Essay To Insure Prejudice: Racial Disparities in Taxicab Tipping t t t Ian Ayres,t Fredrick E. Vars,t t and Nasser Zakariya CONTENTS IN TRO DU CTION ........................................................................................1615 I. RACE AND THE HISTORY OF TIPPING ..........................................1619 II. D ESCRIPTION OF D ATA .....................................................................1623 III. R ESULTS ...........................................................................................1626 A. Lower Tips for Minority Drivers................................................ 1627 B. Lower Tips by Minority Passengers ..........................................1628 C. Driver and PassengerRacial Intersections ...............................1629 t William K. Townsend Professor of Law, Yale Law School. Please send comments to
[email protected]. This Essay is dedicated to Underhill Moore and Suzanne Perry. Moore took to the streets of New Haven during the 1930s to see whether people observed traffic and parking meter regulations. Underhill Moore & Charles C. Callahan, Law andLearning Theory: A Study in Legal Control, 53 YALE L.J. 1 (1943). Nearly seventy years later, Perry conducted a pilot study of taxi and pizza delivery tipping that was the inspiration and foundation for the present effort. The authors thank Aditi Bagchi, Caroline Harada, Lee Harris, and Ian Slotin for their heroic efforts as auditors. Orley Ashenfelter, Jennifer Brown, Marcus Cole, Emma Coleman, John Donohue, Ted Eisenberg, Daniel Ho, Christine Jolls, Neal Katyal, Steve Levitt, Michael Lynn, and seminar participants at Georgetown, Princeton, the University of New South Wales, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Yale provided helpful comments. The data and statistical analysis (in Stata format) for this Essay are available at tt Associate, Miller Shakman & Hamilton LLP. ttt Ph.D. candidate, Department of the History of Science, Harvard University.