University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
[email protected] $ (479) 575-7646 An Agricultural Law Research Article Food Democracy II: Revolution or Restoration? by Neil D. Hamilton Originally published in the JOURNAL OF FOOD LAW & POLICY 1 J. FOOD L. & POL’Y 13 (2005) FOOD DEMOCRACY II: REVOLUTION OR RESTORATION? Neil D. Hamilton* A uthor's Note: This essay is a companion to the essay "Food Democracy, " which appears in 9 DRAKE JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL LAw 9 (2004). In that essay, the author discussed many of the progressive trends that are helping reshape America's food system. These trends have a common denominator in their reflection of the democratic tendencies of the American populace. The de sire ofan increasing number ofconsumers to eat better food and to have access to the information, choices, and alternatives that make better food available are helping drive shifts in food production and marketing. Accompanying these shifts are political and legal debates over fundamental policy issues that relate to food labeling, support for local food production, the emergence of eco labels, and examination of the relation between nutrition and public health. Arrayed against the emergence of these new economic and policy develop ments are the institutions and values ofthe conventionalfood and agricultural sector, which the author collectively describes as Big Food. He argues the emer gence and recognition of ''Food Democracy" is a valuable development for help ing America examine the future of the food and agricultural system. In this essay, the author provides further amplification of his thesis, in part using the recent "mad cow" incident to illuminate some of the differences in values and attitudes between Big Food and Food Democracy.