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. eUesleg WELLESLEY, MASS., DECEMBER 10, 1936 Choir Will Students May Loan Sing Senior Exemptions! Architect Will Show Lecturer Plans Books To Library Builder's Problems Foreign Carols Speech On Spain January, Valuable 1936. that as an experi- Manuscripts, Rare Editions, Mr. Williams' Talk on "Designing Croup Will ment for the spring of 1936, Serenade Houses Autographed Letters Suitable should be excused from th Church for Modern Age" is based Senora de Palencia will Cive After for Christmas Vespe Interesting Exhibit on Personal Experiences First Hand Information [in;.] in Memorial Chapel papers—of the : Within the past eight years there the on Present Day Spain a New York, Mr, have been three exhibitions at the their majors. In the fall MR. Lessing Whitford Williams, will speak GREENE PLAYS ORGAN library of valuable books the Academic council voted that and manu- on "Designing a Church for the Mod- WILL DISCUSS REVOLUTION scripts plan exempting seniors from coui owned by students, which ern Age" on Friday evening, January The Wellesley college Choir will sing examinations have awakened much interest. It is be adopted as Senora Isabel de Palencia will lec- proposed to have another soon after eral policy. The vote passed reai art ] Houghton Memorial chapel ne ture on Spain in 1936 in Pendleton the holidays, and aU students who "Seniors taking the general The J hall, 14, 4:40, under the day. The music for Christmas which is being given in December at vespers have books or manuscripts to loan examination shall be excused for In College Lecture com- will consist largely of ;h an exhibition of his auspices of the carols from five exhibition are requested to leave them June from two course examina- paintings and sketches, will consider mittee and the Spanish department. nations, and after the service a group at the library. They may be left in tions or final papers in courses the problems which an After lecturing here in the afternoon will go carolling over the campus. architect faces the Treasure room any afternoon ex- in their major subjects (or from when carrying out any commission, she will speak in the evening at Vespers will begin at 7:30 p. m. with cept Saturday and Sunday between one examination or paper If from a humble two-car garage to a Symphony hall in Boston. Bach's Prelude and Fugue in major 2:00 and 4:00 only one course is G p. m., or at any time being taken) towering office-building, but the prin- during played by Edward Barry Greene on the during library hours with any If a senior is taking more than News coming from Spain mem- ciples involved in solving the problems these last new organ. The choir's anthems alter- ber of the staff, who will bring the two courses In her major which months has been so con- will be illustrated concretely from his flicting that the Spanish department is nating with the worship service and books at once to the Librarian's of- have final examinations or final experience in designing an Institutional with organ selections will be arranged fice. Each book should papers, the department glad to bring to Wellesley a lecturer have the name chair- church—the Central Methodist church who can give first in four groups, as follows: of the owner In it and a receipt man shall choose the hand information will two of Brooklyn, N. Y., popularly known concerning be given for it. courses In which the events taking place In that CHOIR student as "Brooklyn's young cathedral." part of Europe, shall be excused from the final and the causes of the Two Chorales Bach Early printed books (15th-17th cen- Mr. Williams is a graduate of Wil- present revolution. de Palen- turies) tests." Senora To God on High , first and rare editions of 18th, liams college and holds an M.A. degree Seniors cia, sister of Miss Oyarzabal of the deir Hert 19th and 20th century authors, limited taking three or mo from Columbia university as well O my as a Spanish courses department, and mother of editions of more modern authors, ex- in their major subjects w degree from the Columbia School of "Marissa" Palencia be sent who has been Polish Christmas Carol amples of the work of noted presses, individual notices later Architecture. After a brief period of the year the Hark in the Darkness Polish Carol beautifully illustrated or bound books telling them which fin practical experience in New York, he Wellesley, has been appointed tests they Min- (Solo—Carolyn W. Parker, '37) nd autographed letters from well may omit. went to Paris, entering the Beaux Arts, ister to Sweden and sails on De- In dulci jubilo nown authors are especially desired. but his studies were interrupted by an rember 16 for Stockholm. She is Traditional German Carol Books and manuscripts may be left unusual opportunity. The famous old Just completing a series of lectures Holly and the Ivy English Carol t the library before or after the holl- library of the University of Louvain The CHRISTMAS SURPRISE! In Canada and many of the principal Christmas Carol Kodaly ays and it is hoped that students had been burned during the war. As a FROM THE NEWS cities of the United States. Christmas Song Hoist /ho have books at home suitable for gesture of international friendship, a HARVARD, BARNARD, VASSAR exhibition will bring them after the group of Americans offered to raise There is a possibility that this lec- ORGAN PRINCETON tion. The books and manuscripts funds to build a new and larger library, ture may have to be postponed, if Pastoral Symphony Handel TURN TO PAGES 5-6 Senora of course be kept in locked cases planned to harmonize with its Belgian de Palencia has to sail before (From the Messiah) December 16. 3 in the library's possession. (Continued on Page 8, Col. 3) CHOIR Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella Mr. Leahy Speaks MISS MacEWAN NAMES Groups Will Give Traditional French Carol SPRING BALLET CAST STUDENTS SING FRENCH Qu'il est aimable Gascon Carol To Newman Club Christmas Drama CAROLS IN TOWER HALL Hallelujah, Amen Handel Don Juan of Pre-Classical Period (From Judas Maccabeus) Mr. Maurice Leahy, Irish poet, critic, The Theater workshop and tht Will be Given by Orchesis and Miriam Meyer '39 Edits 'Gazette ORGAN POSTLUDE id lecturer at Cambridge and Oxford Christian association unite in present- Modern Dance Classes de Wellesley' Which Tells of Hallelujah Chorus Handel universities, spoke informally to the ing the annual Nativity play in tht ters of the Department Activities (From the Messiah) Newman club, Decem- chapel Monday evening, December 14 at Z. A. house, on the develop- Miss Charlotte G. MacEwan has The Kodaly Christmas Carol is a announced the cast of Don Juan, the ment of Catholic thought in English play, The singing of merry French | The entitled Nativity, arrangement, which The the modern Hungarian iture history pre-classical ballet to be presented in Christmas carols filled the great hall and in the last cen- second of the 14th century Chester in this country. j is seldom, if ever, sung tury. the spring by Orchesis, Junior Dance of court with Christmas cheer Miracle plays, has the following cast: Tower Edward Barry Greene's arrangement group, and the advanced classes in students faculty The increasing new influence Gabriel, '39; when a group of and of ! Virginia Tuttle Mary, on High of the Bach Chorale To God modern dancing. The following girls gathered together on December 7 Catholic thought began with the Ox- Ruth Nelson '38; Elizabeth, Josephine ; was prepared especially for this con- will start work on the production this from 7 7:30 P. M. This was the ford movement. Mr. Leahy mentioned Muther '37; Joseph, Jeanne Washburn to cert and for the Wellesley college choir. roles: the week in their respective third meeting in preparation for a importance of such thought in the I '38; Angel, Aileen Davidson '39; preco, Don Juan, Hildegarde Lewis '38, short serenade planned by the morals of the country, and quoted Lord i Dorothy Hastings '40; Tebella, Gretch- to take place Commandeur (and his ghost), A. A. '38; French department on Halifax, a member of the English ! en Franz Salome, Martha Sch- 15. Kessler '37. Elvira, Martha Park- '40, '38; December Club Will Sponsor Church, as deploring the increasing ! wanke Hankin, Jane Tracy hurst "39, Sganarelle, Rhea Ornstein Gazette Wellesley, new- moral laxity in England. Mr. Leahy : Tud, Eleanor F. Jackson '38; Sym, La de a Holiday Breakfast also stressed the importance of religion '40, Musicians, Frances Harvey '39, monthly publication of the French *38, Hilda '38, in the arts, and said that George Ber- Rose Kramer Swett -Trowle, Laura Hathway '39; first department, contains these announce- The Boston Wellesley club will hold Frances McGrath *37. boy,--Jane Strahan '40; second boy, ments and others pertaining to stu- ten '40; dents of French. Miriam Meyer ^9 an undergraduate breakfast at Thompson : "A poet without reli- Guests at banquet: men, Mary Caroline Sherrod third boy, o'clock on Tuesday morning. Janu- gion is like a blind painter." The Bruce Taylor '38, Elizabeth Parsons, Martha BoWwell '40; Melchor, Virginia is the editor of the Gazette. ary 5, at the College club, 40 Com- speaker listed Hilaire. Belloc, Sheila '39, Constance St. Onge '40, Margaret West '38; Balthasar, Mary Wagg '38; Kay-Smith, Francis Thompson, and W Herod, Winnifred Clark '37; Herod's alumnae and undergraduates will B. Yeats among the more modem '40, Elizabeth Flanders '38, Edith Messenger, Barbara Ketchum '37; ALBANIAN GIRL SPEAKS '39.