Outline: A Study in the Book of Genesis Second M.B. Church 512 E. Haussler St. Centralia IL 62801 Isaac D. Parker, Pastor Website: www.sbcen.org Date: 02/20/2019

Question Answers Scripture Reference No questions today Keywords: Bereshith (Hebrew) = Genesis (English) means “In the Head of All Things” Pentateuch, n. Gr. five, and a book or composition, tools, something handy. The first five books of the Old Testament written by Moses. Elohim (God) is plural that can be applied to any deity (Gods) Theme: The Doctrine of the Unity (In the Church) Of Jew & Gentiles 3 Heavens st o 1 Heaven: the sky, in the air, clouds (Atmosphere) nd o 2 Heaven: Moon and the Stars (Planetary) rd o 3 Heaven: Where God dwells, the abode of the Angels Ex nihilo: out of nothing Hayah: “was” in Hebrew means to become Primordial earth: covered with water Trichotomy: body, soul, and spirit Dichotomous: spirit and flesh Imago Dei: the image of deity or image of God Volition: we can make a choice LORD God: Yahweh, Jehovah God Anthromorphism: the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to God, animal or object.

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Pre-Adamic Age: Stating before Moses account of the first man , that there was another creation called the Pre-Adamic Theory. This is based on what is stated in the 2nd chapter of Genesis, that is supported by the New Testament Scripture where talks about Adam being the 1st man and Paul referring to Jesus being 2nd Adam. Paul states that through the 1st Adam sin was introduced, and through the 2nd Adam redemption was made. • 1Co 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Protevangelium: presaging man’s ultimate triumph over sin through a coming Savior-used as the first anticipation of the gospel

Highlights It’s important to understand what you believe and why you believe it. • Faith is the substance of things hoped for, faith is the substance • Hope for is something of what you don’t yet have, empirically, you are not holding it in your hands. • My faith is me looking forward to the day when I see Christ face to face. o Present: I am saved by the finished work at Calvary o Future: I am fully saved, but my experience of being save is not fulfilled yet because I don’t have the glorified body . I have anticipation of the fullness of my salvation . Php 1:23 For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. o While we are here we ought to be preaching about God • Death is not an ending, I am not afraid of death • Your faith is not dependent on your denomination, not on the knowledge or greatness of your leader • It is dependent on what you know about the word of God says • It’s the word of god that saves upon hearing and believing • We all have an individual growth pattern that is independent of others • Train up a child according to his bent • No one can be scared into heaven, why you don’t stay scared long enough

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Chapter 9 historical facts: • Ham never served Shem or Japheth • This text was used by slave owner, to convince slaves that they were to be the servants of Caucasians • The name Ham means burnt or dark • These were 3 brothers, he used the 3 brothers to repopulate the earth o Ham’s descendants populated Africa o Were some of the brightest and best of educators, inventors, artists and commerce o The Egyptians are the descendants of Ham o All 3 brothers are the descendants of 2 people, Adam and . Chapter 10 o Noah has died o God has made a covenant . God will never destroy the world by water again . God allows the ark to rest o The descendants of Noah are listed in this chapter Chapter 11 Because of the purity of the people of this time they could marry with-in the family without having faults or defects, they were incestuous • It is considered taboo according to the bible o Leviticus 18:7-16; 20:11-21 Gen 11:6 And the LORD said, "Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. So he put out his hand and took her, and drew her into the ark to himself. . Men wanted to be famous and make a name for themselves

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