Inside: l Sen. Portman releases Ukrainian campaign ad – page 3 l UCCA leaders hold high-level meetings in – page 4 l UACCNJ holds seventh annual Ukrainian Festival – page 10

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXIV No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 $2.00 Ukrainian American businessman Leaders agree to draft road map optimistic about the future of to implement Minsk agreement by Mark Raczkiewycz Racketeers would approach the group, saying, “you need to hire us for protection,” KAPITANIVKA, Ukraine – As the son of a Mr. Rondiak recalled. Green Beret serviceman, Petro Rondiak Staying clean and honest came at a price. grew up moving around a lot. He spent two It took more than four years to get all the years in , Germany, and has resid- building permits to construct one of the ed in Boston, Washington and Philadelphia. nation’s first multi-brand dealerships that In 1995, the 50-year-old father of three would include Volvo, Jaguar and Land children finally cemented his feet in his Rover, in addition to Ford, in 2003. It was a ancestral homeland of Ukraine to help a $15 million investment. sprawling Ford car dealership network He credits Mr. Hynansky’s credo of car- founded by John Hynansky – a Ukrainian ing and investing in employees and for tak- American who was already an established ing decisions with “having a long-term successful car dealer in America in several presence” in mind for Winner’s success. eastern states. “Our basic, fundamental reason why we Mr. Rondiak had no automotive experi- come to work every day is that we try to be an example of transparent and open busi- ence, but had technical training as an engi- ness in Ukraine,” Mr. Rondiak said. “We neer with Raytheon, a major U.S. defense want to align ourselves with best-in-class contractor, and knowledge of the Ukrainian products and services, and honest and language. Those qualities were enough for Presidential Administration of Ukraine transparent business in Ukraine as a social- German Chancellor Angela Merkel (center) hosts talks in with Russian his former roommate and fellow Plast ly responsible company.” Ukrainian Scouting Organization member Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia, Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine and Francois Car sales, according to Mr. Rondiak, usu- Hollande of regarding the war in Ukraine. in Philadelphia, Bohdan Kulchycky, to ally have a five-to-one correlation with how recruit him in 1995 at Winner Automotive the economy grows. The industry peaked in RFE/RL The leaders also discussed creating in Kyiv at the behest of Mr. Hynansky, who 2008 at the dawn of the global financial cri- zones of disengagement between the war- started the company three years ealier. sis with over 660,000 units being sold; last The leaders of Ukraine, Germany, France ring parties in eastern Ukraine, as well as That year, as Ukraine was discovering year just 51,000 new cars were registered. and Russia agreed to draw up a road map by measures to improve the humanitarian sit- freedom and capitalism, Winner sold less So if the nation’s gross domestic product the end of next month to carry out the uation there, she said. than 1,000 vehicles. By the time that Mr. grows by 1 percent, the industry sees a 5 Minsk peace agreement for eastern Ukraine. “It’s urgently necessary to keep having Rondiak had arrived to work as the deputy percent rise in vehicles leaving showrooms. After six hours of talks on the wars in such talks in order not to lose momentum,” director of Winner, Mr. Kulchycky was no Despite the turbulence that the industry Ukraine and Syria on October 19-20 in said Ms. Merkel. longer using a Soviet-era hotel room for an has faced with multiple political and eco- Berlin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko office. nomic crises, Winner has maintained its emerged to say the leaders “didn’t achieve said the road map “should have the “They dealt with all kinds of challenges, status as an exclusive importer of Ford miracles,” but the road map would enable sequence of the implementation of the including the mafia…” Mr. Rondiak, now the motor vehicles by meeting market share all sides to keep pushing ahead with the management board head of the Winner benchmarks. 2015 Minsk peace agreement. (Continued on page 12) Group of Companies, told The Ukrainian For example, in 2015 Ford was the third Weekly at the company’s $22 million distri- best-selling brand behind Renault and bution center and headquarters in a Kyiv Toyota. suburb, the village of Kapitanivka. (Continued on page 13) “RED LINES” FOR UKRAINE: Ukrainian think tanks issue memo on implementation of Minsk agreements The Kyiv-based Institute of World Joint Control and Coordination Center Policy initiated and prepared, together established within the Trilateral Contact with other Ukrainian think tanks, a memo Group. for Ukrainian authorities regarding “red On disarmament: lines” for a compromise that should not be - crossed by Ukraine within the framework itary equipment and armaments remain of the implementation of the Minsk agree- on •Ukraine’s If, until the territory time of in the special elections, security mil ments. Following is the full text of the storages, those storages should be October 12 document. guarded by the representatives of an international mission with a military On the ceasefire: component. Only armed observers are - able to ensure compliance, and not only fire should be maintained according to monitoring, of the implementation of clause• A complete1 of the “Packageand sustainable of Measures” cease security obligations by the parties. during disarmament and withdrawal of On restoration of border control: troops (clauses 2 and 3 of the “Package of Measures”) and until the full restora- should be restored before the elections tion of control of the border by Ukraine. in the• Permanent occupied territories.control over As the an option,border Mark Raczkiewycz Petro Rondiak stands outside the Winner Group of Companies’ 9,000-square meter, the OSCE Monitoring Mission and the (Continued on page 12) $22 million distribution and office building in a Kyiv suburb. • The ceasefire should be observed by 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 No. 43


Russian military theorists consider Poroshenko: security is precondition “Separatist” commander killed in Donetsk KYIV – President Petro Poroshenko KYIV – An unruly commander of Russia- future war: Bridging the NATO-Russia gap spoke with German Chancellor Angela backed separatist forces in eastern Ukraine Merkel and French President Francois who once boasted about having killed cap- by Roger McDermott future must implement fundamentally dif- ferent approaches with appropriate new Hollande on October 16. The Ukrainian tive soldiers has died in Donetsk in an Eurasia Daily Monitor president’s press service reported: “The technologies in warfare (Nezavisimoye apparent assassination, the latest in a spate parties discussed consequences of recent Russian military theorists have a long- Voyennoye Obozreniye, September 30). of killings that the separatists blame on consultations at the level of diplomatic developed reputation for paying close While advocating new concepts or Kyiv but that others suspect have been car- advisors in the Normandy format (Ukraine, attention to the possible contours of future approaches to warfare, including the ried out by Russia. Arseny Pavlov, a Russian Germany, France and Russia). They noted wars. And now – in the context of Moscow’s sistemno-setevoy voyny, the authors avoid citizen better known by his nom de guerre, efficient German-French-Ukrainian interac- military modernization, its involvement in dwelling too much on military theory in Motorola, succumbed to “injuries incom- tion in the elaboration of the road map on armed conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, as their book. Cols. Popov and Khamzatov also patible with life” after an improvised explo- the implementation of the Minsk agree- well as its continued strained relations consider what system-network war will sive device detonated as he entered the ele- ments. Petro Poroshenko emphasized the with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization mean for a military’s force structure, argu- vator of his apartment building in the sepa- importance of further coordinated efforts (NATO) – Russian theorists are again ing that further changes in the armed forc- ratist stronghold of Donetsk on October 16, aimed to ensure the fulfillment of security actively assessing trends in modern war- es are inevitable. However, rather than tin- the Interfax news agency reported. It said a conditions of Minsk by Russia and its pup- fare and what they will mean for the future kering and experimentation, the basis for bodyguard also died in the blast. The sepa- pets, which is the precondition for any prog- of the country’s armed forces. these structural changes must be rooted in ratist leadership in Donetsk confirmed Mr. ress in a political direction. They agreed to A range of real-world actions imple- pursuing principles of flexibility, modulari- Pavlov’s death and said an investigation conduct a phone conversation in trilateral mented by Moscow in recent months, rang- ty and versatility – in itself hardly new, but format at the beginning of the next week to was under way. Aleksandr Zakharchenko, ing from strengthening air defense for the tied to potential “conventional deterrence” determine prospects of holding a summit in head of the separatist group that calls itself deployed forces in Syria, changes to ground and possible new types of warfare. the Donetsk People’s Republic, blamed the forces’ structures, or reportedly moving the the Normandy format.” (Ukrainian Moreover, as the authors examine the Canadian Congress Daily Briefing) Ukrainian authorities for the blast that conventional and nuclear-capable strike likely contour of Russia’s future wars and killed Mr. Pavlov, who headed a fighting system Iskander-M (without nuclear war- its meaning for force development, they OSCE on restrictions in ‘separatist’ areas force called the Sparta battalion. Mr. heads) into Kaliningrad, connect intrinsi- argue that, currently, the state can with- KYIV – A senior member of the monitor- Zakharchenko said the killing amounted to cally with how the top brass and leading stand three types of potential adversary: ing mission in Ukraine from the a “declaration of war” by President Petro military thinkers view future warfare (see high-technology armed forces from Organization for Security and Cooperation Poroshenko and vowed to retaliate against Eurasia Daily Monitor, October 6, 12, 13; advanced economies, traditional types of in Europe (OSCE) says 70 percent of the members of Ukraine’s military and security Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozreniye, military based on 20th century principles, restrictions imposed on the free movement services, as well as their families. “All offi- October 7; Voyenno Promyshlennyy Kuryer, and irregular armed groups operational at of monitors since May has been in areas cers, lieutenant colonels, majors who oper- October 4). international or domestic levels. outside of the control of Ukraine’s govern- ate on our territory, all your agents, fami- It is in this context that one of the most Nevertheless, the authors also acknowl- ment. Alexander Hug, deputy chief monitor lies, are beyond the law as of now. Not only significant works in recent years to examine edge they cannot resolve the problem of of the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission to here but in Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Russian perspectives on future warfare was the science of prediction; instead in this Ukraine, made the remark in an October 18 Dnipropetrovsk,” Mr. Zakharchenko told a recently published. “Voyna Budushchego: complex and changing environment, they interview with RFE/RL. Mr. Hug said the press conference in Donetsk, listing cities Kontseptualnyye Osnovy i Prakticheskiye offer some thoughts and views on how restrictions imposed in parts of eastern that are under government control. “And I Vyvody. Ocherki Strategicheskoy Mysli,” warfare might further evolve. Ukraine under the control of Russia-backed would add: when we come to your home, (The War of the Future: A Conceptual Interestingly, in categorizing the types of separatists usually occur in one of three there will be no mercy towards you, believe Framework and Practical Conclusions. wars or opponents that the Russian state ways. “We are either stopped and blocked Sketches of Strategic Thought, Moscow me.” But Artem Shevchenko, director of can counter, Cols. Popov and Khamzatov from proceeding further, we can only con- 2016, 832 pp.), co-authored by Col. (ret.) communications for Ukraine’s Internal ignore the potential future risk of direct tinue further under certain conditions, or Affairs Ministry, said Mr. Pavlov got what he Igor Popov and Col. (ret.) Musa Khamzatov, confrontation between network-centric is a culmination of three years’ work, we are delayed over hours at a certain deserved. “It is a sad but fair end of such adversaries. It is touched upon or implied, checkpoint before we then can go further,” bastards on our Ukrainian land,” Mr. involving roundtables and extensive discus- but never directly considered in any detail. sion. The roundtables, presented as an Mr. Hug said. He also said drone planes Shevchenko wrote in a post on Facebook. But their thinking on sistemno-setevoy used by monitors are shot at, have their Mr. Pavlov fought in fierce battles against appendix, delved into the conflicts in voyny makes a distinction between Russia transmissions jammed, or have their cam- Ukrainian forces in Ilovaisk in August 2014 Ukraine and Syria, war as controlled chaos, possessing a network-enabled capability eras sabotaged. About 700 OSCE monitors and Debaltseve in February 2015 – sepa- threats in cyberspace and the development and actually conducting networked opera- have been active in Ukraine since March ratist campaigns that Western intelligence of military robotics, among other topical tions. On the latter their thinking merely 2014. They have a mandate to observe the and reporters on the ground said were issues. According to the book preface, this is acknowledges that the wars of the future security situation across all of Ukraine. backed by regular Russian forces. He also not an academic textbook or a traditional will use high-technology assets in an opera- military-theoretical work. In fact, the co- (RFE/RL, with reporting by RFE/RL’s tional environment where the human ter- Rikard Jozwiak in Brussels) (Continued on page 12) authored study aims to explore the prob- rain constitutes a key battleground. Other lems and perspectives on future warfare by Russian military specialists argue that unifying practical and theoretical approach- information warfare has been subsumed by es. Although the book targets career network-centric approaches, again seeing FOUNDED 1933 General Staff officers, its overall style seems the former in a much wider context. That is The Ukrainian Weekly to range beyond the narrow field of such not to suggest Russia will no longer use work for military specialists (Nezavisimoye information warfare, but that it forms part An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., Voyennoye Obozreniye, September 30). of a bigger picture (, accessed a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. The authors examine the essence, con- October 12). Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. tent and typology of war as part of the One of the strengths in this collection of Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. ongoing debate as to whether the Prussian essays lies in its avoidance of becoming (ISSN — 0273-9348) military theorist Carl von Clausewitz is out bogged down in the minutia of terms and The Weekly: UNA: of date in a nuclear and high-technology various categories or sub-categories of Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 warfare era. They remind their readers, for warfare. Other Russian writers try to example, that according to Sun Tzu, war is a address these issues in such a manner, but Postmaster, send address changes to: way of deception. However, drawing upon clearly there was some dispute about defi- The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz the top brass’s interest in network-centric nition among the participants in the 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas warfare, or in adopting command, control, numerous roundtables in Moscow. “Voyna P.O. Box 280 communications, computers, intelligence, Budushchego” also provides evidence that Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) the top brass are interested in assessing capabilities for the modern battlefield, Cols. these complex issues about future warfare The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: Popov and Khamzatov extend this to a with real vested interests rather than pure- slightly nuanced variant of the concept. ly academically (, March 5). The Ukrainian Weekly, October 23, 2016, No. 43, Vol. LXXXIV Their interpretation may better fit what the Such views are also shaped and influ- Copyright © 2016 The Ukrainian Weekly Russian military is currently pursuing, enced by a number of recent developments namely a “sistemno-setevoy voyny” (sys- in the strategic environment and how tem-network war), which allows the Moscow understands these events. Chief ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA authors to consider a range of issues con- among them are Russian perspectives on (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 nected to tying territorial defense to mod- the dangers of color revolution. Russian Walter Honcharyk, administrator and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 ern conditions. Moreover, they both con- analysts perceive such activities in a net- e-mail: [email protected] tend that although the experience of the work-enabled environment. By using vari- Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 Great Patriotic War will continue to be rele- e-mail: [email protected] vant for Russian officers, the wars of the (Continued on page 13) No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 3

NEWS ANALYSIS Russia flexes Iskander muscles on its northwestern flank

by Sergey Sukhankin viewed within the context of a much broad- Kaliningrad Oblast. For instance, according North Atlantic Alliance (RT, April 29, 2016; Eurasia Daily Monitor er range of preparatory activities conduct- to local sources, more than 7,000 additional see EDM, July 29, 2014; June 13, 2016). ed by the Kremlin over the past several naval personnel will join the Baltic Sea Third, in spite of ostentatious pronounce- Over the past several months, Russia has months. Fleet (BSF), which is stationed in the oblast, ments about Russia’s invincibility, Moscow been ramping up military activities on its On October 4, the rocket brigade of the of whom more than half will be brought in clearly does not feel secure on its north- northwestern flank (see Eurasia Daily Western Military District (MD) was put on from other parts of Russia western flank – apparently doubtful of Monitor, July 11). This was most recently the maximum level of military readiness (, October 4). Kaliningrad Oblast’s ability to be the coun- underscored by the intensification of (TASS, October 4). This posture turned out Taken together, these developments try’s “impregnable bastion.” In his analysis Moscow’s “Iskander diplomacy” and to be in preparation for carrying out mili- reflect Russia’s evident rapid efforts to for- of possible conflict scenarios between NATO attempts to project the image of improving tary exercises, including training to fire the tify its northwestern flank. These actions (and its allies) and the Russian armed forc- efficiency in the western-facing armed forc- Iskander-M. These exercises assembled are driven by at least three key issues. First, es, Mikhail Nikolayevskii argues that es. Both elements revolve around Russia’s 500 military personnel and 50 pieces of Moscow is reacting to the fallout from the Kaliningrad will be particularly susceptible strategic outpost in the West – the heavy munitions and artillery, thus sub- “decapitation of the BSF” (in June 2016), to a surprise attack by Western forces. The Kaliningrad Oblast exclave. stantially increasing the scope of similar whereby Moscow sacked several dozen analyst contends that forces stationed in According to Lauri Lepik, the Republic of drills held last July (Voenno-Promyshlennyi commanding officers for systemic corrup- this exposed oblast would be destroyed Estonia’s permanent representative to the Kurier, July 25). tion and widespread incompetence. Those with relative ease (Voenno-Promyshlennyi North Atlantic Council, speaking on October The authorities also announced on the revelations were not only embarrassing for Kurier, August 24). 7, Russia was secretly transporting same day that Kaliningrad would be host- the government but additionally exposed Considering this situation, Iskander Iskander-M theater ballistic missile com- ing tactical war games. The exercise would numerous weaknesses in the Kremlin’s complexes deployed to Kaliningrad could plexes to Kaliningrad Oblast. As proof, the involve the participation of over 1,000 mili- control over the region (see EDM, July 19). play a decisive role in warding off the forces Estonian official presented screen shots that tary personnel and more than 100 pieces of Now, Moscow is trying to deal with these of a potential attacker. Moreover, the fact depict the sea vessel Ambal, a civilian ferry special equipment, including BMP-2 infan- ongoing challenges by highlighting per- that Iskander missiles can reach targets as from Ust-Luga (Soikinsky Peninsula, by the try fighting vehicles, T-72 main battle tanks, ceived outside threats. Specifically, Russia far as 500 kilometers away could shift the Gulf of Finland), being used for this purpose Akatsiya and Gvozdika self-propelled artil- aims to create the impression of dramatic regional balance of power more in Russia’s (, October 7). This infor- lery pieces, Giatsint field guns and Grad changes being carried out in Kaliningrad by favor. mation was later repeated in the Russian multiple rocket launchers. These land forc- holding more military exercises and accret- The apparent deployment of Iskander mass media (, October 7). es would practice under the cover of Su-24 ing ever stronger military forces to this ballistic missiles to Kaliningrad actually It took a full day for the Russian Ministry attack aircraft and Mi-24 helicopters “fortress on the Baltic.” Nonetheless, histor- suggests that Moscow has exhausted all the of Defense to grudgingly confirm this (, October 4). ical experience of the central government’s other means of effectively withstanding the deployment of Iskanders (, It is worth noting the changing nature of involvement in regional-level affairs sug- political, economic and cultural competi- October 8). Defense Ministry spokesperson these exercises on Russia’s Baltic coast. In gests that quantity will not necessarily tion with other regional players. “Iskander Igor Konashenkov boasted that Russia late August, snap readiness exercises were transform into quality. diplomacy” thus represents Moscow’s last “wanted the [Iskander] complex to be spot- carried out in the Western MD specifically A second factor driving Russia’s recent resort. ted by the Americans” (Interfax, October 8). in preparation for the large Kavkaz activities in its northwestern flank is the For Kaliningrad Oblast, on the other Furthermore, he admitted that “Russia has (Caucasus) 2016 war games concentrated Kremlin’s resolve to use the Iskander as a hand, this means a return to the Soviet-era transported Iskander complexes to on southwestern Russia (Vzglyad, August kind of “trump card” or tool of Russian preoccupation with the militarization of the Kaliningrad before and will continue to do 25). Whereas two subsequent September diplomacy to deal with other countries in territory. The residents of Kaliningrad, so” (, October 8). exercises hosted in Kaliningrad Oblast (at the Baltic Sea region – from Poland and the therefore, can expect the progressive trans- The deployment of these advanced bal- the Baltic Sea Fleet’s Khmelevka training Baltic States to Scandinavia. Russia has for formation of their region back into an iso- listic missiles to Russia’s Baltic exclave was grounds) were concerned strictly with local years suggested that Iskander-M missiles lated military outpost – reversing the mod- predictable. At the end of June, the perma- tasks, such as coastal defense and on-shore would target Central-Eastern European est external links with Europe that were nent representative of the Russian naval fire support (, countries in retaliation for the North cultivated during the post-Soviet period. Federation to the North Atlantic Council, September 7;, Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) mov- Alexander Grushko, hinted that Iskanders September 14). ing additional forces to the Baltic region. In The article above is reprinted from could be sent to Kaliningrad Oblast on Besides holding more exercises, the gov- addition, Moscow has threatened Sweden Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from short notice (Interfax, June 30). That being ernment has also been explicitly building and Finland with Iskanders should either of its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, said, the current “Iskander affair” should be up the military manpower present in these countries seek membership in the

ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL Quotable notes “Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan are not the world’s only major ‘refugee’ Sen. Rob Portman releases Ukrainian campaign ad hosting nations. Ukraine too hosts enormous numbers of people who have had to leave their homes because of war. Millions fled their homes in COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Portman for Senate 2014 after Russian operatives and tanks invaded Ukraine’s eastern campaign on October 18 released a Ukrainian- regions and annexed . ...According to Ukraine’s Ministry of Social language radio ad that highlights the Ohio sena- Policy, 1.7 million Ukrainians are officially registered as [internally dis- tor’s work with the Ukrainian community. placed persons]. The ad copy (translated into English) reads in “...The death and destruction caused by Russia’s occupation, in human part: “As co-founder and co-chair of the Senate terms, is horrific. Ukraine’s Ministry of Social Policy reported that 25,000 Ukraine Caucus, Rob Portman is standing up for children live in towns and villages along the conflict line; they are still in Ukraine in the United States Senate. Portman is insecure conditions. Because of Russian aggression, 68 children have leading the fight to condemn the Russian-backed been killed and 158 have been wounded over the last two years. ...The conflict in the Donbas has affected the lives of more than half a million separatist attacks, and he supports providing children in Ukraine. Each third child – 200,000 children – needs at least Ukraine with the necessary lethal weapons to some psychological assistance. defend itself.” “...The exodus from the east began immediately after the Revolution of The advertisement also notes that the Dignity drove Ukraine’s larcenous President Viktor Yanukovych back to Republican senator is endorsed by the Ukrainian Russia. Russians invaded, cities have been ransacked, and millions of dis- Civic League. The senator’s campaign said the ad possessed persons have been victimized. And Russia has not abated its will be run on targeted shows in Cleveland aggression; the only reason it is not in Kyiv now is because of the through Election Day. Ukrainian military’s resistance. The campaign also pointed out in a news “...This is a refugee catastrophe, but unlike those millions forced to flee release that later that week Sen. Portman was to Syria or Sudan, Ukraine’s dispossessed are invisible to the world. Imagine receive the Shevchenko Freedom Award from Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) if 2 million Ukrainians had to live in camps in Poland. If this were the case, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. It the world would finally see – and fully condemn-Russian President also cites the senator’s role as a leader in the The radio ad coincides with advertising in Vladimir Putin’s predation and flagrant breach of international law. ...And congressional effort to increase military assis- local Ukrainian newspapers. In addition, Russia has yet to be brought before the United Nations for waging this tance to Ukraine to ensure it can defend its sov- Portman for Senate advertisements have been terrible war against Ukraine.” ereign borders against escalating Russian placed in The Ukrainian Weekly and Svoboda. – Diane Francis, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Dinu Patriciu aggression and notes that the senator “has held According to The Columbus Dispatch, the Eurasia Center, writing on October 19 on the “New Atlanticist” blog in an no less than 14 meetings with groups from the Ukrainian radio ad is Sen. Portman’s second for- article titled “Ukraine’s invisible refugees” (see http://www.atlanticcouncil. Ukrainian/Eastern European community in just eign-language ad; he has also released a TV ad in org/blogs/new-atlanticist/ukraine-s-invisible-refugees). the last three years.” Spanish. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 No. 43 UCCA leaders hold high-level meetings in Kyiv UCCA Congress in the current crisis in Eastern Ukraine. NEW YORK – In late September, the newly Afterwards, Ms. Hopko invited other elected president of the Ukrainian Congress members of the parliamentary committee Committee of America (UCCA), Andriy Futey, to present their concerns and priorities. and his predecessor, Tamara Olexy, traveled The conversation focused on continued to Kyiv on a four-day working visit. It was a Russian aggression, the current situation in packed schedule of meetings with members Crimea and the coordination of efforts to of the , Cabinet ministers extend sanctions on Russia. National and the new U.S. envoy to Ukraine. Deputy Hopko reiterated the importance of On September 27, Mr. Futey and Ms. a visit by the newly elected president of the Olexy joined the Ukrainian World Congress United States to Ukraine and the UCCA’s (UWC) delegation headed by UWC assistance in that effort. President Eugene Czolij at a signing cere- That same day, Mr. Futey and Ms. Olexy mony with Ukraine’s Prime Minister met with acting Minister of Health Ulana , to sign a Suprun, who explained her priorities and Memorandum of Cooperation between the the systematic and legislative changes she Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the will be pursuing to completely restructure Ukrainian World Congress. the ministry and the delivery of health care On September 28, the UCCA leaders and in Ukraine. She also discussed the need for representatives of the UWC met with the direct assistance in some areas, most nota- chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of bly children’s health. Dr. Suprun thanked UCCA the Ukrainian Parliament, Hanna Hopko, to the UCCA for its efforts in continuing to In Kyiv (from left) are: Tamara Olexy and Andriy Futey of the Ukrainian Congress discuss ongoing efforts to maintain U.S. and coordinate humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Committee of America, National Deputy Volodymyr Ariev, Ukrainian World European sanctions on Russia and contin- The UCCA then joined the UWC for a Congress President Eugene Czolij and Maryna Iaroshevych, UWC liaison officer to ued support of the U.S. administration and meeting with Vice Prime Minister on international organizations. European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze. Among key issues discussed were the continuation of European sanctions against Russia and the aftermath of the referendum vote in the Netherlands on Ukraine’s membership in the European Union. On September 30, Mr. Futey and Ms. Olexy met with U.S. Ambassador Marie L. Yovanovitch, who congratulated the UCCA on its successful XXII Congress of Ukrainians of America and confirmed the Embassy’s continued cooperation. Key issues discussed with the ambassador included continued U.S. leadership in main- taining sanctions on Russia, further humani- The Ukrainian World Congress delegation at the Cabinet of Ministers (from left): UWC Vice-President Olena Koszarny, UWC tarian and economic assistance for Ukraine, Director of Humanitarian Initiatives Victor Hetmanczuk, UWC Vice-President Tamara Gallo Olexy, Director of the UWC Mission civic and social community programs that to Ukraine Serhiy Kasyanchuk, UWC Treasurer Zenon Potichny, UWC President Eugene Czolij, Prime Minister Volodymyr the UCCA is planning to spearhead, and the Groysman, First Vice Prime Minister/Minister of Economic Development and Trade Stepan Kubiv and Vice Prime Minister Vyacheslav Kyrylenko. (Continued on page 5)

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WFUWO shared information about its programs, and specifically the intensive assistance TORONTO – The annual meeting of the being provided to the army and families of World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s war victims in eastern Ukraine. Organizations (WFUWO) was held on Dr. Tamara Melnyk, a gender equality August 21-23 in Kyiv, coinciding with the expert, gave a most informative address on 25th anniversary of Ukraine’s indepen- the evolution of and current conditions for dence. However, the celebration was cloud- gender equality in Ukraine. She is the ed by the fact that this anniversary was author of countless articles and books on being marked at a time when there was this topic. growing military aggression in eastern Her presentation was followed by a Ukraine. panel discussion on the topic “Equal The meeting took place at the Kozatskyi Opportunities in the Process of Creating a Hotel on Kyiv’s Independence Square. Culture of Peace.” Dr. Kebalo introduced Officially there were 18 delegates and nine the moderator, Ella Lamakh, head of the official guests representing WFUWO mem- NGO Center for Democratic Development, ber organizations. However, invited guests who organized the panel. The main speak- and representatives of women’s organiza- er was Natalia Fedorovych of the Ministry tions of Ukraine were also present. of Social Policy and head of the Therefore, most of the sessions were Department on Family, Gender Issues and attended by some 50 attendees. Counter-Trafficking, who reviewed U.N. Greetings to the WFUWO assembly were Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) expressed by Dr. Iryna Kliuchkovska, direc- on “women, peace and security” and its significance and implementation in tor of the International Institute for WFUWO Ukraine. Education, Culture and Relations with the Orysia Sushko (right), president of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Diaspora; National Deputy Irina Suslova, Organizations, with Dr. Iryna Kliuchkowska, director of the International Institute Panel participants were: Kateryna chair of the Verkhovna Rada Subcommittee for Education, Culture and Relations with the Diaspora. Levchenko, executive director of the NGO on Gender Equality and Non- La Strada; Dr. Halyna Majstruk of the NGO Discrimination; Dr. Lyudmila Porokhniak troops; aid to families, children and Rights Council, as well as participation in Women’s Health and Family Planning; and Hanovska, president of the National women; and assistance to survivors of war. activities and meetings of various interna- Dr. Valentina Bondarovska, founder and Council of Women of Ukraine; and Eugene Martha Kichorowska Kebalo, chair of tional and local non-governmental organi- director of the NGO Center Rozrada. Czolij, president of the Ukrainian World the WFUWO Commission to the United zations. “It was vital to provide the interna- Participants shared information on the Congress. All speakers commended the Nations and its main representative to the tional community information about the ways their organizations embody the spirit WFUWO on its efforts and multi-faceted U.N. Economic and Social Council, reported situation in eastern Ukraine and in Crimea,” of Resolution 1325 in accordance with the activities, expressing best wishes for con- on the activities of the WFUWO’s U.N. she noted, “and to advise them of the tire- national plan for its implementation that tinued success. group in New York. less efforts being put forward relative to was adopted by the Ukrainian government The official part of the business meeting During the report period, WFUWO U.N. the protection of the rights of Ukrainian in February of this year. included the adoption of the administrative participated (actively and supportively in women during this wartime period.” An “issues analysis” discussion chaired annual reports. A positive commendation various ways) in no fewer than 24 events, The detailed reports presented by Dr. by Ms. Sushko strove to allow all the partic- by the Auditing Committee congratulated Dr. Kebalo stated. The group organized at Kebalo and Dr. Mondoux will be published ipants to share their views and identify the WFUWO executive on its leadership least seven events: it co-sponsored “Peace in the next issue of the journal Ukrainian issues important for the further successful and positive efforts. is the Path,” a report to the U.N. on the Woman in the World, on the WFUWO web- activities of the WFUWO. The following President Orysia Sushko identified Women’s Dialogue Meeting of 2015; creat- site and on the Facebook page WFUWO at topics were discussed: general education important issues dealt with during the ed an NGO-led panel titled “Art as a Tool for the U.N. (which also includes ensuring that dissemi- report period (September 2015 to July Prevention of Conflict” together with the Annual meeting participants also nated information about Ukraine is accu- 2016). This included information on the U.N. Department of Public Information; received information regarding the pro- rate); information technology and commu- WFUWO membership, which identified 30 presented a slide-show/talk on Ukraine grams of some of the women’s organiza- nication; membership commitment, dues NGO projects helping women displaced by tions in Ukraine and participated in discus- and development; and the culture of peace, national organizations in 20 countries on the war in Ukraine; together with sions related to the future efforts of the including the issue of immigration. four continents. She was pleased to inform Ukraine’s Permanent Mission to the U.N., WFUWO. Dr. Hanovska surprised all present with the meeting that the application for organized a side event on the “The Dr. Kliuchkowska of the International a most touching gesture by honoring the WFUWO membership by the Women’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Institute for Education, Culture and president of the WFUWO, the presidents of League of Luxembourg was approved by Needs of Women IDPs [internally dis- Relations with the Diaspora delivered an WFUWO member organizations, the main the executive and, in accordance with the placed persons] in Ukraine”; organized a extremely informative overview on the representatives to the United Nations, rep- by-laws, would be presented to the annual roundtable (at Ukraine’s Mission) for an theme “The Role of Women in resentatives of women’s organizations in meeting for ratification. Therefore, the lat- encounter between NGOs of Ukraine and Contemporary Ukraine.” Her presentation Ukraine and the administrator of the est information on membership shows 31 the diaspora together with representatives will be published in the next issue of WFUWO with the NCWU Order of Peace national organizations in 21 countries. Ms. of donor organizations and U.N. agencies Ukrainian Woman in the World. and Love. Sushko mentioned that another national active in Ukraine; organized two presenta- Dr. Hanovska of the National Council of The WFUWO extended heartfelt grati- organization has indicated interest in join- tions of Dr. Marianna Rubchak’s book Women of Ukraine (NCWU) presented tude to Dr. Hanovska, who made arrange- ing the ranks of the WFUWO and that nego- “New Imaginaries” in New York at the detailed information about the council’s ments for the meeting and assisted in vari- tiations are in process. Ukrainian Museum and the Shevchenko extensive and varied activities, and invited ous aspects during its duration. As a show Her report further detailed the Scientific Society. some of the member organizations to join of appreciation for her efforts and assis- WFUWO’s efforts during the past year, Dr. Kebalo also cited WFUWO efforts at her in presenting information about their tance, she was recognized with the which included correspondence with the the U.N. in New York and Geneva that were organizations. WFUWO’s prestigious Kniahynia Olha government of Ukraine and other countries focused on “Women – Peace and Security,” Dr. Oreslava Chomyk, president of the Award presented by the organization’s on relevant issues, contacts with WFUWO especially since the beginning of the League of Ukrainian Women of Ukraine, president, Ms. Sushko. members and community members, a vari- Russian aggression in Ukraine in March ety of visitations, etc. The outstanding 2014. “WFUWO U.N. has been consistently efforts put forth by WFUWO members in drawing attention to the problems as well famous Ukrainian statesman and national- assisting Ukraine at this time were also as the empowerment of women during UCCA leaders... ist leader. highlighted. Ms. Sushko said that, from the this time of conflict,” she underscored. Throughout their working visit, UCCA (Continued from page 4) beginning of the Maidan, WFUWO member Dr. Olexandra Kunovska Mondoux leaders also held meetings with Vytautas organizations provided, and continue to reported on her representation at the most recent developments in Ukraine. Landsbergis, the first head of state of provide, tremendous support to our broth- United Nations office in Geneva. “The main During their stay in Ukraine, Mr. Futey, Lithuania after its independence from the ers and sisters in Ukraine. In addition, the focus of my efforts during this past year Ms. Olexy and Askold Lozynskyj, a former Soviet Union; Valdis Zatlers, former presi- intensive efforts by both the executive and was to develop positive relationships with UCCA president and current chair of the dent of the Republic of Latvia; Yulia member organizations to secure the various representatives of the United UCCA Film Committee, were invited to Tymoshenko, former prime minister of release of Nadiya Savchenko were noted. Nations in Geneva and establish the posi- attend a celebration for renowned film Ukraine; Paul Shapiro, director of the Office Member organizations gave their tion of the WFUWO among the many wom- director Oles Yanchuk at the Dovzhenko of International Affairs at the U.S. Holocaust reports, for the most part with the support en’s organizations that are active mainly in National Film Studio. The reception, in Memorial Museum; National Deputy of videos or PowerPoint presentations, the territory of the Swiss Confederation,” honor of Mr. Yanchuk’s 60th birthday, was Volodymyr Ariev, chair of the Ukrainian outlining the monumental efforts put forth she said. She reported that her efforts were also attended by Ukraine’s Minister of delegation to Parliamentary Assembly of by their membership in varied spheres of mainly focused on the representation of Culture Yevhen Nyschuk, who expressed the Council of Europe (PACE), as well as efforts and, more specifically, in providing the WFUWO in the Committee on the his support for the upcoming UCCA co-pro- several members of Parliament, including various forms of assistance to Ukraine, Status of Women in Geneva, participating duced film “The Secret Diaries of Symon Hryhoriy Nemyria, Viktor Kryvenko, Pavlo such as financial aid; support for the in the 30th-32nd sessions of the Human Petliura” that chronicles the life of the Kyshkar and Ostap Yednak. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 No. 43

WINDOW ON EURASIA The Ukrainian Weekly Minsk, again Ukrainian is now becoming de facto Talks about the war in Ukraine resumed this week in the so-called Normandy for- mat – Ukraine, Germany, France and Russia – with a meeting in Berlin on October the language of Ukraine, Viatrovych says 19. (U.S. involvement here is nil, as the Obama administration has basically said this by Paul Goble Mr. Viatrovych says that he is “certain is a European problem – no matter that the aggrieved party is a proclaimed strategic that Ukrainians must give exclusively partner of the U.S.) The aim of the first four-way talks in over a year was to push Kyiv’s announcement that railway sta- Ukrainian names to population points. ahead with implementation of the Minsk agreement of February 2015 (which super- tions in Ukraine within three months will There should not be any piety for Russian seded the earlier Minsk agreement of September 2014). have signs in Ukrainian and English but not toponymy in Ukraine,” although it is of It’s a severely flawed deal. For example, reference is made to the withdrawal of in Russian shows Ukrainian is becoming de course entirely possible to have place “foreign armed formations,” yet Russian forces are not mentioned; there is no men- facto and not just de jure language of names drawn from figures in Russian cul- tion at all of Russian-occupied Crimea; there is a call for local elections, without any Ukraine, and that Ukrainians want to dis- ture. But “their domination seems to me concern about the security situation there or the ability of internally displaced per- pense with the Russian imperial past and completely inappropriate.” sons who have fled their homes to vote. become part of Europe, Volodymyr “If someone very much likes Russian There have been calls in the past to scrap Minsk. Notably, back in June David J. Viatrovych says. toponymy, Russian culture, Russian lan- Kramer of the McCain Institute argued that the agreement “is simply not working” and In a commentary on the Apostrophe guage and Russian history, then it is obvi- pointed out that Russia had failed “to live up to a single condition under the Minsk portal today, the director of Kyiv’s Institute ous that for such people there is their own accord.” He stated: “It is time to scrap it and make clear to Russia, through a declara- of National Remembrance says that state – Russia,” he comments. But tion from Western nations, that sanctions will remain in place – and will be increased Ukrainian is the only state language in Ukrainians have the right in their state to over time – unless Russia meets several key conditions. These include withdrawal of Ukraine and that “there are no people in promote Ukrainian, not Russian. He adds its forces and weapons from Ukraine (including Crimea), respect of Ukraine’s sover- Ukraine who do not understand [it]” (apos- that now there is “no chance” that Russian eignty and territorial integrity, control of the border restored to Ukrainian authori- will ever be a state language of Ukraine. ties, and the return to Ukraine of those citizens it kidnapped from Ukrainian territory. derusifikatsiya-v-ukraine-vedet-li-eto-k- The elimination of Communist names Further negotiations with Moscow are pointless given that Russian officials won’t grajdanskoy-voyne/7698). from population points, cities and districts even acknowledge the presence of their forces on Ukrainian soil.” As for the use of English, he continues, has now been “100 percent completed,” he But, there’s no plan B. Affairs Ministers Jean-Marc Ayrault of France and Frank- “this is testimony to the openness of continues. The only thing remaining is to Walter Steinmeier of Germany said as much on September 15, when they visited Ukraine to the world because it is one of rename two oblasts: Kirovohrad and Ukraine and told President Petro Poroshenko the Minsk agreement must be imple- the main world languages” and is a way to Dnipropetrovsk. That is more complicated mented. make Ukrainian closer to Europe and to because they are mentioned in the And there’s also a sad truth at work. For most of the world, the war in Ukraine has those of its residents “who do not under- Constitution of Ukraine, but either amend- been forgotten, overtaken by horrific events in Syria and elsewhere. And yet, on a stand Ukrainian.” ments or a new Constitution will open the daily basis we read reports from the Ukraine Crisis Media Center on briefings by Col. And as for the dropping of Russian, this way to change. Andriy Lysenko, spokesperson for Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense, as military clashes is part and parcel of the broader need Street signs are also changing rapidly continue and people keep getting killed (the total is up to nearly 10,000 at last Ukrainians feel for dispensing with “the from Russian to Ukrainian, although it would count). Here’s an excerpt from the October 19 report: Russia-backed militants fired Soviet-imperial heritage.” Some people be good, Mr. Viatrovych says, if this process over 500 rounds from heavy weapons over the last day. In the Mariupol sector they thought that doing this or renaming streets, were speeded up and not impeded by offi- switched to round-the-clock attacks between Pavlopil and Shyrokyne. Over the last cities and villages in Ukraine could lead cials and others who say that the population day militants made 43 attacks, including 29 using heavy weapons. One combat “almost to a civil war, but nothing of the will have to pay a special tax for that. Such engagement is also reported. The villages of Vynohradne and Pyshevyk were dam- kind happened.” claims are not true and must be dismissed. aged. One Ukrainian serviceman was killed in action over the last day; one was wounded in action. Ukrainian National Deputy Hanna Hopko recently summarized the situation: “There has not been one day since the first ceasefire was agreed to over two years ago that there has not been shelling from the Russian-controlled side of the contact line.” Anti-Americanism is ‘cult of Putin’s Russia’ The Berlin meeting was an attempt to make some progress. And, even though Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted that it “didn’t achieve miracles,” there was some with all the consequences thereof, says historian hopeful news as the four leaders agreed to create a road map, by the end of November, to detail the sequence of actions that must be taken to implement Minsk by Paul Goble says, and it is prepared to engage in “a fan- II. Mr. Poroshenko noted that the proposed road map should clearly define the tastic bluff” to force the West to back down. “sequence of steps aimed at the implementation of the Minsk agreements and the “Anti-Americanism,” Vladimir Pastukhov Moscow is sending an unambiguous signal: guarantees of their fulfillment.” He underlined that the fulfillment of security condi- says, “is the Marxism of ‘the Russian spring’ “leave us in peace, don’t interfere with our tions – full ceasefire, withdrawal of foreign troops, respect for the delimitation of and the religion of the ‘post-modern’ post- affairs, and yield to us as a protectorate the military equipment, unhindered access for the OSCE and release of hostages – must Communist rebirth. It is the guide to any territory of the former empire.” precede the transition to implementation of the agreement’s political portion, i.e., action and at the same time a universal These demands seem to the Kremlin “so adopting a constitutional amendment on special status for the region; conducting indulgence” and explanation of all prob- simple, clear” and in “the failure of the West elections in the Donbas; and granting amnesty to the “separatists.” lems Moscow faces. to agree is literally driving the leadership of There still is much disagreement, and the task ahead will be extremely difficult. It It is in short, the Russian historian at the Russia mad.” But Russia is divided between seems Germany and France have now seen that Ukraine’s position on implementing London School of Economics says, “the new those who are prepared to become like the security portion of Minsk II before the political provisions is the correct cult of Putin’s Russia,” reflecting the fact that North Korea and those who want to be like approach. Russia, of course, will continue to disagree. “Russia no longer loves America, but as South Korea, and both groups suffer from before cannot live without her. If the Russia’s diminished status in the world. Americans did not exist, it would be neces- Vladimir Putin doesn’t want to give sary to invent them” ( either the chance to succeed, but the This cult is “not simply a continuation of Kremlin by its approach may end up being Oct. Turning the pages back... an old trend,” he suggests, but rather “a like North Korea and not the South. transition to some completely new quality,” “One of the most surprising aspects of Russian political culture,” Mr. Pastukhov Thirty-three years ago, on October 27, 1983, U.S. forces – containing as it does “something neurotic” says, “is the ability of the elites to push including U.S. Marines, U.S. Army Rangers, Paratroopers, U.S. Air and in some cases as “poorly concealed 27 hysteria.” And like any other hysteria, it has themselves into a state of self-hypnosis,” Force, U.S. Army Delta Force and U.S. Navy SEALs – airlifted near- 1983 ly 500 medical students from the Caribbean island of Grenada, “earthly and rational” roots in three things: starting by trying to deceive others and following the assassination of Prime Minister Maurice Bishop on folly, rage and jitters. ending by deceiving themselves. “Anti- October 19. The Kremlin wants to replay “the Soviet Americanism was developed as a political Among those rescued from St. George’s Medical School was Ukrainian American Ruta spectacle ‘We will bury you,’ ” Mr. Pastukhov tool, but literally before our eyes it was Cholhan, a 23-year-old native of Brooklyn, who spoke with The Ukrainian Weekly about transformed into an end in itself.” In part, this reflects a revival of “good old her 84-hour ordeal of isolation and uncertainty. Paul Goble is a long-time specialist on Soviet anti-Americanism,” and, in part, it Ms. Cholhan said that the U.S. invasion and liberation was “totally unexpected,” following ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia reflects the impact of “the Versailles syn- the closing of the island’s airport. She noted that on the night before the landing, Grenadian who has served in various capacities in the drome” and imperial nostalgia. And that troops had evacuated the beach in an apparent anticipation of an attack. Ms. Chohlan first U.S. State Department, the Central has led to a fundamental contradiction learned of the invasion at 5:30 a.m. on October 25, when she, her two roommates and a Intelligence Agency and the International friend – who had been staying with them after being evacuated from her home on the within this new mix because the U.S. “at the Broadcasting Bureau, as well as at the Voice very same time is dying and enslaving oth- beach – were awakened by an older student who said the island was being invaded. Two of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio hours prior, Ms. Cholhan had called her parents to let them know she was safe. ers, the only super power and a geopolitical Liberty and the Carnegie Endowment for lame duck.” “We were all so scared, because we didn’t know who was invading,” she said, noting that International Peace. The article above is she heard the roar of helicopter gunships and the sound of explosions in the distance. That combination has been informing reprinted with permission from his blog Russian elite thinking for some time, but in Nearly 200 students at the Grand Anse campus, four miles south of St. George’s, the called “Window on Eurasia” (http://windo- (Continued on page 13) (Continued on page 8) No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 7

FOR THE RECORD NEWS AND VIEWS Stop Putin, stop the war, At U.S. Embassy workshops, Ukrainians stop the killing of our people discover their communications styles Following is the text of a statement Euro Atlantic partnership. Even U.S. and released on October 13 by the Illinois Canadian borders have not been immune Division of the Ukrainian Congress from Russian military probing. The post- Committee of America for the October 14 World War II international order is in tat- international day of protest against Russian ters. President Vladimir Putin and his war in We call on the U.S. government and the Ukraine. international community to: The day of protest was organized via social media and was reported to include in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, its efforts events worldwide, including in cities in to •undermine Confront Russia’s Poland, military Estonia, aggression Latvia, Switzerland, France, Germany, the Lithuania and other former Captive Nations Netherlands, Latvia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and its unceasing campaign to weaken Rumania, the Czech Republic, Austria, NATO and the Euro-Atlantic community. Belgium, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Poland, the United States, the United other• Support former Ukraine, Captive Nations.Georgia, Moldova,They are Kingdom, Ukraine and others. directly resisting Russian efforts to impose its will over Europe. They should receive The Ukrainian Congress Committee of additional economic, humanitarian and America (UCCA), Illinois Division, joins our militarily assistance from the U.S. and its The Communications Styles and Leadership Skills Workshop for Peace Corps “Camp fellow Americans, our brothers and sisters allies. Heal” in the forest region of Volyn. in Ukraine, and friends of Ukraine through- out the world, in condemning Putin’s mili- years of Russian military aggression, the by Dianna Derhak learning styles and preferences into consid- tary aggression in Ukraine. October 14 has Ukrainian• Acknowledge government that despiteand people over have two eration in the design process and keep a fast 2016 was declared by President Petro been designated as a day of protest, calling shown a remarkable resolve to resist and pace. The workshops include an individual Poroshenko to be the Year of the English upon the world community to “Stop Putin – have mobilized a formidable military force. component, teamwork and demonstrations, Language in Ukraine. To highlight the presi- Stop the War in Ukraine.” Together with sanctions imposed by the as well as presentations by the participants. dent’s resolution, the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv Russian military formations and their Euro-Atlantic community at the insistence On July 14-22, our Embassy tour tra- invited this writer to design and lead a versed central and western Ukraine, surrogates, including advanced weapons of the former Captive Nations, Ukrainians series of workshops in “Communications including Kyiv, , the majestic Carpathian systems, continue to pour into the Donbas have successfully thwarted further advanc- Styles and Leadership.” Mountains, the forest region of Volyn and region, in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian es by the Russian army and its surrogates. A workshop is an active learning pro- the picturesque rural Khmelnytsky Oblast. defense forces and the civilian population Ukraine needs defensive lethal weapons cess. I don’t tell the participants about lead- The Embassy team was headed by Rae Jean along the war zone are subjected to inces- now. ership and communications styles, I take Stokes from the Public Affairs Section with sant shelling – over 10,000 have died, thou- them on a journey of self-discovery. Olesia Iegorova and Yulia Kosharna, and sands more wounded and over 1.8 million to impose greater sanctions against Russia Everyone has a communications style or was under the auspices of Cultural Attaché have been driven from their homes. and• Mobilizeassure they the will international remain in communityplace until Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sover- pattern. The tendency is to have a bias Shari Bistransky. Therefore, we appeal to President toward one’s own style without being The workshops were part of the U.S. Obama and to the international community eignty are fully restored, including in Crimea. aware one has one. This is the basis of Embassy’s outreach to youth and young to force Putin to stop the killing. many misunderstandings and conflicts professionals. The Embassy partners The re-emergence of an aggressive and resolving international issues. Russia is a both professionally and personally. included: the Ministry of Youth and Sports, hegemonic authoritarian Russia, bent on Understanding your style, as well as the U.S. Embassy Youth Council, Association of dominating its neighbors, is a threat not predator• Recognize state that that Putin doesn’t is not respect a partner the in rights and welfare of its own citizens, much style of your colleagues and friends, can Employers of Lviv, Zhinochi Perspektyvy/ only to Ukraine. The security and unity of help increase your skills, productivity, Women Entrepreneurs NGO – Women for the Euro-Atlantic community, including less international norms. Putin’s Russia must be compelled to renounce all acts of reduce conflict and foster a more harmoni- Women, Lviv City Council, Plast Ukrainian NATO, has never been under greater threat ous environment. It’s empowering. In Scouting Organization, Donetsk Internally since the collapse of the USSR. For the first aggression, subversion, harassment, intimi- dation and interference in internal affairs of Ukraine, technical skills and knowledge are Displaced Persons Group, Foundation for time since World War II Russia has used its highly valued. It is becoming increasingly Old Volyn, Peace Corps “Camp Heal,” the military to invade one of the largest coun- its neighbors and, most importantly, held accountable for its conduct! understood that information alone is not Academic Integrity Program and American tries in Europe, Ukraine, following the inva- enough to translate into effectiveness. Councils for International Education. sion and occupation of the territory of Ihor Diaczun Humor and fun are important aspects for So much interest was generated about another neighboring country, Georgia, and President making the information in a workshop easy personal and professional development its earlier military intervention in Moldova. to use and memorable. Through the work- skills that the Kyiv School of Economics and Simultaneously, Russia has stepped up Paul Bandriwsky shops, I give a glimpse of American style, others are interested in having me prepare intimidation of NATO member states in Vice-President for Government Affairs interactive master classes and coaching Eastern Europe, especially Estonia, Latvia, techniques. I don’t lecture. I take different (Continued on page 12) Lithuania and Poland, as well as efforts to Marta Farion destabilize the European Union and the Vice-President for Government Affairs


U.S. government review. Contrary to what Mr. Kurylo believes, such acquisitions most Trump’s policies likely can take place via espionage not dangerous to Ukraine foundation activities. Second, surely Mr. Kurylo must have Dear Editor: read the papers and is aware of Mr. In his attack piece on Hillary Clinton Trump’s pro-Putin stance. Is there any (letters, September 18), Volodymyr Kurylo doubt that Mr. Trump’s policies could end has displayed startling ignorance not only Ukraine’s independence and lead to attacks on NATO countries? of U.S. export control laws but also of the It is absurd to reminisce about 1953 and danger Donald Trump’s election would ignore the threats of 2016. pose to Ukraine and the U.S. First, export of sensitive technology Dr. Oles Lomacky from the U.S. requires an export license and Washington

Want to keep up to date on developments in Ukraine? The Ukrainian Weekly on Facebook to read the latest! In the Carpathian Mountains at a counselors workshop for the Ministry of Youth and LIKE Sports and Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 No. 43

REFLECTIONS It’s not just about dance

Mark Lonkevych Participants of the 2016 Roma Pryma Bohachevsky Ukrainian Dance Camp at Soyuzivka.

by Oksana Trytjak ties, hair slicked, cologne donned etc., some- There were well over 110 participants are not only learning the aesthetics of times holding a bouquet of wild flowers this year at the second session of the dance dance and music, but also nurturing a spe- While sipping a cool drink on the Veselka freshly picked in the woods. The young camp, ranging in age from 8 to 16. They cial love for Ukrainian culture, song and patio at Soyuzivka, waiting for the Roma ladies, looking starry-eyed, sashayed in came from all parts of the U.S. and Canada; dance. They are learning the best part of Pryma Bohachevsky Ukrainian Dance Camp their first-time in high heels with their and there was a dedicated dancer who living with others. They are nourishing banquet to begin, I beheld a parade of sequined dresses. Oh, how grown-up these hailed from Kuwait. From the very young to their bodies, minds and souls. They are young gents strutting in their best suits and youngsters seem – and how in the moment! the more experienced and older dancers, making lasting friendships, experiencing they all join together as one large family, the best life has to offer at the best times of sharing their Ukrainian heritage and love their lives. of dance. I also enjoyed the inspiring speeches of As I continued to watch them and revel the dance instructors during the banquet. in their youth and confidence, for a They spoke to the young dancers not just moment they became children again – jam- as their dance instructors, but as their ming into the photo booth, making faces, friends, mentors and confidantes. I noticed laughing and just having a great time. the investment, the care, the responsibility These will be their memories. each of them have to these children, their What is so wonderful is that it seems students. They teach and prepare them to natural for the young boys (far from being enjoy every aspect of life. men yet) taking the young ladies’ hands, Some of these students are sure to follow escorting them to the table or the dance in the footsteps of their instructors, and will floor. They graciously present them with go on to instill the love of dance and music bouquets of flowers they gathered and in a whole new generation. I have no doubt then walk over to bring them a strawberry that all of the attendees will take away a punch or a refreshing glass of cold lemon- truly profound love and understanding of ade. music and dance, and the importance it has The friendship shown by the older boys had in shaping their lives and keeping them or girls to the fledgling newcomers was connected to their heritage. also beautiful to see. They take on the role These two weeks of Ukrainian Dance of older brothers and sisters, mentoring Camp at Soyuzivka will surely enhance the inexperienced and welcoming them their lives and serve them well. What a warmly into their fold. great gift to give them – one that will not be These young dance camp participants forgotten.

retreat, lift sanctions and open the capital Anti-Americanism... market for the regime.” The Kremlin faces no domestic threats, (Continued from page 6) but its survival depends on a status quo, the last month the level of hysteria has which in turn depends on the West – “and reached unprecedented levels and pro- above all the U.S.” – and whether the sanc- duced jitteriness among the elites – some- tions regime is maintained or expanded thing hitherto absent, the historian says. there is the risk that “Russia will inevitably This is because the elites fear the economic follow the path of the USSR,” that is, col- crisis may be a more serious test than they lapse and disintegrate. admit and sanctions more serious in their It is “no surprise,” Mr. Pastukhov says, impact. that the Kremlin is following the U.S. elec- In this situation, Mr. Pastukhov says, “the tion campaign so closely, given that the next times when the foreign policy of Russia was president will “hold in his hands” the a continuation of its domestic policy have power to affect Russia. But given that, the passed. Now everything is just the oppo- Kremlin’s obvious preference for Donald site. All the life of Russia is subordinate to Trump over Hillary Clinton “seems insane” the realization of its new global foreign pol- since the latter is likely to be more gentle icy goal: to frighten the West and force it to and predictable than the former. No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 9 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 No. 43

Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey holds successful 7th annual festival

WHIPPANY, N.J. – Chances of showers on Saturday, October 1, did not seem to dampen the spirits of the large crowd attending the seventh annual Ukrainian Festival of the Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey (UACCNJ). Inside the UACCNJ, part of the gym was transformed into a dining room, where sales of Ukrainian food – varenyky, borshch, kovbasa, kapusta, holubtsi – along with hot dogs, hamburgers and roast pork sandwiches did a brisk busi- ness. Vendors located in the remainder of the gym as well as in an adjoining room, the bakery café in its usual location, a magician and children’s activities in one of the side rooms, and two stage programs in the auditorium – featuring Ukrainian dancers, singers and musicians, with bilingual masters of ceremonies – gave attendees plenty of spots to visit inside the building. The outdoor beer garden, with its selection of Ukrainian beers, had plenty of tables and chairs for guests to enjoy the live accordion music. A new addition to the outdoor scene was two colorful kiosks decorated in the style of Ukrainian village homes, one selling shashlyky (kabobs) and the other nalysnyky (crepes). In the photos, clockwise from top left: Iskra Ukrainian Dance Academy in their Bukovynian dance; Malvy Ukrainian Dance Group in “Hopak;” Oksana Telepko and Andrij Dobriansky, masters of ceremonies; young dancers of Nadiya Ukrainian Dance Group; tempting sweets in the bakery café; Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union, major sponsor of the festival; Iskra Ukrainian Dance Ensemble; dancers of Iskra Academy wait their turn to per- form; violinist Innesa Tymochko Dekajlo. (Photos by Christine Syzonenko) No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 11 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 No. 43

“declaration of war,” sparking concerns of Dianna Derhak, M.B.A., is the founder of NEWSBRIEFS new violence by Russian-backed forces At U.S. Embassy... DNA International Consultancy and whose war with Kyiv has killed more than She is an attorney, (Continued from page 2) 9,600 people in eastern Ukraine since April (Continued from page 7) international transformation consultant led the Sparta battalion in the protracted 2014. (RFE/RL, based on reporting by AFP and teach workshops to their students. and breakthrough coach for individuals, battle for Donetsk airport, which left a and Interfax) They see them as valuable skills for dealing teams and organizations, as well as an art- once-gleaming new terminal completely with the complexity and challenges in ist. Ms. Derhak lived and worked in Poland, Ukraine discuss helicopters destroyed, and boasted about having killed Ukraine. Fund-raising for travel-related Ukraine for 14 years. She is active in the 15 Ukrainian combatants captured by his WARSAW, Poland – Poland and Ukraine expenses for this academic year is under Ukrainian community, including humani- men there. Amnesty International has are discussing plans to launch a joint pro- way. Please support and contribute to KSE’s tarian projects for Ukraine and is based in accused Pavlov of war crimes and the duction effort of helicopters that could be goals. E-mail: [email protected]. Buffalo, N.Y. European Union imposed sanctions on him used by the militaries of Central and for his alleged actions in Ukraine. Eastern European allies, according to (Christopher Miller of RFE/RL) Polish Defense Minister Antoni Mr. Poroshenko said that Germany, the Macierewicz. “I think that this would be a Leaders agree... current chair of the OSCE, would present Memorial ceremony for “Motorola” the mission proposal to the organization. completely new model but based on the (Continued from page 1) DONETSK – Thousands of people have industrial potential of both countries. We But he said elections in Donbas would paid their last respects to a top separatist know that the Ukrainians make excellent Minsk agreements and guarantee their not occur until all foreign forces are with- commander in the eastern Ukrainian engines, produced by Motor Sich,” Mr. implementation.” drawn. region of Donetsk. At least 5,000 mourners Macierewicz told pro-government broad- He also said the leaders agreed to with- Separatist violence erupted in eastern Ukraine in 2014 and has killed 9,600 peo- queued on October 19 outside Donetsk’s caster TV Trwam in a televised interview. drawals of Ukrainian troops and Russia- ple so far despite the Minsk ceasefire deal. opera theater, where the body of Arseny “On our part, we have the capacity to make backed separatists in four new areas on the Pavlov, a Russian citizen who was better a composite body. There are a number of front line of the fighting in the Donbas region. With reporting by Reuters, AP, DPA and known by the nickname Motorola, was dis- possibilities here which could allow us to The leaders also agreed on deploying an TASS. played. The ostentatious memorial ceremo- provide a very interesting product for armed police mission in eastern Ukraine, Copyright 2016, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted ny was shown live on Russian state televi- Poland and other countries in Central allowing monitors from the Organization with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ sion. Mr. Pavlov, 33, died on October 16 Europe.” Referring to the conflict in for Security and Cooperation in Europe Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, when a bomb exploded in his apartment Ukraine, where the country’s government (OSCE) to be armed and given unimpeded Washington DC 20036; (see block in Donetsk. A top Donetsk separatist has been combating Russia-backed insur- access in the region. leader blamed the Ukrainian authorities for The OSCE said in May that it would con- many-france-agree-draft-new-road-map- the blast and said the killing amounted to a (Continued on page 13) sider sending an armed mission to help carrying-out-minsk-peace-deal/28064303. conduct elections in separatist-held areas. html).

only to the citizens of Ukraine with appro- “Red lines”... priate residence registration in Donetsk and Luhansk regions as of April 1, 2014. TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 (Continued from page 1) or e-mail [email protected] - acceptable to the conflict parties, border antee the maximum possibility for internal- control should be executed by the OSCE ly displaced• Conditions persons should to berealize created their to voting guar SERVICES PROFESSIONALS Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) or the rights. OSCE mission on the Russian border at the Gukovo and Donetsk checkpoints, follow- denied to persons who have committed ing the extension of the latter’s mandate to grave• Running crimes. in the elections should be cover all of the Ukraine-Russia border. On elections: be restored at least two months before and during• Full the access election to Ukrainiancampaign. media should institutions in certain districts of the Donetsk• The and elections Luhansk to localregions government should be determined by the Central Election held only within a completely demilitarized Commission• The results in accordance of the elections with the should legisla be- territory (after Russian military forces and tion of Ukraine. mercenaries are withdrawn from the terri- tory of Ukraine, and military equipment along the administrative boundary line, and armaments are, at a minimum, kept in should• Security be provided during the by elections, an international including secured storages on the territory of police force, established with the OSCE’s Ukraine and are in the process of with- participation and under its supervision and drawal from the temporary occupied terri- control. tories). On amnesty: - case of ceasefire violation. nected with the events that occurred in cer- • The election date may be cancelled in tain• Thedistricts law onof theamnesty Donetsk for andpersons Luhansk con the exchange of prisoners and illegal regions should not contradict Ukrainian detainees• The elections is completed. should be held only after legislation and should not apply to crimes against humanity and war crimes. SERVICES to Ukrainian legislation, according to a law Furthermore, the law on amnesty should adopted• The byelections the Verkhovna should be Rada held of according Ukraine. contain a defined term of validity and the conditions under which persons that have define the election date, but should contain already been pardoned can be held a list• The of preconditionslaw on the elections for the should elections, not accountable for other crimes (e.g., in cases both political (general preconditions for of crimes committed outside the time peri- elections defined in the OSCE Copenhagen od to which the law on amnesty applies). Document of 1990) and technical (develop- On decentralization: ment of an electronic voter register to - FOR SALE ensure maximum voting for internally dis- cial arrangements of local self-government placed persons [IDP], the duration and con- in •certain The implementation districts of theof the Donetsk law on speand ditions of the election campaign, etc.). The Luhansk regions should not contradict the House for Sale on Hunter Mountain elections should be held only after imple- constitutional distribution of powers (e.g., 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, mentation of the preconditions defined by law enforcement agencies, judiciary sys- 2.5 acres of land, mountain views. this law. The political preconditions are the tem, etc.). Reduced price $285,000. restoration of the basic principles of the This list is not intended to be exhaustive Check web site: Fran Clark, Unique democratic process; in particular, interna- and may be expanded in accordance with Realty, #HFS 130020 tional observers should confirm freedom of the political situation. political activity, including freedom of polit- Signatories: ical campaigning and the free functioning OPPORTUNITIES Institute of World Policy of political parties registered in Ukraine (according to the law of Ukraine “On Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation Earn extra income! Political Parties”) and non-governmental organizations within the region. Ukrainian Center for Independent The Ukrainian Weekly is looking Political Research Run your advertisement here, Preconditions for the elections should be for advertising sales agents. assessed and approved by a specially estab- Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation For additional information contact in The Ukrainian Weekly’s lished independent election commission Donetsk Institute of Information Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, School for Policy Analysis, National The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. CLASSIFIEDS section. including the representatives of the OSCE. University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

• The right to vote should be granted No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 13

risk exposing their own dirty laundry, so to But if the days of dealing with racketeers NEWSBRIEFS speak. Failure to file an e-declaration risks Ukrainian American... and meddlesome bureaucrats are gone, the criminal prosecution. “Anyone who fails to biggest challenge that Mr. Rondiak faces is (Continued from page 12) (Continued from page 1) file electronic declarations is subject to the economy where the average monthly gents since 2014, Mr. Macierewicz said that criminal liability,” said Vitaliy Shabunin, “The Ford name has been entrenched. salary is around $200. the Polish military “needs helicopters, in director of the Anti-corruption Action The Ford brand has evolved so much, how- “The purchasing power of the average particular because of what is happening Center (AntAC) and an organizer of the ever. It’s known for reliability, it’s known for Ukrainian has really plummeted. We need east of Poland, on the eastern flank.” Based event, warned national deputies at the safety, it’s also known for technology, it’s an economy, buying power, people need to in Zaporizhia, in southeast Ukraine, Motor demonstration. The much anticipated innovation. Ford has said it will have 17 feel confident and spend money. Obviously, Sich makes a wide range of aircraft engines, e-declaration system was delayed several electric models by 2020. It’s definitely going the road system and infrastructure could main gearboxes and other components, as times before finally being launched on toward electrification,” Mr. Rondiak said. use improvement,” he explained. well as performs aircraft maintenance and August 15. But almost immediately it was Still, his competitors marvel at the com- Yet he remains optimistic about upgrade services, according to the manu- found to have flaws in its design and appli- pany’s track record as a privately owned Ukraine’s future: “In the end, it’s easy when facturer. The company has supplied its out- cation that prevented it from fully function- company with no local partnerships. you look at Ukraine from the outside to be put to a number of aircraft and it claims to ing and forced it to temporarily shut down. “We focus on our work, we don’t con- down on it. ‘Oh, it’s corrupt, it’s becoming a have supplied its services and products to Skeptics accused the government of drag- duct under-the-counter operations,” he banana republic, the Maidan happened but more than 100 countries worldwide. ging its feet to allow officials with financial said. “A big principle of ours is never to take corruption is still here and nobody has (Defense News) assets several times the amount of their on a local partner. We work with intensity, gone to jail.’ It’s easy to be negative about it, actual government salaries to find a way to in keeping with our values, and never get but living and working here is actually ‘Sissy pants’ anti-corruption campaign cleverly conceal them. As of October 13, distracted or sidetracked by seeking politi- encouraging and inspiring. There is a great KYIV – Ukrainians are attempting to only around 6,500 public officials – or cal-sponsored cover – ‘krysha’.” deal of opportunity and work to be done Perhaps the nation’s best architectural shame top public officials into disclosing about 13 percent of some 50,000 nation- within our spheres of influence.” example of handling risk and being suc- their financial assets by calling those who wide – had entered their annual declara- And most of the industries are still wide cessful is Winner’s headquarters in don’t “sissy pants.” Anti-corruption activists tions in the state register, according to open to market entries if people can handle Kapitanivka, located on the highway played off the word “trusy,” which means AntAC. The official deadline for all public risk and take the long view. towards Zhytomyr heading east from the officials to submit their electronic declara- “The whole field is wide open in terms of both underwear and cowards in Ukrainian, Ukrainian capital. Completed in 2009, it is to emphasize their point as they assembled tions is October 31. Among those who have providing quality,” Mr. Rondiak said. the brain center of the group that manages “Whether it’s a service or product. I would in front of the Parliament building in Kyiv yet to declare their earnings are President more than 550 employees, oversees a train- really recommend doing something you on October 18. With the aim of reminding Petro Poroshenko, Prime Minister ing center for new hires, including mechan- like doing and not doing something you bureaucrats that they are now legally Volodymyr Groysman, and Verkhovna Rada ics and sales consultants, and 49 dealership think is smart to do. If you pick a field that required to file electronic asset declara- Chairman . (Christopher partners that are franchised. you love and have a passion about, you will tions, the activists from a half-dozen anti- Miller of RFE/RL) Mr. Rondiak likes to boast that there are corruption and reform groups hung boxers succeed here with hard work. I guess that Defenders’ Day marked in Kyiv now computer servers in the advanced and thongs from makeshift clotheslines, information technology department could apply anywhere.” waved posters adorned with underwear, KYIV – Thousands in Ukraine marched because everything “is in the cloud.” Winner is still breaking ground. and demanded in English, “Hey, sissy pants, in support of their armed forces on the Staying consistent with Mr. Hynansky’s Last year, it was loaned $20 million by submit your e-declarations!” Ukraine annual Defenders’ Day. An estimated 4,000 credo, the bespectacled Mr. Rondiak said: the American government’s Overseas recently implemented a new electronic sys- people joined the “March of Heroes” in cen- “The distribution center is custom-tailored Private Investment Corporation to build a tem for public officials to disclose their tral Kyiv, with banners proclaiming to how we do business.” new Porsche dealership on the highway income and assets, part of a package of “Ukraine is united and Independent,” He enjoys telling the story about how in that connects Kyiv 35 kilometers to reforms demanded by Ukrainian reformists “Glory and honor to the defenders of 1991 Mr. Hynansky, a close friend of Vice- Boryspil International Airport. In as well as the country’s Western backers. Ukraine” and “Freedom.” President Petro President Joseph Biden, was approached by November, Winner will break ground to The idea is to prevent public officials from Poroshenko established the holiday on Ford executives at the Wimbledon tennis build a Jaguar and Land Rover dealership hiding or underestimating their earnings October 14 after Russia’s annexation of tournament to start operations in Kyiv. next door to the facility. and possessions. The activists believe that Crimea two years ago and the start of the “The executives said, ‘You have a “There are going to be a lot of obstacles officials should come clean to the public conflict with pro-Russia separatists in east- Ukrainian background? Ukraine is now and challenges, and it won’t be an easy they serve by complying with the law, or ern Ukraine. (RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service) independent, why don’t you start Ford road, but if you’re passionate about what there for us in Kyiv?’ ” Mr. Rondiak related. you’re doing you can get it done here and “He replied: ‘Kyiv isn’t interesting for me, enjoy growth and return rates that are hard The Marines formed a human wall along but all of Ukraine is.’ They said, ‘Okay John, to come by in more developed economies,” Turning... the beach as they quickly escorted the stu- take all of Ukraine.’ ” Mr. Rondiak said. dents to awaiting helicopters, with the (Continued from page 6) Marines returning fire on Cuban troops. Grenadian capital, had remained in their “People were falling, there was gunfire On Sunday, October 9, 2016, at the age of 94 rooms, with many crouching on the floor and the Marines kept yelling, ‘keep running, for safety, while others barricaded win- keep running,’” Ms. Cholhan said. ANISJA (née PAWLUK) GILL dows and doors with mattresses and furni- The students were flown from Grenada ture. The students, Ms. Chohlan explained, to Barbados, and then to Charleston, S.C., peacefully entered into eternal rest. feared that they might be taken hostage by where after 84 hours after the invasion Cuban regulars, many of whom were garri- began, Ms. Cholhan was able to telephone Funeral services took place on October 14, 2016, at the soned not far from the campus. her parents to let them know she was safe. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church “At 7 a.m. we turned on the radio and Some experts, including those in the in Melrose Park, PA, followed by burial at Lawnview Cemetery, Radio Grenada announced the invasion by Soviet Union, Canada, the United Kingdom, Rockledge, PA. Americans,” Ms. Cholhan said. Later that as well as Trinidad and Tobago, among oth- Anisja leaves behind her beloved family: morning, some students began to venture ers, had criticized the U.S. invasion of out of their rooms. “Before the troops Grenada as a violation of international law. - daughter, Christina Tershakovec with husband Andrew Tershakovec arrived [at the school], we were told by an The United Nations Security Council pro- - grandsons, Paul and Michael Tershakovec older student to go get our papers and posed a measure to label it as such, and the - cousin, Bohdanna Geleta U.S. exercised its veto power. The U.N. passports and to assemble in seven rooms - sister-in-law, Anita Pawluk General Assembly voted 108-9 to condemn so that the Marines would know exactly - niece, Monica (Pawluk) Hottenstein with husband Tom, the invasion. where we were,” she said. children and grandchildren When the Marines did arrive, they Source: “Ukrainian med student describes - nephew, Ihor Gill instructed the students to tie white arm- Grenada rescue,” by George B. Zarycky, The - Makuch and Drahanchuk families, and extended family bands in order to identify them as students. Ukrainian Weekly, November 6, 1983. in the United States, Poland and Ukraine. In lieu of owers, the family requests that donations in memory of Western governments would be mistak- Anisja Gill be made to: Russian military... en if they dismiss such analysis and discus- sions in Moscow as obscure or only theo- • United Ukrainian American Relief Committee (Continued from page 2) retical, as the top brass and the state (funds to be used for assistance to orphans in Ukraine) ous opposition groups and covertly funding appear not only interested, but are implant- 1206 Cottman Avenue them, the United States can exert control ing such approaches to modern warfare. Philadelphia, PA 19111 (or influence) over a territory without the Network-centric capability remains at the • Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation use of military force, they assert. In this cutting edge of future Russian military 2247 W. Chicago Avenue sense, some Russian experts argue that capability, and it demands deeper under- Chicago, IL 60622 network war consists of transactions of standing. varying degrees of duration and scope: • Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary strategic, operational and tactical. For a The article above is reprinted from Ukrainian Catholic Church particular state these might be internal or Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from 1206 Valley Road external (Nezavisimoye Voyennoye its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, Melrose Park, PA 19027 Obozreniye, September 30). 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 No. 43

Soccer Napoli on September 13 in Kyiv, and tied 1-1 was being revamped. “The club will not Marlon Wright, did not see what Dimitrenko with Turkey’s Besiktas on September 28. exist in the same form as before. It is not described, but stopped the fight at 1:38 of the Ukrainian American Sports Club Tryzub, Dynamo lost 0-2 against Portugal’s Benefica normal to spend crazy amounts of money the third round after counting out won• On 4-3 October in penalty 16, Ukraine, kicks after represented the match by on October 19 and Dynamo plays against when the coefficient of useful activity equals Dimitrenko. Video evidence supports ended in a scoreless draw against the U.S.A, Benefica again on November 1, against zero. Approaches must be reviewed when Dimitrenko’s claim. The Ukrainian, who in the quarterfinal of the Philadelphia Napoli on November 23 and against Besiktas ‘millionaire’ players lose to a team of post- holds German citizenship, was born in International Unity Cup at La Salle on December 6. Shakhtar Donetsk was elimi- men [a reference to Northern Ireland’s vic- Yevpatoria, Crimea, and had hit the canvas University in Philadelphia. Ukraine advanc- nated during the third qualifying round after tory over Ukraine’s national team at the three prior times. The WBO, which sanc- es to the semifinal against the Ivory Coast losing against the Young Boys (Switzerland) 2016 Euro Cup in France],” Kolomoisky said. tioned the fight, said that officials had deter- on October 23 at Temple University. In the 2-4 after penalty kicks. Shakhtar won the mined that Dimitrenko was attempting to round, Ukraine won 8-0 against first-leg match 2-0 and lost 0-2 in the second League, WFC Kharkiv finished in third place fool the referee and the judges with his act- Italy on October 8. In the group stage, leg match, forcing penalty kicks after a 2-2 in Group• In the 6 of UEFA the qualifying Women’s round Champions and was ing performance on the canvas. The decision Ukraine won 3-2 against Guatemala on aggregate score. Shakhtar plays in Group H eliminated from the competition. Other is not likely to be overturned, as Parker, who September 10, won 5-0 against Sudan on of the UEFA Europa League. teams in Group 6 included SFK 2000 is the No. 1 in the IBF and WBO ranking, had September 18 and won 6-0 against Bhutan Sarajevo (who finished in first place), WFC dominated the fight up to that point and was on September 25. The final match is sched- Luhansk, in fourth place (one point) of Ramat Hasharon and Rigas Futbola Skola. credited with a third-round knockout. uled for November 5 at Citizens Bank Park. Group• In A, the tied UEFA 1-1 with Europa Fehnerbace League, (Turkey) Zorya Kharkiv won 2-0 against Riga on August 23, on September 15 and lost 0-1 against lost 0-1 on August 25, and tied 2-2 with 9 KO) won by unanimous decision after 12 point) on October 9 and tied 2-2 with Turkey Manchester United (England) on September Sarajevo on August 28. rounds• Cruiserweight against Krysztof Oleksandr Glowacki Usyk (26-1-0,(10-0-0, (fourth• Ukraine place, won two 3-0points) against on OctoberKosovo (one6 as 29 and lost 0-1 against Feyenoord on 16 KO) of Poland on September 17 at Ergo part of the UEFA European Qualifiers. (The October 20. Zorya plays against Feyenoord Dynamo Kyiv (in first place with seven Arena in Gdansk, Poland. Both fighters match was played in Krakow, Poland, again on November 3, against Fenerbahce points)• Ukraine’s tied 3-3 UEFAwith TurkishYouth Leagueclub Besiktas team were undefeated going into the fight and because Ukraine does not officially recognize on November 24, and against Manchester on September 28 in Istanbul. Dynamo tied Usyk won the WBO cruiserweight title. Kosovo as an independent state.) Other United on December 8. Shakhtar Donetsk, in with Benefica in Group B after two matches Judges scored the fight in favor of Usyk teams in Group I include Croatia (seven first place (six points) in Group H, won 1-0 played with four points each. Dynamo won 109-119, 111-117, 111-117. points), Finland (one point) and Iceland against Konyaspor (Turkey) on September 4-1 against Napoli on September 13. (seven points). Ukraine is in third place with 15 in Turkey and won 2-0 against SC Braga Dynamo won 2-1 against Benefica on (16-1-0, 14 KO) won against Gogita five points. Ukraine tied 1-1 against Iceland (Portugal) on September 29. Shakhtar won October 19 and plays against Benefica on Gorgiladze• Cruiserweight (32-13-0, Roman 27 KO) Golovashchenko of Georgia on on September 5 in a match that was played 5-0 against KAA Gent (Belgium) on October November 1, against Napoli on November September 3 in Vinnytsia, Ukraine. behind closed doors at Olympic Stadium 20. On November 3 Shakhtar plays against 23, and against Besiktas on December 6. Golovashchenko won by ninth-round TKO Gent again, and aganst Konyaspor on in a fight that was scheduled for 12 rounds. (that holds nearly 80,000 fans) due to an Beach soccer infraction by Ukraine fans with the disciplin- November 24 and against Braga on ary measure issued by FIFA, the world gov- December 8. Eliminated during the third- Ukraine is in first place of Group F of Shabranskyy (17-0-0, 14 KO) won by third- erning body for soccer. Ukraine plays against round qualifier were Vorskla Poltava and FC Division of the 2016 Euro Beach Soccer round• Light TKO against Oscar Riojas Vyacheslav (10-6-1, 3 Finland on November 12, and in 2017 Oleksandriya – with Poltava losing to League. Ukraine lost 3-4 against Poland on KO) of Mexico on Augsut 19 at Belasco against Croatia on March 24, against Finland Lokomotiva of Croatia (2-3 on aggregate September 7, won 9-0 against the Czech Theater in Los Angeles. The fight was on June 11, against Turkey on September 2 after 0-0 in the first-leg and 2-3 in the sec- Republic on September 6, and won 8-5 scheduled for eight rounds. and against Iceland on September 5, then ond-leg matches that concluded on August against Georgia on September 2. Ukraine against Kosovo on October 6 and against 3) and Oleksandriya lost 1-6 on aggregate advanced to Stage 2, Group 3, and won 7-2 KO) lost by unanimous decision after 10 Croatia on October 9. against Hajduk Split of Croatia (0-3 in the in a match against Moldova. In the second rounds• Lightweight against Tevin Ivan Fermer Redkach (22-4-1, (19-2-1, 5 KO) 15 first-leg match, 1-3 in the second-leg match). match, Ukraine lost 3-4 in extra time. In the of the U.S.A. on July 30 at Barclay’s Center in Dnipro would have qualified for the Europa play-offs, Ukraine won 3-2 against Brooklyn. Judges scored 98-90, 98-90, 98-90. against Romania in the UEFA Women’s th Euro• Ukraine’s match on women’sSeptember team 15 lostin Cluj- 1-2 League group stage as the third-placed team Germany, and finished in 10 place after a Napoca, Romania. Ukraine finished in third of the for 2015- 1-3 loss to Spain. Poland won the final 6-3 19 KO) won by third-round knockout place with 13 points after eight matches 2016, but was excluded from participating against Switzerland. against• Heavyweight Marcelo Luiz Andrey Nazcimento Rudenko (22-14-0, (29-2, in the 2016-2017 European competitions by 19 KO) of Brazil on July 24 in Odesa. The played, with 14 goals for and 12 against Judo and a record of four wins, one draw and the UEFA Club Financial Control Body. As a fight was scheduled for 10 rounds. three losses. France topped the group with result, the fourth-place team, Zorya Luhansk the Judo Grand Prix in Zagreb, Croatia, on 24 points, followed by Romania (16 points), entered the group stage instead of the third 23 at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas. September 23-25 as part of the Greece (six points) and Albania (zero qualifying round, and the third qualifying • Ukraine’s judoka won two medals at Super• Three lightweight Ukrainian Viktor boxers Postol fought (28-1-0, on July 12 International Judo Federation tour. Dmytro points). France advances to the round of 16, round berth was given to sixth-place team KO) lost by unanimous decision against Kanivets (73 kg) won gold after winning and Romania plays against Portugal on FC Oleksandriya. Terence Crawford (29-0-0, 20 KO) of the against Tommy Macias of Sweden; Stanislav October 17 and October 25, with the win- U.S.A. Judges scored the fight for Crawford Bondarenko (100 kg) won bronze after ner advancing. The final is scheduled for (nine points) in Group 1 with France (four 118-107, 117-108-118-107. Light heavy- winning against Vito Dragic of Slovenia in August 6 in Enshede, the Netherlands. points),• Ukraine’s Scotland youth (three team points) is in firstand Maltaplace weight Oleksandr Gvozdyk (10-0-0, 8 KO) the third-place match. Vadym Synyavsky Ukraine’s U-19 women’s team won 2-1 (one point, group host) in the UEFA Regions won by sixth-round TKO against Tommy against Azerbaijan on September 15 in Cup for 2017. Ukraine, represented by (90 kg) finished in seventh place in a draw Karpency (26-5-1, 15 KO) of the U.S.A. in a with Patryk Ciechomski. In the medals Baku• in the qualifying round of Group 8 in Ingulee, Kirovohrad Region, won its opening fight scheduled for 10 rounds. the UEFA U-19 Women’s Championship. match on October 5 against France’s Ligue rankings, Ukraine was in fifth place out of Middleweight Stanyslav Skorohod (10-1-0, Ukraine finished in second place with three Paris Ile de France 2-1, Ukraine won 3-0 31 participating countries. 8 KO) won by unanimous decision against points. Ukraine lost 0-5 against Spain on against East West Central Scotland on Hikim Bryant (6-0-0, 4 KO) of the U.S.A. September 20 and won 5-2 against Latvia October 7 and won 3-1 against Gozo Region medals (one gold, one silver and three After six rounds, judges scored 59-53, on September 17. (Malta) on October 9. Ukraine now advanc- bronze)• Ukraine at the finished Judo Grand in fourth Prix place in , with five 60-52, 60-52 for Skorohod. es to the final round of the tournament that Hungary, on June 25-26 in a competition that against Iceland on October 6 in its Group 13 is scheduled for June 2017. attracted competitors from 55 countries. fought on July 21 at Foxwood Casino qualifying• Ukraine’s match men’s of U-19 the team UEFA won U-19 2-0 Stanislav Bondarenko (+100 kg) won gold Resort.• Two Sergiy Ukrainian Derevyanchenko middleweight (9-0-0, boxers 7 Championship. Ukraine leads the group with play for Dynamo Kyiv, SC Milan, Chelsea and after defeating Katsuma Euda of Japan in the KO) won by second-round TKO (in a fight six points after three matches played. Ukraine the• Ukrainian , national team, 39, was who elected used the to final, Dmytro Kanivets (73 kg) won silver scheduled for 12 rounds) against Sam then won 3-0 against Latvia on October 8 and head coach of the men’s Ukrainian national after a loss in the final against Rok Draksic of Soliman (44-14-0, 18 KO) of Australia, and lost 1-3 against Turkey on October 11. team on July 15. The unanimous vote came Slovenia, and Anton Savytskiy (100 kg), Evhen Ktrov (13-0-0, 11 KO) won by ninth- from the Executive Committee of the Football Artem Khomula (73 kg) and Iryna round TKO (in a fight scheduled for 10 fourth place with 11 points after nine Federation of Ukraine. Former coach Kindzerska (+78 kg) won bronze. Khomula rounds) against Pail Mendez (19-2-2, 9 KO) matches• Ukraine’s in the men’sUEFA U-21under-21 Championships. team is in Mykhailo Fomenko resigned from his post in won the third-place match against Faye Njie of the U.S.A. Ukraine lost 2-4 against Iceland on October July, following the team’s failure to move of Gambia, Savytskiy won against Karl- 11, Ukraine tied 1-1 with Northern Ireland beyond the group stage of the 2016 Euro Cup Richard Frey of Germany, and Kindzerska 0, 2 KO) won by unanimous decision after (sixth place, two points) on October 6, won in France. Fomenko, 67, has coached the won against Santa Pakenyte of Lithuania. In eight• Super rounds lightweight against Alexander Denys Lazarev Kotov (4-1-(6-0- 4-0 against Scotland (in fifth place, eight team since 2012, and was not offered a con- addition, Yelyzaveta Kalanina (+78 kg) fin- 0, 2 KO) of Russia on July 11 at DIVS in points) on September 6 and won 1-0 tract extension following the disappointing ished in fifth place, and Oleksandr Romanyuk Yekateri nburg, Russian Federation. Judges against France (in third place, 17 points) on results of the team at the 2016 Euro Cup. (100 kg) finished in seventh place. scored 77-75, 79-73, 79-73. September 2 in Kyiv as part of Group 3 match play. Ukraine lost 0-2 against who plays for the Ukrainian national team, and the current WBO, Macedonia (18 points) on May 27. The top officially• Dnipro was midfielder signed on forRoman a one-year Bezus, con- 25, Heavyweight Alexander Dimitrenko (38- IBO• and Former WBA titleholder heavyweight Tyson champion Fury are team in each group and the top-four run- tract to play for Belgian club St. Trudien. 3-0, 24 KO) lost in the third round against scheduled to fight on October 29 at ner-up teams in the entire competition The announcement was made on July 12 (21-0-0, 18 KO) of New Manchester Arena in England. The July 9 advance to the play-off round. via the official site of the Belgian club. Zealand on October 1 at Vodafone Events fight was rescheduled after Fury pulled out Center in Maukau, New Zealand. amid controversy with some speculating it Dynamo Kyiv qualified for Group B after fin- dent of the Dnipro Football Club, dismissed Dimitrenko, who is contesting the decision, was due to a shoulder injury during train- ishing• In in thefirst place UEFA in Championsthe Ukrainian League,Premier rumors• Dnipro that oligarch the club Ihor was Kolomoisky, to be liquidated. presi- complained to the referee that he was ing, while others cite a failed doping test. League for 2015-2016. Dynamo, in third Kolomoisky admitted that the club was fac- pushed and then punched by Parker while place after two matches, lost 1-2 against ing financial difficulties, but said the club he had one knee on the canvas. The referee, (Continued on page 18) No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 15 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 No. 43

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE UAYA children tour scarecrow display OLD WETHERSFIELD, Conn. – On Tuesday, October 4, a memo- rable autumn evening was spent by members of the Ukrainian American Youth Association (UAYA) of Hartford, Conn., as they embarked upon their annual tour of scarecrow displays along Main Street in Old Wethersfield, Conn. This year’s Ukrainian scarecrow display featured a sign commemo- rating Ukraine’s 25th Anniversary of Independence. – Iryna Bobriwnyk Hillside parish remembers generosity, community spirit of a Yankees great by Joe Shatynski HILLSIDE, N.J. – On, Sunday, September 25, Phil Rizzuto – famed N.Y. Yankees shortstop and Hall of Famer, a.k.a. “The Scooter” – would have celebrat- ed his 99th birthday. Mr. Rizzuto was born on September 25, 1917, died on August 13, 2007, and was a long time resident of Hillside, N.J. After the 10:45 a.m. September 25 Sunday divine liturgy, Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church of Hillside held a special panakhyda for Mr. Rizzuto. In 1957, Mr. Rizzuto and local businessman Frank Rizzo donated the first contribution to the Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Parish’s building fund. What is amazing is that neither Mr. Rizzuto nor Mr. Rizzo had any connec- tion to our parish or to our Ukrainian Catholic rite – other than both being residents of Hillside, N.J. This is a great example of “neighbor helping neighbor.” Those who had the privilege of grow- ing up in the 2.7-square-mile township of Hillside in Union County, know that residents respected all ethnic groups, religions, cultures and economic classes. Helping each other was the norm. Thus, it was very appropriate for the parish to remember Mr. Rizzuto on what would have been his 99th birthday. In addition to Mr. Rizzuto’s generous donation to the parish 59 years ago, Mr. Rizzuto was well- known for giving special birthday wishes to fans when he broadcast the N.Y. Yankees games on radio and TV for over 40 years. Now, it was our honor to say “Happy Birthday” to Phil, pray for the repose of his soul and wish A plaque at Yankee Stadium dedicated to base- him “eternal memory” (Vichnaya pamiat). ball great Phil Rizzuto.

A clipping from the Elizabeth Daily Journal from 1957 shows a story about the fund drive for the new Ukrainian Catholic Church in Hillside, N.J. The photo shows local businessman Frank J. Rizzo (right) and Yankees great Phil Rizzuto (center) with the Rev. Myron Sozanski. No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 17 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 No. 43

A rare opportunity to hear the renowned Kyiv Chamber Choir

by Ernie McCullough TORONTO – From October 28 to November 6, the award-winning Kyiv Chamber Choir and their conductor/found- er Mykola Hobdych will present nine con- certs – one of the highlights of their 25th anniversary year. For the first time, the choir will perform in Chicago, Boston and Cleveland. By popu- lar demand, the choristers are returning for concerts in New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Toronto, Hartford, Conn., and Rochester, N.Y. “Nobody leaves a Kyiv Chamber Choir concert without a smile and a lot of enjoy- ment – it’s a special occasion not to be missed,” said tour coordinator Oksana Komarnicky. Twenty-one singers comprise one of the world’s great choirs. Each concert is a rare opportunity to hear the choir live – and to experience a performance unique in the world of music. For Ukrainians, the songs The Kyiv Chamber Choir. will be familiar, and they are performed with a skill and passion that is unmatched. For “what singers they are.” Classical 96.3 FM’s good turnout at the choir’s concerts would world-renowned choir when they perform others in the audience, both the beauty and description: “Just one word – superb!” help future Kyiv Chamber Choir concert in their city. power of the choir’s repertoire – drawn from The choir’s last concerts in the U.S.A. and tours to be developed more frequently.” Information about each Kyiv Chamber over 1,000 years of Ukrainian music history Canada were in 2011. Executive Producer In each city on their 2016 concert tour, Choir concert is available at www.plat- – is always a ‘hidden treasure’ to discover. Andrew Witer explained: “This concert tour the Kyiv Chamber Choir is receiving great or by calling toll-free, at Music critics love the Kyiv Chamber will cost a lot. Concert tickets are generally support from schools, churches, organiza- 1-844-466-2557. Concert tickets may be Choir, as evidenced by past reviews. The around $45 – so the economics of choral tions, media and individuals in the purchased through local community New York Post wrote: “The Kyiv Chamber music make it impossible to present this Ukrainian community. Many are selling groups, online at, at Choir achieved perfection – a remarkable great choir in North America without the concert tickets with a group discount and the toll-free number above or at the door of performance.” The Washington Post said: support of their many generous sponsors. A encouraging their members to enjoy this each concert venue.

Special prayer services in honor of rst Eastern Catholic bishop in the U.S. PHILADELPHIA – On Sunday, October This year, the Ukrainian Catholic Church United States. 30, at 3 p.m. a special moleben prayer and observes the 150th anniversary of He was born in Ortynychi, Lviv Oblast of memorial service in memory of the late Ortynsky’s birth in 1866, the 125th anni- Ukraine, on January 29, 1866. He made his Bishop Soter Ortynsky, the first Eastern versary of his priestly ordination and the vows with the Order of St. Basil the Great Catholic bishop in the United States, will be centennial anniversary of his death in on January 1, 1889, and on July 18, 1891, led by Metropolitan-Archbishop Stefan 1916. he was ordained a priest by Metropolitan Soroka at the golden-domed Ukrainian The homilist for the services will be the Sylvester Sembratovychof Lviv, and cele- Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Rev. Dr. Ivan Kaszczak. Father Kaszczak brated his Liturgy of Thanksgiving at the Conception, 830 North Franklin Street, recently authored the book “Bishop Soter Monastery Church in Dobromyl. Philadelphia, Pa. Stephen Ortynsky: Genesis of the Eastern Pope Pius X appointed him as bishop for Archbishop Soroka will be joined in the Catholic Churches in America,” which the Eastern Catholics in America and prayer service by brother bishops of the recounts the struggles Bishop Ortynsky named him titular Bishop of Daulia on Ukrainian Catholic, Byzantine Catholic and experienced as the first hierarch for March 26, 1907. Latin Catholic Churches, together with the Eastern Catholics in the United States in the He was consecrated bishop on May 12, priests and deacons of the Philadelphia early 20th century, before the canonical 1907, by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, Archeparchy. establishment of separate jurisdictions for Bishop Constantine Chechovych and Bishop Gregory Chomyshyn in St. George Cathedral, Lviv. On May 28, 1913, the Apostolic See named Bishop Ortynsky as exarch, granting Bishop Soter Stephen Ortynsky (1866- him full ordinary jurisdiction, making him 1916). independent of the jurisdiction of every Ukrainian Catholic and Byzantine Catholic Latin diocese in the United States. Churches in the United States. Bishop Ortynsky contracted pneumonia The faithful are invited and encouraged and died in Philadelphia on March 24, to attend these services in honor of the first 1916. An estimated 10,000 to 15,000 peo- bishop to serve the Ukrainian Catholic ple attended his funeral. The celebrant was Church in the United States. After the servic- the vicar general of the Philadelphia es, all are invited for refreshments, which Eparchy, the Very Rev. Aleksander Dzubay. will be served in the cathedral social hall. His body is buried in the crypt of the Bishop Soter Stephen Ortynsky was the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the first bishop of all Eastern Catholics in the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia.

KO) of Great Britain. Fury also holds The Sportsline Ring Magazine honorary title belt. IBF contenders against Joshua’s sched- (Continued from page 14) uled defense on November 26 in Fury was stripped of the IBF title after Manchester include Joseph Parker of New agreeing to a rematch against Klitschko Zealand and of Bulgaria rather than face mandatory challenger (Pulev lost to Klitschko in 2014), with the Vyacheslav Glazkov of Luhansk. Glazkov lost winner of that fight challenging Klitschko if by third-round TKO against he wins against Fury. Deontay Wilder (37-0, of the U.S.A. on January 16, and Martin 36 KO) of the U.S.A. has held the WBC picked up the vacant IBF title. Martin lost heavyweight title since 2015, with his latest the title with a second-round knockout on defense on July 16 against Chris Arreola of April 9 against (17-0, 17 the U.S.A., who retired in the eighth round. No. 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 19

Through March 12 Exhibit, “Carpathian Echoes: Traditional Textile October 29 Presentation by Natalia Pawlenko and Yuri Mischenko, New York Materials and Technologies in the Carpathian Shrewsbury, NJ “Petrykivka,” Ukrainian National Women’s League of Mountains of Romania and Ukraine,” The Ukrainian America – Branch 98, Monmouth County Library – Eastern Museum, or 212-228-0110 Branch, 732-431-7220 or

Through October 30 Art exhibit with works by Khrystyna Kozyuk, “A Colorful October 30 Fund-raiser, Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation, Chicago Kaleidescope of Cultures,” Ukrainian National Museum, Chicago Ritz-Carlton Hotel, 800-599-3671 or 312-421-8020 or October 30 Joint concert, Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus and the October 23 Lecture by Yaroslav Fedoruk, “An émigré’s fate: The Cleveland Women’s Bandura Ensemble, Breen Center for the New York library and archival losses of Dmytro Doroshenko Performing Arts, or (1919-1951), first president of the Ukrainian Academy of the Arts and Sciences in the U.S.,” Ukrainian Academy October 30 20th anniversary gala banquet, Tidewater Ukrainian of Arts and Sciences, 212-222-1866 Hampton, VA Cultural Association, Embassy Suites,, [email protected] or 804-758-5497 October 23 Book presentation by George O. Liber, “Total Wars and October 30 Performance, “Prolosky” by Zahrava Ukrainian Drama Chicago the Making of Modern Ukraine, 1914-1954,” Ukrainian Ottawa Theater, Saint Paul University, 613-371-6205 or Institute of Modern Art, or 613-219-1865 773-227-5522 October 30 Memorial service for Bishop Soter Stephen Ortynsky, October 28 Halloween costume party, Ukrainian American Youth Philadelphia Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Chicago Association, 773-486-4204 Conception, 215-922-2845 or

October 28-30 Halloween weekend, Soyuzivka Heritage Center, October 31 Seminar with Christian Raffensperger, “Ties of Kinship: Kerhonkson, NY or 845-626-5641 Cambridge, MA Genealogy and Dynastic Marriage in Kyivan Rus’,” Harvard University, October 29 Fund-raiser, Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation, Philadelphia Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum, November 3 Presentation by Simone Bellezza, “Between Nationalism 800-599-3671 or New York and Human Rights: The Cultural Renovation of the Ukrainian Shistdesiatnyky,” Columbia University, October 29 Concert, featuring The Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus and Detroit the Women’s Bandura Ensemble, Sterling heights Performing Arts Center, or November 4 Concert, “Sounds of Ukraine,” Kyiv Chamber Choir, New York Ukrainian Institute of America, 212-288-8660 or October 29 Lecture by Yaroslav Fedoruk, “An émigré’s fate: The New York library and archival losses of Dmytro Doroshenko Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events (1919-1951), first president of the Ukrainian Academy advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions of the Arts and Sciences in the U.S.,” Shevchenko from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors Scientific Society, 212-254-5130 and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected]. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 No. 43


Saturday, October 29 viser, composer and educator John Stetch in NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific a diverse program including arrangements Society invites all to a lecture “An Emigrant’s inspired by his Ukrainian Canadian heri- Fate: Dmytro Doroshenko’s Library and tage, as well as his radical re-arrangements Archives Losses (1919-1951),” by Dr. of classical gems by Mozart, Bach and Yaroslav Fedoruk, Mykhailo S. Hrushevsky Chopin. Putting his own personal stamp on Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and each of his distinctive renditions, the six- Primary Sources Research, NANU. Dr. time Juno nominee pushes the boundaries Fedoruk is recipient of the HURI Shklar of his jazz and classical training to fearlessly scholarship 2016-2017. The event will take reinterpret a wide variety of material: from place at the society’s building, 63 Fourth Mozart to Ukrainian folk music to his own Ave. (between Ninth and 10th streets) at 5 four-part fugue on “The Brady Bunch p.m. For additional information, call 212- Theme.” Since his late start on the piano at 254-5130. 19 years of age, Mr. Stetch, who is a Steinway Artist, has released 14 CDs – his SHREWSBURY, N.J.: Branch 98 (Holmdel/ latest being “Improvisations” for solo piano. Middletown, N.J.) of the Ukrainian National Critics have praised his 2001 CD Women’s League of America is co-sponsor- “Ukrainianism” and DownBeat called it ing with the Monmouth County Library a “One of the best solo albums of recent multimedia “Petrykivka” art presentation. years.” Many critics commented on how Mr. This event, by art collectors Natalie Stetch’s personal and unique musical ethnic Pawlenko and Yuri Mischenko, will explore upbringing has combined seamlessly with the roots of this art form, its core motifs, its his jazz, blues and classical training. Joseph genesis over the past century and its surviv- Lin of The Julliard String Quartet comment- al in spite of Soviet suppression. The presen- ed: “Imaginative, rigorous, and truly per- tation will take place at 2-4 p.m. at the sonal takes on the classics!” The concert Eastern Branch, 1001 Route 35, will be held at 3 p.m. at The Lyceum, 201 S. Shrewsbury, NJ 07702; website, monmouth- Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. A; phone, 732-431-7220. reception to meet the artist will follow the Examples of these paintings will be on dis- performance. Suggested donation is $30, play. The event is free and open to the gen- free for students; seating is unreserved. For eral public. A discussion and light refresh- more information, e-mail twgculturalfund@ ments to follow. Sunday, November 6 JENKINTOWN, Pa.: The Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA: The “Ukrainian Hour” branch of the Ukrainian Music Institute weekly radio program, which airs on (UMI) will present the newly published Saturdays at noon to 1 p.m. on WWDB 860 piano book “Zhuravel” – “The Crane,” with AM, marks its golden jubilee at 2 p.m. at the elementary arrangements of Ukrainian folk Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center, songs by long-time UMI Philadelphia branch 700 Cedar Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046. The director, the late Prof. Yuriy Oransky (1917- artistic program includes the Dzvin 2008). The event will be held at 2 p.m. at the Ukrainian Male Chorus directed by Nestor Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center Kyzymyshyn, and the Berehynia bandura in Jenkintown, Pa. Enjoy a concert by cur- duo of Yulia Stupen and Halyna Bodnar. rent students, a children’s choir, a violin Admission is $25. Checks (tax-deductible, ensemble, thoughts about Prof. Oransky by payable to “Ukrainian Hour – CYM”) can be Dr. Andrij Szul, and a performance by Prof. sent (no later than October 31) to: Oransky’s daughter, vocalist Katrya “Ukrainian Hour,” c/o Mr. John Yaworsky, Oransky-Petyk. Organizers are calling all 1508 Society Hill Drive, Bensalem, PA former students of Prof. Oransky – come 19020. For information call 267-551-1966. share in a “dream come true” – the publica- tion of Prof. Oransky’s teaching pieces. For Sunday, November 13 further information, e-mail umi.phila@ ALEXANDRIA, Va: The Washington Group or call 267-838-8042. Admission Cultural Fund is pleased to present impro- is by free-will donation.

PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of Ukrainian community events open to the public. It is a ser- vice provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. To have an event listed in Preview of Events please send information, in English, written in Preview format, i.e., in a brief paragraph that includes the date, place, type of event, sponsor, admission, full names of persons and/or organizations involved, and a phone number and/or e-mail address to be published for readers who may require additional information. Items must be no more than 100 words long. Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of publication (i.e., they must be received by 9 am Monday morning). Please include pay- ment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, senders are asked to include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by The Weekly during daytime hours, as well as their complete mailing address. Information should be sent to [email protected]. When e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments – simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message. Preview items and payments may be mailed to: Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Single Premium Whole Life Insurance can provide a fi nancial safety net to help families maintain their standard of living. Now through are you a supporter 12/20/16, the UNA is waiving its $25 fee to help you take the fi rst step of our Publication Endowment Fund? to insure you and your family’s future. Call the Home Offi ce or sign up at: In May 2014, the Ukrainian National Association established the Publication October 29 - St. Demetrius Endowment Fund, thus taking a step toward ensuring the continuing good Ukrainian Festival in work and service to the community at large of its two most important fraternal Carteret, NJ. benefits: The Ukrainian Weekly and Svoboda. To contribute to the endowment and secure these newspapers’ future, donors should make checks payable to the Ukrainian National Foundation, the UNA’s charitable arm, with the notation in the memo line: FBO (that’s short for “for the benefit of”) Publication Endowment Fund. Checks should be mailed to the UNA Home Office at 2200 Route 10, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Thank you for your anticipated support!