Sporting Life," and J
Vol. 58-No. 6 Philadelphia, October 14, 1911 Price 5 Cents THE WORLD©S SERIES! The AthleticTeam, of the American League, Winner of the Supreme Title in 1910, to Engage in the 1911 Battle for the Championship of the World with the New Yorks, Champions of National League. BY FRANCIS 0. RICHTER. coin for decision as to where the first gun* HEN the next issue of "Sporting should be played started the proceedings at Life" goes to press the great se the meeting of the National Commission. ries for the Championship of the MAJOR LEAGUE CHAMPION MANAGERS. New York won the toss, thus retting the World between the Athletic team, opening game. The Commission then selected champions of the American Saturday, October 14, for the tret fane, and League, present holder of the adopted the following* for the series: World©s Championship title and Saturday, October 14, New York; Monday, the New York team, champions of the National October 16, Philadelphia; Tuesday, October League, will be under way. The series will 17, New York; Wednesday, October 18, Phila be played for the seventh time, under the supervision of the National Commission, with delphia; Thursday, October 19, New York: conditions just and fair to the two leagues Friday, October 20, Philadelphia. Th» series which have so much at stake, and to the continues until one club has won fonr games. players who are engaged in the crowning In case a seventh game is needed to decide event of the 1911 season. These conditions the winner, the Commission, will determine are also, designed to keep the series abso the grounds on which it shall be played.
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