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to be creditors of or otherwise having any claims To Most Rev. Dr. Mulhern, Bishop of or demands against the estate of above-named Dromore, the sum of Ten Pounds; deceased who died on or about the 4th day of To Very Rev. James Canon Fitzpatrick, P.P., April, 1938, are hereby required, on or before the Barnmeen, Rathfriland, the sum of Five Pounds; 17th day of June, 1938, to furnish (in writing) To Rev. Michael McCartan, C.C., Rathfriland, particulars of such claims or demands to the the sum of Five Pounds; undersigned Solicitor for the Administratrix, to To Rev. Thomas Carville, C.C., Banbridge, the whom Letters of Administration of the estate of sum of Five Pounds, the said sums to be applied deceased were on the 9th day of May, 1938, granted in the celebration of Masses of the intentions in forth of the Principal Registry at Belfast. said Will stated. And take further notice that after the said To Very Rev. F. J. Canon O'Hare, P.P., 17th day of June, 1938, the Administratrix will Banbridge, the sum of Ten Pounds in lieu of proceed to distribute the estate of the said offering. deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, To the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Banbridge, having regard only to such claims and demands of the sum of Five Pounds. which notice shall have been given as above The residue of his estate deceased bequeathed required. to the said Very Rev. James Canon Fitzpatrick, Dated this 23rd day of May, 1938. P.P., for Masses for deceased's intentions. JAMES L. RUSSELL, Solicitor for Adminis- Probate of said Will was on the 14th day of tratrix, 110 Royal Avenue, Belfast; and January, 1938, granted forth of the Principal . Registry of the King's Bench Division (Probate) of the High Court of Justice in , to Peter McShane, of Leod, Hilltown, Co. Down, Farmer, the sole Executor therein named. Dated this 24th day of May, 1938. STATUTORY NOTICE TO CREDITORS. FRANK J. BYRNE, Solicitor for said In the Goods of CHARLES ALBERT VICTOR JENKINS, Executor, 25 Chichester Street, Belfast; and late of 61 Ravenhill Road, Belfast, Draper, Banbridge. deceased. To the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute, and all others whom it may concern. that all persons claiming to be creditors of, or otherwise to have any claims against the estate of the above-named deceased, who died on the 18th day of January, 1937, are hereby required to furnish detailed particulars thereof (in writing) not later than the 1st day of July next to the undersigned Solicitor for the Administratrix, after NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. which date the assets of deceased will be distributed In the Goods of WILLIAM MINNIS, late of 38 amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard Wandsworth Road, Belfast, Retired Merchant, only 'to the Claims of which notice shall then have deceased. been received. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Statute Dated this 18th day of May, 1938. 30 & 31 Vic. Chap. 34 that the above-named William Minnis, who died on the 13th day of January, WM. ANDERSON, Solicitor for Adminis- 1938, by his Will dated the 23rd day of May, 1934, tratrix, 7 William Street South, Belfast. and Codicils thereto dated 23rd day of May, 1934, 5th day of December, 1934, 14th day of February, 1936, and 7th day of June, 1937, respectively, left and bequeathed (amongst other legacies) the fol- NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. lowing Charitable Bequests, namely. In the Goods of SARAH JANE BERGIN, late of To the Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast, £100, to Nervous Diseases Hospital, Oaremont Street, qualify the person named in said Will for election in the City of Belfast, Widow, deceased. as a Life Governor of said Hospital. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute To the Indigent Ladies' Fund in connection with 30 and 31 Victoria, Chapter 54, Sec. 19, that the the Old Age Fund of the Presbyterian Church in above deceased, who died on the 19th day of Ireland, £50. February, 1938, made the following Charitable To the Royal Maternity Hospital, Grosvenor Road, Belfast, £50. Bequest by her Will dated the 1st day of January, And the residue of his estate and effects to the 1938:— Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, Falls Road, "Nervous Diseases Hospital, Claremont Street, Belfast, and the Presbyterian Orphan Society in Belfast (on the condition that deceased was kept connection with the Presbyterian Church in Ireland as a resident patient until death), the sum of £100." in equal shares. Probate of the said Will was granted forth of And Probate of said Will was on the 31st day the Principal Registry at Belfast of the High Court of March, 1938, granted forth of the Principal of Justice in Northern Ireland, King's Bench Registry of the King's Bench Division (Probate) Division (Probate), on the 14th day of April, 1938, of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland to James Brennan, of 292 Donegall Road, Belfast, to Richard Minnis, of The Cairn, , Timber Locomotive Foreman, the Executor named in the Merchant, and Samuel Robert Howard, . of said Will. "Walden," Dunmurry, Accountant, both in County Dated this 21st day of May, 1938. Antrim, the Executors named in the said Will. CLEAVER & FULTON, Solicitors for the Dated this 19th day of May, 1938. Executor, 62 Wellington Place, Belfast. GALWAY, McILWAINE & SEEDS, Solici- To the Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Northern tors for the said Executors, 52 Upper Arthur Ireland, and all others concerned. Street, Belfast. To the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland, and all others whom it may concern. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. In the Goods of JOHN McALixoox, late of Drumnagally, Banbridge, in the County of Down, Labourer, decea°sed. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. NOTICE is herebv given pursuant to the Statute 30 and 31 Vic. Cap. 54, Sec. 19, that the above- In the Goods of JOSEPH G. ACHESON, late of named deceased, who died on the llth day of Cremore, in the County of Armagh, Fanner, December, 1937, by his last Will, dated the llth deceased. day of October, .1937, bequeathed the following NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute Charitable Legacies:— 30 and 31 Viet. Chap. 34, that Joseph G. Acheson,