Victoria. Return of Lands Sold
VICTORIA. CROW RETURN OF LANDS SOLD FROM Is'1' JANUARY TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1855: LAID UPON THE COUNCIL TABLE BY THE SURVEYOR GENERAL, BY COMMAND OF HIS EXOELLENOY THE OFFICER ADMINISTERING THE GOVERNMENT, AND ORDERED BY THE COUNCIL TO BE PRINTED, l:l!/ 'i!l utb ot:it!/ : JOHN FERRES, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. A.-No. 122, a. , .. : ~., :.NoTE.-For the account of ·lands offered for .sale, &c.,:from the .1st .January to the 30th June, 1855, see the Return p$ted, by order of th~ Council, November, 1855. HETURN of all LAND offered for sale and allenated from the Crown within the Colony of Victoria, from the day of June to the 31st day of December, 1855, specifying thatoffer!3d for sale, that withdrawn from sale, that for which no offer was made, that forfeited, thM sold at auctioli,and that alienated by selection and under pre-emptive right. TOWN LANDS. No. of 1 WITHDRAWN, No OFFEI~. FOllFEITED, SOLD. Average Lots COUNTIES. Price offered I' I Deposits per Acre. for 8'.11e. Lots. i Area. Lots. I Area. Lots. Area. Forfeited, Lots. Area. Amount realised. -------1 --I--I 1-- 1- A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. .£ s. d. A. R. P. £ s. d. £ s. d . Anglesey 35 19 23 1 3S 9 6 0 30 5 1'2 0 '7 4 1 20 39 7 0 8 19 10 Uourke 466 2 o 1 31 49 12 2 3 31 130 10 90 0 0 384, 139 2 10 17291 5 0 123 17 11 Dalhousie -...
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