Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1996 No. 128 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was SCHEDULE think, during the next few days, as we called to order by the President pro Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, this morn- try to come to the conclusion of this tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. ing the Senate will immediately begin session, Senators need to be very hesi- consideration of the conference report tant to request such delays in votes. I remind all Senators that, if they in- PRAYER to accompany the energy and water ap- propriations bill. Following the debate, sist on offering nongermane amend- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John at 11 o’clock the Senate will then re- ments to these appropriations meas- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: sume consideration of the Interior ap- ures, it will only delay disposition of Gracious, loving Father, who has propriations bill, with the Bumpers the important spending bills as we ap- taught us to give thanks for all things, amendment regarding grazing fees proach the end of the fiscal year. to dread nothing but the loss of close- pending. The Senate will recess for the Also, we are going to work very hard ness with You, and to cast all our cares party conference lunches between the this afternoon and tomorrow and on You, who cares for us, set us free hour of 12:30 and 2:15 p.m. At 2:15, there Thursday to see if we cannot take up from timerous timidity when it comes will be an additional 20 minutes for de- some other issues. Always we try to to living the absolutes of Your Com- bate on the Bumpers amendment and, work on conference reports when they mandments and speaking with the au- following that debate, the Senate will are available, particularly if they are thority of Your truth. We are living in proceed to two consecutive votes, first appropriations conference reports. We a time of moral confusion. We talk a on or in relation to the Bumpers are working to see if we can get some amendment to be followed immediately great deal about values, but have lost clear understanding on time and very by a vote on adoption of the energy and our grip on Your standards. Bring us tight limit on amendments, if any, on water appropriations conference re- back to the basics of honesty, integ- the Federal Aviation Administration port. rity, and trustworthiness. We want to authorization. We need to get that Following those votes, the Senate be authentic people rather than profes- done before we leave. I would like to will resume consideration of the Inte- sional caricatures of character. May see if we cannot get that done tonight, rior appropriations bill and additional people know that they will get what with the debate occurring after we votes can be expected on amendments they see. Free us from capricious complete debate or action on the Inte- to that bill this afternoon. It is hoped, dissimulations, from covered duality, rior appropriations. We might take up with the cooperation of our colleagues, from covert duplicity. Instead of ma- the FAA authorization, say at 6 or 7, the Senate can complete action on the and let all the debate time go on to- nipulating with power games, help us Interior appropriations bill this motivate with patriotism, grant us the night with vote or votes on that occur- evening, hopefully. ring first thing in the morning. passion we knew when we first heard Again, Senators can expect busy ses- Tomorrow I would like to see if Your call to political leadership, the sions this week and should plan accord- maybe we can do the Magnuson fish- idealism we had when we were driven ingly. It will be almost impossible to eries bill. We have a lot of work done by a cause greater than ourselves, and complete our Senate business in the on that. We need to get it done before the inspiration we knew when Your time we have allocated if Members ex- Spirit was our only source of strength. pect no rollcall votes in the evenings we leave. Again, maybe we could work May this be a day to recapture our first because of prior commitments. Last on the debate during tomorrow night, love for You and our first priority of week I had requests: That we not have with votes occurring on Thursday glorifying You by serving our Nation. votes during the day on Monday or on morning. In the name of our Lord and Savior. Monday night; please do not have one We are also going to see what sort of Amen. on Tuesday morning; could we not have time would be desired if we took up the one on Wednesday night; how about on maritime bill. f Thursday? I was thinking maybe we So, my thinking is during the day, could just stack all the votes at 10 for the most part we will stay on the RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY o’clock on Wednesday. appropriations bills, either Interior ap- LEADER I would like to accommodate all Sen- propriations or the energy and water ators, and many of these requests are conference report, as we are doing this The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The very legitimate. Sometimes they are morning, and then at night we will try able majority leader, Senator LOTT, is based on very important commitments to take up some of these authoriza- recognized. or illness or all kinds of things. But I tions that have been agreed to or we ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S10617 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:10 Jun 22, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S17SE6.REC S17SE6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S10618 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 17, 1996 are trying to get agreement on. That The distinguished Senator from New To the best of our abilities, the con- way we can make good progress during Mexico is recognized. ferees have sought to protect science the week. Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I am and technology programs from signifi- I want to emphasize something I said pleased to bring to the floor the con- cant reductions while providing for the about nongermane amendments. We ference report to accompany H.R. 3816, water projects of importance to so have good managers of this bill. This is the Energy and Water Development many Members. an important bill. Yes, it has some con- Appropriations Act for fiscal year 1997. In essence, this is a very interesting troversial features in many and various This conference report passed the bill. Clearly, a majority of the funding areas, but you have the chairman of House last Thursday by a vote of 383 to goes to the Department of Defense ac- the committee, Senator SLADE GORTON, 29. I thank again the former chairman tivities within the DOE. Nonetheless, who has been doing very good work, of the subcommittee, and now ranking there is a large portion that is not de- and the ranking member from West member, for his assistance in devel- fense activities, and that is domestic Virginia, Senator BYRD, who are cer- oping this bill. activities which essentially are made tainly two of the best managers we I also thank the chairman of the full up predominantly of water projects, have. I urge my colleagues do not come Appropriations Committee, former reclamation projects, and the like, of in with a lot of nongermane amend- chairman and ranking member of the both the Corps of Engineers and the ments. Last week we saw over 10 Energy and Water Development Sub- Bureau of Reclamation. Everyone amendments offered, most of them committee, Senator HATFIELD, for his knows with reference to both of those nongermane. help in bringing this bill before the entities and the projects that as they Senate. His guidance and assistance I have been playing it straight. I am run, operate, start, and complete, the with regard to allocations has been of trying to see that we get our work funding is going down, not up. tremendous importance, and the sub- done. But, if we wind up seeing this is Again, we were not able to give every committee is indebted to his leader- just a political game, then we will not State the projects in flood control and ship. the like that Senators had requested, be able to get this legislation done. This conference report is consistent And we will not tolerate it. Then we with the allocations set forth in the but we think we have done as good a will get into a total political mode. We Senate Report 104–320. Specifically, the job as the money would permit. should do the business of the people conference provides $11.352 billion in Mr. President, on page 37 of the re- and then we can go out and campaign budget authority and $11.39 million in port before us there is a typographical for reelection based on political issues outlays for defense activities. error. I would like to just read the that we think need to be debated. We For nondefense activities, the con- paragraph at the bottom of page 37. should not do it here on the floor of the ference report provides $8,620,000,837 in The conferees have, however, included lan- Senate with nongermane amendments.