Connecticut Daily Campus L Serving Stqrrs Since 1896
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Connecticut Daily Campus l Serving StQrrs Since 1896 VOL. CXVI, NO. 63 STOURS, CONNECTICUT FRIDAY, JAM A1U I. 11)63 Seniors, Meet Your Co-Chairmen Proposed Tuition Fee Opposed By Senate The Student Senate decided to the richest in the country and adding further- expenses. take a stand "unalterably op- financially capable. Whereas w« believe the state posed to the creation of a tuition Whereas one third of those who university is to educate the citi- fee at this university," and "un- enter college are unable to finish zens of the state on a non-d >- alterably opposed to any increase because of finances. criminate basis, and that the mi- in state controlled fees." Whereas with any children of nority groups of the state in a Senators Fred Wallace (ISO) factory workers only 15 per cent vast majority fall Into lower in- and Brian Steinberg (ISOi had are able to graduate because ol come brackets brought up the proposition in the financial reasons. Whereas tuition is a Charge for form of a special motion. The mo- Whereas the time- reqiure a instruction and we believe ii is tion reads as follows: college level education for ad- Whereas we believe the object ' the state's duty ,o cover this vancement in our society in most I charge to maintain eqtral oppor- of a state university is to educate cases. tunity. its citizens and discriminate qual- Whereas more and more furth- BEVERLY KI'OKi- itatively and not financially. BK IT RESOLVED THAT the er degrees are required beyond Student Senate of ihe University Whereas this .suite Is one of the bachelor of Arts and Sciences, ' of Connecticut stands unalterably j opposed to the creation of a tui- 1963 Senior Week ! tion fee at t•>•— univet sity Be it further resolved thai the New List of Candidates Student Senate of the Unlvi of Connecticut stands unalter- ably opposed to any increas Chairmen Selected state-controlled fee. Sheila Christie, president of the; USA. and a member of ArChons. Announced Yesterday Be it further resolved that this Class of 1963, has announced tin Medciros is an Air Force vet be communicated to: The Govern- selection of Beverly Ruoff and eran who makes his home in Wil- Senator Robert Caldcr (USA' David Combie (ISOi. Sid Wain or of the state, the Pres'dei I if Al Medeiros as co-chairmen of limantic with his wife and thei . announced yesterday the revised man (USA). the University, all members of Senior Week 1963. two children. I list of candidates for class offi- Junior Class the Board ot Trustees, all mem- In making the announcement 'cers. Sen. Caldcr. chairman of the bers ot the State Legislature, and LOSS Cost Nominees for the Junior- Class Miss Christie stated that although Elections Committee, stated that to a majority of the Connecticut the choice was a difficult one. it Medciros has stated that new'some changes of the listing of Council arc as follows: President. newspapers. was felt that Miss Ruoff and methods of financing Senior candidates became necessarj James Gadarowski 'ISO,. Mike Senator Wallace pointed out to Medeiros were Hie best qualified Week arc being planned which when midsemesier marks came Levey (USA. replacing Walter the Senate that it was important wi r sul1 candidates on the basis'ofof pre-l " ? '" less cost to Hie Stu- out, disqualifying a few candi- Twaetman); Vice President, for the organization to take a vious experience. Although there , »enat- as well as to Individ- dates. George Appleby (USA). Peter stand now. since the Connecticut was no actual selection commit- ual students He was quick to Twachtinun Declines Balesano (ISO,: Secretary, Bei- Legislature would be convening tee, the officers of the Class of meani^ESSl "If "'•"• H However, this was no, the only sey Caye (USA), Lu Langlv within the next few weeks, 1963 along with the co-chairmen«•I $an„f (^c,,oaso m *»activities, reason why ao m e nominees (ISO); Treasurer. Miss Nancy The motion was passed by a of last year's Senior Week tooMtnZwJ P'^ P'an '° 'HdroPIHHl OUt of lire running. Wal- Miller (ISO,. Steve Reiima'n vote of 14 for. 0 against and 3 part in the decision. t re bigger enter.amment names ter Twactman. previous Candida,,. 'USA, replacing Mike Levey). abstentions. Active Senior I he said "'""amZP<1 acttvlt,e8- '« Junior Class President in .he 'United Students Associations Beverly Ruoff Is a senior ma-j parly, gave his reasons for do, Joiing in Fashion Design and Ad-; T J /->f ■-» continuing: "Due to my recent vertising in the School of Home|*-'C©fWI C/1056H t Or appointment as National Student Economics, and is a sister of Kap-j Association coordinator for the pa Gamma. In her fou University of Connecticut, I feel campus Miss Ruoff hasas K £ Television Program that I would noi be able to meet tive in campus politics. She has, Tno the responsibilities of both these been a member of the United University of Connecticut positions and thai of president o, Students Association executive has been selected by Hie Boston the Junior Class Council, i also board for four years and has Symphony Orchestra for the film- feel that, with ,he pressures of been, v,ce-pres,den, of the us.\ |„g of a National Educational final exams coming up, 1 would for the pas, year. She has been Television program entitled "The not be able to campaign to the • class council membertot four Boston Symphony Orchestra on ex,en, that I would like ,o and years and is currently the secre-|Tour." which the USA party deserves." lary of the Young Republicans Press Planning The tinal list of candidates Is on campus. Miss Ruoff has served; as follows : On the Freshman Constitution This program lias been planned Senior (las.. Committee, the Winter Weekend by the press and public relations Committee, and as chairman of division of ihe Boston Symphony For the Senior Class Council: the Junior Prom. Orchestra and the staff of NET President, Mike Julian (ISO), Daniel Zucchi (USA); Vice Presi- Sorority Offices station, WGBH in Boston, and will be filmed by the University of Con- dent, James dabby (USA). Dale Miss Ruof s sorority offices in- necttcul Division of Kadi,, and Tele- ■ Ummmond (ISO); Secretary, Chanter Council. House vision, Donald Nelson, director, as-!£«** A,,Lson ,IS()1- Ca,h>- Comm l and Personal Committee Listed by Fred Curry and the dl Hawklwi (USA); and Treasurer. as well as Pledge Chairman, vision staff. Aside from her Ueonn activities! .. , _, /-* T T T« , a professional model for Thp „,„""' ""'\, , Upeil HoUSC lO Hanover Studios in Hartford an . I he film sequence will include. I Was named runner-up to Miss the arrival on campus ,,f ,he or- Connecticut in the World Beautv chestra equipment by truck: the Pageant held in Milford. personnel in buses; the audience Be Held Sunday Finance Major arrival in the Auditorium; the or- Al Medeiros Is a senior In the chestra nine up, both off and on By Sororities School of Business Administration Stage; and the opening number- of majoring in Finance. An active the concert. Other- casual shots Delta Pi and Delta Zeta will, member- of campus politics. Me- will be made of Ihe orchestra |ier- hold Open House on Sunday, dciros has been a student sena- sonriel at dinner, behind the scenes January 6. from 3-4:30 p.m. tor, vice-president of the Asso- on slage, and of Dr. Leinsdoi T in These sororities will complete ciated Student Government and ihe Green Room, as well as the a semester Ions Open House pro- Vice-president of the Young Re- audience in the Auditorium. gram Ihat was designed especial- ly for new Ueonn women s,u- publicans. He has also served as denls Circulation Manager of the Dally Wild this program all Inter- Campus, co-chairman of Students esied freshmen and upperclass For Alsop. and was a member of Interviews women are provided With an op- President Jorgensen's Special jportunlty io meet the girls in each Study Committee. Junior Prom chuiriiiHii in- terviews will be held next of the eight SOrOritiM and BBS Still Active what each respective sorority At the present time. Medeiros week. All interested Juniors ure reminded to sign up ut house is like before the formal ERICH LEINSDORF the, director ,.f ti*. «<„(..„ s.vm- is a cadet Major In the AFROTC. rush period. The program has sfcnay Orehestn which will perform in the Albert \ forgFaam Advertising Manager of the Daily the control desk of the Stu- been planned ,o acquaint ihe new Auditorium Monday night al K:I.V Ti.-k.-l> f-r the concert ara rumpus. President of the Young dent I in.HI students with sororitj lite, its slill available and may be iMir.-has.-d ut II.,- Auditorium ticket Republicans, vice-president ol the ideals and purposes. | affice. ' PAGE TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1963 Connecticut Washington Merry - Go - Round By Drew Pearson Daily Campus To The- EdKor: not doing the thing for the students; Students forget that their delegates are Welcome back to the security, sanctity are only representative of themselves. and safety of the lovely Storrs campus. Students are afraid to think about the You say you're not glad to be back? Sure- future and are conservatives and want FRIDAY, JANUAPvY 4, 1963 ly you look back upon those frolic-filled only the security of the status quo. Color days of vacation with pangs of nostalgia the status quo doomed. and perhaps hysteria! Yes, you might miss This is the future of the students.