West Vehicle Restorers Club Inc.

Est. 1985

C l u b

A p r i l 2 017 Newsletter

Happy Birthday Norm


President’s Report 3 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

General 1 Meeting Calendar of events 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fed cake March minutes 6 picnic 9 Run 10 11 12 run 13 14 15 Classifieds 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Maffra Tues Darnum Shed run Pub Sponsors 15 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

2 Committee Members & Club Representatives

President Gerry Marvin 0447 211 747 Vice-President Gary Davey 03 5625 5281 Clubrooms and Library Are Open: Treasurer Clubrooms located in St. John Ambulance Jean Fear 0428 276 309 Building, Anderson Street, Secretary (Corner of Anderson & Burke Street). Jill Davey 03 5625 5281 Open 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Saturday morning Social Secretary for a ‘cuppa and a chat’. Di Goodbody 03 5623 6965 All visitors welcome! [email protected] Website Editor http://www.shannons.com.au/club/carclubs/ Donna Nieuwenhuys 0409 173 040 west-gippsland-vehicle-restorers-club/ Email: [email protected] PO Box 220 Newborough 3825 https://www.facebook.com/WGVRC

LIFE MEMBERS - LORNA - JUNE TOLLEY Club Meetings COMMITTEE General Meetings are usually held the 2nd Librarian Saturday of every month at 11:00 am. (subject Sandy James to change) Membership Jeff Sewell 03 5623 1859 Internet Places of interest: Public Officer Federation Website: Jill Davey 03 5625 5281 http://www.federation.asn.au Building Caretaker A.O.M.C. Website: Bert West 03 5628 5314 ww.aomc.asn.au AOMC Delegate Gary Davey 03 5625 5281 Club Newsletter is published the 1st week of every month. Items for the newsletter CLUB PERMIT SCHEME must be to the Editor by the last Wednes- Permit Registrar / Signatory Jeff Sewell 03 5623 1859 day of each month. Club Run information should be sent to the Editor for inclusion in Signatories the Club Newsletter.

Jim Muldowney 0472731942 Neville Christie 03 5127 2912 Disclaimer: The Vehicle Restorers Club Inc. Committee of Management and club mem- bers accept no responsibility for the accuracy of in- General Committee formation, opinions and views printed in this News- Joe Baldacchino letter and are not liable for any actions, damage or Susan Smith incidents that may arise Ben Nieuwenhuys from any or all of the infor- mation contained within.

WGVRC Newsletter April 2017 3 President’s Report

Hello everyone

With the onset of autumn I am reminded of the changing seasons and how adaptable we really are as humans. Even though most of us prefer for things to stay the same, I feel we were designed to change, adapt and evolve. Mark Twain once said, the only one who likes a change is a wet baby. Recently I attended a forum where the presenter asked us to chant the days of the week and clap to the beat of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on. Not a problem at all, all thirty of us in unison. She then asked us to do the same but this time in alphabetical order. And yes most of us including myself couldn’t get the first word out.

So what’s this got to do with our club, I hear you say! Quite a lot actually..

This month we hosted two club runs, one to the lotus farm and one to the swap meet. On both these events only three members showed up. I am wondering I guess what our members are really attracted to. What does the committee need to provide that better meets the needs of our members. I know that social events are well attended, for example the dinner at Warragul had about eighteen attend.

As a club we are evolving and growing so I know all of you love this club. I guess as a management committee we need to understand where to direct our energies so as to serve you better.

With a new leadership team due to take over in July its worth considering what sort of club do we want in 2017 and beyond. Could you be the change the club needs!


Editors Note

So the birthday month is over, but I was a what I am to put in the newsletter. If I for those newer members in our club prem baby and my expected date was the don’t receive reports or photos, I start to to be familiar with her. She sounded 1st of April…. No one ever challenges that, panic. Because without these we would- like a lovely lady and great club mem- ha ha ha. We had a great birth month thank n't have a very interesting newsletter at ber. Make sure you fill out the book you for asking. A trip to the centre of Aus- all. I take pride in producing you some- when you go on a club outing with tralia was on the agenda for years, and fi- thing great each month, but without your your red plated vehicle, those with the nally came to fruition. Ben and I had an support it would not be a success. I pre- most runs are up for the Dorrie Stoll amazing adventure and survived the desert fer to put in articles, stories and pics from award. and the flies. We managed to call into the our club members, Thank you to one of Truckies hall of fame and there smiling back our newer members Mark for having a We have our club birthday coming up at us was the great man Gary Fear himself. go at a report. Its not a big task, you just in June, and Di and I are open for sug- It was a huge complex, We even found the write a few lines of drivel and send in a gestions. Last years talent show was museum at Birdswood in SA, also hugely pic or two and I do the rest. I am thirsty a lot of fun, get your thinking caps on. impressive, and at Bill’s bike shop up the for a vehicle project, whether its finished road we needed to pickup our jaws, now or not or maybe a memorable trip or rally Have a fabulous that was a man cave! We hiked gorges and you did in your club vehicle. Stop saying month, keep smil- canyons, swam in hot springs, rode camels in one day, It’s April already, I don’t have to ing, keep moving the sunset, but the most fun was riding tell you how fast time flies. So who wants and we will see segways at sunrise around Uluru. to be on the next front cover? you at the Bucket list .. Tick! clubrooms. Happy OBE to this months front cover our You guys were busy while we were away, A Normie, Hope you have a great birthday Cheers Donna :o) trip to the lotus farm, a few bike rides, a and lots of opportunity to eat cake! scone run. Thank you to everyone who con- tributed this month. It is a worry each month Jim sent in a little bit about Dorrie Stoll,


West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club Inc.

Runs, Rides & Events 2017

April Sat 8th General meeting - Clubrooms 11.00am Sun 9th Run to Federation Picnic Scoresby - meet clubrooms 9.30—leave 10am Wed 12th Cake Run - leave clubrooms at 1.30pm Sun 23rd Maffra Shed Swap Meet - Tues 25th Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am (cars welcome) Wed 26th Darnum Pub - 6pm

May Wed 3rd Committee meeting - Clubrooms 6.30pm Wed 10th Cake run TBC Sat 13th General meeting - Clubrooms 11.00am Sun 14th Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am (cars welcome) Wed 17th Traf Chinese - 6pm Sun 21st Drouin Speedway ‘’Ace of Spades” meet Longwarry Service centre see pg 7 Tues 30th Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am (cars welcome) Wed 31st Committee meeting - Clubrooms 6.30pm

June Sat 10th General meeting - Clubrooms 11.00am Sun 11th Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am (cars welcome) Sat 24th Birthday Bash - meet clubrooms for morning tea 9.30 & a run, followed by lunch - watch this space! Tues

All Runs listed on this page are “ Club Runs” or runs arranged by an Authorized Vic Roads Club. Please carry correctly filled out log book at all times. All listed club runs are eligible for the Dorrie Stoll Award. Please fill out registration book at sign in desk.

WGVRC Newsletter April 2017 5

Social Secretary’s Report April

Get Well –Wally Buckland

Happy belated birthday Jilly & Millie and Wendy April Happy Birthday to Margaret Cocks, Elsie Stayches and Norm Baberton Sat 8th General meeting - Clubrooms 11.00am Anniversary to Bob & Elva happy 62nd Wedding Anniversary. Thank you for supplying a cake to share. Sun 9th Run to Federation Picnic Scoresby - meet clubrooms 9.30—leave 10am Thank you - to all those that attended the Thai Restaurant– 15 People. Wed 12th Cake Run - leave clubrooms at 1.30pm

Sun 23rd Maffra Shed Swap Meet - Coming Events Tues 25th Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am (cars welcome) Sunday 9th April - Run to the Federation picnic at Scoresby. Meet at clubrooms by 9.30 to leave at 10am. Wed 26th Darnum Pub - 6pm Wednesday 12th April - Run to a secret location– leave clubrooms at 1.30pm

Sunday 23rd April - Maffra Shed, swap meet. May Wed 26th April - Tea at the Darnum Hotel at 6pm.

Wed 3rd Committee meeting - Clubrooms 6.30pm Please put your name on the board for any of these events you wish to attend. This is very important for booking purposes. Wed 10th Cake run TBC On the last cake run, 8 people booked and 16 people attended. This makes it very difficult for the venue concerned. Sat 13th General meeting - Clubrooms 11.00am Di Goodbody Sun 14th Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am (cars welcome) Phone Di - 56236965 Email - [email protected] Wed 17th Traf Chinese - 6pm The AGM is coming up fast Sun 21st Drouin Speedway ‘’Ace of Spades” meet Longwarry Service centre see pg 7 Treasurers and it is time for you to start thinking about YOUR roll in the club. Tues 30th Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am (cars welcome) Report At the AGM all committee positions will be declared vacant and will Wed 31st Committee meeting - Clubrooms 6.30pm be available for re-election.

So far only 3 committee members have said they will not stand June again. The President, The Social Secretary and the Treasurer. Receipts will not be posted Sat 10th General meeting - Clubrooms 11.00am out Can YOU help the club and nominate for any of these positions (or you will find them in an enve- Sun 11th Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am (cars welcome) dob someone else in)? lope next to the sign in book Sat 24th Birthday Bash - meet clubrooms for morning tea 9.30 & a run, followed by at the club rooms. The people standing down have all done their jobs very well and you Any inquires please see the lunch - watch this space! may think it hard to step into their boots, but they are taking their Treasurer. boots with them, so the way you do the job will be different. No- Tues one expects a newcomer to be the same at the last office holder. Thank you Jean These 3 positions are crucial to the running of YOUR CLUB, none of them are difficult, and former office bearers will help a new person to step in if they need help.


WGVRC General Meeting March 2017 Minutes Welcome & Visitors: Keryn Apologies: Brad, Donna and Ben, Shirley, Joe.

Minutes of February: Moved: Keith Seconded: Di Carried:

Business Arising from the Minutes: Nil

President’s Report: Everybody had a fantastic time at the Norm Tolley Run, Gerry thanked Barry for organising the run. Gerry congratulated Donna on willing the Norm Tolley Award. Gerry interested in a club group travelling overseas and has heard of other clubs, he will try to arrange a speaker to talk about travelling for example 21 days in Cambodia. Jean and Di will be stepping down at the next AGM, consider nominating yourself or if you don't want to do the job yourself dob someone else in

Treasurer’s Report: Gerry read the Treasurers report and Norm Tolley Report. Vice-President: Vice president not here but has gone to the AOMC meeting and will present a report next month.

Secretary Report: Correspondence In: Bendigo Bank Statement, Club Newsletters, Notice of events

Correspondence Out: Nil

Social Secretary Member’s Welfare: We had 2 sick members, Norm who is home again and Nola who is in hospital. Birthdays, Jim, Fran, Donna, Ben, Keith, Sandy, Jill and Millie.

Social Secretary –– Coming Events: Lotus farm, Ian will lead the run, there is a motorcycle run at 10am and a cake run to Erica.

Editor’s Report: The Editor is on a 3 week holiday but she would like more articles and will be back for next month's newsletter.

Membership: New members: Mike Worthington, Jim Elliot, , Mark Van Lieshout and Ian Smith were introduced to the club, we also have Nicholas Mose, Russel Cook and Alan Tee who were not able to be present at the meeting.

Building Caretaker Report: The mirror in the ladies toilet is not long enough, and the toilet seat in the male toilet is being fixed.

General Business: welcome! April 14 Blokes on Bikes are back at Erica.

Dorrie Stoll book is back and we need all drivers/riders with vehicles a very warm welcome over 25 years need to enter details in the book at each run to all of our new members: A question was raised re the purchase of the building, we cannot es- tablish who owns the building. Should this become clearer and a written title become available we can give it more consideration. Frank Club dinner wed 22 6:30 at the Royal Hotel Drouin.

The Dandenong Valley Club has invited us to join them in a run to O’Neill Drouin Speedway on 21 May. We will meet at the Longwarry Service Centre (eastbound the Northern one) at 10:00 as we have to be at the Speedway before 11:00. It is the "Ace of Spades run with 34 Ford Stock Cars. $15 Adults and $10 concession.

The Theme for the Federation Picnic is Holden bodied vehicles Les Francis

For Sale: Mercedes -Colin. Land rover series II - Gary & Jill. Motor cycle clothes. We look forward to seeing you at the club rooms It is the Thorpdale Potato festival tomorrow and enjoying many a drive and/or ride together! Meeting finished at 11:50

WGVRC Newsletter April 2017 7

Club Runs

@ Drouin Speedway Sun 21st May National Run led by the Dandy Valley Club Heritage Motoring 1/ meet at Longwarry Service cen- Day Scoresby Picnic 2017 tre (east bound) to leave at 10am Sharp as a group (preferred) Sunday 9th April Or 2/ find your own way and park with us top level. Meet at clubrooms 9.30 for Departure @ 10 am. The Speedway Committee will reserve parking for us “but “ we need to supply numbers of cars and National Steam Centre 1200 Ferntree Gully Road, bikes Scoresby (Melway map 72, D9) Pack a picnic or catering is available. Bring a chair, shade & a wheel chock (parking on a slope)

Ace of Spades are restorers of stock cars from the 50’s and 60’s and will be re-enacting a spirited display. $15 pp $10 concession

Contact Ian Clarke 0419 312 304

Many members wouldn't have had the pleasure of knowing Dorrie Stoll Dorrie Stoll so I would like to share some memories with you. Dorrie and her husband Jim were founding members of the West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club. They were very proud of their 1938 Buick and attended all club runs in it. They were regular supporters of the Bairnsdale and Sheppar- ton rallies, and our own rally. Dorrie always entertained at these events with very witty recitals and a joke or two.. After the death of Jim, she still contributed to club activities, selling raffle tickets and crocheting beautiful rugs for prizes. She could always be relied on to supply cakes, slices and her famous lemonade scones were highly prized, they didn't last long on the plate. She was a tireless worker for charity, and continued working at the Drouin Anglican Opp Shop up until ill health meant she had to stop. She was never without a smile on her face and I feel privileged to have know such a lovely lady. Jim Muldowney


The coffee and cake run to Cafe 1914 in Erica should have been called the Scone Run! This lovely Coffee and Cake Café served up the biggest scones - accompanied by big bowls of jam and cream. The weather was per- fect with Ian and Fran leading the Run To Erica convoy to Shady Creek Hall where Roy and Elsie took over the lead. The country looked great – the drive through the hills and trees March 8th was most enjoyable. The café had a lot of early pictures and memo- rabilia. Roy gave us a talk on the Erica he remembered as a boy – it was all very interesting.

Those attending were: Roy & Elsie (Chev) Bob & Elva (Cressida) Gordon Ward (Jaguar) Stan (Norton) Fran & Ian (Mod) Keith & Susan (Mod) Mac & Di (Mod) Colin & Shirley (Mod) Jim (Moto Guzzi) Jeff Sewell (Triumph)

Elva Fisher

New Membership of this club

A brief reminder of the procedures for new membership. To maintain complete records of club It is expected that potential new members attend a meeting and a member’s cars using the Club Permit run, this is not essential, but it gives the potential new member a chance to meet us and decide what a great club we are. Scheme, the membership officer needs to have photocopies of the latest permit The application for membership form is completed and presented at the committee meeting who decide to approve or reject the applica- renewal notices, after they have been tion If approved, as soon as possible the secretary (membership secretary) contacts the potential new member to request payment. signed by the relevant officer. These cop- This is then noted in the Committee Minutes. ies can be posted to the clubs PO box, or

When the fee is paid the new member is asked to the first general left in the membership officers “in tray” meeting to be officially welcomed to the club. at the club rooms. This allows me to

Occasionally we receive a completed membership form, accompanied keep the data base up to date. Thanks by payment in full, before the member is approved by the Com- mittee. for your help with this. Jeff Sewell - Membership Registrar

WGVRC Newsletter April 2017 9 Tuesday Bike Run 28th March

By Neville Christie We left the Club Rooms just after 10 am and the destinations were Darnum for morning coffee and Longwarry North for lunch. There were five motorcycles and one car participating and I was the leader. On the way to Darnum, some of the riders saw a “road closed ahead” sign and used the detour at Bona Vista. However the closed section was on a road I wasn’t going to use, so Wilf and I sat at an intersection waiting for the rest of the guys. After a while we realised they weren’t coming so we rode back to Warragul to see if they were still there. They weren’t, so we figured they went a different way and we charged off for Darnum. We arrived at Darnum and found the rest of the gang there. We all ordered our coffee and cakes and sat back and en- joyed them. After the break, we crossed the highway and rode past the milk factory, got onto the Nilma North Road, then Old Sale Road and eventually onto the Fumina Willow Grove Road. We rode through Hillend and arrived at the Mt Baw Baw Road where we did a lefty and headed to . It was a left turn at Noojee, a right turn just pass the Fish Farm towards Pow- ell Town and then a left turn up the hill for Nayook. At Junction we turned right for Neerim and then left for Neerim East. At , we turned right for where we stopped for a ‘rest stop’ at the Cricket Ground. A great view to be had there, we could even see the milk factory we rode pass at Darnum. We left Jindivick, riding towards Rokeby and in a roundabout way ended up on Old Telegraph Road heading towards Jacksons Track. At Jacksons Track we turned left and headed for The Service Centre at Longwarry North. Norm then de- parted from our company and headed off for his home. After lunch at the Service Centre, Jeff and Wilf left us and headed off for their homes and the rest of us headed off for Longwarry, Drouin and Warragul. At Drouin, we were held up for awhile because they were resealing the road. At Warragul West, Jim left us and rode off for his home at . At Warragul, Brad, Tanya and I headed off for our respective homes. It was great day for a ride or a drive.

Those participating were,

Brad and Tanya BMW Jeff Triumph Wilf Yamaha Jim Moto Guzzi Neville Suzuki Norm Hyundai


Midweek Bike Ride Tuesday 28/2/2017

With the temperature due to hit the low 30 degrees it was the near perfect day for an outing on our trusty bikes. Eight members arrived at the Clubhouse with the first decision to be made was the ride going to Phillip Is- land or to Fish Creek. It was decided Fish Creek was the venue with Roy indicating he wanted a ride with plenty of bends nothing to straight. Neville had planned a good route once again and led us off with the Indian barking crisply as we travelled up Lardners Track turning into Hazeldean road and into Yarragon. A short stint up the freeway we turned into Sunny Creek road heading towards Thorpdale when we were momentarily stopped for a few minutes whilst an irrigation sprinkler finished its circuit of spraying water from one side of the road to the other with no one feeling they needed to get wet. Thorpdale Bakery was our morning tea stop for coffee and chat with some onlookers checking out our bikes. Back on our machines we travelled through Boolarra, Stony Creek, Foster and Dumbalk with scenic views and great roads I hadn't travelled before as we arrived at Fish Creek servo and cafe for lunch. New member Frank placed his order for fish and chips as well as 6 large potato cakes and we all thought this is going to be a long lunch as he slowly indulged himself and found he had over ordered. It was then time to hit the road for our return journey and Neville led us on a ride that took us back through Dumbalk, Mardan, Hallston, Seaview and emerging out at Ellinbank where we said our farewell before mak- ing our own way home. Thanks Neville for another well planned and scenic ride.

Cheers Bill Petschack.

Riders Neville Indian Roy Suzuki Bikes r Back The Triumph owners MCC Andrew BMW Café 1914 Erica Jim Motor Guzzi Link Rally @ Bales Good Friday Appeal Frank Motor Guzzi Wilf Yamaha Sunday 7th May Ian Harley Fri 14th April Bill Triumph

WGVRC Newsletter April 2017 11 Bug splat !

Bug splat run -15 March. With the weather being warmish I expected a large turnout, but only 5 brave souls made the effort, still small groups are good ones. So after a lengthy election process, Ian Troughton was duly elected as leader, And we set off to places near and far, and roads I have never been on, from Warragul to, Buln Buln, Drouin, Longwarry, Jin- divick, and our final stop Ian’s Favourite, La Pas- sion Caff Warragul for eats. Participants, Mark Lieshout-H.D-Mod. Brad Stayches-B.M.W-Club Per. Jim Elliott-Moto Guzzi-Mod. Ian Troughton-Royal Enfield-Mod 10% Ray Wageningen-Piaggio-Mod. OFF WGVRC Members Ray Wageningen. J&C

MOTORCYCLES Plans for S p a re s the new P a r t s house Accessories

oils - filters - brakes - tyres- more www.classicbikebits.com.au Shop no. 5 Shaw's Arcade, George St. Moe 3825 03 5127 8208

12 12th MARCH 2017 Blue Lotus Farm club run

6 of us left the clubrooms at 9.30am bound for Yarra Junction. The weather was in its 4 season mode as we headed down Bona vista road towards Nilma, and then we took the back roads to Neerim South. From there we took the Nayook-Powelltown road and then onto the Yar- ra Junction Noojee road where we headed towards Pow- elltown. About 14kms out of Powelltown my little red Celica decided to do a 180 degree turn in front of Keith and Susan and to the astonishment of Ian and Fran who were leading. The road was dry and the car is front wheel drive, Keith ,Ian and myself still don't know why this hap- pened. Anyway no one was injured so we continued on to Pow- elltown and stopped for coffee. When we left Pow- elltown we stopped again as a koala was casually walking on the road, so we helped the little fella to get off the road. From there we arrived at 11.30am at the Lotus farm. Once we paid and got in the 4 season mode switched on again, so we had our lunch then walked the 1.5km around the lotus farm. The flowers were amazing and the company was great. After our walk around we checked out the gift shop and then said our goodbyes and headed in different directions. By Mark van lieshout

WGVRC Newsletter April 2017 13

April Club Runs

14 Free Classifieds

Stone guard For Sale 1570 long and it's free to good home

For Sale Shift Kevlar jeans 3 “T” model wheels and rims brand new mens size 34 $70 Very good Cond. $600 Contact Lynn Daelmans 0408033375 K-D type B Carburettor, 1915 era. $60. Eisemann Magneto 1915 era Birthdays $90. Congratulations Norm on your

OBE Ray Wageningen,56270269.

For Sale 1950 Lanchester LD10 (10 Horsepower) ‘Unmolested, barn-find’ condition 1287cc 4 cyl. o/h valve engine with Daimler (Wilson) pre-selector 4 speed ‘box, not running Club Info Mechanical brakes Brooker alloy 6 light body over ash WGVRC Inc frame with steel guards Clubrooms: Local car but not run for 33 years Corner Anderson & Burke Street, Warragul VIC 3820

although engine turned over every Mailing Address: PO Box 566, Warragul VIC 3820 week Original tool kit Bank Details Everything there but requires sym- pathetic and complete restoration WGVRC Direct Debit subject to the approval of the own- bank account - BSB633-000 er Account no. - 129699450 The Lanchester Owners Club (UK) Remember to identify yourself when using Direct Debit. records say that there are only about a dozen other LD10s in Aus- send your pics and reports to tralia [email protected] Contact Bruce Evanson Editor WGVRC 0488 577199 for details PO Box 220 Newborough Vic 3825

WGVRC Newsletter April 2017 15

 Roadside Breakdown Service  Trade Towing  Heavy Machinery, Tractors & Forklift Tilt Tray Service  Boat and Caravan Towing  Truck Towing / Salvage  Bog Work  Marine Transit Insurance PH. 03 5623 2888 HEAVY SALVAGE –HEAVY HAULAGE

Carline Warragul Factory 1/132 North Road Warragul 3820

Call Albert Miller

If its covered with material or needs to be covered, we can do it for you 03 5622 2977

CASH Warragul Motor Wreckers FOR Guaranteed same - day pickup YARRAGON - WARRAGUL - DROUIN - LONGWARRY Ph. 5623 5855 CARS FREE PICK UP. Call Pat & Rod Conditions apply. Vehicles must be accessible LMCT 2728



West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club Inc A0010124H

Clubrooms: Corner Anderson & Burke Street, Warragul VIC 3820 Mailing Address: PO Box 566, VIC 3820

General Meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 11 am at the Clubrooms

If undeliverable return to P O Box 566 WARRAGUL 3820

WGVRC Newsletter April 2017