B12 — FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 199.G — UNION COUNTYWIDE CLASSIFIED '96 storms in The power of the mind Suspect wanted Blizzard dumps mounds of snow Stress is revealed to be the Police are looking for a suspect shutting down county operations cause of many psychosomatic wanted for an alleged armed Automotive for the day, Page B1. illnesses, Page B4. robbery. See sketch, Page 3.

"OTTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE AUTO WANTED 1988 CHEVY VAN. Sones 20. 36,000 mi'es. 1975 MERCEDES BENZ 2805. Fu' •/ onrtod •983 POhmAC FIREBIRD V-6..autc~iat'C, a:r ABLE PAYS TOP $$$ IN CASH f^e! injection, excellent condition $5 500 or 130.000 miles. S1250 or ncgol-aolc Good condition, power brakes/ steering Not runnng best olfor. Call 688-1785 f AUTOMOTIVE J condi!on Ca'l 201-672-07.IB. Body rr.-nt Extr'n rear wirdow 57C0 CO Do- For AM 4 Whool Drlvos ra'd, 9C8-686-21 16. 1985 MERCURY TOPAZ Notar, r.c-^o me- 1986 CHEVY CAMARO, T-roo(. AMFM cas- CARS, TRUCKS and VANS sotto, power windows, seats, air. d'gital dash, chanical TLC S800 or boil c-l'er 1989 F'OfJTIAC 1 RANS AM GTA W-'te' g-ay. U- cruise Runs groat S250O o' best oMer 908-6B7-8566 * 305. 5 spoed. power steering, brakes, wii- AUTO DEALERS 908-686-4931. 1987 NISSAN SENTRA XE spor: COJSC •: dows. a-rv!rr cassette •: IK S8 COO necot ah.'e FREE PICK UP 7 DAYS : ?017<8'53 SMYTHE VOLVO i 095 DODGE NEON SDO-1 . 5 month old. ..cylinder nutcTa^c hatchback 30 rrpg l >cei- "Your Best Source For Community Information '•' •'..CM rr.'r.r. oxco'io-.: ranrt.t.or. IV:y loarind' loni conoition $2950 or boss o!!or 1-800-953-9328 "TTotL-r-ro-d-io-TTS-oraon—-5"! nco~ Cair" _l2ai-£ONTJAC_TnAt|IS AM. a.;'c~irivc. b'ack 201 76?-5?95 end go-d, 62.000 n^i.es Fxc'j!\.-r: cor'c'z^' VOLVO DEALER 1987 PLYMOUTH TOURISMO •"••cyl.rder. a:'- 1 908-688-2044 Clean. Loadeo $2,500 or best o'V Ca RAHWAY, N.J., VOL.6 NO.13—THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1555 tf.92 DODG!:: SPIRIT 20.000 mi'es. •'. doors, condifonofj, power steering, power traKcr. 9C8-B5: -965-1 A WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER ~TmrSE~C7IONS~-=~"25 CENTS • air condit onrg. po'.vor locks, tape deck, excel- A^FM Gtoreo. Excellent condil^on $i.'.CC bos: (908) 273-4200 1 ollttr. Call 908-688-8282. $S$WE PAY TOP DOLLAR$$$ :r/nt co-,d-:on S87C0 Evos. 5D2-C92- ,. 1990 VOLKSVVAGON FOX, red .•.7.000 r-:-. r r AUTHORIZED 1985 PLYMOUTH RELIANT SE.-i door sedan. Excetlont conrittion. New b akes. ti'o . n-d 1989 DODGE-SPIRIT ES. 6 cylinder, ajtorra- FACTORY SERVICE r 60K, great' !am:iy car, very rcuablo. Ujst see. exhaust system. Manual transmission. SJ500 For Your Junk Car t.c, ai . A^ Ff.1 cassette, pcv.er wir-dows/ locks. $K50 O' be" c"er. 900 686-8623 Call ?01-763-5223, anytime LONG TERM LEASING 8.:.0C0 miles. Fxer-'icnt condit on $4,900 Ca;l 24 Hour Service. Call: 762 8053 City braves record-setting snow storm AUTO FOR SALE DREAM MACHINES - got n p-ctu-e ol your car") 908-688-7420 • -'?0 A'JDl ?0C TUHRO, g'ecn. Dlacx leather, 1 Run it lor 4 weeks, only $35. Call C'asr.il;ed a: CHARGE-IT! c:'."--' ga-ii~,od Longed Swnroo1, phone, ex- 800-564-8911 (or details. Highlights (..-•• t" ? tt-.a-.c- S83CO 9C8-273-1368. Classified now accepts TRUCKS FOR SALE City catches two feet 1984 HONDA CIVIC. Hatchback. 5-speed, rjood running condition. Needs little body work 1995 CHEVROLET G-30 Cn-cjovm Aircondi- :f*fl5 AUtDl -'.COOS. •'. door, DOWC windows. Asking S1.400. Call 908-686-3853. sa as er arc Toning. 8.000 rnlos, oxtonrifd warantt.-o. 5-r.rjeoc. rr'nr.jai :.'ans™iijCon No bony d.Tn- 520.500 1987 Chevrolet G-30. ca'govan. Snow and ice n~e 0' rus: Exce'ent cond'i o° S'.25O 'irrn rMoitefCarol - of snow during blizzard 1990 HONDA CRX SI. 5 speed, red exterior. !^^5^l ^' ' ^ * ^ ' hightop, aircondit cing. cruise, s? .olver>. f"\ick ?Z\-7f,?.-i36- S'ack mteria-. power sun roof. Sony stereo with box. a"arm. n-any rev; parts, S2.8C0 1987 The Department of Public By Donna Segnl AUTO SPECIAL - 32? CO 'o- !0 weeks prcsa-i. l 0 disk CD player. 90.000 highway miles Well Chevrolet Astrovan. cargovan Airconoijoi ng Works has released notice to the city's Public Works Department S2.CO0. Cn'f 908-687-1756. Cn C ,i5s'ed (c- c!o:n Is 8C0-564-8911. rramta.ned. Asking S4BC0. Call 201-701-1730. residents regarding sailing, snow Managing Editor who has been helping out during the 1986 HONDA PRELUDE Si. black, 5 speed. WORRALL COMMUNITY storm said, "we have been plowing • 5eo BUICK CENTURY Es:a:o Wngo", ••.-doo\ removal and sanding. Earlier this week New Jersey was r Dowor everything. Looks and runs groat. Car m. >\-:e. DOWC" s!ec:rg Drakes, w.^cows; a - Maplewood $3500. Call Owen, 212-865-8065 NEWSPAPERS FREE Information! paralyzed by what has been called the the snow from curb to curb and our ccc>" cr" fQ. AW FM jlereo wilh amrji.fyor. row In the event of a snow or ice :-er, S2.CC0. e00-B9.:6 biggest blizzard on record,. and it biggest problem has been parked cars 1993 G2C. leather sunroof, power storm, the following streets are seems it will take days for many mun- on Ihe streets." 1933 OUICK LESABRE. V-8wi:h ovordnvo. a!i aa-~., dual air bags. A B.S.. auto, dea'er 1-800-564-8911 ma "tamed -'.2K highway miles Si3 900 686"9o93 not maintained by the city's p;wc--, '^'/ oaded, 06K. mint condition, cr.o icipalities, including Rahway, to He added, "we have every piece of 201-762-H08 and enter n four digit Public Works Department, hut return to normalcy. equipment and ' every available 1989 B'ack. J.rioo:, instead by the state With close lo llirce feet of snow, the employee working to clear the roads." •583 ELDORADO Binrz. fully f selection number below! : loaded, mm! co"dition, original owner, ga - Transportation Department: St. ' cade: a i ooto"s 'oa;her Beautiful car, 1 blizzard caused schools and busines- Smalling also stressed Ihe impor- T n • a-; o kes: $5850 or best oiler. aged, clean Must see S6.995 / best offer Call Georges Avenue and Routes 201-763-5364 DREAM ses to close, and caused a state of tance of residents moving their cars 5C8-fiSf. 8623 SHOPPING 1&9. The DOT may be reached emergency to he declared, throughout from the streets. "With the amount of 1987 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD E>egaija FOR A CAR by calling (201) 648-7011. Bronze, rag-too, now t:res, leatner mtonor, the stale, the county as well as the snow we have, there is no place to put powc everything Clean throuonout Ga'ago ' MACHINEs The following streets are city. Government was shut down, the snow, so we really need people lo kept $3700' nogot'ab'-c Can 201-325-0154. 1200 Fuel Efficiency maintaned by the Unuon County highways were closed lo all but move their ears so that when we come 1989 CHEVROLET CORSICA, .'.-door, aulo- 1201 How Much To Spend Road Department: Eli/.abelh rr.at.c. ai'conditanod. now tiros, battery, alter- 1202 Insurance Tips rater. Good body, good rr.echarvca'ly S3.000 Avenue from West (Jrand Call Mrs. Barnett. 90a-B8S-'1 500 1203 Getting Started Avenue to Jones Place- 201-763-6093 ' ' 1204 Sticker Prices Lawrence Street; Madison Hill Get it In gear with 1985 CHEVY Camn-o black, auto-natic. air 1205 Sales Agreement Road; New Brunswick Avenue cendit on'ng. Low rr\!eage. Very well mam- TOP $$$$ PAID 1206 Ordering A New Car the Auto Special 1 from West llazelwood Avenue Anything interesting happe tan.ed. Must see S1800 or best oiler • CaUjfeUi^/VaJuu 1207 Rebates 10 wrrks - 2O words 201-761-7388. to St. Georges Avenue; Ross you during the blizzard? Tell' only $22.fM> prrpalrl 1208 Warranties Street; Hast Grand Avenue; m Suljria Our vrlikic per rid • 986 CHEVY CAVALIE R CL. automatic trans- SOO-6G29O5O 1209 Financing your favorite story and we'll No nbbrpvintions rr.'SSion, power steering, windows. locks, trunk, Consignments West Grand Avenue; West No refunds ti't-steenng. cruise control. ArvlFM cassette, 4 Welcome 1210 Owner Satisfaction Ilazehvixid Avenue from St. publish it next week. Above, this van might not be started until April, or until its owner comes to dig it out, whi- Privnif? party advertisers only door, gold, 90K miles. S28C0 firm. Call Gera.-d chever comes first: The van.was encased in snow along Central Avenue. Below, one of the or leave message. 908-352-022-1. Georges Avenue to Hart Street; PnCR ol vehicle Is only copy c^ngo many signs sticking cut of a pile of snow, notifying residents of no parKing zones due to the .. S m your Cummur.::\i ;nm." emergency personnel, and today, hack we can plow il out to me crib." P.O. Box 158 ing, power Brakes, air conditioning, rwo door, 908-964-7024. 1-4-96 WORRAU. COMMlINlTi NEWSPAPERS from Hlizahcth Avenue in Route ailiiougii the snow iiuy iia^e'slopped. ''V-'t siurtfu walking Surula) ai ', Maplewood. N.J. 07040 automata, gray, good condition S18OO. Call 908-486-4538. 1; West Scoit Avenue; and the cffcelK of the blizzard arc far from a.m. wilh sailers and sanders." Small- Westficld Avenue. To contact over. ing said, "and we went into full blown the county, call 789-3676. According lo Police Capt. Fidward plowing at 1 p.m. and we ran con- Tilton, the city seems to be keeping up stantly for at leasl 24 hours." He All other streets are main- with the storm. added about 26 people who work in tained by the city's Public "We're doing very well." Tilton Ihe department were out plowing the Works Department, which can said, "we've had a few cars that had to streets since Sunday. MULTI'S CHEVY/GEO YEAR-END My "kind of people. be reached by calling 827-2060. be towed but not that many." According to Smalling. the city's Tilton also said a few accidents two new dumptrucks which were pur- were reported, but nothing too severe chased earlier this year, have been a When the snow Is falling, and conditions are getting belter. big help in clearing major roads, such you'll have school closing "It couldn't get any worse than as Madison Avenue. "It's goixi to Information at your fingertips. wliji^t_wj^jnjjgn_said. "Traffic is _have them especially during a storm WN ENDS MONDAY! Conventional flowing and things are beginning to of this size." CALL (908) 686-9898 tV llnlcr ihe 4-iUtiH selection « improve." "I believe lhal in comparison lo a MORE 1HAN WO QUALiry-T£ST£D wisdom might dictate Tillon added that il seemed thai lot of other towns, from what I have It's Rahway .residents- were complying heard from a lot of people, Rahway is USED (MS JO CHOOSE fROM... with ihe stale of emergency issued doing a very good job in keeping up '91 Ford Tauns Wagon that the more expen- free! and stayed off the roads. "Judging by with the storm and making the roads Blue,6c/l.auto.. P'S/8. A.C, tintgi'ss. rr rjeir, ir.t *e0CE Ihe amount of traffic that was on the driveable," Smalling said. "The roads m ^ lour Communiti'i B Jones Place: To contact the county, call '92 Chevy Caprice there's a bit more to holiday. All garbage normally who have not cleared their sidewalks, cars on the road that shouldn't have notice to residents'regarding salting, Lawrence Street: Madison Hill Road: 789-3676. It', blue metallic. 4 dr., 8 cyl. auto., P/S/B. A/C. unt glass, they will first be looking to see how been. Our biggest problem was with rr delr, int. v/ipers. AMFM 36 070 mi. *oooc collected thai day will be col- snow removal and sanding. New Brunswick Avenue, from West All'oilier streets are maintained by much voluntary compliance ihere is. the parked cars," Smallini; said. VINfNWt1384B §9993 lected on Thursday. In the event of a snow or ice storm, Hazelwood Avenue to St. Georges the cily's Public Works Department, customer satisfaction When reflecting on the amount of "If a road is not an emergency road the following streets are not main- Avenue: Ross Street: East Grand which can be reached by calling '92 Nissan Maxima snow the city got during the storm, then we cannot ask the police to make Avenue; West Grand Avenue; West 827-2060. Gold. 4 dr., 6 cyl. auto.. P.'S. B.V; iks'Ant, AC. tir.l glass, rr. rJefr., tained by the city's Public Works than money. Like a Tree collection Tilton said, "if it snows again, I don't people move vehicles," Smalling said, Department, but inslead by the stale Hazelwood Avenue, from St. Georges The storm of 1996 may be the mi. w.pers AWFM stereo KSS till, cruise moon ^.f. oft_ rool. 45,650 m. VINJNT022731 $1Z,99O Residents will be able to dis- know where we're going to put it. In "so if residents live on a tighter Transportation Department: St. Avenue to Hart Street; West Inman largest snow storm in the history .'1 pose of their Christmas trees my driveway alone I'm saying to streets, if they do get all the cars Avenue, from Dukes Road to St. '91 Chevy S-1Q Blazer Georges Avenue and Routes 1&9. Ihe state bul the winter of 1996 just pressure-free show- myself that if it snows again I'm removed from the streels, they should Georges Avenue; West Milton 2 dr.. maroon, 6 cyl. auto. P/'S/B/W/Lks. A;'C, lint glass, Monday through Jan. 24. on the The DOT may be reached by calling started. City officials are urging resi- call the department and we would be '96 LUMIIMA rr. delr.. rr. v/iper. int. wipers. AM/FM slereo *.. .«_ first regular garbage day of the going tii have lo pile il on top of my (20!) 648-7011. Avenue from St. Gecrges Avenue to dents to drive carcfuly and give them cass. till, cruise. 56.801 mi.VIN#M8231537. $10,493 week. only. house. glad to plow ihe slreet curb to curb as The following streets are main- Route 1; East Scott Avenue from Eli- selves time to get from one place to Med adriatic blue met., med blue cloth int., 3.1 L SFI V6 eng. room and a pleasant Mike Smalling, an employee with soon as possible." zabelh Avenue to Route 1; West Scott another. w/4-spd. auto, trans., P/S/B, rr. window defog.. A/C, AM/FM stereo '92 Chevy Hi-top Conversion Van Residents must place trees at taned by the Unuon County Road cass SfKf(7000. VINffTH 00186. MSRP $17,065 White. TV VCP leather int.. 8 cyl. auto w;overdr P/S/BW/ the curb with all decorations Lks/Sts A.C tint glass, int wipers AM'FM service department, both fjull of regular folks—you stereo cass, tilt cruise 22.359 mi. ^._ .-_ removed; trees placed in plastic VINfN7111614 !>l/,4y3 know, sort of like you. And at Saturn, those people hags will not be collected. After years of anonymity, a street gains a name '94 Chevy S-10 Blazer All trees collected will be • Black. 4 dr 6 c/l. auto., P/S/B/WLks. A/C, tint glass, rr. sent to a mulching/composting By Christopher Toohey Then the debate g a i n e d is," Jones said. "If you call it 'Gar- for the good of Rahway'.'" he added. "You've got lo desenhc it delr rr wiper int. wipers. AM/FM stereo ^. _ ___ happen to come along with a well-built, affordable facility. For nxire information, StafT Writer momentum. bage Incinerator Drive.' you might Last year's Council President Sal correctly." cass till cruise. 35,725 mi. VIWR2104386. $10,993 call the Office of Recycling at Since ihe construction of Ihe The first name discussed was "the soothe a couple of egos on this coun- Mione agreed with his successor in Rainone also suggested ihat i! ..i '94 Ford Bronco XLT 827-2150. Resource Recovery Facility, Ihere has access road to Ihe Resouee Recovery cil, but I think it puts a blight on Ihe that ihe name would bring unflatter- person illegally parks a vehicle on iliat Maroon 4x4 2dr. 8cyl auto.w/overdr. P/S/B/WLks.A/C. car. So maybe cus- been an adjoining access road thai has Facility." C'it'y of Rahway." ing attention. As an example, he ciled street and is issued a ticket, that ticket lint glass rr delr, int wipers, AM/TM stereo ^__ ___ had an identity crisis. Unsatisfied with that description, Having experience in real eslate. the instance of the prison in Mid- may. be contested by the nu>u>nsr cass tilt cruise. 20.835 mi. VI(tfflLAI8670. $ZU,993 '95 TAHOE 4X4 tomer satisfaction Free firewood That ended when the City Council, Democratic Councilman Jerry Cole- Councilwoman Nancy Saliga agreed dlesex County being named, Rahway arguing he had no idea that slreet w,i> during its caucus meeling last week, Prison. "Il was never in Rahway," he Garbage Incinerator Drive,' because Onyx Black and silver w/gray int., 2 door, 5.7L EFI V8 eng., 4-spd. '93 Chevy K-5 Blazer Sport w/Plow Any resident in need of man moved to amend Ihe ordinance lo with Jones, and said naming the street said, "but we had lo live with that auto trans, w/overdrive, P/S/B/W/Lks/Mir/St, A/C, 6,250 LB GVW, Sil'.er auto start 2 dr.. 8 cyl. auto, w/overdr. P/S/B/W/ tj all about money, firewood/wood chips should stop assigned the road a name — not an call the street "Garbage Incinerator "Garbage Incinerator Drive" would ihe car had been parked in front o! the off-road chassis package, cruise, AM/FM stereo cass '.v/CD Lks/St, A.C, tint glass, rr delr, rr wiper, ml wipers AM/FM by the Department of Public official slreet name, bul one thai could Drive." His motion was seconded by decrease ihe value of homes in Rail- name. You know ihe rap we gol over Resource Recovery Facility. slereo cass tiit cruise. 47596 mi ^~. .._ XJ the years" You went out to.California, Stk#6611. VIN#SG114751. MSRP S30.674. The 1996 Stiturn SU. Manufacturer',! Retail Price Works, located at rtalii>n. aiir Inuwponalion. prison Just think about what you're Monday through Friday. Incinerator Access Road." every member of the council, except- values of ihe houses in Rahway and 1 doesn't exist in the city. Calling it the /XK I 7i';.v. licen.'C, I'ptii'ii,' diiJ Mate-rcifitire^ about to do." Now One Of Tri-state's Largest-Volume Discount Chevy/Geo Dealers! The issue was discussed during the ing Republicans Frank Janusz and urge you strongly to renonsider, to ' 'Access Drive to the Garbage Inciner- )' *-''-'J equipment aMlumal. Each retail facility i.' Residents must sign in at the it. Hope to introduction of an ordinance thai William Wnuck, had voiced their take your personal feelings away from Further in the debaie, Jones ator,' in my mind, deceptively rc,ipon,'il4e lor ,nilu:> !'> '• ATijRN RE T.AILEPS had lo be referred to according to its "I accepted the idea to call il describe what you're doing, otherwise settle the dispute; it is possible the .".(Ot.-jlUK description. Recovery or incinerator or garbage. it's ambiguous and unenforceable." A Dn-i-KRKNT KIND <»/'Co.wi'.w V. A DIIIT.RKM IVINO <>/'C.\R. Tncmeralor Drive.' That tells it like it debate may resurface. PAGE 2 — THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 — RAHWAY PROGRESS 9,10* - WORRALL NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 — PAGE 3 INSIDE AAA mechanic offers jumper cable tips Adopt a hydrant education Roselle police seek THE "Cuvxl iiimpcr c.ihlcs stumkl he ,i what AAA said sets the good cables • Insulation. Cables covered with key component of .i c.ir's eiivrjxivy apart from the "not-so-good": bulky insulation are safer and nvre doughnut shop robber Railway Progress durable than others, and slay flexible equipment." s.ud Mike MeQuoul. ,i • Length. Since batteries tend Jo By Mt'lmlii" Warner Edilorm! 6 ouster mechanic and cix'riliiulor ot fail without regard to the proximity of in sub-freezing temperatures. Staff Writer Approved Auto Repair for ihe AAA a booster battery, length is important. 7 • Clamps: All cable clamps .ire Op-Ed New Jersey Automobile Club in l-'lor- The longer the cables, the more lee- The Rosellc Police I Vp.irtment sprinc-Ioaded to firmly clench ihe 7 ham Park. "I'ntrVmnatelv. m.iny way you have. Twejve-fool cables released a composite drawing ol .in Npws clips baiter.' terminal. Look for clamps motorists don't own a set o! cables. work well on nose-to-nose or side-by- unknown suspect wanted forvillci;ed- Obituaries 7 with plastic or plastic coated handles. I'orccl to store them in their trunk or side jump starts. Sixteen-foot cables ly committing .\rmed rvbberv in the with exposed metal at the jaws. Try Sports 8 have a set that's m poor condition might reach if the cars have to park Wood Avenue Dimkin' IVnuts on ihe clamps to make sure they're not Thai's not tome to K- of much help if front to back in a narrow driveway. Jan. ?1. County nows 81 too stiff or too wide for your grip, bul you've cot a dead battery, particularlv • Gauge or thickness. The longer firm enough for a secure connection. The suspect is described as a Entertainment B4 in this severe cold. tlv: cables. Ihe thicker they must be to heavy-built black mile in his m:d 2^N " Classified 810 According lo McQuoid. not all conduct current. Cable thickness is • SAI- Ratine: The Society of He stands between ft feet and 6 lect 3 lumper cables are the same. anJ buy- measured in gauge numbers — .Automotive Kngineers has a volun- inches; 250-300 pounds, with black Real estate B12 me the cheapest set may be a Kul 2.-!.(\S,or UV The lower Ihe number, tary rating and standards system for hair and a dark complexion. -choice With prices ranciiii: :rom the thicker Ihe wire inside and the bet- AN INDIAN LESSON Automotive B13 lumper cables. Look for SAH-raled A female clerk was working by her- under SI" to more than $''<>. here'.-. ter die cables conduct a current. —The fifth grade class at heavy duty or better cables. self in the doughnut shop on Jan. .M. How to reach us: St. John the Apostle School in Clark recently went to the according to Detective William Brcn- nan. At 3:51 a.m.. the suspect walked S;uyvor>ant Avenue, Union, N J. -Jodian-ViJlage-at-Waterioo | Senate-passeS'-Mectwaid-abuse-bifl- Tn-aiufdi^TTy-cTY>Uve7plaTed j^:" ' •* ""'3. Wo are open Iron 9 Village. The children pic- eun. He gave the worker a white plas- Anyone with information regarding n rn to 5 p.m. every weekday. The slate Senate passed a five-bill, assistance and Health Services in the or health Care coverage. In addition, it CaH us at one of the telephone tured are inside the frame tic bac and demanded Ihe money from this case is asked to contacj the Rose! • federally mandaled legislative pack- Department of Human Services to provides that Medicaid coverage shall of an Indian shelter learn- numbers listed below. the register. He fled the store with le Police Department at 245-9200. , '1 age .nmed a: eliminating potential impose a lein and seek recovery be considered valid insurance cover- ing about the Indian 'wrap.' S200 in cash, the detective said. information will be kept confidential Voice Mail: abuse oi the Medicaid system. The against a Medicaid recipient's estate age for the purpose of satisfying a pre- Our main phone number. hill's sponsor. Sen I oii.is Bassano. aller death existing condition waiting period 9OB-6B6-7700 is equipped with a 1 CALL (90»t 606-9890 & fitter a fiiurtliuU ulcdion s In-low! vmro mail system to bettor K-21. N.UJ thi . package of bills will "S-2.U7 woiild permit the state to under an individual health benefits cecve our customers. During ensure that public money is not being recover Medicaid benefits for all plan. s$ss$s$$s'ss$ssssss LOTTERY NUMBMM regular business hours, a recep- used to lund health care for Ihose who health care servic.es if the assistance "By amending the New Jersey Indi- tionist will answer your call. Dur- Residents who adopt fire hydrants located outside have access lo private health care was provided for someone who was vidual Health Coverage Program to their homes accept the responsibility of ensuring ing Iho evening or when Ihe plans 55 years old or older. It increases the have Medicaid coverage considered Infosource office is closed your call will be that the hydrant is'cleared during inclement weath- The senator also said it is important priority given to Medicaid probate for pre-existing conditions, we can 24 MOun VOICE INFORMATION SERVICE answered by an automated er. It's a great responsibility because a cleared fire speed the • process for individuals receptionist. lo note that businesses providing claims from the fourth to the third hydrant guarantees access by firefighters in the To subscribe: group insurance to their employees highest priority classification behind seeking private industry health insur- event of a fire. A cleared fire hydrant can ensure would incur no additional charges only funeral expenses, and costs and ance, thereby removing responsibility The Progress is mailed to the SMALL TELEVISION under these hills. "Businesses are expenses of administration. And it eli- for their health care concerns from Ihe your safety and the safety of your neighbors. Adopt homas ol subscribers lor deliv- a hydrant today. APPLIANCES SERVICE ery every Thursday. One-year ? already paying group premiums and minates a previous dollar threshold backs of taxpayers," he said. subscriptions in Union County this legislation would ensure family requirement for recovers' from an. The final bill, S-2350. would • TOASTERS COLOR T.V.'a are available for $15.00. two- members, entitled to be part of the estate," explained Dassaho. City hosts second fall soccer tournament year subscriptions for $26.00. broaden the definition of a third-party • VACUUMS group coverage, receive benefits." payer which is required to be the • RADIOS College and out-of-state sub- S-2348 would provide for with- School receives Exxon grant One hundred twenty teams from ported the- event through city resour- respective age croups in the Tri-State Ridgewocxl Maroons, Clark Com- _ • IRONS scriptions are available. You S-2?45 would specify that when a primary payer for a Medicaid-eligihle holding of a non-custodial parent's New Jersey. New York and Pennsyl- ces -and personnel. "To see soccer area. \ anchers and Scotch Plains/Fanwood . LAMPS may subscribe by phone by call- non-custodi.il parent is eligible income, tax return refund or home- person under the "New Jersey "Medi- Rahway High School's Carl Sagan Wing, which houses ninth-grader honors • TURNTABLES ing 1-908-686-7700 and asking vania competed over I'lianksgiving being played on \Z fields at one time Sabers in the U-9 divisions, and the • FANS through his employer to provide a stead rebate money for expenses cal Assistance and Health Services students, has recently received a S21.000 grant from the Hxxon Corporation to The Rahway Chargers, under for the circulation department. weekend in 22 different age bracket.-, was quite a sight." Kennedy said. Clark Comets and Rahway United in • VCR'S health benefits plan for children, that Act." support staff development and provide materials for biochemical projects 13-year-olds, walked away with • COFFEE MAKERS Allow at least two weeks lor incurred for Medicaid-cligible child- from 7-17 years of age. m Railway's "You had to see it to believe it." On the under 8-year-o!d divisions. (hey be covered under Ihe plan. awards for the second consecutive processing your order. You may ren. The sdViator pointed out that this Bassano explained, "essentially. The Sasain Wing serves approximately 50 students and is home to one oi Second I:all l;csliv.i! Soccer Thanksgiving Day it was open space use Mastercard or VISA. "As the law currently stands, many year with a third place finish in their In the girls division, it was the Old would be Instituted only when the this bill would prohibit a hospital or three "houses" or teams'of freshmen in the high school. Tournament and by Friday morning there were 12 —Authorized— 443 —Authorized— parents are not taking responsibility The Fxxon Gram supports the staff training that focuses on collaborative- group. A pleasant surprise was the Bridge Blazers U-13 Division Mill- News Hems: parent responsible for maintaining health service organization from Approximately f>,C"Vi die-hard soc- fields at Rahway Park alone and Lake Avenue Regina lor 1 hoir children and instead are leaching methods and team-building for the house plan, Sharon Powell, director third place finish by the Rahway Ran- bum Triumph U-12, Old Bridge General News releases of general inter- medical support coverage receives sending bills for medical treatment or cer fans, players and co.icb.es took to action everywhere. This is great for Mr. Coffee est must be in our office by Fri- allowing Medicaid to pick up the of the Princeton Leadership Association led the training, which was held at the gers, an under 13 girls recreation Heartbreakers U-1 I and ihe Brick Electric Colonia/Clark insurance reimbursement money, hut services to Medicaid first. Instead, the the muddy fields ,>r.J cold weather to s.vcer. great for Rahway. and some- day at noon to be considered slack for their children's health care does not give the money to the other bills would first go to the_ private Chauncy Convention Center in Princeton. team. The team, only together a few Township Bobcats in the U-9 group. Philco • RCA 382-2088 Hoover for publication the following compete in this year's tournament. :\:::\i the Rahway Youth Soccer Asso- needs. This isn't right and must be parent or the health care provider for health insurer for coverage and what- Funds lor Science Resources and equipment were also provided by the months, competed against club travel- According to Tony Deige. the tour- Regalware - week. Pictures must be black (ianies were played o\er the two- ciation, coaches and volunteers Sylvania 382-8713 slopped," Bassano said. the services provided. ever is left over would then be sent to I'.xxon cranl. For example, electrophoresis material used by students in eon-- ing teams that have been together for nament director, next year should be and white glossy prints. For day jvnod at (ireenfield and Rahway should be extremely proud of further information or to report a S-2?4ft would establish the respon- Medicaid for consideration. This ducline experiments that electrically and chemically separate genetic material years The tc..m was put into the com- even bigger. "We have the capability "It's hard to imagine any parem ste- Park on 17 fields thai mv-tcriou>ly breaking news story, call sibilities of health insurers with aling money that legitimately should simple change in hilling practices is were added to the program. l'cn teams from Railway entered petition due to a late cancellation by of Hosting 200 teams; however, even 1 -908-686-7700 and ask for • appeared Thanksgiving Day. thanks regards to children's coverage. expected to save millions of dollars in The "House" plan groups all 2?0 freshmen into three teams, each with four the competition and came away with an out-of-state team though Ihe enthusiasm is there, the Editorial. go toward paying off their children's to the efforts oi the Railway Youth "Simply staled, this 'bill prohibits taxpayers money." !v.o lusts. tv.o seconds, and two ilnrd parking isn't and right now that has to Letters to. the editor: medical bills, but unfortunately that is core subject teachers assfgrie'd to it: social studies. Hnglish, 'mathematics 'and Soccer Association \ oluiUee: < .1:1 ! • Other first place winners were-'For' insurers frum denying coverage pl.i\.e tmishes. N; dealt with before we can think oi The Progress provides an open what sometimes happens," Bassano The senator said in these days o! science. Students in the Sagan wing were selected based on their academic Merck \ Co lnc who v.on-.triii.tcd the boys' groups. Clarkston, N.Y., Robert I. Greenblatt M.D. because a child was born out of wed- achievements and a personal interview. All are enrolled in honors English. expanding.". forum for opinions and wel- said. "This bill would eliminate a loo- exorbitant tax burdens placed on aver- and installed the goals. The newly formed under S-\ear- I'-17. Suten Island C.J-.O.A. U-l<\ comes letters to the editor. Let- lock, because the child is not claimed phole some unscrupulous parents age citizens, it's important not to treat math, history, and science courses. Middletown Knights II-15. Colonia ters should be typed double Mayor James Kennedy, who olds, ••Rahway United." U\'k firs; Diplomate as a dependent for tax purposes, or have used in the past to benefit them- According to Christopher P. Embrey, vice principal of Ralnvay High School, spaced, must be signed, and Medicaid like a forever-blooming "kicked" out the first kill tor the sec- place in the youncest division and Comets U-14 \ White Division'!, because Ihe child doesn't live within selves financially at the cost of the the House Plan pCrmits integrated curriculum planning which helps students FREE Information! • should be accompanied by an nxiney tree. "We need to let the pri- ond year m a rosv. has strongly sup- 1'vk like a power of the future. The' Brooklyn Italians (Red Division^. Sta- American Board of the insurer's service area." Bassano ; address and day-time phone Medicaid system." vate health insurance industry pick up understand concepts and relationships. He said, for example, a science subject Rahway Rage, under 12-years-olds. ten Island Stars I -13. Clark Cougars CALL said. "These excuses have been used number |of variltcalion. Letters Under S-2J49, health care provid- the tab whoever appropriate, so thai will bo discussed in its historical context, a student might do .in Hnglish research Outreach services Uvk 'us', place tor the scoMid year in and Ihe Rahway Rage in the U-12 I90S) 686-9898 and columns must be in our in the past to deny childlren health ers and insurers would not be allowed we ca:i alleviate some of ihe stress paper on a technical topic, or mathematical equations might translate into a sci- a row. while ihe Raima) Cobras, divisions. Old Bridge Hawks, F.dison offi.-e by^'&'a tn. Monday to be ami enter (he four GASTROENTEROLOGY benefits." m consider a person's eligibility tor and strain on everyone,", he said. ence experiment. Hmbrey said, "the House concept is highly effective in keep- under 1 I. and the Rahway Fxpress, Arsenal and the Allendale Americans considered lor publication that programs scheduled selection nuinih'r below' A third hill would expand the Medicaid benefits when determinig The bill now heads to the Assembly mi; all students challenged." under 1 7, both finished second against m the U-ll divisions. Chirk Cobras week. They are subject to edit- The Union County Division on ing lor length and clarity. authority of the Division of MeJical the person's eligibility for enrollment for consideration. some of''the best competition in their and Bnektown Bulls U-10 divisions. Diseases of the esophagus Acini'.. Department ,'f Human Ser- RELIGION e-mail: vices, has announced its Outreach The Progress accepts opinion stomach, intestines, rectum, pieces by e-mail. Our address is Safety kits to be subject of AAA discussion Services Program schedule for 3220 Bible Verse For The Day 'ALL THAT DANCE" January. - [email protected]. e-mail must If your car broke down during a AAA safety manager and retired For more information and to sche- gallbladder, liver and pancreas. be received by 9 a.m. Monday severe winter storm, could you 'police captain. Paul Kielblock, will dule a workshop, call Kielblock at The Professional Studio For Quality Dance Education As m the past, the program will to be considered (or publication provide the isolated elderly with help Call Everyday! that week. Advertising and news survive'.' visit with groups to discuss what a (201) 377-7200. 1:xl. 274. in applying for vital services such as Ideal Professional Park releases will not be accepted by The New Jersey Automobile Club winter safety car kit should include REGISTER 721 No. Wood Ave. Pharmaceutical Assistance. Cias and 2333 Morris Ave-Suite B6 e-mail. Foundation for Safety & Education and how to pack it for easy storage in The New Jersey Automobile Club 10 N. WOOD AVE A SUITE A Linden, N.J. 07036 Hlectric Support; Grocery Supplies Infosource Union, N.J. 07083 To place a display ad: invites residents of Essex, Morris and anv vehicle. He also will discuss what Foundation for Safety & Education, NOW Linden • N.J. ?« HOUR VCTCg INFORMATION SERVICE (908) 486-8080 Display advertising lor placement Union counties, businesses and com- should be done in a storm and review- tounded in fiJ5Tby AA~A niemTnFrsVTs" ^|; g _ (908)^64-1144 ^ in the general news section ol munity groups to host a free winter important winter safe driving tips a nonprofit organization working to NEW YEAR on Health Insurance for Medicare WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS the Progress must be in our safety workshop for their employees including how to steer out of a skid improve traffic and pedestrian safety l-nrollees; HOIIK Hnergy Assistance office by Monday at 5 p.m. for 20 CLASSES or members, i and stop in ice and snow. in Essex, Morris and Union counties. and Supplemental Security Income. publication that week. Advertising FITNESS PROGRAM Program services will be available for placement in the B section must be in our office by Monday on Jan. IS only at the Hh/.ibeth l-'aim- $ 00 at noon. An advertising rep- Wouldn't It be more ly Center, 32-C. Pioneer Homes. '):30 For resentative will gladly assist you convenient to receive 8 WEEK to 11:30 a.m.. and at Roselle Borough 50 in preparing your message. Call your paper In the mail Hall. Second l-'loor conference room. Body Shop • Bellies & Buns 1-908-686-7700 (or an appoint- 210 Chestnut St.. from 130 to 330 ment. Ask for the display adver- each Thursday? • Step & Stretch • Body Shape Mortgaigf p.m. tising department. SESSION BEGINS Evening, Classes Begin Afon Jan. 15th Private interviews will be con- To place a classified ad: 7/1 Year ARM (30-YearTerm) ducted by senior staff from the Monthly P&l The Progress has a large, well FOR EASY Department of Human Services. Divi- Starting Soon read classified advertising sec- JANUARY 22nd 1-Year ARM (30-YearTerm) Rate Points APR Per 51,000 sions on Aging and Social Services, tion. Advertisements must be in AM BODY SHAPE Monthly PSI lvr more information on Outreach 6.250% 3 7.403% $6.16 our olfice by Tuesday at 3 p.m. HOME Rate Points APR ' Per $1,000 for publication that week. All •Low Impact Aerobics •Steps Services Program, call tl'OSi Tues&Tnurs. 10 AM -11 AM 6.625% 1 7.400% $6.41 classified ads are payable in 527-4S7CV4S72." 4.125% 3 7.790% $4.85 0 7.496% $6.66 advance. We accept VISA a"nd DELIVERY •Hand Weights 'Target Toning 7.000% Mastercard. A classified rep- For information on any Union 4.750% 1 7.701% S5.22 resentative will gladly assist you County programs or services, call our 16 CLASSES 5.375% 0 7.716% $5.60 in preparing your message: CALL For Schedule & Prices Please Call (908) 353-4118 new Customer Information Line. 10/1 Year ARM (30-YearTerm) Please stop by our olfice during Monday to Friday. 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 Monthly P&l regular business hours or call Class Size Limited - Register Now!! Resolve to, p.m. at 9OS-55S-7QOO, and for the 3/1 Year ARM (30-YearTerm) Rate Points APR Per S1,000 1-800-564-8911. Monday to Fri- 1-800-698-7794 505 - 517 Morris Avenue, Elizabeth (next to Rite Aid) day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • hearing, impaired. 1 I \ For Monthly P&l l 6.500% 3 7.319% $6.33 X)S-558-7(K)7. Residents who need Rate - Points APR Per 51,000 To place a public notice: information can always stop in at our 6.875% 1 7.370% $6.57 5.625% 2 7^567% $5.76 Public Notices .are notices which (earn more! County Administration Building in CALL NOW FOR INFO 7.250% 0 7.521% $6.83 are required by state law to be F.lizabeth from S:30a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. 5.875% 1 7.551% $5.92 printed in local weekly or daily newspapers. The Progress or at our new Customer Information 862-6887 6.250% 0 7.559% $6.16 meets all New Jersey State Sta- Center m Ihe Vonnen Building. 300 tutes regarding public notice Professional Directory North Ave. I-"., Westfield, 9 a.m. to advertising. Public notices must 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. 5/1 Year ARM (30-YearTerm) be in our office by Tuesday at Monthly P&l 15-Year Fixed Rate noon for publication that week. Points APR Per 51.000 For more information, call 12-Month CD Rate Monthly P&l 908-666-7700 and ask for the Accountants Midwives 6.125% 2 7.460% $6.08 Rate Points APR Per 51,000 public notice advertising department. 6.375% 1 7.462% $6.24 6.125% 3 6.656% $8.51 Couto, De Franco & Magone, CPA's The Birth Center At The Beth April 15th Is Almost Here. 6.875% 0 6.924% $8.92 Facsimile Transmission: Individual Income Tax Preparation In-hospital free standing. Comprehensive 6.625% 0 7.463% $6.41 Tax planning and consulting The Progress is equipped to APY Womens' Health Care administered by Non-Filer Assistance certified nurse-midwives accept your ads, releases, etc. Personal financial planning by FAX. Our FAX lines are Newark Beth Israel Medical Center For an Application, Small business accounting & tax preparation 201 Lyons Avenue Newark open 24 hours a day. For 5.624- to 60-Mont3h CD Free consultation by appointment 926-2484 Visit Any Branch Office or Call: classified please dial 15 Village Plaza, South Orange—201-378-3300 1-201-763-2557. For all other Minimum deposit $1,000. Annual Percentage Yields 1-800-962-4989 Columbia transmissions please dial shown available as ol date of publication. Penalty for 1-908-686-4169. Monday 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM early withdrawal; fees or other conditions could reduce Chiropractors Psychologist Tuesday-Friday 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Savings Bank Postmaster Please Note: the earnings on your account. The RAHWAY PROGRESS Dr. Alan Epstein Sharon Boyd-Jackson, Ph.D. 20 Offices Throughout New Jersey • Main Office 25-00 Broadway. Fair Lawn. NJ 07410 (USPS 005-957) is published Epstein Chiropractic. 80 Chilton Street in Elizabeth. Licensed Psychologist Tax Time FDIC-tr3ur«d OTHER RATES AND TERMS AVAILABLE For appointments call (903) 239-7500 So Habla Count on Columbia. weekly by Worrall Community Psychotherapy for Adults, 'Children. Couples, Groups A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FEATURE Newspapers, Inc.. 129T Espanol. Russian, and Sign Language Most insurances accepted We offer personalized and quality care to On-going therapy groups for Women of Color Stuyvesant Avenue, Union, N.J., 9 • ears 5 yen 7 ,ear3 :r' 3 ,ears as aooiicade, T>e mocfrry prncpal our-patien'.s Been in a car accident Have a disc Next group begins February 1996 for 12 weeks Fcf Ac;i3:aS* 3a:e Mortgages in.nal ;«e.:c -J5 '.; 2C -star e 'ate ncrtgage 'cars on cwr«r-oca;pte(J ere 908-245-1885 908-272-0333 arciicacte to eacti c' rese 'oars. Msomum can aircurt :s $500,000 >e A?Rs Second class postage paid at * -•'•"••'•^••~~ '->' 1;!:?!;:.".; ir.J »'r -'•-• r u .: :v..i- Roselle Dr. Stephen Levine. Dr. Jean V. Nichols .'. • ,\ui::.itf • CjM":.!f.-.!ui • Ccrr.j-j'.rrjr.: • :>i'. family srepertes cca:ed n New Jersey Call us 'v APRs on 2-4 "ar i> :r;c-e" es Union, N.J. and additional ADVERTISE YOUR PROFESSION HERE in this space. Call Classified a;:.'esto•"<« ra:e -ncr.gage .oarsor oviner-oceuBiedorafarnily proo- SAVINGS BANK BERNARDSVILLE HIGH BRIDGE ' South Orange Chiropractic Center Federal NJ NY PA For Fixea-Rale Vortgages. Maximum :pan arr.cur: s S2C3 '50 ^e A?=s S.-CA? • mailing otdce. POSTMASTER: Sports inj'jnos, head, neck and back pain Hablamot tu Idoma Send address'changes to the 14 Mornstown Rd 118 West Main St. It yours is a chiropractic case, we will toll'you erres locates) n Sew Jersey Cail us fcr A?Rs en 2-4 E0 201-761-0-122 CALL 201-763-9411 7,8,9,10* - WORRALL NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 — PAGE 5 PAGE 4 — THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS 7,8,9,10» •Sry-9 DUE TO RECORD SNOWFALL WE SAVE I DAYS r;r JACOBSON'S FACTORY DIRECT DEALER YOU MOST! AS CASH Bring Us Your Best Deal From TOPS • PC RICHARDS • THE WIZ And We On Anything You Buy Will Gladly Beat Their Offer On Any To Qualified Buyers INVENTORY Item We Carry We Are RED HOT TAPPAN DEALS AT JACOBSON's SERTA • SERTA • SERTA • SERTA Authorized DEALERS ANNIVERSARY PALM SIZE CAMCORDER ••iGR-AX200 WINTER EVENT!

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WE STOCK THE FULL LINE No Payments Til April 1,1996 ELIZABETH'S LARGEST VOLUME MATTRESS DEALER WE ARE VIDEO SPECIALISTS! OF JVC SUPER VHS BIG SAVINGS BIG SAVINGS ABETH BIG SAVINGS BIG SAVINGS . gL|ZABETH TRAoir/o Locations To ELlZ IN OUR IN OUR IN OUR Serve You IN OUR . t LOCATIONS TO TH BEDDING DEPT. BEDDING DEPT. > BEDDING DEPT. • Better BEDDING DEPT. ^ OUR 46 YEAR SERVE YOU OUR 46™ YEAR *' MAIN ELIZABETH 1 ) BETTER SHOWROOM MAIN EL«ABE 725 RAHWAY AVENUE SHOWROOM ELIZABETH • 354-8533 725 RAHWAY AVENUE WAREHOUSE OUTLET ELIZABETH • 354-8533 CLEARANCE CENTER DISTRIBUTING Company Our Multi Billion Dollar Buying Power DISTRIBUTING Company Our Multi Billion Dollar Buying Power y WAREHOUSE OUTLET APPLIANCES • BEDDING • ELECTRONICS • AUDIO & VISUAL APPLIANCES • BEDDING • ELECTRONICS 'AUDIO & VISUAL Affords Us Extra Discounts On 700 RAHWAY AVENUE Affords Us Extra Discounts On OPEN MON. & THURS. 'TIL 8:00 PM; TUES.. WED. 8. FRI. 'TIL 6:00 PM; CLEARANCECEHTER OPEN MOM & THURS. TIL 8:00 PM; TUES.. WED. & FRI. TIL 6:00 PM; Cor. Elmora Ave. • ELIZABETH Truckload Purchases. We Pass The OPEN SATURDAY TIL 5:00 PM; CLOSED SUNDAYS Truckload Purchases. We Pass The OPEN SATURDAY TIL 5:00 PM; CLOSED SUNDAYS Savings On To You In Our Low Prices Savings On To You In Our Low Prices 700 RAHWAY AVENUE 1 VISA And Best Service VISA And Best Service! Cor. Elmora Ave. • ELIZABETH PAGE 6 — THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 — RAHWAY PROGRESS 9,10* - WORRALL NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY. JANUARY 11, 1996 — PAGE 7 School prayer is constitutional and proper For 33 years the children of the obituaries The First Amendment, which the founders feared ,i return of the Angli- United Stales have been denied their Court now uses to prohibit religious can Church. It is a great perversion ol Constitutional right to pray vocally in OPINION PAGE Be Our activities in public, simply states in trulh to try lo apply il lo religion. We more than 20 years and retired IS public schools. There is a militant Richard B. Magner reference to religion that "Congress know this because the Founding years ago. Mr. Gornic served in the frenzy by anti-First Amendment shall make no law respecting an estab- Fathers said this in words and deeds. Richard D. Magner, 92, of Moun- Army during World War II. He was a groups lo silence the historical truth of Guest lishment of religion or prohibiting the Public prayer is a protected right tainside, founder of a law firm in Lin- member of ihe Passaic Yacht Club. Many challenges America's religious foundations. By Jeffrey T. Karl free exercise thereof...." even,' Jewish, Moslem or Christian den and a Rahway magi'stratc, died Surviving are a daughter, Sandra; a ' Whether it is the 1962 Supreme Court A new year is upon us and with it will come new chal- ' • Neither the phrase "separation of boy or girl may exercise. The United Jan. 2 in his home. son, Henry W. Jr.. and two brothers. COMPUTER TIME —Den- case that took prayer out of public Born in Bayonne, Mr. Magner lenges, some of which all of us are expecting and others of matters which might be noticed, add a church and state" nor the words Stales is a religious nation and the Clark and Michael. nis Hemmingway of the schools, or the refusal of public offi- lived in Mountainside for many years. which we are not yet aware. volume of unofficial declarations to "church" or "state" are mentioned. religion of our Founding Fathers was Rahway Benevolent and cials to allow the display of creches or He was the founder of the Linden law- Elizabeth D. Boyle Newly appointed Freeholder Chairman Edwin Force the mass of" organic' utterances that The phrase itself was coined by Tho- Christianity. Protective Order of Elks menorahs on "public property, this firm, originally known as Magner and this is a Christian nation." mas Jefferson in a letter to the Dan- This is no! an atheistic nation nor a .Elizabeth D. Boyle, 71, ol Ding- and the other eight members of the Union County Board presents a check for attack against people of faith is dis- Abraham and later, Magner, Orlando. nuns Ferry. Pa., formerly of Rahway, F.vcn in 1931, the Supreme Court bury Baptist of Connecticut 13 years secular nation, as was the old Soviet of Chosen Freeholders will have to be up to the task. $1.1,370 to Madison School graceful and is antithetical to the Kahn. Schmrman, Hamilton, Kress dc died Jan. 1 in Mountainside Hospital, case United States v. Macintosh, con- after the Constitution was signed. The Union or is China. Force, who was unanimously elected chairman by his Principal Frank G. Mauriel- Declaration of Independence and the ("hartley, where he was the senior Glen Ridge. cerning a Canadian who was applying clear meaning of this letter is to pro- The decision of the Supreme Court lo. The money will be used Constitution. partner before his retirement in 19X7. Born in Newark, Mrs. Boyle lived peers during the freeholders' Jan. 1 reorganization meet- for naturalization in America, articu tect churches from Ihe slate. That Jef- to ban public prayer in school in 1902 to purchase computer set- To support prayer in school one Mr. Magner attended the University m Rahway before moving to Ding- ing, and Vice Chairman Henry Kurz will have to provide l.itcd the same message: "We are a ferson's letter lo the Danbury Baptist was illegal and immoral. If a truthful- ups in five special educa- would first acknowledge that . the oi Maryland and transferred to the mans Ferry seven years ano. She was leadership as we enter the second half of the decade which Christian people. According one should become a national legal policy- interpretation of the Constitution was tion classes in the district. United Slates is a religious nation, and New Jersey Law School from which a volunteer for the I-'ranklin School .mollicr llw; otju.il- ii«h;.o[ jtliwujuk is absurd when considering Jefferson to be made, the Supreme Court coulil leads us into the Tong~-aw'aTted~21sr'centTiry". ." ~ "PicTured fronrrteft are-Keirtr "~aV fife liiiie'oniie Constitutional Con- -hc-crndmtted m-l^2Xr-He IAMS -sworn - -Ltbrrtry,--Rdttwdv. -IJH?—Aniiuriditt't1- freedom, and acknowledging with was not a delegate to the 1787 Consti- not have taken prayer out of Ihe public- Although Republicans control the'board with a 5 to 4 Stinger, of the Board of vention, was a nation founded on in as an attorney for New Jersey on Corps o[ Delaware Township and reverence the duty to obedience to the tutional Convention, nor was he a schools. The proper and legal way edge over Democrats, it wi.ll require the efforts of both Education; Hemmingway; Christian principles. Is there evidence Jan. .30, 1930. Mr. Magner also was Mercy Hospital, Port Jems, N.Y will of Ciod." member of any slate legislature or would have involved passage of an Board of Education Presi- to back this claim'.' In be brief, let us authorized lo practice before- the Mrs. Boyle was a memlvr o( the parties if the county is to progress in the coming years. ratifying convention during the pas- amendment to the Constitution, ban- dent Theresa Mikajlo; fi>cus on the Supreme Court's ruling There are hundreds nx>re of these United States Supreme Court. He was Mothers Club ol' the Boy Scouts oi Joining the board on Jan. 1 were Walter McNeil and Carol sage of the First Amendment. ning children from praying in school. Mauriello; and Superinten- in the 1X92 case Church of the Holy cases, and by establishing through appointed government appeals agent America Troop 40 ami 47 in Rahway, Cohen. v. ho were elected with Daniel Sullivan, who '.Tii phrase "separation of church , Let me end with a quotation from dent of Schools Anthony Trimly v. United Stales. The majority evidence that this is a Christian during World War II and held a medal American Legion Ladies Auxiliary ( and state" is found in nnc constitution, President John Quincy Adams- "The served as a freeholder during 1 )95 after replacing Free- Cavanna. opinion stated: "This is a religious nation, we can continue to the issue of authorized by Congress and accom- Post S51 m Dmgmans Ferry and the however, il is the constitution of the greatest glory of the American Revo- holder Casimir Kowalczyk. people. This is historically tnie. From prayer in schools. panied by a Certificate of Men! Delaware Township Senior- Citizens former Soviet Union. Article 52: The lution was. this: It connected in one the discovery of this continent to the Prior to 1962, there had been more signed by former President Hairy S. Club. Freeholders will have to address the matter of vacant church in the USSR is separated/rom indissoluble bond, Ihe principles of present hour, there is a single voice than 340 years of recorded history in Truman. Surviving are her husband. Walter industrial sites, which have been left dormant partly as the the state, and the school from the civil government with Ihe principles nuking this affirmation.... These are this country concerning schools, 170 Mr. Magner was one of the found- I.: lour sons. Thomas. Arthur. Wil- rvv.ilt of manufacturers which have either gone out of bus-. church. of Christianity." if)*'-'' not individual sayings, declarations lo of those years had occurred with First ers (if Ihe New Jersey Association of liam and Michael; five daughters. ' inos or moved out of the county. With the help of the Ihe establishment clause of the the mass of persons. They are organic Amendment protections. What School Board Attorneys. He served as Louise LaBracio, Lilecn I less, Mane First Amendment was originally I'n.'on Con my Alliance, a coalition of businessmen, polit- utterances, they speak the voice of the schools and students were doing school board counsel for the Linden Lentini, Marjorie Schmidt ami Patri- mean! lo bar (lie establishment of a Jeffrey T. Kurl is chairman of the ical leaders, labpr. county officials and a number of other entire people. These and many other tlirough those years had never been Board of Education lor 35 years. Mr. cia Krawiec. and I I urandchiMren national or a state church, for the Union County Christian Coalition. community-minded individuals, freeholders already have Social expectations discourage the artist ruled 'unconstitutional. Magner also served as acting Police Court Magistrate in Rahway and Lin- Samuel Gerwitz begun attacking this problem and have had some success. • e There, is .in abundance of books thai looked like Kansas in January shirt, makes you a supervisor, and den, as president of Ihe Linden Rotary Samuel Gerwitz. 70. K^\ Railway Count}' government can share some of the credit, which with the sliitetl aim of restoring and Nowadays you're more likely M leel puts you back on the grill. Club, where he received a Paul Harris died Jan. 3 in the home of hi.< daught- expanding one's imagination and Free like ,111 exile in your hometown, or in To Like a college degree in the arls must be given to a host of individuals who have made the Fellowship and a Bronze Medal for er, Shelley Sinisi, in Cedar drove creativity. Sonic of them make the your own family. is to mVile a lot o| talk about how you 1.5-million-square-foot MetroMall a reality. Construction news clips his years of participation in Rotary Mr. Gerwiiz was a salesman with host seller lists. With so many people Inevitably, the d.iy conies when have to "stiller for your art." It's odd on the project is under way. and it is expected to be com- Form affairs. Morion's Furniture Store. Railway. wanting to nurture their artistic impul- someone, usu.illy a relative, pills an that what makes artists happy is what Surviving are four daughters, for many years before retiring. H- pleted in 1W7. The site is being built near IKEA, a former ses, why is there so much resistance to arm around you, steers you to a quiet some people insist is going to make lar garbage day-of ihe week, only. reminder of local ordinances concern- By Bob Rixon Ruthanne Magner. Lois Rack. Carol • served in the Army during W oiid \\ a- landfill site. the idea of becoming an artist'' liven corner, and offers advice. The advice them suffer. People who don'l appre- Rahway Residents must place trees at the Clark ing the removal of snow and ice. schools seem to he at odds in this mat- curb with all decorations removed, • Ellenport said it is important. to McCormick and l.enore Mangan, II II. Mr. Gerwitz was a member of the If the count}' government's efforts to attract more busi- When these students graduate, the is always the same- Why not paint ciate art, who don't understand the ter. A g(x>d grammar sctiool tries to trees placed in plastic hags will n->t be Library program emphasize local laws regarding snow grandchildren and nine great- Composite Lodge 223, l\fcAM ol ness proves fruitful, the county likely would see another congratulations are often leavened instant landscapes like Dob Ross and' - language of poetry, who have no time Trips available' encourage the artistic talents and collected. • and ice removal. grandchildren. Essex County and the Rolh Aid Lodge with doubts cautionary advice, and make a lew quick bucks' You'll never lor music or space for creating things The Clark. Public Library will pre- of its woes addressed. Unemployment has been stagnant dreams of all children. By the end of AARP Chapter 007 has announced- Any private contractor or landscap- of the Knights of Pythias of Hillside. even cynicism. Colleges are now sup- get anywhere with that modern stuff are the ones who reallv suffer. sent Ihe program Building Relation- in the count}', with the number of people residing in high school, as the educational funnel that it will meet once a month. The All trees collected will be sen! to a er must not push the snow into the Also surviving are his wife. Sylvia-, posed to he vocational schools pri- the college teachers taught. This suffering is worst in those who ships, a seminar, on interpersonal Gladys Williams Union Count}' who are out of work ranking near the top narrows toward conformity, the next meeting will be held today at the mulching/composting facility.. For township streets. This creates a another daughter. Doreen Salerno, marily: education is synonymous with hunger the most for what arl can offer: communication. on Wednesday at Gladys Williams. 100. a lifelong emphasis shifts Id more conventional Or, submit'some verse to greeting Knights of Columbus Hall. 80 W. further information call the Office of • dangerous situation. and four grandchildren. among couwfes statewide, and simply put, more business occupational training, ll you can't gel release from a sense of mediocre emo- 7:30 p.m. in Ihe AVer's meeting room. resident of Rahway, died Dec. 31 in goals. card companies. There must he Inman Avc. in Railway. Recycling a! 827-2159. means more jobs. a job with the college major, at least tions, personal insight, and the plea- The program is presented in coopera- Story time" Rahway Hospital.. enough money in that, they say, to In addition, tickets are now on sale While the economy is not'the only concern with which you're expected to glue a teaching sure one gets from what many artists tion with Jewish Family Services ol' Miss Williams was an office work- But some young people never lose keep you from dying in an unhe.ited for the following trips: Jan. 25, Hun- Central New Jersey. The Children's Department of the death notices certificate ID it. If you have an Knglish believe is a spiritual activity. tinglon Hulls, "Week End Comedy"; er for Beinfang's in Mctuchen before the coumy is faced this year, it is at the forefront. Rut, their artistic creativity. Perhaps they attic room. Pre-registralion is not required. The Clark Public Library is announcing . degree.' people rudely ask if you're If yon doub;! lliis, llien watch a child March 29, Three Little Bakers. Blood pressure her retirement many years ago. She while this is the case, other matters such as transportation took the examples of their art or music 'Clark Public Library is lociied at 303 the children's story time program to . was a member of the First Presbyte- 1 : :: teachers as seriously as those of Iheir going to law school. If Von have a fine play with crayons. "South Pacific"; May 13-17, five day Blood pressure screenings are held be held on every Wednesday at 10:30 PETRUCCI • R-.Cc z" 0 , C-, Nt-. . -z" ;• •-•, and the ever-present taxes are among the long list of dos Or, put together a lillle band and Westficld Ave. rian Church. Rahway. math or science instructors. Maybe arts degree in painting or sculpture, I he young artist goes into the and four nights at Cape Cod. For more a.m. starting Jan. 31. Clark children F cGa, 'o'-rer'y c' Hose o Pci'--. "0 CVC-T for the new year. find steady work playing oldies down oir the first Tuesday ;if each month For special assistance or assislive "..soaric 0' '."G a'o f.Vs. A-aso '^•y.-~zc they encountered a lew Knglish teach- they smile sadly as if you're a mis- world armed with the words of I-mer- information and reservations call Bet- from 3-6 p.m. at the Conference ages 3-5 may register for the story cevc:ec 'a'.rc c' n^iy Pev-cc o' Peso •? .it Ihe bowling alley lounge. As il technology for the program, contact ( We offer our congratulations and best wishes to newly ers who wouldn't hide at college. guided idealist. Il never occurs to son: "l-.very genuine work of arl ha.s ty ^larlin at 388-0202. Room adjacent to the circulation desk time at the library or call 388-5999 to Henry W. Gornic Sr. Pa-K. Oro S-ac-va c Oa. Ka-e~ Leo z* artists aren't aware ol whal they might Library Director Dale Spindel at Coc-a. L"ca Pe;-03-w 2' R=GC- O ?a^ a-c becoming almost invisible in the fine- them thai you might want to be an .is much reason for being as the moon 1 1 elected Freeholders McNeil and Cohen and the board's have tci i.\o to earn a living. in the public library, 1175 St. Georges 388-5999 as far m advance as possible register. Registration started on Henry W. Gomic Sr., 81, of Rah- Ccr-a S:-cy c F'a-i - ~c-a- :-o-e- c L = - ? arts and liberal arts departments. artist. and the sun." Ave. For additional information call Wednesday. new chairman and vice chairman in their efforts. I.ike other college glads. ailisN Board meetings should necessary arrangements need way died Jan. 1 in Robert Wood John- ~'2w c.^\ a so 5/. .-.;-c ?>, '' r.':i""." >"/>.:" <\ ~. Sometimes even their parents don'l •3H8-O761. It always Ux>k guts to become an . alreadv ku>>w lii.it llie ditTc; clicr The Rahway Board of Education lo he nude. son University H0-.pi1.1l, Hamilton reali/e what's going on until there's Spring baseball T-o SULLiVAW FUr:?."-*-l "C\'\ '•>> •. artist Years ago, if your kini: took a between a siu.leni |oh ,n,d .1 peM Hob Kix'in is ;i resident cif Kiilnwiy has announced the following meeting Square Division. Seccc Avo"-o MCs-- •;• c- >-:t~ •• • i,- ': an art exhibit or the literary majM/ine Clark Babe Ruth is having its final The dream disliking to your work, you might college adult |ob is about a doll.i: .111 and a \scvklv columnist fur this dates: Regular monthly caucus will be Senior meeting Born m Newark, Mr Gornic lived z;:oc*. Dy a F..~-?M '.'.:\:> ,r Z"..-.~" ' ""•• is published. registration for anyone who would have found yourself sent to a place hour, Burger-world hands you a while puhlicaliiin. held on Tuesday, Feb. 13, March 14, Impact on education The next regular meeting of the in Rahway for many years. He was a Ass--**o:or. P.csc v ^i-\ !-:e--t?-- :•',:?.;.» In a world filled with corruption, violence "and bad like to play baseball in the spring'' C c m o; o "y. L •" i o " April 17. Regular board meetings will Clark Seniors will be Jan. 18, will be^ mechanic with Lope/ Co.. Linden, for blood, it is rare that citizens have the opportunity or take The Middle Grades Project is a summer of 1996. Players must be- be held on Tuesday, Feb. 21, March held at the Brewer Center in the group of parents working with the between the ages of 13-15 years old as the lime to reflect on what the world would be like with 19, April 23. An organizational meet- cafeteria at 1 'p.m. For additional Assembly shouldn't save us from ourselves Middle School faculty and admi- of Aug. 1. 1996. Registration fee is peace and harmony. ing will be held at 7 p.m. on April 23 information call Lillian Krov at nistration to affect policy. S50 per person and S25 for each addi- And that is now a right that citizens have no! ridden motorcycles as a sign as well. Boih caucus meetings and 381-3823. More than two and one-half decades ago, Martin That was a close one. tional family member. Robert J. Sawicki, D.O. in other slates have, but that you of anything north of rebellion. Who regular meetings will begin -at 7:30 Accomplishments include the initi- Luther King Jr. preached what this peace would be like, After several months of heated don't. Pity. does'.' Y'ou do. Maybe not you in parti- p.m. at the Intermediate School ation of Parent/Teacher conferences, Anyone interested must be regis- Board Certified in Family Practice debate, the Assembly ha.s assured thai Miller the newsletter, the parent handbook Snow and ice • tered before Monday. For additional when' all men and women, no matter what their race or The next step after bringing back cular, but Ihe residents of areas like cafeteria. New Jersey motorists will again this and a more informative back-to- Mayor Robert Fllenport and Public information and/or a registration form nationality, would live together in equality, peace and prohibition should be doing some- ours. Blue collar; hard working — the Affiliated with Rahway Hospital & Union Hospital year be the safesl and most protected Time school night. Safely Director Fred Eckel issue a call Tom Paduano at 382-3720. thing about smoking. It smells bad, it kind who lake pride in their freedom, -~Thar~thcy"caTi -be—hast—wecfcrttrc— _Barkjngjneeiirjgs_. Now Participating In . Recent events have shown us there is still hope for this By Douglas Miller is supposed to be addictive, il slams and their machines. A motorcycle is Meeting times and dates will be Assembly defeated a bill aimed at The Parking Authority of the City HMOs Including Staff Writer your teeth. And what about all that not like an automobile. When you buy announced by tomorrow. Anyone peace. In October 1995, 1 million black men, buoyed by curbing our mandatory helmet law for of Rahway will hold its regular meet- •Chubb the support of women and children who remained home, motorcyclists. hysteria we hear about second-hand one, you spend as much lime modify- interested iVi additional information smoke? The way the Assembly seems ing at 18 Poplar St. in Rahway on the •First Option Don'l you feel safer now' consumption of alcohol in even nx«J- ing it, working on it, stripping it and may contact Sondra Daily at worship calendar rallied in our nation's Capitol to display their commitment to he thinking, we should get rid of following dates and times: Feb. 7; •Garden State Health F»IJ It was too easy for them, really. eralc amounts can cause high blood rebuilding it, as you do actually riding 499-0724 or Edward Yergolonis at to rededicate themselves to their families and thai next. So what if it is enjoyable, March 6; April 3; May 1; June 5; July- ClUledicaici) How do you possibly vote for some- pressure, weight gain and the death of it. Il is morcthan a mode of transpor- 396-1025. communities. tiilK- honored and within your rights. tation; il is a lifestyle. But it is a life- s', Aug. 7; Sept. 4; Oct. 2; Nov. 6 and CONGREGATIONAL ROMAN CATHOLIC •Harmony Health Plan thing that could conceivably be- a brain celly. As long as you do not get •HIP Health Plan into a car after drinking, however, you So is riding a motorcycle. style that Ihe cigar smokers look down Dec. 4, all at 7:30 p.m. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN ST. LEO'S CHURCH 103 Myrtle Ave. To admit they have failed in their responsibility to be thrcai'to individual safety just because PUBLIC NOTICE CHURCH 1240 Clinton Ave., Irvingion. upon and always will. Irvington, 372-1272. Rev. Dennis R. McKcn- •Oxford Health Plan leaders in the community and act as role models for youth Ihe j^icipal of it is protected in the are only hurting yourself. On the Hip The fact is thai smoking never will 373-6883 Sunday: V:00 AM Choir Rehearsal. na. Pastor Schedule for Masses: Saturday Eve. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Ihal tho Clark 10:00 AM Worship anil Church School; Mon- 5:30 p.m.. Sunday 7:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m, 11 30 •U.S. Healthcare is a large step in the right direction. And the display of Declaralion of Independence. And side, the consumption of alcohol m be banned. Do you know why' Trustee meetings Board of Adjustment will hold a Public And nxitoreylists rarely make polit- Mooting on Monday. January 22. 1996. ai day 9:00 AM Food Pantry. 7:00 PM Girl Scout am. and 12:45 p.m. (Spanish); Weekdays: PPOS because that document is not, techni- moderate amounts is just about as Because the rich and powerful in Shis The Board of Trustees of the Rah- Troops 587, 589, 602. 613; Tuesday: Noon Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m.. 8:00 a.m.. 12-00 strength and unity during the Million Man March in ical contributions. Cigar smokers do. 8:00 P^M., al Iho Browor School Building. •Health Care Compare cally, the law of Ihe. land, our lawmak- lime-honored a tradition in (his coun- country, beginning with President way Center Management Corporation Room 16, Wostflold Avonuo. Clark, Now Beginnings Group A A . 1 ?0 PM Senior Out- noon Saturdays: 8:00 am., 12:00 noon. Holy- October, as well as the many successive events planned in Jorsoy, al which time the lollowing applica- reach, 6:30 PM Cub Scout. I'ack 216. Wednes- days: Eve 7:30 p.m llolyday: 7:00 a.m.. 9:ixi >lntergroup ers in Trenton were under no obliga- try as are .free elections. Clinton, enjoy smoking in the form of T/A Rahway Center Partnership will tion will bo hoard: am.. 12:00 noon. Miraculous Medal Noven.r the following three months, is proof of this commitment. But hey, the Assembly did what it CAL. #3-96: Appllcallon of Tomassl Part- day: 4:00 PM Youth Fellowship, 7.00 PM Boy •Magnacare tion to regard the phrase "pursuit of Riding a motorcycle without a hel- the occasional cigar, (lose a business meet at 7 p.m. in the El Bodegon ners lo conslruc) a mini sloraga facility con. Seoul Troop 216 and Adult Fellowship. Thurs- Mondays-following the 12:00 noon Moss and .it There is still much to be done and still much to be happiness" while .rendering their 1 thought was righl — it denied you a sisllng of 21 units at Iho roar of promises ilay: 9 00 AM Food Pinyy 7:15 p.m. .Sacrament of Penance: Saturday •NJ Carpenters met, and then crashing that motorcy- deal' Celebrate with a cigar. Birth of a Restaurant, 169 W. Main St. in Rah- locaied al 1120 Barltan Road, Clark. Now 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. and following the 5:30 p.m. votes. small dose of freedom — and fun — •P.H.C.H. learned about the equality and brotherhood which Martin cle, is J g(xid way to get yourselfliun. child? I land them to friends and asso- way, von the following dates: Jan. 24, Jorsoy. Lot 54 - Block 60. In CN & IL DlG- Maw on the strength of Ihe belief that il is Iricls. Violation o( Chapter 22. Sections 4. Luther King dreamed of. The Million Man March has The fact is, according to statements But the odds of anyone else gelling ciates. I hey have been and will con- Feb. 28, March 27, April 24, May 22, 13. 19 and 20. LUTHERAN linue lo be a sign of success, wealth bad for you. Well, you know what, Tho filo papors for Iho abovo appllcallon issued by the dissenting, voters, there hurt because you were not wearing a 1 and June 26. For additional informa- oro available for inspection at tho Clnrk Hours By Appointment • New Patients Welcome show n us that the first steps can be taken at home, by dedi- Trenton ' Anyone who has ever driven REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH 134 NOTE: All copy changes must he m.-ufc m is a greater chance of surviving a helmet are low. But, on the flip side, and power. Snx>king will never be . lion call 396-3545. Township Building Department. Clark Mun- •. Prospect Ave.. Irvinglon, 374-9377. Rev Hen- cating ourselves to family values, by Uiking responsibility through parls of Union County know- Icipat Building, 430 Wosttiold Avonuo, writing and received by Worrall Community motorcycle accident if you are wear- riding a motorcycle without a helmet, banned as long as those in power con- Clark, Now Jorsoy. Monday Ihrough Friday, ry E. Dietk. D.D. Pastor. 763-0878 Sunday Newspapers No Later llian 12:00 Noon. FmUy.s for our actions and our failures and atoning for what all too well that living in New Jersey 9AM 10 4 PM. School for all ngts 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. Worship prior to ihe following week's publication. ing a helmet than if you are not. Not a a.s most enthusiasts will tell you, is the tinue to enjoy it. Tomassl Partners 2201 No. Wood Ave. can be bad for you, too. Toxic waste, Tree collection service* 8:30 and 10:30 a.m . Choir Practice Please address changes to. I'/S we've done wrong. much greater chance, just a better one. only way to go. Cruising along By: Morton P. Weilzrrmn 9:15 a.m.. Boy Scouu, Mondays 7 pro . Senior crime, poverty. Let's see the Assemb- Rahway residents will be able to 420 North Wood Avonuo Dorothy G. The message Martin Luther King Jr. preached during That was their justification for defeat- America's highways on a cool sum- But motorcycles do not have the Lindon, Now Jorsey 07036 Fellowship • 1st Wednesdays and 3rd Thurs- Worrall Community Newspapers Linden, N.J. 07036 • 908-925-2422 ly figure those issues out first before dispose of their Christmas trees Mon- Auornoy for Applicant days; Church Council 8 p.m.. AA Steps, Fn- 1291 Sluyvesant Ave. ing Uie measure. mer evening, the wind in your hair, luxury of being seen as a luxury, and U3950 Clnrk Eaglo. January 11, 1996 days 8 p.m.. AA Saturdays 8 p.m , A A R P. the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s was meant more they defeat more tylls designed to day Ihrough Jan. 24', on the first regu- (Fee; S11 0O> PO. Bo* 3109 By that logic, the relurn of prohibi- the roar Of the engines beneath you. iheretore do not eii|oy sniokmg's Irvington Chapter 2919 Third Tuesday* 1 p m Union, N.I. 07083 for blacks, and so was the message of the Million Man make our lives slightly more tion cannot be too far away. That is pure americana;.belter, that is spoiled owl status. Malcolm I'orbes enjoyable. March. But these are messages which all of us can abide Sound hokey? Think about it. Hie America, and the American ideal. aside, the rich and famous do not and bv and learn from. BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY "The media are the cornerstone of freedom of letters to the editor PAINTING speech and a basic channel for the revolution ELECTRICIAN FENCING • GUTTER CLEANING SERVICE HEATING HELP WANTED LANDSCAPING MODEL TRAINS of our times.'' County shutdown? Might happen Clinton, stay out of Bosnia TOM'S J. D. S. A BEAUTIFUL JOB LINDEN PAINTING ALL TRAINS! and —Carlos Salinas de Gortari FENCING QUTTERS-LEADERS HEATING & COOLING LANDSCAPING, INC. To the Editor: • • 'I'H the l-djlor: License #13303 - UNDERGROUND DRAINS Reslclenu.il & Commercial Lionel 81 other POWER WASHING Clinton wouldn't go to Nam so now his goals to be a man using our soldiers p Thoroughly cltaned Servlco & Installation Avon -Aluminum Siding There must be some sort of rapidly spreading infection oozing fropi ALL TYPES Seasonal Clean Ups Residential • Commercial 24 Hour Emergency SorviCQ •L.i»n M.untrii.in model trains, any Washington to parts unknown, for Plainfield has yet to approve a municipal a.s human prey will make him the hero ol the day. NEW & REPAIR •Decks Violation Removals i AVERAGE We Sen.nce All age, condition or •Interior & Exterior budget, while a few of our own elected county officials on Reorganization Day The American people aie to perceive that'he is the leader to believe but Clin- NO JOB TOO SMALL \IaniiJ'a.clurers -Turf hi.,;:,ii ton's fihs iire usual fare and most Americans are not aware of how he cheats and - HOUSE $$$ amount. •Offices actually voted against the temporary budget, which would have shutdown coun- 908-486-8375 FREE ESTIMATES Oil or Gas Heat I Pay Top Dollar! •Top Brand Paints Rahway Progress David Worrall ty operations. how he lies. And how the willing media complies. t. ) $35.00 - $40.00 Publisher Emergency P;tyle •Free Estimates Upon telling of the possible shut-down lo an elected offical, I was told "who Well, when we go down.,and that we will, it will be because of Hillary and " ALL DEBRIS BAGGED SALES • Bill. 908-965-9065 FROM ABOVE 908-925-2964 908-862-5935 Published '.'Jeenly Since 1990 would notice, it is just county government." U'inng/or l(/;h(./iffjr 908-271-5124 908-738-0839 Raymond Worrall 761 -5427 MARK MEISE 228-49B5 . Fullv Irmirril 1-800-662-2292 Fire ksumateb Kully Injured Ann King a.i.i poi.vr Executive Editor Well, a lot of us may not know the difference between a freeholder and Ihe Union Published By • Red Skelton character, Freddy the Freeloader^ but we all would have noticed PLUMBING ROOFING TREE EXPERTS unplowed, unsalted main roads that are owned and operated by the county, Worrall Community Newspapers, Inc. Tom Canavan Letter writers WOODSTACK 1291 Stuyvesant Avenue Editor in Chiel which are the freeholder's responsibility. MASTER PLUMBER WE STOP LEAKS! Union, N.J. 07,083 • If the county government did shutdown, the snow storm we had this week Readers are encouraged lo write letters lo the editor expressing views'on top- CLARK BUILDERS, INC. TREE SERVICE Advertise Your Business • Chris Gatlo would have reminded us all of Dec. 2K, 1W2 — ihe day everything froze over. ics of interest. Letters should be typed, doubled spaced or legibly handwritten FOTI'S •Complolo Rool Slrtpplng Local Troo Company (908) 636-7700 Regional Editor So as we all sit back and relax, thinking of that icy day of yore, and how it and no longer than VA pages. When necessary, letters will be edited for length, Specialists & Repairs All Typoa Troo Work • Plumbing & Heating •Flat Roolkig & Slale •Froo Estimates could've been repeated, be sure lo call your freeholder and thank him or her for clarity and fairness. RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL •Qullora & loadors •Senior Citizon Discounts Or Service t Worrall Community Newspapers, Inc. Donna Segal not shutting down the government. I-'or purposes of verification, all letters must include a name, address and d.iy- JOBBING-ALTERATIONS S«MTff Union i M'Ollesex Counties •Insurod 1995 All Rights Reserved Managing Editor For 26 Yun • And if you call one that did vote for the shutdown, remind them that you vote lunc telephone number. Unsigned letters will not be published. Names may be Low, Low Winter Rates Articloo, pictures and advertisements heroin are tho "NO JOB TOO SMALL" Fully Insured Fraa Eslmalas Call 1-800-564-8911 exclusive property ol Worrall Community Newsoap- Peter Worrall also. withheld from print in certain circumstances upon the request of the writer and NJ. L/C Na 010760 (908) 276-5752 ors, Inc. and any republication or broadcast without Advertising Director Drive safely, everyone. with approval of the editor. Address letters lor consideration to: Letters lo the CALL: 486-3431 908-381-9090 1 . written permission is prohibited Vincent I.eliot.sky editor, I2')l Stuyvesanl Ave., P.O. Box .Mil ', Union, O7OS3. The deadline for STATE LIC-#3867 1-80O-794-LEAK (5325) (Deadline Thursday 4 pm) l I .uiden letters is ) a.m. Monday. PAGE 8 - THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 - WORRAL-L NEWSPAPERS 7.8,9.10.

CALL i9o$i 686-9898 H I'.iuera four ilii/il select ion # hclow! H.S. BAtKETBALUWHESrUHO infosauEce 7400 Scores 7401 Schedules SPORTS 24 HOUFLYqiCEJNFOJiMATipH_8ERvlCE O

LOCAL SPORTS Tigers' relentless effort HIGHLIGHTS falls short of Elizabeth COUNTY N Allen, Warren lead Roselle past Hillside 55-41 WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 SECTION B Clark softball clinic, registration By MiehiK'l /.icgler Assistant Sports. Kditbr The Clark Recreation Girls Politicians: Hie I mde:] Nns' basketball 'earn split its pair of games last weekend to Softball League will hold .i clinic improve io ('-2 and remain one ••! the belle:' teams m the are.i. The 'Good, Bad and final registration tor its spring Snow job! Blizzard blankets county Coining off Us 57-'5O se; !v.ck to'arch-:;\al Hk/.:belh Thursday! the Tigers season .it ti;e Brewer Schoo and the Ugly' ' returned to their winning ways with .1 >f>-4* win overTnion on Saturday gymnasium. John Cherry and Wilson Uoscmbcrt cich scoied M\ points in the fourth quar- It n.ever fails to surprise me Ily Chris (Jatto Po.sitan said 11 "bunk house for Clinics will be held Wednesday ter winch saw Linden open up a V'-4^ lead »i:!i .1 2; -2 coring spurt; together Mow politicians, m this case Kes;lon:)l Editor workers w.r, set up at a county buiid- nichts. Jan. 17 through March '' --wiUi-.uJcjJly.lull-cou:'i .prei^Jvalic! . AUlT_l>jA, L.U]JCI- jv:!!i 2 2 [Mints Now that everybody has dug them in;; m Seolch Plains where they were from !'-1). Times include: grade The win was timely for the Tigers alter .1 s" "-<> loss to 1-h/abelh Thursday selves out from-thc "Blizzard of '06." able to get some rest in between plow- K-1 Iron] (>-7 p m., grades 2-.' froir night in I.inde.') — it was the team's secoi-.t! of the season loo many turnovers imagine with one '^reath .tr:•'. tile',' can prepare 10 cToTt* .TIT'T',Ver""" g5; 7-8 p.m. ap.d grades 4-S from d-1 against a quick Hh/abeth press was 1 inden's downfall, according to linden then wi'.h ib.e ne\:. -iy•••.'. hate again More snow may be on the way. cy Management provider! bedding, p.m. Small is considered grade: coach Wilbur Aikms. filled speeshes The National Weather Service a; said Posi!,m. K-.' and large grades 4-S. "Off the top, committing 2 1 turnovers is what did us in." Aikins said. "Then On New Year'-- \X-;. ;.-.,• New .irk International Airport is fore- Man',-, of ihe roads countywide Curls who live or go to school ir we got reckless in the fourth quarter and couldn't come back at them" would iiave '.houc::-,; tn.at every casting snow for Friday, with accon: 'Acre 'likened to those of a ghost town Clark, (ian.vood or Wmfieki are 1 par.ying temperatures expected to be Linden found itself down I )-1 \ after one a> the Minutcmen lumped out to a one ga'.iiered in J-;lge Ivlward by emergency officials who travelled eligible'. There may be a nomina around 20 degrees. 15-3 lead behind the shooting of Rodney Knight, who scored nine of his team- the -.now covered streets Monday tee for grades 4-S. high 22 points in the first quarter But the Tiger-, were able to battle back with for samtiio'-!. what "ith the If more snow is on '.he way. then 1! C'atit. Tb'imai firady of the I'mon The last registration for tin increased rebounding and shot making. will mean little rest for the operators Ouir.tv 1'oin.e said, the governor's spring season will take place on the of snow- plows and salt spreader-;. I he Tigers were successful in penetrating to the basket early on. but kept moments of the conclusion of declaration o' a state of emergency Wednesday evenings of Jan. I7. 24 County Public • Works employees turning the ball over with poor passes and travelling violations. Conversely, the the sweanr.g-in ceremonw iiie proved e! feetive. • .dlowir.i: plows to and 31 from o-9 for youngsters n '•'•ere expected to continue cleaning clear roadwavs without b.avmi'. to be grades K-12. A new Senior Divi- of it 'A as directed at each o'.h.-. roadways through Friday, which concerned with iraffici'O'Ts. sion has been added for youngster> Boys' Basketball means they may be stopping when the Cirady caleiyin/ed weather-related m grades lM2. snow is starting. . incident, a.s ";yp;c.i! .tor::: problems" More information, may be Mmuteir.cn were able to hit the open iump shots and also controlled their County Karen Posit.in. director of' the ranging '!rom assisting stranded obtained by calling Joe Dilella at offense rebounds for second chances Office of Public Information for motorists to picking up nurses and 201-285-5649. The second quarter belonged to Linden. Kaiief Allen controlled the tempo Seat Union County, said Tuesday after- driving them to the Union County Jail and began to he.it up as the Tigers came out flying m the second quarter to close noon that clean-up crews would be ;n Elizabeth. the deficit to 23-21. But two points were as close as Linden would itct, as Eli- By Chris G':t'o working continuously for the next -in AAA New Jersey Automobile Club zabeth refused to relinquish the lead. Rec^ona! Edi'cr hours. But. she said, if there's more on Mor/lav did not olfer emergency "We iust dug ourselves too big of a hole 11: the first quarter and couldn't get snow, then it may take longer for lowing service in Union County, streets to be cleared. which was among those areas hardest all the way out of it," Aikins said. "We kept coming back at them but could In f.iu. at otic pm.r.t I think This year's 2.Vd annual "Be the hit by the storm. The htiz.zard pro- never get over the hump — we would get close then shoo: ourselves in the Uvt Free'r.okier Henry Kur/ actn.illy All county roads were deemed Best You Are" baseball clinic duced as much as .12 inches of snow, a to let them open up the lead again." f.imod re.i, .ipp.iroiuly Meiimed '.'passable" by Tuesday afternoon, •eturns to Cherry Hill after a year i:i figure which was recorded in Eli- Linden's ability to come back was the result ^i John Cherry's effort on the bet.n^e rf >'i:-:ethi:;g hU Oenio- according to Positan. Atlantic City. zabeth that afternoon. 1I'hi.l iiniu II11I1 s^rin offensive and defensive glass. Cherry finished with 13 rebounds, seven offen- cratic Liu.nter]\irts h.id done. Positan said the 177 miles of roads Scheduled for Jan 18-20 at the Sledders flip and slow to a stop in Springfield Tuesday afternoon. The snow paralyzed sive — giving Linden second ar.j third scoring opporltihities while limiting Kur/ v-.!-. :v,<".( ujiM.1! with the for which the county is responsible County oifices were closed Mon- lillon Hotel, the clinic will feature most of Union County from Sunday night to Tuesday morning. Kids weren't complaining Elizabeth to just one. Democrats cpicMiprmig the coun- were cleared by 150 employees dur- day, but reopened Tuesday. There viNnireal iixpos pitching coach Joe though. They had two days off from school. ' The Roselle boys' basketball team improved 10 4-1 with a 55-41 defeat over ty's temporary budget - - ;i ing a two-day period. Used for the was no mail delivery by the U.S. Post- •vemgan as well as a staff clinic led rival Hillside on Friday. budget of which Freeholder clean-up were 60 trucks and 20pieces al Service on Monday and schools ,\b,v,:; 411(1 requests for a tow insek OF.M aded. as the "middle man" in tation during a snowstorm to contact iy Andy Baylock and his assistant Senior guard Shawn Allen led the Rams' effort with 14 points and A.J. War- Fr.'.r.k I.ehr ^.11.! b:e didr.'l e;ire of heavy equipment throughout the county were closed on alreadv had been sailed in to AAA b;, helping municipalities deal with cither OF.M or the countv manager. oaches from the University ol reirsupported him with 12 in the win. .Roselle used a 15- in second quarter to to knou 'Ahat 'A.is eoru.unell 111 The county also plowed all roads m Monday and Tuesday. I.pin 0:1 Tuesday, .accord.ng to emergencies created by the storm, Uaganga said calls were received Vmnccticut. open up a 29-24 h.ill'time lead which 1! never relinquished. Allen scored eis;ht of it. Oeinocrats h.ul .iskai lor the municipality of Winfield where Jennifer Schneider, a spokesperson Schneider. said Uaganga. With the assistance o: trom several .individuals who needed More information may be his points during the quarter. time to revieu the- budget so plows were inoperable, and responded, for AAA. said lowing was being pro Public Service Electric ,'c -Gas the .OEM. the City of PUinfield was to get 10 their dialvsis machines, and Stained by contacting Jack Hawk- to several requests for assistance vided Tuesday, but that service came abie to borrow Humvees from the transportation was provided. : With Alfen leading the Rams in the first half. Warren took over, the second they aM.1 Ul jsk tj'.ic-tions. but repuried "minimal outages" in its ser ' 1 ns at WS-52S-5392.' • half. Seeing significant action for the first time smee'eoming back from a bro- Kur/ ,nk! Lchr said' it UJS made by other inunicipalilics. accord- with restrictions. vice are, ., which includes I nion National Guard to deal with emergen- The cost to clean up the stonr. is ing to Positan. ^ A week after the "Be the Best ken wrist. Warren poured in 11 second-half points to keep Roselle on top. unnecessary because !ne budget Tow trucks were only sent to those County. Pr: sci II a Suber Brown. cy situations. ' still being calculated, and it is unclear You Are" baseball clinic leaves the The added offense gives the Ranis more fire power and speed on both ends of was only ;eir,por.iry and its Speaking on behalf of Public individuals who were stranded on the PSE&G spokesperson, said there Uaganga said that the OEM also at ;h:,s time whether any state or feder- Hilton Hotel in 'Cherry Hill, the the court, approval was a necessity. Work.s Director and longtime veteran roadway, she said, while noting that were about 2,0OO to 2.500 power out- was"instrumental in transporting key- al aid will be sought by the county. softball and soccer clinics will of snowstorms Frank Dann. Positan the automobile club was not provid- ages ;n the company's service area of Linden travels to Newark today for a 4 p.m. showdown with East Side as Kur/ blasted the Dcrr.ocr.its. personnel to the hospital to handle Uag.m'ga. whose office would be follow. said Monday's storm produced the ing information regarding arrival about I.1' million customeis. Roselle prepares for tomorrow- night's " o'clock showdown with Dayton in Kaiief Allen shoots over Elizabeth's Quinton Spotwood for two of his 23 points in s.iyip.c it Lloesn't ever, lake halt medical emergencies. The services 01 responsible for handling an -applica- "most snow he's ever seen." The good lime. Schneider indicated, though. Baseball clinic coaches include Springfield. Linden's 57-50 loss to the Minutemen at home Thursday. ,t brain to figure out that "pas- Ben Uaganga. director of the OEM. a four-wheel drive club based, m. tion for such funding, said none had (\ugie Gamdo of Cal State Vuller- news was that the snow "came fast" that due to the "treacherous" condi- said tli.it .despite the large amoun: of Springfield were utilized to transport been filed as of Tuesday. sage of the budget is required. 1 n. Mike Gillespie of VSC and He singled out De;r.iK.ra:i^ Free- and didn't require "much salt." s.v.d tions of ih- roadways, trucks respond- snow '.here w as nothing unusual about people in need of emergent attention, Positan said whether .\r. application Rod Delmonico of Tennessee. Thomas takes it up top holder Lir.da Slender for oppos-' Positan. who noted, though, that there ing to assist travelers would "probab- the storm. "Everything was pretty said L.iganga. will be filed is dependent upon total Soccer clinic (Jan. 25-271 coach- Johnson, Rahway wrestling dominate ing ;he budget, saying she. as were times when the storm "did get ly" take longer than usual to reach routine as far as we're concerned." he He encouraged anyone who in the clean-up costs, budgeted funds ,md 's include Tom Fitzgerald of Tam- the mayor of Fan.wood. should aw.iv,from them" due to its ferocuv. their destination. said. future can help by providing transpor- The Johnson Regional and Rahway Joe Zagorkas in l:0Oat 140, Anthony Chris Truncale pinned Juan Owens in See UNEMPLOYMENT. Paee B? 'a University, Colin Lindores of know better than to vote against High School wrestling teams both Saladmo won by forfeit at 145, Tim 2:4') at 119. Pete Sollecito pinned Ste- tanford and Lew Meehl of Drexel. a temporary budget. Kur/. alaui Health Care for Union County's "The world is changing m conn:- Standings warm, co/y teeling. m.:k:ng us cials, is intended to educate residents Freeholder Frank I.ehr. 'T're Future." featured a discussion on less' wavs." said B.iran "One Knicks (3-0) believe, albeit temporarily, that about the county's diverse environ- . alliance desiL'r.ed this session so healthcare-related ideas, concerns, change which affects our lives Mackevich

B2 - THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 - WORRALL NEWSPAPERS Your Community's Best COUNTY NEWS Unemployment building chief casualty Roundtable to focus (C'nr.limie.l irom I',,,,,, m, for wha! (he ,,;,!,- ,s of(cnn(, Public Works on health of county re!mhi;r\eiiK-;H. (•Continued from Page Bl) health care expenses-they uiciir ' Allhe ArikTK-.iiiR .-(l(1r()v; r |.;, Director Frank Dann l n lst litioncrs and legislators when draft- • How can we best commi'mcaie mi Union Cmir.lv in Hlr/ahcih. !),.,,. said it's the 'most ing health care policies? with the insurance companies'.' k-r ConrciiniiN.r Anne [).iUieW;y • How do we ensure both equity Co-chairs included Joseph rrpuried ih.it limits were quiet. snow he's ever seen.' and quality service by "managed Sharp, administrator ol I nion Au D.ishev^y, the Red — Karen Posilan care briM n i / a 11 ons 7 " County Government's' RunnelN C ros*. received mi reque'.K for ".hel- 1 • • How do we continue tocoordi- Specialized Hospital, and David INFORMATION SERVICE lers or <>:h, services it provides She Spokesperson 24 HOUR ;r nate the health care and prevention Fletcher, president of the l-.liz.ibelh s.ii'l llu: Red Cm.,s •...-,,, .onuicled by Union County educational systems to. serve the General Medical Center'. 1 ''''-' ''"'I Authority i,l New York and needs of children and senior citi- 1 New |.,TH-V jet. .inline, an iiif.im need zens with quality outcomes, in the F-'or more information on the. anil sellers were prepared Tor ihe A Public Service Of WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS ini: Inm.id.i. hut it w.is noi able I" most cost-effective manner? Union County Alliance, call its -pendinj; Minin. si:iip]y assistance.. • The health care industry is office at f_di '.l J. >" Ih.e collapse ol the roof nf a building l;icl lh.it snow had been pushed into '/'•' ily service at equitable cost? vjces. call the County of Union's the slreel t'rum private homes and tt'Miclr housed Ihe unemployment • What are the roadblocks that new Customer [nlormation I.in-; businesses after trucks had plowed »>llKT m lili/.i'tieth. An official said the small businesses face when Monday through l:ndav Irom S "I streets, said Positan. Infosource '::•: rool's loii.^Ke was ihe result ol obtaining health care? a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at ('"IS I 1 The. county also is seeking Ihe help from any phone... !'re snow's weight. I.oca! offnials As companies increasingly 55S-7OOO. or for the he,mm' of residents in keeping catch basins handled that matter move toward the hiring ol per diem impaired, the TTY miiiiin'r v free of snow aiul clchris so that as • xi mpines resulting from the employees, how do we cover the 55S-7OO7. snow inehs ii will not fltxnl roadways KKi;vs collapse were reported because or re-frec/e. and Ihus create a ha/ard- lik-o[|'ii.e -A .is closed. The office tern ous, icy condition. Press the 4 digit code for the poiarily '•'•d! be housed in a nea;by 1'osiian noted that Ihe county has !"iiilio:i nl.i H\ \nrm Sul.iri.i been able to save money by sharuii'. 2 Posita;; said dean up ol the snow NOSA TABERNA information you want to hear. services with its municipalities. Ihe Irom roadways was handled weil A sign states the obvious for people who lack a way of county intends to inventory all of its clearing snow from the Blizzard of '96. The sign was bee,..use I'ubli, Works began planning RESTAURANT cqiiiprncnl lo r\rikf it iM'.icr lo loan placed outside of a hardware store in Elizabeth's Elmo- for the s!onn on l;nday. On Friday equipment lo ni:micipali!ies. ra section. The Cttsine of Spain t'.ii'.hl. plows were mounted on trucks V"? ^" Enter another selection! 2 Blocks from Penn Slat ion Newark Exiciting addition lo (Up to 5 choices per call) Car won't start? It could be the battery • Newark's Ironhound Sect ion. 1 According to Carlos Torres, man.i balleiy is operating a KM) percent guidelines will help put the_charge phis sijjii — to the positive torinin.il of Lunch & Dinner Specials Everyday ger of AAA New- Jersey Automobile efficiency, but when the temperature back in their battery. the UIHKI n.ittcry. Club's I-.mergency Road Service Call falls to i2 decrees your battery's effi- • Position the running vehicle so LARGE SELECTION OF Center, dead batteries are the number ciency dr. «ps to (>5 percent. And at 0 that it's near, but not touching, ihe • Aii.:(_h ihe other end <>:' the posi Information one problem why motor vehicles degrees, it drops to 40 percent." disabled vehicle. Make sure both bat- live cable lo ihe .positive iennin;il of FRESHFISH & STEAKS u on't start. AAA reminds motorists thai regu- teries are of the same voltage. Put the ;he cle.nl battery. "Co'.d weather really plays havoc lar maintenance is their best defense transmission in park ('neutral for a By Telephone! with car batteries," he-said. "As ihe againsl coid temperatures. For anyone slick shift) ami set the parking brake. • Attach one end of the negative 150 Lafayette Steet, "LOBSTERS temperature drops, so does a battery's who does end up with a dead battery, Turn off all accessories. cable — often black or marked v. ilh a Newark, NJ [LIVE Try these selections today! starting power. For example, when knowing how to properly lump-start • Attach one end of the positive minus sign — to the negative lernnnal (201) 465-4422 95 their car is crucial. Following these 1 the temperature is SO degrees, your cable — often fed or marked with a of tile gooil batten, . - Parking Available BOOK REVIEWS HOME ENERGY NEGOTIATING SCHOOL CLOSINGS EVENING TIME Conservation CONSERVATION THE JOB OFFER 3260 The X-Files &TEMPERATURE DOUBLE DRAGON r 3261 ER C TERING 3301 .Ha dcover When the snow is falling, you'll OPEN 7 DAYS 3262 Picket Fences 1000 Current Time & Temp. is topic \ <**&*» £ RESTAURANT 3302 Paperback HOME HEATING 1410 Salary have school closing information "-asSS^- F°" A"-1- Chinese Food Orders To T.ikc Out Ent In 3303 This Week's-Best Sellers 3263 NYPD Blue A WEEK 1411 Perks & Benefits at your fingertips: -r^"""-*., of discussion OCCASIONS I BUSINESS MENS LUNCH SPECIALS DAILY I 2106 Hot Water Savings 1412 Rejection, 3265 Sisters WEATHER B ET 2107 Wood Burning Stoves 7000 Clark Schools """'^ 3266 Beverly Hills 90210 iContmued from Page Bl)" ?v .!i « 11 O% OFF CHILD CARE ^^f:- you can learn from it I DINNER BUFFET Ordorn Ovor S1O TAKE OUT SERVICE renew ed growth at the herb, shrub and 2108 Energy Efiicient Furnaces 1413 References 7001 Elizabeth Schools 3267 "' Melrose Place 1800 Atlantic City •6.95 With Ad 2109 Air Deflectors 7002 Hillside Schools 1801 Boston tree levels of the forest." 649 CHESTNUT STREET, UNION 6300 Telephone Etiquette 1414 Giving Your —.(. rwj im.iii MH ;:i mi in-I.MII'AUI lOW MORRIS AVF UNION PRIVATE ROOM 2110 Humidifiers 7003 Kenilworth Schools Freeholder l.mda-Uee Kelly said U 1 6301 Parent Line Into/Events Employer Notice SPORTS 1802 New York City I'lACI YOIIII OMt H I' IIV I •MUM '" '•'W"" *' MWC..UWIUIM 908-686-9875 • 964-8696 7004 Linden Schools .- "this proi-tam is partu ularly unpoi ! 6302 In Home Training . 1803 Philadelphia ii WILI III. HI AIIYVAIIN von .-.iniivi -iEXT TO Yifi'lt'l V'iOt." ',T0"" Available For up to 32 People 7005 Mountainside Schools HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS ;ant to 1 *'!< >n ('ounty w hen yt.ii con • HOROSCOPES PREPLANNING 7006 Ranway Schools siderthe Vs'auhuni1. Reservation is the TEL: (908) 688-5770 OR 688-5980 WEEKEND SPECIALS WEDDING Thursday January 4 COMMUNITY 7007 Roselle Schools Bovs A Girls Basketball & Wrestling: largest part of the Union County Park 3219 It's Your Birthday FUNERALS EVENTS LINE /C^ 7008 Roselle Park Schools 7400 Scores ;Tioc «' "v PLANNING System anil contans mote than 2.000 THE FABULOUS 3600 Aquarius 7009 Springfield Schools acres ol' mature woodlands, just 20 ^L. Fun! T 5900 Reasons to Prearrange c l 3601 Aries 7010 Summit Schools 7401 Schedules ^ } °fr. miles from New York City. 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Friday & Saturday -36Q9— Sagittaws— Pre-K through 4th Grade, Union BUY)NG-A-HOME— 312~0 NBA ScfiedTjles ' "In order in inaKe"~sul"~fIIe~riiresr 3610 Capricorn 10.95 3121 NHL Schedules lem.uns healthy and to preserve an ENTERTAINMENT 3611 Pisces 1700 Before You Buy 3124 NFLSchedules WHERE TO LOOK itnpo: tan! part of our local environm Fresh Swordfish & Lobster 1701 The Real Estate Agent 7320 Main Menu '~-^^A'-' Casual Attire • No reservations TE EXCITING 3196 Today's People 1702 The Neighborhood FOR A JOB net. the Union County Reforestation Major Credit Cards Accepted LAW DAILY UPDATES PARTY ROOM AVAILABLE 3197 What's Hot, What's Not 1703 Buying An Older Home SENIORS Program was created, by the Union 3199 Entertainment News 1704 Advantages Of 1400 Classifieds County Division of Parks and Recrea- TEDO'CONNELL. 4000 Senior Citizens Events Line 3130 NBA Update Personal Injury 1401 Classifieds Plus OUTRAGEOUS STEAKS • GREAT BURGERS 3216 Tube Talk (Intro) Home Ownership .3131 NHL Update • • fion to restore a native- and. healthy OVERSTUFFED SANDWICHES - COLD IlfCRR Live Entertainer 3217 Tube Talk (Update) 1221 Family Law 1402 Situation Wanted Ads plant community in the Watchung 3132 NL Baseball Update 123O ROUTE 22W TWO 985 VALLEY RD. 3218 Joke Of The Day 1222 Real Estate SHOPPING FOR A CAR 1403 Placement Services Reservation. To help accomplish ihis IXJCJVTIONH and Singer RECIPES 3133 AL Baseball Update MOUNTAINSIDE KXTRA UUtOX CLIFTON 1223 Wills & Estate BOOKS, 3221 Thought For The Day 3134 NFL Update 1404 Non-Traditional goal, exotic plant species are being 908233-5300 201-749-6800 1224 Criminal Law 1200 Fuel Efficiency 3106 Golf Update Searches icmovcd and native plant species are MUSIC CHARTS %New!% Appetizers 1201 How Much To Spend 3107 Tennis Update bcini; replanted. Also, long-range 5300 Ingredients 1202 Insurance Tips 3560 POP SINGLES LOTTERY 3103 Auto Racing Update plans are being developed to make 5301 Method 1203 Getting Started 3565 COUNTRY SINGLES 3108 Pro Wrestling sure this vaulable natural area stays Desserts 1204 Sticker Prices 3109 Boxing Reports It's Easy, 3570 ADULT CONTEMPORARY DAILY RESULTS 5302 Ingredients healthy long into the future." she said. 3090 Sports Commentary 3575 RHYTHM & BLUES 5303 Method 3580 JAZZ 1900 New Jersey Lottery SKI REPORTS 3094 College Football Report Fun & Anyone wishing more information Microwave l 3585 CLASSICAL 1901 New York Lottery 3095 College Basketball Report should call Kelly's office af ( J(IS) Fight Off 5304 Ingredients 2170 Colorado 3590 Music World 1902 Connecticut Informative! •?27-41U.' 5305 Method 2171 Connecticut 3591 Country Music Report - 1903 Pennsylvania Quick Meals 2172 Massachusetts STOCKS, BONDS The 3592 Today In Music 2173 New Hampshire & INVESTMENTS MOVIE REVIEWS 5306 Ingredients. 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WORRALL NEWSPAPERS - THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 — B5 B4 — THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS HEALTH & FITNESS HEALTH & FITNESS March of Dimes urges Psychosomatic illness is not all in your head Hospitals in Toms River, Livingston news clips Tor thousands of years, people have the riyht way often cuts down on these and may go on to become a physical announce plans to merge programs planning for pregnancy seen how ihe body reads lo every illness. Wlielher or not this happens To register or receive free informa- Focus on unhealthy reactions, such as high Nutrition hotline Coleman & Pellet is a full-service change in feeling or emotion. People depends on how great Ihe emotional Two of the largest health care sys- tion, counseling, and referrals, call Ihe As the link between ihe health ol ,i newborn baby ami ,i mother's blood pressure, and avoids iixire seri- executive officer of the Si. Barnabas care hospital. Si. Barnabas, a (i2O-.lx.-d- public relations firm based in Union. blush when cmbarasscd; they become stress is, how long you have it. or how tems in New Jersey — Cominuni'iy- Oiicstiims about nutrition and foods health prior to pregnancy becomes better understood, the importance ol Mental Health ous problems in the long run. Health Care System. institution, is one of 10 affiliates ul New Jersey Hating Disorders Helpline Among its other health-care clients pale with fear or livid with rage. Sor- sensitive your physical make-up is tu Kimball Health Care System in Joins, ran be difficult to answer, so the "prc-conceptive planning" is being stressed more and more by health In some cases, the family doctor "We are exciled lo join with institu- Ihe St. Barnabas Ik-allh Care System. at (X00) 624-2268. are Johnson & Johnson, Hoffman-1.a these emotional problems. American Institute for Cancer row brings tears, and anger clenches By Barbara Albenberg way recommend counseling or psy- River and Si. Barnabas Health Care tions as outstanding as Community Hie System includes Union Hospital Roche Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb professionals. Research has established a toll-free Ihe fist. The mouth waters when we chiatric treatment. This suggestion Treatment is based on avoiding the System in Livingston — announced Medical Center and Kimball Medical with 201 beds, lour nursing homes Company, and the New Jersey Health That is because a woman-can be several weeks into a pregnancy with- hotline td provide answers to consum- Reference book released look forward to a tasty dinner, but fear he lets them become bottled up inside does not necessarily mean lhal Ihe stress when possible, learning how to their intention to consolidate. Center with their excellent reputation, with 660 ln-ils. the l-amily Health Products Council, the trade associa- out knowing it, during which time the fetus goes through critical develop- ers' questions about nutrition. Coleman & Pellet will direct a makes Ihe mini 111 dry as cotton. Anxi- of him. patient is menially ill. Such treatment live wisely with stress, and reducing . Ihe announcement came in a joint medical staffs, employees, and prog- ("enter in Hli/abclh. the Multi Circ tion for the pharmaceutical industry in mental stages. In fact, many of the most significant developments in the "Researchers arc finding that 40-60 public relations campaign for the 50th ety or excitement'can cause dianhe.i • Differences in body make-up or aims to help a person first to under- the unhealthy or excessive reaction ol statement from Mark D. Pilla, presi- rams," Del Mauro said. "As the St. Health ("enter in (lark and Livingston Ihe state. fetus occur in the first 30-00 days of pregnancy. pencil! of all cancers are linked lei our anniversary of "Physicians' Desk or constipation. the body's reaction to stress. Mild or stand Ihe reasons for stress in his life, vour bodv lo stress. dent and chief executive officer of the Barnabas Health Care System rcspoiv Services Corp.. a for ptolit affiliate The message behind preconceptive planning is simple: Ho not wait diets," said Christine Murray,, vice Reference," a best-selling prescrip- We have also learned that actual temporary stress may be good in that and second lo learn how to cope with Communily-Kimball Health Care sibly structures for the future, it is In addition lo its affiliations. Si New practice until trying to become pregnant to make lifestyle changes, localise then it president lor education at Ihe Ameri- tion drug reference published by bodily illness may be brought on or it seems to perk up our minds, but stress successfully. This kiml of help System, and Ronald J. Del Mauro. imperative that we continue to build Diirn.1b.1s Mcdn.il ('enter antl I IniU-d Orchard Park Foot Health Centre of may he UK> late. can Institute lor Cancer Research. Medical Economics of Montvale. • made worse by upset emotions: When continued stress can bring on serious can benefit a person's health, bolh Barbara AllK-nlitTp, :i specialist president and chief executive officer ' the most dominant integrated health Health Care Syslem in Newark aie Union has opened a new treatment Many lifestyle changes need to be made prior ID trying to become pre- "Ihal'1. why Ihe Nutrition Hotline is "The half-century PDR story is a some people become tense or lee] physical problems sooner or later in mentally and physically. in marital and family counseling, is of the St. Barnabas Health Care Sys- care system in the state." partners in creating ,) nelwoik of med facility at 1705 West Briganline Ave. l'ld l so inipjyiant. Ibis frcc_seryice_pro- great one to have Ihe opportunity to under sliest, ffiey may develop a lie.i anyone. "Tii" siiTiiTnliTy"tifc"hr "psychosomatic"" -n-ciT,!1.' n.i'H'ii.il n-< foot ailments in north New Jersey. consequential when a woman is considering having a baby. Barnabas. le^istercl dietitian who can provide- industry, a key area of specialization an ulcer. master or escape, he may get sick, New Jersey's largest and most com- ngni/cd tirvilitics .Hi- New let'.ey's The degree of patient satisfaction has Take diet: Impacting significantly o[\ the development of the Ictus, per.onali/ed answers to questions for our firm." Since the eailv !')(X)s, medical sci- when another [>crson without such Ihe new system will then include prehensive health care systems. only certiticd Inun liealmenl ccntci. ,i encouraged 1-rman and David Frman recent studies have cited the importance of a diet rich in folic acid prior to Health departments offer u-latcd tu diet and health, but not med- Coleman & Pellet's venture into ence has been busy studying illnesses sensitivity may not. St. Barnabas Medical Center, Com- With facilities throughout Ocean kidney panne.is tiansplant seivkc, to open an office in southern New becoming pregnant as a major weapon in the battle against neural lube ic, il advice. medical publishing began in 1992, ..that seem strongly affected by a per- A difference in the make-up, or the munity Medical Center, Kimball and southern Monmouth Counties, pertorming more kidney transplants Jersey. birth defects. Ihe toll-free hotline numbers is when the firm was hired by pharma- son's emotions. The word psychoso-' way a person's bodyreaels lo stress, free influenza vaccinations Medical Center, Newark Beth Israel Communily-Kimball provides conve- 111,in any centei in Ihe stale; -a irgional According to the March of Dimes, taking folic acid before and during (HIM)) K4< K| 14. The hotline is open ceutical company Merck & Co. to The original treatment Center in malic, which means mind-body, was also plays a major part. Some diseases Medical Center and Union Hospital. It nient access to a full range of high perinatal centei loi high nsk .uuK nil the early stages of pregnancy can help reduce the risk of NTHs, like spina Union County's health departments have been providing free flu shots ti> lioni l) a.m. lo 5 p.m., Mondays promote the 16th edition of Ihe Union will continue to serve area coined to call attention lo the fact that run in certain families. When these will have combined total annual quality health care programs, includ- call y ill ml,nits, comprehensive bifida and anencephaly. NTDs, including incomplete closure or forma- residents in an effort lo see thai every person aged 18 years and older is Ihioiigh Fridays. "Merck Manual," a reference text of patients under the direction of two Ihe slate'of our minds or emotions can people react in a particular way .lo revenues in excess of SI billion with a 1 tion of Ihe spine and an underformed — or absent — brain, affect one in immunized. ing regionalized services in geriatrics. pediatric service '.; the world medical disorders. This year, ihe firm doctors, who will consult on a regular affect our physical health. emotional stress, a certain part of their tolal of 2,371 beds. The total number I,MX) live births and also account for hundreds ol miscarriages and abor- The health departments are joining local physicians, pharmacists ,mcl Visit pediatrics, oncology, diabetes, home renowned assisted rcpiodiklive lech launched the "Merck Manual of Ger- basis lo ensure all patients receive Ihe Without going into complicated body is likely to breakdown. of employees in the new integrated Guide to dental care tions annually. ing Nurse and Health Services lo fight the On. health, hospice, emergency care and nology piogr.nn, iegion.il i1,iinofaci.il iatrics," a reference text about care for full benefit of their 50-plus years medical theories about how it woiks. The treatment of psychosomatic health care delivery system will be The neural tube is the part of the fetus that develops into the spine and The flu, a viral infection of the nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lunus. is the largest maternity center in the services, comprehensive cancer scr A new booklet on denial care the elderly. experience. we cm determine when people cannot 14,500, making it the fourth largest brain, and ils development lakes place during Ihe lust 2S days ol pre- problems is usually carried out suc- most prevalent in Ihe United Stales from November to April. two-county region. vices; and Ihe largest ladialion oncol expenses is available to help patients' employer in Ihe slate. gnancy, which is a |wriod when a woman may be unaware that she is express their emotions or solve their cessfully by the family doctor.! His The Community-Kimball Health ogy program in northern New Jersey. (ind affordable care. Aerobic certification workshop planned pregnant. Sufficient levels of folic acid in Ihe diet, coupled with a healthy problems through direct action. aim is to keep a person functioning For further information on limes and locations of flu clinics in your area, In addition to Ihe hospital affiliates, Care System provides 1,497 beds in a More than 5,5'M) b.ihies are deliv- The Cost Containment Research lifestyle, are among the easiest solutions to implement in combating these Their feelings have no outlet except within the healthy or normal range. seniors may call their local health department. For information on VNIIS clin- the syslem will also include six nurs- seamless syslem of medical and pre ered annually at Si. Barnabas and the Institute in Washington has published World of Fitness and National Dance I-xercise Instructor's Training Associa- tragic spinal and brain defects. through the organs oi their body --- ('ontrolling and caring for the body in ics, call the New Jersey loll-free llu information line at I-K00-2X0O-VNA. ing homes with 1,111 beds, three ventive care. Community Medical Medical ( enler is one ol Ihe live the 32-page booklet, titled "Free & tion will co-sponsor a one-day national aerobic certification workshop, and two l:olic acid is a D vitamin found mainly in green vegetables, beans, ihe skin, Ihe glands, the stomach, ihe ambulatory care facilities, two geriatr- Center will) 596 beds and Kimball largest regional gynecologic oncology Low Cost Dental Care." The booklet continuing education workshops covering the latest industry trends on step aer- asparagus and liver. Hxperls say that women between 15 and 45 who are intestines, the blood vessels or the ic centers, one psychiatric facility, Medical Center with 350 beds serve centers in the northeastern United gives information on how and where obics on Jan. 20 and 21. able to become pregnant should consume 0.4 milligrams ol folic acid heart. and a state-wide behavioral health as the anchors. Other affiliates include Stales. Ihe loshn ( enter lor 1 )iabetes, to gel free and low-cost denial care. The continuing education workshop have been approved by NDHITA and every day. One study showed that more than l>2 pc'rcenl of women do not We now believe there are three network. The combined medical Shoreline Behavioral Health Center in al Ciliated with the internationally rec "We've published a state-by-state American Council on F.xercise for continuing education credit. NDRITA is a consume this amount daily. main reasons lor psychosomatic staffs will total 3,200 physicians, Toms River, two nursing homes — ogni/cd Boston ('enter, is located at listing of all the programs across Ihe non-profit agency illness. • including 303 residents. live divisions throughout ihe state, Iron is a mineral lhal prevents anemia, a red blood cell deliciency. and Attention: Patients of Dr. Anthony Coppola Kensington Manor Care Center, country that offer free and low-cost F'or information and a free brochure, call (KIM)) 237-6242. Space is limited. increases resistance to infection. Although iron is lound in red meats, • Stressful life situations, lhal is lo The entire health care syslem will Toms River (22X beds) and Country including ( oninmiiily Medical Ccnler dental care. These programs are avail- enriched cereals and grains, many women have iron deficiencies. Iron- say, a situation in life where there is treat more than 112,600 inpalients ami Manor at Dover, Toms River (223 and Kimlull Medical ('euler. able to all kinds of people, often deficient women, especially those with anemia, should consult their IIHI much pressure"or strain. All of you have fond memories of the caring same day surgery patients, over beds), one Ambulatory Care Center in The St. Barnabas Health Care Sys- regardless of your income level", said physician on ways to supplement their diet prior to becoming pregnant, • A person's way of handling these 230,000 .emergency department Whiting along with 15 atklition.il out tem provides treatment ami services Heather Kerrigan, director of Ihe MEDICAL BILL HELPERS as the body's iron requirement increases during pregnancy. slress situations, that is, whether a treatment which you received from your family patients and provide approximately patient facilities throughout the two lor more lhan 55,(XX) inn.ilicnls and institute. We will: While HKisI vitamins and minerals can be obtained through diet, many person is able lo lake his daily prob- one. million outpatient visits each county area. same day surgeiy patients, SO,(XX) Consumers can receive a copy by • SORT, FILE and FOLLOW-UP on all of your bills women lake supplements when their diets fall short. Women who want to lems in stride and shake them off, or if doctor, Dr. Anthony Coppola, who tragically year. Annually, Ihe system provides care eineigency dcpaitmenl patients, and sending S2 to cover postage and hand- and daims. ensure they get 100 percent of the daily recommended intake of 0.4 milli- "By joining with the St. Barnabas lo 37,000 inpalients and same cl.iy ((HI.(XX) outpatient visits each year. ling to: Shipping Center Dcpt. • Wa roviow all bills lof OVER-CHARGES, Health Care Syslem, ihe strongest' grams of folic acid with Ihe added benefit of supplemental ore\tr.i iron, FREE Information! passed away over the Thanksgiving Holiday surgery patients, over W),(XX> oiitpa The Si Barnabas System includes DB-926, Free & Low Cost Dental OVER-PAYMENT and ERRORS. may want to consider a supplement. system in the state, we could not tient visits, over ^(HKHt- clime p'.'cr inn" trustees, wife than 1,H(X) Care, P.O. Box 462, K)mini,'>JY • Gather additional information thai may bo nocusiiry to 1 Taken daily, the vitamins and minerals are beneficial to women of CALL choose a better partner to create a patients, delivers IIIOH Ih,in (,(XX) physicians in f>5 mcmcal anil surgical 14902-0462. roceivo "FULL PAYMENT from your insurance! carrier. (908) Dr. Joseph Ballaro, who many of you met thru stale-wide network of high quality, sju-i i,lilies and all branches of Attempt to got tho doctor to accept tho insurance childbearing age, regardless of when they plan to conceive. Since folic 686-9898 babies and piovides ovn 1-15.(XHi Self-help group cost-effective health care providers, dcuiisiry four paymom as "PULL PAYMENT" acid and iron are essential for a woman's and a baby's health, this combi- home health care visits Combined. and enter a four digit positioned lo actively participate in an Hating disorders are serious prob- nation can play an important role in preconceptive planning as one ol the his work with Dr. Coppola, is striving to maintain As teaching institutions. Si. Barna- • Advise You "WHO TO PAY AND HOW MUCH." selection number below* Community .mil Kunh.ill piovidi- lems. Sufferers can become medically Ways lo promote a healthy pregnancy. emerging managed care market has .in..! I hiion Hospital train 162 rcsi- emergency cue tu nnue ih.in 1 1 (.>l S(."i million linmctown activities. Call 5121 Dental Implants and Kimball medical centers. Mr. Del Founded in |X<>S. Si H.un.ih.i'. i- 'HiK-Mo-775* lor a special college Mauro will remain president and chief 5122 Cosmetic Dentistry available by appointment, and most insurance New Jersey's oldest and l.n IT'.I .u ute rate. FREEEXAMINATI0N 5123 Family Dentistry & CONSULTATION 5124 Prevention plans are welcome. House calls are also (Good thru. Jan. 31, 1996) PODIATRY available. VITAMIN FACTORY Compliments Of 5110 Diabetes Dr. Donald Antonelli 5111 Ingrown Toenails Dr. Ballaro is also fluent in Italian and Spanish. 201 Rt. 22, Hillside, NJ 07205 - (201)926-2946 5112 Warts 5113 Bunions Antonelli Chiropractor For an appointment or more information, contact Fat Free Mini Rice Cnkes .. 5114 HammerToes 15% Off (AsM'd rinvm-.) HIMI *1 /9 The Holidays are OVER! Krt Center the office in the "Millburn Mall." TexMex Veggie Pocket KIN * Ro 29 2575 Morris Ave., Union, N.J. r Cwntr.ur.m; Btt Cybergenics Roc) J1 09 I 908-688-7373 Infosourceurce 2933 Vauxhail Road • Union Homestyle Split Pea soup MAIN (Didyou enjoy them... a littk too much? 24 HOUR VOICE INFORMATION SERVICE Products 49 Ample parking • Open til 9 pm Mon., Wed., Fri. (A»t') R*g. M.69 FREE

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WORRALL NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 — B7 B6 - THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 - WORRALL NEWSPAPFRS CROSSWORD PUZZLE horoscope A cappella singers ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT to perform at church Union native's stage show continues tour For The Week of January 14-20 The Bowiloi.i College Medd.ebempslers. lilt schools male a cappella group, Cole Porter musical will perform Saturday at 2 p.m. al St. Stephen's hpiscopal Church. For Jeffrey Ginsberg, Madison Square Garden ARIES LIBRA The Mccldies a double quartet, was founded in 1037 and is the fifth oldest opens at Paper Mill collegiate men's group in the nation, and includes Mountainside resident Mark March 21-April 20 September 23-October 23 is a quick stop on the long road to the top "Yon Never Know," a seldom performed Cole Porler musical directed

\ . . • • . 1 • i .: 1:;' ! 1: n n . 11 11' ': 11 •' t r; 1: | > 1' • . .;• .- •...••: !••.:• ,:'•• ulimi In -,-•-:• By Ben Smith by Charles Repole.adapted by Rowland Leigh, with additional adapla , . .; ' ,•••.• pin .ll •' . 1.-. •" II'- "11 ' 'ih^Meddies has eight published recordings and has toured America and days "So, I was brought to the college ..,.;: !•: : • :• l.n V... '••'• '•" ^ 'lion by Paul La/arus. runs through Feb. 4 at the Paper Mill Playhouse luropc In recent years, the group has sung at President Clinton's inauguration. Staff Writer before I started kindergarten." ..,.• ••, • ..!'• !i ::. !• !• •! •'•'•>•:. ; Based on Ihe play."By Candlelight" by Sigfned (lever, Kail I'.irkas. |,p.!..,-::. - 111. •. i mil.I !••• MIMI ll I or most people, going to Madison . ' .. •] -.HI: :•• :IMI .-•::,: . ..!• !' •'. \ "I went to Washington School, then ;I,H1 at many New'lingland colleges and universities, including ( olby and Mt. anil Robert Katscher, "Yon Never Know" is ,1 larce of deception and mis- ..,;;;; \ • '!' C, ' ' | 1 -, :•! 111 .' V ' -' ' [ 1 U"ll Square Garden rne.uis attending a we moved lo Di^cayne Boulevard, Ilolvoke. , , taken identity featuring a Cole Porter .score, including "Let's Not Talk .;:•!•.•• :l. \- llll km,In. •-. sporting event, a concert, or maybe ,! ••id Ir.i;:n ! •:•••-. i-'iinM and I attended what was then Central This year, the Mcdd.es performed with the Persuasions, also known as the About love," "Let's Misbehave," and "Al Long L.isl Love" the circus, hut for one former Union Six-I.ivingston School -- it's now TAURUS SCORPIO Ciodfatliers ol A Cappella. Although Ihe original Broadway production opened in I'MX With a resident, it's all in ,i day's work. Central live." he added. "I attended April 21-May 21 October 24-November 22 The Meddles' repertoire includes old (..vorites.-such as "M.x.d Indigo and large cast and big production numbers. Porler and Leigh originally con On Saturday, Jeffrey (iinsberg's Kawamcch Junior High School [ ,,|l, •• •[ i,d|. !• i.ll .ill 111--1 HI .11 H T 1 li'i ••Coney Island Baby," as well as more current limes including ".Soulhun ceived "You Never Know" as a chamber musical. In a leconstiik lion ol script for Nickelodeon, called "Mega now Kawamcch Middle School, and 1 Cro«" "Sloop John U" and "Three Little Birds." Ihe show I'ron^ the original book, the Paper Mill I'l.ivhouse version : • ' ]' • i :! i . m 1 i< 1 ••' i: | >: i'-' '-ml Mess-a-Mania," w.is staged at Madi- . | '' ' 1 |-~--'i '11 n| .11! I-'-! I'' ' 1 I- 1 ' finally, Union High School" in 1W0. !,.,::.,.:,.,;,,.-,.: . ., ;••, The conceit at St Stephen's will commence the Meddles' winter tour, which returns to the scale and spirit originally intended by IN cicilors Rein son Square Harden as part of its 40-ci "I h.id taken film classes then in includes performances with the Clark Counterpoints, the Wellesley nine Noles. stated are several songs dropped from Ihe [(roadway production as well .... . •-.•:li -...-:: :i,,-|!: •' . . n-.H ty tour. In the show, kids from the high school, and went through the ,,,.d the University of New Hampshire Notables. The gioup also plans record Us as four members from various other sources —iuiiTir'.Tttnirrr dnnnp the HMiry Hour - •- ftic cnTTTif-"Ymr-NcrtTi Of.KK. A .S2 donation is requested loi the Intcrfailh Hospitality star K.T." Sullivan. team captains, (iinshcrp explained ered innovative." May 22-June 21 1 !n- -.-.••, k 1 . .in |:il ' ":l'-Hl.-! Ill In addition to director Charles Kepole. who staged the acclaimed Nelwoik. during a visit to this of ('ice on l-'riday. The writer graduated with honors Lnnires' concert production of "Call Me Madam" stalling 'I yue Daly last CU'KS ACKOSS ci,ii:s DOWN "It's our flist live show," he added from New York University's Tisch . • ., .. •! , |, ],-..': . , 1 ,, • ; ,| , ( . r |][ |. season. Ihe musical director lor "You Never Know" is John Mulcihy. the -ill -I, , I • I- -A:--.- Vmi: '.n 'I'll ,-l \|..i.il !•• . MM l"i i luMii-r "All Ihe rest have heen on video. It all School of the Arts in 19X4. He then 'Yonkers' opens in Westfield choreographer is Michael Lichlcield; the set design is by Michael An.un M M v. • MI .' Slli 'I [ ]MI M . ll Ml I 'M\ 111)1 began when Ihe people at Nickclo studied comedy writing at the Nation- ; '.',. ••;• Hi"-', ll \n|i I: . :-. i: ;• •• :ln- . •..'!;;::! 1 ,< : |:\ i' , 11 • .'.'. ' '. : a; Ihe costume design is by (iregg Harm's. |he lighting design is by Tom t h,v,,! ., 1,1 deon all met in Orlando. We Hushed al Academy of Television Ails and • , • • :: : .: ' ,.r . . :r. '.. i A] •• • nil-, : ; • ,-.,'ir. I..-.I |,,|.;:•--.!-. .1! II.'.!:' Neil Simon's Pulitzer and Tony award-winning play "Lost in Yonkers" will Sturge. I Sli'MI I). i: I . nl out an outline, and I came hack home Sciences. .. • ,, , .,-• : ::;•. :••. . •-.:-.. -M--.,JI; •,:•<•• open tomorrow night al the Weslfield Community Players. The Paper Mill Playhouse is accessible lo people with disabilities, with CAPRICORN and wrote it. [ kept taxing drafts hack •> \ I I I •-( ;-- ,!••• •:; :• ;• M .' il n Directed by Nevil Schwartz, the show is a tale about growing up in Yonkers "Alter I got out of college, I got a audio-described performances lor Ihe visually impaired on Lcb. I al 2 December 22-January 20 and lorth to Honda anil then we fin i. \luvliin l.-.iili-i • in 1°42. Told from the perspective of Id-year old Jay and 12-year-old Arty, the job as a production assistant for p.m., I'eb. .? at } p.in anil L'eb. 4 ,ii X p in. I he performance on Lcb 4 at S CANCER • • i .' ,i • |- • •,.„• ,,,- ii. ished the script in July. '1 jileriainment Tonight,' " he con I'l.'.N . Ill'' < 1MV.1I p.m. also will be sign-inlerpreted for [lie hc.uiirj impaired. June 22-July 22 •-.,. :•::, purl,-,I ,•-.,«•: , ili', .il '.'..•! 1. brothers learn almnt life from their lough as nails grandmother, soft-hearted Former Union resident Jeffrey Ginsberg shows writers "The rest of Ihe time, we worked tinned. That job description included 1 1 I • >lll Ifl'Il. R.'MI.IH M'lilU'lill aunt and an "almost" gangster uncle. A free-ol-charge Arls and Humanities Symposium tilled "The Music V. • , •; •:;:••,! • .in- : ••;;;.: >! llm '1! I iv In] I! n;,,!.: 'l.r Ml-.n In n|.l !•'! '.i|.'IH • from this newspaper how its done during a recent visit with stunt people, props and sets. Ol managing a staff of eight people; hir- i .' I Vj'll' . -I"!! : , , i- .: !• : .:;' il!: ,i l.'lr.'i.l ,i ].'!'.'• •.,'!.• ; ':, •:: l.-il,..'. •: '. •!:-• ':•' IP'^'I The cast features Weslfield residents dreg Hemmg as Arty; Jeff Rochin as to the offices of Worrall Community Newspapers. Gins- ol Cole Porler" will be held Jan. U) ,11 7 if) p m. LIT inloimatu >n, call 1 course, there were oilier people ing and scheduling freelance crew I ' I i' 1:1 ilif .in , ,•:., -,!|. :.•.••!! \ b.".\e |..|i|.'ii. .- ::.i. !•' :;ili" In. r \ mi In -'iin.-, •:•. lay; I inda Ciiudilla as (irandma: and Hong Thornton as the hoys' father Hdd.e. berg, an award-winnjng writer for the cable television (201) 379-1636, e.\t. 2773. : I \\.-:r :,, - 1... I!.- ni: ii:- I..- .'(•,..i:i 1"! .in involved, creating Ihe games, the people; purchasing, renting and 1 fi I ;n !'r IMII!illn<.: .-: . 1 in- ; •;!;:• •-•- . -'!:i': .ilii'I 'li''ll ; Andy (inrdanier o( Hdison plays I 'ncle I ouie. Somewhat confused Aunt Bel- network Nickelodeon, had his script, titled "Mega Mess- Lumling for "You Never Know" has been made possible in p.m by Ihe completed project was at the Mea- supervising maintenance of video I . • ..;,. . :. • ::; i V :\ lhn\ II in". •'! ';,;•-'! '.mm la is played by Union resilient Lori Slack, and Renc-e Litwin of Scotch Plains a-Mania," staged at Madison Square Garden Saturday. New Jersey Slate Council on Ihe Arts/Department of Stale and the IS lli'bi.-v. I'lhlkul i.-\l dowlands in October, ami last week, equipment; handling contacts with V : !: : l! '••'••••• ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ''•''" -"'••'•• portrays Aunt (iert. National Hndowment for the Arts. .'II I'lr.|...nil !.!-.!im: AQUARIUS the show was staged at Madison labor unions, supervising the cover and publishing law, sitcom writing the (ialapagos off the coast of licua- Joanne Kennedy is the assistant director. Performances of "You Never Know" are scheduled for Wednesdays LEO January 21-February 18 Square Harden." age of Live Aid, Bruce Springsteen wilh wiilers and producers ol "'Ihe dor. I shot the footage for that in In addition to tomorrow's H p.m. performance, the show runs Jan. 20, 2<> and through Sundays at X p.m., with matinees on Thur.sd.iys at 2 p.m. and ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: July 23-August 23 !C.i!l,' i 111.in r\pi,i;nili;: v. In concerts at the Meailowl.mds, and a Cosby Show," ""Dear John." "Police (iinsliL'rg has won awards for his October, and I'm going to start editing Saturdays and Sundays at 3 p.m. An extra matinee perlormance also has V •:, ,••::. - ••:.• I:.I:-:I- '.•.nr- \nt: ••..:':• ' i. i: 11 • '.'..-Ml v.p.il!.. 'ini'-llv 27. season premiere of "Saturday Night Squad," "All in the I'amily" anil SoirTIONS ACROSS SOl.l'TIONS DOWN television and video scripts. lie's it probably later this month. I'm also been scheduled for Jan. 31 al 2 p.m. l:..:-,., |,i,•!!,;•• l-iil !•'••, ....,.,-I; i.,.,. :n,,i.- :in- .•Ih.:: !•• h\ ilim.'.'- All tickets cost SI2, and are available at Rordcn Really, the Town Bookstore I. Vil'- penned about a hall do/en shows that Live," allying many other variety and "Saturday Night Live." lie has won a ;.. ••. :n,l :' li ml i.: -i' -nl! 1 i'.!'1!! :• •-.,,:::••• n. \',!|n-- :si'r: i-sli-.| m -..-. i:i:: and al the box office. Call 232-1221 for mure information. lining some documentaries and some Tickets range from S3 1 to $46. Visa and MasterCard, are accepted, and .' I'm- were broadcast on Nickelodeon, most awards shows. number of awards, including ,1 New . ;••;• • :: • n.is uis.l •:•. ,.n,l l!:. ,, :;• -.-. -,,,i: li.iii.ilv 11 i11:: - -.'.ill '"• corporate videos for Prudential, the SI0 student tickets may be available 15 minutes before curtain. ' Sill-.ii recently, a program tilled "U to U." York-area Lnuny Award; an Aslr.i Unhappy with his salary. Ginsberg Open Center in New York and Roche For tickets and information, call (201 j 376-4343. Lor groups of 20 or .1 ( trie Award and two Telly Awards, a -.• .\ I..; ;!;•. ! < •.: p--.•:!'•. found a belter paying job al ATitT I-:-I. -.', ii il .1 \ • .i ;ll:',n| j ••; -• n "What we did svas connect kills Pharmaceuticals. more, call (20!) 379-3(>3(>. ext. 243X. '- sh..n Video Department in 1'iscalaway.as a Silver Statuette — the highest honor VIRGO around the world to work on a crea- i, Nm-I PISCES tive project together," he said, facility manager. "Actually, I wanted — and a Bron/e Statuette. He. is ,1 "I've always wanted to write," he August 24-September 22 February 19-March 20 founding member of the steering added. "I knew what I wanted to do NEWSPAPERS ! I \ itirii describing that program's concept. lo he a full-time writer, and seriously Your business c;ui grow with more \i: Milll-M.!! 1 II. i.ni'.I.IIM.' Ic.l'. "S I'll-..-. ( nlllii s?lu',..-|l.lll dllllHL committee of ihe Young Professionals early on. But in ihe meantime, I'll i-i Al n'l'i "We had kids mail in stories, poems, wanted to gel on with Ihe writing bus customers. Reach the potential cus.- DELIVERED TO OUR YARD 11 Aki.-s •._•: in li'.' !••- :• -1 !-.:n:: .iMr !" !.:.ii:i.-.n.!'niii^ •-'.-•-Mmi lii',in'li!'"-s at the New York 'Television i - M. • il'. . • songs, ideas, games, and through iness," he said. "I had started making keep doing corporate projects — that lomers in your ncvspajxT with an I.' Helm i;. ;r ., •-:;.,:._•: iiir ,p '....nil- .'. ill !m •'.IM-;. \"ii ii- .In, i'!nm '.', ii'.n llnn..- Academy, and is listed in "Who's CALL FOR CURRENT PRICE i 1 '.,i' schools and animation organizations, calls. The first company was Viacom; is, until I get a real writing ,;•.;,:.• .ii:Ii.-ii;:li !b'". Mi.it ;<.••' .ill ad by calling l-XnoofiJ-XOl |. 1 i I)l».'A ^ v.ill :i';illv •.'.'..rk Di'l!' v.'.isir im, SATURDAY we would have these poems, etc. ani- they own Nickelodeon. MTV and Who in Hntcrtainmcnt" and "Who's assignment." 1 i-l A, i .. : ,iiiLjl .;:• 1- ('. i:- MM ,i p .111,1: t! n 11111. 11 ^'ii.'i'^v- I'll ,i mihm ; M nljl'-ni FLEA MARKET JANUARY 20, 1996 ;•> \V Who in the Hast." Paper Drives Arranged EVENT: Flea Market. mated by other children jn different VH-1. Somehow, I got switched lo the If. Yi". :i. ,i ml--i 1 • • v. ill llm :i.ii 1 ui'I ' '1 \ "ill il will ii-sulvr ilsrll v.'llll'.in SUNDAY ."!! S:tr!. PLACE: Redeemer Lutheran Church, parts of the world." wrong extension. I'd wanted MTV, "One irf the things I'm working on Boy Scouts • Church :\ !m ,in nit'": I'Trnrr JANUARY 14, 1996 ." ^ il.,.,!' 134 Prospect Ave., Irvington, NJ., • ant! the guy who answered w,is from now," hn.said, "is a. documentary on . • 1 .V I'nih EVENT: Flea Market. & Craft Show. 374-9377. 'Ginsberg's other contribut'ions to Schools . 1 Indoors & Outdoors. Nickelodeon, and he said, 'We're hir- All. URriANIZATiON.S AR1-. WUX'DMH) 1 Si -. V.llll'v .'< li.'ll TIME: 9AM- 3PM. Nickelodeon included working as the PLACE: Belleville High School, 100 ing writers now.' Trailers arc available 40', 45' no charge :s i.,ih M I-.u-li PRICE: New and used items. Samples of head writer for "Total Panic," a three- Passaic Avenue, (off Joralemon Street), ( .^ I-"J:;KI CALL 19081 686-9898 & Enter a four digit selection # below! new wedding and formal gowns. Tables WINTER-SPRING i -. Belleville, NJ. hour Sunday morning variety show, "That was in 1>XX. lie asked me lo (all for more information & directions 2'I Si.IT TIME: 9am-5pm, Over 125 Quality Ven- are available for $15.00. Call 372-0084 or send some samples ol my work," he Presents At THE WESTWOOD 438 North Ave., Garv/ood, N.J ,n .p.•.II 3600 Aquarius 3608 Scorpio 763-3281. and as contributing writer for "Don't New Jersey dors! For information call Cissy, added. "I did. and I got a call a few 908-355-2468 HOROSCOPES 3601 Aries 3609 Sagitarius ORGANIZATION: Redeemer Lutheran Just Sit There," "Global Village 201-997-9535. weeks later. They wanted to use some Wednesday, January 17. 1996- 7 PM p.m. John Rocco Scrap Material, Inc 3602 Taurus 3610 Capricorti ORGANIZATION: Fundraiser for Belle- Church. News" and the ACIi-nominated "Nick of my ideas, and I got hired as head 912 Van Burtn Ave. F.liz. N.J. Gemini 3611 Pisces ville High School Cheerleaders. Arcade." IJe also wrote the pilot for a Ballet Thursday, January 18, 1996 - 7 p.m. Daily Uvdates! 3G03 What's Going On i5>a paid direc'j~; cfa sliow called "Haunted House Party." wriler on a show thai siarted in Janu- School Top Entertainment • Reasonable Prices • Specialty Acts • Fully Insured (On'North .V.T OncHltrfW .if K: : \ '*S Attention health-care providers 3604 . Cancer events for non-profit organization, \\ Ginsberg and his parents, Ruth and ary of l')H<) called "Tol.il Panic' " CHILDREN ' TEEMS * ADULTS Weddings • Bar/Bat Mltzvahs • Any Occasion • Karaoke Available 3605 Leo is pro-paid and costs just S20.00 (for 2 Business Hours: This tK'wsp.ipcr c-'iicinir.iccs hospitals. hc;iltli-carc providers, uioa doctors and "I also do freelance projects at BEGINHEfl THRU PROFESSIONAL For reservations or additional showcase dates call (201) 482-0928 or (908) 789-0808 3606 Virgo Its Free! FRIDAY weeks) for Essex County or Union • Don, lived on Woodruff I'lace in 8 am-5 pm Mon. to Fri. dentists in inform the editors about programs, scheduled events and activities. Infosource JANUARY 12, 1996 County and just $30.00 for both. Your Nickelodeon, such as 'Don't Just Sit 24 HOUR VOICE INFORMATION SERVICE Union, moving there when he was 3 Releases should be typed, double-spaced, and include a phone number where a 3607 Libra • EVENT: Flea Market. notice must be in our Maplewood There' and 'Nickelodeon Arcade,' PLACE: Redeemer Lutheran Church. years old. BALLET JAZZ TAP representative may be reached during the day. Send information to- l.ilestylc office (463 Valley Street) by 4:30 P.M ' he continued. Then I did the 'Global West Orange * Madison * Somervilk 134 Prospect Ave., Irvington, NJ., on Monday for publication tho follow- "Back then, Kcan College was lulilor. P.O. Box .M(>.). Union. N.J. 070X3. 374-9377. ing Thursday. Advertisement may Newark Stale College, and had a Village News,' comedy sketches, Parsippany TIME: 10AM- 1PM. also be placedat 170 Scotland Road, nursery program there," he said, game show sketches." 201-736-5940 or 908-526-2248 PRICE: Free Admisssion. New and used Orango, 266 Liberty St., Bloomfield or Ginsberg had studied entertainment items. Call 374-9377. 1291 Stuyvesant Ave., Union. For laughing and recalling his school A NEW SHOW ORGANIZATION: Redeemer Lutheran more information, call 763-9411. Church. Our newEcoiomy Class M. • • • . NEW LOCATION TRAIN SHOW GET OUT OF DEBT! ANDSALE • Get completely out of debt - including your mortgage - in S AT—JAN 1-3H396-H^4- Operate 100% on Cash, a'nd'never need credit again. kthi fl LIVINGSTON TRAVELODGE Quickly and safely build retirement wealth. 550 West Mt. Pleasant Ave. (Rt. 10) Livingston, NJ Exciting new seminar will teach you how to do this. :. ir jV.'i.-s: ETH-SAIC E;serf.o*e'P*1*/Go4 ig-.is lo P.! '•'- r =••••' :-": •"• •'•A'.;E:ser.-^er P**y Go Jligi:slo P.! 'O.-av.-•,;••.:•: Call DREAM QUEST INC. at 1-800-249-6710 or.attend our free seminar c+nn Men U/W ^L—-~^r-z^ 'y.lr; < .•• c-'-ris Adult Admlsilon Wlm thu Ad S4 00 5tan !'1 Children Und«r 12 LOO I on Jan. 20th at 10 am CLARKTOWNE INN, Exit 135 G.S. Pkwy. Clark, N.J, I worcall newspapers P.O. BOX 51 • METUCHEN, N.J. 08840 • (908) 756-2385- (908) 233-7949 | ECONOMY CLASS I CTACU " I WHITE LIGHT Items $100.00 Or Less "REVELATION 20 Words - Price Must Appear In Ad Plus Our I 1 O UJ 5i Going To The Movies? $5.OO "PARTY HARTY DJ's" VERONA and YOUR NAME. Yi iq96'l2:00 pm "FLAVA DJ's" 5 January 14. ^^ * Wall 686-9898: • Brtyn ihe whnir l.nnilv ADDRESS and the nciiihbuis in<>' WAREHOUSE ant/ enter a tour digit selection number below « • Preview ihe hottest h.iihl DISCOUNTS to hear the movie times at these theatres! • CITY- ZIP. I>J s and party options • Valuable door prizes SPACE IS LIMITED IM.M.H.1 and Imi list all DAYTIME TELEPHONE CALL FOR RESERVATIONS (908) FOOD IS NON KOS1IKK 3171 CINEPLEX 0DE0N CRAWFORD ONE ITEM PER TICKET 25 North Avenue • CRANFORD 44 I Rt. l&9 S.BET. MAPLE & GROVE STS. v>u-iTW.. • ;; -:-••••;, , ELIZABETH, N.JT. 3173 LINDEN FIUEPLEK CINEMAS CLASSIFICATION: Tel. 908-355-2000 Fax: 908-355-4004 400 North Wood Avenue • LINDEN Don't buy a boiler 2_ .3 _ 3175 NEW PARK CINEMA 23 West Westfield Avenue • ROSELLE PARK for your home without it. I 4. 5_ . 6_ 3177 CINEPLEX 0DE0N UNION THEATRE ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOMEOWNER 990 Stuyvesant Avenue • UNION 8_ . 9_ 3179 LOST PICTURE SHOW PROTECTION BETTER OIL COMPANY?!: PLAN 2395 Springfield Avenue • UNION 110 11 12 TOMASSO 3181 GENERAL CINEMA BLUE STAR YEAR 1701 -65 Route 22 West • WATCHUNG 13 14 .15 FAMILY OF CUSTOMERS 3183 RIALTO THEATRE 17 16 18 Introducing Weil-McLain's new 5-year Homeowner Protection SAME FAMILY • SAME LOCATION • SAME RELIABLE SERVICE 250 East Broad Street • WESTFIELD 3200 Current Movie Reviews Plan... a parts and labor contract that will protect your investment in BE CONFIDENT* BE COMFORTABLE I 19 .20 new high-efficiency Weil-McLain boiler for 5 full years. Ujvnox or BOILERS • BURNERS TELEPHONE NUMBER Not only will a new boiler from Weil-McLain reduce your fuel • BASEBOARD WATER HEATERS I Enclose Check or Money order and mail to: usage... you'll know that if anything should go wrong in the first live Up To Five No Busy H'11/1 IVbrrall .Wirspapers Economy Class .sMmrf/mu/ U> M'il hu! (hint liurc a lot a] nuineu lu AIR CONDITIONING Selections I Worrall Newspapers years, you'll be covered. Classified Ads. you can make an old refrigerator s/x'rifl ll > ()<>i,(l on (inyllung you're selling ]>ir Per Call! Signals! That's peace-of-mind you get only from Weil-Mclain - Americas Ih) riglit out of your basement. A sofa tuke off SI (Hi or less '' | ECONOMY CLASS #1 name in boilers. Call us for details. from your attic. Or even make that old clunker taxi Call SIX) ")f;-| HUH. '.) am to '1 pm Monday- 351-0313 I P.O. Box 158 right out of your driceieay. Friday Well yet [clintever you iiave .'» sell <;// lo a Economy Class is for people iciio hai-f /li/i/ia. slur! OIL and DIESEL FUEL j * Maplewood, N.J. 07040 Member 01 The New Jersey Fuel Merchant Association I Or call and Charge-It to Visa/MasterCard. That's the ticket! Moviesource mnce S SALES • FUEL • OIL SERVICE A Special Feature Of Infosource ^ PLUMBING. HEATING H For as little as 5 put it in Economy Class and watch it fly! OIL TANK INSTALLATION ] 1-800-564-8911 MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS. INC. | Non-commercial advertisers only offering personal possessions lor sale. Real Esiale does JOSEPH P. HIGGINS, MASTER PLUMBER 34 GREEN STREET-UNIT B • WOODBRIDGE, NEW JERSEY 07095 Look for Economy Class ticket, fill out and mail in i no! qualify or these rales. REMOVAL & SANDFILLING SERVICES CALLS Ari£ FREEH within \uur lot.il cilllnK J'ud Oul ol jrciuUs Ml! In- billed J1. luntl dlsuiuc by 908-289-1155 OR 908-602-9703-1800-560-2115 or call 800-564-8911. We accept Visa/Mastercard ni LIC #10168 612 E. Jersey St., Elizabeth • (908) 351-0313 ', nur tclrphuiH' iump.in> Intotourct is ,1 srpvue u| \\ur:.ill tOinimi.'Utv NcwspapiTs, ' - L. .J WORRALL NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 — B9 B8 — THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS WOMEN SEEKING MEN LOVER BOY f ( : Jewish Federation holds Wouldn't it be more FULL FIGURED ITALIAN ,; 1 v°'' '''^ n nr.k mnlp. 6 1'. wIh h,i- convenient to receive 18 !> • ''S v.'.Ih H muscular l")'uilri° In four weeks, this Spanish 1 fi?62 your paper in the mall nox ACADEMICS AND STRATEGIES DREAM LOVER art, photo, essay contest won't be Greek to you. Small Groups each Thursday? M t^l.ir.k r;i.,lf> 1.0'lkirV) 1 )l ',')• .I.I ,||(.:| •..r-.'-cii. 'irinosl i;^lucnl- As part of the celebration of the tnlenium ol Jerusalem, the. Jewish IviU-u r >.!••[] V.'i lo t-i |!o [>()X (f>l lion of Central New Jersey is co-sponsoring wiili Middlesex County, contests in I SCOTCH PLAINS KEEP WARM... FUN TO flF WITH' : art. essays and photos. FOR EASY ., '(' yi'.ir MI'J R i ii'i'i'r. l-.I.K'k ni,ir" r SUMMIT WHAT A WAY TO MKHT! - ,. •'- r-i] '(V i Hi ' U' ^u , or Ci.ly rr,-!l«\ Jerusalem is the suhiect of all entries. The contests ;ire open lo the ^encr.il^ ' i> In n riolrj '•I' I' i !' '• ••.':! •,vi'"or •iujtl!'; C ill and • community. The entries of the art and.photo contests will be exhibited at the' s HOME r CLARK .'.IM ,1 -.-....,K!(! BOX 3 -r:?Sl joint Central New Jersey-Middlesex County community-wide fair, that will Cill 1-900-786-2400 (Si 99 min ) In rosponri to thnso SOMEONE SPECIAL Like place May 1') at Rutgers I'nivcrsiU Athletic Center The essays will he |EDUCAYIONAL SERVICES CENTER DELIVERY Touch-tono or rotary phonos. You must bo 18 or older. published in a booklet lo be distributed the day of the event. 1-800.762-8378, I-, i -1 '•/ ".l..".r-..j rill.'.'. .:. i r. 1 KEEP ME COMPANY' M"li THINKING OF YOU DOES THE SLIPPER FIT CALL ME LADIES .V.I .I..,-.; •„,! l,;,,k,r, 1 lor ,i Prizes wil be awarded in each age division I-'irsl pn/e in each division will be liP^&^Z>S>**n^*»*. •• ,-,| .... ••.. ,': ,;'.. . . • •^i^^r^ •aJY-SHHlfflT-HIRt J' -•• • ; i 5,7V second prize will be $50 and third prize. $20 , CALL ril'-.-r ' '.•.. i ml!! 1 • u-)v ./l.'.-lf, l:or the art contest, the divisions are ai;es 5-S; 'M.V 14-1": IS and up Start sneaking a now language for just $199.* ,•:••:,....;•.:',.. •• C ••";..',!;; :.;'!2i:-1::;. • .; l <•• ,-• .-, i LET S HAMG OUT .

For the essay contest, the divisions are- .iiies 5-l.V. M-20. 2] and up. Oth r limi/iiafi •N nrailable im ludi'itq limihsh 11 , ' t ..•••; •• 1-i .-ll"!,-... ' '•••• ! • ' ' f) '1' 1 -800-698-7794 AF1E YOU SINCERE? il ;i •• ••/"• ; ;'•"; •'<•'[ •_ ! • '•'', '; ,i' 11 ' . .' The title of all essays must he'"If I lvr^et Thee, O\ Jerusalem.".1-ssays must \n;:i,rr !,;IV , \'' ^ 1 V • • • 1T ' i'\\ • l-'.i": SWEET AND SINCERE I.;."" ' IV. I 1"'' fi. '.i • •,'iv' '- .''-,.1.' A''|". "-.Ill-' 1 M In he typed, double-spaced on one side ol the p.'.per and > ,,:• " • I'M" |)'';n !n ,r -.jn-.i-yi".^ »v!s ; . •• . •• .•..••_ <••••; ••;-.•' ,-•;'- s V " ' ' l| 1 • 1 1 •_;•;••:' i i • 1 ; i-.. '.••• :•• >' [.'•'",' ,r 1 i • -

1 1 ;K I-or the photography c.Milest, the divisions are/ a «s 5-1 \ U-" 21 atk! up ' ''•• "•I'll .I'I ;. ii : .-. .,.• ., • \..';\ : :i '.• ' • ' '.''"..... r-\ '; .V. •' '.",' .'•!' •i •'- • I . :'-..i •'.0'' DOUBLE VISION » 1 •lliiTphotoi:r.iphs suTiiii:lTe"d mu-l hTiaV,lMiT\ 7Vie~j\ir!TTrp.inT"" 1 lie "pTi~:w :- ^^;^i :•;;:':; MPANWOfUl. ,:-\ ! FEATHERBED LANE ...... f, ...... ,• . MIX ME UP • ...... ; -| , .|i.|.-.; '. , i..,.,. '- ' •? 'h must be al least Shy 10 niches in nther black-and-while or color, and be malted, • ;flil- illl... 1 '1 ' s NEED SOMEONE .-:, •• i •• I'i -'• i'-i (•-,.;

hut not framed. : • ( • -11;:J-. ".i1'1 u ;ri i i r.i ' i ri!^ .!' i I;|1Vn of Ilie .U-in Celebrating Our NEED A COMPANION saleni experience. . • i ( Berlitz ESTABLISHED DIFFFF1UNT BUT NORMAL . 'inpanied !•> an entty lo:n 42nd Year l-'ach art. essay or photograph entry niilM ly 1953 WANT WINTER ROMANCE 1 |>! s S.'-l ". I ii! ;M D:I I : 1 . i • •; • i . • i ii i which is available .it the Jewish l edcratio$ Cential New Je:se> CALL ME'" I !! M'lv.l- I ...-••• ; • • I •••' ii •..,-. WANT A NON SMOKER' .ipli en::ies is Ma\ :. l The deadline for submission ol the ail .KI.I phot SI \IMI 1' Mil )(,I;\VO()|) llie essays, the Jc.idline is March Ml 277-1 ) 444-(.4()0 BODY AND SOUL •••;••!• 1 . i1 ':•/.).• YOK ['lease mail entries lo I.ins l-'leischman. c/o lenis.ileni ^*"" ("onlesl. UNION COUNTY MALE NICE PROFESSIONAL... , .....i,.. ;•'. ,,.,!.,. i. ,,.. . i :(i • • .. I' -I1 'I ••• i •if, ;)--.-o:.-.-! !-, ;i „-,•;••::; -H,r r,-i Federation oi Central New Jersey. K4.* St. C.eor -e Ave . koselle. NJ < L A Q*W. nox .!''•'!i••> 1-or further information, call I ills 1-leischniai; al 2[>S x;nil SPARKLING GREEN EYES :-.i'' ••.'• " ,••(,. •- ','r.i-: )n.; EDUCATED MALE

-,••,;. !••'.,' {•'••'.'' NEED A COMPAWON FOR REAL

,,. i-;i.r .!.-! ..;.-..•, .|-:( .| •••ir.'.v ".•' SELF EMPLOYED MALE A Real Lesson in Economics: CONVERSATIONS ! ; ' ,',.-.rv '•: e- . - CAN YOU COMMUNICATE''

•- .•• , •- ,].. , ... •):','." :.'•• "I Lrl.|iy \ETS TALK .WANT IT ALL •Vi.. •• ,l(. ':: '.If •> -"A ; n.ls Tuition '• ; ' '• ' ' r : ' I'K' Anrn CLUB KID BARBARA A. FARIA- THOMAS FARIA- •••; '••/ Looking If" .. !(•!•• '••)" TRADITIONAL FEMALE WANT AN HONEST GAL • •-•; -r.t'.E 15 !0 60 BOX 'V->V ' We learned that Union County College's annual tuition is only iJlrccior ol' Administration. BA Director ol Kdurntion HA m i '••! '•"^•-.(i LciK.-v; ''•'' •! '• • :•<- • READY TO SETTLE DOWN S1 509' -- significantly less than New Jersey's four-year public in Klcmrntarv Education State Klcinentury Kckicitinn. MA m ON THE LOOK OUT 1 ... >-,!i_> -.;,'.. North Jor.,Py ,1'i" IS ;-'"• 1. .*"-; ' :r ,-| ;- .•. .' '•!.• 1" I"-..'.' .!• l.l'l. .'.• •' .'•.. V, • .r '.v^o . Cert Dcat'iN; Hard ol'llcarinu Administration .Supi-i viMon. (;••!•':! ••!••." - l .'. 'I. '•.•.:•'"' >.'. . .liL.-." •"• •' ' college average of $3,518, or $12,423" at private colleges. : •" cna11", E^oy )'•:-'•.'.:<1 •' -:•.: ! .' SI,ilr Cerl ICarly Ctiildhood. Slate CiTtililed-Ciiiidanec. -./] ;,, r,_l ; ; .. ..•••.• ;..-. .1 '• ..- ; ; ; .... ,- r.,. .. iri ...... ,.;.•; - ; :-: - ..:-:.""q BOX JJ.P? 1 f f ; •'• ! ••'I L-.ok-'Vj '';r :],]; .vhile or We also learned that UCC has financial aid specialists to help ; '' .•• "'"ii •j"' j'"C] •.)'"'! " i . . t : V V: ^•irkL .1''^ r-'^'.j '*i ..•_' ' i .j ;' : . OLD FASHIONED VALUES Asm' cvii* 2H ID .10 .viltl slifli us qualify for grants, loans and other assistance. Approved by NJ Dept. of Education A BC.'<. :;::S6.: GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR WILD AND SEXY ITALIAN MALE -.. r\|i.-y ar- ~'r • - i-| tiOX • '• 1 ••

r Certified Facility.and an Educational & • ; - '..-•.... r;.. :C • , .: ) *,• - : Best of all. Union County College is one of the most respected REAL MAN WANTED'! UNCONDITIONAL LOVE" i ''or- C'*/ .!"': ;f"i[> r"T' rr-../. Creative Environment institutions of higher education. We're getting both quality . 1? .... -.. ; - .'.. , • . ,| •- i'n - i •*0'S v '^o:"g 'o ;>lf, :'.OV 1;.'' 1 I .•. •: .ir'J sexy O-.JU;J>. •;! •.!'. .y,. GIVE ME A CALL and affordability,^ •• '! •)•: i .1 1 SUMMER DAY ATT UNWED MOTHERS!! •.•.•"..te male aq ? J»i ''I-J ;.f.j"-l-. NURSERY SCHOOL BEWITCHING BLONDE ' •„—••;;•• ,rj BOX !?=•••• ARE YOU INTERESTED' ONE IN A MILLION Today, financing a college education is more challenging CAMP :- BOX • i5J. FRIEND WANTED... v "•. ! nn ,i si^ji" .In.1. ••". ;'•.''.. ACTIVE MALE than eVer. Let Union County College provide you with a Ages 2 1/2-6 Half& -Jl'i ! E'V. . ••'.:.-•• •••••• •-.• 'C '•.-

Ages 3 11 Full Day '•' '- • •>' '•" " • "' - - -•'" ' '•' quality education without the burden of a big debt. Call: -'* -r f'.p 1" '. ' ! •- ' ' -;.' YOUNG MALE Full Dav Sessions. .'....,...... ~ .,.. , ,y .:\ '.::•<> Sessions ? w .v -e-.i-'o-^- p BOX : ;.;-:' siUloliCdn; ollit-l. OMUuitl L>ti ii.ni j ANYTHING THAT S FUN' ':• Gay rr.Ver, 18 lo 4O'tc tecc^c (908)709-7500. A LIFETIME TOGETHER! D HUMOR A MUST!!! 90\ yj -••<*? WANT JOLLY CHRISTMAS 'Js •«•!'- and nave !ur> uss-D'" 1 r ; r •onsr-'O BOX 38778 ... | . .... ,.ri,-,,, ,,^,5 ••Nnt.orial On!.,- to- Ecuc.il.on 5:.fa!r. 1P93-<1. . r •' '. \l \; ° - v;!{? .'."''0 [;'p'>.';'.- ., ,',. r .', ....'r. ^rj1,'." ''fi1' ;i",J VIVACIOLfs JERSEY GAL KINDERGARTEN 2 POOLS FULL OF EXCITEMENT : Spring Semester starts January 17. SWIM • ; •!-•• ••,;'••• V.-.".";: BO'' " ' thru 6th grade Full Day ASIAN DOCTOR

r Sessions INSTRUCTION , I • : •.— .--.••• ar.ig.'roe and a r S M :'iri •'.•:! 1 ,•--:•• .•, •- i

... ..-..,.- v. ,••• ,..-o^.- 5'1O" of a union o e V • ;ir' ! .' :' : '•• J21 -^'"^cr-ijr' ^30/ 39177_ _ LET S MEET SOMETIME COUNTY ' ... ,-.- •.. ,.;. •',• .1 I, ••.rj.-nrr-- ,r,, j;-. .. ,.-- ] sr,H-' ••••• • ,'• •.' LOOKING FOR THE SAME Extended hours Available • Hot Lunches nov 35PP .'MVVISJI-CS BOX 1 IS'5 ,- '.'.-"'.L- "a.e 26 S '' a--'. /.",r}^ COLLEGE ZEST FOR LIFE TRYING TO KEEP WARM BOX 11.:-1 • WANT A COMMITMENT SINCERE MALE • Foreign language • AM & PM Snacks DREAMER LOOKING FOR (033 Sprinafield Avenue, Cranford Cranford • Elizabeth • Ploinfield MENSEEKIR6MEN Scotch Plains WOMEN SEEKING WOMEN STILL LOOKING CURIOUS FEMALE - ( ( We'reyour college. THE GIRL NEXT DOOR ANSWER THIS AD" -23 ;oa ~'3 siac-: 3. curu'j.js e'" >e ROMANCE GOOD HEARTED MAN •••5 ;c^''JS Lcc.;nq 'or A B- C JC-C i GOOD TIMES I--—-:i;

S.•\ior,^c^^r^I,e!lq(;33 [re,-,;- .- '.] •.•• :>-• ; K;".! VERY HONEST PERSON? ARE YOU THE ONE'"'' ••>; BO' n::o n HUMOR A MUST' •."•:• 'e >?"' a"'.i 'esto':"!'...- u^o^. ENERGETIC MALE.. •'^ 'ur a ? • g'e '^""a'o 'oi 'r .?''.d;in^ j -.!.I!I-IT -ir-! :-'JSS ^ e ".-'•H'-j-.s'-.o BOX CALL ME SOMETIME' CALL ME...

...•;. ; '.••••(• MATURE. INTELLIGENT •• ,i. -•.) r -J ''-ii-.-- •.-•-•>-aa-1 BOX 3-qi-' ?'ac- lor-H'e 32 vo-i' o'd En- T r X ;:,' Jir'i iqf -Ja"cng a-i ! -"o., • ;t.r GOOD TIMES HERE CALL ME LADIES.. MARRIAGE MINDED MALE .• r ; ' " f:o ^ SINCERE AND CARING 'M'-."! a''J -I.I/EO 'ea:;r-5-.'r BOX to Local T?1:? ..__ WANT IT ALL YOUNG LOOKING •\; ^-,-,!-.igo •-•••.:•>::'e~n •?•.•.-:• THINKING OF YOU GENTLE MALE r. -orr..-:-: ,!-j .-.•'r-rj yvo BO'

p CENTRAL JERSEY CLOSE ENCOUNTERS tl'.i. r-^-.r-st o..".Ci arr! ca "q \7 \J nrJs- c ' r;t BOX 39319 Business E Industry I ,r 1 i .•• ' . :jw.j'7ii'STi'.; '?". 25 "- :•:•• GOD FEARING UNION COUNTY MAN SPORT PMTNERS/FRIENDS TAKE A CHANCE ,ir , ,,-. ,••••>• •.' '.' 'O-.IV • . PROFESSIONAL MALE SEEKING FRIENDS...

v •'. '. ••'.•' ITALIAN/IRISH MALE CARING MALE •n;i jr'or ano Essex county .-jrca !! -..y'' ',:• i- •••:!.. 1 r* \-J 24 • : i, .•.' '•: •* ! •' 3>-' -0 ' ; 55 •C ;.:••'.-..•. .-.;\l-.-.:;s. • '.' " '.-• BOX i>e. " 5783 LOVE TENNIS... TIRED OF GAMES WANTED. SOUL MATE ARE YOU FEMININE? 0' e'ltn 'e-"a..? -' TI, O.K:/ 50 S I "i REMANUFACTURED . -..c-£-•,::. BOX i'.'•;-:,• - FOR A REALLY SPOfJTANEOUS MALE ! ' j'"C"J..S rj.;-rs:.r -VIM 0V0 !0 'JOOK EXTROVERTED MALE L.^VT:; '"' a 'o-r'S rj avcf Wa-1' a ENGINES in electrical business • ' ; ' :• i" '!>.- ;•-•"' •• , i.nmg •„; • GOOD CAR WASHHL : r 0 INCURABLE ROMANTIC < ! -". rl'r'k ' .';i"l 'T-,-,r'Py n ''ij

CARING FEMALE SMILE FOR ME... MEN SEEKING WOMEN STRIKE YOUR FANCY Joseph Puer.iri. owner ,i"ii ;iro- the changes m his field by attending MALE WANTED!!' irictor of Puerari Electric. ;s a seminars held by the New Jersey SINCERE : 1 :,I ' .ir.cl-:-....' .-. r- •.'•-.•;.K;O BOX l,:;-.> ' '• •.;•'.• I .--:-- •• •'"..•-•. • BO' •'• licensed electrical conlrdUor with State Electrical Contractors Associ- WINTER HOURS STYLISH FEMALE' COVER GIRL WANTED GOOD TIMES... ation Meetings. the state of New Jersey, and has ESSEX COUNTY OPEN 7 DAYS ..'i rt-jc" •;:••• L:,. • • i' • -i---J-. SERIOUS CALLS ONLY! been- operating one of the area s Puerari Electric vontra^'.s tor all LETS ENJOY WEEKENDS most successful electrical contract- types of commercial, residential, 8 AM - 6PM SEEKING A DREAM DATE BUILT IN OUR SHOP ing businesses out of his home in and light industrial construction. • • snx .K'L LETS GET TOGETHER'. Kenilworlh. Most of his clients are so satisfied PROFESSIONAL FEMALE NEED A COMPANION Our state-of-the-art machine shop and computerized 1 SPEEDY CAR WASH 1 READY TO LEARN diagnostic center are yeur assurance of excellent per- Keeping his overhead low and with his services that" they often SOUND LIKE YOU customer satisfaction high, he says, recommend Puerari Electric lo formance and long-term reliability. Personalized Hand Detailing 'X ' :_ "-. 1 ii r are the keys lo his success. others. -•• . '" . : i. •• '\.^•-' r! • "••• : .-"• • .. : l. A NEW YEAR' LET'S GET TOGETHER. "I would say the biggest differ- Puerari Electric offers competi- On Every Car Washed :•.•:•• '• •- . ' :a-, BO.- _'•'• 3-YEAR, 36,000 MILE WARRANTY • - •• : i'- • : '.H.j / o";/^' PRICES STARTING ence between myself and other con- tive prices for a variety o! electrical 100% BRUSHLESS , , . . CONSTRUCTION V/ORKER ON PASSENGER VEHICLES CRAZY. SEXY. COOL1 AT UNDER $2,000. tractors is lower prices," says Puer- items, including smoke detectors, (Soft-Cloth System) ari. "Our overhead and expenses track lighting, recessed lighting, Gentle Touch :• ' ^ r , j , j-.. •",-•-•:i\^ j ar .-J are lower and that helps keep prices and is a fully guaranteed and No Scratches or Swirls 3OX •.-<••:: : MACK BORING down." insured contracting company. Gleaming Whltewalls, ui% |H rv. W I.I i.ill I .iiui mlt S,»«p.i|i. r^.i^uiii^ii.ili.iliilin r..r llu 1 .,,h. Hi-, •im nl;: .nut MK II hjl il '.r 'K-Ul< .mi IKT^.II.II .iili.rtiiviiHiiK '.huh Puerari is a licensed electrician Puerari is serviced by a; least half r .ill \.l- lir i> ViU.im rd ! iK,.nn s nu |iii.iti. MI.iilMrliM-rsmiiNl mnrilj 11>« c ^ II|>JII» llu .I .ip|K-.ir in » • v i .II in. l"\ 1'ltlS". 'A lun inn .-^(x.ii.l !...,(, HI I..HI. .id. M.ur |ihi>nc hill « ill rvlivil .1 ili.irw & PARTS COMPANY 515LehlghAve., il ili'i'iiiNiii.i|i|ii il jrc jlili- I.. U- .uiihl l.-^.n tit \\ ..rr.tll ( ninini Ill \il>.MU III l.-ln.'IM Mm- I .III I Mill.; for the slate of New Jersey with a dozen different electrical supply nl fl.'l'lp, r niil iti-. \n jiiT.ini-.'llliriilli-i.Ill >">!% >?.''"• Ki- i:.H-''.iiii tu - (i.m. MMIKI.1% thnui^h I- ritlji

2365 Route 22, Union,.New Jersey IlN .llxull 1IU stTM.l. Ha counties. ity, state-of-lhe-.'.rl merchandise Cull 1-800-382-1746 to pluct' >our ad 24 hr.s. a du\ Participate Here y work: new constructions His training also includes school- and services," says Puerari. "We i:l '. .'l^' •JU'/'H'n: -A 1 HUT, .!.''. ing at the Lyons Institute in Newark contract far all types of renova- RESIDENTIAL > general wiring ft lighting ^: •-:•••. :... :.: . •:• !'l*l'l '• 1-900-786-2400 for the SUCCESS of your and Union County College. tions, new home construction and .\i- I i—"j.!!. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Toi,ct-T')re or rotar/ chores Yo'.i ~n;sl bo '3 or o:cier 1 Puerari is an officer for the upgrading of services within • small ft large repairs BUSINESS & COMMERCIAL Concern Union County Electrical Contrac- 50-mile radius." ^7 • new ft old work .-.i>l : tors Association which meets For quality workmanship at electric. Inc. DIAL TODAY TO BE IN THIS DIRECTORY monthly. When he has the time. price you can afford, call Puerar • update services Puerari keeps himself apprised of Electric at 276-3687. 908-276-3687 • recessed lighting 908-686-7700 ext. 340 JOSEPH PUERARI President • 110 v smoke detectors Ask/or Dorothy Gorlin Fully lusured • License H7837-A B10 — THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 — UNION COUNTYWIDE CLASSIFIED & UNION COUNTYWIDE CLASSIFIED — THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1996 — B11

DRIVEWAYS HOME IMPROVEMENTS ROOFING RUBBISH REMOVAL TILE PATERNO PAVING HICKMAN EVERLAST ROOFING CO. MIKE PRENDEVILLE CERAMIC TILE Installer. Now Mos. mpairs, WORRALL regroulmg. romodoling, cleaning. Mo job !oo b fj * RESIDENflAI. AND COMMERCIAL (INSTRUCTIONS J Drlvownys - Porklng Loin BUILDING & REMODELING, INC. or fimall. I do i! all. Major credit cardi acc-Dtor) 'Coa: Sowing SpOCiaN/iHg ;n, *;h nglft, toar off^ and 1 p'y DISPOSAL • AcJdilionn • Windows r Joo Mogna, 1-S00-750-68?? 'Conr,r(,:o Strffwalk • Kitchon*] • Tiling • Baths • Roofing rubbnr, nr'n'-o carDontry, na:o Thnrjln Cat. "AM Typo Cufhinrj'i • Docks • Sid'ng • Custom Carpontry Spamr.h t;'o ropairi; 201-635-8815 C.APIIAI HAtflS ',!0->-'i7n',l-r.ir;| ,,,„,,,, „,',,'. P ALL HOME IMPROVEMENTS OWNFR OPERATFD. FULLY INSURED ATTIC-BASEMENT-GARAGE CLEARED DENICOLO TILE CONTRACTORS I Fl[.(: FSIIMAFFS FIJI I Y INSUF'rO A'! v/or'"TTi'ir.h]() g'ja-an:c")d. CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS REMOVED a-nbnw^.a-H.nvi.'-.-o^./','!'!';.',';''.:;^' PicturoG/no'oronces Avnitab'o CALL GLENN . 908-665-2929 AccoBf. A'l Mnjo' Credit Ca'di MINI ROLL OFF DUMPSTERS Er.'ablirjhod 1935 l : ;: 0 l ; ! : :! (! r| ln 908-245-6162 908-241-3827 "™ "'r "' '" ?''' "' ' ' ' ' ' "- p r^tirr.niQii Fully Inaurod • 908-964-6081 FAST FAIR RELIABLE i •&;.• PROPERLY LICENSED Kltchons, Bnthroomrj, Ropalra, Goutlng, QUALITY Tile Flooro, Tub Enclonuro*. Showorfltalla SODP (>'.,-,-,,. KJ,..,:',,; '",',',:„:,':-,' DRIVING SERVICE FLOORS & Free Estimates Fully Insured .;><)\-U.\ •.';••>! AMDnOir.F '. A Car <),.-j.r,. A i:o-..ih. lOfVi-iy ROOFING CONTRACTOR PERRILLO'S 1 r.i.-.ir-rj m 1 ply rubber roo'ing r I iN'vdn. '.urro-.iririir'f) .-ifri.-i", C.a'i Vjfl r,8G-/O/6 HOME IMPROVEMENTS No job too small or too large r.i A", ;ir:Ai PIAH'I I ,.•..,.,..,,,. i/.yn,~'i-,-Z", : 1: F-'at roofing-ropnirs SUBURBAN VISA < 1 'n: :n':i-'T-a: ;i- ray.-, >,Vi> rlrj Ih !•;'!. MM I".' .'I '•..•/••• .!.- •, IJ/'-.i;'1-r 'V ''li.T.-' Sr•"•ri'oi, ro-roof-toaroff 1-8OO-564-8Q11 '•>'•'<'' H •!'. ,|'i..| /'j ,. . ..,'.,,'. ',,.' ,. ',,u ^— V/n iH'.'a' rarr-ic t''or,. carDO! and vinyl RUBBISH REMOVAL r.a'i! rln i! iT'doo' and outdoor painting. ALL TYPES OF RUBBISH 908-686-5550 'Vip Oo'.'n-v vci D'OP confjr>, bathroom and Samo Day 9orvlco 1 F .;:••/ bainrrnnt rnrr.odoltnrj Fasl Fair Rollnblo P.O. BOX 3695, Union, NJ HELP WANTED 908-322-4637 HELP WANTE° ; (Senior Citlzon 10% Discount) : Ff!! F FUILY INBUFIED HELP l)I)IV(ilS B Klv 'jlUMIflC nr v/i n[)ni y FREE ESTIMATES TREE EXPERTS -:r ,•,•-"! f ,,r.y J.n-> B.tl.V | [my. p.'l (MISCELLANEOUSI _ ELECTRICIANS ,r '! f!" [)• . -q r.c^f}')' :;•,! ' r :..-.. VJ'.y-' ••.-<•".<••'. -y«' !'•'•'• ''•••-< ' BOYLE TREE SURGERY CO. :: 201-761-0102 WE STOP LEAKS! WANTED •-.-••>'<, SA'.I P O O^^/'iKt.l " i !'"••'•/ IT-CM ! '-.'";. I ".ci".'. ll'TK/l I! 763-7738 ESTABLISHED 1922 |r ...... ,,. ,| v-rr.i::i"icr'.-)v,-i'i INDEX Oi r TREE & STUMP REMOVAL r.?.rr.":.i I- ;,nis: c.vts. tnys. :«•«.>!-/. v;o-xi SERVICES CLARK BUILDERS, INC. v/it ;.i| ii i i ' .u:,'- i'VAiKi;) '.„,••••••« K ANTIQUES LANDSCAPING YOUF! AD r.o'/d MKMI h o 'or .T; PRUNING HKLP WANTKI) .•=1- 1 1 : r r SI-: 00 D"r v/C" ''. Ca i In' ro r!'-:a ....-,. - yi/ •-.:•.:]•,• • •!•<. G-.TI: y.-iy I •..,. •'fi[[ A* J' " i' I' M r-f ' ' ; i a- • 'i .^. (.»' • P-/. s:r p;;.-a ft F!"rj,-i". TREE SURGERY IN ' OFFERED Irior.rjy c'ar.G ' od d'jrj;!''rrr.- ' vvoi'd In- : .... .,.,... ,,..,,,.,, ;,r. .,..,, ;.. p... , .. ,, ,.. , ,, -..,. • (1,-r (,1,-J »(:;, ?.'. I-; ;•-, 'I „,.) ; HOLLYWOOD • r a: P-)n'''q f. S n\" 1 ,., ;nl ,"M '/.••; ,..:••". •:•• •[>:•: • f ' ALL ITS BRANCHES •r, !••<•", '. I nvicT, •o h(-'p you Ca .! : nOO-Sr. - ...... IIAIHSIYI ISI •."•-•.<•':! I'--.•.:••- Electrical Contractor Union 3 f Sorvinrj Union & Mlddlnsox Countin'; "_^;ATTrCOHDmONlNG"" '""" _ LANDSCAPING ___ Assistant Superintendem c'3!T"r^".'"r'"7'?'"T' fi r,oo 't'l AH l'.":OI.'i [•;,•'• 4-I'KTS f"..-•-/ l-vj'Od • F"!» Ei:-T<..-, SNOWPL0WING For Large Apartment Complex ~~~ IS YOUR •RESIDENTIAL ARTISTIC LANDSCAPING WOOD STACK Mf lYI'l'',!''. H"i'T"! A ',:i I'C ,V(i"! :•• M I I ir. No r,W,0 TREE SERVICE 5-INSTKl IC'I'IONS r.w !,:.'•", -.••.': r ";"J y'-.-j- ••••.•-.' [;0'"p • A:.-:'(/]'! •••;"• no t-i^vc' Tj-r\ r FLEA MARKET AIR CONDITIONER WORKING? •C0P.1MERCIAL DESIGN LOCAL TREE COMPANY ; 'ion -(I';" n'il "I.'71 (•<• 'I r>'"iT '

Elndrical, Plumbing. Cnrpontry, Etc r •INDUSTRIAL PERILLO'S ALL TYPES TREE WORK (i-SIiRVK'IvS (>F!T,RKI> ri:i ' .ii i -. i I," !•-••• ('•)•-'•• " c.i;- If not call Fred's A/C& Heating 908-381-9090 1-800-794-LEAK (5325) EMPLOYMENT V/ANTED EXOTIC GARDENS & *FRF:E-. ESTIMATES '.•';, I'.r 'a' P-.,r: Hr:.'-'" SaV/f NO JOB TOO SMALL 7 HI 'SINKS^ ()['!'( >KTl iMTIKS Mono" I Hf-rl-x-.', (Tel.) 201-736-1450 SNOW PLOWING *st.:nion CITIZEN r)!p;oriijrjr ! POND INSTALLATION r r r M IV.MIfir, 'YOUI' r.v/i :.•'••.-'•! " ''• YOUR AD co'jld noponr hore for ,15 i'"!o ;r» 1> O P-O< r- < : v d ,a 'a- :.p"-^^ t 1 r< *if/!/,'. OIA1F SFW1CF- HRKNTAI. ' (Beeper) 201-690-0207 S'*«00 p^' v;nok. Cn ! fo' rroro rio'n' ". Our 1 CHAf WWZ \-IK\\\\) ':>:\ '.-.•;';•; :i-6 ,3 TREE REMOVAL *i:iSURF-D -frT-Rf.T VKYDD r.'nlF : H-NICAL KSTATK Same day service on all brands. Prices That Won't Shock You! (fi(*r.d!y rj^sstfiod dopnflmoni wou'd bo naopy 1 r 201-763-7738 908-276-5752 A'/O'J A RLA'.J III Ul Joh Ea-'- F >'-a ^iT :ll-l-^ -—^- f.ra . i|K'C,l v:V -"- "•'/'• ".'I"' FREE ESTIMATES : jii.i.••• IO-AUTOMOTIVK" '.'/-•• jr. /ewn Tw. '".- F:r- a"'! P-o'.' T rj r. •- r ; Av-/ [ nf ' j 'Of !'i-N I .)•;:>-• I"." •••:••• - a-, a-ea. Ca' To F---r, ' 8",0-r,';? o;v • ,.-,.,,.-,.,. U-.v •••-'; 'J1' '•..,•.-.-••. '':'• 908-688-1853 CARPENTRY 908-686-1838 UNION COUNTY [Wi'Sinii! H;r-y Ho'nhr.. T/I-) U'-"'-~" ! |';,! '^.,'.'''''.". I'."1' • ''.-,'/ ''"'' ''"'"''' ';';' I I-Gi SIUDF.NI F-.ii/ Ir-.u-od Tnion Leader • Sprin^licid Leader ir,\—:-r: 'o' ' i /nn< od a-^ ?-. y'-a- c •*. '" ' '' ' ' - '/ - MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CAPRI AH: /,[)• r.AVf !; 'o^ •.-' i", ;. -:..r v ':•••. SPURR ELECTRIC I.INDFN I ANOSCAPING. Ire nor.i^oniinl nrcl r r Clark ICa^lc • Kcnihynrt.'h Leader ..; M<-T" A •>•, r.-.-- New and Alteration Work Co'-rr^cron' I ayjri main;orn .ci). 'ar,rJ .c-apo « ;;/;>[ [i|[ fjc[ CONSTRUCTION r •-I-/.'! i , / .•.•ri--.i- •••'! A •,')[.!•<• a"<. O'V.-i'l'' rir.^ gn/ ig-iti^f). r.oasonal cl'ta^ '.iD ., ao'.aiirn IVj'-': d-'/ • :| - •i-ri-.-1i-ri, ' r)f" -q .irrl -/-J/J- njpa Mountainside ICehn • Ro^elle Speelatnr ,-, ,- '; i" <•". !r-" I ,- ll-i ,-.'• f',V!:\r . i.i-:-:-: nrd pov;or r.ood'nq. sod. sood Fioo estimator. General Contractor f.rarrj ' q. *'-r,r 908-563-0398 1-800-870-0398 Corc/oto Wo-'< Cai Victor. 90B-3S5-"t6 > o- . Summit 'Observer • ICli/aberli Gazette rfjr,..; i.ivo - n i\ I • MAI! C;AI ;,•:((.•" r.'r.;:'-AJ<" ,...r ,•.!:,.•:• >r>nciali7ing In Sidinrj h Dncks The map at left A;, (••• '•• • '•': Ja- ..a'/ • •- •.''••• a": •:!•: shows the county FREE ESTIMATES CLASSIFIED RATES •-..,- rio- !>-:•.;•"-...''!' '•'!•;•..-,-- -..••.:..•-!-.-,:, distribution of FULLY INSURED FENCING MASONRY 20 words or less S ] l.DO pri msci I rnn nur/Nrss on:icr n-.r.-.t.i-: dailies and weeklies 'j;*~. • z~ ava an <• -• — r..-: a'o:y f,- TOM'S FENCING TRAINING CLASS PlLAZARICK MASONRY. Dopondablo Sor- in the NJPA Additional 10 words nr less si.00 per iiisrri v.-co S,d<li imii null 1 o;,[ ','.'• '.'••'•'< -r 1 I- " "r. 'a'"'/ ill (•'"•••• Cutters. Corarric T o Pamtrg. Carpentry r (ANNOUNCEMENTS) -..-,. .',' •• • ••• 1 • '; ,:i . ^'' ••'',/ ' a:;,'a V/n Now Accnpt All Major Crndit Cards NEW AND REPAIR Renovn! onr.. C'oan JDG ard removals Base- 1 Contnirt Kates Available ••a- Pa-'. :-'.• Ca : Monday r-'i.-iy ,- :jS >;[/,[,; I'.v.'i ij'.'-f FLY •-...•'•a'--.- ir! r hi! i •V': .\\ <~, l».i I K. Ad-i.-rs--, ['nrja", !''• NO JOB TOO SMALL ryiDnls. Attics. Yards Srnall Domoiition Blind Box Number 81'2.00 per insertion ••a~ "3~. 20- -.T.2-3.'3Q Y'Jjr? AP.FA F Rf: T I ?•: AT iSPOP. T A TIOM .,,.,,,.,,.- ;/ -,.,..,- ••:!•-.r-.-ir, ilWiTWs 908-688-0?30 F'»»E5'raB Insu-ed. Advorllser3l Your 25-word classtfiod ad (S11 c FREE ESTIMATES Then we send it 'o 82 'A'Dv/',O. y. r--A.~ •' oac I-';r' . ' A ;vr.:;i)i tu ui 'a- ,- • i i". V .-oor-r. Ron's llr, .I'.:. I-.', '.—;i" f , / por nddilional v/ord) for only $279.00, roaches \r,~r< I- • ;':''. '.>',*- .'.'.'I .'.Ti8 participating dailies and s:.i !' F";(• rto'a SASF. r - -r v .-,.-. F :--:^h-.. S-. .:• • A . = • . ! CALL: 201-761-5427 over a million hojsoholds through SCAN, the /.,: oa -.:r Sfoe: S^- MOVING/STORAGE n -i : weeklies from Su9sex to c JOE DOMAN Now Jorsey Press Association's Statewide P-sc <. A-.'C)- i » ;c • -" "tZ~.,\ n^- '-- a'•' ',/.••• i • ATLAS VAN LINES LocaV worldwide movers. ESSEX COUNTY Classified Advertising Network Call us Wo'll Cape May and Salem to ~e i. • ' 908-686-3824 FLORIDA soociaasts. Agent UNIVERSITY Van CHIlX) CARE f: _ • =• o.- -rr. s-<-;. Ma'-"--". FINANCING l r Lr.os. 908-276-2070 3'.0'A Tro-r.loy Pom; Bergen. Bingo You just Nrws-Ra'on! of Maplcwood & South Orangr C.T ve' 'or r- ^,- -~.~ 7""C! DECKS ho'p you write your ad to get the most for /our • n f p.f'f LJ Read. Lotion PC 00102. F-r/ • -y.'S - 3..' f/dZ ! f'v/n' ENTERTAINMENT monoy discovered a'wh'ore'hew marhet 201-342-0864 ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Too ""a West Orange Chronicle • East Orange Record ~a.T . ^a~. -c-co~-*-e-ded Mover. O.jr 30:h yea- PC 000'.9 75^ Le'-.qr Aver.'.jc. Ur.:or: sn:y •:• r.<- >••••-/ ••.•". rn ,-^-c- Sn~<- '• - -, ,•_>.,- ,,c. vv • MATCH ' J"9c. ,-\ '/ FURN ITURE REFINISHING/ Irviniiton Herald • Vailsburtf Leader ••• •::•, :iL7/f,PAPr [>S RhACHiMG r,v..- • A - •-z.•••:-. P ----ir-o .'.--. '- a-a-5- a- -:<••.— .•. PERSONALS _C_ARPETJ_NG_ RESTORATION The Independent Press of Blnomlield •//--•n Cc-~.." r,1 :;-:i.v-r,?.o'-c •.''"•' S1 ./ s^^-j A1 c/ fto-rc-"1 a"! O- -,j: M.i « :•• viaq^n* Avf^'j^ Uf"Oo -MOfiotiu-Z/Gw r>;^ii'v Home Car© 7 Oayft -• - =.-,/iN Now ,li."f/-, S'.T.-V.":^ (..i;--<--rt Don Antonefll f-unurn IP.'-'- 0:1 F.,'-•: .-c- F'e=Tf5. Vftc: 908-687-0035 908-688-MOVE —: __—: -•__ • ACCREDITED A'! •;••:•/,'/, A:: ;-. :;i'<.-'r. -,'??7i'a"-^ .•;-(•.- a,/ a"d a-"- -a:c- f/ob> u' : n- •;••-. -r-zi' Fj-r- :••;:'•? oT' Prc» '//'/-a'1 ro-~ ."-y n.-••«:, ROYAL LINOLEUM &RUG CO. PAUL'S M & M MOVERS . CLASSIFIED RATES v . HEALTH SERVICES CIRCULATION ' F.imouff Brand Cnrpo!3 Forrro'-y Of Ya'o Avo ' •. : FOL 20 words or less .'....814.00 per insertion H.'S'fic. PM 00177 SERVICE REP5 Armstrong - Mohawk - Amtico Additional 10 words or less 84.OQ per insertion 7;Fr:r.F MFlP F-'.;1 '~o ir.r. ' :.'• - U' 2' CPA P/anninglon • Congolnum - Tarkolt Local S Lo-:g PART TIME 1 •,,.,!,•', ••,••.•• ,'.- " ; r,- r :,"•"•.r"\ GARAGE DOORS D-ota-ce Mov^g WORRALL NEWSPAPERS c" CO P'"a'/ r:.;''. :, ^'.'j'lcr: ZZ~\JJ''-' "a'a FREE INSTALLATION • Hnvo Floor Sizo? r Display Rates $27.(JO per .column inch r.-/ry '-;- ;,rr,..'. ar.";.,:".'3 a d !a/ :r^3'a-~ Ro.idy For FREE ESTIMATE. Shop at horns. F. DOOPS ,-r,:a;"d. rcpa--, a-.-. CALL 908-688-7768 -I -:•;,. :..•:••.••:.-. ,. y- . -.3 :..' \ : J < All IflAIMS 'tli~\r-;\' ! --<• f /.-•• V.' '•---c c opo-a'TS ?. ran o -c'-o ^ Contract Kates Available : ri VISA 908-964-4127 s'r Ev'i N'S OVEHHFAI) DOOI! SCHAEFER MOVING- Ro''aaU>. Ve"/ low ^ I.'::-1:!'- I..:-. /?. -• -. •••: : rates. SaT.o rates 7 days. 2 r-our r".n rjn Blind Box Number' $12.00 per iH.s rUo;i -. c.r:i\.?.:: •.";.'•'. 9 •'. .>.': •" • '•: l-S-jrotl Frpn Esti —,r!-.--•.• S--.< •-.- FVi',-! WTK Spoc a:-/-~g Dining room, pine. Table, 6 Ad appears in all 22 newspapers 'J-.-'J- ''.': Y-ij':. L iOO'r-'.co FERDINANDlFAMILYPanti-jg Inter.o-. Extor- 3OROUGH OF ROSELLE PARK 908-233-7667 •M-ro.-od V/j'is'i Ce-'T! C/"\l r%'RIGHT POLICE DEPARTMENT ; APi v..'.":,"\:NTi ""•• ';-,.• i • h 0' Wa'l paponrg, sneet rocking, walerproofmg chairs, hutch, server. Excellent 20 words or less 820.00 per insertion •F-a-o'PSS T'.jh ?, S OV/"r Doors oaGemonts 'Over 20 years Serving Unon ••:•{ ZZ-, • -j'•; a;a i- •• - /r. CLASSIC ANTIQUES •F-a~.--:c--,5 V'/a-ri-Drjo Doors. Tab1.; Toss Call 233-1515 FOR FREE ESTIMATE Cojnr/" S08-96-'.-7359 Roasonab'e rates. condition. Additional 10 words or less....$6.00 per insertion •'// '*/«. G ar,s. Scroei 4 Doo- R^p nr.v-o-.1 jULU AWAY rt Freo Est.rratos Display 'Rates S'42.00 per column inch r aAb;c_a;3L[i.STuDiti O-.:a';r/ 5o y co a-rt orco 1-800-242-0850 ' CARPET CLEANING Froo Estimatos, Fully Insurod GREGORY ZALrsSHTEIN Painter. Exterior; 766 B Ramsay Avo., Hlllsido, NJ lr.:or-cr Piaster and shoetrockmg. Fully m- Contract Rates Available RICHARD G. McGEGHAN- ! 908-964-6356 908-687-0096 r.-j'ed. refe'encos A: jobs gjaranteod Free estirr.atr 201-373-0-53B. ; ; Residential & Commercial "V W'' 'V' GUTTERSLEADERS Carpots A Floors HOUSE PAINTING

r GUHERS-LEADERS DEADLINES rj-- '-•-•••; /•••-••". T-i' '""' ->-.". •••••• .R;," INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR UNDERGROUND DRAINS Fully Insured $14.00 for first 20 words Busi-ness Directory 4 p.m. Thursday Our v/oighl I05S programs aro quick, H ' 908-688-7151 ft Free "Estimates "$4700"e"a" Display - Space reservation 5 p.m. Friday hnal'hy. "i00 o natural and doctor rocom- H.ONEST WEIGHTS-BEST PRICES. "For th.it Dorson.il touch" USE A PREPAID rnonrind Thoy aro also vory alfordabln v;ilh • Always Buying Scrap. Metals AVERAGE HOUSE' $35-340 STEVE ROZANSKI program'; ranging Irom S3 00 a day to 33 00 At! debris baggod from abovo. Ad copy 12 Noon Monday 1 1 2426 Morris Ave. (near Burnet) Union 908-686-6455 ENTRY LEVEL a day Call no . /, .what havo you got to loso CLEANING SERVICE All Roofs apd Gutlors Rop.iirod Enclose Check but tho woightoii! • ',:i / i S Sa: .-rt.iy 3- • 2 In Column 3 p.m. Tuesday CLERICAL D -1 MAINTENANCE - - P.r:v.»~. a' :T-r| o;i co Mark Meise, 201-228-4965 CLASSIFIEDAD Ask lor Maria at 903-63a-4191 903-685-8236 Since 1919 r ! PAINTING & . -:-a^ r-Q w rdcv/ c'ca--'g. ''oo' .va' ^g - / y or money order to: r GUTTERS- LFADrqs Ceased ,T-n }•..:,-••'•. OPPORTUNITIES 5AXAPMGNES 'flMI'HO. x—.c 3- n:o A-y .~:v,'r-ri Ro'o'i'i'-cos D'Gv cr-d F-oo or. —a:-' . PLASTERING r rtc-rja.'S leal Sc-rjr.-s lir.:a::oa l-r.-a-i:o' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT HOURS !J..:-T-r. oo-rr-^ -3 -n-^f. O . jy ' r Ca: iCB-954-8-SS r."^c: 0- acc-'o'ao''- Ca ' 003 2//-C 5 ;. r Worrall Newspapers T/ong a a ..5 For asso•'.! — -r.<<,?.:a--:-: ••: Y.'-'n- S<;rv (-.<••-. 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE i I HOUSE CLEANER w :h o/^c- o"c(>, good Monday through Friday 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. ' 'e'o-o^r.r-3, cv/^ :'a'iiDO-:a':G''' Ca1: any j~o FREE ESTIMATES P.'I FOP. MD o"co - «•:•-: O-i'T: "•••..•.•-- HEATING CALL: LENNY TUFANO J.D.S. 908-273-6025 Tr ,'SC ly . oa' r-~-~J:~;-,'y i C*~jZr. T" PETS COMPUTER SERVICES HEATING & COOLING NAME TELEPHONE PAINTING AND powo- wns-'r-g *'•_,'-.r,.,^ AFFORDABLE Sorvico & Installation ov.•";•" -'" r siding. deck3, ntoror and oxte'.or, of'ces. Too SAl.ti SVA 1 L 0 J" r] *~ •""~, i " .^"' *"^ •; APPV JACK T'.vo T'&rto Roco^r ?•*. Hc:.r F"-o'f;e -cy So'vico s COMPUTER WAREHOUSE r brand pamts Free estimates. Cail John Gra-do 0«0- ' s.v: • IZ'< ' • '*' S •".• ' CA.' '• " '•! ' We So*V'CO Ail Mar^'.ic:^'e s • l-ve-:o7 -OC.,C:G'. ca'es JS :o '0":, at 908-738-0839. ADDRESS C O i Ti' !"• ,'u- a:JD C :[•"! ~./;: r,i O:i a- Gar. Hon: r-r-f rf r CALL •'- •-*• ^ ** 0 " •"• "i s a*"^ ''••'•• zz 'C'ir PAINTING. INTERIOR. As low as S99 CO a ,- -, 908-925-2964 a •^ iV---/. -V room Freo Estimates Call Bob Leach, • l.aya'.vay ava ian'o F'.-o !'s:~a-os F..y I--:;'CT ZIP "-> ?•:* • .•.r:: ?/.'•:• CITY •-H- a-7 //: '. .--v.v--.:.'• • • P.' ccr. 'C'.v in i3rTi * 201-325-82.18. T ,rc- TAP.V' ?> ,'."- nvr v.'.i-y P.-:.-r-: you want I WE'LL HELP GUALirY AIR Co-cKionng A Hoal.ig. Ire STANLEY PAINTING, mierorv exieriO' Pain:- "•'•,'-•- r j::--'f "••:-• •" ^ r c r,- Gai. s:oa"\ ro' .vaior and ^o! a-r noa: " , 201-373-3600 xWeekends Only* ,ng, oaperhar-.gmg, shoelrock. spacklmg. small 1 -800-564-8911 >:•r, ^ " • ;: YOU EARN H:irr.-d''o'5. C"Cu:a:o-5. zorovn'vos, air cloa-.- carrjontry, :,!o irsta a: on. addit ons. Anor car.-' ''."•"• •:'"• ?.•'•-'<•' ' j !"',"i'/'; A'""/ p r M J l ! :: <"i'/ .".'"; 3 vi---'!' •• . A /•":" 1 sc Vini!' Ciiril... 0"; Ca-i ?0:- .670:')S3..So'.-qV- d NJ Fu'coean exDO'.erco. Insured Froe est.rates Write your ad in the spaces below and mail to •• J.jW J <"->oy C classifieds S $30,000 FOR 201-373-9386. CLASSIFIED POLICIES -.. r--~ cc •.' n n"; * 1 '0 y r. O- COLLEGE. HOME IMPROVEMENTS WORRALL NEWSPAPERS All classified advertising is payable in advance. STAND OUT £6£f Information! (^iiick And PAPER HANGING ( .;o'-. F'0 RcsTO'.r.nrs 908-665-1885 WHERE TO LOOK ifomcry (ii liill plus llic P.r-pT'-, Roo'acc-vo'-: W.r(c«-, ALL REMODELING 1 z zy-j /. r Union County n '..-: 14 Point Arm\' College I-'uiul. Doer, i Piivc-r. K.:cr.-n i Ra:rr. " n " r ;:'' 1 „ ' .... Ci.J- •'OM: r: •• s~ • i 3.. D 5-" FOR A JOB Alfordability & Dopondability O .V This co'ulfi be ilic perfect Free Estimates Fully Insured PLUMBING 129 I Stuyvesant Avenue 908-245-5280 -.• ~,-:'-' o|)poriunily to earn the 3. 4. Union. N..J. S .";:;:: ic'i; "-Ji- 1400 Classifieds BLEIWEIS 1. 18 Point 1401 Ciassifieds Plus " money you need lor college ON THE "LEVEL 201-372-4282 PLUMBING & HEATING !; 1 a- ^ '-. •"."; Gnnnr.il Contractor Essex County 1402 Situation Wanted Ads and develop the qualities Ccrvrv..-;.T il.>-. •:.-•:.i 1403 f-Macement Services that will help you succeed F-ar-rr; ' S-.-"-: Rrjr-.-, ' Ci.s'-- nc-'-.-s . 5 6 7 8. 463 Valley Street 1 •c- r,. C--O Mo Jon Too Or, & Tro S-M: DOES YOUR HOUSE REASONABLE RATES •"••'. Maplewood. N..J. --a ';!.'-. - ! _,'• r;*~ 24 Point •14C4 Non-Traditional once von L(et there. For CALL Mr FREE ESTIMATE NEED A FACE-LIFT? F.i'iy Insuroa ar.d Bonded 1 ,.-,.-- - :'.a • i: •• '.V. ;• r,- • "t^ : r"r. - ,-;v• ^'. i; Searches ; more inloriiialioii. call your MIKE COSTELLO 908-289-6'425 1 •":•• i " •". *, :,,! • 1 "i C.i J - •J .- r. dz'-'•'•<*, Ps-z-•'"'.'•'" d~ ."'• '?.' •'••"• :VG-.- yc . n PO local Anm k'ecruiier. CALL 908-686-7415 9. 10. 11. 12. I 70 Scotland Road DOCTQ.R'S ASSISTANT NEGOTIATING DECKS Orange. X.J. PART TIME DAYS EVESSATURDAYS THE JOB OFFER FOTCS PI UMBING and Monl-rn. Master P'^rn- 1MPHO7F YOU n Ho-.) ::-.r ",• • [•.•-!-, Frank's nor Ro^idon^inl Corrrporcsn!. Jobb'r-.g. Al:or;i- SUMMER DAY Ca-o Ccs.Vc".; P.oy5 J-r. !iOTi "i^Jo 'Ob :oo sma'l " Piur^bmg ;'cerso 13. 15. 16. Painting & Handyman Service < .14. 1410 '.Sahry P.-.'•'. -°. "'! tf306/ Call OCQ • .fl6-3Oi 2MH Liberty Street ca-B c-a':r.. ;a«' j-C5'a~ r,y;-r,r,: c-.. ca Small Job Specialist -ce-r, ci -osfii o-a'o-'jo WSI '."/a:r.r..-g 1411 Perks A Benefits 908-542-4964 Hloomheld. N,J. ' 11 aroa 'Ca 'c -~.cfj-.trN OC8-6-:/-CB6-; 1412 Rejection. I-v O' - Exter-o' • RoaaTf. MAX SR. & PAUL Wricws - G'asr, Rooairs - Caroor'r/ 17. . 18. 19. 20. " ''' ' ' '^' you can learn from it : ron Adpi-.ini-'ii''- ''A'1 t:uk .--r.- I'llor: In .IY<;KI mistaki-s m vmr WHEN REPLYING l y In^.refl ' F Esl:r^a;or.' SCHOENWALDER V. 13 References Home Care dasslfli'il a'.'.criK'Mii^nt !".(;'.sc rli"rk vnur n>-. i-i: lays jf publlcal Ion. Worrall Community •--!• •C»i»'.',i!''. •..•!••) for HAIR • ! awn Face's*Sur^p PLJ^DS C.FNEP.Al. REPAIRS, carpontry.painii-g. wail Nc.v.spapcrs. !I:I •>!•,,ill KM l,>- lublr for tTrnr* or omissions In r .To.lotr,.Walor Hoatorr, 3 oaDOr.r-g p'astorir-.g, !eade 5. (jitters, (in- :; iv;:i'3 •• ';•!- •<•? •,':.•': r.- -•?':;••• •••••.•..• »A'u»r.itions»Gar. Hoat • any advrr'lvna-:.! \.; - \\-\\\t h n m,iy be rrsponslble. beyond Ilv N-:-:- A-..-',M-- ,; :•• ; •••.-. :.•-.:• • / - ,•: •-..•.— .• Handicapped clows doers, roofing. All expertly do™ No ;ob • Faucol Ropairs 26, 27 28. cost nf at't'i.il i| . i' '• i • i IMI-I! b'.p 11 fin i>i whir h error or omissions Infosource :oosnMH FrooMi.mates Fully insured Ploa-.p • f:!"C!rc Oan .i Sowor Cloar.r-Q 25 c'l 90B-352-3B70 ocrured. We om '••• I 1 •• !i''M Jl.ible lor lallure. lor any cause, ti, BOX NUMBER or Home Bound Serving Iho Homo Ownor ARMY. N I I-IOMF. Imsrovorr-prtr, All caroorlry ro Builnoas & Industry Insert 1<- oaifs. licxj'S. vinyl Mos. doors, wnllcavor.ro. right to re|eet. ri'ilv >,r recl.isslfy .my advertisement at any time. P.O. Box 158 ' WORRAU. COMMUNITY NEWSPAPW; BE ALL YOU CAN BE. 908-686-0749 29. 30 31. 32. 5hoo!rock. o'ar.lerirr). stairs, columns, ma •ui-i Ci-.osin.Lit Stroot, Union, NJ Maplewood, NJ 07040 sorry, ron'orio'nc] bnthrocTs. basoT.nnts. .1! v A.-,k '< II . Jr..m 1 M.l-i'f- P'-,,r-biv , t censn 34'8? .196.'. 5 [ic.i. rii'acii'o cabToi'i Dair.:-"(i C.ii SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 201 912-8318 .'01 37-1 tiVM '


OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT American Savings Bk, Bloomfld 201-748- 3000 350 7.00 2.50 7.25 6.63 2.50 7 03 8.45 0.00 8 45 F" SUMMT/SPRINGFIELD/SHORT HILLS AREA Banco Popular FSB 8oo-*oi- 2285 100 7.50 0.00 7.53 7.13 0.00 7.17 6.50 0.00 7. 99 A You can he a part Real Estate ALL INCLUDED: Furniture, utilities, phone, Capital Funding, Parsippany 800-502- 6780 0 7.25 0.00 7.25 7.00 0.00 7.00 5.25 1.00 6. on A of our new and cleaning. Nothing to pay but rent and phone bill! Columbia Savings Bk SLA.Lindn «oo-os2- 4980 285 6.75 3.00 7.08 6. 133.00 6.66 6.63 1.00 7 40 G CEMETERY_PLOTS_ FURNISHED ROOMS FOR" RENT_ improved section Approx. 1,000 sq. ft. on 1st floor, CAC. Off-street Corestates Mortgage Services aoo-»B9- 388S 325 6.63 3.00 7.00 6.13 3.00 6.73 5.25 1.50 fl. 16 A 1 IM)f.N. t.ARGF: fi'7 1 '^~y s.uc r, T.)~ CEMETERY PLOTS BUSINESS "\ ; First Savings Bank SLA, Edison 00B-225 4450 350 7.50 0.00 7.50 7.00 0.00 7.00 6.63 0.00 7 50 C Golden opportunities available ti.'r- 0' vn'c* hai*1 l-\''->y": -•<•; -c. ^d^d •. and reach over parking. Private entrance! SI,350 per mo. IV, fl 'COrc IiOr "ft. '••'• ':,c-r,\'G' .;r>0. c\C C'." ' HOLLYWOOD ^OPPORTUNITIES; Available Immediately. Freedom Mortgage Corp 800-220- 8700 350 6.50 3.00 6.98 5.75 3.00 6.52 N/P N/P N/P MEMORIAL PARK 5N.()()() potential Hudson City Savings Bank Qc)a-54o- 494g 375 7 63 0.00 7.65 7.00 0.00 7.04 6.63 0.00 / ei C for first-time home buyers 1 [jrAI.rHf.Hlf WITH •'iwr.-n rr-.-i - •<•• a- ' HOUSE TO SHARE •'?.'. customers in 442 Morris Avenue* • S|)iin(rflclH5) Fax 201-5G4-7055) 1 appreciating in recent years'" on County! ol inventory on the. market, lirst-lmie K' ^' Wilder Associated Finance Cor- ; .-. 0 5 0 n v {•', :"•'•-: 'fauifci C a i V'i, • i'" - "" , &r- Kentwood Financial Services 800-353- 8390 150 6.88 1.00 7.10 6.50 1.00 6.70 N/P N/P N/p Dill McDermott elaborated. "In our -c r-, v. n',•.'.• r i' ^ buyers have some golden opporluni [vration, put this in concrete terms. r • • , ••(• r/- rf. ";,"!\'. Z Lehigh Savings Bank SLA,Union sos-ose 0003 350 f- area of Lssex County, people who r LAND FORSALE 7.50 2.00 7.77 •6.88 3.00 7.46 6 75 2.00 7. 20 •licii-)<» i(ivoii-ui.j-iul-CiiJli;.-iJi;vwdi._ ../.'A .JiTJVi1' first-time buyer often .70ULD YOU •'• "j :-,-i'i> $^00 P" riay •" i ;•' r.r> ; ..* Ava • OW ln'HlglU -twp-hctrrvim—f-..• ment.'.' he explained. "We place a lot Natwest Home Mortgage 800-8B8- 6761 375 •6.75 3.00 7.08 6.38 3.00 6.90 5.00 2.50 N:P A Jersey Realty recently polled their ago haven't seen much appreciation j r r f wlr ; of mortgages with 3 percent down OFFICE TO LET '" .- v -'• ' ' '< ,7 ' ''' \ ' ' '.,;' ' experience to offer these buyers i^k : "in ihe value of their homes yet. But New Century Mtge.E Brunswick an«-^nBn- 4800 370 6.88 1.50 7.02 6.25 1.50 6.49 5.13 1 50 5 ?5 A r ar ;: payments. I or a S! 15,500 condomi- ROSELLE PARK •-,- .,•-.:; ava .n •• ^ - ;•« S> '• •!'•' solid advice aNuit how to buy a home people who bought three-bedroom nium, the down payment would be : Premier Mortgage, Union BOS-687- 2000 375 6.88 3.00 N/P 6.63 3.00 N/P' 5.-50 0.00 N • P A "They shoukl have vision," said single-family homes tor $ 125.000 a RENTAL Olllco To Lot. l -or,'i3-iS aJ'i -r,. rr.-v;i- S3,450, and (her monthly payment 'ocr.or Ar.Q 'lC.,,re fr-"'. cr.-rfa! a •. z'S.I CC Rose Sclurlai, manager ol Ihe I )cgnan few years ago are selling them now Provident Savings Bank soo-448 7768 350 7.38 0.00 7.38 7.00 0.00 7.00 6.75 0.00 7 7B C would he SHOS. Tor a S125.000 home, ?tv -,i-.:-, •!•?• Vlij'J C'^ bv.-rw: REAL- ESTATE FOR SALE H"vle Division's I 'iiion office. "Typi for up to $135/XtO. especially if 367 Chestnut St. the down payment would be S3,750 Call Pulse Savings Bank,South River 008-257- 2400 350 7.50 0.00 7.50 7.00 0.00 7.00 6 00 0.00 7. 81 A c.illy. a first home is ,i place where "All roal ostato advortlsod horoln ir. : Union they've repainted and maybe made r.ubjocl to tho Fodornl Fnir Housing Act, 908-1887 or 908-241-0286 GovfP.Nf/rrji ? o"t ci o.; "0 • :,-'•'. '- ,ind llie monthly payment would be Union Center NafJ Bank, Union oos OBB9500 350 6.75 3.02 7.05 6.50 2.16 6.&5—Z-.25 0 00 / 2b J they will live onlv for about live some modest inprovements in the which makos II illogal to advertise any P.HOr,. ,:Di0 IV.C. 1HS V';.' .r< 1 '•. '••• (908) 688-3000 SX75, and 3 percent down on a proferoneo, (imitation, or discrimination r ; years. Their first home won't have W.UWC^ STATu Mo./ 0:0^. o'kr r» ' •6C0B98 '//M ••«: "i"r"' 'i- •" ' ,-•••• kitchen or bathroom. I lie difference based on r.ico, color, roligicn, sox, h.indi- United Jersey Bk.Ridgefield Pk 800-932- 081 1 325 6.75 3.00 7.05 6.10 3.00 6.61 4 88 2.50 ; 4 2 M SI 35.000 home would be S4.05'). •••^C'-'.-Sr w.in ?50C- o" :'u.- !':,: r«o !!c cap, familial status, or national origin, or 4 r- evciylhing they dream aboui Hut the-.- between the initial investment in Ihe 'r,' loir.''; Ir ,!'.: 'c : o '?,:ihy •:>:. 'nv.yo'. D'OV'T. ^-— • - . . with a monthly payment of $945. It's intontton to mako any such proloronco, p ! Valley National Bank, Wayne 800-522- 4100 450 7.50 0.00 7.56 7.00 0.00 7.10 7.50 0.00 /„ 58 O ;, c-;i' v. "^ ir-rrr.'rf ay- S'.To HDJ^O acc-'-.'i Cn Ul\'l Jt. fiof-.Y ';.'•. c , .'*.•', ',-r . • •; •.'•'. need to know that mvcsiuig in lh.it two homes isn't that great, but the limtlation, or discriminntlon. not like the old days when you had to 'T a^c: ty ,'i ' ';"-\]:or [? CM-COC'I CC- IM-'--,:,. :CC,r .";r c ":; '.Vc-;-- --:", ,:: ••,•',- •••••, 1 home w ill pay of I' m lax benefits and people who stretched themselves to "Wo will not knowingly aceopl any ad- West Essex Bank, FSB 201 - 575 7080 350c 7.25 0.50 7.25 7.00 0.50 7.00 6.75 0.50 7 G put 10 percent or 20 percent down. -CCO in the quality oi their life. Also, in pay a little more-are findini; now thai vortising (or roal ostato v/hich is in violation of tho lav/. All porsons arn horoby inlormnd W.F.S. Mortgage, Warren soa -534-1904 0 7.25 0.00 7.25 6.88 5.50 0.00 N/P A 1 Most families today who~Trrry a home '.-".'cc ;'C3.ii3Q 83C0 ' '.CD— 0.00 6.88 most cases, (hey will >cc a sm.il. they have more lo show- lor it." -- that all dwolllngs advoriisod aro available* have ginnl income but srnall down STORE FOR RENT amount of appreciation dining th.it "I sold a home to a family a few- on an equal opportunliy bnsi3." KI.IZABETH i payments." F5OfU JtVIS. Mew Yo-< ; "/CO.squTfr '02: SOUTH ORANGE ELEGANT ELMORA HILLS SPLIT KESILWOHTH (A) 1 Vr Arm (B)30 Yr Jumbo !Cj5 1 Aim (D)1 '1 Arm fE) 10 Yr Fi»od (FjHquI/ Line 'G|7 1 v> Ar^p >-v •; : A- — f r r nr 1 time. This is especially true if ihev 1 .s lo-. ••!•.• i •',':: i years ago who found this was true," .sloT'-o-:. CCC r,Gu.r j 'GO* bfi:-f- "O '! 2 ~0"' . Suac o..s :jrr- o' co"^'/ •.-:.• ci.v.oa L "-;: -/ •.:.-:.; • 1)11 in.'.'!- h!K '.:.; Mill- '.-• BE THE FIRST I. ••• - u "There's another factor -- the lax ( 1 1 maintain llie home well and do the Scharlat said. "I really encouraged APARTMENT TO RENT 'f.'f S--95 n-or\- D ;- ". 3 D'.-TC^TI aDd'l"•*"••": Co'c; a 5 bod^r.o— z. 1 , nr-G cr */" '••:• '.•'•• rlin ^ ::••;<. k:i -\ I. (1)1 0 2 30 Arm (J)30 Yr Home Program (K| 1st Time Buyei.restnc: (L)5 Yr Balloon (Mi3 I Arm iN;21 -r " '0-J benefits," said Bernie (ioodman. vice ;i;n'ab'o S-*95 9CQ-3n2-839-*. B-931^ slroet Cn.i'n -r; '^'ro v^ rco- •/;:• ' • ••:' v,i : --'iinM.'i *.:• • II !'!• v.ir wise improvements, especially to them lo spend as much as they could i-.IOOMFIFLD. 3 rooms. '-5! I'no- C :)!•,..• :u (O)! Yr Jumbo (P)Constr Loan (QJ-30 Yr Biweekly (R)3C Yr FHA (S)5 Yr Jumbo (a)3 i arrr -0 ,- \f--~ president ol !he Prudential New- ••asrs.-rcKrsao-ia-o- S525B:^S:.: • <•: Iheir kitchen and ballnooms. The sec- qualify for. Within a year. K'lh the SOUTH CHANGE streo: r.vci store c- Sc..:' •icconod DCC. ? c-r ^r,. No basod on raco, color, rollgion, sox, handi- hinhnidcr agreed. "We see that ing their |o'-i. "Bui the truth is, they ic ! buyer's market. They may be able to sc.s Rc^a-d H,T"3D Rea ry 9Q8-2''-" O'C2 cap, familial status, or national origin, or people who can quality for a mort- going to find anoiher one," McDer- intontion to make any such proforonce, afford moie than they think." SPRINGFIELD, SPACIOUS, rr-odcrn •: -OQT. - gage p.-'.ymenl of SI.000 per month molt said limitation, or discrimination. you want I Dod'oo-^ aoo'ir^or: A:: ao.o:.ancf^ irc\jd -q "1 tell young l'.ur.ihct lookm-.' '

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0 "•-• " ' Ca. agrees w;;b council's decision to Dljnchar.! ,:.iJ Dob Carson by Feb. 1. T:tj C v.'u.'igc [t might ::ot "e Lihrary Park ;;..•: Room wili be helJ on SunJay. '!,"••- •I, appoint two members of the Con- I i'.e terms oi clitTcnt- representatives. •my more The even: will lake-rlace a; Count on the cerned Citizens of Irjiion County as Councilman Chester Holme; andWil- The City Council recently passed li'.e scluxil's gymnast'jir. surtini; : the commissioners to the I'mon ha:n Wolf, expire Jan. .11." but because v :c - ' Ihe tirst reading ^i in ordinance by a :•••• vehicle bcar-.r.g ".he Mercury bra::.: v.ir_.> - - .;•'.- . •.-•:::.•.: : - :-• a: 1 p.m.. -.vj;h enieriamnx-nt in County Utilities Authority. o: i city ordinance prohibiting any vote o:' 7-1, with Councilman Sal Classifieds ih.e gym by RHS Madrigals and One council member, in fact, said member o! council from serving on Mione choosing to'abstain, to rename P-o Band, follo'.ved by the opening : z he is so dissatisfied with Kennedy's the UCl'A, Holmes will not he allow- ilie park to "Public Safety Memorial ~ "1 • VoV: to Do the Job -r ed io ed on its second reading on Feb. 1996 Mercury ViiUi^r Gr_::i M.i:,.:> > •'• •'our-;^'-- -•• gym. Refreshments also will be ihe appointments ol directors y.ii vari- _•: :•:.:::-: :-.:: ^ >".::o'. • on slippery by the mayor. "You need to nut teeth iX a sign displaying ihe name and SCA. -~ ',*-1 served. -y a . c* :or c"*:-' ^:5 6 = 5-6623 ous city departments such as Public in your position. Not just words, but history vi each officer ^vA firefighter ±: >*>>> Mer.\:r\* \':\\icc: .1 :rosh Co::::^S o:: :::•.' iv::-v..i: LV.V::-••:::. o- C"."i" C3 - The public is invited :o 1 Safely. Law and Business Admini- action. The mayor talked about coop- will be erected in the renamed park. r'.jvs- look to corrtricmcn'. :is r^p'.'.i.t- autorr:7.t:c .crHrvr.^uTV COP.'- ; :]••*;•...* \')')b Mercury Mystique W' s B a •"••• •:•:: -3S5 - '. 5;•: adeitd ihe i>pen house For more strator, three, appointments to the er.uionin his State of the City address Last year. Mione assigned a com- : ci- i:";'orrna::t>p.. call Ilie high school Board of Adjustment, two appoint- last week and look what he is doins.' V\ slid-ie "v.p.iZ^ '.Oizether high levels 5 CHE'.V C.1—a-o. i ac. a - "il J. l miuee to decide on a proper memorial .it .' )N lO.'O ments to the Local Assistance Board This cooperation thai he asks for only ot comfo::. •-afe'A. technology ai:d : 1 TOP SSSSPAID tor the Department of Public Safetv ;: o -C'.TiAC " -A'.S A'.' n^'r —i : M " and an appointment to Ihe Municipal seems to go one way. It's time for the Ihe committee was made up ^( • Anew cr.l'.e. teatun:- the Mercury StajiJ safety, teaiures -c'.^te .. ha;".,:!'.:'.c :r. a distinctive rnid-si/e 2C' o-: 62CCC - os Eire •:-: cc- " 'c a Snow and ice Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control mayor to stop treating the council's Cohen. Councilman Chester Holmes 3 CHEW CARGO VA: •? C- _ - 800-662 9050 Commission. choice of appointments as garbage." !:'.:er.or chances for >»6 result ir. -% =•:: The Department of Public and Railway Police Cart. Edward ::uht-bar and cives :he iroi'.i-wncei- svstem i'Ad suie-'.ir.pac". protCc'.io" r : Consignments : «>• c"e Ca' : r8-'" Since appointments have not been lie said Ti'ion. d :ve Villncer a more comtemporarv that meets i«;i ree-eral sta-idarJs. ::io:c knee a:-.d head room for rear-, Welcome : Works lias released notice to oCaic'w V CcLconl i i' i'i a made, the previous appointees remain Carson, one of counciKs suggested However, because ihe committee •..-peara-.ce' The 'necuiiich.s and from Anti-lock' brakes, wi.ri Electronic 'sea: rangers. The backs oi the- I'ee ljcnis rcg^rdiTtkc s^lliiiki. &{K>W as holdovers in each position except appointments, said "two years aco had not reached a consensus on ap bumper fascia also -are new. The Traction Assist are available front bucket scats are "scooped' cec£ s*"a:>:?. 99.CCC ^ 05°1 Si removal and sandini;. In the event of a snow or ice for the Board of Adjustment. Council when ihe citizens of Railway had. appropriate r.vemorial. Cohen v.ci.i revised taillights harmonize w;:h the Grand Marquis' e\cr.-,;o:".a'. ride ' rather ::M:-. fa:, which adds a full inch VCLKS'.VAGON FOX. -ed ^T CCC did not effect the workings of anv finally, a chance to vote on anything Pho»o BY Barbara Ko ahead and moved M^I idea of his .M\.I tailcate design a:;d the new rca: and handling qualities ;. power Either cr.gir.c can be ordered with a aj::.-a:c. s'ay. gzee :c - Vt Ca .5; systG."^ '.b'wi '.."a"S" 5S c : Grsnd marshalls from James E. Mackie Post 499 .lay In fact, according to Councilman endorsed the position of the Con- '^ .Kn I ZOI'L1.^ aL'.vwherc a::d i There ire significant new safety steering, nitrogen-pressurized shock five-speed manual transmission or an 903"!65-.i538 Ca . Public Works Depaitmer.t. but wreaths at tie park in honor the birthday of Martin Frank Janusz. this will be the second cerned Citizens. I think thai the mayor "r'l'eved iv.e," he s.v.d. M.c.15- Y0UB AD could appear h«re lor as Stile as instead by Ihe state Transporta- Luther- KincAjr. Th%iCity of Rahway and the Rev. features, too. A passenger air bag to absorbers.' and a coil-spring suspen- electronically controlled four-speed •355 CHEVY CAUARO T.-oc'. AMF time Kennedy's .directors will have : setto. power w-ic«i'S. sea:s. a -. c ; : . da5-. 514 00 per week. Cal lor mofB details. Our tion Department: 5l. Georges has no business in trying to frustrate Martin Luth»King, Jfe City-wide Memorial Park Com- ('.".^pleased w.nh Cohen's ...!'..•••.•;. su"->lcment the safety belts ioins the sion system enhanced -by siabili/cr automatic mat delivers lively acceler- lrt«n-s 1 .>t) T>%- the expressed wishes of the citizens of mittee sportaDf&d ai" Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Ihe ILln.en said "I UKO isvjc -w.tU '-.r- olr.lver's system as standard equip- bars. ation and excellent iuel economy. SC8-6S6-J93: .10 rieto vou. Cal 1-800-564-8911. ;or each position expired Dec. .M. DOT may K- a-ached by callini; Rahway." Martin Luther King Memorial Park on Monday, me I'idiiiuiicc ... in 9.\ ever voted for [hem. muintaned by the Union County •'. See COUNCIL. Pdic 2 ". See "KK.N'A.MI.M;. P.iie J Road Department: Elizabeth Avenue from West Grind Avenue to Jones Place: Council gives green light to revise truck traffic plan Lawrence Street: Madison Hill Road. New Brunswick Avenue By Christopher Toohcy us"z. Sal Mione and Fulcomer and consent to any amendment to the truck *e :!"iL'r.ic:raiit:cs "You iiave three people sitnng Ford Taurus Wagon from West Ha/elwood Avenue . Staff Writer . • Union County Utilities Authority [ruck traffic plan. from .ill coiniiy .v.\{ c::y streets down will: Railway people who are m 5:;' a.:o FSB A,C •_•-!g-ass " :r St. Georges Avenue; Ross Moving one step closer to alleviat- commissioners John Kulish vi Hill- The current truck iraf.'lc plan per- located in Railway favor oi it. and you have ivvo commis- Sued; Eas; Grand Avenue: ing ihe flow of truck traffic to the side, Kathenne Fulcomer of Rahway. mits certain municipal truck traffic to A resolution of similar wording sioners from Rahway — tlut :nikes Union County Resource Recovery Bud Booth of Wesifield and UCL'A travel through the city, but 'council •was placed oi: the agenda for Wednes- five. Bui Dud Booth was ^nc vi ;.'".o>e Executive Director Jeff CailaTian to D Facility off of residential roads, the said ii believes that it is in the nest . I. Li A" p.'.eelini;. Due (o this ilirec. .So i dr.!:. tl'JS rrersilic. cc..! ajt:. S. 3. A. C •."•:; zelwov^J Avenue from St. r Railway City Council unanimously discuss residents' complaints that interest of the cily to limit, if not eli- newspaper's deadlines events of the i-iinty as to what will happen on Wed- rr de' - !.-'!. .viDer.AV FV. ••,':. ::^.$e 2" 093 Georges Avenue to Hart Street; trucks traveling to and from the gar- minate, ail outside garbage '.ruck traff- irAietins could not be r'ep^>rted. How- r.esday," he said. V';?,--9225943 ' West In nun Avenue from passed a resolution authorizing -the Dukes Road to St. Georges city to revise the incinerator Truck bage incinerator are too large for resi- ic from the city. Thus, upon approval ever, before ihe meeting. Fulcomer Recently, Cla;'k Councilman Ber- '90 Toyota Camry Avenue; West Milton Avenue Traffic Plan. dential streets. of the city attorney, the plan would said lha: because of tb.e departure of nard Yarusavage also sponsored a from St. Georges Avenue to This resolution, moved by Council- It was necessary for City Council to eliminate all outside garbage truck Booth, who vvas in favor of the motion that was moved and seconded Route 1; East Scotl Avenue man James Fulcomer. came following pass" the resolution because the Hosi traffic from any municipality, bu; amer.dmen:. he is uncertain if the by the entire Clark Township Council l 'je^e! s'.s 77 9S' *< v ;-__ 2CO750 from lilizabelli Avenue to Route a meeting held the week of Dec. 10 Community Agreement between the Clark and ihe south side of Westfield, resolution would receive ihe five vot- urgine the UCl'A to change its truck between Council members Frank Jan-' city and the UCUA requires the city's and also would remove all returning es necessary lor approval. See TRAKKIC. Pace 2 '94 Chevy Beretta 1; West Scot: Avenue; and Westfield Avenue. To contact rea! b'-e. 6'c.i. 2r:. = S E V* Us \Z : n:: is; the county, call ~S9-3o76. All other streets are main- ASE $1 LEASE tained by the city's Public Street might get official name '93 Pontiac Grand Am Works Department, which can Council discusses possible names for incinerator access road LEASE $192/Mol "/M0. • $299/MO. i'.K\ 2 J'. 6 C. 3L'.C ••*•' j'.r'^f '•:. ? S 3.W -^5 be reached by calling $2~!-2tX Barnett Authority officials recently term interest vi Garwood, the com- 7 knowledge, and the experience he rr v.icer :R! v.ipers. AM FM stereo cass. til!, cruise will he a regular meeting. For- they would be celebrating the arri- Si. and said they have lived in the munity he represented, "t.d was a (2 mi. west of Garden State Parkway) announced that a new employee facil- gamed serving as a commissioner, 35.725 mi VIN»R2lO4386 $18,995 lral .action will be taken. val oi their new baby sooner than city for three years. member of a team, but he never forgo< ities building wjll be named the helped us progress immeasurably they thought. "We call him 'Ten' because '94 Ford Bronco XLT "Edward S. Tnpka Employee Facili- over the years." that lie was Garwood's representative i Tyrise Elais Nunaglly was born [hat's what his initials stand for," ties Building." lo RVSA. and always looked out for Multi Maroon. 4x4. 2 dr.. 8 o,l. auto ,v o .erdr. P S.BAV Iks. AC, tint Infosource: 686-9898 RVSA Chairman Ralph S. DeVino at 1:50 a.m. Jan. 4 at Rahway Hos- Ernest said. "We named him and ihe best interests of his town," DeV'i- CHEVROLET-GEO glass, rr AtU , n! wipers. AM.FM stereo Time & temperature — 1000 The • dedication honors former said ih.it I'npka chaired the Sludge pital. He was the first Rahway baby [hen we looked al his initials and no said cass, tilt, cruise 20.335 mi VIWRLA18670. .. . $^0,995 Lottery results — WOO Commissioner Edward S. Tnpka of Committee when, the authority nude Local scores — 7400 to be born this year. At four pounds, that's what we started calling him." The Highway Dealer With The Difference 908-686-2800 GarwooJ. who died in November. the transition from disposing its Completion of the employee facili- '93 Chevy K-5 Blazer Sport w/Plow Sports schedules — 7401 nine ounces, Simone admits "it was Tyrise joins a brother. Dome Tripka, first appointed in 1970, served sludge in the ocean to land-based ben- ties building is expected late tins year Silver, auto start, 2 dr., 8 cyl. auto w overdr., P/S/B.W.lks.Si.. A'C. an easy three-hour labor." And Williams, iS, and a sister, Khashana Joke of Ihe Day — ."52 IS eticial reuse "hd helped oversee the A formal dedication will be held upon tint glass, rr delr.rr .viper, mt. wipers. AM.-FM stereo .. although the couple was not expect- Williams. 5. as a commissioner for 20 years, ' >i'' "*! J "• -'*'•' '-"-•• ^'.';-' '•'' -?'"J \ -; •/i .''• i'c'ai'S consiruclion vi the de-watering facili- completion. s S' 'f-1 cass .till, cruise 47,596 mi.VIN*P6359517 ... .$21,495 including three [ernis as chairman and