
Travel and Hotel

Princeton University is located in Princeton Borough, Mercer County, New Jersey, approximately 50 miles southwest of , 35 miles southwest of Newark, New Jersey, and 45 miles northeast of , Pennsylvania.

The most convenient airports to Princeton are John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) in New York or Newark International Airport in Newark. Those arriving at Philadelphia International Airport in Philadelphia should check with their travel agent to determine if they can be booked onto a shuttle flight from Philadelphia to Newark. Airport bus shuttles are very expensive from Philadelphia Airport. Public transportation from Philadelphia is very time-consuming. You may consider renting a car and carpooling as an option. You can find car rental information from a travel agent or by going on to the airport websites.

The ideal method is to travel from Newark Liberty Airport to Nassau Inn. We suggest that you then fly out of the Philadelphia International Airport to return home.

Public Transportation Options:

Public transportation takes longer and you must purchase tickets prior to boarding. There is a $5 penalty for purchasing tickets on the train, so purchase your ticket first from a self-service kiosk or ticket window.

Newark International Airport: NJ Transit Northeast Corridor line will take you to Princeton and you can walk to the hotel.

NJ Transit Schedule: http://www.njtransit.com/sf/sf_servlet.srv?hdnPageAction=TrainTo

Origin Station: Newark Airport

Destination Station: Princeton

Take the train to Princeton Junction (Direction: Trenton, New Jersey). You will get off the train at Princeton Junction. On the platform, turn right and walk all the way down to the Princeton Shuttle (Dinky) line. This line services only Princeton Station. If you are unsure where to go, ask for the Dinky line. Get on the Dinky and it will take you to Princeton campus. The Nassau Inn is a short 10-15 minute walk from Princeton Station. Please see the campus map with locations marked. Below is a typical schedule.

JFK Airport: You can use AirTrain JFK to get to New York Penn Station by using LIFF. At Penn Station, transfer to the NJ Transit line and follow the directions above. JFK provides further information here: http://jfkairport.com/#/to-from-airport/air-train, http://jfkairport.com/#/dvToandFrom, and here: http://jfkairport.com/static/jfk/pdf/jfk-airtrain-brochure-english.pdf/.

Laguardia Airport: You can take the NYCAirporter to get from LaGuardia to Penn Station. Details here; https://www.nycairporter.com/schedule/pennstationtolaguardia/. At Penn Station, take NJ Transit to Princeton. Take the train to Princeton Junction (Direction: Trenton, New Jersey). You will get off the train at Princeton Junction. On the platform, turn right and walk all the way down to the Princeton Shuttle (Dinky) line. This line services only Princeton Station. If you are unsure where to go, ask for the Dinky line. Get on the Dinky and it will take you to Princeton campus. The Nassau Inn is a short 10-15 minute walk from Princeton Station. Please see the campus map with locations marked. Below is a typical schedule.

Philadelphia International Airport: From Airport Terminal A, take the Airport Line to 30th Street Station. From there, transfer to the Trenton Line. At Trenton, transfer to NJ Transit (direction, New York Penn Station). Get off the train at Princeton Junction. On the platform, turn right and walk all the way down to the Princeton Shuttle (Dinky) line. This line services only Princeton Station. If you are unsure where to go, ask for the Dinky line. Get on the Dinky and it will take you to Princeton campus. The Nassau Inn is a short 10-15 minute walk from Princeton Station. Please see the campus map with locations marked.

Shuttle bus services (provided for information only, not endorsement):

ETS Airport Shuttle: https://www.etsairportshuttle.com/princeton-rutgers-shuttle

State Shuttle: https://www.stateshuttle.com/wall-shuttle-new-jersey (scroll down for the Princeton schedule).

Olympic Airporter: https://olympicairporter.hudsonltd.net/res

Uber/Lyft Car Service:

Uber and Lyft are mobile applications allowing you to order and pay for car services from your smartphone. Please note that these vehicles are owned and operated by the driver and are not licensed taxi vehicles.

To order from Uber or Lyft, you will need to enter credit card credentials as all payment, including tip, is processed through the app. You will also need to enable location services from your smartphone’s Settings menu for the app to track your pick-up location and find drivers closest to you.

You can sign up for Uber or Lyft using their respective app or website. To use their services, however, you must have the app installed onto your smartphone.

For website sign up:

Uber: https://get.uber.com/

Lyft: https://www.lyft.com/signup

Taxis: You can take a taxi from the airport, but it will be expensive. Please check with the driver first before you engage the services. Hotel:

Conference participants may stay at the Nassau Inn. This is within walking distance of the conference, please refer to the campus map. The conference will be held in the Simpson International Building.

In order to reserve a room at conference pricing, please complete the online registration form and indicate the nights that you will need. Hotel rates are $155/night (not including tax). We have reserved a limited number of rooms, so in order to get this rate, you will need to register soon. At time of check-in, you will need to use a credit card to guarantee the room.

Address: 10 , Princeton, NJ 08542

Phone: (609) 921-7500
