Proud and active resident of Kitchener for many years

Pharmacist/Owner of Greenbrook with Raj Pharmacy, an innovative pharmacy Friends, combining natural and conventional therapy -a first of its kind in Canada. To become your candidate in The pharmacy is located in the Forest Hill the next federal election, I must first win the neighbourhood. local nomination contest. I need you to support me by joining the Liberal Party and Past President & Vice-President, Kitchener voting for me at the nomination meeting. Centre Federal Liberal Association & Membership forms are available upon re- active Liberal supporter for more than quest or online at: 20 years! https://www.liberal.ca/membership/

A committed supporter of many local Thank you in advance for you support! Vote for Raj valuable causes and community initiatives Raj

Member/Volunteer with the Rotary Club RAJ SAINI of Kitchener, the Canadian International Candidate for the Kitchener Centre Council, United Way KW & Area, Kitch- Telephone: 519 650-5289 Federal Liberal Nomination ener Blues Festival. Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @TeamRajSaini Voted best Pharmacist in Kitchener in Facebook: Team Raj Saini 2014 Website: www.rajsaini.ca Authorizedby the Saini Raj Campaign WHY I AM RUNNING!? ENDORSEMENTS PHOTO GALLERY

Kitchener Centre deserves better than the cur- DR. JOHN ENGLISH Member of Parliament, Kitchener rent Harper/Woodworth duo, whose govern- 1993-1997 ment have eroded many of our cherished val- ues and institutions. “Raj will be an outstanding Member of Parliament (MP). Change in starts right here in Kitchener Team Raj Christmas Party, December 2014 Through his service to the Centre. If elected, I will advocate that our new Kitchener Centre Federal Liberal Association, government invests in: he has invariably demonstrated his deep at- tachment to the Liberal Party and to the our infrastructure and provide employment leadership of Justin Trudeau. Articulate, flu- tax credits to create jobs, especially for ent in several languages, a community leader, youth, increase productivity and attract Dr. John English, Raj, Hon. Bill Graham and a caring health professional, Raj will investment serve Kitchener well as Liberal MP in Justin Rt. Hon. Jean Chrétien and Raj our people’s well being by partnering with Trudeau’s government.” … every confidence that I endorse Raj as the provinces to strengthen our healthcare sys- JAMIE BURTON Liberal candidate in Kitchener Centre. Raj has tem, establish a national universal Liberal Party Candidate, been instrumental as a business leader, and as pharmacare and ensure that Canadians are Kitchener-Waterloo 2014 a community volunteer in Kitchener. He has able to access affordable top-quality child Ontario Election “Our future depends on hav- been an avid proponent of Liberal values as care spaces ing MPs who are capable of demonstrated by his continued efforts to our foreign policy to regain the international innovative ideas, are con- support candidates and campaigns. We have trust and respect that Canada has lost under nected to community, and who possess a been waiting for too long to have an inspired Harper’s Conservatives knowledge of the issues that matter most to and excited MP, who works hard to represent their constituents. Knowing this, it is with... us and effect change. I have hope in Raj.”