2332 RYE • . [ KELLY"'"S • ;omthority, and is lighted with gas by a .company, and sup- ·surrogate. The church of the Holy Spirit, a chapel of ease plied with water from works situated in the Military road, to parish church, situated at the harbour mouth, the property pf the Corp~ration. Vessels of 200 tons can and erected for the use of the C'oastguard and their families now enter the harbour, and the trade is con~iderable, and others engaged in that locality, is a building of stone, Rye being the port for Tenterden, Cranbrook and the valley ' consisting of nave, south aisle, vestry, north porch and a of the Rother, and having access by the Royal Military tower at the north-west angle containing a clock and one Canal to Romney Marshes. A line of railway, called the bell ~ there ;lre 200 sittings. There is a Baptist chapel, Rye Rarbour line, extends from the town to the harbour, established I750, with 200 sittings: a Oah·inistic chapel, with c1nd is open for goods traffic and cargoes of coal brought to about 8o sittings; and a Wesleyan chapel, seating Boo. The the station for transmission to . The church of St. Congregational chapel, on Conduit hill, built in I88o at a Mary is a eruciform building of stone with soma Norman cost of about £1,500, will seat 350. Rye Cemetery, opened portions, and other parts of Early English date, particularly in 1855• comprises 6 acres, with two mortuary chapels, and in the choir, the aisles of which onC'e had fine lancet win- is under the control of a Burial Board of nine members. dows: it consists of chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles, Horsefield's charity of £4 yearly is distributed in money, and south porch, the 4'hapels of St. Clare and St. Nicholas, tran- IOS. from other sources in bread. The Town Hall is in septs and an embattled. tower springing from the intersec- the centre of the town yard. The Ypres Tower, adjoining tion of the na.ve and transept~. and contaimng a clock and the police station, is used as a lock-up house. Kettle nets 8 bells; the clock, trooitionally believed to have been taken are erected on the sea shore, near , during the from one of the ships of the Spanish Armada wrecked on summer months, and at times very large quantitie& .of mack­ this coast, has above the dial a shield supported by two gilt ere! and other fish are caught; ship building is carried on cherubs called "quarter boys.," who strike the first three to some extent and there is a considerable trade in wool, quarters every hour ; on the shield is an inscription from corn, timber, hops and oak bark : here is also a custom the Book o~ Wisdon, eh. Il. v. 5, and over it a gabled house. The corn and stock markets are held at the ~farket canopy, the massive brass pendulum descends through the r ball, Station yard, every alternate Wednesday. The ~orth tower : at the east end of the south aisle of the nave, and or land gate of the town wall yet remains, and ill in a good near the south transept, are the remains of a private chantry i state of preservation. TheE Company of the 1st Cipque Ports or sepulchral chapel, in the Early English style, the roof of : Rifle Volupteers has head quarters in the town, In 1550 which is grained and has moulded ribs, ornamented with · Alexander Welles gave to the Corporation a piece of land for bosses ; this ch~ntry, now used as a vestry, was for many : the erection of a house for aged, sick and infirm poor ; in­ years the burial place of the Lamb family: the chancel, nave ; stead thereof cottages were built, but in 1849 the South and tower were restored about 1:882 under the superinten- 1 Eastern Railway Company pulled these down and erected deuce of the late G. E. Street R.A. architect, of , at I almshouses in their place, for persons selected by the Rye

a. cost of about £8,ooo: there are I 1ooo sittings, 500 being Town Council. The area is 2,483 acres; .ratea.ble value, free. The registers date from the year 1538. The living is £15,020; the population in x88r of the municipal borough a vicarage, average yearly value from tithe rent-charge was 4,220. £439, net income £251, with residence, in the gift of the Verger, Charles Cook. Duke of Devonshire K.G. and held since 1889 by the Rev. Arthur John William Crosse B.A. London University, and Sexton, J. Coote. Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c. PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office CouNCILLORS.

added), Market street.-Thomas Bushby, postmaster. I tWalter Fuller I Isaac Longley Letters are registered from 9 a. m. till 8. 45 p. m. Arrivals; : t John Holmes I *William N eeves -London, Hastings & mails arrive 6.30 a.m. & tisaac Wright *William Golden

1 4.r~ p.m.; DoYer down mail, 6.30 a.m. ; London day tJohn Bowen *William Bartholomew mm!, u.rs a. m. Dispatches :-London day mail, 9.30 tJohn Neve Masters *Albert Edward Hinds a. m. & I p.m. ; Dover, 3.50 p.m. ; London night mail, 7 Marked thus t retire in 1890. & 9.30 p.m. Box closes for London night mail, 9.15 & the Marked thus t retire in 1891. other mails Io minutes previous to dispatch Marked thus • retire in 18112. Marked thus 1 retire in 1895. PosT OFFICE, Rye Harbour.-William Henbrey, receiver. ·The Ordinary Meetings of the Corporation & as the Urban Letters arrive at 8.5 a. m. ; dispatched 5 p.m Sanitary Authority are held at the Town hall on the COUNTY MAGISTBATES FOR RYE PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. second thursdays in February, May & August & the 9th November Brookfield Lt. -Col. Arthur Montagu 1ti. P. Leasam house, Rye Mayor's Auditor, Councillor John Holmes Frewen Edward' esq. D.L. Brickwall, Elective Audifors, W. E. Colebrooke & Frank Jarrett Inderwick FredericAndrew Q.c. ,D.L.:\'Iariteau ho. Liddell Charles esq. The Place, , Rye R.S.O OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION & URBAN SANITARY Pix Thomas Smith esq. Woodside, Peasmarsh, Rye R.S.O AUTHORITY. Stenning Charles Horace esq. Rovindene, Rye R.S.O Town Clerk & Clerk to Urban Sanitary Authority, Waiter Stileman Major Robert Curteis, The Friars, Winchelsea Dawes, High street Clerk to the Magistrates, Waiter Dawes, High street Treasurer, G. Smith, The Hooks, Coroner, G. E. Hillman, Petty Sessions are held at the 'ft•wn hall every alternate Medical Officer of Health, John Amos Woodhams, High st wednesday at 11 a.m. The following places are in the Surveyor, Albert Smith, Cinque Ports street Petty Sessional Division:~ The parishes of Rye (partly), Sanitary Inspector, Joseph Adams, High street Winchelsea (partly), Peasmarsh, Playden, Iden, East Collector, Charles James Fletcher, High street Guldeforde,lcklesham, U dim ore, Brede,Beckley,N orthiam & Broomhill PoRT SANITARY' AuTHORITY. The Harbour Commissioners are the Authority BOROUGH MAGISTRATES. Clerk, William Dawes, Watchbell street Medical Officer of Health, John Amos Woodhams, Bank The Mayor & Deputy Mayot house, High street Davis Robert Coker Nash, West street Reeve Kingsnorth, High street PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS :- Stenning Charles Horace, Rovindene Cemetery, William Dawes, Watch bell street, clerk to burial Stonham Thomas, High street board & registrar Vidler James Coleman, Magdala house, Ferry road Coast Gua:rd, Rye Harbour,RobertC.Munday, chief officer; ~ Vidler John Symonds, Mountsfield Camber, John Drowley, cluef officell Woodhams John Amos, Bank house, High street County Court, Town hall, His Honor Alfred Martineau M.A. Clerk, Waiter Dawes, High street judge ; A. Mcintosh, Bond street, Brighton, official receiver ; Cuthbert Hayles, Market road, Rye, registrar & Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall every high bailiff. The court is held every two months at the monday at IO a.m. Quarter Sessions are held at the Town hall on tuesday at 1.30 p.m. ; the district com­ Town hall; recorder, Robert Henry Hurst, Goldsmith prises the following places :-Heckley, Hrede, Broomhill, building, Temple, London E c G;tmber, East Guldeford, Icklesham, Iden, Northiam, CORPORATION-I88g-go. Peasmarsh, Playden, Rye, & Winchelsea Mayor-John Amos Woodbams Certified Bailiffs Appointed under the Law of Distress Jt.e.Puty Mayor,-Herbert Verrall Chapman Amendment Act, John Coleman Vidler, Magdala house, Ferry road. Rye; George Frederick Clements, High st. ALDERMEN. Ry\l; Ernest James Vidler, Havelock road, Hastings; *FtatJ.tis' Bellingham ~Coleman Vidler Kingsnorth Reeve, High street, Rye ; Adolphns Finn, * .tQhn Symonds Vidle:r IfRobert Coker Nash Davies Lydd ; ,William Thomas Smith, Beckley •