The Six Operations for Sheaves on Artin Stacks Ii: Adic Coefficients
THE SIX OPERATIONS FOR SHEAVES ON ARTIN STACKS II: ADIC COEFFICIENTS YVES LASZLO AND MARTIN OLSSON Abstract. In this paper we develop a theory of Grothendieck’s six operations for adic con- structible sheaves on Artin stacks continuing the study of the finite coefficients case in [12]. 1. Introduction In this paper we continue the study of Grothendieck’s six operations for sheaves on Artin stacks begun in [12]. Our aim in this paper is to extend the theory of finite coefficients of loc. cit. to a theory for adic sheaves. In a subsequent paper [13] we will use this theory to study perverse sheaves on Artin stacks. Throughout we work over a regular noetherian scheme S of dimension ≤ 1. In what follows, all stacks considered will be algebraic locally of finite type over S. n Let Λ be a complete discrete valuation ring and for every n let Λn denote the quotient Λ/m so that Λ = lim Λ . We then define for any stack X a triangulated category D (X , Λ) which ←− n c we call the derived category of constructible Λ–modules on X (of course as in the classical case this is abusive terminology). The category Dc(X , Λ) is obtained from the derived category of projective systems {Fn} of Λn–modules by localizing along the full subcategory of complexes whose cohomology sheaves are AR-null (see 2.1 for the meaning of this). For a morphism f : X → Y of finite type of stacks locally of finite type over S we then define functors + + − − Rf∗ : Dc (X , Λ) → Dc (Y, Λ), Rf! : Dc (X , Λ) → Dc (Y, Λ), ∗ ! Lf : Dc(Y, Λ) → Dc(X , Λ), Rf : Dc(Y, Λ) → Dc(X , Λ), − op + + Rhom Λ : Dc (X , Λ) × Dc (X , Λ) → Dc (X , Λ), and L − − − (−)⊗(−): Dc (X , Λ) × Dc (X , Λ) → Dc (X , Λ) satisfying all the usual adjointness properties that one has in the theory for schemes and the theory for finite coefficients.
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