OUR PURPOSE “To Perpetuate the Memory of Our Shipmates Who Gave Their Lives in the Pursuit of Their Duties While Serving Their Country

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OUR PURPOSE “To Perpetuate the Memory of Our Shipmates Who Gave Their Lives in the Pursuit of Their Duties While Serving Their Country Page 1 OUR PURPOSE “To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifi ce be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. 2019 Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the FIRST QUARTER United States of America and its Constitution” $6.00 USS S-24 (SS 129) near the Panama Canal in the early 1920s. The submarine was of riveted construction and could operate safely to depths of 200 feet. S-24 served both the U.S. and British Navies. USS S-36 (SS 141) seen here off Tsingtao, China in the mid-1930’s. Mooring lines are faked out on deck and even over the radio antenna support wire. The maneuvering watch has been stationed and line handlers are ready. On the bridge, either the captain or offi cer of the deck is sitting on the top of the periscope shears. (photo from the private collection of Mike Kaup and reprinted courtesy of PigBoats.com). Page 2 American Submariner THE 2019 USSVI SUBMARINE CALENDAR 2019 United States Submarine Calendar UNITED STATES SUBMARINES Submarine Squadrons of the Atlantic Fleet USS NAUTILUS (SSN 571) USS Nautilus (SSN 571), the first nuclear vessel, was a true trailblazer and record-breaker, serving the Navy 25 years under COMSUBLANT before retiring to become an important national historic landmark anchoring a popular East Coast submarine museum. None of the Force’s “firsts,” however, has had more impact than the truly pioneering initial message sent by this very boat to COMSUBLANT in January of 1955: “UNDERWAY ON NUCLEAR POWER.” COMSUBLANT Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic (COMSUBLANT) is the Submarine Force U.S. Atlantic Fleet type commander under the United States Fleet Forces Command. The principal responsibility is to operate, maintain, train, and equip submarines. COMSUBLANT also has additional duties as commander of NATO’s Allied Submarine Command and also Commander, Naval Submarine Forces. It is our purpose to perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifi ce be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution. January 2019 (Five Submarines and 318 men lost) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday “The Submarine will 1 2 3 4 5 one day become the Navy’s Dedicated to all U.S. submariners who manned most deadly weapon.” — Robert Fulton New Year’s Day SCORPION (SS-278) 1944 our U.S. submarines—from the commissioning 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ARGONAUT (SS-166) 1943 SWORDFISH (SS-193) 1945 of USS Holland (SS-1) in 1900 through the newest 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 nuclear submarines in the fleet. Submariners have 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 always performed a vital service to our nation. U.S. S-36 (SS-141) 1942 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day S-26 (SS-131) 1942 Submariners sank more than 1,392 Japanese ships 27 28 29 30 31 during WWII, landed raiding parties during the Korean War, monitored the Soviet Navy, and conducted intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions during the Cold War. From the late 50s until 1964 submariners conducted Regulus cruise missile patrols and since 1960 the submariners serving aboard Strategic Ballistic Missile subs have Order Now!+2.75 shipping. Order yours today maintained a continuous nuclear deterrent force at Individual calendars are $10.95 sea. Today’s submariners provide covert intelligence by credit card at ussvinationalstorekeeper.com or by sending your and tactical missile strikes when needed in support check or money order made payable to USSVI to: of the Global War on Terror as well as carrying out Barry Commons continuous deterrent nuclear missile patrols. For USSVI National Storekeeper• Oakley, CA 94561 118 years, U.S. submariners have and continue to 2063 Main St. PMB 293 • Tel: (925) 679-1744 provide a vital service to our nation and we salute Email: NSK.USSVI@yahoo.com them all! The loss dates for all U.S. submarines sunk Contact Barry Commons for information on quantity discounts. or destroyed are listed in addition to other historic Proceeds to benefit USSVI operations and projects. dates in both U.S. submarine veteran and U.S. Navy submarine history. Page 3 NEXT PAGE Page 4 American Submariner AMERICAN SUBMARINER TABLE OF CONTENTS The Official Magazine of the United States 2 2019 USSVI Calendars Submarine Veterans Inc. is published quarterly 5 Officer’s Call by USSVI. United States Submarine Veterans 7 USSVI Regions and Districts Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(19) corporation in the 8 Classifieds (Try Them!) They really work! State of Connecticut. 9 Chaplain’s Corner —USSVI Committees 10 Mail Buoy Printing and Mailing: Southwest Offset Printing 13 Kap(SS) 4 Kid(SS) - Hussey's 500 Club Gardena, CA 14 First Strike Capability 17 USSVI’s Longest Qualified Submariner 19 Attention Storekeepers! 20 Article Guidelines 21 Groton 55th Anniversary 22 The Last Sea Owl Picnic 24 Base Scuttle Butt—Keystone Base 25 Bremerton Base 26 2019 USSVI Convention in Austin 30 COD Base does Toys! 31 Corvina Base Memorial 32 Boat Sponsorship Program 34 Cdr. Gus Krause! NATIONAL EDITOR 35 Today is a good day to Join SubVets! T Michael Bircumshaw POB 892616 36 Colly! Temecula, CA 92589-2616 37 Calling all who wear Dolphins AmericanSubmariner@gmail.com 38 Snook Memorial (951)775-4549 39 Hey Cookie! Fax (951) 239-0522 40 Asbestosis! Please read this! TREASURER 41 USSVI New Members Paul Hiser (215) 317-5666 43 Eternal Patrol paulhiser@gmail.com 45 Boat Reunions DISTRIBUTION 48 Never Forgotten—Our Lost Boats Neal Britner 49 Change of Address—Please Do it! (315) 409-8476 nbritne1@twcny.rr.com AMERICAN SUBMARINER DEADLINES BOAT SPONSORSHIP CHAIR First Quarter 1 December Jack Messersmith Second Quarter 1 March (928) 227-7753 MesserJ109@gmail.com Third Quarter 1 June Fourth Quarter 1 September PROOF TEAM Bill Andrea Dick Kanning Joan Miner The American Submariner is not responsible for the claims Neal Britner John Mansfield John Stanford of its advertisers. The primary focus of this publication is for the benefit and service to USSVI members. Issues con- STAFF ARTIST cerning Advertisers may be sent to the editorial staff Tom Denton for mediation. (301) 845-0049 THE AMERICAN SUBMARINER IS COPYRIGHTED gcmfish@verizon.com under the laws of the United States of America. WWII SUB VET HISTORIAN Any reproduction in any form without the written consent Jack Jeffries of the editor is forbidden by law. All authorized reproduc- (704) 254-2423 tion requires acknowledgement of source, author, and the JcckJeffries@gmail.com American Submariner. Page 5 dining facilities close enough to the hotel that will require only OFFICER’S CALL your two feet for transportation. We have some members whose Copy this link in your browser base-level activity is limited due to for the convention website http:// family, job or some other reason. ussviconvention.org/2019/ They renew their dues and keep abreast of events through the All the best, American Submariner and their Wayne Standerfer base newsletter. There are many other currently inactive members whose interest and participation can be increased by an occasional phone call from someone at their primary base, just to let them know Wayne Standerfer someone cares. Guys, pick up the National Commander phone and give them a call. 2018-2020 We will be focusing more on this lwaynes@charter.net over the next few months. (972) 298-8139 In October of 2018, we canceled Hopefully, all of you had a very our contract with the last of three Merry Christmas or Chanukah website development groups that National Senior Vice Commander Festival and are experiencing a over the last two plus years have Jon Jaques 2018-2020 great beginning of our new year. been unsuccessful in an attempt JJaques@bellsouth.net to develop a new USSVI web- Apart from suffering the loss of (615) 893-7800 some great shipmates who de- site. In their place we have as- parted on Eternal Patrol, 2018 sembled a team of fellow sub- was a good year for USSVI. mariners with experience in the field of web development and A long-simmering disagreement they are currently working to pro- between our national board and duce a website that will serve our our largest base was put to rest needs and which can be easily and hopefully buried for eternity maintained in step with industry by simply employing the straight- standards. This is not an easy forward act of communicating endeavor and will take some with each other. This one event time to be properly formulated. appears to have sent a ripple ef- We ask for everyone’s patience fect of calmness through our or- and understanding as we work to ganization. Even the occasional get this completed. receipt of hostile mail previously National Junior Vice Commander The months between now and directed at the national board has Steve Bell 2018-2020 August will pass very quickly, so been reduced to virtually nothing (704) 824-3510 start making plans to attend the and is much appreciated. USNRET82@carolina.rr.com 2019 Convention in Austin, Texas. I would like to elaborate a little Our shipmates from the Central Here we are already into a new more on the subject of commu- Texas and Brazos Valley Bases year. Hard to believe it is 2019 nication. Over the last few years are dotting all the “I’s” and cross- already. I do hope that you had for whatever reason(s), contact ing the “T’s” to ensure this will be a Merry Christmas and a Happy between many of our bases a convention to remember.
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