Can You Believe This!?
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Can You Believe This!? I OCT08ER 12, 14-92 I\• TO THIS ISJ.ANP I SI/I'£ ,HENAME COLUMOUS MET THE LUCAYAN NATIVES OF THE ISLAND. , SANSALVACJOR INIKJNOI? OF THEYCALLfOTHE /5LANO"GUANAHAN/." . OUR I!JLESSEO LORO" "THEYAREI/ERYWELL BIiILTpeOPLE WItH ••• HANOSOMe BOPles -- weLL PROPCIRIIOA/EO. SOMe ARER<tINTeO--tHEYAltE FRIENOLY. .. r 'THEYHA/I'£ SO LITTZE TO 61/1'£ 8VT WILL GIVE [IALL FOR WHATEVER WE 61/1'£ tHEM:' ••• This racist material is from Adventures on Santa Maria and Future Ship Sailing the Oceans of Space. an official project of the International Space Year (lSY) and the Columbus Quincentenary Project. The comic comes in Spanish and English, with special bulk rates for 10 copies or even 50,000 copies! Groups can have special advertising printed on the back cover. Are we in trouble!? Educators and parents, this is a fraction of the racist materials produced by the Quincentenary Committee. Educators Against Racism and Apartheid urges you to begin preparations now to: * Bring alternative resources into your school and home. (see the resource list) * Plan alternative events for this school year and for October, 1992 in your school and community. * Plan staff and parent "retraining" and "rethinking" workshops for introducing alternative methods of looking at the Columbus arrival. Colllinutd Oil tht IItn pagt Can You Believe This!? colllbuud * Work with young people to analyze this comic book and other Quincentennial materials. Critical thinking is essential.(Send for Adventures on Santa Maria TADCORPS. 300 7th St.S.W.,Suite 110. Washington, DC 20023. (202) 554-8677 or FAX (202) 836-0265. $5. with "educational papers and letters" * Students can create their own comic books, posters, songs, picture books and videos. * Students may want to send letters of protest to the Quincentenary Committee or their Congressional representatives. * Participate in Walk Across America. (Call 1-800-466-WALK, 9255) * Collect signatures on the petition to transform Columbus Day into a National Holiday that "genuinely reflects the historical experience and the cultural, racial, and ethnic diversity of the Americas." Stop the Chop in '92 Quincentennial Billboard Project Native American activists and supporters The Minnesota Racial Justice Task Force, with the assistance of members have been protesting the use of dehumanizing ofthe local Native American community, mascots, symbols, and practices by organized has launched a bold new project to sports. During the 1991 World Series between the visibly counter the 500th anniversary of Atlanta Braves and the Minnesota Twins, "Braves the Columbus "discovery." On fever took the town by storm. The tomahawk chop Columbus Day, October 12, 1991, five and the war chants started and were carried across University of Minnesota bus billboards the country by satellite... Protesters pointed out that began carrying an alternative message the dehumanization of Native Americans was a about the Quincentennial on routes necessary element in the slaughter of over 60 million around campus and to the suburbs. The human beings by the European invasion..." message and artwork were designed by "When Braves' owner Ted Turner and his local Native American artists. The group fiancee Jane Fonda announced that they would no plans to expand this to thousands of longe"r chop, the rightwingers took up another tack: freeway billboards to raise public this whole issue had something to do with "Hanoi awareness and critical thinking about Jane," referring to Fonda's opposition to the US war the conquest of the Americas, and its in Indochina." consequences. Educators Against Racism And Apartheid Why not take this project to your urges physical education teachers and classroom community? Contact: teachers to investigate with their students the issue Minnesota Peace and Justice Coalition of racism in sports and recreation and to protest this Billboard Project, 1929 S 5th st. Mpls, racism. This includes names of sports teams MN 55454 (612) 338-8111 (Braves, Redskins, Falcons), products, as well as practices. Please let this newsletter know about your activities. In/onnation is/rom Justice Speaks: Black Workers for Justice. P.O. Box 1330, Rocky Mount,NC 27802. Vol.9 #2 Nov. 1991 Resources Rethinking Columbus. 96 pages with teaching ideas and resources, Send to: Rethinking Schools. 1001 E. Keefe Ave. Milwaukee, WI, 53212. $4. + $2 p & h. Bulk copies are available. Huracan. P.O. Box 7591, ~inneapQlis,JVIN 5.5407. $15. Alliance for Cultural Democracy. Racial Justice Working Group. National Council of " Churches. 475 Riverside Drive. NYC, NY 10115 . Re-View. P.O. Box 801, New· York, NY 10009 . Whites Only eferendum on Negotiations in South Africa President F.W. DeKlerk's decisions to call a whites only referendum is being hailed by the western press as a bold refreshing move, which will give him the mandate to continue the process of negotiations with South Africa's democratic movement. This analysis seems to have forgotten a number of salient facts: ·:::::::::;:::;:::::;:::::;:::::::::::::::;::;::;; ~:~:~ ::.:::::::.:.:.:::.:.:;:;: :::.;::.:.:::::::::.::::.:: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~;~;~~~;~;~~~t~~~:~:~:~::::::::: ::~:}:::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::;:::::.:.:.:.: ::::::::::::::.:::::::::::.:::::::::::::.::.::::::::.:.:.::..:.:::::::.;:;.:.:::::.::::;:;:;:.:-:::.:.:.:.:.:':':'..:'.' Here is some of what white only decision making wrought in South Africa. The following were passed by the all white parliament: 1936 Africans were completely stripped of voting rights. 1949 Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act. 1950 Population Registration Act, introduced the Group Areas Act and strengthened the Immorality Act to to ban interracial sex. 1952 Native Laws Amendment and introduced reference books for Africans. 1953 Separate Amenities Act, the Public Safety Act, the Bantu Education Act and created the Bantu Authorities. 1954 Native Resettlement Act. 1956 Used the court system to remove the Colored franchise. 1957 Barred blacks from attending public funded institutions. 1962 12 day Detention Act 1963 90 day Detention Act introduced 1964 180 day Detention Act 1968 Banned all multi-racial parties. 1970 Bantu Homelands Citizenship Act, stripping Africans of their South African citizenship. 1977 Indemnified the security forces. Prevention of Squatting Act, allowing demolition of shelters without warning or appeal. 1984 Tricameral parliament came into being, creating lesser houses of govt for Indians and Coloureds. Real control remained in the hands of the all White House of Assembly. The African majority continued to be denied representation. Apartheid was created by 42 years of whites only decisions making'. The cost in terms of human suffering has been staggering, and the cost in terms of wasted resources, economic destruction has left all of Southern Africa in economic turmoil. The economic cost was one of the key factors in forcing Pretoria to the negotiating table. Apartheid was a crime, not a mistake as members of the DeKlerk regime have described it. HOW THEN CAN ONE ADMIRE OR SUPPORT THE CALL FOR VET ANOTHER WHITES ONLV REFERENDUM TO DECIDE ON HOW TO REFORM APARTHEID? The decision to have a whites only referendum is not only a slap in the face of the whole struggle, it reveals that the Nationalist Party still does not understand its crime in creating apartheid. From Unlock Apartheid's Jails, a campaign initiated by the Africa Fund. Please contact the Africa Fundfor exceUent books and resource materillls, speakers, posters, etc. about apartheid and the situation in Southern Africa. 198 Broadway. New York City, NY 10038. (212) 962-1210 Demand an Interim government NOWl "Bloody Bones" CURE Offered for Racial Stereotyping Communities United Against Racism in Education "Let us put our heads together and see what life we will make for our children. " (Tatanka ]otanka) CURE is a group of Bay Area parents, students, school workers, and community activists, who came together to work on creating a more just and humane educational environment. Upon a thorough analysis of the Houghton-Mifflin history/social science K-8 series, we find the series to contain stereotypes, omissions, distortions, exaggerations, and outright lies about peoples of color; and the justifications and trivializations of some of the most vicious social practices in our history. The texts are racist, sexist, and classist; marginalizing the lives and struggles of women, working and poor people, people with disabilities, and gay and lesbian people. Houghton Mifflin's idea of a "common history," is to portray our lives as a mere peripheral part of world history; to place the white establishment at the center of the universe and all the rest of us as their "burden." The insidious message is: in order for some children to be proud of their histories, other children must be made ashamed oftheirs. We must defeat the Houghton Mifflin textbooksI ... Houghton Mifflin and the Bloody Bone June 19, 1991 - After more than a year of fire from angry parents, students, and educators throughout the state, Houghton Mifflin is still refusing to address the issues. The main issue is this: as people committed to the welfare of our children, we will not settle for textbooks which demean, stereotype and trivialize us. Here, as an example, is Houghton Mifflin's infamous "bloody bone" selection (from the sixth grade text). We present it along with our comments, followed by our rewrite, which neither stereotypes nor demeans early African peoples. 1 Imagine you could be