Hindawi Case Reports in Cardiology Volume 2018, Article ID 6750264, 4 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/6750264

Case Report A Rare Presentation of from Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder

Sowmya Palam , Ridhima Kapoor, and Jacquelyn Kulinski

Department of Internal Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave., Suite 5100, Milwaukee, WI 53226, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Sowmya Palam; [email protected]

Received 1 April 2018; Accepted 30 May 2018; Published 19 June 2018

Academic Editor: Assad Movahed

Copyright © 2018 Sowmya Palam et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

A 62-year-old man presented with 2 weeks of progressive dyspnea and chest pain. He was previously diagnosed with high-grade invasive urothelial carcinoma (UC) of the bladder and underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by radical cystectomy 10 months earlier, resulting in pathologic complete remission. Clinical evaluation and echocardiographic imaging was consistent with a diagnosis of cardiac tamponade. Due to a history of malignancy, the patient was referred for a surgical pericardial window, to include biopsy of the pericardium. Pericardial fluid and pericardial biopsy specimens were consistent with metastatic UC. Cardiac tamponade due to metastatic UC is a rare presentation, and, to our knowledge, there have been only 5 cases reported in the English literature. We report a rare case of cardiac tamponade due to isolated pericardial metastases from high grade UC of the bladder and discuss the symptoms, treatment, and prognosis of this pathologic condition. We also present a brief review of previously published literature. Through this discussion, we would like to emphasize the (1) consideration of cardiac metastases in the differential diagnosis for patients with a history of UC presenting with cardiac or pulmonary symptoms and (2) improved diagnostics with pericardial biopsy and pericardiocentesis over pericardiocentesis alone.

1. Introduction bladder. He underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by radical cystectomy, resulting in complete pathologic is the ninth most common malignancy remission. On examination, patient was afebrile with a heart worldwide involving the urinary system. Urothelial carci- rate of 136 bpm, blood pressure of 122/74 mm Hg, respira- noma (UC) is the most prevalent histologic type in the tory rate of 18 breaths/min, and O2 saturation of 98% on United States and Western Europe and accounts for approx- room air. Heart sounds were muffled. Heart rhythm was imately 90% of bladder cancers [1, 2]. Common sites of irregularly irregular. Distention of the jugular veins was metastasis of UC include regional and distant lymph nodes, observed and Kussmaul’s sign was present. Although pulsus liver, lung, and bone [3]. However, in rare cases, metastasis paradoxus was not observed, other physical findings were to the pericardium can also be seen. Approximately ten per- extremely concerning for cardiac tamponade. Bibasilar cent of autopsied cases of UC have shown cardiac metastasis crackles were present on lung auscultation. Laboratory data [4]. However, in most cases, the metastases are clinically was remarkable for a creatinine of 1.42 (baseline of 1.08) silent. We report a rare case of cardiac tamponade caused and international normalized ratio (INR) of 3.6 (on warfarin ’ by metastatic UC of the bladder and discuss the patient s for a history of pulmonary embolism). His complete blood symptoms, management, and prognosis. counts and electrolytes were normal. His electrocardiogram revealed atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular rate 2. Case Presentation (RVR) and electrical alternans. Chest radiograph showed enlargement of the cardiac silhouette. A 62-year-old man presented with 2 weeks of progressive Due to high clinical suspicion for cardiac tamponade, a dyspnea and chest pain. He was previously diagnosed with bedside transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) was obtained high-grade invasive urothelial carcinoma (UC) of the which showed a large pericardial effusion with diastolic 2 Case Reports in Cardiology

Figure 1: Transthoracic echocardiogram, parasternal long view, demonstrating large pericardial effusion and RV diastolic collapse.

Figure 2: Transthoracic echocardiogram, subcostal view. compression of the right ventricle, suggestive of cardiac tam- effusion suggesting failure of treatment (see Figure 4). He ponade, as well as mild left ventricular systolic dysfunction was then started on pemetrexed, a folate antimetabolite (see Figures 1 and 2). Patient’s INR was reversed to <1.5 chemotherapy drug, for metastatic UC with plans to complete and he underwent emergent subxiphoid pericardial window 6 cycles. with the removal of 700 ml of turbid, dark, bloody pericardial fluid. He had significant improvement in hemodynamics and 3. Discussion respiratory distress. The pericardial fluid cytology and peri- cardial biopsy were both positive for malignancy, consistent Metastases to the heart typically occur late in the course of with metastatic UC (see Figure 3). malignant disease. The incidence of cardiac metastasis, One week after the pericardial window, the patient under- regardless of primary, has been estimated from 2.3% to went a computerized tomography (CT) scan of the chest, 18.3% [5]. The pericardium is involved in about two thirds of abdomen, and pelvis which did not show evidence of metasta- all cardiac metastasis. Bussani et al. reported a large autopsy tic disease elsewhere. Given the recurrence of UC with metas- case series of 18,751 in-hospital deceased patients and found tasis to the pericardium, he was started on atezolizumab. one or more malignant neoplasms in 7289 patients. The inci- Subsequently, he was noted to have recurrent pericardial dence of cardiac metastasis diagnosed postmortem was 9.1% Case Reports in Cardiology 3

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (e)

(c) (d) (e)

Figure 3: (a) H&E section shows thickening and fibrosis of the pericardium (asterisk) and scattered aggregates of metastatic urothelial carcinoma (black arrows). Insert: high power view of the malignant cells. The pericardial effusion demonstrates 3D clusters of large highly atypical malignant cells (b, Papanicolaou stain), variable in size and hyperchromatic with a high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio (c, Diff-Quick stain). The malignant cells are immunoreactive for uroplakin and MOC-31 while negative for calretinin (not shown).

and the tumors leading to the highest rates of cardiac metasta- sis were pleural mesothelioma (48.4%), melanoma (27.8%), lung adenocarcinoma (21%), undifferentiated carcinomas (19.5%), lung squamous cell carcinoma (18.2%), and breast carcinoma (15.5%). In contrast, only 3.9% of autopsied cases of UC revealed cardiac metastases. To the best of our knowledge after a review of the litera- ture, there have been only five cases of cardiac tamponade due to metastatic UC, with our case being the sixth [6–10]. In four of these cases, patients presented with symptoms of dyspnea, cough, fatigue, orthopnea, and chest pain [7–10]. In all cases, a chest radiograph showed the enlargement of the cardiac silhouette. An echocardiogram was utilized to evaluate the extent of pericardial effusion. Pericardiocentesis was performed for drainage and sent for cytology in all cases. 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