SPONSORS: Voto Latino The theft of 2008 www.votolatino.org/ a warning from robert f. kennedy jr. Operation Rainbow/Push Voter suppression www.rainbowpush org/ is real. It’s a crime. Change to Win And it’s happening to www.changetowin.org/ YOU. But there’s some- The Randi thing that you can do Rhodes Show to prevent it. That’s www.therandirhodesshow.com what this guide is Air America about. Start with page Radio 19: ‘7 Easy Steps to www.airamerica.com Bobby Kennedy, Jr. and Steal Back Your Vote.’ Hightower For many years, top investigative reporter Greg Palast and Low Down I have been exposing voter suppression. www.hightowerlowdown.org/ This is a deliberate strategy to keep minorities from Ring of Fire voting, senior citizens from voting, young people from voting in Radio an effort to suppress the vote and maintain their hold on power. 2 www.ringoffireradio.com/ Our concern is not partisan. We need every American to The vote: Democrats and Republicans. Progressive You can do all the campaigning you want in a www.progressive.org/ battleground state like Ohio or New Mexico, but if your vot- Gary Null ers aren’t counted, you’re going to lose the Presidency–and our Progressive democracy. Radio Pass on this link: www.stealbackyourvote.org. Go to the www.prncomm.net/ site. Download copies of this comic book, buy copies in bulk and download STEAL BACK YOUR VOTE: THE MOVIE. Get out Code Pink the word! There’s still time to steal back your vote! www.codepink4peace.org/ WILLIE NELSON www.willienelson.com/ This guide is not about saving Democratic “We’ve marched too candidates. It is long, we’ve worked about saving our too hard, and died too young. Don’t let democracy. them steal your vote. Vote-gaming is Read this guide!” (sigh) a bi-partisan sport. —Rev. Jesse Jackson

Funding for Investigations provided by: The Nation Institute • Puffin Foundation • Threshold Foundation • Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County • CLOUD MOUNTAIN FOUNDATION BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT 5)&:µ3&53:*/(5045&"-:063 705&)&3&µ4)0850



written by greg palast & robert f. kennedy jr.

COMICS BY , lloyd dangle, & lukas ketner


Editor: Zach Roberts Webmaster: Ray Kirstein outreach director: keri melshenker DESIGN: AVENGING ANGELS INC.

©2008 Palast Investigative Fund. An educational project of the non-profit, non-partisan Palast Investigative Fund of the International Humanities Center, PO Box 923, Malibu, CA 90265. All rights reserved. PAID SUPPLEMENT Night of the Living Vote-snatcherS BY Greg Palast

In 2002, George W. Bush “Instead of being a vessel for facilitating signed the Help America Vote Act. the vote, [HAVA] became a vessel for When a Bush tells you restricting the vote.” -Bobby Kennedy he’s going to “help” you vote –look out! ballot to get “lost” in the and Ladders,” with traps machine. Bush fired the and tricks between you and The result: in the 2004 experts. your vote. presidential election, over 4 three million votes— Three million voters went Example: the Republican 3,006,080—were cast and missing in ‘04—but that Secretary of State of Colo- not counted. Like, what ain’t nuthin’! rado “helped” her state vote the !@#!? Law professor and voting by eliminating 19.4% of the voters from the voter rolls. That’s from the official data from an agency created by George Bush called the “Elec- tions Assistance Com- mission.” When a Bush tells you he’s going to “assist” our elec- tions... (well, you get it). law expert Robert That’s one in five !@#$#@ Three MILLION Kennedy, Jr. warns that voters! ballots disappeared­—pfft! it’s about to get a whole lot Over three million miss- And not just anyone’s worse. Nasty new spores ing ballots–and now the ballots. U.S. government of the “Help” America Vote voters themselves are dis- experts reported, for Act” went into effect since appearing by the millions. example, that a black the last election that have Where the hell did they go? voter’s ballot is 900% more turned the process into a likely than a white voter’s vicious game of “Chutes Read on ...

PARTIAL LIST OF SPONSORS: Democracy for America • Bonnie Raitt • The Thom Hartmann Show • Air America’s Clout with Richard Greene • Mimi Kennedy • Election Defense Alliance • Santiago Juarez • Voters Unite • Santita Jackson BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT


• Andrew Tobias • The National Welfare Rights Organization • Robert Frita- kis • ’ Grit TV • Between the Lines Radio • Michael Kieschnick • Organic Consumers Association • Nova M Radio Network • Shelly & Anita BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT Six Ways they’re trying to steal your vote 11 bust the league These numbers should “The firings of the seven U.S. Attorneys scare the hell out of The Rotten Old Order: There came directly out of this campaign are 7 million unregistered by the Justice Department to try to Hispanic citizens—and gin up cases of voter fraud in order another 17 million unreg- to create impediments for people istered voters between the to vote.” —Bobby Kennedy ages of 18 and 24. The Establishment’s “The Democrats have only five fraudulent voters solution: make registering registered five million a year—in the entire USA! voters a crime. illegal aliens,” the office Those are the findings of of The Republican of Arizona Republican pol the top expert in the field, Governor and legislature Russell Pearce told me. Barnard College professor of Florida, for ex- 6 ample, made the League of Women Voters and other voter-drive groups subject to a $5000 fine for every voter form they submitted with a picky, accidential error – or if they came in a 5,000,000?? Wow! We Lorraine Minnite. couple hours past a asked him to name just Five ne’er-do-wells per deadline. five – after all, they have to year out of 170 million Twenty states (like give their name and registered voters. But Florida, thanks to a GOP address to register. He these goofy rules —and all legislature) have now put could name … zero. the tricks that follow—are weird restrictions on Despite a huge nation- wiping out 5 million voter drives. wide manhunt, the Bush innocent voters. What’s their excuse? Administration could find And that’s their plan.

“Voter fraud is non-existent...Everybody who has ever studied this—non-partisan, bi-partisan groups—have said that it is simply not a problem in this country.”—Bobby Kennedy

Drobny • Op-Ed News • Free Speech TV • Jello Biafra • Velvet Revolution • BradBlog • AL Kennedy • The Peter Werbe Show • Betty Dobson • WMNF • Medea Benjamin • The Peter B. Collins Show • Donna Litowitz • Columbus BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT


Free Press • WORT • Annie Nelson • Baltimore Chronicle • KPFA Pacifica and Flashpoints • KPFT’s Mark Babawi • The Louie Free Show • Guerrilla News Network • VoxPop • Count the Black Vote • Trevor Lyman • Break The Matrix BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT Six Ways they’re trying to steal your vote 22 The purge’n general To those millions of would- “If there was a problem with fraudu- be new voters: Good Luck. lent voting that was demonstrable, it Beginning in 2006, would be a different story. But in this for the first time in U. S. case, there is no problem - the problem history, federal law allows, even requires, U.S. Sec- doesn’t exist.”—Bobby Kennedy retaries of State to reject first-time registrants where surnamed citizens,” and, (you guessed it!) African- officials decide they can- in general, the poor, says American—just in time for not match your identity to Debra Bowen, the Demo- the November “election.” government records. crat who replaced McPher- And the Secretary of The result has been a vir- son. The new Secretary of State of Colorado—the one State told us she is hoping, who disappeared one in five 8 tual voter-registry pogrom. States have rejected forms by the hundreds of thousands. In just the first ten weeks under the new rules, a little- noted codicil within the “Help America Vote Act,” Republican Sec- retary of State Bruce McPherson of successfully blocked 42% of that swing state’s vot- of new registrations but not certain, she can re- ers. George Bush appointed out-of-hand, 14,629 store the civil rights of the her as Chairman of the voters in tens of thousands of reject- US Elections Assistance County alone. ed voters by November. Commission—to police the And who were the Others aren’t trying at all. whole nation’s vote in rejected? The GOP Secretary of November. We hear he Typically “Latino, Viet- State of Florida is rejecting wanted to call her the namese, Chinese, Muslim- 85,000 voters, most of them “Purge’n General.”

“Everybody should be allowed to vote. And everybody should be allowed to register. And that’s not happening in this country anymore.”—Bobby Kennedy

• VoterMarch • Alternative Tentacles • American Voice Abroad • AUDIT AZ • Baltimore Chronicle • Cynthia Black’s Action Point Radio • BuzzFlash.com • Break the Matrix • Christiane Browne’s Solution Zone Radio • Chicago Com- BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT


mittee to Defend the Bill of Rights • The Konformist • Communications Work- ers of America Local 1180 • WWRL ’s Progressive Radio • Brian Wood of DMZ • Ring of Fire Radio with Bobby Kennedy & Mike Papantonio • BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT Six Ways they’re trying to steal your vote 33 Spoiling America Odd thing about the 207 voters of precinct 999 in Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Not a single one could choose between George Bush and John Kerry in 2004. Or at least that’s what their ballots said. The Secretary of State at the time told me, “Some 10 “Touch-screens are notorious. They were of those people just can’t make up their minds.” supposed to end the “spoilage” Dirt-poor Dona Ana is 63% problem. But we discovered that Hispanic and the pre- Hispanics voting on computer screens cinct is made up entirely are six times as likely to lose their vote of overseas voters, mostly than if they vote on paper ballots. Some- thing is very rotten.” —Bobby Kennedy

the Chicano soldiers in Iraq able, blank, or just somehow or on duty. The machines lost in the machines. say that Hispanic soldiers Here’s an unfun fact: not don’t care who becomes their everyone’s vote spoils the commander-in-chief. same. Or maybe, the machines The U.S. Civil Rights failed to register their votes. Commission found that Few Americans realize the chances of an African- that in 2004, 1,389,231 American voter losing their ballots were never counted vote is 900% higher than a because they were “spoiled.” white voter. Hispanic votes How do ballots spoil? They vanished at a rate 500% get left out of the ‘fridge? No, higher than Anglo votes. they’re supposedly unread- Something’s rotten.

Progressive Alliance for Community Empowerment New Mexico • WHRW-FM • • Sooner Thought • Speak Out Now • KPFK • Roosevelt Institution • Democ- racy for America • Bonnie Raitt • The Thom Hartmann Show • Air America’s BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT


Clout with Richard Greene • Mimi Kennedy • Election Defense Alliance • Santiago Juarez • Voters Unite • Santita Jackson • Andrew Tobias • The National Welfare Rights Organization • Robert Fritakis • Laura Flanders’ BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT Six Ways they’re trying to steal your vote 44 Provisional Democracy

Uh-oh. “The R.N.C. sends a letter to the voter at Three million voters the Naval Air Station, and if this voter showed up at the polls on has been assigned to Iraq or Afghani- Election Day 2004 and, stan or Europe, then the letter will instead of getting real come back to the sender, which is the ballots, were handed some- thing called a “provisional” Republican National Committee.” ballot, a new creature —Bobby Kennedy created by the Help America Vote Act. And the dumpster would have addressed his confidential guess what? About a changed the name of the emails to GeorgeWBush.org third—one million votes— guy in the White House. instead of GeorgeWBush. 12 were then thrown away, re- It’s about to happen com. The .org site is owned jected. In Ohio, the pile in again. Big time. In the by John Wooden, a friend of caucus primary of 2008 in ours, who sent it right to us New Mexico, one in nine at BBC-TV. Oops! Democrats were handed In one New Mexico these bogus bouncing pueblo, hundreds of Native ballots. How come so Americans were forced to many? There’s a big old vote provisionally—but challenge machine opera- local politicians didn’t give tion lying in wait to get you. them official envelopes. It started with a man Then these same named Tim Griffin, Karl politicians threw the votes Rove’s protégé, who away because they didn’t directed a scheme called have official envelopes. “caging.” But we caught The politicians, by the him. Tim’s not the sharpest way, were all, uh, knife in the drawer, so he Democrats.

“When this fellow shows up to vote, they’ll say: “You don’t live at this address anymore, we’re challenging your vote. We can’t give you a real ballot, we’ll instead give you a provisional ballot. But of course, provisional ballots have turned out to be just a placebo, thrown away in half the cases.” —Bobby Kennedy

Grit TV • Between the Lines Radio • Michael Kieschnick • Organic Consumers Association • Nova M Radio Network • Shelly & Anita Drobny • Op-Ed News • Free Speech TV • Jello Biafra • Velvet Revolution • BradBlog • AL Kennedy BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT


• The Peter Werbe Show • Betty Dobson • WMNF • Medea Benjamin • The Pe- ter B. Collins Show • Donna Litowitz • Columbus Free Press • WORT • Annie Nelson • Baltimore Chronicle • KPFA Pacifica and Flashpoints • KPFT’s Mark BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT Six Ways they’re trying to steal your vote 55 votes gone postal “We are…beginning to look like we have elections like those run in countries where the guys in charge are, you know, colonels in mirrored glasses.—

Was Karl warning us or that new voter Block-the- challenging a circle boasting? Vote trick. Missouri— versus ‘X’ and other You’re a new voter in did you notarize your picky-picky gotcha stuff, Idaho and mail in your ballot? In Kentucky, mailing in your ballot absentee ballot. Save did you sign it twice? today is a kind of elector- the stamp and throw it In Colorado, did you use al Russian Roulette. away—because elections the official envelope? About one in ten officials will: you have to With partisan officials absentee ballots get personally appear with ready to rip up your ballot chucked in the dumpster. 14 your ID. over signatures, post- You’re still mailing in your Idaho isn’t alone with age sums, envelope sizes, ballot??? Like, hello! “We live in a democracy. We’re supposed to be an exemplary nation. We’re spending three trillion dollars to make sure that they have democracy in Iraq...But we don’t even have democracy in Ohio.”—Bobby Kennedy

Babawi • The Louie Free Show • Guerrilla News Network • VoxPop • Count the Black Vote • Trevor Lyman • Break The Matrix • VoterMarch • Alterna- tive Tentacles • American Voice Abroad • AUDIT AZ • Baltimore Chronicle • BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT


Cynthia Black’s Action Point Radio • BuzzFlash.com • Break the Matrix • Christiane Browne’s Solution Zone Radio • Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights • The Konformist • Communications Workers of America Local BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT Six Ways they’re trying to steal your vote 66 nuns on the run

So, these ten nuns walk ID with not a single known cards keeps them from into a polling station and... case of voter identity theft. getting ID.” A young Mexi- Oh, you’ve heard that one? It’s true the law nabbed cana he escorted to the polls What you didn’t hear is Shirley Preiss, a 98-year- was turned away from her that, besides the Sisters old Democrat whose driver’s first-ever attempt to vote for of the Holy Cross who lost license expired. Drop that failure to produce an ID to their vote because their ballot, Shirl, drivers licenses expired, and no one 144,896 other legal voters gets hurt. were told to scram in this Santiago year’s primary —all caught Juarez sees attempting to vote without some truth 16 a license. The rejected were, in Rove’s re- disproportionately, African- marks. We American,according to met with data from the University of Santiago in Washington. Espanola, Apparently, the idea for New Mexi- this racially rancid rule co, where he came to Karl Rove while he was running a registration was buying his Pampers: “If drive among low-riders, the the white pollworker’s I try to cash a check at a young Mexican-Americans satisfaction, despite grocery store, I have to who cruise the street in Santiago’s protest. show an ID. Why not for hopping, bopping, neon- “She said, well, something voting?” outlined Chevys. He says, you can’t print, and refused The answer, Karl, is that “The same poverty and to try again. She said, for a century, Indiana folks racism that keeps these ‘They don’t want me to vote, have voted without photo kids from getting credit anyway.’”

“One out of every ten Americans don’t have a government- issued ID because they don’t travel abroad, so they don’t have passports, and they don’t drive a car so they don’t have drivers licenses. The number rises to one in five when you’re dealing with the African-American community. And indeed, for those people to get a government-issued ID—IT’S AN OBSTACLE.”—BOBBY KENNEDY

1180 • WWRL New York’s Progressive Radio • Brian Wood of DMZ • Ring of Fire Radio with Bobby Kennedy & Mike Papantonio • Progressive Alliance for Community Empowerment New Mexico • WHRW-FM • • Sooner Thought BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT


• Speak Out Now • KPFK • Roosevelt Institution • Democracy for America • Bonnie Raitt • The Thom Hartmann Show • Air America’s Clout with Richard Greene • Mimi Kennedy • Election Defense Alliance • Santiago Juarez • Vot- BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG

 C D > I 6 < > I H : K C >  I H 6 A 6 E  < : G <  6  C D > I 6 < > I H : K C >  I

PAID SUPPLEMENT A lot of Europeans wonder: “Why are Americans so crazy, they keep re-electing this guy?” Well, the answer is: we don’t! They keep stealing these elections! And they’re all set up to steal it again! —Bobby Kennedy, Jr. YOU got THE COMIC! NOW DOWNLOAD THE FILM! STEAL BACK YOUR VOTE: THE movie  C D > I 6 < > I H : K C >  I H 6 A 6 E  < : G <  6

Based on Greg Palast’s investigations for BBC TV. “America’s best investigative reporter—and the funniest,” says Randi Rhodes. On the hunt for vote bandits— 18 featuring Bobby Kennedy Jr., with a cameo by Karl Rove.  C D > I 6 < > I H : K C >  I H 6 A 6 E  < : G <  6

“They thought I was just going to roll over —what they tried to do is just wrong and illegal.” David Iglesias (fired) —US Prosecutor

“TURN OFF THAT CAMERA!” —Katherine Harris’ elections chief.



 C D > I 6 < > I H : K C >  I H 6 A 6 E  < : G <  6  C D > I 6 < > I H : K C >  I



VISIT: in 7easy steps StealBackYourVote.org

Don’t Don’t DON’T Mail In Your Ballot

For those of you who mailed in your bal- sands of ballots are not mailed out to voters lot, please tell me, what happened to it? in time to return them—in which case you’re

 C D > I 6 < > I H : K C >  I H 6 A 6 E  < : G <  6 1 You don’t know, do you? I can tell you that out of luck. In most states, new voters must officially, three-fourths of a million absentee now include a photocopy of your ID. Which ballots were never counted last time, on the is, like, nuts. Every time I hear of a voter weakest of technical excuses. And you won’t going “absentee” to avoid computer screens, even know it. Furthermore, tens of thou- I want to “go postal” myself. 19 19

 C D > I 6 < > I H : K C >  I H 6 A 6 E  < : G <  6 Vote Early...very early

Every state now lets voters cast ballots in 2designated polling stations and at county of- fices in the weeks before Election Day. Do it. Don’t wait until Election Day to find out you have the wrong ID, your registration’s “inac- tive,” or you’re on a challenge list. By Election Day, there’s little to do but hold up the line.

Register and Register and Register

Think you’re registered to vote? Think the Vote, and your local party organization, 3again. With all this purg’n going on, you and commit to a couple of days of door-to- could be x’d out and you won’t know it. door registration, especially in minority

Check online at www.votersunite.org/info/ neighborhoods or at social service agency 6 A 6 E  < : G <  6 RegInfo.asp. Then register your girlfriend, offices. And if you’ve served the time, you your wife, your mailman and your mommy. can sign: in almost every state, ex-cons can Contact the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Rock vote.

ers Unite • Santita Jackson • Andrew Tobias • The National Welfare Rights Organization • Robert Fritakis • Laura Flanders’ Grit TV • Between the Lines Radio • Michael Kieschnick • Organic Consumers Association • Nova M BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT

Vote Unconditionally, Not Provisionally

In 2008, they’ll be handing out provi- acceptable ID if possible. And be a champ: sional ballots like candy, especially to defend the rights of others. 4 Hispanic voters. If your right to vote is If you’ve taken Step 1 above and voted challenged, don’t accept a provisional bal- early, you have Election Day free to be lot that will likely not get counted no a poll watcher. Run into trouble­—you’ve matter what the sweet little lady at the been caged or purged or challenged—call table tells you. She won’t decide; partisan Election Protection at 1-(866) OUR- sharks will. Demand adjudication from VOTE. Then challenge the challengers, the poll judges on the spot; demand a call to weird guys with Blackberrys containing lists the supervisor of elections; or return with of “suspect” voters. Be firm, but no biting. Occupy Ohio, Invade Nevada

The revolution will not be podcast. Let go of that mouse, get out of your PJs and take the 5resistance door-to-door—to register the vote, to canvass the voters, to get out the vote. Donate time to your union (if you’re not in a 2020 union, why not?) or to the troublemakers I’ve already listed here and on our site. This may seem a stupendously unoriginal suggestion, but I know of no other method more effective for confronting the armed and dangerous junta that has seized the White House.


Voting, like bowling and love, should nev- in your holster - with our 800 numbers and er be done alone. As our sponsor, the Rev. your photo ID in your hand. And Bobby, 6 Jesse Jackson, says, make a date to ‘Ar- make sure your ID says, “Robert Kennedy rive with Five.’ And keep this comic book JUNIOR” or your vote is toast.

Make the DemocraCY Demand: No Vote Left Behind! 7 I have this crazy fantasy in my head. In if you don’t demand to look at them, pub- it, an election is stolen and the guy who’s licly, in a recount, you might as well mark wrongly declared the loser stands up in them with invisible ink. front of the White House and says three Democracy requires vigilance The Day magic words: “Count the votes.” You can After. That’s when you check in at have all the paper ballots in the world, but www.stealbackyourvote.org one more time.

Radio Network • Shelly & Anita Drobny • Op-Ed News • Free Speech TV • Jello Biafra • Velvet Revolution • BradBlog • AL Kennedy • The Peter Werbe Show • Betty Dobson • WMNF • Medea Benjamin • The Peter B. Collins Show • Donna BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT PALASTINVESTIGATIVEFUND “Greg Palast, an American investigator better known beyond our borders, through BBC Television’s ‘,’ is exactly what a journalist is supposed to be—a truth hound, doggedly independent, undaunted by power. His stories bite. They’re so relevant they threaten to alter history—simply by letting the hoodwinked public in on the game while it’s happening, which is precisely the role America’s mainstream media have abdicated.”—Chicago Tribune It’s the Palast investigative team that busted the story of the how Katherine Harris knocked tens of thousands of African-Americans off the voter rolls calling them felons—when their only crime was VWB: Voting While Black. It’s the Palast team that, for BBC Television, exposed the confidential plans for the seizure of Iraq’s oil fields. That stripped the bark off for 2121 while US reporters were licking Ken Lay’s loafers. “The top investigative journalist in the is persona non grata in his own country’s media.”—Asia Times Reporting from arctic oil fields to coups brewing on the Orinoco, “Greg Palast is Jack Kerouac meets Seymour Hersh. Insightful, entertaining and does his homework.”—BuzzFlash “STORIES SO RELEVANT, THEY THREATEN But Greg Palast doesn’t do his home- TO ALTER HISTORY.” —CHICAGO TRIBUNE work alone. A team of fact-hungry, REVISED. sleep-deprived, badly-paid sleuths, the UPDATED. YOU NEED Investigative Team, operating on five THIS BOOK continents, helps Palast dig the dirt MORE they don’t want you to see. It’s indepen- TODAY dent in the raw—beholden THAN to no media mogul. YOU are the mogul. EVER. Support the Palast Investigative Fund “ARMED by visiting PalastInvestigativeFund.org, MADHOUSE IS 64 Second Avenue, New York NY 10003, GREAT FUN.” a 501c3 educational foundation. —THE NEW YORKER www.GREGPALAST.COM/ORDER-THE-BOOK PAID SUPPLEMENT the people behind steal back your vote

Greg Palast Katherine Harris calls Greg Palast “twisted and maniacal.” Author of bestsellers The Best De- mocracy Money Can Buy and Armed Madhouse (“Up there with Woodward and Bernstein.”—Guardian.) Catch his reports on BBC Television’s Newsnight, in Rolling Stone, Harper’s and Yellow Rat Bastard. Palast wears a hat. Subscribe to Palast’s reports and watch the BBC-TV reports at www.GregPalast.com.

In 2006, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., professor of law at Pace Universi- ty, sued the pants off the Diebold Corporation over its vote-snatching ballot boxes. Co-host of Air America Radio’s Ring of Fire with Mike Papantonio, Kennedy is Chief Prosecuting Attorney for environmen- tal warrior posse Riverkeeper; Co-Director of the Pace Environmen- tal Litigation Clinic, writes for Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair and is au- thor of a book series for young adults, American Heroes. Is that cool, or what? Listen up at www.ringoffireradio.com.

22 Ted Rall is a three time Pulitzer finalist whose work appears in more than 140 publications across the country. Rall is one of The New York Times most reprinted cartoonists, previously he has worked for Time and Fortune Magazines, and is the author of Silk Road to Ruin. (www.TedRall.com)

Lloyd Dangle’s cartoons and illustrations have appeared in over 100 magazines and newspapers of every type from the crusty corpo- rate mainstream to the bleeding, subcommercial edge. Lloyd’s work has been featured in publications including Cosmo, Entertainment Weekly, Mother Jones, The Nation, The New York Times, Time Mag- azine. (www.TroubleTown.com)

Lukas Ketner has become a favorite of alternative weeklies and recently has garnered massive internet buzz for his oo-la-la portrait of Barack Obama for the cover of the Williamette Weekly. http://lu- kasketner.blogspot.com/

Read ‘Block the Vote’ —the killer investigative report by Bobby Kennedy and Greg Palast, this month in

Litowitz • Columbus Free Press • WORT • Annie Nelson • Baltimore Chronicle • KPFA Pacifica and Flashpoints • KPFT’s Mark Babawi • The Louie Free Show • Guerrilla News Network • VoxPop • Count the Black Vote • Trevor Lyman BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT Join our posse to bust the vote-rustlers: Become a sponsor of our Guide

Your organization, your of these comic page out radio show, your web to your lists with a link site, your massage circle to StealBackYourVote. can join the Steal Back org. Radio and web Your Vote campaign as a hosts: grab our PSAs by sponsor of this non-parti- Willie Nelson. Send us your Yes! and san voter guide. a link to YOUR site, and It’s crazy easy. Just we’ll email you a sponsor send an email saying, packet. “Sign us up!” to Plus, we can send you stealbackyourvote@ the comic book in print GregPalast.com. in bulk—minimum It doesn’t cost a dime— orders of 25—at cost at your commitment is your StealBackYourVote.org. 23 payment. Questions? And you commit to: StealBackYourVote@ getting up our link (or GregPalast.com. We’ll way-cool banners) on call if you send your your site. Sending some H JOIN US NOWG number. www.palastinvestigativefund.org Send contributions by mail to: International Humanities Center / Palast Investigative Fund, PO Box 923, Malibu, CA 90265.

Hey, we’re big fans. You’re a fabulous radio host or a kick-ass Download web PEOPLE: news producer. When you book our PSA’s web PEOPLE: Greg Palast and Bobby Ken- Great video and audio PSA’s from Willie, nedy, Jr. on your show, you’re Bobby, Jesse and . Go to LLINKINK TTOO USUS striking a blow for freedom, www.stealbackyourvote.org/media-page && MAKMAKEE USUS AA in a mass-communication sort and download these public service of way. Download our videos. announcements for your program. PARPARTT OFOF YOURYOUR Review our books. Maybe you site write for your local newspa- site Willie Bobby per, or you’re riding herd on Nelson Kennedy visivisitt www.swww.stteaeallbackyourbackyour-- a monster website. We’ve got :30 :30 vote/pleasE-link-to-us content that can punch up your vote/pleasE-link-to-us Jesse Jim stuff. Not that it isn’t amazing Jackson Hightower already. :30 :30

• Break The Matrix • VoterMarch • Alternative Tentacles • American Voice Abroad • AUDIT AZ • Baltimore Chronicle • Cynthia Black’s Action Point Radio • BuzzFlash.com • Break the Matrix • Christiane Browne’s Solution Zone Ra- BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG PAID SUPPLEMENT help nab The Palast Investigative Fund does more than investigate voter fraud. Make a tax-deductible donation. When you contribute, you’ll be helping to unearth the the worms and maggots that thrive on injustice and evil. sumbitches. STEAL BACK YOUR VOTE: The movie Based on Greg Palast’s investigations for BBC TV. “America’s best investigative reporter—and the funniest,” says Randi 24 Rhodes. On the hunt for vote bandits— featuring Bobby Kennedy, Jr., with a cameo by Karl Rove. GRAB HOLD OF THESE GREG PALAST PROJECTS, TOO.

NEW ORLEANS: BIG EASY REVISED AND UPDATED: THE ELECTION FILES/DVD Live from the Armed TO BIG EMPTY/DVD Madhouse ARMED MADHOUSE Greg Palast’s original BBC Palast films the untold Spoken Word CD Greg Palast’s and Democracy Now! story of the drowning A collection of Palast’s New York Times reports. of New Orleans. bestseller— talks from the Armed more necessary Madhouse Tour, 2006. than ever!! GO TO www.PALASTINVESTIGATIVEFUND.ORG

Funding for Investigations provided by: The Nation Institute • Puffin Foundation • Threshold Foundation • Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County • CLOUD MOUNTAIN FOUNDATION BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG BECOME A SPONSOR: GO TO WWW.GREGPALAST.COM OR www.STEALBACKYOURVOTE.ORG