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Sociology 2010 Books for Courses PENGUIN GROUP (USA) Sociology 2010 Books for Courses Here is a round-up of Penguin Group (USA)’s great selection of Sociology titles. Click on the 13-digit ISBN to get more information on each title. • Examination and personal copy forms are available at the back of the catalog. • For personal service, adoption assistance, and complimentary exam copies, sign up for our College Faculty Info Service at 2 • TABLE OF CONTENTS table of Contents CULTURE AND SOCIETY ..........................3 POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY ........................37 SoCIAl PSyCHoloGy .............................3 soCIAl tHEory ....................................37 antHroPoloGy ....................................6 CHArlES DArWIN ............................37 NAtIVE AMErICAN .............................7 KArl MArx .......................................39 rElIGIoN ..............................................10 AMErICAN CULTUrE & PolItICS .............40 SEx & GENDEr ......................................11 tHE DEMoCrACy WoMEN’S StUDIES ..........................11 moVEMENt WorlDWIDE ......................42 QUEEr StUDIES ................................13 war & ItS CoNSEQUENCES .................43 THE FAMILY ............................................14 tHE MoVEMENt oF PEoPlES .................46 MArrIAGE ........................................14 REFERENCE ..........................................48 media & tECHNoloGy ........................15 INDEX .................................................49 orGANIzAtIoNS & occupatIoNS .......18 COLLEGE FACULTY enviroNMENt & UrBAN StUDIES .........20 INFORMATION SERVICE .......................54 sportS, FIlM, & MUSIC ..........................22 SCHOOL & PERSONAL COPIES SOCIAL PROBLEMS ..............................24 ORDER FORM ......................................56 rACE rElAtIoNS ...................................24 EXAMINATION COPY ORDER FORM .....57 poVErty ...............................................27 educatIoN ..........................................29 For related titles, please see our Psychology, crIME, law, & DEVIANCE ......................30 Women’s Studies, Religion, and Political healtH ..................................................32 Science catalogs, available for download at FooD ..............................................34 alCoHol & DrUGS ...............................36 Cover photo: Corbis Cover Design: Evan Gaffney SOCIOLOGY 2010 • PENGUIN GROUP (USA) f denotes new or forthcoming title CULTURE AND SOCIETY: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY • 3 Richard P. Bentall SOCIAL MADNESS EXPLAINED Psychosis and Human Nature PSYCHOLOGY Argues that severe mental disorder can no longer be reduced to brain chemistry, but must be understood psychologically, as part Nancy C. Andreasen of normal behavior and human nature. THE CREATIVE BRAIN “Demystifies psychosis and restores the The Science of Genius patient to a proper place with the rest of Proposes that, due to enriched connections humankind.”—Aaron T. Beck, University of between certain areas of the brain, geniuses Pennsylvania. are able to tap into the unconscious mind in Penguin UK • 656 pp. • 978-0-14-027540-7 • $20.00 ways that most of us can’t. Plume • 224 pp. • 978-0-452-28781-5 • $15.00 Deborah Blum GHOST HUNTERS Susanne Antonetta William James and the Search for A MIND APART Jonathan Engel Scientific Proof of Life After Death f AMERICAN THERAPY Travels in a Neurodiverse World “Shows how and why many British and Amer- The Rise of Psychotherapy Antonetta draws on her personal experience ican intellectuals ended up on a fruitless but in the United States with manic depression, as well as interviews determined hunt for ghosts.”—The New York Starting with Freud, this history moves through with people who have other “neuroatypical” Times Book Review. group therapy, psychosurgery, Gestalt, rebirth- conditions, to construct a portrait of how the Penguin • 384 pp. • 978-0-14-303895-5 • $16.00 world shapes itself in minds that are pro- ing, and primal scream therapy, and concludes foundly different from the norm. with psychopharmacology, cognitive-behav- Tarcher • 288 pp. • 978-1-58542-518-1 • $14.95 Antonio Damasio ioral therapy, and highly targeted short-term DESCARTES’ ERROR therapies. “[Engel’s] conflicting view of Freud- Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain ianism [is] well worth absorbing.”—The New A series of case studies demonstrates what York Times Book Review. many of us have long suspected: emotions are Gotham • 368 pp. • 978-1-59240-491-9 • $16.00 not a luxury, they are essential to rational thinking and to normal social behavior. “A Joshua Foer passionately erudite, penetrating tour through f MOONWALKING WITH EINSTEIN the human mind.”—San Francisco Chronicle. The Art and Science Penguin • 336 pp. • 978-0-14-303622-7 • $15.00 of Remembering Everything The author’s journey from chronically forget- Norman Doidge, M.D. ful science journalist to United States Mem- THE BRAIN THAT CHANGES ITSELF ory Champion frames a revelatory explora- Stories of Personal Triumph tion of the vast, hidden impact of memory on from the Frontiers of Brain Science every aspect of our lives. “Mind-bending, miracle-making, reality- Penguin Press • 352 pp. • 978-1-59420-229-2 • $26.95 busting stuff.”—The New York Times. “A Available March 2011 remarkable and hopeful portrait of the endless adaptability of the human brain.”— Albert-László Barabási Sigmund Freud Oliver Sacks, author of The Mind’s Eye. f BURSTS THE PSYCHOLOGY OF LOVE Penguin • 432 pp. • 978-0-14-311310-2 • $16.00 The Hidden Pattern Translated by Shaun Whiteside Behind Everything We Do Introduction by Jeri Johnson “Brings a physicist’s penetrating eye to a sweep- Émile Durkheim Penguin Classics • 368 pp. • 978-0-14-243746-9 • $15.00 • For a full list of Sigmund Freud titles, please visit ing range of human activities…show[ing] how ON SUICIDE a pattern of bursts appears in what has long Translated by Robin Buss seemed a random mess. These bursts are both Introduction by Richard Sennett mathematically predictable and beautiful.”— Notes by Alexander Riley Sigmund Freud and Joseph Breuer Nicholas A. Christakis, M.D., Ph.D. “Barabasi is Durkheim was the first to suggest that suicide STUDIES IN HYSTERIA one of the few people in the world who under- might be as much a response to society as an Translated by Nicola Luckhurst stand the deep structure of empirical real- act of individual despair. When he looked at Introduction by Rachel Bowlby Penguin Classics • 368 pp. • 978-0-14-243749-0 • $16.00 ity.”—Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The social, religious, or racial groups that had high Black Swan. incidences of suicide, he discovered that abnor- Dutton • 272 pp. • 978-0-525-95160-5 • $26.95 mally high or low levels of social integration Winifred Gallagher See also: Linked, page 18 increase the likelihood of suicide. f RAPT: Attention and the Focused Life Penguin Classics • 480 pp. • 978-0-14-044967-9 • $16.00 The behavioral science writer argues that much of the quality of your life depends on what you choose to pay attention to. “[A] fas- For instructions on requesting permission to Go to to cinating discussion of how consciousness photocopy Penguin Group (USA) titles, for sign up for the Penguin Classics Newsletter, works.”—The Wall Street Journal. coursepacks and for general classroom use go Penguin • 256 pp. • 978-0-14-311690-5 • $15.00 to: or call the to get all the latest information on new Copyright Clearance Center at 978-750-8400. books for your courses. f denotes new or forthcoming title SOCIOLOGY 2010 • PENGUIN GROUP (USA) 4 • CULTURE AND SOCIETY: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Gerd Gigerenzer John Kay Alan S. Miller and Satoshi Kanazawa, Ph.D. GUT FEELINGS f OBLIQUITY WHY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE The Intelligence of the Unconscious Why Our Goals HAVE MORE DAUGHTERS Drawing on a decade of research at the Max Are Best Achieved Indirectly From Dating, Shopping, and Praying Plank Institute, the author explains why our A leading economist explains why we should to Watching Porn, Going to War, and intuition is such a powerful decision-making pursue our goals—in business, politics or Becoming A Billionaire—Two tool: it takes into account only the most useful personal life—indirectly and charts an inno- Evolutionary Psychologists bits of information. “Before his research, this vative, inspiring, “oblique” route to success Explain Why We Do What We Do was a topic dismissed as crazed superstition. and satisfaction. A lively look at how evolution shapes our Gigerenzer is able to show how aspects of Penguin Press • 224 pp. • 978-1-59420-278-0 • $25.95 behavior and our lives. “This accessible book intuition work and how ordinary people suc- Available April 2011 opens the youthful field of evolutionary psy- cessfully use it in modern life.”—The New chology wide for examination, with results York Times. Richard Layard often as disturbing as they are fascinating.”— Penguin • 304 pp. • 978-0-14-311376-8 • $15.00 Publishers Weekly. HAPPINESS Perigee • 256 pp. • 978-0-399-53453-9 • $14.95 Lessons from a New Science “A thoughtful and thought-provoking explo- ration of one of the most important and least understood aspects of human nature—what makes us happy.”—Dr. Thomas Lewis, co- author, A General Theory of Love Penguin • 320 pp. • 978-0-14-303701-9 • $15.00 Joseph LeDoux SYNAPTIC SELF How Our Brains Become Who We Are “A brilliant manifesto at the cutting edge of psychology’s evolution into
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