Mosl Llrgenl l-ronr: PI0, PID, Dhakr For: Bangladoot, All Missions Fax: 9-5,10553r()540026 MSG: 195/2020-2 I E-nrr i I pirLllia[allgtarLl iqrr Date: Wednesday, l7 March 202 I U'cb 111rtr .p.L_q!!ilj1,,r ru gr_$!

News Brief

The nation is celebrating the l01st birth anniversary ofindependent 's architect and the greatest Bangalee of all time, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu and the National Children's Day- 2027 today in a befitting manner with the theme "Bangabandhur Janmadin, Shishur Ridoy Hok Rangin". Along with different political and socio-cultural organizations, the ruling has drawn up elaborate programs to celebrate the day. The national flag is being hoisted atop all government and non-government buildings, educational institutions across the country today as well as diplomatic missions abroad on the occasion. The day is a public holiday. President Md. and Prime Minister paid glowing tributes to Father of the Nation by placing wreaths at Bangabandhu's portrait in front of Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at Dhanmondi Road No. 32 inthe early morning. Bangabandhu's youngest daughter , Speaker Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury and Chief Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain were present. A special Munajat was offered seeking eternal peace of the deparled souls of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other martyrs of the August 15, 1975 carnage. Later, the Premier entered the Bangabandhu Memorial Museum and placed a wreath at the stair where the blood strained and bullet-riddled body of the great leader fell at the black night of August 15. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will virtually join a Special program on the premises of Bangabandhu's mausoleum in Tungipara from Ganabhaban at 10.30 am this morning. President Md. Abdul Hamid in his message on the occasion of the birlh centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children's Day said Bangla, Bangladesh and Bangabandhu have emerged as a single and identical symbol to the country's people. Highlighting Bangabandhu's role in leading the nation in every democratic and freedom movement, the President said, "Bangabandhu taught us how to reach the goal overcoming obstacles. Following his footsteps, under the leadership of his worthy daughter Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the country is moving towards the desired goal by successfully tackling Coronavirus pandemic." Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in her message marking the '', paying deep homage to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, called upon all to take a vow in the Mujib Year to take Bangladesh to newer heights in the intemational arena and transform the country into a safe and peaceful abode for the next generation. Describing the glorious life of Bangabandhu, the Premier said that her government is working tirelessly to build a hunger-and poverfy-free developed and prosperous Bangladesh as envisioned by the Father of the Nation. A l0-day special program simultaneously begins from today at National Parade Ground marking the birth centenary celebration of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Golden Jubilee of the Independence. President Md. Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Maldivian President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih will join the opening of the celebrations in the evening. Meanwhile, the Maldivian President has arived here this morning on a three-day tour as the first world leader to attend the celebrations. President Md. Abdul Hamid received him at the Hanat Shahjalal (R) Intemational Airport. Sri Lankan Premier , Nepalese President Bidya Devi Bhandari, Bhutanese Premier Lotay Tshering and Indian Premier Narendra Modi will arrive Dhaka under separate schedules to join the celebrations. The ECNEC in a meeting held at the NEC Conference Room in the city's Sher-e-Bangla Nagar area yesterday approved a total of six projects involving an overall estimated cost of Taka5,619.46 crore, including a Taka 4,123 crore project for constructing 30,000 homes for insolventvaliant freedom fighters and familymembers of the martyred and deceased warheroes in a bid to uplift their socioeconomic condition. Chaired by the ECNEC Chairperson and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, virtually joining from Ganabhaban, the meeting also approved Road widening and development fiom Kalpana Cinema Hall to Talaimari Circle in Rajshahi, lst revised, project with an additional cost of Taka 36.70 crore, Construction of sports complex for the people with special needs project with Taka 447.54 crore, Rural infrastructures development in Pirojpur district project with Taka 600 crore, Protecting the right embankment of River Padma at Janzira and Noria upazilas under Shariutpur dishict, I st revised, project with an additional cost of Taka 319.98 crore. The 2nd revision of Construction of new l32l33KV and 33/ll KV substation under DPDC project with an additional cost of Taka 92.25 crore was also approved in the meeting. Road Transporl and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader said, BNP is still misguiding the new generation over the Liberation War history whereas 50 years of independence is being celebrated. While addressing a press briefing, he further said, the distortion of history was initiated first by the BNP after the assassination of Bangabandhu and his family members and it is still continued by them. Criticizing BNP leaders' discussion over VAT and tax, he said, why VAT now tests bitter to them, saying that the rate of revenue collection by the govemment remains at logical level. The name of the Ministry of Information has been changed as the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting because it has been doing the tasks of broadcasting along with giving information. Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr. Hasan Mahmud said this to newsmen at his ministry yesterday. He said, it is really astonishingitut gNp did not congratulate the government or the countrymen on the country's graduation from LDCs or on the golden jubilee of the country's independence. State Minister for Information Dr. Md. Murad Hasan and Information Secretary Khaja Mia were present in the briefing. The Minister at a prize giving ceremony of art competition for autistic children at a city hotel yesterday, marking the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, said, "If we can take care, the children with disability can shake the world. They can bring honour for nation, family and society as well and the history proved it." President Md. Abdul Hamid expressed deep shock at the death of BNP standing committee member Barrister Moudud Ahmed who died yesterday while undergoing treatment in Singapore at the age of 80. The month-long Amar Ekushey Book Fair-2021, which has been delayed due to COVID-19, will begin on Bangla Academy premises and at Suhrawardy Udyan in the capital tomorrow. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is expected to inaugurate the book fair virtually from Ganabhaban. The government has prepared Solar Roadmap-2041 and year-based power generation plan to increase energy production from renewable sources, State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid saia tfrii while delivering a speech on the sideline of the 7th Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue titled "Structural Change for a Carbon-Free Future" by joining virtually as a panelist on Monday. Bangladesh wants signing of the Teesta river agreement with New Delhi in line with the 2011 understanding between the two neighbors as top bureaucrats of Water Resources ministries held talks in New Delhi yesterday. Bangladesh's Water Resources ministry Senior Secretary Kabir Bin Anwar and his counterpart Pankaj ku** led their respective sides in the meeting. Along with the other issues, they also discussed issues of water sharing of six other trans-boundary rivers -Monu, Muhuri, Khowai, Gumti, Dharla and Dudhkumar. British experts and academics have highly praised Bangabandhu's maritime vision as they were speaking at a lecture' titled "sustainable Governance of the Bay of Bengal: Towards Bangabandhu's Golden Bengal Vision" in London and Portsmouth university recently, marking his -Birthjointly organized by Bangladesh High Commission Centenary. Intemational Seabed Authority President Rear Admiral Md. Khurshed Alam in his keynote speech said, "He (Bangabandhu) envisioned sustainable exploration and exploitation of marine resources as a driving force for poverty allwiation, ensuring food security, protecting environmental balance and mitigating adverse impacts of climate change." High Commissioner to the UK Saida Muna Tasneem made the opening remarks. RAB will install "face identification devices" at its different check posts on the occasion of the celebration of the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the golden jubilee of independence from March l7 to 26, RAB Director General Chowdhury Abdullah Al Mamun told a press briefing yesterday, adding, the situation will also be monitored from a central control room at the RAB headquarters and also from the control room of each battalion. Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority-BBZA has, so far, received investment proposals amounting to around US$27.07 billion from local and foreign business entities. Bangladesh Investment Development Authority-BlDA has included the trade license of the Dhaka South City Corporation with its' online One Stop Service-OSS centre. DSCC Mayor Barrister Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh formally inaugurated the service at BIDA conference room in the city yesterday. Religious Affairs ministry in a press release yesterday requested 60,706 hajj aspirants to take the first shot of Covid-19 vaccine within March and second shot by May, as part of preparation in advance. 'shasyachitre Bangabandhu', the crop field mosaic on the occasion of the Mujib Borsho on 100 bighas or over 20 acres of crop field canvas at Balenda village under Sherpur lupazila of Bogura district in Bangladesh has made it to the Guinness World Records. According to the Guinness World Records' website, the largest crop field mosaic is 119,430.273 m2 and was achieved by A F M Bahauddin Nasim and I( S M Mostafizur Rahman in an attempt organized by National AgriCare lmport and Export LTD in Bangladesh on March 9,2021. Earlier the record washeld by Shanghai Lezhidao Tourism Development Company of China after it made a crop held mosaic spanning 79,505.19 square metres in 2019. Meanwhile, with 26 more deaths yesterday, the dumber of deaths from Covid-I9 in Bangladesh rose to 8,597. At the same time recovery count rose to 5,14,479, DGHS disclosed this information in a press release yesterday. With the detection of 1,719 new cases, the total number of Covid-19 cases rose to 5,60,887. A total of 94,43':. people were administered COVID-19 vaccines across the country yesterday, giving rise to the total number of vaccine ieceivers to 45,80,391. As many as 58,57,97lpeople got registered till 2.30pm yesterday to receive the vaccine, DGHS said.

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