Fbt Mbtuim Jlkf
•• >t - :>.y - .>>Vv - \ ¦ gpyg V-Wn-Zf'"' vf*'-*?'**'" p————iwwii"i . I———m. ¦'¦ _ Sports News Features and Classified fbtJ MbtuimV. X WITH ITODAT XOKHDTO EDITIOB L/Jlkf. WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1930. PAGE D-1 Brown to Try to Keep Red Sox on Run: Gehrig Joins Ruth in Orgy ofHome Runs BIG LEAGUE LEADERS | THE IDEAL GOLF CLUB. —By BRIGGS | YESTERDAY’S STARS By the Press. the Associated Frees. Associated Br Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig, Y&nks— NAT LEFTHANDER AMERICAN. Collected 12 hits. Including three home EACH YANK GETS 3 apiece, Batting—Rice, Nationals, .404. h•/ why' BOYS TALK *BOUT HARD f|§||C I TffU. YtoU runs drove In 14 runs and ' Runs—Ruth. Yankees, 36. J*??*** xw.f scored 8, ss Yankees took two from Hits—Rice, Nationals, 55. J LUCK-’I M«*T THS Athletics. OM Tine -TtefUTM TEC A*Ot> Irving Hadley Doubles —Cronin, Nationals. 15. / BACL **** »«U.fV I and Bob Burke, Na- Triples—West, Nationals, I TAKES A BAD BOUMCC ASJD LAIODS MovJ | QfiTTTBN LOCK taionals—Held Red Box 6. rr * to 11 hits In AS A’S LOSE TWICE HURLS TOMORROW ' LIMW' * CLO ® runs—Ruth, two games and beat Home Yankees. 12. \ HO Trie ROUGH AT THff LBFT-_ I TAKH J—r - B».w . them twice, 3-2 Runs batted in—Foxx, Athletics, 39. !OM THIRD .A PERFECT S A TTS T***®oY* and 13-1. 7. ‘-lAx THE J Chuck Klein, , Stolen bases—Rice, Nationals, STRAIGHT For The grecisj- - i*ue nrvra Phillies Eleventh New York’s 39 Hits Include Hubmen Apt to Use Rookie I —f *~ homer with one on In twelfth beat NATIONAL.
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