Alexey Kudin is a multiple world champion in Lukashenko is the first and only person in the Muay Thai and kickboxing, as well as a prominent office, who has been in power for over 26 years. MMA fighter from Maladzyechna, Region, His regime is dubbed “The Last Dictatorship in Belarus. For over 15 years he has proudly repre- Europe’’, where freedom of speech is a myth, po- sented his country on the world’s arena, making litical opponents get jailed or disappear with no the national flag raised up high, and having the trace, where anyone with the opposite to the gov- national anthem played in his people’s honor. Re- ernment opinion is subjected to repressions, in- cently, father of 5 has become one of more than cluding massive fines and time in jail, often equiv- 30,000 , who have been unlawfully de- alent to torture. tained, beaten, tortured and imprisoned, follow- ing the 2020 Belarusian presidential election last August.

The official election result credited Alexander Lukashenko with 80% of the vote, and he was re-elected for the sixth term. The result was not recognized by the EU, neither by the United States, nor by other democratic countries.

BSSF – Support Us \ MMA and Kickboxing champion Alexey Kudin needs global solidarity WHAT HAPPENED TO ALEXEY KUDIN

In August 2020 Mr Kudin was among people who were peacefully protesting in the park in his From the hospital bed Mr Kudin was put in front hometown. The demonstrators were brutally at- of the camera. Appearing on National TV, he had tacked by special police and military units that to say that he had no claims against the police. used batons, grenades and rubber bullets. He was charged with fines and is facing many Being a trained heavyweight athlete Mr Kudin years of imprisonment. was forced to use his skills to protect others and self-defend. He managed to run away, but not far Awaiting the scheduled court hearing scheduled - already concussed, after being repeatedly hit by Mr Kudin was put under house arrest. Consider- police batons to the head, on the way to the hos- ing an almost zero percent of being found ‘not pital his car was stopped by special forces. He was guilty’, which would leave his wife and five kids brutally beaten, shot with rubber bullets in his with no support from the head of the family in the chest, and ended up in the lockup. foreseeable future, amid concern the athlete may be politically persecuted and tortured, the only Alexey Kudin spent hours in jail, bleeding and decision he could make was to flee the country. passing out. He was asking for medical attention, but received no response from the guards. The doctor, who was eventually called hours later, said that Alexey could have died due to severe blood loss from his badly injured hand.

BSSF – Support Us \ MMA and Kickboxing champion Alexey Kudin needs global solidarity 5 FACTS ABOUT A PERSON, EVEN IF YOU DON’T KNOW HIM PERSONALLY

Forget that he is an athlete. This is not the most important thing. Most important is that he is a human, husband, a father, a citizen and a patriot.

1.A LOVING HUSBAND 2.HAS 5 CHILDREN The fact that he is married means that He has two children of his own and three there is at least one person in the world adopted children. This means that he is a who 100% trusts him, is devoted to him, and person who cares about others, sets an ex- he is devoted to them, and together they ample, educates a new generation, which are a big loving family. They have 5 children. is the future of the nation. Most people Not everyone these days is lucky enough only have one child, as it is really difficult to meet someone and stay together for life to raise. He has 5 kids and is the head of a and support each other in good, and most family that not everyone can become. importantly, in difficult times.

3.CITIZEN 4.THE PATRIOT The fact that he defended unarmed civil- The fact that he was in a square where ians and innocent people in the square people were peacefully protesting against from the violence and brutality of the po- electoral fraud means that, like millions lice makes him a real hero and a neighbor of others, he really wants the best for his that everyone would like to live next to. country, where no one is above the law, where the elderly do not live in poverty, where the common worker earns enough to travel the world, where teachers, doc- 5.AN EXAMPLE FOR OTHERS tors, businessmen, journalists and rep- resentatives of all other professions are In addition to the above, the fact that he equally respected, and where the police is a world champion means that he is a officer is not an enemy, but a friend, where purposeful person who achieves his goals. everyone is equal and where freedom of However, it is important to note that being speech is a natural right of everyone. an athlete is just a job. Someone works in an office, someone on a construction site. Becoming a world-class athlete means As for martial arts - first of all, martial achieving a certain level of success, just as arts teach discipline and respect, where when a small factory becomes able to sell the stronger must support the weaker. its products around the world. Everyone Exactly what he showed when he pro- can (and perhaps should) take this as an tected others from police brutality. example. HOW IS IT NOW WHAT CAN BE DONE

Mr Kudin managed to escape to , Russia, Every athlete around the world can help raise where he spent several weeks. He was recently awareness by posting a message on social media detained by Russian police and is subjected to in support of Alexey Kudin and against his extra- extradition to Belarus. Upon return, he is facing dition from Russia to Belarus. multiple charges and many years of life behind bars. Besides that, you can support Alexey by taking part in a flash mob - record a video, where you say Taking into consideration the fact that no crime some words expressing solidarity, post it on your has been committed by Alexey Kudin in first social media with a hashtag #закудина place, the sports community of Belarus and Rus- (#forkudin) and mention @sos_by_2020 on Insta- sia call for action to stop the extradition. Over 300 gram. athletes have signed the Open Letter asking the prosecutor to not extradite Alexey Kudin from Belarusians are in great need of support today so Russia to Belarus. that tomorrow we can finally be free!

Fearing for his life and future of his family, and af- ter being previously brutalized by Belarusian po- lice, Mr Kudin asked Russia for a political asylum.

BSSF – Support Us \ MMA and Kickboxing champion Alexey Kudin needs global solidarity Contact Us

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Photos:,, fightnight, personal archives.