Organize to Revitalize 2020

t the outset of this New Year, in the context of myriad resolutions and pos- itive intentions, I must seize the opportunity to affirm and appreciate the Aextraordinary missional efforts put forth by each of the conferences, admin- istrators, pastors, and members during our 2019 Year of Evangelism in the Southern Union. Because of God’s grace and empowerment of our feeble efforts, the Southern Union achieved unprecedented growth last year. Congratulations for ending the year strong. The membership of the Southern Union surpassed the 300,000 mark as a re- sult of many hands on deck for the salvation of men, women, boys, and girls. Again, on behalf of the Southern Union Administration, I say thank you for tremendous exercised faith in God and superlative teamwork. This year the focus of our mission to reach souls for Jesus will sustain, but we will place an emphasis on the revitalization of plateauing and declining churches. There Ron C. Smith, D.Min., Ph.D. are multiple churches across the eight conferences of the Southern Union that are President of the Southern battling for legitimacy and survivability. Resources which foster vibrant ministry within Union Conference many of our congregations are waning or have dried up. People who have enthusi- astically joined our worship centers are missing. Those members who have stayed by the church through active membership are discouraged. Others are overwhelmed, exhausted, tapped-out in energy, and downright disheartened as they quest to hold on. I’m committed to bringing help to as many marginalized churches as God would give us the resourcefulness with which to partner. This is our primary fixation for 2020. The Union and conference ministerial directors — coupled with the eight con- ference presidents, three university presidents, and AdventHealth executives — have committed themselves to the required missional integrity to tackle a meaningful church revitalization initiative within the Southern Union borders. Roger Hernandez, Southern Union ministerial director, has commissioned the Southern Union administration in our varied spectrum of travel itineraries to factor in as many small churches (100 members or less) as possible. This is a challenge we have accepted. While multiple reaping meetings will continue, it is our intention to strengthen congregations through preaching, training seminars, continuous evange- lism, and incessant exposure to help resources that are identified. One of my favorite authors, Tod Bolsinger, in his book Canoeing the Mountains, points out: “The culture is changing rapidly, and churches are facing change on an unprece- dented scale. Churches and church leaders are becoming increasingly irrelevant, even marginalized. We have to learn to lead all over again.” With the increase in immorality and violence, the waning of the church, the ob- session to acquire material possessions by professed Christians, there seems to be no way that God’s Church will be able to accomplish the task given to it. As we review the manner in which the early Church met these same obstacles and came out victo- riously, we will find hope for the revitalizing of our churches and winning the world for Christ. Jesus came to this world to reveal God’s love to lost human beings. He estab- lished a Church through which He was able to reach every person who has ever lived with the story of salvation. --RCS


Volume 114, No. 1, January 2020 The Southern Tidings is the official publication of january 2020 the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. features SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE 302 Research Drive Peachtree Corners, Georgia 30092 Mail Address P.O. Box 923868 Peachtree Corners, Georgia 30010-3868 Telephone 770-408-1800 www.southernunion.com 4 2020 … THE YEAR OF EDITOR R. Steven Norman III CHURCH REVITALIZATION MANAGING EDITOR Irisene Douce CIRCULATION Yaime Cordova ADVERTISING Nathan Zinner LAYOUT Julie Burks PRODUCTION College Press 8 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS A BEAST, NOT A LAMB


CAROLINA (704) 596-3200 P.O. Box 44270, Charlotte, NC 28215 8 11 FLORIDA (407) 644-5000 351 S. State Road 434, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-3824 15 GEORGIA-CUMBERLAND (706) 629-7951 P.O. Box 12000, Calhoun, GA 30703-7001 FULLFILLING DREAMS GULF STATES (334) 272-7493 P.O. Box 240249, Montgomery, AL 36117 IN LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE (615) 859-1391 P.O. Box 1088, Goodlettsville, TN 37070-1088 SOUTH ATLANTIC (404) 792-0535 P.O. Box 1688, Decatur, GA 30031-1688 SOUTH CENTRAL (615) 226-6500 P.O. Box 24936, Nashville, TN 37202 SOUTHEASTERN (352) 735-3142 P.O. Box 1016, Mt. Dora, FL 32756-0056 ADVENTHEALTH (407) 357-2083 news 900 Hope Way, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 ADVENTHEALTH UNIVERSITY (800) 500-7747 16 ADVENTHEALTH 671 Winyah Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CAROLINA 12 OAKWOOD UNIVERSITY (256) 726-7000 18 7000 Adventist Blvd., Huntsville, AL 35896 20 FLORIDA SOUTHERN ADVENTIST UNIVERSITY 22 GEORGIA-CUMBERLAND (800) SOUTHERN P.O. Box 370, Collegedale, TN 37315-0370 24 GULF STATES 26 KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE 28 SOUTHEASTERN SOUTHERN TIDINGS | Volume 114 30 SOUTHERN ADVENTIST Number 1 | January 2020 Published monthly by the Southern Union. UNIVERSITY Free to all members. 32 ADVENTHEALTH UNIVERSITY POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to Southern Tidings P.O. Box 923868 34 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Peachtree Corners, Georgia 30010-3868 38 EVENTS CALENDAR EMAIL: [email protected] 39 ANNOUNCEMENTS/SUNSET SCHEDULE 14 15

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 3 coverfeature

2020 ... THE YEAR OF CHURCH Revitalization


he Southern Union Conference has chosen 2020 as All of our churches could benefit from church revitalization, the Year of Church Revitalization. This is part of the because we all can be better. five-year plan for the Southern Union — to use many Tmethods and forms of evangelism to grow the Union What Jesus Sees in a balanced way. To bring true revitalization to our churches, we need to look Eighty percent of the churches in the Southern Union are at what Jesus told John to write about the seven churches in plateaued or declining. This is in line with churches across Revelation chapters 2 and 3. We need to look at the situation of America. A plateaued church is one that the membership, our churches and our needs through the eyes and heart of Jesus. tithe, and attendance have stayed about the same for several If we look at what Jesus says to the seven churches, we can see years or more. A declining church is one that the membership, what He is also saying to us. Jesus loves us with unconditional tithe, and attendance have been declining for the last several love, and He demonstrated that by dying for us “while we were years or more. There is a great need to revitalize our churches. still sinners,” Romans 5:8. He wants us to love Him with all our


Austin Humphreys, pastor of Maranatha Church in , North Carolina, baptizes 9-year-old Keimikeal Moore and his mother, Brittney Thompson, during the 2019 Abundant Life Revival. They are two of 15 individuals baptized in a 13-member church that has grown to 38 members in the past two years. hearts for eternity in an everlasting covenant relationship. Promises to Overcomers There is a promise to the ones who “overcome” in Jesus’ Messages for All Churches message to all seven churches. This promise is always ap- In Revelation chapters 2 and 3, there were seven churches plied to those who hear and do what the Holy Spirit says to in what is now Turkey. These seven churches had their own the churches. challenges, according to Jesus. These churches represented This shows there is hope for all the churches and all its members. seven periods of time in Christian history, until Jesus comes again, and the challenges the churches face. Jesus says, Left Your First Love “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Jesus says in Revelation 2:4, “You have left your first love.” He churches,” at or near the end of His message to all seven says this to the church at Ephesus, which means desirable. This churches. Therefore, there is a message for all members of church is the closest to the time of Jesus and the apostles. The on- all churches until He comes again. ly fault that Jesus says to them is, “You have left your first love.”

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 5 coverfeature

Therefore, it seems that the first step to- away from Jesus and his truth. Therefore, Revitalized ward plateauing, and then declining, is he says hold fast to Jesus, His truth and Maranatha Church in Washington, a church that loses their first love, even doctrine, works of love, the promises to the North Carolina, is a small church that while it is working and growing. It seems overcomers, and what the Holy Spirit says. had little to no growth for 25 years, they are too busy to spend much time with and the youngest member was 62. That Jesus personally. That’s why Jesus says, Lukewarm and Did Not Know changed in 2018, and it is now a church “Remember therefore from where you The church of Laodicea of Revelation actively growing and impacting the have fallen; repent and do the first works.” 3:14-22, is the church that symbolizes community in a major way! It is vital for a church and its members to the church in the time we live in today. In 2018, once a month on Sabbath, keep that first love in their relationship The lukewarm works of the Laodicean they started a service called “Communi- with Jesus, and do their work out of love church were nauseating to Jesus. This is ty Saturdays.” This was a dressed down for Jesus, not just out of a sense of duty. the condition of plateaued and declining Sabbath with only an hour-long service; churches. The worst thing about their then they gave out large food bags for Repent condition is they do not realize their true every family that came. Each family Jesus says “repent” twice to the church condition — that they were “wretched, registered so that they could be on the in Ephesus, and a total of six times to the miserable, poor, blind, and naked.” mailing list. Every month they mailed seven churches of Revelation chapters 2 out flyers and postcards that were tai- and 3. The first step of making our church- Jesus Says Three Things Needed lored to meet several community needs. es be what Jesus wants them to be, is to Jesus says they need three things: 1. Community Saturdays allowed the Ma- face the fact we are not there yet. There are “Gold refined in the fire,” a symbol of ranatha Church to meet a wide range of things that need to change in our churches true faith in Jesus so they are rich, 2. people in the community, and gain posi- and their members. What needs to change “White garments,” a symbol of Christ’s tive relationships with them. is doing things Jesus’ way instead of our righteousness, so they would not be na- With these relationships, it gave the way. We need to, in our board meetings ked, and 3. “Eye salve,” a symbol of the members the knowledge of other needs and committee meetings, ask, “What does Holy Spirit Who shows truth, so they in the community, which allowed them Jesus want us to do ,and what would Jesus could see and follow truth. to expand their outreach methods. The do?” As members, we need to ask our- needs include free job and resume train- selves the same questions. When we have Jesus Rebukes and Chastens ing, free interview clothing, free hair- that first love relationship with Jesus, He Those He Loves cuts, a homework assistance program, will show us what to do. Then we need to Jesus says those He loves, He rebukes free family portraits, and much more. do things Jesus’ way, not our way. and chastens, therefore be zealous and They wanted to do things in their church repent, in Revelation 3:19. In verse 20, that the community would benefit from Hold Fast He is knocking at our door. If we open and was interested in. The free haircuts Jesus says “hold fast” three times in sev- our door, He will come in and dine with were huge for them because there were en churches of Revelation. He points that us. He wants a close relationship with us many single-parent homes in need of Satan and evil men will try to take you now and in Heaven, verse 21. that assistance. All of these different programs and Example of a Church Being services built trust with the people in the community, and eventually many started coming to regular services. This would have never happened if relationships were not cultivated with them first. Later that year, 10 individuals were baptized during their summer revival, the most baptisms that the church had ever seen. In 2019, God continued to bless their efforts with successful evangelistic ini- tiatives and programs. Their plan was to specifically target the young people in the community by starting a partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Beaufort PHOTO BY: GOODSALT.COM BY: PHOTO County in Washington. This partnership Jesus’ letters to the seven churches of Revelation reveals His love for our opened up the door for youth development congregations, and what He says that can revitalize our congregations. programs, mentorship, parent empower-

6 SOUTHERN TIDINGS | JANUARY 2020 coverfeature

ReGenerate 2020 Church Revitalization Conferences:

January 24, 25 – Montgomery, AL February 14, 15 – Nashville, TN February 28, 29 – Charleston, SC March 6, 7 – Macon, GA March 20, 21 – Hendersonville, NC Details: www.regenerateconference.org Austin Humphreys (left), pastor of Maranatha Church in Washington, North Caro- lina, stands with newly baptized members Robin Little, Jimmy Harper, and Shawa- netta Earl, who were baptized during the 2019 Abundant Life Revival conducted by R. Steven Norman III (right), Southern Union communication director. ment classes, homework assistance, and 1. Encourage each conference to part- a community-wide block party with more ner with the Southern Union by spon- than 150 people in attendance. soring one ReGenrate Church Revital- HOW TO In September 2019, R. Steven Norman ization Conference — a weekend event III, Southern Union communication that inspires, trains, and equips pastors GROW YOUR director, was the evangelist for the and church leaders in revitalizing their CHURCH Abundant Life Revival. For two weeks churches, and is tailored to the needs of we experienced powerful preaching of each conference. life-changing principles. God blessed 2. Hold revival/evangelistic meetings in with 12 baptisms (with more to come), each church, so all our members can re- and a brand-new children’s program gain that first love experience with Jesus. 1. Commit to prayer. called “Kids Zone.” This new program 3. Hold church growth seminars 2. Have faith-based optimism was significant because the church has throughout the Union. that God will grow your not had children for many years, and 4. Train pastors and elders to use the church and use you to do it. now they have programming for children 11 a.m. service to grow their churches. 3. Commit to become a every Sabbath and Wednesday night. 5. Give elders the book Steps to a healthy church. They not only gained new people, Vibrant Church – A TURNAROUND 4. Make evangelism the but this increased their hunger to con- GUIDE FOR CHURCHES IN A PLA- number one priority in the tinue innovative evangelistic methods TEAU OR DECLINE, by Brad Cauley. church. to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 6. Help inspire and encourage all the 5. Maintain continuous seed- In February 2020, they will open their departments in the conferences and sowing and outreach pro- newly renovated family life center. The churches to be part of the revitalizing grams. center will have a free community com- team. 6. Hold at least two reaping puter lab that will be a source for home- 7. Train elders to grow their churches events per year. work assistance, GED preparations, ESL through the Elder Certification Training. 7. Conduct 11 a.m. evangelism classes, and much more. pointers. 8. Involve as many members Southern Union Plans Ralph Ringer is the director of as are willing. The Southern Union, working in har- church growth, evangelism training, 9. Disciple all new members. mony with the eight conferences and the and Jewish ministries at the Southern 10. Nurture all members. churches in the Union, is planning to help Union Conference in Peachtree Corners, Georgia, and the director of Jewish apply the principles Jesus gave to the seven ministries for the North American churches in Revelation by the following: Division in Columbia, Maryland.

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 7 southernunionfeature A BEAST, NOT A LAMB


t does not take a historian to explain pastors instilled within me an under- God’s great design plan for salvation. why America has experienced such standing that what we have in America Some might even suggest that America Ia long and unprecedented history of is special. While no one knows the mind is key to the cosmic war being fought religious freedom since the inception of God, we like to believe the birth of here on Earth. As Seventh-day Adven- of our nation. Born out of the ideas of this nation, with its constitutional mea- tists, we have long celebrated and de- men who wanted to experiment with sures to separate church from state, was fended the divide of religion from gov- a different kind of democracy, the re- more than mere chance; it was part of ernment. public in which we live separated the Revelation 13 lays down a key element religious from the political within the in our understanding of America in governmental sphere they were build- prophecy. It explains why religious ing. Growing up as a Seventh-day liberty has been important to Adventist, my parents, church, the Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath School teachers, and Church for more than 175


years. And, finally, it makes our work they represent the separation of church terests. Nationalism seeks to gain power to preserve the separation of church and and state. No matter which interpre- over the government in order to move its state a moral imperative when coupled tation you choose to accept, they both own interests. The most egregious case with our understanding that the United point to the beast representing America. of Nationalism in the 20th century was States government should never become It is a heavy responsibility to safe- the Nazi Party’s rise to power. an agency of religious redemption. guard liberty of conscience. If you be- As watchmen for religious freedom “Then I saw another beast coming up lieve in the prophecies of Revelation 12 here in America, we have a growing out of the earth, and he had two horns and 13, then simply by being American concern that current trends among like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. And or living in the United States, Adventists evangelicals to take control of the gov- he exercises all the authority of the first bear a much higher level of responsi- ernment in order to bring about a more beast in his presence, and causes the bility for understanding this portion of Judeo-Christian-friendly state would earth and those who dwell in it to wor- prophecy, and being the watchmen for lead to Christian Nationalism. We have ship the first beast, whose deadly wound the rest of the World Church. As Adven- seen the birth of a program called Proj- was healed,” Revelation 13:11,12 NKJV. tists, we have believed this task to be as ect Blitz, whose main goal is to protect It is interesting how often I hear important as serving the poor and needy the free exercise of traditional Christian church members refer to this beast as a or caring for the sick and dying. We also beliefs. On the front end, this seems like “lamb-like beast with horns.” John is not believe that the defense of religious free- good news; after all, it is what the Public seeing a lamb. John sees a “beast” with dom is directly tied to our sharing the Affairs and Religious Liberty Depart- horns like a lamb. The ment does. The differ- lamb-like qualities that ence is that the Religious John sees are two-fold; Liberty Department does the horns of this beast are not try to promote Chris- small (there are only two tianity through the aid horns), and therefore do of the state. We believe not initially pose a threat, that people of different especially as the beast beliefs should be able to appears to be young as practice their faith ac- having just sprung forth cording to the dictates from the Earth. Tradi- of their conscience, just tionally, we also associ- as Christians do. That ated the lamb-like char- growing movement in acter of the beast’s horns this nation would work to with the Lamb of God, combine religio-political Jesus. Ellen White, without question, Gospel with others. powers, that prophecy seems to regard sees this beast to be a government power, If you follow current news and as- as dangerous, in helping to form the im- arising from the Earth (not the sea-like sociated trends, you will find that over age of the beast. To anoint one political beast in Revelation 12), and giving the the last few decades there has been a party or a nation’s government with the initial impression of Christ (the Lamb). growing wave pushing evangelicals to- nomenclature of being “godly,” and the Ellen White understands the beast of ward the shores of the ideas found in other as being “wicked,” plays into these Revelation 13 to be a new governmental Nationalism. To be clear, Nationalism prophecies’ warnings. It also demeans power who will work with the beast of and Patriotism are not the same thing. God and in a way that is the sea (the dragon). “One nation, and You may be patriotic because you love not only sacrilegious, but possibly idola- only one, meets the specifications of this country, and believe it to be the best trous as well. Well documented Church this prophecy; it points unmistakably to in the world, and you wish to defend its archives reveal to us that the Adventist the United States of America,” Ellen G. principles. Patriotism does not mean that Church in Germany was just as suscep- White, The Great Controversy, p. 440. you force those values or ideas upon oth- tible to the Nationalist movement going There are traditionally two ways we in- er people. Nationalism is quite a differ- on in the 1930s as all other churches terpret those horns; one interpretation ent idea. It seeks to control and move its in that nation at the time. Oh, that the is that they represent and power to govern in order to promote its watchmen would have sounded a call republicanism. The other interpretation, own interests, even to the exclusion (and back then! I believe that, today, we are which is generally more accepted, is that very often the persecution) of others’ in- also in danger of falling under the spell

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 9 southernunionfeature

of Christian Nationalism in an attempt to make sure Christ is King within our nation. ELECTION YEAR The beast that comes out of the Earth in Revelation 13 shows its wickedness in PROHIBITION ON POLITICAL verse 11 as it grows into something far less “lamb-like” and much more beastly, CAMPAIGNS WITHIN as it “causes the Earth and all those who dwell in it to worship the first beast…” CHURCHES There is compulsion against the will in what the beast does. It is why Public Affairs and Religious Liberty is always In a campaign year that looks to be as heavily religious as it does on guard for issues that would create a political, it is every member’s duty to be cautious and protect the scenario where compulsion in religious Church’s tax exempt status. While there is currently an executive or- matters against conscience are in play. der directing the IRS to ignore campaign prohibition violations by There is danger in trying to pinpoint churches, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America has when prophecy will be fulfilled. Some- intentionally decided that our churches exist for the spiritual and not times it is also just as difficult to try to the political. We urge churches to continue to obey these rules. predict how prophecy will be fulfilled. You have probably heard this tag line • Under IRS code all 501(c)(3) organizations (churches) are prohib- before, “If you see something, say some- ited in a very strict manner from participating either directly or thing.” We see a growing and worrying indirectly with any political campaign on behalf of any candidate trend with Christians pushing Nation- or elected public official. This includes any official running in alism because of our understanding of local, state, or federal elections. prophecy. It does not mean that we pre- • Prohibition goes beyond candidate endorsement. Prohibition in- dict Nationalism to bring about perse- cludes contributions to campaign funds, as well as public state- cution in the end. We simply know that ments of position, either written or verbal. God does not need government to grow • Allowing a candidate to use the church’s assets or property (facil- His Kingdom. In the coming year, we ities) is also prohibited. want to point out what we see, and ask if • Church leaders cannot make partisan statements in publications you are seeing the same thing too. (including websites or social media connected with the church Need a devotional idea for this month? office) or at functions. I encourage you to read Revelation 12 • In an election year, always check the IRS rules for specific issues and 13. Also, read The Great Controver- involving candidate appearances in your church. sy, chapter 25, “God’s Law Immutable.” • The IRS rules detail what is permissible and prohibited. Want up-to-date religious liberty news? Subscribe to Waymarks, free newsletter This is not an exhaustive list of prohibition. The Church only has one of the Public Affairs and Religious Lib- tax exemption. We all share it; every church, pastor, and member are erty Department. Email ReligiousLiber- connected. It is important to remember that when you violate any one of [email protected]. these rules, you risk jeopardizing the Church’s tax-exempt status. If you have questions, you can always contact the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department or check the IRS website at www.irs.gov. Amireh Al-Haddad is the director of public affairs and religious liberty for the Southern Union Conference. The Best Advice: She encourages people who are Concentrate on the spiritual realm rather than the political realm experiencing religious liberty problems when at church. to contact the department, Monday- Thursday, at ReligiousLiberty@ southernunion.com or 770-408-1800.



he clinical team approached the However, Ramirez’s fear did not stop soon-to-be mother for about the her. In Zambia she worked as a clinical T32nd time during 16 hours of hard nurse, a lifeguard, and a Sabbath School labor. The members felt exhausted, but teacher. it was imperative that the mother’s vitals When asked about the most difficult were checked every half hour. The team part of her trip, Ramirez responded, say- included student missionary Melanie ing, “The cultural divide: Only a small Ramirez. She was excited to assist in the percentage of Zambians speak fluent En- labor process, but it seemed the baby girl glish, and there were four main dialects of would never arrive. Finally, the moment the language I had to learn during my time came, and Ramirez helped deliver her there.” first baby, thousands of miles away from During her first month of working at home in the remote country of Zambia. the clinic, Ramirez saw a variety of field Ramirez has been traveling for the ma- injuries. However, the most memorable Melanie Ramirez poses with the first jority of her life. She was born in Cali- baby girl she helped deliver. moment arrived when she helped deliver fornia, but lived in Michigan, Texas, and the beautiful baby girl. “Although I didn’t Arizona before finally settling at Southern have any medical experience or qualifica- Adventist University her freshman year. her third trip that her outlook on life be- tions, I was presented with opportunities While growing up, she was influenced gan to change. In her junior year, uQuest as a student missionary that I couldn’t by her father, who pastored throughout Missions coordinator Melissa Moore ap- have gotten anywhere else,” Ramirez said. the United States. Comfortable with peo- proached Ramirez about becoming a stu- Later on, when Ramirez helped deliver an- ple and public speaking, she felt a strong dent leader on a new mission trip. other girl, the parents named the new baby sense of leadership at a young age. Months later, Ramirez found herself after her. When arriving at Southern, Ramirez drifting down a Brazilian river, hopping During her fourth month in Zambia, a declared biology as her major and began from village to village to provide medical Bible worker asked Ramirez and Lopez to developing a love for the medical field. care for those in need. She fell in love with share their testimonies with future Bible During her freshman year, she went on her the fulfillment she received from smiling workers. Although shocked by the request, first uQuest Mission trip to Cairo, Egypt. faces; most of all, though, she fell in love the pair spoke in front of a room full of The summer following her sophomore with the plan God had for her life. men for seven hours. Though intimidated year, Ramirez again decided to spend time She also started seriously considering by the experience, they shared their rela- as a missionary — this time in Palau. mission work, and was soon presented tionships with Jesus. After speaking, sev- Tina Smith, Southern’s project planner with an opportunity to spend 11 months eral men came up to Ramirez, saying that for marketing and university relations, re- in Zambia. She took it. When Ramirez’s her story had inspired them profoundly. flected on her time with Ramirez and oth- mother heard of her next adventure, she She is still in contact with them to this day. er students in Palau. responded by saying, “Oh, here she goes Today, Ramirez is a senior at Southern “All of the college students on the trip again.” Her parents were nervous about finishing up a biology degree. Her experi- were strangers to my husband, Bo, and the possible dangers, but they supported ences around the world have affirmed her me,” she said. “It amazed both of us how her every step of the way. passion for the medical field, and she now quickly we became a team and a family. As Ramirez embarked on her new wants to work as a medical missionary. I remember Ramirez asking me if it was mission, she felt overwhelmed. “It was “God calls all passions,” she said. “Each okay for the students to call me ‘Mama T,’ all really nerve-wracking,” she said. “I person has a specific skill set that can be which I absolutely loved.” was being thrown into a new culture used by Him. The beauty of service is see- Both of those mission trips were en- thousands of miles away with only one ing the impact you can make.” joyable to Ramirez, but it was not until friend, Carolina Lopez.”


Aerial shot It Is Written Welcomes More Than 500 Guests During GRAND OPENING


t Is Written hosted a grand opening of Adventist Church, finally has its own space greatly expands and improves the its new ministry headquarters in Col- home. Previously headquartered in leased efficiency of studio capabilities, and pro- Ilegedale, Tennessee, on Friday, Novem- space in California, the ministry moved vides room for future growth. ber 22, 2019, from 12 to 3 p.m. Despite to Tennessee in 2014, and began leasing “Another major advantage is the in- rain, It Is Written welcomed more than 500 separate office and warehouse spaces in creased ministry effectiveness this move people to the event. The event was broad- Chattanooga. In September 2019, after brings us,” said Bradshaw. “We can not cast via livestream on the It Is Written two years of construction, employees only do more than ever for God, but we Facebook page, and featured a dedication, moved into the new building. The build- can also now be more efficient than ever.” a ribbon-cutting with the local Chamber ing allows for office, studio, and ware- The building site was originally slated of Commerce, ministry tours, giveaways, house space to all be under one roof. The for a hospital, but red tape curtailed the and refreshments. John Bradshaw, presi- plans. Several property owners later, It Is dent of It Is Written; Katie Lamb, mayor Written is humbled to offer hope and spir- of Collegedale; David Smith, Ph.D., pres- itual healing to people around the world ident of Southern Adventist University; from its new headquarters. Dan Jackson, president of the North Amer- Each space in the building is dedicated ican Division, and others spoke during the to ministry. The ministry staff begins the dedication. There was a self-guided tour at day in the Ruth McKee Worship Room. the conclusion of the ceremony. Employees The ministry’s 40 local employees join in were on hand to provide department high- person, with field representatives joining lights. Guests could film their own tele- by video. vision spot in the studio, and heard about Upstairs, today’s president, Bradshaw, ministry activities around the world. uses ministry founder George Vande-

After 63 years, It Is Written, a media IT IS WRITTEN BY: PHOTO man’s desk, continuing to share with the evangelism ministry of the Seventh-day It Is Written’s attendees world the same message of hope in Jesus.

12 SOUTHERN TIDINGS | JANUARY 2020 itiswrittenfeature PHOTO BY: IT IS WRITTEN BY: PHOTO IT IS WRITTEN BY: PHOTO Ed Wright (left), D.Min.; Jesse Johnson; Ken Denslow; David Smith, Many attended It Is Written’s grand opening Ph.D.; Katie Lamb; John Bradshaw; Melissa Bradshaw; Vaughn Berger; ceremony. Gordon Pifher; Rusty McKee; Ellsworth McKee; and Sharon McKee partic- ipate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Next door, My Place With Jesus, the under one roof. Thousands of free offers It Is Written children’s ministry, offers a are sent from this department, along with smartphone app, a children’s Bible, Bible Bible studies in multiple languages and study guides and other study materials, a other resource material. children’s evangelism program, and other As one exits the building, one will pass material just for children. the Roy & Leona Berglund Museum and Continuing upstairs, the ministry’s evan- Resource Center. For the first time, It Is gelism staff works with churches and con- Written offers an on-site resource cen- ferences all over the world to arrange evan- ter, where customers can purchase It Is gelism campaigns, mission trips, and SALT Written DVDs, books, and evangelism re- education, and to provide evangelism re- IT IS WRITTEN BY: PHOTO sources. This space also doubles as a mu- sources. John Bradshaw, It Is Written president, seum and features original media produc- Also upstairs, the Creative Department speaks at grand opening ceremony. tion equipment, archive documents, and focuses on ensuring that ministry materi- other items from the ministry’s history. als are well-designed and present the Gos- Nearby is the Escrito Está team, who Tours are still available for anyone who pel in an enticing and cost-effective way. have been reaching the Spanish-speaking missed the grand opening. Please call Next door, the Information Technology world for 25 years. Through evangelism ahead to schedule at 844-WRITTEN. Pic- Department designs ministry applications campaigns and television, radio, online, torial and video tours are also available and maintains the ministry’s databases and print content, Robert Costa, speaker/ online at itiswritten.build. and servers. director, and his team work tirelessly to Downstairs, a large classroom will be make the Gospel message available to as About It Is Written used for training and education seminars, many people as possible. It Is Written is an award-winning media and is currently housing the ministry’s Close by are the ministry’s Develop- evangelism ministry sharing the everlasting ingest project, where the archive of It Is ment and Planned Giving departments. Gospel worldwide for 63 years. The first reli- Written programs, as well as other minis- Nearly 98 percent of the funds that sup- gious television program to broadcast in col- tries’ programming, is being digitized for port It Is Written’s ministry endeavors or, It Is Written is the ninth-longest running It Is Written TV. come from outright gifts, estate plans, or television program in the United States. It Is Across the hall, the George E. Vandeman investments. Funds for this building have Written is impacting lives for Christ through Studio A and Art & Irma Wilson Studio B been raised in addition to annual funds satellite and digital television, websites and provide the studio space where the media supporting the ministry efforts. mobile apps, global evangelistic ministry, production department films, produces, and Next door, the Publishing Department and faith-sharing resources. edits It Is Written programming distributed provides spiritual resources to people all via broadcast and radio stations and It Is over the world. One of the many ways the Cassie Matchim Hernandez is the Written TV. On average, It Is Written pro- new building allows for greater produc- marketing assistant at the It Is Written duces more than 650 videos each year. tivity is that all inventory and storage are headquarters in Collegedale, Tennessee.

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 13 floridafeature

Buildings Facilitate MINISTRY BY MARTIN BUTLER uildings do one thing: they facilitate ministry! They are not Bministry in and of themselves,” emphasized Bob Henderschedt, previous board chair of Forest Lake Church in Apopka, Florida, as he addressed those who gathered October 12, 2019, to celebrate the grand opening of the church’s new Children’s Ministry Center. Henderschedt shared a commitment made by Sabbath School leadership “to move programming for a new generation to a new way of doing worship, study, and learning.” Allan Machado, Florida Conference president, included the audience in his declaration: “We dedicate people and resources to educate our children to make an impact, and that

is what you are doing today.” SEEKFORD JAMES BY: PHOTO Presently, more than 400 children Grand opening of the Children’s Ministry Center at Forest Lake Church in Apopka, attend the programming provided for Florida. them each week, but this is a long-term story as well. “Some of the kids right now in these different classrooms might NEW CHURCH end up being the future leaders of this community,” said Geoff Patterson, LOBBY senior pastor of Forest Lake Church. Simultaneously with the “The perfect example is Pastor Juan building of the Children’s Min- [Martinez], who was once a child in istry Center, a new church lobby this church. Pastor Barbara [McCoy] attached to the existing church baptized him. He served in Pastor Mark’s structure was constructed. “This [Reams] youth ministry, and, now, he’s PHOTO BY: ROLAND THOMSON BY: PHOTO lobby represents an opportunity the young adult pastor in this church.” Victoria Fulbright and Christian Farrell for fellowship and togetherness,” Ever since the idea of a building for cut the ceremonial ribbon at the Chil- said Geoff Patterson, senior the children was first introduced, much dren’s Ministry Center grand opening pastor. time has passed. Many people have led on Sunday, October 12, 2019. out in the fundraising, the planning, and the visioning. These individuals were recognized and/or remembered for all volunteers. The 10 state-of-the-art life for more than 30 years at Forest Lake what they accomplished. Designers and classrooms have screens and electronic Church. “Forest Lake Church members contractors were also given words of equipment available. have actually built a sacred place and a appreciation. “God has given us an amazing Kingdom Kid’s Center for children to The building’s reception lobby is foundation for our children and families know Who Jesus Christ is.” secured with electronic check-in for the to build upon,” said McCoy, who has children, and check-in is required for worked with children’s ministry/family

14 SOUTHERN TIDINGS | JANUARY 2020 kentuckytennesseefeature


t all began on April 1, 2017. Together with the evangelistic meetings held by the ILouisville, Kentucky, Hispanic Church, the support of the church elders, and the assistance of the Kentucky-Tennessee Con- ference, a project of growth and evange- lism in the city was proposed. At that time, there was one organized church, one com- pany, and one mission group. The dream was to have seven Hispanic congregations, with three of them owning their facilities; the congregations at that time were renting. When the people of God pray, trust in God’s promises, and act in faith, they witness the miracles of the Lord. The sanctuary of the Louisville Hispanic Cen- tral Church was inaugurated on April 28, 2018. The Louisville South Hispanic Church was purchased on February 28, 2019. Later, on September 30, 2019, the Louisville Southeast Hispanic Church was acquired. Today, by the grace of God, the dream is a reality. In addition to the three churches that are owned, there is one company and three new mission groups. God always keeps his promises. The Shel- byville Mission Group was organized as a company with 26 members on Friday eve- ning, November 1, 2019. The next day, No- vember 2, the Louisville Southeast Compa- ny attained church status with 81 members. All these miracles led to a greater commit- ment to God. The members place themselves every day in His hands, and under the direc- Signing the charter for Shelbyville Mission Group. tion of His Spirit they continue forward as the champion team of the Lord, Jesus Christ. The members thank the administration of the Conference for supporting the mission- ary plans of the Louisville Hispanic mem- bers, and, with the help of God, they will continue advancing until the coming in glory of Christ Jesus.

Walkyr Montilla is the pastor of the Louisville, Kentucky, Hispanic district. Shelbyville Mission Group Louisville Southeast Church leaders

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 15 adventhealthnews

AdventHealth Leaders Talk Mission, Consumer-Focused Care at Press Ganey’s National Client Conference

Terry Shaw, president/CEO for AdventHealth, and Daryl Tol, president/CEO for AdventHealth’s Central Florida Division, presented about the organization’s mission, culture, and transformation journey during the executive leadership portion of the conference.

ress Ganey, a health care perfor- and share strategies for addressing the president/CEO, and Daryl Tol, Central mance improvement company, re- industry’s biggest challenges and oppor- Florida Division president/CEO, served Pcently held its 2019 National Cli- tunities to transform care. as guest speakers during the executive ent & Executive Leadership Conference More than 100 AdventHealth team leadership portion of the conference, in Orlando, Fla. The conference brought members were in attendance to repre- where hundreds of industry executives together more than 3,000 health care sent the organization during the event. learned first-hand about the organiza- professionals to celebrate top performers Notably, Terry Shaw, AdventHealth tion’s mission, vision, values, and ser-

16 SOUTHERN TIDINGS | JANUARY 2020 adventhealthnews

vice standards, as well as its journey to provide transformative care that fosters wholeness through a consumer-focused approach. The conference also featured an awards program to honor top performers for providing an exceptional experience for patients, including three Advent- Health facilities named 2019 Guardian of Excellence Award winners. The facili- ties — AdventHealth Gordon Outpatient Oncology, AdventHealth Palm Harbor ER, and AdventHealth South Overland Park ER — earned the recognition for achieving the 95th percentile or above for performance in patient experience. “We strive to provide a consistent and exceptional experience for consumers across all of our care settings, and it is an honor to have these facilities recognized among the top performers in patient ex- perience,” said Pam Guler, chief experi- ence officer for AdventHealth. “As we work to foster wholeness, we will con- Terry Shaw (middle), AdventHealth president/CEO, and leaders representing tinue to emphasize making the experi- Guardian of Excellence Award winners honored for achieving the 95th percentile ence of our patients a focal point of their or above for performance in patient experience: AdventHealth Gordon Outpatient overall care journey.” Oncology, AdventHealth Palm Harbor ER, and AdventHealth South Overland Park ER. The Press Ganey Guardian of Excel- lence Award is a nationally recognized symbol of achievement in health care. Presented annually, the award honors clients who consistently sustained per- formance in the top five percent of all Press Ganey clients for each reporting period during the course of one year. The 2019 awards are based on quarterly per- formance between May 2018 and April 2019. “Congratulations to these facilities for receiving the Guardian of Excellence Award,” said Patrick T. Ryan, executive chairman of Press Ganey. “This honor reflects their unwavering commitment to improving the safety, quality, and experi- ence of care.”

BY MARIO ROBERTS, ADVENTHEALTH More than 100 team members represented AdventHealth at Press Ganey’s 2019 SENIOR COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST National Client & Executive Leadership Conference.

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 17 carolinanews

Mount Pisgah Academy Purchases a New Bus PHOTO BY: ABBY KING ABBY BY: PHOTO

uring the 2018-2019 school year, dedication for the new bus. In his prayer, the staff at Mount Pisgah Academy Louis spoke of how God had blessed so D(MPA) realized that the school was greatly and requested that safety be upon in desperate need of a new bus to transport all those who utilize the vehicle. After the students. Although MPA has been blessed prayer, Louis and Remy Guenin, principal to own three buses for the past several of MPA, cut a ribbon on the door to the years, some of the older buses continue new bus. Visitors and students were then to have mechanical issues. Lucy Hall, di- invited to view the inside of the vehicle. rector of development, was able to secure Some of the features that are especially a $50,000 grant for matching funds from appreciated are charging outlets, enclosed AdventHealth. Leslie Louis, president of storage compartments, and even game ta- the Carolina Conference, heard about this KING ABBY BY: PHOTO bles in the back. MPA staff and students issue and began encouraging constituents Leslie Louis (right), Carolina Confer- were grateful for the opportunity to cele- ence president, and Remy Guenin, to donate to this worthy cause. As a result Mount Pisgah Academy principal, cut brate this milestone in the school’s devel- of many prayers and petitions, $50,000 was the ribbon on the new bus after the opment, and were especially pleased that raised and the grant was earned. Additional- prayer of dedication. so many could be in attendance. ly, MPA received a bequest from a Carolina Since acquiring the new bus, MPA has donor’s estate, which was a great help in plant services, aided in the negotiation for been able to utilize it for transportation the fundraising process. As of mid-October, and procurement of the bus. on the junior class history trip to New MPA had received $220,000 in donations A dedication ceremony for the new- England; the View Southern trip for the toward the Transportation Fund. ly purchased bus was held October 14, senior class to Chattanooga, Tenn.; and Once the funds were raised, it was im- 2019. Representatives of the Carolina the senior class trip to Florida. Addition- portant to consider which vehicle would Conference officers, pastors, and teachers ally, parents of MPA students enjoyed the best serve the school’s needs. With the help attended, as did the entire MPA student bus on a drive through the Blue Ridge of alumnus Ryan Piercy (’97), who works at body. During the dedication, many thanks Parkway to a hiking spot during Parent Prevost (Volvo), MPA was able to navigate were given to the donors who gave gener- Open House Weekend in October. the purchase of this huge asset. Vehicles of ously to the fund, as well as to Piercy for Although MPA has acquired the bus, this nature are quite costly, even if previous- his help in acquiring the vehicle. Follow- they are still in need of two 15-passenger ly owned, and Piercy was able to ensure that ing the recognitions, everyone was asked shuttles.

MPA was treated fairly during the purchase. to place their hands on the vehicle while BY ABBY KING John Knowles, director of maintenance and Louis offered a prayer of thanksgiving and

18 SOUTHERN TIDINGS | JANUARY 2020 carolinanews

Fourteen-year-old Pathfinder Initiates Thanksgiving to Remember PHOTO BY: SANDY BECKER SANDY BY: PHOTO BECKER SANDY BY: PHOTO

14-year-old Pathfinder had a vision Thanksgiving meal. Everyone left com- This small but active group offers to to provide a Thanksgiving feast for pletely full, and some took food home! the community free of charge, cooking A those who had no plans, but want- What began as a service project be- classes, money management, health, and ed to enjoy a good meal and the company of came a way of ministering to the sur- Bible prophecy seminars. friendly folks. rounding community. Attendees included God’s Closet Columbia is one of the Kevin Gil, a member of the Irmo Fel- people who had never visited the church, ministries that has greatly impacted the lowship Church, Columbia, S.C., de- including the pastor’s family, guests, and community with free children’s clothes, cided he wanted to meet a need he saw family and friends of church members. shoes, and bedding for children newborn among members and visitors of his newly The Irmo Fellowship Church began to teen. The last event attracted more planted church, people who had attended having services in January of 2016 with than 300 families, who each left with God’s Closet Columbia’s shopping event just seven members. Among them were several bags of clothes. So far, this min- to receive free children’s clothing, and Ron Sturkie, volunteer lay pastor; his istry has been able to provide clothes for visitors to the Bible studies held each wife, Sandra; and Cary McDaniel who more than 2,000 children. Tuesday evening. owns the shopping center where the Kevin proved you are never too young Kevin’s enthusiasm and passion for church currently worships at the Quail to make a difference! this ministry was contagious. Members Valley Plaza, 6801 St. Andrews Road, joined Kevin’s mother, Linda Gil, who is Columbia, S.C. This fellowship of be- the Pathfinder leader, to make it happen. lievers meets every Saturday at 10 a.m. With only a flyer and word-of-mouth for Bible study and 11 a.m. for worship. advertising, the church was able to serve Every week, a free lunch is provided for BY SANDY BECKER 44 people a huge buffet of a traditional all attending.

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 19 floridanews

Podcast Evangelism Leads to New Convert in Daytona Beach

aytona Beach Church recently The podcast does not replace Bible celebrated the addition of new study. It serves as a catalyst toward Dmember Jordan Fuller by pro- inquiry and deeper study, but in a format fession of faith. He became convicted readily available from any smart phone through podcast evangelism, a new form and easily used by those always on of evangelism being used by the local the go. Whether through social media pastor, Travis Walker. or through the simple business card, Fuller discovered a podcast, Adven- members can invite their friends to listen tology, through the church’s Facebook and learn at Adventology.com without page and, subsequently listened to every pressure and on their own terms. episode over a period of two days. He While the podcast reaches out all over became convicted of the need to attend the world, the primary impact of it has been services the following Sabbath. local. People are visiting the church as a di- After attending the service, he imme- rect result of listening to the podcast. diately informed the pastor of his de- sire to join the church. Since that time, After listening to every episode of the Fuller has become one of the church’s Adventology podcast, Jordan Fuller (right), was convicted to join Daytona most active members and has already be- Beach Church. He is shown with Travis gun sharing what he has learned with his Walker (left), local pastor and host of BY TRAVIS WALKER friends and family. Adventology.

Silver Springs Shores Church in Ocala is Mission Driven

ilver Springs Shores Church in sion trip to Haiti to assist with vari- Ocala is mission driven, local- ous projects, including construction, Sly as well as in the world field. at Kingdom Goals Christian Acade- On specific Sundays, soccer games my, under the guidance of directors are held at the church, and the com- and founders Gary and Narissa Saint munity is invited to attend. These op- Fleur. portunities for service were originally Originally, the Saint Fleurs began started by a young couple attending an after-school program at the home the church who had an interest in soc- of his parents in Port-de-Paix, Hai- cer and in mission, Gary and Narissa ti, after seeing school-aged children Saint Fleur. wandering the streets or playing soc- This young couple also got mem- cer during school time. The couple bers involved in trying to make handpicked 24 children to learn En- changes for the better in the lives of glish, Bible, soccer, health, and mu- children in Haiti through giving mon- sic. Gary and Narissa Saint Fleur, directors and founders of Kingdom Goals Christian ey to improve their educational op- Space soon became insufficient as Academy, are mission driven and share that portunities. Last summer, 16 young more and more students requested love with others, in the U.S. and abroad. people from the church took a mis- admission. Eventually, the school

20 SOUTHERN TIDINGS | JANUARY 2020 floridanews

moved to a rental property, and then in 2017 became Kingdom Goals Christian Academy. In the fall of 2019, enrollment at King- dom Goals Christian Academy grew to 139 students, including pre-K through third grade. There are also 20 students who attained scholarships and are now in upper primary school and high school. Through the generosity of sponsors like the members of the Silver Springs Shores Church, provision for addition- al resources and better success in edu- cational needs in Haiti will continue to grow. Students enrolled for the 2019 school year at Kingdom Goals Christian Academy BY NORMA HENRY in Port-de-Paix, Haiti, gather on the school grounds. Orlando Brazilian Church Holds Feast of Thanksgiving PHOTO BY: FERNANDA COSTA FERNANDA BY: PHOTO Pathfinder Pedro Rodrigues was baptized by Rafael Martins, pastor.

in continuation of the theme of the International Pathfinder Camporee. Samuel Cardoso, pastor, provided the message while The Disciples, a Brazilian singing group, performed special music. A lot of emotions interspersed with crying, laughing, PHOTO BY: FERNANDA COSTA FERNANDA BY: PHOTO applauding, confetti, and messages from Orlando Brazilian Church Pathfinder Club celebrates a high Sabbath when 10 Pathfinders were baptized, and six more decided to prepare for the next baptism. Brazil were part of the feast, but the main part was the joy of teenagers and juveniles surrendering their lives to Christ. eptember was a memorable month 2019, the whole church had participated Orlando Brazilian celebrated with a at Orlando, Fla., Brazilian Church, in a movement to claim the baptism of the feast, but the greater feast was in Heaven. Swith the greatest baptism in its histo- Holy Spirit. Each day, at least one member They hope that this feast can inspire all to ry. Ten Pathfinders surrendered their lives of the church was fasting and praying for be a part of the greatest feast in Heaven, through baptism, and six more decided to the revival of the whole church. The bap- where everyone will be Chosen! be prepared for the next one. tism closed this wonderful experience of

The ceremony concluded seven weeks the church members. BY RAFAEL MARTINS of prayer and fasting. Since August 19, The weekend was called Chosen,

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 21 georgiacumberlandnews

Samaritan Center Teaches Students Financial Planning he board of directors for the Sa- came down to a common root issue,” maritan Center thrift store and do- Pyke says. “They lacked proper financial Tnation center in Ooltewah, Tenn., education.” recently approved funding for a one-year With that thought in mind, she volun- pilot program to teach financial planning teered as an instructor for Who Wants to skills to grade school students. Be a Millionaire, an interactive money This program, titled the Fin Lit Project management program for 11th-graders. (FLP), will be directed by the Samaritan She then focused on helping elementary Center’s senior case manager, Stephanie and middle school students by adapting Pyke. Since 2015, Pyke has been offering classwork prepared by the Council for financial literacy classes in area elemen- Economic Education to their level.

tary schools, and hopes the new FLP will CALVERT KINDSEY SUBMITTED BY: This past summer Pyke developed provide education for students, as well as Stephanie Pyke, senior case manager Money Lit, a five-week summer camp help parents and teachers to understand for the Samaritan Center in Ooltewah, where third- through sixth-graders what the Samaritan Center offers. Tenn., offers financial education to stu- learned financial literacy in a fun, inter- Pyke’s goal is to present a 45-minute dents through a pilot program. active environment. With the continued to one-hour class once a semester in local support of the Samaritan Center’s many elementary and/or middle schools. The donors, they are able to pursue their goal frequency of her visits will be at the dis- teachers, my interns, and volunteers, to provide “Help for Today, and Hope for cretion of teachers. In her presentation, bankers, and community members how Tomorrow.” she will provide packets highlighting much they wish a program like this, fo- local resources for those in need for stu- cusing on financial literacy, existed.” dents to take home. Pyke’s interest in teaching financial lit- “I have a passion for this project be- eracy grew out of what she experienced

cause I’ve seen how needed it is,” said as a case manager for the Samaritan Cen- BY KINDSEY CALVERT Pyke. “I continually hear from parents, ter: “My clients’ issues, time and again, Robbins Couple Celebrates 50th Anniversary arry and Martha Robbins of Cleve- Valley. Larry retired in 2016 and Martha land, Tenn., celebrated their 50th in 2002. Lwedding anniversary on November Larry and Martha have three children, 24, 2019, at Bowman Hills Church. Larry Jr., Matthew, and Aaron, and eight Their relationship began in South Lan- grandchildren. They are thankful for the caster, Mass., amidst the 1969 moon land- places the Lord has directed them, and ing and the Vietnam War. They met on the for finally leading them to the Georgia- rural Atlantic campus. Cumberland Conference where they feel Larry’s work history started in the caf- the most at home. eteria, ending with 44 years teaching for

the Adventist Church. Martha’s work be- AMBER ROBBINS SUBMITTED BY: gan as a worker in a nursing home, and BY AMBER ROBBINS Larry and Martha Robbins were mar- ended as an administrator for Kennebec ried 50 years ago.

22 SOUTHERN TIDINGS | JANUARY 2020 georgiacumberlandnews

Auburn Church Partners with 50 Businesses in “Let’s Move Day!” challenge from children at the event. Members of the First Baptist Church and other local churches participated all day helping the Let’s Move event, pro- viding more awareness to the benefits of physical fitness and health. Addition- al highlights included E.W. Dempsey, Georgia-Cumberland Conference health ministries director, who participated by leading physical fitness activities. The Lord has truly blessed the Auburn Church’s Let’s Move Day ministry that began in 2014 with one simple request from Jeff Westberg, pastor, to accept the call to reach out to the Auburn community through participation in the North Ameri-

PHOTO BY: SUBMITTED BY SHELLI-ANN JACKSON SHELLI-ANN SUBMITTED BY BY: PHOTO can Division initiative called Let’s Move Gail Devers, three-time Olympic gold medal champion and inductee of the Na- Day. As a small church, its members are tional Track and Field Hall of Fame, joined the fun last September at the Auburn proud to sustain this event with the gen- Church Let’s Move Day, The Georgia church members have actively involved their erosity of their sponsors; and, excitedly, town and community in Let’s Move Day even offering their first free outdoor clinic with a variety of health tests. for the fifth year, they offered Let’s Move Day! Special thanks to the 2019 Let’s Move Day partners and sponsors. hrough prayer and perseverance, and increased accessibility to clinic ser- the Auburn, Ga., Church members vices. They partnered with licensed med- Partners: Thosted another completely free ical professionals and held their first free • City of Auburn “Let’s Move Day!” on September 15, outdoor wellness clinic. Free medical ser- • Boy Scouts Northeast Georgia 2019. They partnered with the city of Au- vices offered during the Let’s Move Day Council-Troop 750 burn officials and 50-plus local business- include massages; HIV testing in a mobile • Black Women Leaders in Nursing es. The goal was to host a completely free unit; hepatitis C testing; a life coach and health and fitness event as an outlet for mental health; various health screenings, Gold Sponsors: families, and to provide a variety of com- including spine, scoliosis, posture, blood • Georgia-Cumberland Conference of munity resources by having 27 sponsors pressure and blood sugar; thermal scan- Seventh-day Adventists onsite for the big day. ning for nervous system assessments; • Adventists In Step For Life The Let’s Move Day offered fitness al- pulmonary function testing for asthma/ • Northeast Georgia Medical Center ternatives, outdoor family fun, food, and COPD screening; and nutrition and health Barrow health education; literature was distribut- supplements (Arbonne) station. • Barrow County Health Department ed, and one or two health screenings were Gail Devers, a two-time Olympic gold • Noire Nail Bar available. Outdoor fun included volleyball, champion in the 100 meters who won her • Posh Hair Salon soccer, kickball, basketball, hula-hoop, third gold in the 4 x 100 meter relay in 1996, • Kumon Math and Reading Center jump rope, tug of war, group fitness, ob- joined the fun at the Auburn Church Let’s • Edee’s Place BBQ stacle courses, bounce houses, a fortnite Move Day as a special guest. Devers is also • Hue Graphics & Apparel dance-off, toddler games, and a citywide the 1993 World Champion in the 100-meter • Allstate Namon Collins Agency water balloon challenge. and a three-time world champion in the In addition to their standard offerings 100-meter hurdles. In 2011, she was induct- and physical activity, they wanted to of- ed into the National Track and Field Hall BY SHELLI-ANN JACKSON fer more, and so provided job recruitment of Fame. For fun, Devers accepted the race

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 23 gulfstatesnews

State Line Church Burns Mortgage fter nearly 25 years in existence as a congregation, the Gulf States AConference administration partic- ipated in the burning of the church mort- gage of the State Line Church in Ardmore, Ala., on October 19, 2019. Under the lead- ership of Isaac Olatunji, pastor, the church purchased the current building in 2015, which they had been renting for more than a decade. The “Old Funeral Home,” as it was called, was transformed into a sanctu- PHOTO BY: GREG CAREY BY: PHOTO ary for the Lord, and in just four years was Johnny Mosquera (left), former pastor; Wendell Curry, head elder; Isaac Olatunji, pas- paid off in record time. tor; Richard Miller, deacon; Dave Livermore, president of Gulf States; and Brian Danese, The day of the mortgage burning cer- vice president of finance for Gulf States, celebrate the goals the church has achieved. emony began with a blackout in the Ard- more area, where the church’s electrical power was off for several hours. The out- and most of all, the Almighty God who age time ran into the Sabbath School and made this possible.” As was stated in the church worship programming, but it did event program, “State Line continues to not deter the worshipers. It also didn’t stop be a blend of people, where we all work Dave Livermore, president of Gulf States, together for the Lord, using the various from preaching a powerful message. While talents the Lord has given us. It has been PHOTO BY: GREG CAREY BY: PHOTO the congregation worshipped with no elec- 24 years since the Lord impressed Hazel Brian Danese twists the burning paper tricity, they experienced the power of the to complete the ceremony. Radford to start a work for Him in the por- Holy Spirit. Amazingly, after the church tion of the field the Lord put her in — a service ended, the lights came back on. along with a packed house of members bean field. Today, Sabbath, October 19, Livermore; Brian Danese, vice pres- and visitors, participated in the ceremony. we celebrate the power of God in the lives ident for church development and Con- Olatunji stated, “I want to thank the Gulf of those who chose to do His will.” ference treasurer; and Johnny Mosquera, States Conference administration along BY ISAAC OLATUNJI founding pastor of State Line Church; with the faithful supporters of State Line, Gulf States Hosts Possibilities Ministry Sabbath embers from several churches across Gulf States Conference Mcame together on November 2, 2019, in Meridian, Miss., for the first- ever Possibilities Ministry Sabbath. The event was sponsored by the Conference, and hosted at the Meridian Communi- ty Church. Larry Evans, assistant to the General Conference president for special needs, was the keynote presenter, and not- ed that this was one of the first events of

this type in the North American Division. SHANE HOCHSTETLER BY: PHOTO Evans, along with George Hamilton, Gulf Larry Evans, assistant to the General Conference president for special needs, States disability ministries coordinator, presents on Asperger’s and ADHD.

24 SOUTHERN TIDINGS | JANUARY 2020 gulfstatesnews

and Rosemary Graham, South Atlantic those who are shut in has also been quite disabilities director, presented on various successful in world mission. Evans shared aspects of disabilities and how they can that these success stories don’t need to be be accommodated. Challenges such as limited to world mission; they could lead hearing or mobility impairment could be to success locally as well. better addressed in many local churches, Following the worship service and pro- allowing more people to participate in vided lunch, Reid Soria, vocalist for Au- church services. tism Sings, presented a spiritual concert. During his opening presentation, Evans Soria sang numerous songs to background shared a world mission report where indi- tracks, speaking between each song to viduals were able to baptize thousands by present the next one. Soria’s mother, Jo merely presenting their messages in sign Ann Soria, shared about the challenges language to those with hearing impair- Reid Soria of Autism Sings, presents a of raising a child on the autism spectrum, ment. Offering ways to transport or visit spiritual concert. but also the joy she experiences in the nu- merous ways that Soria has overcome all odds. Soria’s father, “Chief,” also travels with them on their performance tours. The overall message of the event is that despite there being challenges, they can be overcome, and the Adventist Church is a great place to make that happen. Learn more about this event and the possibilities that disabilities provide at www.gscsda. org/possibility.

Martin Fancher (left), Gulf States executive secretary and event organizer; “Chief” Soria; BY SHANE HOCHSTETLER Reid Soria; Jo Ann Soria; and Larry Evans gather together at the close of the event. Community Christian School Adds Pre-K Class hen the Community Chris- Indeed, the program is off to an excellent tian School board approved start with six eager students enrolled. W the addition of a pre-K class- One of those students enthusiastically room for the 2019-20 school year, the proclaimed, “I don’t want to go home. faculty, staff, and volunteers knew that I love it here.” Ginny Perez, teacher, is they were in for a very busy summer in doing an excellent job, and she’s looking Meridian, Miss. And, a busy summer it forward to God’s continued blessings as was! First, they needed to find a local- this ministry begins to impact Meridian. ly-funded, part-time teacher. Next, while She states, “I am excited to spend each space wasn’t an issue, the 30x30 class- Ginny Perez (right) engages with day with these happy, energetic students room needed some minor carpentry and students during outdoor activity time. whose laughter is so contagious.” renovation. Finally, there was the task of In addition to Harmel, the leader- outfitting and decorating the classroom the pre-K classroom at the top of the ship team of the school includes Joy with all the fun stuff that makes for a prayer list. Marie Harmel, school admin- McElroy, board chairperson; Samuel great pre-K experience. istrator, reflects on the experience, “The Riemersma, pastor; and Michelle Seth, Throughout the spring and summer, room is adorable, and so are the students! principal/teacher. the Meridian Community Church joined Our heavenly Father opened the win- BY STAN HOBBS the effort as super prayer warriors, with dows of Heaven and met all our needs.”

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 25 kentuckytennesseenews

Victory Company Organized to Church Status n the summer of 2015, a group of members from the Madison Campus IChurch began a small mission group in the Donaldson/Hermitage area of east Nashville, Tenn. The commitment and vision of the group was to establish and grow God’s Kingdom in a previously unentered area of metro Nashville. The Hickory Bend United Methodist Church was rented for Sabbaths, and history was made. There had never been a Seventh- The sanctuary was full as Victory Children who were anxious to hear the Company was organized to church children’s story. day Adventist church in that area. The status. little group prayed for God’s guidance, and soon they became a company and continued to grow. Cantarutti, head elder, forward and pre- lo, I am with you always, even unto the Fast forward to November 2, 2019, sented the church with a beautiful plaque end of the world,” Matthew 28:19, 20. the Victory Company was officially or- that reads, “In Commemoration of Es- After worship, visitors and members ganized as Victory Church. tablishment of the Victory Seventh-day enjoyed a wonderful, healthy potluck Led by Victory quartet, the congre- Adventist Church on November 2, 2019, meal in the fellowship hall. A total of 130 gation sang with pride, “Joyful, Joyful, by the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference people joined the celebration as Victory We Adore Thee,” “Faith is the Victo- of Seventh-day Adventists.” became church number 101 in the Con- ry,” “Victory in Jesus,” and other songs. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, ference. Kieth Noll, Kentucky-Tennessee min- baptizing them in the name of the Father, isterial director, prepared to preach the and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

sermon, “Being the Church Christ In- Teaching them to observe all things BY STEVE VARRO tended Us to Be.” First, he called Alton whatsoever I have commanded you: and, Chelsea Inglish Commissioned to Gospel Ministry

helsea Inglish, Madison Cam- dent for administration, delivered a call she first felt God’s call to work with teen- pus Church (MCC) youth pas- to ministry. agers. Ctor, was commissioned into the Inglish began her official youth pastor Inglish graduated from Southern Gospel ministry in Madison, Tenn., ministry in 2015, but had been serving Adventist University (SAU) in 2010 on September 21, 2019. Doug Inglish, in youth ministry since 2003, when she with a degree in English and secondary her father, presented his daughter. began working at summer camp. During education. God soon opened a door for The message was given by Ken Wet- the summers, Inglish served at four dif- her to serve as a task force assistant more, MCC senior pastor, and Igna- ferent summer camps: Camp Heritage chaplain/youth pastor at Upper Columbia cio Silverio, MCC associate pastor. in Missouri; Timber Ridge Camp in In- Academy in Washington State with Ken Steve Haley, president of Kentucky- diana; Camp Wawona in California; and Wetmore. A few years later, Inglish began Tennessee Conference, gave the com- Camp Waianae in Hawaii. The camp serving as the full-time chaplain and missioning prayer, and Steve Rose, Ken- service added up to 10 summers. It was Bible teacher at Sacramento Adventist tucky-Tennessee Conference vice presi- while Inglish was a camp counselor that Academy in California. In 2015, she was

26 SOUTHERN TIDINGS | JANUARY 2020 kentuckytennesseenews PHOTO BY: MARK DENMAN BY: PHOTO Ken Wetmore (left), Madison Campus Church senior pastor; Steve Rose, Kentucky-Tennessee Conference vice president for administration; Chelsea Inglish, MCC youth pastor; Steve Haley, president of Kentucky-Tennessee Conference; Julie Vega, MCC chaplain pastor; and Ignacio Silverio, MCC associate pastor PHOTO BY: MARK DENMAN BY: PHOTO

Chelsea Inglish (center), Madison Campus youth pastor, stands with her parents, Doug Inglish, Rocky Mountain Conference planned giving and trust services director, and Susan Inglish, Rocky Mountain Conference accountant. called to serve at MCC as youth pastor. study while continuing to work as youth and spend their lives loving God, loving In 2016, Inglish began a master’s de- pastor at MCC. people, and serving the world. gree in religious studies at SAU. She Inglish’s greatest desire is that the BY DENISE POPE takes summer intensives that allow her to youth she serves fall in love with Jesus,

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 27 southeasternnews

Youth Spring Into Action in Aftermath of Hurricane Dorian PHOTO BY: PRINCE LEWIS BY: PHOTO After Hurricane Dorian, Prince Lewis, Southeastern Conference youth director, galvanized 20 missionaries on a mission trip from October 27 to November 3, 2019, the team was stationed in Freeport, Bahamas. More than 230 boxes and care pack- ages were distributed to families affected by the storm.

n the devastating aftermath of Hurri- community and those in dire need of sup- many continue to cope with the traumat- cane Dorian, the Southeastern Confer- plies. Toiletries, non-perishable goods, ic effects of the devastating storm. Ience took immediate action by spear- and essential commodities filled bins. Amid vast destruction, Southeast- heading relief efforts. As conditions More than 230 boxes and care packages ern provided a ray of joy and comfort stabilized on the affected islands of the were distributed to families affected by for those living in seemingly hopeless Bahamas, Prince Lewis, Southeastern the storm. conditions. From the worship services youth director, galvanized 20 missionar- Southeastern provided physical and to the care packages filled with love, ies on a mission trip. From October 27 spiritual enrichment. The group of mis- God’s grace was felt in a palpable way. to November 3, 2019, the team was sta- sionaries conducted Wednesday night Burdened with loss and a great desire tioned in Freeport, Bahamas, providing prayer meeting and Sabbath worship on to alleviate despair, Lewis and the team much needed aid and support. the island. Sabbath services were held at of missionaries were the hands and feet Urgently, the Conference shipped Freeport Bahamas Church, where Lewis of Jesus, spreading hope and the Good seven containers of goods and supplies delivered the sermon. A week of prayer News of the Gospel. to the region. For three days the team followed at the Grand Bahama Academy. worked at a local warehouse, unloading During school hours, sessions were led containers from trucks and sorting items by Alex Madrid, campus minister. Coun- for distribution. Committed volunteers seling services were also made available BY DANIELA JEAN packed food and water for the church for church and academy members, as

28 SOUTHERN TIDINGS | JANUARY 2020 southeasternnews

Hispanic Evangelism 2019 Brings Individuals to Jesus PHOTO BY: NOEL GRANT BY: PHOTO From the south to the north, throughout the state of Florida, the impact of the Gospel with a Christ-centered message of hope, restoration, and wholeness made a difference in the lives of 150 people who surrendered to Jesus through baptism.

et 19 was the Southeastern Con- were revived as the Good News of salva- the south to the north, throughout the ference’s evangelistic initiative tion was shared. state of Florida, the impact of the Gospel Nto reach communities through The follow-up evangelistic project, with a Christ-centered message of hope, social media. This was the third effort in under the direction of the Southern restoration, and wholeness made a differ- the Hispanic ministries evangelism strat- Union, was Special Forces. Leaders were ence in the lives of 150 people who sur- egy for the year 2019, which was pro- trained, and small groups were organized rendered to Jesus through baptism. moted as the Year of Evangelism. in preparation for Net 19. The Conference praises the Lord for The first evangelistic crusade for 2019 Net 19 was the last evangelistic effort, His amazing grace and great faithful- was a combined effort between Oakwood held October 12-19, 2019. An interna- ness, and commends the leaders for their University and Southeastern Conference tional evangelist, Julio Chazarreta, pas- vision of a mission-driven Conference. Hispanic ministries. Theology students tor and marketing director for El Cen- They are thankful for the unwavering and professors from Oakwood came to tinela, the Pacific Press magazine for the support as they continue to strive togeth- the territory to join Southeastern pastors Hispanic community in North America, er to advance God’s Kingdom. in the endeavor. The Lord blessed their was the speaker chosen by the Southern BY ROGER ALVAREZ efforts, and churches and communities Union for this evangelistic project. From

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 29 southernadventistuniversitynews

Southern Introduces New Mission, Vision, Values

David Smith, Ph.D., president of Southern Adventist University, welcomes new students with a smile and the offer of home- made cookies.

ver the course of 2019, the lead- • Invite students into a saving rela- • Pursue excellence ership of Southern Adventist tionship with Jesus • Exercise responsible stewardship OUniversity worked to revise the • Inspire each student to engage University’s official mission, vision, and with God’s Church and the world Offer an Exceptional Learning values. A vote by the University’s Board through service and witness Experience of Trustees on October 6, 2019, finalized • Provide each student with an “These new statements define the heart the new statements: exceptional learning experience of who and what we are as an institution that equips them to thrive in a fluid, and also who and what we plan to be in The Mission global job market the future,” said David Smith, Ph.D., Grounded in Jesus Christ and dedicat- president of Southern Adventist Univer- ed to the beliefs of the Seventh-day Ad- Core Values sity. “Our goal is to clearly express, par- ventist Church, we equip students to em- As Southern Adventist University em- ticularly to our employees, what we ex- brace biblical truth, embody academic ployees, we: pect from their service, as well as sharing and professional excellence, and pursue • Embrace a Seventh-day Adventist with our students and constituents what Spirit-filled lives of service. worldview and Fundamental Beliefs we expect to deliver.” • Love others as God loves them The Vision • Act with integrity Southern Adventist University’s vision is to: • Live prayerfully

• Model the love of Jesus in every • Serve others generously BY STAFF WRITER interaction • Follow God’s calling

30 SOUTHERN TIDINGS | JANUARY 2020 southernadventistuniversitynews

Student Credits God With Marathon Pace PHOTO BY: GEORGIA-CUMBERLAND CONFERENCE GEORGIA-CUMBERLAND BY: PHOTO John Kent placed third overall in his first-ever marathon, giving credit to God for the inspiration and strength.

ohn Kent, a freshman theology ma- Kent said. others. He and I ran it together.” jor at Southern, placed third over- While he did not do any special train- Kent says his inspiration comes from Jall in the 7 Bridges Marathon in ing for the event, Kent felt that God in- the concept in the Bible of running the Chattanooga, Tenn., which is sponsored directly prepared him through his usual race, particularly Isaiah 40:31 NKJV: by the Georgia-Cumberland Conference. runs. Without fully realizing it, he found “But those who wait on the Lord shall This was his first marathon. himself closer to the front of the race renew their strength; they shall mount For Kent, running is as much a spir- than he had expected, finishing with a up with wings like eagles, they shall run itual exercise as it is a physical one. In time of 2:57:44. and not be weary, they shall walk and not addition to being a hobby, it is also time “When I was running the marathon, I faint”. he spends with God in prayer. Initially he felt this energy and strength that I have only signed up for the half-marathon, but never felt before,” he explained. “I did couldn’t get the idea of running the full feel tired near the end of the race, but marathon out of his head. even then, I knew that I could finish “It was like God was saying ‘Why strong. I thank God, because He gave me not the marathon, John?’ It was as if He that energy and strength. I was running BY RACHEL BEAVER wanted to run the full race with me,” for God’s glory, not for a medal or to beat

JANUARY 20120 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 31 adventhealthuniversitynews


Chaplain Nieshe Steinke (left) and Attendees of the First Friday Faithful bow their heads in prayer, including Reynold part-time chaplain and AHU alumna Acosta (front left), chaplain, and Edwin Hernandez, Ph.D. (front center), AHU Karen Razon lead a song of worship for president, along with other professors and staff members. the First Friday Faithful gathering.

dventHealth University (AHU) coordinator Jennifer Galeana, followed ministry. “And they continued daily with serves an engaged student body by a devotional from a staff or faculty one accord in the temple and house to house Aof more than 1,600 individuals. member volunteer, and group prayer. ... with gladness and singleness of heart,” Regular mission-focused events for them The topics have been rich with per- Acts 2:46. There is a different type of en- include a weekly prayer breakfast, Sab- sonal and touching experiences, such as gagement when groups outside of large bath worship services in the dormitory, dealing with the illness or loss of a loved church fellowship meet together in His and monthly mid-day worship services. one, applying God’s encompassing love name. This personal, intimate time among However, the need for spiritual growth to one’s earthly parenting, and preparing colleagues with God is an opportunity for avenues for faculty and staff was appar- for a new trimester through God’s prom- spiritual growth. William Boekestein, in ent on campus. ises in His Word. The opportunities for his article on the benefits of group worship, In the fall of 2018, a new initiative was employees to share in this experience is indicates that without small group minis- started to ensure that campus employees enhancing the spiritual life on campus. try, it is difficult for the Christian to reflect also had opportunities to gather and Marie Smith, clinical coordinator in the God’s ideal of community. share their faith. With the assistance of Imaging Sciences Department, feels that “For where two or three are gathered Reynold Acosta, chaplain, First Friday’s it benefits her by giving “a Friday morn- together in my name, there am I in the Faithful was launched in the campus ing boost of inspiration and encourage- midst of them,” Matthew 18:20. God is chapel on the first Friday of every month. ment.” She states that “listening to others blessing the monthly worship services, This early morning worship service share something that has deep meaning whether a few attend or the room is full. has provided a monthly expression to them also reminds me that we are in Connections are made, prayer requests are of song, faith, prayer, and support for this big world together and can lean on heard, and there is a positive start to the faculty and staff. Music is supplied each other when in need.” day on First Fridays Faithful at AHU. by students, alumna and occupational The small group campus ministry is an BY SANDRA DUNBAR-SMALLEY, D.P.A. therapist Karen Razon, or student life extension of biblical examples of “house”

32 SOUTHERN TIDINGS | JANUARY 2020 Donating to God’s Work

M to care for him. Because of this, he recently moved to an assisted living facility for the elderly. He has a robust, strong faith in the Lord, and wants to do all he can to benefit His work.

Mr. Davis asked to meet with his Southeastern Conference Planned Giving Director and decided to donate his home and let the Conference sell it and use the funds to further God’s work.

To learn how you can donate your assets to God’s work, contact your local Planned Giving and Trust Services Representative.

Carolina Rick Hutchinson (704) 596-3200 Florida Kentucky-Tennessee Phil Bond (407) 644-5000 Silke Hubbard (615) 859-1391 Georgia-Cumberland Oakwood University South Central Ray Hartwell (706) 629-7951 Lewis Jones (256) 726-7000 Robert Chandler (615) 226-6500 Gulf States South Atlantic Southeastern Southern Adventist University David Sigamani (334) 272-7493 Merkita Mosely (404) 792-0535 Juan Gonzalez (352) 735-3142 Carolyn Liers (423) 236-2818 SUSDAGift.org

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 33 advertisements

HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR ADVERTISING PositionsPOSITIONS Available AVAILABLE (1) Have your pastor or local church elder write “Approved” and his signature on the sheet of paper containing the advertisement, (2) write your name and address on the same sheet, (3) specify how many times the ad is to SOUTHERN ADVENTIST UNIVERSITY’S run, (4) send the approved ad to your conference office 6 weeks in advance of the publication date and (5) don’t School of Visual Art and Design seeks forget to enclose payment in full for each month the ad is to run. Make checks payable to SOUTHERN UNION. full-time professor of film production RATES: Southern Union: $40 for 20 words or less, including address. $45 for anything longer than to teach cinematography, lighting, 20 words up to 45 words. $1.30 per word beyond 45. Accepted as space is available. Ads may run in successive months as space permits. sound design, documentary directing, and producing. For full description and Southern Tidings makes every reasonable effort to screen all advertising, but in no case can the periodical qualifications please visit: southern.edu/ assume responsibility for advertisements appearing in its columns, or for typographical errors. jobs [1] top views $140,000, also non-view PropertyPROPERTY Available AVAILABLE wooded lot nearby for family to build, SOUTHERN ADVENTIST UNIVERSITY too: 10 acres $50,000. Collegedale is seeking qualified candidates for SUMMIT RIDGE RETIREMENT mountain home on 10+ acres w/ the following positions: Teaching VILLAGE – An Adventist community flowing creek, 1 acre stocked pond Faculty- English and Teaching in a rural setting that offers affordable w/fish house, gazebo and large barn. 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JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 35 Southern Adventist University has resources just for you!

JOIN US ON CAMPUS Concerto Concert, January 26 This event showcases gifted young instrumentalists from across the region presenting solos alongside the university’s Symphony Orchestra. Held in the Collegedale Church of Seventh-day Adventists and beginning at 4 p.m., the event is free and open to all. It will also be live at southern.edu/streaming. ______Southern 6 Trail Race, February 23 Come participate in the 10th annual 6K run through wooded trails on Southern’s campus, open to anyone age 10 and older. For free registration, visit the Adventure Programs page at southern.edu/outdoor. ______From Script to Scripture Exhibit Southern’s on-campus Lynn H. Wood Archaeological Museum features a new exhibit—“From Script to Scripture.” Beginning January 15, come explore the history of the alphabet, the transition from scrolls to books, and the role of the written word—particularly the Bible—during the period of the Reformation and beyond. This exhibit features rare, original Bibles such as a copy of the 1611 King James Version, the Vulgate, and a translation by Martin Luther.

For more information, visit southern.edu/archaeology.

JOIN US ONLINE Southern’s weekly vespers programs, held in the Collegedale Church sanctuary, are broadcast live each Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. To view online, visit southern.edu/streaming. WE’LL COME TO YOU We have abundant resources representing numerous areas of expertise. Let Southern help when planning for guest speakers, workshops, music, and drama programs at your church or school. southern.edu/resourceguide

Visit Us Southern welcomes visitors all year long, and we invite you to come and experience our beautiful campus for yourself. If you know of someone looking to attend a Christian university, prospective students have several options for a scheduled visit to Southern. For more information, go online to southern.edu/visit. 1.800.SOUTHERN Collegedale, Tennessee Southern Adventist IMAGINE YOUR WORLD WITHOUT IT WWW.LIBERTYMAGAZINE.ORG University MOVING? has resources just for you! Need to change your address for Southern Tidings? Mail in the label from the back of your last Southern Tidings, or fill-in the information below and mail it to:



Concerto Concert, January 26 OLD ADDRESS: This event showcases gifted young instrumentalists from across the region presenting solos alongside the university’s Symphony Orchestra. Held in the Collegedale Church of Seventh-day Adventists and beginning at 4 p.m., the event is free and open to all. It will also be live at southern.edu/streaming. NEW ADDRESS: ______Southern 6 Trail Race, February 23 Come participate in the 10th annual 6K run through wooded trails on PHONE NUMBER: Southern’s campus, open to anyone age 10 and older. For free registration, visit the Adventure Programs page at southern.edu/outdoor. HOME CHURCH: ______From Script to Scripture Exhibit Southern’s on-campus Lynn H. Wood Archaeological Museum features a new exhibit—“From Script to Scripture.” Beginning January 15, come explore the history of the alphabet, the transition from scrolls to books, and the role of the Topics to Include: written word—particularly the Bible—during the period of the Reformation and beyond. This exhibit features rare, original Bibles such as a copy of the 1611 SINGLES King James Version, the Vulgate, and a translation by Martin Luther. SYMPOSIUM “How to Make For more information, visit southern.edu/archaeology. “MAKE THE DECISION TO BE ACTIVE” New Friends and Connect JOIN US ONLINE JULY 24-26, 2020 Southern Union Conference Using New Southern’s weekly vespers programs, held in the Collegedale Church sanctuary, 302 Research Drive, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 are broadcast live each Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. Comunication To view online, visit southern.edu/streaming. Skills”

WE’LL COME TO YOU “Living Single We have abundant resources representing numerous areas of expertise. Let Southern help when planning for guest speakers, workshops, music, and in drama programs at your church or school. southern.edu/resourceguide Today”

Visit Us More Information Southern welcomes visitors all year long, and we invite you to come and experience our to Come! beautiful campus for yourself. If you know of someone looking to attend a Christian university, prospective students have several options for a scheduled visit to Southern. For more information, go online to southern.edu/visit. 1.800.SOUTHERN Collegedale, Tennessee JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 37 eventscalendar

Acres, Naples. HISPANIC CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES RE- CAROLINA CAROLINA Feb. 9. East Pasco in Zephyrhills, Tam- GIONAL TRAININGS pa First, Brandon, West Coast Christian Jan. 25, 9 a.m. Southern Adventist Uni- AWAKEN YOUTH CONFERENCE – Feb. Academy in Bradenton, Sarasota, Port versity, Collegedale, TN. 1, 2. Sharon Church. Charlotte. Jan. 26, 9 a.m. Knoxville, TN. EVANGELISM IMPACT – Feb. 6-9. Myrtle Feb. 15. Florida Keys Camp Meeting at CLOSING THE GAP, COMMUNICATION Beach, SC. Big Pine Key. WORKSHOP – Jan. 26, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ROMANCE @ THE RANCH – Feb. 14-16. Feb. 23. Palm Coast, Palatka, St. Augus- The Carolina Conference communication NPR. tine, Orange Cove, Jacksonville South- team with Rebecca Carpenter, director, HISPANIC ROMANCE @ THE RANCH – point. (Southeastern Conference: Jack- and Courtney Herod, associate director, Feb. 21-23. NPR. sonville Ephesus.) is going to share what they’ve learned in VBS WORKSHOP – Feb. 23. Carolina March 1. Kendall, Miami Temple, Miami trying to close the gap between the Ad- Conference Office. Springs, Maranatha in Miami Gardens, ventist Church and the tech-driven people ALIVE YOUTH RALLY – March 7. Spar- Sunrise, Midport. of modern society. There will also be a tips tanburg, SC. WOMEN’S MINISTRIES RETREATS – and tricks section to be effective in your MPA SPRING BREAK / MISSION TRIP – Camp Kulaqua, 23400 NW 212th Ave., ministry. Registration is free, but if you March 12-22. High Springs. Theme: Dare to Share / want lunch, register by Jan. 21. Conference PATHFINDER WORK-BEE CAMPOUT – Atrévete a Compartir. Cost: depends on Office, Calhoun, GA. March 13-15. NPR. accommodation and meal choice. Infor- OASIS, A BIBLE CONFERENCE FOR HISPANIC CHILDREN’S WORKSHOP mation and registration: floridaconfer- ADVENTIST HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS – March 15. 10 a.m. Charlotte Spanish ence.com/wretreat (GRADES 9-12) WHO ARE NOT AT- Church. Jan. 31-Feb 2. English. Featured speaker: TENDING ADVENTIST SCHOOLS – COMMUNITY SERVICES RETREAT – Lola Moore Johnston. Jan. 31-Feb. 2. The speaker will be Luke March 20-22. NPR. Feb. 7-9. Spanish. Featured speaker: Eliz- Steen, youth pastor for the Marietta, GA, RE-GENERATE! CAROLINA SEEDS abeth Talbot. Church. The early bird deadline is Jan. 8, CONFERENCE – March 20, 21. Hender- MEN’S MINISTRIES CONVENTION – final deadline, Jan. 22. Cohutta Springs sonville. March 13-15. Camp Kulaqua, 23400 NW Youth Camp, Crandall, GA. COMMUNITY SERVICE BOARD MEET- 212th Ave., High Springs. Theme: Ready MASTER GUIDE LEADERSHIP CONVEN- ING – March 21, 22. NPR. for Take-off. Cost: depends on accom- TION – Feb. 1-2. Conference Office, Cal- ADULT SABBATH SCHOOL RETREAT – modation and meal choice. Featured houn, GA. March 27-29. NPR. speaker: Robert Stevenson. Registration: ELEMENTARY BAND AND STRINGS campkulaqua.com. FESTIVAL – Feb. 6, 7. Students in grades FLORIDA FLORIDA 5-8 (including home school students) GEORGIA-CUMBERLANDGEORGIA-CUMBERLAND who play a band instrument or a string COMPLETE CALENDAR ONLINE – flori- instrument are invited to participate. To daconference.com/events HISPANIC WOMEN MINISTRY LEADER- register, contact Mark Torsney at GCA A BETTER CHOICE / FLORIDA AD- SHIP CONVENTION – Jan. 12. Conference at 706-625- 7138 or mtorsney@gccs- VENTIST BOOK CENTER – Altamonte Office, Calhoun, GA. da.com. To order music, contact Shei- Springs: 407-644-4255. High Springs: PATHFINDER TLT CONVENTION – Jan. la Flores at the Georgia-Cumberland 386-454-7956. Shop online: floridacon- 17-19. Cohutta Springs Youth Camp, Cran- Conference at 706-629-7951, x372 or ference.com/abc or order by e-mail: Flor- dall, GA. [email protected]. [email protected] HISPANIC CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES’ CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES CONVENTION FLORIDA ADVENTIST BOOK CENTER REGIONAL TRAININGS – Jan. 18, 9 a.m. – Feb. 7-9. Cohutta Springs Conference EXPRESS DELIVERY SCHEDULE – Avoid Augusta Spanish-American Church, GA. Center, Crandall, GA. shipping costs by placing an ABC order HISPANIC CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES’ HISPANIC MEN’S MINISTRY LEADER- to be delivered to a scheduled location. REGIONAL TRAININGS – Jan. 19, 9 a.m. SHIP CONVENTION – Feb. 9. Conference Orders must be made by phone or e-mail Albany, GA. Office, Calhoun, GA. before noon on the Thursday prior to a MOBILIZE, YOUNG ADULT CONFER- CHURCH TREASURER TRAINING SEMI- scheduled Sunday delivery. ENCE – Jan. 25. Helping churches attract, NAR – Feb. 9, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Southern Jan. 5. Deltona Spanish, Daytona Beach, engage, and mobilize young adults for the Adventist University, Collegedale, TN. New Smyrna Beach, Titusville, Cocoa, Kingdom. Register by Jan. 15. Conference PATHFINDER TEEN EVENT – Feb. 14-16. Fort Pierce. (Southeastern Conference: Office, Calhoun, GA. Cohutta Springs Youth Camp, Crandall, Palm Bay.) MIDTERM REPORTS — Hear reports on GA. Jan. 12. Inverness, Homosassa, Brooks- what is happening in your Conference, PRAYER CONFERENCE – Feb. 14-16. The ville, Spring Hill, New Port Richey, Clear- and ask questions of administration. speaker will be Derek Morris, president of water, St. Petersburg. Midterm Report sessions are open to ev- . Cohutta Springs Confer- Jan. 19. Leesburg, Lady Lake, Ocala, Per- eryone, and offered in several locations. ence Center, Crandall, GA. ry, Tallahassee. –Jan. 11, 4 p.m., at the Atlanta Korean HISPANIC CHURCH TREASURER Jan. 26. West Palm Beach First, Pompa- Church, Duluth, Ga.; Jan. 25, 4 p.m., at the TRAINING SEMINAR – Feb. 16, 9 a.m. no Beach, Margate, Ambassador in Lau- North Knoxville Church, Knoxville, Tenn.; to 5 p.m. Southern Adventist University, derdale Lakes, Plantation. (Southeastern Feb. 1, 4 p.m., at the Bowman Hills Church Collegedale, TN. Conference: Port St. Lucie) in Cleveland, Tenn.; and Feb. 8, 4 p.m., Register for events on the conference Feb. 2. Kissimmee, Winter Haven, Avon at the Georgia-Cumberland Academy website, www.gccsda.com. Park, Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Lehigh Church in Calhoun, GA.

38 SOUTHERN TIDINGS | JANUARY 2020 eventscalendar

mation, email [email protected] or visit Black. Enjoy a sumptuous fellowship din- GULF STATESGULF STATES southern.edu/preview. ner, we would not be comfortable having CONCERTO CONCERT – Jan. 26. This you to attend the concert Sabbath after- TEEN INVITATIONAL: CAVING – Jan. event begins at 4 p.m. and showcas- noon / evening on an empty stomach. It 31.Tumbling Rock Cave, Fackler, AL. www. es gifted young instrumentalists from would be our pleasure to have you pre- gscsda.org/youth-ministry-events. across the region who auditioned and sented during this august occasion. REFLECTIONS ON THE GOSPEL-PEN- were chosen to present solos alongside SACOLA – Jan. 31-Feb. 1. University Park- the University’s full Symphony Orches- UNION COLLEGE HOMECOMING – April way Church. Do we have an understanding tra. Held in the Collegedale Church, the 2-5. Honor classes are 1950, 1960, 1965, of the Gospel that goes beyond our kinder- event is free and open to the public. It will 1970, 1980, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2010. For garten instruction? Presented by Elder Brian also be broadcast live at southern.edu/ more information, contact the alumni office Danese. www.gscsda.org/gospel. streaming. at 401-486-2503, 3800 S. 48th St., Lincoln, THE SPIRIT-FILLED SABBATH SCHOOL SCHOOL OF MUSIC POPS CONCERT – NE 68506, or [email protected]. TRAINING EVENT – Jan. 31-Feb 2. Camp Feb. 15. Southern’s Wind Symphony, Jazz Alamisco. Features training for adult teach- Ensemble, Steel Drum Ensemble, and SINGLES: Bible study, hikes, socials, ban- ers, as well as children’s instructors in both Ringtones handbell choir will perform in quets, retreats, bowling, cooking class, English and Spanish. Guest presenter La- concert at 8 p.m. in Ackerman Auditori- and more! Check out the Calendar of Verne A. Barnett. Learn more at www. um. Admission is free. For more informa- Events at www.gccsda.com/singles-min- gscsda.org/sstraining. tion, visit southern.edu/musicevents or istries/home. ADVENTURER FAMILY FUN DAY – Feb. contact 423-236-2880. 16. Camp Alamisco. This is a day of fun for IT IS WRITTEN CHILDREN’S APP – It Is the whole family! Activities, learning about Written’s “My Place With Jesus” is excit- Jesus, games, and a parade! www.gscsda. ANNOUNCEMENTS ed to introduce a brand new mobile app org/youth-ministry-events. designed to help children learn about Je- Battleship Lock In – Feb. 29, Mobile, AL. ELIM CHURCH CELEBRATES 100TH AN- sus and the Bible in a fun and interactive Boys only, ages 10 and up! Spend one night NIVERSARY – March 28. way. Players can customize their charac- on the USS Alabama. www.gscsda.org/ All are invited to this very special once in a ter, enjoy fun Bible lessons, hang out in youth-ministry-events. century event. Please, clear your calendar the tree house with friends, earn badges TEEN INVITATIONAL: BACKPACKING – of any scheduling assigned for this time; for their backpacks, gather collectibles March 6-8. www.gscsda.org/youth-min- Save the Date!!! You would be doing your- that unlock fun mini-games, and so much istry-events. self and us a disservice by not being here. more! Explore a world of fun and learning BASS MEMORIAL ACADEMY ALUMNI Address: 4824 Second Avenue South, St. with “My Place With Jesus!” Download it WEEKEND – March 27-29. www.gscsda. Petersburg, FL 33711 (the Sunshine City). now free. Available for both Android and org/events. Call: 727-350-3531 or www. elimfl.adven- iOS devices. Details: Cassie Matchim Her- tistchurch.org. Sabbath School – 9:15 a.m. nandez, Development Assistant, 423-62- KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE Divine Worship Service – 11:00 a.m. Guest 5827. KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE speaker: U.S. Senate Chaplain Dr. Barry C. PASTORS’ MEETINGS – Jan. 20, 21. Indi- an Creek Camp. ACROFEST – Jan. 30-Feb. 1. Highland Academy. EVANGELISM BOOT CAMP – Feb. 7-9. SUNSET Indian Creek Camp. JAN 3 JAN 10 JAN 17 JAN 24 JAN 31 FEB 7 7UP CAMP – Feb. 14-16. Indian Creek Camp. ATLANTA, GA 5:41 5:47 5:54 6:00 6:07 6:14 HIGHLAND ACADEMY BOARD – FEB. CHARLESTON, SC 5:26 5:31 5:38 5:44 5:51 5:58 27. HIGHLAND ACADEMY. CHARLOTTE, NC 5:23 5:29 5:36 5:43 5:50 5:58 CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES CERTIFICA- COLLEGEDALE, TN 5:41 5:47 5:53 6:00 6:08 6:15 Feb. 28, 29. TION/VBX TRAINING – HUNTSVILLE, AL Highland Academy. 4:48 4:54 5:00 5:07 5:14 5:21 KYTN MUSIC FESTIVAL – March 5-7. JACKSON, MS 5:08 5:14 5:20 5:26 5:33 5:39 Highland Academy. LOUISVILLE, KY 5:35 5:41 5:49 5:56 6:04 6:12 EASTERN KENTUCKY CAMP MEETING – MEMPHIS, TN 5:00 5:07 5:13 5:20 5:27 5:35 March 13, 14. Prestonsburg, KY. MIAMI, FL 10:04 5:47 5:53 5:58 6:03 6:08 March MEMPHIS FESTIVAL OF FAITH – MONTGOMERY, AL 27, 28. Memphis, TN. 4:52 4:58 5:04 5:11 5:17 5:24 NASHVILLE, TN 4:45 4;51 4:58 5:05 5:12 5:20 SOUTHERNSOUTHERN ADVENTIST ADVENTIST UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY ORLANDO, FL 5:41 5:47 5:52 5:58 6:04 6:09 TAMPA, FL 5:47 5:52 5:58 6:03 6:09 6:15 PREVIEWSOUTHERN – Jan. 17. Students WILMINGTON, NC 5:14 5:20 5:27 5:34 5:41 5:47 are invited to take a campus tour, discuss majors with professors, find out about scholarship options, and enjoy a fun ac- tivity in Chattanooga. For more infor-

JANUARY 2020 | SOUTHERN TIDINGS 39 NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID COLLEGE PRESS Southern Union Conference P.O. Box 923868 Peachtree Corners, GA 30010

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