WST RN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 3.30 P.M.]
eut OF WST RN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 3.30 p.m.] [REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE, PERTH, FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A NEWSPAPER.] No. 5] PERTH FRIDAY, 29th JANUARY. [1.954. Entertainments Tax Act Amendment Act (No. 2) proclaim that the Entertainments Tax Assessment 1953. Act Amendment Act (No. 2), 1953, shall come in- PROCLAMATION to operation on the 1st day of February, 1954. WESTERN AUSTRALIA, By His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Given under my hand and the Public Seal of TO WIT, I Henry Gairdner, l<oight Cumniander of the Most the said State, at Perth, this 26th day of CHARLES HENRY Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint January, 1954. GAIRDNER, George, Companion of the Mast Honoarahln Order Governor, of the Bath, Commander of the Most Excellent By His Excellency's Command, [L.S.] Order of the British Empire, Gnverxor in and over theStateof Western Australia annits J. T. TONKIN, Dependoncies in the Commonwealth of Australia. Acting Treasurer. Trsy. 1221/53. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN WHEREAS it is enacted by section 2 of the En- tertainments Tax Act Amendment Act (No. 2), Bank Holiday 1953, that the Act shall come into operation on a atNarrogin. day to be fixed by proclamation: Now therefore I, PROCLAMATION uVESTERN AUSTRALIA. By His Eocnllency Lieutenant-General Sir Charles the Governor, acting with advice and consent of TO WIT, I Henry Gairdner, Knight Commander of the Most the Executive Council, do hereby proclaim that the CHARLES HENRY Distingoished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Entertainments Tax Act Amendment Act (No.
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