Archpriest Joseph Sakkab, Emeritus. Wife: Kh. Samira. Children: Dn. Simon & Mary, Laila & Mounir, Pauline & Shukry and Fady & Summer. Grandchildren: Joseph, Samira, Eva, Joanna, Michael, Stephanie, Fuad, Jonathan and Christopher. Surviving : Archpriest Hanna Sakkab

Brief Biography: 1940 - Graduated from National Orthodox School - Jerusalem. 1943 - Graduated from “Al-Nahdda” College with Matriculation – Jerusalem. 1944 - Studied Law at the Council of Legal Studies (2 years) - Jerusalem. 1945 - Appointed Clerk to the Supreme Court of Jerusalem. 1954 - Began studies in Theology. 1955 – Was one of the Founding Members and educator of what is now known as the “National Orthodox School” – Amman. 1960 - Ordained to the Holy Diaconate by Metropolitan ELIA of Mount Lebanon. 1960 - Ordained to the Holy Priesthood by Metropolitan ELIA of Mount Lebanon. 1960 - Assigned to the pastorate of Sts. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church – Hazmieh. 1962 – Taught Orthodox Christian Education part-time for 10 years for the Lebanese Public School System. 1978 – Taught Advanced Orthodox Christian Education for 2 years at the National Orthodox School “London Matriculation”. 1980 - Assigned to Establish an Orthodox Mission in Vancouver, B.C. 1986 - Assigned to the pastorate of St. Philip Church – Edmonton, AB 1987 - Elevated to the Dignity of Archpriest by His Grace ANTOUN. 1991 - Assigned to establish a Mission in Calgary Alberta. - The mission became the Antiochian Orthodox Church of the Annunciation. 1995 - Appointed of the Prairie by Metropolitan PHILIP. 1997 - Assigned to re-establish an Antiochian Orthodox mission in British Columbia. - The mission became St. Joseph the Damascene Antiochian Orthodox Church. 2002 - Honoured at a Special Retirement Banquet by His Grace Bishop JOSEPH. Present – Diligently searching the Holy Scriptures and writing articles for the glory of God.

Some Published Works: 1. Elevation to Archpriest– Arabic Published in: “Word Magazine”, Volume 31, Number 6 2. Visited by God Published in: “Again Magazine”, Volume 13 Number 4 3. A God of Peace and a Man of Valour Published in: “Word Magazine”, Volume 44, No. 8 Re-Published: The Word of Truth, Magazine of Orthodox Spirituality, Volume IV, No. 3-4 4. Christ and Joshua Published in: “The Word of Truth, Magazine of Orthodox Spirituality”, Volume IX, No. 3-4 5. The Feast of Holy Pascha Published in: “The Word of Truth, Magazine of Orthodox Spirituality”, Volume X, No. 1-2 6. Share Your Faith with Confidence Published in: “Word Magazine” 7. It’s a great supper and you’re invited Published in “Word Magazine”, December 2016