"LET US CLING TO CONSTITUTION AS CUN (IS TO LAST " THE TliE MARINER THE PLANE WHEN THE NIGHT AND TEMPEST CLOSE AROUND HIM • _ iV* id no t -ti*kiy ¦¦t) .¦ i ' i | SI PER ANNUM. BEL AIR, Ml). FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 8,7 * •* 1864. * i,* * f a VOL. Till.—NO. 15. But when he bad told her all that A. H. GREENFIELD, THE ABIS MTEURENCER had Cariosities of Coni Mining. Now as to the last consideration, the Lssay on Poos.—Josh AND passed, she again comforted him, and Billings favors Corner of Main ilr el and Port Deporit IS PUBLISHED The last volume of the “Translation of rate of exhaustion has been gradually and the world with a brief essay on bade him be cheorful. and retire to rest, greatly dogs.— avenue , Bel Air, the North of England Institute of Mining increased of late years. Fifteen “Dogs in the lump,” says “are EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, and tear no danger ; and on the morrow Joshua, Engineers,’'' contains some particulars jears ago a midrag engineer declared that useful, but they are not always Constantly aiming to meet (he wants IT when lie bad risen, she gave him a little prof- which would malts nu interesting paper : if the auuual production of saleable coal itable. The Nufoundlin is ISof the community in FRESH piece of wood aud said : dog useful to & BAKES. ou the curiosities of coal mining. Men , in the northern coal fields should reach save children from drowning, but you BATEMAN “Take this to the Emperor ; and say hav cannot read without 10.000. tons, the beds last for got to Lava ov AT that if be willcut me out a spinning wheel, astonishment of tbc pond water, snd children FAMILY difficulties which have been overcome 331 years only. Ho was thought to be rjujoin around else GB0C8RII8! ONE DOLLAR a loom, and a shuttle then will I do that by karcless, or the Jog Tens, Spices, Coffees, Fish, Lard, Butter, PER ANNUM, miners in pursuit of coal, sod (be too hasty a chronolnger ; but in 1854, an- ain’t profitable. There which be has commanded.’’ vast ain’t nothing Bacon, Cheese, &e., &r. Aleo, IN ADVANCE, OTHERWISE amounts of money laid out—sunk, so to other estimated the duration of supplies at made boarding a Nufoundlin The poor man did the second time, as dog. Rat speak—-in mines : 315 years, while the annual produce was, tearricrs are useful to ketch ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS bis daughter had instructed him; aud rats, but thu SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, What is called Murton Pit, not far >! as then computed, 14,000,000. Should rats ain’t profitable after you hav , Will be charged. when he had delivered keteh- her message, the from tons be raised yearly, the ed them. The NOTIONS, See. Emperor was mure than ever Durham, is remarkable for the diffi- 20.000. fuel, shepherd dog is useful tew aelouished at culties overcome iu .sinking as he calculated, would be exhausted in drive sheep, but if hav Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c.. Queens- RATES OF ADVERTISING. her wisdom. To put it to a new be for the coot. | you got tew go and trial, In the process 150 years. buy a flok ov ware, Stone and Earthenware, Tin Ware, One square, (eight lines or less,) three inser- took a drinking to of excavation, the sinkers sheep, and pay more than glass, and said the poor encountered Now, (bo annual yield in 1861 was tha Wooden Ware, Hardware, &.c. tions, SI.OO. Each subsequent insertion 25 cts. man probably the largest body of 22,- are wuth, just to keep the dog One square three months, $3.00 j Six months, water aver met with iu one 500,000 tons, according to Mr. Hull; and birzy, the dog BEST COAL OILS, “Take this to tby daughter, and uoy turning aint profitable, not much. COAL ,$5.00; Twelvemonths, SB.OO. bid adventure. The estimated quantities seem ifit should rise t0’20,200,000 tons iu #ach Lap dogs ard very useful, but if you dent OIL LAMPS,in great variety. Business cards ofsix lines or Ism,'s6 a yenr. m her empty the soa with it and moke its ; innvdrafe No les* (had nine thousand ( year, this great coal field wit) be, in effect, hold them hi yowr tap awl rttue, Also, bed dt v enough to grow corn on. If she 1 the they in No subscription taken less three hundred gallons water exhausted in 177 years If this annual aint profitable at for than a year. refuses to obey, both her head and thine of were lift- j all. The coach dog is ed cvry a yield be thought exaggerated, it is said one ov the most SAamoßAaxs srimsraaT own shall pay the forfeit.” minute from bed of quicksand to nscfuilest' ov dogs i know which lay at the depth of five ! be only in proportion to past augmenta- ov, but yu hav got tew a NEW BONNETS, in every .variety of At this the poor mau was more terrified hundred hav coach (and and forty feet front the surface. This bed tions of the lust six or seven years. The that aint alwaa pleasant) nr yn kant *lvle and material, for Ladies and Chil- than ever. But when he had returned i i real- : was forty feet in and same engineer further proceeds to show ize from the dog. Thus we dren. home and told his daughter what the Em thickness, fur its I see that while whole extent thoroughly saturated with that by a prevalent practice of giving doj(B are ginerally thare are times fj-Cleaning, Altering and Re-; peror had commanded, the maiden comfor- i over-1 useful, CLAY, : water. Any person may weight, (in Newcastle chuldruns of 53 when they aint ginerally failing done at reasonable notice—all at THE STATUE IN ted him the third time aud bade him be conceive of the I profitable. difficulty ol sinking through suchaquick- cwt., and even in 55 cwt.,) the estimate al- Baltimore prices. me a said the King, cheerful, retire to rest, aud fear no dan- "Make statue,” isund. To encounter aud defeat not far ready formed may yet further be curtailed, t&‘During the day upon which the TERMS CASH. janl "Of marble white as snow ; ger. Aud on the morrow, when be had It * short of ten thousand gallons of and the duration of the supplies be re- Lewistown bridge was carried off by tbo must be pure enough to stand risen, she gave him a pound of tow, aud flooding Before my throne, my right hand, springs, minute after minute and day after duced to 107 years. wind a boy whose parents reside in Cana- at said to him : The niche is waiting, go !” day, might well have appalled any engi- da, but who is at work iu Lewistowu, FranklinviUe Store “Take this to the Emperor, and say ¦ Killing i ; ueer. a Hero. went over to Canada on a short Baltimore County. The sculptor heard the King's command, that if he will stop with it the mouths visit to And upon his way ; But the engineer fought the IV ushoe, California, is full of editors and his parents. Just before the bridge wept went and the springs of all the rivers in the floods! constantly on hand a large and He had no mftrble, but he went, with their owu weapons; he made use ofi eut is mutual,” was the good-bumorod crops by fifty per cent, than either of j seam PRODUCING field, by which the Emperor would pass' come thither. “I have had you brought! These stand in the coal district like | they life above their weans. There is reply. the above articles, when used - * separately. as he went out "And as here,” replied the Empress. And he | closed factories iu cotton but really more happiness iu the world among ? It is a highly concentrated manure, be- | hunting. the! the towus, i Emperor passes by, take the beans und'j then asked, very angrily, wherefore she with this difference, that tho cotton facto-1 working people than among those who are Hurry Macarty, well known as tho ing made from Bones containing all their : 1 sow them in the trench, and cry aloud— had done this, adding 1 “Did I not say) ries may be reopened aud busily at work called rich. ‘Arkansas Comedian," and the author of original animal matter. No Burnt Bones | l ?”•*- J “God be gracious, and grant that ! thou shouldst no longer be my wife again,'while drowned collieries are: l | be proscribed songs of “Tbe Bonny Bluo are used. my i the Blue Hen’s Chickens— ln the 6*. f ’ boiled beans may spring up quickly !”i| The Empress took out of her bosom the j probably drowned until the world shall be | Flag,” “The Volunteer,” “Missouri,” and It has been used by thousands of far- j writing which the Emperor had given her j ly history of the State of Delaware theie atber airs, died recently near Atlanta, mers in this State, with the highest and ifthe Empemr asks how it is poss bid! burnt up. The late Mr. Thomas John | was a breed of fighting cocks that origi- satis- : Georgia. faction, for boiled beaus to grow, reply that it is ad! before her marriage, aud answered Taylor, indeed, devised a plan for drawing ! a it has proved a perfectly reliable “it is true, illustrious Emperor; but nally sprung from blue ben, which were ¦¦ easy as it fur a pullet to be hatched j off the water from the whole of the drown-; lor substitute for "Peruvian Guaun,” being i this writing, which was given by thiue noted their pluck and endurance, never ffafA gentleman who was in arrears for sufficiently quick Ui its action on from a boiled egg.” j ed pits, aud gave notice of his intention ! knowing when they were whipped, but the own hand accorded me the right to bring leveral .weeks’ board and lodging, com- crops, and in all cases enriching the soil, The poor man did as his daughter had i to apply to i'trrliameut for an act empow- 1 would tight on as long as there was a feath- instructed away with mo, when 1 quitted the castle, | its plained oue morning that bis coffee was and it is permament in its effects. him. He took his spade and ering execution. Death, however,! er left. In the Revolutionary war, Dela- not a whatsoever I might love best; I exercised settled. “You had better settle for the The demand last Fall dug trench in a field by the side of the I overtook Lint iu Lis plan. ware a soldiers was greater than my right, and brought most gracious | furnished regiment of which coffee aud tbeu complain’ “said tbe land the supply, (t would be well, therefore, highway, and when he saw the Empe- the'', There Lave been many unsuccessful ¦ for its distinguished bravery was called he Emperor.” j lady- lor farmers to send in their orders early, ror coming, began to sow his beans in attempts. The owners of the Haswell | ‘The Blue Hen s Chickens.’ As the name I a When the Emperor heard these words, | either to the subscriber or to any of trench and cry aloud, "God be gra- colliery sunk in a quicksand $300,000, was OaT’A good story is told of an Irishman his 1 he vowed never to from so faithful i thus became honorable, it adopted by agents, from whom circulars can be ob- cious, and grant that my boiled beans may part j and Lad to give up after all. So long ago j the of the State. who went to see the gorillain a cabinet, 1 and so wise a wife. So be embraced her,! people tained, giving a list of many persons who ; spring up quickly as 1820, at another colliery, an equally j if Amherst College. Not knowing tbe have used it, and certificates. ! When the Emperor heard these words, i and returned with tier to the castle ; aud j | fruitless attempt was made. Not far-from ; t&‘ Iu ancient Egypt the husband on iifferonce between that animal and the he they two sat thereafter side by side upon Price in Baltimore, per 2000 lbs. ! stopped, and asked how it was possible ; j i the abandoned Haswell pit a company! his marriage vowed boner and obedience to ! guerrilla be remarked on seeing it—- 955 it ? the tbroue, for many summers ; and when | Caeta. ; for boiled beans grow Whereupon | | sunk half a million dollars, but they have I bis wife, instead of us with us the wife to “Saint Patrick I if they have got such the poor man answered : the last summer bad passed, death reaped got a rich mine. soldiers as that aint GEORGE DUGDALE, the husband. We have beard that infidel- off South, I going "Gracious Emperor, it is as easy for a them both together, like a double ear of Another highly and generally interest- ity, family disagreements and their train lo war.” Sole Agent, No. 105 Smith’s Wharf, pullet to be hatchad from a boiled egg.” corn. ing topic is the probable duration of the ol attendant evils, were of very rare occur- feb4-3m Baltimore. The to emperor diviued who it was that groat northern field iu relation its sup- rence then aud there ; and probably that KaT' A person pointed obt a man who Deception.— ; had arranged this stratagem, and in order Avoid Persons who prac- plies of coal. Tl;e crudest notions are difference iu the hymeneal ceremony was hud a profusion of rings on bis fingers, to COAL! COAL! | still more to try the maiden’s wisdom, he tice deceit 'and artifice always deceive current upon this point; nor, indeed, does the cause of it. It willbear consideration. cooper. “Ah, master,” said the artizair, tPUE undersigned keeps constantly on gave the poor man a pack of hemp, and tbemselve more tltau they deceive oth- anything like a well-founded opinion gen- j “it’s a sure sign of weakness, wneu so X hand all kirn sof WHITE and RED said : ers. Thi'y may feel great complaceucy in erally exist. No light is thrown ou the | *• A young man advertised in a New ; many hoops are used.’’ “Take this to thy daughter, dud bid her view of the success of their doings; but question by the more perfect knowledge! Jersey paper for a situation as son-in-law ASH ' COAL#whieh he will sell by the cargo or single ton. | make me from it as many sails and they are iu reality casting a mist before we gradually acquire of the contents of in a respectable family. Would have co| #ar “Industry must prosper,” as tbe JOSEPH M. SIMMONS, ! ropes as are necessary for a ship. If she ] their own eyes. Such persons not only this deposit of tiitueral fuel. It is tiiaai-: objections, be says, to go a short distance man said whan holding the bafiy while bis ju!7 Havre-de-Grftcc, Md. refuses to obey, her head shall pay the | make estimate of their ownxbarac test that three conditions govern the ques- j into the country. wife chopped wood. 1 forfeit.’’ ter, but they estimate falsely the pinion) 1 tion ; and these are, the amount of avuila- T" One or twoJOURNEY- The poor man was troubled at these I and conduct of others. No person is I ! bio coal now remaining underground, the i A person complaining of the small- • S&* A dorchsnt lately advertising for WANTED.—MEN BLACKSMITHS. : words; and hawng received the pack of I obliged to tell all be thinks; but both duly I I rate at which i( is now being exhausted, i ness of some chops brought to the table, au a clerk “who cqjtld bear confinement,” re- Enquire of MARTIN CALDER, 1 hemp, returned to hi* daughter wfeping . nod self-interest forbid him ever to make i j aud the probability of the increase of that | incorrigible wag observed, “Probably the ceived an answer from one who had been o 19 Federal Hill, Harford Co., lid. ! all the vvoy. false pretenses. ! rate in future years. sheep was fed on nhorf comnvoiu. 1 upwards of seven year* in jail.”