THE BOARD OF PUBLIC EDUCATION t3F THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PITTSBURGH, PENNSYL VANIA MINUTES Meeting of: July 26,2006 Call of the Meeting: Legislative Meeting Members Present: Mr. Brentley, Mrs. Colaizzi, Dr. Dowd, Mrs. Fink, Mr. Isler, Mr. McCrea, Mr. Romaniello, Sr., Mr. Sumpter, Jr. and Mr. Taylor The following matters were received and acted upon. Actions taken are recorded following the reports. PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15213 Administration Building 341 South Bellefield Avenue July 26,2006 AGENDA ROLL CALL Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of June 21,2006 Announc~ementof Executive Sessions Committee Reports 1. Committee on Education Roll Call 2. Comrnittee on Business/Finance Roll Call Personnel Report 3. Perso:nnel Report of the Superintendent of Schools Roll Call Financial Matters Financial Statement and Controller's report on the Status of Appropriations New Business Roll Call(s) We are an equal rights and opportunity school district. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS Legislative Meeting of July 26, 2006 In addition to executive sessions announced at the legislative meeting of June 21, 2006, the Board met in executive session on July 17 and immediately before this legislative meeting to discuss various personnel matters. At the July 17 executive session, Special (zounsel discussed a matter in litigation. Finally, at the executive session immediately before this legislative meeting, the Board discussed student discipline cases that involved violations of various portions of the Code of Student Conduct. The Board does not vote at executive sessions. COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION July 26,2006 DIRECTORS: The Cornmittee on Education recommends the adoption of the following resolutions, that the proper officers of the Board be authorized to enter into contracts relating to those resolutions and that authority be given to the staff to change account numbers, the periods of performance, and such other details as may be necessary to carry out the intent of the resolution, so long as the total amount of money carried in the resolution is not exceeded.
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