: :o Attend Plan Class Assemblies Rally Grid To Be Held Tomorrow Night Spatttlf Tomorrow jade_ "a.’ _PahaDaily College__ _fan_ XXIX VOL. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, TtESDAY, Iii .FORER 8, 1940 umber 14 PROGRAM ARRANGED Last Rites Held Grid Rally Tomorrow In TO SETTLE DEMAND FOR For Gene Grattan . MORNING ASSEMBLIES Yesterday 1Morris Dailey Starts gement,* for the gen- Final Do You Own A Attorney Eugene B. Grattan, Festivities For Aztec Tilt eral class assemblies tomorrow late wrestling coach of San Jose fron, 11:22 to 12 o'clock were com- Door Stretcher? State college, killed in an automo- Starting gun for the San Jose State-San Diego State battle will bile accident last week, was buried pleted yesterday, when the sopho- Somebody Does go off tomorrow evening when students will turnout for the first pep yesterday at the Oak Hill Mem- more 1.111/04 announced that it orial Park. amnion of the football season at 8 o'clock in the Morris Dailey audi- its meeting "Can you tell me where to torium. would hold in the Many bereaved friends of the find a door-stretcher?" Len Baskin of revelries fame will act as master of ceremonies, ten's gym. popular coach filled the First It was like asking the boys and promises a well rounded program with songs, dances, music, FIVE PERIODS Methodist church. Fifth and Santa In Superintendent Stillwell's of- plenty of yells, and lots of fun. A new five period morning pro- Clara streets, San Jose, at 10 fice for a left-handed monkey Speakers for the program will o'clock when Rev. Gerald Kennedy gram has been scheduled by the wrench or a sky-hook, and it be Captain Kenny Cook, Coach administration in order to avoid an.,, all very funny. of Palo Alto read the funeral Two Debaters services. Ben Winkelman, Dean of Men Pauli If dismissing classes tomorrow morn- But Audrey Tracey, sopti- Pitman and Dee Portal. Sam Della Maggiore, Martin mg. oulore Speech major and a Music will be played by Gene Selected For Olovarri, Mel Bruno, Melvin Rush, asslig With the election of officers the member of the first all-women Goudron and his orchestra teatur- Victor Gorin, and Carl Kuhl, all nom principal business of the day for stage crew in man Jose State's Ina Jack Stewart as vocalist. liar- Conference wrestlers trained by Grattan, were betu most of the classes, all students1 history, didn't think it was so vey Brooks will present tap 111 be are asked to attend their reaper- funny. Several sets were too pallbearers. dances. Jack Windsor, Brooks and Roberta Hobson, Junior social whim the meetings. large to take from the stage so A squad of Police School stud- Baskin will present a comedy skit. science major, and Lawrence Vitus, towldi The juniors will hold their semi- she was sent 1,, look ents were detailed to handle the for a Head yell leader Tommy Taylor freshman pre-legal student, have bo kit sneak meeting In room 8112 to dis- "door-stretcher". traffic during the funeral, accord- with his assistants Bill Harris and been *elected to represent San Jose fitli tit cuss the Junior prom. "Sneak First to Mr. Stillwell, ing to William A. Wiltberger, head then Paul Arata will introduce several State college at the "Monthly De- mpuy. Week", and the election of a coun- to the college engineer; from of the Police School. new yells which they have been bate Conference" at Berkeley Sat- regale cil. there to N1r. Weatherford, then practicing during the summer, urday. of ex The freshman will gather in the to Mr. Spearman of the Indus- Orchesis Elects Rally Committte Head Don True , The topic for debate is "Nation- rel Morris Dailey auditorium. trial Arta departmentand still said. al Defense". Each representative

grall SCHEDULF: no door stretcher. It was all Representatives Fraternities and sororities are ; of the colleges participating in the as ti follows Classes will be held as very discouraging. urged to attend en masse. Since conference will make a five-minute nigla tomorrow: And now the regular stage To AWA Board all meetings will be dismissed to- speechon some phase of national S year First period- 8:10-8:48 crew claims there is such a morrow night, a large attendance , defense, according to Woodrow Junior Orchesis, dance group, nade Second period 8:58-9:36 thr,git i used to brace doors is expected, True said. Semerau, debating manager. plans will elect class representatives to 'r Third period- 9:46-10:24 bunt into the sets. But the Miss Hobson and Viet'. together the AWA board Thursday at 41 y third Fourth Period-10:34-11:12 boys In Stillwell's office are with Leroy Troutner, Harrett o'clock at the regular meeting of it. sit Fifth period 11:22-12:00 still laughing. Mannina, and Woodrow Semerau, the group, announces Miss Mar- eligibk PAYNE PRESIDES La will take part in a round table ore' Lucas, dance instructor. Torre Photo !iety. The seniors will meet in the: discussion on national defense The organization Is open to Little Theater with Bob Payne is scheduled to be held fel- woman student interested in mod-any I 1which wielding the gavel. The student Drama Tryouts A ppointment.s 1 lowing the speeches. body president traditionally pre- ern dance. There is no requirerequire--1 ce sides over the first senior meeting. ment other than regular attend-1 For One-Act Play ance at the weekly one-hour class, Continue Miss Lucas said. Maseo Kanemoto loon Held Today, 4 P.M. Miss Lucas leads the group in Appointments for I.a Torre pic- various dance techniques and occa- Tells Advantages - - tures will continue this week for Geology Club sionally members from Orchesis, Drama tryouts for "The Vali- the first two groups, according to Of Pre-Legal Clubs ant", one-act play of prison life, women's honorary dance society, lead lessons for part of the hour. yearbook officials. Appointments Holds Meeting will he held this afternoon in Room Maseo Kanemoto, law student at can be made in the Publications 53 at 4 o'clock, announces Miss Santa Clara university, spoke to Tonight !Marie Carr, assistant in Speech. office at the La Torre desk daily the Pm-Legal club yesterday on I The melodrama by Hall and COUNCIL MEETS from 11-1 :SO. ; open to the value of the organization to 1Middlemass is the first of a series ents Sb Students who have made ap- students planning to enter the Geology club will hold its f irst of one-acts tentatively scheduled TONIGHT AT 7 and an pointments for today at Bushnell's legal profession. meeting of the year this eve- for production in the Little Theater Ranemot4, president of the wed tea studio are as follows: sing at 7:30 in room 210, accord- ! during noon hours this quarter, ac- San Jose's band is expected to group while attending here, bold lug to Helen Buss, publicity chair- I cording to Miss Carr. come up for discussion at tonight's Jean More, Jeanne Childs, Ma- of four important advantages such man. Copies of the play have been put meeting of the Student Council, bel Comes, Marcelle Chalice, Doro- a club gives the pre-legal student. All students interested in geol- on reserve In the library. No ex- scheduled to begin at T o'clock in thea Bernsdorf, Helen Grey, Ha nte Early contact with the legal pro- on, are Invited to attend the meet- peTience is necessary to enter the the Student Union, according to Poytress, Guildee Christopherson, fession, information about the pro- 'Med ing. tryouts, says Miss Carr, who will Bob Payne, student president. Beth Magneson. Dorothy Lannin, sat fro fession, knowledge of law school Following a business direct the plays. Other business on the agenda Betty Jarvis, Ruth Bishop, Celeste n 01* meeting. and state bar requirements, a feel- slides of the Mt. Lessen area which Students who try out will have concerns student cards, Rev- Joseph, Liladell Silver, Vivian ing of getting started in law and were taken by Dr. Karl Hazeltine their names filed for future refer- elries and SPardi Gras, Permanent Campbell, Katherine Palmer, Bar- an introduction to the methods of ves will be shown to the casting the rest of the organization of the Book Ex- barn Mitchil, Reinhild Haerle, e TWO club. Dr. Fred ance in legal study were the points devel- Buss, the club's adviser, will give plays in the series, according to change. and further Plans on the Barbara Jean Wallace, Rowena ' pea by Kanemm0, t Cott an account of the geology of the Miss Carr. coming Organization dinner. Ross, Virginia Daily, Marian Rye. plans are being made to hold an Lassen region. Elizabeth Cooper and Marion election of officers at the meeting Johnston. next Monday noon. A. W. A. MEMBERS ATTEND Deadline for the first group Those unable to attend the meet- Freshman Club Allenlon, Bela anima Chi. Delta Mg are asked to leave their names Sophinn Plans Program Beta Sigma, and Ero will in Room 26 as soon as possible says MODESTO CONFERENCE be Friday. October 16. Members Owen M. Broyles, adviser. of Alpha PI Omega, Sappho, and First program of the YWCA attempt to make definite ing: Celest Joseph in charge of the Eta Chi, Kappa Kappa Sigma. and c i are I, In an Freshman club will be held Thurs- plans for the AWA convention to tea; Grace Marie McGrady as Phi Kappa l'i. began ye setr day taPe Holds First 1,esder day afternoon at 5 o'clock. The be held here In the Spring quarter. chairman for the dinner Friday and will continue until October In Rs" club Mee twi g Today was organized at a freshman Miss DimmIck, dean of women, night; Jerrie Jurras to supervise :X. Yearbook officials ask students lug. N" breakfast Gross; recently and plans were Mrs. Rae Wirtz of the Conuneree the fashion show, and June to take all individual pictures at made "We In Our World" will be to hold Part is, and to have department, Jerrie Jurras, presi- to plan the group discussions. the Sallie time. the discussions theme of the first meeting of Chap- of personality, plan- dent of AWA, and Mar) Ellen DOORS OPEN ning el to he held today main from 12:30 college. clothes and current Ward, chairman for the convention President of AWA, Jerrie Jurras Is still r events, the to 12:50 in moon, 53, according to according to Presidetit will attend a conference at Mo- tinnounces that plans to keep Program Answers but Id Mary Jo Men's Clara Brown Dards, leader of the Wharton. desto junior college tomorrow, it doors open between the o MOO and pool have been Student Questions college YWCA. There will also be was yesterday. gymnasium idesProlc announced thwarted because of the 10-cent mimic and meditation. year: SURVEY questions of tiolents regard- Friday annual admission to the Jamboree and the Margaret Foster, chairman, says Deadline For A ..urvey of last year's ing conscription will be authori- conc.' order admission by student body card to that all students and faculty mem- Dropping Courses convention will be made in tively answered over (RS radio II, "Sow year the water polo games. bers are invited to attend, and any- fr that the convention of this tonight at 7:15, Record- malve may attend both the stations one interested in helping with may he patterned after it. "Students ; so int' Friday, games too. ing to word received from the chapel will he welcome. (kdober is abso- Announcement of the committee Jamboree and the nor 0(1 lutely the to leave American Council 011 I:duration, Those helping this quarter are: last day for students to preside at the con- Stamps will allow them oaf. to drop heads chosen which is sponsoring the pro Helen Bhend from Kappa courses. the Registrar's Dorothy Jane the dance to see the waiter polo Phi, Ken ,dastio dflee ference includes gram. IV11,1444,11 without paying an ex- lialle f the YMCA. and Mar- yesterday. Bishop and Patty Popp to head and return .sdio admission," states Miss Jamul. garet Foster fm the YWCA. registration. Audrey Abbott, hous- tra SPARTAN DAILY EDITORIAL PAGE PAGE TWO


The editors Spattan Oaily of the Spartan Daily would appreciate it if all Of Contents organization Dedicated to the best interests of Son Jose State Table heads would turn in their names and addretowe metier at the San Jose Post Office Entered as second class to the CAPTAIN KIDD sailed there is the story of Don Jose's Publication/4 office, and Published every school day by the Associated Students of See Jos State Caller_ AS from the Span; If possible introduce then-pelves --Columbia 435 1445 South First Street away into the blue, "Under 1 Sheep a folk tale Press of Globe Printing Co. to some member green trees of Battery Park, of the staff. The Subscription 75c per quarter or $1.50 per year. the i ish of ' the Mexicans in New Mexi- 1 children' Occasionally news of a group Captain Kidd's 'wife and of Jose I !co. In this the love story nosy require OCTOBER 8, 1940 stood waving their farewells . . ." verification, and Aft TUESDAY, woven on a back- I rather," wad Mr.. Kidd. 1 and Felipa is without It publication may be San SWENSON "Your EDITOR . CARL (PONY) of colorful native scenes, held up until the news I ground is no aap, E. Read St. Phone Columbia 4405 "la going off to hunt pirates:, Inve 343 with faint religious touches addet1 longer timely. Vote will be do- Office Phone, Ballard 7800 In this way does Olive Beaupre ing your organization (Ballard 7802 after 5 p.m.) with the presence of San Cristobal a favor begin her book of "Heroes, Miller by helping us complete this list P1 ANDERSON a Published by the Junior Liter- BUSINESS MANAGER DON Outlaws, and Funny Fellows", of names. land 409 South Fifth St. Phone Ballard 40119-18 collection of American popular ,:ary Guild and Doubleday, Doran Office Phone, Ballard 7800 tales presented in an amusing, des- & Company, Inc., New York. (Renard 7802 after 5 pci.) ed criptive manner and il ustrat *-- amseeSparhithahegC"ts ASSOCIATE EDITOR VANCE PERRY with Thurber-esque drawings by k NOTICE BEN FRIZZI and CONRAD LACY Richard Bennett. SPORTS EDITORS ...... ---__. NOTICE *- -- &saint HARRY GRAHAM FEATURE EDITOR --. In addition to the Kidd story If JOHN HEALEY Lost: A black leather is the story of Big Paul Bun- zipper there Spartan Knights: There will be We'r Paul Lain, J Blue Ox. Babe, des- purse between North Tenth street GENERAL NEWS: Wilbur Ages, Dorothy Christenson, yan and his a dinner tonight, Tuesday, at the roll C Betty Finley, Wendell Hammon, Marian Hammond, Svend H , the author as a tall tale the campus Douglass, cribed by Italian hotel basement. Dinner and yesterday Wont. Telei Eleanor Irwin, Gertrude March, Irene Melton, Elizabeth Moody, Margaret of the forest, of Maine, , ing. It contained quite Richter. Kenneth Robert, Florence Scudsro. will be at 6:00, after which there lot el Wisconsin, and Minnesota, as told will be a regular business meet- money, my student body card and shore. DAY EDITOR. This Issue- OTTO TALLENT by the loggers in the lumber ing. Those who cannot attend din- personal letters. REWARD to the roved camps. ner, be there at 6:4,5 for the bust- person returning it to 220 N. lOti

Editorials and features appearing In the Spartan Daily reflect the viewpoint For the romantically inclined neer+ meeting.The Duke. street or phoning Col. 5373. weren't of the writer and make no claim to represent student or colleg opinion, nor are therein they necessarily spressive of the Daily's own policy. Unsigned editorials r by th editor. EMPLOYEE OPERATED FOR STYLE AT SAVINGS San Elec tion Of A Queen . . games. Barbar The Student Council tonight will begin considering the Gras preparations and selection of students to head Spardi battlethr,,w to direct the Revelries, annual all-student musical show. Spardi Gras is one of the biggest celebrations during ELLIWS 33RD into a the year on the campus. It has grown tremendously since its But the !mooinception eleven or twelve years ago and it should continue much to grow and get better during the next decade. arises, or should Much of the anticipatory enthusiasm little arise, from the selection of the king and queen who rule the game campus for the day. Some observers feel, however, that, ex- ANNIVERSARY SALE ploited to the fullest extent, the choice of the royal digni- gismotal taries could arouse much more interest than it has in the cidStamn past. field pc4o^' Before last year, students merely submitted the name 20 to Starts Irene of one Tomorrow--- Wednesday of anyone whom they wished to get the job. Selection ahrtants from among the highest in this group was made by a movie star of some prominence. Ostensibly, the choice was made Ike season's greatest savings event, that marks the birthday of Woo by by the movie star. Last year, due to lack of interest, the Blum's, is only a few hours away! A gala celebration, filled with BIG thetiauri:hn:thi.rwo selection of the top few was taken from the hands of the value thrills and BIG savings! We are listing only a few of the sen- sational values! student body and left with the various organizations, and Plan to attend early tomorrow, Wednesday. threat the final choice was made via photo by Bing Crosby. Pickens, Started as a publicity stunt, the movie star angle is Plenty now worn thin as a Scotchman's dime. It makes the selection of our Spardi Gras royalty something of a farce; it is syn- good to, thetic. Sample Tech Skirts cli Much more enthusiasm could be aroused by bringing the thing back home. Put the selection of candidates for the detMeaotnedta king or queen into the hands of campus organizations and 6.95To 9.95 VALUES finally c Sizes 24 to 30 in famous brands' taking ik let them carry on a campaign to elect their candidate at a Mad plaids, gay stripes and soft .00 general election to be held a few days before Spardi Gras. woolens in solid colors . . . with Pictures of th women could be posted by the organizations tailoring and detail that make II and group's full strength put behind her in the campaign. these skirts prize "buys" Flare start WI- Enthusiasm in Spardi Gras can be fostered to a higher and pleated styles. To iluer, pitch than heretofore and one means by which to do it is by koelemite cultivating a spirited rivalry between campus organizations. Perry. 9.95 To 10.95 SPORT JACKETS www,n, fr - Torso and boxy styles with 3 and 4 OUStai

NOTICES NOTICES pockets . . . checks, stripes, tweeds .95 I Afinnes, -----.4 and solid colors of Soldier blue. fellow Is All Student Union hostesses Lost: One door-stretcher, near Brown, Green and Wine tones and on its n meet at 12:05 In back of the Mor- Industrial Arts building. Needed Indian Earth, Sizes 10 to 20. 26 to 7. ris Dailey auditorium today, Tues- for production of "Much Ado thi day. All advisers and hostesses be About Nothing". Return to Audrey Prvsent 1)411 sure to he present. Tracey or Peter Mingrone at for Speech department. caught TO 2." 3." SWEATERS greo There will be a meeting of the Sizes 14 to 20 in short sleeve coat and ruKhl 1 Flower Arrangement club In K4son All contributions to this pagei slip-on styles. V and crew necks, some 1.89 AS at 5:30 today to discuss the must be in by 1:30 the day before, styles with patch pockets. White, na- Althot flower show. Dues are now pay- they are expected to be published.' vy, soldier blue, beige, wine, rose and their tw able.(ieraldlne Monnot. green. they ha, ,arsItv Please type of contributions to! WIII all those whew, signed for this page. 1 At .;; the Botany club please meet to- this v1. of a ga night In Room 8207, Mr. Datteh- 2.00 SPORT SHIRTS orty's room, at 5 OxIllvs1 o'clock. Sizes 32 to 40 in a famous _CD/emeonzW brand 05 the s we can't reveal the name--but they Tamninc SCHOOL Itohirs Lost. Mabel Gomm' ropy of are labeled! White rayon, 2-way 1.69 defense. 315 TWOHY BLDG. neckline, short Goode's World Atlas, In It.00rn 1 sleeves. field eve htfooelve Business Courses of II. F.. building last woe*. Re- What lostrustiss turn to Lost and Found depart- he Jaggy A Small SchoolBut Very Thorough ment. off and 0 _SpaTtan Dadu SPORT SPARTANS GO SLANTS it2 oft THROUGH WET ID BENNIE FRIZZI a \ \LIFORNI \ I 1.sli.11, 01 1011LR 8,1940 SCRIMMAGE The "Flying Spartans" are ar- SHAKE-UP riving! IN FROSH GRID After a bad season opener, the San Jose gridders are getting hot. TEAM PROVES WISE MOVE FRED LINDSEY SPARKLES In their last three games they have roiled up 74 points, to their BY COACH HAMLOW IAGAINST FROSH DEFENSE oppooents zero. If they keep up clip, they may again the printout Coach Fred Hamlow's decision football when the going gets the top of the nation's If it rains for Friday night's game with San Diego State, San land tit that saw three virtually unknown tough. Bower was constantly In the heap. Jose's flying Spartans aim to be ready to slush on the soggy turf of high-stioring third stringers moved up to the opponents backfield last week and Spartan stadium. Garden City fans who file into starting line-up for the Santa Rosa kept the Spartan yearlings pepped They aren't going to be caught short like they were against Texas Spartan stadium Friday night will junior college game last week, up with his fiery line of chatter. A. & I. on the opening night of the season when old Jup Pluvius let go see a far different team perform proved the remaking of the fresh- Although Durate and Michaelis with a downpour Just at game time. against San Diego state than the man football team. did not score for the yearlings, which lord to Texas A. & I. WET SCRIMMAGE one Despite their 13 to 6 defeat their speed and deception in handl- per for Yesterday afternoon, Coaches Winkelman and Warner, backed up We'd be willing to bet our bank- the second straight loss, ing the ball on reverses and fake the year- by their assistants, Dee Portal and Walt McPherson, watched their roll (?) that San Jose would take lings looked like a spinners made the frosh a more different bail Spartans go through a drill in the irn the Texans if they were to meet club serious scoring threat. from that which lost to Salin- rain, ending up with a scrimmage again. And wed throw in a light as Durate and George Morasci, Willamette. very few fumbles were ot Junior college 33-0 in the season against the frosh. shower to boot. The Spartans opener. Spartan fullback, were Injured in committed. proved their could maneuver on a the Santa Rosa game, but accord- Although the turf wasn't as LINDSEY SHINES the The moving soggy field at Portland. They just of Del Colclough ing to Hamlow, both men will be soggy as it was opening night, the Standout of the scrimmage was Ott from weren't ready for Texas, and center to tackle and the mov- ready for the Modesto Junior col- Spartans showed they could handle the work of big Fred Lindsey, full- ;herein lies the story of their loss. ing-up of Louis Bowers, a third lege game Thursday night in Mo- the wet ball just as they did back transfer from Modesto junior stringer, at guard, and the starting desto. against Willamette on the muddy college. Big Fred, who stands 6 of Forrest Michaelis and Tony With a definite Portland field Friday night. feet tall and tips the scales around San Jose's future opponents scoring threat Durate at the halfback positions, In their new backfield the 200-pound mark, was ripping didn't do so well in their week-end combina- After the Texas game, Coach gave the frosh gridders just the tion, the frosh went into the froth team with plenty of games. Fresno and San Diego win- back to polish- Winkelman started to plan for spark they needed. ing their offensive plays, power, at times scattering three or ning, South Dakota, Loyola, Santa with the future, so that rain might not Colelough and Bowers in the hopes I four would-be tacklers along the Barbara and College of Pacific of clocking up their first prove the downfall of the Spartans line gave mentor Hamlow two ag- win of the year when they meet again. Ile even planned to go so right of way. gressive linemen who like playing Modesto. far as to wet down Spartan stadi- Lindsey can also throw the bail, U.O.P. gave Notre Dante a good um with a man-made storm before being rated No. 1 long-distance battle of it, marching right one practice session. passer on the squad. In his last through the Irish first string to go appearance before San Jose fans, Deciding Game He got plenty of cooperation into a 1 to 0 first quarter lead. SPARTAN WATER Lind.sey threw one about 35 yards from Old Man Rain yesterday as But the Irish came hack with too and scored a bull's-eye to little in Utah and Willamette, so now much man-power for a 25 to 7 Of Series Aubrey Minter for one of the fea- POLO SEPTET IS the Spartans are qualified to frolic victory. ture plays of the otherwise with the best of ducks. abbre- South Dakota found Iowa a Played Today DUE FOR SHAKEUP viated San Jose offensive. little too tough, dropping their Another San Jose reserve who game 46 to 0. Friday night's game between looked good last night was Stu San Diego State, next Spartan The seventh and deciding game By CHARLIE POLO8 the Spartans and Aztecs will Carter, right half. Stu broke loose opponent, took the measure of Oc- of the 1940 between be broadcast directly from the for a couple of nice runs around Showing that they still need cidental, displaying plenty of back- the Tigers and the Cincin- stadium over Radio Station the frosh right side. field power in doing so. Score was nati Reds will he played today, plenty of practice before they can KQW, starting shortly before NEW STUFF t 20 to O. with the Tiger power facing the become contenders for top water 8 o'clock. "Pop" Warner was feeding some Fresno State met stubborn re- Reds pitching. polo honors, San Jose State's new stuff to his boys yesterday, sistance from Santa Barbara's Cinncinati tied the series at water poloists are slated for in- which the unsuspecting Aztecs will Gauchos, although the Bulldogs three games apiece yesterday, win- During yesterday's practice the probably get a taste of Friday tensive practice sessions during Spartans son by a 20 to 0 count. Two tough ning 4-0, with win- handled the ball as If night: also probably to throw the the next three days. they were on Gaucho breaks resulted In two of ning his second game for the Reds. a dry field. As at (Connoted as Page Pow) the Fresno touchdowns, while the Walters allowed the Tigers five The play of the team in the Jr. Gauchos were able to do a little hits and contributed a home PAA tournament last Friday and threatening of their own. Larry for the Cinncinati cause. Saturday, although not altogether FROSH WATER POLOISTS Lichens, big Gaucho end, played Probable starting pitchers for , displeasing to Coach Charley plenty of ball for Santa Barbara. today's game will be Buck New- Walker brought out two or three PREPARE Terry. Mulkey and [rola looked FOR PALO ALTO nom,' who already has won two I weaknesses which will have to be good for Fresno. ganien, for the Tigers, and either remedied before the local septet Preparing for their return game defeated due to bad shooting on Loyola met a toughie in l'exas Jac Beggs or for ' meets the Olympic club in its first Wednesday the part of his forwards. Tech, dropping a 19 to 0 game. the Reds. afternoon with the Bay Cities water polo league game With Parker Snok, Montana State, which San Jose strong Palo Alto high school water Marty Tay- this coming Thursday. lor, and Don Thomson leading the defeated in its second game,: polo team. Coach Charlie Walker team at the forward positions and finally came through with a w A slight shake-up is in order TAU DELTA PHI is putting his frosh poloists the excellent ball handling of Al taking North Dakota State 7 to in the Spartan forward wall, with MEETS THURSDAY present plans calling for Jack through strenuous goal shooting Corcoran and FA Edleman in the Windsor and Guy Wathen to step practice. guard positions, Coach Walker's "Bud" DeGroot lost his first , in and show if they are capable Limit Friday in the local pool only trouble lies in the uncertain First night meeting of the quart- start with Rochester. dropping of giving Jack Whitaker a battle Palo Alto held the Spartlets to a goal scoring. its er will be held Thursday night by Opener against Oberlin, 20 to 12. for his forward position. The rest 4-3 win allowing no scores to be According to Walker, many Tau Delta Phi, men's honorary To Dud's credit goes the fact that of the forward wall, consisting of made in the latter half. With three shots, that should have resulted scholastic fraternity. Rochester moored more points in Gene Shirokoff and Bill 711ff, is the consecutive wins Coach Walker Is In goals were missed in the Palo According to Grand Magistrate their opener than they did all last spearhead of the Spartan attack. not taking any chances of being Alto game last Friday. season, Al Lindner, the meeting will begin in the Tower with a dinner at 6 Shirokoff covered himself with ; o'clock, followed by a business see- glory by tanking three goals in the .Gustavus forwards and backs breaking into Adolphus college of i sion during which plans will be 14-5 loss to ('al, and then came Minnesota, which the scoring zone with the ball. once claimed a I made for the initiation of new . hack the following night to score, fellow by the name of Bud Nygren ; pledges. three more goals against Stanford Final results of the PAA tour- PORK-- Oil its roster, lost to St. Norbert.. Nominations will open Thursday ,! as the Spartans lost an 8-4 de- ney found the California Bears X to 7. They probably could have 1 night, followed by a smoker and ! chdon, copping the meet with a thrilling Used this fellow Nygren, who at - - BEEF initiatory work toward the end of t ...... a 8-7 win over the Oly-mplc club. Present is playing lior proved himself as tough plenty of foot-ram the quarter. The Rearm had an early 9-2 lead ball for San Jose. silo Jose !sprint man as they come by con- which dissolved when the strong SANDWICHES caught a stantly gaining possession of the fleeting glimpse a Olympics finally their stride pen in NY- ball on the tip-offs. His only of- the Texas game. Friday cepted fumble run to a touchdown, goals from all night fensive weakness is his inability and began to tank they'll get an eyeful. mail like a back- he packed the to cut sharply and lose his op- angles. The Olympic club's first IN ADDITION than an end. field man, rather ponents on quick scoring thrusts. team was not entered in the meet, Although the frosh have lost In George Morawl and Al Har- inasmuch as they won the Senior TO OUR their the inability of his two opening football game., desty, the (man have a couple of To overcome PAA meet, and were not eligible they plays in have the makings of several capable fullbacks. Morose' Is a charges to set up scoring to compete in the Jr. meet. The varsity games over week- Famous Donuts prospects on their rooter. punter of no mean ability, while their first two team which bowed to the Bears At Walker is stressing Santa Rasa Friday night. Hardesty plunges with the bast Amd, Coach was a combination of second and this of intensive Vic Robinson played a whale of thorn. ' teamwork in a series third stringers, some of whom may of a the important game game at end. He is being Tony Duarte, left half, who got drills before face the Spartans Thursday night. tough Olympics this groomed for a future starring role an awful kick in the nose Friday with the on the tournament games In the playoff for third place, SPARTAN varsity. night. is another little guy with week. In the had Stanford's septet took the measure Robirunn wasn't the gridiron last week-end the Spartans only terrific on plenty of fire on of the Spartans to the tune of defense, but he the hall in enemy territory a num- DONUT SHOP was all over the 8-4. Three quick goals in the sec- field recovering Robinson. Al ber of times, but failed to score Formerly RAINBOW SHOP fumbles and doing In the line with ond quarter helped sink the Spar- what not. On "Sag" Sah- due to inexperience in breaking the two occasions Coiclough. t 'kir and Orpos,te Oho cel,,DUS at the right instant tans' chances of emerging from lifted the ball, once on a kick- ltatellon, 235-pound center, looked , for the hole off passes from the the tank with third place medals. and again on a Ito receive set-up OUP 65-Yard inter- plenty sweet TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, IU40 r AGE FOUR SPARTAN DAILY, ALL-CO-ED STAGE CREW NOD LISPING . . . AMERICA'S IDEALS JUST HAB A SLINGS PROPS FOR CODES’ALL MUST BE DEFENDED "Hob you dod a code?" SHAKESPEARE PLAY "I certainly hab, bind't id dis- C gusdingr LAIms pOYTRESS An all-woman stage crew will With 15 to 20 students report- office be used for the first time in a ing colds to the Health Margaret "As I gee it," said Dr. William H. Poytresa, social science KaIlam Win local campus production when the daily, according to Miss head,! pertinent head, " we !save to make up our minds whether or mg% San Jose Players present their Twombly. Health department are going to fight, and we are going to have to make them up Two Medds In opening drama of the 1910-41 sea- this is the general run of conver- sae "We are not a warlike people," Poytress stated, "we hold elos son, "Much Ado About Nothing". sation that may lie heard around hoping that the passing of time will make everything all right h The crew, made up of six Spar- the campus. Pistol Match the meantime our potential enemies grow stronger, while vie wai, tan Co-esia, is under the direction Colds seem to start around Oc- - for something to solidify public opinion." of Peter Mingrone, who describes tober, and carry through to Janu- Frank Kellam, captain of San The situation in the Far Essti his charges as "very willing ary or February, Miss Twombly State college's Pollee School the source of much divided sow Joao workers", although the some- says; "so everyone should keep as pistol team, won two medals for according to Poytress, times "hate to get their hands physically fit as possible during New Discussionitin, distinguished shooting at a pistol many people will not agree sia. meowed up and therefore perform this time." match sponsored by the Alameda the sources of our vital supplless their duties gingerly." "The following simple rules Pollee department in Oakland last of tin and rubber are worth fit. Difficult tasks of a regular crew should help the students to ward Group Holds according to Miss Janet log for. There is something Sunday, are reduced to a minimum by off the annoyance of a having a zl in ti Police School sec- far apart of the world that Schuitzberg. equipment of the Shakespearean cold," Miss Twombly said. irst Meeting if America is WI'defend retary. comedy sets with rollers to facili- I. Stay In bed a whole day and to sum.. won a distinguished and that is the friendly Kellam tate changes of scene, accord- rest, rather than fight off a cough score of 282 out of a of the people of medal with a ing to Mingrone. or sniffles for two weeks. Study of the records of the life Australia, Na points in an honor Zealand, the Dutch possible 300 Besides the all-woman crew, the 3. Eat light but notuishIng foods. of Jesus is to. be discussed by the East Inds, the Camp Perry and China." roll match at opening drama of the Players' None of these snacks grabbed at newly formed VW-YMCA discus- necessary to have a "This war is a war course. It is twelfth annual season offers nov- odd hours. sion group which will hold its first of ideal, or over in three of declared Poytress. "Our score of 270 elty in the sets themselves. Mtn- 3. Drink fruit Juices and lots of supper meeting at the Student idesi roll matches to win a :American way these honor grone points out. A new type of water if you feel a cold coming on. Center Wednesday evening from 5 the of life, and so Schuitzberg stated. that k worth medal, Miss scene, the periaktoi, adopted from 4. Get as much sleep as possible. to 7 o'clock, with sure Brown ideal anything b he won for the third fighting for. Yesterday the ancient Greek drama, will he II. Wear clothes suitable to the Harris acting as chairman. worth History is entl time to qualify. proved that for me." used in the production. weathe r, including protection According to Mrs. Harris, this ris A silver medal for second place "rhe trouble is," Poydess 3 According to Mingrone, the new against wet weather at football is to be a unique type of discussion us in the senior expert's class over tinued, "we are being yell set is a triangular shaped struc- games. in which the role of the leader is encroschn a National match course, was also upon. The world is growing ture with three scenes on it, the 6. Avoid other persons with merely to ask questions, and that snit Pre- won by Kellam, according to Miss pr every day. Nations with "PI; entire set placed on eastern; to colds. of the group to attempt to put Idea> Sehultzberg. gies and ideals contrary facilitate turning. 7. C to the Health office for aside all preconceptions of Jesus, to an In the team match, the San Jose are beginning to surround 0 Eight sets and twelve set relief, it your cold persists in spite and of religion in general, in an a Pistol club won a trophy for plac- Nazis and Fascists are moving os will changes will be used in "Much of the other six rules. effort to discover from the records ing first in class B, and Kellam way from the East, now Coo Ado About Nothing". Since tlb of Matthew. Mark. and Luke the the Is was high man on the team with panese are aligned tali changes are all fast ones, the all essential content of Jesus' teach- against us a score of 282 points. No awards the West. Next will come pressor! Pt women stage crew will have te INFORMATION ings. were given to individuals in this from South :m.1 l'entr I fore work rapidly. Mingrone says. No, The question to be answered by krierira match, the secretary stated. OFFICE HOLDS America's problem today h Sew time to stop and powder noses. the study is: By what method do Is greater than any Lea. LOST ARTICLES we achieve successful living? question as how we are too defend our Al sloth The meetings are open to all CAMP GROUP channels of trade and canners Arai IFigures l'he billowing list of "lost and men and women students. Show iound" articles has been compiled in the opinitpoo I Poynress Li n HEAD CHOSEN by Bill Evans of the Lost and is problem of defending the dons to '7780 Students Found department. All articles are crane ideal and the Anterkantre will FOR NEW TERM being held in the Information of- CHOIR, DRAMA TO of life. Gou fice, Room 1, where they may lx- "A lone democracy in a totals pros Must Regtster HAVE JOINT PICNIC Stev Election of officers was held by obtained by the owners. &Irian world could never compete ing I the Camp Leadership group when The title of the book and the on an even basis. We would his Recently released figures from Plans for a picnic supper to be the they met in the Science building owner's name are given in the fol- to turn totalitarian to surrive,a1 the Registrar's office of San Jose held at Alum Rock Park Sunday yesterday noon, according to Ru- lowing list: "El Portal", Irene I don't think we want that," Pop. State college show that 840 stu- were made at a meeting of all the thadele Taylor, last year's presi- Meer eer y; "Fundamentals of tress concluded. dents and members of the faculty Speech majors which was held dent. New officers for the year are Speech", Ruth Eliot; "Modern will have to register for military last week in the Little Theater. Inola Ford, president; Tom Wilson, World History", Louise Ortaida; service on October 16. Those Included in the picnic will STRING QUARTETS program chairman; and Kenneth "Plant Kingdom", Bud Roberts; Out of the 840 eligible men 644 be members of the verse choir, Stephens, secretary-treasurer. "Physical Science", Loren Rosen- PRESENT RECITAL are from the State college, and Drama department, debate teams, Gumbo at the meeting included berg; and "Plant Kingdom". Har- 136 are from the Junior college. and others who are majoring in Miss Gertrude Witherspoon, pro- lan Smith. Miss Frances Robinson, adz. The remaining 60 men are from speech. gram chairman for the San Jose There are also in the Lost and and chamber music teacher, SI1 the faculty, announced the presi- Transportation will be provided Council of Girl Scouts, who told Found office a Math A syllabus, present the first of a series d dentx dent's office. for the group, which plans to the group how they could assist a Political Science notebook be- chamber music recitals this dig Irwin The men who are eligible for the leave the college about 4 o'clock the Girl Scout movement. Another longing to Kay Connelly, two noon at 4 o'clock in Room 1011d date service must register in their regu- in the afternoon. Each person will guest was Miss Muriel Smith. Girl binders, one of the property of the Music building. Polio tar voting place, and those who provide his own food. Reserve secretary for the City Charles Pyle and the other of Mar- A string quartet, tomprised Li' will not be able to register in YWCA. jorie Robinson. A purse has also Sydney Voight and Leon list deal their regular voting places must Approximately thirty members been turned in which belongs to thews, violins, Denis Barrett, rie pat ro register either in the nearest vot- were present at the meeting. Bill Starrett. la, and Mauriine Cornell, 'erli John ing place to the house in which FOOTBALL will play Haydn's Quartet, OP ate, they arc living, or the one nearest 33, No. 2. a poi to the college, announced the (Continued from Page Three) vol Registrar of Voters office Phi Epsilon Kappa Spartan Knights yester- And,' day afternoon. Library Society Meet Tonight Outlines Program reports of Aztecs scouts off the gradu trail of Spartan success, Gives Chinese Dinner non,'., one q To Plan Theatron Initiates Phi Epsilon Kappa, National pro- One of the brilliant spots of Initiation Members of Bibliophiles, fibre': La MI fessional men's physical education Man Joi e. play at Portland MLA the society and minors, 011. Eleven Members fraternity, discussed the year's work of Ed Wenberg at right end. of majors twat Spartan Knights, honorary men hold a dinner tonight I: Not plans at their first meeting Sstur- FA, classified as the "unsung hero" Chinese service fraternity, will lay plans 6:30 at the Chinese Lantern. in Liu Eleven new members were ini- day lllll ening, accoording to) Leroy of the Spartan machine by one of for initiation of a new class of Doris Gates, assistant libraries SlOrp j tiated into Theatron, 11111, Premident. his starring tea tea, really "Squire" neophytes at their meet- honorary and new book nical The fraternity consists of playedhang-u1, game against writer of the ing scheduled tonight at 6 o'clock! dramatics society, at a meeting 25 speske: tory. boys, ranging in age the llam Plate", will be guest on San Augustine street. of the group held Friday night at from eight to Bearcats Friday night. 11, Majors and minors in librane the home of Hugh Gillis, Speech most of them youngsters of Ed was slamming down would- Duke Harvey White states that ship. and alumni and friends department head. I San Jose State college faculty. I' pass receivers before DEA approximately fifteen "Squire!'" they got :ire invited The new They decided on a well-balanced the library. students members are Ely Dra- across the line of scrimmage, Wit. Gran ADI will he initiated into the frater- ; program it tend the affair. Miss golu, Roberta Long, Lloyd Lynes, of sport and physical ac- piling up interference, and nity this quarter, terminating with doing' the orgalat Johnson t ivities, including gymnastics, all on, things a first . Hines is president of Mosier, Ruth Froelich, soft- classi end i s MI. Informal "Hell Week" activity. ball, basketball. lion. Howard Meitoon, Maynard Burton, tumbling. supposed to do. With his running dreg', During the spring quarter, itu. Arehle Case, Audrey Tracey, Bar- mate, John Allen on the other "Ethp, Knights plan to initiate a second bara Lee Renal), and Ray St. John. side, San Jose's ends put on quite Co-operatives Hold at rl op class of "Squires" and are nov, The D. S. G.'s SCHEDULE following students wet. as shew for the Portland fans. accord making plans to have the fresh- elected officers of the Open House society SPECIAL MEETING San Diego, with one of its best rite) r man class take an active part in Barbara Lee Minh, president i1.11111% ill history, o to) Si.,, housegn The the naming of at least three new Roberta Long. vice-president; 11, ii'.,. co-(1.1.1uvi and Delta Sigtea Gamma, on-campus Jose bent on asenging Mc CI mendwrs in the spring. defeats the campus will hold open toil Audrey Tracey secretary. social fraternity, will man I hold an Ern- Wandered on them by Spartan Thursday night from 7:30 to OP The plan, White eyelids's, calls Aiortant special tend. meeting tonight high -scoring onaehines of t IMO Mary POL fresh class to start think- Mary (1osorge, for the NOTICE I instead of tomorrow night as pre- t%%0 yearns. Offi ing of their three outatanding men 1 viously planned, according to Bill Coach Leo Calland gHathile a;edfierlIP nieetir students now, eulminating in final is rtort.:pedma-lInull tire Booth, publicity chairman. le have a w ju st 011 Presid the Lust: An Alpha Omega ealt h of backfield public to eome and Si'(' selection for ap al of pin. Ini- The meeting will be at the fro- hos it g Presid terial on hand. w i I riv.:s S:t n 1 1.0-op house is like anti Knights during the spring quarter ths& A.11.11. on back. Art Houk. ternity house at Marjo 601 South Fifth I Diego's convincing victory over Arnold Mehlhaff Initiation. , col. 337011t. Reward. st reet run, announces Mnro occident:II last week -end. maniti.zir or 1.*Ao.rt I fill