Derwent Estuary Program Environmental Management Plan February 2009
Engineering procedures for Southern Tasmania Engineering procedures foprocedures for Southern Tasmania Engineering procedures for Southern Tasmania Derwent Estuary Program Environmental Management Plan February 2009 Working together, making a difference The Derwent Estuary Program (DEP) is a regional partnership between local governments, the Tasmanian state government, commercial and industrial enterprises, and community-based groups to restore and promote our estuary. The DEP was established in 1999 and has been nationally recognised for excellence in coordinating initiatives to reduce water pollution, conserve habitats and species, monitor river health and promote greater use and enjoyment of the foreshore. Our major sponsors include: Brighton, Clarence, Derwent Valley, Glenorchy, Hobart and Kingborough councils, the Tasmanian State Government, Hobart Water, Tasmanian Ports Corporation, Norske Skog Boyer and Nyrstar Hobart Smelter. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Derwent: Values, Challenges and Management The Derwent estuary lies at the heart of the Hobart metropolitan area and is an asset of great natural beauty and diversity. It is an integral part of Tasmania’s cultural, economic and natural heritage. The estuary is an important and productive ecosystem and was once a major breeding ground for the southern right whale. Areas of wetlands, underwater grasses, tidal flats and rocky reefs support a wide range of species, including black swans, wading birds, penguins, dolphins, platypus and seadragons, as well as the endangered spotted handfish. Nearly 200,000 people – 40% of Tasmania’s population – live around the estuary’s margins. The Derwent is widely used for recreation, boating, fishing and marine transportation, and is internationally known as the finish-line for the Sydney–Hobart Yacht Race.
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