12 . - : ... . r Sportively Speaking BelIeH I, or Not ut ....y •• Fortrval of A...... C-ftlt, DlKUIlllIoD8 of "pori Even" Appearln, Dally ...... nll Appean n.II7 by Pace 4, Pace I _I a FlVECENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, AUGUST 2,1932 VOL. XXXII

Seize "Reds" ~ 11 Republicans Attack Roosevelt on Prohibition Issue to Curb New OPENING OF THE TENTH OLYMPIA.D Vet Disorders Say Nominee University to Get Four Dead in JUit a Far.Seeing Tusk of Prehistoric Beggar; He Plans Mastodon in Iowa Bonus Seekers Facing I Has Failed to Post-Election Far in the Future Disease, Hunger in A seven· foot tusk of a prehlstorlo I Keep Promise mammoth or mastodon, unearthed German Riots "Ten donal'll and C04t.," Po­ Pennsylvania I ~ In Rock Rapids, this week will be. lice "lIdge Charte. I~ Zaler told JOHNSTOWN, Po., Aug. 1 lAP) co me the property Of the Unlver. a man ,Ivlng the name of Tom Claimed to Set Record slty of Iowa. - Voters Await Hitler's Grltnn, who was benlng on the - While police clashed with cora· muntets In downtown Johnstown to· for Breaking Faith O. F. Thomas, who obtained the Attitude Toward aC~ts of IOWa City unda)" rello after It had been uncovered Government ". can't pa7 the S10, but here's ni ght, the spectre of pestilence ho.. • Before Elections by a grading company, notified ered over the suburban bivouac .t Dean George F. Kay ot the college the C08C ," tbe bener said, and 1,000 weary a nd hungry bonuR ma.rch· NEW YORK, Aug, 1 (AP}--Re. of liberal arts, who :18 head of the BERLIN, Aug. 1 (AP}--Post·elec· putted ~. 76 out of his pock.. t. publloans ottacked Governor RooHe· geology department, that he would tlon rIot. resulted In tour deaths "What are you beggln, for, c'·s. vtlt tOday on the prohibition Issue, contribute It to the university. and numerous leMer casualttea to· with all lhat mone),?" the Judge Word of exoltement In Central ..hlle lhe Democrattc campaign Il8ked, The tusk has a clrcu mterence of day as all Germany walled tor park caused hardly a flurry In the rhlef Issued a call for a unique set about 20 Inches. It will be placed "Well It'a thla wa)'. I want Co Adolf HItler, whose bid for absolute squalid camp on the outaklrta of the or stralegy conferences with hla with the university's collection of get a new pair of shoes. and-" power was spurned by the voters city, where a tattered borde of grim,. .tate chairmen. moro than 300 bones Of ancient ani· The lIlan atopped and looked yesterday, to decide whether he wtll men, women and children wooed lIeantlme, II. group of RepubUcans mals. down at hIs feet, Ins IIhoe. were join In the government or fight It. slumber beneath the stars. formed II. Roosevelt league and IItout, almost new, 1------Report8 Pled,e Garba,s (Jan Cooldn, • plane were announced for a conler· "Get out of towu at once and After a frugal meal of unwhole· tne. tomorrow between those who Political speculation WILIJ eUrred I'tt suspend )'our rlne," saId the some food - cooked In grease·cover· ..til direct the Hoover·Curtis reo Five Firemen by II. widespread report that before Judge, takln, the co t8. ed garbage can. over open fire_the election flrht In the east. the election the fiery leader of Ger· The man got out. man fascism gave a pledge to Prt's· Campers seltled down tor the night In Sends Out "NeWli Letter" the shadows of bonfires. "Not quite 100 pel' cent," was the Die in Flames Ident Von HlnOenburg anO the cab· Downtown, a crowd ot .everl1.l • btadUne of a "news letter" sent out Inet that he would enter a govern· thousand jammed tho IItreet. when by the New York Republican state ment coalition If he failed to win a 2.5 Inch Rain at N. Y. Hotel wOl'd spread that "reds" would at· commIttee, In which the Democratic majority of the Relehstag seat8. tempt to hold a meet! nil' In deflanc. .landard bearer was taken to task The Munich Post eald It had of pOlice orae'·s. for not urglnll the support of beer learned definitely such a pledge had Swamps City Trapped While Fighting PolI~e followed every movement of and repsal bUls In the IlUIt congress. be n made. Despite the p88slonate After 2 years the athl('tes of the world returned to American soil to decide the Olympic game the r dlcals - there were only a half ''The wets of the country waited Blaze in Basement cry of "no coalition" by some of I at Los Angeles. The lid American Olympics were in t. Louis in 1904. With the st riking pageant­ in One Hour dozen of tt,em-as they tried to I I for Governor Roosevelt, nOlv the the NazI leaders, the pape~ declar· of Structure ry of the parade of Ilations started by Vice President ul'ti alld completed with the Olympic oath of maneuver Into position to Btart their leader of his party, to urge the ed, they will have to Bwallow the fellow~hip and ~pOl ·t smanship sworn in the massed babel of 27 language.4 allIo the loaal ___ For t hat t hey lost thei r h e a d~, \Veel_lay, Au,"us t 3 lIubllrbed bar...... :00 p.m. Concer t: All·Stote IUgh School Its0I1-eaRt approaCh to Old .AlJ ..I p ts of republle&Uon of ~al dlQateb.. h_1D n ch m i calculation wi ll not occur 40 .... a1ao reaerved. 'nl)ltol W dne, day, Aug, 31, when astronomel's Friday, Augu I 5 'iEP,R,t; ! JIIDlrOBIAL D1!iPAll'l'MEIU' f rom all oyer t he world gath('1' to witnc!'s t he 7:30 p.m. • ~hool of lett",.,. l~tu .... : "Frankenst"ln and 1'OIIlanllc psy· J'rrnJr .Jatte _. .=-_.,..... Editor chology," by Prof, J, Raymond Dglster at the exten· CeUa OoldberJr ___ _ SOcieLY Ecl I L~ wrong in their fixing of the time of its oc­ ~Ion division, 8 N, Clinton street, or nt C5 Easl hall, by Fri· Bt78IlfBII. DIIIP•• flDIlNT currence, or were one mile off ill dl'tcl'luin· da)' eventng, ~ L. .Jollnaloll ___, Buetn... MalI",r rraa..hI 0, WIIeoI ____ Clrou l.. tlon Han... r ing t11e extent of the path of total ity, they .Ape. W , Schmidt _ _ ___. _ AooolIDtaat would 'hamed beyond mea llI'e, Dlt\L 4J91 Out h re in t he m iddlewcst, t he erlipsp General Nodeee lInmell exehanre eonnectln" all departmonta will app roach roughly 40 per cent of Department 01 Phys ical Edut'lltlon 'or \\'omen totality, and wi ll occur about 2:15 p,m, TlJA Recrentionnl swimming cla88 (or fneully, taculty wlve8, administrative TUESDA Y, AUGUST 2, 1932 8t rr, and wives or graduate sludents will con tlnu through t he 8 cond Lerm solal' show will cost ,eientifie ob~cr\'cJ'~ lie Iho lIummer session, Pool will be Cl jJ n from 7:30 to 8:30 p,m, 'r uusda.ys $700 Ii second to watch, and it wi ll last 100 .. nd Thursdays, Hitler Up a Notch st'eonru, l\Iighty n ic profit migbt be made The pool will be open for recreationa l swimming etarUng Frld y, July 22 nnd will IS8t through the cond term at the suman r 89sslon, lIours: Satur· W IT IT ) [ HE than 36,000,000 yote on l'ingside 'eats w ith tht' proper' promotion, day IO·l2 a,m, Dally .·5:30 p,m, tallied in llnday's 0 l'man Reicilstag if t hose prices p revailed, I'X­ Graduate Students WUb Major or Minor In His tory elections, r snits "IIOW that Adolf lIitler That f igure of '700,000 eompri. s the penses of mOl'e t han 30 expl'ditioni; which All graduate stud nts with a mltJor 0 " minor In 1Ilstory who plan to come and his ationlll ocilllists bave oOll bl U will come from aU over tho world to watch lip Cor a deg/'('e .. t the AlIgu"t convocation w lll !.alle t he wrlLL II e)lamln Uon ~~rl<1ay, Aug. 12, 9 -12 a.m, and 2·5 p.m.; nnd SaLurday, Aug, lB, 9·12 a,m" In their number of l; als although t hey fail d the phenomen on, And it is worth it, say room 208 \Il>crallll'ts building, t o obtain n elplll' majority. 1 l'Vert h e l es.~, sci ntistfl, Out of SPl'ct ~oseo p ic obser"8tions Consult tho head of the Ilepa.rLment promptly about taking the exa ml na· the presidency of thc house wi ll go to n of t he IJalo of f ir, t he corona of the Sllll, tlons. W, T, ROOT 11'115 SIt k~ O~J'h l\ la t 13 Y ars-l'l'maills (0 be , en in l1bse· con firm d by a tudy of the b nding flight 11 Js of Ihe utmost Importanc thnt each IItudt\nL conrcrned comply wAs BOllI'! quent decisions or the Rcichstag, A nd near the s un. 'rhe scicnlifi' world flllt liP with Lhl8 1'~Ci\l!'~l immediately tor otherwise It I,. very likely thnt a stu· A~ \0 O;)'C\.(){'o< whethpl' thl' rest of EUl'ope can DOW d raw the and cheer ed lustily, 'rhe busin(',. world d,,,"! who mny IHO In Olh"r rAil clll quallrl () will not be recummended tor of THE. lat." br a lh it ball bCl'n anxiously withholding probably forgot about it. But thl' bllsinN's ,HntlullUon at till' closo or tho pl'esent term, DAVOf TH~ plmning thl' outcome of the vot i ng also is a 'wOI'ld docs not know how lllll ny th ings of MA 1( !NO A'PI'LJ('A'rlON tor the deg"ee, or cel'tt.rloate, lnvolv 8 the IO'_k Moi'\TIi matter thnt only timl' wi ll determine. practical " Blue ha"e comc from t hr Gel'man P ll~' " III ut lhl' 1:I1.tlUli.tiOIi ree ($16,00) at the tim" th nppllcntton 18 mntle ~EVE.R5e. -(he pnym(lO~ Of this ff'e ""Ing a necessary part oC the application. Call AND 'WEIGHlO JIitler's P)'oci!lJJl!ltioll of a uew G rman BCicntist' queer equations, which got Iheil' at the I'eglJltrnr's oftlce Cor till" card, Of THE SEAL 10 POONDS­ el'a, II dictalOl'Khip in which he will wield scient ific vogue [rom that eclil)SC, ReftPectfulll', t he stick, is probahly It lesse)' evil t han the The clip e ha, an intl'l'esling political 11, C, DOHCAS, reglAtrar, HE. WA~ THE OF THE U.S.A, p t'ogralll of Dr, Alfred IT ugenbprg, head or history, too, According to IIpl'oditns, I O'~ CHI LO AN D t he GpJ'JlIIlIl I Iltionfllists, wliich caUs for 1\ T hall'S, a Greek, told tlie [oaniallll thrre &> hool of LeUers J.A'CI ure WAS~E ~~ ~ R" ___~~====~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ return or Kni. N-i.·m aH I hr only hop, Mean­ would be aD eclip in 5 Ii R " 'I'h Jon­ A IpC!ul'l' on "1"rnnkl'lI1:S KI~b:I"J:l l\Ient lit (;1'11('vl1-1 he ('y('~ of Europe' havr the clenr dIlY." Astronomical lables indio naturallr tUl'n·tt IowaI'd Bpl'lin OF; It focal cate all eclipsl' in 763 n, C', which wus prob· point rOI' 1 h(' onteom of thi~ clt'ction, The ably thl' onr refel'l'etl to, confid('n('c of other natioll in tlte tradition· And in 11 Kings 20 :2, thrl'e i, a po. 'sibili· Historians Seek Early W orl{ al stead fllstllp~S and r('solvp of th(' G('l'mAn ty: "And Isiah tItp pl'ophl't cril'd 111110 lhe peul'l(' may ex('l' 'isr a Sob(,I'irlA' effect on I hc J.Jor(l; nud he brollll'ht 111(' ~hodow 10 c1rgl'('I'S of Council Bluffs Painter futl1l' of thl' I'('public, Retention or t he backward by which it had go II I' down ill 1he pJ'esPllt von Pa]l!'n ('uhin('t and 110 imn1l'dio\c d illl of Ahaz," OUNCIL TJT.I FF " Aug, 1 (A PI and Omnha, according to the enrly changr in govllrnmt'ntal poli ies signify - Iowo. hlNlol'hu1¥ or wond~rlng O{'CountH, ·fIIP" he wured tit rlH'r that qll firRt olld always for a town, Pa, By this lIm~, no douht, Mayo\' Eddie "tc· l'anvfU'. M('mlters Of the lown. H is. this city In tha llos8esslnn or oWer st,. ll~ f d('ral ~ Vl'l'llIn('nt, strongly e n· 10lkfY Is prolmbly !!fJlTY he evel' extended an In· In.'lenl 80<'1('Iy ar!' anxious to locate rffildcnts, OrOupg of his works are tl'ulized, JIitl(>t, stands for nn inrliviclUll l vlt.. tlon to t he veterans, the canvl1.l II It I" till In <,,,lsL!'nce. Intact at thO' local r AldeneI' of de· government, mOl'e than a m~ r e dictatorship, IJellevln); It would ["'ovldl' II valun· Be ndnnls of Grenville M, Dodge, H e s ('ks not only thc patl'iotic allegiance "I do 1I0t Intend to ma ke IInoUler mllrd. 10 Waah· Ill" addition to Iown hlslory, SlmonR also prOduced anoth r Eshibitetl W ork of evel'y Gprll1lln-nOI1-Gel'muns do not ing(on," the vets ",,,1'0 (old by their ICllder, W . " '. rru'go hlstoricnl canvlL'! which 18 be, AflPl' comlllt'tlnghlR hu!':1' WOrK, in!,: sought. It WM called the exist for h im - but a /lort of Rpiritl1al al­ W a ters, '''Ve'll fig ht our baliJeH a t tJ~ l.olI ~," RiJllOIlR ~ho\\' .. d It In Council RJufCtl "Panorama of the 1If1s80url RIver." legiance-he is the state and t11e church, in And he added that if they didn't will a l the n exl h is own eyes; the embodiment of govern· elecUolI they'd ke~" rl, lIt on tr)-Ing , If 'Vateffl I • • m nt and religion, His Fascist policies rlL(ed the r enl leadel'fiblp of the "army" tlo .. y IIIlght i --n-O-NU- S- E-ER- S- + I 2.5 INCH RAIN I bea l' lhat ont significantly, get somewbere, But ...Ith IL connnnnlllll .. elelll ..llt Bitkr bas adVAnced another, tep towarcl QPpeullng to 1I\0b illstln~l s , rlLtional plnnning 111111 his goal of I IllS'" he snld, "she ,vants you Fredric 111 arch, dressed as a no other Joss, 'rhat seares a hiC?h degree mlal.ter, A .ho~ time ago he escapod the 8UJ'. wa ve which smothered the middle In order to secllre lh~Ae nuthe ntie to hel" h"r," Roman pl'efect o( pollee ;lnd smok­ of p rai for tIle telephone organization, vellJfllice 01 Ute Jap8. '-ever, and once wore con· Five "Communists" Arn!stet1 weat came with the rain, Accord· thril l.. , U nivel'lt."L1 senl 'l'om K II· ,,,,,',hnt's t he Mea?" scorred the Ing n big clga." AI soon as II(! The otber point, in B n~gestio~ , has to lIo centrat.ed hili effort.. acaln", their _Ie", Hla After lhe f Ul'ore tued down, II. with the university , Due to t he cbanges in Ing to JohnHon county ta rlD rs the put l'lck to Silnin. whe"6 he ([na lly brokcl'. " The I' 's no money In enn get away, this actor a l\d Fior­ passing now leaves tew ..-ellUOU~ objedOl'll to .Jap, roundu" oC a ll eged communists got rain anel the cool weather came In was [\ble to secure . " celnl Jl p.'mlts lhat." Ene Eltlrldgl' will sail ( 0 " E uropC, the system, ther e will be no student directory und I' way a nd five were a.T sted, anese control, from the au tho.'I II ~, Scenes a l. "Yeah: ' Ba ld the swoptheart, hold· It will be Jle r fl r.t t.i ll, , , Thirty· for the second term of tbe ' ummel' ,e sion, charged with dIBorted down In l own City yelter' tion to the infOl'mation sl'l'viee which it 81- JDvery year the I'egents lrled to diminis h the num· a" e to be emp hasized In the ll'enl· t ween Ihe two haplln boya and Ho llller's ' nml shIves In "The Sign 01 elem ntary rig hts ot the worke rs to

ITUE~~S~D~A~y~, ~A~U~G~U~S~T~2~,~19~3~g====~======::====~======~======~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hydrauli~~~~~c Engin~~~~eer ~~~~~~~~~~~====~======~- .Iowa~ Alumna PERSONALS What Shall I Serve···? Fuoer al H e ld Begnt · R·azmg .I ------Ripley Explanatioru .I Exto pceoCnlfeedrinwIJ.°thwaNCiag·tyler. Old Buildin~(1s· sn·"' OAY' CAR""""N • "Will Marry in Rose Worton, 402 E . Church A DaUy Hint to Ho.re.. u on Tempting for Local Boy ... " •\IV street. is epending a week vacatIon T he n1.y81er)' of the roltb., · In Marshalltown. Appetite. While Ie'. Hot. N. C. Grover, chlet hydraulic en· ball-A granite monument on I ) N M Burial In Oakland cemetery tol· glneer for the Unlled States Geo· University to Remove the Miller lot In the cemet ery '" I ew eXlCO Me"-- - Cake 4 t ablHpoons horfenlng I Dean Eugene A. G lImore of t h e . -- ~ a ~ tablespoon. milk lo,.,ed a prIvate funeral serv ce tor logIcal Survey Is expeeted to arrIve SlructurD<> on N. lIlempW , Mich., con I ling of • coUege or law, Is spending a few Do you remember way back ",hen Robert Cannon, ~, lIOn of Mr. and In Iowa City today for a conference "" base on wh k-h reBts. Z,800. 'Lola ~foell e r Will Wed days on business In WashIngton, you ,.'ere a "kid" and r turned from ~. :!'apoopu~rybakn ,::! """,der !lire. Jo~ph L. Cannon, at theIr tomorrow with Pro!. Floyd A. Nag· CJinton Street pound baIJ, has ('aused m uch 'ce M. Zook D. C. little Mary's or Bill', or Patry', birth· ~ te'-"""n ••U .. ,.v ler ot the college of engln(.'erlng. conjecture since it _ erected I Maur, •• A th no _ .... v ..... home at 354 Lexington avenue at 1 I d ay party a II en th u.,.,.. over e The con terence will be relative o\'er %4 )'ears ago. nailled b:r l t "u.._ <17 "'well lee cream and cake" that "'.- % teallpoon vanilla m ye8terd Climaxing several years of plan· I ; 0 f F ags a II Mr. and .... ra. Nolan ~ _e, ~ 0 .... Beat eg~ yollta unU! lIght and p. . ay. to the re·establlshment of the geo' I be tl buman agency the ball ha slip- Iowa avenue, return today trom a served? Cakes are alway8 popular" ~, The Rev. Sylveater EllIs ot O.8:1ge , logl--' 1J""vey's " 'ork on me-.ure. n ng, workmen gan opera ons yes· .... f t l gradually bel.! In % cup sugar. Then ...... ~ ~ ped a QU... , er o · u, waT (Special to Tbe Daily Iowan) month's visit In Oregon and Wash· wllh old a nd youni alike, and the add shortenIng well c reamed, milk, fonner pastor of the lOclll Methodist ments ot Iowa streams. tl'l'day COl' razing the entire group of a r ound In a .'OlIIng-not • re- TII~ marrIage ot Lola lItol'ller, Ington. clever hOll""wife surprises her vanIlla and flour sltted "'Ith bakIng Mr. Grover, who Is also on the unh'eNllty buildIngs On N. Clinton \'olvlng-Illolion. A flat rough tamlly occasIonally wltb 80metlUng 'church, 01{fcla.tgd at the servIce. It h tIt t tl Id II ball In '10. to Maurice H. Zook ot Flag· powder and salt. Spread In two Robert was drowned Friday eve. advlso.'Y comm tee of I l' In. u e 8treH between Iowa avenue and J ef· pOI, On 16 8 e of Ie • Herbert Dill, 1127 0111 street, ne.... BtnalJ round layer cake pans and of Hydraulics R search, wOJ spend rel'SOn str eet. dleates the spot on " 'h lch It rest · Itatr, Ariz., will be solemnized today John Stromaten, 207 R lcbards Cakes may be aerved wIth fruIt chill. 13eat egg whItes un til stitt and nlng while wadIng In Whltetlsh some tJme In reviewIng lhe work of ed originall y. at Santa Fe, N. M. The ceremony street, and Rollln M . Perkins, Jr.. dre8!llng, covered wIth fre h fruIt beat In gradually ~ cup 8ugar. lake, near Brainerd, MInn. the unIversIty hydraullclI labora.! The group Includes the rour 01<1 Among the suggested eaullCs will be performed by the Rev. 'V. 1041 '''oodlawn street, are members and whlpped cream, 88"Ved with Ice Spread on each layer. Bake In a He was playing ... Ith 80me toy tory. school ot mUlllc annexes-{)ne a frame of the phenomenon are trra,' I· E. Waller, pastor ot the santa Fe o( a party trom Iowa Clty who are cream, or lUI an acceMOry to a aalad. 810w oven, 300 degrees F., for 50 boall! wIth Slllrley Ann Ellis, 7, . structure and t he other three ot tation, the heat of lhe sun mov· lIothodJat Episcopa.l church, at the spendIng the tlJ1It part ot this week T her may be 8erved at partlell wIth mInute., remove Crom tins and put adopted daughter of Hazel Mltcbell 1)l'lck - and th brIck buildings In g O\'er the surface of t he ball, home ot Judge and Mrs. Reed iloilo· al Lake OkobojI. a mInImum a t troUble to the bostess. together wIth orange cream. of Des Molnee, when they both Races Feature whIch house the t'xtenslon division, and the p roce es of t hawin g man whose daughter, 1111'. J ay Mrs. L. K . 13urrell, 605 S. Lucas l,flx two tablespoons cornstarch, IItepped ort Into deep w ater an(1 Exhihit at Pool the university mall sl"'vlce, and the and ' roolinll', but no defi nite FrederICk LewIs, was a unIVerSIty Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coulter, 702 street, has slven U8 tbll recIpe tor ono cup 8UgllJ', one cup bolllng were drowned. Although laken orrlces ot the unlve"slty electricIan. /lJId satisfactory 8OIulioll haa trlend ot lhe brlde·elect. Iowa avenue, and Mrs. A. Horrabln Merlque Cake. Water, juIce of one big orange. Cook trom the water In ate", mlnuteK, Free for all swimming races will Only the old musIc buildings will been vouehsafed 80 far. Arter th ceremony the couple and daughter, Mary Loufse, botb ot I enll over 10'" tlamo untIl thIck. Spread "rUtlclal respIration was futile. be h('1<1 at tbe Big nIpper 11001 In the be torn down a t prescnt, the rest be· will leave on a month trIp, coming 126 S. Lucas street, returned Sun· % cup au.-.r between lasers. Robert 18 survived by hIs pal'cnta cIty pal'k Felday e,'enlmr. The par. Ing removed as soon /l.I! new Qual" Tomorrow: "Cbopin's cell In nnd a Blater, Loulae, 2. tets are arranged tor tbelr occu, to Iowa by way of Colorado. They day from a 10 day vacation at tJclpants wl/l be cIa •. ed for the rllces pants. l'llall orcll." will 8pend several Templar park, SpIrIt Lake. according to theIr ag(>s. r======~~~ ... ft_I." al the Make This Model at Home Fancy diving exhlblllons and a New 10caUons for the s tudIos and ARNOI,DS PARK (AP) - J . C. Of Miss Marie O'Toole, 702 Iowa avenue, 75 Gue.", Auen.d clOwnIng Bhow wIll be features of the offices of the school of music which Bang of Silencer !lct ate(l Stewart at Speno Clara Lucas, 821 E. Market street, The Iowan's Daily Pattern entertn.l.nment planneu tor lbe eve· torme"ly occupIed the buildIngs on Oilman ot SIoux CIty tor the alate 'er, and at other Kale Ruess, 120 N. GOVernor street, Pyt.hian Picnic lor nlng. Clinton street have already been e8· chess champIonshIp In a n O\'er week .olnts In Iowa. IPauline neld, and ROse Hackett, DeJHlTt.ing Resident. tnblfshetl th"ough the opening IIOme end tourney. . Utte In A ugusl visIted In Muscatine and De.ven­ Made in Sizes 30 Graduate From weells ago Of the new music s tudIo 'hey will leave, porl Sunday. More than 75 gueste attende(l tbe buildIng at the corner of Gilbert and by way (It the I 36 to 48 J efferson st,·eets. pIcnic honorIng Mr. and M.rs. Albert I Business College Swim Today at the Black Hills and Dagmar Hansen, Burkley apart. Kloos of Coralville, who are soon Only student labor Is belni em· I"ellowstone. for ments, lett Sunday tor Mli tord, BIG DIPPER Pattern 2392 movIng to Cedar Rapids. Tho pIC· P,·e.entatlon of diPloma to 30 stu· played fo r the ruIng job, accorulng Wainwright, AI· where she will spend the rest ot tbe nlc was gIven by the KnIghts of dents will mark the ena or 36 years to Arthur A. Smith, acting sU Pc,·ln. b e r ta, anada, slimmer. Pythia" and PythIa" SIsters In the of clas~ work tot· lrlsh'~ hUHln "" col· tl'ndent of the buildings and grounds ere they have =="-'-== STBP·BY-8TEP 1N8TRUast chancellor I!:DAR RAPIDS (AI') Cla.renc" pimples, etc., use to b gone tor abou t one week. So many smart and tricky etrectS j the school or Journalism. She was can be achIeved very 8lmply. This commanders ot the Corinth lodge, Rlempr at Dysart wo.s kllll'd and a member Delta Zeta socIal and Mrs. A. C. Harmon and Anna 'Walte,' MUSI'l or Chclsl'a was badlY ot home trock for the lDllotron boasts Derma-TeJ[ Irma R. Clark, clerk in the regIs· IOrorlty; Theta Sigma Phi, honorary the ever popular pOinted tlCamlng !-Iamllton, past c1t.lcfIJ ot Athen'. hurt when they were thrown from For 8ale at professIonal journall.sm sorority; ll'8r'lI offi ce, leaves t hIs week on Cltr accented by bln(llng ot contr&llt. templo, also gave formal far we""j thell' In a.n automobllo \:011l810n All l..oeal Drua: Stores In the City. Park Phi Beta KaPpa, Ilonorary scholast· het· vacation with her parents, Mr. the lodges. n<,or Chcls\'a. ]8n't It chic? NoUce, too, how olev. tor \( IOClety; and Mortar Board, honor. and JIlrs. J . J. Clark, 408 S. Du· erly pocket" a.re Introduced. Make ary senIor woman's organI7.atJon. buque 8treet, for Lake Minne tonka, It of a silk or cotton print and ahe 8erved , M campus dltor, so· MInn., to be gone for one week. you'l\ want to wear It forever. ciety edltor, and managing editor Pattern 2392 may be ordered only of The Dally Iowan and won a. 111,.. a nil Mrs. Ben S. Summel'wfll In elzee to 48. SIze 36 requires Luther A. Brewer honor key in and fn.mlly, 534 S .Dodge street, lett sa journalism. After one year as news yeHle"day to spend a vacation at 3 1·8 yards 36·lnch fabric and 4 3·8 editor of the Tamil. N wsol Ie raid Ilt Lal(e OkobojI. yar(ls bindIng. 'l'ama, ahe went to Flag_taff, ArIz. Send tlttoon cente (16c) In coin a Icrvlng for a yetlr all SOciety edlt.or Mr. and Mrs. Ben Whltobook, 12 or etamp, (001n8 preterred), tor ea.ch ~r The Coconino Run. }). Prentlss strcet, spent ycst orilay In 'PQ.ttem. Write plainly YOIlI' name, No Wonder . Attended Uuiversily of TCllnsas Des Moines. address and style number. Be Iur. Mr, Zook, son of the Rev. 'V. H. to state size wanted. Zook ot \VRlnwright, Canada, Friends Plan Two Out bee.utltul 32·page fashIon cat · Braduated from hIgh ochool at alog o!ters you aD opportuolt,. to )lesa, Ariz., then attended the Unl· Pre-Nuptial Parties chOo!le del I&htfu I morolng, after· verBlty ot Kansru;, lJIojorlng 1n noon and evenln, modele .ultable Thatcher Colt ~ -.- journalism. He left the unIversity for Eloise Walker tor wear rl&ht now and all through t> - ," his senIor year to take a posl· the 8ummer. 1"1l&tw1l1, .ty.... per. tlon on The C"onlno Sun whel'e he EloIse Walker. daughter ot At· lonally ohosen by Anne Adams, this I tomey and Mrs. Henry 0, Walker, hit been lor {l,P last five years. catalog 18 an aooul"8.te ,ukle to .tun· 220 Lexington aVenue, will be hon· mer oble. Lovely Ungeri& and pa.­ 01'00 at two pt'tl·nuptlal events thle ~~""""C:C:-l jama patterns and adol"8.ble Id~ Was Baffled! week. models are Included 10 this fa.sclna.t­ cent.. Address all mall ordera to ·1 C.S.P.S. Lodge Takes Mrs. Wl\lIam Mare8h, 314 N. Clln· In g bOok. Bend tor four copy to- T he Dally Iowa.n Pattern Depart­ I in 24 New Members I Ion sll'oet, will entertaIn In her hon· 4&7. Price ot cataloi, f ifteen cent •. ment, 2.3 West 17th street, New 01' ' at a 1 o'clock luncheon tomor· I at Special Meeting Ca.talog and pattern to,ether, U York CIty. . row. Sixteen guests will be Jnclud· Twenty·tour perSons were Inltlat· ed In the courtesy. THE MOSf MYSTERIOUS WOMAN IN NEW YORK i!d Into lodge P. J. Satnrlk, No. 75, Genevieve Judy, 435 Magowan University Opens Up Dean C. C. Williams a,'enue, will be host 88 at a lunch· C.B .P.B. at a special meeting HUll' Bids for Next Winter's Publishes Editorial day evenIng. eOn the latter part ot thla week. The Dew member8 are: Joseph ~fl8S ·Walker wl\l become the Supply of Iowa Coal in "Triangle Review" HAD BEEN MURDERED UNDER HIS EYES! Cermak, Oladys Cermak, Barbara b"lde ot Burl H . Bush ot Now Cas· lie, Pa., Aug. 11. Kanak, LorraIne Korab, VladImir Bids were opened hy the irounds Delln C. C. Williams of the col· Skarda, Joset Skarda, Vlasta Frus, and buildings department yeater. lege of engineerIng Is the .author Hubert Frus, Thelma Censky, Ed· Announce Marriage day t Or 46 ,000 tons of Iowa coal to oC an edItOrial, "Tho engineer wIth· Win Prlzler. Robert Ranok, Arthur Lola Carewe had become a tradition in the gay night life of New York. Dazzlingly Kanak, Alice Kanak. LOuIs Kanak, of Margaret. Miller supply the unlverelty from Sept. lout a job," whIch appears In the Robert Palik, Wllluun Kanak, Jr., until July I, 1933. current number ot "Triangle Re- Announcement ho.s been receIved beautiful, tantalizingly enigmatic, she appeared alone at all the night clubs, familiar MarIe Korab, Edward Korab. Jr., The bIds are to be tabulated, ac· view," national publication ot TrI· Helen Kadlec, Mlldl'ed nnd Mary ot the marriage ot lI1argaret Eliza· cording to ArthUr A. Smith, acting angle traternlly. Kolarik, 1\1rs. Bvelyn KAnak. Mrs. bpth Miller, daughter ot Mr. and to everyone, yet known by no one in the dizzy whirl of Gotham gaiety. Anna Skarda., and IIlrs. Annabella M,.s. cap E. Miller ot Fargo, N. 0 .. superIntenden t Of lhe department, Thl! edltorlai WOJ! originally pub· Kanak. to ClI nlon HerrIn Turner. The cere· a nd w fIJ then be reterred to the Ilshed In tho UnIversIty ot Iowa The InItiation wM In charge of mony took place Apdl 1 at Macon, finance committee of the board ot "Transit," puhllcaUon ot the college Then, almost un(ier die eyes of Thatcher Colt, brilliant the grand lodge of tbe state of Iowa Mo. education, whIch will hold Ita meet· of eng ineerIng. with headquarters al Cedar RapIds Mt·s. Turner was a member of Ing tomorrow In Counell B luft • . Also InCluded In thIs Issue of sup«·dececrive, she was murdered! Mystery piled on mys· whIch furnished a, 01'1\1 team of 27 Ka llpa KAppa Gamma sorority a nd The contract w ill probably be dl· "Triangle RevIew" arc the pIctures tery! The bafHing case reaches a peak of interest that will ",embers tor the ceremony. T he 10' Theta SIgma PhI. She was a jun· vlded up a mong several concern, ot Ted R. MacDougali of Conesville C&l lodge supplied three musIcal 10.' In the school ot Journalism JMt In order to help bus lness conditions and Edward J. Lynch ot CUnton , hold you to the very end of this enthralling new serial- Dumbers fo.· the program. yea,.. generally throughou t ~h e etate, It both of whom were choson as rep· The couple will be at home a t was ea.ld yeeterdaY by W ill iam R. re"entaUve UniversIty of Iowa en· ClarInda after Sept. 1. Boyd ot cedar RapIds, ~mber of glneerlng IItudents durIng the last 'Lodge Members to the n nance committee. IIChool year. The Represent Local Johnson County I Groups at Meeting Boys Place High urder l Seven membe.·s of the Corint h in Judging Meet lodge, Knights of Pythlas, and CHANGE of WEATHER AtheD8 Temple, Pythian Sisters, are Three Johnson cou nt y boya won meam representIng the locnl orgalllzatlons places In the pIg judging contest held of the al lhe joint state convention of the a t Alnllworth Saturday, In com petl· I'rand lodge and grllIHl temple, tlon wltb 4·H club members ot five whIch Is beIng held at the Savery countlcs, County Agent S. Ly, le CHANGE of DIET hotel In Des Moines tur three day. Duncan said yesterd&..Y. J)eglnnlng today. WInner In the contest was Dale Jerry L . Plum of Iowa City, past WillIams, Route 3, I owa City, w ho lrand ohancellor commander, will was awarded a purebred gilt D uroe preside at the dInner of the Iowa Jer~ey. H is brother, Allen WfIllamll, NightClub Dozen club, whIch he organIzed, to tool, thh'd place, and J oseph Miltner ;We maintain a continuou8 be held In the Florentine room ot tied ror 11 inth. the hotel tomorrow n.t 8 p.m. RepresentaUves of Johnson, W ash· variety of groceries and Hubert Smllh, J erry L. Plum, Dr. In g ton, Muscatfne, LouI sa, a nd He n· :T. W .•'Igg, and G. A. Kenderd.lno I'l' counties participated In the con· meats to satisfy your appe- a re the delegates for the Corln th les t. l Odge. Mrs. Genevleve BrandsLntter J tite regardle88 of what the and Mrs. Amelio. Hlld nbrandt Lady represe.nt Athens temple. Mrs. A. Kappa Phi to weather might be during p. Harmon Is also a t tending. Hold Picnic by ANTHONY ABBOT, A uthor of "M urder of the Choir Sin2er" \ Active and a lumnae members ot any season of the year. ) I.O.O.F. 'Meets lit Wellman Kappa P hi, Methodlllt student lo{embers ot Eureka lodge, No. 44 , woman's organization, will hold a Don't Miss a Single Instalment • • • Begin It (Date) in J.O.O.F ., will journey to Wellman to· Ill cnlo tomorrow a t 5:90 p.m. at the Dl'ht where they will confer the de· student center . '1'8!1 ot truth In the lodg me tlng to ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; be held at 8 o'clock. John J. Fren· WATCH FOR IT THURSDAY sen, captaIn ot the degl' e atoCt, wll! PO~LER'S be In charge ot the work. Pried Chicken in TYPEWRITERS FOR 4·}·3.} Groceries RENT Ice Cold Pop and Every Make and Beer wle or Portable Meats &rlalns For Sale Heinl.'. ROYAL Dubuque at Iowa Avenue The Daily Iowan TYPEWRIT£R SHOP Luneb II. Iowa AveDus "At the Airport" "Iowa City's Morning New.paper" (Nen to D&IlJ Jowan) . ------. ------~~------~.. PAGl!: FOuR - 'l'HJ!) DAILY IOWAN. lOW K em • ~ESDAY.AUGUST~~ Sportively - Nips Metcalfe for First in 100 Meter 0lympic Finals Speaking • • • • First Short Phillies Ramble Over Pirates, 18 to 5; Walberg, A's Blank Tribe, 1 to 0 Dash Victory .. ..I Gordon Confident 'Blast of 23 ~ ,rSTANDJNGs~~9 ~ GERMANY'S OLYMPIC TRACK ACES iFerrell Bows University 01 Iowa 8ports follow· in 12 Years era may have conslderablo lo Ch .... L· of Olympic Will; Hits Sm·" ks 4 looLftUur.. to Southpaw over In the next lew dilYS fOl' Competes Today Georg., allng and Eddl GOrdoll llle Two Irish tar Gel s...-"'J"", .....j""t ""I S- CO..... """n ..... deJ.... '''' ce-Il'.....l ..... a'''tt''' .. e'''t- e ' .\M,,;tnC.\ . · reported to be In the best of condl· Fir t in Hammer, Buc Pitchers LK\tlll~ in Tight Duel lion for the 1I'le8 at Olympic cham. needs in Olympic cumpt>titioll, "'. L. I'd. plon8hlp8 today and tomorrow. No Hurdle Event Edward I •• Gordon, the nh'er· !'Jew YOI'!c '" ...... 69 33 .676 sity of Jow.'s broad Jom~r on Flint Rhem GQeB Route Phllad Iphla G! ~z .596 Indian Ace Allows But Hawkeye athl te eve~ won 0. flrlIt Rl' LLETIN place In th Uame. and wlll'th r the Ihe .\nwricl\n tea Ill, has it In to Win 12th " Hurst Cle,'l'land ._... _ ..... _ ... 58 ~3 .574 5 HilS, Walberg LoS ANGELES, Aug. ] (A I') 56 4:; .5:;4 present pair dOes lilmaln!l lO be abullItance. Washington ...... _...... - The elecC ro.photu g I' a I) hi e Gordo". who jumps at Los Injured in 5th Detroit ...... _ ...... 51 H .62(J seen, but In th(' m~nnllm the' hop S OnIy4 "~Illlterll-clo('k" sh ows Ed di e Angel(>. this arlrrnoon, thlls ex· ___ ~ St. LOllis ...... 4G ;;4 .4GO tor aueh are exceedingly bright. TolslI gained the t1e<,islon u\'er pre SIl>! himself In a I Iter '·e· PRIJ,ADELPlI lA, AliI:. J (A P) _ Chicago . .. 33 1)4 .3~() CI.EVIDLAND, Aug. 1 (AP) - Rl\lph Metcl\lfe for the OI)'IItI)lc ceh'ed here -'tonday: 1Io>llon 26 73 .263 Saling, .stili feel II,&, th III 01. "1 am jUmpIng' better now A barl'!lge of 23 hits, inCludIng nine Rube Wnlberg bested WeR Ferrell In 100 meier ('~I[unilionshlp b,' two Ye~l<'rduy's Results fe1 lhat was not Anceles for Ihe Iilla1 Irials ~ew York 6; Det"olt 3. eareer. I reel SUI'e 01 maIling placed the PlIl1Jle~ wllhln seven Philadelphia 1; \ 'Iewlan(\ O. decided unlll Ihe ninth InnIng today nevertheless placed !!cond to good Tue day and won't be a games of rlrst plnce In the National \\'lIshington at Chlcagu- nLln. all PhiladelphJa. mltde It threll Jack Ii:ellcr, hjs oJd rival, Itllel By AL.\N GOliLD bit s urprised i' I bring 1I\),,.ell league as they won theh- lhlrd ,umes TudllY ahead of I'ercy Bearel Co gain slralght over Cleveland, 1 to O. t\ssol'iatecl Prp~s , ports Edilor alld Iowa a new \\'ol'ld'" r.ecurd straight from lhe I ague leadin/!( :HoSion at St. Loois. place the team. ow he The Athletic southpaw, pltchl~ hie on OLYMPIC STADIlJ.~, Los Ange· and Ihe Olympic I'hamplon hip. Plllsllurgh Pirates today. Th aco,'e "·o.shlngtoll at Chicago. and his e6ach, George Bresna· the second shutout the Indians have les, Aug-. 1 (AP) - Two Amerlcl\n "Nambu of .Taplin, whO. (> was ]8 to 5. New York at D trOil. han, leel chat he Is lully reo sufrerNI in as many days, yielded Negroe', ebony f1allhes or lightning, world's record of 26 feet 2 1·8 Manag('r Oeo"ge GIMon sent tou,' Phlladplphla at <:1 ,'elllnd only { III' hlta. covered and ready for tlte ra e r "tored world sprint RUpt't'macy to inches wa. ac<'ept.ed thp olher pitcher.. to the flt'lng line but all were schedult'd. Ferrell alluwed but lwo sareU 8 un· of his life In Ihe rinals tomor· the LTnlt"'oJ. me ns a hit hard and often, the Phillies dr"'· III the nlntb, wh t\ the vlsltoNJ row. But before he cun do so spotlight of the Olympic lmck nnd grt'IIt JUIllI'er alld Calor, the ing 'MeIne 11'0 mlllP mound In the .\ 'rJO:'<,\L L1Um E gl'oUt1t>(1 three sIngles for the only be muat qualify In two rllces to· rleltl champlonshlllK with lwo sturdy ~egro trom Jrltltl wlto helll I ho fourth with a sel·en·,oun attack, send· W. L. tally or the contesl. ("och"ane, Fon: "y ara\tl t the best eOllll.eliliun II'I.hmen In anolher !JIg splurge or \l'orld's marll before ulllbn Ing Bl'ame to tl. shOWers with an. PILtsb\ll'gh ...... 59 41 tit I he world. nnd McNo.Il· 8uJlpll~d the punch that reco"d breaking. broke it, now Is SUI)posed to other ~even·run I'lIl1y In the firth and Chicago ...... _...... _ 53 4:; sent (he A thletlc catcher home with rnch~~ apart in a whirlwind fin· hH\'e a pullell mllsde. r ... not continuing thell' jjCorlrtg at the ex.· Phllat\('lphlu...... 54 ;; 0 Oordon, Ilk wise, declllr he Is the wInning tally. e I~h, Eddl Tolan nnd Ralph ~1 etcalte under(> timllfing I'll he,' of til Ill, pen oC Sp neer and Chagnon. Flint Boston .• ...... ~. __ ..... r.1 50 at the pellk of h care r, turning In Scorc by Inn ings: It H. E. Cinlsh('(l onp·two for the nlted States ho\\'e\lcr. " Rhem went the route tOI' the Phil· Brooklyn .... _...... 50 52 Phill\(lelphla .... 000 000 001-1 5 0 beLter perrot'mallces than he evel' In tlw final of the cl!\llslc 100 meter The be. t jlUnp ever mude by III'S fm' his twelrth victOl'y of the sen· St. Louis ___ ...... 4 6!! Clevela'\(f ...... 000 000 000-0 4. 0 did and relldy to make a {"'ack nt dash. It waH so cloHe that sev ral Gordon is %5 lel't ,,3·8 b'cl\.... , Bon. !'Jew York...... 4:; 5:1 Batteries: Wo.Iberg and Cocbran~ ; the world r~cord. Namhu, the of the judg('s dlsputt'd the result, nut Ju<;t three.eighth of an In('h be· Th triumph mny have pro"ed cost· Cincinnati __ .. . H 61 .no Hel'e is tbe .long and short of GCI'many" OlYJ11l1i' tCUUl. 'I'he Fel'l'ell and Sewell. Japanese rrcord holder, Js saId not luw tlte Olympic record. 1'e ter!lay's UesuJt rlnnlly declar~ '!'olan thl' vlclor by Iy to the Phillies 0.8 Don Hurst, the long iii Pun1 de Bruyn (right) murathon mnner, who \\,ol'ks in )\ew to be In top condItion and has bern 0. hnnd'A brE'adth and c"edltcd hIm I ague's leading hitler, was hit on Phlla(]rlphln 18; PltlHburgh 5. showIng up Iloorly In practices. with J 0.3 seconds, eqllalllnll' the the head with a pitched ball by pen· 8t. Lnuls 4; BURton 2. fork when he isu't rUllning. Paul, bc~ide, Willl\illg tilt, Bost011 Nelson Wins ))isllln(' wlnl calor, the HaIL! Negt·o and Conner worl(l re(,OI·d. cc.· In the firth and had to leave the Gllnl('S Today marathon, is the holder of fiye Ameri(Jllh records in the 21 and 25 STHA'l'F'ORD, Ont., Aug. 1 (A~­ reoord holder Is I' ported to have a Altog('thet·. (he ,loy's 81lectarulll.r Risli.O Upsets ga.me. Lulc,' he was tnken to 0. hos· St. Louis al Hoslon. mil!' cIHs~. Al left is lh!' short of it~ ~o called bpc!lu~f' the SJlOl't MarvIn NelSon ot Ft. Dodge, Iowa, pulled muscle. But then thl'se alhleUc baltle Involved tilE' E'quallln~ I)Jtal for 0. thorough eXQmlnation. 'hlcago at Ol'Ooklrn. }O()-III('ler distance is his forte. lIc is .I!-'rit7. ,1onath who competcd today won the five·mlle swim lit the foreign atlllet(>s do .omethlllg un· o! two world r('cor,l" in men's pvents, Tuffy Griffith Vlt'gl\ Davis wItS thl' pow(,t' hOllse Cincinnati at Nt'w York. ill 100 meter fillals at Lo~ Angt'les yest rday. Strutfonl centenury celebrnUon. expeotcil In every Olympiad, IInel IIOW 11'01'1<1 Inlll'k t ... r wtlmen s\1rlntet·@ of the Phlllles' attack, driving In six. l'iltHlJur h at l'hlladplphln. GOt'don's own teammates, Vlek Har·· by lIw pollsh·1I m l'lcan gIrl, Stella runs with his thlt·te(>nth hom(',' or lhe 1.lnus {OJ' tho 1932 CIIIUI)niJ:1t ber and lAmbe,·t Rcdd, ar~ not to \\' IMh, nd the c,·pallon. of new seMon, II. double and two singles. 12 Round Ded ion with its Hig Ten g11l11<'S wilh be la ken Ugh lIy. Olymilic Htllndards In fout· evenls. Gel George Davis and \Vhltney alSo got Couch Solem Will Nine New Re('urds Over Former Iowa tour hits ellch, (hree of the latter's Return From Boys' \\,isconsin, Jndianu, l\linne~oln, "BIg Den" Eoshnan I~ "pi~.t It brOUght th total of new Olym· beIng doubles, Purt\uc, lind ~orlh\\"eslern. yards faster than in th~ final pIc trn<'k lind ffeld r cO"ds up to nine Fighter Seo"e by innIngs: R. H. E . CamIJ September 1 Solem will bc joined by hiM allIes AllIe"lcatl Irlol8," saId ('01,,1. for If. S. Although the DnllNI !Hatea gained I Philadelphia .. 200 770 20·-18 23 2 From hl~ Sl!lIIntl'r 1'!UIlP fOl' IIltd Willialll noelh'.·. t 8R III I he olher dllY [lftcr on~ of lis flrlll major objpcl!I'.. In winning .Tohnny nlsko, ("I~veland heo.vy· Battel'le9: Melnt', Bmme, Spencer. boys nt t\Jlnumlllle, !\Jinn., Ossie tlte Tl'sled Hlar's "'lJrlnt, "omPNI t(',·ms. It W8H not until the flnlll Twilight League Those Pink Merchants' Extra Adult With Columbia chain nnnouncct! thut It to a -nNational vido.'y ov('r the 400 thr('(> roun,11! that HI. ko piled 11[1 «ecuptlng 12 chances, mllny of them dltflcult. without an er,·or. \\'ortll. Tickets Are Good Every Coupon ...... 10e WOULD Iwoodcnst e,'('nts todDy ml'ter hurdles. hIs winning advanlage. Batting Avemges COMING TO THE Night. Use 'Em and wllh 'red Huslng at the mikc. Frum 1'lls('1s Hurdle In/rton, B"aves left flelde.·, was un· able to play becausc oC a leg Injury. Ready Tomorrow See This Good Show. Ask for Free Coupons at ' lhe west roust comes lhe an nounee· 'l·I.dlln experienced th~ lInltlup sen· 3,000 meter Rte<'I.I('rhase trIal heats, Score b)' Innings: R. H. E . Box Office. ment thnt therl' will hr NO bl'on<1· ~ullon of being crowned wodtl chuJlI· In which the Olympic recurd twice ...... '"' ...... ¥ St. Loul» ...... 010 011 10~ 11 1 Finnl leam and indh'idual hat· CASlIng, boUt big chnlns nnd the ,,11m, hut tlt th t> ~ame limp b In dl" Here is an interesting Wl\~ broken. Tom E"lln~ton of Gt'eat Boston ...... 100 000 001-2 7 I Game. committcl' mnklng RU h a \lrlv II of 0. new world l'pcnrd of 51.8 ling 8\' rrag-p~ IIItll thp pit~hll1g Last Times BritaIn t!'Ott!>'l In just IIlwad of Batt ries-carleton and Wilson; newspaper story concern­ ,,\a\~m n\. WMch I~ one to bf'ifcve? .. econd~ becA.Us h knocked OVt· the "cC'ords 11.1.' 19:!'! 1'lIilight "'aller Prltchnnl, Aml'rlcan coll('g' Bro\\ n, Cnntwell antl SI)ol\rer. r",· ing a murder that happen­ IMt hUrdlp In his vldorlous journey. lan, to cut the mark to 0:18.8. Then ed. It will keep you gue s· Tonight A Htrldc hchlnd him cam .. the yuung Time WUR when the rommit· the Bturlly J.'lnnJsh Ilce, Volmarl Iso· 1iHit('(1 in I CIInorro\V morning's ing all the time. tl'll offprpd .hp b"oudrnst rlghls AmerJ,'an, Glenll lluraln , who WM 110110. gailope,1 uver the Jumps to edlHon 'rhe !lnily Iowan. DOUBLE FEATURE to ,,!thel' fir Ihe two natioll. timed In 62 secun,Is flat. 0.0<1 tOl'th· Il'ad the oth!>r two Americana, Joe Yankees Tum Back or FOR 3 DAYS wide lIetworliS fu,' a cD lIside,·n· with credited with a nl'W Olympic McClu3key and Olen DawNon, a nd 6 Whilp rlllll' Illllne" lire yel 10 PROGRAM Tigers by to 3 You will have the pleasure ...... ••l1li tiOIl of $100,000 under rerfllin mnrk b('ol(les equallIng the world ree· post II. n('w record of 9:14.6. DETROIT, Mich., Au&,. 1 (AP}­ be 1)la)'~d, lIIanugl"'S lu\\'" Iledd· restricting I' 0 II d it i 0 It s, lJU t ()(,(\. Right behind him was the man ed to tOIl~idc" Ihe ,.resellt ~ell . 1111 Fot' the seconll straight dllY, In lhe Danny ~facl!'ayden kept the Detroit of seeing Radio's two nuts DOROTHY lIelthl'r chain acted on the mu', who Aet the wOI'ld record, Morgnn women's track alltl field competition, ('111. ell :111(1 Ow firUlI stR lldlng!! TJgeu' 11 1tlt~ well scAtt'ered while of the air. MACKAILL , , ler. So th~ I'lst wurd (Ironl the Taylor or tile Unltl'rI ~tat{'". nnll Lord those t(l dale 1\( 101loll's: the fem\nlne contlngenl den\on~trat· Ills lcammalcil were making the -in­ COilS') 1ft tlttLt " no broadcast ilurghley 01 England, lhe ] 028 Olym' ed how to (USIIOR" oC WOl'ld .. ecol·ds most of their 12 blows to !:,Ive the W. L. Pel. pic champion. 01 lIIty Olymltk G ,unes events Oml)1 tely. On the he I~ uf "[labe" Amerlcah leall"ue I ad "8 their thit'd Rtll'ine'" _ ,...... t2 1 .02:{ OLSON "LOVE AFF AIR" will be nllLlle. l' rCy Williams, th .lIm anadla\! Dldrlkson's perro"manre ror the atralgh t victory over the Ttge .... . ,'idl,·pll's 10 I .il~ -and- By Ursula Parrott who startled the world by 8{'lIm pf'r· UnIted State" In the jllvelln yeste,,· The score was 6 to 3. Odd Fpll()ws R 1 .6lii An [n novaLion has b .. en made fm' Ing oCt wit h the double Olym piC day, Stella \l'aI8h, the lev('lan(l glr1 '{'ony Lnzzeri a.nd Frank Crosetll 1>"'ly lowltll ...... 8 6 .r;n JOHNSON -PLUS- lhe boxing events Of thl' big compe· sllrlnl honors In 1928, also \Vae de· con\lletlng for Poland, lowerl.'d the staved off seveI'll I buddlng Detroit ArndelllY ...... 6 8 .429 L1L1on. Judges will (Insh theft· ver· lh.:on d as Amel·lco.·s beHl men had women's 100 mete,' record to 1l.9 rnllles, the former handling nine Jowa SUllply .. ~ ..... 4 7 .361 They are on with Rudy dINs by m('o nl< of lights. Oreen for theh' biggest day sin e pre' war Olym· .econds. In ract, Rhe touchcl1 L111~ chanc s and the latter 12 without a Gnsoline AII('y ... _...... 3 JO .23l BUCK JONES win, red tor lose, and whllp for pic limes. time twIce, in her first trial and then bobble. Rllth's great splurl!e of hIt· St. :'tlnrY'1l ...... J 12 .U77 Vallee every Thursday at -in­ SimpsOIl Fourlh draw, 9pectato.·s seeing each judge the seml·flnalS, 10 removp the for'mer tin&, was stopped, the Babe being 6 o'clock. Tune in on WOC The United Stales took three oC ''RIDIN' FOR BB well !\II lhe referee giving his tie· world mark oC 12 seconds, credited hanllcd tour straIght passes after and hear these funny fel­ JUSTICE" clslon. A ,]raw iu Olympic competl· Ih(' Clrsl rour plaCl!s in the 100 meter to Myrtle Cook of Canadn and 1'ollna strlkinj:' out In tho first lnnln&,. tlon calls for a.n extra rouna, rInnl lUl O('orge Simpson, the former Schuunnan of Jlolland. Scor by lnnJlIg: R. H. E. lows and then come down Ohio Slo.le star, fo.lled by a nal-row Mis Wa lsh Rest tour roun!ls belhg the limit. !'Jew York ...... 013 O~O 001--£ 12 0 margin to overhaul Arthur Jonath, to the Pa~time and see COMING ~lISR Walsh - Stanlslawa W ala· Detroit ...... 010 110 000-3 11 3 Germlln ftlvorite, who t\v York his chl'st III front, though there were Dr. O'Callaghan '8 victory was one un[versity husk y, took third place 0taA1as plenty, too, who thought Tolan was of the day's most dramatic episodes and Grant McDougall of Pennsyl· ahelld. as he swung his Implement out be· vania, land~ fifth position. FRRRELL To View Plctores Reach for a merrily It loolled like Metcalfe to the Am· Thrill in .'{ active Be, (lI'lcan head coach, Lawson Robert· Izlrg 111 , son, by a close margin, and Tolan 01 til t'ul h imself apPa.L'llnUy lhought he had rlers to t FirstYear ' lendenci . lost 0.8 he ran over to congratulate Metcalfe. Meanwhile the orrtclal a n· SEER SUCKER sellin): el: nouncer cast his voIce In Metcalfe's lOG, ~6 sit favor and lhe big crowd was stunned momentarily to silence when Tolan H tho I was finally procla.lmed the winner by any mark the orrlcl0.l8. It was believed on Iy rnvqrable the pictures would show eXllctly what not rail t happened. 'l'he Judges were to view. Jinest Vacation ileso)'t been unnl them at 0. private showing tonight. Oils reI Jonath and Simpson, In third and In the JUiddle West declp.l'ntio tourlh Itl nces, were clearly bealen ott "I'd's lISl but, even so. there WIIS not much Pre-Shrunk Now·enjoy (he summer vocation of your te nt ~ nnd more Utlln II. generous yard separat· dreom5. Amo~nif icen \ bJiklirut just opened by the In George Simpson, the forml'r Ing the first four. Sizes 29 to 42 set in the secluded hills and woods of 'l'eleplloll! Ohio State sprint star who had As a result of collecting 18 poinls Wiscons in on beautiful ~ukee Lake 94 1.3 In to make a 'big comeback in order a lone, In the 100 meters, plus scat· ~ bootlnQ, bothillll, flsh!n", S1Jrf ridinct represent. . to gain a place on the nited tercd ,.Iaces in the hammer throw and hooebock ridinR are at their best. the ~tlly States Olympic team, plaet'd und 400 meter burdles, United Stntes LUXURV nPPenred fOUl·tll in the finals of the 100 boosted Its two·day tota l of polnt8 to 1 1·2, U. meter at Los Angell' yesterday, G fOr the men's track and field cham· at low cost 101( a 2 hjs teammates, Eddie Tolan and plonshlps. Ireland moved Into sec· S/JtJerb rxcommodariom;, ClJisine 01 co nllhon and place, with 20 points contributed eJltroordinary quality. Danci'!9 and baCk to '~ , finishing one· entmoinmenr nightly. Write' Oa~tOll 011 by Its two winners, displacing FIn. C . two with J onath of Germany tak- land, which wound up the second day J. C. PENNEY. CO. me' I'hwA'ee, Wisconsin for full detoili. :lmel'lol ing third. 'foday the U. S. trio with 18. Canada, Poland anll Oer· 118-120 East College St. will all compete in the 200 meter many had 10 each. i 1:~e,. ______. __~ AU three Americans qualified 1.1! th!! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••J THE DAlLY IOWAN, IOWA: C1ft GUST 2,1932 PAGE PIVII. morlling ol'er the> United AJr Linell . ------_,______• hQpe~ til obtain a. vivid and cO{l\' for Nell' York city. Profe811Or Moll Prepare for Coralville News pl~te political dlagn Id ot every will be cngaged In research work ROOSEVELT there for aome time. secllon, with a. cleat· pi iure bt Close Race in' Mrs. Brill,; Ea tman of ~lolinE' , 111., where til lull Corce of his own r II visited Sunday at th!' bome of her lIu< 11 BontragE'r of Kalona vl~lt. ~harged With Break. sources sllould, be thrown. slstl'r, brothpr.ln.la,,·, nd ((Ln,lIl', lIlr. (OIl nl the home of hi. brother and ing Platform Promise N_ Roose,·eft Group State Election and )[1'8. gllrl 13enMn of COI·alvlUe. fllmlly,: rl'. anti • Irs. Lloyd 11on[l'8e· The new Roosel'elt group i8 the cr. • "n llubllcans lor noosevelt repe9-1 (Continued from page 1) HAZEL LIVlN:G Italrue:' At an organWi.t1on lurlch. Mrs. Dana "'bile and (Iau~ht('r, o CCPYIUOHT 1931 BY KINfJE'EATU1lES Prohibition, "Bossism" .Iarshall O· HII.,·a Is confined to his (on lIlr8. Edward ·Wylde. widow of DorothY, and sons, Georgp and Ar· home by IIlne . Main Is ues in dell accomlJBnled by Ruth DI·and· Il.R unusual s his plan of dlspeMlng a NE'W Jer ey manUfacturer, was CHAPTER FIFTY·TWO differenoo, it sounds well. You're "I'm afraid not, darling." lItalter and Irene Dal'ls vi It~d at Chnrlt's ,,·n,on has returnpd hna anu Hob· ''LooIt,'' and "'mllar one. at the heglnnln", of ,ul. "..., to C1ns..lfll!d a.lIverll.lng in bv a n. m ...tlJ .... !mhU.hr" J.. inn " WasIllnrton St. times' sake, and Tina was to be her more to him tban she did, she he -.tte4 In the toW numoor of word. In tb" acl. Tbe the [ollowln". mornlnr. • • • • personal maid. She kept the same thought sometimes. Yet they were ~I·t J. Kralky, St. Louis attot'ney, Fumlslled or Unfum18hN lUI' the prlnctpal clLnaldatl's for the Tina brought Lily Lod the morn­ apartment, tho:!ugh shc had it alone such chums. They had auch glori. J . W. MlNERT, MIT. now. Maxine Rochon-had gone back ous plays together. He did 80 ad· Republican senalorlnl nomlnll.Uon. Inr papers, while she was still in SpecIal Notices f Professional Servi~B 27 Private Inst.ruction 41 Phone 262: Apt. No. /I IKtd. She turned to the drama to Los Angeles. Some sort of job mire her in her costumes and wigs. Kid. generally regarded a8 favorite ----~- ~------in pictures. She could never look at him with· and Kl'lltky are slrongly OllJlOscd to FItF.F. ltAJ)JO , J<:ItVl('l~ PtlJlesl saw the headiines ••• Turned away, a little sick with the exelte· Friends? Oh, yes. A star has out a lump in her th roat, without 1)I'ohl!)lllon while Sho.·t, a fOI',"el' \Ve leNt YOllr IlIb~s, "erifl', l"OR REN'J.'-2 HOOM APART grountl, ,'oltagl', I'tc.-I"re& of Dr. O. B. Limoseth ment, 419 N. uubu(lue. Phone 479G. ment. After five years • • • after friends. And cronies-Tony, half a wanting to take him into her arms dry. favors .... ·suhmlsHlon. The Unlver81ty SUNNYSIDE dozen renl friends. Happy? Is any- and hold him tlrht and cry over Hitter CumPltign Cbnr /(I'. she blld almost given up .•• Suc· Private Nursery School JrOR REN'l'-APARTMENTB, ALIIV cess ••• one really happy, she asked her· him .•. Foolish ••. Sixteen congl'cssmen-12 Demo· Viltl r.636 CIDROPRACTOR self. May came to see her the day she crals anll tour Repllhllrans.IL.·o BOWM \ }la,}I;('TRIC' ('0. Gladys Palmer, Ph.D. garnlea. Newly remodeled. prlv. Yqung Robin, glowing and happy, An luwa. Grad. Palmer Grnd. ate bath. Well IIlhted and ven·U. Sometimes she thought that after arrived. May grown a little heavier, among lho fiG Uelno('ra til and 211 He. OlTlt'll 5762 1te!l.-3441 Director aCt~T his early morning play in the iated. Closo III. Call 2820 Or see J. park, opened the door a crack, came all it might be simpler to marry a little older. Still working. Still publlcnns running Cor the nomina. Lost and. Found 'i Opposite The .Jetrel'tlOn Hotel 618 Grant St. runnir.g to the bed to throw his Tony. broke. Looking with eyes of envy (fon. The successful 13 Crom encb Braverman a.t J.B. Ca.ah store. arms around her and ask to play Still, she didn't love TolOf/. She at the luxurious Buite, Lily Loa'i lJal·t~' will be chosen from the ~tale didn't want to mury. It was just lovely gowns. FOR RENT- NEWI.Y FURNISH· Indinn-"just a minute, only a min. Ilt large, bt'Cau"e of failure to re· Dlt. So A. NE MANN that Tony wanted her, and he had "I'd ratber stay over in Oakland For Sale MiseelJaneoU8 ed allRc·tmen t. Phone 5329-631 ute. I p'omised Tina I wouldn't distriCt. (Jhlropract been 80 good to her. with you," Lily Lou said trutllfully. or El. Jertl'l·lI(ln. play, "nly a minute with YOur .. As bltt('r as the Domocratlc 8('nn· Neurocalometer ServlC&- FOR SALE-Qne extension drop She pressed his cold c h e e k While she was trying to make up "but I couldn't Impose on you with lorial campaign havl' been both , at walnut dining tu.lJlr. ono walnut VOR HI';NT- APAIWM8NT 2·3 and her mind, there came the chance to Robin, and beside5, e'l\e has to put Late8l methodll against hers, bugged him until he party races tor govornor. State f"nmo stnnd nQUarl:llt1 14x14x30 4 1'01110. Aiso house. 7 v.'. Burl· go to San Francisco, as guest artist up a front-" "Keep Young by Keeping SQullllled- Senator Rusfl('l1 Dearmont, Crom with fountain and waR~. nlso Will· Ington. Phono 3352. with the San Francisco Opera com· "I could endure it," May said r,. Healthy" "Le's play, mother·er-Le's play!" nut cnrl·table. \Vt'lll' ,\V. A. '~ ' nr· pany. Three roles, Mignon, Travi. dryly. "I could stand a forty dollar 'ulle Olrnl'deau, hus allncke(1 his U lo:~ E. Coil ge 1$0 she submitted to being scalped, chIef opponent, Fn"'('iH M. \VIIBon 011'. I'holl( 3312 R4'II. Phon G945 ren, 714 Calhoun BIrpet, WeBt Libel'. Houses for Rent 71 ata and Snow Maiden, for the last a day suite and a million dollar~ ty, la. and they hunted for scouts under matinee. worth of clothes, to please my pub. oC Plal(c> City. the ]928 nDmlnp~. of -l'-'O-n.:--I-l-B""N"'l'-":S"E:':\-'E"~:-llA"'":'L--n--E-S-- n'­ Lhe pillow. After that Tina led him She hesitated at first. It would be lie. But I do think it was very silly b~lng con trolled Uy the r.OTITtear able l10uses helued, also one away, and she turned once more to hard to go back, and there was of you, Lily Lou, as I wrote you at organI7.a.t1on In Knn8a9 City headed FOR SALE- 8 Tl B8 nADIO. apartment near university campua. the papers. Phone G792. really no one left to care very the time. Bess said the same thing. by T. J. Pendergast. R. A. WALSH Dial 2111, xtenslon 8116. But she knew what was in them. P"lnell)aI Repul,lIran ('andltllltpa much whether she did or not. Dad Bess said you take an awful chance, Foot Specialist She'd known ever since last night, • • • but he never wrote.• • • May adopting a child. Of course Robin for governOi' are Lieut. Gov. E. 11 . Jewelry and Repairing 55 FOR RENT-G ROOM MODERN almost from tbe moment that she said that they didn't even know seems cute, but you don't know haw WlnLpr and Charles 11. Reek"I·, 8(,C· 218 Dey OldC. ~------house, Sepl, 1st. l'hol1o 2858. made her first entrance she knew. where he was, half the time. he'll turn out. You don't know what retlLl'Y of utate luI' th 1"8t 12 yeu.·s. EXPERT W A'fCll ANI "Lily L9U Lansing rises from the There was tI,e matter of Robin, kind of people he came from." Phone 5126 I' Pili ring. reasonable. A. nl1fman, FOH lUo::N'r-~IOD\~HN I'·UHN lSH. ni&,ht clubs, to sing the second act too. She wouldn't make the long Angry tears stung Lily Lou's 208 !:lo. 'Jlnlon. ~d home after AUgURt 15. Phon. of Butterfly ••• a romantic figure, trip without him, and if she took eyes. Angry words sprung to her Corn Leads 2873 belween 0:30 and 0:30 II.m. young, slim and beautiful, pos­ him • • • lips. But she choked back the tears, Money to Loan 37 Wanted to Buy 61 se,sed of a superb soprano voie. Well, what difference did it make 1 and the words. There was nothing Wanted-to Kent 740 that ~oars effortlessly into the What could the world do to her she could say. She sat quiet and let in Downfall of APt\H1'~fENT WANTEDI higher reaches • • ." now? Even lf they did find out, her sister tell her that an adopted Wanted to Buy ll'OUNJ)-KEY lUNG WITH W.nted,' In September, small The tertphc:.Yle began to ring. Re­ her position was assured, and child was a terrible risk, and if she Ii IIr 7 l'OO.n house or bllJ1galow-­ keys. Call at Jowan. IIPI"1men~ or light h"ll!IeKetlpin& porters came. Strange people to Robin'S, too. had to have a pet she would have Grain Prices , ilIon tilly payments. Not too far rooms, well hellte.l, within walk· Jrom campus. State description cOJlgratulate her. Strange agents She sighed. done better to bay a dor, or a in~ distllllee or univ ''IIlty. SetHI Automobiles for Sale ~1I.1 Itt fit- with contracts. "Robin, we're going out west, couple of pedigreed cats. I.erms t leUer. Write full deSt'rlpUon to A. L. Wallfer,' "A wonderful piece of luck," you'll see your grandpa," she told Oh, MW she longed for some one ClJlCAGO, Aug. 1 (AP) - Corn led ft~ "'''' \' klEM,--c.o D&ily Iowan. In a g<'neral clowntul·n "f grain vallie" }wuie I, Box ~, Stroud, Oka. Tony Baid. "Dramatic, do you see? bim. "And your aunts, and your who would understand •.• someone h01ll3. 11\ the midst of a. dull season, the cousins." whom she could talk to •.• her today that rOI'c(>d thn oats m'trkCl new prima donna-out of the night Never having met them he was mother•••• And her mother had to duplicate the sellson's bottom IlooDlB with Board 62 Want.d-Laundry clubs I Of course you're no more unimpressed. "Will there be In- died, never knowing the h'uth ••• price record. out of the night clubs than I'm out dians? I would like a little Indian Country ofCerlngs of old corn wer{' WANTED-ROOMERS AND WANTt,;D-LAUNVnY-GO CENTS (To ne Continued) boal·ders, t·easonable. 4590. of the Royal Navy, but it makes no to play v.-ith l" CoPyriibt by KOnl" Features Syndicate. Ine. mpo.·te