3H 1J2 184.54 Green Peter 3841 Mont Blanc Terr. Halifax NS B3K 6R3 184.54 Halifax Optometry Clinic Inc 1591 Brunswick St Halifax NS B3J 2G1 200.00 Hart June 959 Ritchie Drive Halifax NS B3H 3P4 100.00 Hart Tom 1942 Bloomingdale Terr Halifax NS B3H 4E5 184.54 Hayes Lawrence PO Box 1561, Stn Central Halifax NS B3J 2Y3 150.00 Hayes Thomas 1095 Coburg Rd, Unit 302 Halifax NS B3H 4K1 250.00 Hayes Development Ltd. 1546 Chestnut St. Halifax NS B3H 3T1 184.54 Hayward Mary 11 Springvale Ave, Suite 414 Halifax NS B3N 0A3 100.00 Hayward William 11 Springvale Ave, Suite 414 Halifax NS B3N 0A3 100.00 Himmelman Michael 6 McNab Drive Halifax NS B3P 2T1 100.00 Hodder Cheryl 3858 Rockhead Court Halifax NS B3K 6B5 200.00 Hussain Syed 1046 Barrington St, 3rd Floor Halifax NS B3H 2R1 1,000.00 IH Mathers & Son Ltd 1525 Birmingham Street Halifax NS B3J 2J6 500.00 Jack & Co Ltd. P.O. Box 367 Halifax NS B3J 2P8 184.54 Jain Rakesh 5926 Rogers Drive Halifax NS B3H 1G1 200.00 Kelley Robert 5561 Heatherwood Court Halifax NS B3K 5N7 50.00 Killam Properties Inc 3700 Kempt Rd, Suite 100 Halifax NS B3K 4X8 150.00 Kingston Stephen 1552 Robie Street Halifax NS B3H 3E6 50.00 Kinley C Edwin 1470 Summer St, Suite 1603 Halifax NS B3H 3A3 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 27 Halifax Citadel-Sable Island

Gerry Walsh (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Laurence Craig 1684 Preston Street Halifax NS B3H 3V3 50.00 Lee Robin 6164 Regina Terrace Halifax NS B3H 1N5 100.00 MacDonald Colin 1414 Thornvale Ave Halifax NS B3H 4C2 1,000.00 MacLaren Tom 5915 Bilton Lane Halifax NS B3H 4M3 500.00 MacLellan Brian PO Box 1054, Stn Central Halifax NS B3J 2X6 684.54 MacVicar Donald 5880 Chain Rock Dr Halifax NS B3H 1A1 200.00 Martin Rachel 1127 Dalhousie Street Halifax NS B3H 3W5 500.00 McCulloch Roderick 800 Franklyn Street Halifax NS B3H 4K3 200.00 Meade Catherine 507-5839 Cunard St Halifax NS B3K 0B9 100.00 Napier Matthew 801 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V8 400.00 Nicholl David 207-26 Brockdale Cres Dartmouth NS B3A 2R5 100.00 Nichols Jeremy 2524 Highway 1, PO Box 155 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 50.00 O'Regan James 1935 Cambridge Street Halifax NS B3H 4B1 500.00 Pink Ronald 5930 Balmoral Road Halifax NS B3H 1A6 1,000.00 Presse William 905 Marlborough Wood Halifax NS B3H 1H9 500.00 Provincial Realty Company Limited PO Box 2344 Halifax NS B3J 3C8 500.00 Raine Ed 2016 Langille Drive Coldbrook NS B4R 1C3 75.00 Rankin Donald 201 Walter Havill Dr, Apt 101 Halifax NS B3N 3J4 100.00 Reid Daniel 5270 Harvey Street Halifax NS B3J 1A7 100.00 Ritcey Deborah 1628 Cambridge Halifax NS B3H 4A7 1,000.00 Ritchfam Holdings Limited 926 Marlborough Ave Halifax NS B3H 3G8 200.00 Ross Dr J B 1479 Lower Water St, Apt 406 Halifax NS B3J 3Z3 100.00 Rossiter Philip 9 Brookdale Cres Dartmouth NS B3A 2R3 250.00 Salsman Dean 1470 Summer St, Apt 403 Halifax NS B3H 3A3 184.54 Salsman Evelyn 1470 Summer St, Apt 403 Halifax NS B3H 3A3 100.00 Schoales Melissa 1153 Studley Ave. Halifax NS B3H 3R8 184.54 Schwenker Kevin 1355 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 2J9 100.00 Shoveller Joan 707-5770 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3H 4J8 100.00 Smith Ann 5885 Spring Garden Rd, Apt 611 Halifax NS B3H 1Y3 100.00 Smith Christopher 6620 Norwood Street Halifax NS B3H 2L9 500.00 Smith Jane 1137 Beaufort Ave Halifax NS B3H 3Y3 200.00 Smith John 1333 South Park St, Apt 1916 Halifax NS B3J 2K9 200.00 Smith Marion 5885 Spring Garden Rd, Apt 911 Halifax NS B3H 1Y3 100.00 Spatz Jim 100-1475 Lower Water St Halifax NS B3J 3Z2 500.00 Taylor Sharon 715-5515 Victoria Road Halifax NS B3H 4J9 100.00 The Hardman Group Limited 1226 Hollis Street Halifax NS B3J 1T6 250.00 Trussler Christina 1720 Bloomingdale Terr Halifax NS B3H 4E5 500.00 Tupper Douglas 1655 Cambridge Street Halifax NS B3H 4A5 400.00 Vaughan J Philip 1645 Vernon Street Halifax NS B3H 3M9 100.00 Weeks Thomas 1350 Oxford Street, Apt 301 Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 100.00 Wells Judith 6095 Coburg Rd, Suite 401 Halifax NS B3H 4K1 300.00 White Burgess Langille Inman 26 Union Street, 2nd Floor Bedford NS B4A 2B5 250.00 Wilson James 6317 York Street Halifax NS B3H 2K6 184.54 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 27 Halifax Citadel-Sable Island

Gerry Walsh (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Wilson David 2160 Newton Ave Halifax NS B3L 3B9 200.00 Wilson Rodney 1052 Bland Street Halifax NS B3K 2S8 150.00 Wilson Rose 6463 Coburg Road Halifax NS B3H 2A6 184.54 Wright Hugh 6230 Oakland Road Halifax NS B3H 1P2 300.00 Young John 5431 Doyle St, Apt. 206 Halifax NS B3J 1H9 500.00 Zatzman Michael 5540 Gorsebrook Ave Halifax NS B3H 1G2 1,000.00 Zed Robert 6151 Oakland Road Halifax NS B3H 1P3 500.00 29,089.48 Candidate: Ryan Watson Recognized Party: GPNS Official agent: John Maden, 2504 Windsor Street, Halifax, NS B3K 5C1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 28 Halifax Clayton Park

Candidate: Jonathan Dean Recognized Party: IND Official Agent: Kirk O'Connell, 1391 Henry Street Apt 7, Halifax, NS B3H 3J7 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Amanda Hester Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Debbie Hum Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Jim Melvin, 28 Ravine Park Cres., Halifax, NS B3M 4N1 Contributions: $10,225.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3232853 Nova Scotia Limited 6017 Quinpool Rd Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Adams Stephen 62 Millrun Cres Bedford NS B4A 1H7 100.00 Baillie Jamie 152 Brooke St Halifax NS B3N 2B1 200.00 Bugden Claude 7 Sandhurst Close Halifax NS B3M 3R1 100.00 Burchell MacDougall 710 Prince St Truro NS B2N 1H5 100.00 Centa Luigi 42 Laurentide Dr Halifax NS B3M 2N1 100.00 Clayton Developments Limited 255 Lacewood Dr, Ste 100C Halifax NS B3M 4G2 300.00 Cole Linda 301 Lacewood Dr, Ste 419 Halifax NS B3M 4L1 50.00 Conservative Women's Caucus of NS 6136 Duncan Street Halifax NS B3L 1K2 1,000.00 E.L.P. Marketing Ltd 32 McQuade Lake Crescent Halifax NS B3S 1B6 200.00 Fares Wadih 18 Broadholme Lane Halifax NS B3M 3B7 500.00 Haven Manor Inc 2 Samuel Terrace Halifax NS B3N 3A2 100.00 Jacobs Kurt 161 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 3Z8 500.00 Khokhar David 14 Stockleigh Place Halifax NS B3M 4K4 50.00 Khosla Rakesh 35 Clayton Park Dr Halifax NS B3M 1L5 100.00 Killam Properties Inc 3700 Kempt Rd, Ste 100 Halifax NS B3K 4X8 150.00 Larsen Kris 55 Meadowbank Cres Halifax NS B3M 3R2 200.00 MacDonald Ronald 19 Sherbrooke Dr Halifax NS B3M 1P5 200.00 Maddelena Michael 47 Peace Court Halifax NS B3N 3K4 100.00 McGrath Mary A 24 Hamshaw Dr Halifax NS B3M 2H1 125.00 Melvin Jim 28 Ravine Park Cres Halifax NS B3M 4N1 200.00 Miller Dick 1 Chessvale Close Halifax NS B3M 4C2 200.00 Moore John 41 Castlehill Dr Halifax NS B3M 3A4 500.00 Munroe John 169 Regency Park Dr, ste 614 Halifax NS B3S 1P4 500.00 Munroe Moira 169 Regency Park Dr, ste 614 Halifax NS B3S 1P4 500.00 O'Conner Diane 62 Wedgewood Ave Halifax NS B3M 2B5 1,000.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 28 Halifax Clayton Park

Debbie Hum (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Phinney Bruce 25 Wedgewood Ave Halifax NS B3M 2B2 1,000.00 Rankin Ian 52 Tangmere Cres Halifax NS B3M 1K1 200.00 Robinson Karen 13 Tremont Dr Halifax NS B3M 1X8 50.00 Scotia Signs Limited 298 Cobequid Rd Lower Sackville NS B4C 4C5 500.00 Stevens Hilda PO Box 29100, RPO Hal Shopping Centre Halifax NS B3L 4T8 100.00 Tannous George 2 Kelvin Grove Halifax NS B3M 3Y9 500.00 Thomson Eric 6725 Peter Lowe Ave Halifax NS B3L 1Y7 250.00 Welford Philipp 334 Bedford Highway Halifax NS B3M 2K9 50.00 10,225.00

Candidate: Linda Power Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Neil McNeil, 1030 South Park St., Apt 607, Halifax, NS B3H 2W3 Contributions: $18,965.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Andriani Ivano 8 Bayswater Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 4E1 500.00 Andriani Patricia 8 Bayswater Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 4E1 500.00 Bailey Jo-Ann 8 Cottage Road Halifax NS B3N 1H3 150.00 Baldwin Jeannie RR2 Box 6 Site 3 Chester NS B01 1J0 100.00 Balnchard Greg 449 Portland Hills Dr, Apt 411 Dartmouth NS B2W 6R9 100.00 Beaton Mary 125 MacLeod Ave New Waterford NS B1H 1J7 100.00 Beaver Art 100 Eileen Stubbs Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1Y6 100.00 Bernard Joanne 304 Oceanview Dr Bedford NS B4A 4H4 40.00 Bremner Jason c/o Tony Bremner Box 1150 Halifax NS B3J 2Y2 100.00 Brett Jeff 38 Brook Street Bridgewater NS B4V 3B2 250.00 Brown Martha 102 Victoria Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1V3 75.00 Carmichael David Leo 14 St Margaret's Bay Rd Halifax NS B3N 1J3 100.00 Carr Bernard 2 Canary Cres Halifax NS B3M 1R1 500.00 Chaisson Patsy 3432 MacLeod Ave New Waterford NS B1H 1K4 100.00 Clayton Developments Ltd 255 Lacewood Dr.,Suite 100c Clayton Profes Halifax NS B3M 4G2 300.00 Colp Karen 199 Glenforest Drive Halifax NS B3M 1J3 50.00 Conrod Ken 2 Lexington Avenue Dartmouth NS B2X 3L8 50.00 Cook John 1 Orchard Road Kentville NS B4N 1R7 100.00 de villers Rose 136 Caldwell Road Dartmouth NS B2V 1L8 100.00 Devanney Burris 70 Flamingo Drive Halifax NS B3M 1T1 150.00 Dingwall Stephen 5 Canary Cres Halifax NS B3M 1R2 300.00 Forsyth Gordon Pink Larkin PO Box 160 Halifax NS B3J 2M4 1,000.00 Fortune Jack NSGEU 100 Eileen Stubbs Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1Y6 100.00 Gatchalian Gail 39 Long Lake Dr Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1K6 200.00 Gaudet Michael 55 Laurentide Drive Halifax NS B3M 2M9 250.00 Gills Michael 87 Av Millbrook Suite 408 Cole Harbour NS B2V 0A1 100.00 Hambrick Shirley 126 Farnham Gate Road, Unit 303 Halifax NS B3M 3Z9 400.00 Harpell James PO Box 312 Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 28 Halifax Clayton Park

Linda Power (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Heide Christopher General Delivery Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Hubbard James 98 Flamingo Drive Halifax NS B3M 1T3 150.00 Infinitee Wellness Inc 46 Weatherbee Rd Sydney NS B1M 0A1 1,000.00 Jessome Joan 60 Piggott Ave Fall River NS B2T 1S6 200.00 Johnson Ian 3231 Connaught Ave Halifax NS B3L 3A9 100.00 Kadray Issam 27 Carlina Crt Halifax NS B3S 1N4 500.00 Kelly Shannon 104-40 Chelton Woods Lane Halifax NS B3M 3V2 75.00 Kom D 34 Stirling Drive Cole Harbour NS B2W 0E4 50.00 Larkin Ray PO Box 160 Halifax NS B3J 2M4 1,000.00 Leblanc Roy 30 Hillside Cres Lower Sackville NS B4C 2T2 50.00 Local 470 17 Joyce Ave Halifax NS B3P 1W8 750.00 Lorincz Tamara 55 Willow Bend Court Halifax NS B3M 3L3 50.00 MacLean Robin 2618 Connaught Ave Halifax NS B3L 2ZA 200.00 MacLeod Gary 18 Bayview Drive Whites Lake NS B3T 1Z1 100.00 MacLeod Kathleen 32 Tangmere Cres Halifax NS B3M 1K1 200.00 McDonald Adeline 1041 Wellington St - 201 Halifax NS B3H 4P5 500.00 McLean Robin 2518 Connaught Avenue Halifax NS B3L 2Z4 100.00 McNeil Neil 240 Cornwallis Street Kentville NS B4N 2E8 250.00 Mendel Toby Daniel 39 Chartwell Lane Halifax NS B3M 3S7 500.00 Mitchell & Ferguson Law Inc PO Box 9134 Halifax NS B3K 5M7 200.00 Moody Jeff PO Box 420 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Moore John 41 Castle Hill Drive Halifax NS B3M 3A4 100.00 Murphy Cathy 48 Saskatoon Drive Halifax NS B3M 3H7 200.00 Murray Richard 111 Schooner Dr Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1L8 1,000.00 Myhr Anne 181 Roseley Rd Beaver Bank NS B4G 1C4 500.00 Parker Keith 19 Vimy Ave Halifax NS B3M 1G5 25.00 Petrie Jeanette 81 Solutions Drive, Suite 612 Halifax NS B3S 1R7 200.00 Pink Ron Pink Larkin PO Box 160 Halifax NS B3J 2M4 1,000.00 Roberts David 181 Roseley Rd Beaver Bank NS B4G 1C4 500.00 Ross Glynis 116 Stoney Brook Crt Halifax NS B3M 3J7 250.00 Ross Jim 23 Ferguson Drive Sydney NS B1P 3J2 100.00 Schwartz Joel 5880 Merkel Street Halifax NS B3K 2J3 200.00 Smith Linda Mary 2024 Elm St Halifax NS B3L 2Y3 200.00 Stairs Kathy Lyn 15 Collins Grove Crt Dartmouth NS B2W 5Y1 1,000.00 Thomson Bruce 115 Walter Havill Dr Halifax NS B3N 3L8 200.00 Tompkins Keiren 13 Dingle Road Halifax NS B3P 1T5 500.00 Vibert Ann 116 Stoney Brook Crt Halifax NS B3M 3J7 200.00 Walbridge David 2460 Harvard St Halifax NS B3L 2T1 100.00 Webber Tina 212 Poplar Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 4K5 200.00 18,965.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 28 Halifax Clayton Park

Candidate: Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Michael Hawkes, 8 Turnmill Dr., Halifax, NS B3M 4H2 Contributions: $31,450.78 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount ABM Systems Limited 98 Williams Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 0A1 500.00 Antigonish District Heating Limited PO Box 997 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 50.00 Arab Leona 20 Look Off Lane Halifax NS B3M 4R4 200.00 Arab Patricia 1 Lynwood Drive Halifax NS B3M 1Y6 50.00 Atallah Nabiha 2 Warwick Lane Halifax NS B3M 4J3 250.00 Atlantic Acura 30 Bedford Highway Halifax NS B3M 2J2 1,000.00 Bali Jatinder 10 Roxbury Crescent Halifax NS B3M 4T1 100.00 Bali Kuldip 19 Parkmount Close Halifax NS B3S 1K4 100.00 Bannister Jerry 19 Chartwell Lane Halifax NS B3M 3S7 200.00 Bhalla Surinder 15 Chessvale Close Halifax NS B3M 4C6 500.00 Boland Daniel 11 Brackley Place Halifax NS B3M 4H2 250.00 Bortolussi David 3 Thackeray Close Halifax NS B3M 4G8 100.00 Bouchard Dean 11 Bethany Way Halifax NS B3S 1H3 200.00 Boudreau Bernard 74 Braemount Halifax NS B3M 3P3 500.00 Boudreau Corine 3 Kilbirnie Lane Halifax NS B3M 4E4 100.00 Butler Robert 509-78 Regency Park Drive Halifax NS B3S 1T2 100.00 Cabeltec Limited 203-327 Windmill Road Dartmouth NS B3A 1H7 250.00 Cahill Shelley 11 Barkton Lane Halifax NS B3M 4K5 25.00 Campbell JW 27 Westridge Drive Halifax NS B3M 1K6 25.00 Campbell Wesley 2003-1470 Summer Street Halifax NS B3H 3A3 100.00 Carney Janet 84 Forestside Crescent Halifax NS B3M 1M4 50.00 Chapman Robert 3 Lady Slipper Drive Halifax NS B3M 3R5 100.00 Chappell Bill 24 Skylark Street Halifax NS B3M 2P4 100.00 Chisholm Bernard 706 Summerside Road Halifax NS B0H 1R0 50.00 Chisholm Terry 928 Robie Street Halifax NS B3H 3C4 200.00 Chopra Roshan 2 Lanshaw Close Halifax NS B3S 1E7 100.00 Clancy James 401-78 Regency Park Drive Halifax NS B3S 1T2 50.00 Clayton Developments Limited 255 Lacewood Drive, Suite 100c Halifax NS B3M 4G2 300.00 Collins David 5 Robert Allen Drive Halifax NS B3M 3G9 500.00 Compass Commercial Realty 100-3700 Kempt Road Halifax NS B3K 4X8 200.00 Connolly Judith 66 Braemount Drive Halifax NS B3M 3P3 100.00 Cordy Janet 52 Diana Grace Avenue Dartmouth NS B2W 6A2 100.00 Crocker Elizabeth 102-1041 Wellington Street Halifax NS B3H 4P5 100.00 Crowley Mary Ann 7095 Abbott Drive Halifax NS B3L 2L5 50.00 Davey William 412-429 Parkland Drive Halifax NS B3S 1L3 50.00 David G Bell MD Incorporated 26 Warwick Lane Halifax NS B3M 4J3 300.00 Dean Shirley 41 Canary Crescent Halifax NS B3M 1R2 50.00 Dennis Rose-Marie 603-10 Regency Park Drive Halifax NS B3S 1P2 100.00 Dhillon Guinder 22 Parkmount Close Halifax NS B3S 1K4 50.00 Diab Lena 20 Houda Court Halifax NS B3M 4S3 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 28 Halifax Clayton Park

Diana Whalen (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Dicostanza John 2 Wendover Close Halifax NS B3M 4E8 300.00 Dodds Colin 870 Young Avenue Halifax NS B3H 2V7 25.00 Dow Jessie 48 Edward Laurie Road Halifax NS B3M 2C7 250.00 Duerden Karen 6 Cove Crescent St Margarets Bay NS B3Z 2B5 100.00 East Port Properties Limited 25N-130 Eileen Stubbs Avenue Halifax NS B3B 2C4 250.00 Eisner Douglas 606-10 Regency Park Drive Halifax NS B3S 1P2 100.00 Elegant Homes Limited 287 Lacewood Drive, Unit 103, Suite 278 Halifax NS B3M 3Y7 500.00 Fairwyn Developments Limited PO Box 2557, Station Central Halifax NS B3J 3N5 200.00 Fares Wadih 18 Broadholme Lane Halifax NS B3M 3B7 500.00 Federizon Ricardo 50 Scotch Pine Terrace Halifax NS B3S 1E2 50.00 Foley Ronald 37 East Main Street Halifax NS B2G 2B3 50.00 Foran Judy 36 Trailwood Place Halifax NS B3M 3Y1 100.00 Fraser Wayne Site 4, Box 24, RR 1 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C4 100.00 Fry Betty 6 Ashdale Avenue Halifax NS B3N 2C8 100.00 Gillis Catherine PO Box 22 Judique NS B0E 1P0 100.00 Glinsky Brian 64 Flamingo Drive Halifax NS B3M 1T1 50.00 Green Peter 3841 Mont Blanc Terrace Halifax NS B3K 2P8 150.00 Greenwood Gloria 6 Raleigh Court Halifax NS B3S 1E3 50.00 Greenwood Peter 40 Woodsmere Close Halifax NS B3S 1H9 100.00 Haddad Mounir 23 Barkton Lane Halifax NS B3M 4K5 100.00 Halifax West Realty 12 Trillium Terrace Halifax NS B3M 3P5 500.00 Halyk Russell 3 Palisade Place Halifax NS B3M 2Y7 1,000.00 Hamilton Patricia 21 Turnmill Drive Halifax NS B3M 4G8 200.00 Hamish Robert 1 Kilbirnie Lane Halifax NS B3M 4E4 50.00 Hanias Steve 12 Trillium Terrace Halifax NS B3M 3P5 500.00 Hanias & Son Limited 12 Trillium Terrace Halifax NS B3M 3P5 500.00 Hawkes Heather 8 Turnmill Drive Halifax NS B3M 4H2 200.00 Hayes Kempton 9 Homecrest Terrace Halifax NS B3N 1Y3 100.00 Hayes Lawrence PO Box 1561, Stn Central Halifax NS B3J 2Y3 100.00 Hayes Susan 3181 Hemlock Street Halifax NS B3L 4B5 50.00 Hebert Paul 15 Stillwater Lane Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1H6 200.00 Hemming Robert 1306-2000 Barrington Street Halifax NS B3J 3K1 100.00 Hilchie Golda 44 Turnmill Drive Halifax NS B3M 4H6 25.00 Holliday Catherine 207-114 Regency Park Drive Halifax NS B3S 1R9 400.00 Holliday Dennis 207-114 Regency Park Drive Halifax NS B3S 1R9 100.00 Holman Larry 4 Turnmill Drive Halifax NS B3M 4H2 125.00 Howard Karen D10-81 Parkland Drive Halifax NS B3S 1H7 200.00 Irwin Frances 111-429 Parkland Drive Halifax NS B3S 1L3 100.00 John Ross & Sons Limited 171 Chain Lake Drive Halifax NS B3S 1B3 1,000.00 Kidd Dale 9 Huxley Close Halifax NS B3M 4K3 50.00 Killam Properties Inc 100-3700 Kempt Road Halifax NS B3K 4X8 150.00 Knowles Murray 303-512 Parkland Drive Halifax NS B3S 1N1 50.00 Konczacki Janina 27 Briarwood Crescent Halifax NS B3M 1P2 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 28 Halifax Clayton Park

Diana Whalen (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Kumar Tripta 2a Lanshaw Close Halifax NS B3S 1E7 100.00 Laba Jeannette 60 Turnmill Drive Halifax NS B3M 4T9 100.00 Lacas Peter 3869 Mont Blanc Terrace Halifax NS B3K 6R3 50.00 Langley Joan 8 Patton Lane Halifax NS B3M 4K5 200.00 Larose D.E. 48 Meadowlark Crescent Halifax NS B3M 1R5 100.00 Locke Gerald 320-767 Parkland Drive Halifax NS B3S 1T1 100.00 Logan Gary 106 -106 Greenpark Close Halifax NS B3S 0A4 50.00 MacDonald Ann 511-429 Parkland Drive Halifax NS B3S 1L3 100.00 MacDonald Darren 96 Starboard Drive Halifax NS B3M 4T5 100.00 MacDonald Francis 48 Canary Crescent Halifax NS B3M 4T7 1,000.00 MacDonald Robert 27 Warwick Lane Halifax NS B3M 4J3 100.00 MacDonald Funk Celia 116 Queen Street Bridgewater NS B4V 1P4 150.00 MacKay Malcolm 102-52 Parkland Drive Halifax NS B3S 1S9 300.00 MacKenzie Anne Marie Dunmore Road Antigonish County NS B2G 2L4 100.00 MacKenzie Mike 64 Hearthside Crescent Halifax NS B3S 1G3 250.00 MacKenzie Shelley 49a Parkhill Road Halifax NS B3P 1R4 50.00 Maddalena Law Practice 47 Peace Court Halifax NS B3N 3K4 100.00 Mader Grace 6022 South Street Halifax NS B3H 3S7 300.00 Mann Linda 14 Amberwood Court Halifax NS B3M 3X7 200.00 Mann Robert 7 Brockhurst Close Halifax NS B3M 3V4 25.00 Marken-Tobin Anne Marie 28 Covington Way Halifax NS B3M 3K2 50.00 Mathers Harry 1525 Birmingham Street Halifax NS B3J 2J6 200.00 Matheson Ralph 117 Flamingo Drive Halifax NS B3M 1T5 100.00 Matthews Gail 37 Westridge Drive Halifax NS B3M 1K6 100.00 Maynard Vernon A-305 118 Fairfax Drive Halifax NS B3S 1J3 50.00 McCready Donna 16 Celtic Court Dartmouth NS B2Y 3G6 100.00 McKeen Delores 12 Berkshire Close Halifax NS B3S 1H4 100.00 McKenna Christine 7 Huxley Close Halifax NS B3M 4H6 200.00 Meade Catherine 2393 Robie Street Halifax NS B3K 6S2 150.00 Mellish Eileen 58 Chartwell Lane Halifax NS B3M 4E1 300.00 Miller Pamela 21 Nightingale Drive Halifax NS B3M 1V2 100.00 Miller Richard 1 Chessvale Close Halifax NS B3M 4C6 200.00 Mishra Harsh 8 Canterbury Close Halifax NS B3M 3T2 200.00 Moore David 38 Flamingo Drive Halifax NS B3M 1S7 100.00 Moore Wilfred PO Box 500 Chester NS B0J 1J0 150.00 Morris A.C. 50 Meadowbank Crescent Halifax NS B3M 1R5 200.00 Mosher Shirley 58 Blue Thistle Road Halifax NS B3S 1M3 100.00 Nicoll Murray 1 Scarlet Road Halifax NS B3M 1K7 30.00 Njeim Albert 39 Cranberry Crescent Dartmouth NS B2W 4Z8 150.00 Osmond Maxine 205-109 Greenpark Close Halifax NS B3S 1R6 25.00 Pace Robert 12 Saraguay Place Halifax NS B3P 2N9 200.00 Paquette Wendy 601-5234 Morris Street Halifax NS B3J 0A3 250.00 Paresh Kaminaben 102-2 Barkton Place Halifax NS B3M 4J1 250.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 28 Halifax Clayton Park

Diana Whalen (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Pickard Ian 39 Glenbourne Court Halifax NS B3S 1E2 200.00 Pollock Gordon 71 Lincoln Cross Halifax NS B3M 3S6 250.00 Power John 78 Nightingale Drive Halifax NS B3M 1V6 300.00 Raj Yashwant 6 Reed Court Halifax NS B3M 3L2 100.00 Regan Geoffrey 158 Ridgevale Dr Halifax NS B4A 3S7 100.00 Richards Bernice 73 Deepwood Crescent Halifax NS B3M 2Y5 100.00 Richards Blair 3 Robin Street Halifax NS B3M 1W1 500.00 Riley John 71 Flamingo Drive Halifax NS B3M 1T2 150.00 Robertson Dale 22 Julie's Walk Halifax NS B3M 2Z7 400.00 Rogers H 56 Birkdale Crescent Halifax NS B3M 1H5 200.00 Russell Bruce 180 Cresthaven Drive Halifax NS B3M 4B9 150.00 Ryan Michael 14 Hanspike Court Lower Sackville NS B4E 3H2 100.00 S Blom Signs 1A - 2 Lakeside Park Drive Halifax NS B3T 1L7 350.30 Salsman Dean 403-1470 Summer Street Halifax NS B3H 3A3 100.00 Sampson JD 34 Woodsmere Close Halifax NS B3S 1H9 100.00 Sande Gordon 604-10 Regency Park Drive Halifax NS B3S 1P2 100.00 Scotia Learning Centres Inc 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Shawwa Allam 33 Kinglsey Close Halifax NS B3S 1H5 1,000.00 Shewbridge Karen 8 Douglas Crescent Halifax NS B3M 3E3 100.00 Singh Pearl 405-16 Caxton Close Halifax NS B3M 4L5 50.00 Spencer Gary 106-114 Regency Park Drive Halifax NS B3S 1R9 200.00 Sperry & Partners Limited 102 Portland Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 1H8 100.00 Stevenson Sheila 17 Stanbrae Road Fergusons Cove NS B3V 1G4 200.00 Sutherland Heather 18 Brackley Place Halifax NS B3M 4H2 250.00 Swenson K 1107-5881 Spring Garden Road Halifax NS B3H 4S3 100.00 Tannous George 2 Kelvin Grove Halifax NS B3M 3Y9 500.00 Tiller Hiram 4 Thackeray Close Halifax NS B3M 4G8 100.00 Tompkins Dianne PO Box 759 Chester NS B0J 1J0 50.00 Toor Gursharan 11 Wookbank Terrace Halifax NS B3M 3K4 50.00 Tucker Kathryn 5544 North Ridge Road Halifax NS B3K 4B1 100.00 University Physiotherapy Incorporated 1584 Robie Street Halifax NS B3H 3E6 50.00 Uthe Patricia 32 Simcoe Place Halifax NS B3M 1H3 100.00 Vaughan Philip 1645 Vernon Street Halifax NS B3H 3M9 200.00 Wagner Raymond PO Box 192 CRPO Halifax NS B3J 2M4 100.00 Walsh Gerard 65 Bayview Road Halifax NS B3M 1N8 25.00 Westphal Pharmacy 50 Tacoma Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 3E6 250.00 Whalen Linda 219-90 Camelot Lane Halifax NS B3M 4H9 100.00 Whalen Marion 7136 Morningside Drive Halifax NS B3L 2E6 200.00 Whalen Michael 42 Turnmill Drive Halifax NS B3M 4H6 370.48 Wilkinson Donald RR #3 Merigomish NS B0K 1G0 100.00 Wilson Robert 49 Hearthside Crescent Halifax NS B3S 1G3 50.00 York Mildred 25 Bayview Road Halifax NS B3M 1N8 100.00 Zafiris Theresa 31 Castlepark Grove Halifax NS B3M 4X8 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 28 Halifax Clayton Park

Diana Whalen (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Zatzman Steve 8 Sandhurst Close Halifax NS B3M 3R1 200.00 31,450.78 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 29 Halifax Fairview

Candidate: Brad Armitage Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Jason Stone, 703-1454 Dresden Row, Halifax, NS B3H 3T5 Contributions: $375.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Hayes Doralee Halifax NS 125.00 Hayworth Bill NS 100.00 Regan Geoff 158 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 3S7 50.00 Smith NS 100.00 375.00

Candidate: Paul Henderson Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Keith Croucher, 301 - 50 Barkton Lane, Halifax, NS B3M 4H8 Contributions: $6,700.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Armco Capital Inc 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Baillie Jamie 152 Brook Street Halifax NS B3N 2B1 250.00 Batherson Rob 3188 Mayfield Ave Halifax NS B3L 4B2 250.00 Geovex Investments Ltd 6017 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Graham Glenn 99 Sunnybrae Avenue Halifax NS B3N 2G8 100.00 Henderson David 510-2677 Gladstone Street Halifax NS B3K 0A3 200.00 Henderson Joanna 133 Red Fern Terrace Halifax NS B3S 1L7 1,000.00 Henderson Paul 133 Red Fern Terrace Halifax NS B3S 1L7 1,000.00 Ineson Peter 77 Rufus Ave Halifax NS B3N 2L8 250.00 Jackson Sidney 91 Adelaide Ave Halifax NS B3N 2N9 100.00 MacDonald Joseph 2915 Somerset Ave Halifax NS B3L 3Z4 500.00 Younker J Robert 19 Hebert Road Halifax NS B3N 3C7 50.00 Zwaagstra Donald 83 Spruceview Dr Bedford NS B4A 3X9 1,000.00 Zwaagstra Nancy 83 Spruceview Dr Bedford NS B4A 3X9 1,000.00 6,700.00

Candidate: Jane Hester Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Graham Steele Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: James Houston, 6175 Cedar St., Halifax, NS B3H 2J8 Contributions: $12,641.38 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Aikens Val 2975 Parkdale Ave Halifax NS B3L 3Z2 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 29 Halifax Fairview

Graham Steele (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Beange Robert 7120 Morningside Dr Halifax NS B3L 2E6 100.00 Booth Leonie 1136 Clam Bay Rd Halifax NS B0J 1Y0 200.00 Cajee Ismail 67 Ridgepark Lane Halifax NS B3N 3H2 250.00 Carmichael Leonie 14 St. Margaret's Bay Rd Halifax NS B3N 1J3 100.00 Chauvin Guy 8 Douglas Dr. Halifax NS B3N 1N6 100.00 Chayton Kaireen 7149 Morningside Drive Halifax NS B3L 2E5 250.00 Connolly James 61 Ridgepark Lane Halifax NS B3N 3J2 266.38 Cornish Jolia 32 First Ave Beford NS B4A 1Z9 100.00 Creelman Douglas 24 Wilson Dr Fall River NS B2T 1Y8 300.00 Dutton Lucia 201-35 Evans Ave Halifax NS B3M 1C3 100.00 Erjavee Lue 6682 Second St Halifax NS B3L 1G3 200.00 Farwell Cheryl 78 Adelside Ave Halifax NS B3N 2N8 100.00 Fiander Paul 2965 Parkdale Ave Halifax NS B3L 3Z2 100.00 Fralie-Brown Janice 30 Drumdonald Rd Halifax NS B3P 2K9 100.00 Godbout Alain 28 Lanigan Court Halifax NS B3N 3G1 75.00 Harry Freeman & Son Limited 4804 Meaway River Rd, PO Box 100 Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 300.00 Harvey Andy 14 Balcomes Dr Halifax NS B3N 1H9 200.00 Henry Margaret 20 Margate Dr Halifax NS B3P 1N6 100.00 Hope David 7141 Morningside Dr Halifax NS B3L 2E5 200.00 Houston James 6175 Cedar St Halifax NS B3H 2J8 300.00 Jandron William 19 Coronation Ave Halifax NS B3N 2N2 100.00 Joudrey Catherine 3-3111 Stantond St Halifax NS B3L 4O9 1,000.00 Khekhar Kamar 14 Stockleigh Pl Halifax NS B3M 4K4 100.00 KM Productions 7038 Pearson Dr Halifax NS B3L 2K8 200.00 Laforge Marie-Paule 17 Bald Eagle Place Halifax NS B3N 3H5 125.00 Larson Nelson 19 Walker Harvill Dr Halifax NS B3N 3H4 100.00 MacDonald Linda 2915 Somerset Ave Halifax NS B3L 3Z4 300.00 MacKinnon Joan 137 Brook St Halifax NS B3N 2A7 250.00 MacLean Annie 801-3083 Olivet St Halifax NS B3L 4R2 125.00 MacLean Neil 28 Walton Dr Halifax NS B3N 1X7 400.00 Mason Linda 52 Drumdonald Rd Halifax NS B3P 2K9 100.00 McCormick Paul 14A Springvale Ave Halifax NS B3N 2A2 100.00 Merrson Kathryn 9 Shepherd Rd Halifax NS B3P 2K6 100.00 Moors Alan 3640 Percy St Halifax NS B3N 2R6 100.00 Murphy Sandra 3213 Mayfield St Halifax NS B3L 4G4 100.00 O'Connell Jean 71 Braemore Ave, Apt 1 Antigonish NS B2G 1K9 100.00 Page Realty Management 4007-7071 Bayers Rd Halifax NS B3L 2C2 500.00 Pavley Geraldine 3A Edgehill Rd Halifax NS B3N 1G4 1,000.00 Pillar Narainamma 306-96 Regency Park Dr Halifax NS B3S 1S5 100.00 Prowse Peggy 129 Melrose Ave Halifax NS B3N 2EG 200.00 Smith Jordan 42 Old Sambro Rd Halifax NS B3P 1Z5 100.00 Smith Linda 2024 Elm St Halifax NS B3L 3Y3 200.00 Steele Douglas 8 Bermuda Ave Halifax NS B3N 1E9 500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 29 Halifax Fairview

Graham Steele (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Steele Graham 16 Kelvin Grove Halifax NS B3M 3Y9 1,000.00 Tsitourns Jodi 34 Kingsley Close Halifax NS B3S 1H5 1,000.00 Underwood Jane 509-3003 Olive St Halifax NS B3L 4A1 750.00 Vacuum Hut Limited 7071 Bayers Rd Halifax NS B3L 2C2 100.00 Vanderwood Jane 509-3003 Olive St Halifax NS B3L 4A1 250.00 Williamson Keith 43 Central Ave Halifax NS B3N 2H2 100.00 12,641.38 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 30 Halifax Needham

Candidate: Jason Cameron Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Michael Salterio, 5516 Kaye Street, Suite 201, Halifax, NS B3K 1Y5 Contributions: $1,000.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Arnold Nancy 2018 Bauer St Halifax NS B3K 3W3 100.00 Gillis Helen Apt 130, 2717 Gladstone ST Halifax NS B3K 0A4 50.00 Hicks Graham 6335 Young St Halifax NS B3K 1Z3 150.00 Hodgson Marjorie Apt 602, 2717 Gladstone St Halifax NS B3K 0A4 200.00 O'Regan 36 Baker Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 6K1 250.00 Thermalogiz Control Solutions 1142 Ketch Harbour Rd Halifax NS B3V 1L6 250.00 1,000.00

Candidate: Graham Estabrooks Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Pamela Austin, 3600 Rosemeade Ave., Halifax, NS B3K 4L7 Contributions: $1,000.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Cox Marie 5524 Heatherwood Crt Halifax NS B3K 5W7 100.00 Cox Phyllis 5524 Heatherwood Crt Halifax NS B3K 5N7 50.00 Meade Catherine 5839 Cunard St Halifax NS B3K 0B9 100.00 O'Regans 60 Baker Dr, Unite A Dartmouth NS B2N 6L4 250.00 Perry Mark 3604 Rosemeade Ave Halifax NS B3K 4L7 500.00 1,000.00

Candidate: Maureen MacDonald Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Lori Root, 2731 Fuller Terrance, Halifax, NS B3K 3V9 Contributions: $16,302.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Anderson Bonnie 3127 Needham Street Halifax NS B3K 3P1 100.00 Anthony Ruth 5534 Almon Street Halifax NS B3K 6S4 20.00 Barrett LR 5572 North Street Halifax NS B3K 5K2 100.00 Baxter Larry 3544 Acadia Street Halifax NS B3K 3P2 200.00 Bell Marilynne L 5572 Falkland Street Halifax NS B3K 1A5 250.00 Berkers Kim Anne 5860 Kaye Street Halifax NS B3K 1Y9 100.00 Blaike June 2256 Agricola Street Halifax NS B3K 4H9 50.00 Blumenthal Jerry 5570 Heatherwood Court Halifax NS B3K 5N7 100.00 Bourn Karen 34 Lynn Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3V9 200.00 Busby Cathy 2323 Princess Place Halifax NS B3K 4K5 50.00 Calhoun Carla 5532 Black Street Halifax NS B3K 1P6 100.00 Cameron P 6030 Charles Street Halifax NS B3K 1L1 30.00 Carmody Catherine 5797 Charles Street Halifax NS B3K 1K7 50.00 Carr Bernard 2 Canary Cres Halifax NS B3M 1R1 500.00 Carvery Irvine 2349 Maynard Street Halifax NS B3K 3T8 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 30 Halifax Needham

Maureen MacDonald (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Casey Brian 2367 Hunter Street Halifax NS B3K 4V7 100.00 Cassie Louis 5535 Black Street Halifax NS B3K 1P7 25.00 Charlebois Carol 3354 Albert Street Halifax NS B3K 3N2 100.00 Clarke Rick 131 Poplar Dr Halifax NS B2W 2K7 50.00 Clovis Joanne 2677 Gladstone Street, Apt 611 Halifax NS B3K 0A3 100.00 Coulter Maureen 2366 Agricola Street Halifax NS B3K 4B6 100.00 Courtney Mary Lou 506-5561 Heatherwood Halifax NS B3K 5N7 100.00 Creighton Thomas 2623 Fuller Terrace Halifax NS B3K 3V8 150.00 Cummings Joan 5959 Spring Garden Road, Apt 710 Halifax NS B3H 1Y5 200.00 Davis Mabel 40 Lakehigh Cres Halifax NS B3T 1N1 50.00 Daye Gilbert 2731 Fuller Terrace Halifax NS B3K 3V9 100.00 Deveau Alma 2759 Windsor Street, #2 Halifax NS B3K 5E3 100.00 Donovan Kathleen 5675 Almon Street Halifax NS B3K 1T5 200.00 Dudar Judith A 2057 Parker Street Halifax NS B3K 4T6 50.00 Earle Michael 2372 Agricola Halifax NS B3K 4B6 100.00 Emms Merle 5940 Gainsborough Place Halifax NS B3K 6B4 100.00 Ezekiel Patrick 3530 Robie Street Halifax NS B3K 4S5 100.00 Foote Anne Marie 106 Rosewood Lane Eastern Passage NS B3G 1B2 50.00 Freeman Mark 906-2393 Robie Street Halifax NS B3K 6S2 100.00 Ghiz Louise 3258 Albert Street Halifax NS B3K 3M9 100.00 Gilroy Joan 5538 Cabot Place Halifax NS B3K 2J7 200.00 Glenister Peter 47 Melwood Halifax NS B2N 1E4 50.00 Goldie Donald 208-3807 Mont Blanc Terrace Halifax NS B3K 6R9 100.00 Green Carolyn 2700A Belle Aire Terrace Halifax NS B3K 3W8 100.00 Guild Jim 6979 Chebucto Rd Halifax NS B3L 1M6 100.00 Guildford Janet 3691 Acadia Street Halifax NS B3K 3P8 100.00 Hall Cyndi 172 Donaldson Ave Halifax NS B3M 3B5 100.00 Harbison Joan 2110 Bauer Street Halifax NS B3K 3W3 100.00 Hart Stephen 2709 Fuller Terrace Halifax NS B3K 3V9 200.00 Hebb Matt 5321 Kaye Street Halifax NS B3K 1Y4 250.00 Hersey Wallace 6048 Willow Street Halifax NS B3K 1L9 50.00 Hicks Joan M 5659 Merkel Street Halifax NS B3K 2J1 100.00 Hunter Stephanie 3685 Acadia Street Halifax NS B3K 3P8 200.00 Jollymore Carol 3658 Imo Lane Halifax NS B3K 5R1 50.00 Kelley Robert 5561 Heatherwood Crt, Apt 102 Halifax NS B3K 5N7 50.00 Kenney Susan 2364 Agricola Street Halifax NS B3K 4B6 200.00 Kipping Patricia 5570 Heatherwood Crescent Halifax NS B3K 5N7 300.00 Kwak Winniefred 3643 Leaman Street Halifax NS B3K 4A5 75.00 Lanz Sandra 5529 Macara Street Halifax NS B3K 1W1 100.00 Larkin RK 1583 Hollis Street, PO Box 160 Halifax NS B3J 2M4 1,000.00 Legay Barbara 3876 Newbery Street Halifax NS B3K 3L8 250.00 Leslie Megan 2658 Belle Aire Terrace Halifax NS B3K 3W8 100.00 Litke Susanne M 5547 Sebastian Place Halifax NS B3K 2K5 300.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 30 Halifax Needham

Maureen MacDonald (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacDonald Christina RR #2, 11439 Hwy 4 Havre Boucher NS B0H 1P0 100.00 MacDonald Innis 2720 Gottingen Street Halifax NS B3K 3C7 200.00 MacDonald Marjorie Jean 659 George Street, PO Box 144 Sydney NS B1P 6G9 100.00 MacDonald Maureen 5525 Cabot Place Halifax NS B3K 2J6 1,000.00 MacDonald Robert RR #2, 11439 Hwy 4 Havre Boucher NS B0H 1P0 100.00 MacDonald Slipp Gwendolyn 51 Lindsay Lane, Box 401 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 MacDougall M Gail 5852 Grant Street Halifax NS B3H 1C8 150.00 MacMillan Leanne 3843 Robie Street Halifax NS B3K 4T3 500.00 MacSwann James 2125 Brunswick Street Halifax NS B3K 2Y4 30.00 Manzer Yvonne 5553 Black Street Halifax NS B3K 1P8 50.00 Matheson William 6745 Prospect Road West Dover NS B3Z 3T1 100.00 Matthews Margaret 5526 Falkland St Halifax NS B3K 1A3 200.00 McGuire Peter 5803 Cunard St, Apt A Halifax NS B3K 1O9 200.00 Mellett Cathy 3868 Basinview Drive Halifax NS B3K 4Z9 200.00 Meyrick Judith 5650 Russell St, Apt 208 Halifax NS B3K 1X3 30.00 Morrissey Mary 40 Bridgeview Halifax NS B3P 2M4 200.00 Murphy Cathy 48 Saskatoon Dr Halifax NS B3M 3H7 50.00 O'Hara Paul 5256 Kaye Street Halifax NS B3K 3B5 100.00 O'Regans 60 Baker Street, Unit A Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 Pacey Elizabeth 6269 Yukon Street Halifax NS B3L 1E9 300.00 Paris Sylvia 3215 Albert Street Halifax NS 50.00 Peacock Jan 2364 Moran Street Halifax NS B3K 4K2 50.00 Peers Marilyn 114 Stoney Brook Crt Halifax NS B3M 3J7 100.00 Peros Alexandra 5880 Merkel Street Halifax NS B3K 2J3 50.00 Perry Anne 2357 Maynard Street Halifax NS B3K 3T8 150.00 Perry George D 2110 Bauer Street Halifax NS B3K 3W3 50.00 Richard Brenda 16 Braeside Lane Halifax NS B3M 3J6 100.00 Richard Noreen 5533 Stairs Place Halifax NS B3K 2C7 100.00 Riggs Evelyn 3321 Prescott Street Halifax NS B3K 4Y2 100.00 Salmon Angela 6168 Willow Street Halifax NS B3K 1M3 50.00 Samson Jeanine 2677 Gladstone Street, Suite 704 Halifax NS B3K 0A3 70.00 Saulnier Christine 3162 Vincent Street Halifax NS B3K 3M8 50.00 Schwartz Joel 5880 Merkel Street Halifax NS B3K 2J3 110.00 Shipton DR 3779 Kencrest Ave Halifax NS B3K 3L4 100.00 Silvert Donna 5366 Roome Street Halifax NS B3K 2L4 50.00 Smith Margaret 3807 Mont Blanc Terrace, Apt 208 Halifax NS B3K 6R9 100.00 Spark Patricia 3247 Union Street Halifax NS B3K 5H2 50.00 Steele Leighton G 2352 Maynard Street Halifax NS B3K 3T9 75.00 Stewart William 5522 Hennessey Place Halifax NS B3K 2A8 100.00 Strachan Alison 2054 Creighton Street Halifax NS B3K 3R2 500.00 Stuttard Susan 1695 Edward Street Halifax NS B3H 3J2 100.00 Terris Andrew D 11-1881 Brunswick Street Halifax NS B3J 3L8 100.00 Thompson DA 2326 Clifton Street Halifax NS B3K 4V1 500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 30 Halifax Needham

Maureen MacDonald (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Thompson Marie 6048 Compton Avenue Halifax NS B3K 1E7 75.00 Tillett Anna 2640 Harvard Street Halifax NS B3L 2T1 150.00 Trenbirth June 3800 High Street Halifax NS B3K 4Y9 25.00 Walbridge David C 2460 Harvard Street Halifax NS B3L 2T1 110.00 Walker Victor 2030 Gottingen Street, Apt 901 Halifax NS B3K 3A9 52.00 Walkington Craig 5230 Cornwallis Street Halifax NS B3K 5T6 200.00 Wallace Peter 2700A Belle Aire Terrace Halifax NS B3K 3W8 100.00 Ward Kenneth 2013 Maynard Street Halifax NS B3K 3T1 50.00 Wein Fred 45 Kearney Lake Road Halifax NS B3M 2S6 100.00 Whalen Leo 3531 Lynch Street Halifax NS B3K 3K7 50.00 White Cliff 5563 Black Street Halifax NS B3K 1P8 75.00 Williams Stephen 2701 Fuller Terrace Halifax NS B3K 3V9 150.00 Wilson Rodney 1052 Bland Street Halifax NS B3K 2S8 100.00 Woodhall Carole 6041 Charles Street, Upper Flat Halifax NS B3K 1K9 100.00 Woods Jeff 3321 Prescott Street Halifax NS B3K 4Y2 100.00 Yachnin Thomas 5856A West Street Halifax NS B3K 1J3 100.00 16,302.00

Candidate: Kris MacLellan Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Joseph Wickens, 5428 North St., Halifax, NS B3K 1M7 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 31 Hammonds Plains-Upper Sackville

Candidate: Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Richard DeLong, 39 Torradore Lane, Hammonds Plains, NS B4B 1S7 Contributions: $14,689.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount ACL Construction 21 Frazee Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1Z4 1,000.00 APL Properties 6017 Quinpool Rd Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Armco Capital 6017 Quinpool Rd Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Barrett David 2 Maplewood Crt Lower Sackville NS B46 1B6 100.00 Barrett Keith 421 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2C7 100.00 Barrett Mary 2 Maplewood Crt Lower Sackville NS B4G 1B6 100.00 Barrett Lumber 224 Beaver Bank Rd Lower Sackville NS B4E 1R6 50.00 Batherson Robert 3188 Mayfield Ave Halifax NS B3L 4B2 100.00 Cape Cod Weed Siding 1948 Hammonds' Plains Rd Hammonds Plains NS B4A 1A0 500.00 Clarke Paul 59 MacIntosh Rd Middle Sackville NS B4E 1W1 300.00 Elmsdale Landscaping 113 Elmsdale Rd Elmsdale NS B2S 1K7 500.00 Grant Gary 7 Rising Sun Trail Hammonds Plains NS B3Z 1J7 300.00 Hamilton Richard 274 Stonemount Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 4G9 500.00 Hayman Alan 6307 Oakland Rd Halifax NS B3H 1P4 200.00 Helfer Forest Prod 230 Lucasville Rd Lower Sackville NS B4B 1S1 200.00 JG Burke Investments 101 Iisley Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1S8 1,000.00 Keizer's Auto Body 15 Woody's Lane Middle Sackville NS B4E 3A9 500.00 LeBlanc James 31 St. George Blvd Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1K7 100.00 LeBlanc Rhonda 31 George Samuel Dr. Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1K7 100.00 Lively Harvey 1829 Sackville Dr Lower Sackville NS B4E 3B3 100.00 Morgan Gordon 145 Walker Ave Lower Sackville NS B4C 4C2 100.00 Patterson Florena 31 George Samuel Dr Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1K7 100.00 Printcom Inc 3045 Robie St Halifax NS B3K 4P6 1,000.00 Ramer Construction 66 Temple Terrace Lower Sackville NS B4C 0A7 500.00 Revolve Inc 200 Waterfront Dr Bedford NS B4A 4J1 5,000.00 Sojourn Ent 100 Iisley Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1S5 339.00 Timber Trails Homes 231 Lucasville Rd. Lower Sackville NS B4B 1S1 100.00 Weedford Glenn 1 Spectacle Lake Dr Dartmouth NS B3O 1X7 500.00 Wells Gary 14 Set Aaron Dr Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1T1 200.00 White Water Marine 169 Lucasville Rd Lower Sackville NS B4E 3E8 100.00 14,689.00

Candidate: Patrick Doyle Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Michelle MacArthur, 1560 Whitehills Rd, Hammonds Plains, NS B4B 1W1 Contributions: $5,425.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount ABD Productions Limited PO Box 8, Site 17, RR #2 Mount Uniacke NS B0N 1Z0 200.00 Bishop Charles 1153 Studley Avenue Halifax NS B3H 3R8 50.00 Bliss George 205 Glen Arbour Way Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1T5 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 31 Hammonds Plains-Upper Sackville

Patrick Doyle (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Boudreau Karen 39 Lanceleve Crescent Albert Bridge NS B1K 3J4 100.00 Brownlie Jeff 1550 White Hills Run Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1W1 100.00 Clark Kelly 3599 Rockhead Ct Halifax NS B3K 6B5 1,000.00 Doyle Mary Anne 44 Queen St North Sydney NS B2A 1A1 500.00 Doyle Leanne 108 Southwood Road Hammonds Plains NS B3Z 1K5 850.00 MacArthur James 47 Ranna Drive Sydney NS B1P 3Y5 75.00 MacKinnon Peggy 28 Glenn Drive Halifax NS B3M 2B9 50.00 MacLean Barbara 301 Herbert St Sydney NS B1P 3T6 500.00 Mason William T 135 Sussex Drive Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 4J2 400.00 Munro James 77 Millstone Court Lucasville NS B4B 1X7 100.00 Outhit Stephen A 3224 Union St Halifax NS B3K 5H1 100.00 Ozmon Kenneth 139 Kingswood Dr Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1K4 100.00 Regan Geoffrey 158 Ridgevale Drive Bedford NS B4A 3S7 100.00 RMP Productions (2006) Inc 1096 Marginal Rd, Suite 200 Halifax NS B3H 4N4 1,000.00 Streeter Pamela 133 MicMac Drive Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1M7 100.00 5,425.00

Candidate: Shawn Redmond Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Mat Whynott Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Sandra Jones, 11 Crossroads Court, Lower Sackville, NS B4E 2R7 Contributions: $7,707.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Anderson Robert 102 Gloria Ave Lower Sackville NS B4C 1N3 200.00 Andrews Margaret 32 Waterwheel Cres Lower Sackville NS B4E 2K3 200.00 Arsenault Amanda 253 Beaverbank Cross Rd Lower Sackville NS B4E 2E7 50.00 Arseneau Dennis 716 Old Sacville Raod Lower Sackville NS B4C 2K3 50.00 Baily Ron 119 Viewmount Dr Head of St. Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 2E9 50.00 Carolan Patricia 60 Loggan Road Lower Sackville NS B4E 1V7 50.00 Chaison John 174 Pinetree Cresant Hammonds Plains NS B3Z 1V7 200.00 Chapman Robert 49 Lexington Ave Dartmouth NS B2X 3S2 100.00 Cleveland Alan 467 Lucasville Rd Lucasville NS B4B 1R8 52.00 Douglas Ruth 3 Ridgewood Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 1L8 100.00 Everett Erica 3470 Dartmouth Ave Halifax NS B3K 3M4 100.00 Flynn Bernard 6 Belment Ave Bedford NS B4B 1G2 100.00 Foy Peter 30 Hillsdale Cr Lower Sackville NS B4C 2M2 200.00 Francis Ferne 33 Wagner Dr Lower Sackville NS B4E 3K7 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 31 Hammonds Plains-Upper Sackville

Mat Whynott (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Fuller Shawn 19 Ernest Ave Dartmouth NS B3A 2H6 100.00 Hayson John 33 Simms Cr Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1K1 200.00 Hefler Linda 10 10th Street Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1R6 250.00 Heighton Larry 5 Second Ave Sackville NS B4E 1B4 100.00 Horne Margaret R PO Box 2619 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Hunter Boyd 113 Chandler Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 3C6 400.00 Irving Christine 56 White Birch Dr Timberlea NS B3T 1E2 100.00 Jacques Kathleen PO Box 143 Church Point NS B0W 1M0 400.00 Jones Sandra 11 Crossroads Crt Lower Sackville NS B4E 2R7 100.00 Kaye Diane 11 Murray Hill Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A6 50.00 Killen Arthur 6 Higgins Lake Rd Middle Musquodoboit NS B0N 1X0 200.00 Killen Betty Lou 7, 10th Street Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1R6 250.00 Lamey Joanne 35 Birchwood Terrace Dartmouth NS B3A 3WA 50.00 Landry Jerry 690 Old Sackville Rd Lower Sackville NS B4C 2K3 100.00 LeBlanc Roy 30 Hillsdale Cr. Lower Sackville NS B4E 2G7 100.00 Lively Goldwin 16 First St Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1B8 50.00 Lovelace Donna 7110 Bayers Rd Halifax NS B3L 2C7 175.00 MacCurdy Dorothy 85 Sackville Cross Rd Lower Sackville NS B4E 1W9 100.00 MacDonald Cheryl 45 Noria Cres Lower Sackville NS B4E 2L8 50.00 MacDonald Maureen 5525 Cabot Pl Halifax NS B3K 2L6 100.00 MacIntosh G. Ronald 45 Lively Rd Middle Sackville NS B4E 3H9 100.00 MacLean Marie 281 Pepperbush Crt Middle Sackville NS B4E 3K7 50.00 McIldoon Olive 670 Waterstone Rd Lower Sackville NS B4C 1M2 100.00 Miner Gail 10 Nelson Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 1Z7 150.00 Morse Kathryn 82 Hazel Holme Dr Halifax NS B3M 1N5 100.00 Pilgrim Douglas 160 Halfway Lake Dr Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1N1 300.00 Pwer Kim 223 Kaye St Lower Sackville NS B4B 1X7 100.00 Quinn Patricia 161 Beaver Bank Cross Lower Sackville NS B4E 2E5 50.00 Quinnton Paul F. 5 Lisa Crt Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1K4 200.00 Read Caroline 6371 Edinburgh St Halifax NS B3L 1W3 100.00 Riggs Evelyn 3321 Prescott St Halifax NS B3K 4Y2 150.00 Ryan Deborah 2 Lexington Ave Dartmouth NS B2X 3L8 100.00 Seanlan Marie 23 Birch St Bedford NS B4A 2W7 50.00 Smith Gary 3134 Pinewood Ave Coldbrook NS B4R 1A1 100.00 Talor Bill 7 Beaverbank Rd Lower Sackville NS B4E 1G4 100.00 Thomson Alois 34 Haddad Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 4B9 100.00 Thornton John 1 Bellshire Dr Sackville NS B4C 2W6 50.00 Varner Bruce 17 Laurie St Truro NS B2N 4S8 200.00 Wark Joanne 74 Byblos Rd Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1Y1 100.00 Warner Joyce 58 Hadda Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 4A5 200.00 Wentzell Curt 169 Cavalier Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 3L1 100.00 White Roland 1718 Hammonds Plains Rd Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1P5 100.00 Whynott Mat 24 Legacy Crt Apt 202 20 Stokil Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 4H4 400.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 31 Hammonds Plains-Upper Sackville

Mat Whynott (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Wilde Robert 9 Ascot Way Lower Sackville NS B4E 2H7 80.00 Young Carol 20 Third St Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1P9 100.00 7,707.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 32 Hants East

Candidate: John MacDonell Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Dave Doucette, 4 St. Andrews Street Box 515, Stewiacke, NS B0N 2J0 Contributions: $11,087.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Anthony Marsden General Delivery Kennetcook NS B0N 1P0 250.00 Basin Contracting Ltd. PO box 70 Enfield NS B2T 1C6 300.00 Bent Eric 305 Rockwell Dr, RR 1 Mount Uniacke NS B0N 1Z0 500.00 Berfelo Johanna RR #2 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 100.00 Berfelo Nicole 1433 Riverside Rd Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 100.00 Blackburn English 287 Hwy #2 Enfield NS B2T 1C9 100.00 Bond Elsie 3891 Hwy 14 Upper Rawdon NS B0N 2N0 20.00 Brown Morris 3411 West Indian Rd Shubinacadie NS B0N 2H0 500.00 Casey James 1680 Hwy 14 RR #1 Upper Rawdon NS B0N 2N0 40.00 Caswell David 1500 Waverly Rd Waverly NS B2R 1W7 250.00 Crocker Evelyn 225 East Uniacke Rd Mount Uniacke NS B0N 1Z0 50.00 Davis Martell 8259 Hwy 354 RR#2 Kennetcook NS B0N 1P0 100.00 Dixon Cecil 5 Shamrock Lane Enfield NS B2T 1C9 100.00 Elmsdale Landscaping Ltd. 113 Elmsdale Rd Elmsdale NS B2S 1K7 500.00 Fitzgerald Michael 153 Edward Dr Enfield NS B2T 1H8 100.00 Fougere Linda PO box 8212 Stn A Halifax NS B3K 5L9 50.00 Garant Lisette 303 Etter Rd Mount Uniacke NS B0N 1Z0 500.00 Gardiner Marie Josee 419-556 Bedford Hwy Halifax NS B3M 4X7 300.00 Harris Carol 3 Prince Stree Wolfville NS B4P 1P7 200.00 Hill Lillian 7007 Hwy 215 RR #1 Maitland NS B0N 1T0 25.00 Hnatiuk James 24 Joshua Street Enfield NS B2T 1K4 100.00 Horne Edith 7 Kali Lane Apt 401 Elmsdale NS B2S 1H1 100.00 Informative Data Cartridges Inc 43 Wilson Rd Enfield NS B2T 1J7 300.00 Jarvies Ernest 87 Boyd Avenue Enfield NS B2T 1L3 100.00 Langille Bruce B 18 Marlcolm Lucas Dr Enfield NS B2T 1A8 500.00 Leighton Randall 648 Renfrew Rd Mile River NS B2S 2W5 200.00 Leighton Thomas & Vivian 40 Easy St Nine Mile River NS B2S 2W4 50.00 Lutwick David 3 Arrowhead Lane Enfield NS B2T 1G9 50.00 MacDonald Ian 30 Cora Lane Lake Fletcher NS B2T 1A1 80.00 MacDonell Bryne 315 Enfield Rd Enfield NS B2T 1H5 100.00 MacDonell Edward 450 Renfrew Road Enfield NS B2T 1H8 100.00 MacDonell John 729 Renfrew Rd Enfield NS B2T 1H9 500.00 MacDonell Joseph 720 Renfre Rd Enfield NS B2T 1H9 200.00 MacDonell Leslie 729 Renfrew Rd Enfield NS B2T 1H9 500.00 MacDonell Susan 569 Horne Settlement Rd Enfield NS B2T 1H2 50.00 MacDonell T. Kathleen 660 Renfre Rd Box 11 Enfield NS B2T 1H9 100.00 MacPhee Linley Sharon 1440 North Salem Rd Shubinacadie NS B0N 2H0 100.00 McNeil Donald 178 Hwy 2 Enfield NS B2T 1C8 200.00 McPhee Margie 910 Hwy 202 West Gone NS B0N 1P0 25.00 Meadows Ian 109 Canal Lane Enfield NS B2T 1C8 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 32 Hants East

John MacDonell (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Miller Cathy 60 Langan Lane Enfield NS B2T 1H3 25.00 Oderkirk Glenn 256 Church St Wellington NS B2T 1A2 500.00 Redden Bonnie 2 Parker Place Cres Enfield NS B2T 1C8 52.00 Ribahi Loubnan 144 Hwy 214 Elmsdale NS B2S 1G6 100.00 Riggs Evelyn 3321 Prescott St Halifax NS B3K 4Y2 1,100.00 Sangsters Automotive Supplies 622 Hwy 2 Elmsdale NS B2T 1C9 300.00 Scothorn Alfred 8832 Hwy 14 RR #1 Statton NS B0N 1Y0 100.00 Sipos John PO box 70 Maitland NS B0N 1T0 300.00 Snow Dennis 815 Sheridan Brook Rd Enfield NS B2T 1H3 75.00 Spark Patricia 3247 Union St NS B3K 5H2 50.00 Stewart Joan 28 John Murrary Dr Enfield NS 20.00 Sullivan Deborah 529 Renfrew Rd Enfield NS B2T 1H9 50.00 Sweeney Reeta 124 Hwy 2 Enfield NS B2T 1C8 50.00 Walsh Valerie 6470 Hwy 354 RR 2 Kennetcook NS B0N 1P0 50.00 Whidden John 8488 Hwy 215 RR #1 Maitland NS B0N 1T0 100.00 Willett Muriel 40 Monte Visa Road Enfield NS B2T 1H9 500.00 Woodman Margaret PO box 632, 4 Daniel Dr Berwick NS B0P 1E0 25.00 Woods Jeff 3321 Prescott St Halifax NS B3K 4Y2 200.00 11,087.00 Candidate: Maurice Rees Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: John W. Patterson, 1116 Hwy #1, RR#1, Mount Uniacke, NS B0N 1Z0 Contributions: $2,050.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Anthony Marsden 6251 Hwy 354 Kantecook NS B0N 1P0 250.00 Blackburn English 287 Hwy #2 Enfield NS B2T 1C9 100.00 Carruthers & MacDonell 690 Hill Valley Rd Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 1,000.00 Eddy's Variety 360A Old Hills Hwy Mt Unicke NS B0N 1Z0 500.00 Patterson Anne Marie 1116 Hwy #1 Mt Unicke NS B0N 1Z0 100.00 Scott Wayne 10 Acorn Dr Lantz NS B2S 1Y4 100.00 2,050.00

Candidate: Todd Williams Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: John A. MacDonald, 82 Poplar Street, Lantz, NS B2S 1X3 Contributions: $14,000.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount ACT Rentals 29 Grandlake Point Enfield NS B2T 1H9 50.00 Allison Appraisals Limited 50 Lacy Anne Avenue Enfield NS B2T 1Z5 100.00 Barton Fred PO Box 350 Dartmouth NS B2Y 3Y5 300.00 Basin Contracting PO Box 70 Enfield NS B2T 1C6 300.00 Blackburn English Law (Enfield) Limited 287 Highway #2 Enfield NS B2T 1C9 100.00 Bona Margaret Daun PO Box 148 Enfield NS B2T 1C6 500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 32 Hants East

Todd Williams (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bragg Sharon 298 Monte Vista Road Enfield NS B2T 1H9 100.00 Burgess Transfer & Storage 20 Oland Court Dartmouth NS B3B 1V2 100.00 Caldwell-Roach Agencies Limited 643 Prince Street Truro NS B2N 5C7 250.00 Chris Readon Graphics 3196 Beresford Road Halifax NS B3L 3R8 200.00 Cougle John 469 Monte Vista Road Enfield NS B2T 1H9 100.00 Dewey-Tapper Brenda 149 Hemlcok Court Enfield NS B2T 1H9 100.00 Dickie Pamela 670 Horne Settlement Road Enfield NS B2T 1H3 500.00 Elmsdale Landscaping Ltd 113 Elmsdale Rd Elmsdale NS B2S 1K7 500.00 Elmsdale Lumber Company Limited 604 Hwy 2 Elmsdale NS B2S 1A7 300.00 Etter Cora 408 Garden Road Belnan NS B2S 2P5 100.00 Farnell Ellen 1042 Monte Vista Road Enfield NS B2T 1H9 1,000.00 Fiander Wayne 408 Garden Road Belnan NS B2S 2P5 250.00 Fraser Joan 47 Martins Point Road Enfield NS B2T 1H9 100.00 Fraser Robert 708 Monte Vista Road Enfield NS B2T 1H9 100.00 Holloway Sharon 469 Monte Vista Road Enfield NS B2T 1H9 100.00 Hopkins Esther 720 Monte Vista Road Enfield NS B2T 1H9 500.00 Horne Doris 165 Hemlock Court Enfield NS B2T 1H9 100.00 Huskilson Kim 232 Sunnylea Road Wellington NS B2T 1A2 400.00 Jeffrey Peter 9 Arrowhead Lane Enfield NS B2T 1G9 100.00 John Tanner & Sons Ltd 145 MacDonald Road Milford Station NS B0N 1Y0 100.00 Kel-Greg Homes Inc 230 Old Truck Road Elmsdale NS B2S 2B2 250.00 Ledwidge Lumber Co Ltd PO Box 39 Enfield NS B2T 1C6 100.00 Logan Collin 63 Poplar Drive Lantz NS B2S 1X4 250.00 LR Ettinger & Sons Limited 2861 Main Street Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 100.00 MacNeil Dawn 147 Hemlock Court Enfield NS B2T 1H9 100.00 McNair Richard 930 Monte Vista Road Enfield NS B2T 1H9 50.00 Molnar Welding Ltd 468 Old Trunk Road Lantz NS B2S 1T2 250.00 Multiserve Petroleum Equipment Ltd 9120 Hwy 14 Milford Station NS B0N 1Y0 1,000.00 Peltola Cathy 111 Hemlock Court Enfield NS B2T 1H9 100.00 Perry Roger 9 Golf Links Road Bedford NS B4A 2J1 250.00 Philpott John 11 Rhodas Lane Elmsdale NS B2S 1K5 250.00 RK Wilson Insurance 287 Highway #2 Enfield NS B2T 1C9 250.00 Sentner Paul 829 Monte Vista Road Enfield NS B2T 1H9 1,000.00 Tompkins Photography 375 Enfield Road Enfield NS B2T 1H5 500.00 Wentzell Harold 62 Grand Lake Point Road Enfield NS B2T 1H9 200.00 Williams Anita RR 1 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 1,000.00 Williams Gerald 3906 West Indian Road, RR1 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 1,000.00 Williams Todd RR 1 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 1,000.00 14,000.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 32 Hants East

Candidate: Emerich Winkler Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 33 Hants West

Candidate: Barbara Gallagher Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Carol Bradley, 121 Dill Rd. Ext., Windsor, NS B0N 2T0 Contributions: $8,500.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bennett Sean 435 Gabriel Road Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 100.00 Bishop Anne 1177 Hwy 1 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 200.00 Boomer Lionel 158 Aylward Road Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 200.00 Bradley Carol 121 Dill Road Extension Windsor NS B0N 2T0 400.00 Braun Philip 3745 Hwy 215 Newport NS B0N 2A0 200.00 Brison Paul 6242 Hwy 215 Cheverie NS B0N 1G0 100.00 Brown Yvonne 8833 Windsor Back Road Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Brush Christine 62 Whitetail Pass Vaughans NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Burtt-Dykstra Grace 6604 Hwy 215 Cheverie NS B0N 1G0 100.00 Card James 3110 Hwy 215 Newport NS B0N 2A0 100.00 Casselman Karen 2017 New Cheverie Road Cheverie NS B0N 1G0 100.00 Desveaux Greg 599 Belmont Road Avondale NS B0N 2A0 400.00 Gallagher Arnold 5740 Hwy 215 Kempt Shore NS B0N 2A0 1,000.00 Gallagher Barbara 5740 Hwy 215 Kempt Shore NS B0N 2A0 2,000.00 Gallagher Gina 2961 Borden Street Coldbrook NS B4R 1A3 300.00 Haines Lawrence 209 Hartville Road Ellershouse NS B0N 1L0 100.00 Harris Carol 3 Prince Street Wolfville NS B4P 1P7 200.00 Hodson Gary 11 Collier Road West Ellershouse NS B0N 1L0 100.00 Horne John 855 Clifton Street Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 MacNeil Hugh 607 Belmont Road Avondale NS B0N 2A0 200.00 McLaughlin Deborah 1208 Cogmagun Road Centre Burlington NS B0N 1E0 200.00 McLellan David 15 Gabriel Road Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 200.00 McLellan Tina 15 Gabriel Road Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 100.00 Misener Mary 19 Hogan Road Upper Vaughan NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Morrell Janet 1177 Hwy 1 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 100.00 Parsons Investments 15096 Hwy 1 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 300.00 Phillips Linda 391 Wentworth Road Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Rowlands Peter 51 Gabriel Road Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 200.00 Stevens Brian 382 Hawthorne Street Windsor NS B0N 2T0 300.00 Thomas Gillian 7113 Hwy 1 Ellershouse NS B0N 1L0 200.00 White Janet 35 Dill Road Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Wile Mayme 111 Falmouth Back Road Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 200.00 Winbridge Construction Ltd. 52 Duncanson Road Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 200.00 8,500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 33 Hants West

Candidate: Paula Lunn Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Barry Alexander, 99 Walter St., PO Box 280, Windsor, NS B0N 2T0 Contributions: $18,580.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3146511 Nova Scotia Ltd. P.O. Box 703 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Alexander Barry P.O. Box 250 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 1,000.00 Archibald Myrtle 73 Kendall Lane, Box 107, RR #1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 25.00 Arno G. Hawboldt (1979) Ltd. 69 Cedar Street Windsor NS B0N 2T0 75.00 benedict Freeman 220 Castle Frederick Road, RR #2 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 200.00 Benedict William 133 Victoria Street, P.O. Box 3904 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 BMACL Law Inc. c/o Brian MacLellan, P.O. Box 1054 Halifax NS B3J 2X6 150.00 Boudreau Claire 2309 Highway 236, RR #1 Scotch Village NS B0N 2G0 40.00 Brison Clifford Cheverie NS B0N 1G0 100.00 Brison Phillip RR #1 Newport NS B0N 2A0 75.00 Brison Scott House of Commons Ottawa ON K1A 0A6 100.00 Brison Michelle P.O. Box 2878 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Brison Developments Ltd. P.O. Box 2878 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Buckwood Investments Ltd. P.O. Box 2878 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Casey Rae 199 Card Beach Road, RR #1 Centre Burlington NS B0N 1E0 50.00 Chandler John W. 144 Duke Street, P.O. Box 511 Chester NS B0J 2J0 100.00 Cochrane Alvin 141 Campbell Avenue Windsor NS B0N 2T0 50.00 Cochrane Richard P.O. Box 2131 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 50.00 Dr. Mark Kasimirski, Windsor Medical Clinic 141 Wentworth Road, P.O. Box 490 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 50.00 Ducharme Moria 4092 Highway 14 Windsor Forks NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Evangeline Securities Ltd. 1051 King Street, P.O. Box 3058 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Folker Richard 23754 Highway 1, RR #1 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 200.00 Fraser Gary 901 Haliburton Avenue, P.O. Box 3509 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Garland G. Whitfield 63 Main Street, P.O. Box 599 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 50.00 Gilmour Harvey 834 Middle Dyke Road, RR #2 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 200.00 Greene Barry Bertram RR#1 Canning NS B0P 1H0 1,000.00 Greene Gloria Faylene RR#1 Canning NS B0P 1H0 1,000.00 H&R Block (Windsor) 234 Water Street Windsor NS B0N 2T0 50.00 Haley Maude E. P.O. Box 2395 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 750.00 Haley Roy W. P.O. Box 2395 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 1,000.00 Harvey Raymond P.O. Box 250 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Hebb Russell 252 Wilfred Hebb Road, RR #3 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Hickman Joseph Y. P.O. Box 185 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Hood Bradford P.O. Box 2431 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Hood Hardware & Automotive Ltd. P.O. Box 3030 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Howell David 18 Mountainview Drive, RR #2 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 200.00 Hughes Barbara P.O. Box 10 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Hughes Trevor 1051 King Street, P.O. Box 3058 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 J.W. Mason & Sons Ltd. 836 Windsor Back Road, RR #1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Kelly Jeffrey F. 1297 Belmont Road, RR #2 Newport NS B0N 2A0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 33 Hants West

Paula Lunn (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Kirkby Sandra 443 Wilson Street, P.O. Box 566 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 250.00 Kirkby Troy R. P.O. Box 2818 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 250.00 Lake Minnie P.O. Box 135 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Leahy James R. 57 Country Club Lane Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 50.00 Lindsay Helen P.O. Box 2639 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Lyons A.E. P.O. Box 1000 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 50.00 MacKenzie Michael P.O. Box 250 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 1,000.00 MacLean Fred P.O. Box 77 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 50.00 McNeil William 5312 Highway 14, RR #1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 60.00 Mercer Terry M. 57 Cockscombe Lake Drive Mount Uniacke NS B0N 1Z0 50.00 Moore Wilfred P.O. Box 500 Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Murphy Graham P. P.O. Box 2435 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Murphy Helen P.O. Box 129 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 200.00 Nelson Gary RR #2 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 100.00 New Valley Homes Inc. P.O. Box 2878 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Nova International Ltd. RR #2 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Nu-Air Ventilation Systems Incorporated 16 Nelson Street, P.O. Box 2758 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 500.00 O'Hara Claude P.O. Box 1041 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 350.00 Palmeter Isabel P.O. Box 2410 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Peter Francis Insurance Services Inc. 31 Cochrane Lane, RR #1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Phillip Burgess Fuels 88 Sanford Drive Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Quality Concrete 20 MacDonald Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1C5 500.00 Rafuse Carman F. 1039 Upper Vaughan, Hwy 14, RR #3 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 20.00 Redden Pauline P.O. Box 361 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Redden & Lyon Surveys Ltd. P.O. Box 1062 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Rose Deborah 439 Gabriel Road, RR #2 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 250.00 Roy Deborah 1414 Mount Denson Road, Highway #1 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 1,000.00 Sam's Cellular Service P.O. Box 703 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Scott Wayne 19 Acorn Avenue Lantz NS B2S 1Y4 100.00 Select Transport Inc. P.O. Box 2515 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Shaw Thelma P.O. Box 64, Dykeland Lodge Curry's Corner NS B0N 1H0 50.00 Sheppard Tom 5463 Highway 1 St. Croix NS B0N 2E0 60.00 Smith Cathryn 98 Dill Road Windsor NS B0N 2T0 400.00 Superclean P.O. Box 2650 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 500.00 Taylor Conrad P.O. Box 1028 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 400.00 Taylor Lois P.O. Box 1028 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 400.00 Taylor Richard 110 Clockmaker Lane, P.O. Box 1028 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 400.00 Taylor Ruth 110 Clockmaker Lane, P.O. Box 1028 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 400.00 Veinot Lynda 1404 Wentworth Road, RR #1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 50.00 Wainman Robert RR #3 Newport NS B0N 2A0 200.00 White Janet 35 Dill Road, P.O. Box 2111 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Whynot Maxine P.O. Box 2097 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 25.00 18,580.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 33 Hants West

Candidate: Chuck Porter Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Matt Kimball, 1033 Avonview Drive, RR#1, Hantsport, NS B0P 1P0 Contributions: $9,328.50 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3146511 Nova Scotia Ltd. P.O. Box 703 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 150.00 Adams & Company P.O. Box 2379 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Arno G. Hawboldt (1979) Ltd. 69 Cedar Street Windsor NS B0N 2T0 75.00 Banfield William RR #1 Ellershouse NS B0N 1L0 100.00 Bannerman Dave 124 Etter Road Newport NS B0N 2A0 100.00 Barrett Keith 421 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 2C7 100.00 Barrett Lumber Company Ltd. 224 Beaver Bank Road Lower Sackville NS B4E 1R6 50.00 Beazley Barb 51 Wentworth Road, P.O. Box 3477 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 40.00 Beazley Paul 51 Wentworth Road, P.O. Box 3477 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 40.00 Bonner Bill P.O. Box 271 Lower Sackville NS B4C 2S9 100.00 Boyd Janet RR #2 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 20.00 Card Donna RR#1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 50.00 Cochrane Dora 33 Dill Road Ext., RR #1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Cole Richard 107 Tonge Hill, P.O. Box 3400 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Cottage Country 38 Chateau Lane, Chateau Village, RR #3 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 1,000.00 Coutinho Louis 84 Clayton Park Drive Halifax NS B3M 1L9 50.00 Crighton Kenneth 208 Stannus Street, P.O. Box 3192 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Dauphinee Mary RR#2 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Dunham Richard P.O. Box 3534 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 250.00 Folker Carolyn P.O. Box 106 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 200.00 Hants Equipment Ltd. RR #2 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 1,000.00 Harvey Raymond P.O. Box 250 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Hines Charles General Delivery Cheverie NS B0N 1G0 100.00 Horne Fred P.O. Box 431 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 253.50 Hunter Gary 5475 Hwy #1, General Delivery Ste Croix NS B0N 2E0 100.00 J.W. Mason & Sons Ltd. 836 Windsor Back Road, RR #1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Jamieson Catherine 2018 Hwy #1 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 200.00 Kimball Paula 1033 Avonview Drive, RR #1 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 100.00 Kirby Troy P.O. Box 2818 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 150.00 Langdon Robert P.O. Box 2056 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 75.00 Lindley Helen 44 Burgess Crescent, P.O. Box 3117 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 150.00 Lindsay R. Dewar P.O. Box 2639 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 50.00 Lloy Krista 9 Lakeview Drive, P.O. Box 2444 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 10.00 MacArthur Creelman P.O. Box 3552 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 McLean's Service Centre Limited 600 Highway 236 Scotch Village NS B0N 2G0 100.00 Mounce Kenneth 98 Avondale Road Newport NS B0N 2A0 100.00 Mullan Robert 196 Park Street Kentville NS B4N 1M6 100.00 Nelson Gary RR #2 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 50.00 Nova International Ltd. RR#2 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 150.00 Parson Auto Sales P.O. Box 2998 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 33 Hants West

Chuck Porter (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Pharmasave, C.W. Trider & Company Ltd. P.O. Box 460 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Porter R. Ardoise, RR#1 Ellershouse NS B0N 1L0 100.00 R&J Swinamer Supplies Ltd. P.O. Box 847 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Raymond Gerald P.O. Box 995 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Reid Shanks Ltd. RR #2 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 50.00 Rose Real Estate Limited 630 O'Brien Street, P.O. Box 3420 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 50.00 Russell Jo-Marie P.O. Box 2169 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Russell Ronald P.O. Box 2169 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Sainte-Famille Wines Ltd. 11 Dudley Park Lane Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 100.00 Select Transport Inc. P.O. Box 2515 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Sheehy Steve P.O. Box 2663 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 20.00 Sheehy Trudy P.O. Box 2663 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 20.00 Sheppard Jane 5463 Ste Croix Hants County NS B0N 2E0 100.00 Smith Cathryn 98 Dill Road Windsor NS B0N 2T0 250.00 Smith Ernie RR #2 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 Stephens Ronald 4448 Hwy #1 Three Mile Plains NS B0N 2T0 150.00 Traves Lucy 171 Castle Frederick Road, RR #2 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 500.00 Vaughan's Convenience Ltd. 319 Wentworth Road, P.O. Box 3057 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 100.00 Wells Byron 587 Windsor Back Road, RR #1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 200.00 White James P.O. Box 2111 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 500.00 Windsor Royals Hockey Club P.O. Box 2994 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 75.00 9,328.50

Candidate: Sheila Richardson Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Elizabeth Gibson, 279 King Street, Windsor, NS B0N 2T0 Contributions: $100.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Gibson Elizabeth 279 King St Windsor NS B0N 2T0 50.00 Nelson Gary 362 Dyke Rd Fulmouth NS B0P 1L0 50.00 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 34 Inverness

Candidate: Nathalie Arsenault Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Shaun Bennett Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Arthur Hall, 10 Riverview Lane, Margaree, NS B0E 1X0 Contributions: $2,190.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount AA Poirier Enterprises Cabot Trail Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 200.00 Bennet Ann Saint Rose Margaree Hbr NS B0E 2B0 50.00 Daigle Russell Cabot Trail Road Belle Cote NS B0E 1C0 50.00 Guzdziol Anna 33 Pitt St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2T2 100.00 Hurtubise Jacques RR1 Margaree Hbr NS B0E 2B0 50.00 Laurence Fletcher Margaree Harbour Margaree Hbr NS B0E 2B0 50.00 LeBlanc Wayne 1047 Cabot Trail Road Belle Cote NS B0E 1C0 100.00 MacArthur Charlie PO Box 1, Strathlorne Road Inverness NS B0E 1N0 200.00 MacDonald Jeannette A 263 Hih Road Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 150.00 MacEachern Broadcasting 609 Church St Suite 201 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2X4 240.00 MacKay Arthur RR1 Margaree Hbr NS B0E 2B0 50.00 MacKenzie John A 65 East Margaree Road Belle Cote NS B0E 1C0 200.00 MacKinnon John PO Box 43 Margaree Hbr NS B0E 2B0 100.00 MacLellan Chris RR1 Deepdale Inverness NS B0E 1N0 50.00 MacLennan Jessie RR1 Margaree Hbr NS B0E 2B0 50.00 MacLennan Mary RR1 Margaree Hbr NS B0E 2B0 50.00 MacLennan Daley Marilyn RR1 Margaree Hbr NS B0E 2B0 50.00 Morrison Donald PO Box 284 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 200.00 Poirier Claude PO Box 981 Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 100.00 Stepaniak Mary Margaree Forks Margaree NS B0E 2A0 100.00 Taylor Mary RR1 Margaree Hbr NS B0E 2B0 50.00 2,190.00

Candidate: Rodney MacDonald Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Charlene Gillis, 4170 Rt. 252, Mabou, NS B0E 1X0 Contributions: $21,703.50 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount APL Properties Ltd 6017 Quinpool Rd Halifax NS B3K 5J7 1,000.00 Beaton Marion 10733 Rt 19, PO box 138 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 Beaton Mary L 5118 Rt 252 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 50.00 Bouman Rolf RR#11 Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 1,000.00 Breton Petroleum Ltd 28 Paint St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J8 250.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 34 Inverness

Rodney MacDonald (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount C.B. Maclean MD 37 Bonnie Brae Ave Inverness NS B0E 1N0 500.00 Canadian Pitneer Estates Ltd RR#11 Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 2,000.00 Canecland Dev Inc RR#11 Cleveland NS B0E 2N0 2,000.00 Chisholm Ethel 345 Main St Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 50.00 Coady George 1582 West Big Intervale Rd Margaree Center NS B0E 1Z0 50.00 Eddy MacKay Building Company Ltd Commercial Acct 13 Crandell Drive Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2K2 250.00 Ed's Hydralics Marine Service Ltd 11267 Highway 19 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 200.00 G.M. MacDonald Welding Ltd. 243 Rt 252 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 200.00 Gillies John 403 Main St Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 200.00 Gillis Alice PO Box 84 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 50.00 Gillis Charlene 4170 Rt 252 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 Gillis Craig 33 Johnson Lane Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 100.00 Gillis John Hawthorne 164, Little Judique Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 40.00 Grant Gerald 15735 Central Ave Inverness NS B0E 1W0 300.00 Halifax Bionadical Incorporated 11493 Rt 19 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 500.00 High Island Investment Ltd 216 Waler's Lane Rd Judique NS B0E 1P0 100.00 Hilltop Electrical & Plumbing 761 Marble Hill Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 100.00 J Donald Sampson Chartered Acct 109 MacDonald St Port Hawkesbury NS BPA 3C9 450.00 J&T VanZulphen Construction Ltd 10442 Rt 19 Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 1,000.00 J.A. Mateson & Son Building Suppolies Co. Ltd. 9400 Hwy 105 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 100.00 John Beaton Contracting Ltd 10733 Rt 19 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 200.00 Kendziora Grace M 235 Ridgevale Drive Bedford NS B4A 4B3 100.00 Kendziora Guy J 235 Rdigevale Drive Bedford NS B4A 4B3 100.00 Kilkon Properties Inc. 3700 Kempt Rd, Suitte 100 Halifax NS B3K 4X8 150.00 KW Beaton Enterprise Ltd 11623 Main St Mabou NS B0E 1X0 500.00 Larade's Tire Shop Ltd. 15899 Main St Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 250.00 Louisbourg Seafood Ltd. 3 Commercial St Louisbourg NS B1C 1B5 1,000.00 Mabour River Inn 19 Southwest Ridge Rd Mabou NS B0E 1X0 250.00 MacDonald Alex A 11319 Hwy 19 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 200.00 MacDonald Donald Roddie 1318 Mabou Harbour Rd Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 MacDonald Judy 243 High Road Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 100.00 MacDonald Keith 24 Court St Sydney NS B1S 2X5 100.00 MacDonald Susan 4147 Hwy 19 Long Point Judique NS B0E 1P0 40.00 MacEachern Donald 108 East St Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 50.00 MacEachern Malcolm R. 9024 Hwy 19 Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 50.00 MacIsaac Eloise 505 Maible Hill Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 50.00 Mackay Alex 108 Church St Inverness NS B0E 1N0 100.00 MacKeigan Ian R. 31 MacLeod St Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 1,000.00 MacKenzie Brother's Construction Ltd RR #1 West Ray West Bay NS B0E 3K0 500.00 MacKenzie House 4 Tupper Court Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2A6 200.00 MacLean Neil James 92 Little Mabour Rd Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 50.00 MacLean Ronald D 3537 Hwy 19 Long Point NS B9A 1A3 50.00 MacLeod Marilyn G 11 Milford Rd Whycocomagh NS B0E 2M0 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 34 Inverness

Rodney MacDonald (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacMaster Allan 2393 Robie St, Apt 102 Halifax NS B3K 6S2 200.00 MacMillan Virginia 1530 Dunmore Rd Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 100.00 MacQuarrie Cameron 16413 Highway 19 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 500.00 MacQuarrie Clare 16413 Highway 19 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 500.00 MLA Rodney MacDonald 11344 Hwy 19 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 500.00 Moran Enterprises 252 Moran Rd Port Hoood NS B0E 2W0 60.00 Nova Construiction Co Ltd. PO box 1328 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 500.00 Panuska Robert T. 1544 Strathlorne Scotsville Rd Inverness NS B0E 1N0 533.50 Parsons Investments Ltd. PO box 24 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 300.00 Rankin Daniel 26 Cameron Hill Lane Mabou NS B0E 1X0 200.00 Seaboard Tire Service 23 Pant St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2S7 500.00 The Farmer's Daughter 9393 TCH 105 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 100.00 Torect Ltd 4764 Port Hood Rd Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 500.00 Tri-Mac Toyata Ltd 46 Paint St Unit 1 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3K1 200.00 U.A. Local 244 Plumbers, Pipefitters, Welders PO Box 40 St Andrews Box 84 Antigonish NS B0H 1X0 500.00 Vi's Restaurant Ltd. 9381 Hwy 105 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 50.00 Watts Kathleen 739 Marble Hill Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 10.00 Watts Marcella 752 Marble Hill Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 20.00 Watts Sally 723 Marble Hill Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 50.00 Wayne's Variety 5447 Highway 19 Judique NS B0E 1P0 250.00 Whycocomagh Service Centre 9371 Hwy 105 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 100.00 21,703.50

Candidate: Michael MacIsaac Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Donalda MacDonald, 99 Church Street, Inverness, NS B0E 1N0 Contributions: $3,310.61 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Austin Edna RR #2 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 50.00 Beaton Martin D PO Box 6916 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2W2 100.00 Castle Judy Box 6964 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2W2 100.00 Chaiasson Ephraim B13028 Cabot Trail Hwy Grand Etang NS B0E 1L0 100.00 Chaisson-Snow Mary 3383 Emerald Street New Waterford NS B1H 1H7 75.00 Coady Margaret 3498 East Lake Ainslie E Lake Ainslie NS B0E 3M0 50.00 Deveaux Diane 3474 Baker Avenue New Waterford NS B1H 1X7 75.00 Eaton Susan 61 Brookland Stree Antigonish NS B2G 1V8 100.00 Hartery Shirley 92 Prince Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2R7 200.00 Kennedy Dougald 22 Edward Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2P4 52.00 Lamey Joanne 35 Birchwood Terrace Dartmouth NS B3A 3W4 100.00 Livingston Neal PO Box 55 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 1,000.00 Longphee Rita 3540 Warren Avenue New Waterford NS B1H 1R9 100.00 MacDonald Donalda 99 Church Street Inverness NS B0E 1N0 200.00 MacEachern Broadcasting 609 Church St, Suite 201 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2X4 38.61 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 34 Inverness

Michael MacIsaac (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacIntyre Elizabeth 1042 Springfield St St. Andrews NS B0H 1X0 50.00 MacIsaac Alexander RR #4 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C7 50.00 MacIsaac John A 204 Almont Avenue New Glasgow NS B2H 3G9 150.00 MacIsaac John A 232 Deepdale Road Inverness NS B0E 1N0 75.00 MacIsaac Joseph Lochness Street Inverness NS B0E 1N0 150.00 MacPerson Jacqueline 5 Thomas Street New Waterford NS B1H 1O5 20.00 Peters Brian PO Box 49 Margaree Centre NS B0E 1Z0 100.00 Peters Robert South West Margaree SW Margaree NS B0E 3H0 100.00 Simons Marijke 22 Edward Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2P4 75.00 Smith Maurice G 10 Tigo Park Antigonish NS B2G 1M9 100.00 Yipp Jon 74B Park Street Inverness NS B0E 1N0 100.00 3,310.61 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 35 Kings North

Candidate: Shirley Fisher Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Kelly Coombs, 8903 Commercial Street, New Minas, NS B4N 3E1 Contributions: $6,365.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Balcome Randall PH 15 Anderson Blvd Kentville NS B4N 5G9 28.57 Barry Martha 50 Southview Avenue Kentville NS B4N 1W2 100.00 Brison Scott House of Commons Ottawa NS K1A 0A6 100.00 Browning Geraldine 8358 Hwy 221 RR 2 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 100.00 Butland Anna 85 Spinmaker Drive Suite 505 Halifax NS B3N 3E3 50.00 Calpin John 42 Sring Garden Road Kentville NS B4N 2P5 50.00 Carpenter Mary Ellen 1587 Grand Pre Road Wolfville NS B4P 2R3 100.00 Carter Michael PO Box 326 Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Coombs Kelly 238 Spruce Drive Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 50.00 Cornwallis Developments Limited 325 Main Street Kentville NS B4N 1K5 1,000.00 Country Barn Antiques 135 Main Street Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 200.00 Dekker Victoria 278 Foxhill Avenue Kentville NS B4N 5A6 40.00 Duffett Harold 70 Park Street Kentville NS B4N 1M3 100.00 Dykeview Farms Limited 1225 Middle Dyke Road Centreville NS B0P 1J0 200.00 Ells David B. PO Box 423 Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Ellslea Farms Limited 925 Bains Road RR 5 Canning NS B0P 1H0 600.00 Ernst Trinda PO Box 791 Kentville NS B4N 3X9 28.57 Foster Jennifer 55 Cooperage Lane Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Gevason Paul 226 West Halls Harbour Road Centreville NS B0P 1J0 100.00 Gillis Scott PO Box 76 Kentville NS B4N 5V9 28.57 Herritt Charles 178 Fox Hill Avenue Kentville NS B4N 5B3 100.00 Hicks Linda 285 Al Bennett Road Centreville NS B0P 1J0 200.00 Innis William Box 276 Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 JG VanOostrum Farm Equipment Limited RR 1 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Lenethen Leroy 34 Exhibition Street Kentville NS B4N 1C1 150.00 MacDonald John RR 3 63 West Halls Harbour Rd Centreville NS B0P 1J0 100.00 McNamara Robert 268 Fox Hill Avenue Kentville NS B4N 5A6 75.00 Millett Connie 991 Hwy 358 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Murphy John 9795 Main Street Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Newcombe John 4 1824 Hwy 359 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 300.00 Newcombe Marion 1301 Belchser Street Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 25.00 Newcombe Patricia 4-1824 Hwy 359 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 100.00 Nova Agri Inc. 1225 Middle Dyke Road Centreville NS B0P 1J0 200.00 Palmer Curtis PO Box 618 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 28.57 Parker Vilda 4171 Hwy 359 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 200.00 Poole William 1458 Cape Split Road Canning NS B0P 1H0 25.00 Power Mary Lou 581 N Medford Road Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Prime Randall L 1354 Princess Crescent Coldbrook NS B4R 1B1 28.57 Sarsfield J Leonard PO Box 471 Canning NS B0P 1H0 250.00 Stephen S Healy Finanicial Services Ltd 23 Cornwallis Street Kentville NS B4N 4H8 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 35 Kings North

Shirley Fisher (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Sturk Eric 959 Cleveland Road Berwick NS B0P 1E0 28.58 Ueffing Josephus PO Box 129 Canning NS B0P 1H0 200.00 Valley Stationers Limited 59 Webster Street Kentville NS B4N 1H6 100.00 Wade Elizabeth 72 Craid Drive Wolfville NS B4P 5H2 400.00 Wallace Perry 10745 Hwy 221 Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Walter Paul L. 2907 Ward Street Coldbrook NS B4R 1A4 28.57 6,365.00

Candidate: Anna-Maria Galante-Ward Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Al Smith, 484 Jackson Barkhouse Rd, RR # 2, Canning, NS B0P 1H0 Contributions: $600.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bent Janet 3213 Hemlock St Halifax NS B3L 4B5 100.00 Bent William 3213 Hemlock St Halifax NS B3L 4B5 100.00 Cameron PM 115 Eden Row, RR #2 Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 300.00 Taproot Farm 1736 Church St Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 600.00

Candidate: Jim Morton Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Nancy Sampson-Henke, 30 Baden Powell Drive, Kentville, NS B4N 1J6 Contributions: $12,275.50 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Abela Paul 5371 Highway 358 Scott's Bay NS B0P 1H0 25.00 Amaranth & Associates PO box 444 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Balcome Randall 15 Anderson Blvd Kentville NS B4N 5G9 28.57 Bennett Charlene 12 Condon Ave Kentville NS B4N 2S3 75.00 Bezanson Family Christmas Tree Farms 3750 Black Rock Rd RR#3 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 250.00 Boates Charlotte 432 Blich Rd Cambridge NS B0P 1G0 25.00 Bond Sheila 618 Lakewood Rd Kentville NS B4N 3V7 500.00 Bond Wayne 618 Lakewood Rd Kentville NS B4N 3V7 820.80 Brazen Michael RR #5 Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Brfazeau Michael RR #5 Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Burrell Penni 30 Henry St Kentville NS B4N 2L4 100.00 Caplan Joelle 1469 Lockhart Mountain Rd Cold Brook NS B4R 1C1 25.00 Clarke J. 80 Lorne Ave Dartmouth NS B2Y 3E7 50.00 Cornwallis Chevrolet PO box 40 Kentville NS B4N 3V9 100.00 Coyle Michael RR #1 Canning NS B0P 1H0 500.00 Crozsman Randy 1025 Birch St New Minas NS B4N 4J3 200.00 Cudmore Gerald Site 6B Box 1, Comp 7 RR #1 Canning NS B0P 1H0 200.00 Daniels Brendan 80 Grant St Kentville NS B4N 2S4 500.00 Dienes Bruce PO box 2349 Station Main Wolfville NS B4P 2N5 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 35 Kings North

Jim Morton (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Ernst Rinda PO Box 791 Kentville NS B4N 3X9 28.57 Fraser Donald 74 Park St Kentville NS B4N 1M3 250.00 Fraser Susan 74 Park St Kentville NS B4N 1M3 250.00 Fuller Kathleen 40 Elm Ave Kentville NS B4N 1Y9 100.00 Giffin Michael 40 park St Kentville NS B4N 1M1 100.00 Gillis Scott PO Box 76 Kentville NS B4N 2V9 28.57 Hamaling Donald 2 Kadray Court Kentville NS B4N 5K2 100.00 Hambling Skip 1326 Pereau Rd RR #1 Canning NS B0P 1H0 214.70 Harris Carole 3 Pince St Wolfville NS B4P 1P7 70.00 Harris Ian 5 Chestnut Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1V7 150.00 Hewitt David 1460 Brow Mountain Rd Centreville NS B0P 1J0 250.00 Hughes Tim 161 Main St Kentville NS B4N 1J6 100.00 Hughes Timothy 161 Main St Kentville NS B4N 1J6 100.00 Kerr Debbie 31 James St Kentville NS B4N 2A2 50.00 Kie Fl Peter 191 Lemarchant Dr Kentville NS B4N 4K1 70.00 Leenhouts William 3706 Scotts Bay Rd Canning NS B0P 1H0 200.00 Llewellyn Donald 315 Applecrest Dr Kentville NS B4N 2Z5 300.00 MacKenzie Donald 518 Pereau Rd RR #2 Canning NS B0P 1H0 50.00 MacKenzie Kenna 33 Mill Run Kentville NS B4N 5G4 250.00 MacNeil Brendan 296 Rockwell Mnt. Rd RR #2 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 400.00 Malton Anne 5589 Hwy 221, RR #2 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 75.00 March Terrence 1558 Pereau Rd RR #1 Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 McConnell Andre 106-80 Spinnaker Dr Halifax NS B3N 3B5 25.00 McLean Joan RR#3 Bridgetown NS B0S 1C0 200.00 McNamara Roger 17-23 Campbell Rd Kentville NS B4N 1Y1 40.00 McNeil Neil 240 Cornwallis St Kentville NS B4N 2E8 100.00 Morton James 5 Alicia Blv Kentville NS B4N 4Y7 1,500.00 Morton Kenneth Eugene 143 Cottage St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 50.00 Mowatt Gordon 33 Mill Run Kentville NS B4N 5G4 250.00 Mutch Allison 52 Fielding Ave Kentville NS B4N 2T7 100.00 Plamer Curtis PO box 618 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 28.57 Prime Randall 1354 Princess Crescent Cold Brook NS B4R 1B1 28.57 Randall Garry 98A School St Kentville NS B4N 2P9 600.00 Redden William 23 Sherwood Dr Still Water Lake NS B3Z 1G9 250.00 Reynaldson Trefor 199 Wall St Waterville NS B0P 1V0 100.00 Riverbrook Farms Ltd PO box 152 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 75.00 Ruddy James RR #3 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 35.00 Sampson-Henke Nancy 30 Baden Powell Dr Kentville NS B4N 5P5 100.00 Sanford Marie 6286 221 Hwy RR #2 Lakeville NS B0P 1G0 1,000.00 Sturk Eric 959 Cleveland Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 28.58 Tupper Dean 341 Nichols Ave RR #2 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 500.00 Walker Paul 154 Chester Ave Kentville NS B4N 2J6 100.00 Walter Paul 2907 Ward St Cold Brook NS B4R 1A4 28.57 12,275.50 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 35 Kings North

Candidate: Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Todd Jones, 41 Oscar Close Dr., Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0 Contributions: $19,825.00 (net of contributions returned) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Allied Insurance Brokers Incorporated PO Box 666 Kentville NS B4N 3X9 500.00 Anderson1 Beryl 175 Bronson Ave, Apt 601 Ottawa ON K1R 6H2 50.00 Apple Valley Foods Inc PO Box 516 Kentville NS B4N 3X3 500.00 Atkin John 27 Mountain View St Kentville NS B4N 1A7 400.00 Baker GC 54 Elm Ave Kentville NS B4N 1Z1 100.00 BD Stevens Limited 20 MacDonald Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1C5 400.00 Bishop George 50 Main St Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 1,000.00 Black William & Lorraine 1705-1550 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 4A2 500.00 Blenkhorn Wayne 1042 High Street Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Chase Edward PO Box 71 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Clifton Dorothy 41 Craig Drive Kentville NS B4N 5H2 50.00 Cochrane John & Grace 40 George Street Kentville NS B4N 1N8 200.00 Coldwell Claudia PO Box 152 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Connelly A B F & Sandra 7 Fairview Street Kentville NS B4N 1G1 100.00 Cornish Frank RR2 Kentville NS B4N 3V8 50.00 Cornwallis Developments Limited 325 Main Street Kentville NS B4N 1K5 1,000.00 Davies David 33 Andersen Blvd Kentville NS B4N 5H2 150.00 Davies Lynda 33 Andersen Blvd Kentville NS B4N 5H2 150.00 Dykeview Farms Ltd 1225 Middle Dyke Rd Centreville NS B0P 1J0 350.00 Fenwick Lorraine 20 Fielding Ave Kentville NS B4N 2T5 50.00 Ferguson Paul PO Box 2227 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 75.00 Francis Ray 12 Andersen Blvd Kentville NS B4N 5G9 100.00 Fuller John RR2 Canning NS B0P 1H0 150.00 Garvey Brian PO Box 339 Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Giffin Alma 1982 Church Street Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 200.00 Giffin Marc 1982 Church Street Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 200.00 Gilliatt-Butler Shirley 43 Beech Hill Rd Kentville NS B4N 3V8 225.00 GK Morse Trucking Limited PO Box 90 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 500.00 Gray Robert 1701 Pereaux Rd Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Harrison Peter & Dana 35 Oscar Chase Dr Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 500.00 Hennigar David J 51 Forrest Lane Bedford NS B4A 1H8 200.00 Hennigar Laurie 1770 Middle Dyke Rd Centreville NS B0P 1J0 200.00 Holt Eric 9777 Main Street Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Hovell David J 67 Cooperage Lane Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 200.00 Jefferson Clara 62 Chestnut Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1V8 100.00 Jenkins Douglas 1064 Sesame Street Kentville NS B4N 3Y4 100.00 JG Seaman MD Services Inc 105 Parkview Rd Kentville NS B4N 1P8 100.00 JG Van oostrum Farm Equipment Limited RR1 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Jones Grenville PO Box 142 Stn Main Kentville NS B4N 3W4 100.00 1 Official agent confirmed return of contribution and indicated cancelled cheque will be forwarded to Elections Nova Scotia Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 35 Kings North

Mark Parent (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Kent Vivian 10 Wayne Street Kentville NS B4N 1T5 100.00 Kidston Robert 214 Reid Rd Kentville NS B4N 3V7 100.00 Lohnes George 55 Duncan Ave Kentville NS B4N 1N3 800.00 Lohnes Valerie 55 Duncan Ave Kentville NS B4N 1N3 800.00 Lohr John RR1 Canning NS B0P 1H0 500.00 MacCallum2 Ross 174 Coverdale Rd Riverview NB E1B 3H9 100.00 MacKay Cethkyn 92 Parkview Rd Kentville NS B4N 1P9 500.00 March Terence 1558 Pereau Rd Canning NS B0P 1H0 200.00 Marynard Chris PO Box 202 St Main Kentville NS B4N 3W4 100.00 Miller Carl 24 Fielding Ave Kentville NS B4N 2T5 200.00 Moody George 5145 Highway 1 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 100.00 Morgan Elizabeth 54 Dyke View Rd Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 50.00 Mullan Robert 196 Park Street Kentville NS B4N 1M6 200.00 North Helen 55 Oakdene Ave, Apt 16 Kentville NS B4N 2B6 100.00 Nova Agri Inc 1225 Middle Dyke Rd Centreville NS B0P 1J0 350.00 Ogilvie Kelvin PO Box 307 Canning NS B0P 1H0 250.00 Old Orchard Inn Limited 153 Greeenwhich Road South Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 500.00 Orchard Crest Farm Limited RR1 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 200.00 Parent Mark RR1 Canning NS B0P 1H0 500.00 Parsons Investments Limited PO Box 24 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 200.00 Phar Lap Inc PO Box 2227 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 75.00 Power Marylou & David 581 N Medford Rd Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Randsland Farms Inc 1050 Pereau Rd Canning NS B0P 1H0 100.00 Raymond Doug PO Box 69 Canning NS B0P 1H0 500.00 RD Chisholm Ltd 25 Webster Street Kentville NS B4N 1H4 100.00 Riardon Sue PO Box 11 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 100.00 RL MacDonald Investments Ltd 34 Cornwallis Street Kentville NS B4N 2E1 250.00 Roberts Doreen 325 Main Street, Apt 208 Kentville NS B4N 1K5 200.00 Roscoe Construction Limited 5769 Hwy 1 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 100.00 Sarsfield Leonard PO Box 471 Canning NS B0P 1H0 250.00 Sarsfield Farms Inc 779 N Medford Road Canning NS B0P 1H0 1,000.00 Saunders Donald & Judith 1054 Upper Church Street Kentville NS B4N 3V7 200.00 Scott Fred RR1 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Seamore Douglas 29 MacDonald Ave Kentville NS B4N 2X4 100.00 Slumber Inns Limited 153 Greeenwhich Road South Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 500.00 Stephen S Healy Financial Services Ltd 23 Cornwallis Street Kentville NS B4N 4H8 100.00 Swetnam Mary & William RR2 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 250.00 Trefry Gregory PO Box 635 Stn Main Kentville NS B4N 3X7 100.00 Verryn-Stuart Ian 52 Carmen Dr Kentville NS B4N 2T9 200.00 Wentzell Gerald 980 Rte 341 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 100.00 White Cyril & Penny 30 Condon Ave Kentville NS B4N 2S3 500.00 Whynott Terry 258 Belcher Street, Suite 30 Kentville NS B4N 1E4 100.00 2 Official agent confirmed return of contribution and indicated cancelled cheque will be forwarded to Elections Nova Scotia Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 35 Kings North

Mark Parent (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Wilson Ernest 189 Chester Ave Kentville NS B4N 2J7 200.00 Woolaver3 Earle 4045 Charlie Street Petrolia ON N0N 1R0 100.00 3 Official agent confirmed return of contribution and indicated cancelled cheque will be forwarded to Subtotal 20,075.00 Elections Nova Scotia Less: contributions returned in 2010 (250.00) Total 19,825.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 36 Kings South

Candidate: Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Peter Kiefe, 191 Lemarchant Dr., RR # 3, New Minas, NS B4N 4K1 Contributions: $20,460.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Aikaman Barbara 1869 Melanson Rd. Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 100.00 Albarela Johan 3099 Greenfield Rd Wolfville NS B4P 2R3 35.00 Archibald Gwenneth 4 Seaview Ave Wolfville NS B4P 2G2 150.00 Barrett Maxine 346 Main St Wolfville NS B4P 1C4 200.00 Bergen Anthony 3 Prince St. Wolfville NS B4P 1P7 200.00 Bishop Ernest Robert 31 Grandview Dr Wolfville NS B4P 1W8 100.00 Bisto Janico 9 Blomidon Terrace Wolfville NS B4P 2G8 100.00 Boutilier Joan 1 Lynwood Drive Wolfville NS B4P 1B1 500.00 Boutilier Roger 1 Lynwood Drive Wolfville NS B4P 1B1 500.00 Buckler Helen 91 Chestnut Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1V9 100.00 Bush Jennifer 1071 Ridge Rd. Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 150.00 Campbell Carolyn 2205 Black River Rd. Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 200.00 Cann Roger 1032 Club Crescent New Minas NS B4N 4Z5 500.00 Cayford Jane 131 Kings St. Wolfville NS B4P 2R3 200.00 Chipman Fred 32 Kent Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1V1 200.00 Chipman Nancy 32 Kent Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1V1 200.00 Collins Gary 134 Seuter Rd. Gaspereau NS B4P 2N5 150.00 Connors Catherine 4 Tremont St. Dartmouth NS B2Y 1X2 100.00 Cullen Shelley 1304 Birch Court Coldbrook NS B4R 1A9 200.00 Cunningham Joy 6321 Hwy # 1 Cambridge NS B0P 1M0 50.00 Curry Robert 28 Forsythe Rd South Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 25.00 Davidson Heather 49 Avon St. Hannts Port NS B0P 1B0 100.00 de Mestal Jackie 34-85 St. Andrews St. Halifax NS B3L 3Y3 200.00 Dennis Michael 1 Sylvan Dr Wolfville NS B4P 1X6 200.00 Dodd Joyce 172 Main St Berrwick NS B0P 1E0 250.00 Doerr Paul 15 Joan Rd. Wolfville NS B4P 2H2 50.00 Duerr Paul 15 Joan Rd. Wolfville NS B4P 2H2 50.00 Elliott Russell Apt 4 4 Westwood Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1X9 150.00 Fajta Eliezabeth 6 Acadia Apt 2 Wolfville NS B4P 1K7 100.00 Haliburton Gordon 36 Gasperau Ave Wolfville NS B4P 2C6 250.00 Haliburton Thomas 91 Bluff Rd Avonport NS B0P 1B0 150.00 Hanis Carol 3 Prince St. Wolfville NS B4P 1P7 200.00 Harding Anthony 86 Sherwood Dr. Wolfville NS B4P 2K6 150.00 Hare Lois 139 Union St. Berrwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Harris Jan 5 Chestnut Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1V7 150.00 Hawes Patricia 91 Wickwire Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1W3 100.00 Holmes Robert 3 Little Rd Wolfville NS B4P 1P5 150.00 Hope Simpson Peggy 9 Sunset Terrace Wolfville NS B4P 1S5 300.00 Jain Nirmal 6692 Highway 1 Coldbrook NS B4R 1B7 200.00 Jennex Earl 26 Lancaster Dr. Dartmouth NS B3A 4Y9 1,000.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 36 Kings South

Ramona Jennex (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Jennex Phillip 10 Lodi St. Sydney NS B1L 1C8 500.00 Jennex Ramona 2687 Poplar Dr Coldbrook NS B4R 1A9 1,000.00 Jensen Klaus 7054 Brooklyn St. Kentville NS B4R 1B6 500.00 Kampe Caorneliou 3 Riga Dr. Wolfville NS B0P 1X0 60.00 Kiefl Peter 191 Lemarchant Dr New Minas NS B4N 4K1 400.00 Kustudic Dusan 1145 Milne Ave New Minas NS B4N 4M7 100.00 Levy Patricia 1884 Sunken Lake Rd Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 100.00 Levy Purdy Emily 1681 Lower Sunken Lake Rd Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 450.00 Levy-Purdy Emily 1681 Lower Sunken Lake Rd Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 200.00 Lowe Ann 67 Pleasant St. Wolfville NS B4P 1M9 25.00 MacDonald Heather 660 Avonport Rd. Avonport NS B0P 1B0 400.00 MacDonald Margaret 6150 Cedar St Halifax NS B3H 2J5 100.00 MacInnes Adeline 1-38 Fowler St. Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 100.00 MacInnes Mary 2028 Grand Pre Rd Grand Pre NS B0P 1M0 100.00 MacInnis Kenneth 1041 Memory Lane New Minas NS B4N 4R5 100.00 MacKenzie Kenna 33 Mill Run Kentville NS B4N 5G4 250.00 MacNeil Conrad 1-12 Earnscliffe Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1X3 250.00 Macpherson Jan 4 Bay Street Wolfville NS B4P 1L6 100.00 Mangle David 11 Jona Rd. Wolfville NS B4P 2H2 200.00 Manzer Marilyn 53 Pleasant St. Wolfville NS B4P 1M9 50.00 Mattson Steve 615 Main Street Wolfville NS B1P 1G1 1,000.00 McCormick Paul 14 A Springvale Ave Halifax NS B3N 2A2 50.00 McMaster Jack 18 Acadia Wolfville NS B4P 1K7 20.00 Moore Barbara 102 Pheasant Rd Grand Pre NS B0P 1M0 100.00 Moore Patricia 654 Main St. Wolfville NS B4P 1E8 500.00 Moore Debra 11865 Hwy # 1 Wolfville NS B4P 2R3 100.00 Mowat Gordon 33 Mill Run Kentville NS B4N 5G4 250.00 Muntz Clarince 15 Post Road Apt 306 Wolfville NS B4P 2M8 50.00 Murphy Patrick 118 Maple Wolfville NS B4P 2L9 50.00 Nette Linda 217 Main St. Wolfville NS B4P 1C5 200.00 Northey Andrea 41 Fowler St. Wolfville NS B4P 1M5 100.00 Olsen Carole 40 Alline St. Wolfville NS B4P 1J4 1,000.00 Olsen Christopher 40 Alline St. Wolfville NS B4P 1J4 1,000.00 O'Neill Patrick 9 Blomidon Terrace Wolfville NS B4P 2E8 100.00 Pickering Murray 445 Peck Meadow Rd Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 100.00 Reed Christine 21 Chevy Lane Wolfville NS B4P 1T9 50.00 Reimer Cathy 610 Church St. Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Rustudic Michaele 6-21 King St. Wolfville NS B4P 1K4 50.00 Sacauman Linda 2700 Greenfield Rd Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 250.00 Sewell Rhonda 1220 Upper Church St. Kentville NS B4N 3V7 100.00 Shamson Zelda 11246 Hwy # 1 Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 100.00 Sheriko Kulhi 149 Orchard Ave Wolfville NS B4P 2J2 100.00 Stalley Midge 74 Highland Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1Z6 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 36 Kings South

Ramona Jennex (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Stewart Catherine 445 Ridge Road Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 100.00 Stewart Suzanne 61 Skyway Drive Wolfville NS B4P 1S1 100.00 Sumarah Colleen 4 Westwood Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1X9 20.00 Tillotson Douen 4 Westwood Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1X9 100.00 Tillotson James 131 Kings St. Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 125.00 Tomek Ivan 12 Kencrest Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1J6 50.00 Toplack Christina 146 Main St. Wolfville NS B4P 1C1 200.00 Townsend Michael 104 Old Port Rd Grand Pre NS B0P 1M0 25.00 van Uulpen Rita 191 Lemarchant Dr New Minas NS B4N 4K1 100.00 Verstraeto Bert 1180 Milne Ave New Minas NS B4N 4C8 200.00 Walsternholme Sue 219 Avon St Hannts Port NS B0P 1P0 150.00 Wandler David 1708 Stan's Pt. Rd Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Warner Alan 123 Deep Hallow Rd Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 250.00 Waseem Gertrud 7 Bay St Wolfville NS B4P 1L7 50.00 Waterbury / Newton Partners 219 Avon St Kentville NS B4N 3V9 200.00 Watts Derek 88 Wickwire Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1W2 100.00 Welford James 91 Wickwire Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1W3 100.00 Whidden Helen 7 Fowler Wolfville NS B4P 1M5 75.00 Whynot Dale 902 Charles St. Kentville NS B4N 2Y7 100.00 Winslade Tim 4 Central Ave Wolfville NS B4P 2A6 100.00 20,460.00

Candidate: Paula Kinley Howatt Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: John Mroz, 1009 Woodvale Place, New Minas, NS B4N 4K2 Contributions: $24,093.60 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Aberdeen Paving Ltd 298 Hammonds Plains Rd Bedford NS B4B 1B1 100.00 ABM Systems Limited 95 Williams Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 0A1 300.00 Allied Inssurance Brokers Inc 20 Aberdeen Street Kentville NS B4N 2N1 250.00 Archibald A. Gail 1009 Marina Drive New Minas NS B4N 4W3 50.00 Atlantic Coproation 23 Paint Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J1 300.00 Balcom Garry 21 Basinview Terrace Wolfville NS B4P 1T1 100.00 Balcome Randall 15 Anderson Blvd Kentville NS B4N 5G9 28.57 Best Granville 1368 George Street Cold Brook NS B4R 1B1 100.00 Bishop Avard 10009 Hwy #1 Greenwich NS B4R 2R2 50.00 Bishop Jennie 10009 Hwy #1 Greenwich NS B4R 2R2 50.00 Brian Dale Bent Rentals 454 Main Street Kentville NS B4N 1K8 100.00 Brison Scott 360 Main Street Wolfville NS B4P 1C4 100.00 Brown John Suite 302, 21 Chambers Close wof NS B4P 2S8 200.00 Burke Patrick 1006 Clover Leaf Dr New Minas NS B4N 4N9 100.00 Butler Alison 451 Creek Blvd Canning NS B0P 1H0 1,000.00 Butler Trevor 54 Dalhousie Ave Kentville NS B4N 5E5 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 36 Kings South

Paula Kinley Howatt (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Caney Marilyn 285 Gras deceru Road Kings County NS B4P 2N5 50.00 Colbo Murray 3027 Lowett Road Cold Brook NS B4R 1A4 200.00 Cook Darrell 127 Main Street Wolfville NS B4P 1E2 100.00 Cuming Megan 568 Main Street Wolfville NS B4P 1E5 100.00 Dalziel Stephen 1003 Ken Wo Crescent New Minas NS B4N 5L8 40.00 Dartmouth Ready Mix Ltd 20 MacDonald Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1C5 400.00 Day Sir Graham 18 Avon Street Hantsport NS B0P 1P0 500.00 Duffett Harold 70 Park Street Kentville NS B4N 1M3 100.00 Dunn Michael RR #1 Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 1,000.00 Ernst Rinda 469 Main Street Kentville NS B4N 3V9 28.57 Family 1st Medical Limited 8995 Commercial Street New Minas NS B4N 3E3 500.00 Fraser Sandy 34 Carriage Way Ct Wolfville NS B4P 2N1 100.00 Gillis Scott 469 Main Street Kentville NS B4N 3V9 28.57 Girmmer Frederick 3 Rembel Dr New Minas NS B4N 4A4 300.00 Harrison Robert 16 Westwood Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1X9 150.00 Harwood Betsey 620 Main Street Wolfville NS B4P 1E8 100.00 Hickman Joseph 2045 King Arthur Ct New Minas NS B4N 538 200.00 Irving James 1030 Evergreen Ave New Minas NS B4N 4L6 50.00 J.P. Shannon Realties Limited 6A Vidito Drive Dartmouth NS B3B 1P9 300.00 JBM Rentals Limited 23 Paint Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3S7 200.00 Johnston Mark Suite 125, 70 Exhibition St Kentville NS B4N 1C2 500.00 Kimball Heidi 121 Front Street Wolfville NS B4P 1A6 250.00 Kings Physiotherapy Clinic Inc 1002 Kentucky Court New Minas NS B4H 4N2 1,000.00 Kinley Grace 73 Green Street Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,000.00 Kinley John 73 Green Street Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,000.00 Law Bruce 247 Cunard Street Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 250.00 Law Carol 247 Cunard Street Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 250.00 Leishman Robert 4 three Little Road wof NS B4P 1P5 100.00 Lewis Susan 106-71 Chambers Close Wolfville NS B4P 2S8 50.00 Long Zelma 105 Zack Drive Sunken Lake NS B4P 2B2 300.00 MacGregor Robert 825 Hunter Street Kentville NS B4N 5J4 500.00 MacKeen Shawn 17522 Dunvegan Dirve Halifax NS B3H 4G1 250.00 McLeod Bruce 1796 Kidston Ave Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 250.00 Metro Self Sgtorage 10 Lovett Lake Ct Halifax NS B3S 1B8 300.00 Mroz John 1009 Woodvale Place New Minas NS B4N 4K2 100.00 Munden Patricia 57 Bishop Ave Wolfville NS B4P 2L4 100.00 Mutch Allison 56 Fieding Ave Kentville NS B4N 2T1 100.00 Newton Janet 1020 High Street Port Williams NS B0P 170 100.00 Newton Walter 1020 High Street Port Williams NS B0P 1Z0 300.00 Old Orchard Inn Limited 153 Greenwich Road South Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 500.00 Palmer Bruce 50 Anderson Blvd Kentville NS B4N 5H2 1,000.00 Palmer Curtis 469 Main Street Kentville NS B4N 3V9 28.57 Palmeter Ian 9 Seaview Ave Wolfville NS B4P 2G3 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 36 Kings South

Paula Kinley Howatt (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Parsons Investments Ltd 15096 Hwy #1 Wimot NS B0P 1W0 100.00 Pecan Ravine Limited 23 Paint Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J1 200.00 Peter Daigle Wholesale Fruit & Vegetables (1995) Ltd 42 Hwy 358 Port Williams NS B0P 1Z0 500.00 Phillips Gwenyth 31 Woodland Drive Wolfville NS B4P 1J3 100.00 Phillips Wayne 31 Woodland Drive Wolfville NS B4P 1J3 100.00 Poirier Marc 74 Dale Street Wolfville NS B4P 1H3 100.00 Prescott Tom 60 West Wood Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1X9 300.00 Prime Randall 1354 Princess Crescent Cold Brook NS B4R 1B1 28.58 Reading Wray 4 Jaems Street Kentville NS B4N 1Z8 200.00 Reid Kathryn 9-4 Little Road Wolfville NS B4P 1P4 200.00 Resource Transport Ltd 23 Paint Street Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J1 300.00 S. S. Pothier OD Inc 4 Central Avenue Wolfville NS B4P 2A6 1,000.00 Sarsfield Lewis 1027 Highbury Rd New Minas NS B4N 3P9 25.00 Sawler Beverley 1481 Hayes Street Cold Brook NS B4R 1B4 100.00 Scott Slipp Nissan Limited 975 Park Street Kentville NS B4H 4H8 960.50 Seaboard Transport Group 4 Vidize Dr Dartmouth NS B3B 1P9 300.00 Shaffner Nellie 106-71 Chambers Close Wolfville NS B4P 2S8 50.00 Shannex Inc 156 Parkland Dr Halifax NS B3S 1N9 300.00 Silver Jeffrey 2944 Laurie Lane Cold Brook NS B4R 1A3 100.00 Slumber Inns Limited 153 Greenwich Road South Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 500.00 Stegan James 6 Oakdene Ave Kentville NS B4N 2B5 350.00 Sturk Eric 959 Cleveland Road Berwick NS B0P 1E0 28.57 T. C. Winsldade OD Inc 4 Central Avenue Wolfville NS B4P 2A6 1,000.00 Trainor Robert 10 Braemar Dr Wolfville NS B4P 1A7 100.00 Twohey Brian 1999 Grand Pre Road Grand Pre NS B0P 1M0 250.00 Urqhart Don 115 Point Drive Tupper Lake NS B0P 1G0 100.00 Viking Ventures Ltd 4248 Hwy #1 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 368.10 Wade Elizabeth 72 Craig Drive Kentville NS B4N 5H2 200.00 Walter Paul 2907 Ward Street Cold Brook NS B4R 1A4 28.57 Wells Don 415 Wellington Dyke Rd Port Williams NS B0P 170 100.00 Whynot Dale 258 Belcher St Kentville NS B4N 1E4 100.00 Wilson Sandra 185 East Main St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 300.00 24,093.60 Candidate: Brendan MacNeill Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Marjorie MacNeill, 10 Chestnut Avenue, Wolfville, NS B4P 1V6 Contributions: $1,035.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Albarda John Willem 3099 Greenfield RR#3 Wolfville NS B4P 2R3 35.00 Gordon Basil 7 Horizon Ct Dartmouth NS B3A 4R2 50.00 MacNeill Gregory 10 Chestnut Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1V6 400.00 MacNeill Marjorie 10 Chestnut Ave Wolfville NS B4P 1V6 400.00 Urquhart Don 115 Point Dr Tupper Lake NS B0P 1G0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 36 Kings South

Brendan MacNeill (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Wile Darryl 7 Blomidon Terrace Wolfville NS B4P 2G4 50.00 1,035.00

Candidate: Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Dr. J. Robert Harris, 36 Pinecrest Avenue, New Minas, NS B4N 5L1 Contributions: $3,200.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Chisholm John W PO Box 1328 Antigonish NS B4G 2L7 500.00 Costello Barry 1013 George Street New Minas NS B4N 4E2 100.00 Ells David 1007 Michael Street New Minas NS B4N 3P2 200.00 Fairn Evelyn 71 Cambers Close Wolfville NS B4P 2S8 100.00 Fairn Hugh 71 Cambers Close Wolfville NS B4P 2S8 100.00 Hicks Henry 285 Al Bennett Rd Centreville NS B0P 1J0 200.00 Howard E. Little Excavating Ltd 323 Cambridge Mtn. Road Cambridge NS B0P 1G0 200.00 Hzel Rockwell Fletcher 9 Harris Place Wolfville NS B4P 1T3 250.00 Jefferson Clara 62 Chestnut Avenue Wolfville NS B4P 1V8 100.00 Kimball Derrick 121 Front Street Wolfville NS B4P 1A6 250.00 Learn for Life Limited 2276 Davidson Street Wolfville NS B4P 2R1 100.00 L'Oiseau Mike 245 Sunken Lake Rd Wolfville NS B4P 2R2 100.00 Mullan Robert 196 Park Street Kentville NS B4N 1M6 100.00 Parsons Investments Ltd PO Box 24 Kentville NS B0P 1R0 100.00 R&D Eagle Limited 101 Minas Crescent New Minas NS B4N 4G5 100.00 Vaillancourt Sheila 66 Woodland Drive Wolfville NS B4P 2N5 100.00 White Penelope 100 Cornwallis Street Kentville NS B4N 2E4 500.00 Whynot Terry 258 Belcher St, Suite 30 Kentville NS B4N 1E4 100.00 3,200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 37 Kings West

Candidate: Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Eric Sturk, 959 Cleveland Road, Berwick, NS Contributions: $45,850.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Acker David 1478 Palmer Drive Kingston NS B0P 1R0 50.00 Adams Donald 1286 Victoria Rd, Apt 3 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 50.00 Peat Moss Co Ltd 3647 Highway 1 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 600.00 Archibald Marilyn 1027 Palmer Rd Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Armstrong Doug 752 Main St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Arthurs Thomas PO Box 244, 852 Neptune Lane Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 50.00 Ashford-Morton Anna 294 Main St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Atlantic Arborists Ltd 665 Bowlby Park Drive Kingston NS B0P 1R0 200.00 Balcom Joan PO Box 717, Union St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 1,000.00 Balcome Randall 15 Anderson Blvd Kentviille NS B4N 5G9 28.57 Balser Helen PO Box 368 1496 Palmer Drive Kingston NS B0P 1N0 50.00 Banks Reta 550 Windsor St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 200.00 Banks Shauna 1505 McMaster Cres Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Bent Doris Box 16, 9 Queen St Middleton NS B0S 1P0 500.00 Bent Keith 1071 Nelson Cres Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 500.00 Bezanson Wanda 1349 Bishop Ave Kingston NS B0P 1R0 200.00 Bower Deschamps & Co Ltd 792 Central Ave Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 100.00 Bowe's Janitorial Services Ltd 2032 Highway 1 Auburn NS B0P 1A0 200.00 Bowlby Quality Meats Ltd 799 Meadowvale Rd Kingston NS B0P 1R0 1,000.00 Braden Victor 1147 Cleveland Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Charlton Arthur PO Box 404 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 50.00 Charlton John 103 Union St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Charlton Kathryn 103 Union St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Clarke Donald 10 Horsburgh Drive Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Cleveland Carmen 793 Main St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 500.00 Cleveland Lynne 793 Main St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 500.00 Clow Lawrence 852 Otter Drive Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 200.00 Connell Chrysler Ltd 1051 Brooklyn St Middleton NS B0S 1P0 250.00 Corbett Darrell 106a Pleasant Street Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Crane Peter Box 441, 14867 Highway 1 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 200.00 Cromwell Ronald 1516 McMaster Cres Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 De Coste Manufacturing Ltd 769 Main St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 300.00 Deveau John PO Box 1206, 77 Valley Road Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 500.00 Dr Abdul Yafai Inc 523 Main St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 250.00 Dr Paul McGuire Inc 523 Main Street Kingston NS B0P 1R0 500.00 Dunn Stella 1106 Maple Ave Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Ernst Trinda 469 Main St Kentviille NS B4N 3V9 28.57 Fillmore David 72 Chase Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 250.00 Franey Mariana 3381 Highway 221 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 250.00 Fraser Supplies 1980 Ltd 4147 Highway 1 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 1,000.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 37 Kings West

Leo Glavine (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Fulton Gerald 3911 Brooklyn St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Fulton Lorna 3911 Brooklyn St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Fundy Ford Sales Ltd 451 Main St Middleton NS B0S 1P0 500.00 Giffin Barbara 437 Pine Ridge Ave Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Giffin Patrick 437 Pine Ridge Ave Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Gillis Scott 469 Main St Kentviille NS B4N 3V9 28.57 Glavine Chris 78 Terra Nova Drive Kingston NS B0P 1R0 5,000.00 Glavine Doris 2302 Bishop Mtn Rd Kingston NS B0P 1R0 1,000.00 Glavine Leo 2303 Bishop Mtn Rd Kingston NS B0P 1R0 1,000.00 Glavine Lorrie 38 Brookridge Place Kingston NS B0P 1R0 2,500.00 Glavine Michael 1481 Marshall Rd Kingston NS B0P 1R0 2,500.00 GN Reach & Sons Ltd (The Big Scoop) PO Box 1150, Highway 1 Middleton NS B0S 1P0 250.00 Graves Yvonne 2893 Highway 221 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Greenwood Subway Ltd 963 Central Ave Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 100.00 Griffis Madeleine 2256 Brow Mtn Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 H E Armstrong Mechanical Ltd 742 Central Ave Kingston NS B0P 1R0 200.00 Hall Donald 165 Cottage St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Henry Endres (Westmoor Investments) 1 Cranberry Bog Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 500.00 Hines Lorraine 945 Main St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 50.00 Horsnell John 3001 Highway 221 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 150.00 Horsnell Joyce 2587 Highway 221 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 50.00 Howard Little Excavating Ltd 323 Cambridge Mtn Rd Cambridge Station NS B0P 1G0 200.00 Hutchinson Anna 1366 Woodville Rd Kentviille NS B4N 3V7 250.00 Hutchinson Christopher 1366 Woodville Rd Kentviille NS B4N 3V7 250.00 Investors Group Inc c/o David Stewart,Suite 900, 1959 Upper WatHalifax NS B3J 2X2 500.00 James Bernard Lamb 318 Pleasant Valley Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Johnson Joan 138 South St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Jus-Mar Investments Ltd 954 Central Ave Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 500.00 Keddy Dorothy 4069 Highway 1 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Keddy Mrs H 21 Thomas St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Keith Jim 235 Commercial St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Keith John 9 St Laurent St Halifax NS B3M 4B6 500.00 Kelly Bette 3001 Highway 221 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 King Graeme 208 Marsters Ave Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Kings Enterprises Ltd PO Box 130, 787 Main St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 300.00 Kingston Medical Clinic PO Box 160, 523 Main St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 500.00 Kinsman Lindsay 3881 Highway 221 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 1,000.00 L J Robicheau & Son Fisheries Ltd 405 Main St Middleton NS B0S 1P0 200.00 Laser Enterprises Ltd PO Box 1150, 12240 Shore Rd Middleton NS B0S 1P0 250.00 Levy Cordell 898 Greenwood Rd Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Lewis Michael 287 Shore Road Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Longley Janet 3-365 Pine Ridge Ave Kingston NS B0P 1R0 50.00 Louise Endres (Westmoor Investments) 1 Cranberry Bog Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 37 Kings West

Leo Glavine (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Lovelace Christina 1505 McMaster Cres Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 MacDonald Donald PO Box 1142, 909 Carol St Greenwood NS B0P 1E0 100.00 MacFarlane Margaret 23 Cook Ave Wilmot NS B0P 1W0 100.00 Magee Mary 3799 Welsford St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 50.00 Marlen Spencer (Marlen's Greenery Greenhouse) 1298 Victoria Rd Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Martyn Elizabeth PO Box 361, 983 Argus Drive Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 100.00 McDonald Byron 874 Dalmation Drive Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 250.00 McGrath Dan PO Box 596, 173 Maple Ave Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 McGuire Cathy 523 Main Street Kingston NS B0P 1R0 250.00 McGuire Paul 523 Main Street Kingston NS B0P 1R0 250.00 McKay Gail PO Box 64, 1063 Nelson Cres Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Meade Pat 911 Fales River Rd Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 100.00 Melvin Melvin E 69 Pineo St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Michael Bishop Accounting Ltd 623 Main St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Misner Beverley 574 Heather Cres Kingston NS B0P 1R0 50.00 Munday Michael 141 Lawrence Ave Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Nichols Roy PO Box 155, 2524 Highway 1 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 200.00 Northridge Farms NS Ltd 2458 Highway 221 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 500.00 Palmer Curtis 188 Commercial St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 28.57 Parsons Investments Ltd 15096 Highway 1 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 300.00 Peck Thelma 1193 Highway 1 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Pega Holdings PO Box 267, 523 Main St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 250.00 Penny Sandra 295 Ben Phinney Rd Kingston NS B0P 1R0 500.00 Perfect Berries Ltd 3647 Highway 1 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 600.00 Pierce John 326 Pine Ridge Ave Kingston NS B0P 1R0 400.00 Pierce Lynda 326 Pine Ridge Ave Kingston NS B0P 1R0 400.00 Prime Randall 1354 Princess Cres Coldbrook NS B4R 1B1 28.57 Proudfoot David 811 Central Ave Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 250.00 Proudfoot David 1770 Katelyn St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 250.00 Prout Bruce PO Box 176, 118 Vault Rd Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Ralph Freeman Motors Ltd 820 Main St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 500.00 Rawding Donald 920 Fales River Drive Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 100.00 Rawding Janet PO Box 123, 87 Rivercrest Lane Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 100.00 Ron Richter Law Office Inc Central Ave Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 200.00 Roscoe Construction Ltd 5769 Highway 1 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 200.00 Sanford Don 774 Central Ave Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 150.00 Shay Tire LTd 4241 Highway 1 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 500.00 Simms (T & T Holdings) Tanya 1636 Highway 201 Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 200.00 Stewart Robert 251 Commercial St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Stoddart Ted 510 French Cross Rd Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Sturk Claudette 959 Cleveland Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 250.00 Sturk Eric 959 Cleveland Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 278.58 T & S Office Essentials 2006 Ltd 778 Main St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 300.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 37 Kings West

Leo Glavine (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Tamlyn Anne 729 Greenwood Rd Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Tammy McKay (Mama Sofia Pizza) 521 Main St Kingston NS B0P 1R0 300.00 The Barker Group 394 Main St Middleton NS B0S 1P0 800.00 Thibault Gary 295 Main St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Thibault Robert PO Box 133, 2660 Second Division Rd Church Point NS B0W 1M0 100.00 Thurber Baden 653 Acker Court Kingston NS B0P 1R0 50.00 Tri-Pacer Holdings Inc 151 Foster St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Twin Mountain Construction Ltd 5431 Highway 221 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 1,000.00 Viking Ventures Ltd 4248 Highway 1 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Wade Enterprises Ltd 1061 Spittal Rd Coldbrook NS B4R 1B6 1,000.00 Walsh Mary 210 Bentley Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Walter Paul 2907 Ward St Coldbrook NS B4R 1A4 28.57 Ward Constance 11 Mercon Place Coldbrook NS B4R 1A2 300.00 Weir Ruth PO Box 362, 8 Thomas St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Weymouth Drug Store Ltd 4553 Main St Weymouth NS B0W 3T0 400.00 Wilson Bill 185 Main St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 300.00 Wilson Sandra 185 Main St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 300.00 45,850.00

Candidate: Chris Palmer Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Jim Sotvedt, 741 Brooklyn Street, Kingston, NS B0P 1R0 Contributions: $12,093.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Annapolis Valley Peat Moss Co Ltd 3647 Hwy 1 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 400.00 Atlantic Arborists Ltd 665 Bowlby Park Dr Kingston NS B0P 1R0 400.00 Atwater Wayne 1746 Morden Rd Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Balsor Robert R 2171 Victoria Road Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 300.00 Barnet Robyn C 1677 Old Brook Rd Kingston NS B0P 1R0 200.00 Black William 1705-1550 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 4AZ 500.00 Carter Florence 211 Bog Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Chute Lewis 80 Gravenstein Drive Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 F & R Chisholm Pharmacy Ltd 2710 Hwy 1 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 400.00 Fancy Cheryl 249 Main Street Berwick NS B0P 1E0 68.00 Fisher Phyllis P 598 Hwy 360 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 50.00 Fraser Charles 164a Brown St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Fuller Earle D 106 Mountainview Dr Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Hall Howard 157 Brown Street Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Harding Tim RR 3 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Joudrey Glenn 1347 Harmony Rd Kingston NS B0P 1R0 500.00 Kerr Gregory J 78 Kerr Lane Granville Ferry NS B0S 1A0 200.00 Kilcup David 10 Rainforth Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Lingley Thomas 1719 Black Rock Rd Waterville NS B0P 1V0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 37 Kings West

Chris Palmer (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacCarthy June D 2129 Hwy 1 Auburn NS B0P 1A0 100.00 Marshall John 885 Hwy 1 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Meisner Eric 4728 Brooklyn St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Melling Violet 2655 Hwy 1 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 Moir Shirley 1 Ron Smith Drive Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Moody George 5145 Hwy 1 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 500.00 Moody Harley 600 Windermere Rd Berwick NS B0P 1E0 500.00 Moody Nina 307 Main St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Palmer Paul 112 Mountainview Drive Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Parsons Investments LTd 15096 Hwy 1 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Perfect Berries Ltd 3647 Hwy 1 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 400.00 Prall John 248 Main St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Rafuse Donald R 6324 Hwy 1 Cambridge NS B0P 1G0 500.00 Rafuse Harold 5247 Hwy 1 Waterville NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Rogers Eugene 1538 Marshall Rd Kingston NS B0P 1R0 200.00 Russel Earl 719 Maple St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Salsman Phyllis 1719 Black Rock Rd Waterville NS B0P 1V0 25.00 Scott Paulette 156 Brown Street Berwick NS B0P 1E0 200.00 Spinney Trudie 828 Brown Mttn Road Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 100.00 T & T Holdings Reg # 2429121 1135 Bridge Street Kingston NS B0P 1R0 200.00 Toole Lorraine 5562 Hwy 1 Waterville NS B0P 1E0 500.00 Van Hattem Herman 3195 Hwy 221 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 200.00 Vault Construction Ltd 2699 Hwy 1 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 3,000.00 Walker Ronald 1196 School St Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 200.00 Warner Julia 499 Hwy 1 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Whalen Fred 4231 Brooklyn St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 250.00 12,093.00

Candidate: Nistal Prem de Boer Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Carol Tobin Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Debra Hubbert, 121 Foster St., PO Box 654, Berwick, NS B0P 1B0 Contributions: $9,586.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Barron George 6709 Sissiboo Rd Bear River NS B0S 1P0 100.00 Brush Hugh Patrick 5 MacIntosh St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Budde Robert RR #1 Waterville NS B0P 1V0 496.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 37 Kings West

Carol Tobin (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bull Michelle 128 Foster St, PO Box 177 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 475.00 Dodd Edward T 172 Main St, RR #2 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 500.00 Gwyn Julian 127 Willow Ave Berwick NS B0P 1E0 1,000.00 Hare Lois RR #5 Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 Horie Hector 985 Rafuse Rd Waterville NS B0P 1V0 100.00 Hubbert Debra 121 Foster St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 1,000.00 Hubert Greg 121 Foster St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 700.00 Joudrey Glenn 1347 Harmony Rd, RR #5 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Luckman Ronald PO Box 748, Foster St Berwick NS B0P 1E0 100.00 MacNeill Dave Box 393 Aylesford NS B0P 1C0 200.00 Mockford Lorraine PO Box 1748, 1912 Greenwood Rd Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 375.00 Mockford Stephen PO Box 1748, 1912 Greenwood Rd Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 500.00 Neiley Alice 1461 Bridge St, RR #5 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 2,500.00 Schurman Elizabeth PO Box 194 Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 200.00 Tobin Carol 127 Willow Ave Berwick NS B0P 1E0 1,040.00 9,586.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 38 Lunenburg

Candidate: Pam Birdsall Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Angus J. Fields, 195 Lawrence St., PO Box 1273, Lunenburg, NS B0J 2C0 Contributions: $19,245.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Agnes Muriel 866 Woodstock Rd, RR #3 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Annand Wendy 94 Moyle Rd Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 1,000.00 Austen David 15 Regal Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 4F9 100.00 Barkhouse Janet 1096 Woodstock Rd, RR #3 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Bent Alice 94 Moyle Rd Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 200.00 Birdsall Pamela 590 Main St Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 1,000.00 Bradfield Suellen 6324 Cornwall St Halifax NS B3H 2J1 50.00 Brett Anne 38 Brook St Bridgewater NS B4V 3B2 200.00 Brookchin Susan PO Box 459 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 50.00 Brown Jocelyn PO Box 575 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 200.00 Chandler Carol RR #1, Site 1A, Box 2 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 250.00 Childs Cecil 749 Nothfield Rd Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 25.00 Covert Harry 590 Main St Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 300.00 Crawford Rosemary PO Box 441 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Cullen Barbara 79 Ramey Rd, RR #2 Barss Corners NS B0R 1A0 150.00 Dahn Margery RR #2 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Darnell Laurel RR #2 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 25.00 Delefes Peter 68 Masons Point Rd Head of St Margaret's Bay NS B3Z 2A8 50.00 Earle Gordon 18th the Lane at Stillwater Lake Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1H6 100.00 Ernst Danny RR #2 New Germany NS B0R 1E0 100.00 Everts-Lind Richard 5722 Hwy 332 Middle LaHave NS B4V 2Y5 400.00 Fay Jeanne RR #2 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 1,000.00 Fields Angus PO Box 1273, 195 Lawrence St Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 700.00 Fulcher Wayne 34 Oxner Head Dr Riverport NS B0J 2W0 200.00 Hall Mike 49 Pheasant Ln, Oakland, RR #2 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 400.00 Hallowell Gerald PO Box 938 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 50.00 Hamilton Liz PO Box 193 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 500.00 Hanolon Terence RR #2 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 250.00 Highliner Foods PO Box 910 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,000.00 Hinton Susan RR # 1 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 100.00 Issenman Arnold Apt 1306, 1545 South Park St Halifax NS B3J 4B3 300.00 Kaye Diane 11 Murray Hill Dr Dartmouth NS B2Y 3A6 100.00 Keddy Marilyn RR #1 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,000.00 Kellogg Paul PO Box 1768 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,000.00 Laursen Jens 3964 Route 332, RR #1 Riverport NS B0J 2W0 100.00 Leitold Ron 46 Hirtle Beach Rd, RR #1 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 100.00 Lutwick Graham 125 Pauls Point Rd Hacketts Cove NS B3Z 3K6 30.00 MacDonald Keith PO Box 534 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 200.00 MacDonald Maureen 5525 Cabot St Halifax NS B3K 2J6 100.00 MacPherson Deborah Box 142, Unit 17, 450 LaHave St Bridgewater NS B4V 4A3 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 38 Lunenburg

Pam Birdsall (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Matheson Jane 6745 Prospect Rd West Dover NS B3Z 3T1 100.00 McPearson Judith RR #3 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 75.00 Moore Marion 6560 Hwy 332 Upper LaHave NS B4V 7B4 50.00 Mossman Carolyn 1400 Grimm Rd Middle LaHave NS B4V 3L6 750.00 Mossman George 1400 Grimm Rd Middle LaHave NS B4V 3L6 1,000.00 Murray Robert PO Box 370 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 200.00 Northwest Trading Co PO Box 277 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 50.00 Poirier Jeanette PO Box 92 - 607 Hwy 325 Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 100.00 Pross August (Paul) 229 Indian Path Rd, RR #2 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 400.00 Puxley David PO Box 575 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 400.00 Rolfsen Gerald PO Box 1871 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 520.00 Seney Ron S 6713 #10 Hwy Meisner's Section NS B0R 1E0 50.00 Smiley Carol 5572 North Ridge Rd, Apt 1208 Halifax NS B3K 5K2 200.00 St Onge Annette PO Box 152 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 30.00 Stevenson Adran PO Box 447 Bridgewater NS B4V 2X6 100.00 Stockton Ron 6309 Chebucto Rd Halifax NS B3L 1K9 300.00 Taylor Anna PO Box 129 Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 200.00 Trask Deborah PO Box 1768 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 50.00 Veinot Merle 4318 Cornwall Rd, RR # 2 Barss Corners NS B0R 1A0 950.00 Wentzel Linda 26 Masons Beach Road Box 1759 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Whynott Gary Box 240 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Wildsmith Ardythe 4172 Cornwall Rd, RR #2 Barss Corners NS B0R 1A0 200.00 Worthington Samual PO Box 367 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 500.00 Young Donna 225 Dufferin St, PO Box 97 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 700.00 Young Robert 212 Green St, PO Box 97 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 290.00 19,245.00

Candidate: Milton Countway Recognized Party: IND Official Agent: Sandra Statton, 406 Allenback Pt. Rd., RR # 1, Blockhouse, NS B0J 1E0 Contributions: $1,950.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Corkum's Recycling 376 Hwy 324 Northwest NS B0J 2C0 500.00 Counttway Donna 163 Ernst Rd Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 1,000.00 DD Veinotte Construction 1269 Sweetland Rd Sweetland NS B0J 1E0 100.00 De Ju Vu Lab & Testing Equip NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Reliant Traffic Control 201 426 King St Bridgewater NS B4V 1A9 50.00 Statton Sandra 406 Allen Back Pr Rd Sweetland NS B0J 1E0 100.00 Whynott Gary 764 Hwy 325 Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 100.00 1,950.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 38 Lunenburg

Candidate: Jason A. Remai Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Rick Welsford Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Peter Mosher, 182 Brook Street, Lunenburg, NS B0J 2C0 Contributions: $13,085.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Adam and Knickle Ltd PO Box 699 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Allen David RR #2 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 200.00 Allen David E. 61 Forest Village Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Bailly's Fuels Ltd PO Box 39 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 300.00 Belliveau Veinotte Inc 11 Dominion St Bridgewater NS B4V 2W6 175.00 Bennett Fredrick PO Box 965 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 75.00 Bruhm William RR #2 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W1 100.00 Burke Patrick 121 Duffern St Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 500.00 Composites Atlantic Ltd 71 Hall Street Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 500.00 Corkum's Recycling Ltd PO box 774 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 200.00 Creaser Ian 67 Smeltzer Rd Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 200.00 Foudraine Jonathan 30 Oak St Pinhurst NS B0R 1E0 200.00 High Liner Foods Inc PO Box 910 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,000.00 Hilburt Andrew RR #1 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 1,000.00 Himmelman Hans 26 Bayview Dr St Margarets Bay NS B3Z 2A6 100.00 International Real Estate 84 Montague St Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Knox Sylvia RR #1 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 100.00 Luczak Piotr 711 Mullock Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2W2 100.00 Lunenburg Industrial Foundry 53 Falkland St Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,000.00 MacInnes Wililam 5121 Sackville St Halifax NS B3J 2R7 100.00 Market at mahone Bay Ltd 9 Edgewater St Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Mason Janet PO Box 885 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 McGee John PO Box 15512 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 250.00 Moore David PO Box 639 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 200.00 Moore Wilfred PO box 500 Chester NS B0J 1J0 200.00 Morash Wilson PO Box 282 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 200.00 Morrison Roderick 373 Purcell's Cove Rd Halifax NS B3P 1C8 150.00 Mosher Mark 30 Lodge Drive Halifax NS B3M 2G7 100.00 Mosher Peter 182 Brook St Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 250.00 Pittman Michael RR #1 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 500.00 Plant Hugh 59 Green St Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Redmond Jacqueline PO Box 1660 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 75.00 Robert John PO box 263 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W9 1,000.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 38 Lunenburg

Rick Welsford (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Robert Lynn 29 Brookside Dr Dayspring NS B4V 5R5 200.00 Snyder Philip RR #2 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W2 60.00 Tama L. Sweeny Ltd 11213 Highway 10 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 150.00 The General Realty Group Ltd 110 Chain Lake Dr Halifax NS B3S 1A9 100.00 Truen Darcy 3054 Wentzell Lake Wentzell Lake NS B0R 1E0 200.00 Turner Harris 7 Mossman Road West Northfield NS B4V 8N2 50.00 Turner Owen 1771 Highway 10 West Northfield NS B4V 5C1 200.00 Uhlman Frances PO Box 1384 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Veinotte Lawrence RR #3 Mahone Bay NS BOJ 2E0 50.00 Welsford Barbara 90 Hyson Pt Rd Oakland NS B0J 2E0 1,000.00 Welsford Colleen PO Box 1123 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,000.00 Willimas Phyllis 303-84 North St Bridgewater NS B4V 4H1 500.00 Wilson Donald 391 Corkums Island Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 50.00 Zinck Laurie 2183 Highway 10 West Northfield NS B4V 5C2 50.00 13,085.00

Candidate: Peter Zwicker Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Audrey Vogel, 290 Caribou Lake Road, Mahone Bay, NS Contributions: $14,542.26 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bailly's Fuels Ltd PO Box 39 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 500.00 Baker Philomene L PO Box 621 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Baltzer Carlyn E RR #2 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Belliveau Paul 220 LaHave Street Bridgewater NS B4V 2T5 50.00 Belliveau Veinotte Inc 11 Dominion Street, Box 29 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W6 175.00 Black William 1705 1550 Dresden Row Halifax NS B3J 4A2 500.00 Bolivar Audrey 13831 Highway #3 Dayspring NS B4V 5P6 100.00 Burgoyne Shirley E PO Box 110 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Composites Atlantic Limited 71 Hall Street, Box 1150 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 500.00 Condran Brian 22 Oakwood Avenue Dartmouth NS B2W 3C7 100.00 Corkum Amber 207 Harborville Drive Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 20.00 Cottage Connection PO Box 1867 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 50.00 Cox Jeannette 151 Dufferin St, Box 1403 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Crawford J Dickson Box 441, 626 Sleepy Hollow Road Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 1,500.00 DeLong Ralph Ottis RR #1 New Germany NS B0R 1E0 100.00 DeVries Maria 63 Hirtle Beach Road, RR #1 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 100.00 Durham Richard G 882 Maqin Street, Box 450 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Eisnor Raymond L Martins River Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Flower Denyse PO Box 114 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 122.00 Fox Jim A RR #3 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Fulton James PO Box 444 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 200.00 Garber Elmer 14094, Highway 3 Dayspring NS B4V 5P5 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 38 Lunenburg

Peter Zwicker (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Goforth Peter 163 Pelham Street, Box 868 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 25.00 Guillard Lynn 139 Montague Street Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 10.00 Haslett Norman J RR #1 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 100.00 Hayes Commodore WP PO Box 624 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Hebb L Ann 80 Princess Inlet Drive, RR #3 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 High Liner Foods PO Box 910 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 1,000.00 Hollands Carriers Ltd RR #2 New Germany NS B0R 1E0 200.00 Hurlburt Richard 368 Main Street Yarmouth NS B5A 1E9 25.00 Hynes David G PO Box 581 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 James John F RR #3, Second Peninsula Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 50.00 Joudrey Bruce S PO Box 310 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Keddy Gerald PO Box 154, RR #1 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 100.00 Keddy Paul 90 Clearland Lake Road, RR #3 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 20.00 Kinburn Property Company Ltd 680 Main Street, Box 347 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Knickle Errol PO Box 1944 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 40.00 Knickle Richard D PO Box 875 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 50.00 L E Veinotte & Sons RR #2 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W1 100.00 Langille Kim 19 Cresthaven Avenue Bridgewater NS B4V 3Z3 50.00 Langille Pauline 163 Station Rd, Site 20, Box 1, RR #2 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Lohnes Dale 26 Young Street, Box 632 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 300.00 MacDonald David K 178 Mullock Road, RR #3 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W2 100.00 Mader John 1401 Barss Corner Road Barss Corner NS B0R 1A0 100.00 Mader Peter Barss Corner Road Barss Corner NS B0R 1A0 71.76 Maleone Donna 3621 Highway 331, Box 129 LaHave NS B0R 1C0 100.00 Market at Mahone Bay Limited 9 Edgewater Street, Box 124 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Marshall William Alexander PO Box 1438 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 McLeod Phyllis PO Box 818 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 McMillan Peter 21 Whitetail Lane, RR #1 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 25.00 Moore David M PO Box 639 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 200.00 Mosher Carol Anne RR #1 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 23.50 Myra Jamie 125 Broad Street Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 75.00 Northwest Trading Co Ltd PO Box 277 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 50.00 Oickle Basil 72 Cornwallis Street, Box 1694 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Oickle Bonnie 3 Old Blue Rocks Road Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 O'Regan's South Shore Toyota 189H North Street Bridgewater NS B4V 2V7 250.00 Ottens Shonja 45 Brook Street, Box 323 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 P Cook Financial Inc 43 Lincoln Street, Box 1117 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Pickings Mary 24 Pickings Lane Upper LaHave NS B4V 7E1 200.00 Power Michael 9 Olmpiad Avenue Bridgewater NS B4V 3S5 100.00 Printers Corner Sam Sli PO Box 36 Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 10.00 Rafuse Michael E 1436 Farmington Road, RR #1 Barss Corner NS B0R 1A0 100.00 Rhodey's Developments Ltd RR #2 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W1 1,000.00 Sand Dune Investments Inc PO Box 166 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 300.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 38 Lunenburg

Peter Zwicker (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Saunders Angela PO Box 748 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Smith Peter R PO Box 114 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 300.00 Smith Benjamin C PO Box 758 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 South Shore Optical 151 Lincoln Street Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Steele Richard RR #1 Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 25.00 Stevens Mary Ann PO Box 337 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 50.00 Stevens Harold PO Box 549 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Swimm Laurie RR # 1 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Tanner Bryon 27 Hopkins Drive Bridgewater NS B4V 3P1 100.00 Tanner Mike 9450 Maders Cove, Box 290 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Veinotte Bruce M 76 Feener Road, RR #2, Stn Main Bridgewater NS B4V 5E3 400.00 Vogel Wolfgang 290 Caribou Lake Road, Site 2, Comp 12, RRMahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Walter D Lynn RR #1 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 125.00 Waterbury David JC 15 School Street, Box 637 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Whynot Gary PO Box 240 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 100.00 Youden Robert G PO Box 48 Chester NS B0J 1J0 500.00 Zinck Herbert RR #2 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Zwicker Barbara PO Box 640 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 900.00 Zwicker Peter 96 Broad Street, Box 940 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 200.00 Zwicker Shelley PO Box 940 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 50.00 14,542.26 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 39 Lunenburg West

Candidate: Carolyn Bolivar-Getson Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Jeff Sabean, 10 Streatch Drive, Bridgewater, NS B4V 2G9 Contributions: $20,635.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3064236 Nova Scotia Limited 918 Highway #10 Cookville NS B4V 7R1 1,000.00 Baillie Arlene 229 Hollingsworth Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3V2 100.00 Beggett Lillian 4764 Highway #331 West Dublin NS B0R 1C0 30.00 Belliveau Paul F 220 Lahave St Bridgewater NS B4V 2T5 50.00 Belliveau Veinotte Inc 11 Dominion St Bridgewater NS B4V 2W6 175.00 Biddle John 19 Stoneridge Crt Bridgewater NS B4V 3T9 200.00 Bird Tom 23 Stoneridge Crt Bridgewater NS B4V 3T9 200.00 Bolivar Ernest 28 Glenridge Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1T5 50.00 Bolivar Marilyn 28 Glenridge Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1T5 550.00 Bolivar Reta 5298 Hwy #325 Baker Settlement NS B4V 7E7 200.00 Bolivar, W R Transport Ltd 15813 Hwy #3 Hebbville NS B4V 6X9 1,000.00 Bridgewater Honda 366 Dufferin St Bridgewater NS B4V 2H2 1,000.00 Bridgewater Insurance Agency Limited 120 Dufferin St Bridgewater NS B4V 2G3 200.00 Broughm Patrice A 14 Ridgecrest Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3V8 100.00 Brown N Leslie 13 Regent St Bridgewater NS B4V 1K7 100.00 Bryant David G 74 Aberdeen Rd, Apt 408 Bridgewater NS B4V 4S6 100.00 Burgoyne Gary RR #1 Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Chipman E Carolyn 1540 Summerset St, Apt 1004 Halifax NS B3H 4R9 50.00 Chipman Robert D 39 Porter Crescent Bridgewater NS B4V 3N7 100.00 Chisholm John W c/o Nova Construction Co Ltd Box 1328 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 500.00 Conrad Trent 936 Upper Branch Rd Auburndale NS B4V 3M2 500.00 Corkum R A Funeral Home Ltd 48 Desbrisay Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3H6 350.00 Damery Robert A 36 Regent St Bridgewater NS B4V 1K6 100.00 Darling Sherry 308 Brady St Bridgewater NS B4V 3J9 100.00 Davis Kathryn M 5 Belmont St Bridgewater NS B4V 4E6 100.00 Dykeman Margery 187 Empire St Bridgewater NS B4V 2M3 100.00 Eastern Office Supplies Limited 136 Logan Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 3J8 200.00 Edwards Doreen 37 Sherbrooke St Bridgewater NS B4V 4E8 50.00 Edwards Kenneth 37 Sherbrooke St Bridgewater NS B4V 4E8 50.00 Edwards Denture Clinic Limited 220 Dufferin St Bridgewater NS B4V 2G7 200.00 ELA Legal Services Inc 84 Dufferin St Bridgewater NS B4V 2G3 150.00 Fancy William 37 Belmont Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 4E6 100.00 Faulkenham Francis R 43 Brook St Bridgewater NS B4V 3S2 100.00 Finn Greg 101 Whisper Wood Dr Hebbville NS B4V 6Z2 300.00 Freeman Annette M PO Box 97 Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 1,000.00 Garber Elmer 14094 Hwy #3 Dayspring NS B4V 5P5 100.00 Getson Brian S 5105 Hwy #325 Baker Settlement NS B4V 7E8 500.00 Getson Hector 3829 Hwy #325 Newcombville NS B4V 7V7 100.00 Grace Donald 50 Hillcrest St Bridgewater NS B4V 1S9 100.00 Grace Robert RR #4 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W3 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 39 Lunenburg West

Carolyn Bolivar-Getson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Harlow Lynne 76 Hillside Dr Conquerall Bank NS B4V 0G9 100.00 Hatheway Gail R 65 Catidian Place Hebbville NS B4V 7A7 100.00 Hayman Alan G 6307 Oakland Rd Halifax NS B3H 1P4 450.00 Hindley Marjorie 1 Fall St Bridgewater NS B4V 4B1 50.00 Holm Realty 198 North St Bridgewater NS B4V 2V6 100.00 Horton J H Ins Agency Ltd 20 Pearl St, Box 32 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W6 100.00 Hubley Muriel 70 Empire St Bridgewater NS B4V 2L6 100.00 Jaylynn Enterprises Limited 198 North St Bridgewater NS B4V 2V6 100.00 Jubilee Investors Limited 6307 Oakland Rd Halifax NS B3H 1P4 450.00 Keddy Gerald G Box 154, RR #1 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 100.00 Kelley Jim 297 Hollingsworth Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3V8 100.00 Knox Randall 206 Knox Rd Baker Settlement NS B4V 7E3 100.00 LaHave Seafoods Limited Box 100, 3371 Hwy 331 LaHave NS B0R 1C0 500.00 Langille Kim E 19 Cresthaven Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 3Z3 50.00 Lohnes John W 69 Elm St Bridgewater NS B4V 2V5 100.00 Luther Ann M 49 Dublin Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1Z7 25.00 MacKenzie Howard 1 Sunset Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3P9 100.00 Meisner J Mildred 277 Victoria Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2P2 10.00 Oakes Bruce 49 Pine St Bridgewater NS B4V 1X4 50.00 O'Donnell Tracy 11 Forestridge Dr Conquerill Mills NS B4V 6B6 1,000.00 O'Regan's South Shore 198 North St Bridgewater NS B4V 2V7 250.00 Parsons Investments Limited Box 24 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 50.00 Pickings Mel C 24 Pickings Lane Upper Lahave NS B4V 7E1 200.00 Pickings-Anthony Carol 118 Lakeview Haven Dr Hebbville NS B4V 7A9 100.00 PJD Rehab Housing 3626 Huey Lake Rd Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 500.00 Power Michael K 9 Olympiad Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 3S5 250.00 Prince W Beatrice 78 Dufferin St Bridgewater NS B4V 2G3 200.00 Rafuse Equipment & Supplies Limited 150 Logan Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 3J8 100.00 Reddy James C 2296 Conquerall Rd Conquerall Bank NS B4V 0J7 100.00 Rhodenizer Doreen 918 Hwy 10 Cookville NS B4V 7R1 500.00 Rofihe Barry RR #1 Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Ross Andrew J 757 Monk Rd Baker Settlement NS B4V 7H4 100.00 Sarty Melba 172 North St Bridgewater NS B4V 2V6 150.00 Saunders Joyce 100 Conrwallis St Bridgewater NS B4V 2C7 100.00 Saunders Motors 15221 Hwy 3 Hebbville NS B4V 6X4 100.00 Selig Donald R 23 Winburn Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 4A2 50.00 Selig Robert C 44 Clairmount Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 4C8 300.00 Silver Brent H 12 Heather Crt Bridgewater NS B4V 2S6 200.00 Slauenwhite Patricia 275 Seasons Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3W1 100.00 Snyder Evelyn 42 Lakeview Circle Conquerall Mills NS B4V 6A8 100.00 South Shore Crematorium 20 Cook Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 3W7 500.00 South Shore Ready Mix Ltd PO Box 247 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W9 500.00 Steadman Lucille 3554 Hwy 325 Newcombville NS B4V 7V5 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 39 Lunenburg West

Carolyn Bolivar-Getson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Stratton Sandra 406 Aulenback Pt Rd Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 100.00 T & C Homes 85 MacCulloch Rd Cookville NS B4V 7P1 100.00 Taylor Mark S 2469 Hwy 331 West LaHave NS B0R 1G0 200.00 Tinrod Automotive Services Ltd 489 LaHave St Bridgewater NS B4V 3X6 500.00 Vandertoorn Michael K 42 Acadie St Bridgewater NS B4V 2B3 50.00 Veinot Elaine 452 Adelbert Wile Rd Waterloo NS B4V 8K5 250.00 Veinot Gerald 452 Adelbert Wile Rd Waterloo NS B4V 8K5 250.00 Veinotte Bruce M 76 Feeners Corner Rd West Northfield NS B4V 5E3 200.00 Walker H David 59 Elizabeth Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1M1 150.00 Weldon Wes 1551 Lower Branch Rd Lower Branch NS B4V 4Z3 50.00 Wessell Phyllis 29 Wessell Rd Chelsea NS B4V 7N8 20.00 Wile Graham 314 Victoria Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2P1 150.00 Wilneff Douglas 42 Ridgecrest Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3V8 25.00 Winfield Incorporated Mark S 215 Dominion St, Suite 102 Bridgewater NS B4V 2K7 75.00 Zwicker Marjorie 3653 Hwy 325 Newcombville NS B4V 7V6 25.00 Zwicker Nanette 4044 Hwy 325 Newcombville NS B4V 8M9 100.00 20,635.00

Candidate: Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Anne Gatchull, 83 Pine Street, Bridgewater, NS B4V 1X4 Contributions: $24,145.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Allen Wayne 86 Pine St Bridgewater NS B4V 1X5 100.00 Bailey Patrick 61 Rafuse Pt Rd Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 200.00 Battiste Robert 4 Evergreen Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 1J2 100.00 Bell Cheryl 804 Highway 331 Conquerall Bank NS B4V 0H6 50.00 Bell James 5 Medway St Bridgewater NS B4V 1J8 100.00 Bell Robert 44 Dawson St Bridgewater NS B4V 1S6 100.00 Belliveau Paul 220 Lahave St Bridgewater NS B4V 2T5 50.00 Belliveau Veinotte 11 Dominion St Bridgewater NS B4V 2W6 175.00 Biddulph Geoffrey 1753 Highway 331 Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 150.00 Bluenose RV Centre 163 Cook's Lane Bridgewater NS B4V 2X6 1,000.00 Blumenthal Megan 4 Shari Ann Ct Dartmouth NS B2W 6A1 50.00 Bolivar Ernest 29 Glenridge Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1T5 50.00 Bradfield Phillip 188 Curtis Hebb Rd Newcombville NS B4V 7X5 30.00 Branson Marilyn 1713 RR #1 Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Bridgewater Insurance Agency Ltd 120 Dufferin St Bridgewater NS B4V 2G5 200.00 Brooks Charlotte 1968 Highway 331 Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Brunt Richard 195 York St Bridgewater NS B4V 1R4 40.00 Burgoyne Gary 1131 Highway 331 Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Burton Magreta 86 Queen St Bridgewater NS B4V 1P4 50.00 Campbell Lloyd 6 Linden Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1J6 500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 39 Lunenburg West

Mark Furey (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Campbell David 87 Dawson St Bridgewater NS B4V 1S8 100.00 CF Sweeney's Funeral Home Ltd 51 Phoenix St Bridgewater NS B4V 2W9 200.00 Chase Llew 982 Conquerall Mills Rd Conquerall Mills NS B4V 2W8 100.00 Chymist Annie 86 Curtis Hebb Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2W4 40.00 Coleman's Autohaus Inc 15109 Highway 3 Hebbville NS B4V 6X4 100.00 Conrad Gerald 37 Dawson St Bridgewater NS B4V 1S5 50.00 Cook David 1968 Highway 331 West Lahave NS B0R 1G0 250.00 Cook Harry 65 Dublin Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1Z7 100.00 Cross David 3545 Highway 325 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W8 400.00 Cross Judith 3545 Highway 325 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W8 200.00 Crouse Michelle 73 Maple St Bridgewater NS B4V 2E6 100.00 Crowell Douglas 84 North St, Apt 301 Bridgewater NS B4V 4H1 50.00 Danny Carey's Insurance Agency 128 North St Bridgewater NS B4V 2V6 250.00 Davidson Gordon 110 Alexandra Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1H4 250.00 Davidson Insurance Limited 9 Forest Glen Subdivision Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Delong Reid 19 Streatch Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3Z2 200.00 Delroy Burdette 137 Jubilee Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2A7 100.00 Dempsey Mark 84 Dufferin St Bridgewater NS B4V 2G3 250.00 Eisenhauer James 5218 Highway 331 Lahave NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Eisner Joan 7 Sunset Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3P7 50.00 Eisner Mark 46 Sunset Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3R5 250.00 Elsworth Consulting Services Ltd 228 Empire St Bridgewater NS B4V 2M5 100.00 Falkenham Francis 43 Brook St Bridgewater NS B4V 3S2 200.00 Field Karen 6 Pinehurst Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 3G7 100.00 Fifield Heather 80 Mailman Rd Baker's Settlement NS B4V 7H7 100.00 Flinn Greg 101 Whisperwood Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 2W3 100.00 Forbes Margaret 38 Sunset Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3P9 100.00 Furey Barbara 416 Colby Dr Dartmouth NS B4V 2K6 100.00 Furey Mark 402 Harold Whynot Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2W1 500.00 Gabriel Harold 65 Walnut St Bridgewater NS B4V 1L5 100.00 Gatchell Anne 83 Pine St Bridgewater NS B4V 1X4 500.00 GF Young Holdings Company 6269 Highway 331 Upper Lahave NS B4V 2W2 250.00 Goreham Blanche 6771 Lower Woods Harbour Woods Harbour NS B0W 2E0 25.00 Gorman Kathleen 51 Central St Bridgewater NS B4V 3W4 100.00 GW Mosher Holdings Limited 15180 Highway 3 Hebbville NS B4V 6X2 1,000.00 GW Mosher Motors Ltd 15180 Highway 3 Hebbville NS B4V 6X2 1,000.00 Hebb Berthe Diane 22 Willowbend Ct Bridgewater NS B4V 3W8 50.00 Hebb Sharon 1147 Conquerall Mills Rd Conquerall Mills NS B4V 6A5 25.00 Himmelman Brady 3320 Highway 331 Lahave NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Hopkins Donald 113 Miller's Head Rd Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 50.00 House Janice 1275 New Cumberland Rd Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Johnson Trudy 2230 Highway 331 West Lahave NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Kelley Jim 297 Hollingsworth Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3V8 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 39 Lunenburg West

Mark Furey (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Lahave Seafoods Ltd 3371 Highway 331 Lahave NS B0R 1G0 500.00 Layton Mark 15 Crescent St Bridgewater NS B4V 1K9 250.00 Logan Jack 374 Brady St Bridgewater NS B4V 3W4 100.00 Lohnes Ralph 172 Station Main Bridgewater NS B4V 2W8 200.00 Lonergan Sylvia 23 Willowbend Ct Bridgewater NS B4V 3V9 25.00 Lord Carol 109 Victoria Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2N5 300.00 Lord Richard 109 Victoria Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2W8 100.00 Lowe George 33 Ritcey Crt Bridgewater NS B4V 4A7 100.00 Lowe Greta 110 Hillcrest St Bridgewater NS B4V 1T3 500.00 Lowe Robert 110 Hillcrest St Bridgewater NS B4V 1T3 500.00 MacDonald John 118 Audrey Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 2Z3 100.00 MacDonald John 14 Centennial St Bridgewater NS B4V 3T6 100.00 MacKay Sheila 125 MacKay Rd New Germany NS B0R 1E0 1,000.00 MacKenzie Howard 1 Sunset Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3P9 100.00 MacRae Ian 832 Highway 331 Conquerall Bank NS B4V 0H6 350.00 McLean Phoebe 202 York St Bridgewater NS B4V 1R5 50.00 McLean-Wile Elspeth 187 Wiles Lake Rd Wileville NS B4V 5L7 1,000.00 Meister Charles 100 Marlboro Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 2Y3 20.00 Miller Linda 945 King St Bridgewater NS B4V 1B9 25.00 Miller Margaret 945 King St Bridgewater NS B4V 1B9 25.00 Mitchell George 100 Desbrisay Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3B5 200.00 Naugler Helen 89 Walnut St Bridgewater NS B4V 1L7 25.00 Nauss Lee 165 Highway 10 Cookville NS B4V 7R5 100.00 Nestel Anthony 105 Dawson St Bridgewater NS B4V 1S8 150.00 Norton Judith 136 Pinecrest Blvd Bridgewater NS B4V 3R4 25.00 O'Regans South Shore 189 North St Bridgewater NS B4V 2V7 250.00 Peers Nancy 557 King St Bridgewater NS B4V 1B3 100.00 Penney John 77 Sweeny Lane Bridgewater NS B4V 2V1 100.00 Plunkett Joan 134 Desbrisay Bridgewater NS B4V 3E5 100.00 Pugh Cheryl 10 Evergreen Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 1J2 200.00 RA Corkum Funeral Home Ltd 48 Desdrisay Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3H6 100.00 Rafuse Gregory 67 Rafuse Point Rd Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 250.00 Rafuse Equipment & Supply Co Ltd 150 Logan Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 3J8 100.00 Reid Marie 575 Lower Branch Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2V9 120.00 Reid Marie 575 Lower Branch Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2V9 20.00 Reynolds Allison 128 Alexandra Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1N4 100.00 Richardson Catherine 67 Greenwood St Bridgewater NS B4V 2M8 100.00 Ring Gordon 61 Greenwood St Bridgewater NS B4V 2M8 100.00 Ritcey Sharon 31 River Lane Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Robby K's Pub Co Ltd 750 King St Bridgewater NS B4V 1B6 100.00 Rofihe Barry 45 Airlee Acres Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 50.00 Romkey Frances 5136 Highway 331 Lahave NS B0R 1G0 100.00 Ryan Hubert 22 Glenridge Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1T5 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 39 Lunenburg West

Mark Furey (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Ryder Lillian 48 Green Acres Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 200.00 Saunders Motors Company Limited 15221 Highway 3 Hebbville NS B4V 2W6 100.00 Skye Capital Corporation Inc 102 Aberdeen Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2S8 100.00 Slauenwhite Florence 51 MicMac Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1M3 25.00 Smith William 2579 Highway 10 New Germany NS B0R 1E0 100.00 South Shore Ready Mix Ltd 1896 King St Bridgewater NS B4V 2W9 500.00 Statton Sandra 406 Aulenback Point Rd Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 100.00 Sullivan Keith 26 Pentz Rd Pentz NS B0R 1G0 250.00 Thomas Kenneth 36 Hillcrest St Bridgewater NS B4V 1S9 50.00 Tinrod Automotive Services Ltd 3522 Highway 325 Newcombville NS B4V 7V5 500.00 Turner & Turner Lumber Ltd 58 Mossman Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2W1 1,000.00 Turriff Ken 7 Evergreen Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 1J1 100.00 Vissers Kathleen 4035 Highway 325 Newcombville NS B4V 7V9 100.00 Walsh Evelyn 6 Evergreen Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 1J2 100.00 Walsh Jack 6 Evergreen Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 1J2 250.00 Ward Margo 106 Marlboro Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 2Y3 100.00 Wentzell Dale 40 Airlee Acres Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 50.00 Wentzell Engineering Ltd 15801 Highway #3 Hebbville NS B4V 2X6 1,000.00 Wile Bernard 23 Wile's Lake Rd Wileville NS B4V 5L6 200.00 Wilson Jeanne 1715 Highway 331 Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 100.00 24,145.00

Candidate: Gary Ramey Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Jeff Brett, 38 Brook Street, Bridgewater, NS B4V 3V2 Contributions: $12,295.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Andrews Patricia 15430 Hwy 3 Hebbville NS B4V 6X6 200.00 Balcom John 3512 Hwy 325 Newcombville NS B4V 7V5 75.00 Brett Anne 38 Brook St Bridgewater NS B4V 3B2 500.00 Brett Jeff 38 Brook St Bridgewater NS B4V 3B2 300.00 Briggs Stephen 436 Hwy 331 Conquerall Bank NS B4V 0H4 50.00 Calhoun Don 63 Pleasant St Bridgewater NS B4V 1M9 600.00 Calhoun Janet 63 Pleasant St Bridgewater NS B4V 1M9 800.00 Chisholm Sharon 42 MacKay Hill Lane Rose Bay NS B0J 2X0 50.00 Conrad Angela 2346 Hwy 331 Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 500.00 Cook Ines PO Box 163 Port Medway NS B0J 2T0 70.00 Corkum Karen 628 Upper Branch Rd Wileville NS B4V 5M7 100.00 Cox Douglas 788 Conquerall Mills Rd Conquerall Mills NS B4V 6A2 100.00 Cox Gloria 788 Conquerall Mills Rd Conquerall Mills NS B4V 6A2 100.00 Cross David & Judith PO Box 195, Stn Main Bridgewater NS B4V 2W8 200.00 Crouse Rev. Robert 22 Crouse Rd Crousetown NS B4V 6P8 100.00 Cutler Norma 56 Elizabeth Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1M2 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 39 Lunenburg West

Gary Ramey (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Danny Carey's Insurance 128 North St Bridgewater NS B4V 2V6 100.00 Deamond Marjorie 57 Murray Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 2M6 800.00 Dickinson Bruce 227 Forest Dr New Germany NS B0R 1E0 800.00 Earle Jane 18 Stillwater Lane Tantallon NS B3Z 1H6 100.00 Fay Jeanne RR #2 (Mahone Bay) Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 50.00 Ferguson David PO Box 191 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W8 900.00 Ghent-Nickerson Pauline 1044 Camperdown School Rd Camperdown NS B4V 6S9 50.00 Hartling Jane 641 William Hebb Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 7A5 50.00 Hustvedt Eric 18 The Lane Broad Cove NS B0J 2H0 75.00 Johnston Grant 1339 Italy Cross Rd Crousetown NS B4V 6R5 300.00 Joudrey Susan RR #4 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W3 50.00 Ken-Do Appliances 48 Churchill St Bridgewater NS B4V 1R7 100.00 Knott Lloyd/Linda 106 School House Rd Lahave NS B0R 1C0 300.00 March David 1330 Italy Cross Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2W6 200.00 Mason Elmer 70 Jubilee Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2A7 100.00 Miller Russell Box 1, RR #4 New Germany NS B0R 1E0 400.00 Mohiuddin Dr Ghulam (Dean) 123 Jubilee Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 2A7 200.00 Murray Tiffany 31 Parkdale Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 1L8 400.00 Northover Agnes 19 Hirtle Dr Bridgewater NS B4V 3T7 100.00 O'Regans South Shore 189 North Street Bridgewater NS B4V 2V7 250.00 Parsons Albert RR #5, Stn Main Bridgewater NS B4V 2W4 100.00 Parts Ernie Site 2, Box 2, RR 1 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 100.00 Porter James 1078 Conquerall Rd Conquerall Mills NS B4V 6C5 100.00 Ramley Gary 67 Catidian Place Hebbville NS B4V 7A7 500.00 Stockdale Anne 8 Croft Ave, RR1 Lahave NS B0R 1C0 100.00 T & C Homes 85 MacCulloch Rd Bridgewater NS B4V 7P1 50.00 Tanner Clarence 209-61 Porter Cres Bridgewater NS B4V 3N8 50.00 Terry Mary-Isabel 99 Prince St Bridgewater NS B4V 1C9 900.00 Toomey Raymond 74 Aberdeen Rd, Apt 209 Bridgewater NS B4V 2S6 50.00 Troyer Sheila 90 Chestnut Rd Lahave NS B0R 1C0 50.00 Vanmilligen Teunis 2438 Lapland Rd Lapland NS B4V 7T9 75.00 Wilton Ruth RR #4, Stn Main Bridgewater NS B4V 2W3 100.00 Wyand Eleanor & Harland 163 Pleasant St Bridgewater NS B4V 1N4 100.00 Ziemer Brenda RR #4, Stn Main Bridgewater NS B4V 2W3 650.00 Ziemer Wolfgang RR #4, Stn Main Bridgewater NS B4V 2W3 250.00 12,295.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 39 Lunenburg West

Candidate: Emily Richardson Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 40 Pictou Centre

Candidate: Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Brian Buckle, 43 Cedar Drive, PO Box 1834, Stellerton, NS B0K 1S0 Contributions: $23,350.00 (net of contribution to be returned) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Anchor Motors Ltd 193 Westville Road, PO Box 126 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E2 500.00 Anderson Howard 18 Terrace Heights Dr New Glasgow NS B2H 5V3 1,000.00 Atlantic Supermarket Contractors Ltd PO Box 1800 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 300.00 Ballantyne Fuels (1992) Limited PO Box 571 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E7 250.00 Balodis Developments Limited PO Box 15 Hopewell NS B0K 1C0 300.00 Bill Stewarts Bottle Exchange (2006) Ltd 2636 Westville Rd, PO Box 144 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E2 300.00 Blair J Stewart 65 Terrace Heights Drive New Glasgow NS B2H 5V8 150.00 Brady Tom 91 Sierra Drive New Glasgow NS B2H 6A3 500.00 Brent Stone Sales Agencies Ltd 180 Provost Street New Glasgow NS B2H 2R1 250.00 Buckle Brian 43 Cedar Drive, PO Box 1834 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 200.00 Cameron Lorna Seventh St, PO Box 10 Trenton NS B0R 1X0 200.00 Campbell Ian 78 Mountbatten Dr New Glasgow NS B2H 5Z9 300.00 Central PO Box 1390, 17 Central Ave Antigonish NS B2N 4B5 500.00 Chediac John RR 3, Site 7, Comp 4 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C6 200.00 Chisholm John W PO Box 1328 Antigonish NS B25 2L7 500.00 Clark Craig PO Box 849 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 125.00 Conway Anthony M 10 North Albert St New Glasgow NS B2H 3T8 200.00 Corning Insurance Agencies (2008) Limited PO Box 2270 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 200.00 Crofter & Druids Restaurant Limited 565 Stellarton Road New Glasgow NS B2H 1M7 250.00 Dunn Patricia 428 MacLean Street New Glasgow NS B2H 4N7 500.00 Dunn Patrick 428 MacLean St New Glasgow NS B2H 4N7 1,000.00 Dunn Thelma 2225 Cowan St, Unit 1, RR #1 Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Ed MacLaren Ent Ltd 185 Dalhousie St New Glasgow NS B2H 4M2 200.00 Fraser & Hoyt 91 Archimedes Street New Glasgow NS B2H 2T5 300.00 Hack Dr Imran PO Box 2010 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Hafey Bonnie PO Box 436, 24 Claremont Ave Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Hames Christopher D 252 Blue Heron Dr New Glasgow NS B2H 5Z3 300.00 Hamm Genesta PO Box 2260, 112 High Street Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 250.00 Herman Christopher R 195 Mountain Road New Glasgow NS B2H 3W9 500.00 High-Crest Enterprises 250 Main Street Antigonish NS B2G 2C2 500.00 Hoare David PO Box 204 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E2 100.00 Kay Peter D PO Box 1377 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Kenny Ruth Site 8, Box 7, RR #2 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C5 100.00 Kyle Shaw Enterprises Limited 687 East River Road New Glasgow NS B2H 2S4 250.00 Langille Kenneth 9 Matterhorn Drive New Glasgow NS B2H 6A9 100.00 Lewis Jack 196 Acadia St New Glasgow NS B2H 4G6 100.00 Loy Doug 25 Birch Hill Dr, PO Box 1663 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 300.00 LSNG Enterprises Inc 700 East River Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 3S1 250.00 M & F Beverage Room Limited 113 York Street New Glasgow NS B2H 5E7 250.00 Macair Limited 49 North Albert Street New Glasgow NS B2H 3T9 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 40 Pictou Centre

Pat Dunn (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacDonald Fraser 174 George Street New Glasgow NS B2H 2K9 100.00 MacDonald Kevin PO Box 1181, 45 Cedar Drive Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 500.00 MacDougall Bernard Lanark, RR #4 Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 MacDougall J Kent PO Box 435 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E5 200.00 MacDougall Jim 548 Terrace St New Glasgow NS B2H 5V3 100.00 MacIsaac Hector PO Box 849, 253 Foord Street Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 125.00 MacKay Bruce 437 Merigomish Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 4S9 200.00 MacKay George A 497 Terrace St, PO Box 338 Stn Main New Glasgow NS B2H 5E3 500.00 MacKay Peter 229 Fraser St New Glasgow NS B2H 4J4 500.00 MacLeod Dr John PO Box 27, Site 4, RR #1 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C4 200.00 MacNeill Bill 169 High Street New Glasgow NS B2H 2X1 250.00 Marks Ron PO Box 645 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E7 100.00 Marshall Florence PO Box 1227 Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Mings Restaurant (2001) Limited PO Box 218, 211 Provost Street New Glasgow NS B2H 2R2 300.00 Moebb Betty PO Box 214 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Moore Heather J 48 Chelsea Court New Glasgow NS B2H 1V4 100.00 MR MacDonald Holdings Limited RR #1 Woodburn Road New Glasgow NS B2H 5C4 200.00 Muir Hugh PO Box 580 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 150.00 Murphy Carmella PO Box 108 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 OSP Restaurant Group Inc 255 Foord Street Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 500.00 Parsons Investments Limited PO Box 24 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 50.00 Pictou Centre P.C. Women's Assoc4 C/O Jean Murray, 147 Carleton St New Glasgow NS B2H 3K9 500.00 Robert Douglas Marine Limited PO Box 547 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E7 200.00 Robert Morton Financial Services Ltd 156 MacLean St, Suite 2 New Glasgow NS B2H 5V5 100.00 Rushton Darrell M PO Box 570, 119 Poplar St Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 500.00 Scott Jane 380 Meadowlark Dr New Glasgow NS B2H 1S1 400.00 Shaw Jim 33 Terrace Heights Dr New Glasgow NS B2H 5V8 250.00 Shaw Rose 246 Eighth Street, PO Box 307 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E3 200.00 Smith Craig M 483B East River Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 3R3 200.00 Sobey David F 115 King Street Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 500.00 Sobey Lesley Anne 553 Terrace Street New Glasgow NS B2H 5J6 1,000.00 Sobey Paul D 115 King Street Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 500.00 Stone Anne T PO Box 621, Stn Main New Glasgow NS B2H 5E7 100.00 Stright-MacKay PO Box 97 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E1 200.00 Taylor Wade 116 Cardinal Court New Glasgow NS B2H 5S5 150.00 Tupper Dan Andersons Mtn Rd, RR #1 New Glasgow NS B2H 5LY 100.00 Tupper Sandra Andersons Mtn Rd, RR #1 New Glasgow NS B2H 5LY 100.00 Valmax Associates Company Ltd 300 Stewart Street New Glasgow NS B2H 2R4 200.00 Wadden Jennifer 267 Brother St New Glasgow NS B2H 4V7 250.00 Wayne Harris Real Estate 143 Acchimedes St New Glasgow NS B2H 2T5 100.00 Wearwell Garment Co PO Box 660, 126 Acadia Avenue Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 400.00 Webster Nolan RR #3 New Glasgow NS B2H 5 C6 400.00 4 Official agent of recognized party confirmed contribution will be returned and proof of return forwarded to Elections Nova Scotia Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 40 Pictou Centre

Pat Dunn (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Weeks Construction Ltd PO Box 760 New Glasgow NS B2H 5G2 1,000.00 Wilson Brenda 112 Hospital Ave New Glasgow NS B2H 2C6 100.00 Wood Jack G 174 York Street New Glasgow NS B2H 5K2 200.00 Subtotal 23,850.00 Less: contribution to be returned in 2010 (500.00) Total 23,350.00

Candidate: Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Andrew Joyce, 17 Diamond St., Trenton, NS B0K 1X2 Contributions: $10,187.04 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Cameron James 411 Bennett Street New Glasgow NS B2H 1X5 100.00 Campbell-Brassard Heather 56 Maplewood Drive New Glasgow NS B2H 5Y2 200.00 Cormier Ed 133 Acadia Ave, Box 635 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Davis Rosemary 141 Robin Row New Glasgow NS B2H 5Y6 75.00 Field David 25 Cambridge Avenue Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Gerrior Melanie 2244 Coldstream Road Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 100.00 Goodman Richard S 410 Willow Ave New Glasgow NS B2H 2A3 100.00 Joyce Andrew 17 Diamond Street Trenton NS B0K 1X2 1,000.00 Joyce Freda 17 Diamond Street Trenton NS B0K 1X2 1,000.00 Knight Bryan 54 Poplar Street Pictou NS B0K 1S0 284.12 Landry Barbara 11 Fairway Dr, RR #3 New Glasgow NS B2H 0A5 1,000.00 Landry Brian 12 Sweet Briar Gate Eastern Passage NS B3G 0A6 1,000.00 Landry David 12 Orkney Drive Dartmouth NS B2X 1J9 1,000.00 Landry Dianne 36 Oceanglen Lane Pictou NS B0K 1S0 900.00 Landry Ross 11 Fairway Dr, RR #3 New Glasgow NS B2H 0A5 1,000.00 Lemon John 12 Baxter Ave Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 25.00 Locke Wayne 117 Maple Street Trenton NS B0K 1X2 175.00 MacKay Leo 20 Foster Avenue Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 200.00 MacKenzie Hugh 2701 Site 11-B Westville Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 5C5 50.00 Matheson Patricia 985 E Matheson Road, RR #1 Glengarry NS B0K 1C0 50.00 McLean Lloyd 2594 376 Hwy Pictou NS B0K 1H0 50.00 Moore Gerrard 62 Highland Street Glace Bay NS B1A 2T8 300.00 Muir Shirley 4914 Plymouth Rd NS B2H 5C5 100.00 Munro Harry 5976 Little Harbour Rd Kings Head NS B2H 3T4 150.00 O'Brien Thomas 1341 North Main Street Westville NS B0K 2A0 177.92 O'Brien Tom 1341 North Main Street Westville NS B0K 2A0 200.00 Sutton Austin RR 3, Site 4, Comp 3 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C6 250.00 Wylie Donald 58 Duke Street, Box 252 Trenton NS BOK 1X0 500.00 10,187.04 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 40 Pictou Centre

Candidate: Jim Lindsey Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Neil MacIsaac Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Kent Williams, 305 Blue Heron Drive, New Glasgow, NS B2H 5Z2 Contributions: $3,950.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Daley Tim 23 Third Street New Glasgow NS B2H 1E3 500.00 Green Peter 14 Third Street New Glasgow NS B2H 1E2 100.00 Green Susan 215 Mitchell St New Glasgow NS B2H 1H7 400.00 Hack Imran 101 Hemlock St Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 400.00 MacConnell James 481 Terrace St New Glasgow NS B2H 5J6 200.00 MacPherson John 56 Maple St Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 500.00 RS Goodman Law Inc 47 Riverside St New Glasgow NS B2H 5G2 100.00 Sobey Frank 39 Cedar St Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 1,000.00 Turner Reagh 224 Elm St New Glasgow NS B2H 1Y6 200.00 Wagg Raymond 106 Temperence St New Glasgow NS B2H 3A7 300.00 Williams Kent 305 Blue Heron Drive New Glasgow NS B2H 5Z2 250.00 3,950.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 41 Pictou East

Candidate: J. Ed Macdonald Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: James MacInnis, 649 Micklefield Rd. RR#5, New Glasgow, NS B2H 5C8 Contributions: $13,225.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Aikens Warren 11 Aikens Lane Little Harbour NS B0K 1X0 100.00 Anchor Motors Ltd 193 Westville Road New Glasgow NS B2H 5E2 500.00 Apple Auto Glass 1000 East River Road New Glasgow NS B2H 5G2 500.00 Atkinson Audrey 159 Campbell Road Chance Harbour NS B0K 1X0 50.00 Baker John 224 Foord Street Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Balodis Custom Dozing 414 Marshdale Road Marshdale NS B0K 1C0 300.00 Brady Thom 91 Sierra Drive New Glasgow NS B2H 6A3 100.00 Brown Bart 7840 Pictou Landing Road Pictou Landing NS B0K 1X0 200.00 Cameron Donald 135 Sea Oats Drive Kings Head NS B2H 5C4 100.00 Cameron Donald 6208 Trafalgar Road Riverton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Clark Nina 8937 Highway 4 Linacy NS B2H 5E3 50.00 Coll Charles 81 Black Point Centre Road Black Point NS B0K 1X0 300.00 Cross Road Country Market 9491 Sherbrooke Road Greenwood NS B2H 5C7 150.00 Crossroads Holdings Ltd 100 Aspen Court Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Dewer Chester 1618 Elgen Road Elgin NS B0K 1C0 100.00 Dewolfe James 8055 Pictou Landing Road Chance Harbour NS B0K 1X0 100.00 Dignan David 1638 North Main Street Westville NS B0K 2A0 200.00 Elizabeth H Sobey Investments 115 King Street Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 500.00 Farrell Beverly Robertson Road Edgerton NS B0K 1G0 100.00 Fraser Stewart 184 Cul Cara Road Kings Head NS B2H 5C4 200.00 Gogan James 500 Woodburn Road Woodburn NS B2H 5E2 250.00 Halifax Capital Corp Ltd o/A Tara Inn 917 East River Road New Glasgow NS B2H 3S5 50.00 Hamm Jenesta 112 High Street Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Hayman Dianne 1900 Drummond Road Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Highland Ford Sales Balodis Drive Westville NS B2H 5E5 250.00 HW Angus Funeral Home 256 King Street New Glasgow NS B2H 5E3 250.00 J Ed MacDonald Ltd 174 George Street New Glasgow NS B2H 2K9 500.00 Kenney Neill 2719 East River East Side Springville NS B2H 5C5 250.00 Kenney Ruth 2719 East River East Side Springville NS B2H 5C5 250.00 Koskulicks George 5884 Little Harbour Road Little Harbour NS B2H 5C4 100.00 Koskulicks Excavating 5882 Little Harbour Road Little Harbour NS B2H 5C4 100.00 Luddington Thomas 1800 East River East Side Eureka NS B0K 1S0 100.00 M & F Beverage Room 113 York Street New Glasgow NS B2H 5L2 100.00 M R MacDonald Holdings Ltd 842 Woodburn Road Woodburn NS B2H 4C4 350.00 MacDonald Charlotte 90 Bellamy Lane Woodburn NS B2H 5C4 50.00 MacDonald Fraser 174 George Street New Glasgow NS B2H 2K9 100.00 MacDonald George 1913 Old Sherbrooke Road Rocky Mountain NS B2H 5C8 500.00 MacDonald John Jr 54 Factory Road Lismore NS BOK 1G0 100.00 MacDonald Wayne 90 Bellamy Lane Woodburn NS B2H 5C4 50.00 MacGregor Hugh 143 Coalburn-McLellans Brook Road MacLellans Brook NS B2H 5C7 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 41 Pictou East

J. Ed Macdonald (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacGregor Custom Machining Ltd 140 Coalburn-McLellans Brook Road MacLellans Brook NS B2H 5C7 100.00 MacKay George 497 Terrace Street New Glasgow NS B2H 5E3 500.00 MacKay James 3559 Trafalgar Road Hopewell NS B0K 1S0 50.00 MacKay Peter 229 Fraser Street New Glasgow NS B2H 4J4 500.00 MacLeod John 5215 Little Harbour Road Little Harbour NS B2H 5C4 200.00 MacLeod Ruth 124 Cedar Street New Glasgow NS B2H 1A8 50.00 MacPhee Aileen 191 Otter Pond Road Chance Harbour NS B0K 1X0 100.00 Marshall Albert 1756 Office Street Westville NS B0K 1S0 200.00 McInnis James 649 Meiklefield Road Meiklefield NS B2H 5C8 300.00 McInnis Mary 412 Shore Road Edgerton NS B2H 5E7 100.00 Munroe Albert 2199 Greenwood Street Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Munroe Harry 610 East River Road New Glasgow NS B2H 5C4 175.00 Murdock Samuel 3498 Shore Road The Ponds NS B0K 1G0 50.00 Pictou County Excavators 633 MacLellans Brook Road MacLellans Brook NS B2H 5C5 100.00 Rose Jeff 34 Twin Cove Lane Chance Harbour NS B2H 5E7 300.00 Rushton Darrell 119 Poplar Street Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 200.00 S Allen & Sons 664 MacLellans Brook Road MacLellans Brook NS B2H 5C5 200.00 Scott Marjorie 19 Woodburn Road Linacy NS B2H 5C4 100.00 Sobey Donald 115 King Street Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 500.00 Sobey John 1523 Greenvale Road MacPhersons Mills NS B2H 5C8 500.00 Sobey Paul 3 Levi White Road Kings Head NS B0K 1S0 500.00 Van Den Eynden Elizabeth 64 Levi White Road Kings Head NS B2H 5E5 200.00 Wearwell Garments 126 Acadia Avenue Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 400.00 William Brs Ltd 590 Barney's River Road Barney's River NS B0K 1A0 200.00 Wilson Vernon 258 Fox Brook Road Hopewell NS B0K 2C0 100.00 13,225.00

Candidate: Clarrie MacKinnon Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Cecilia McRae, 1000 Big Island Road, Merigomish, NS Contributions: $15,503.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Allen Douglas 390 MacLellan's Brook Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 5C5 100.00 Anderson David 4749 East Side Rd, Plymouth New Glasgow NS B2H 5C5 200.00 Anderson Gordon 1061 Barnesy River Rd Barney's River NS B0K 1A0 100.00 Anderson Phyllis 1140 Barney's River Rd Barney's River NS B0K 1A0 100.00 Bates Dorothy 2544 Cowan St Westville NS B0K 2A0 30.00 Butler Donald 843 Ardness Rd Merigomish NS B0K 1G0 100.00 Chisholm John 3098 Post Road Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 500.00 Condon Mary 5859 High St Trenton NS B0K 1X0 200.00 Crossroads Country Market 9491 Sherbrook Hwy 341 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C7 100.00 Cyr Douglas 1706 Victoria St Westville NS B0K 2A0 400.00 Endicott Irene 548 Park Falls Rd Thorburn NS B0K 1W0 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 41 Pictou East

Clarrie MacKinnon (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount F & F Fisheries Co Ltd 4967 Shore Rd Thorburn NS B0K 1W0 500.00 Garland Elaine 1025 Park Lane Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Germaine Earl 5127 Sandstone Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 5E4 100.00 Gerrior Melanie 2244 Coldstream Rd Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 100.00 Glencross Judy 5982 Trafalgar Rd Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 200.00 Group Savoie Westville Division 2649 Foxbrook Rd Westville NS B0K 2A0 500.00 Hayne Percy 16 Writers Lane Merigomish NS B0K 1G0 50.00 Hecimovich Judy 2612 East River Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 5C5 100.00 Holloway Leslie 39 Blue Heron Dr Trenton NS B0K 1X0 120.00 Louisbourg Seafood Ltd 3 Commercial St Louisburg NS B1C 1B5 500.00 MacDonald Colin 1414 Thornvale Ave Halifax NS B2H 4C2 1,000.00 MacDonald Wayne 2334 Church St Westville NS B0K 2A0 300.00 MacDonald Willard 583 Marshdale Rd Hopewell NS B0K 1C0 100.00 MacGregor's Custom Machining Ltd 140 Coalbrook - MacLellans Brook Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 5C7 100.00 MacKay Ian 130 Provost St New Glasgow NS B2H 5K7 100.00 MacKinnon Art 1675 North Main St Westville NS B0K 2A0 500.00 MacKinnon Clarrie 2326 Cowan St Westville NS B0K 2A0 200.00 MacKinnon Mary K 2326 Cowan St Westville NS B0K 2A0 865.00 MacKinnon Sarah 501-27 Stoneybrook Court Halifax NS B3M 3K5 100.00 MacLean Scott 2349 Elgin Rd Hopewell NS B0K 1C0 50.00 Marshall Alex 287 Munroe Avenue New Glasgow NS B2H 2E9 49.00 Marshall Howard 287 Munroe Avenue New Glasgow NS B2H 2E9 49.00 Matheson Patricia 985-E Matheson Rd Hopewell NS B0K 1C0 600.00 Matheson Robert 985-E Matheson Rd Hopewell NS B0K 1C0 800.00 McRae Cecilia 1000 Big Island Rd Merigomish NS B0K 1G0 500.00 Moore John 3496 Trafalgar Rd Hopewell NS B0K 1C0 100.00 Rankin Gary 1960 Munro St Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Rhude Timothy 7944 Pictou Landing Landing Rd Trenton NS B0K 1X0 100.00 Robertson Jim 11 Roberts Lane Pictou NS BOK 1H0 20.00 Ryan Pat 60-115 Haliburton Rd Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Shearwind Inc 305 Suite, 15 Dartmouth Rd Bedford NS B4A 3X6 1,000.00 Smith Fielding 2633 East River Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 5C5 100.00 Sobey Donald 115 King St Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 1,000.00 Sobey Frank 39 Cedar Dr Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 1,000.00 Sponagle David 9393 Sherbrook Rd Thorburn NS B0K 1W0 30.00 Stewart April 406 MacLellans Brook Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 5E5 800.00 Stewart James A 406 MacLellans Brook Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 5E5 1,100.00 Sutherland Elizabeth 2049 Irving St Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Sutton Marsha 66 Viggo Holm Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 5C6 250.00 Thompson Andrew 33 Edward St Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Tucker Frank 1929 Acadia Ave Stellarton NS BOK 1S0 40.00 Wylie Donald 58 Duke St Trenton NS B0K 1X0 100.00 15,503.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 41 Pictou East

Candidate: Francois Rochon Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Danalee Stone, 279 Munroe Ave., Box 596, Westville, NS Contributions: $2,300.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Anderson David & Paulette RR #2 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C5 200.00 Anderson Mary Catherine RR #1 Merigomish NS B0K 1G0 100.00 C & W MacDougall Bulldozing RR #4 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C7 200.00 Cress Debbie RR #1 Thorburn NS B0K 1W0 100.00 Cress Lloyd & Mary 98 Greenwood Road, RR #1 Thorburn NS B0K 1W0 100.00 Fraser Wayne Site 4, Box 24, RR #1 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C4 100.00 Grice James & Joanne RR #1 Thorburn NS B0K 1W0 100.00 Liel Allison Box 356 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E3 500.00 MacDonald June Box 24 Merigomish NS B0K 1G0 100.00 MacDonald Roy & Joanne Box 165 Merigomish NS B0K 1G0 100.00 Roberston Helen RR #4 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C7 100.00 Thompson Dan Box 596 Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Verhagen Demolition RR #1 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C4 100.00 Wilkenson Don & Stella RR #3 Merigomish NS B0K 1G0 100.00 Williams Elmer RR #1 Barney's River NS BOK 1A0 100.00 Williams Brothers Limited RR #1 Barney's River NS B0K 1A0 200.00 2,300.00

Candidate: Robbie Loftus White Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 42 Pictou West

Candidate: Leonard Fraser Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Michelle Anne Young, 43 Cottage St., PO Box 1964, Pictou, NS B0K 1H0 Contributions: $6,520.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Baillie Murial PO Box 98 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Baillie Ronald PO Box 121 River John NS B0K 1N0 250.00 Battist Gerald 119 Harris Road, RR #2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Bay Ferries Management Limited Park Lane Box 247 Halifax NS B3J 3R4 200.00 Brady Tom 91 Sierra Drive New Glasgow NS B2H 6A3 100.00 Cottage Mechancial Services Ltd PO Box 760 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Disperiso Lynne 41 Conley Drive, RR #3 Westville NS B0K 2A0 50.00 E MacMaster Farm & Construction Ltd RR #1 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Eastern Tire Service Ltd Westville Road Westville NS B2H 2J8 250.00 Fraser Allen RR #1 Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 100.00 Fraser Daniel RR #2, West River Station Pictou County NS B0K 1Z0 100.00 Fulmore David PO Box 1436 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 500.00 Geo McLaren & Sons 246 Faulkland Street Pictou NS B0K 1H0 250.00 Grant Scott 171 Church St, PO Box 295 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Hector Building Supplies PO Box 959 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Heighton Ralph 45 Ross Street, PO Box 1749 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Heron George 1006 Hwy 376, RR #2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Highland Ford PO Box 367 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E5 250.00 Johnson Allen PO Box 1990 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 250.00 Leese Dave RR #2 Westville NS B0K 2A0 20.00 Lorne Resources Company Ltd RR #1, Lorne Hopewell NS B0K 1C0 100.00 Lyons Brook Piping & Welding RR #2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 M & F Beverage Room 113 York Street New Glasgow NS B2H 5L2 200.00 MacCabe Edith RR #3, Salt Springs Pictou County NS B0K 1P0 50.00 MacKay Peter 229 Fraser Street New Glasgow NS B2H 4J4 200.00 MacLeod Gordon RR #3 Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 50.00 MacNaughton Edward RR #2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 250.00 McCunn Carl 342 Stewart Street New Glasgow NS B2H 2R7 150.00 McInnes Donald RR#2 Scotch Hill Road Pictou NS B0K 1H0 500.00 McLaughlin Gary 137 Water Street, PO Box 918 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Partners Construction 427 Old Haliburton Rd Pictou NS B0K 1H0 50.00 Porter Murray 312 Haliburton Road Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Rogers Kevin RR #3, Waterside Pictou County NS B0K 1H0 250.00 Rushton Darrell PO Box 750 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 200.00 Suntime Enterprises PO Box 158 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E2 100.00 Tik Lee 1971 Hwy 6 River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 Vanveld Henrietta RR #1 Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Wear Well Garments PO Box 660 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 200.00 Young Luke PO Box 1964 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 6,520.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 42 Pictou West

Candidate: Paul Landry Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Doug Hayward, 118 Patterson Street, Pictou, NS B0K 1H0 Contributions: $8,190.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Battist Gerald 119 Harris Rd, RR 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Bay Ferries Management 500 - 5657 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3J 3R4 200.00 Beazley 48 Anderson Road, PO Box 76 River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 Brown June Caribou River Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Canam Wayne 320 Lodge Rd, RR 1 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Clark James F RR 2 Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 100.00 Cochrane George Site 5D, Box 8, RR 1 New Glasgow NS B2H 5C4 200.00 Cottage Mechanical Services 357 Haliburton Rd, PO Box 760 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Fraser A Munroe 230 Faulkland St, PO Box 108 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Fraser Marguerite 39 West River Station West River Station NS B0K 1Z0 160.00 Graham J Russell 3862 Scotsburn Rd, RR 1 Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 100.00 Gunn Jean PO Box 129 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 250.00 Hartling Shannon PO Box 48 Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 200.00 Hatt Marie PO Box 902 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 150.00 Hector Building Supplies Ltd PO Box 959 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Henderson Herbert 64 Bridge Ave, PO Box 803 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 200.00 Henderson John J 86 Brook Road River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 Jeffrey Ronald 24 Oceanglen Lane, RR 1 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Johnson Allen PO Box 1990 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Keay Lonnie PO Box 1537 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 100.00 Langille Claude PO Box 1395 Trenton NS B0K 1X1 100.00 Langille George 2091 Highway 376, RR 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 250.00 Langille Grace RR 3 River John NS B0K 1N0 200.00 Langille Lynn 2091 Highway 376, RR 2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 250.00 Langille Sandy RR 3 River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 Logan Doreen 59 Spring Point Road, RR 1 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 MacCara Ian RR 1 Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 100.00 MacDonald Angus L 18 Wildfire Lane, RR 3 River John NS B0K 1N0 300.00 MacDonald E Robert 5665 Cabot St Halifax NS B3K 2J9 160.00 MacDonald Margaret 157 Prince St, PO Box 157 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 MacDowell Rob & Lisa PO Box 1213 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 MacEachern Ed RR 2 Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 100.00 MacKay George J PO Box 1569 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 MacKay Ruth PO Box 186 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 MacKay Sandy PO Box 186 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 MacKay V Carol 30 Salty Reef Rd Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 MacLellan Roger Melville River John NS B0K 1N0 70.00 MacMaster Ed RR 1 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 MacMillan Ken 139 Cottage St Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 McDowell Mabel F PO Box 168 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 42 Pictou West

Paul Landry (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount McLaughlin Gary PO Box 918 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Murray Agnes 924 Old Pictou Rd, RR 1 River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 Naylor Robert David 186 Faulkland St, PO Box 839 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Noel Edward & Barb PO Box 1226 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 400.00 Otter Bill RR 3 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Porter Murray 312 Haliburton Rd, PO Box 775 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Power Ralph PO Box 1037 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Reid Dr Daniel S 5270 Harvey St Halifax NS B3J 1A7 200.00 Robson Eric A PO Box 543 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Ross Elwood 631 Pleasant Valley Rd, RR 1 Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Stewart W A Sandy RR 2 Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 100.00 Stroud Owen RR 3 Westville NS B0K 2A0 200.00 Thompson Gordon R 40 Bayview, RR 1 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Watt Robert A Haliburton Rd, PO Box 455 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Zinck Mabel General Delivery River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 8,190.00

Candidate: C.L. (Charlie) Parker Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Peter MacRae, 28 John Street, Pictou, NS B0K 1H0 Contributions: $7,210.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Allan Bonnie 3681 Hwy 6, RR #4 River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 Battist Gerald 119 Harris Rd, RR #2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Bay Ferries 500 - 5657 Spring Garden Rd Halifax NS B3J 3R4 200.00 Brady Tom 91 Sierra Drive New Glasgow NS B2H 6A3 200.00 Gerrior Jason 2244 Coldstream Rd, RR #1 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 200.00 Gerrior Melanie 2244 Coldstream Rd, RR #1 Stewiacke NS B0N 2J0 100.00 Group Savoie 251 Route 180 St Quentin NB B8A ZK9 500.00 Hector Building Supplies Box 959 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Henderson Margaret 86 Brook Road River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 Landry Barbara 11 Fairway Dr, RR #3 New Glasgow NS B2H 0A5 100.00 Landry Dianne 36 Oceanglen Lane, RR #1 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Langille Raymond E 162 Brook Road, RR #2 River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 Lorefice Paul 69 MacLellan St Antigonish NS B2G 2P3 150.00 LSNG Enterprises 700 East River Road New Glasgow NS B2H 3S1 100.00 Lyons Brook Piping & Welding RR #2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 M & F Beverage Room 113 York Street New Glasgow NS B2H 5L2 100.00 MacKinnon Clarrie 2326 Cowan Street Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 MacLean Ian H Box 730 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 250.00 MacLean Iona Box 1840 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 400.00 MacLean Lloyd & Gwen 4778 Hwy 4, Alma Westville NS B0K 2A0 200.00 McCormack Brian RR #1 Salt Springs NS B0K 1P0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 42 Pictou West

C.L. (Charlie) Parker (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount McLaughlin Gary Box 918 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Notley James W RR #3 Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Parker Donald RR #2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Parker Frank RR #1 Westville NS B0K 2A0 100.00 Parker Grace RR #2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Parker Jim 202 Glen Forest Rd, RR #2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 250.00 Parker Robert RR #2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 300.00 Pierce Michael & Norma 2615 Three Brooks Rd Pictou NS B0K 1H0 60.00 Rosinski Otto 1950 Abercrombie Rd New Glasgow NS B2H 5C6 200.00 Sheehan-Ward Frances RR #1 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 200.00 Stoffmehl Laurren RR #1 Westville NS B0K 2A0 200.00 Stright MacKay Limited Box 97 New Glasgow NS B2H 5E1 200.00 Taker Frank P 1722 Mill Brook Road West River Stn NS B0K 1Z0 200.00 Thomas Patricia 711 Stewart Road, RR #2 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 1,000.00 Vanveld Henrietta RR #1 Westville NS B0K 2A0 200.00 Warford David T Box 824 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Wylie Donald Box 252 Trenton NS B0K 1X0 100.00 7,210.00

Candidate: Chelsea Richardson Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 43 Preston

Candidate: Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Kerry O'Hearn, 15 Robina Dr., Lake Echo, NS B3E 1A7 Contributions: $12,050.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Balcom Norma P.O. Box 222 RR#1 Sheet Harbour NS B0T 3B0 500.00 Barrett Keith 421 Shore Road Bedford NS B4A 2C7 50.00 Bill Shellnut & Associates Ltd 63 Tacoma Dr, Suite 200 Dartmouth NS B2W 3E7 500.00 Billy Stick Foods Ltd 3221 Highway #7 Lake Echo NS B3E 1B2 200.00 Bosch Convenience Store 2751 Highway #7 Lake Echo NS B3E 1A3 100.00 Carruthers & MacDonnell Law Office Inc PO Box 280 Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 100.00 Chem Tech Services 30 Colford Drive Head of Chezzetcook NS B0J 1N0 250.00 Colford Cyril 3367 Highway #7 Lake Echo NS B3E 1C6 100.00 Colley Spencer 2180 Highway #7 East Preston NS B2Z 1G3 400.00 Colwell Elizabeth 781 West Porters Lake Rd Porters Lake NS B3K 1K6 1,000.00 Conrad Brothers Ltd PO Box 2129 East Dartmouth NS B2W 3Y4 200.00 Dartmouth Metal & Bottles 14 Dawn Drive Dartmouth NS B3B 1H9 2,000.00 David Veinotte's Trucking 55 Veinotte Lane Porters Lake NS B3E 1K4 250.00 DF Kyte Pharmacy 920 Cole Harbour Rd Dartmouth NS B2V 2J5 100.00 Dominion Diving Ltd 7 Canal St Dartmouth NS B2Y 2W1 500.00 Donald Gallant Enterprises Ltd 1722 Cole Harbour Rd Dartmouth NS B2Z 1C4 200.00 Dupuis Stanley 34 Montigue Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 4M4 500.00 Edwards Davis 955 East Chezzetcook Rd Head of Chezzetcook NS B0J 1N0 400.00 Fraser Brenda Site 4, Box 24, RR #1 New Glasgow NS B24 5C4 150.00 Fraser Wayne Site 4, Box 24, RR #1 New Glasgow NS B24 5C4 150.00 Geosam Investments Ltd 6017 Quinpool Rd Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Greenwood Thelma 506-429 Parkland Dr Halifax NS B35 1L3 100.00 Gunnell Joan 120 Joyce Court Lake Echo NS B3E 1A9 50.00 Hubley Neil 48 Weyburn Road Dartmouth NS B2W 1R8 200.00 Jacquemin Yran 2139 Highway #7 Lake Echo NS B3E 1B2 100.00 Keizer Sheila 32 Davlin Dr Porters Lake NS B3E 1H5 100.00 Madison John 175 Crane Hill Rd East Preston NS B2Z 1J5 50.00 Maxwell Nancy 109 Capri Dr West Porters Lake NS B3E 1L6 100.00 Miller Janet 262 Bellefontaine Rd Middle Musquodobit NS B3E 1K7 200.00 Norwood Anna 34 Norwood Court Porters Lake NS B3E 1H1 500.00 O'Hearn Dawn 15 Robina Drive Lake Echo NS B3E 1A7 400.00 Perkins Carolyn 7 Tummell Dr Dartmouth NS B2X 2T7 100.00 Scotia Learning Centres Inc 6017 Quinpool Rd Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Smith John 187 Dempster Court Mineville NS B2Z 1J7 100.00 Spatz Jim 100-1475 Lr Water St Halifax NS B3J 3Z2 200.00 The Independent Print 21 Dundas St Dartmouth NS B2Y 2T8 100.00 THI Construction Ltd 2 Earl Court Porters Lake NS B3E 1H8 1,000.00 Vaughan Shirley 2769 Robert Murphy Dr Halifax NS B3L 3T3 100.00 12,050.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 43 Preston

Candidate: Sarah Densmore Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Dwayne Provo Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: David Strong, 49 Cutter Drive, Halifax, NS B3M 4W6 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Janet Sutcliffe Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Gregory Sutcliffe, 30 Tall Trees Ct., Mineville, NS B2Z 1K2 Contributions: $3,630.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Atwell Yvonne 401 Upper Partridge River Rd East Preston NS B2Z 1H4 100.00 Curran Ray Suite 121, 59 Baker Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 0A6 200.00 Dares Stanley 640 Myra Rd Porters Lake NS B3E 1G4 30.00 Girard Catherine 43 Marin Lake Dr Lake Echo NS B3E 1B3 50.00 Lachowiez Diane 841 Mineville Rd Mineville NS B2Z 1K2 100.00 MacDonald Maureen 5525 Cabot Pl Halifax NS B3K 2J6 100.00 MacKeigan Sherrille 28 Pine Ridge Dr Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2L4 100.00 McDonough Alexa 1544 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4S1 100.00 McRae Michael 250 Bellfontaine Rd Porters Lake NS B3E 1K7 500.00 Purchase Peter 15 Partridge Nest Dr Mineville NS B2Z 1K2 200.00 Riggs Evelyn J 3321 Prescott St Halifax NS B3K 4Y2 100.00 Ryan Wayne 134 Brentwood Ave Timberlea NS B3T 1E9 100.00 Stoffer Peter B 2900 Hwy Fall River NS B2T 1W4 100.00 Sutcliffe Janet 30 Tall Trees Court Mineville NS B2Z 1K2 500.00 Sutcliffe Richard 30 Tall Trees Court Mineville NS B2Z 1K2 1,000.00 VanVulpen Jo-Ann 3499 River John Rd, RR 2 Scotsburn NS B0K 1R0 50.00 VanVulpen Reta 191 LeMarchant Dr New Minas NS B4N 4K1 100.00 Waring Jennifer 19 Lyla Dr Lawrencetown NS B2Z 1L4 100.00 Whitehouse Ian 159 Dempster Cres Mineville NS B2Z 1J7 100.00 3,630.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 44 Queens

Candidate: Vicki Conrad Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Janet Bowers, 156 White Point Road, Box 1808, Liverpool, NS B0T 1K0 Contributions: $7,415.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Annand Wendy Box 45 Blockhouse NS B0J 1E0 50.00 Blewett June Box 87 Port Medway NS B0J 2T0 100.00 Boland Linkard 72 Mersy Pt Road Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 50.00 Boutilier Edna 175 Paddy's Head Road Indian Harbour NS B3Z 3N6 100.00 Burlock Beverley 125 Bells Point Rd Port Mouton NS B0T 1T0 50.00 Chandlers Funeral Service Ltd 91 Union Street Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 50.00 Christoff Glen 147 Crosby Rd Port Mouton NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Clark Rick 131 Poplar Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2K7 50.00 Cole Ford Sales Box 1213 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Colp Brenda 33 Smith Ave Bridgewater NS B4V 1Y2 50.00 Cook Ines Box 163 Port Medway NS B0J 2T0 50.00 Croft John Box 195 Mill Village NS B0J 2H0 100.00 Cuobas James 56 Millard Ave Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 d'Entremont Anaclet 44 Pleasant Ave Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 200.00 d'Entremont Anna 44 Pleasant Ave Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Designer Displays & Exhibits 348 Main Street Milton NS B0T 1P0 250.00 Dorey Barbara 719 Moose Harbour Rd Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 50.00 Earle Jane 18 Stillwater Lane Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1H6 100.00 Ellora Natural Organic Foods RR # 1 Lahave NS B0R 1C0 25.00 Fay Jeanne RR 2 Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 50.00 Fralick Pearl 150 Mosers Island Rd Glen Margaret NS B3Z 3H7 100.00 Frier Mary Flat Hill Road Broad Cove NS B0J 2H0 200.00 Gerhardt Bertha 94 King Street, Apt 7 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 25.00 Giffin Bazil 57 Barss Street Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Haley Brendan 2-2157 Connaught Av Halifax NS B3L 2Z2 80.00 Hartlen Gary 80 Waterloo St Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Hewett Christine 89 Andrews Head Rd East Berlin NS B0J 1H0 250.00 Hitchens Laurie Box 359 Barrington Pass. NS B0W 1G0 100.00 Hustvedt Eric 18 The Lane Broad Cove NS B0J 2H0 120.00 Iuliueci Robert RR 1 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 50.00 JM Reynolds Pharmacy Ltd PO Box 250, Main Street Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 1,000.00 Labrador Julie 156 White Point Rd Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 300.00 MacDonald Davina Box 760 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 MacEachern Roxena 387 Old Port Mouton Rd Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 10.00 Milne Judith 41 Hillside Drive Bridgewater NS B4V 2W3 300.00 Munhall Mary 124 Port Medway Rd Mill Village NS B0J 2H0 100.00 Murray Donald 102-277 Pleasant St Dartmouth NS B2Y 4B7 60.00 Parsons Investments Ltd PO Box 24 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Pratt Mary 41 Hillside Drive Bridgewater NS B4V 2W3 1,000.00 Price Phyllis 18 The Lane Broad Cove NS B0J 2H0 20.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 44 Queens

Vicki Conrad (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Shatford Diane 150 Mosers Island Rd Glen Margaret NS B3Z 3H7 500.00 Startup Ian 12 Haughns Road Beach Meadows NS B0J 1H0 200.00 Stevens Charmaine Box 39 Port Medway NS B0J 2T0 50.00 Stoffer Peter B2900 Hwy Fall River NS B2T 1W4 50.00 Teal William 2 Crouse Road Crousetown NS B4B 6P8 50.00 Tingley Darrel Box 1495 Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0 100.00 Trask Deborah Clayton Eisoner Dr Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 50.00 Van Zoost Donald Box 100 Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 500.00 Wamboldt Betty Lou 985 Brooklyn Shore Rd Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 50.00 Yeske Frances Box 2039 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 25.00 7,415.00

Candidate: Wayne Henley Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Craig Condon, 116 Church St., Liverpool, NS B0T 1K0 Contributions: $5,155.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount A-1 Pizza 332 Main St Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 300.00 Adams Douglas 1212 Chapel Hill Drive Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 200.00 AuCoin Allan 104 Church St Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 150.00 Bird Borden 104 Waterloo St Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 300.00 Blair Eileen 136 Main St Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 25.00 Blue Wave Seafoods Incorporated 413 Central Port Mouton Rd Central Port Mouton NS B0T 1T0 500.00 Campbell Margaret 8288 Hwy 331 Cherry Hill NS B0J 2H0 50.00 Chandler's Funeral Service 91 Union St Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 50.00 Cole Ford Sales 3978 Highway 3 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Condon Craig 116 Church Street Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 10.00 Condon Marilyn 116 Church Street Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 20.00 Cox William Bog Road Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 50.00 Cross Sandy 219 East Berlin Rd East Berlin NS B0J 1H0 25.00 Crouse Myrna 5991 Hwy 208 North Brookfield NS B0T 1X0 25.00 Dombowksy Marie 137 Medway River Road Mill Village NS B0J 2H0 100.00 Fiske Deborah 5029 Hwy.8 Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 100.00 Fiske Fred 5029 Hwy.8 Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 100.00 Freeman Kevin 234 Bangs Falls Road Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 500.00 James Judith 81 Shore Road Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 150.00 Jenkins Stewart 5027 Hwy 210 Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 100.00 Lane Ron 33 Bristol Ave Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Large Dr David 900 St Catherine's River Road Port Joli NS B0T 1S0 100.00 Milner Allister 4 Markland Ave Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 100.00 Mosher Margaret 5 Waterloo St. Liverpool NS B0T 1L0 100.00 Murley Margo 1265 Eastern Shore Road Eagle Head NS B0J 1H0 50.00 Nickerson Robie 4678 Hwy 8 Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 44 Queens

Wayne Henley (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Penney Eugene 9919 Hwy.8 Caledonia NS B0T 1B0 200.00 Primrose John 174 Church St. Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Rawding Elizabeth 7452 Hwy 3 Port Mouton NS B0T 1T0 100.00 Smith Dr William 2579 Hwy 210 New Germany NS B0R 1E0 100.00 Smith Murray 1240 Eastern Shore Road Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 175.00 Trainor Robert 39B Court St Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 75.00 Van Dyk Henrica 68 Devonshire Road Caledonia NS B0T 1B0 100.00 Vaughn Donald 5281 Hwy.3 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 50.00 Veinot's Print 4036 Highway 3 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 200.00 Wagner Winnifred 2053 Eastern Shore Road Eagle Head NS B0J 1H0 50.00 Whitty Edith 24 Park Street Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Whynott Elmer 78 School St. Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Whynott Joyce 78 School St. Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Wyer Keith 52 Meadow Road Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 200.00 Wyer Vivian 52 Meadow Road Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 100.00 5,155.00

Candidate: Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Robert Stafford, 402 Gleneagles Drive, Hammonds Plains, NS B4B 1V8 Contributions: $14,300.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3021386 NS Limited 5457 Spring Garden Road, Suite 303 Halifax NS B3J 3T2 1,000.00 Anthony Robin Box 42 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 100.00 Beaton Cheryl Box 7 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 100.00 Bell Dr Frank Box 1208 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Blue Wave Seafoods Incorporated Box 20 Port Mouton NS B0T 1T0 500.00 Brown Robert Box 17 Milton NS B0T 1P0 100.00 Burce Inglis Financial Services Inc. 19 Market Street Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 250.00 Chandler David Box 814 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Chandler Joan Box 814 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Chandlers Funeral Service Limited 91 Union Street, Box 699 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 500.00 Clarke CLA Box 1032 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 150.00 Cody John RR #1 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 100.00 Cole Food Sales Limited Box 1213 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 300.00 Copelin Charles Box 127 Hunts Point NS B0T 1G0 100.00 Crooker David RR #1 South Brookfield South Brookfield NS B0T 1X0 100.00 Crowell Cameron Box 83 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Demond Katherine Box 268 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 100.00 Donola Hardware Limited Box 467 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 200.00 Doucet Dr Albert Box 1253 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 150.00 Dunlop Anna Box 1137 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Emenau Hilda Box 998 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 44 Queens

Kerry Morash (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Ernest Colleen Box 1480 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Ernest Gary Box 1480 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Freeman Linda Box 155 Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 1,000.00 Giroux Joseph 85 Beechwood Ridge Road Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 100.00 H MacPherson's Deli Limited Box 1210 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Harlow Leslie RR #1 South Brookfield South Brookfield NS B0T 1X0 100.00 Henderson Paula 26 Dorothy Crescent Timberlea NS B3T 1E3 200.00 Hunts Point Grocery Limited RR #1 Hunts Point NS B0T 1G0 100.00 Inglis F E (Tools) 18 Hillsburn Court Dartmouth NS B2W 4M8 100.00 JM Reynolds Pharmacy Limited Box 250 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 1,000.00 John Murray Financial Services Limited Box 880 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Jones Patrick Box 178 Greenfield NS B0T 1E0 250.00 Keddy Gerald B Box 154, RR #1 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 100.00 Lantz Valerie Box 1695 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Leefe John Box 126 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Lenco Nicholas Box 1259 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 200.00 Levy Gary Box 268 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 100.00 MacDonald Joseph 2915 Somerset Avenue Halifax NS B3L 3Z4 100.00 MacDougall Brian Box 789 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 MacKinnon Robert K Box 339 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 MacPherson John 6059 Williams Street Halifax NS B3K 1G1 250.00 MacPherson Sherry 6059 Williams Street Halifax NS B3K 1G1 250.00 McKinnon Rebecca RR #1 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 100.00 McNeill Chris Box 1886 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 McNeill Leeanna Box 1886 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Meisner Arnold 24 Old Fells Road, Box 125 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Meisner Peggy 24 Old Fells Road, Box 125 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Mitchell George 12 Zwicker Avenue Box 1021 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Moir James RR #2 Mill Village NS B0J 2H0 200.00 Morash Garry Box 790 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 250.00 Morash Kerry RR #1 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 350.00 Morash Patricia RR #1 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 350.00 Morash Suzan Box 790 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 250.00 Munroe Ian Box 1025 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Murray Donna Box 880 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Murray John Box 880 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Parson Investments Limited Box 24 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Pitblado John 96 Church Street Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 150.00 Raddall Catherine Box 910 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Raddall Dr Blair Box 910 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Raddall Dr Thomas H II Box 158 Hunts Point NS B0T 1G0 300.00 Raddall Thomas H, III Box 910 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Rafuse Richard 5910 Inglewood Drive Halifax NS B3H 1B1 150.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 44 Queens

Kerry Morash (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Sapp James Box 416 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 200.00 Smith Cecil Box 759 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Smith Linda Box 759 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Snarby Barbara Box 1000 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 250.00 Snarby Ulf Box 1000 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 250.00 Stafford Robert 402 Gleneagles Drive Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1V8 125.00 Stafford Sandra 402 Gleneagles Drive Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1V8 125.00 Tomalin Barry box 822 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Tutty Phyllis C Box 760 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Tutty W Yorke Box 760 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Walsh John Box 280 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 125.00 Walsh Sandra Box 280 Brooklyn NS B0J 1H0 125.00 Walsh-Leaman Margo 67 Main Street, Box 148 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Wefer Donna Box 876 Liverpool NS B0T 1K0 100.00 14,300.00

Candidate: Stuart Simpson Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 45 Richmond

Candidate: John Greene Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Louise Campbell, 15049 Hwy. 4, Johnstown, NS B0E 3B0 Contributions: $9,598.48 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3224135 Nova Scotia Ltd 9975 Genville St St Peters NS B0E 3B0 250.00 Barnett Wilfred 44 Shore Rd L'Ardoise NS B0E 1S0 50.00 Boudeau's Fuels Ltd 5154 Hwy 320 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 500.00 Burns Vision Centre Inc 714 Reeves St, Unit 6 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2S1 300.00 Campbell Daniel 15049 Hwy #4 Johnstown NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Campbell Louise 15049 Hwy #4 Johnstown NS B0E 3B0 400.00 Canso Ford Sales (2005) Ltd 9 MacIntosh Ave Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3K4 200.00 Cape Breton - Canso Realty Ltd 9978 Grenville St St Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Carter Charles 10 Carters Cove Road Sampsonville NS B0E 3B0 400.00 Cotie David 678 Hwy 247 St Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Cotton Richard 417 Hwy 320 Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 100.00 Decoff Neil 451 North Riverside Rd Boylston NS B0H 1G0 100.00 Doyle Claire 17 Lockside Road Arichat NS B0E 1A0 200.00 George Lorna 2322 Rte 206 High Rd Arichat NS B0E 1A0 200.00 Goyetche Robert 17 Benny's Lane Ext Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 100.00 Green Francis 7 Cemetery Rd Port Hastings NS B9A 1K7 300.00 Green Island Distributors Partnership 449 Lower St Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Hamish William 1542 Oban Rd St Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Haverstock Dennis 17 Pitt St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2T2 250.00 Jonejim Concrete Construction 1994 Limited 90 Riverview Drive Sydney NS B1P 6G9 500.00 Kruger Derek 5585 Kemp Road Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 100.00 Landry Doug 8582 West Bay Hwy St Peters NS B0E 3B0 50.00 Landry Eva 8582 West Bay Hwy St Peters NS B0E 3B0 250.00 Landry George J 8571 Hwy #4 River Bourgeois NS B0E 2X0 100.00 LeBlanc Gabriel 20 Rocky Bay Rd D'Escousse NS B0E 1K0 100.00 MacCuspic Graham 509 Smiths Rd Grand River NS B0E 1M0 250.00 MacDonald Marquerite 8571 Hwy #4 River Bourgeois NS B0E 2X0 100.00 MacEachern Broadcasting 609 Church St, Suite 201 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2X4 623.48 MacIntosh Robert 1962 Dundee Rd West Bay NS B0E 3K0 25.00 MacKenzie Christy 60 East Side Grand River NS B0E 1M0 150.00 MacKenzie MacKay Marjorie 9204 Pepperell St St Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 MacLeod David 66 East Side Grand River NS B0E 1M0 500.00 MacLeod Norena 571 East Side Rd Grand River NS B0E 1M0 100.00 MacLeod Rhodena 538 East Side Road Grand River NS B0E 1M0 50.00 Marchand Leslie 741 Hwy 206 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Mombourquette Alex 1608 Corbett's Cove Rd Barra Head NS B0E 3B0 50.00 Mombourquette Alice 155 Chapel Cove Road L'Ardoise NS B0E 1S0 50.00 Morrison Alex 9812 Grenville St St Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Petit de Grat Packers Ltd 449 Lower St Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Premium Seafoods Limited 449 Lower St Arichat NS B0E 1A0 300.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 45 Richmond

John Greene (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Rideout Edward 435 Veterns Memorial Dr Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 RM Landry & Son Ltd 554 Hwy 247 St Peters NS B0E 3B0 250.00 Robertson George 48 Wharf Road River Bourgeois NS B0E 2X0 250.00 Samson David 72 Harbourbiew Crescent Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 100.00 Samson Rene 172 Chapel Cove Rd L'Ardoise NS B0E 1S0 100.00 Seaboard Tire Service 23 Paint St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J7 200.00 Shannon Aileen 25 Shannon Road Martinique NS B0E 1K0 50.00 St Joseph's Credit Union Ltd 3552 Highway 206 Petit De Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Stone Donald 9711 Grenville St St Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Sutherland Dolena 10909 Hwy #4 Lynches River NS B0E EB0 100.00 Sutherland Frank 10909 Hwy #4 Lynches River NS B0E 3B0 250.00 Sutherland Michael 87 Old 4 Hwy Soldiers Cove NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Sutherland Sandy 12633 Hwy #4 Soldiers Cove NS B0E 3B0 50.00 T Sampson & Sons Backhoe 425 Grandique Ferry Rd Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 200.00 Urquhart Wilbert 6462 Main St Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 100.00 9,598.48

Candidate: John Percy Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Clair Rankin Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Nancy Graham, 9735 Grenville Street, St. Peter's, NS B0E 3B0 Contributions: $4,040.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Batderf Luke RR #1, Johnstown St Peters NS B0E 3B0 200.00 Boucher Ben 402 Grandville Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2M7 100.00 Boudreau Pauline Hwy 206, PO Box 220 Petit De Grat NS B0E 2L0 50.00 Boudreau Fuel Ltd PO Box 205 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 500.00 Cape Breton Canso Realty Ltd 9978 Grenville St St Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Conrod Wilma 1872 Whiteside Rd Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 200.00 Cude Wilf & Mary-Pat RR #2 West Bay Rd West Bay NS B0E 3K0 50.00 Fraser Dave 9702 Grenville St Peters NS B0E 3B0 90.00 Gillet Rhoda PO Box 9 St Peters NS B0E 3B0 200.00 Harris Sharon 41 Prince St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2C6 25.00 Hartery Shirley 92 Prince St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2C7 100.00 Jenssen Victoria 1668 Whiteside Drive Whiteside NS B0E 1J0 400.00 Joneljim Concrete Construction 1994 PO Box 26, Stn A Sydney NS B1P 6G9 300.00 Kipp Allan 360 Pt Royal Rd Port Royal NS B0E 3J0 150.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 45 Richmond

Clair Rankin (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Kruger Derek 5585 Kempt Road Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 100.00 MacDonald J Stewart RR #2 West Bay Rd West Bay NS B0E 3K0 200.00 MacDonald Stewart 952 Lower River Rd Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 75.00 MacDonald Terry 595 Lower River Rd Grantville NS B0E 1J0 100.00 MacNamara Shirley PO Box 13 Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 100.00 MacNeil Teresa RR #1, Johnstown St Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Malcolm Marlene 613 Lower River Rd Grantville NS B0E 1J0 10.00 Nettleton Martha 2873 Highway 206, PO Box 18 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Ouellette Margaret 740 Lower Rd Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Peterson Betty Suite 416, 6969 Bayrs Rd Halifax NS B3L 4P3 50.00 Rankin Carol Apt 309, 5530 Artillery Pl Halifax NS B3J 1J3 50.00 Rankin Steve Apt 309, 5530 Artillery Pl Halifax NS B3J 1J3 50.00 Robertson George PO Box 239 St Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Ross John 39 Grantville Grantville NS B0E 1J0 100.00 Shears Paul 65 Lower River Rd Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 40.00 Simmons Marnie 302 Middle St Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 100.00 Smith Garry 7 Avalon Crescent Glace Bay NS B1A 1X5 50.00 St Joseph's Credit Union 3552 Highway 206 Petit De Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Strait Area Pest Control Hwy 206, PO Box 168 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 50.00 4,040.00

Candidate: Michel P. Samson Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Joel Bowen, 105 Lochside Road, Arichat, NS B0E 1A0 Contributions: $22,177.20 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 21st Century Holdings Ltd (Skye Lodge) 160 Highway 4 Port Hastings NS B9A 1M5 300.00 3036717 NS Limited 34 Grandique Rd Arichat NS B0E 1A0 200.00 Acton Richard 33 Mayflower Dr New Glasgow NS B2H 5S3 100.00 AFL Tank Manufacturing Limited 5005 Pondville Stretch, PO Box 262 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 500.00 Babin Cites 233 Veteran's Memorial Dr Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Bardsley Claudine 5790 Tower Terrace Halifax NS B3H 1R5 500.00 Benoit Clem 84 West Petit de Grat, PO Box 109 Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Boudreau Bernice 459 Veterans Memorial Drive Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Boudreau Brenda 245 Robins Rd Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Boudreau John 3361 Hwy 206, PO Box 279 Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Boudreau John 18 Sydney Rd Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3A4 100.00 Boudreau Theresa 46 Fougere Pt Rd, PO Box 113 Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Boudreau's Fuels Ltd 5154 Hwy 320 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 500.00 Boudrot Rodgers Law Inc 301 Pitt St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2T6 2,000.00 Breton Petroleum Ltd 28 Paint St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J8 250.00 Bryson Colin 2064 Poplar St Halifax NS B3L 2Y7 45.45 Burns Vision Centre Inc 714 Reeves St, Unit 6 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2S1 300.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 45 Richmond

Michel P. Samson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Canso Ford Sales (2005) Ltd 9 MacIntosh Ave Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3K4 200.00 Clarke N Kent 240 Redcliffe Drive Halifax NS B3S 1E4 45.45 Clarke Roberta 2049 Oxford St Halifax NS B3L 2T3 45.45 Digout Kelvin 9293 Pepperell St, PO Box 33 St Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Elias Metlej Law Inc 1568 Hollis St, PO Box 2147 Halifax NS B3J 3B7 45.45 Fougere Gerald 34 Northside Rd River Bourgeois NS B0E 2X0 100.00 Goyetche Joseph 607 Cap Auget Rd, PO Box 371 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Harvey Enterprises LTd 3215 Petit de Grat Stretch Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 1,000.00 Hum Myra 62 Oakridge Dr, Hatchet Lake Halifax NS B3T 1S9 200.00 Island Nest Restaurant Limited 2344 Highway 206 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 400.00 Jonejim Investment Limited 90 Riverview Drive Sydney River NS B1S 1N5 200.00 Joyce Paul 28 Gros Nez Rd Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Kehoe George 698 Rocky Bay Rd D'Escousse NS B0E 1K0 100.00 Kelly Gordon 2799 Robert Murphy Drive Halifax NS B3L 3T3 45.45 Kin Excel Fitness Centre Limited 9961 Grenville St St Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Leblanc Edwina 6 Robins Rd Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Lejeune Jean 242 Janvrin's Harbour Road West Arichat NS B0E 3J0 100.00 Les Enterprises Samson Enterprises Ltd 179 West Boudreauville Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 1,000.00 Les Jusudason Law Inc 1568 Hollis St, PO Box 2147 Halifax NS B3J 3B7 45.45 Lynchpin Investment Services Inc 2000 New France Rd Heatherton NS B0H 1R0 100.00 MacDonald Colin 1414 Thornvale Ave Halifax NS B3H 4C2 1,000.00 MacDonald Thomas 103-89 Waterfront Drive Bedford NS B4K 4K4 45.45 MacDonald Tom 229 Nottingham St Bedford NS B4A 4G6 200.00 MacDonnell Pharmacy Ltd 10024 Grenville St St Peters NS B0E 3B0 500.00 MacDowell Janet 711 Bernard St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2V8 250.00 MacEachern Broadcasting Limited 609 Church St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2X4 577.20 MacNeill Laurie 2876 Hwy 2j06 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 200.00 Marchand Perry 162 Duncan Road Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 150.00 Martell Alvin 1184 Hwy 206 West Arichat NS B0E 3J0 250.00 Martell Brenda 1184 Hwy 206 West Arichat NS B0E 3J0 250.00 Martell Donna 4475 Hwy 320 D'Escousse NS B0E 1K0 100.00 Martell Jason 1184 Hwy 206 West Arichat NS B0E 3J0 100.00 Martell Judith 151 Lochside Rd Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Melanson Richard 1200 Tower Road # 606 Halifax NS B3H 4K6 45.45 Michalos Michael 1055 Locknow St, Apt 304 Halifax NS B3H 2T3 100.00 Middleton Elsie 1030 Hwy 247 St Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Mombourquette Emannual 9 Mombourquette Road Lower L'Ardoise NS B0E 1W0 200.00 Mombourquette Thomas 2830 Hwy 247 St Peters NS B0E 3B0 100.00 Norvon Enterprises Limited 481 Hwy 4 Port Hastings NS B9A 1M9 100.00 Outhouse Bruce 38 Hillwood Crescent Halifax NS B3M 1J4 45.45 Petit de Grat Packers Ltd 616 Lower Rd, PO Box 39 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 500.00 Polegato Geno 854 Lennox Passage Rd Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 150.00 Premium Seafoods Limited 449 Lower St Arichat NS B0E 1A0 500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 45 Richmond

Michel P. Samson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount RM Landry & Sons Ltd 554 Hwy 247 St Peters NS B0E 3B0 250.00 Robertson George 48 Wharf Road, PO Box 239 St Peters NS B0E 3B0 200.00 Ross Screenprint Ltd 4053 - R7 South River Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2H6 200.00 Sampson Stephen 403 Shore Rd Lower L'Ardoise NS B0E 1W0 500.00 Samson Edgar 3215 Hwy 206 Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 1,000.00 Samson Gary 2332 Hwy 206 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Samson Gerry 2322 Hwy 206 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 100.00 Samson Joseph Eugene 3293 Hwy 206, PO Box 304 Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Samson Miche 469 Veteran's Memorial Dr Arichat NS B0E 1A0 500.00 Samson Pauline 3387 Hwy 320, PO Box 537 D'Escousse NS B0E 1K0 250.00 Samson Stephen 2470 Hwy 206 Arichat NS B0E 1A0 300.00 Samson's Plumbing & Heating Ltd 3219 Hwy 206 Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 500.00 Savoury Nicole 25 Old Boudreauville Rd Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Savoury Ron 25 Old Boudreauville Rd Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Stanley Jeff 1015 Cap Laronde Rd D'Escousse NS B0E 1K0 150.00 Strug Willard 5945 Emscote Drive Halifax NS B3H 1B3 45.50 Superior Contracting Limited 363 Robin's Rd Arichat NS B0E 1A0 500.00 Swantee Angela 434 Windsor Junction Road Windsor Junction NS B2T 1G2 45.45 T Sampson & Sons Backhoe & Trucking Limited 425 Grandique Ferry Rd, PO Box 672 Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 200.00 Taylor Lumber & Building Supplies Limited 38 Rowlings Dr, PO Box 149 Musquodobit NS B0J 2L0 150.00 Thibeau Anne Marie 18 Ben's Lane Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Thibeau Rodney 3680 Gros Nez PO Box 22 Petit de Grat NS B0E 2L0 100.00 Wambolt Lynn 10241 Grenville St Peters NS B0E 3B0 200.00 Wambolt Robert 10241 Grenville St Peters NS B0E 3B0 200.00 Wilf's Demolition & Salvage Ltd 256 Main Hwy Louisdale NS B0E 1V0 1,000.00 Winter Ivo 14 Bay St Arichat NS B0E 1A0 200.00 22,177.20 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 46 Sackville-Cobequid

Candidate: Jessica Alexander Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Guy Harrington, 58 Raymond Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1H2 Contributions: $7,770.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Adams Rick 9 Mackerel Point Rd Indian Harbour NS B3Z 3N5 200.00 Alexander Jeff 47 Yerevan Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 4A8 1,000.00 Barnes Eula 60 Coles Rd Lower Sackville NS B4C 1V1 150.00 Barrett David 2 Maplewood Ct Lower Sackville NS B4G 1B6 100.00 Barrett Keith 421 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 1R6 100.00 Barrett Mary 2 Maplewood Ct Lower Sackville NS B4G 1B6 100.00 Batherson Robert 3188 Mayfield Ave Halifax NS B3L 4B2 100.00 Brill Jack 92 Beaumont Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 1V6 100.00 Chappelle Beverley 71B Smokey Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 3B5 100.00 Conservative Woman's Caucas of Nova Scotia 6136 Duncan Street Halifax NS B3L 1K2 500.00 D'Entremont Matthew 32 Laura Lee Lane Lower Sackville NS B4C 4E3 100.00 Dr W S Camp 453 Sackville Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 2S1 200.00 Francis Paul 5 Chalamont Drive Lower Sackville NS B3Z 1H9 100.00 Fullerton Fred 227 Chandler Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 1Y3 100.00 Grace David 647 Old Sackville Road Lower Sackville NS B4C 2K4 100.00 Graham Richard 34 Belvedere Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 2M1 100.00 Green Stephen 803-1074 Wellington St Halifax NS B3H 2Z8 100.00 Haley David 195 Prince Street Lower Sackville NS B4C 1L3 100.00 Harrington Guy 58 Raymond Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 1H2 150.00 Hellas Enterprise Ltd 664 Sackville Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 2S5 100.00 Hellas Restaurant 664 Sackville Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 2S5 100.00 Joyce Alan 257 Parklane Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 2X2 450.00 Morgan Evan 147 Chandler Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 1Y3 500.00 Mullin Susan 51 Ryan's Ridge Ct Lower Sackville NS B4C 3Y3 250.00 Peter Wilde Incorporated 32 Glendale Ave, Suite #2 Lower Sackville NS B4C 3M1 500.00 Pinsent Harry 139 Chandler Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 1Y3 1,170.00 Price Robert 56 Cabot Cres Lower Sackville NS B4V 3L3 500.00 Robinson Ernest PO Box 21 Grand Pre NS B0P 1M0 100.00 Shaw Robert 401-1540 Summer St Halifax NS B3H 4R9 150.00 Stevens Bill 28 Cottage Lane Windsor Jct. NS B2T 1G7 100.00 Surette Bernard 425 Beaverbank Rd Lower Sackville NS B4E 1K3 100.00 White Burgess Langille Iman 26 Union St Bedford NS B4A 2B5 250.00 7,770.00 Candidate: Ian Charles Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 46 Sackville-Cobequid

Candidate: Scott Hemming Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Andrew McNeil, 78 Ridgeview Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1C9 Contributions: $3,400.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3054223 Nova Scotia Limited Cobequid Children's Centre 103 Cobequid Road Lower Sackville NS B4C 2N1 100.00 De La Ronde Stephen PO Box 14 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 50.00 Fitzgerald Walter R PO Box 47 Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Hemming Amanda 105 Dickey Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 3E2 1,000.00 Hemming H Robert Suite 1306, 2000 Barrington St Halifax NS B3J 3K1 200.00 Hemming Joyce L Apt 213, 83 Kearney Lake Road Halifax NS B3M 4E6 200.00 King Gloria 199 Kaye Street Lower Sackville NS B4C 1N3 100.00 King Ronald 199 Kaye Street Lower Sackville NS B4C 1N3 100.00 Kirby June 24 Legacy Crt, Apt 311 Lower Sackville NS B4C 4H4 25.00 Major David 7 Pinehill Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 1N4 100.00 Mattinson Rhetta 110 Sackville Cross Road Lower Sackville NS B4C 2M4 100.00 McNeil Christopher J 43 Kingston Crescent Dartmouth NS B3A 2L9 500.00 McNeil Jason 80 Chappell Street Dartmouth NS B3A 3P8 250.00 McNeil Nancy 78 Ridgeview Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 1L9 200.00 Murphy Richard PO Box 129 Falmouth NS B0P 1L0 200.00 Parsons Marcel 24 Leaside Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 2K7 75.00 Walsh Judy A 8078 St Margarets Bay Road Ingramport NS B3Z 3Z7 100.00 3,400.00

Candidate: Dave Wilson Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Bob Collicutt, 1076 Sackville Dr., Apt. B, Lr. Sackville, NS B4E 1S4 Contributions: $6,866.05 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Atwood George 608 Old Sackville Rd Lower Sackville NS B4C 2K3 100.00 Beaton Paul 34 Murdock MacKay Crt Lower Sackville NS B4C 4G3 200.00 Burbridge Ronald 49 Contessa Court Lower Sackville NS B4C 3W4 100.00 Castel Doug 59 Pope Cres Lower Sackville NS B4C 2A6 100.00 Chisholm K Ann 60 Nordic Cres Lower Sackville NS B4C 2E5 100.00 Christie Marion 45 George St Lower Sackville NS B4C 2M7 100.00 Clancey Charles 56 Dickey Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 1T3 100.00 Collicutt Bob 1076 Sackville Dr, Apt B Lower Sackville NS B4E 1S4 770.35 Dobson Mark 101 Abbey Rd Halifax NS B3Z 1P3 1,000.00 Foy Peter 35 Wagner Dr Lower Sackville NS B4E 2Z2 300.00 Goddard Dave 27 Sycamore Lane Lower Sackville NS B4C 1E8 740.70 Hausman Brian 46 Aspen Cres Lower Sackville NS B4C 1C7 100.00 Hease Martin Box 281 Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Hosford Tim 34 Batten Cres Lower Sackville NS B4E 3G6 200.00 Janowitz Hazel 212 Rankin Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 3B3 200.00 Lamey Joanne 35 Birchwood Terrace Dartmouth NS B3A 3W4 75.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 46 Sackville-Cobequid

Dave Wilson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacDonald Daniel 35 Legacy Crt, Apt 306 Lower Sackville NS B4C 0A5 100.00 McDade William 100 Polara Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 2B9 100.00 McKinnon Anita 283 Chandler Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 1Y5 100.00 Nickerson Wayne 120 Alder Cres Lower Sackville NS B4C 1A3 200.00 Publicover Gregory 26 Polora Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 2B6 150.00 Riggs Evelyn 3321 Prescott St Halifax NS B3K 4Y2 100.00 Scanlan Marie 23 Birch St Bedford NS B4A 2W7 850.00 Stoffer Peter B 2900 Hwy Fall River NS B2T 1W4 100.00 Taylor Lisa 181 Cavalier Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 3L1 150.00 Wentzell Curt 169 Cavalier Dr Lower Sackville NS B4C 3L1 100.00 White Garry 30 Howland Crt Lower Sackville NS B4C 1S8 200.00 Wilson Dave 174 Millwood Dr Lower Sackville NS B4E 2X8 30.00 Wilson Penney 174 Millwood Dr Lower Sackville NS B4E 2X8 400.00 6,866.05 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 47 Shelburne

Candidate: Sterling W.W. Belliveau Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Beverly Brannen, 7021 Hwy. 3, Woods Harbour, NS B0W 2E0 Contributions: $8,790.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bebb JPT Box 18 Lockeport NS B0T 1L0 100.00 Belliveau Sterling 6838 Hwy 3 Woods Harbour NS B0W 2E0 4,500.00 Belliveau Veinotte Inc 11 Dominion Street Bridgewater NS B4V 2W6 150.00 Benham Elizabeth 704 West Middle Sable Sable River NS B0T 1V0 80.00 Blynn Wayne 6222 Hwy 3 Woods Harbour NS B0W 2E0 500.00 Chatee Selwyn 49 Brighton Road Lockeport NS B0T 1L0 210.00 DSC Fisheries Ltd 7021 Hwy 3 Woods Harbour NS B0W 2E0 100.00 Earle Gordon 18 Stillwater Lake Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1H6 100.00 F & R Hemeon Fisheries PO Box 3 Clyde River NS B0W 1R0 250.00 Falk Hank 942 Hwy 3 Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 200.00 Harlow Construction 108 King Street Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 100.00 Kingstead Tim-Br-Mart PO Box 130 Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 200.00 Leigh Nickerson Trucking PO Box 678 Stoney Island NS B0W 3J0 250.00 Leo G Atkinson Fisheries 89 Daniels Head Road South Side NS B0W 1P0 100.00 McConnell Joan 89 Hall Street Lockeport NS B0T 1L0 100.00 Nickerson Dianne 201 Walter Howill Drive Halifax NS B3W 3J4 100.00 O'Meara Patrick 181 Harriett Street Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 200.00 Parsons Investments Ltd PO Box 24 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 300.00 Robbie & Murray Fisheries 1709 Hwy 330 Clarks Harbour NS B0W 1P0 100.00 Sarah Elizabeth Fisheries Woods Harbour NS B0W 2E0 100.00 Savege Bryan A C 209 Water Street Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 500.00 Sea Star Seafoods PO Box 220 Clarks Harbour NS B0W 1P0 200.00 Silver Rain Fisheries Ltd 7619 Hwy 3 Woods Harbour NS B02 2E0 100.00 Stoddard Zita 4111 Hwy 3 Barrington Passage NS B0W 1G0 100.00 Stoffer Peter B2900 Hwy Fall River NS B2T 1W4 50.00 Thorbourne Wayne Box 81, Middle West Pubnico Pubnico NS B0W 2M0 100.00 8,790.00

Candidate: Darian Huskilson Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Elizabeth Rhuland, 3 Victoria Street, Shelburne, NS B0T 1W0 Contributions: $5,450.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 1L Spears Agency Ltd 160 Mowatt St Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 150.00 314519 Nova Scotia Limited, Kingstreet Tim-Br-Mart 71 King St Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 200.00 Allan Christie's Body Shop 102 Villagedale Rd Barrington NS B0W 1E0 300.00 Atwood Helen M PO Box 299 Clark's Harbour NS B0W 1P0 100.00 Belliveau Vienotte Inc 11 Dominon St Bridgewater NS B4V 2W6 150.00 Cotter Ocean Products Inc PO Box 527 Lockeport NS B0T 1L0 500.00 Cox Kirk 3112 Highway # 203 Ohio, Shelburne Co NS B0T 1W0 150.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 47 Shelburne

Darian Huskilson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Dexter's Service Centre Ltd 89 King St Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 100.00 H Huskilson's Funeral Service (1991) Ltd 2825 Hwy #3 Barrington NS B0W 1E0 250.00 H M Huskilson's Funeral Homes Ltd 58 Bulkley Street PO Box 298 Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 250.00 H M Huskilson's Funeral Homes Ltd 29 Albert St Yarmouth NS B5A 3N1 250.00 Harlow Construction Ltd 108 King St Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 100.00 Huskilson L Graham 92 McGill Pt Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 1,000.00 Huskilson Wilfred 216 Mowatt St Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 100.00 Magee Willa 109 Water Street Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 100.00 R Baker Fisheries Ltd 32 South Water St Lockeport NS B0T 1L0 200.00 Rennehan Linda 15 Firehall Rd Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 500.00 Shelburne Auto Parts 148 Water St Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 400.00 Smith Dr William J 2579 Wentzell Lake, Hwy 10 New Germany NS B0R 1E0 100.00 Williams Rupert M 27 South St Lockeport NS B0T 1L0 100.00 Wilson Jeanne 1715 Hwy 331 Pleasantville NS B0R 1G0 50.00 Wilson's Shopping Centre Ltd 3542 Hwy #3 Barrington Passage NS B0W 1G0 100.00 Woodworkers Home Hardware Building Centre 201 Water St Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 300.00 5,450.00

Candidate: Eddie Nickerson Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Angus Goreham, 6617 Hwy#3, Woods Harbour, NS B0W 2E0 Contributions: $13,740.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 3145191 Nova Scotia Ltd, King St, Tim-Brr-Mart PO Box 130 Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 200.00 A & D Seafood Ltd Shag Harbour Bear Point NS B0W 3B0 1,000.00 Anthony's Food Market 6739 Hwy #3 Woods Harbour NS B0W 2E0 150.00 Atkinson Marlene S PO Box 138, Hwy #330 Clarks Harbour NS B0W 1P0 50.00 Atkinson Robie Stoney Island C.S.I. Shelburne County NS B0W 2P0 100.00 Baillie Jamie 152 Brook Street Halifax NS B3N 2B1 100.00 Belliveau Veinotte Inc 11 Dominion St, PO Box 29 Bridgewater NS B4V 2W6 150.00 Clark Catherine Snows Road Barrington Passage NS B0W 1G0 300.00 Cox William Rodney Lane Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 100.00 Cunningham Trevor 1 Tranquility Court, Box 2776 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A9 150.00 Emery Smith Fisheries Ltd PO Box 14 Shag Harbour NS B0W 3B0 500.00 Eugen Newell & Sons Const. Ltd 2259 Smith's Lane Clarks Harbour NS B0W 1P0 1,000.00 GM Newell Limited PO Box 29 Clarks Harbour NS B0W 1P0 500.00 Goreham Angus E 6617 Hwy #3, PO Box 122 Woods Harbour NS B0W 2E0 1,000.00 Goreham Helen E 6617 Hwy #3, PO Box 122 Woods Harbour NS B0W 2E0 1,000.00 Harlow Construction Ltd PO Box 208 Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 100.00 Hawkins Terry Industries Design 448 Sandy Point Road Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 1,010.00 Island Marine Products Inc. 2772 Main Street, PO Box 40 Clarks Harbour NS B0W 1P0 500.00 Keddy Gerald PO Box 154, RR #1 New Ross NS B0J 2M0 100.00 MacKenzie Motel & Cottages PO Box 225 Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 250.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 47 Shelburne

Eddie Nickerson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Monica J Fisheries Ltd 59 Skipper's Lane, PO Box 313 Barrington Passage NS B0W 1G0 50.00 Myrick Maynard PO Box 2, Cape Negro Shelburne County NS B0W 1K0 100.00 Nickerson Arthur 104 Centreville/South Side Road Centreville NS B0W 2G0 1,000.00 Nickerson Cleveland 970 Route #330, McGrays P.O. Centreville NS B0W 2G0 1,000.00 Nickerson Diane 104 Centreville/South Side Road Centreville NS B0W 2G0 1,000.00 Nickerson Graham 6890 Hwy #3 Woods Harbour NS B0W 2E0 30.00 Nickerson Patricia 42 Happy Hollow, Box 2, Clyde River Beaverdam NS B0W 1R0 100.00 Parson's Investments Ltd PO Box 24 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 R A Sears Refrigeration Ltd PO Box 226 Barrington Passage NS B0W 1G0 100.00 Reynolds Seafoods Port La Tour Shelburne County NS B0W 2T0 250.00 Ridge Road Recycling Depot Ltd RR #1 Barrington NS B0W 1E0 100.00 Roderick Murphy & Sons Ltd PO Box 99 Arcadia NS B0W 1B0 500.00 Stuart Leonard 5815 Jordan Ferry Road Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 100.00 Swaine Phyllis PO Box 88 Barrington Passage NS B0W 1G0 50.00 Swansburg Construction Ltd PO Box 555 Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 100.00 Wilsons Shopping Centre Barrington Passage NS B0W 1G0 100.00 WMR Murphy Fisheries Ltd PO Box 99 Arcadia NS B0W 1B0 500.00 Woodworkers Home Hardware 201 Water Street Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 300.00 13,740.00

Candidate: Robin Smith Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 48 Timberlea-Prospect

Candidate: Gina Byrne Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Jeremy Scott, 108 Sheppards Run, Beechville, NS B3T 2E8 Contributions: $2,975.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Blotnicky Karen 11 Belmont Ave Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1G1 1,000.00 Blotnicky Mike 11 Belmont Ave Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1G1 1,000.00 Connely John 1 Devonshire Drive Timberlea NS B3T 1C4 100.00 Evans Joyce 11 Pockwock Rd Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1M5 125.00 Henderson Paula 26 Dorothy Cres Timberlea NS B3T 1E3 200.00 Maynard Loretta 2687 St Margarets Bay Rd Timberlea NS B3T 1H2 100.00 McBurnie James 31 Tracey Rd Brookside NS B3T 1T9 250.00 Psuik Steve 27 Brookdale Cres Dartmouth NS B3A 4N5 100.00 Scott Jeremy 108 Sheppards Run Beechville NS B3T 2E8 100.00 2,975.00

Candidate: Bill Estabrooks Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Marinus Vannieuwhuizen, 106 Charles St., Timberlea, NS B3T 1J6 Contributions: $4,850.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Blackburn Carla 14 Blue Haven Crescent Brookside NS B3T 1R3 100.00 Butler April 14 Clare Crt Timberlea NS B3T 1C4 100.00 Doyle Patrick 176 Greenwood Ave Timberlea NS B3T 1H9 250.00 Earle Gordon 18 The Lane Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 1H6 100.00 Estabrooks Carolyn J 4909 St Margaret's Bay Rd Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1C9 1,000.00 Halifax C & D Recycling Ltd 16 Mills Drive Goodwood NS B3T 1P3 250.00 Harrie David 64 Tara Drive White's Lake NS B3T 1X1 100.00 Hill Tim Law Practice 287 Lacewood, Suite 201 Halifax NS B3M 1B5 100.00 John Ross & Sons Ltd 171 Chainlake Dr Halifax NS B3S 1B3 500.00 King J Bradford 10 Hillside Drive Timberlea NS B3T 1J8 50.00 Lahey Richard 125 Fraser Rd Timberlea NS B3T 1J8 100.00 McEvoy Dan 3665 Prospect Rd Shad Bay NS B3T 2B4 200.00 McEvoy Maud 3665 Prospect Rd Shad Bay NS B3T 2B4 200.00 McRae Lloyd R 194 Paul's Point Rd Hackett's Cove NS B3Z 3K7 100.00 Murrant Abla 30 Devonshire Dr Timberlea NS B3T 1C4 100.00 O'Reagans/Toyota Dartmouth 60 Baker Rd, Unit A Dartmouth NS B2W 6L4 250.00 Platt Debi 34 Mountain Maple Timberlea NS B3T 1G8 400.00 Pothier Rose L Apt 103/301 Lacewood Dr Halifax NS B3H 4L1 200.00 Roth Jason 9 Cambrien Dr Hubley NS B3Z 1B5 100.00 Roth-Steadman Cheryl 9 Cambrien Dr Hubley NS B3Z 1B5 100.00 Shaw Dave 242 Windsor Drive Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 1H1 100.00 Skinner-MacLean Michelle A 53 Nottingham Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 1G5 100.00 Stone John 56 Kelly Road Brookside NS B3T 1T6 100.00 Waterson Karolyn 2831 St Margaret's Bay Timberlea NS B3T 1H4 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 48 Timberlea-Prospect

Bill Estabrooks (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Young James R 7 Sweet Waterlane Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1H6 100.00 Zukauskas Walter P 130 Silver Birch Dr Hubley NS B3Z 1A8 100.00 4,850.00

Candidate: Lisa Mullin Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Allan Sullivan, 164 James Street, Timberlea, NS B3T 1P1 Contributions: $150.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacMullen Alan 110 Brentwood Ave Timberlea NS B3T 1H8 50.00 Sabean I A 30 Jericho Rd Hubley NS B3Z 1B9 100.00 150.00

Candidate: Thomas Trappenberg Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 49 Truro-Bible Hill

Candidate: Kaleigh Brinkhurst Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Bob Hagell Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Jim Reganti, 13 Riverside Avenue, Bible Hill, NS B2N 4G2 Contributions: $9,900.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 2321496 NS Limited PO Box 651 Truro NS B2N 1E5 200.00 Balcom Kathy Lee 119 Saywood Drive Truro NS B6L 4H1 100.00 Barnhill Logan E 1492 Prince St Truro NS B2N 1J9 100.00 Black Lorne V Suite 403, 188 Willow St Truro NS B2N 0A7 100.00 Brushett Dianne MT 38 Longworth Ave Truro NS B2N 3E8 150.00 Burchell MacDougall PO Box 1128, 710 Prince St Truro NS B2N 5H1 100.00 Byers Sharron Muriel 88 Brunswick St Truro NS B2N 2G9 100.00 Caldwell Douglas A 50 Cobequid Drive Truro NS B2N 5R2 200.00 Campbell Susan 89 Normandy Ave Truro NS B2N 3J6 100.00 Carruthers & MacDonell Law Office Incorporated Shubenacadie Professional Centre Shubenacadie NS B0N 2H0 100.00 Chisholm Ronald 189 Lyman Street Truro NS B2N 4S5 250.00 Conrad Faye M Apt 6, 17 Munroe Crt Truro NS B2N 6P4 50.00 Curtis, Q.C. David F PO Box 458, Suite 202, 640 Prince St Truro NS B2N 1G4 100.00 Dares Gertrude Lynds 90 Burnyeat St Truro NS B2N 4R1 50.00 Foster Wayne F 22 George St Truro NS B2N 3B6 200.00 Hagell Brian 4-103 Queen St Truro NS B2N 2B2 150.00 Hagell Robert 2-46 Duke St Truro NS B2N 2A4 1,500.00 Hagell Robert C 44 Phillip St Truro NS B2N 3B5 300.00 Hale Struan G 43 Spruce Dr Truro NS B2N 4X5 100.00 Hartlen Richard M 132 Wood St Truro NS B2N 4T7 250.00 Henderson Chella 126 Park St Truro NS B2N 3J3 50.00 Henderson Kenneth W 126 Park St Truro NS B2N 3J3 50.00 James Dennis 41 Exhibition St Truro NS B2N 4C5 100.00 Lavoie Lawrence J 32 Birch St Truro NS B2N 4X2 100.00 MacAfee James 17 Windale Dr Truro NS B2N 2X4 200.00 MacLeod Cyril 47 Beechwood Dr Truro NS B2N 1R3 100.00 Mahoney David 221 Pleasant St Truro NS B2N 3S7 100.00 Martin Ralph C 22a Duke St, Apt 11 Truro NS B2N 2A1 100.00 Matheson Terry R 1 Faulkner St Truro NS B2N 3T9 100.00 McLellan, Richards & Begin, Barristers, Solicitors 779 Prince Street, Box 1064 Truro NS B2N 5G9 250.00 Morse Raymond 10 Church St, PO Box 1068 Truro NS B2N 5B9 100.00 Parsons Tracy 13 Riverside Ave Bible Hill NS B2N 4G2 1,350.00 Rafferty John T 114 Willow St Truro NS B2N 4Z6 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 49 Truro-Bible Hill

Bob Hagell (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Reganti James 13 Riverside Ave Bible Hill NS B2N 4G2 100.00 Reid Audrey A 403 Prince St, Apt 101 Truro NS B2N 1E6 200.00 RHT Enterprises Limited (Ralphy Taylor) 15 Kimberley Drive Truro NS B2N 2Y8 250.00 Richard Gary A 20 Patillo Avenue Truro NS B2N 1K6 200.00 Ross Rushton Wile Blueberry Farm 58 Springwater Pl Valley NS B6L 2V1 100.00 Shala Labinot 75 Saywood Dr Truro NS B6L 4H1 100.00 Snook David W PO Box 1380 Truro NS B2N 5N2 100.00 Stewart Jarvis R Apt A, 383 Robie St Truro NS B2N 1L7 50.00 Stewart Lillie K Apt A, 383 Robie St Truro NS B2N 1L7 50.00 Taylor Robert 9 Sunnybrae Ct Truro NS B2N 4K5 100.00 White Terrence 52 Fundy Dr Truro NS B2N 5Z3 100.00 Will-Kare Paving Contracting Ltd PO Box 651 Truro NS B2N 1E5 300.00 Wilson Fuel Company Limited 97 Pleasant Street, PO Box 744 Truro NS B2N 5G1 400.00 Winters Robert PO Box 100, RPO Prince Truro NS B2N 5B6 500.00 Withrow Helen 32 Thomas Ave Truro NS B2N 3V3 150.00 Wright Irene 486 Robie St, Apt 103 Truro NS B2N 6R6 200.00 9,900.00

Candidate: Hughie MacIsaac Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Lois MacCormick, 8 Cooper Terrace, Truro, NS B2N 5L3 Contributions: $17,695.00 (net of contribution returned) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 2321496 NS Ltd 95 Lower Truro Rd Truro NS B2N 1E5 200.00 A-1 Tires 567 Willow St Truro NS B2N 6T3 100.00 AE Hunt & Company Ltd 84 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C4 50.00 Armstrong David 121 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C9 250.00 Armstrong Scott 50 Whitman Court Truro NS B2N 3G3 200.00 Armstrong Tillie 121 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C6 150.00 Atlantic Cooperative EA Institute Ltd5 339 Willow St Truro NS B2N 6C7 1,000.00 Bailey Ralph 37 Marigold Drive Truro NS B2N 6E7 100.00 Bartlett Sharon 22 Longworth Ave Truro NS B2N 3E9 400.00 Blackmore Marion 98 Wood St Truro NS B2N 4T5 50.00 Boyce H Douglas 287 College Road Truro NS B2N 2P6 20.00 Bryson George 36 Union St Chester NS B0J 1J0 100.00 Caldwell Ranch Insurance 643 Prince St Truro NS B2N 5C7 250.00 Carpenter Fred 87 Ospry Crt Truro NS B2N 7B3 100.00 CD Armstrong Insurance 38 Dominion St Truro NS B2N 5E5 500.00 Clark Frank 80 Roosevelt Ave Truro NS B2N 1B6 50.00 Corcoran Sharon 36 Half Moon Place Valley NS B6L 2H4 200.00 Creelman David 114 Victoria St Truro NS B2N 1Z1 100.00 Davidson Donald 356 Young St, Apt 403 Truro NS B2N 3Y6 200.00 Dhir Prem 79 Roosevelt Ave Truro NS B2N 1B7 50.00 5 Contribution returned in 2010 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 49 Truro-Bible Hill

Hughie MacIsaac (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Dickson Fred 131 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C6 100.00 Dwyer James Angela 41 Exhibition St Truro NS B2N 4C5 50.00 Fitzgerald Basil 3 Henry St Truro NS B2N 4V5 50.00 Fulton Donald 378 Young St, Apt 15 Truro NS B2N 7H2 400.00 Funding Grinding & Machining Ltd 9 Farnham Road Bible Hill NS B2N 2X6 400.00 Garry Pye Real Estate 468 Prince St Truro NS B2N 5U2 1,000.00 Giffin Ronald 34 Broad St Truro NS B2N 3G2 250.00 Guinan John 18 Tulip Place Truro NS B2N 5Y6 500.00 Hay Hospitality Ltd 105 Walker St Truro NS B2N 5G9 100.00 Hunt Jeffrey R 31 Edgehill Drive Truro NS B6L 3K4 150.00 Iller Door Systems Limited 159 Truro Heights Rd Truro NS B2N 5N2 1,000.00 Johnson Myles 137 Coldstream Drive Truro NS B2N 3G1 100.00 Kelderman Impressions Ltd 201 Queen St Truro NS B2N 2B6 250.00 Lake William U 50 Somerset Drive Truro NS B2N 6L2 100.00 MacCarthy Hector 130 Lyman St Truro NS B2N 4S4 100.00 MacDonald Ronald 32 Longworth Ave Truro NS B2N 3E8 50.00 MacDougall Lorne 128 Brunswick St Truro NS B2N 4H4 100.00 MacIsaac Hugh 19 Archibald St Truro NS B2N 4R5 100.00 MacIsaac Scott 29 Ross St Truro NS B2N 4C9 100.00 MacIsaac Shane 19 Archibald St Truro NS B2N 4R5 60.00 MacKinlay Ruby 2 Virginia Ave Truro NS B2N 2N6 50.00 MacLean Allison 137 Burnyeat St Truro NS B2N 4R1 750.00 MacLellan Roderick J 62 Highland Drive Truro NS B2N 1B9 300.00 MacQuarrie Charles 10 Hampton Way Truro NS B2N 6PS 500.00 MacQuarrie Malcolm 79 Exhibition St Truro NS B2N 4C9 375.00 Mallick Anne 5 Regency Point Drive Valley NS B6L 4B5 200.00 Martin William 100 Arthur St, Apt 104 Truro NS B2N 1X8 100.00 Meech Keira 55 Coburg Cres Truro NS B2N 7J5 40.00 Mill Beverage Room 214 Robie St Truro NS B2N 5C1 150.00 Millbrook Band Administration 820 Willow St Truro NS B2N 5E5 500.00 Misener Michelle 71 Barry Ave Truro NS B2N 4Y2 100.00 Moore Edward 80 Terrabella Lane Valley NS B6L 2W2 100.00 Mosher Leslie R 62 Willow St Truro NS B2N 5E5 50.00 Muir Jamie 65 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C5 250.00 Muir Jamie 28a Esplanade Truro NS B2N 2K3 250.00 Ogden Lola 19 Winchester Place Truro NS B2N 7A9 100.00 Pridham Harry 594 Prince St Truro NS B2N 5E5 100.00 Rath Stuart 69 Longworth Ave Truro NS B2N 5V2 500.00 Ritcey David 42 Culberg Cres Truro NS B2N 7J6 150.00 Roy Guy 44 Dominion Street Truro NS B2N 3P1 100.00 Ryan Roger 46 Inglis Place Truro NS B2N 4U4 100.00 Shea Janet 80 Terrabella Lane Valley NS B6L 2W2 100.00 Snook David 14 Court St Truro NS B2N 5N2 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 49 Truro-Bible Hill

Hughie MacIsaac (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Spicer Lloyd #2, 845 College Rd Truro NS B2N 5Y9 100.00 Stanfield Elizabeth 40 Pattillo Ave Truro NS B2N 1K6 150.00 Stanfield F Thomas 40 Patillo Ave Truro NS B2N 1K6 400.00 Stanfield's Ltd 1 Logan St Truro NS B2N 5C2 2,000.00 Stanley James 24 Archibald St Truro NS B2N 4R4 100.00 Sutherland Don 486 Robie St, Apt 506 Truro NS B2N 6R6 100.00 Taplin Hebert 49 Archibald St Truro NS B2N 4R5 50.00 Taylor Robert 9 Sunny Brae Crt Truro NS B2N 4K5 100.00 Tide View Enterprises Ltd 104 Tidal Bore Rd Truro NS B2N 5G6 100.00 Truro Sanitation Ltd 255 Polymer Road Truro NS B2N 6T9 100.00 Wesley Judith 66 Teakwood Crt Truro NS B2N 7C6 100.00 Wheelock John F 128 Smith Ave Truro NS B2N 1C7 100.00 White George L 72 Mount Pleasant Blvd Truro NS B2N 3N7 250.00 Will- Kare Paving 95 Lower Truro Rd Truro NS B2N 1E5 300.00 Wilson David 118 Park St Truro NS B2N 5G1 250.00 Wilson Fuel Company Ltd 97 Pleasant St Truro NS B2N 5G1 400.00 Yeadon Victor 150 Purdy Drive Truro NS B2N 6E8 100.00 Subtotal 18,695.00 Less: contribution returned in 2010 (1,000.00) Total 17,695.00

Candidate: Lenore Zann Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Patricia Scammell, 200 Old Courthouse Branch Road, PO Box 451, Truro, NS B2N 5C7 Contributions: $12,470.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount A1-Tires 567 Willow St Truro NS B2N 6T3 100.00 Archibald Jim Mt Pleasant Blvd Truro NS B2N 3N6 50.00 Bakeeff Jean 78 Churchill St Truro NS B2N 1N2 100.00 Ballard John 6 Havelock St Truro NS B2N 4B7 100.00 Belliveau A J 96 Alice St Truro NS B2N 2M7 200.00 Braedley Robert 69 Shannon Dr Truro NS B2N 3V7 400.00 Burley Wayne 8 Dahlia Pl Truro NS B2N 5X3 500.00 Campbell Carol 410 Prince St Truro NS B2N 1E5 100.00 Cassidy Frank 23 Nova Drive Truro NS B2N 3H3 25.00 Comeau Gabriel PO Box 1613 Truro NS B2N 5V3 200.00 Delefes Peter 68 Masons Point Rd Head of St Margarets NS B3Z 2A8 50.00 Doyle Caroline 8 Elder Drive Truro NS B2N 7E1 200.00 Dwyer-James Angela 41 Exhibition St Truro NS B2N 4C5 50.00 Faulkner Ruth E 65 Lyman Street Truro NS B2N 4S3 75.00 Fowlie Ethel 12 Lupin Dr Truro NS B6L 6V9 50.00 Funding Grinding & Machining 9 Farnham Rd Bible Hill NS B2N 2X6 400.00 Gaudet Susan 32 Chase Lane Beaverbrook NS B6L 1E2 50.00 Giles Gary 43 Dominion St Truro NS B2N 4Z8 100.00 Gittens Sandra 18 Hingley St Truro NS B2N 3B8 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 49 Truro-Bible Hill

Lenore Zann (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Gleich Steven 150 Lyman St Truro NS B2N 4S4 50.00 Grant Peter 10 George St Truro NS B2N 3B6 50.00 Hamilton Norm 29 Regency Point Dr Bible Hill NS B2N 4B5 50.00 Harpell James 459 Cottage Lane, PO Box 312 Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 500.00 Henderson Stephen 981 Pictou Road Truro NS B6L 2N1 50.00 Hogan Rhoda 52 Maple Blvd Bible Hill NS B2N 4N3 50.00 Huelin David PO Box 424, Brunswick St Truro NS B2N 5C5 1,000.00 Jeffery Gordon 11 Forrest Hills Dr Bible Hill NS B2N 6H5 200.00 Johnson Robert 884 Willow St Truro NS B2N 6N7 25.00 Jones Lynn G 310-76 Fairfax Dr Halifax NS B3S 1M8 100.00 Keaveney Cherie 26 Deerview Crescent Truro NS B2N 6P6 150.00 Kettleson Winnifred 580 Young St Truro NS B2N 3Y6 200.00 Larder Susan 12 Inglis Place Truro NS B2N 4T4 25.00 MacAfee James 17 Windale Dr Truro NS B2N 2X4 50.00 MacConnell Henry 120 Young St Truro NS B2N 3X3 100.00 MacDonald Gaye 67 Duke St Truro NS B2N 2A5 100.00 MacDonald Maureen 5525 Cabot Place Halifax NS B3K 2J6 100.00 MacDonald-Plourde Nora 1518 Prince St Truro NS B2N 1J9 50.00 MacLean John 128 Oakwood Dr Truro NS B6L 1N4 115.00 MacLeod Greg 87 MacLean St Truro NS B2N 4W4 200.00 MacNeill Dorothy 49 Crowell Dr Truro NS B2N 3N1 200.00 MacNeill Grant 7 Inglis Place Truro NS B2N 4B5 200.00 MacNeill Kenley 49 Crowell Dr Truro NS B2N 3N1 300.00 Mahoney David 221 Pleasant St Truro NS B2N 3S7 100.00 Making Math Matter 87 Queen St Truro NS B2N 2B2 500.00 Mallov Jonathan 24 Tulip Place Truro NS B2N 5C5 50.00 McDade Eric 11 Broad Street Truro NS B2N 3G1 100.00 McKenna Earl 71 Maple Blvd Bible Hill NS B2N 4N4 200.00 McLellan, Richards, Begin 779 Prince St, PO Box 1064 Truro NS B2N 5G9 250.00 Miller Kirk 29 Crowell Dr Truro NS B2N 3N1 100.00 Miller Melinda 29 Crowell Dr Truro NS B2N 3N1 100.00 Mowbray Alison 165 Arthur St Truro NS B2N 1Y3 75.00 Munro Shawn 37 Nova Dr Truro NS B2N 3H3 100.00 Murray Elizabeth 101 Queen St, Apt A Truro NS B2N 2B2 100.00 O'Brien NP 1540 Summer St, Apt 306 Halifax NS B3H 4R9 100.00 Poole Gordon 11-2 Monroe Court Truro NS B2N 6P4 200.00 Rafferty Sheila 114 Willow St Truro NS B2N 4Z6 200.00 Rainbow Motel 341 Prince St Truro NS B2N 1E1 300.00 Robertson Janet 136 Dominion St Truro NS B2N 3P7 100.00 Rogers Shirley 14 Phoebe Lane Valley NS B2N 3G1 100.00 Rubin Patricia 101 Queen St, Apt A Truro NS B2N 2B2 100.00 Salmons Rose 16 Brookside Road Truro NS B2N 2Y1 100.00 Scammell Ibel 18 Tor St Truro NS B2N 2M3 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 49 Truro-Bible Hill

Lenore Zann (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Smith Cindie 100 Scott Avenue Greenfield NS B2N 5H1 50.00 Snook, Real Estate Account David W PO Box 1380 Truro NS B2N 5N2 100.00 Stewart Wally 173 Truro Heights Road, RR #1 Truro NS B2N 5A9 100.00 Sutherland Kathy 36 Fairview Dr Truro NS B2N 1S3 100.00 Tiwana Jagpal 134 Greenwood Dr Dartmouth NS B2V 2N5 100.00 Walker St Auto 30 Walker Street Truro NS B2N 4A6 50.00 Whiston Norris 4995 Highway 311, Earltown, RR #5 Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 80.00 Yorke Stephen 35 Lavina Dr Truro NS B2N 5N5 100.00 Yorke Tim 35 Lavina Dr Truro NS B2N 5N5 100.00 Yuill-Chisholm-Killawee 541 Prince Street Truro NS B2N 1E8 50.00 Zann Jan 111 Willow St Truro NS B2N 4Z8 1,000.00 Zann Paul 111 Willow St Truro NS B2N 4Z8 1,000.00 12,470.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 50 Victoria-The Lakes

Candidate: Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: John MacKillop, 9 Tir-Nan-Og Hwy. 205, Baddeck Bay, NS B0E 1B0 Contributions: $8,895.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Allen Dennis 1394 Georges River Rd Georges River NS B1Y 3K1 125.00 Bentick Investments Ltd 207 South Bentick St Sydney NS B1P 6R7 500.00 Campbell View Enterprise Ltd 106 King St North Sydney NS B2A 3S5 400.00 Celtic Country Market 1415 Trunk 105 TCH Bras d'Or NS B1Y 2N5 500.00 Chiasson Daniel 137 Twining St Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 200.00 Cook Charles 238 Old Margaret Rd Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 50.00 Crowell Cameron #3 Highway Sandy Cove NS B0T 1K0 100.00 Currie Michael 9 Dougall St MacAdam's Lake NS B2A 4H1 50.00 Donovan David 36105 Cabot Trail New Haven NS B0C 1P0 100.00 DW Matheson & Sons Construction Ltd 183 Rt 223 Little Narrows NS B0E 1T0 250.00 Dwight JW Rudderham Law Office 500 George Place Sydney NS B1P 1K6 250.00 Edge Nelson 1174 Route 312 Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 100.00 Garland Roy 1742 Big Baddeck Road Big Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Gillis Construction Limited 9198 Hwy 105 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 500.00 Greer Ann 48595 Cabot Trail Tarbotvale NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Greer Robert 48595 Cabot Trail Tarbotvale NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Hanam Ralph 47 MacLeod St Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 300.00 Ignacio BS 837 Shore Rd Sydney Mines NS B1V 1A7 250.00 Johnson John 499 Villa Dr Little Bras d'Or NS B1Y 2Z2 100.00 Johnstone Sadie 15 Auld Road Middle River NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Khattar Irene 80 Whitney Ave Sydney NS B1P 4Z9 25.00 Louisbourg Seafood Ltd 3 Commercial St Louisbourg NS B1C 1B5 500.00 Lutz Louise 2578 New Cambelton Rd Cape Dauphin NS B1X 1X9 50.00 MacAulay Gordon 40 Hwy 205 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 MacCuspic Keith 689 Cabot Trail Middle River NS B0E 1B0 100.00 MacDermid Fisheries 3044309 NS Ltd 1825 Old Route 5 Big Bras d'Or NS B0E 1A5 200.00 MacDonald William 47833 Cabot Trail Tarbot NS B0E 1B0 100.00 MacEachern Mabel 58 MacBelger Rd Boularderie East NS B1X 1J3 100.00 MacFarlane Shane 44 Grant St Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 200.00 MacInnis Merrill 43887 Cabot Trail Breton Cove NS B0C 1H0 100.00 MacKenzie David 8 Peter MacLean Rd Little Narrows NS B0E 1T0 100.00 MacLeod Allistar 35819 Cabot Trail Ingonish NS B0C 1K0 200.00 MacLeod Jon 54 Queen St Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 25.00 MacNeil Gerald 147 Lorne St Sydney NS B1P 4H5 100.00 MacPhee Wendel 502 West Store Big Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 20.00 MacRitchie Evelyn 20 Kelly's Lane Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 100.00 McAulay Daniel 15 Queen St, Apt 3 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 150.00 Morrison Bruce 107 Old Margaret Rd Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Muir Robert 29 Keefe Ave Sydney NS B1R 2C9 100.00 Municipal Ready Mix Limited 19 MacRae Ave Sydney River NS B1S 1M1 500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 50 Victoria-The Lakes

Keith Bain (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Munroe Robert 111 Calderwood Dr Sydney NS B1S 3G2 100.00 O'Regan Resources 88 Ocean View Dr Neils Harbour NS B0C 1N0 100.00 Pelley Theresa 4 Park St North Sydney NS B2A 1G0 250.00 Piche James 45832 Cabot Trail Indian Brook NS B0C 1H0 100.00 RM Bagnell Enterprises Ltd 84 Howe St Sydney NS B1P 4V1 200.00 Robinson Katherine 986 Highway 312 Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 50.00 Rowe Mae 1038 Bourinut Rd MacAdam's Lake NS B2A 4H2 100.00 Roy Garland Inc 1742 Big Baddeck Road Big Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Sampson McDougall 66 Wentworth St Sydney NS B1P 6T4 200.00 Thornhill Ronald 62 Jonas St Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Timmins Brian 1603 Old Route 5 Big Bras d'Or NS B1X 1B5 100.00 Timmins Dianne 1603 Old Route 5 Big Bras d'Or NS B1X 1B5 100.00 Timmins Harvey 1530 Old Route 5 Big Bras d'Or NS B1X 1C1 150.00 Tweedie Hugh 717 Coxheath Rd Sydney NS B1L 1B5 100.00 Tweedie Loran 78 Black Rock Light Rd Black Rock NS B1X 2A3 100.00 8,895.00

Candidate: Stemer MacLeod Recognized Party: Independent Official Agent: Kerry MacNeil, Box 37, St. Margaret's Village, Victoria County, NS B0C 1R0 Contributions: None Disclosed Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Disclosure statement not filed by official agent pursuant to theMembers and Public Employees Disclosure Act and the Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations

Candidate: Jim O'Brien Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Fraser Patterson Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Norman Matheson, P. O. Box 641, Baddeck, NS B0E 1B0 Contributions: $3,375.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount AAA Plumbing & Heating 156 Braemar Drive Sydney NS B1A 1V9 250.00 Cantwell Earl 1373 Trunk 105, Trans Canada Highway Bras d'Or NS B1Y 2N5 30.00 Carey Edward 73 Jones St Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 75.00 Dauphney George 4862 Hwy 105 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 20.00 Donham Parker 8190 Kempthead Rd Kempthead NS B1X 1R5 100.00 Edwards Beverly 31 Lupin Lane Ross Ferry NS B1Y 1N5 200.00 Edwards James 71 Matheson Rd Kempthead NS B1X 1R5 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 50 Victoria-The Lakes

Fraser Patterson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Foulds James 6025 Kempthead Rd Southside Boularderie NS B1X 2ND 150.00 Kennedy Carol T RR4 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 40.00 Lettice Linda Box 1895 Bras d'Or NS B1Y 3Y6 10.00 Lifelong Driver Training 3 Cooling St Glace Bay NS B1A 5Q8 100.00 MacDonald Helen 179 Rendell Dr Little Bras d'Or NS B1Y 2Y7 100.00 MacDonald Jeannette 26 Meadow Rd North River Bridge NS B0E 1B0 150.00 MacDonald Rosemary 8238 Kempthead Rd Kempthead NS B1X 1R8 50.00 MacKeigan Nancy 671 Big Farm Road Big Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 MacKinnon Alan PO Box 181 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 250.00 MacLeod Jessie PO Box 653 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 50.00 MacLeod Kathy 1680 Hillside Boularderie Rd Southside Boularderie NS B1Y 2T8 50.00 MacNeil John 549 Upper Leitch Cres North Sydney NS B2A 4B6 50.00 Matheson Norman 682 Big Farm Rd Big Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Muggah Henry 102 Water St Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 250.00 Noble Scott 1878 Baddeck Bay, RR 2 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 O'Brien Heather 6034 Cherry Street Halifax NS B3H 2K3 50.00 O'Liari Joan PO Box 5902 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Patterson Gordon W 7734 Kempthead Rd Kempthead NS B1X 1S1 100.00 Proctor Hilda 4555 Hwy 105 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 50.00 Reid Francis 1923 Westside Rd Big Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 50.00 Ritter John A 10669 Kempthead Rd Boularderie Centre NS B1X 1L9 250.00 Spurway Amy 2769 William Hunt Ave Halifax NS B3L 3T9 100.00 Squires Kevin 34 Lakeview Drive Big Bras d'Or NS B1X 1Z1 100.00 Stone Lloyd PO Box 191 Baddeck NS B0E 4B0 100.00 Thompson Bonnie Louise 45879 Cabot Trail Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 50.00 Thompson Marion RR1 Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 50.00 Yetman Gerald 29 Vicker Lane Sydney Mines NS B1V 2V1 100.00 3,375.00

Candidate: Gerald Sampson Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Phillip R. Murray, 42 Church Street, Little Bras d'Or, NS B1Y 3Y8 Contributions: $8,520.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Bras d'Or View Rest. 1289 Trans Canada Highway 105 Bras d'Or NS B1Y 1W3 50.00 Buchanan John RR 2 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Buchanan Merrill D PO Box 598 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 250.00 Burt Deborah K PO Box 28, 572 Hwy 312 Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 50.00 Cape Breton Trailer Ltd PO Box 1686 Bras d'Or NS B1Y 3Y6 1,400.00 Coleman C PO Box 537, 11 Victoria St Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 10.00 Currie Roydon 1861 Old Route 5 Big Baddeck NS B1X 1A5 500.00 Diche James 45832 Cabot Trail Indian Brook NS B0C 1H0 50.00 Dowe Lawrence 10324 Highway 105 Nyanza NS B0E 1B0 20.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 50 Victoria-The Lakes

Gerald Sampson (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Frusst Marie 9922 Kempthead Rd Ross Ferry NS B1X 1N8 50.00 Gillian Cheryl 6 Newport Dr Fall River NS B2T 1A4 250.00 Gillis Construction Ltd PO Box 96 Baddeck NS B1X 1A6 500.00 Henderson Anthony Big Bras d'Or NS 500.00 Hugh MacInnis Lumber Frenchvale Road RR1 North Sydney NS B2A 3L7 300.00 Ivany Walter PO Box 607 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 MacAskill John A 770 Hwy 312, PO Box 33 Englishtown NS B0E 1B0 200.00 MacAskill Kenneth 741 Hwy 312, Box 40 Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 100.00 MacDonald Clare 4501 Washabuck Rd Cowel Washabuck NS B2C 1N2 50.00 MacDonald Duncan RR 2 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 50.00 MacDonald Robert 2906 Cabot Trail RR3 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 MacEachern Duncan 21 Meadow Rd, RR 4 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 MacKenzie Gordon 11420 Kempthead Rd Boularderie NS B1X 1K9 25.00 MacLean Carmeline 1915 Gillis Point Rd Washabuck Centre NS B2C 1L6 50.00 MacLean Vincent 5150 Washabuck Rd Cowel Washabuck NS B2C 1N6 200.00 MacLellan Thelma RR1 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 100.00 MacLeod Alec PO Box 226 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 25.00 MacRae Danny PO Box 452 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 MacRae Lamont PO Box 519 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 100.00 Matheson & Sons Cont. Ltd RR 1 Little Narrows Little Narrows NS B0E 1T0 200.00 Midway Motors Ltd Box 54, RR 3 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 700.00 Millenium Const Ltd 411 Johnson Rd Georges River NS B1Y 3B3 500.00 Murray Philip 42 Church Street Little Bras d'Or NS B1Y 3Y8 100.00 Musgrave Sidney C 816 Frenchvale Rd French Vale NS B2A 4M6 50.00 Sampson George Old Route 5 Big Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 25.00 Sampson MacDougall 66 Wentworth St Sydney NS B1P 6T4 200.00 Sievers Hans PO Box 132 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 500.00 Sievers Helen PO Box 132 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 500.00 Trenholm Joyce 19 Loch Bhreagh Dr Boularderie East NS B1P 1J7 50.00 Turner John C 6 Dalriada Rd New Harris NS B1X 1V7 100.00 Urquhart Douglas 30 Rear North Out Rd, RR4 Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 25.00 Vandommelen Jus 4308 Kempthead Rd Southside Boularderie NS B1Y 2P7 100.00 Watt Andrew 45224 Cabot Trail RR1 Englishtown NS B0C 1H0 100.00 Whitty Tim 1242 Hillside Boularderie Boularderie NS B1Y 2V5 40.00 8,520.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 51 Waverley-Fall River-Beaverbank

Candidate:Gary Hines Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: David Dumaresq, 125 Danny Dr., Braver Bank, NS B4G 1B3 Contributions: $16,156.85 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount 1911741 NS c/o Urquhart MacDonald & Assoc 2438 Highway #2 Fall River NS B2T 1J1 50.00 Aerotec Engines Ltd 740 Windgate Dr Beaver Bank NS B4G 0A6 250.00 Axxess Media 14 James Ave Fall River NS B2T 1H7 1,406.85 Baker Stella 19 Davlin Dr Porters Lake NS B2E 1H5 250.00 Barrett David 2 Maplewood Court Lower Sackville NS B4G 1B6 100.00 Barrett Keith 421 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2C7 100.00 Barrett Mary 2 Maplewood Court Lower Sackville NS B4G 1B6 100.00 Barrett Ent. Ltd. 224 Beaverbank Rd Beaver Bank NS B4A 1J7 50.00 Barrett Enterprises 2 Maplewood Court Lower Sackville NS B4G 1B6 100.00 Brenton John 66 Maranatha Fall River NS BT2 1E5 200.00 Carson Craig 785 Young Ave Halifax NS B3H 2V8 250.00 Chassie Lee-Anne 33 Boutiliers Lane Dartmouth NS B2Y 2H6 250.00 Christie Peter 109 Shore Dr Bedford NS B4A 2E9 100.00 Connor Paul 45 Beech Hill Dr Fall River NS B2T 1H7 250.00 Conrad Brothers Ltd 2 Cono Dr Dartmouth NS B2W 3Y2 300.00 Coral Construction 10 Twining Dr Fall River NS B2T 1G5 250.00 Cowper Janet 2766 Highway #2 Waverley NS B2R 1T2 250.00 Doug Clarke Autobody Ltd 2578 Rocky Lake Dr Waverley NS B2R 1R9 350.00 Elmsdale Service Centre 113 Elmsdale Rd Elmsdale NS B2S 1K7 500.00 Fall River Cafes 65 Howe Dr Fall River NS B2T 1H7 50.00 Furneaux Alma 25 Stayner Dr Waverley NS B2R 1C3 100.00 Garrick Construction 4 Roulston Dr Elmsdale NS B2S 1J6 100.00 Giberson David 92 Mount Edward Rd Dartmouth NS B2W 3K8 1,000.00 Giberson Peter 7 Tingley Rd Grand Lake NS B2T 1B4 1,000.00 Glenmar Heating & Air Conditioning 1154 Fall River Rd Fall River NS B2T 1E6 250.00 Halifax G & D Recycling Ltd 16 Mills Dr Goodwood NS B3T 1P3 250.00 J Mason Contracting 1290 Fall River Rd Fall River NS B2T 1E6 1,000.00 Jubilee Investments 6307 Oakland Rd Halifax NS B3H 1P4 1,000.00 Kendziora Grace 307-25 Dartmouth Rd Bedford NS B4A 2L3 50.00 Kendziora Guy 235 Ridgevale Dr Bedford NS B4A 4B3 50.00 Lager Brian 7 Canterbury Lane Fall River NS B2T 1A4 200.00 Marwood Ltd 1984 Hammonds Plains Rd Bedford NS B4A 1A0 500.00 O'Rourke Janet 3641 Highway #2 Fletchers Lake NS B2T 1H7 100.00 Presse Mason Law Office 1254 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B4A 1C6 500.00 RAECO Products Inc 67 Atlantic St Halifax NS B24 4P4 1,000.00 Randles John 106 Isley Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1L3 100.00 RAPCO Services Ltd 201 Church St Wellington NS B2T 1A2 200.00 RD MacDougall Machining 315 Sandy Lake Rd Beaver Bank NS B4G 1E4 350.00 Reid Arlene 171 Lockview Rd Fall River NS B2T 1J1 100.00 Reid Crawford 171 Lockview Rd Fall River NS B2T 1J1 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 51 Waverley-Fall River-Beaverbank

Gary Hines (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Scotia Learning Ctre's 6017 Quinpool Rd Halifax NS B3K 5J6 500.00 Smith Rob 2282 Waverley Rd Waverley NS B2R 1Z1 200.00 St Andrews Village Estates 1601 Hollis St Halifax NS B3J 2X1 500.00 Tagliapietra Dola 167 Lockview Rd Fall River NS B2T 1J1 50.00 Urquhart Jake 209 Lockview Rd Fall River NS B2T 1J1 50.00 Valerium Group 256 Windsor Junction Rd Windsor Junction NS B2T 1G7 250.00 Victoria Place Apartments 6307 Oakland Rd Halifax NS B3H 1P4 1,000.00 Ward Gloria 53 Hansen Lane Waverley NS B2R 1J7 250.00 William Alexander & Associates 5171 George St Halifax NS B3J 1M6 250.00 16,156.85

Candidate: Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: William Munden, 2777 Hwy2, Fall River, NS B2T 1W3 Contributions: $5,295.00 (net of contribution returned) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Boyce's Law Office 187 Lockview Rd Fall River NS B2J 1J1 200.00 Dillman Bradford M 65 Sugar Maple Dr Timberlea NS B3T 1G4 200.00 Emberly Michael 30 Fletcher Drive Fall River NS B2T 1J2 100.00 Evans Bruce 4225 Highway 2 Wellington NS B2T 1A3 400.00 Evans Owen R & Betty 14 Mill Lane Grand Lake NS B2T 1B3 500.00 Fall River Cafes Limited 65 Howe Drive Fall River NS B2T 1H7 50.00 Fall River Family Dentistry Inc 215 Philip Drive Fall River NS B2T 1H7 1,695.00 French6 John D 311 Signal Hill Crt S W Calgary AB T3H 2J3 300.00 Isenor Dwight & Judith 901 Perrin Dr Fall River NS B2T 1J6 300.00 Miller David 44 Rays Lane Fall River NS B2T 1J5 50.00 Munden Bill & Joyce 2777 Hwy 2 Fall River NS B2T 1W3 300.00 Oakland Road Investment Inc PO Box 2126, RPO Fall River NS B2T 1K6 400.00 Praught Leonard J & Nora M 21 Pine Grove Lane Waverley NS B2R 1R2 100.00 Reid Crawford 171 Lockview Rd Fall River NS B2T 1J1 100.00 Stobo Wayne & Nancy 1798 Waverley Rd Waverley NS B2R 1Y3 300.00 Terra-Firma Consultants 1 Pine-n-Oak Drive Wellington NS B2T 1J4 200.00 WMR Environmental Services PO Box 2126 Fall River NS B2T 1K6 400.00 6 Contribution returned in 2010 Subtoal 5,595.00 Less: contribution returned in 2010 (300.00) Total 5,295.00

Candidate:Damon Loomer Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 51 Waverley-Fall River-Beaverbank

Candidate:Percy Paris Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Francis Somerville, 15 Guildwood Drive, Fall River, NS B2T 1J6 Contributions: $14,515.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Baker Laurie P 256 Windsor Junction Road Windsor Junction NS B2T 1G7 250.00 Bates Stephen 4215 Highway 2 Wellington NS B2T 1A3 75.00 Beech Hill Development Ltd 130 Howe Avenue Fall River NS B2T 1H7 200.00 Boyce Steve G 187 Lockview Road Fall River NS B2T 1J1 200.00 Carrier Jennifer 98 Lockview Road Fall River NS B2T 1J1 150.00 Clarke Rick 131 Poplar Drive Dartmouth NS B2W 2K7 50.00 Creelman Douglas 24 Wilson Drive Fall River NS B2T 1V8 200.00 Crowe Richard V 1762 Preston Street Halifax NS B3H 3V6 100.00 Derrick Katharine A 210 - 1350 Oxford St Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 250.00 Dussault Paul 74 Carlheath Drive Wellington NS B2T 1J4 50.00 Earle M Jane 18 Stillwater Lane Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1H6 50.00 Ffrench Dr Rudolph 68 Grant Street Kentville NS B4N 2S4 100.00 Frizzel Bert R 78 Rochdale Place Bedford NS B4A 0A7 250.00 Goodall Daisy 545 Thorn Avenue Beaver Bank NS B4E 1P8 50.00 Hartien Rev. J Wayne 3631 Highway 2 Fletchers Lake NS B2T 1H7 200.00 Hazel Jeanine 31 Barrett Road Beaver Bank NS B4G 1A9 100.00 Jessome Joan B 60 Piggot Avenue Fall River NS B2T 1S6 100.00 Johnson E 369 Main Street Yarmouth NS B5A 1E7 50.00 Kemp Norman 10 Danny Drive Beaver Bank NS B4G 1B2 100.00 Landon Laura 10 Franklin Lane Fall River NS B2T 1G5 440.00 Lopes Blair 50 Hutt Road, Owl's Head Harbour Lake Charlotte NS B0J 1Y0 50.00 Lost Creek Golf Club Inc 222 Ridge Avenue Waverley NS B2R 1G4 250.00 MacDonald E Grant 33 Cusack Street Dartmouth NS B2Y 2L7 50.00 MacDonald Margaret 6150 Cedar Street Halifax NS B3H 2J5 50.00 MacDonald Steve G 3572 Highway 2 Fletchers Lake NS B2T 1H7 100.00 MacKay Paul 74 Second Street Lakeview NS B4C 4C9 300.00 MacLeod Juliette 37 Devonport Avenue Fall River NS B2T 1A4 100.00 MacMillan Michael 71 Ingram Drive Fall River NS B2T 1A4 200.00 Marchand Wayne 188 Third Avenue Lakeview NS B4C 4C9 500.00 McKay G Fisher 2836 Highway 2 Fall River NS B2T 1W5 50.00 Miller Lois 30 Cora Lane Fletchers Lake NS B2T 1A1 100.00 More Jack 2555 Highway 2 Waverley NS B2R 1T4 500.00 Munroe Morris 482 Kinsac Road Kinsac NS B4G 1C7 85.00 Newcombe Cheryl 38 Community Centre Lane Windsor Junction NS B2T 1G2 750.00 Oderkirk Marlene 256 Church Street Wellington NS B2T 1A2 100.00 Oderkirk May L 256 Church Street Wellington NS B2T 1A2 100.00 Oland James 2339 Armscrescent West Halifax NS B2L 3E4 100.00 Ouimet Alice 15 Guildwood Drive Fall River NS B2T 1J6 100.00 Paris Debbie 100 Charleswood Drive Windsor Junction NS B2T 1G3 2,000.00 Paris Percy 100 Charleswood Drive Windsor Junction NS B2T 1G3 4,000.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 51 Waverley-Fall River-Beaverbank

Percy Paris (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Riggs Evelyn 3321 Prescott Street Halifax NS B3K 4Y2 100.00 S & N Electric 557 Beaver Bank Road Beaver Bank NS B4G 1B8 100.00 Smith Rob 2282 Waverley Road Waverley NS B2R 1Z1 100.00 Somerville Alex 15 Guildwood Drive Fall River NS B2T 1J6 500.00 Somerville Donna 15 Guildwood Drive Fall River NS B2T 1J6 265.00 Southwell Rustum 32 Windrock Drive Bedford NS B4A 3E4 100.00 Spencer David F 8 Dolomite Court Fall River NS B2T 1N2 100.00 Stoffer Peter B 2900 Highway 2 Fall River NS B2T 1W4 100.00 Walter Paul L 2907 Ward Street Coldbrook NS B4N 3X1 100.00 Wark Bruce 10 Franklin Lane Fall River NS B2T 1G5 300.00 Well Robert 155 Third Avenue Lakeview NS B4C 4C9 100.00 Wentzell Curt 169 Cavalier Drive Lower Sackville NS B4C 3L1 100.00 Wilson Maureen 6 Nancy's Court Windsor Junction NS B2T 1K7 100.00 14,515.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 52 Yarmouth

Candidate: Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Fred Richardson, 107B South East Street, Yarmouth, NS B5A 3R2 Contributions: $24,620.00 (net of contribution returned) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Aberdeen Paving Ltd 798 Hammonds Plains Rd Bedford NS B4B 1B1 1,000.00 Acadian Seaplants Ltd 30 Brown St Dartmouth NS B3B 1B0 1,000.00 ADCOR Marketing Ltd PO Box 837 Stores # 303, 394, 765 & 1460 Yarmouth NS B5A 4K4 350.00 Allen EG RR1 Carleton NS B0W 1L0 40.00 Arctic Fisheries Ltd PO Box 56 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B1 400.00 Arenburg David 50 Alma St Yarmouth NS B5A 3G8 250.00 Atlantic Herring Coop7 PO Box 517 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B4 200.00 Bain Ronald 16 Grand St Yarmouth NS B5A 2Z6 100.00 Barro Gregory RR 5, Box 2780 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A9 300.00 Bay Ferries Management Ltd 500-5657 Spring Garden Rd, Park Lane, Box Halifax NS B3J 3R4 200.00 Best Western Mermaid Enterprises Ltd 545 Main St Yarmouth NS B5A 1J6 100.00 BIRK Engineering Inc 6649 Quinpool Rd Halifax NS B3L 1B7 2,000.00 Buchanan Larry 507 Suanders Rd, RR2 South Ohio Yarmouth NS B0W 3E0 50.00 Cassa Business Equipment Ltd PO Box 314 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B3 500.00 Chisholm John W PO Box 1328 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 1,000.00 Cooks Fairy Farm Ltd PO Box 40 Arcadia NS B0W 1B0 1,000.00 Cunningham Trevor 1 Tranquility Court, Box 2776 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A9 150.00 DH Thistle Holdings Ltd PO Box 4379, RR 4 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A8 250.00 Doucette JA David 139 North Ohio Rd RR 1 Yarmouth NS B5A 3E0 50.00 Doug Thistle Hyundai PO Box 4379, RR 4 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A8 250.00 Emins Meat Market 148 Main St Yarmouth NS B5A 1B8 150.00 Germain Mechanical & Electrical Ltd PO Box 9 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B1 500.00 Giroux Brian 33 Chester St Yarmouth NS B5A 2N7 250.00 Hood Clifford PO Box 670 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B6 250.00 Hood Joan A 7 Aberdeen St Yarmouth NS B5A 2B1 250.00 Horrocks Ron Suite 1, Box 4, RR1 Glenwood NS B0W 1W0 100.00 HT LeBlanc Dental Inc PO Box 368 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B3 100.00 IMO Foods Ltd PO Box 236, 26 Water St Yarmouth NS B5A 4B2 500.00 Killam Properties Inc 3700 Kempt Rd, Suite 100 Halifax NS B3K 4X8 150.00 Leslie Wood Fur Farms Ltd RR 1, Box 26 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 500.00 LG Trask Holdings Ltd 396 Main St, Suite 2201 B Yarmouth NS B5A 1E9 1,130.00 Manuel Robert 154 Larder Lake Dr Chester NS B0J 1J0 150.00 McLellan Joseph 315 Pleasant St Yarmouth NS B5A 2K7 300.00 Muise Laura Box 205, RR 3 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 200.00 Newell Lobsters Ltd PO Box 99 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B1 1,000.00 O'Donnell Tracy 11 Forest Ridge Drive Conquerall Mills NS B4V 6B6 1,000.00 P Hurlburt Foundations Ltd 3742 Hwy 340 Carleton NS B0W 1L0 200.00 Parsons Investments Ltd PO Box 24 Kingston NS B0P 1R0 100.00 Pink Martin 19 Caie Cres Yarmouth NS B5A 1N5 300.00 7 Contribution returned in 2010 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 52 Yarmouth

Richard Hurlburt (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Rayanne Holdings Ltd PO Box 760, 168 Haley Rd Yarmouth NS B5A 4K4 1,000.00 Rcom Canada Corp Rcom Drive, Box 100 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B1 1,000.00 Robicheau Benoit PO Box 159 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B2 300.00 Scotia Garden Seafood PO Box 868 Yarmouth NS B5A 4K5 500.00 Smith Bryan PO Box 631 Port Maitland NS B0W 2V0 200.00 Snow George PO Box 598 Port Maitland NS B0W 2V0 200.00 Starlink Aviation C/O Yarmouth Airport, PO Box 386 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B2 2,500.00 Stevenson Anthony PO Box 367 Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 500.00 Terry Hawkins Industries Ltd PO Box 999 Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 1,000.00 Trask Matthew 1 Millstone Terrace Yarmouth NS B5A 1N2 200.00 Whiting Dave RR2, Box 176, 141 Captain Lane South Ohio NS B0W 3E0 200.00 Wyman Chester 6 Parade St Yarmouth NS B5A 3A4 200.00 Yarmouth Dental Group 615 Main St Yarmouth NS B5A 1K1 200.00 Yarmouth Sea Products Ltd PO Box 160 Meteghan NS B0W 2J0 500.00 Subtotal 24,820.00 Less: contribution returned in 2010 (200.00) Total 24,620.00

Candidate: Ronald Mills Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: Kathryn Herbert, 33 Pinehill Dr., Lr. Sackville, NS B4C 1P1 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: David Mooney Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Eleanor MacIssac, 1430 Chebogue Rd., RR # 2, Box 2325, Yarmouth, NS B5A 4A6 Contributions: $8,350.00 (net of contribution to be returned) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount ArtSet Enterprises Limited Box 4369, RR #4 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A8 100.00 Atlantic Herring Coop8 PO Box 517 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B4 100.00 Bay Ferries Management Box 247 Park Lane Halifax NS B3J 3R4 200.00 City Drug Store 369 Main St Yarmouth NS B5A 1E7 100.00 Comeau Paul 3 Placid Court Yarmouth NS B5A 4N5 200.00 Cook's Dairy Farm Limited PO Box 40, Arcadia Yarmouth NS B0W 1B0 250.00 DH Thistle Holdings Ltd Box 4369, RR #4 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A8 100.00 Dr Cain Michelle 50 Vancouver St Yarmouth NS B5A 4P5 200.00 Fry Joy 507 South Ohio NS B0W 3E0 50.00 German Mechanical & Electrical Ltd PO Box 99 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B1 500.00 GHT Management Ltd 66 Brunswick St Yarmouth NS B5A 2G3 50.00 IMO Foods Ltd 26 Water St Yarmouth NS B5A 4B2 200.00 In Focus Optical 377 Main St Yarmouth NS B5A 1G1 200.00 8 Official agent confirmed contribution will be returned and proof of return forwarded to Elections Nova Scotia Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 52 Yarmouth

David Mooney (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Jacquard Raymond B 34 Chestunut St Yarmouth NS B5A 2N6 200.00 MacLeod James 12 Grand St Yarmouth NS B5A 2Z6 500.00 Mike Clayton Real Estate Limited 345 Main St Yarmouth NS B5A 1E7 100.00 Mooney Darlene 507 Brunswick St Yarmouth NS B5A 4MB 500.00 Mooney J Fraser Jr 41 Forest St Yarmouth NS B5A 3L4 100.00 Mooney Melanie Ann 41 Forest St Yarmouth NS B5A 3L4 100.00 Mooney Phil 507 Brunswick St Yarmouth NS B5A 4M8 500.00 Murphy John 62 Hibernia St Yarmouth NS B5A 2M6 100.00 Murphy Richard PO Box 480 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B2 100.00 Novell Lobsters Ltd PO Box 99 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B1 500.00 O'Brien Milton PO Box 69, 8455 Highway #3 Tusket NS B0W 3E0 50.00 Register.Com PO Box 100 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B1 1,000.00 Sandford Michael 269 Chebogue Rd Yarmouth NS B5A 4A6 200.00 Scotia Garden Seafood PO Box 868 Yarmouth NS B5A 4K5 500.00 Sprague David PO Box 545 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B4 100.00 Vaughn Assurance 379 Main St Yarmouth NS B5A 1G1 250.00 VS Sweeney's (1977) 567 Main St Yarmouth NS B5A 1J6 100.00 Webster Marilyn 10 Grand St Yarmouth NS B5A 2Z6 500.00 Whitehouse Judy 13 Vancouver St Yarmouth NS B5A 2N9 200.00 Yarmouth Insurance 246 Main St Yarmouth NS B5A 1C9 100.00 Yarmouth Sea Products Ltd PO Box 160 Meteghan NS B0W 2J0 500.00 Subtotal 8,450.00 Less: contribution to be returned in 2010 (100.00) Total 8,350.00

Candidate: David Olie Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: John Morris, 2001 Raynordton Rd., Yarmouth Co., NS B0W 3M0 Contributions: $4,817.50 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Barron George 6709 Sissiboo Rd Bear River NS B05 1B0 100.00 Bay Ferries Management Ltd 500-5657 Spring Garden Rd, Park Lane Halifax NS B3J 3R4 200.00 Brezet Richard 41 Brunswick St Yarmouth NS B5A 2E7 1,000.00 Daniels Dr Charles RR1, Box 1260 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A5 200.00 Daniels Dr Charles F 955 Highway 1 Hebron NS B5A 4A5 100.00 De Couroey Carol 247 North Ohio Rd South Ohio NS B0W 3E0 100.00 Deveau John 247 North Ohio Rd South Ohio NS B0W 3E0 100.00 Frazer Milton 100 Cheboque Rd Arcadia NS B5A 4B6 250.00 Fulton Judith Anne 925 Highway 240, PO Box 36 South Ohio NS B0W 3E0 100.00 Hinckley Douglas 1094 Greenville Rd Greenville NS B5A 4A8 100.00 Morris John 2001 Raynardton Rd, Box 56 Tusket NS B0W 3M0 200.00 Nickerson Mil 10080, RR 4 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A8 100.00 Noble Brian 1294 Greenville Rd Hebron NS B0W 1X0 405.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 52 Yarmouth

David Olie (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Noble Liz 1294 Greenville Rd Hebron NS B0W 1X0 400.00 Olie David Apt 2-87 Brunswick Street Yarmouth NS B5A 2G3 12.50 Room Canada Corp 62 Rcom Drive Yarmouth NS B5A 4B1 1,000.00 Rowley Gillian 22 William St Yarmouth NS B5A 1X8 200.00 Webster Charles 1756 Mood Rd, Box 327 Yarmouth NS B5A 4B2 250.00 4,817.50

6.2 October 20, 2009 Antigonish By-election Candidate Disclosure Statements

January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Candidate: Michael Marshall Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent:David Croft 192 Portland Street Dartmouth B2Y 1J4 Contributions: $0.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount NIL

Candidate: Maurice (Moe) Smith Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Betsy MacIntyre, 1042 Springfield Road, St. Andrews, NS B0H 1X0 Contributions: $15,411.04 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Alcon Emmy Church Str. Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 100.00 Alpert Martin Pinevale Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 200.00 Balawyder Aloysius 12 Sylvan Valley Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2P6 50.00 Bekkers Mary Lanark Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Bell William 22 Viewville Str. Antigonish NS B2G 1E2 50.00 Bilek Lou Seabright Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Birdsall Pamela 590 Main Str. Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 50.00 Boudreau Jim 62 William's Point Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 100.00 Cameron Colleen 61 Brookland Str. Antigonish NS B2G 1V8 500.00 Cameron Joe A 5339 Russell Str. Halifax NS B3K 1W8 50.00 Campbell Linus J 5288 South Str. Halifax NS B3J 1A4 250.00 Chisholm Ben Daggerwoods Rd. St. Andrews NS B0H 1X0 500.00 Chisholm John W 2028 Highway 337 Antigonish NS B2G 2l2 500.00 Cogan Edward J 20 Greening Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 1R2 100.00 Cusak Elizabeth 205 Charlotte Str. Sydney NS B1P 6H4 100.00 Davenport Donald Macken Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Davenport Katrina Macken Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 denHeyer Isabel 2733 East Ohio Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 100.00 denHeyer Kenzie 2733 East Ohio Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 100.00 deNoncourt Michel 175 St. Joseph's Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 50.00 deNoncourt Zane 175 St. Joseph's Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 100.00 Dockwrey Daniel Peter 322 Longspell Rd. Canning NS B0P 1H0 40.00 Eastern GMC Pontiac Beech Hill Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 100.00 Eaton Susan 61 Brookland Str. Antigonish NS B2G 1V8 200.00 Eaton Susan 61 Brookland Str. Antigonish NS B2G 1V8 250.00 Facteau Janette 9397 Hwy 337 Georgeville Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 200.00 Falconer Clarence H 5 Wolsley Str. Springhill NS B0M 1X0 50.00 Fiaz Melly 102 Church Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2E4 100.00 Foote Anne Marie 106 Rosewood Lane Eastern Passage NS B3G 1B2 60.00 Gillis Daniel Peter 47 Whidden Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2V7 100.00 Gladkikh Olga 80 MarI Rd. Antigonish NS B2G2L2 200.00 Haley Hugh J 1326 Lower Water Str. Halifax NS B3J 3R3 200.00 Hanlon Christine 5 Bantry Lane Antigonish NS B2G 2Z8 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Maurice (Moe) Smith (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Harris Sharon 41 Prince Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2C6 50.00 Hawley Brenda 34 Brigadier Court Halifax NS B3M 4Y5 200.00 High Crest Enterprises 250 Main Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2C2 1,000.00 Inglis Heather 1281 Highway #7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 100.00 James Terry L 150 North Side Rd. Riverport NS B0J 2W0 25.00 Kadray Issam 27 Carlina Crt Halifax NS B3S 1N4 200.00 Kent Rebecca J 50 Wentworth Circle Eastern Passage NS B3G 1G1 50.00 Knox Mark 1795 Pryor Str. Halifax NS B3H 4G7 400.00 Lamey Joanne 35 Birchwood Terrace Dartmouth NS B3A 3W4 50.00 Lancaster Richard Gilfoy Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 300.00 Landry Peter Ross 36 Oceanglen Lane Pictou NS B0K 1H0 50.00 Lloy Doug 25 Birch Hill Dr. Stellarton NS B0K 1S0 200.00 Lorefice Paul 69 MacLellan Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2P3 250.00 Lovette James 12 Xavier Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 1G6 200.00 MacDonald G. Douglas 534 Charlotte Str. Sydney NS B1P 1E7 100.00 MacDonald Gerald A 103 Arisaig Point Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 MacDonald Martin 26 Bay Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2G8 100.00 MacDonald Peter M 5015 Hwy 245 Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 MacDowell Kenzie 711 Bernard Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2V8 150.00 MacEachern Iain 1626 Glen Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 20.00 MacEachern Broadcasting 609 Church Str Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2X4 52.52 MacFarlane Mary E 21 Bethel Dr. Troy NS B9A 1J1 200.00 MacGillvray J Ronalda 3241 Hwy 245 Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 50.00 MacInnes Ann Marie 14 Oxford Str. Sydney NS B1P 4C5 100.00 Macintosh James 33 Greening Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 1R1 250.00 MacIntrye Elizabeth 1042 Springfield Rd. St. Andrews NS B0H 1X0 100.00 MacIsaac JoAnne 18 Hillcrest Str. Antigonish NS B2G 1Z3 100.00 MacKinnon Clarrie 2326 Cowan Str. Westville NS B0K 2A0 50.00 MacKinnon Mary K 2326 Cowan Str. Westville NS B0K 2A0 50.00 Mahon M. A. 2208 Sherbrooke Rd. New Glasgow NS B2H 5C8 100.00 Malik Anne 5 Regency Point Dr. Bible Hill NS B6L 4B5 150.00 Martin Shauna 212-1350 Oxford Str. Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 20.00 Mason Leonard Loch Katrine Goshen NS B0H 1M0 50.00 Merrimen Jennifer 12 Suffolk Close Halifax NS B3H 1H5 200.00 Micro Machining Ltd. 3 Cape Blue Rd. Linwood NS B0H 1P0 250.00 Miller David 34 south Str. Chester NS B0J 1J0 500.00 Milner Phil 58 Cunningham Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 0A1 500.00 Mitchell Lee Wayne 3732 Robie Str Halifax NS B3K 4T2 150.00 Morrow Coline 73 Court Str. Antigonish NS B2G 1Z9 50.00 Mueller Kerstin 263 Old Maryvale Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 Murray Cindy L 3 Annie's Bluff Antigonish NS B2G 2X3 100.00 Myer Doug Old Maryvale Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 O'Connell Margaret J 1-231 Hawthorne Str. Antigonish NS B2G 1B6 200.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Maurice (Moe) Smith (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount O'Toole Terry 1614 Hwy 245 Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 Partridge Kevin 5 South Side Harbour Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 200.00 Pencer Edward L 1041 Highway 337 Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 250.00 Peterson-Rafuse Denise J 186 King Str. Chester NS B0J 1J0 50.00 Porter Ina Terra Tory Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Pratt Mary E 4 Hillside Dr. Bridgewater NS B4V 2W3 100.00 Ramey Gary RR #4 Station Main Bridgewater NS B4V 2W3 50.00 Schwartz Murray 1 White Glove Terrace Halifax NS B3N 3E2 100.00 Sears Sheila 14 Briety Way Antigonish NS B2G 2W9 100.00 Skabar Brian 30 1/2 Church Str. Amherst NS B4H 3A8 25.00 Skye Food Services 37 James Str. Antigonish NS B2G 1R6 200.00 Smith Daniel Cloverville Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 100.00 Smith Dorothy 31 Castle Dr. Sydney NS B2S 2A3 100.00 Smith Frank 3 Medford Str. Dartmouth NS B2Y 3C1 150.00 Smith Jane 10 Tigo Park Antigonish NS B2G 1M9 818.52 Smith Margaret 56 Keating Court Antigonish NS B2G 0A3 200.00 Tompkins Joanne 30 Crockett Court Antigonish NS B2G 2Y4 100.00 Trask Deborah Box 176 Chester Basin NS B0J 1K0 100.00 Walsh Gary 24 Meadow Rd. Baddeck NS B0E 1B0 300.00 Whynot Mathew W 6 Tenth Str. Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1R6 50.00 Wright Edward 70 Village Lane Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 200.00 Zann Lenore 84 Park Sr. Truro NS B2N 3J3 50.00 15,411.04

Candidate: Darren Thompson Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Mary McCarron Contributions: $19,394.91 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount ACL Construction 21 Frazee Ave. Dartmouth NS B3B 1Z4 1,000.00 Alva Construction P.O. Box 1193 Antigonish NS B2G 2L8 500.00 Antigonish Rental R.R.#3 South River Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 400.00 Arbucle Clarence R.R.#3 Malignant Cove Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 250.00 Archibald & Jones P.O. Box 1358 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 200.00 Arsenault Monumental Works Box 1475 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 100.00 Austen Marianne 3 Trotter Lane Antigonish NS B2G 1S1 250.00 Avery Daniel 10 Greenwich Dartmouth NS B2V 2L9 50.00 Baille Jamie 152 Book St. Halifax NS B2N 3D1 100.00 Bain Keith 1551 Old Rte. Big Bras d'Or NS B1X 1B4 100.00 Batterson Rob 3188 Dayfield Rd. Halifax NS B3L 4H2 200.00 Belland Raymond 145 College St. Antigonish NS B2G 1XL 100.00 Bilek Ian 1775 Rosebank Ave. Halifax NS B3H 4C5 100.00 Bowie Angus 7304 Heatherton Antigonish NS B0H 1R0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Darren Thomspon (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Boyle Francis 75 Carboro Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 1T4 100.00 Cameron Alan 6854 Film St. Halifax NS B3L 1J1 75.00 Cameron Clarence 5 Wedgewood Drive Antigonish NS B2G 1S1 300.00 Cavanaugh Rita R.R. #3 Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 Chisholm Carl P.O. Box 1133 Stn. Main Antigonish NS B2G 2L5 100.00 Chisholm Leo 33 Hillcrest Antigonish NS B2G 1Z2 50.00 Chisholm Robert 1270 Hollis Street Halifax NS B8J 3S4 200.00 Chisholm Vaughn R.R. #1 Addington Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 100.00 Chisholm Wendy R.R.#1 Antigonish NS B2G 2KB 200.00 Clarke Cecil P.O. Box 84 North Sydney NS B2A 3B1 100.00 Crawford Dave 4839 Hwy 245 Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 200.00 Decoff Neil R.R.#2 Boylston NS B0H 1G0 100.00 DeCoste Lloyd R.R.#2 Antigonish NS B0H 1P0 250.00 Delorey Francis P.O. Box 84 Monastery NS B0H 1W0 100.00 Delorey Fred 153 Taylors Rd. R.R. #7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 100.00 Delorey Herbert 9215 Tracadie R.R. #1 Afton NS B0H 1A0 100.00 Draper William 15 Marnier Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 1Z5 100.00 Feltnate Marie R.R. #7 Antigonish NS B26 2L4 50.00 Ferguson G. 2758 Ralph Devlin Dr. Halifax NS B3L 3T1 200.00 Fiander C.W. 408 Garden Rd. Belnan NS B2S 2P5 100.00 Forbes Greg 197 Ridge Ave. Halifax NS B2R 1G5 50.00 Gabrieau Mark 30 Hayley Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2O8 250.00 Garvie Bill R.R. #5 Antigonish NS B2G 2L5 250.00 Gorman Ignatius 702 East Tracedie R.R.#1 Monastery NS B0K 1W0 100.00 Hayley-Cameron Anne R.R. #7 Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 50.00 Highcrest Enterprises 250 Main St. Antigonish NS B2G 2C2 500.00 Horne Ronnie 22 Pine St. Antigonish NS B2G 1ES 40.00 Hudson Lillian 17 MacLellan St. Antigonish NS B2G 1V6 100.00 Karra Farms 2090 Hwy 245 Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 Kell Robert 5088 Hwy 337 Cape George NS B2G 2L2 150.00 Kennedy John R.R. #4 Stn. Main Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Lamey Christina 1881 Brunswick St. Apt. 908 Halifax NS B3J 2L8 600.00 Long Flora R.R. #2 Goshen NS B0H 1B0 200.00 MacDonald Brenda R.R. #3 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 1L1 100.00 MacDonald Donald R.R. #3 North Grant Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 50.00 MacDonald Duncan 37 Garvie Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 3A3 100.00 MacDonald Ronald 96 Pleasant St. Antigonish NS B2G 1W9 50.00 MacDonell Antonia 221 Cloverville Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2A7 50.00 MacDougall Beaton R.R. #4 Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 50.00 MacDougall Bernard R.R. #4 Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 MacDougall J.R. R.R. #4 Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 50.00 MacDougall Joseph R.R. #3 Maryy Vale Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 MacDougall Mary 1428 Addington Forks Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 25.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Darren Thomspon (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacDougall Mike R.R. #4 Lakevale Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 50.00 MacDougall Robert 2104 Lakevale Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 200.00 MacDougall Wayne R.R. #1 Antigonish NS B2G 2L5 100.00 MacEachern John R.R. #4 Cape George Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 50.00 MacEachern Broadcasting 609 Church St. Suite 201 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2X1 234.91 MacGillivary Ron St. Anderson St. Antigonish NS B2G 1J4 200.00 MacGillivary John R.R. #1 St. Andrews Antigonish NS B0H 1X0 100.00 MacGillivary Fuels 33 Adam St. Antigonish NS B2G 2B1 200.00 MacIsaac Angus 155 Main St. Antigonish NS B2G 2B6 1,500.00 MacIsaac Kyle 102-1881 Brunswick St. Halifax NS B3J 3L8 50.00 MacIsaac Mary Anne 155 Main Street Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 MacKay Peter 229 Fraser St. New Glasgow NS B2H 4J4 100.00 MacKenzie Archie R.R. $4 Antigonish NS B32G 2L2 100.00 MacKenzie John 2587 Hwy 337 Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 MacLeod Alfie 700 Founder Rd. Galerus Lake NS B1K 2C6 100.00 MacLeod Brian 2119 Main St. Antigonish NS B2G 2C1 500.00 MacNeil Elizabeth 11 Scarboro Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 1T4 50.00 MacPherson Janet 11 Arbor Dr. P.O. Box 1804 Antigonish NS B2G 2MS 300.00 MacPherson Stewart 23 Wedgewood Antigonish NS B2G 1J4 100.00 Mattie Theodore R.R.#1 Afton Station NS B0H 1A0 100.00 McCarron Alice 308-5230 Tobin St. Halifax NS B3H 1S2 100.00 McCarron Gertie R.R.#1 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 50.00 McCarron Mary T. R.R.#7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 200.00 McCarron Owen R.R. #7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 100.00 McHattie Allen 935 Cooper Lake Rd. Goshen NS B0H 2R0 50.00 McKenna Dr. Patricia 45 Church St. Antigonish NS B2G 2C8 100.00 Menard Patricia 40 Church St. Antigonish NS B2G 2C7 100.00 Murphy Sandy 7 Arbor rive Antigonish NS B2G 1S4 100.00 Nantes David 30 Fireside Drive Dartmouth NS B2V 1Z1 100.00 Nova Construction P.O. Box 1328 Antigonish NS B2G 2C2 500.00 Porter Roger R.R.#4 Antigonish NS B2C 2L2100.00 Prince Argyle Management Ltd. 1718 Argyle Street Halifax NS B3J 3VC 100.00 Purcell Ed 10 Cumminghan Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 1C8 100.00 Purcell Francis 2 Landsdown Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 1T2 50.00 Purcell Mary R.R. #1 St. Andrews NS B0H 1X0 50.00 RBC Law Inc. Suite 1105 Suite 1105 - PO Box 25 CRO Halifax NS B3J 2L4 150.00 Ross Screen Print 4053 South R Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2H6 500.00 Sampson Alvina R.R. #7 Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 25.00 Smith Marian 41 Fairview Antigonish NS B2G 1B4 25.00 Smith Rob 2282 Waverly Waverley NS B2R 1Z1 100.00 Smith Stephen 18 Nicholson Court Antigonish NS B2G 2V4 1,000.00 Steel Mac P.O. Box 1674 Antigonish NS B2G 2L8 100.00 Steeves Peggy 537 Ohio West Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 20.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Darren Thomspon (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Stewart Hugh 2771 Ohio road Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 100.00 Stewart Pat 236 Terra Tony Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 Strait Engineering 298 Reeve St. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2B4 250.00 Stuay Dr. Paul 220 Main St. Antigonish NS B2G 2C2 500.00 Thompson Brad Glen Torridon Crt. Halifax NS B4B 1W3 100.00 Thompson Leonard 14 Arbor Way Hammonds Plains NS B4B 1L1 500.00 TL Shipping Service Hdq. 1081820 287 Lacewood Drive Halifax NS B3M 3X7 150.00 Tobin Ethel 9 Northview Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 1H6 50.00 Walsh Barry 158 Cloverville Rd. Antigonish NS B2C 2M8 200.00 Whidden John P.O. Box 1744 Antigonish NS B2G 2R5 250.00 19,394.91

Candidate: Miles Tompkins Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Adrian Cameron, 4095 Malignant Cove, Antigonish, NS Contributions: $8,516.03 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Adams Allan RR #4 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 50.00 Adams Brenton RR #4 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 50.00 Adams Ted RR #4 Cape George Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 50.00 Alva Construction Ltd. PO Box 1193 Antigonish NS B2G 2L6 500.00 Anderson Elliot 71 Fatima Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2L5 100.00 Archibald & Jones Architect Ltd. PO Box 1358 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 200.00 Arsenault Monumental Works Ltd. Box 1475 Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 Booth Dr A William 19 Mt. Cameron Dr. Antigonish NS B2g 2V3 200.00 Brendan's Fairway Ltd. 201 Hawthorne St. Antigonish NS B2G 1B6 100.00 Cameron Nettie 6 Whidden Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2T2 25.00 Cameron Owen 53 MacKinnon Str. Antigonish NS B2G 1M3 100.00 Chisholm Carl PO Box 1133 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2R6 100.00 Chisholm Duncan 91 Pleasant Antigonish NS B2G 1W6 100.00 Chisholm Graham RR #1 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 100.00 Chisholm Kathleen 152 College Str. Antigonish NS B2G 1Y2 25.00 Dadeau Doug 83 Church Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2C9 200.00 Dr. J.R. Hamilton Medicine Inc. Dept. of Ophthanalogy, 25 Bay Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2G5 1,000.00 Dr. M.N. Amit Medicine Inc. 25 Bay Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2G5 250.00 Farrell Finley 12 Orchard Terrace Antigonish NS B2G 1W3 50.00 Foley Ron 37 East Main Antigonish NS B2G 2B3 50.00 Fuller Mark 38 Brookside Way Antigonish NS B2G 3A8 100.00 Hanifen Joe RR #1 Guysborough Guysborough NS B0H 1N0 50.00 High-Crest Enterprises Ltd. 250 Main Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2C2 500.00 Kell Robert 5068 Hwy 337 Cape George Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 150.00 MacAdam Carroll Malignant Cove 10743 RR #3 Antigonish NS B2G 2L1 100.00 MacDonald Colin 72 Sams Hill Jimtown Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 250.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 02 Antigonish

Miles Tompkins (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount MacDonald Jo-Ann 649 St. Joseph's Rd. Beaver Meadow Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 75.00 MacDonald Ronald 5 Northview Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 1H6 75.00 MacDougall Anne 1486 Addington Forks Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 100.00 MacDougall Shirley 30 Beaton Court Antigonish NS B2G 2K1 50.00 MacEachern Sen. Allan J. 6 West Str. Antigonish NS B2G 1R8 250.00 MacEachern Donald J. Sr PO Box 1713 Antigonish NS B2G 2M5 100.00 MacEachern Broadcasting 609 Church Str. Suite 201 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2X4 121.03 MacGillivray James PO Box 986 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2S3 100.00 MacGillivray John A. RR #4 Morristown Antigonish NS B2G 2L2 100.00 MacGillivray Fuels Ltd. 33 Adam Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2G1 200.00 MacIsaac Wilfred 13 MacInnis Way Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 500.00 MacLean Hinda 52 MacDonald Str. Antigonish NS B2G 1M5 100.00 MacLellan Jim 2435 Connors Mountain Rd Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 20.00 MacNeil Allan 3196 Hwy 7 Ashdale Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 100.00 MacNeil Ian 2975 Hwy 7 Ashdale Antigonish NS B2G 2L3 100.00 MacNeil Stephen 7333 Hwy 1 RR #3 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 250.00 MacPherson Allan 1 Margaree Dr. Antigonish NS B2G 1K1 100.00 Mason Raymond 16 MacInnis Way Antigonish NS B2G 0B4 100.00 McKenna Daniel 200 Addington Forks Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2K9 100.00 McKenna Kenneth RR #2 Antigonish Co. NS B2G 2K9 100.00 Micro Maching Ltd RR #2 Linwood Antigonish NS B2G 1P0 250.00 Nunn Clyde 58 Hillcrest Str Antigonish NS B2G 1Z3 150.00 Robertson Donna PO Box 1333 Antigonish NS B2G 2L7 50.00 Ron MacGillivray Chevrolet Ltd. 75 St. Andrews St. PO Box 1058 Antigonish NS B2G 1S3 200.00 Sears Anne 28 Hillcrest St. Antigonish NS B2G 1Z3 25.00 Sears John T. 94 Arbour Ext. Dr Antigonish NS B2G 2P4 150.00 Smith Greg PO Box 78 Heatherton Antigonish NS B0H 1R0 100.00 Sullmatt Construction Ltd. 65 Fatima Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2L5 200.00 Sunshine On Main Café & Bistro 332 Main Str. Antigonish NS B2G 2C4 50.00 Wayne Chisholm Forestry Ltd. RR #1 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2K8 100.00 Whalen Dianna 42 Turnmill Dr. Halifax NS B3M 4H6 100.00 8,516.03

6.3 October 20, 2009 Inverness By-election Candidate Disclosure Statements

January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 34 Inverness

Candidate: Nathalie Arsenault Recognized Party: GPNS Official Agent: David Croft 192 Portland Street, Dartmouth B2Y 1J4 Contributions: $450.00 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Arsenault Nathalie Box 97 16014 Cabot Trail Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 100.00 Aucoin Ginnette 15969 Cabot Trail Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 50.00 Croft Charlene 192 Portland Dartmouth NS B2Y 1J4 25.00 Davis Heather Box 492 Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 25.00 Deveaux Marcel Box 21 St. Joseph DuMoine NS B0E 3A0 50.00 Dodd Terron RR #3 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 50.00 Lemky Kim Box 41 Grand Etang NS B0E 1L0 50.00 Peters Brian Box 49 Margaree Centre NS B0E 1Z0 100.00 450.00

Candidate: Ian McNeil Recognized Party: NSLP Official Agent: Phonsie MacEachern, 253 High Road, Port Hood, NS B0E 2W0 Contributions: $14,081.72 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount A. Poirier Enterprises PO Box 670 Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 1,000.00 Arsenault Darlene 10749 Cabot Trail Rd. Margaree Harbour NS B0E 2B0 50.00 Arsenault Louis 10749 Cabot Trail Rd. Margaree Harbour NS B0E 2B0 50.00 Aucoin Gilles 936 Cheticamp Back Rd. Box 43 Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 100.00 Aucoin Marcella 12731 Cabot Trail PO Box 127 Grand Etang NS B0E 1L0 20.00 Brown Kathryn 5622 Stairs Place Halifax NS B3K 2C8 50.00 Cameron Barbara PO Box 107 Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 100.00 Carroll Billie RR #1 S W Margaree S W Margaree NS B0E 3H0 50.00 Ceochette Ellen 3509 Highway 19 Long Point NS B9A 1A3 100.00 Chiasson Jeannet PO Box713 Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 100.00 Claney Mary 709-5959 Spring Garden Rd. Halifax NS B3N 1Y5 250.00 Coady Anita PO 584 Margaree Forks NS B0E 2A0 1,000.00 Coady Margaret 3498 East Lake Ainslie East Lake Ainslie NS B0E 3M0 1,000.00 Coady Maria PO Box 49 Margaree Centre NS B0E 1Z0 100.00 Coady Moses PO Box 997 Stn Main Antigonish NS B2G 2S3 250.00 Coady Francis PO B0x 68 Margaree Valley NS B0E 2C0 150.00 Coady Maria PO Box 49 Margaree Centre NS B0E 1Z0 900.00 Cuzner Catherine 232 South Str. Glace Bay NS B1A 1W5 100.00 Doyle Teresa 29 Macdonald Rd. PO Box 94 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 Freeman Innis 22 Church Street Inverness NS B0E 1N0 400.00 Gillis Catherine PO Box22 Judique NS B0E 1P0 250.00 Gillis Georgina 160 Harbour Heights Rd. PO Box 251 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 400.00 Gillis Jerome PO Box #3 S W Margaree NS B0E 3H0 100.00 Gillis Joyce 34 Lakeview Dr. Scotsville NS B0E 3E0 100.00 Graham Morag 9 Baxter Cove Rd. Judique NS B0E 1P0 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 34 Inverness

Ian McNeil (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Hart Eunice PO Box 24 Margaree Centre NS B0E 1Z0 50.00 Hart Francis PO Box 24 Margaree Centre NS B0E 1Z0 50.00 Kennedy Jerry PO Box 5602 Louisbourg NS B1C 2L8 100.00 Knapp Janice 1717 Kidstone Ave Port Williams NS B0P 1T0 100.00 Langille Gwennie PO Box 613 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 100.00 Leonard Mitchell 2161 Marble Mtn Rd. West Bay NS B0E 2K0 20.00 MacAskill Ken 741 Highway 312 PO Box 40 Englishtowhn NS B0C 1H0 50.00 MacDonald Andy RR #1 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 50.00 MacDonald Jeanette PO 173 Port Hood Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 200.00 MacDonald Manning 253 Newlands Ave. Sydney NS B1S 1Y7 200.00 MacDonald Marie 41 Highland Dr. Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 MacDonald Marilyn Coady PO Box 6261 Marion Bridge NS B1K 3T8 300.00 MacEachern Allan Trout River Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 250.00 MacEachern Donnie RR #1 S W Margaree S W Margaree NS B0E 3H0 300.00 MacEachern Hughie 12 MacOurnie Dr. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2K5 100.00 MacEachern Phonsie 253 High Rd Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 250.00 MacEachern Broadcasting 609 Church Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2X4 291.72 MacFarlane Peter 36 S W Margaree Rd. S W Margaree NS B0E 3H0 100.00 MacIsaac John RR#1 Inverness Inverness NS B0E 1N0 100.00 MacIsaac John Archie RR #1 Deerdale Rd. Inverness NS B0E 1N0 200.00 MacIsaac Mike PO Box 517 Maple St. Inverness NS B0E 1N0 100.00 Mackay Ruby RR #1 Margaree Harbour NS B0E 2B0 50.00 Mackenzie John Archie 65 East Margaree Rd. Belle Cote NS B0E 1C0 500.00 MacKinnon Alex 2 Ramsgate Lane Halifax NS B3P 2R7 300.00 MacKinnon Anna Lake Ainslie South Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 100.00 MacKinnon Ian 951 Marlborough Ave. Halifax NS B3H 2G9 200.00 Mackinnon John PO Box 43 Margaree Harbour NS B0E 2B0 100.00 MacLellan Gerald PO Box 86 Port Hood NS B0E 2U0 200.00 MacLellan John R Eastside PO Box 6 S W Margaree NS B0E 3H0 100.00 MacLennan John PO Box 65 Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 50.00 MacPhal Hugh RR # 1 West Bay NS B0E 3L0 50.00 McMaster Sandra PO Box 184 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 100.00 McNeil Patricia 3 Valence Str. Howie Centre NS B1L 1O5 250.00 McNeil Robert G 3 Valence Str. Howie Centre NS B1L 1O5 250.00 McNeil Stephen 7333 RR#2 Granville Ferry NS B0S 1K0 250.00 Miller Barry PO Box 815 Inverness NS B3H 3N8 50.00 Morrison Donnie PO Box 284 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 100.00 Morrison Robert 7536 Trans Can. Highway RR #1 River NS B0E 2Y0 50.00 Peters Brian 402 sabbord rd. Margaree Centre NS B0E 1Z0 600.00 Shannon Joe P 23 Paint Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B4H 3J7 500.00 Smith Craig Trout River Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 250.00 Stepaniak Mary PO Box 533 Margaree Forks NS B0E 2A0 100.00 Thompson Joanne PO Box 307 Halifax NS B3J 2N7 100.00 14,081.72 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 34 Inverness

Candidate: Allan MacMaster Recognized Party: PC Official Agent: Bonnie MacIsaac, P.O. Box 307, Inverness, NS B0E 1N0 Contributions: $7,704.80 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Almon Dennis 4 Thompson Ave. North Sydney NS B2A 1X8 100.00 Avery Daniel 10 Greenwich Dr. Dartmouth NS B2V 2L9 100.00 Baillie Muriel 2601 River John Station Rd. River John NS B0K 1N0 100.00 Bain Keith 1551 Old Route 5 Big Bras D'or NS B1X 1B4 100.00 Batherson Robert 3188Mayfield Ave. Halifax NS B3L 4B2 100.00 Beaton John Cyril Box 1, RR #2 Judique NS B0E 1P0 1,000.00 Beaton Kinnon 3601 Longpoint RR #1 Judique NS B0E 1P0 100.00 Brennan Mary 3418 Hwy 19 Craigmore NS B9A 1A4 100.00 Breton Petroleum Ltd. 28 Paint Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J8 250.00 Buker Sandra A 2154 Highway 19 Creignish NS B9A 1A4 94.50 Childs Thomas 10701 Hwy 105 Aberdeen NS B0E 3M0 20.00 Christie Donna 1091 Bedford Hwy, Apt. 102 Bedford NS B4A 1B7 100.00 Christie Ross 1091 Bedford Hwy, Apt. 102 Bedford NS B4A 1B7 100.00 Christie Sheri L 48 Rufus Ave. Halifax NS B3L 2N7 100.00 Clarke Cecil Box 84 North Sydney NS B2A 3M1 100.00 Gillis Craig 33 Johnson Lane Box 86 Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 100.00 Gillis Lloyd A 37 Maple St. Ext. Inverness NS B0E 1N0 100.00 Grant Gerald 15735 Central Ave. Inverness NS B0E 1N0 200.00 High Island Investments Ltd. 216 Walkers Cove Rd. Judique NS B0E 1P0 100.00 Kendziora Grace 235 Ridgevale Dr. Bedford NS B4A 4B3 100.00 Lynch Hugh B 94 Bedrose Lane, No. 203 Halifax NS B3M 4X3 250.00 MacDonald Rodney PO Box 1 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 200.00 MacDonald Ronald A 162 Queen Str. North Sydney NS B2A 1B3 100.00 MacDonald Ronald A 96 Pleasant Str. Antigonish NS B2G 1W9 25.00 MacEachern Broadcasting 609 Church Str Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2X4 495.30 MacGregor David 523 Glenwood Ave Dartmouth NS B2Y 3G7 100.00 MacKeigan Ian 31 Norman McLeod Rd. Whycocomagh NS B0E 3M0 500.00 MacLeod Alfie 780 Fourcho Rd. Gabarus Lake NS B1K 2C6 100.00 MacLeod Jr. John W 69 Sinclair St. Dartmouth NS B2Y 1R7 100.00 MacMaster Alex 1604 Hwy 19 Troy NS B9A 1E4 100.00 MacMaster Allan RR.#2 Box 100, 5549 Rte 19 Judique NS B0E 1P0 800.00 MacQuarrie Cameron 16413 Hwy 19 RR #1 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 100.00 MacQuarrie Claire 16413 Hwy 19 RR #1 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 100.00 McCreath Peter 149 Shore Club Rd. Hubbards NS B0J 1T0 100.00 Milne Frank 6095 Coburg Rd., The Carlyle, Suite 1005 Halifax NS B3H 4K1 100.00 Muir Sen. Robert 29 Keefe Ave Sydney NS B1R 2C9 100.00 O'Toole Ernie 647 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A 1B7 50.00 R.K.M. Investments Ltd. 403 Charlotte Str. Sydney NS B1P 1E3 300.00 Rankin Sherri 4190 Rte 252, RR #2 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 100.00 Shannon Joseph 23 Paint Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 3J7 500.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 34 Inverness

Allan MacMaster (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Surette Kevin R. RR. #2 Box 5 Site 10 Tusket, Yarmouth Co. NS B0W 3M0 100.00 Taylor Stephen 56 Denneb Cres. Lower Sackville NS B4E 1T9 50.00 Theriault Esther 207-10 Nelson's Landing Blvd. Bedford NS B4A 4G1 20.00 Walker Barbara 1350 Oxford Str. Townhouse #1 Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 100.00 Walker Joan 1350 Oxford Str. Townhouse #1 Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 50.00 Whalen Genevieve 3599 Hwy 19, RR #1 Long Point NS B0E 1P0 100.00 7,704.80

Candidate: Bert Lewis Recognized Party: NDP Official Agent: Joan Forbrigger, 38 Embree Island Rd. Port Hawksbury, NS B9A 2A4 Contributions: $13,004.46 Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Anderson Kenneth 62 Maclaughlin Dr. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2E8 500.00 Beaton Kevin 1492 Smithville Rd. RR #4 Mabou NS B0E 1X0 50.00 Beaton Martin 8 Davis Dr. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2W2 100.00 Birdsall Pam 590 Main Street Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 50.00 Boudreau Daniel 43 LaPointe DuHavre Rd. Box 484 Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 200.00 Boudreau Jim & Patti 62 Williams Point Rd. Antigonish NS B2G 2L4 100.00 Brown Blair 36 Ainslie Crt. River Ryan NS B1H 5S8 50.00 Burnes Vision Centre Inc 714 Reeves Str. Unit 6 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2S1 300.00 Burrill Gary 8715 Highway 224 Upper Musquodoboit NS B0N 2M0 100.00 Cape Breton Island Bldg & Construction 238 Vulcan Ave Sydney NS B1P 5X2 2,000.00 Castle Judy 3162 Highway 19 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2W2 100.00 Chiasson Troy J 27 Family Rd. PO Box 845 Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 20.00 Connors Richard 31 MacQuarrie Dr. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2K9 100.00 Cook Chris 299 Main St. Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 50.00 Cormier Mary 18 Napean Str. Por Hawkesbury NS B9A 2E3 100.00 Crawley Albert 70 Jameson Str. Apt. #1 Sydney NS B9A 2P6 100.00 Crocker John T 2345 Sydney Rd. Reserve Mines NS B1E 1K6 20.00 Day Leslie 60 Colonel Str. Bras D'or NS B1Y 2L3 100.00 De Mestral Jacqueline 3485 St. Andrews Ave. Halifax NS B3L 3Y3 40.00 Dennis Haverstock Funeral Homes 17 Pitt Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2T2 100.00 Dexter Darrell 361 Prince Albert Rd. Dartmouth NS B2Y 1N7 100.00 D'Intino Carman 68 Hilton Drive Port Hastings NS B9A 1P5 100.00 Doman Bev 84 Briar Lynn Cres. Cole Harbour NS B2V 1K6 50.00 England Iona 10 Harold Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2Z7 50.00 Estabrooks William 4909 St. Margaret's Bay Rd. Upper Tantallon NS B3Z 1C9 200.00 Evans Lawrence 1 Grants Court Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2K4 250.00 Forbrigger Joan 38 Embree Island Rd. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2A4 200.00 Forsyth Gordon A 6288 Willow Str. Halifax NS B3L 1N9 100.00 Frache June 706A Queen Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2W8 80.00 Gillis P Lynn 22 Embree Island Rd. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2A7 100.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 34 Inverness

Bert Lewis (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Graham Kathryn 91 Prince Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2C6 100.00 Harris Sharon 41 Prince St Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2C6 100.00 Hartery Shirley 92 Pri nce Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2C7 1,000.00 Jones Sandra 11 Crossroad Crt. Lower Sackville NS B4E 2R7 25.00 Joseph Brian R.H. 556 Seaview Drive North Sydney NS B2A 3N8 100.00 Kawaja Judy 24 Philpott Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2G9 50.00 Kent Rebecca 50 Wentworth Circle Eastern Passage NS B3G 1G1 50.00 King J. Susan 186 Maloney St. Sydney NS B1N 2C8 150.00 Lamey Joanne 35 Birchwood Terrace Dartmouth NS B3A 3W4 100.00 Landry Dianne 36 Oceanglen Lane RR#1 Pictou NS B0K 1H0 50.00 Langille Wayne 51 Maple Grove Rd. RR #2 Port Hood NS B0E 2W0 50.00 Levert Marcel PO Box 85, 298 Brzil Rd. St. Joseph DaMoine NS B0E 3A0 20.00 Lewis Catherine 93 Manse Str. Sydney NS B1N 1C8 200.00 Lewis Maurina 37 Embree Island Rd. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2A3 200.00 Long Weldon 49 Prince Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B1A 2C6 85.00 MacDonald Alexander S. 55 MacLaughlin Dr. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2E7 50.00 MacDonald Helen F 179 Rendell Dr. Little Bras D'or NS B1Y 2Y7 100.00 MacDonald John 165 Broadcove Marsh Rd. RR #1 Inverness NS B0E 1N0 20.00 MacDonald Margaret 6150 Cedar St Halifax NS B3H 2J5 50.00 MacDonald Russell 680 Hillside Rd. Groves Point NS B1Y 2V8 100.00 MacEachern Broadcasting 609 Church Str. Suite 201 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2X4 174.46 MacIntyre Donald 14 Medina Court Halifax NS B3N 3G4 100.00 MacIntyre Johnena 87 Chrichton Ave. Dartmouth NS B3A 3R4 30.00 MacKeigan Sherille 28 Pine Ridge Dr. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2L4 200.00 MacKichan Carl B 13 J.D. MacLean Cres. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2B1 200.00 MacKinnon Ambrose 125 Fairmount Str. Sydney NS B1R 1G7 25.00 MacLean Lauchlin 85 Shore Drive Bedford NS B4A 2E9 200.00 MacNeil Ray 212 Back Road Cheticamp NS B0E 1H0 100.00 MacPherson Jean 43 Prince Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2C6 100.00 MacRae Alfred J. 2041 Highway 19 Creignish NS B9A 2L9 100.00 MacRury Lorna 1995 Crandall Rd. PO Box 6925 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2W2 500.00 MacSween Ronald 12 Gillis Rd. New Victoria NS B1H 5A5 20.00 Martin Shauna 212-1350 Oxford Str. Halifax NS B3H 3Y8 20.00 McDaniel Cheryl Deveaux 508 Queen Str. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2V9 300.00 McDonough Alexa 1544 Summer Str. #402 Halifax NS B3H 4S1 200.00 McNamara Shirley 18 Grant Rd. PO Box 13 Cleveland NS B0E 1J0 100.00 Mooring Ralston 39 Embree Island Rd. Unit #1 Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2A3 100.00 Mulgrave Machine Works Ltd. 34 England Ave Mulgrave NS B0E 2G0 200.00 Murphy J Clifford 659 Upper Prince Str. Sydney NS B1P 5M9 1,000.00 Norvon Enterprises Ltd. 481 Highway 4 Port Hastings NS B9A 2E7 100.00 Ouellette John 38 Pine Ridge Dr. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2L9 100.00 Patterson Heather 161 Park Str. Sydney NS B1P 4W7 100.00 Peterson-Rafuse Denise 186 King Str Chester NS B0J 1J0 50.00 Annual Statement of Political Contributions Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act For the Reporting Period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 34 Inverness

Bert Lewis (cont.) Last First Address Community Province Postal Code Amount Rankin Carol 5530 Artillery Pl. Apt 309 Halifax NS B3J 1J3 50.00 Rankin Clair 9735 Grenville Str. PO Box 38 St. Peters NS B0E 3B0 50.00 Rankin Steve 5530 Artillery Pl. Apt 309 Halifax NS B3J 1J3 50.00 Rizzuto C Jeannette 33 Embree Island Rd. Port Hawkesbury NS B9A 2A3 200.00 Roach Perry Anderson 63 Charlotte St. PO Box 298 Sydney NS B1P 6H1 100.00 Rudderham Robert L. 8 McKinley Dr. Coxheath NS B1R 2C5 100.00 Savege A.C. Bryan PO B0x 1158 209 Water St. Shelburne NS B0T 1W0 25.00 Shaw Ivy 242 Windsor Dr. Stillwater Lake NS B3Z 1H1 100.00 Skabar Brian 30 1/2 Church Str. Amherst NS B4H 3A8 25.00 Sutcliffe Janet 30 Tall Trees Crt. Mineville NS B2Z 1K2 25.00 Whitehead Sandra 330 Whitehead Rd. Harrietsfield NS B3V 1B5 50.00 Whynott Matthew 35 Legaly Crt. Unit 316 Lower Sackville NS B4C 0A5 50.00 Yipp Jon 74B Park Str. Inverness NS B0E 1N0 100.00 Zann Lenore 84 Park Str Truro NS B2H 3J3 50.00 13,004.46

Table 6-1 Candidate Loans

June 9, 2009 Provincial General Election Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

Table 6-1: Candidate Loans June 9, 2009 Provincial General Election Recognized Amount Electoral District Candidate Official Agent Lender Borrower/Guarantor Party Reported ($)

06 Cape Breton North Russell MacDonald NDP Richard Carroll Sydney Credit Union 3,783.77 Richard Carroll Harold MacDonald 07 Cape Breton Nova Gordie Gosse NDP Harold MacDonald Whitney Credit Union 1,233.00 Nelina Seymour 08 Cape Breton South Wayne McKay NDP Heather Patterson Sydney Credit Union 2,920.17 Heather Patterson

09 Cape Breton West Jospehine Kennedy * NSLP Alan Farrell Josephine Kennedy 11,900.00 Alan Farrell

10 Chester-St. Margaret's Jo-Ann Grant * NSLP Philip Ellwood Scotiabank 13,450.00 Philip Ellwood

10 Chester-St. Margaret's Denise Peterson-Rafuse * NDP Judith Brodie Credit Union Atlantic 5,579.43 Judith Brodie

13 Colchester North Lorenda Ebbett * NSLP Stephen Douglas Margaret Todd 9,000.00 Stephen Douglas

15 Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage Becky Kent NDP Susan White Credit Union Atlantic 5.780.03 Susan White Earnest Fage 12,000.00 Jillian Ryan Elaine Fage 2,000.00 Jillian Ryan 16 Cumberland North Ernest Fage IND Jillian Ryan Deby White 1,000.00 Jillian Ryan Stephen Malty 5,000.00 Jillian Ryan 16 Cumberland North Brent Noiles NSLP Marie MacDonald Joan E. Cameron 1,000.00 Loan agreement not filed

16 Cumberland North Brian Skabar * NDP Tom Elliott Community Credit Union 1,983.66 Tom Elliott

Alexander Fraser 18 Dartmouth East Andrew Younger * NSLP Alexander (Ted) Fraser Credit Union Atlantic 4,075.46 Allan Billard Paul Carroll Ken Conrad 18 Dartmouth East Joan Massey * NDP Ken Conrod Heritage Credit Union 2,965.24 Joan Massey Credit Union Atlantic 13,723.42 Sean Tufford 19 Dartmouth North Trevor Zinck NDP Sean Tufford Credit Union Atlantic 1,010.65 Sean Tufford 20 Dartmouth South-Portland Valley Colin Hebb * NSLP Lorna Carroll Glen Hebb 15,000.00 Colin Hebb

25 Halifax Atlantic Jim Hoskins * NSLP Denise Hoskins Jim Hoskins 2,000.00 Denise Hoskins

26 Halifax Chebucto Howard Epstein * NDP Janet Brush Credit Union Atlantic 3,000.78 Loan agreement not filed

28 Halifax Clayton Park Diana Whalen NSLP Michael Hawkes TD Bank 7,952.41 Michael Whalen Sandra Jones 31 Hammonds Plains-Upper Sackville Mat Whynott NDP Sandra Jones Heritage Credit Union 5,581.33 William Swan 31 Hammonds Plains-Upper Sackville Patrick Doyle * NSLP Michelle MacArthur Patrick Doyle 5,000.00 Michelle MacArthur

32 Hants East John MacDonell * NDP Dave Doucette Heritage Credit Union 15,000.00 John MacDonell * official agent confirmed that loan has been repaid Continued… Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

Table 6-1: Candidate Loans June 9, 2009 Provincial General Election Recognized Amount Electoral District Candidate Official Agent Lender Borrower/Guarantor Party Reported ($)

32 Hants East Todd Williams * PC John A. MacDonald Gerald Williams 1,500.00 John A. MacDonald

32 Hants East Maurice Rees NSLP John W. Patterson John W. Patterson 200.00 John W. Patterson Carol Bradley 33 Hants West Barbara Gallagher * NDP Carol Bradley Victory Credit Union 2,871.05 Deborah McLaughlin 33 Hants West Paula Lunn * NSLP Barry Alexander Paula Lunn 6,000.00 Barry Alexander

34 Inverness Shaun Bennett NSLP Arthur Hall Royal Bank 9,000.00 Shaun Bennett Jim Morton 35 Kings North Jim Morton * NDP Nancy Sampson-Henke Valley Credit Union 915.30 Nancy Sampson-Henke John Vaillancourt 36 Kings South David Morse PC Dr. J. Robert Harris Valley Credit Union 9,058.04 Barry Costello 36 Kings South Paula Kinley Howatt NSLP John Mroz Hawkins Holdings Ltd. 14,000.00 John G. Mroz

37 Kings West Chris Palmer * PC Jim Sotvedt Royal Bank 10,000.00 Jim Sotvedt

38 Lunenburg Pam Birdsall NDP Angus J. Fields LeHave River Credit Union 4,040.49 Angus J. Fields Jeff Brett 39 Lunenburg West Gary Ramey NDP Jeff Brett LeHave River Credit Union 8,882.46 Janet Calhoun 39 Lunenburg West Mark Furey NSLP Anne Gatchell CIBC 6,723.35 Ann P. Gatchell

42 Pictou West C.L. (Charlie) Parker * NDP Peter MacRae Bergengren Credit Union 6,979.12 Peter MacRae Limited 43 Preston Janet Sutcliffe * NDP Gregory Sutcliffe Credit Union Atlantic 6,499.34 Gregory Sutcliffe

44 Queens Vicki Conrad * NDP Janet Bowers LaHave River Credit Union 4,468.72 Janet Bowers

45 Richmond Clair Rankin * NDP Nancy Graham Clair Rankin 2,500.00 Nancy Graham

46 Sackville-Cobequid Dave Wilson * NDP Bob Collicutt Bob Collicutt 4,000.00 Bob Collicutt

46 Sackville-Cobequid Scott Hemming NSLP Andrew McNeil Scott Hemming 12,000.00 Andrew McNeil

47 Shelburne Sterling W.W. Belliveau NDP Beverly Brannen CIBC 20,000.00 Sterling W.W. Belliveau

47 Shelburne Eddie Nickerson PC Angus Goreham Diane Nickerson 4,369.95 Eddie Nickerson Marinus 48 Timberlea-Prospect Bill Estabrooks * NDP Marinus Vannieuwhuizen Credit Union Atlantic 1,144.75 Vannieuwhuizen Scotiabank 5,000.00 Wiliam Munden 51 Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank Bill Horne NSLP William Munden Scotiabank 2,000.00 Loan agreement not filed David Olie 500.00 John Morris 52 Yarmouth David Olie NDP John Morris Brian Noble 200.00 Loan agreement not filed * official agent confirmed that loan has been repaid

Table 6-2 Candidate Loans

October 20, 2009 Antigonish and Inverness By-elections Political Contributions Regime Annual Report, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

Table 6-2: Candidate Loans October 20, 2009 Antigonish and Inverness By-elections Recognized Amount Electoral District Candidate Official Agent Lender Borrower/Guarantor Party Reported ($)

Phonsie MacEachern 34 Inverness Ian MacNeil NSLP Phonsie MacEachern Royal Bank 20,000.00 Joe Morris

Appendix A

Legislative References Appendix A

Legislative References

Recognized Parties: Disclosure statements to be filed annually On or before March 31 in each year, every official agent of a candidate, electoral district association and recognized party shall file with a designated person a disclosure statement showing the full name and residential or business address, other than a post office box unless that is the only address available, of each contributor whose contributions received by that official agent during the previous calendar year exceed $50 in total and the amount of the total contributions by contributor. Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act, Section 14

Recognized Party's Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules (Form 3) A Recognized Party’s Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules in Form 3 must be filed on or before April 30 of the year immediately after the calendar y to which the statements refer. Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations , subsection 10(1)

Disclosures in electronic version Form 3, Recognized Party’s Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules must be submitted electronically. Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations , subsection 6(2)

Audit opinion respecting disclosure (Schedules B1-B5 of Form 3) Schedules B-1 through B-5 to Form 3, Recognized Party’s Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules, must be audited by a public accountant. Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations , subsection 25(2)

Publish audited financial statements for previous fiscal year Within 120 days after the end of each fiscal year of a recognized party, the party shall publish audited financial statements respecting all moneys or funds held by or in trust for the party at the end of the fiscal year. Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act , subsection 21C(2)

Produce and make readily available to the public free of charge, distribute using the recognized party website and provide original copy to designated person A recognized party’s audited financial statements are published when all of the following are done: (a) they are produced and made readily available to the public free of charge; (b) they are distributed using the recognized party’s website; (c) an original is provided to the designated person. Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations , Section 32 Appendix A (cont.)

Legislative References

Recognized Parties (Cont): Recognized Party's Statement of Contributions for Which Official Tax Receipts Issued (Form 605) The Chief Electoral Officer shall prescribe forms for use as an official receipt to be issued by official agents for the purpose of the Income Tax Act, Elections Act , clause 190(1)(b)

Audit opinion respecting total contributions for which official agent has issued a receipt for income tax purposes The auditor appointed by a candidate or a recognized party shall make a report to the official agent of the candidate or the recognized party on the election exp report form prescribed respecting the total contributions for which the official agent has issued a receipt for income tax purposes, and the auditor shall make such examinations as will enable the auditor to state in his report whether in his opinion the return presents fairly the financial transactions required to be detailed in the report. Elections Act , clause 191(7)(b)

Chief Electoral Officer copy of issued tax receipts The duplicates of all official receipts issued by an official agent of a recognized party shall be filed by an official agent with the Chief Electoral Officer on or before March 31 in each year and shall be in respect of the preceding calendar year. Deduction Regulations , made under the Income Tax Act , subsection 108(1)

Electoral District Associations: Disclosure statements to be filed annually On or before March 31 in each year, every official agent of a candidate, electoral district association and recognized party shall file with a designated person a disclosure statement showing the full name and residential or business address, other than a post office box unless that is the only address available, of each contributor whose contributions received by that official agent during the previous calendar year exceed fifty dollars in total and the amount of the total contributions by that contributor. Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act, Section 14 Appendix A (cont.)

Legislative References

Electoral District Associations (Cont): Electoral District Associations Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules (Form 4) An Electoral District Association’s Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules in Form 4 must be filed on or before March 31 of the year immediately after calendar year to which the statements refer. Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations , subsection 11(1)

Audit opinion respecting disclosure (Schedules B1-B4 of Form 4) Schedules B-1 through B-4 to Form 4, Electoral District Association’s Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules must be audited by a public accountant if the total contributions are more than $5,000 for the reporting period. Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations , subsection 25(3)

Review engagement of Form 4, Electoral District Association's Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules Effective January 1, 2009, an electoral district association that has total contributions and other income, excluding transfers, of more than $20,000 in any calendar year being reported must include a review engagement report prepared by an independent public accountant in their Electoral District Association’s Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules in Form 4 filed under Section 11 of the regulations. Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations, Section 26

Annual confirmation of registration (Form 612) Every electoral district association of a recognized party shall register in prescribed form with the Chief Electoral Officer, which shall set out the name of the electoral district association, the name, address and telephone number of its official agent, the name of the financial institution in which all contributions to the electoral district association are to be deposited, and the account number. The information filed pursuant to subsection 177(1) shall be confirmed annually, in prescribed form, by March 31 of each year. Elections Act , subsections 177C(1) and 177C(2)

Copy of bank statement A copy of a bank statement as at December 31 for each account identified in the electoral district association’s registration under the Elections Act, must be included with Form 612, Annual Report of Electoral District Association, required under subsection 177C(2) of the Elections Act. Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations , subsection 11(4) Appendix A (cont.)

Legislative References

Candidates: Disclosure statements to be filed annually On or before March 31 in each year, every official agent of a candidate, electoral district association and recognized party shall file with a designated person a disclosure statement showing the full name and residential or business address, other than a post office box unless that is the only address available, of each contributor whose contributions received by that official agent during the previous calendar year exceed fifty dollars in total and the amount of the total contributions by that contributor. Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act, Section 14

Candidate’s Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules (Form 2) A Candidate’s Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules in Form 2 must be filed at the same time and place the official agent files the candidate’s report of election expenses and tax receipt reconciliation form under the Elections Act. Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations , subsection 9(1)

Report of Candidate Election Expenses The official agent of each candidate within 60 days after the day fixed for the return of the writ of election shall deliver to the Chief Electoral Officer a report of election expenses in prescribed form together with invoices, receipts and other vouchers or certified copies of them and a list of those documents and an affidavit of the agent verifying the report and stating that no payment not permitted by the Act was made with his knowledge and consent and that to the best of his knowledge and belief every expense incurred is entered in the report. Elections Act, subsection 183(1) Audit opinion respecting disclosure (Schedules B1-B4 of Form 2) Schedules B-1 through B-4 to Form 2, Candidate’s Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules must be audited by a public accountant if the statement is submitted on behalf of a candidate officially nominated. Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations, clause 25(1)(b)

Chief Electoral Officer copy of issued tax receipts The duplicates of official receipts issued by an official agent of a candidate shall be filed by an official agent with the returning officer on the same day as he files election expense report pursuant to the Elections Act. Deduction Regulations, made under the Income Tax Act, subsection 108(2) Appendix A (cont.)

Legislative References

Candidates (Cont): Audit opinion respecting total contributions for which official agent has issued a receipt for income tax purposes The auditor appointed by a candidate or a recognized party shall make a report to the official agent of the candidate or the recognized party respecting the total contributions for which the official agent has issued a receipt for income tax purposes, and the auditor shall make such examinations as will enable the auditor to state in his report whether in his opinion the return presents fairly the financial transactions required to be detailed in the report. Elections Act, subsections clause 191(7)(b)

Appendix B

Annual Reporting Requirements and Filing Dates of Recognized Parties Appendix B

Recognized Party Annual Reporting Requirements and Filing Dates Report and Legislative Reference 1 Date Due GPNS 2 NSLP NDP PC

Audited Financial Statements Publish audited financial statements for previous fiscal year [MPEDA ss 21C(2)] 3 April 30, 2010 May 7, 2010 May 3, 2010 April 30, 2010 April 28, 2010 Produce and make readily available to the public free of charge [REGS clause 32(a)] April 30, 2010 Distribute using the recognized party's website [REGS clause 32(b)] April 30, 2010 Provide original copy to designated person [REGS clause 32(c)] April 30, 2010 May 7, 2010 May 3, 2010 April 30, 2010 April 28, 2010

Recognized Party's Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules (Form 3) Disclosures as part of Form 3 [MPEDA S. 14] April 30, 2010 4 June 7, 2010 May 7, 2010 April 30, 2010 April 28, 2010 File completed Form 3 [REGS ss 10(1)] April 30, 2010 June 7, 2010 May 3, 2010 April 30, 2010 April 28, 2010 Disclosures to be electronic [REGS ss 6(2)] April 30, 2010 June 7, 2010 May 4, 2010 April 30, 2010 April 28, 2010 Audit opinion respecting disclosure schedules B1-B5 [REGS ss 25(2)] April 30, 2010 June 7, 2010 April 30, 2010 April 30, 2010 April 28, 2010

Tax Receipts Recognized Party's Statement of Contributions for April 30, 2010 May 7, 2010 April 30, 2010 April 30, 2010 April 28, 2010 which Official Tax Receipts Issued, (Form 605) [EA clause 190(1)(a)] Audit opinion respecting total contributions for which official agent has April 30, 2010 May 7, 2010 April 30, 2010 April 30, 2010 April 28, 2010 issued a receipt for income tax purposes [EA clause 191(7)(b)] Chief Electoral Officer copy of issued tax receipts [ITADR ss 108(1)] April 30, 2010 4 June 7, 2010 April 30, 2010 May 7, 2010 April 28, 2010

1 Legislative reference abbreviations EA - Elections Act MPEDA - Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act REGS - Political Contributions Disclosure Regulations ITADR - Deduction Regulations made under the Income Tax Act 2 Party abbreviations GPNS - Green Party of Nova Scotia NSLP - Nova Scotia Liberal Party NDP - Nova Scotia New Democratic Party PC - The Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia 3 For exact statutory or regulatory references see Appendix A

4 The statutory filing date of March 31 is noted as April 30 to correlate with the date by which audited financial statements must be filed under ss. 21C(2) of MPEDA

Appendix C

Electoral District Association Report Filing Dates

January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

Appendix C

Table C-1: Electoral District Association Report Filing Dates Reporting Period: January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 Electoral District Party Official Agent Form 612 Form 4

NSLP Burton Leathers March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 01 Annapolis NDP Joanne Lamey March 30, 2010 March 30, 2010 PC Darrell Hannam March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Jo-Ann MacDonald March 17, 2010 May 17, 2010 02 Antigonish NDP Joanne Lamey March 22, 2010 March 22, 2010 PC Janet MacPherson March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Louis d'Entremont March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 03 Argyle NDP Joanne Lamey April 7, 2010 April 7, 2010 PC William S. Crowell March 26, 2010 March 26, 2010 NSLP Darren MacDonald March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 04 Bedford-Birch Cove NDP Joanne Lamey February 22, 2010 February 22, 2010 PC Margaret H. Embree March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Jody Sutherland April 28, 2010 April 28, 2010 05 Cape Breton Centre NDP Joanne Lamey March 17, 2010 March 17, 2010 PC Barbara Anderson March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Hector Dipersio April 23, 2010 April 23, 2010

06 Cape Breton North NDP Joanne Lamey March 30, 2010 March 30, 2010 PC James Poole March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Alex J. Calder March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

07 Cape Breton Nova NDP Joanne Lamey March 30, 2010 March 30, 2010

PC Jim David March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Gerald MacKenzie March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

08 Cape Breton South NDP Joanne Lamey February 22, 2010 February 22, 2010

PC Blaise J. Abbass March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Allan Farrell June 14, 2010 April 30, 2010 09 Cape Breton West NDP Joanne Lamey May 27, 2010 May 27, 2010 PC Ivan Doncaster March 6, 2010 March 6, 2010

NSLP David Robertson May 17, 2010 May 20, 2010

10 Chester-St. Margaret's NDP Joanne Lamey February 22, 2010 February 22, 2010 PC Gerry Giffin March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Gerard Theriault March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

11 Clare NDP Joanne Lamey April 7, 2010 April 7, 2010 PC Ian K. Comeau March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Greg Murray April 30, 2010 April 30, 2010

12 Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley NDP Joanne Lamey March 17, 2010 March 17, 2010 PC Victor G. Farnell March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

NSLP Doug Pike March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

13 Colchester North NDP Joanne Lamey March 17, 2010 March 17, 2010

PC Elaine Orr March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

NSLP Albert Njeim March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

14 Cole Harbour NDP Joanne Lamey March 17, 2010 March 17, 2010 PC Janet McCarthy March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 Continued…

Appendix C

Table C-1: Electoral District Association Report Filing Dates Reporting Period: January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 (cont.) Electoral District Party Official Agent Form 612 Form 4

NSLP Brian Churchill March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

15 Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage NDP Joanne Lamey March 22, 2010 March 22, 2010

PC Dan Avery March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP David McNairn April 16, 2010 April 16, 2010 16 Cumberland North NDP Joanne Lamey March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 PC Frank Elliott March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Ardath Rae April 30, 2010 April 30, 2010 17 Cumberland South NDP Joanne Lamey April 30, 2010 April 30, 2010 PC Thomas Black March 22, 2010 March 22, 2010 NSLP A.R. Ted Fraser April 23, 2010 April 23, 2010 18 Dartmouth East NDP Joanne Lamey March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 PC Alan Ellis March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Thomas Barton April 28, 2010 April 28, 2010

19 Dartmouth North NDP Joanne Lamey March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 PC Jane MacKay March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Eleanor Dowthwaite April 16, 2010 April 16, 2010

20 Dartmouth South-Portland Valley NDP Joanne Lamey March 30, 2010 March 30, 2010 PC Lionel F. Conrad March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Robert (Bob) Handspiker March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

21 Digby-Annapolis NDP Joanne Lamey March 30, 2010 March 30, 2010

PC James Wheelhouse March 31, 2010 March 3, 2010 NSLP Mabel Stevens June 9, 2010 June 9, 2010

22 Eastern Shore NDP Joanne Lamey February 25, 2010 February 25, 2010

PC Stephen Richardson March 12, 2010 March 12, 2010 NSLP David MacKeigan May 17, 2010 May 26, 2010

23 Glace Bay NDP Joanne Lamey April 30, 2010 April 30, 2010

PC Darren McFadgen March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Joseph Hanifen March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

24 Guysborough-Sheet Harbour NDP Joanne Lamey March 17, 2010 March 17, 2010 PC Colin B. Coady March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Jim Hoskins March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

25 Halifax Atlantic NDP Joanne Lamey March 17, 2010 March 17, 2010 PC Eric Caines March 11, 2010 March 11, 2010 NSLP Anna LeRue March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

26 Halifax Chebucto NDP Joanne Lamey March 17, 2010 March 17, 2010

PC Peter Orser February 2, 2010 February 2, 2010 NSLP Anne Neil March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 27 Halifax Citadel-Sable Island NDP Joanne Lamey March 17, 2010 March 17, 2010 PC Walter Thompson March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 Continued…

Appendix C

Table C-1: Electoral District Association Report Filing Dates Reporting Period: January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 (cont.) Electoral District Party Official Agent Form 612 Form 4

NSLP Michael R. Hawkes March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

28 Halifax Clayton Park NDP Joanne Lamey April 7, 2010 April 7, 2010

PC Sangeeta Raj March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Paul Crawley March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 29 Halifax Fairview NDP Joanne Lamey March 17, 2010 March 17, 2010

PC Patrick Milner March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Mike Benteau May 17, 2010 May 20, 2010

30 Halifax Needham NDP Joanne Lamey January 28, 2010 January 28, 2010

PC Mike Salterio March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Anthony Martin April 16, 2010 April 16, 2010 31 Hammonds Plains-Upper Sackville NDP Joanne Lamey March 30, 2010 March 30, 2010 PC Richard K. DeLong March 25, 2010 March 25, 2010 NSLP John W. Patterson March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

32 Hants East NDP Joanne Lamey March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

PC John A. MacDonald April 6, 2010 April 6, 2010 NSLP Moira Ducharme March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

33 Hants West NDP Joanne Lamey February 22, 2010 February 22, 2010

PC Bonnie Smith March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Arthur Hall March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 34 Inverness NDP Joanne Lamey April 30, 2010 April 30, 2010

PC Sherri Rankin March 6, 2010 March 6, 2010 NSLP Leo Stacey April 23, 2010 April 23, 2010 35 Kings North NDP Joanne Lamey February 25, 2010 February 25, 2010 PC Joan Tracey March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP John Mroz March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 36 Kings South NDP Joanne Lamey February 22, 2010 February 22, 2010

PC Wyatt. J. Forrest April 12, 2010 April 12, 2010 NSLP Donald E. Clarke March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 37 Kings West NDP Joanne Lamey February 22, 2010 February 22, 2010

PC Cheryl Fancy March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP John D. Robart March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 38 Lunenburg NDP Joanne Lamey March 22, 2010 March 22, 2010

PC Audrey Vogel April 6, 2010 April 6, 2010 NSLP Jim Davis March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 39 Lunenburg West NDP Joanne Lamey February 22, 2010 February 22, 2010

PC Robert C. Selig March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 NSLP Kenneth F. Logan May 27, 2010 May 27, 2010

40 Pictou Centre NDP Joanne Lamey March 22, 2010 March 22, 2010

PC Darrell Rushton April 12, 2010 April 12, 2010 Continued…

Appendix C

Table C-1: Electoral District Association Report Filing Dates Reporting Period: January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 (cont.) Electoral District Party Official Agent Form 612 Form 4

NSLP Barbara King April 28, 2010 April 28, 2010

41 Pictou East NDP Joanne Lamey March 17, 2010 March 17, 2010

PC James McInnis March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

NSLP W.A. (Sandy) Stewart March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

42 Pictou West NDP Joanne Lamey March 30, 2010 March 30, 2010

PC Karla MacFarlane April 6, 2010 April 6, 2010

NSLP Kerry O'Hearn March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

43 Preston NDP Joanne Lamey February 22, 2010 February 22, 2010

PC Gladys Downey March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

NSLP Craig Condon March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

44 Queens NDP Joanne Lamey March 22, 2010 March 22, 2010

PC Cheryl Beaton April 1, 2010 April 1, 2010

NSLP Joel Bowen March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

45 Richmond NDP Joanne Lamey May 27, 2010 May 27, 2010

PC Robert Goyetche March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

NSLP Ronald H. King April 30, 2010 April 30, 2010

46 Sackville-Cobequid NDP Joanne Lamey March 17, 2010 March 17, 2010

PC Guy Harrington March 11, 2010 March 11, 2010

NSLP George Rennehan April 28, 2010 April 28, 2010

47 Shelburne NDP Joanne Lamey March 22, 2010 March 22, 2010

PC Angus Etheren Goreham March 23, 2010 March 23, 2010

NSLP Robert Burchell March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 48 Timberlea-Prospect NDP Joanne Lamey February 25, 2010 February 25, 2010

PC Carmen Williams June 14, 2010 June 14, 2010

NSLP Freda Hatfield March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010 49 Truro-Bible Hill NDP Joanne Lamey March 30, 2010 March 30, 2010

PC Beth Stanfield March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

NSLP Clara A. MacDonald March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

50 Victoria-The Lakes NDP Joanne Lamey March 30, 2010 March 30, 2010

PC John MacKillop March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

NSLP Kenzie MacDonald April 28, 2010 April 28, 2010

51 Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank NDP Joanne Lamey March 17, 2010 March 17, 2010

PC Gerald R. Swiggum March 31, 2010 March 31, 2010

NSLP Colin Fraser May 17, 2010 May 20, 2010 52 Yarmouth NDP Joanne Lamey May 10, 2010 May 10, 2010

PC Kevin d'Entremont April 13, 2010 April 13, 2010

Appendix D

Candidate Disclosure Statement Filing Dates

January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

Appendix D

Table D-1: Candidate Disclosure Statement Filing Dates June 9, 2009 Nova Scotia Provincial General Election

Electoral District Party Candidate Official Agent Filing Date1

NSLP Stephen MCNEIL Craig O'Donnell August 18, 2009 PC Kent ROBINSON Darrell Hannam August 12, 2009 01 Annapolis GPNS Jamie SPINNEY Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NDP Henry SPURR Elizabeth J. Spurr August 04, 2009 PC Angus (Tando) MACISAAC David Austen August 13, 2009 NDP Maurice (Moe) SMITH Betsy MacIntyre August 18, 2009 02 Antigonish GPNS Rebecca STEEVES MOSHER Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NSLP Miles TOMPKINS Adrian Cameron August 18, 2009 PC Chris D'ENTREMONT Del Boudreau August 5, 2009 NDP Melvin HUSKINS Laurie M. Donaldson August 7, 2009 03 Argyle GPNS Barb LAKE Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NSLP Lionel LEBLANC Sandra d'Entremont August 18, 2009 PC Len GOUCHER James Harlow August 7, 2009 GPNS Neil GREEN Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 04 Bedford-Birch Cove NDP Brian MOSHER David Wright August 19, 2009 NSLP Kelly REGAN Bryan Duffy August 17, 2009 GPNS Chris ALDERS Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NDP Frank CORBETT Jennifer Blanchard August 17, 2009 05 Cape Breton Centre NSLP Joe MACPHERSON Sheldon Syms December 18, 2009 PC Chris RYAN John Nash October 9, 2009 PC Cecil CLARKE James Poole August 18, 2009 NSLP Ken JARDINE Robert Jardine September 29, 2009 06 Cape Breton North NDP Russell MACDONALD Richard Carroll September 28, 2009 GPNS Chris MILBURN Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NDP Gordie GOSSE Harold MacDonald August 26, 2009 PC Cory HANN Catherine Grace August 18, 2009 07 Cape Breton Nova GPNS Michael P. MILBURN Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NSLP Donnie MORRISON Amos Donovan August 10, 2009 NSLP Manning MACDONALD Gerry MacKenzie August 17, 2009 NDP Wayne MCKAY Heather Patterson August 20, 2009 08 Cape Breton South GPNS Cathy THERIAULT Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 PC Stephen TOBIN Patrick Murray August 17, 2009 NSLP Josephine KENNEDY Allan Farrell August 18, 2009 PC Alfie MACLEOD Stephen Nicholson August 18, 2009 09 Cape Breton West NDP Delton MCDONALD Paul Dockrill August 18, 2009 GPNS Mike PARSONS Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 GPNS Ryan CAMERON Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NSLP Jo-Ann GRANT Phillip Ellwood August 14, 2009 10 Chester-St. Margaret's NDP Denise PETERSON-RAFUSE Judith Brodie August 14, 2009 PC Judy STREATCH Sandra Richards August 18, 2009 Continued…

1 Filing Date is the first date ENS received some information for the filing, it does not indicate completeness

Appendix D

Table D-1: Candidate Disclosure Statement Filing Dates June 9, 2009 Nova Scotia Provincial General Election (cont.)

Electoral District Party Candidate Official Agent Filing Date

NDP Paul COMEAU Don Melanson August 12, 2009 PC Jimmy (à Bernie) DOUCET Ian Comeau August 14, 2009 11 Clare GPNS Diane DOUCET-BEAN Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NSLP Wayne GAUDET Claredon Robicheau August 18, 2009 PC Karen CASEY Myles Johnson August 17, 2009 GPNS Judy DAVIS Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 12 Colchester North NSLP Lorenda EBBETT Stephen Douglas August 21, 2009 NDP Arthur HARTLEN David Stevenson August 18, 2009 NDP Gary BURRILL Barbara Bell August 17, 2009 13 Colchester-Musquodoboit PC Steve STREATCH Victor G. Farnell August 18, 2009 Valley NSLP Willy VERSTEEG Kelly Nauss August 21, 2009 GPNS Margaret WITNEY Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NDP Darrell E. DEXTER James Smith August 17, 2009 NSLP Tony INCE Albert Njeim August 18, 2009 14 Cole Harbour PC Mike JOSEY Donna Turner August 20, 2009 GPNS Dawna TOEWS Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 PC Lloyd JACKSON Dan Avery August 18, 2009 15 Cole Harbour-Eastern NDP Becky KENT Susan White August 18, 2009 Passage GPNS Denise MÉNARD Jeremy Scott August 14, 2009 NSLP Orest ULAN Jason Stone September 10, 2009 IND Ernest FAGE Jillian Ryan July 24, 2009 PC Keith HUNTER Cindy A. Bourgeois 2 August 18, 2009 16 Cumberland North NSLP Brent NOILES Marie MacDonald August 17, 2009 GPNS Aviva SILBURT Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NDP Brian SKABAR Tom Elliott August 18, 2009 NSLP Joey ARCHIBALD Ardath Rae September 10, 2009 GPNS Daniel MELVIN Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 17 Cumberland South PC Murray SCOTT Alan Boss August 19, 2009 NDP Don TABOR Ian Welch November 12, 2009 NDP Joan MASSEY Ken Conrod August 17, 2009 GPNS Anna MUKPO Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 18 Dartmouth East PC Bert THOMPSON Alan Ellis August 17, 2009 NSLP Andrew YOUNGER Alexander Fraser August 17, 2009 GPNS Alex DONALDSON Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 PC David LOSEY Susan Russell August 18, 2009 19 Dartmouth North NSLP Jim SMITH Angela Ettinger August 18, 2009 NDP Trevor ZINCK Sean Tufford August 18, 2009 GPNS David CROFT Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 20 Dartmouth South-Portland NSLP Colin HEBB Lorna Campbell August 18, 2009 Valley PC George JORDAN Brett Clements August 18, 2009 NDP Marilyn MORE Robert J. Rutherford August 19, 2009 Continued…

2 Cindy A. Bourgeois resigned as official agent. Morris J. Haugg was appointed official agent on June 18, 2009

Appendix D

Table D-1: Candidate Disclosure Statement Filing Dates June 9, 2009 Nova Scotia Provincial General Election (cont.)

Electoral District Party Candidate Official Agent Filing Date

GPNS Namron BEAN Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 PC Cindy NESBITT James Wheelhouse August 10, 2009 21 Digby-Annapolis NDP Sherri OLIVER Darlene Savage August 26, 2009 NSLP Harold (Jr) THERIAULT Robert Handspiker August 12, 2009 NSLP Loretta DAY HALLERAN John Johnson September 16, 2009 PC Bill DOOKS Nancy Lobban August 11, 2009 22 Eastern Shore GPNS Michael MARSHALL Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NDP Sidney PREST Sandra Levy August 17, 2009 NDP Myrtle CAMPBELL Garry Smith October 22, 2009 PC Tom MACPHERSON Richard Petrie August 18, 2009 23 Glace Bay GPNS Todd PETTIGREW Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NSLP Dave WILSON James Hayes August 18, 2009 NDP Jim BOUDREAU Ken MacDonald September 3, 2009 PC Ronnie CHISHOLM Shirley Nixon August 19, 2009 24 Guysborough-Sheet Harbour GPNS Amy FLORIAN Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NSLP Lloyd HINES Daniel Gillis August 18, 2009 NSLP Jim HOSKINS Denise Hoskins August 17, 2009 PC Brian PHILLIPS Eric Caines August 17, 2009 25 Halifax Atlantic NDP Michele RAYMOND Wesley White August 14, 2009 GPNS Anthony ROSBOROUGH Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 PC David ATCHISON Misty Walker August 19, 2009 NDP Howard EPSTEIN Janet Brush August 5, 2009 26 Halifax Chebucto GPNS Chris HANLON Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NSLP Jane SPURR Andrea Hilchio-Pye August 28, 2009 PC Ted LARSEN Rob Jeffery August 14, 2009 NDP Leonard PREYRA Peter Glenister August 17, 2009 27 Halifax Citadel-Sable Island NSLP Gerry WALSH Jim Horwich October 13, 2009 GPNS Ryan WATSON John Maden August 17, 2009 IND Jonathan DEAN Kirk O’Connell August 18, 2009 GPNS Amanda HESTER Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 28 Halifax Clayton Park PC Debbie HUM Jim Melvin August 6, 2009 NDP Linda POWER Neil McNeil September 14, 2009 NSLP Diana WHALEN Michael Hawkes August 19, 2009 NSLP Brad ARMITAGE Jason Stone September 10, 2009 PC Paul HENDERSON Keith Croucher August 5, 2009 29 Halifax Fairview GPNS Jane HESTER Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NDP Graham STEELE James Houston August 14, 2009 PC Jason CAMERON Michael Salterio September 15, 2009 NSLP Graham ESTABROOKS Pamela Austin September 24, 2009 30 Halifax Needham NDP Maureen MACDONALD Lori Root August 18, 2009 GPNS Kris MACLELLAN Joseph Wickens August 18, 2009 Continued…

Appendix D

Table D-1: Candidate Disclosure Statement Filing Dates June 9, 2009 Nova Scotia Provincial General Election (cont.)

Electoral District Party Candidate Official Agent Filing Date

PC Barry BARNET Richard DeLong August 14, 2009 31 Hammonds Plains-Upper NSLP Patrick DOYLE Michelle MacArthur August 18, 2009 Sackville GPNS Shawn REDMOND Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NDP Mat WHYNOTT Sandra Jones July 31, 2009 NDP John MACDONELL Dave Doucette August 10, 2009 NSLP Maurice REES John W. Patterson August 17, 2009 32 Hants East PC Todd WILLIAMS John A. MacDonald August 18, 2009 GPNS Emerich WINKLER Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NDP Barbara GALLAGHER Carol Bradley July 22, 2009 NSLP Paula LUNN Barry Alexander August 11, 2009 33 Hants West PC Chuck PORTER Matt Kimball September 11, 2009 GPNS Sheila RICHARDSON Elizabeth Gibson August 18, 2009 GPNS Nathalie ARSENAULT Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NSLP Shaun BENNETT Arthur Hall August 19, 2009 34 Inverness PC Rodney MACDONALD Charlene Gillis August 18, 2009 NDP Michael MACISAAC Donalda MacDonald August 19, 2009 NSLP Shirley FISHER Kelly Coombs August 18, 2009 GPNS Anna-Maria GALANTE-WARD Al Smith August 10, 2009 35 Kings North NDP Jim MORTON Nancy Sampson-Henke August 10, 2009 PC Mark PARENT Todd Jones August 18, 2009 NSLP Paula HOWATT John Mroz August 19, 2009 NDP Ramona JENNEX Peter Kiefe August 18, 2009 36 Kings South GPNS Brendan MACNEILL Marjorie MacNeill August 18, 2009 PC David MORSE Dr. J. Robert Harris August 12, 2009 NSLP Leo GLAVINE Eric Sturk August 14, 2009 37 Kings West PC Chris PALMER Jim Sotvedt August 18, 2009

GPNS Nistal PREM DE BOER Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NDP Carol TOBIN Debra Hubbert August 13, 2009 NDP Pam BIRDSALL Angus J. Fields August 18, 2009 IND Milton COUNTWAY Sandra Statton August 27, 2009 38 Lunenburg GPNS Jason A. REMAI Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NSLP Rick WELSFORD Peter Mosher August 21, 2009 PC Peter ZWICKER Audrey Vogel July 29, 2009 PC Carolyn BOLIVAR-GETSON Jeff Sabean August 18, 2009 NSLP Mark FUREY Anne Gatchell September 8, 2009 39 Lunenburg West NDP Gary RAMEY Jeff Brett August 13, 2009 GPNS Emily RICHARDSON Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 PC Pat DUNN Brian Buckle August 19, 2009 NDP Ross LANDRY Andrew Joyce August 18, 2009 40 Pictou Centre GPNS Jim LINDSEY Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NSLP Neil MACISAAC Kent Williams August 19, 2009 Continued…

Appendix D

Table D-1: Candidate Disclosure Statement Filing Dates June 9, 2009 Nova Scotia Provincial General Election (cont.)

Electoral District Party Candidate Official Agent Filing Date

PC J. Ed MACDONALD James MacInnis August 20, 2009 NDP Clarrie MACKINNON Cecilia McRae August 6, 2009 41 Pictou East NSLP François ROCHON Danalee Stone August 19, 2009 GPNS Robbie Loftus WHITE Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 PC Leonard FRASER Michelle Anne Young August 17, 2009 NSLP Paul LANDRY Doug Hayward August 19, 2009 42 Pictou West NDP C.L. (Charlie) PARKER Peter MacRae August 19, 2009 GPNS Chelsea RICHARDSON Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NSLP Keith COLWELL Kerry O'Hearn August 18, 2009 GPNS Sarah DENSMORE Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 43 Preston PC Dwayne PROVO David Strong August 18, 2009 NDP Janet SUTCLIFFE Gregory Sutcliffe August 13, 2009 NDP Vicki CONRAD Janet Bowers August 31, 2009 NSLP Wayne HENLEY Craig Condon August 13, 2009 44 Queens PC Kerry MORASH Robert Stafford August 18, 2009 GPNS Stuart SIMPSON Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 PC John GREENE Louise Campbell August 19, 2009 GPNS John PERCY Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 45 Richmond NDP Clair RANKIN Nancy Graham August 19, 2009 NSLP Michel P. SAMSON Joel Bowen August 14, 2009 PC Jessica ALEXANDER Guy Harrington August 17, 2009 GPNS Ian CHARLES Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 46 Sackville-Cobequid NSLP Scott HEMMING Andrew McNeil September 17, 2009 NDP Dave WILSON Bob Collicutt August 6, 2009 NDP Sterling W.W. BELLIVEAU Beverly Brannen August 24, 2009 NSLP Darian HUSKILSON Elizabeth Rhuland August 14, 2009 47 Shelburne PC Eddie NICKERSON Angus Goreham September 28, 2009 GPNS Robin SMITH Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 PC Gina BYRNE Jeremy Scott August 17, 2009 Marinus NDP Bill ESTABROOKS August 4, 2009 48 Timberlea-Prospect Vannieuwhuizen NSLP Lisa MULLIN Allan Sullivan August 18, 2009 GPNS Thomas TRAPPENBERG Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 GPNS Kaleigh BRINKHURST Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NSLP Bob HAGELL Jim Reganti August 18, 2009 49 Truro-Bible Hill PC Hughie MACISAAC Lois MacCormick August 18, 2009 NDP Lenore ZANN Patricia Scammell August 18, 2009 PC Keith BAIN John MacKillop August 21, 2009 IND Stemer MACLEOD Kerry MacNeil DID NOT FILE 50 Victoria-The Lakes GPNS Jim O'BRIEN Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NDP Fraser PATTERSON Norman Matheson August 21, 2009 NSLP Gerald SAMPSON Phillip R. Murray August 24, 2009 Continued…

Appendix D

Table D-1: Candidate Disclosure Statement Filing Dates June 9, 2009 Nova Scotia Provincial General Election (cont.)

Electoral District Party Candidate Official Agent Filing Date

PC Gary HINES David Dumaresq August 19, 2009 51 Waverley-Fall River-Beaver NSLP Bill HORNE William Monden August 17, 2009 Bank GPNS Damon LOOMER Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 NDP Percy PARIS Francis Somerville August 11, 2009 PC Richard HURLBURT Fred Richardson August 11, 2009 GPNS Ronald MILLS Kathryn Herbert August 14, 2009 52 Yarmouth NSLP David MOONEY Eleanor MacIssac September 9, 2009 NDP David OLIE John Morris August 20, 2009

Appendix D

Table D-2: Candidates Disclosure Statement Filing Dates October 20, 2009 Antigonish By-election Electoral District Party Candidate Official Agent Filing Date

GPNS Michael MARSHALL David Croft April 8, 2010

NDP Maurice (Moe) SMITH Betsy MacIntyre December 30, 2009 02 Antigonish PC Darren THOMPSON Mary A. McCarron June 9, 2010

NSLP Miles TOMPKINS Adrian Cameron December 17, 2009

Table D-3: Candidates Disclosure Statement Filing Dates October 20, 2009 Inverness By-election Electoral District Party Candidate Official Agent Filing Date

GPNS Nathalie ARSENAULT David Croft April 13, 2010

NDP Bert LEWIS Joan Forbrigger December 24, 2009 34 Inverness PC Allan MACMASTER Bonny Heather MacIsaac December 29, 2009

NSLP Ian MCNEIL Phonsie MacEachern December 16, 2009

Appendix E

Elections Nova Scotia Circular 09-01 Candidate Loans Appendix E

Elections Nova Scotia Circular #09-01 Candidate Loans

The Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act (MPEDA) establishes rules respecting loans. These rules fall into four areas:

1 Maximum Term of a Loan 2 Contributions Arising from Loans 3 Requirement for Loan Agreement 4 Reporting of Loan Balance

This circular provides official agents with important information to assist them in complying with the MPEDA.

1. Maximum Term of a Loan (MPEDA S. 14D) • A loan cannot be for a term greater than 2 years. This provision does not apply to a loan made by a financial institution, electoral district association or recognized party.

2. Contributions Arising from Loans (MPEDA S. 14E) • Where a loan is made to a candidate at a rate of interest less than the bank prime rate, the difference between the interest payable at the bank prime rate and the interest paid is a contribution. This provision does not apply to a loan made by a financial institution, electoral district association or recognized party. The bank prime rate is available on the Elections Nova Scotia website. • Where a payment on a loan to a candidate is made by a person other than the candidate the payment is a contribution. The contribution limit of $5,000 applies to a candidate. • Where a payment on a loan to a candidate is wholly or partly unpaid six months after becoming due, the outstanding amount of the payment is a contribution. • Where a loan results in a contribution, the official agent is required to provide disclosure information (contributor’s name, residential or business address and amount of contribution). The disclosure information reported using Form 2, Schedule B-4, Candidate’s Annual Statement of Political Contributions - Loan Contributions. See Section 4 of this circular for reporting periods and deadlines for reporting.

Elections Nova Scotia Circular #09-01

Candidate Loans Page 2

3. Requirement for Loan Agreement (MPEDA ss. 14F(1)) • A candidate or the official agent of a candidate shall not accept a loan unless there is a loan agreement in writing setting out the amount of the loan, the term of the loan, the name and address of the lender, the name and address of any guarantor and the details of any assignment of reimbursement made and the loan agreement must be included with the annual disclosure statement (Form 2, Schedule E) that is filed with the candidate’s election expense report.

4. Reporting of Loan Balance (MPEDA ss. 14F(2)) • In each subsequent year in which there is a balance outstanding on a loan, a report must be included with the annual disclosure statement stating the outstanding balance and describing any changes to the loan agreement. • Where the official agent of a candidate files Form 2, Schedule E showing a loan balance of zero at any time during a calendar year (prior to December 31) the official agent will have no further reporting obligations under MPEDA. • If Form 2, Schedule E has not been filed by the official agent before the end of a calendar year, the official agent must file a complete Form 2 (all schedules) for the year ended December 31. The deadline for filing Form 2, Schedule E is March 31 of the year following the year being reported. This reporting requirement will continue on a calendar year basis until such time as: • the annual report shows a loan balance of zero • the official agent files Form 2, Schedule E showing a loan balance of zero at any time prior to December 31

If you have any questions about this circular or loan reporting requirements contact Elections Nova Scotia at 902-424-8584.

September 21, 2009 Statement of votes 10/23/06 9:33 AM Page 2

Political Contributions Regime Annual Report

902-424-8584 1-800-565-1504 Toll-free January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 902-424-7475 TTY for the hearing impaired

Published June 2010 by the designated person (Chief Electoral Officer) pursuant to the Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act