March 11, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4359 Yeshivah of Flatbush and it’s honorees on the SALUTE TO A. LEON leaders, Members of Congress and citizens to occasion of it’s 72nd Anniversary Banquet. HIGGINBOTHAM defend civil rights, Judge Higginbotham an- The Yeshivah of Flatbush has long served swered with vigor and passion. SPEECH OF Millions of Americans saw him protect the as a pillar of strength for my constituents by tenets of the Constitution during the recent providing our children with the tools they will HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON House Judiciary Committee impeachment need to face the challenges of the twenty-first OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hearings. This was just two weeks before his century. passing on December 14, 1998. Dr. Mayer Ballas, recipient of the Keter Wednesday, March 3, 1999 Like so many times during his stellar legal Shem Tov Leadership Award, has dedicated Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. career, he was a steadfast advocate and de- himself to helping members of the community Mr. Speaker, as I witness attacks on affirma- fender of the true meanings and intents of the as an advocate and spokesperson for Jewish tive action in education and a legal system law and our Constitution. During the hearings, people in need. He is the founding President that overlooks police brutality among African- it was not partisan winds that steered his testi- of the Council of Rescue of Syrian Jews and Americans, I realize that our country is experi- mony that the President should not be im- has served as a member of the Federation encing a huge gap in fairness and equality peached. Rather, it was scholarly and intellec- Oversight Committee, the arm of Operation under the law with the passing of Judge A. tual interpretation of the Constitution and the Abraham concerned with the resettlement of Leon Higginbotham, Jr. separation of powers between the Judicial, Ex- the most recent wave of immigrants from Mr. Speaker, Judge Higginbotham spent his ecutive and Legislative branches of our gov- life vigorously protecting and championing the ernment. Syria. At the Yeshivah of Flatbush, Dr. Ballas causes of equality and opportunity for African- For those viewers of the hearings, that was sits on the Board of Directors and Board of Americans. their first contact with the great judge. How- Education and is a member of the Tuition As- The French philosopher Montesquieu once ever, I have constantly been a witness to— sistance Committee. He participates in all said that ‘‘In the state of nature, indeed, all and a beneficiary of—Judge Higginbotham’s school functions and generously gives of him- men are born equal, but they cannot continue passionate and eloquent defense of justice. self and his time to the Yeshivah. in this equality. Society makes them lose it, On behalf of the constituents of the 30th Hon. Steven Cohn, recipient of the Keter and they recover it only by the protection of congressional district of Texas, I would like to Shem Tov Community Service Award, is the laws.’’ tell his family what a great equalizer in this so- staunchly committed to both the Yeshivah and In confronting racial injustice, violence and ciety he was to us. He served an extended his community. For the past sixteen years, Mr. inequality through the legal system, Judge family of poor, powerless and downtrodden in- Cohn has served as the Democratic State Higginbotham recovered and secured equality dividuals in this society. His advocacy for their Committeeman for the 50th Assembly District. for countless African-Americans. His life long causes meant a great deal to them and He is the Vice-Chair of the New York State commitment to eliminating discrimination strengthened our principles as a country. Democratic Party, Secretary of the Democratic forced our society to recognize the equality in- In particular he leaves his wife, Evelyn herent in all men and women, despite their Party of Kings County and has served as Par- Brooks Higginbotham; two daughters, Karen race or ethnicity. and Nia; and two sons, Stephen and Kenneth. liamentarian to the Democratic National Con- In his capacity as special deputy attorney I would like to thank them for allowing the vention. Working side by side with community general of Pennsylvania, judge of the U.S. country to share and benefit from his mind, leaders, elected officials and neighborhood District Court for the eastern district of Penn- heart and soul. residents to protect the environment, improve sylvania and judge of the U.S. Third-Circuit f homeless shelters and maintain quality med- Court of Appeals, many men and women re- ical care in his district. His affiliation with the gained their rights taken away from them by STATEMENT ON THE SUPPRES- Yeshivah of Flatbush parallels his children’s society. SION OF RIGHTS IN education and has strengthened over the His zeal in tearing down the walls of injus- years. In addition to working on the Banquet tice and erecting the walls of opportunity HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH Journal, Chinese Auction and Building Com- began after he earned his law degree at Yale OF NEW JERSEY mittees, Steve is currently an Associate Treas- Law School by working in Philadelphia as an IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES assistant district attorney. Six years later after urer on the Executive Board of Officers and Thursday, March 11, 1999 sits on the school’s Board of Trustees and becoming a special deputy attorney general Board of Education. for Pennsylvania, President John F. Kennedy Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, as named him to the Federal Trade Commission we have debated today the issue of American Dr. Cheryl Fishbein, recipient of the Alumna (FTC). This appointment was notable in the participation in any NATO peacekeeping effort of the Year Award, is an alumna of both the fact that it made him the FTC’s first black in , I urge my colleagues, regardless of Elementary School and the Joel Braverman commissioner and its youngest as well. their views on that matter, to focus on what is High School. Throughout her adult life, Cheryl In 1977, after serving as a district court happening in Serbia itself. Slobodan Milosevic, has focused her efforts on serving the commu- judge in Philadelphia from 1964 to 1977, President of an unrecognized Yugoslav state nity. She is President of the Jewish Commu- President Jimmy Carter appointed him judge of which are part, is nity House in Bensonhurst and is currently of the U.S. Third-Circuit Court of Appeals using Kosovo to perpetuate his regime, to rally overseeing its capital building campaign. She where he served with distinction as judge, Serbia’s public opinion around him, and to serves as the Metro Chair of the Institutional chief judge and senior judge until his retire- label as ‘‘traitors’’ not only his opponents but Trustees Campaign for UJA and sits on the ment in March 1993. anyone who thinks independently. organization’s Planning and Allocations Com- Throughout the years, U.S. Chief Justice Last year, Milosevic imposed draconian mittee. Additionally, Dr. Fishbein devotes Warren, Burger and Rehnquist appointed laws which curtailed the independence of jour- much of her time to the Board of Jewish Edu- Judge Higginbotham to various judicial con- nalists to report news freely, and threatened cation and serves as a Vice President of its ferences. In addition, the Congressional Black the academic community’s ability to maintain Board of Directors. She also sits on the Caucus benefitted from his excellent legal its intellectual integrity. In response, the Hel- Boards of Gesher and the National Board of mind in a series of voting rights cases brought sinki Commission which I chair, held a hearing the Jewish Community Center Association. before the U.S. Supreme Court. appropriately entitled: ‘‘The Milosevic Regime Current South African President Nelson Versus Serbian Democracy and Balkan Sta- Each of today’s honorees have long been Mandela also called upon his knowledge and bility.’’ known as innovators and beacons of good will wisdom during the country’s historic 1994 na- As an example of what is happening right to all those they come into contact with. In tional elections where Judge Higginbotham now in Serbia, I would note for the RECORD recognition of their may accomplishments on served as an international mediator. what has happened to three of the witnesses behalf of my constituents. I offer many con- Mr. Speaker, the aforementioned feats and at the hearing. gratulations on their being honored by the accomplishments mark this important fact: On December 28, 1998—less than three Yeshivah of Flatbush. when he was called upon by presidents, world weeks after the hearing—Boris Karajcic, a

VerDate jul 14 2003 11:59 Sep 28, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E11MR9.000 E11MR9 4360 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 11, 1999 leader in the university student movement suppression of these rights in Serbia is unac- Mr. Wheeler will receive the French Legion ‘‘’’ (Resistance), was attacked and beat- ceptable, it ultimately will prove untenable, and of Honor in a ceremony organized by VFW en on the street in front of his home it must change sooner rather than later, not Post 3400 in West Union, OH, on March 12. by masked thugs with bats. As they fled, their only for the sake of the people in Serbia but In his letter conveying the Legion of Honor to comments indicated the political nature of the all people in south-central Europe. Mr. Wheeler, French Ambassador Bujon de attack. f l’Estang wrote: ‘‘The Legion of Honor is con- During the first week of February, Milan ferred on you by the French government as a Panic, the Serb-American pharmaceutical ex- HONORING GENES THOMPSON sign of the high esteem my country has for ecutive who is a leader of the Alliance for you who personally contributed to the decisive Change, the main coalition of political opposi- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS support the United States gave to French sol- tion to Milosevic’s ruling Socialist Party, has OF NEW YORK diers in the defense of their country during had his Serbian subsidiary company taken IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES World War I.’’ over by the authorities. The purpose was likely Thursday, March 11, 1999 Chancy Wheeler distinguished himself in the two-fold: to intimidate Panic and to gain hard- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I want to recog- struggle to ‘‘make the world safe for democ- currency assets. nize the unique community service of Genes racy’’ and served his country with honor. All of On March 8, Slavko Curuvija, the chief edi- Thompson. us in the Second Congressional District are tor of newspaper Dnevni Telegraf and the new Genes, a native of Greenville, North Caro- grateful for his service and commend him on magazine , was sentenced along lina, has lived in the East New York commu- his recognition by the French Government. I with two of his journalists to five months in nity for the past 20 years with her husband, wish him health and happiness in the years to prison by a Belgrade court for ‘‘spreading false Dwight and their son, Anthony. As an East come. reports with an intention to endanger pubic New York resident, she has devoted a great order.’’ They remain free on appeal. deal of her time to helping the community to f Mr. Speaker, these assaults on freedom be a better place in which to live. For exam- demonstrate that Milosevic feels vulnerable to ple, Genes has been a member of the 76th TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM ‘‘SONNY’’ democratic forces which do, in fact, exist in Precinct Community Council since 1980 where RESSEL Serbia, forces which may indeed be growing. her efforts and devotion has been instrumental Indeed, the Serbian Government undertook to in uplifting her community. make a paper prepared by the hearing witness HON. ANTHONY D. WEINER The Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Center from the United States Institute for Peace and has employed Genes for the last 25 years as OF NEW YORK openly circulated at that same hearing into an its Chief Switchboard Operator. She is also a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES alleged confidential CIA document which shop delegate for Local 1199, 144 division for showed, they alleged, that the U.S. Govern- Thursday, March 11, 1999 the past 19 years. In addition to these daily re- ment was plotting to overthrow the Belgrade sponsibilities, she is an active member of Lib- government. Mr. WEINER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to erty Baptist Church where she serves on the Despite his insecurity at home, Milosevic invite my colleagues to pay tribute to the Pastor’s Aid Committee as well as working does feel sufficiently secure in a U.S. policy memory of William (Sonny) Ressel. with staff of Thomas Jefferson High school. which seemingly needs his presence for im- Sonny Ressel was neither a politician nor Genes’ civic activism includes membership in plementation for the Dayton Agreement in someone who took on the responsibility of the Milford Street Block Association and work Bosnia, and to get an agreement in France on helping others because of some ulterior mo- as a volunteer with the political campaigns of Kosovo. Our dependence on him, he reckons, tive. Despite working long hours, Sonny Senator CHARLES SCHUMER and New York means we will not seek to undercut his dic- Ressel always found time for his family and State Comptroller Carl McCall. the community that he loved. tatorial power. The clear lack of attention I commend the achievements of Genes many senior Administration officials have paid Thompson, a true community activist, to the Before his untimely death on February 8th, to Serbia’ democrats has only reinforced this attention of my colleagues. Sonny Ressel served as the Co-President of feeling in Belgrade. the New Kensington Neighborhood Associa- f Mr. Speaker, this must change. The actions tion where he strove to improve his neighbor’s against Karajcic, Panic, Curuvija and count- HONORING MR. CHANCY WHEELER quality of life. less other advocates of a democratic Serbia OF WEST UNION, OH Sonny Ressel was a man of action who must be condemned not with words alone. dedicated his life to helping others regardless The United States must stop dealing with HON. ROB PORTMAN of who they were. Through his efforts, broken Milosevic directly. The United States must pro- OF OHIO streets and traffic lights in Kensington were test his assault on innocent civilians when IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES quickly repaired. In response to a growth in they occur. The United States must encourage Thursday, March 11, 1999 the number of hearing impaired residents in democratic change in Serbia, and assist those the community, Sonny secured the installation who promote this change from within, the true Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of ‘‘Deaf People Crossing’’ signs alerting mo- Serbian patriots. pay special tribute to a distinguished resident torists that some pedestrians would be unable One way in which the Congress can help in of West Union. OH, in the Second Congres- to hear their horns. this regard is to move quickly on the legisla- sional District, Mr. Chancy Wheeler. Mr. With his loving wife Ricki, Sonny Ressel tion I have just introduced, H.R. 1064, the Ser- Wheeler will turn 100 years old on June 5, helped the old and the infirm of our commu- bia and Montenegro Democracy Act of 1999. and he is being honored by the Government nity. They did this by making people laugh and This Act would ensure adequate attention is of France for his military service in the First reminding them that they were not forgotten. paid to democratic forces in Serbia and Mon- World War. tenegro by those allocating U.S. democratic Mr. Wheeler was born in 1899 in Mount Oli- Friends and admirers have likened Sonny assistance. The legislation has bipartisan sup- vet, KY. He volunteered for the Kentucky Na- Ressel to an angel who was put on earth to port. tional Guard, and then transferred into the help others and to spread happiness. I can Mr. Speaker, I am deeply concerned about United States Army in 1917. As a member of think of no better tribute for a man who always developments in Serbia generally, and the in- the First Infantry Division, 28th Regiment, First rose to the challenge of helping meet the cidents involving Helsinki Commission hearing Machine Gun Brigade, he served in 1918 in needs of others. witnesses in particular. As Chairman of the the Aisne-Marne offensive, the St. Michiel of- Sonny Ressel was an innovator and beacon Commission, I am committed to making sure fensive, and the Meuse-Argonne offensive. He of good will to all those he came into contact that the people in Serbia have the same rights was wounded twice in battle. For his actions, with. On behalf of myself and my constituents, and freedoms which so many other Europeans he received the Silver Star medal on July 21, I would like to extend my condolences to the enjoy and take for granted, the rights and free- 1918. He also received a 75th Anniversary Ressel family on Sonny’s untimely passing doms enshrined in the Helsinki Final Act and Commemorative Medal for World War I vet- and to thank them for allowing us to share in defined in subsequent OSCE documents. The erans from the U.S. Army. the bright light that was his life.

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