Session Five Collections, Large Lots, Remainders
SESSIONSESSION FFIVEIVE COLLECTIONS,COLLECTIONS, LARGELARGE LOTS,LOTS, REMAINDERSREMAINDERS WEDNESDAYWEDNESDAY MAYMAY 19th19th atat 1:00p.m.1:00p.m. LotsLots #1500-1782#1500-1782 IndexIndex LotsLots BritishBritish NorthNoortr h AmAmericamerica 11500-1511500-15111 CanadaCaanaadaa 151512-159812-1598 CanadaCanada PPostageostage LLotsots 151599-1605999-116005 GreatGrGreaat BrBBritainrititaiain 11606-1612606066-16161212 AustraliaAuAuststraralilia & StSStatestatteses 11613-161561613-3 166115 CommonwealthCoCommmmoonnwweeala tht 11616-168461616-6 1668484 - incl.innclc . 3-Volume3-3 Vooluumeme CCollectionolo leecttioon wiwwithithth CCVV $$3$30,67030,0,67670 1626161 2266 U.S.A.UU.SS.AA. 1685-169816855-1166988 WorldwideWoW rlrldwwidde 11699-1773696999-1717733 - incl.ininclc . OldtimeOlO dtdtimme CollectionColll ecctionn ccircairircaca 11890898 0 1727172727 - incl.innccll. WorldwideWoorlldwide ReRevenueevev nun e CoCCollecionollllececioon 176017176060 PoPPostcardsosstcacardds 11774-1778777744--1177788 SuSSuppliesuppp liiess 1711779-178277979-1177882 139 Remainders, Lots & Collections British North America 1500 * Small lot of B.N.A. includes Newfoundland #115-126, 253- 269 in pairs, British Columbia #5, 8, P.E.I. #5a-16, Nova Sco- tia #8-13, 8a-13a, New Brunswick #6-11, all are mint hinged to pages, generally fi ne or better. .............................................................................Scott $1,875 1501 */** Newfoundland blocks and singles in stockbook, over 50 blocks of 4 to 12 stamps, with values to 48c, selected for positions and other varieties including mint blocks of four of the 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee. Also over 100 stamps in singles and pairs. Most items are mint hinged, fi ne-very fi ne plus a very few used. x1508 ....................................................................................Est $200 1508 */**/ Newfoundland #1/23i 1857-1861 Lot of 17 Clas- 1502 British North America forgery lot, with 8 stamps from sic issues, with 11 basically sound stamps and six with is- P.E.I., New Brunswick and Newfoundland (including #127a sues.
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